STOLEN VEHICLE SLOWDOWN PROJECT. USING PRESENTED BY Sheetal Prasad Samal 3 rd year 0921307002 Centurian Institute of technology.

Stolen Vehicle Slowdown Using on Star---Sheetal

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PRESENTED BY Sheetal Prasad Samal

3rd year 0921307002Centurian Institute of technology.

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• The present world demands security withthe up surging thefts and crimes.Sometimes problems are so cumbersomethat they alone cannot be sorted out andneed the help of technology. In fact inevery case these days starting from awireless communication to the

complicated stuffs of forensic science, weseek the help of technology. Our paper in heredeals with such an upcoming case which notonly solves the crime, but also helps in many

other stuffs .

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According to official sources of Ministry of State for Home Affairs, the rate of car hacking

is increasing year by year. In the year 2007, the total 68,945 cases of car theft wereregistered, while it becomes 80,750 cases in 2008. In 2009 and 2010, total number ofcases came in the limelight were 84,150 and 83,375 respectively, in which the exactfigure of total cases of the year is still awaiting, because the above figure of the data is tillSep 2010. That's why the government is extremely worried about the vehicle theft crimeand appeals to the owners to utilize the advance techniques of the GPS and othersrelated techniques available in the market to reduce the car theft cases. These casesharms the country and the society worth millions and millions dollars.

According to NCRB (National Crime Record Bureau) the total hacking of vehicles arevalued in Indian currency in worth Rs.3.94 billions in 2007, Rs.4.39 billions in 2008 and4.66 billion in 2009 respectively. The exact data of 2010 is yet to exist. In the stolencases, very few recoveries can be held due to lack of technology used by the car owners.Many times vehicles were found in the different forms or in the damaged forms. Only 32.8percent vehicles were recovered in 2007, whereas it was only 30.5 percent in 2008. In

2009, it further dipped and only 29.3 percent of total recovery could be done. Maharashtrawas on the top position followed by Delhi and Gujarat in the vehicle lifting crime in 2009`.The total number of cases registered in Maharashtra, Delhi and Gujarat were 12,180,8,862, and 7,096 respectively. For instance, recently on 3rd Aug.2010, news reportedabout the carjackers with a unique modus operandi prowling on the streets of Kolkata.The gang’s still free and right now must be planning to target expensive cars.  

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In the market, there are basically different types ofsecurity systems available such as centralized lockingsystem, in which the car is locked or unlocked by itsremote controlling system. This is the most commonlyused security system. A special types of sensors applied

in this device that begins beeping loudly if someone triesto open it forcefully and the main unit is hiddensomewhere inside the car, which a thief can not find ordeactivate it easily. Another technique is Gear lock inwhich the system locks the Gear of the car, so that if the

thief manage to get into the car can not drive it away.Steering lock is also available there are in the form ofother security systems. Besides these clutch lock, brakelock also works in preventing to steal the car as theselocks the clutch and brake respectively of the car.

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OnStar is a telematics device. Atelematics system combines vehicle

control and monitoring systems withlocation tracking and wirelesstelecommunications.


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TRACKING THE VEHICLES. Once the vehicle has been reported

stolen to law enforcement, thesubscriber can call OnStar and request

Stolen Vehicle Location Assistance.OnStar will confirm the subscriber hasnot opted out of the Stolen VehicleSlowdown service.

OnStar will use real-time GPS technologyto attempt to pinpoint the exact location

of the stolen vehicle and provide thisinformation to law enforcement to helpthem recover the vehicle.

When law enforcement has established aclear line of sight of the stolen vehicle,law enforcement may request OnStar toslow it down remotely.

Safeguards will be in place to ensure thatthe correct vehicle is slowed down.

OnStar then sends a remote signal to thevehicle that interacts with the Powertrainsystem to reduce engine power whichwill slow the vehicle down gradually.

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ONSTAR. (Vehicle recovery andaccident notifications).

• Onstar not just helps recover stolen

vehicles but it has been serving other

purposes like recovery of vehicles andsaving them from accidents.

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 A thief can quickly determine if the vehicle

has On-Star installed. This can

serve either as a deterrent or facilitate thetheft process since the thief will try to

deactivate the system by cutting the powerto the unit.

The citizens might also be hassled by theauthorities due to false alarms.

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With the advancements of technology, thereoccurs up- gradation of existing devices alongwith the innovation of new equipments. Besidesthis ,they also comprise of the positive andnegative effects .Such a case is with the Onstar

technology, whose demerits can be ruled out withfurther research and analysis. This innovativetechnology for now shall be installed in GM’slargest division, Chevrolet and shall make its waythrough more than 60 percent of the total

vehicles in 2012 models. Moving towards safedrives and secured lives, we hope that this newtechnology shall help recover stolen vehicles andshall be beneficial in the long run.

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