Stress! Dealing with it Effectively

Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?

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Page 1: Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?


Dealing with it Effectively

Page 2: Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?

Can you relate to this feeling?

Page 3: Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?

Stress vs. “Stressed out”

Stress Natural & important part of life Helps keep us alert Drives us to solve problems Motivates us to face challenges “Everything in moderation” Each of us has a level of

stress which is optimal for us

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Stress vs. “Stressed out”Feeling “Stressed out” Feeling overwhelmed, oppressed, & behind in work

Results when demands > effective coping strategies

We typically “stress out” when… Change in life has an unsettling effect

We feel challenged or threatened by an outside source

We lose personal control

Can lead to physical and psychological problems

How vulnerable are you to stress?

Page 5: Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?

Sources of Stress

Both negative and positive events Major life events as well as daily hassles It is not the event itself, but rather the way a

person interprets and reacts to the event that produces stress

Stress is unique and personal What is relaxing to one person may be stress for


Page 6: Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?

Sources of StressLife events such as…

Attending College Separation from family Competition Peer pressure Choosing a career New found freedom

Loss of a family member, friend, pet Illness Changes in Relationships Over-commitment

Page 7: Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?

Sources of Stress

Daily Hassles Imagine your self in these situations…

Driving your car in rush hour

Misplacing something in your room/apartment/house

Getting a last minute assignment

Having something break while using it

Waiting in a long line at the grocery store or bank How are you reacting? Which situations are most difficult for you?

Page 8: Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?

Recognizing Signs of Stress

Immediate physical response to a perceived threat/demand Feel an adrenaline rush Increased heart rate Breathing faster Muscles tighten Pupils dilate Dry mouth Sweating

Helps you survive in “fight or flight” situation, but in other situations causes….

Page 9: Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?

Stress Overload!

Physical Change in appetite, frequent illness, aches & pains, fatigue, etc.

Feelings Moodiness, Anxiety, Irritability, fearfulness, etc.

Behaviors Crying, increased smoking/substance use, withdrawal, working

harder (but getting less done), acting impulsively, having arguments, increased fidgeting/nervousness, etc.

Thoughts Self-criticism (e.g., I am not good enough) Fears of going crazy Fear of failure

Page 10: Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?

Taking Control! Assess your stress vulnerability

Which situations/circumstances are most challenging for you?

Assess how stress is impacting your life Physiological and emotional reactions

Brainstorm how you cope with stressful situations Healthy and unhealthy coping methods

Evaluate the healthy practices in your daily schedule

(e.g., exercise, meditation, healthy diet)

Based on this self-knowledge, begin to modify your


Page 11: Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?

Take care of your body

Nutrition (eat a well-balanced diet) Adequate sleep Exercise (aerobic exercise can reduce anxiety up

to 50%) Reduce caffeine, nicotine, and sugar intake Avoid self-medication

Alcohol and drugs don’t remove the stress, they just seem to offer temporary relief

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Take Care of Your Mind Be kind to yourself – don’t dwell on the “shoulds” Maintain perspective

Keep an eye out for unhelpful, self-defeating thoughts such as “I can’t do this!”

Substitute more corrective/helpful thoughts such as “I’ll just break this project down into more manageable tasks and take one thing at a time.”

Develop and use your support network Laugh! Learn relaxation exercises or meditation

Read for pleasure Listen to relaxing music slow, deep breathing exercises

Page 13: Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?

Time Management and Life Balance What are the important things in your life?

How are you spending your time?

What are your leading “time wasters?”

Managing time effectively is a great strategy for

reducing stress in your life and feeling more in


Page 14: Stress! Dealing with it Effectively. Can you relate to this feeling?

The Things in My Life - RealityThink of your life as a pie. Make each slice reflect the time you spend each week on each area of your life

•School (academics)

•School (extracurricular)




•Health / Exercise

•Volunteer / Community









Example: John

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The Things in My Life - IdealCreate slices to represent the balance you would ideally like in your life.

Can this be achieved?

•School (academics)

•School (extracurricular)




•Health / Exercise

•Volunteer / Community







School extracurricular


Example: John

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Time Management Tips Establish priorities

Make sure you allow time for the things that mean most to you

Set goals Make a schedule

Plan ahead how you will spend your time. Make sure that your schedule reflects time spent on your goals and priorities

Know what time of day is best for you When are you most productive?

Leave time each day for planning Have a daily “to do” list Effectively use waiting time

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Time Management Tips II

Use an appointment calendar (palm pilot) to track due

dates, meetings, activities, etc.

Divide large tasks into more manageable, smaller parts

Anticipate deadlines and high stress periods (e.g.,

exams) – plan for extra study time

Schedule breaks (10-15 minutes) – reward yourself!

Learn to say “NO”

Learn to say “Later”

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