Strategic Management 1.ppt

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  • 7/29/2019 Strategic Management 1.ppt


    It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the

    most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.Charles Darwin

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    Tomorrow always arrives. It is alwaysdifferent,and then even the mightiest

    company is in trouble if it has not

    worked on the future.

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    Objectives are something to aim at, although they should be

    regarded as a map grid reference rather than as a targetat

    a rifle range. The company will not always find that the

    shortest distance is a straight line, and may have to make

    detours to avoid obstacles. But having made the detour it ispossible to come back to the grid reference from another

    direction. Without a defined objective it becomes very

    difficult to measure progress: having detoured the company

    is likely to remain pointed in the wrong direction.

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    Decision making in an Organization

    Who ?



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    Concept Of Strategy

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    Chandler(1962)Strategy is the determinator of the basic long-

    term goals of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of

    action and the allocation of

    resources necessary for carrying out these goals;

    Mintzberg (1979) Strategy is a mediating force between the

    organization and its environment: consistent patterns in

    streams of organizational decisions to deal with theenvironment.

    Prahlad (1993) Strategy is more then just fit and allocation of

    resources. It is stretch and leveraging of resources

    Porter (1996) Strategy is about being different. It means

    deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a

    unique mix of value

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    5 Ps of Strategy

    1. A plan, a how do I get there

    2. A pattern, in consistent actions over time

    3. A position that is, it reflects the decision of the firm tooffer particular products or services in particularmarkets.

    4. A ploy, a maneuver intended to outwit a competitor

    5. A perspective that is, a vision and direction, a view ofwhat the company or organization is to become.

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    Levels at which Strategy Operates

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    Concept of Strategic Decision Making

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    Strategic Management

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    Strategic management is concerned with deciding onstrategy and planning how that strategy is to be put intoeffect. It can be thought of as having three mainelements within it . . . There is strategic analysis, in

    which the strategist seeks to understand the strategicposition of the organization. There is a strategic choicestage which is to do with formulation of possible coursesof action, their evaluation, and the choice between them.Finally, there is a strategic implementationstage which is

    to do with planning how the choice of strategy can be putinto effect

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    The Elements

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    The Latest Approach

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    The Dynamic Process of formulation,implementation, evaluation and control ofstrategies to realize the Organizations

    strategic intent

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    Establishing the hierarchy of Strategic Intent

    1 Creating and Communicating a Vision

    2 Designing a Mission Statement

    3 Defining the Business

    4 Adopting the Business Model

    5 Setting Objectives

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    Formulation of Strategies

    6 Performing Environmental Appraisal

    7 Doing Organizational Appraisal

    8 Formulating Corporate Level Strategies

    9 Formulating Business Level Strategies

    10 Undertaking Strategic Analysis

    11 Exercising Strategic Choice

    12 Preparing Strategic Plan

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    Implementation of Strategies

    13 Activating Strategies

    14 Designing the Structure, systems and processes

    15 Managing Behavioural implementation

    16 Managing Functional Implementation

    17 Operationalising strategies

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    Performing Strategic Evaluation and Control

    18 Performing Strategic Evaluation

    19 Exercising Strategic Control

    20 Reformulating Strategies

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    Model of Strategic Management Process

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    Critical Factors for Strategic Success

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    What some people say about

    strategy and strategic planning

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    What some people say about strategy and strategic planning

    Strategy is trying to understand where you sit in todays

    world. Not where you wish you were and where you

    hoped to be, but where you are. And its trying to

    understand where you want to be. Its assessing the

    competitive and market changes that you can capitalizeon or ward off to go from here to there. Its assessing the

    realistic chances of getting from here to there.

    Attributed to Jack Welch, CEO, General Electric

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    What some people say about strategy and strategic planning

    The essence of strategic thinking is

    creating a sustainable competitive


    M. Porter, The Economist, 23 May 1987

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    What some people say about strategy and strategic planning

    Know the enemy and know yourself, in ahundred battles you will never be defeated.When you are ignorant of the enemy, but

    know yourself, your chances of winning orlosing are equal. If ignorant both of yourenemy and yourself, you are sure to bedefeated in every battle.

    Sun Tzu, Art of War, c.400 BC, page 107 of theWordsworth1993 edition, translation by Yuan Shibing

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    What some people say about strategy and strategic planning

    Strategists do not reject analysis. Indeed they can hardly dowithout it. But they use it only to stimulate the creativeprocess, to test the ideas that emerge, to work out strategicimplications, or to ensure successful execution of highpotential wild ideas that otherwise never would be

    implemented properly. Great strategies, like great works ofart or great scientific discoveries, call for technical masteryin the working out but originate from insights that arebeyond the reach of conscious analysis.

    Kenichi Ohmae, The Mind of the Strategist, p. 4, Penguin 1984 edition

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    What some people say about strategy and strategic planning

    It is a view of strategy that recognizes that a firm

    must unlearnmuch of its past before it can findthe future. It is a view of strategy that recognizes

    it is not enough to optimally position a companywithin existing markets; the challenge is to

    pierce the fog of uncertainty and develop great

    foresightinto the whereabouts of tomorrows


    G. Hamel and C. K. Prahalad, Competing for the Future, p. 25,

    Harvard Business School Press, 1996 edition

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    Documenting the Growth Path

    Tata Group - Identify Company Aditya Birla Group - Identify Company

    Reliance - Identify Company

    Godrej - Identify Company

    TVS Group (Sundaram) - Identify Company Videocon

    P& G (India)





    Shapoorji Pallonji