Strategic Planning Workshop 08.07.10

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Strategic Planning Presentation given at NILA2010

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SHPE Chapter Strategic Planning

NILA 2010Barry Cordero, RVP6

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“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan”

Eleanor Roosevelt

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National Process

Envisioned Future

Big Goals

Vivid Description

Critical Factors

Mega Issues

Strategic Principles

Strategic Planning





Operational Planning

Annual Strategic

Plan Review

Priority Setting

Program Planning

Action Planning


20 Years 10 Years 5 Years I Year

AnnualReview Continuous


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Values Vision




c Pla


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Benefits of Strategic Plan

Define Chapter’s Purpose Establish goals/obj consistent with purposeCommunicate goals/obj to membershipDevelop ownershipEnsure effective use of resourcesMeet NRP requirements/deadlineDo something great in your term

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“It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are

accountable”- Moliere

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Statement of Values

Statement defining who you are in:Your CommunityYour CityYour Region of SHPE

What is important to youDefine why someone would want to join your chapter

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“Values are not just words, values are what we live by. They’re about the causes we champion and the people we fight for”

Sen. John Kerry

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SHPE Value Propositions

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SHPE Value Propositions

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Exercise: Values

Write at least three chapter ValuesConsider:

Your strengthsYour ideal stateHow you want to be remembered

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Chapter Vision

Chapter VisionDestinationIf we were excellent…..What would the community look like if they shared your vision?Unreasonable, almost irrational

PurposeConstant reminder of your ultimate destinationDriver for change

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Chapter MissionMission

Stated Purpose for your organization’s existenceThe statement that helps accomplish the Community Vision

PurposeFocuses your values on one goalFurther assists in making big decisions. When you have options, which one gets you closer to your big goal (mission)All decisions are polar toward your mission

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Example Vision/Mission:

Apple Mission: “Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings. “Apple Vision: “An Apple on Every Desk”

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Example Vision/Mission

Mission - SHPE Is the Source for Quality Hispanic Engineers and Technical TalentVision - To realize and enhance the potential of Hispanics in science, technology, engineering and mathVision – A world where Hispanics are the world leaders in science, technology, engineering and math

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Exercise: Vision/Mission

Consider your chapter’s Vision/Mission

Is it appropriate?

How would you change it?

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“Goals are dreams with deadlines” Diana Hunt


“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go”T.S. Elliot

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GoalsAchievements which:

Align with the areas written on your NRP Report

• Professional Development• Outreach and Community Service• Leadership Development• Chapter Development

Align with your Mission/VisionAlign with your Values and the SHPE Value StatementEnsure chapter success in 2 years

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Example Chapter Goals

Goal: Improve Univ Graduate Recruitment

Strategy 1: NetworkingStrategy 2: MentoringStrategy 3: Combined Events

Goal: Provide More Technical dev’t for chapter members

Strategy 1: In-House Course offeringsStrategy 2: Improve Conference Attendance

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ExerciseConsider your Values and your Development Areas

Write 4-5 Goals for your chapter this year

Example NRP Value: Professional Development

Goal: Increase the number and quality of PD events in FY11Goal: Assist in development of RLDC PD program

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SMART Objectives

Specific - Detailed and understandableMeasurable - Can you know success/failAttainable - Actually CrazyRealistic - In line with a specific goalTimely - By when?

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Example SMART Obj.

NRP Requirement: Chapter Development

Goal: Improve Univ Graduate Recruitment (utilizing all strategies) • Objective: Sponsor $2000 Graduating

Senior Networking Social to be held November and May annually

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Exercise: Objectives

For each goal, write 2-3 SMART ObjectivesExample Goal: Improve Univ Graduate Recruitment (utilizing all strategies)

Objective: Sponsor $2000 Graduating Senior Networking Social to be held November and May annually

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Task AssignmentsCan be done with Strategic Planning or afterShould have following:

Task OwnersTask Time estimationTask Budget/ Budget SourceTask Due DatePreceding Task, Gating Task

Great place for PC: MS Project, MS VisioMac: Omni Plan, Omni Graffle

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Overall Structure

Task 3

Task 2

Task 1

Objective 1

Task 3

Task 2

Task 1

Objective 2

Task 3

Task 2

Task 1

Objective 3

Goal Area 1

Task 3

Task 2

Task 1

Objective 1

Task 3

Task 2

Task 1

Objective 2

Goal Area 2

Task 3

Task 2

Task 1

Objective 1

Task 3

Task 2

Task 1

Objective 2

Goal Area 3

Overall Mission/Vision

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Monitoring and Review (low level)

How will you measure success?What Task Completion/Milestones will indicate timeliness?How will the task owners report?What should be done if ahead of schedule? Behind?

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High Level Monitoring: Annual Assessment

Our World

What's Going on?

Implications and


Our Identity and


Who are we? And where

are we going

Review and affirm:


Our Progress

How are we doing?

Review and access

Lessons learned

Our Future

Where do we go need to go


Setting Priorities

Key Issues for Year

Revisit Goals


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Thank You


[email protected]

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One Crazy Goal

Name?Chapter?One Crazy Goal?`