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  • 8/11/2019 STL Lectures


    Standard Template Library Page 1

    Table of ContentsC++ Overview .....................................................................................................................................3

    C++ with Standard Template Library...................................................................................................4


    Overview ! STL...................................................................................................................................."Overview #ontainers$ iterators$ algorithms...........................................................................................%

    &terators Preview...................................................................................................................................'

    &terator Sort ()ample...........................................................................................................................*


    &terator #ategories..........................................................................................................................1

    &terator Classes...................................................................................................................................1,



    Stream &terators..............................................................................................................................1,

    /n#tions -daptors........................................................................................................................1,/n#tions Operations.....................................................................................................................13


    on!member operators..................................................................................................................13

    &terators ()ample...........................................................................................................................1

    &terator adaptors.............................................................................................................................1"


    &terator -daptor ()ample...................................................................................................................1%

    Templates ...........................................................................................................................................1'

    eining a Template.......................................................................................................................1*

    /n#tion Template einition ()ample.........................................................................................,

    /n#tion templates ()ample..........................................................................................................,1/n#tion Template 5ariations ()ample.........................................................................................,,

    Class templates..............................................................................................................................,4

    Class Template ()ample................................................................................................................,

    introd/#ing the ve#tor template.....................................................................................................,"

    STL #omponents.................................................................................................................................,%






    e6/es..................................................................................................................................,'Sta#7s and 6/e/es.................................................................................................................,*

    -sso#iative #ontainers...............................................................................................................,*





    priority 6/e/e$ .....................................................................................................................,*

    bit ve#tor$ .............................................................................................................................,*


    ()ample /sing #ontainer algorithms..............................................................................................3

    Container S/mmary Table..................................................................................................................31Simple Containers..........................................................................................................................31

    Container -daptors........................................................................................................................3,

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    Standard Template Library Page ,

    Containers 9 -sso#iative and other types......................................................................................33


    -lgorithms library..........................................................................................................................34

    on!modiying se6/en#e operations.............................................................................................34

    8odiying se6/en#e operations.....................................................................................................3Partitioning operations...................................................................................................................3"

    Sorting operations :on sorted ranges;............................................................................................3"

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    Standard Template Library Page 3

    C++ Overview


    ata abstra#tion separates the intera#e :how the ob>e#t is /sed; rom the implementation :how it

    wor7s &nside;.

    0elationships between ob>e#ts and types are /ndamental in ob>e#t!oriented programming?

    inheritan#e deines a relationship between types #orresponding to @is!aA$ aggregation #orresponds to

    @has!aA$ and asso#iations are more general relationships

    Beneri# programming is a notion that has gained a lot o pop/larity in the last ew years? originally

    /sed in -da$ the Standard Template Library :ro/ghly a s/bset o the standard C++ library; made it

    pop/lar in C++.

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    Standard Template Library Page 4

    C++ with Standard Template Library

    Containers are ob>e#ts that #ontain other ob>e#ts$ e.g.$ ve#tor$ set$ map.

    ,. &terators represent lo#ations in a #ontainer. (a#h #ontainer has its own iterator type.

    3. -lgorithms are operations on #ontainers$ e.g.$ ind$ sort$ random2sh/le.

    4. /n#tors are operations on ob>e#ts$ e.g.$ less$ pl/s.

    . -daptors are ob>e#ts that #hange an intera#e$ e.g.$ not1. :Thats a one at the end$ not an ell? there

    is also a not,.;". Dtilities are #omponents s/#h as pairs$ operations li7e #omparison$ et#. &n the -S& standard$

    allo#ators are in#l/ded in the /tilities se#tion.

    %. iagnosti#s are provided to deal with e)#eptions.

    '. Lo#ales a#ilitate internationaliEation.

    *. /meri#s are #ontainer types that are optimiEed or speed$ less general than #ontainers$ e.g.$

    valarray$ #omple).

    1. Strings repla#e CFs #hara#ter arrays.

    11. Streams are /sed or inp/t and o/tp/t.

    1,. -llo#ators #/stomiEe memory allo#ation$ e.g.$ mallo#2allo#.

  • 8/11/2019 STL Lectures


    Standard Template Library Page


    The ar#hite#t/re o STL is largely the #reation o one person$ -le)ander Stepanov.

    &n 1*%* he began wor7ing o/t his initial ideas o generi# programming and e)ploring their potential

    or revol/tioniEing sotware development. -ltho/gh avid 8/sser had developed and advo#ated

    some aspe#ts o generi# programming already by year 1*%1$ it was limited to a rather spe#ialiEed

    area o sotware development :#omp/ter algebra;.

    Stepanov re#ogniEed the /ll potential or generi# programming and pers/aded his then!#olleag/es

    at Beneral (le#tri# 0esear#h and evelopment :in#l/ding$ primarily$ avid 8/sser and eepa7

    Gap/r; that generi# programming sho/ld be p/rs/ed as a #omprehensive basis or sotware

    development. -t the time there was no real s/pport in any programming lang/age or generi#programming.

    The irst ma>or lang/age to provide s/#h s/pport was -da$ with its generi# /nits eat/re.

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    Standard Template Library Page "

    Overview - STL

    The STL provides a ready!made set o #ommon #lasses or C++$

    #ontainers and asso#iative arrays$

    that #an be /sed with any b/ilt!in type or with any /ser!deined type

    s/pports operations s/#h as #opying and assignment

    STL algorithms are independent o #ontainers! signii#antly red/#es the #omple)ity o the library.

    The STL a#hieves its res/lts thro/gh the /se o templates

    This approa#h provides

    #ompile!time polymorphism

    is oten more ei#ient than traditional r/n!time polymorphism.

    The STL was #reated as the irst library o generi# algorithms and data str/#t/res or C++$ with o/rideas in mind

    1. generi# programming$

    ,. abstra#tness witho/t loss o ei#ien#y$

    3. the 5on e/mann #omp/tation model$

    4. and val/e semanti#s.

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    Standard Template Library Page %

    Overview containers, iterators, algorithms

    STL provides a n/mber o #ontainer types$ representing ob>e#ts that #ontain other


    One o these #ontainers is a #lass #alled vectorthat behaves li7e an array$ b/t #an

    grow itsel as ne#essary. One o the operations on ve#tor is push_back$ whi#h p/shes

    an element onto the end o the ve#tor :growing it by one;.

    - ve#tor #ontains a blo#7 o contiguousinitialiEed elements !! i element inde) 7 has

    been initialiEed$ then so have all the ones with indi#es less than 7.

    - ve#tor #an be presized$ s/pplying the siEe at #onstr/#tion$ and yo/ #an as7 a ve#tor

    how many elements it has with size. This is the logicaln/mber o elements !! the

    n/mber o elements /p to the highest!inde)ed one yo/ have /sed. There is also a

    notion o capacity!! the n/mber o elements the ve#tor #an hold beore reallo#ating.http==#s.brown.ed/=I>a7=proglang=#pp=stlt/t=t/t.html
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    Standard Template Library Page '

    Iterators review

    &terators provide a way o spe#iying a position in a #ontainer.-n iterator #an be incrementedor dereferenced$ and two iterators #an be compared.

    There is a spe#ial iterator val/e #alled Jpast!the!endJ.

    Ko/ #an as7 a ve#tor or an iterator that points to the irst element with the message

    begin. Ko/ #an get a past!the!end iterator with the message end. The #ode

    vector v;

    // add some integers to vvector::iterator i1 = v.begin();

    vector::iterator i2 = v.end();

    will #reate two iterators li7e this

    Operations li7e sort ta7e two iterators to spe#iy the so/r#e range.

    To get the so/r#e elements$ they in#rement and dereeren#e the irst iterator /ntil it is

    e6/al to the se#ond iterator. ote that this is a semi!open range it in#l/des the start

    b/t not the end.

    Two ve#tor iterators #ompare e6/al i they reer to the same element o the same


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    Standard Template Library Page *

    Iterator Sort !"ample

    P/tting this together$ here is the new program

    #include #include

    #include #include


    main ()


    vector v; // create an emt! vector o" integers int inut;

    hile (cin >> inut) // hile not end o" "ile

    v.ush$bac% (inut); // aend to vector

    // sort ta%es to random iterators& and sorts the elements beteen

    // them. 's is ala!s the case in *& this includes the value // re"erred to b! "irst but not the one re"erred to b! last; indeed&

    // this is o"ten the ast+the+end value& and is there"ore not

    // dere"erenceable. sort(v.begin()& v.end());

    int n =,e();

    "or (int i = -; i < n; i) cout

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    Standard Template Library Page 1



    &terator deinitions

    In C++, an iterator is any object that, pointing to some element in a range of elements (suchas an array or a container), has the ability to iteratethrough the elements of that range using a

    set of operators (at least, the increment () and dereference (4) operators).

    The most obvious form of iterator is apointer: pointer can point to elements in an array, andcan iterate through them using the increment operator (). !ut other forms of iterators e"ist.

    #or e"ample, each containertype (such as a vector) has a specific iteratortype designed to

    iterate through its elements in an efficient $ay.

    %otice that $hile a pointer is a form of iterator, not all iterators have the same functionality apointer has& To distinguish bet$een the re'uirements an iterator shall have for a specific

    algorithm, five different iterator categoriese"ist:

    Iterator categories

    &terators are #lassiied in ive #ategories depending on the /n#tionality they implement

    RandomAccess Bidirectional Forward Input


    In this graph, each iterator category implements the functionalities of all categories to its right:

    Inputand outputiterators are the most limited types of iterators, specialied in performing only

    se'uential input or output operations.

    #or$ard iteratorshave all the functionality of inputand outputiterators, although they are

    limited to one direction in $hich to iterate through a range.

    !idirectional iteratorscan be iterated through in both directions. ll standard

    containerssupport at least bidirectional iterators types.

    andom access iteratorsimplement all the functionalities of bidirectional iterators, plus, theyhave the ability to access ranges non*se'uentially: offsets can be directly applied to these

    iterators $ithout iterating through all the elements in bet$een. This provides these iterators$ith the same functionality as standard pointers (pointers are iterators of this category).

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    The characteristics of each category of iterators are:

    category characteristicvalid


    all #ategories

    Can be #opied and #opy!#onstr/#ted5 b(a);b = a;

    Can be in#remented






    O/tp/t Can be dereeren#ed to be the let sideo an assignment operation

    4a = t4a = t

    Can be dea/lt!#onstr/#ted5 a;5()

    Can be de#remented



    S/pports arithmeti# operators and +

    a n

    n aa + n

    a + b

    S/pports ine6/ality #omparisons

    :$ =; between iterators

    a < ba > b

    a = b

    S/pports #ompo/nd assignment

    operations =and +=a = n

    a += n

    S/pports oset dereeren#e operator


    here 5is an iterator type, aand bare objects of this iterator type, tis anobject of the type pointed by the iterator type, and nis an integer value.

    andom access iteratorshave all characteristics. !idirectional iteratorshave a

    subset of random access iteratorss.#or$ard iteratorshave a subsetof bidirectional iteratorss. nd inputand outputhave each their o$n subset offor$ard iterators.
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    Standard Template Library Page 1,

    Iterator Classes


    iteratorthe basi# iterator

    :#lass template;






    empty #lass types /sed to indi#ate iterator #ategories


    iterator_traitsprovides /niorm intera#e to the properties o an iterator

    :#lass template;


    reverse_iteratoriterator adaptor or reverse!order traversal

    :#lass template;



    iterator adaptor whi#h dereeren#es to an rval/e reeren#e

    :#lass template;

    back_insert_iteratoriterator adaptor or insertion at the end o a #ontainer

    :#lass template;

    front_insert_iteratoriterator adaptor or insertion at the ront o a #ontainer

    :#lass template;

    insert_iteratoriterator adaptor or insertion into a #ontainer

    :#lass template;

    Stream Iterators

    istream_iteratorinp/t iterator that reads rom std::basic_istream

    :#lass template;

    ostream_iteratoro/tp/t iterator that writes to std::basic_ostream

    :#lass template;

    istreambuf_iteratorinp/t iterator that reads

    rom std::basic_streambuf

    :#lass template;

    ostreambuf_iteratoro/tp/t iterator that writes to std::basic_streambuf

    :#lass template;
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    #reates a std::move_iteratoro type inerred rom thearg/ment

    :/n#tion template;

    front_inserter#reates a std::front_insert_iteratoro type inerred rom

    the arg/ment

    :/n#tion template;

    back_inserter#reates a std::back_insert_iteratoro type inerred rom

    the arg/ment

    :/n#tion template;

    inserter #reates a std::insert_iteratoro type inerred rom thearg/ment:/n#tion template;

    Functions Operations

    advanceadvan#es an iterator by given distan#e


    distanceret/rns the distan#e between two iterators


    next:C++11; in#rement an iterator:/n#tion;


    de#rement an iterator




    ret/rns an iterator to the beginning o a #ontainer or array



    ret/rns an iterator to the end o a #ontainer or array


    Non-member operators


    #ompares the /nderlying iterators

    :/n#tion template;

    operator+advan#es the iterator

    :/n#tion template;

    operator- #omp/tes the distan#e between two iterator adaptors:/n#tion template;
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    #ompares the /nderlying iterators

    :/n#tion template;

    operator+advan#es the iterator

    :/n#tion template;

    operator-#omp/tes the distan#e between two iterator adaptors

    :/n#tion template;


    #ompares two istream2iterators

    :/n#tion template;



    #ompares two istreamb/2iterators

    :/n#tion template;
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    Standard Template Library Page 1

    Iterators Example





    using namesace std;



    vector ;

    .ush$bac%(he number is 1-);

    .ush$bac%(he number is 2-); .ush$bac%(he number is 7-);


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    Standard Template Library Page 1"

    Iterator adaptors

    &n addition to iterating thro/gh #ontainers$ iterators #an iterate over streams$ either toread elements or to write them.

    -n inp/t stream li7e cinhas the right /n#tionality or an inp/t iterator

    it provides a##ess to a se6/en#e o elements.

    The tro/ble is$ it has the wrong intera#e or an iterator

    operations that /se iterators e)pe#t to be able to in#rement them and

    dereeren#e them.

    STL provides adaptors$ types that transorm the intera#e o other types. This is very

    m/#h how ele#tri#al adaptors wor7.

    One very /se/l adaptor is istream2iterator.

    This is a template type? yo/ parameteriEe it by the typeo ob>e#t yo/ want to read

    rom the stream. i.e. int$ #har$ loat$ et#..


    &n this #ase we want integers$ so we wo/ld /se an istream2iteratorintM.

    &stream iterators are initialiEed by giving them a stream

    dereeren#ing the iterator reads an element rom the stream$

    in#rementing the iterator has no ee#t.

    -n istream iterator that is #reated with the dea/lt #onstr/#tor

    has the past!the!end val/e$

    as does an iterator whose stream has rea#hed the end o ile.

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    Iterator #daptor !"ample

    // include librar! "or each "eature used // cre"

    #include // sort#include // vector

    #include //cin cout

    #include //iterators

    int main ()


    using namesace std;

    // create a vector to hold numbers t!ed in vector v;


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    Standard Template Library Page 1'


    -re a eat/re o the C++ programming lang/age that allow /n#tions and #lasses to operate withgeneri# types.







    This allows a /n#tion or #lass to wor7 on many dierent data types witho/t being rewritten or

    ea#h one.

    Templates are o great /tility to programmers in C++$ espe#ially when #ombined with m/ltiple

    inheritan#e and operator overloading.

    The C++ Standard Library provides many /se/l /n#tions within a ramewor7 o #onne#ted


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    Defining a Template

    &magine that we want to write a /n#tion to #ompare two val/es and indi#ate whetherthe irst is less than$ e6/al to$ or greater than the se#ond.

    &n pra#ti#e$ weFd want to deine several s/#h /n#tions$ ea#h o whi#h will #ompare

    val/es o a given type.

    O/r irst attempt might be to deine several overloaded /n#tions

    // returns 0 if the values are equal, -1 if v1 is smaller, 1 if v2 is smallerint compare(const string &v1, const string &v2){if (v1 < v2) return -1if (v2 < v1) return 1return !"int compare(const doub#e &v1, const doub#e &v2){if (v1 < v2) return -1if (v2 < v1) return 1return !"

    These /n#tions are nearly identi#al The only dieren#e between them is the type o

    their parameters.

    The /n#tion body is the same in ea#h /n#tion.

    Having to repeat the body o the /n#tion or ea#h type that we #ompare is tedio/s

    and error!prone.

    8ore importantly$ we need to 7now when we write the program all the types that we

    might ever want to #ompare. This strategy #annot wor7 i we want to be able to /se

    the /n#tion on types that o/r /sers might s/pply.

    Lippman, Lajoie, Moo C++11

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    0ather than deining a new /n#tion or ea#h type$ we #an deine a /n#tion


    - /n#tion template is a orm/la rom whi#h we #an generate type"specific

    versions o that /n#tion.

    The template version o #ompare loo7s li7e

    Function Template Definition Example


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    Function templates Example

    1. #include // cin, cout, endl2.

    3. using std::cout;4. using std::endl;5. using std::string;6.7. template ". const ! ma$%const ! $, const ! &'. (1). i*% < $&11. return $;12. return ;13. +14.15. int main%&16. (

    17.1". // !is -ill call ma$ % argument deduction&1'. cout

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    Function Template ariations Example

    // function template variations

    #include #include






    using std::vector;

    using std::cout;

    using std::endl;

    using std::string;

    using std::iter_swap;


    void myReverse(T input!"

    typename T::iterator it;

    typename T::iterator et;

    for (itinput$%egin(!& etinput$end(!; it< et; it''& et! " iter_swap(it& et)!; *



    void show+ontents(T input!"

    typename T::iterator it;for (itinput$%egin(!; it , input$end(!; it''!

    " cout

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    !lass templates

    - #lass template provides a spe#ii#ation or generating #lasses based on parameters.

    Class templates are #ommonly /sed to implement #ontainers.

    - #lass template is instantiated by passing a given set o types to it as template


    The C++ Standard Library #ontains many #lass templates$ in parti#/lar the #ontainers

    adapted rom the Standard Template Library$ s/#h as ve#tor.

    The basi# synta) or de#laring a templated #lass is as ollows


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    !lass Template Example

    // class temlates

    #include usingnamesacestd;


    classm!air {

    a& b; ublic:

    m!air ( "irst& second) {a="irst; b=second;3 getma8 ();3;


    m!air::getma8 ()


    retval; retval = a>bB a : b;


    intmain () {

    m!air m!obCect (1--& DE); cout

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    introducing t"e vector template

    // ect1.cpp introducing te ector template

    #include #include #include #de*ine 8 5int main%&(using std::ector;using std::string;using std::cin;using std::cout;using std::endl;

    ector ratings%8&;

    ector titles%8&;cout

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    STL components

    !ontainersContainers are ob>e#ts that #on#ept/ally #ontain other ob>e#ts.

    They /se #ertain basi# properties o the ob>e#ts :ability to #opy$ et#.; b/t otherwise do

    not depend on the type o ob>e#t they #ontain.

    STL #ontainers may #ontain pointers to ob>e#ts$ tho/gh in this #ase yo/ will need to

    do a little e)tra wor7.

    ve#tors$ lists$ de6/es$ sets$ m/ltisets$ maps$ m/ltimaps$ 6/e/es$ sta#7s$ and priority

    6/e/es$ are all provided.

    Perhaps more importantly$

    b/ilt!in #ontainers :C arrays; and

    /ser!deined #ontainers

    #an also be /sed as STL #ontainers?.

    This is generally /se/l when applying operations to the #ontainers$ e.g.$ sorting a


    Dsing /ser!deined types as STL #ontainers #an be a##omplished by satisying the

    re6/irements listed in the STL #ontainer re6/irements deinition.& this is not easible$ yo/ #an deine an adaptor #lassthat #hanges the intera#e to

    satisy the re6/irements.

    -ll the types are JtemplatedJ$ o #o/rse$

    so yo/ #an have a ve#tor o ints

    or Nindows

    or a ve#tor o ve#tor o sets o m/ltimaps o strings to St/dents.

    Sweat$ #ompiler!writers$ sweat ! 8a7e the #ompiler do the wor7.
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    Contig/o/s blo#7s o ob>e#ts? yo/ #an insert elements at any point in the se6/en#e$

    b/t the perorman#e will depend on the type o se6/en#e and where yo/ are inserting.


    ast insertion at end$ and allow random a##ess.


    ast insertion anywhere$ b/t provide only se6/ential a##ess.


    ast insertion at either end$ and allow random a##ess. 0estri#ted types$ s/#h as sta#7and 6/e/e$ are b/ilt rom these /sing adaptors.
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    $tacks and %ueues

    Provide restri#ted versions o these types$ in whi#h some operations are not allowed.

    Associative containers

    -sso#iative #ontainers are a generaliEation o se6/en#es. Se6/en#es are inde)ed by

    integers? asso#iative #ontainers #an be inde)ed by any type.

    The most #ommon type to /se as a 7ey is a string? yo/ #an have a set o strings$ or a

    map rom strings to employees$ and so orth.

    &t is oten /se/l to have other types as 7eys? or e)ample$ i & want to 7eep tra#7 o

    the names o all the Nidgets in an appli#ation$ & #o/ld /se a map rom Nidgets to



    Sets allow yo/ to add and delete elements$ 6/ery or membership$ and iterate thro/gh

    the set.


    8/ltisets are >/st li7e sets$ e)#ept that yo/ #an have several #opies o the same

    element :these are oten #alled bags;.


    8aps represent a mapping rom one type :the keytype; to another type

    :the valuetype;. Ko/ #an asso#iate a val/e with a 7ey$ or ind the val/e asso#iated

    with a 7ey$ very ei#iently? yo/ #an also iterate thro/gh all the 7eys.


    8/ltimaps are >/st li7e maps e)#ept that a 7ey #an be asso#iated with several val/es.

    other #ontainers

    priority %ueue#

    bit vector#


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    Example using container algorit"ms

    Here is a program that generates a random perm/tation o the irst n integers$ where nis spe#iied on the #ommand line.



    #include #include

    main (int argc& char 4argv0){

    int n = atoi (argv10); // argument chec%ing removed "or clarit!

    vector v;

    "or (int i = -; i < n; i) // aend integers - to n+1 to v v.ush$bac% (i);

    random$shu""le (v.begin()& v.end()); // shu""le

    co! (v.begin()& v.end()& ostream$iterator (cout& n)); // rint


    This program #reates an empty ve#tor and ills it with the integers rom ton. &t

    then sh/les the ve#tor and prints it o/t.

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    Container S$mmary Table

    Simple !ontainers

    *ontainer (escription

    $imple *ontainers


    The pair container is a simple associative container consisting of a -*tupleof dataelements or objects, called first and second, in that fi"ed order. The T/ pair can beassigned, copied and compared. The array of objects allocated in a map or hash0map(described belo$) are of type pair by default, $here all the first elements act as theuni'ue 1eys, each associated $ith their second value objects.

    $e%uences+Arrays ,'inked 'ists- " ordered collections


    a dynamic array, li1e Carray (i.e., capable of random access) $ith the ability to resie

    itself automatically $hen inserting or erasing an object. Inserting and removing anelement to2from bac1 of the vector at the end ta1es amortiedconstant time. Inserting

    and erasing at the beginning or in the middle is linear in time. specialiation for type boole"ists, $hich optimies for space by storing boolvalues as


    lista doubly*lin1ed list& elements are not stored in contiguous memory. 3ppositeperformance from a vector. lo$ loo1up and access (linear time), but once a position hasbeen found, 'uic1 insertion and deletion (constant time).

    de'ue(doubleended 'ueue)

    a vector $ith insertion2erase at the beginning or end in amortied constant time,ho$ever lac1ing some guarantees on iterator validity after altering the de'ue.
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    Standard Template Library Page 31

    !ontainer Adaptors

    *ontainer (escription

    *ontainer adaptors


    4rovides #I#3'ueueinterface in terms of pus/pop/front/backoperations.

    ny se'uence supporting operations front(), back(), pus_back(),

    and pop_front()can be used to instantiate 'ueue (e.g. list and de'ue).


    4rovides priority 'ueueinterface in terms of pus/pop/topoperations (the element $ith

    the highest priority is on top).ny random*accessse'uence supporting operations front(), pus_back(),

    andpop_back()can be used to instantiate priority0'ueue (e.g. vector and de'ue).

    5lements should additionally support comparison (to determine $hich element has ahigher priority and should be popped first).


    4rovides /I#3stac1interface in terms of pus/pop/topoperations (the last*insertedelement is on top).ny se'uence supporting operations back(), pus_back(), and pop_back()can be used

    to instantiate stac1 (e.g. vector, list, and de'ue).
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    Standard Template Library Page 3,

    !ontainers % Associative and ot"er t$pes

    *ontainer (escription

    Associative containers" unordered collections


    a mathematical set& inserting2erasing elements in a set does not invalidate iterators

    pointing in the set. 4rovides set operations union, intersection, difference, symmetricdifferenceand test of inclusion. Type of data must implement comparison operator 6 or

    custom comparator function must be specified. Implemented using a self*balancingbinary search tree.

    multiset same as a set, but allo$s duplicate elements.

    mapan associative array& allo$s mapping from one data item (a 1ey) to another (a value).Type of 1ey must implement comparison operator 6 or custom comparator function mustbe specified. Implemented using a self*balancing binary search tree.

    multimap same as a map, but allo$s duplicate 1eys.


    similar to a set, multiset, map, or multimap, respectively, but implemented using a hashtable& 1eys are not ordered, but a hash functionmust e"ist for the 1ey type.Thesecontainersare not part of the C++ tandard /ibrary, but are included in 7Is T/e"tensions, and are included in common libraries such as the 7%8 C++ /ibrary inthe00gnu0c"" namespace. These are scheduled to be added to the C++ standard as partofT9, $ith the slightly different names of unordered0set,unordered0multiset,unordered0mapand unordered0multimap.

    Other types of containers

    bitsetstores series of bits similar to a fi"ed*sied vector of bools. Implements bit$iseoperations and lac1s iterators. %ot a e'uence.


    another C*li1e array li1e vector, but is designed for high speed numerics at the e"pense

    of some programming ease and general purpose use. It has many features that ma1e itideally suited for use $ith vector processors in traditional vector supercomputers and

    I; units in consumer*level scalar processors, and also ease vector mathematicsprogramming even in scalar computers.
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    Standard Template Library Page 33


    algorithm: Routines to find, count, sort, search, ... elements in container

    classes- large n/mber o algorithms to perorm operations s/#h as sear#hing and sorting are provided in

    the STL$

    ea#h implemented to re6/ire a #ertain level o iterator :and thereore will wor7 on any #ontainer

    whi#h provides an intera#e by iterators;.

    Algorit"ms librar$


    Algorithm library

    The algorithms library defines functions for a variety of purposes (e.g.searching, sorting, counting, manipulating) that operate on ranges of

    elements. Note that a range is defined as @*irst, last&where lastrefers tothe element pastthe last element to inspect or modify.

    Non-modif$ing se&uence operations

    eined in header





    #he#7s i a predi#ate is trueor all$ any or none o the elements

    in a range

    :/n#tion template;

    for_eachapplies a /n#tion to a range o elements

    :/n#tion template;


    ret/rns the n/mber o elements satisying spe#ii# #riteria

    :/n#tion template;

    mismatch inds the irst position where two ranges dier:/n#tion template;

    equaldetermines i two sets o elements are the same

    :/n#tion template;



    inds the irst element satisying spe#ii# #riteria

    :/n#tion template;

    find_end inds the last se6/en#e o elements in a #ertain range:/n#tion template;

    find_first_of sear#hes or any one o a set o elements
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    Standard Template Library Page 34

    :/n#tion template;

    adacent_findinds two identi#al :or some other relationship; items ad>a#ent to

    ea#h other

    :/n#tion template;

    searchsear#hes or a range o elements

    :/n#tion template;

    search_nsear#hes or a n/mber #onse#/tive #opies o an element in a


    :/n#tion template;

    'odif$ing se&uence operations

    eined in header



    #opies a range o elements to a new lo#ation

    :/n#tion template;


    #opies a n/mber o elements to a new lo#ation

    :/n#tion template;

    copy_backward#opies a range o elements in ba#7wards order

    :/n#tion template;


    moves a range o elements to a new lo#ation

    :/n#tion template;


    moves a range o elements to a new lo#ation in ba#7wards order:/n#tion template;

    fillassigns a range o elements a #ertain val/e

    :/n#tion template;

    fill_nassigns a val/e to a n/mber o elements

    :/n#tion template;

    transformapplies a /n#tion to a range o elements

    :/n#tion template;

    generatesaves the res/lt o a /n#tion in a range

    :/n#tion template;

    generate_nsaves the res/lt o appli#ations o a /n#tion

    :/n#tion template;


    removes elements satisying spe#ii# #riteria

    :/n#tion template;


    #opies a range o elements omitting those that satisy spe#ii#


    :/n#tion template;



    repla#es all val/es satisying spe#ii# #riteria with another val/e

    :/n#tion template;replace_copyreplace_copy_if

    #opies a range$ repla#ing elements satisying spe#ii# #riteria

    with another val/e
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    Standard Template Library Page 3

    :/n#tion template;

    swapswaps the val/es o two ob>e#ts

    :/n#tion template;

    swap_ranges swaps two ranges o elements:/n#tion template;

    iter_swapswaps the elements pointed to by two iterators

    :/n#tion template;

    reversereverses the order elements in a range

    :/n#tion template;

    reverse_copy#reates a #opy o a range that is reversed

    :/n#tion template;

    rotaterotates the order o elements in a range

    :/n#tion template;

    rotate_copy#opies and rotate a range o elements

    :/n#tion template;



    randomly re!orders elements in a range

    :/n#tion template;

    uniqueremoves #onse#/tive d/pli#ate elements in a range

    :/n#tion template;

    unique_copy#reates a #opy o some range o elements that #ontains no

    #onse#/tive d/pli#ates:/n#tion template;

    Partitioning operations

    eined in header


    determines i the range is partitioned by the given predi#ate

    :/n#tion template;

    partitiondivides a range o elements into two gro/ps

    :/n#tion template;


    #opies a range dividing the elements into two gro/ps

    :/n#tion template;

    stable_partitiondivides elements into two gro/ps while preserving their relative


    :/n#tion template;


    lo#ates the partition point o a partitioned range

    :/n#tion template;

    Sorting operations (on sorted ranges)

    eined in header is_sorted:C++11;

    #he#7s whether a range is sorted into as#ending order

    :/n#tion template;
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    Standard Template Library Page 3"


    inds the largest sorted s/brange

    :/n#tion template;

    sortsorts a range into as#ending order

    :/n#tion template;

    partial_sortsorts the irst elements o a range

    :/n#tion template;

    partial_sort_copy#opies and partially sorts a range o elements

    :/n#tion template;

    stable_sortsorts a range o elements while preserving order between e6/al


    :/n#tion template;

    nth_elementpartially sorts the given range ma7ing s/re that it is partitioned

    by the given element

    :/n#tion template;

    *inar$ searc" operations (on sorted ranges)

    eined in header

    lower_boundret/rns an iterator to the irst element not lessthan the given


    :/n#tion template;

    upper_boundret/rns an iterator to the irst elementgreaterthan a #ertain


    :/n#tion template;

    binary_searchdetermines i an element e)ists in a #ertain range

    :/n#tion template;

    equal_rangeret/rns range o elements mat#hing a spe#ii# 7ey

    :/n#tion template;

    Set operations (on sorted ranges)

    eined in header


    merges two sorted ranges

    :/n#tion template;

    inplace_mergemerges two ordered ranges in!pla#e

    :/n#tion template;

    includesret/rns tr/e i one set is a s/bset o another

    :/n#tion template;

    set_difference#omp/tes the dieren#e between two sets

    :/n#tion template;

    set_intersection#omp/tes the interse#tion o two sets

    :/n#tion template;


    #omp/tes the symmetri# dieren#e between two sets:/n#tion template;
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    Standard Template Library Page 3%

    set_union#omp/tes the /nion o two sets

    :/n#tion template;

    #eap operations

    eined in header

    is_heap#he#7s i the given range is a heap

    :/n#tion template;


    inds the largest s/brange that is heap

    :/n#tion template;

    make_heap#reates a heap o/t o a range o elements

    :/n#tion template;

    push_heapadds an element to a heap

    :/n#tion template;

    pop_heapremoves the largest element rom a heap

    :/n#tion template;

    sort_heapt/rns a heap into a sorted range o elements

    :/n#tion template;

    'inimum+maximum operations

    eined in header

    maxret/rns the larger o two elements

    :/n#tion template;

    max_elementret/rns the largest element in a range

    :/n#tion template;

    minret/rns the smaller o two elements

    :/n#tion template;

    min_elementret/rns the smallest element in a range

    :/n#tion template;


    ret/rns the larger and the smaller o two elements

    :/n#tion template;

    minmax_element:C++11; ret/rns the smallest and the largest element in a range:/n#tion template;


    ret/rns tr/e i one range is le)i#ographi#ally less than another

    :/n#tion template;


    determines i a se6/en#e is a perm/tation o another se6/en#e

    :/n#tion template;

    next_permutationgenerates the ne)t greater le)i#ographi# perm/tation o a range

    o elements

    :/n#tion template;

    prev_permutationgenerates the ne)t smaller le)i#ographi# perm/tation o a range

    o elements

    :/n#tion template;
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    Standard Template Library Page 3'

    Numeric operations

    eined in header


    ills a range with s/##essive in#rements o the starting val/e:/n#tion template;

    accumulates/ms /p a range o elements

    :/n#tion template;

    inner_product#omp/tes the inner prod/#t o two ranges o elements

    :/n#tion template;

    adacent_difference#omp/tes the dieren#es between ad>a#ent elements in a range

    :/n#tion template;

    partial_sum#omp/tes the partial s/m o a range o elements

    :/n#tion template;

    ! librar$

    eined in header

    qsortsorts a range o elements with /nspe#iied type


    bsearchsear#hes an array or an element o /nspe#iied type

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    Standard Template Library Page 4

    C++ Standard Library

    "++ tandard,ibrary ios

    iostream iomanip *stream sstream
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    Standard Template Library Page 41

    !,, Standard ibrar$


    .,, wx/idgets "lasses

    ector deDue list map set

    stac Dueue


    algoritm *unctional



