Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)

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  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    Department of EducationRegion VIWestern Visayas

    Division of AklanDistrict of Kalibo II


    School Strategic Plan

    (SY 20 ! " 20 # to SY 20 $ " 20 %&

    attlecry! "#ay Kata$%ayan ag Kalipayan sa Among mga Escuela%an&'(%ere is peace and %appiness in our sc%ools)

    Pre'are )* the School Strategic Planning Tea+#ar*orie + onstantino - .rincipal III/0I

    #r+ Rodulfo + Resico - (eac%er III, 0I Designate, 1(E., .%ysical 2acilities and 1. oordinator#iss 3essie 4+ Andrade - (eac%er III, 1c%ool .lanning 0fficer, .roperty ustodian 5 1c%ool Administrative Assistant

    #rs+ onse*o D+ Resico, (eac%er III, District 6ealt% oordinator, anteen #anager#rs+ Villa Rose 7+ Delfin - (eac%er I, #at%ematics and Englis% oordinator

    #rs+ 6anna 7ay R+ #aribo*o - (eac%er I, 1cience oordinator 5 7irl 1cout oordinator#rs+ 3ecilyn I+ Ricarto, (eac%er II, 6K1 oordinator and 1.70 Adviser

    #rs+ 4ucia R+ Villaruel - (eac%er III, 1c%ool 6ealt% oordinator#rs+ 3ida 4+ 1arabia - (eac%er III, 1tar 1cout oordinator

    #rs+ 4olibet% R+ Reteo - (eac%er III, 1c%ool A41 oordinator#iss 4ucia #+ David - (eac%er III, 1c%ool 7uidance oordinator

    #rs+ #et%elyn 4+ atunao - (eac%er III#rs+ Analyn R+ #ene8 - (eac%er I, Ka$an oordinator

    #rs+ #arilyn I+ 2ilomeno - (eac%er III#rs+ 3ina D+ Valencia - (eac%er I, and 5 #a*orette oordinator, %oir #anager

    #rs+ Arlene R+ 9got - (eac%er I, Asst+ Ka$an oordinator#rs+ 3ina 4+ Ricarto - (eac%er I, ($inkler:s oordinator#r+ Errol R+ 1oldarios - (eac%er I, 2ilipino oordinator

    #iss andy I+ Arevalo - .1 (eac%er#rs+ Ed$ina #+ #ontuya - KV( (eac%er


  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    ,e'E -i.ion

    We dream of 2ilipinos $%o passionately love t%eir country and $%ose values and competencies enable t%em to reali8e t%eirfull potential and contribute meaningfully to building t%e nation+

    As a learner

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    /alit*;+ (o ac%ieve a yearly improvement on learners: ac%ievement+@+ (o maintain competent, committed and empo$ered teac%ers, sc%ool officials and staff+

    + (o decrease number of non

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    O) ecti1e. 5RA. PI.

    ;+ (o reac% all types of learners,including t%e unreac%ablelearners especially t%e

    deprived, depressed andunderserved+

    ;+ .articipation in formal classes@+ ompletion of t%e asic 4iteracy


    + Attendance to A41 remedial classesand assessment for balik

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    @+ (o e=uip t%e sc%oolpersonnel and learners $it%@;st century skills+

    ;+ (raining of teac%ers on content,teac%ing met%ods/strategies, andfacilitation skills

    @+ .roper curriculum implementation,including ad%erence to and mastery oft%e learning competencies

    < All teac%ers trained about @; st entury skills+

    < (%e sc%ool %ead monitors and evaluates teac%ers atleast once a mont%+

    < 2inis%ed all re=uired competencies $it% at least ?Fmastery level

    + (o promote %ealt%y bodiesand minds among t%elearners and t%e sc%oolpersonnel+

    ;+ 6ealt% Education .rogram

    @+ 1ports .rogram

    - All pupils/teac%ers are p%ysically, mentally andemotionally %ealt%y

    - (%e sc%ool conducts lo$er level sports competitions- (%e sc%ool participate in t%e provincial/regional/

    national- (%e sc%ool conducts p%ysical fitness tests- (%e sc%ool conducts p%ysical fitness festival in



    O) ecti1e. 5RA. PI.

    ;+ (o attain a yearlyimprovement on learnersac%ievement+

    ;+ Ac%ievement test scores

    @+ 1election and recruitment of teac%ersbased on need, merit and fitness

    + (eac%ers: ad%erence to 3ationalompetency< ased (eac%er 1tandard

    '3 (1)B+ (eac%ers teac%ing speciali8ed sub*ects

    ?+ pdate of teac%ers: competence

    + .erformance rating

    - Increase by @F in mean percentage scores- .ositive F gro$t% 't%is year versus last year) on

    ac%ievement tests- Increasing trend lines

    - All teac%ers appointed %ave appropriate =ualification,and speciali8ation '7rade V and above)

    - All teac%ers %ave been trained and are ad%ering to3 (1

    - All teac%ers $%o are non

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    + 4evel of readers in t%e .%il

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)



    O) ecti1e. 5RA. PI.

    ;+ (o furt%er promotedecentrali8ation t%roug%


  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)



    School Pro3ile

    (%e 4inabuan 3orte Elementary 1c%ool is situated in a ,? B s=+m+ lot donated by t%e civic

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    We elieve in Involvement

    All members of t%e 4inabuan 3orte Elementary 1c%ool $ill take appropriate steps in engaging and %arnessing t%e c%ildren:s:participation in making t%e desired goals and ob*ectives attainable, to encourage t%em to take part and to move to an upper level ofmotivation and ent%usiasm e=uipped $it% life skills and values, t%us making t%em useful and productive individuals+

    Vision Statement

    4inabuan 3orte Elementary 1c%ool is an educational institution t%at is committed to develop and produce globally competitive, $ell rounded and 7od

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    At present t%e sc%ool is composed of t$enty t$o '@@) eCisting rooms $%erein eig%teen ';G) rooms are used as instructionalclassrooms including t%e Kindergarten room, one ';) room used as 6+E+ room $it% canteen in t%e ad*oining room, one ';) room used asI+A+ room, one ';) as store room and ot%er one ';) room is utili8ed as .rincipal:s 0ffice and e< lassroom at t%e same time + (%roug% t%einitiative of eac% teac%er $it% t%e support of t%e 6omeroom .+(+A+, every classroom is provided $it% comfort room, lig%ting and ot%erfacilities+

    Alt%oug% t%e sc%ool ground is some$%at limited because of t%e additional rooms constructed, it is landscaped in suc% a $ay t%att%ere is a space for every activity of t%e sc%ool especially t%ose $%ic% concern t%e c%ildren:s $elfare+

    A; Co++/nit* Pro3ile

    SocioAN + .art of t%e barangay is in t%e nort%ern portion

    of anga, $%ic% $as named 4inabuan 1ur and t%e remaining portion in Kalibo, became 4inabuan 3orte+



  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    arrio fiesta celebrated every year+ (%e .atron 1aint of t%e barangay is 1an 4oren8o+ (%e sc%ool as its contribution isresponsible for providing *oyful activities like coronation ceremonies to give color to t%e occasion+

    4ocal and barangay officials commit to sc%ool t%eir usual support and cooperation+

    4eo on t%e 1out% by barangay 4inabuan 1ur,

    anga> on t%e East by barangay .uis, 3e$ Was%ington> and on t%e West by t%e Aklan River+

    Water facilities of arangay 4inabuan 3orte are serving by t%e Kalibo Water District+ 0t%er sources of $ater supply are deep $ells and s%allo$ $ells+

    (%e barangay is energi8ed by Aklan Electric ooperative Inc+ 'AKE4 0) $%ic% is t%e only source of electricity in t%e province+

    It %as G barangay roads, t%e L+ Romero Road $%ic% people pass by going to t%e rice field, + 7on8ales Road 5 1+ iprianoRoad $%ic% is going to Aklan River> L+ Romero Road connecting to (igayon oundary Road> t%e (+ Ricarto Road and 2+ arrillo Road,in t%e rig%t side of t%e 3ational Road going to anga and ot%er barangay road in t%e left side is t%e D+ #abulay and R+ 4iberato Road,

    $%ic% is connected to t%e farm to market connecting to #atap%ao, .uis and Malas+

    (%e barangay is provided $it% ';) #ulti

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    A larger portion of t%e barangay is planted $it% root crops, fruit and leafy vegetables, $%ic% are abundant near t%e bank of t%eriver, because of its fertile soil+ 1ome areas $ere planted to fruit trees like mango, lan8ones and rambutan+ 0t%er portion of t%e landarea is residential and commercial establis%ments+

    (%ere are food processors in t%e barangay commercially operating business $it%in and outside t%e barangay+ (%ey are t%eRosa 2oods orporation, Ruby:s 2ood .roducts, and arol 2oods+ Aside from t%at, some of t%e people in t%e community are engagedin farming+ 0t%ers %ave bakery, milling and ot%er activities t%at can augment t%eir income+ 7asoline station is also no$ available in t%ebarangay+



  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    Strateg* 9 Inten.i3* ca+'aign 3or .chool

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    2acilities #anual of @ >Integrating Disaster RiskReduction)

    H+ 2ilipinos %ave deep regard foreducation+ '.%ilippineEducation for All!

    Implementation and%allenges, DepED)


    ;+ (%e sc%ool %as 7uidance andounseling ommittee to

    %andle 7uidance andounseling .rogram

    @+ (%e elementary sc%oolorgani8ed pupil governmentt%at fosters leaders%ip andvalues formation of t%e learners'17 yearly reports to t%eE.1, Araling .anlipunan)

    + 9early leaders%ip and Values2orum/1ymposium conductedamong pupil leaders+ '1.79early Activity Report)

    B+ Religious Instructionsconducted in t%e sc%ool+

    ?+ ode of Et%ics among sc%oolpersonnel is part of strands in3ational ompetency< ased(eac%er 1tandard '3 (1)+'3 (1

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    + ode of Et%ics for .rofessional(eac%ers is discussed $it%teac%ers+ 'I31E()

    + 6uman person:s p%ysicalintellectual, moral, and spiritual


    ;+ @; teac%ers attended t%e InEA5NESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS

    ;+ Innovative, dynamic, 1c%ool6ead, teac%ing and nonRegional #emo O B , s+ @ ; >O GB, s+ @ ; )

    ?+ (eac%ers subscribe toprofessional maga8ines+

    ;+ @ teac%ers teac%ing nonEA5NESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS

    ;+ (%e sc%ool %ead $as trainedon curriculum indigeni8ation+'Regional .rogram 2rame$orkfor urriculum 4ocali8ation andImplementation .lan, @ ;@)

    @+ All pre

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    @ ; > O B?, s+ @ ;@)+ onduct of 4ocal 6istory Lui8

    competition+ 'Division #emo OG;, s+ @ ; )

    B+ Involvement of DepEd to localcelebrations ';H #artyrs Day,

    andido Iban Day, .ag aea$

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    Education 2und '1E2 udget)

    Strateg* 9 Ca'acitate? retool the teacher.? .chool a +ini.trator.@ +anagerial? 3inancial? an lea er.hi' anco+'etence

    STREN4THS >EA5NESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS;+ 1tringent process for %iring

    'DepED 0rder, 1 issuances)

    @+ (%e teac%ers and sc%ool %eadis competent for t%e *ob+'6R#0 report)

    + Intensive implementation ofmentoring t%e #entors:.rogram+ 'DepEd #emo)

    B+ #andatory (eac%ers: Induction.rogram '(I.) among t%ene$ly %ired teac%ers+ 'DepED0rder)

    ?+ apacity building of teac%ersand sc%ool %ead t%roug% 1 #7rants+ '1 # #anual)

    ;+ 1ome teac%ers %ave notimplemented t%eir I..D+ 'D03 (1

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)



    ;+ 6ouse to %ouse campaign ofenrolment by sc%ool personnel+'160 .rogram, DivisionInitiative)

    @+ Enrolment in public sc%ool %asorgani8ed timeline+ 'DepED0rder 3o+ PPP, s+ @ ; > DepED0rder 3o+ @, s+ @ ;;)

    + Involvement of DepEd 0fficialsfrom t%e entral 0ffice to t%e1c%ool level in t%e intensiveenrolment activities+ 'DepED0rder 3o+ @, s+ @ ;;)

    B+ .resence of En%anced asicEducation Information 1ystem'E EI1)+ 'DepEd 0rder 3o+ H,s+ @ ;;)

    ?+ .resence of 4earner:sInformation 1ystem '4I1)+DepEd 0rder 3o+ H, s+ @ ;@)

    + Implementation of t%e Division1earc% for #ost eautiful1c%ool .rogram+ 'Division#emo 3o+ ?H, s+ @ ;@, 1eason

    ;+ Inade=uacy of resources suc%as teac%ers, classrooms,teCtbooks and sc%ool furniture'E EI1 outputs)

    @+ Distance of %ome to sc%ool infar flung areas '(ravel Detailsin E EI1)

    + Disparity in pupil! teac%er ratioof primary sc%ool+ 'E EI10utputs)

    B+ 3egative attitude of t%e ma*orityof eCcess teac%ers on t%eirredeployment to sc%ools $it%priority teac%er needs+ 'Reportsubmitted by districts on t%e1tatus of ECcess (eac%ers@ ; )

    ;+ 1trong support of 47 t%roug%1E2 and ot%er stake%oldersintended for sc%ool activities+

    @+ Intensified support of t%e 47in terms of resource allocationof ne$ly establis%ed sc%ools+'#0A bet$een 47 5 DepEDin t%e establis%ment ofsc%ools+)

    + Allocation of 1E2 budget fort%e %onorarium of #1 /.1teac%er items '.1 /#1Reports of personnel)

    B+ 1upport of stake%olders interms of sc%ool site ac=uisition+

    ?+ Allocation of 1E2 budget forrepair and maintenance ofsc%ool buildings and ot%erstructures+ '1E2 udget)

    + 2ull support of t%e 47 to1ports and ultural .rograms+'1E2 udget)

    + .resence of sc%olars%ip, adoptEA5NESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS

    ;+ Kalibo II District %as provided

    tec%nical assistance to sc%ool+'En%anced functions of .1D1s)@+ (%e .1D1 coordinates

    DepED:s programs, pro*ectsand activities to eCternalstake%olders+

    + (%el sc%ool %ead is observingclasses+ 'RA H;??)

    ;+ 4ack of en%ancement $it%

    regard to professional gro$t%of t%e .1D1s and 1c%ool6ead+ '(D3A16)

    @+ Distance of residence to sc%oolassignment+ 'E EI1 0utputs/#.D0)

    + 1c%ool %ead assigned inclustered sc%ools $%eresc%ools are located far fromeac% ot%er+ '6R#0 Report)

    ;+ 1trong financial support from

    47 in terms of constructing ofconcrete roads and bridges tosc%ools, providing ve%icle,allocating of transportationallo$ance, repair andre%abilitation of district office,etc+

    @+ 4ocal eCecutives areconcerned on t%e presence oft%e .1D1s in t%e district office+


    ;+ 1trict observance of local

    consultation regardingdeployment matters+@+ ontrol of resources from t%e

    47 +

    Strateg* 29 In.tit/tionali:e .hare go1ernance a. e+)o ie in RA %STREN4THS >EA5NESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS

    ;+ Recogni8e t%at every unit in t%eeducation bureaucracy %as aparticular role, task andresponsibility '1ec+ ;+?, 1%ared7overnance, R+A+ H;??)

    @+ .rovide a sc%ool system $%ereteac%ers and principalsac%ieved desired learning

    ;+ 4ack of cooperation andproblem on $ork attitudeamong personnel and staff' utc% Abad, 3E @ B)

    @+ .resence of personnel $%o donot $ant to take responsibilityand accountability+

    + Disparity of teac%ing load of

    ;+ .arents and community areactively involved in t%eeducation of t%eir c%ildren+

    @+ #aCimum participation of localsc%ool board and .(A isemp%asi8ed in 1ec+;[email protected], R+A+ H;??+

    + 1upportive eCternal

    ;+ 4ack of information ofeCternal stake%olders onDepED:s programs, pro*ectsand activities+

    @+ 3egative attitude of ot%ersectors on t%eimplementation of t%eDepED:s programs like t%e K


  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    outcomes not only becauset%ey are empo$ered,competent and accountable,but because t%ey care+'DE 1Vision, 3EA. @ )

    + Recognition is given to good

    performing eCternalstake%olders+ 'Recognition.rograms)

    B+ Establis%ment of t%e sc%oolgoverning council+ '17#anual)

    teac%ers+B+ 4ack of capacity building on

    t%e members of t%e 1c%ool7overning ouncil+

    ?+ onflict bet$een sc%ool %eadand teac%ers+


    ;+ H F participation amongsc%ool communities involunteerism+ '@ 3ational

    rigada Esk$ela Report,#odern (eac%er, Mune @ ; )

    @+ 7eneration of support in kindand %ours volunteered+ '@3ational rigada Esk$elaReport, #odern (eac%er, Mune@ ; )

    + Revival of spirit of volunteerismand ayani%an duringdisasters/calamities+

    B+ 0rgani8ation of 1c%ool.lanning (eam+

    ;+ Institutionali8ation ofcooperation and support amongpersonnel+

    @+ Difficulty in resourcemobili8ation+ 'DepED 0rder OB;, s+ @ ;@> DepED 0rder O ,s+ @ ;@ "3o ontribution.olicy&>

    ;+ ;? F taC incentives availed bydonors 'RA G?@?, Adopt

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    @ ;@)@+ (%e sc%ool %as signages,

    flaglets, carabao grass, sc%oolfence, etc+ t%at improves t%eimage of t%e sc%ool+ 'Division#emo 3o+ ?, s+ @ ; >

    Division #emo 3o+ ?H, @ ;@)+ H?F of t%e teac%ers %aveen%anced t%eir personalityt%roug% proper deportment,%ealt%, $ellness and grooming+

    B+ (%e sc%ool c%ildren %aveadopted t%e system ofcourteous practices+ 'Division#emo 3o+ G, s+ @ ;@)

    ?+ #aCimum involvement ofinternal stake%olders in making

    sc%ool beautiful, safe andpeaceful 'Attendance duringclean .DEA(raining and Information

    Division)+ 1upport of t%e .3. to t%e safeand en*oyable sc%ool!"#essage to a %ild! 1afe andpeaceful %ome and sc%oolenvironments protects t%ec%ild from all forms of abuses+&'ECcerpts from t%e #essage of.3. Director Ricardo Riveraduring t%e launc%ing of ".ulisKo, (itser Ko&, 1eptember

    @ ; )B+ arangay tanod and policevisibility '1c%ool 4ogbook)

    ?+ 0perational .rovincial DisasterRisk Reduction #anagement

    ouncil '.DRR#) primer ofAklan+ '.DRR# 1trategic.lan of Aklan)

    @+ 3on

  • 8/13/2019 Strategic Plan (Deped-division of Aklan)


    t%e 9out% for Environment in1c%ools .rogram)

    H+ Luarterly conduct ofEart%=uake and 2ire Drill'Accomplis%ment Report of1c%ool 6ead+)

    Strateg* 9 In.tit/tionali:e c/lt/re o3 e cellence;STREN4THS >EA5NESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS

    ;+ #rs+ 4eilanie R+ 2rancisco 'no$6ead (eac%er of 4alab atan,Aklan) is t%e composer ofsc%ool song '43E1 1c%ool6ymn)

    @+ 1trict observance of t%e ;G