Archery GB 2017 Membership Conference The Future of our Sport Strategic Plan Update 2016 - 2020 Neil Armitage Chief Executive

Strategic Plan Update 2016 - 2020€¦ · Centrally administered awards are showing steady growth Centrally Administered Awards. 2015. 2016; Diff % 2,113. 2,403: 290. 13.7%: Strategic

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Page 1: Strategic Plan Update 2016 - 2020€¦ · Centrally administered awards are showing steady growth Centrally Administered Awards. 2015. 2016; Diff % 2,113. 2,403: 290. 13.7%: Strategic

Archery GB 2017 Membership ConferenceThe Future of our Sport

Strategic Plan Update

2016 - 2020Neil Armitage

Chief Executive

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Achieve. Grow. Believe. Vision

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Lead, grow and promote archery to create greater value for our


Get more people shootingmore arrowsmore often

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Strategic Objectives

• Grow and sustain participation • Deliver and sustain Olympic and

Paralympic targets• Effective Operational Plan• Reduce the reliance on external funding

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Strategic Update 2017The 5 Pillars

ParticipationPlacesProgress Podium Principles

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Strategic Update 2017

Things have changed:• Funding Landscape• Prioritisation

Focus on Progress & Places to deliver Participation

Supported by Principle of sustainable funding

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Progression = coaching and competition




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Coaching Strategy

Strategic Update Progress

• Consultations and meetings on-going (5 so far)• Engagement with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland• Feedback so far positive• Output will be fed into SAG for planning

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Competition StrategyStrategic Update Progress

Key principles to be established include;• calendar of tournaments to be coordinated• format and process of tournaments to be coordinated• operationally managed and supported by AGB Competition Manager,

and delivered by TO’s in order to meet the strategic objectives of AGB.• tournaments to have a defined budget and work within that budget • income-generation opportunities to be maximised• the purpose of the tournament to be clearly defined and published

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• New Places for Target Faces program on-going• 9 new sites since last year• Ideal sites are accessible and easy to find• Facilities audit underway via range registration process• Planning applications support on-going

Strategic Update Places

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•Getting Progress and Places right will deliver higher participation

•Retention is the focus

Strategic Update Participation

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Archery in Notts• Legacy project of 2016 European

Archery Championships• Enhance engagement with local

community• Key elements included:

• Events for non sporting communities• Sustainable archery sessions• School Games• Club Infrastructure

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• 9520 individual participants• Over 700 took part in regular

archery sessions• Sportivate – 143 young people

aged 14-25 • 200 disabled individuals• 18% from BME backgrounds• 390 individual females• 74 different venues used

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Key success factors• Development Coordinator –

enthusiastic & engaging• Support locally – Nottingham

City Council & Sport Nottinghamshire

• Clubs linking to projects to act as exit routes

• Archery embedded in City Council programmes

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Strategic Update Participation

World and UK Record Status Tournament

numbers are showing steady growth

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Strategic Update Participation

Centrally administered awardsare showing steady growth

Centrally Administered Awards

2015 2016 Diff %

2,113 2,403 290 13.7%

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Strategic Update Participation

Young People – support for teachers for “Arrows” – 30 trained

Adult & Community – ontarget program continues, 43 clubs planning applicationsFunding - £12,000 (ontarget/disability/Boost); £150,000 facility developments; £65,000 grassroots projects = £227,000 in total.

Funding from Sport England secured conditional upon a commercial strategy but £500k less than previous cycle

Funding for talent pathway from SE and SNI

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Strategic Update Participation

2013 2014 2015 2016Number of clubs 54 78 72 91Est attendees 5,136 4,345 5,146 5,992

Big Weekend

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Delivery Structure

Grass Roots to Podium pathway

Clubs Talent id Conversion Coaching





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Strategic Update Principles Sustainable Funding Model

Funding challenges £500k loss of funding from SE

Office Efficiencies: digital transformation, CRM systems, restructuring, contracts reviewed = £ 120k p.a. savingsAdditional cashflow generation of £130k p.a.

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Marketing & Communication Update

Webinar dates:19 April; 14 June; 26 July; 27 Sept; 29 Nov.

CEO club visits

A League of Their Own

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Technology developments

• Website• App pilot• Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system

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Marketing & Communication Update

The new website…

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User experience testers required!

Unique opportunity to test the new site pre-launch

Please email :

[email protected]

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New Membership System


Club Secretaries



Archery GB

Technology developments

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The aims of moving our membership data base into a new online system are:To give club, county and regional secretaries access to real time information, and allowing those that want to the ability to manage their clubs online and interact with usTo give archers the access to manage their own information, enter tournaments online

To enrich our data about the sport and its participants to allow us to manage and plan for the best outcomes for the sport

To deliver a faster more efficient service to you the member, with automation and innovation such as electronic membership cards and connected business processes


Technology developments

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CRM timescales

• National tournaments online now• Range Registration launched this month• Membership access being launched during the summer• Online membership renewal trialed during September• Increased functionality for clubs launched over the winter

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CRMPartnering with a sports focused company – Sport:80 (used by a number of other sports bodies)In summary

• A system that members will interact with• A system that supports our Volunteers• A system that adds value for the archery community at a

lower cost

Technology developments

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Strategic UpdateMembership

























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Membership Update

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Strategic UpdateMembership

All recorded Archery GB CMP CasesReviewed

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Strategic UpdateMembership

Government’s Sports Duty of Care ReviewLead by Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson

will include an Archery GB proposal for a

Sporting Volunteers’ Charter

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Strategic UpdateMembershipSafeguarding

Allegations of Child Sexual Exploitation in Sport have gone up by:80% in the last 3 years.

(30% of these are “non-recent” or “historical”)

NSPCC investigates 70,000 cases (not all in sport) per year

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Strategic UpdateMembershipSafeguarding

• No historic allegations that would merit reinvestigation• We had processes for managing historic allegations• Our Safeguarding Policy & Procedures are robust

Tracy Crouch MPMinister for Sport

In December 2016, Sport England and DCMS sought reassurance from publicly funded NGBs:

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Strategic UpdateMembership

Safeguarding Strategic Advisory Group (Approved by the Board in Apr 2016)Composition:• National Lead Safeguarding Officer – Chairman• Senior Heath Care Sector Professionals• Senior Education Sector Professionals• Senior Safeguarding Professionals• Senior Legal Professionals

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Commercial Update • funding holding award

• full funding award (£-500k less)

• Sustainable funding model is critical

• to 2016 £2.1m but 2020 £1.6m indicative

• impact on grass roots development

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Archery GB Affinity Programme

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Programme Aims• Provide an Archery GB membership benefit.• Provide benefit in kind to Archery GB.• Create an income now and in the future for Archery GB.• Act as a showcase of how Archery GB works with a supporter.• Future developments.

Commercial Update

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Provide an Archery GB membership benefit.The programme will delivery a 10% saving on new Volvo cars across the range to all members of Archery GB.

Provide benefit in kind to Archery GB.Volvo will supply two branded V40 Cross Country vehicles for use by the Development Team.

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Act as a showcase of how Archery GB works with a supporter.This affinity partnership, with such a prestigious brand will allow Archery GB to showcase how we work with supporters.It will act as a catalyst for others.

Future developmentsRelationship building with organisations already working with Volvo e.g. RICS Knowledge exchange – Performance coaching v Access to technologyAlternative locations for Archery – Daventry new Volvo HQAccess on a local level to new audiences through Volvo dealer network

Commercial Update

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Commercial Update

The Vegas Shoot

• Met with archery suppliers & WA• Increased sponsorship for National Series by over 40%

to £13,000 • Increased prizes value to £24,000• Interest in Arrows Kits from WA and the USA NGB

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The Archery Foundation

• partnership with development• focus on fund raising • project identification & delivery

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Strategic Plan Update

2016 – 2020

Get more people shootingmore arrowsmore often