Stories A lifestyle forming process centered in the gospel to enable God’s people to be obedient, disciple-making followers of Jesus. 3 3-2-4 – Groups of 3 multiplying out to the fourth generation.

Stories A lifestyle forming process centered in the gospel to enable God’s people to be obedient, disciple-making followers of Jesus. 3-2-4 – Groups of

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StoriesA lifestyle forming process centered in

the gospel to enable God’s people to be obedient, disciple-making followers of



3-2-4 – Groups of 3 multiplying out to the fourth generation.

Three things to accomplish

• Give you confidence and conviction that you can make disciples.

• Give you a taste of what it is like to experience community (body-life) that works together to fulfill the great commission.

• Make sure you understand the risks and costs of following Christ to make more followers of Christ.

T-A-P Matthew 28:18-20

• What does it teach? • What adjustments do I need to make to obey

the truth of this passage? • How does this passage prepare me to


• What does this passage not say? What does it not teach us to do?

How is the church doing at making disciples of among all peoples?

• Discussion: • Are we progressing well? Are we falling

behind with population growth?• Are we adjusting well to cultural changes? • How are we making disciples? • How is disciple-making going locally?

LONG TERM OBJECTIVE: make sure there are Christ followers who are making other

Christ followers who make other Christ followers among the people where I live.

• Train of thought: – Christ said, as you go - make obedient followers of Him.– Revelation 5 and 7 tell us plainly that there will be followers

from all peoples who worship him through eternity. – Christ has authority over heaven and earth.– Christ said he would be with us until this job is done.– The job is not done after 2000 years! – I must be making disciples who make disciples where I live.

How to get to the goal

• Be a disciple-making Christ follower in my present context.

• Prepare myself to make the adjustment to the people the Lord sends me to so that I can make disciples among them.

• Have a Biblical lifestyle that demonstrates the love and grace of God in any context or culture.

3 Stories• WHY: –Most Christ followers are not making

disciples.–Many followers of Jesus are demonstrating

good character, attending worship, focusing on good “causes” in their context but not making disciples. – Sometimes churches unintentionally inhibit

disciple-making through their forms, structures and leadership models.

3 Stories










Motto: Changing the world 3 people at a time.

• Vision Statement for the group: We will follow Jesus allowing him to change our character to be like him, demonstrating our love for him by putting him first in all things and in all relationships and by helping others become his followers.

• Personal Commitment: I will join with two others and together we will encourage one another to be like Christ, connect with God to obediently follow His Word, and disciple others as we live out the gospel in our daily lives.

3-2-4 – Groups of 3 multiplying out to the fourth generation.

3 STORIESThe group of three learns to

follow Christ and fish for men as they connect together week

by week. The star graphic highlights the Biblical content

that shapes their focus together week by week.

HOW: Ride in the Vehicle

• The Vehicle: The discipling process is driven by a weekly meeting among 3 people who focus on making three connections. The weekly meeting format is purposefully designed around these three connections that are founded upon three key pillars of following Christ.

• The three parts of the meeting intentionally encourages a lifestyle and rhythm of following Christ that results in making disciples.

1st Part of the Meeting – Great Conformity

• INWARD – the group members must connect with one another on a spiritual level. They look back to report the activity of the Lord as well as what God has spoken to them the previous week.

• They take time to listen to one another, encourage one another, correct one another and pray for one another. This is the Great Conformity as the body of Christ in its core form of 3 persons work together to follow Christ and help one another become like Christ in character and conduct. Heb 10: 23-24/ Eph 1:15-23

20-30 mins

2nd Part of the Meeting – Great Commandment

• The second part of the meeting is a focus upward on the Lord. This is undergirded by the Great Commandment where Jesus told us we must love him with all of our heart, soul and mind and then love others because we love him first. We refocus our passion on Christ and His Word desiring to honor Him and hear from Him.

• The group has simple worship through praise and thanksgiving and then they meditate on the Word of God to hear from Him.

20-30 mins

John 15:9-16

2nd part continued

• Based on the four purposes of God’s Word as taught in 2 Tim 3:16-17 the group asks specific questions about the Bible passage in order to TAP into the Word. The group then masters the main point of the lesson to be prepared to share it with others.

• T- What does the passage teach?• A- What adjustment do I need to make?

(rebuke, correction)• P- How does this truth prepare me to minister?

3rd Part of the MeetingGreat Commission

• The third part of the meeting is focused outward. The group members each list people who need ministry in the upcoming week. This part of the meeting is undergirded by the Great Commission to make disciples of Jesus. This is a connection with outsiders who need to hear the gospel, need to be discipled or just need the touch of kindness that shows them the love of God.

15-20 mins

2 Corinthians 5:17-21/ 1 Peter 3:15-16

What did Jesus do?

• Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. Matthew 9:35

• 1) Jesus taught and trained (discipled)• 2) Jesus evangelized – preached the gospel of

the Kingdom• 3) Jesus healed – met physical and emotional


3rd Part of the MeetingGreat Commission

• The group members weekly make a plan to share the gospel, train others or just do acts of kindness to demonstrate the love of God with specific persons. Once the plans are in place they pray over those people who will be ministered to and then the meeting ends with a focus in place for upcoming ministry during the week. During the first part of the next meeting, each person reports on what God did as they ministered in His name.














• Without the first and third parts of the meeting, the lessons will just become Bible Study without intentional application and obedience.

What makes this process different from a Bible study, prayer group or fellowship?

• 1. It is a Process not a Program: the key is the Vehicle – a small group of 3 people meeting regularly to make three connections. They connect with each other, connect with God and then connect with outsiders. – Vehicles are purposeful as transportation.– Vehicles take you to a destination.– Vehicles increase the pace of usefulness.

• The consistent connection and interaction within the small group followed by obedience in daily life results in a lifestyle focused around being disciples who make disciples.

2. It is Gospel Centered

• The discipleship process is centered around three stories that every believer should be able to tell as they live out their faith. These three stories become the ongoing testimony of the lives of Christ followers.

• His Story – life, death and ressurection of Jesus• My Story – how I was rescued through the gospel• Our Story – how we experience community as a

faith family through the gospel.

3. It is New Testament body life with followship of Christ at its core.

• Passion for Christ and conformity to Christ results in reaching others for Christ.

• God designed interdependence among members of the body of Christ. He gives gifts to each believer for the good of the whole.

• Christ followers learn the core of genuine fellowship by learning to encourage one another and serve together in a small group.

4. It is a simple process

• It is a low key relational approach where three people learn to follow the Lord together.

• It does not require gifted teachers or facilitators. • It is just three people being transparent with one

another, seeking and serving the Lord together.• It is not “flashy”. The process is not designed to

wow someone week by week but rather to fold normal life around making disciples.

5. It encourages healthy follow-up of new believers

• When a new person comes to faith they are taken first back to the gospel. This means we go over the gospel with them until they can re-communicate it themselves (His Story).

• Secondly new believers are guided to develop their own testimony of how they came to turn from their sins to a savior (My Story).

• Thirdly, new believers are baptized and connected to at least two other believers to walk through the discipling process as they understand they are now a part of a faith family that follows Christ together (Our Story).

Baptism and church attendance

• New believers can be baptized immediately but should always be baptized by the time “our story” is presented.

• New believers need to be connected to a faith family. This becomes part of their identity and story (Our Story).

• New believers can be integrated into existing churches or new groups and churches can be started through them. They should, however, be discipled through a small group process. They learn obedience and body life through the small group.

6. The three stories discipleship process does not disrupt or compete with church structure

or programs.

• The process should enhance the quality of church life and grow the body of Christ. This missional process works in the background of an attractional church ministry to help believers build their lives around making disciples rather than around just attending meetings. Believers learn to celebrate the transformation of the gospel rather than their attendance in church.

7. The growth is through multiplication not addition.

• This process encourages a three person bond that seeks to start new groups of three. The vision for each group of three is “three to the fourth generation” (3-2-4) or 3 to 4. As persons in the group reach out, new groups will be formed. Those new groups will then start other groups.

Change the meeting to change the momentum to change the math!

8. This process trains and ENABLES people to follow Christ in everyday life.

• The focus is on the life of faith outside the church or the group. It helps every believer to see their world through Christ’s eyes and respond as he would.

• Most discipleship models have a group that studies together but they don’t serve and reach out together. This model is about applying truth in life situations.

9. This model trains people to study the Word of God for life change.

• 2 Timothy 3:16-17 describes four ways the Word of God is useful in the life of the believer. [teaching, rebuke, correction, training in righteousness]

• During the second part of the meeting, participants learn to study the Word of God according to those purposes.

10. Three stories is OBEDIENCE BASED as opposed to EDUCATION BASED discipleship.

• Most discipleship models focus on completion of materials. The 3 stories process directs people to obey the Lord in real life while being built up through fellowship with others. This process models how to follow Christ in community. It equips believers with skills and character and then it enables them to actively make disciples as they progress in their growth as a believer. This results in a trustworthy disciple who learns to reach out and care for others.

11. Process Driven – Not Content Driven

• You can use any Biblical content in the second section. The key to making disciples who make disciples is the members working together to help one another grow in conformity to Christ, seek God together for new understanding of his Word and to move forward together in reaching the unreached.

12. It is Group oriented not Individual

• The interconnectedness of the body of Christ means that we make disciples via the community of faith.

• Breaking it down to the core of three allows for good interaction and a bond of people working together toward God’s goal of reaching the nations.

• We are not “on our own” making disciples but we are also not “expecting” the professionals to do the job.

Why Limit the Group to 3 people?

1. It allows time for simple loving accountability with transparency.

2. It is easy for three people to find time to meet.

3. A group of only three people assures you can minister adequately to each other and to minister together to outsiders.

N X N – N = LC

Why Limit the Group to 3 people?

4. A group of three encourages a simple model for multiplication- 3-2-4 (3 to the 4th generation) as opposed to adding to the group. As groups start groups to the fourth generation, members see the Lord using them in a big way and God begins a movement.

Why Limit the Group to 3 people?

5. Just about anyone can find two people to walk with in the process. 6. A group of three encourages growth to be outward and generational as opposed to attractional or personality based, curriculum based, or focused around a skilled leader. 7. A small group of three does not require special gifts / talents, only a commitment to one another’s growth in the Lord.

Why Limit the Group to 3 people?

8. Three people meeting together doesn't threaten any church program or fellowship. 9. Meeting with two other people you trust encourages people to be honest and real. The perceived need to wear a mask of religious adequacy is diminished. 10. In Anti-Christian contexts a meeting of 3 is less noticeable and easier to facilitate in a variety of venues.

Why Limit the Group to 3 people?

• A cord of three is not easily broken : Ecc 4:9-12.

• The Lord chose to reveal himself to us as a Trinity. 3 Persons who function as one in perfect harmony, the perfect example of community.

• *** The use of three’s throughout this model is primarily functional to keep things simple and easy to grasp.***

3 important parables

• Matthew 13:44-45• Matthew 13:31-32• Matthew 21:28-32• What is the main point of the parable?• How does the parable relate to making

disciples of all peoples?

Multiplication Activity

• Demonstrate for the group how it multiplies.• Take two from the audience and with you they

form the 1st gen group. • Two form 2nd gen groups while you start a

second 1st gen group. Each time pick others from the audience.

• Point out different probable scenarios, including new people coming to faith.


• The list below is to be used as the lesson content during the second part of the small group meeting. Other lesson content can be substituted, however it is critical to keep it simple enough to be understood and obeyed week by week. There is a process in place to learn the new lesson (master it) share it with others and most importantly to obey it.

• This content teaches the big picture of the Christian walk and then the specifics of how to follow Jesus in daily life.

Graphic of Lesson Content

Overview of the Lesson Content

• Section One: The Gospel– A Sinless Life – A Sacrificial Death – A Settled future through the Resurrection

• How the gospel affects those who believe: – We are rescued – can’t save ourselves– We are redeemed – can’t pay for our sins– We are reconciled- can’t get in right relationship

Overview of the Lesson Content

• Section Two: Three Stories• His Story – the good news of Jesus’s life, death

and resurrection. • My Story – how I was rescued through the

gospel.• Our Story – how the gospel makes us a family

of faith who follow Christ together. **The three person group experience becomes the basis for “Our Story” testimony. **

Overview of the Lesson Content

• Section Three: • Three Pillars of Following Christ• 1) The Great Conformity• 2) The Great Commandment• 3) The Great Commission

** *These three pillars undergird the three parts of the small group meeting.***

Overview of the Lesson Content

• Section Five: Three Great Outcomes• 1) Hope• 2) Love • 3) Faith

Paul was always looking for these outcomes in the churches.

Overview of the Lesson Content

• Section four: Three Great Resources to help us follow Christ. • 1) God’s Spirit• 2) God’s Word• 3) God’s People

Overview of the Lesson Content

• Section Six: Three Relationships where discipleship is lived out. • 1. With God• 2. With People• 3. With the World

• *** Most of the lessons are a part of these three relationships. Within these relationships is where we learn to follow Christ and make disciples. ***

Steps to Implement 3 Stories• Catch the Vision: Making Disciples three people at a time. God

can use you to make disciples! That is why you are on earth. Eph 2:10, Matt 28:18-20, 2 Tim 2:2. What if everything in your life was structured around making disciples?

• Find two friends: The three of you must trust each other because you must be transparent with one another. Make a commitment to follow the Lord together for at least 9-12 months.

• Experience the joy of authentic fellowship and ministry together. Biblical Body Life through the small group process. Learn how to meet together to establish three foundational pillars of following Christ – the Great Conformity, the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. Follow the outline of lessons, building a life and group that is centered in the gospel and committed to making disciples.

How to facilitate the small group

• Part 1 – Connection with one another. [Foundation for this part is the Great Conformity to Christ]. Hebrews 10:23-25

• Report : What has God been doing and saying to you this week? – How are you doing personally? How can we pray for you? – Who have you shared the gospel with this week?– Who have you spent time training or sharing truth with this week? – What loving acts have you done to demonstrate the love of God

this week? • Refresh – encourage one another in the love of Christ• Refocus – review the vision and set personal goals to grow in


How to facilitate the small group• Part 2 – Connection to God – [the foundation for this part

is the Great Commandment] Mat 22:37-39• Meet – take time to praise and thank God in prayer. • Meditate: spend time in God’s Word looking to find His

truth to obey. T-A-P into the Word. – T – What does this passage teach us about God, people and

the world? – A – What adjustment do I need to make in my life to the truth

of this passage? (rebuke, correct)– P – How does this truth prepare me to minister to others

(training in righteousness)?• Master: each person master’s the main point of the

lesson and plans to share it with someone the following week.

How to facilitate the small group

• Part 3 – Connection to outsiders [the foundation for this part is the Great Commission.] Mat 28:18-20

• Plan – list specific names to share the gospel with, to train (disciple), and to do loving acts of kindness toward in the upcoming week.

• Pray – for the names of those listed• Penetrate – Go out in grace and power!

Frequently Asked Questions• 1) Can groups combine to form a new church?

Yes, of course, if that is the way the Lord leads. The first aim of the process is to enable many believers to get moving to make disciples and then to multiply by multiplying groups. New believers will often be integrated into established local churches, however, it is often most strategic to start new churches through them.

Frequently Asked Questions

• HOW DO THE GROUPS MULTIPLY? • Through the weekly outreach to others, the Lord will

provide new converts, believers who need training, believers needing genuine community and other who are touched through the loving acts done for them. Group members are taught to use 3 stories to evangelize, cast vision for community and growth. Out of the overflow of obedience new groups will form. The original group members will start new groups themselves and sometimes mentor other groups as they start.

• Plant the vision of 3-2-4 from the first.

Frequently Asked Questions

• WHO LEADS THE GROUP? • Usually there is one person who initiates the groups

formation and they are generally the facilitator. Since it is a group of three friends, the process is easily learned by the others and flows without a lot of leadership.

• Healthy groups have all the members take the lead in facilitating week to week.

• Sometimes a fourth person facilitates for a time to get a group moving in the process and then they step out and shadow-mentor.

Frequently Asked Questions

• ARE THERE MATERIALS? • Yes, there is a chart of all the suggested lessons with

complete worksheets for the first 25 weeks. After the first few weeks the groups will understand how to do it on their own.

• Once again one can use other Biblical material as long as it is short enough to be mastered and obeyed weekly.


Frequently Asked Questions

• WHAT GOSPEL PRESENTATION IS USED? • HIS STORY : Any gospel presentation can be used

that is appropriate for one’s ministry context. There is a suggested model called 3-2-1 which focuses on the purpose of life. [3 levels of living, 2 roads, 1 way to eternal life, purpose and forgiveness. ]

• These materials emphasizes two things for evangelism: 1) Master a default model that you are comfortable and confident sharing. 2) Learn to share the gospel in a conversational manner.

Frequently Asked Questions• HOW DOES THE PROCESS DEVELOP PEOPLE? • M-E-E-T = MODEL-EQUIP-ENABLE-TRUST• MODEL – one group member shows the others how to:

facilitate the group, do the Bible study, share the gospel, put together a testimony etc.

• EQUIP – members practice these things weekly both in and out of the group until they become competent and confident.

• ENABLE – give each person opportunity to start their own new group. This is key to structure for growth and multiplication.

• TRUST – as people branch out we trust the Lord to work in and through them. We still give attention, support and mentoring but we become partners in the gospel.

Practice a Meeting • Purpose: Learning to walk by the revealed word of God without giving in to

distractions. • • Part One: Great Conformity - connecting with one another as we look back on the

week and talk about what God is doing in us (inward focus) as individuals and as a group.

• • Read together the group purpose statement: We will follow Jesus allowing him to

change our character and conduct to be like him, demonstrating our love for him by putting him first in all things and in all relationships and by helping others to become his followers as well.

• • Personal commitment statement: I will join with two others and together we will

encourage one another to be like Christ, connect with God to obediently follow His Word, and disciple others as we live out the gospel in our daily lives.

• Report:• How are you doing? (How was your week? What significant events

happened?) • What did God say and do this past week?• Who did you share Christ with this week, train this week or do loving acts

for this week? • Refresh: Use “one another” commands appropriate to the reporting, for

instance: Encourage one another, love one another, listen to one another, correct one another, respect one another… As each person shares what happened during the past week the others affirm them in Christ and encourage them to move forward in the walk with Christ.

• Refocus: pray for one another based on growth goals expressed by each person.

• Part Two: Great Commandment - focusing upward to express our Love to God and hearing what He has to teach us.

• Meet God: Spend some time praising and thanking God in prayer, seeking His face to set your hearts on Him. [Depending on the group and the setting, the group can sing or worship in a variety of ways.] This time is to get in tune with God and ready to hear from Him through His Word.]

• Meditate on what God has said: Read Nehemiah 6:1-4. T-A-P verse 3. • • T- TEACH: What is the main teaching of this verse? What does it teach us about

God, people and the world? • A – ADJUSTMENTS: What adjustments to I need to make after seeing the truth of

this verse? Is there a personal rebuke or corrective action I need to make to get my life in line with this verse.

• P – PREPARATION: How does this verse prepare me to minister to others. • • Memorize the phrase : “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down”. Share

the point of the lesson with someone this week. The main thing of making disciples will not be pushed out of my life.

• Part Three: Great Commission – looking outward to see where God is working and joining him to fulfill his mission. This part is focused on reaching out to specific people during the upcoming week. Each person will list specific persons in the following categories. This follows the pattern of Jesus (Matthew 9:35-37).

• Plan: Who will you share your faith with this week… Jesus preached the gospel of the Kingdom.

• Who will you train or cast vision to this week? Jesus taught in the synagogue and trained the 12.

• Who will you do acts of kindness for this week…Jesus felt compassion on the people with great needs and healed them.

• Pray: pray for the individuals who will be ministered to this week and for other opportunities the Lord provides.

• Set the time for the next meeting as well as time and place for joint ministry during the week.

• Penetrate: Go forth as followers of Jesus in the power of His Spirit. •

Big Rocks

• Demonstrate to the group the big rocks in the jar illustration.

• Give them sticky note pads (1 large and one small) and one sheet of paper.

• On the big note pads they write their big rocks.• On the little pads they write all the small things

that occupy their lives. • Where does disciple-making fit? Goal: make

disciple-making a big rock!

Top of the Stack

• The dynamics of juggling life priorities. • Not 1-2-3 everyday. • It is giving the right amounts of time at the right time in

the right way over a consistent period of time. • 3 stories is designed to help believers put disciple-

making at the top of the stack. • Make a commitment to join with two other believers for

9-12 months of meeting in three connections with the intent to start new groups to the fourth generation.