Headmaster WELCOME BACK Welcome back to Term 2. At the end of each term, we farewell some stu- dents and wel- come others. For those departing, we wish you all the best at your new school. Com- mencing in Term 2 are Anthony (Year 8 - NSW), Henry (Year 9 - Springsure), Sarah (Year 10 - Roma) and Philip (Year 11 - Springsure). I trust you will make them, and their families feel welcome. ANZAC DAY ANZAC Day is a culturally significant event for Australians, and it has a special place in our School calendar. Our students take great pride in participating in the commemora- tions and conduct themselves with dignity and respect. Our ANZAC Requiem service was held on the evening of the 23rd in the Chapel. Thanks to everyone who assisted with the service, especially Bishop Keith and Father Kenneth who trav- elled from Townsville to be with us. We also thank Bishop Keith and Tom Hogg for addressing the con- gregation as previous members of the ADF. Over the years, students have taken on an increasing role in our services. This has created a real sense of ownership. Whilst it is a team effort, I would like to make special mention of our Chapel Cap- tain Tio Hensley who does a great job from week to week. Also special thanks to Erik Michaelis for playing the Last Post and Rouse, and Shel- den West and Hannah Jenkins who sang the National Anthems (including in Maori) at both the School service and at the Charters Towers service. At the conclusion of the service, the bell tolled once for the Souls boys who were killed in action in WWII and then we moved out to the Quad where the congregation paid their respects amongst the crosses. We woke to misty rain as we headed to the Dawn Service and then on to the main March. **STOP PRESS** 15 Years of Secondary Cross Country Carnival Champions! More details in next edition. Contents Headmasters Report Page 1 Deputy/Academic Dean Page 2 Chaplaincy Team Page 4 School Prayers Page 4 Dean of School Page 5 Dean of Students Page 5 Pastoral Care Team Page 6 Academic Awards Page 6 Sport News Page 7 The Arts Page 8 Junior School Page 9 Rural Activities Page 11 From the Dorms Page 11 Alban Dormitory Page 12 Becket Dormitory Page 12 Chad Dormitory Page 12 Ramsay Dormitory Page 13 Feetham Dormitory Page 13 Page Dormitory Page 13 Term Dates 2022 Page 16 ISSUE NO 5/2021 07 MAY 2021 Mr Fleming and School Captains (Junior & Senior) Grace Turner, Piper Godfrey, Matthew McKellar, Clayne Musk lead the way at the ANZAC Day March


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Welcome back to Term 2. At the end of each term, we farewell some stu-dents and wel-come others. For those departing, we wish you all the best at your new school. Com-

mencing in Term 2 are Anthony (Year 8 - NSW), Henry (Year 9 - Springsure), Sarah (Year 10 - Roma) and Philip (Year 11 - Springsure). I trust you will make them, and their families feel welcome.

ANZAC DAY ANZAC Day is a culturally significant event for Australians, and it has a special place in our School calendar. Our students take great pride in participating in the commemora-tions and conduct themselves with dignity and respect. Our ANZAC Requiem service was held on the evening of the 23rd in the Chapel. Thanks to everyone who assisted with the service, especially Bishop Keith and Father Kenneth who trav-elled from Townsville to be with us. We also thank Bishop Keith and Tom Hogg for addressing the con-gregation as previous members of the ADF. Over the years, students have taken on an increasing role in our services. This has created a real sense of ownership. Whilst it is a team effort, I would like to make special mention of our Chapel Cap-tain Tio Hensley who does a great job from week to week. Also special thanks to Erik Michaelis for playing the Last Post and Rouse, and Shel-den West and Hannah Jenkins who sang the National Anthems (including in Maori) at both the School service and at the Charters Towers service.

At the conclusion of the service, the bell tolled once for the Souls boys who were killed in action in WWII and then we moved out to the Quad where the congregation paid their respects amongst the crosses. We woke to misty rain as we headed to the Dawn Service and then on to the main March.


15 Years

of Secondary Cross

Country Carnival

Champions! More details in next edition.

Contents Headmaster’s Report Page 1

Deputy/Academic Dean Page 2

Chaplaincy Team Page 4

School Prayers Page 4

Dean of School Page 5

Dean of Students Page 5

Pastoral Care Team Page 6

Academic Awards Page 6

Sport News Page 7

The Arts Page 8

Junior School Page 9

Rural Activities Page 11

From the Dorms Page 11

Alban Dormitory Page 12

Becket Dormitory Page 12

Chad Dormitory Page 12

Ramsay Dormitory Page 13

Feetham Dormitory Page 13

Page Dormitory Page 13

Term Dates 2022 Page 16

ISSUE NO 5/2021 07 MAY 2021

Mr Fleming and School Captains (Junior & Senior) Grace Turner, Piper Godfrey, Matthew McKellar, Clayne Musk

lead the way at the ANZAC Day March


State Championships for Water Polo and Netball were held in the last 2 weeks. The School had rep-resentatives at both events with Ella Dietrich (Year 11 - Charters Towers), umpiring at the State Netball Championships and Mrs Storey attended as the coach of the NQ team. We had Sarah Mil-ton (Year 12 Charters Towers) at-tended the Water Polo State Championships. Congratulations Sarah.


A New Arrival

We congratulate Matt and Alysha Weston on the birth of their beautiful boy Edward. All are do-ing well.



We welcome Daniel O’Connor to the teaching team and Shaye Thorn as the new Boarding Rec-reation and Activities Co-ordinator.


Our long serving dormie Dawn McGill has advised the School that she will be finishing up and commencing in a residential role at Columba. Whilst we will miss “Dawnie” she will be around town but in different colours.

Design and Technology

Demolition work has been completed on the Design and Technology building and the exciting phase of construction will commence shortly.


The P&F AGM was held on 22 April.

Thanks to the outgoing commit-tee: Kym Whelan (President), Renee Musk (Vice President), Jo-anne Shadforth (Secretary) and Donna Rankine (Treasurer) for their service over many years, in-cluding for Joanne and Donna,

PAGE 2 ISSUE NO 5/2021 7 MAY 2021

after their last child had graduat-ed.

Welcome to the new committee: Theresa Blennerhasset Presi-dent - Mt Garnet), Sarnia Walker (Vice President - Millaa Millaa), Jean Halstead (Secretary - Char-ters Towers) and Tracey Atwell (Treasurer - Charters Towers). We thank them for taking on these important roles.

Darren Fleming


Dean Ian Dietrich Years 11 & 12 Academic Awards Congratulations to the students recognised during a recent Headmaster’s Assembly or a Year Level Assembly for achieve-ments in Units 1 & 3. It was pleasing to see a number of new faces receiving a Headmaster’s Award for strong effort dis-played as they completed work in Term 4 2020 and Term 1 2021. The many students receiving an Academic Award are to be com-mended for outstanding results across all their subjects in the new senior system. Academic Reporting All students in Years 7-10 will receive a longer report at the end of this term. Semester Re-ports will include a semester overview for each subject, along with results, an effort rating and comments. Progress Reports for students in Years 11 & 12 will in-clude ratings for a variety of work and conduct areas as well as a progress academic stand-ard. These are important documents that can add information to Parent / Teacher discussions to take place at the beginning of the term. Year 10s to move into Senior System Studies in Term 4 All Souls St Gabriels School start students in heir studies toward

the Queensland Certificate of Ed-ucation from the beginning of Term 4 Year 10. Starting senior studies in Year 10 allows time at the end of the senior years to be devoted to preparation for the external exams and the comple-tion of practical projects in other subjects. This was well received by our recent graduating group and many other schools are investigating adopting this ap-proach to delivering senior courses. To account for this change again, the school’s time-table will be adjusted from the beginning of Term 4 each year. The Biggest Jigsaw Puzzle Amongst all the busyness of this very different term, I have begun to start the process of develop-ing the Term 4 2021 school time-table. This could be seen as the biggest jigsaw puzzle available! The process of constructing a complex and unique timetable involves bringing together many pieces of a puzzle that rarely fit the first, second or even third time. In fact, there will be many, many drafts that will need to be made that consider many varia-bles. Following initial broad decisions and more specific input from teaching staff, the next step is to gather information from stu-dents starting to study senior subjects under the new senior system. From this data, staff ap-pointments and lesson times can begin to be arranged in the time-table. This is not a small puzzle. However, each “piece” (or per-son) must feel that they are able to be a part of the whole picture that is Souls. From Week 1 this term, the current Year 10 students, various senior teachers and I are meet-ing and beginning to explore the possibilities available in the “senior phase of learning” – tradi-tionally Years 11 & 12. ASSG offers a very wide selection of subjects and courses to students in the senior years – certainly a wide “on-campus” subject listing considering our school size.

The series of “meetings” planned for the subject selection process also includes opportunities for all of our Parents and Care Giv-ers to (1) gather information re-garding new arrangements for certification at the end of Year 12 and (2) meet with senior teach-ers and gather information to help them understand the choic-es being made by their son / daughter. All of this is part of the process surrounding the completion of initial Senior Edu-cation and Training Plans. Senior Education Training Plans (SET Plans) The “Youth Participation in Education and Training Act 2003” states that schools and educa-tion institutions must guide young people (15-16 year olds) through the process of planning for their education beyond the “Compulsory Schooling Phase” - 15 - 16 year olds, usually in Year 10, and into the “Post-Com-pulsory Participation Phase” - 16 - 18 year olds usually in Years 10 - 12. This process is known as the “Senior Education Training Plan” or SET Plan. A SET Plan does not need to be a formalised document. Instead, it needs to be a process of thinking and planning an education and train-ing program that ends with a documented plan. The SET Plan should be revisited by young people as they progress through the “Post-Compulsory Participa-tion Phase”. A SET Plan is ‘owned’ by the young person and goes with them as they move between “earning and learning” whilst they are 15 - 18 years of age. All Souls St Gabriels School students do, in fact, begin their SET Planning informally in clas-ses as young as Prep (“What do you want to be when you grow-up?”) and Junior School (Jobs / Working / Careers Units). They are also encouraged to be think-ing about future education path-ways in Years 8 & 9 Education for Life (EFL) classes; before focus-sing on their future while com-pleting careers activities in the Years 10 - 12 EFL classes. These introductions to the process of deciding an education and train-ing program beyond Year 10 are the basis of the SET Plan pro-cess.

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The more formal set of meetings with Year 10 students in Terms 2 & 3 continues this process of guiding the planning for an education and training program for our young people. The following series of SET Plan ‘meetings’ (amongst others) have been scheduled for this year’s Year 10 students: Week 1 – Vision and Future; Post-Compulsory Schooling Options; the Senior Statement; and School-based Traineeships / Apprenticeships; Vocational Edu-cation Courses (including Dal-rymple Trade Training Centre Courses) Weeks 2-4 – Queensland Certifi-cate of Education (QCE) calcula-tion; New Queensland Senior Syllabus documents Formative / Summative + Units 1-4), Australi-an Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) Calculation & Introduc-tion to subject selection process Week 3 – Visit the Dalrymple Trade Training Centre (DTTC) Week 5 – Charters Towers Ca-reers Day Week 7 – ASSG Senior Subject In-formation presentations Week 9 – ASSG Senior Subject Line Structure A more detailed overview of the ‘meetings’ planned has been emailed to families of Year 10 students. The remainder of Education for Life (EFL) lessons this term and during next term have also been devoted to students completing individual career research, as-signment work and study. This is a time of decision for the 15 & 16 year old men and wom-en in our care, but it does not need to be a worrying time. The school guides our Year 10 stu-dents through a program that al-lows them to be informed of the choices they face so that the options become much clearer and the decisions made can be more focused. To discuss spe-cific aspects of the senior curric-ulum and tertiary study options, please phone the school to ar-range a time to speak with any of the Heads of Department, senior subject teachers, a member of our Careers Team or myself. Various school staff will also be available at the information night.

Details regarding the Parent / Care Giver Information Night are listed in this edition of the news-letter. The night has been sched-uled for the Monday night be-tween the two days of competi-tion for the Inter-House Athletics Carnival at the end of this term. This should allow for residential families to be represented if you are travelling to Charters Towers to be a part of this event. Parent / Care Giver & Student In-formation Night will be held from 5.30 – 6.30pm on MONDAY 21 June 2021 in the library and will focus specifically on subject se-lection for senior courses start-ing in Term 4 2021. For Parents / Care Givers unable to attend the night session, I will be available via pre-arranged appointments during the Inter-House Athletics Carnival to answer any questions regarding subject selection for senior studies. Otherwise, if you are unable to make it to the school in person, please feel free to ring the school and speak with me at any stage in the Senior Ed-ucation Training Plan (SET Plan) process. Our current Year 8 students will also go through a similar subject selection process for their choic-es for Year 9 2022 before the end of Term 4 this year. If you wish to discuss any aspect of subject selection for Year 9 2022 or the senior courses start-ing in Term 4 2021, please phone the school or send me an email – [email protected]

2021 Secondary Student Exam


Term 2 - Years 7 - 12

Monday 14 to Friday 18 June

Term 3 - Year 12

Monday 9 to Friday 13 August

Years 7 - 12

Monday 6 -Monday 14 September

Term 4 - Year 12

External Exams set by QCAA

Monday 25 October to Tuesday 16 November

Years 7 - 11

Wednesday 10 - Tuesday 16 November

Chaplaincy Team Darren Fleming During the first week back after the holidays we had our “welcome” services for both Senior and Junior School. At the Senior School service, we talked about the importance of working together as a team. The reading was from Ecclesias-tes 4:8

There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother. There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content

with his wealth. “For whom am I toiling,” he asked,

“and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?” This too is meaningless— a miserable business!

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour:

If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend them-selves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

The text tells us that you can accomplish more when you work together with others. As the term gets hard and stressful we need to remember to work together and support each other. The first week of Term 2, Fr Kenneth attended his first Junior School service for the term on Thursday and then stayed over-night to conduct the Senior School Chapel service. Fr Kenneth talked about the history of the candles and incense and ex-plained the notion of walking in the light of the world. The first Sunday service was held last week. Thanks to Luke and Barney for helping conduct the service.

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School Prayers

We pray for all who are affected by illness or isolation or anxiety, that they may find relief and recovery. Lord in your mercy Hear our Prayer We pray for those who are guiding our nation at this time, and shaping state, national and international policies, we pray that they may make wise decisions. Lord in your mercy Hear our Prayer God of Love, thank you for every staff member who notices a child's special gift. Thank you for staff who are listeners and gentle guides. Thank you for staff who expect much and love enough to demand more. Thank you for the special per-son during our own time at school each one of us remembers. Lord in your mercy Hear our Prayer God of Strength, Encourage staff to care and inspire them to nourish. Motivate them to keep on learning for the fun of it and to make learn-ing fun for children. Lord in your mercy Hear our Prayer God of our lives, we give thanks for the life of Prince Philip, for his love of our country, and for his devotion to duty. We entrust him now to your love and mercy, through our Re-deemer Jesus Christ. Amen Merciful God, be close to all who mourn, especially The Queen and all members of the Royal Family. May they know the hope of your promises and the comfort of your love, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Eternal God, we give thanks for the life of Prince Philip, founder of the Duke of Edin-burgh’s International Award. We re-member his vision and imagination, his interest in young people and his support for them. Inspire us with the same commit-ment to serve friend, neighbour, and stranger alike,~ through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Dean of School Karen Storey


Friday 23 and Sunday 25 April I was again overwhelmed with pride to be an All Souls St Gabri-els School staff member. The Requiem service, including the singing of the Australian and New Zealand anthems and a special performance item, by the male staff and students, en-forced the value that our stu-dents place on the commemora-tion of a very special day in Aus-tralia’s history and future. All stu-dents and staff involved in the organisation and execution of the service should be immensely proud of their efforts.

Students and staff alike followed this with an exceptional display of respect and remembrance on ANZAC Day when we participat-ed in the Charters Towers ANZAC Day march. As always we looked fantastic and made a great effort to remember those who fought and made the ultimate sacrifice so we can live in freedom. Thank-you to all involved and Lest We Forget.

School Photographs

This week the School received proofs of the Year level photo-graphs taken earlier in the year. Due to a shutdown in production by our photographers these have been delayed. It is expected that we should be receiving our school photographs sometime in May. Parents will be contacted, and notices placed on Facebook when they are ready for collec-tion. I apologise for the delay and thank parents for your pa-tience.

Save the Date: Secondary Sleep In and Whole School Storytime – Monday 17 May

A few years ago, we introduced a whole school event which al-lowed students and staff to share a meal together while also focusing on the importance of lit-

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eracy. Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions this did not go ahead in 2020, however, I am ex-cited to announce that this event will be back in 2021. While we are still finalising arrangements, I can confirm that the secondary school will have a late start to the day on Monday 17 May 2021. I look forward to sharing more details with you all when they are complete.

Dean of Students Wendy Fleming Prefect Meetings

The Prefects meet regularly with Ms Carmody, Mr Fleming and Mrs Fleming to discuss areas of importance that they want to focus on at school. One of the focus areas recently was for Prefects to talk to other second-ary school students to identify what shade provisions need to be increased and where would be suitable locations that stu-dents would be interested in uti-lising. They have also been work-ing together to implement fur-ther awareness and fundraising activities that will benefit the wider community.

Be Strong

Part of our focus for student development is to encourage all students to be respectful and act if they see a need. Recently we acknowledged Baia Gaidan who showed strong support and maturity in dealing with an issue encountered during travel home at the end of Term 1. Baia was able to communicate with school as well as looking out for the other students who were travel-ling with her. Well done Baia.

Cooler Weather

There have been some indica-tions that the cooler weather is just around the corner. As such, this is a timely reminder about the requirement for school jumpers to be worn with the day uniform or the formal uniform, and ASSG sport jackets only to

be worn with the PE uniform. This does not include the wear-ing of any other ASSG jackets, in-cluding Confro/QISSN jackets as they do not form part of the daily uniform and are to be worn only for specific events.


It has been pleasing to see the increased number of students assisting with the Chapel prepa-ration after school on Tuesdays. Regular attendees have been en-couraged by the bolstering of numbers, enabling brass clean-ing, checking of candles and oth-er equipment to happen in a more efficient manner. This ser-vice to the School is certainly ap-preciated.

Real Life Skills

This term, Year 12 will be focus-ing not just on their academic skills, but also learning about im-portant information including budgeting, personal tax, insur-ance (including car) and renting. The goal is to increase their un-derstanding of what they may be required to undertake once they depart school at the end of this year.

Baia Gaidan recognised for supporting the school and her peers

Senior students attending ANZAC Day commemorations

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Pastoral Care Team Wendy Fleming

Dean of Students


The Pastoral Care Team has undergone a small change since the commencement of Term 2. We are very pleased to be able to welcome Mr Ron Sellars to the team as the incoming Years 7/8 Year Level Co-ordinator. Mrs Deb Sellars has moved to a different role this term, and whilst we miss her valued input in this team, we are also very excited about the new direction she is taking within the School, strengthening our Inclusive Education program.


There have been a range of sources acknowledg-ing the increase in anxiety amongst the general population, including school students. There are some resources that you might find useful:

My Anxiety Handbook: Getting Back on Track

Helping young people with anxiety learn to recog-nise and manage their symptoms.

Outsmarting Worry: An Older Kid's Guide to Man-aging Anxiety

Worry has a way of growing, shifting from not-a-big-deal to a VERY BIG DEAL in the blink of an eye.

Can I tell you about anxiety?: A guide for friends, family and pro-fessionals

Megan invites readers to learn about anxiety from her perspec-tive, helping them to understand why she sometimes feels anx-ious and how this affects her thoughts, feelings and behaviours.


Launched in 2011, Snapchat has become a commonly used social app. In 2015 it introduced filters enabling users to superimpose objects or effects (such as dog faces, wild hairstyles or bunny ears) onto selfies. However, its feature where images can be set to self-delete has resulted in people being targeted. It has also meant that Snapchat has been misused with mean or even inap-propriate messages and images being ‘snapped’. It is important that both students and their families are aware of Snapchat and the ability to use this app to cause hurt to others.

If you have any questions or concerns about mental health or wellbeing issues please contact a member of the Pastoral Care Team.

Pastoral Care Team

Darren Fleming Headmaster Wendy Fleming Dean of Students

Darren Guldbransen Head of Boarding

Ron Sellars Year 7 - 8 Co-Ordinator

Jordan Bensemann Year 9 - 10 Co-ordinator

Sharna Carmody Year 11 - 12 Co-ordinator

Carol Shadforth Indigenous Education Officer

Kate McCartney School Nurse

Terri Hensler School Nurse

Flo King Student Services

Students on the Headmaster’s List have effort rating of 1 or 2 in all subjects, and

at least half of all these ratings must be a 1

Year 11 Year 12

James Brown Savannah Arnold

Darby Butler Paige Candy

Layla Davies Luanna Cassar

Mia Dickson April Dixon

Ella Dietrich Jasmine Elliot

Caitlyn Elliott Briarley Fitchett

Lachlan Gostelow Kayla Frost

Corey Guldbransen Piper Godfrey

Evan Hill-Warner Rily Goodwin

Holly Johnson Abbey Haines

Georgie Jonsson Tio Hensley

Charles Newnham William Holt

Annika Peace Tahl Hopkins

Bree Sexton Lucy LeFeuvre

Savannah Storey Matthew McKellar

Ella-Beth Stretton Sarah Milton

Olivia Titley Kacey Musk

Erin Walker Kevin Mutton

Mavis Wapau Grace Newnham

Amelia Wearing Abbey North

Reese Wilkinson Etosha Pearson

Chloe Wolfenden Alan Tamaduk

Rylee Whelan

Headmaster’s List

Academic Achievement Students in Years 11 & 12 who receive an Academic Achievement Certificate

have achieved either an A or B in all Aca-demic subjects, and no achievement lev-

el of less than a B Year 11 Year 12 Mia Dickson Savannah Arnold Ella Dietrich Jasmine Elliott Caitlyn Elliott Piper Godfrey Corey Guldbransen Abbey Haines Holly Johnson Andre Hill-Warner Georgie Jonsson Sarah Milton Annabella Keough Kacey Musk Charles Newnham Grace Newnham Annika Peace Bree Sexton Savannah Storey Ella-Beth Stretton Olivia Titley Amelia Wearing Chloe Wolfenden

PAGE 7 ISSUE NO 5/2021 7 MAY 2021

Sport News Will Urquhart - Director of Sport

The girls kicked off their season against CCC last week with another mixed round of results. The 1st team eventually played CCC twice during the week after a club match on Wednesday however the result did not differ on either occasion with the Gabes Girls coming out victorious in matches. Games this week will be against CTSHS on Tuesday afternoon.

Term 2 has started off with a bang with Netball and Rugby League matches beginning across all age groups. Additionally the Cross Country team have been training hard in readiness to defend the CTSS Cross Country title. Club Touch and Netball continue to run throughout the term with more than 2/3 of the secondary school competing in both club competitions.

Rugby League

Over the opening two rounds of the league competition, teams have displayed some gutsy performanc-es that have seen most teams chalk up a winning start to the season. The 1st team have experienced success and defeat in the opening two rounds winning convincingly against an understrength BTC fol-lowed by an error riddled match against a strong CCC outfit. This week the 15 Years and Opens team take on CTSHS at Bill Lewis Oval Wednesday evening.


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The Arts Kylie Kempster Head of The Arts Visual Art Goes Back In Time

Under the expert tutelage of their teacher Mrs Jillian Schulz, Years 9/10 Visual Art got to explore artistic techniques from various periods in time this week. Particularly popular was prehistoric painting, where the students got to mix pigments with grease (simulating the ancient method of mixing ground rock with animal fat) and paint using the tools availa-ble to them - sticks, twigs and their fingers!

All Souls St Gabriels School Band… Quick March!

Our Instrumental Music students have stepped out in both the Anzac Day and Country Music parades recently. Thanks to their fearless leader Miss Leslie Croker, our talented musicians were a credit to themselves and the School, showing impressive discipline and skill on both occasions.

A special mention goes to Erik Michaelis for his first ever performance of The Last Post and Rouse at the ASSG Requiem Mass, and to Hannah Jenkins and Shelden West, supported by Mrs Deb Sellars, for their performances of the Australian and New Zealand national anthems at the ASSG Requiem Mass and CT Anzac Day Ceremony.

Next Edition...

Stayed tuned in the next edition for news on our entrants in the 2021 QATSIF Art Competition, Years 9/10 Drama’s progress in Queensland Theatre’s Sce-ne Project and more!

Jalen Barry concentrates on his


Taitum Herring’s buffalo picture

Mrs Deb Sellars, Shelden West and Hannah Jenkins recog-nized for performing at ANZAC Day commemorations

Ella Dietrich, Claire Kempster and Erik Michaelis get set to step out at

the Country Music Parade

Wynita Deem enjoying getting her hands dirty

Junior School

Tina Akers Head of Junior School ANZAC Day Service The ANZAC spirit has been evi-dent in the busyness of the first couple of weeks of this term. As teachers, we are charged with the responsibility of providing our students with opportunities to develop a deep understanding and a genuine appreciation of the values, beliefs and traditions that make us who we are as Australi-ans, and understand why ANZAC Day is a significant day in the All Souls St Gabriels School calendar. Junior School teachers have been talking with the children about respect and what ANZAC Day means for them as students at All Souls St Gabriels School. Lessons have focused on the tradition of service and sacrifice. We have talked about the spirit of ANZAC being about courage, endurance, duty, mateship, good humour and the love of country. We have discussed how we can apply these qualities to our everyday lives. The Requiem Mass on Friday evening gave us time to pause and reflect as we remembered the bravery and self-sacrifice of past and present generations. On ANZAC Day, All Souls St Gabriels School students marched with reverence and pride, and showed great respect throughout the commemorative Service.

Country Music Festival The Country Music Festival is a big weekend for the Charters Towers Community. For the Jun-ior School, the Festival began on Friday, 30 April with students ar-riving in “Country Music” themed outfits. A parade of each year lev-el was held in the covered area.

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Thank you to the representatives from the Country Music Festival (Donna and Rhonda) who came along to judge and award small prizes for best dressed boy and girl in each year group. In the late afternoon, the Junior School students participated in the Country Music Street Parade. The theme for this year’s procession was Aussie Mateship. Our Float aimed at capturing the sense of what mateship means to us as Australians and stu-dents of All Souls St Gabriels School. There was a great country vibe back in town. Our sincere thanks to: • Mrs Marshall for the time you put

into planning, co-ordinating and organising the staff, and volun-teers to make sure all our float looked amazing.

• Titus Mooka who was disguised as our School mascot – the Phoe-nix.

• Weston’s Carrying Service for providing the use of the truck and low-loader.

• Jordan Burt for driving the truck so smoothly.

• Prospect Community Services. • Everyone involved with the

organisation of the Country Music Festival.

NAPLAN During Week 4, students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, gram-mar and punctuation) and numeracy. NAPLAN tests are just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process; they do not replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance. These literacy and numeracy tests are designed to reflect the everyday curriculum being taught in the classroom. Therefore, no specific study is required in the lead-up to these tests and students do not need to feel anxious about participating in them.

Mrs Dickson and Miss Miliauskas have been preparing the Year 5 and Year 3 students for these as-sessments by familiarising them with the test language, format, response types and time con-straints of the Reading, Language conventions and Numeracy tests. They have also provided the students with experience in pro-ducing writing scripts and com-pleting numeracy assessments under timed test conditions us-ing practice topics. As parents you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN by re-assuring them that the tests are just one part of their school pro-gram, and by reminding them on the day to simply try their best. Mrs Dickson and Miss Miliauskas will ensure students are familiar with the types of questions in the tests and will provide appropri-ate support and guidance.

A Sense of Community and Pride The Junior School is abuzz with exciting learning activities spark-ing the curiosity of our students. As staff, we spend hours each day with your children; watching, guiding and celebrating their successes, big and small. Small academic achievements, positive behavioural changes and social triumphs bring us great pride, and much joy. Thank you to eve-ryone involved in supporting our excellent school. It is a pleasure to work with such a great team in a School where a sense of family, mateship and community thrive.

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Charters Towers Country Music Festival

From the Dorms

From the Dorms… Despite a wet start for Term 2, we’re full steam ahead into an extremely busy, but exciting, 10 weeks. Every-one seems to have settled back into a nice rhythm. This time last year was a very different story and it was rewarding to hear a conversation between the kids, about how suddenly their lives changed, and how grateful they are that we live where we do – free from the strict confinements of Covid. This means that all our sporting and extra-curricular actives are in full swing and our kids are taking full advantage, attending all trainings and games. ANZAC DAY Friday 23rd April, saw everyone gather in our chapel for our annual ANZAC DAY Requiem Mass. The overall feeling of the evening was one of deep respect and gratitude as we took time to remember the lives of our ASSG brothers and sisters, as well as our family and ancestors, who perished during times of war. Staff and students attended the Dawn Service which is always a very solemn and moving event. This was fol-lowed by the annual ANZAC DAY Parade down the main street of Charters Towers, which all our students and staff as well as many members of our school community participated in. It’s an incredible display of re-spect for our fallen Anzac’s, and service men and women. ANZAC Day is one that our students attend with great pride, knowing that it’s a privilege to walk with freedom, while proudly wearing their family ancestor’s medals. Their respect for this day was once again amazing. Student workloads As the term progresses and the academic workload intensifies, the children will need to focus on finding a balance between their sporting, extra-curricular and academic lives. This is where communication with your dormitory supervisors is paramount. If you feel that your child is struggling as we move into assessment time, please let us know. Farewell We farewelled one of our long-standing employees, and Dorm Supervisors, Dawn McGill. Dawn has been with the All Souls family for 12 years, and has been a wonderful mentor to so many students over that time. Dawn, your effervescent nature and warm smile will be missed here at ASSG, but we wish you only the best on your next chapter.

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Rural Activities

Kayla Frost

Rural Activities Prefect

Welcome back to another action-packed term. Even though we are only in week 3, both clubs have shown hard working attitudes and a determination for excellence as campdrafts, judging and shows are just around the corner. Horse club have some members hoping to compete in the local Powlathanga Campdraft within the next fortnight, while Cattle Club had some senior students attending Beef Week held in Rockhampton. We hope they had a great time and enjoy learning a lot about the Beef Industry.

Horse Club members are eagerly practicing their stops, turnbacks and flying changes so they are ready for the upcoming campdraft events. Over the last term Horse Club and Cattle Club have really come together with Horse Club members helping out with moving the cattle, letting their horses be judged and the Cattle club kids have been working hard in teaching the Horse Club members more about judging cattle.

We have seen an increase in membership in both clubs and urge anyone interested in joining to come down and see what we do.

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Alban highlights We’ve had a great start with Term 2. All sport is charging ahead and all our girls are excit-ed to be back playing competi-tive games. Our Bullettes Rugby Union girls, including Brandy Corlis, Erin Blennerhassett, Hannah Jenkins and Olivia Haines, had an away game in Townsville last Saturday. Despite a loss to their opposing team, they played well and were proud of their efforts. Our Miner’s Girls also had a big weekend of football. Our 13 Years, including Mavis Baira, came home on a high from her win. Unfortunately our 16 Year Girls were not as lucky but they put in a fantastic effort, only bowing out by one try! Well done to our Alban girls Bryar Darwen, Sally Frohloff and the entire team.

Alban House Vanessa Herring Senior Resident Mobile: 0419 771 433 Email: [email protected]

Becket highlights Hello Becket families. Last week we finally welcomed Mavis Wapau back into our dorm. Mavis has been stranded at home due to the extreme weather but she is now back with us and we are so happy to have her back in our Becket family. We still have 3 girls that have not made it back yet but we are hope-ful they will arrive soon so our Becket family will be complete. The Becket girls, as usual, did the school proud at the recent Anzac Day Dawn Service and Parade. They endured the drizzling rain with utmost respect for our Anzac hero’s. Kyzearne Bulsey, Ariel Chevathun and Erin Wilkinson have been up early training during the week for Inter-School Cross Country. Kyzearne, Ariel and Kyannah as well as girls from Chad and Alban had their first game of Rugby League for the Miner’s last week-end. The girls came away with a win and there was much happi-ness and many exciting stories told on the bus trip back to the dorm. Until next time, take care.

Chad highlights We’ve certainly hit the ground run-ning this term with the girls in-volved in many different events al-ready.

I was honoured to be part of the Requiem Mass service, on the first Friday of Term 2, as we commemo-rated our past students who made the ultimate sacrifice in the world wars. It was a beautiful service and a number of girls have mentioned how much it moved them.

On ANZAC Day, a number of Chad House girls rose early to attend the Dawn Service, including Hailea Wal-lace, Piper Godfrey and Caitlyn El-liott.

The rest of the girls were up for an earlier than usual Sunday breakfast before heading down town for the March. I was very proud of all the girls and how they represented the school.

Two of our Year 11 students, Holly Johnson and Caitlyn Elliott, have been attending weekly rehearsals for this year’s Debutante Ball. We are always keen to see them demonstrate the new dance moves they learn each week.

One of our Year 8 students, Jade Cowan, had a fantastic weekend at the Mount Surprise Campdraft, coming 1st and 4th in the Junior Challenge.

Well done Jade, we are all very proud of you.

I’d just like to say that it has been an awesome start to Term 2 and I’m proud of the effort all the girls are putting in, particularly our Year 11 and 12 students, who go above and beyond with helping with the younger students in Chad. It is so nice to be part of the Chad family, and as always, I’m only a phone call away if you have any news or any concerns.

Becket House Jenny Cantle Senior Resident Mobile: 0407 142 493 Email: [email protected]

Chad House Alison Barnicoat Senior Resident Mobile: 0439 764 638 Email: [email protected]

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Ramsay highlights The first couple of weeks of this term has been about getting back into the routine of boarding and making sure we are ready for each day. I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to senior Alan Tamaduk for the great work he is doing with our younger boys. Alan is a great role model and is doing a terrific job helping this group of young men. Lachlan Lathwell and Kodi Boalar have also stepped into the roles asked of them in our senior wing. It’s not an easy thing to step up and take a position of authority amongst your peers but these boys are doing it well. The term remains very busy for most of the boarders, with multi-ple trainings for various sports, and of course the games that get played as well. It’s great to see such a strong level of involve-ment from Ramsay Dormitory which we continue to encourage. Academic assessments are looming closer and some boys are struggling to organize them-selves in this area. I’m keeping a close eye on them during prep times and trying my best to keep them focused with their study times. As always, it’s a pleasure to look after your boys. Please don’t hesitate to call me with any con-cerns, or even if you just want to check in to see how they’re go-ing.

Ramsay House Rhett Butler Senior Resident Mobile: 0400 751 433 Email: [email protected]

Feetham highlights With a couple of weeks down al-ready, this term is definitely fly-ing along. We held our Anzac service the first weekend back and once again our students did an amaz-ing job. The march on Sunday was outstanding and the kids should be so proud of them-selves. We have been very busy in Feetham Dormitory with things happening every day, from footy training or games through to music lessons and school work. We had our first inter-school footy game last Wednesday. It was great to see the whole school up there supporting the boys. I would like to congratulate James Sharp-Callaghan on scor-ing a double in his debut game for the First XIII. It was also good to see all the boys who got to pull on the “black and white” for the first time. Guys like Xavier Lord, Jack Wharton, Tom Linton and Lachlan Saunders – well done boys. I hope everyone has enjoyed the recent rain, but I know myself and the boys are hoping its gone for a while now. With this busy term only just starting the boys are reminded to keep on top of their school work and make sure they are getting some rest when time al-lows.

Page highlights Hello from a very busy Page Resi-dence.

Most of our boarders have re-turned for Term 2 and the school operations are back to normal. It’s been really energising to see our boarders back and into the swing of boarding life.

Activities and sports are in full swing. We have been busy with boys signing up for the various activities and especially football, with trainings and games well underway. Both the Miners and Bulls Football codes have gath-ered pace with everyone enjoy-ing games here at home or away in Townsville. Saturday the 8th is a full day of Union with all teams playing here in Charters Towers.

The Year 12 Page boys, Kevin, Tahl and Tio must get a mention for rising at 4.30am to attend the ANZAC Dawn Service. Just as these boys were returning every-one else was getting up and hav-ing sausages and eggs for break-fast prior to lining up for the march down Gill Street as part of the Anzac Parade. To see the whole school looking so smart in their formal uniforms and lined up marching behind a Australian flag, can only make one feel very proud.

Computer games continue to be very popular with the boys, and we are constantly looking at ways to manage that, so that boys have an active lifestyle. Limiting time on laptops is important both for active lifestyle and social reasons.

We often say that when your son comes to boarding school, it is a joint venture. We need to be able to talk to you, and you to us about how your son is going. Please feel welcome to contact me.

Feetham House Jake Diery Senior Resident Mobile: 0419 471 433 Email: [email protected]

Page House David McCartney Senior Resident (Acting) Mobile: 0409 071 433 Email: [email protected]

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