Stragey and Tactics for the Developmentof the Agency by Icici

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  • 8/14/2019 Stragey and Tactics for the Developmentof the Agency by Icici




    Submitted By:

    Name: ANKUR JAINRoll no: 05014



  • 8/14/2019 Stragey and Tactics for the Developmentof the Agency by Icici



    There is always a sense of gratitude which one express to other for the helpful so needy

    services they render during all phases of life. I would like to express my gratitude

    towards all those who have been helpful to me in getting this mighty task of training to

    a successful end.

    First of all, I consider it a pleasant duty to express my heart felt appreciation, gratitude

    and indebtedness to my guide for his keen interest, invaluable pain taking & excellent

    guidance, patience, endurance, encouragement & thoughtful advice throughout the

    project work duration.

    I would also like to be thankful to Mr. VISHAL SHARMA Unit Manager (ICICI

    Prudential Life Insurance, New Delhi), who has given me the right way to prepare

    my project report.

    I would like to thank COL. ASHOK PANDIT whose guidance inspride me to complete

    this project easily

    I would take this opportunity to thank all my family members for their helps &

    suggestions during the course of project work. I am also thankful to all my friends who

    gave me constant & continuous inspiration to complete this project.

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    CHAPTER 2:


    CHAPTER 3:




    CHAPTER 4:






    4.5: FAQs

    CHAPTER 5:





    5.4: TERM POLICY

    5.5: ANNUITY



    CHAPTER 6:

    IRDA ACT 1999


    CHAPTER 7:

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    CHAPTER 8:



    9.2: PRODUCTS

    9.3: RIDERS



    CHAPTER 9:







    CHAPTER 10:


    CHAPTER 11:


    CHAPTER 12:


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    The Indian Insurance Industry is broadly segmented into

    public and private insurance companies. Before year 2000,

    only public sector insurance companies were allowed to do

    business in India. But after year 2000, insurance sector was

    thrown open for private insurance companies as well.

    But as of now there now around12 private life insurance

    companies and around 9 private non-life insurance

    companies doing business in India.

    This report is prepared with an aim to provide the

    development of present Indian Insurance Industry. Also with

    LIC, heading the public life insurance companies and ICICI

    Prudential heading the private life insurance players, this

    report also provides a comparative analysis of HDFC

    Standard life insurance, Aviva life insurance, Birla sunlife

    insurance Vs. ICICIs Forever Life policies.

    Based on this report , the prospecting insurance customers

    would get help in choosing the right insurance products for


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    Insurance An Introduction

    Insurance may be described as a social device to ensure

    protection of economic value of life and other assets. Under

    the plan of insurance, a large number of people associate

    themselves by sharing risks attached to individuals. The

    risks, which can be insured against, include fire, the perils of

    sea, death and accidents and burglary. Any risk contingentupon these, may be insured against at a premium

    commensurate with the risk involved. Thus collective bearing

    of risk is insurance.

    Insurance is a contract whereby, in return for the payment of

    premium by the insured, the insurers pay the financial

    losses suffered by the insured as a result of the occurrence of

    unforeseen events. The term "risk" is used to describe the

    possibility of adverse results flowing from any occurrence or

    the accidental happenings, which produce a monetary loss.

    Insurance is a pool in which a large number of people

    exposed to a similar risk make contributions to a common

    fund out of which the losses suffered by the unfortunate few,

    due to accidental events, are made good. The sharing of risk

    among large groups of people is the basis of insurance. The

    losses of an individual are distributed over a group of


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    General definition:

    In the words of John Magee, Insurance is a plan by

    themselves which large number of people associate and

    transfer to the shoulders of all, risks that attach to


    Fundamental definition:

    In the words of D.S. Hansell, Insurance accumulated

    contributions of all parties participating in the scheme.

    Contractual definition: In the words of justice Tindall,

    Insurance is a contract in which a sum of money is paid to

    the assured as consideration of insurers incurring the risk of

    paying a large sum upon a given contingency.

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    Characteristics of insurance

    Sharing of risks

    Cooperative device

    Evaluation of risk

    Payment on happening of a special event

    The amount of payment depends on the nature of losses


    The success of insurance business depends on the large

    number of people insured against similar risk.

    Insurance is a plan, which spreads the risk and losses of

    few people among a large number of people.

    The insurance is a plan in which the insured transfers his

    risk on the insurer.

    Insurance is a legal contract which is based upon certain

    principles of insurance which includes, utmost good faith,insurable interest, contribution, indemnity, causas

    proxima, subrogation, etc.

    The scope of insurance is much wider and extensive.

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    Functions of insurance:

    Primary functions:

    1. Provide protection:- Insurance cannot check the

    happening of the risk, but can provide for the losses of


    2. Collective bearing of risk: - Insurance is a device to share

    the financial losses of few among many others.

    3. Assessment of risk: - Insurance determines the probable

    volume of risk by evaluating various factors that give rise

    to risk.

    4. Provide certainty: - Insurance is a device, which helps to

    change from uncertainty to certainty.

    Secondary functions:

    1. Prevention of losses: - Insurance cautions businessman

    and individuals to adopt suitable device to prevent

    unfortunate consequences of risk by observing safety


    2. Small capital to cover large risks: - Insurance relives the

    businessman from security investment, by paying small

    amount of insurance against larger risks and uncertainty.

    3. Contributes towards development of larger industries.

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    Other Function:

    Means of savings and investment:

    Insurance companies are business houses. The product they

    sell is financial protection. To succeed and survive, they

    must cover their costs, which include payments to cover the

    losses of policyholders, as well as sales and administrative

    expenses, taxes and dividends.

    Insurance companies have two sources of income for

    covering these costs: premiums and investment income.

    The premiums are collected on a regular basis and invested

    in Government Bonds, Gilt, stocks, mutual funds, real

    estates and other conservative avenues. However, investment

    income depends on market conditions, interest rates,

    economy etc. and varies from year to year. Because of the

    uncertainty associated with the investment income,

    insurance companies must generate enough income from

    premiums to cover the bulk of their expenses.

    The risk becomes insurable if the following requirements

    are complied with:

    The insured must suffer financial loss if the risk operates.

    The loss must be measurable in money,

    The object of the insurance contract must be legal.

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    The insurer should have sufficient knowledge about the

    risks he accepts.

    Fundamentals of Insurance

    The fundamental Principles of the Insurance are as follows:

    Insurable Interest: Insurable interest means the legalright to insure. Insurable Interest is a must and only then

    the insurance contract is enforceable at law. This principle

    differentiates a Contract of insurance from wager. Lack of

    insurable interest renders the contract null and void. For

    Insurable Interest to exist there must be Property, Rights,

    Interest, Life or Liability; this must be insured and theInsured should have a legally recognizable relationship

    thereto. The Insured should be benefited by the safety of

    the property or is prejudiced by its loss. Insurable Interest

    may arise in the following manner:

    1. Ownership: Absolute ownership entitles the owner to

    insure the property. This is the commonest method

    whereby Insurable Interest arises.

    2. Partial Interest is also insurable e.g. a mortgagee. A

    creditor can also insure the life of his debtor but only to

    the extent of his loan.

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    3. Administrators and executors i.e. officials appointed by a

    court of law to take care of a property may also insure theproperty.

    4. Relationship does not automatically constitute insurable

    interest. The only relationship recognized by law for this

    purpose is the one between a husband and wife.

    5. An employer can insure his employee under a Personal

    Accident Policy as he has insurable interest in them.

    Proximate cause: Generally, the claims are payable under

    insurance policies if they arise out of events which are

    proximately caused by the insured perils. In other words,

    the proximate cause of the event has to be peril covered by

    the policy, so as to constitute a valid claim.

    Contribution: An insured may have several insurance on

    the same subject matter. If he recovers his loss under all

    these insurance, he will obviously make a profit out of

    loss. This will be an infringement of the principle of

    indemnity. Common Law has, therefore, evolved the

    doctrine of contribution whereby the insured is prevented

    from recovering more than his loss, despite his having

    several insurance on the subject matter.

    Subrogation: The principle of indemnity seeks to prevent

    the insured from making profit out of loss. However, it

    may so happen that that the insured may recover his loss

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    under his policy and he may also have rights against third

    parties. If, after the insurance claim is settled, the insuredis allowed to enforce his rights against third parties and to

    retain whatever damages he receives from them, he will

    certainly make a profit and the principle of indemnity will

    be infringed.

    Common Law has therefore, evolved the doctrine of

    subrogation as corollary to the principle of indemnity.

    Subrogation may be defined as the transfer of rights and

    remedies of the insured to the insurers who have

    indemnified the insured in respect of the loss. The

    Common Law right of subrogation is implied an all

    contracts on indemnity, as it arises only after payment of


    Utmost Good Faith: In all General Insurance contracts

    we know that a property or interest or liability or life is

    offered for insurance and the insured has to take decisions

    on the acceptance of the proposal. If he decides to accept

    the proposal a premium commensurate with the risk has

    to be charged. To enable him to take necessary decision in

    this regard, the insurer must have certain facts about the

    risk offered. These facts influence the judgment of the

    insurer in deciding about the acceptance or otherwise of

    the risk and the rate of premium to be charged, if

    accepted. Such facts are known as material facts.

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    When the insured pays the premium and the insurers accept

    the risks, the contract of insurance is concluded. The policy

    issued by the insurers is the evidence of the contract. The

    contract of insurance, like any other contract, for example a

    contract for the sale of goods, is subject to the general law of

    contract as embodied in the Indian ContractAct,1872.

    According to this Act, a contract must have certain essential

    features in order to make it legally valid and enforceable. The

    following are the essential elements:

    a) Offer and acceptance: Usually, the offer is made by the

    proposer, and acceptance made by the insurer.

    b) Consideration: This means that the contract must involve

    some mutual benefit to the parties. The premium is the

    consideration from the insured and the promise to indemnity

    is the consideration from the insurers.

    c) Agreement between the parties: Both the parties should

    agree to the same thing in the same sense.

    d) Capacity of the parties: Both the parties to the contract

    must legally competent to enter into the contract. For

    example, minors cannot enter into insurance contracts.

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    e) Legality: The object of the contract must be legal and the

    contract should not violate any legal requirements. E.g. noinsurance can be had for smuggled goods.


    Reasonable or not, risks are inescapable in business. Every

    business venture is something of a gamble, because the

    possibility of loss is as real as the prospects for profits. And

    even though managers do everything possible to ensure that

    their business succeed, they cannot guard against every

    conceivable form of risk.

    Pure Risk versus Speculative Risk:

    Pure Risk: Events representing the kind of risk that no

    business can predict or escape, known as Pure Risk, it is

    the threat of a loss without the possibility of gain. In other

    words, a disaster such as avalanche or fire is costly for the

    business it strikes, but the fact that no disaster occurs

    contributes nothing to a firm's profit.

    Speculative Risk: It is the type of risk that offers the

    prospect of making profit - and prompts people to go into

    business in the first place. Every business accepts the

    possibility of losing money in order to make money.

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    Approaches to Risk Management

    Risk Management is the process of reducing the threat of

    loss due to uncontrollable events. Steps in selecting a risk

    management approach:

    To identify all the things those can possibly go wrong.

    To consider the probability that an event will occur.

    Techniques of Risk Management are:

    1. Avoiding the Risk: When a company avoids risk, it

    eliminates the possibility that a particular event will occur.

    To avoid the possibility of a suit, for example, not to produceany products -which would, of course, eliminate both the

    threats of a lawsuit and the opportunity to profit. With rare

    exceptions, avoiding risk entirely is extremely difficult.

    2. Reducing Risk: A more practical approach is to reduce

    the risk by taking precautions. Risk reduction is an

    important element in most companies' approach to risk

    management. Typical precautions include putting safety

    locks on doors to prevent robberies, installing overhead

    sprinklers to minimize fire damage, and periodic checking

    motor vehicles to prevent accidents.

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    3. Assuming risk: Many companies draw on current

    revenues or set aside a "Contingency Fund" to coverunexpected losses. Setting aside money on regular basis

    could be cheaper than purchasing insurance. Moreover, the

    company can earn interest on the reserved cash. Such

    assumption of risk is also called self-insurance or risk


    4. Transferring the risk: Most companies still rely on

    outside insurance firms for financial protection against

    catastrophic losses. In buying insurance, companies transfer

    the risk of loss to an insurance firm, which agrees to pay for

    certain types of losses. In exchange, the insurance firm

    collects a fee known as a premium.

    Insurable and uninsurable risks:

    Insurable risks: An insurable risk - one that an insurable

    company will cover - Generally meets the following

    requirements. The peril insured against must not be under

    the control of the Insured. This means, of course that insurer

    do not pay for losses that are intentionally caused by an

    insured, caused at the Insured's direction, or caused with the

    insured's collusion. For example, a fire insurance policy

    excludes loss caused by the Insureds own arson. It does,

    however, include loss caused by an employee's arson. Losses

    must be calculable, and the cost of insuring must be

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    economically feasible. To operate profitably, insurance

    companies must have data on the frequency of losses caused

    by a given peril. If this information covers a long period of

    time and is based on a large number of cases, Insurance

    companies can usually predict quite accurately how many

    losses will occur in the future. For example, the insurance

    companies to fix up the rate of premium of Personal Accident

    Insurance may use the information of the number of people

    who will die each year in India in accidents. The peril must

    be unlikely to affect all insured simultaneously. Unless an

    insurance company spreads its coverage over large

    geographic areas or a broad population base or different

    classes of Insurance, a single disaster might force it to pay

    out all its policies at once. The possible loss must be

    financially serious to the Insured. An Insurance company

    could not afford the paperwork involved in handling

    numerous small claims of a few Rupees each. As a result,

    many policies have a clause specifying that the insurance

    company will pay only that part of a loss greater than an

    amount - the deductible or excess - stated in the policy. The

    excess represents small losses that the Insured has to


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    Life Assurance was born in England when the first

    policy providing temporary cover for a period of 12

    months was issued as easy as 1583 A.D. The Amicable

    Society started granting fluctuating sum on death since

    1705 and a fix sum since 1757, With the development of

    mortality tables, the life Assurance acquired a scientific

    character. The Equitable Society founded in 1762 was

    the first Society established on scientific basis.


    In India, after failure of two British companies, the

    European and the Albert in 1870, which attempted

    writing business on Indian lives, first Indian Life

    Assurance Society was formed in the same year called

    Bombay Mutual Assurance Society Ltd. It was followed

    by the Oriental Life Assurance Company Limited in

    1874, Bharat in 1896 and Empire of India in 1897. The

    Idea of insurance was born out of a desire of the people

    to share loss of an individual by many. Originally it

    restricted to forms other than life assurance. It started

    with Marine Insurance, where the losses on account of

    perils of sea were shared by all who were engaged in

    trade. Reference to some forms of insurance, is found in

    the codes of Hammurabi, Manu (Manav Dharma

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    Shastra). The word `Yogakshema is used in the Rig

    Veda suggesting that some form of community insurancewas practiced by the Aryans in India over 3000 years

    ago. In India during Buddhist period burial societies

    existed which were mutual in their character and used

    to help a family by building a house, protecting the

    widow, marrying the girls.

    The Swadeshi Movement of 1905 provided impetus to

    the formation of several companies such as the

    `Hindustan Cooperative, the `United India, the

    `Bombay Life, the `National. Further in the wake of

    freedom movement number of companies such as the

    `New India, the `Jupiter the `Lakshmi emerged.

    The Government began to exercise a certain measure of

    control on Insurance business by passing the

    `Insurance Act in 1912. For controlling investment of

    funds, expenditure and management, a comprehensive

    Act was passed known as `The Insurance Act 1938. For

    controlling the affairs, the office of Controller of

    Insurance was established. The act was extensively

    amended in 1950.

    In the year 1955, approximately 170 Insurance Offices

    and 80 Provident Fund Societies had been registered for

    transacting Life Assurance business in India. There

    were, however, no full guarantees to the policyholders.

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    The concept of trusteeship was lacking. Many insurance

    companies went into liquidation. There weremalpractices in insurance business. For achieving the

    following purposes it was felt necessary to nationalize

    the insurance business in India. To provide security to

    the policyholders

    (i) To utilize the funds for nation-building activities.

    (ii) To avoid cut throat competition

    (iii) To abolish mal-practices

    (iv) To spread the insurance message to the rural


    The first step in this direction was taken by the

    Government of India by issuing the Life Insurance (the

    Emergency provisions) Ordinance, 1956 on 19th

    January, 1956. The then Finance Minister, Shri C. D.

    Deshmukh mentioned the purpose of nationalisation as

    reaching the goal of socialistic pattern of society,

    rendering genuine service to the people in the rural

    area. The Life Insurance Corporation Act (Act XXXI

    of1956) was passed by the Parliament in June 1956

    which came in force on 1st July 1956. The Life

    Insurance Corporation of India came into existence on

    1st September 1956.

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    Insurance Sector Reforms

    Having looked at the insurance sector, let us look at the

    efforts made by the government to make the industry more

    dynamic and customer friendly. To begin with, the Malhotra

    committee was set up with the objective of suggesting

    changes that would achieve the much required dynamism.

    The Malhotra Committee Report

    In 1993, Malhotra Committee, headed by former Finance

    Secretary and RBI Governor R. N. Malhotra, was formed to

    evaluate the Indian insurance industry and recommend its

    future direction. In 1994, the committee submitted the report

    and gave the following recommendations:


    Government stake in the insurance Companies to be

    brought down to 50%

    Government should take over the holdings of GIC and its

    subsidiaries so that these subsidiaries can act asindependent-corporations

    All the insurance companies should be given greater

    freedom to operate

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    Market Regulations :

    Private Companies with a minimum paid up capital of

    Rs.1bn should be allowed to enter the industry

    No Company should deal in both Life and General

    Insurance through a single entity

    Foreign companies may be allowed to enter the industry in

    collaboration with the domestic companies

    Postal Life Insurance should be allowed to operate in the

    rural market

    Only one State Level Life Insurance Company should be

    allowed to operate in each state

    Regulatory Body

    The Insurance Act should be changed

    An Insurance Regulatory body should be set up

    Controller of Insurance (Currently a part from the FinanceMinistry) should be made independent


    Mandatory Investments of LIC Life Fund in government

    securities to be reduced from 75% to 50%

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    GIC and its subsidiaries are not to hold more than 5% in

    any company (There current holdings to be brought downto this level over a period of time)

    Customer Service

    LIC should pay interest on delays in payments beyond 30


    Insurance companies must be encouraged to set up unit

    linked pension plans

    Computerization of operations and updating of technology

    to be carried out in the insurance industry

    Overall, the committee strongly felt that in order to improve

    the customer services and increase the coverage of the

    insurance industry should be opened up to competition.

    But at the same time, the committee felt the need to exercise

    caution as any failure on the part of new players could ruin

    the public confidence in the industry.

    Hence, it was decided to allow competition in a limited way

    by stipulating the minimum capital requirement of Rs.1 bn.

    This amount is not very high for foreign firms, as it

    translates to only about US$25 million. Further, to date it is


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    whether equity should be payable in one go or should be

    brought in as installments. Also, the foreign equityparticipation was to be restricted to only 40%.

    The committee felt the need to provide greater autonomy to

    insurance companies in order to improve their performance

    and enable them to act as independent companies with

    economic motives. For this purpose, it had proposed setting

    up an independent regulatory body.

    The industry and analysts find that there is lack of clarity in

    the following areas:-

    Though coverage of rural areas was to be made

    compulsory, it raises the question as to who would

    subsidies the rural policies as they would be difficult to

    service and hence costs will go up.

    There is some confusion with respect to investments.

    Where should the funds be invested? Currently 70% of the

    funds with LIC & GIC are invested in Government

    securities. Would new entrants be allowed to invest in GOIsecurities?

    The report also does not enumerate exit options available

    to the new entrants. In the event of failure, there should

    be an arrangement made whereby the other

    Companies pool in to bail the customers, who in allprobability would be middle class individuals.

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    Potentiality of Insurance in Indian market

    Marketing inefficiency of general insurers has kept

    society in dark even when so many personal as well as

    commercial lines of insurance covers are available for

    them. Insurers have failed to identify the need of the

    individual risk factors and thereafter selecting proper

    market segments and developing demand of these needs

    by adopting proper marketing mix. There is great scope

    of commercial line of insurance as we are developing at

    a very fast rate but the potentiality and scope of

    personal lines of insurance is vast as this areas is still

    under-tapped. Product designing and pricing is also

    simple and growth of this portfolio is guaranteed in this

    country which has a base of over 100 crore population,

    where there are about 25 crore dwellings, 20 crore

    schools, colleges and educational institutions and about

    5 crore small and big shops. But despite this the Indian

    insurers share in personal line of business is very low or


    There are enormous growth opportunities to Indian as

    well as foreign insurers because of such a huge base of

    population there is ample scope to introduce the new

    line of covers as per the changing needs and to increase

    the per capita share of the insurance by encouraging

    risk transfer by investing small portion of the savings ofthe individuals.

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    Marketing was accepted as a organizational imperative.

    It was felt that alignment of marketing in the insurance

    business would identify the most profitable markets now

    and in future; would be helpful in assessing the present

    and future needs of the users; would be instrumental in

    setting business development goals; would be successful

    in making time honored plans to translate them into

    realities and would manage various customer services,

    in addition to their promotion in the socio-economic

    parlance. All these outstanding properties of marketing

    practices make it clear that insurance business can't

    flourish unless overall marketing decisions are

    innovated, more so when the industrially advanced

    countries of the world have been found successful in

    drawing the positive results by including marketing


    The term insurance marketing refers to the marketing of

    insurance services with the motto of customerorientation which makes possible a * blending of

    customer satisfaction and profit generation. It is meant

    growing the market; it is meant needs oriented

    development of product; it is meant formulation of

    product mix; it is meant making of suitable pricing

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    decisions; it is meant designing of sensitive promotional

    strategies and further it is also meant scientificapproach to the management of events so that

    qualitative or quantitative improvements are made


    No doubt a few insurance companies have effective

    marketing operations, however there are a few typical

    insurance companies where the marketing functions

    diffused throughout the organization with no one

    executive responsible for overall marketing activities,

    such as advertising at the expense of others, such as

    providing adequate customer service at teller windows.

    On the other hand, it is also found that some of the

    insurance companies have recently recognized the

    significance of marketing concern where executives are

    responsible for overall marketing performance.

    Insurance companies tend toward a strong sales

    orientation, sin the services they sell, although certainly

    necessary ones, rarely sell themselves. Potential

    policyholders are reluctant to think about disaster a

    death. So they postpone planning for these possibilities

    until they are contacted and influenced by insurance

    agents. Thus the insurance company's natural

    orientation is toward sales, not marketing. But in the

    modern business world, the marketing concept insists

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    on fixing of account ability for overall marketing


    The selection of risks (Product planning), policy writing

    (customer service), rating or actuarial (pricing) and

    agency management (distraction) - all marketing

    activities make up an integrated market strategy.

    Effective Product Planning

    Insurance Product:

    The insurance business is concerned with the

    guaranteeing compensation in the event of loss, damage

    to property, or death. The present day insurance or the

    protection as provided by the Life Insurance Corporationor other companies pertaining to life has its basis

    concept that the individual or groups seeking protection

    must earn a surplus over the cost of maintaining and

    then pay a premium out of the income. For this purpose

    the insurance business is based on a mutual and basic

    desire to protect the loss of one's property and loss dueto death of an individual.

    In the insurance business, the Insurance companies are

    found engaged in selling services. And so, services are

    their products. Thus a product is also called a bundle of

    utilities consisting of various product features and

    accompanying services. When a man or a company buys

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    a policy from the insurance companies, not only the

    policies a bought but the agent's assistance and advice,the prestige of the insurance companies, the facilities of

    claims and compensations are also bought.

    In the Indian context, the Life Insurance Corporation of

    India (LIC) and the General Insurance Corporation of

    India (GICI) are the two leading Corporations engaged in

    offering insurance services to the concern users. The

    LIC's main products are policies, annuities, cre facilities

    to individual and companies and consultancy service

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    that policy makers consider the needs and requirements

    of almost all the segments.

    The policy makers have to frame such strategies, which

    help corporations in accomplishing the objectives. The

    product decisions become significant to make the

    marketing decisions sensitive. This automatically throws

    a sense of responsibility on the shoulders of Date

    Processing Department to manage the information in

    such a way that provides authentic or reliable

    information regarding the needs - hierarchy and taste -

    preferences of the potential policyholders. The feed back

    received from the factual policyholders would influence

    the elimination process. If they are not responding

    positively, either the produce should be eliminated or in

    place or opting for a new policy; some amendments in

    the provisions of old policies or annuities may also serve

    our purpose.

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    Whole life policy: These are low-cost insurance

    plans where the sum assured is payable on the death of

    the insured

    A typical whole life policy runs as long as the policyholder is

    alive. In other words, the risk is covered for the entire life of

    the policyholder, which is why it is known as whole life


    The policy money and the bonus are payable only to the

    nominee of the beneficiary upon the death of the

    policyholder. The policyholder is not entitled to any money

    during his or her own lifetime, i.e. there is no survival


    Whole life policies are fairly rigid and inflexible and are

    suitable only in a few, very specific cases.

    Whole Life Policy can be a good initial policy to buy since its

    cost is very low. That is an important consideration when one

    is just starting a care

    Endowment policy: Under these plans, the sum assured is

    pay-able on the maturity of the policy or in case of death of

    the insured individual before maturity of the policy.

    Endowment policies cover the risk for a specified period at

    the end of which the sum assured is paid back to the

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    policyholder along with the entire bonus accumulated during

    the term of the policy. It is this feature - the payment of theendowment to the policyholder upon the completion of the

    policys term -, which rightly accounts for the popularity of

    endowment policies. The original sum assured and the

    accumulated bonus - received back comes handy from the

    endowment can either be used for buying an annuity policy

    to generate a monthly pension for the whole life, or put it in

    any other suitable investment of his choice. As compared to

    whole life policies, the premium rates for endowment policies

    are higher and the bonus rates are lower. On the plus side,

    these polices offer an endowment - representing a return on

    his premium payments payable to him in his own lifetime

    when the policy comes to an end.

    Money back policy:

    Unlike ordinary endowment insurance plans where the

    survival benefits are payable only at the end of the

    endowment period, money back policies provide for periodic

    payments of partial survival benefits during the term of thepolicy, of course so long as the policy holder is alive.

    An important feature of this type of policies is that in the

    event of death at any time within the policy term, the death

    claim comprises full sum assured without deducting any of

    the survival benefit amounts, which may have already been

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    paid as money-back components. Similarly, the bonus is also

    calculated on the full sum assured

    Under money back policies premiums can be paid as per the

    insurance companys policy. These could be quarterly, half

    yearly or annually. The premiums for these policies are

    payable for the selected term of years, or till death if it occurs


    By buying such policies one can receive income at regular

    intervals other than the risk cover it provides. Also a good

    amount of bonus on the full sum assured is quite a good


    Term policy:

    Under these plans, the sum assured is payable only on the

    death of the insured individual before expiry of the policy.

    Term policies; cover only the risk during the selected term

    period. If the policyholder survives the term, the risk cover

    comes to an end.

    A Term plan is designed to meet the needs of people who are

    initially unable to pay the larger premium required for a

    whole life or an endowment assurance policy, but they hope

    to be able to pay for such a policy in the near future.

    No surrender, loan or paid-up values are granted under

    these policies because reserves are not accumulated. If the

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    premium is not paid with the days of grace, the policy will

    lapse without acquiring a paid-up value.

    However, a lapsed policy may be revived during the lifetime of

    the life assured but before the expiry of the period of two

    years from the due date of the first unpaid premium on the

    usual terms. Accident and / or Disability benefits are not

    granted on policies under the Term plan.

    Annuity (Pension Plan):

    These plans provide for either immediate or deferred pension

    for life. The pension payments are made till the death of the

    annuitant (per-son who has a pension plan) unless the policy

    has provision of guaranteed period.

    An annuity is an investment that one make, either in

    a single lump sum or through installments paid over

    a certain number of years, in return for which one

    receive back a specific sum every year, every half-

    year or every month, either for l ife or for a f ixed

    number ofyears.

    After the death of the annuitant or after the f ixed

    annuity period expires for annuity payments, the

    invested annuity fund is refunded, perhaps along

    with a small addition, calculated at that time.

    Annuit ies di ffer from all the other forms of life

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    insurance discussed so far in one fundamental way -

    an annuity does not provide any life insurance croverbut, instead, offers a guaranteed income either for

    life or a certain period.

    Typically annuities are bought to generate income

    during ones retired life, which is why they are also

    called pension plans. Annuity premiums and

    payments are fixed with reference to the duration of

    human life. Joint life policy:

    Joint life policies are similar to endowment policies in as

    much as these policies also offer maturity benefits to thepolicyholders, apart form covering the risks as all life

    insurance policies.

    But these are categorized separately as these cover two lives

    together thus offering a unique advantage in some cases;

    notable, for a married couple or for partners in a business


    Under a joint life policy the sum assured is payable on the

    first death and again on the death of the survivor during the

    term of the policy. Vested bonuses would also be paid

    besides the sum assured after the death of the survivor. If

    one or both the lives survive to the maturity date, the sum

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    assured as well as the vested bonuses are payable on the

    maturity date.

    The premiums payable cease on the first death or on the

    expiry of the selected term, whichever is earlier.

    Accident benefits equivalent to the sum assured are available

    under this plan on the first death. However, if both lives are

    covered under Double Accident Benefit (DAB), the surviving

    life is covered under DAB until the end of the policy year, in

    which the first life dies under the cover of the policy.

    These benefits are available with respect to both lives if

    Both lives perish simultaneously owing to an accident. To

    avoid such an eventuality, nomination is allowed under

    the policy OR

    Both die within the specified period as a result of the same

    accident OR

    The second life also dies in the same policy year as result of

    another accident. To avoid such an eventuality, nomination

    is allowed under the policy.

    Particularly for couples - Joint life policies provide dual-

    purpose income and risk protection for both belonging to

    every income group and class of society.

    Under a joint life plan though the premium payment stops

    after the first life's death, bonuses continue to accrue on the

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    basic Sum Assured till Maturity Date or till the death of the

    second life, if earlier.

    Group insurance:

    Group Insurance offers life insurance protection under group

    policies to various groups such as employer-employee,

    professionals, co-operatives, weaker sections of society etc. It

    also provides insurance coverage to people under certainapproved occupations at the lowest possible premium cost.

    Besides providing insurance coverage, it also offers group

    schemes to employers, which provide funding of gratuity and

    pension liabilities of the employers Group insurance plans

    have low premiums. Such plans are particularly beneficial to

    those for whom other regular policies are a costlierproposition. Group insurance plans extend cover to large

    segments of the population including those who cannot

    afford individual insurance. As such the premia one need to

    pay is comparatively lower and at the same time one can

    avail of insurance benefits.

    The main features of the schemes are low premium and

    simple insurability conditions. Premiums are based upon age

    combination of members, occupation and working conditions

    of the group.

    A number of group insurance schemes have been designed

    for various groups. These include employer-employee groups,associations of professionals (such as doctors, lawyers,

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    chartered accountants etc.), and members of cooperative

    banks, welfare funds, credit societies and weaker sections ofsociety. Creditor-Debtor groups are also offered group

    insurance schemes.

    Group insurance schemes providing uniform cover can be

    granted to outstanding loans. These groups are Members of

    primary housing societies where housing loans are granted

    by State Apex housing societies, borrowers granted loans by

    Institutional agencies in Public/Joint Sectors for housing

    purposes and borrower members of cooperative

    societies/banks formed by employees of the same employers

    Special plan:

    Special plans are insurance policy plans available from the

    national insurance providers to serve the needs of citizens

    that cannot be commonly classified or segregated. These

    special plans are designed to satisfy needs ranging from

    debt-clearance in event of the death of the insured to

    financial aid in the event of a medical mishap.

    Special plans also provide financial assistance for

    handicapped dependants as well as emergency surgery

    required if and when a medical condition arises. Since

    special plans are designed for people with diverse and

    specific needs, the average citizen may not necessarily need

    or use them. Yet, in the normal course of life, situations may

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    arise when one may need to provide for unplanned or

    unexpected contingencies and mishaps.

    Pricing Decisions

    In the insurance business, the pricing decisions are

    concerned with the premium charged against the

    policies, interest charged for defaulting the payment of

    premium and credit facilities, commission charged forunderwriting and consultancy activities etc. The

    formulation of pricing strategies becomes significant

    with the viewpoint of influencing the target market or

    the prospects. Particularly in the developing countries

    where the disposable income in the hands of prospects

    is low, the pricing decisions also govern thetransformation of potential policyholders into actual

    policyholders. Hence, this component of marketing mix

    occupies an outstanding place in the making of

    marketing decisions. The strategies may be in both the

    forms - high pricing strategy and the low pricing

    strategy, keeping in view the level or standard ofcustomers or the policyholders. Particularly when the

    Corporations have been fixing premium on the policies

    meant for the weaker sections of the society, it is very

    natural that the pricing strategies are low but the same

    strategy can't be followed for the affluent sections of the

    society. Even in insurance services, the Corporations fixpremium on the basis of costs, thus the cost of

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    insurance is found here a determining factor. The

    important bases for determining the cost are rate ofdeath, rate of interest and the expenses incurred on the

    insurance business. The mortality table helps

    determination of death rate. It is such data which record

    the past mortality and is put in such a form that can be

    used in estimating the course of future data. It is to

    predict future mortality. A large number of persons are

    selected and observed for death and survival rates. The

    best method of construction of mortality table is to

    select a large number of persons at attained age, which

    is meant age nearer to birth rate. The second important

    element to be considered is the interest rate. On the

    basis of mortality rate, it is estimated that when and

    how much amount would be received as premium and

    would be paid as claims but on the basis of interest

    rate, it is estimated that how much interest can be

    earned by investing the insurance funds. Interest table

    is prepared for computing the rate of interest. The last

    element is expanses. There are certain expenses which

    are incurred in the inception of the policy, certain

    expenses are recurring which incur every year on the

    policy, certain expenses incur only at the time of the

    end of the policy. This necessitates determination of the

    nature of expenses according to occurrence and equal

    distribution of the expenses every year for equable

    distribution of loading.

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    In view of the above, it emerges that in the making of

    pricing decisions, the calculation of premium rate isinfluenced by a number of factors. The growing

    management expenses or the growing costs of

    administration make the insurance policy costly.

    Besides, the investment decisions also govern the cost

    as unproductive investments are proved to be a burden.

    Contrary to it, if the insurance funds are invested in

    private companies, the rate of profitability can multiply.

    The expenses to be incurred on a policy also aggravate

    the costs of insurance. All these facts necessitate cost


    The pricing decisions make it essential that insures

    keep in mind the nature of policy and the category of

    prospects. An important task before the policy makers is

    to minimize the cost. Important positive developments in

    the socio-economic environment, growing health care

    facilities, rising standard of living, growing disposable

    income, increasing literacy are some of the important

    factors governing the rate of premium. The investment

    decisions of Insurance Corporations have also been

    instrumental in affecting the costs. If the Corporations

    prefer investments in government securities, no doubt

    the security would be of high magnitude but the rate of

    return of investments would be woefully low. This would

    prove to be a barrier, especially while minimizing the

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    costs, Contrary to it when the Insurance Corporations

    favour investments in the private sector, the rate ofreturn on investments would be handsome which would

    be helpful in minimizing the costs. Particularly in the

    Indian setting, the Corporations have been liberal to the

    public investments. This trend needs a departure, or at

    least a contraction in public investments.

    In the yester-decades, there has been a phenomenal

    growth in the standard of living of the masses. The

    medical facilities have also been increased to a

    considerable extent. The level of income shows a positive

    trend. All these positive developments have made

    possible a sharp reduction in the death rate.

    Particularly in the Life Insurance business, the rate of

    premium is directly linked with the death rate. "Higher

    the death rate, higher the premium" - "lower the death

    rate, it is judicious that the rate of premium is brought

    down. This would induce the potential policyholders and

    the insurance business would gain a rapid momentum.

    Thus, the thrust areas are:-

    Making Possible Cost effectiveness.

    Re-structuring of premiums.

    Due Priority to profit generating investments.

    Paving ways for generating business.

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    In the formulation of marketing mix, the promotional

    decisions play an effective role. If the promotional

    decisions are the tune with changing socio-economic

    environment, the marketers find it convenient to

    influence the potential users. Like banking services, the

    insurance services also depend on effective promotional

    measures. It is right to say that magnitude of

    dependence in the insurance services is of high

    magnitude. The creation of awareness is found very

    much instrumental in the generation of impulse buying.

    Particularly in the countries like ours where the rate of

    illiteracy is very high and the rural economy has a

    dominance in the national economy; it is essential that

    both the wings of promotion, e.g., personal and

    impersonal are given due weight age. The selection of

    agents and rural career agents and imparting to them

    proper training facilities so as to create the impulse

    buying is a part of personal communication where the

    agents exercise their best tact and ability to activate the

    task of transforming the potential policyholders into

    actual policyholders. The advertising and publicity

    measures, organization of conferences and seminars,

    incentives to the policyholders are impersonal

    communications. This makes, it clear that

    communication efforts between the Corporation and

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    actual or potential users either at the personal level or

    as a mass communication effort to change the villagers'attitude in particular become an integral part of

    marketing of insurance services. No doubt, a number of

    steps have been taken, especially after nationalization of

    insurance business; still the communication has not

    been so effective to get cent-per-cent result.

    Personal Promotion Strategies:

    The extent of dependence of insurance business on the

    services of agents or rural career agents is found of high

    magnitude. Since nationalization, we have tried our best

    to innovate the possible necessary changes in the

    regulatory provisions. It can't refute that some positivetrends have emerged even in the rural business still

    there are wider avenues for initiating qualitative

    improvements. The Rural Career Agents bear the

    responsibility of expanding rural business. They need to

    influence the illiterate masses, a task which is found

    more complicated, a goal which is found morecomplicated, a goal which is found partially

    accomplished and an obligation which is found un-ful-

    filled. The agents are required to be more active or say,

    the number of active agents is required to be increased.

    Millionaire agents also divert an intensive care. Agents

    who complete Rs. 10 lakhs and over new businessduring a year are known as millionaire agents. The

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    strengthening of agents' club can't be overlooked, if we

    are really interested in having a team-spirit of accomplishing the organizational goal. The most

    important thing here is to promote the "Career Agents'

    Scheme", in the urban areas and the "Rural Career

    Agents' Scheme" in the rural areas.

    Impersonal Promotion Strategies:

    Strateg ies can't serve our purpose and so, the

    impersonal promotion strategies are also required to

    be revamped. This diverts our attention on

    advertising, public relations and publicity measures.

    I t is fe lt that active co-ordination between the

    divisional offices and State Governments publicityset-up is required to keep up through our

    participation in the meetings and programmes of the

    Inter Media Publicity Co-ordination Committees.

    Newspaper advertisements can also serve our

    purpose. It is grati fying to note that some of the

    newspaper advertisements released during the yester-

    years have earned wide acclaim.


    Physical evidence is yet an other marketing tool available to

    the service marketer. The service firms must consciously

    make efforts to manage the physical evidence associated with

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    their services. In services the product itself being intangible

    the need is to tangibalised it as far as possible. Thus physicalentities can be successfully employed to describe the service

    product and its distinguishing qualities. Many service

    marketer s who continue to look at service operations

    through product oriented glasses fail to realize the marketing

    potential of physical evidence. The physical evidence

    associated in a service form can be broken into two


    1. Dominant

    2. Peripheral

    The dominant evidence is the once, which constitute a

    dominant part of the service facilities. E.g. Aircrafts in

    airlines, hotel building and interiors, cars and office of car

    rental company etc.

    The Peripheral physical evidence is not very visible in relation

    to dominant physical evidences. They include letterheads,

    cheques books, stationary, pens etc.

    Marketing Information System in Insurance:

    The incoming multi-faceted changes in the socio-

    economic environment have raised the significance of

    information-based decisions. To be more specific for

    making marketing decisions, the Marketing Information

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    System plays an important role. Like other services, the

    insurance business is also influenced by themanagement of information. The marketers in particular

    feel that for making the marketing decisions is required

    to be minimized. This naturally diverts our attention on

    MIS. The top marketing executive has to shoulder the

    responsibility of making available to the organization an

    effective MIS which brings creativity. In the Insurance

    business, this vital responsibility is to be shouldered by

    marketing manager. The system analysts would be

    delegated the responsibility of designing the shape.

    Here, an advisory group made up of different

    representatives from marketing, finance, operation

    research, data processing and other organizational units

    would assist the system analyst. They would also be

    helpful in maintaining a continual surveillance over the

    MIS would suggest and would be effective in preparing

    the initial design. Here, it is significant to mention that

    designing of blue prints is a difficult task and if it is

    done satisfactorily, the system analysis find it

    convenient to finalize the growing and changing

    information requirements of organization. The need of

    the hour is to combat the marketing problems, and the

    system designer has to be exceptionally vigilant so that

    the nature of decision is studied minutely.

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    IRDA ACT 1999

    Composition of Authority under IRDA Act, 1999

    As per the section 4 of IRDA Act' 1999, Insurance Regulatoryand Development Authority (IRDA, which was constituted byan act of parliament) specify the composition of Authority

    The Authority is a ten member team consisting of

    (a) a Chairman;(b) five whole-time members;(c) four part-time members,

    (all appointed by the Government of India)

    Duties, Powers and Functions of IRDA

    Section 14 of IRDA Act, 1999 lays down the duties, powersand functions of IRDA..(1) Subject to the provisions of thisAct and any other law for the time being in force, theAuthority shall have the duty to regulate, promote andensure orderly growth of the insurance business and re-insurance business.(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisionscontained in sub-section (1), the powers and functions of theAuthority shall include

    (a) issue to the applicant a certificate of registration, renew,modify, withdraw, suspend or cancel such registration;

    (b) protection of the interests of the policy holders inmatters concerning assigning of policy, nomination by policyholders, insurable interest, settlement of insurance claim,surrender value of policy and other terms and conditions ofcontracts of insurance;

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    (n) Supervising the functioning of the Tariff Advisory


    (o) specifying the percentage of premium income of theinsurer to finance schemes for promoting and regulatingprofessional organizations referred to in clause (f);

    (p) Specifying the percentage of life insurance businessand general insurance business to be undertaken by theinsurer in the rural or social sector; and

    (q) Exercising such other powers as may be prescribed

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    Insurance industry, as on 1.4.2000, comprised mainly twoplayers: the state insurers:

    Life Insurers:

    Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)

    General Insurers:

    General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) (witheffect from Dec'2000, a National Reinsure)

    GIC had four subsidiary companies, namely ( with effect fromDec'2000, these subsidaries have been de-linked from theparent company and made as independent insurancecompanies.

    1. The Oriental Insurance Company Limited

    2. The New India Assurance Company Limited,

    3. National Insurance Company Limited

    4. United India Insurance Company Limited .
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    Yr: 2000-2001: (From 2nd April '2000 to 31stDecember'2001)

    Insurance Industry in the year 2000-2001 had 16 newentrants, namely:

    Life Insurers:



    Date ofReg.

    Name of the Company

    1 101 23.10.2


    HDFC Standard Life InsuranceCompany Ltd.

    2 104 15.11.2000

    Max New York Life Insurance Co.Ltd.

    3 105 24.11.2000

    ICICI Prudential Life InsuranceCompany Ltd.

    4 107 10.01.2001 Om Kotak Mahindra LifeInsurance Co. Ltd.

    5 109 31.01.2001

    Birla Sun Life InsuranceCompany Ltd.

    6 110 12.02.2001

    Tata AIG Life Insurance CompanyLtd.

    7 111 30.03.2001

    SBI Life Insurance CompanyLimited .

    8 114 02.08.2001

    ING Vysya Life InsuranceCompany Private Limited

    9 116 03.08.2001

    Allianz Bajaj Life InsuranceCompany Ltd.

    10 117 06.08.2001

    Metlife India Insurance CompanyPvt. Ltd.

    General Insurers :
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    Date ofRegistr


    Name of theCompany

    1 102 23.10.2000

    Royal SundaramAlliance InsuranceCompany Limited

    2 103 23.10.2000

    Reliance GeneralInsurance CompanyLimited.

    3 106 04.12.2


    IFFCO Tokio

    General InsuranceCo. Ltd

    4 108 22.01.2001

    TATA AIG GeneralInsurance CompanyLtd.

    5 113 02.05.2001

    Bajaj AllianzGeneral InsuranceCompany Limited

    6 115 03.08.2


    ICICI Lombard

    General InsuranceCompany Limited.
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    Yr: 2001-2002 : ( From 1st Jan 2001 to till date)

    Insurance Industry in this year, so far has 5new entrants;namely

    Life Insurers:



    Date ofReg.

    Name of the Company

    1 121 03.01.2002

    AMP SANMAR AssuranceCompany Ltd.

    2 122 14.05.2002

    Aviva Life Insurance Co.India Pvt. Ltd.

    General Insurers :





    Date of


    Name of the


    1 123 15.07.2002

    CholamandalamGeneral InsuranceCompany Ltd.

    2. 124 27.08.2002

    Export CreditGuaranteeCorporation Ltd.

    3. 125 27.08.2002 HDFC-ChubbGeneral InsuranceCo. Ltd.;//www.ecgcindia.com;//www.ecgcindia.com;//www.ecgcindia.com;//www.ecgcindia.com;//www.ecgcindia.com;//
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    Insurance business is divided into four classes :1) Life Insurance 2) Fire Insurance 3) Marine Insurance and4) Miscellaneous Insurance.Life Insurers transact life insurance business; GeneralInsurers transact the rest.No composites are permitted as per law.

    LEGISLATION (as on 1.4.2000):Insurance is a federal subject in India. The primary

    legislation that deals with insurance business in India is:Insurance Act, 1938, and Insurance Regulatory &Development Authority Act, 1999.

    INSURANCE PRODUCTS (as on 1.4.2000) (for latestinformation get in touch with the current insurers websiteinformation of insurers is provided at the web page forinsurers):

    Life Insurance:Popular Products: Endowment Assurance (Participating) andMoney Back (Participating). More than 80% of the lifeinsurance business is from these products.

    General Insurance:Fire and Miscellaneous insurance businesses arepredominant. Motor Vehicle insurance is compulsory. Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) lays down tariff rates for

    some of the general insurance products

    New products have been launched by life insurers. Theseinclude linked-products. For details, please visit the websitesof life insurers.

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    insurer pools all its premiums into a large fund, and when apolicyholder has a loss, the insurer draws funds from the

    pool to pay for the loss. Life is full of unexpected events thatcan create large financial losses. For example, whenever youdrive, it is possible that you may have a costly accident.Risks affect you by causing worry about potential loss andhow to deal with the consequences. Insurance reducesanxiety over a possible loss and absorbs the financial bruntof its consequences. However, while insurance coverage isessential, how much and what type of insurance people needdiffer with each individual. You must decide how much risk

    you're willing to tolerate without insurance. For example,benefits for disability policies typically begin after a waitingperiod of one to six months. Therefore, you should ensurethat you have some form of coverage or financial resourcesbefore the policy period begin.

    Where Can I Get Insurance?Since insurance can be expensive, it makes sense to get morethan one price quote for coverage. At one time, we in India

    had no option but the nationalized insurance companies likeLIC, GIC, etc. Now several private players, often with foreigntie-ups, are entering the fray. There are now severalcompanies selling any one type of insurance, each with itsown price structures, coverage, and policy exclusions. Tohelp consumers choose among the various types ofcoverages, companies train sales representatives in thetechnical points of their insurance products. Manyrepresentatives work for just one insurance company. There

    are also brokers and independent agents -- self-employedbusiness people who sell insurance on commission forseveral insurers -- who claim they can comparison shop toget the best coverages for consumers. Certain banks also sellinsurance.

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    What Type of Insurance Agent Should I Trust?

    With multiple players in the life insurance field now, a choiceshould be first made regarding the the insurance companybefore choosing an agent. To determine a company'swillingness to pay claims, ask a policyholder who has filedseveral claims. Obviously, the more claims an insurer hashandled with no complaints, the more likely that thecompany will provide you with good service. Barring LIC, theremaining players in life insurance are still new in the field,so this kind of information will not be available for another

    few years at the least. It remains to be seen how the newerplayers will perform on the claims front, but given theregulatory framework and their strong parentage, theirperformance should be comparable, if not better than LIC.

    It is quite imperative that your insurance agent be competentand professional enough to clearly understand yourinsurance requirements and suggest a suitable scheme. Also, with insurance companies offering varying rate ofcommissions on different schemes, there is a likelihood that

    a 'not-so-professional' agent may be tempted to recommend ascheme which pays him a higher commission, though it maynot be very suitable for your needs. This is especially so inthe case of LIC, sole provider of life insurance in our countrytill recently, where the eligibility criteria are not very rigorousand very often the level of knowledge and competence of theagents leaves a lot to be desired. The new players seem to bemuch more stringent in appointing agents and morecommitted in providing training to them. In today's context,

    especially in case of LIC, it may be advisable to go in for anagent who comes recommended from one of your friends,relatives or associates. Further, the agent should be able toprovide you with a comparison of multiple schemes and alsoexplain them in simple terms, so that you are are able tomake an informed decision. In case an agent is not inclinedto spend the time and resources to provide you with relevantinformation and solve your queries, it may be better to give ago-by to such a person and start looking for a new

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    Contact Information

    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company LimitedRegistered Office

    ICICI Towers

    9th floor, Bandra-Kurla Complex

    Mumbai - 400 051.

    Tel: 494 3232

    Delhi office:

    3rd Floor,

    Videocon Towers,

    E-1, Rani

    Jhansi Road,

    New Delhi-110055

    Tel: 601 3232

    Email: [email protected]

    Visit us on:

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    Life Insurance Players:

    Bajaj Allianz General InsuranceBajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Limited is ajoint venture between Bajaj Auto Limited and Allianz AG ofGermany. Both enjoy a reputation of expertise, stabilityand strength.

    Birla Sun Life Insurance

    The Aditya Birla Group contributes its knowledge of theIndian market while Sun Life Financial contributes globalexpertise in the areas of protection and wealthmanagement.

    HDFC Standard Life InsuranceHDFC and Standard Life have a long and closerelationship built upon shared values and trust. Providinglong term financial security to policy holders will be the

    constant endeavor. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance

    The Company was granted Certificate of Registration forcarrying out Life Insurance business, by the InsuranceRegulatory and Development Authority.

    ING Vysya Life InsuranceING, the worlds second largest life insurance companytogether with Vysya Bank, one of Indias leading private

    sector banks, forms ING Vysya Life Insurance. Life Insurance Corporation (LIC)

    Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has been one of thepioneering organizations in India who introduced use ofInformation Technology in their business.

    MetLife IndiaThe Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is the numberone insurer in the U.S. It is helping build financial

    independence for its customers.
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    Oriental InsuranceThe Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. (OICL) is one of theleading General Insurance companies in India and is asubsidiary of the General Insurance Corporation (GIC) ofIndia.

    Royal Sundaram Alliance InsuranceRoyal Sundaram marks the coming together of SundaramFinance, one of Indias most respected and trusted financecompanies, and Royal and Sun Alliance, one of the largest

    insurance groups in the world.

    Tata AIG InsuranceLife insurance & general insurance for individuals &

    corporates by Tata AIG. This site will guide you on how tocapitalize on opportunities and protect againstuncertainties.
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    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance was established in 2000 witha commitment to expand and reshape the life insuranceindustry in India. The company was amongst the first privatesector insurance companies to begin operations afterreceiving approval from Insurance Regulatory Development

    Authority (IRDA), and in the time since, has taken severalsteps towards its realizing its goal.The company's wide range of products, distribution strengthsand powerful brand has driven its growth across a cross-section of people and cities. As on March 31, 2003, thecompany had issued nearly 350,000 policies, with a totalpremium income of over INR 5 billion and a total sumassured in excess of INR 87 billion. Today, the company hasestablished itself as the No. 1 private life insurer in the


    Our vision:To make ICICI Prudential the dominant Life and Pensionsplayer built on trust by world-class people and service.

    This we hope to achieve by:

    Understanding the needs of customers and offeringthem superior products and service

    Leveraging technology to service customers quickly,efficiently and conveniently

    Developing and implementing superior riskmanagement and investment strategies to offersustainable and stable returns to our policyholders

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    Providing an enabling environment to foster growth andlearning for our employees

    And above all, building transparency in all our dealings.

    The success of the company will be founded in itsunflinching commitment to 5 core values -- Integrity,Customer First, Boundary less, Ownership and Passion.Each of the values describes what the company stands for,the qualities of our people and the way we work.

    We do believe that we are on the threshold of an exciting new

    opportunity, where we can play a significant role inredefining and reshaping the sector. Given the quality of ourparentage and the commitment of our team, there are nolimits to our growth.

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    Board of DirectorsThe ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited Boardcomprises reputed people from the finance industry bothfrom India and abroad.Mr. K.V. Kamath, ChairmanMr. Mark TuckerMrs. Lalita D. GupteMr. Danny BardinMrs. Kalpana Morparia

    Mrs. Chanda KochharMr. M.P. ModiMr. R NarayananMr. S.P.Subhedar, (Alternate Director to Mr. Danny Bardin)Mr. Derek Stott, (Alternate Director to Mr. Mark Tucker)Ms. Shikha Sharma, Managing Director

    Management Team

    Ms. Shikha Sharma, Managing DirectorMs. Anita Pai, Chief - Operations & UnderwritingMr. Bill Lisle, Chief Agency OfficerMr. Sandeep Batra, Chief Financial Officer & CompanySecretaryMr. Saugata Gupta, Chief - MarketingMr. Shubhro J. Mitra, Chief - Human ResourcesMr. V. Rajagopalan, Appointed Actuary

    Mr. Anil Tikoo, Head - Information Technology

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    Fact Sheet


    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is a joint venturebetween ICICI, a premier financial powerhouse andPrudential plc, a leading international financial servicesgroup headquartered in the United Kingdom. ICICIPrudential was amongst the first private sector insurance

    companies to begin operations in December 2000 afterreceiving approval from Insurance Regulatory DevelopmentAuthority (IRDA).

    ICICI Prudentials equity base stands at Rs. 4.25 billion withICICI Bank and Prudential plc holding 74% and 26% stakerespectively. As of March 31, 2003, the company had issuednearly 350,000 policies with a sum assured in excess of Rs8,700 crore and total premium income of over Rs. 500 crore.

    Today the company is the #1 private life insurer in thecountry.


    ICICI Prudential has one of the largest distribution networksamongst private life insurers in India, having commencedoperations in 29 cities and towns in India. These are:Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Coimbatore,

    Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Kanpur,Kochi, Kolkata, Kottayam, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Madurai,Mangalore, Meerut, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, Noida, NewDelhi, Pune, Surat, Thane, Vadodara and Vashi.

    The company has the largest number of bancassurance tie-ups, having agreements with ICICI Bank, Citibank,Allahabad Bank, Federal Bank, South Indian Bank, Bank ofIndia, Lord Krishna Bank, and Punjab & Maharashtra Co-operative Bank, as well as some corporate agents. It has also

    tied up with organizations like Dhan for distribution of

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    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance offers a range of innovative,customer-centric products that meet the needs of customers

    at every life stage. Its 13 products can be enhanced with upto 4 riders, to create a customized solution for eachpolicyholder.

    Savings Solutions- ICICI Pru Save n Protect is a traditional endowmentsavings plan that offers life protection along with adequatereturns.- ICICI Pru CashBak is an anticipated endowment policy

    ideal for meeting milestone expenses like a child''s marriage,expenses for a child''s higher education or purchase of anasset.

    Protection SolutionsICICI Pru LifeGuard is a protection plan, which offers lifecover at very low cost. It is available in 3 options - level termassurance, level term assurance with return of premium andsingle premium.

    Child SolutionsICICI Pru SmartKid provides guaranteed educationalbenefits to a child along with life insurance cover for theparent who purchases the policy. The policy is designed toprovide money at important milestones in the child''s life.Market-linked Solutions- ICICI Pru LifeLink is a single premium Market LinkedInsurance Plan which combines life insurance cover with theopportunity to stay invested in the stock market.

    - ICICI Pru LifeTime offers customers the flexibility andcontrol to customize the policy to meet the changing needs atdifferent life stages. It offers 3 investment options - GrowthPlan, Income Plan and Balanced Plan.

    Retirement Solutions- ICICI Pru ForeverLife is a retirement product targeted atindividuals in their thirties.Market-linked retirement products

    - ICICI Pru LifeTime Pension is a regular premium market-

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    linked pension plan- ICICI Pru LifeLink Pension is a single premium market-

    linked pension plan.

    Single Premium Solutions- ICICI Pru AssureInvest is a single premium savingsproduct with life cover for terms of 5, 7 or 10 years.- ICICI Pru ReAssure is a retirement product for seniorcitizens who are on the verge of retirement or have justretired.ICICI Prudential also launched ''Salaam Zindagi'', a social

    sector group insurance policy targeted at the economicallyunderprivileged sections of the society.

    Group Insurance SolutionsICICI Prudential also offers Group Insurance Solutions forcompanies seeking to enhance benefits to their employees.

    ICICI Pru Group Gratuity Plan: ICICI Pru''s group gratuityplan helps employers fund their statutory gratuity obligationin a scientific manner. The plan can also be customized tostructure schemes that can provide benefits beyond thestatutory obligations.

    ICICI Pru Group Superannuation Plan: ICICI Pru offers aflexible defined contribution superannuation scheme toprovide a retirement kitty for each member of the group.Employees have the option of choosing from various annuityoptions or opting for a partial commutation of the annuity atthe time of retirement.

    ICICI Pru Group Term Plan: ICICI Pru''s flexible group termsolution hel