5/8/2002 1 STL Library - Overview Standard template library accepted in July 1994 into C++ ANSI Standard STL library provides containers, iterators and algorithms designed to work efficiently work parametrically work orthogonally

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STL Library - Overview. Standard template library accepted in July 1994 into C++ ANSI Standard STL library provides containers, iterators and algorithms designed to work efficiently work parametrically work orthogonally. vector. queue. map. previous. next. begin. end. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: STL Library - Overview

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STL Library - Overview

Standard template library accepted in July 1994 into C++ ANSI Standard

STL library provides containers, iterators and algorithms designed to work efficiently work parametrically work orthogonally

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Efficient library for basic data structures

Navigation of containers using iterator classes

Algorithms for their use

STL - Standard Template Library

vector queue map

begin end previous next

search functions sort functions

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STL Based on Templates

Parametric - instantiated with different


Components used with each other

Uses templates

Native types

User provided types

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STL - Standard Template Library

Parametric - types instantiated Library for data structures

Provides tools for navigation over containers using iterator classes

begin, end, previous, next Provides algorithms for their usesorting, searching functions

vectors maps queues

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Array Example (1 of 3)

#include <iostream.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>#include <algorithm>

//QUICKSORT using an vector classinline double secs(clock_t c) { return (double)c/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;}

#define N 1000000int v[N];

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Array Example (2 of 3)

main(){ time_t c;

cout <<"\ntime start = " << secs(clock());

for (int i =0 ; i < N; ++i) v[i] = rand();

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Array Example (3 of 3)

//uses a quicksort algorithm

cout <<"\nstl sort start = " << secs(c = clock()); std::sort(v, v + N); cout <<"\n stl sort = " << secs( clock()-c); cout << endl;}

On my pentium 166 megahertz approx 2.8 secs for 1 million keys

On moondance 10 million keys approx 11 seconds

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Comments on Array

namespace std::sort() Used with ordinary vectors Speedy - compares to hand coded quick

sort Pointer values v and v + N

v is begin address v + N is end address (one past)

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Sequence - ordered by sequence of elements

Associative - keys for looking up elements

Both varieties share a similar interface

Two Varieties of Containers

vector list deque

set map multimapmultiset

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Typical Container Interfaces

Constructors default constructors, copy constructors

Element access Element insertion Element deletion Destructor Iterators

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Overview of Containers

Common set of properties Constructors and destructors Element access, insertion and deletion Allocate and manage memory

Associated allocator objects

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CAN() default constructorCAN(c) copy constructorc.begin() beginning location of CAN cc.end() ending location of CAN cc.rbegin() beginning for reverse iteratorc.rend() ending for reverse iteratorc.size() number of elements in CANc.max_size() largest possible sizec.empty() true if the CAN is emptyc.swap(d) swap two CANs

Container Members for CAN

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Container Operators

== != < > <= >=

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Typical Container Algorithm (1 of 2)

double sum(const deque<double> &lst){ double s = 0; deque<double>::const_iterator c;

for (c=lst.begin(); c != lst.end(); ++c) s += *c ; return s;}

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Typical Container Algorithm (2 of 2)

deque (double ended queue) container is traversed using a const_iterator

Iterator c is dereferenced to obtain each stored value in turn

Algorithm will work with all containers and all types that have operator+=() defined

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Containers with Iterators (1 of 2)

#include <iostream.h>#include <deque>using namespace std;

template<class itr> //common stl use of iteratordouble sum(itr b, itr e){ double s = 0.0; for( ; b != e; ++b) s = s + *b; return s;}

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Containers with Iterators (2 of 2)

//more general abstraction works on vectors//arrays indeed any container with iteratorint main(){ //initialize to 10 2.5's deque< double > data(10, 2.5); double d[5] = {1.0, 2.5, 3.3, 8.8, 9};

cout << sum(data.begin(), data.end()) << endl; cout << sum(d, d + 5)<< endl; cout << endl;}

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Comments on Containers with Iterators

Relies on use of iterator range Most standard idiom

Works with arrays as well using addresses Will be like an STL numeric algorithm Note use of constructor for initialization

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Associative Containers

Key based accessible elements

Ordering relation Compare Comparison object for the associative container

set map multimapmultiset

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Associative Container Program (1 of 2)

int main(){ map<string, int, less<string> > name_age;

//key, value stored, ordering name_age["Pohl,Laura"] = 7; name_age["Dolsberry,Betty"] = 39; cout << "Laura is " << name_age["Pohl,Laura"] << " years old." << endl;}

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Associative Container Program (2 of 2)

map name_age is an associative array where key is a string type

Compare object is less<string>

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ASSOC::key_type retrieval key type

ASSOC::key_compare comparison object


ASSOC::value_compare type for comparing ASSOC::value_type

Additional Associative Definitions

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c_unique.insert(t) Insert t, if no existing key tc_eq.insert(w_it, t) Insert t, return position w_itc.insert(w_it, t) Insert t with starting

position w_it for search (fails on sets and maps if key value already exists)

c(b_it, e_t) Inserts element rangec.erase(k) Erases elements with key

k,return # erased elementsc.erase(w_it) Erases pointed to elementc.erase(b_it, e_t) Erases range of elements

Associative Insert & Erase Functions (1 of 2)

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c.find(k) Returns iterator to element having key k, otherwise end

c.count(k) Returns # of elements with k

c.lower_bound(k) Returns iterator to first element having value greater than or equal to k

c.upper_bound(k) Returns iterator to first element having value greater than k

c.equal_range(k) Returns iterator pair for lower_bound & upper_bound

Associative Member Functions

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Modify existing containers to produce different public behaviors based on existing implementation

stack can be adapted from vector, list and deque

Last in first out data structureSupports back, push_back and pop_back

Container Adapter Classes

stack queue priority_queue

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void push(const value_type& v) Place v on stack

void pop() Remove top element

value_type& top() const Return top element

bool empty() const Returns true if stack empty

size_type size() const Returns # of elements

operator== and operator< Equality and less supported

Adapted Stack Functions

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Sequence Containers

Sequence containers have a sequence of accessible elements

C++ array type can also be treated as a sequence container

vector list deque

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Sequence Container Program (1 of 3)

//inserting a vector into a deque

int main(){ int data[5] = { 6, 8, 7, 6, 5 }; vector<int> v(5, 6); //5 element vect deque<int> d(data, data + 5); deque<int>::iterator dq_it;

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Sequence Container Program (2 of 3)

cout << "\n Deque values\n\n"; for (dq_it = d.begin(); dq_it != d.end(); ++dq_it) cout << *dq_it << '\t'; //print:6 8 7 6 5 cout << endl; d.insert(d.begin(), v.begin(), v.end()); for (dq_it = d.begin(); dq_it != d.end(); dq_it++) cout << *dq_it << '\t'; //print:6 6 6 6 6 6 8 7 6 5}

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Sequence Container Program (3 of 3)

5 element vector v initialized with value 6 deque d initialized with values taken from

array data insert() member function places v values in

specified range v.begin() to v.end() at location d.begin()

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SEQ::SEQ(n, v) n elements of value v

SEQ::SEQ(b_it, e_it) start at b_it and go to e_it - 1

c.insert(w_it, v) insert v before w_it

c.insert(w_it, v, n) insert n copies of v before w_it

c.insert(w_it, b_it, insert b_it to e_it e_it) before w_it

c.erase(w_it) erases element at w_it

c.erase(b_it, e_it) erase b_it to e_it

Additional Sequence Members in SEQ

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Adapted Containers (1 of 2)

Include Stack, Queue, Priority Queue Stack adapted from vector, list, or deque Stack adapted from user defined container

with operations empty, size, push_back, pop_back, and back operations stack < list < double > > stk

Supports stack operations

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Adapted Containers (2 of 2)

Queue adapted from list or deque but not vector needs push_back, pop_front

Priority queue can be adapted from vector or deque need random access

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Stack Adapted from Vector (1 of 2)

int main(){ stack<vector<string> > str_stack;

string quote[3] = {"The wheel that squeaks the loudest\n", "Is the one that gets the grease\n", "Josh Billings\n" };

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Stack Adapted from Vector (2 of 2)

for (int i =0; i < 3; ++i) str_stack.push(quote[i]);

while (!str_stack.empty()) { cout << str_stack.top(); str_stack.pop(); }}

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Means for navigating data structure Iterators in STL are pointer-style objects

used to return with data stored in containers

Iterators in STL come in 5 categories





random access

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Iterators and Containers and Algorithms

Algorithm may not support all iterator categories List will not support random access iterator but will

support bidirectional iterators

Sorting requires random access but finding requires only input iterator

Vector containers allow random access

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Input Iterator

Equality, dereferencing, autoincrement One pass algorithms read values in one direction

Conforms to following properties where Iter has first and first != last first++ //accesses next element

*first defined and can be used to compare, increment, dereference and assign elements of type Iter

Special case istream_iterator

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istream_iterator for Reading from Streams

int main(){ int d[5];

cout << "\nEnter integers: "; istream_iterator<int,ptrdiff_t> in(cin); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { d[i] = *in++; cout << "\nd[" << i << "] = " << d[i] << endl; }}

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Output Iterator

Supports dereferencing restricted to left hand side of assignment and autoincrement One pass algorithms write values in one direction

If Iter is output iterator type withIter ptr *ptr can be on the left hand side of assignment ptr++ is defined

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The output is all run together!

Special case ostream_iterator

Use the char* \t delimiter and a tab character will be issued to cout after each int value written

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The ostream_iterator for Writing to Streams

int main(){ int d[5] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11}; //primes ostream_iterator<int> out(cout, "\t");

for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) *out = d[i] ;}

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Forward Iterator

Supports all input/ output operations Supports unrestricted use of assignment

Allows position within data structure retained from pass to pass

One directional multi-pass algorithms Able to save position and restart an

algorithm from that position

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Bidirectional Iterator

Supports all forward iterator operations

Supports both autoincrement and autodecrement General bidirectional multi-pass algorithms

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Random Access Iterators

Any location is accessible in constant time

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Random Access Iterators Support

All bidirectional operations General bidirectional multi-pass algorithms

Address arithmetic operations & comparison

ptr += n and ptr -= n ptr1 - ptr2

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STL Algorithms Library

Sorting algorithms Non-mutating sequence algorithms Mutating sequence algorithms Numerical algorithms Generally use iterators to access

containers instantiated on given type Resulting code can be competitive in efficiency with

special purpose codes

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Sorting Algorithms

General sorting, merge, heap, permutation, lexicographic comparison, binary search and selected other like operations

Algorithms have versions that use either operator<() or Compare object

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Using sort() for In-Memory quicksort

const int N = 5;

int main(){ int d[N], i, *e = d + N; for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) d[i] = rand(); sort(d, e); for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) cout << d[i] << '\t';}

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Sorting Algorithm Prototypes (1 of 6)

template<class RandAcc>void sort(RandAcc b, RandAcc e);

Quicksort algorithm over elements b to e

template<class RandAcc>void stable_sort(RandAcc b, RandAcc e);

Stable sorting algorithm over elements b to e Elements remain in their relative same position

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Sorting Algorithm Prototypes (2 of 6)

template<class RandAcc>void partial_sort(RandAcc b, RandAcc m, RandAcc e);

Partial sorting algorithm over elements b to e Only element b to m are sorted, remaining

elements are unsorted

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Sorting Algorithm Prototypes (3 of 6)

template<class InputIter, class RandAcc>void partial_sort_copy(InputIter b, InputIter e, RandAcc result_b, RandAcc result_e);

Partial sorting algorithm over elements b to e Elements are sorted taken from input iterator range

and copied to random access iterator range Smaller of two ranges is used

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Sorting Algorithm Prototypes (4 of 6)

template<class RandAcc>void nth_element(RandAcc b, RandAcc nth, RandAcc e);

The nth element is placed in sorted order If first position is parameter, then minimum element

found and placed in first position

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Sorting Algorithm Prototypes (5 of 6)

template<class InputIter1, class InputIter2, class OutputIter>OutputIter merge(InputIter1 b1, InputIter1 e1, InputIter2 b2, InputIter2 e2, OutputIter result_b);

Elements b1 to e1, and b2 to e2 are merged to starting position result_b

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Sorting Algorithm Prototypes (6 of 6)

template<class BidiIter>void inplace_merge(BidiIter b, BidiIter m, BidiIter e);

Elements b to m, and m to e are merged in place

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Sort Related Library Functions (1 of 5)

binary_search True if t is found in (b, e, t) b to e

upper_bound Last position for placing(b, e, t) t maintaining sort order

equal_range Returns iterator pair for(b, e, t) range where t placed,

maintaining sorted order

push_heap(b, e) Places last location’s element into existing


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Sort Related Library Functions (2 of 5)

pop_heap(b, e) Places last location’selement into first location and reheaps remaining elements

sort_heap(b, e) Performs a sort on heap

make_heap(b, e) Creates a heap

next_permutation Produces next (b, e) permutation

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Sort Related Library Functions (3 of 5)

prev_permutation(b, e) Produces previous permutation

lexicographical_compare Returns true if(b1, e1, b2, e2) sequence 1 is

less than 2

min(t1, t2) Return minimum

max(t1, t2) Return maximum

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Sort Related Library Functions (4 of 5)

min_element(b, e) Return position of minimum

max_element(b, e) Return position of maximum

includes Returns true if (b1, e1, b2, e2) 2nd sequence is

subset of first

set_union Returns union as (b1, e1, b2, e2) output iterator

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Sort Related Library Functions (5 of 5)

set_intersection Returns set (b1, e1, b2, e2) intersection as an

output iteratorset_difference Returns set

difference (b1, e1, b2, e2)as output iterator

set_symmetric_ Returns set difference symmetric difference (b1, e1, b2, e2) as output iterator

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Sort Algorithms and Ordering with comp ()

Use a Compare object replacing operator<()

template<class RandAcc, class Compare>void sort(RandAcc b, RandAcc e, Compare comp);

Quicksort algorithm over elements b to e using comp for ordering

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Non-Mutating Sequence Algorithms

Do not modify contents of the containers they work on

Typical operation is searching container for particular element and returning its position

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Non-mutating find() For Locating element t

int main() // find pos of "hop"{ string words[5] = { "my", "hop", "mop", "hope", "cope"}; string* where;

where = find(words, words + 5, "hop"); cout << *++where << endl; //mop sort(words, words + 5); where = find(words, words + 5, "hop"); cout << *++where << endl; //hope}

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Non-mutating Algorithm Prototypes (1 of 2)

template<class InputIter, Class T>InputIter find(InputIter b, InputIter e, const T& t)); Finds position of t in range b to e

template<class InputIter, Class Predicate>InputIter find(InputIter b, InputIter e, Predicate p));

Finds position of first element that makes predicate true in range b to e, otherwise position e returned

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Non-mutating Algorithm Prototypes (2 of 2)

template<class InputIter, Class Function>void for_each(InputIter b, InputIter e, Function f)); Function f to each value found in range b to


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Non-Mutating Sequence Functions (1 of 5)

next_permutation Produces next( b, e)

prev_permutation Produces previous(b, e)

count(b, e, t, n) Returns to n count of elements equal to t

count_if(b, e, p, n) Returns to n count of elements that make

predicate p true

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Non-Mutating Sequence Functions (2 of 5)

adjacent_find(b, e) Returns first position of adjacent equal elements, otherwise e

adjacent_find Returns first position (b, e, binp) of adjacent elements satisfying binary predicate binp, otherwise e

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Non-Mutating Sequence Functions (3 of 5)

mismatch(b1, e1, b2) Returns iterator pair indicating positions where elements

don’t match from given sequences starting with b1 and b2

mismatch As above with (b1, e1, b2, binp) binary predicate

binp used instead of


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Non-Mutating Sequence Functions (4 of 5)

equal(b1, e1, b2) Returns true if indicated

sequences match, otherwise false

equal As above with binary (b1, e1, b2, binp) predicate binp used instead of equality

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Non-Mutating Sequence Functions (5 of 5)

search(b1, e1, b2, e2) Return iterator where 2nd sequence contained in

first, and if not e1

search As above with (b1, e1, b2, e2, binp) binary predicate binp used instead of equality

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Mutating Sequence Algorithms

Modify contents of containers they work on

Reversing the contents of a container

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Mutating reverse() & copy() Program (1 of 3)

int main(){ string first_names[5] = {"laura", "ira", "buzz", "debra", "twinkle"}; string last_names[5] = {"pohl", "pohl", "dolsberry", "dolsberry", "star"}; vector<string> names(first_names, first_names + 5); vector<string> names2(10); vector<string>::iterator p;

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Mutating reverse() & copy() Program (2 of 3)

copy(last_names, last_names + 5, names2.begin()); copy(names.begin(), names.end(), names2.begin() + 5); reverse(names2.begin(), names2.end()); for (p = names2.begin(); p != names2.end(); ++p) cout << *p <<'\t';}

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Mutating reverse() & copy() Program (3 of 3)

First invocation of mutating copy() places last_names in the container vector names2

Second call to copy() copies in first_names which had been used in construction of vector names

reverse() reverses all elements which are then printed out

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Mutating Function Prototypes (1 of 5)

template<class InputIter, class OutputIter>OutputIter copy(InputIter b1, InputIter e1, OutputIter b2); Copying algorithm over elements b1 to e1

Copy is placed starting at b2 Position returned is end of copy

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Mutating Function Prototypes (2 of 5)

template<class BidiIter1, class BidiIter2>BidiIter2 copy_backward(BidiIter1 b1, BidiIter1 e1, BidiIter2 b2);

Copying algorithm over elements b1 to e1 Copy is placed starting at b2 Copying runs backward from e1 into b2 also going

backwards Position returned is b2 - (e1 - b1)

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Mutating Function Prototypes (3 of 5)

template<class BidiIter>void BidiIter(BidiIter b, BidiIter e);

Reverses in place elements b to e

template<class BidiIter, class OutputIter>OutputIter reverse_copy(BidiIter b1, BidiIter e1, OutputIter b2);

Reverse copy on elements b1 to e1 Copy in reverse is placed starting at b2 Copying runs backward from e1 into b2 also going backwards Position returned is b2 + (e1 - b1)

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Mutating Function Prototypes (4 of 5)

template<class ForwIter>ForwardIter unique(ForwIter b, ForwIter e);

Adjacent elements in range b to e erased Position returned is end of resulting range

template<class ForwIter, class BinaryPred>ForwardIter unique(ForwIter b, ForwIter e, BinaryPred bp);

Adjacent elements in range b to e with binary predicate bp satisfied erased Position returned is end of resulting range

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Mutating Function Prototypes (5 of 5)

template<class InputIter, class OutputIter>OutputIter unique_copy(InputIter b1, InputIter e1, OutputIter b2);

template<class InputIter, class OutputIter, class BinaryPred>OutputIter unique_copy(InputIter b1, InputIter e1, OutputIter b2, BinaryPred bp); Results copied to b2 with original range


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Numerical Algorithms

Sums Inner product Adjacent difference Numerical Algorithm functions behave as

expected on numerical types where + and * are defined

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Numerical Algorithm Program

int main(){ double v1[3] = { 1.0, 2.5, 4.6 }, v2[3] = { 1.0, 2.0, -3.5 }; double sum, inner_p;

sum = accumulate(v1, v1 + 3, 0.0); inner_p = inner_product(v1, v1 + 3, v2, 0.0); cout << "sum = " << sum << ", product = " << inner_p << endl;}

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Numerical Algorithm Prototypes (1 of 2)

template<class InputIter, class T>T accumulate(InputIter b, InputIter e, T t); Standard accumulation algorithm whose

sum is initially t Successive elements from the range b to e are

added to sum

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Numerical Algorithm Prototypes (2 of 2)

template<class InputIter, class T, class BinOp>T accumulate(InputIter b, InputIter e, T t, BinOp bop); Accumulation whose sum is initially t

Successive elements from range b to e are summed with sum = bop(sum, element)

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Numerical Algorithm Functions (1 of 3)

inner_product(b1, e1, b2 ,t)

Returns inner product from two ranges starting with b1 and b2 Product is initialized to t which is usually 0

inner_product(b1, e1, b2, t, bop1, bop2)

Returns generalized inner product using bop1 to sum and bop2 to multiply

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Numerical Algorithm Functions (2 of 3)

partial_sum(b1, e1, b2)

Produces sequence starting at b2, that is partial sum of terms from range b1 to e1

partial_sum(b1, e1, b2, bop)

As above using bop for summation

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Numerical Algorithm Functions (3 of 3)

adjacent_difference(b1, e1, b2)

Produces sequence starting at b2, that is adjacent difference of terms from b1 to e1

adjacent_difference(b1, e1, b2, bop)

As above using bop for difference

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Function Objects

Useful to have function objects to further leverage STL library Numerical functions have built-in meaning using +

or *, as well as user-provided binary operators which could be passed in

Defined function objects can be found in function.h or built

Function objects are classes that have operator() defined Inlined, compiled producing efficient object code

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Function Object for minus<int>

int main(){ double v1[3] = {1.0, 2.5, 4.6}, sum;

sum = accumulate(v1, v1 + 3, 0.0, minus<int>()); cout << "sum = " << sum << endl; //sum = -7} Accumulation using integer minus for

binary operation over the array v1[]

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Defined Function Object Classes

Arithmetic objects

Comparison objects

Logical objects

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Arithmetic Objects (1 of 2)

template <class T>struct plus<T>

Adds two operands of type T

template <class T>struct minus<T> Subtracts two operands of type T

template <class T>struct times<T>

Multiplies two operands of type T

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Arithmetic Objects (2 of 2)

template <class T>struct divides<T>

Divides two operands of type T

template <class T>struct modulus<T>

Modulus (%) for two operands of type T

template <class T>struct negate<T>

Unary minus for one argument of type T

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Comparison Objects (1 of 2)

template <class T>struct equal_to<T>

Equality of two operands of type T

template <class T>struct not_equal_to<T>

Inequality of two operands of type T

template <class T>struct greater<T>

Comparison by greater (>) of two operands of type T

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Comparison Objects (2 of 2)template <class T>struct less<T> Comparison by less of two operands of type T

template <class T>struct greater_equal<T> Comparison by greater or equal (>=) of two

operands of type T

template <class T>struct less_equal<T> Comparison by less or equal (<=) of two

operands of type T

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Logical Objects

template <class T>struct logical_and<T>

Logical and (&&) on 2 operands of type T

template <class T>struct logical_or<T>

Logical or (||) on 2 operands of type T

template <class T>struct logical_not<T>

Logical negation (!) on 1argument of type T

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Function Adapters

Creation of function objects using adaption Negators for negating predicate objects Binders for binding a function argument Adapters for pointer to function

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Use of Function Adapter bind2nd (1 of 2)

template <class ForwIter>void print(ForwIter first, ForwIter last, const char* title){ cout << title << endl; while( first != last) cout << *first++ << '\t'; cout << endl;}

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Use of Function Adapter bind2nd (2 of 2)

// use a binder function bind2nd to transform initial sequence of values to these values doubledint main(){ int data[3] = { 9, 10, 11};

print(data, data + 3, "Original values"); transform(data, data + 3, data, bind2nd(times<int>(), 2)); print(data, data + 3, "New values");}

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Function Adapters (1 of 3)

template<class Pred> unary_negate<Pred> not1(const Pred& p)

Returns !p where p is a unary predicate

template<class Pred>binary_negate<Pred> not2(const Pred& p)

Returns !p where p is a binary predicate

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Function Adapters (2 of 3)

template<class Op, class T>binder1st<Op>bind1st(const Op& op, const T& t)

Binary op has first argument bound to t Function object is returned

template<class Op, class T>binder2nd<Op>bind2nd(const Op& op, const T& t)

Binary op has 2nd argument bound to t function object is returned

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Function Adapters (3 of 3)

template<class Arg, class T>ptr_fun(T (*f)(Arg))

Constructs pointer_to_unary_function<Arg, T>

template<class Arg1, class Arg2, class T>ptr_fun(T (*f)(Arg1, Arg2))

Constructs pointer_to_binary_function<Arg,T>

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STL Based on Templates

Key to understanding STL is to use iterator


When extending STL keep consistent with

existing libraries

Generality and genericity are not

enough.Its not STL if it isn’t efficient