Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation

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  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation



    Formulation:Functional Strategy

    & Strategic Choice

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    Functional Strategy :

    The approach a functional area takes toachieve corporate and business unitobjectives and strategies by maximizingresource productivity

    - Marketing strategy - Financial strategy - R&D strategy -

    Operations strategy - Purchasing strategy - Logistics strategy - HRM strategy -

    IT strategy

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    Marketing Strategy

    Pricing Selling Distribution


    Pro!uct Price

    Place Pro"otion

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    #sing a $"arket !e%elop"ent strategy

    Capture a larger share of an existing marketfor current products

    (through market saturation andmarket

    penetration by advertising andpromotion)

    Develop new markets for current products

    #sing a $pro!uct !e%elop"ent strategy Develop new products for existing markets

    (Using a successful brand nameto other products is called linee!tension")

    Develop new products for new markets

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    Marketing Strategy#here are numerous other marketing strategies$For e!ample%

    ' Push strategy ( Pull strategy PUSH : Spending a large amount of money on trade

    promotion in order to gain or hold shelf space in retailoutlets

    PULL : Spending more money on consumeradvertising so that shoppers will ask for the product

    ' Distribution strategy Use distri utors and dealers Use mass merchandisers Use internet to sell directly to consumers

    ' Pricing strategy Skim pricing Penetration pricing Dynamic Pricing

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    Financial Strategy#he trade off bet'een achieving the desireddebt to e uity ratio and relying on internallong term financing via cash flo' is a key


    For e!ample % * uity financing is preferred for related diversification +ebt financing is preferred for unrelated diversification

    Le%erage! buyout

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    .&+ Strategy Technological lea!er ( Technological )ollo*er

    + ,I-./ +Dean Foo!s/

    0n increasing nu"ber o) co"panies are *orking *ith theirsuppliers to help the" keep up *ith changing technology

    +P&1 institute! the use o) $technology scouts to search beyon!

    the co"pany )or pro"ising inno%ations/

    Open inno%ation !lliances and connections with government and academicla s" etc#$ree outside sources %customers etc#&

    / slightly different approach: to purchase minority stakes inrelatively ne' high 0 tech ventures that need capital

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    1perations Strategy 2ob shop

    One o) a kin! pro!uction using skille! labor 3onnecte! line batch )lo*

    3o"ponents are stan!ar!i e!5 each "achine)unctions like a 6ob'shop but is positione! in the sa"eor!er as the parts are processe!

    Fle7ible "anu)acturing syste"sParts are groupe! into "anu)acturing )a"ilies to

    pro!uce a *i!e %ariety o) "ass'pro!uce ite"s De!icate! trans)er lines

    Highly auto"ate! asse"bly lines that "ake one"ass'pro!uce! pro!uct using little hu"an labor

    Mass pro!uction 3ontinuous i"pro%e"ent syste" Mo!ular "anu)acturing Mass custo"i ation

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    2urchasing Strategy

    Multiple sourcing Sole sourcing + #sing 2IT an! 2IT II / Parallel sourcing

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    3ogistics Strategy

    3entrali ation Outsourcing Internet

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    4.M Strategy Lo* skille!8 lo* pay or High skille!8 high pay9

    /s 'ork increases in comple!ity andinnovation- choices shifts to % teams-

    cross trained self managing 'ork teams-high skilled employees :;< !egree appraisal +%ery popular tool in

    !e%eloping ne* "anagers/

    Di%erse *ork)orce can be a co"petiti%ea!%antage Ol!er *orkers per)or"

    as *ell as 'i) not better' than young e"ployees

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    5nformation #echnology Strategy Internet Intranet Follo*'the'sun "anage"ent Spontaneous translation tools

    (5n average going on the 'eb reduces

    processing time by one third)

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    1utsourcing purchasing )ro" so"eone else a pro!uct or ser%ice that ha! been pre%iously pro%i!e! internally 0%oi! outsourcing !istincti%e co"petencies

    1ffshoring the outsourcing o) an acti%ity or a)unction to a *holly'o*ne! co"pany or anin!epen!ent pro%i!er in another country

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    +isadvantages of outsourcing andoffshoring

    ' 3usto"er co"plaints' Long'ter" contracts

    ' 0bility to learn ne* skills an! !e%elop ne*core co"petencies

    ' Lack o) cost sa%ings' Poor pro!uct =uality '

    Increase! transportation costs

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    1utsourcing errors

    0cti%ities that shoul! not be outsource! >rong %en!or selection >riting poor contract O%erlooking personnel issues Hi!!en costs o) outsourcing Failing to plan e7it strategy

  • 8/12/2019 Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy & Strategic Choice presentation


    2roposed 1utsourcing Matri!