Leading By Design Education for a Changing World The Strategic Vision for Abington Friends School 2011-2017

Strategic Vision for AFS

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Strategic Vision for Abington Friends School 2011-2017

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Leading By DesignEducation for a Changing World

The Strategic Vision for Abington Friends School2011-2017

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A Friends School for the 21st CenturyAbington Friends School has been inspired by a distinctive vision of Quakereducation for more than 300 years. We see the power of lives lived with astrong sense of inner spirit and an active and hopeful engagement with thelarger world. That dynamic of personal depth and outward vitality captures thepotential we see and nurture so fully in our students. We cultivate reflection,discernment and inner stillness to ground children for a dynamic, changingworld. And we build skills of leadership, collaboration, initiative and continuallearning to ensure a lifetime of full participation in creating a more just andhumane world.

The 315-year history of Abington Friends School has been one of bothconstancy and change. A historical look at the past 125 years shows long-standing commitments to independent thinking, engagement with thebroader world and contemporary issues, deep respect for individuals andthe diverse perspectives we bring to each other and an attunement to andreverence for the sacredness of life. There is a perennial freshness ofthinking that runs through every era of our history and is strongly palpablein today’s AFS.

A clear line of growth and vitality marks the recent history of the School. In the ’60s and ’70s,

we returned to coeducation, moved to our current campus from the Triangle Building. During

the ’80s and ’90s we saw tremendous growth in our diversity and geographical reach and

deepened our strong grounding in Quaker thought, practice and worship. The 1997 plan and

ensuing Ever Stronger Campaign brought a significantly expanded program in academics and

the arts in addition to beautiful new spaces for learning, including the luminous Faulkner Library

and Learning Center and the classrooms of Student Street in the Upper School, as well as

significant expansion to the academic program.

The 2006 Strategic Plan and the Vision in Action Campaign that followed invested energetically

in supporting teachers and students alike as active, creative learners in a resource-rich world,

adding new technology and research resources, launching the visionary ECCO program for

connecting students with transformative experiences in the wider world, creating ground-

breaking models of professional learning and establishing better compensation for faculty.

Driven by the guiding principle that “great schools are lit from within,” we have grown into a

powerful culture of new learning, innovation and engagement with the world around us. After

a year of research and collaboration across all constituencies and with deep confidence in the

power of the AFS vision for education in the 21st century, we are excited to share our 2011

Strategic Plan for Abington Friends School.

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Leading by DesignOur year of reflection, analysis and strategic planning has clearly revealed to usa school in upward motion. A powerful momentum is driving innovativeprogramming in 21st-century education—sustainability, networked learningcommunities, connections to the larger world and national leadership in diversityand multiculturalism. We are a culture of serious achievement, profoundly healthyat its core, with a deep Quaker respect for the whole, individual child and for hisand her place in the community, and a passionate commitment to the growth—in spirit, intellect, leadership and relationships—of each individual student.

At AFS, we understand that we are educating in and for a changing world,one that is more dynamic, entrepreneurial, diverse, collaborative andinterdependent than we’ve ever known. While many schools have staged aretreat to traditionalism or remain mired in bureaucracy and misconceiveddemands for accountability, the culture of reflection, inquiry, outreach andcontinual learning at the heart of AFS has led us to a renaissance of freshthinking. We are fully immersed in creating an energized, ambitious andrelevant environment for both our students and teachers.

Three key elements are at the core of our current strength and propel us to offerthe best possible education for the world of which our students are a part andwhich they now are entering:

• Deep grounding in Quaker thought and practice orients us to a generous and hopeful vision

of who children are and can be—and inspires an atmosphere where they can grow and

flourish as whole human beings. Essential healthfulness and enduring values provide

essential roots in a world of change.

• An environment of continual, collaborative learning in a resource-rich world encourages

active research, highest standards for best practice and a dynamic relationship with the

outside world. Such a culture of learning becomes the living heart of a relevant education—

and an engine for continual refinement and growth in our programs.

• A clear understanding of our needs ensures strength as an institution well into the future—

in human resources, finances, facilities, enrollment, philanthropy and strong standing and

partnerships in our community and region.

Our dynamic culture of learning and discovery, grounded in Quaker wisdomand practice, has led us to an exciting set of next steps that will further unlockthe power of collaboration in our community, create additional innovativeand engaging learning spaces, improve our beautiful campus, continue todevelop contemporary strands of curriculum and fully realize an exceptionallycompelling—and distinctly AFS—vision of education for a changing world.

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Design for Learning:

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programThemajor program initiatives of our strategic plan build onthe momentum and themes of our recent work, create idealspaces for student and faculty learning, connect our studentsto the larger world in new ways and promote key strands of21st century curriculum.

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Our VisionA Community Designed for a ContemporaryQuaker EducationAt the heart of our plan is a new blueprint for our

Early Childhood, Lower and Middle Schools and

ambitious plans for our Upper School that promotes

collaboration, deeper connections in the curriculum

and with families and a close focus on creating the

ideal environment for each age group.

Early Childhood/Lower School:An Innovative Integrated ProgramOur nationally known and state recognized Early

Childhood program will finally be fully integrated

into our main campus, creating an Early

Childhood/Lower School program and community

that fulfills our ambitious dreams for a world-class

learning environment for our younger students.

Featuring newly designed classroom spaces, an

outdoor classroom designed and accredited by the

Arbor Day Foundation (the first of its kind in

Pennsylvania) and a child-centered curriculum rooted

in building skills of observation, problem-solving,

inquiry and richly developed numeracy and literacy,

the new division will serve children ages 3 to grade four.

Middle School: Ideally Designed forEach Developmental StageOur plan for Middle School includes a new learning

community that is perfectly designed for 5th and

6th graders, in addition to our strong program for

7th and 8th graders.

Ten and eleven year olds share a joyful and industrious

spirit at the peak of their developmental stage. A

classroom environment and curriculum that takes

full advantage of this age group’s readiness for new

learning, new opportunities in athletics, arts and

activities and marked academic growth is our goal,

building on the outstanding programs we have

created in each grade over the years. A beautifully

designed suite of classrooms and flexible spaces

indoors and out complete the vision.

An equally apt environment for the growing

independence, leadership, range of interests and

readiness for new academic challenges is the plan for

our 7th and 8th grade students, again building on a

very strong Middle School foundation and philosophy

that has developed over many years at AFS.



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Upper School: A Complete Educationfor a Changing WorldOur plans for Upper School are powered by our

vision for education for a changing world and our

conviction that readiness to lead and thrive will

come from outstanding, contemporary academic

preparation, opportunities to connect meaningfully

with the outside world during high school, an

advisory system that leads to the right opportunities

at AFS and college and a comprehensive approach

to building skills for reflection, discernment,

leadership and empowerment in a diverse world.

Our ideal Upper School builds on our current strong

program to include emerging offerings in STEM

(science, technology, engineering and math),

languages, sustainability and digital production;

an enhanced college guidance program that moves

students thoughtfully toward the best opportunities

available to them for college placement; continued

growth in the innovative ECCO program to connect

to transformative experiences in the larger world;

a re-designed service program to build initiative,

leadership and meaningful contribution and efficacy

in the real world.



Action StepsA year of program and facilities development,including summer fellowships, the formation of

teaching teams and curriculum development.

Opening of the redesigned Early Childhood/Lower School and Middle School divisions inthe fall of 2012


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Design for Learning:

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AFS has occupied the same beautiful grounds for morethan 300 years. We are blessed with abundant green space,magnificent trees, a winding creek and a built campus thathas grown over time to serve our evolving needs.

Through the strategic planning process, and with input fromthe Friends of AFS Athletics Committee, we have identifieda range of key facilities investments that will transformour students’ daily experience of the campus and createa perfect environment for learning.


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A Master PlanAthletics Facilities Improvements• Expansion of the Hallowell Gym

• An all-weather track facility

• A multipurpose field house

• Development of the Abington Club Property

Arts Facilities Improvements• Expansion of the Muller Auditorium to include

technical theater and expanded rehearsal spaces

• Addition of air conditioning to the Tyson Arts Wing

Academic Facilities Improvements:• Bold development of the outdoor campus as

a resource for learning and sustainability initiatives

including the development of outdoor classrooms

for the Lower School and the continued

development of a vegetable garden as part of the

Middle and Upper School curriculum, and to

supply produce for the cafeteria.

• Full integration of SmartBoard technology and

one-to-one computing support

• Substantial renovations to Upper School

classrooms that were not completed in the

last campaign

• Expanded resources and equipment for state of

the art math and science programming



Action StepsConduct a feasibility study during the fall of2011 to prioritize and sequence campus

improvements over the next 5-10 years and

establish the foundation for the School’snext capital campaign.


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Design for Learning:

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We see the power of experiential education to fully engage and inspire ourstudents. In the last several years we have been rapidly expanding an ongoingseries of partnerships through which our students have participated intransformative internships, travel, arts and athletics opportunities beyond thewalls of the School. We have also been developing our voice of professionalleadership in the field of education, sharing our vision and findings widely innational conferences, publications and in professional development offeringson the AFS campus. We envision becoming a leading resource in sharing ourdistinctive educational vision and programs with the surrounding communityand within the larger world of independent education.


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Our VisionAFS will develop:• An ever broadening landscape of learning and

involvement for our students through service

learning and independent study connections

and relationships in the region

• New opportunities for the surrounding community

to take part in AFS programs as students, parents,

community partners and education professionals

• A growing voice of leadership in the independent

school world through regional and national


• A richer range of partnerships for our students

and faculty in our surrounding neighborhood

and region



Action StepsResearch an innovative model for offeringarts, athletics, academic, summer camp

and professional learning to AFS and the

surrounding community.

Expand AFS faculty professionalpresentations.

Advance our role as host to lecture seriesand conferences on campus.

Continue to develop the ECCO program.

Expand AFS civic involvement withJenkintown and regional partners.


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InfrastructureSupports to Achieveour Program Goals

Sustained Financial HealthDeveloping the Strategic Plan entailed building a long

term financial and business plan to fund facilities,

faculty and program as we envision them at their

best. Our continued financial health depends on:

• Meeting goals of our ideal enrollment model

through enhanced branding and marketing efforts

• Developing reserves for long-term investments in

program, facilities and faculty salaries

• Successful development initiatives for capital

projects and ongoing annual support

Culture of PhilanthropyWe must also develop a deeper culture of

philanthropy. We aim to better engender the deep

support of our constituencies to reach all of our

goals in program and facilities and attain the level

of development support comparable to our peer

schools. To meet our development goals we must:

• Engage the community in the goals of the Strategic

Plan and tap into our constituencies’ passion for

the School

• Develop research, outreach and relationship

building initiatives

• Thoughtfully engage the next generation of

leadership giving among alumni, parents and

friends of the School

• Build relationships with alumni and develop

alumni support

Effective CommunicationsOur strategic plan calls for continued growth in

branding and marketing the School with consistency,

discipline and strategy in our publications, facilities,

outreach and processes; and continued growth in

our relationships and civic involvement in the

local community.

Through effective communications, we will support

enrollment growth, make pride in AFS evident and

visible and strengthen AFS as a community

resource. This will include:

• Highlighting the existing physical beauty and

serenity of AFS’ campus for internal and external

constituents through a new signage system that

clearly directs visitors to points of interest.

• Developing a comprehensive Marketing plan

to augment existing Communications and

Admissions efforts.

• Lifting up community accomplishment to enhance

pride in AFS

• Connecting faculty and staff with leaders in the

local community in a consistent fashion

• Strengthening connectivity within and among AFS

groups (grade parents, faculty across divisions)

Strategic Planning CommitteeMargie McGlynn, clerk

Crissy Cáceres

David Campbell

Heather Garrison

Mark Garrison

Martha Holland

Peter Schorsch

Michael Sperger

Debbie Stauffer

Rich Nourie


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575 Washington Lane / Jenkintown, PA 19046215-576-3996 / www.abingtonfriends.net