Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1 , David S. Lawrie 2 , and Dmitri A. Petrov 1 1 Department of Biology, Stanford University, 371 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-5020 2 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 1 Abstract Codon usage bias (CUB), where certain codons are used more frequently than expected by chance, is a ubiquitous phenomenon and occurs across the tree of life. The dominant paradigm is that the proportion of preferred codons is set by weak selection. Though experimental changes in codon usage have shown large phenotypic effects, genome-wide population genetics estimates have generally been consistent with the weak selection model. Here we use site frequency spectrum and polymorphism- level data from deep Drosophila melanogaster population genomic sequencing to measure selection on synonymous sites. We find evidence that purifying selection on preferred codons varies in strength from weak to strong (N e s< -10). Our results suggest a new model where the level of CUB in a gene is determined by distribution of selection coefficients across sites. These results also indicate that the functional effect of CUB, and of synonymous sites in general, have been underestimated. 2 Introduction The degeneracy of the genetic code leads to protein-coding mutations that do not affect amino acid composition. Despite this, such synonymous mutations often have consequences on phenotype and fitness. The first evidence of the functionality of synonymous sites came from the discovery of codon usage bias (CUB), where, for a given amino acid, certain codons are used more frequently in a genome than expected by chance (Ikemura 1981; Grantham et al. 1981). The consensus in the field is that CUB is often driven by natural selection but the nature and strength of natural selection acting to maintain CUB is disputed. The most common explanations for CUB postulate selection on either the rate or the accuracy with which ribosomes translate mRNA to protein. The existence of selection at synonymous sites at the level of translation is supported by several key observations. First, the preference toward par- ticular “preferred” codons is consistent across genes within a particular genome suggesting a global, genome-wide process and not preference for the use of particular codons within specific genes (Chen 2004; Grantham 1980). Second, optimal codons tend to correspond to more abundant tRNAs, suggesting a functional relationship between translation and CUB (Post et al. 1979; Ikemura 1981; Ikemura 1982; Qian 2012). Third, preferred codons are more abundant in highly expressed genes than in the rest of the genome (Gouy 1982; Bulmer 1991; Novoa & Ribas de Pouplana 2012), consis- tent with selection being proportional to mRNA transcript abundance. Finally, constrained amino acid positions tend to contain preferred codons more frequently, suggesting a link between CUB and 1 . CC-BY 4.0 International license a certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not this version posted February 7, 2017. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/106476 doi: bioRxiv preprint

Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,

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Page 1: Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,

Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias

Heather E. Machado1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov1

1Department of Biology, Stanford University, 371 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-50202University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

1 Abstract

Codon usage bias (CUB), where certain codons are used more frequently than expected by chance,is a ubiquitous phenomenon and occurs across the tree of life. The dominant paradigm is that theproportion of preferred codons is set by weak selection. Though experimental changes in codon usagehave shown large phenotypic effects, genome-wide population genetics estimates have generally beenconsistent with the weak selection model. Here we use site frequency spectrum and polymorphism-level data from deep Drosophila melanogaster population genomic sequencing to measure selectionon synonymous sites. We find evidence that purifying selection on preferred codons varies in strengthfrom weak to strong (Nes < −10). Our results suggest a new model where the level of CUB in agene is determined by distribution of selection coefficients across sites. These results also indicatethat the functional effect of CUB, and of synonymous sites in general, have been underestimated.

2 Introduction

The degeneracy of the genetic code leads to protein-coding mutations that do not affect aminoacid composition. Despite this, such synonymous mutations often have consequences on phenotypeand fitness. The first evidence of the functionality of synonymous sites came from the discovery ofcodon usage bias (CUB), where, for a given amino acid, certain codons are used more frequentlyin a genome than expected by chance (Ikemura 1981; Grantham et al. 1981). The consensus inthe field is that CUB is often driven by natural selection but the nature and strength of naturalselection acting to maintain CUB is disputed.

The most common explanations for CUB postulate selection on either the rate or the accuracywith which ribosomes translate mRNA to protein. The existence of selection at synonymous sites atthe level of translation is supported by several key observations. First, the preference toward par-ticular “preferred” codons is consistent across genes within a particular genome suggesting a global,genome-wide process and not preference for the use of particular codons within specific genes (Chen2004; Grantham 1980). Second, optimal codons tend to correspond to more abundant tRNAs,suggesting a functional relationship between translation and CUB (Post et al. 1979; Ikemura 1981;Ikemura 1982; Qian 2012). Third, preferred codons are more abundant in highly expressed genesthan in the rest of the genome (Gouy 1982; Bulmer 1991; Novoa & Ribas de Pouplana 2012), consis-tent with selection being proportional to mRNA transcript abundance. Finally, constrained aminoacid positions tend to contain preferred codons more frequently, suggesting a link between CUB and


.CC-BY 4.0 International licenseacertified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under

The copyright holder for this preprint (which was notthis version posted February 7, 2017. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/106476doi: bioRxiv preprint

Page 2: Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,

translational accuracy (Escherichia coli : Stoletzki & Eyre-Walker 2007; Drosophila melanogaster :Akashi 1994; mammals: Drummond & Wilke 2008). In addition to speed and accuracy, there isevidence that other processes are affected by codon composition, such as cotranslational folding(Pechmann & Frydman 2013), RNA stability (Presnyak et al. 2015), and transcription (Carlini &Stephan 2003; Newman et al. 2016; Zhou et al. 2016).

Beyond the level at which selection operates to generate CUB, it is important to considerhow strong selection at synonymous sites is likely to be. This question has been most thoroughlyaddressed with population genetics approaches introduced by seminal papers of Li and Bulmer(Bulmer 1991; Li 1987). The Li-Bulmer model proposes that the observed proportion of preferredcodons can be explained by the balance of mutation, selection (in favor of preferred codons), andrandom genetic drift. This model assumes a constant selection coefficient per codon or codonpreference group. Given that levels of CUB are intermediate, even for highly biased genes of specieswith pronounced CUB, the model predicts that the strength of selection in favor of preferred codonsshould be on the order of the reciprocal of the effective population size (Nes ∼ −1). Indeed, ifselection was an order of magnitude stronger, we expect > 99% of synonymous sites to be fixed atthe preferred state. If it was an order of magnitude weaker, we would see no CUB at all (Hershberg& Petrov 2009).

The predicted weak selection should be detectable as a slight deviation in the site frequencyspectrum (SFS). Mutations from preferred to unpreferred codons should reach comparatively lowerfrequencies in the population than those in the opposite direction. Such deviations have in fact beenobserved in many organisms that show clear CUB (D. melanogaster : Zeng et al. 2009; Caenorhab-ditis remanei : Cutter & Charlesworth 2006; E. coli : Sharp et al. 2010). These findings solidifiedthe conclusion that selection at synonymous sites is weak but detectable.

Li-Bulmer model further predicts that the level of CUB should be very sensitive to the variationin effective population size. Such variation can be driven either by demographic differences betweenspecies or various levels of linked selection within genomes. There is indeed some equivocal evidencethat species with higher effective population sizes do exhibit higher CUB. For instance, the CUBis stronger in D. simulans compared to D. melanogaster, which has a smaller effective populationsize (Akashi 1996, Jackson et al. 2017). There is also stronger CUB in Drosophila (large Ne) thanin mammals (small Ne) (Urrutia 2001). However, there appears to be no correlation between levelsof effective population size across mammals and levels of CUB (Kessler 2014). And neither doesCUB appear to consistently correlate with levels of genetic draft within genomes. For instance,there is no consistent relationship between recombination rate and CUB (Singh 2005; Campos et al.2013), and the correlations that have been identified (Kliman & Hey 1993; Campos et al. 2012) canalternatively be explained by variation in mutational biases (Marais 2001). Most importantly, theobserved variation in the levels of CUB across the genome is minor at best, whereas the Li-Bulmermodel of constant weak selection in favor of preferred codons predicts that codon bias should beexponentially sensitive to Ne. Thus, the levels of CUB should be varying from nonexistent in theareas of no recombination to complete in the areas of high recombination.

An additional reason for the popularity of the Li-Bulmer estimate of weak selection drivingCUB is that it matches the intuition that a synonymous change should not have a large phenotypiceffect. However, there is abundant experimental evidence that this is not always the case. Forexample, optimizing the codon composition of the viral protein BPV1 increases the heterologoustranslation of the protein in humans by more than 1000 fold (Zhou et al. 1999). In D. melanogaster,changing a small number of preferred codons to unpreferred codons in the alcohol dehydrogenase(Adh) gene results in substantial changes in gene expression and in ethanol tolerance (Carlini &


.CC-BY 4.0 International licenseacertified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under

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Page 3: Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,

Stephan 2003, 2004). These studies suggest that some synonymous codon changes are subject to anNes >> 1 (s >> 10−6). Similarly, mechanistic models of codon usage bias suggest that selection atpreferred sites should often be several orders of magnitude larger than predicted by the populationgenetic Li-Bulmer model. In fact, the original Bulmer 1991 paper made this point and presentedthe discrepancy as a puzzle to be solved.

How can we reconcile these various lines of evidence? One possibility is that different synonymouscodons are subject to very different levels of selection, with some subject to very strong selection andthus fixed at preferred states, some being neutral and found in mutational equilibrium, and somesubject to weak selection and giving observed deviations in the SFS. This possibility would explainhow the level of CUB can be intermediate in many genes, show deviations in the SFS consistentwith weak selection, and at the same time be insensitive to deviations in effective population size.

This model can be tested using population genetic data. However, rather than consider only theshape of the SFS at synonymous sites in shallow population samples, which is what is usually done,we must either measure it in extremely deep samples or assess the overall level of polymorphism atsynonymous sites as well. More precisely, one commonly used method of estimating level of selectionis to compare the shape of the SFS at a putatively selected class of sites to that of a neutral reference.This approach is powerful, as the neutral reference can make the test independent of the demographichistory of a population. Such tests have been used to estimate the strength of selection on codon biasin D. melanogaster and have failed to find any evidence of strong selection on codon bias (Clemente& Vogl 2012a; Singh et al. 2007; Zeng & Charlesworth 2009; 2010, Campos et al. 2013). However,the limit of detection in the aforementioned studies was set by the lowest allele frequency class inthe dataset (set by the number of individuals sampled). As strong purifying selection results in aenrichment of very low allele frequency variants, only very deep population sequencing would allowfor the detection of strong purifying selection. In the absence of very deep and accurate populationsequencing, an alternative method is to utilize information about the proportion of sites that arepolymorphic (polymorphism-level). Since both strong purifying selection and a decreased mutationrate can lower the polymorphism-level, the selected class of sites would have to be compared with aneutral reference that is matched for mutation rate and levels of linked selection. If the proportionof sites under strong selection is not very large, such approaches also require much larger amountsof genomic data than was available previously.

Intriguingly, a study by Lawrie et al. (2013) that did incorporate polymorphism-level and SFSwith the use of matched neutral controls did find evidence of strong purifying selection. However,Lawrie and colleagues focused on selection on synonymous sites in general and failed to detectsubstantial selection on CUB. The Lawrie et al. 2013 study may have been limited in power dueto the depth of population sequencing, a lack of ancestral polarization, a focus on highly conservedgenes, and the use of a bottlenecked population (resulting in fewer variants).

Here we test for strong purifying selection on CUB in two distinct D. melanogaster populations.We accomplish this by comparing the polymorphism-level and SFS of fourfold degenerate synony-mous sites in preferred and unpreferred codons to that of a short intron neutral reference. Theneutral reference is produced by matching each fourfold site to a short intron site that is locatedwithin 1kb and has the same nucleotide at the position of interest and at the 5’ and 3’ neighboringsites. This creates a neutral reference that is subject to the same mutation rate and environment oflinked selection as the fourfold sites. We find evidence that the there is a distribution of selectionstrengths on CUB, ranging from weak to strong. Our findings of strong selection on CUB directlyconflict with previous models of codon bias that predict uniformly weak selection and indicate thatthe functional effects of CUB have been generally underestimated.


.CC-BY 4.0 International licenseacertified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under

The copyright holder for this preprint (which was notthis version posted February 7, 2017. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/106476doi: bioRxiv preprint

Page 4: Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,

3 Results

3.1 Sequence data and neutral controls

We identified all fourfold degenerate synonymous (4D) sites and putatively neutral short intron (SI)sites in two datasets, one of an African (Zambia) and one of a North American (DGRP Freeze 2)D. melanogaster population. Each dataset consisted of ∼200 individual full-genome sequences. Wedown-sampled to 160 individuals per site per population to ensure equivalent power at each site. Inorder to reduce the effect of sequencing error, we filtered out low-quality bases (MAPQ < 20) foreach individual genome sequence. We also excluded sites within 10bp of an indel. Since mappingerrors are more common in regions around indels, and since introns have a greater number of indels,including these regions would have artificially inflated the SI polymorphism level and would haveresulted in overestimates of purifying selection in 4D sites.

We used short introns as our neutral reference, as D. melanogaster short introns have beenpreviously found to be under minimal selective constraint (Haddrill et al. 2005; Parsch et al. 2010,Clemente & Vogl 2012). Specifically, we used short introns less than 86bp in length, excluding thefirst 16bp and the last 6bp of each intron (Halligan & Keightley 2006). We matched 4D sites toSI sites based on ancestral nucleotide (polymorphisms polarized using the D. simulans genome),mutational context (the same two flanking nucleotides), and location (within 1000bp). All siteswithout an appropriate match were discarded. As the number of 4D sites was greater than thenumber of SI sites, we allowed SI sites to be matched to multiple 4D sites. This resulted in a totalof 1075K 4D sites matched to 319K SI sites for Zambia, and 1183K 4D sites matched to 378K SIsites for DGRP. We performed the 4D/SI matching 200 separate times, producing 200 SI controlsets.

3.2 Some synonymous sites are under strong selection

In order to detect the presence of purifying selection on synonymous sites we compared the syn-onymous 4D site frequency spectrum (SFS) and polymorphism levels to that of the matched SIcontrols. Purifying selection removes genetic variation from a population, resulting in a decrease inthe polymorphism-level (the proportion of polymorphic sites). The effect of purifying selection onthe shape of the SFS is a function of the strength of selection. Weak purifying selection (Nes > −1)decreases the density of the SFS at intermediate allele frequencies and enriches low frequency vari-ants. Strong purifying selection (Nes < −10) results in an enrichment of very low allele frequencyvariants, making a skew in the SFS detectable only when a large number of individuals have beensampled. The most extreme example of this is of lethal mutations (Nes = −Inf), which do notaffect the shape of the SFS and result exclusively in a decrease in the polymorphism-level.

We first performed a maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of the strength and amount of se-lection on synonymous sites using only polymorphic sites. We call this the “shape-only” ML modelbecause it relies solely on deviations in the shape of the SFS and does not use polymorphism-level information. In this analysis we tested both the full datasets and the subset of synonymoussites found in preferred codons (the most frequent codon per amino acid). We hypothesized thatpreferred codons were under stronger purifying selection than unpreferred codons. For both theZambia and the DGRP full datasets, we found no evidence for selection. We performed the sametest on the subset of 4D sites in preferred codons and found strong evidence for selection in theZambia population, estimating that 28% (95% bootstrap CI: 26-29) of sites were under purifyingselection at Nes = −3 (95% bootstrap CI: 1-6). For the DGRP population, the selection estimates


.CC-BY 4.0 International licenseacertified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under

The copyright holder for this preprint (which was notthis version posted February 7, 2017. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/106476doi: bioRxiv preprint

Page 5: Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,

were similar (20% at Nes = −4); however, the confidence intervals were much larger (18%− 94% atNes = −Inf − 0) and the selection model was not significantly better than neutrality. One factorpotentially contributing to the large confidence intervals for DGRP is reduced power due to fewerpolymorphic sites (less than one-half the number of polymorphisms as Zambia). The detection ofpurifying selection in the set of 4D sites in preferred codons suggested that 1) synonymous sites inpreferred codons were under greater purifying selection than the genomic average and 2) we wereunderpowered to detect this selection in the full dataset due to a low total proportion of sites underselection.

Strong purifying selection will result in an enrichment of rare alleles and an overall reductionin polymorphism. The amount of reduction in polymorphism in the 4D sites compared with theSI controls can be expressed as the “polymorphism ratio”, defined as the natural logarithm of theSI polymorphism to 4D polymorphism ratio. The polymorphism ratio is positive for a depletionof 4D polymorphism and negative for an excess of 4D polymorphism. We found a reduction in 4Dpolymorphism in both the Zambia and DGRP datasets, with a polymorphism ratio of 0.10 and0.14, respectively (Figure 1). We found an even greater reduction in polymorphism in preferredcodons, with a polymorphism ratio of 0.19 and 0.29 for Zambia and DGRP, respectively. Theexpected polymorphism ratio for Zambia preferred codons, based on the shape-only ML estimateof 28% sites under selection at Nes = −3, is 0.07 (95% CI estimate: 0.03-0.11). This expectedpolymorphism ratio of 0.07 was significantly lower than the observed polymorphism ratio of 0.19,suggesting that the shape-only ML model does not fully explain the data.

The strong reduction in 4D polymorphism is suggestive of strong selection operating on 4Dsites. In order to measure strong selection on 4D sites we included the polymorphism-level in theML selection estimate. We call this the “level + shape” ML model. We tested five different level +shape ML models: 1) neutral, 2) neutral + lethal, 3) neutral + 1 selection coefficient, 4) neutral +selection + lethal, and 5) neutral + 2 selection coefficients (Table 1; see Methods). For the Zambiadataset, the best fit model was the neutral + 1 selection coefficient model (12% at Nes = −20). Forthe set of preferred codons the best-fit model was the neutral + 2 selection coefficient model (16%at Nes = −23 and 44% at Nes = −1), indicating that there was a range of detectable selectioncoefficients acting at the preferred sites (Figure 1). The lack of a weak-selection estimate for thefull dataset is consistent with the previous finding that the proportion of sites under weak selectionis too low for detection when including all sites. For the full DGRP dataset, our level + shape MLselection estimate also detected strong selection (13% of sites at Nes = −86); however, the neutral+ 1 selection coefficient model was not significantly better than the neutral + lethal model (13%lethal).

One factor contributing to the failure to significantly differentiate the strong selection class fromlethality is reduced power due to fewer polymorphisms. For the number of polymorphisms in theDGRP dataset (∼ 47K), the strongest selection that should be distinguishable from lethality isNes ∼ −60 (for power analyses, see Supplementary Figure 2). It is not surprising then that theselection model, with an Nes estimate of −86, was not significantly better than the lethal model. Forunpreferred 4D sites, no selection model was significantly better than the neutral model, indicatinga very low proportion of sites under selection. This is consistent with the low polymorphism ratiosfor these datasets (0.01 for both Zambia and DGRP). The enrichment of sites under selection in theset of preferred codons and the lack of selection found in the set of unpreferred codons indicates thatselection on CUB is a major component of the total amount of purifying selection on synonymoussites, and that the identification of both a weak and a strong selection class for preferred codonsindicates that selection on CUB may not be limited to weak selection, as generally believed.


.CC-BY 4.0 International licenseacertified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under

The copyright holder for this preprint (which was notthis version posted February 7, 2017. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/106476doi: bioRxiv preprint

Page 6: Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,

0.02 0.10 0.50




Allele frequency




n (






ll d
















Zambia DGRP


0.10 0.14










1 10 100






n o

f s



0.02 0.10 0.50










Allele frequency




n (

















Zambia DGRP


0.19 0.29










1 10010





n o

f s



0.02 0.10 0.50




Allele frequency




n (

















Zambia DGRP




0.01 0.01









1 10 100





n o

f s



Poly. Ratio

Poly. Ratio

Poly. Ratio








Both datasets neutral

Allele frequency




n (





Figure 1: SFS (cumulative), polymorphism, and “level + shape” ML selection estimates for fourfold syn-onymous (4D) and matched short intron control (SI) sites for the full dataset (top), for preferred codons(middle), and for unpreferred codons (bottom).


.CC-BY 4.0 International licenseacertified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under

The copyright holder for this preprint (which was notthis version posted February 7, 2017. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/106476doi: bioRxiv preprint

Page 7: Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,

Population Dataset Model Prop. S1 -Ns S1 Prop. S2 -Ns S2 Delta LL P

Zambia Full Neutral - - - - - -Neutral + lethal 0.09 (0.09-0.10) Inf - - 237 3 ∗ 10−105

Neutral + selection 0.12 (0.11-0.14) 20 (12-31) - - 277* 5 ∗ 10−19

Neutral + selection + lethal 0.09 (0.07-0.13) 11 (5-24) 0.03 (0-0.6) Inf 279 0.1Neutral + selection + selection 0.09 (0.01-0.88) 10 (0-10) 0.04 (0.03-0.13) Inf (15-Inf) 279 1

DGRP Full Neutral - - - - - -Neutral + lethal 0.13 (0.12-0.14) Inf - - 254* 2 ∗ 10−112

Neutral + selection 0.13 (0.12-0.15) 86 (44-Inf) - - 255 0.15Neutral + selection + lethal 0.13 (0.03-0.77) 86 (0-155) 0 (0-0.13) Inf 255 1Neutral + selection + selection 0 (0-0.84) 0 (0-10) 0.09 (0.09-0.15) Inf (44-Inf) 255 1

Zambia Preferred Neutral - - - - - -Neutral + lethal 0.18 (0.16-0.19) Inf - - 446 6 ∗ 10−196

Neutral + selection 0.29 (0.27-0.33) 7 (4-10) - - 648 5 ∗ 10−90

Neutral + selection + lethal 0.26 (0.24-0.32) 3 (1-6) 0.07 (0.03-0.10) Inf 667 9 ∗ 10−9

Neutral + selection + selection 0.44 (0.19-0.87) 1 (1-2) 0.16 (0.10-0.20) 23 (13-46) 674* 1 ∗ 10−4

DGRP Preferred Neutral - - - - -Neutral + lethal 0.25 (0.24-0.26) Inf - - 515 6 ∗ 10−226

Neutral + selection 0.29 (0.27-0.31) 20 (11-37) - - 568 2 ∗ 10−24

Neutral + selection + lethal 0.17 (0.13-0.23) 4 (1-9) 0.14 (0.09-0.19) Inf 583* 1 ∗ 10−7

Neutral + selection + selection 0.15 (0.10-0.79) 3 (0-5) 0.17 (0.14-0.24) 62 (35-Inf) 585 0.05

Table 1: Nested “level + shape” maximum likelihood models tested for the Zambia and DGRP datasets.Values in parentheses are 95% bootstrap confidence intervals. Model comparison was performed with chi2

goodness of fit test P < 0.05: *Best fit model.

3.3 Phylogenetic conservation scores support finding of strong selection on CUB

If our ML and polymorphism ratio estimates truly do reflect selection levels, we might also ex-pect our estimates to correlate well with signatures of long-term selection, such as phylogeneticconservation. We calculated phylogenetic conservation across a 10-species Drosophila phylogenyas the phyloP score from the program PHAST (Cooper et al. 2005). The phyloP conservationscore measures the extent of conservation or divergence per site, with positive values representingconservation and negative values representing divergence. We excluded D. melanogaster from thephylogenetic analysis in order to avoid a confounding effect of D. melanogaster polymorphism onboth polymorphism ratio and phyloP score. We asked if there was a correlation between the propor-tion of sites we identified to be under purifying selection and the level of phylogenetic conservation.We found a strong correlation between polymorphism ratio and phyloP conservation score of 4Dsites (Zambia: R2 = 0.96, P < 2 ∗ 10−16; DGRP: R2 = 0.94, P < 2 ∗ 10−16) (Figure 2). We alsoperformed level + shape ML estimates of the proportion of sites under selection for 4D sites in low(lower quartile), medium (middle two quartiles), or high (upper quartile) phyloP scores. Not onlydid we observe the same relationship of increasing purifying selection with increasing conservation,we also found that there was a tight correlation between the ML estimates of the proportion of sitesunder purifying selection and the polymorphism ratio (Supplemental Figure 3). The agreement ofthe polymorphism ratio and the level + shape ML estimates supports the use of polymorphismratio as a rough proxy for the proportion of sites under strong purifying selection. The correlationof phylogenetic conservation with our estimates of purifying selection supports the relevance of ourestimates to long-term constraint.


.CC-BY 4.0 International licenseacertified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under

The copyright holder for this preprint (which was notthis version posted February 7, 2017. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/106476doi: bioRxiv preprint

Page 8: Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,

−3.0 −2.0 −1.0 0.0 0.5





Phylogenetic conservation (phyloP)




m r










of s




Figure 2: Correlation between the phyloP conservation score across a Drosophila phylogeny (excluding D.melanogaster) and the proportion of sites under selection, as estimated by the polymorphism ratio (lines)and the level + shape ML method (triangles). Dark red: Zambia, light blue: DGRP. The polymorphismratio was estimated in sliding windows of 100K SNPs. The ML estimates were made for three groups: thelowest quartile, the middle two quartiles, and the highest quartile of phyloP scores. ML estimates are plottedagainst the median phyloP score for each group.

3.4 Recombination rate does not influence CUB

Previous studies have found evidence of only weak correlation between recombination rate andCUB. We tested for increased levels of purifying selection on preferred 4D sites as a function ofrecombination rate. We found that there was a greater proportion of preferred codons in highrecombination rate regions (42.1% and 42.6% for Zambia and DGRP, respectively) than in lowrecombination rate regions (40.1% and 41.2% for Zambia and DGRP, respectively; both chi2 P <10−15). However, once we controlled for mutational rates by measuring the polymorphism ratio, wefound no evidence of increased strong purifying selection (greater polymorphism ratio) on preferredcodons in high recombination rate regions compared with those in low recombination rate regions(Figure 3), nor any general increase in selection with recombination rate (Supplementary Figure 5).


.CC-BY 4.0 International licenseacertified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under

The copyright holder for this preprint (which was notthis version posted February 7, 2017. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/106476doi: bioRxiv preprint

Page 9: Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,






Codon usage





m r


U−>P U−>U P

● ●

Low RR

Med RR

High RR


Codon usage

U−>P U−>U P


Low RR

Med RR

High RR

Figure 3: Polymorphism ratio by class of codon preference and recombination rate (RR). RR groups areclassified into low (lowest quartile), medium (middle two quartiles), and high (top quartile). U: unpreferred;P: preferred. Error bars are 2 standard error.

3.5 Level of preference for a codon predicts proportion of sites under strongselection

Our findings suggested that a substantial proportion of synonymous sites in preferred codons wereunder strong purifying selection. Since the biased usage of codons actually exists on a continuum,rather than binary designations of “preferred” and “unpreferred”, we next asked whether or notthe level of biased usage (for a particular codon) correlates with the amount of strong selectionobserved. We used the relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) as a measure of the level of codonpreference (Sharp & Li 1986). We measured RSCU for each 4D codon and compared that to thepolymorphism ratio, which we take as a measure of the proportion of sites under strong selection. Wefound a strong positive relationship between RSCU and polymorphism ratio (Zambia: R2 = 0.56,P = 4∗10−7; DGRP: R2 = 0.63, P = 4∗10−8; Figure 4). We next asked if the change in RSCU, fromancestral to derived, correlated with polymorphism ratio. We hypothesized that mutations to a lesspreferred state (positive RSCU change) would show evidence for strong purifying selection (positivepolymorphism ratio), whereas mutations to a more preferred state (negative RSCU change) wouldbe positively selected for and have an increased level of 4D polymorphism relative to the SI control(negative polymorphism ratio). We found a strong, positive relationship between RSCU change andpolymorphism ratio, with negative polymorphism ratios for strongly preferred derived mutations onunpreferred ancestral codons (Figure 4). This supports the hypothesis of purifying selection on thestrongest unpreferred changes and positive selection on the strongest preferred changes. Note thatnegative polymorphism ratios (that is greater levels of polymorphism at 4D than SI sites), assumingthat SI sites are neutral and 4D sites are under selection, is possible depending on the particularsof the mutational biases and direction of selection (Lawrie et al. 2011, McVean & Charlesworth1999).


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0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0












m r




● ●

● ●





0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


●● ●




● ●●

● ●

● ●





●● ●


● ●●




● ●●



−2 −1 0 1 2






∆ RSCU (ancestral−derived)





m r


● ●























−2 −1 0 1 2

∆ RSCU (ancestral−derived)




● ●






● ●




Zambia DGRP

Figure 4: Top: Polymorphism ratio for each codon as a function of the level of bias for the codon (relativesynonymous codon usage: RSCU) (median over 200 matched controls). Bottom: Polymorphism ratio foreach ancestral/derived codon pair as a function of the change in RSCU.

3.6 More selection on synonymous sites due to CUB than due to any otherprocess

Several processes other than those related to CUB have also been hypothesized to act on synony-mous sites. In order to assess the relative importance of various processes driving the observedselection on synonymous sites, we tested several putatively functional classes of sites for enrichmentof purifying selection. In addition to preferred codons, we tested transcription factor (TF) bound


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regions, alternatively spliced genes, RNA binding protein (RBP) bound regions, splice junctionsand high ribosomal occupancy regions. We calculated the polymorphism ratio for each functionalclass and the corresponding dataset excluding the functional class (exclusion dataset). We founda significantly greater polymorphism ratio not only for preferred codons but also for alternativelyspliced genes, spliceosome bound regions and TF bound regions in both the Zambia and the DGRPpopulations (Figure 5, Supplementary Figure 6).

Splice jun RBP bound AS genes Ribo occ TF bound Pref codon{A. B.






Focal classExclude focal class

12K 138K 557K 104K 118K 313K






m r


Codon bias


TF bound

Figure 5: A) Proportion of sites under strong selection as measured by the polymorphism ratio for eachclass of site (grey) and the dataset excluding the focal class sites (white). The number of sites in a focal classis listed below the corresponding bar. The red dashed line is the polymorphism ratio for the full dataset(Zambia). Error bars represent two standard error. B) Relative proportion of synonymous sites under strongpurifying selection due to slicing, codon bias, or being transcription factor (TF) bound.

In order to compare the relative contributions of each functional class to strong purifying selec-tion, we estimated the number of sites expected to be under strong purifying selection as a result ofa particular functional class (see Methods). We combined the three splicing-related classes (alter-natively spliced genes, spliceosome bound regions, and splice junctions) into one “splicing” datasetand compared this to the set of sites not covered by any of these categories. This left us with threegeneral groups: codon bias, splicing, and transcription factor binding. In the Zambia dataset wefound 150K sites under strong purifying selection associated with codon bias, 38K with splicing, and4K with transcription factor binding (Figure 5). The DGRP dataset showed similar trends: 217Ksites under strong purifying selection associated with codon bias, 100K with splicing, and 13K withtranscription factor binding. In summary, we found that codon bias explained the greatest numberof 4D sites under purifying selection, representing approximately twice as many sites as splicing.

We also measured the polymorphism ratio for the sites least likely to be under selection. Weexcluded the two largest contributors to selection on synonymous sites, preferred codons and alter-natively spliced genes. The set of unpreferred codons in non-alternatively spliced genes consisted of137K sites in Zambia and 158K sites in DGRP, and represented the 4D sites least likely to be understrong selection. Interestingly, we found that this set of 4D sites had more polymorphism thantheir SI matched control set (negative polymorphism ratio), indicating greater purifying selectionin short introns and/or the presence of positive selection on these 4D sites.


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3.7 Features of strong selection on CUB

Preferred codons may be under greater purifying selection in some genes than in others. We askedif a greater proportion of preferred codons were under strong purifying selection in genes with highcodon bias compared to genes with low codon bias. One measure of the amount codon bias ina gene is the frequency of preferred codons (FOP). We calculated FOP per gene and asked if, asexpected, there was a stronger signal of purifying selection on 4D sites in genes with higher FOP.We found a trend towards a larger polymorphism ratio for 4D sites in high FOP genes (Zambia:0.103; DGRP: 0.150) compared with low FOP genes (Zambia: 0.087; DGRP: 0.131) albeit the trendis not significant (Zambia: t-test P = 0.19; DGRP: t-test P = 0.26; Supplementary Figure S4).

We then evaluated the patterns of CUB-associated polymorphism by grouping 4D sites into threecategories: preferred, unpreferred with mutations to another unpreferred state, unpreferred withmutations to the preferred state. We found no trend of polymorphism ratio verses FOP for preferredcodons, indicating that a similar proportion of preferred codons were under strong selection in geneswith low overall biased codon usage compared with genes with high bias and consequently, thata larger number of preferred codons in high FOP genes are subject to strong selection (Figure 6).Interestingly, we found a pattern of negative polymorphism ratios for unpreferred codons specificallyin high FOP genes, which was particularly pronounced for sites that were ancestrally unpreferredwith derived preferred mutations. This pattern was much stronger in high FOP genes than lowFOP genes (Zambia: t-test P = 0.02; DGRP: t-test P = 3 ∗ 10−5). Note that these negativepolymorphism ratios at unpreferred codons lead to lower polymorphism ratios in high FOP genesthan would be expected given the larger number of preferred codons subject to strong selection insuch genes (Supplementary Figure S4). These patterns overall are consistent with stronger selectionin favor of preferred codons in high FOP genes.

● ●






Codon usage





m r


U−>P U−>U P

● ●



High FOP


Codon usage

U−>P U−>U P




High FOP

Figure 6: Polymorphism ratio by class of codon preference and the frequency of preferred codons (FOP).FOP groups are classified into low (lowest quartile), medium (middle two quartiles), and high (top quartile).U: unpreferred; P: preferred. Error bars are 2 standard error.

Codon bias has also been shown to vary depending on the location in the gene. We first asked ifpreferred codons vary in the amount of strong purifying selection that they are under as a functionof the location in the exon. We measured the polymorphism ratio for each class codon preferenceat the start (1st quartile) of an exon, the middle of an exon (2nd and 3rd quartile) or the end


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of an exon (4th quartile). In preferred codons we found a trend toward increased polymorphismratio at the start and the end of exons, compared with the middle of the exons (Figure 7; t-teststart > middle: Zambia P = 0.1, DGRP P = 0.01; t-test end > middle: Zambia P = 8 ∗ 10−5,DGRP P = 0.03). However, this pattern was also observed in unpreferred codons (t-test start> middle: Zambia P = 0.05, DGRP P = 0.04; t-test end > middle: Zambia P = 0.06, DGRPP = 0.5), indicating that this effect may be unrelated to CUB. Alternatively, this could be a resultof purifying selection on synonymous sites important for splicing. We next assessed polymorphismratio as a function of the exon position along the gene (either first exon, last exon, intermediateexons, or exons of single-exon genes). No consistent patterns were observed with location of theexon (Figure 7).










m r




Exon start

Exon middle

Exon end





Exon start

Exon middle

Exon end





Codon usage





m r


U−>P U−>U P


● ●

● ●

Single exon

First exon

Int exon

Last exon

● ●



Codon usage

U−>P U−>U P

● ●


Single exon

First exon

Int exon

Last exon

Figure 7: Polymorphism ratio by class of codon preference and the position along the exon (top) or theexon position along the gene (bottom). U: unpreferred; P: preferred. Error bars are 2 standard error.

4 Discussion

4.1 Strong and weak purifying selection on CUB

We find evidence that selection on CUB is not limited to weak selection, and find that ∼ 20% of4D sites in preferred codons are under strong purifying selection. Our study builds on methodologydeveloped in Lawrie et al. 2013, recapitulating their major result of strong purifying selection onsynonymous sites and extending the analysis to identify functional associations. We were able to


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Page 14: Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,

gain a finer view by 1) use of multiple, deeply sampled datasets, 2) ancestral polarization of alleles,and 3) strict filtering of sites with low quality or near indels to reduce noise. Although Lawrie etal. 2013 found evidence of strong selection on 4D sites, the underlying processes examined couldnot account for this signal. While our finding of strong purifying selection on 4D sites is consistentwith Lawrie et al. 2013, our study finds that CUB accounts for the majority of this selection,and, in conjunction with splicing, can fully explain the patterns of polymorphism. In addition tofinding that many 4D sites are subject to strong selection, we also find evidence that a substantialproportion of 4D sites are under weak purifying selection on CUB, which is consistent with thesignal of weak selection previously observed in D. melanogaster (Zeng & Charlesworth 2009, 2010,Campos et al. 2013).

For methodological reasons, many previous methods identified only weak selection on CUB.Strong purifying selection is not detectable with methods that use only the polymorphic SFS withoutsufficiently high depth of population sequencing (Zeng & Charlesworth 2009, 2010, Campos et al.2013) or methods that incorporate polymorphism-level, but assume a distribution of fitness effects(DFE) that is biased towards weak-selection (eg. gamma distribution: Andolfatto et al. 2011). Inour analysis we use the polymorphism-level and SFS to make point estimates of selection strengths.We detect both a peak of selection coefficients at Nes = −1 as well as at Nes = −22 in theset of preferred codons (DGRP: Nes = −1, Nes = −66). In reality, selection coefficients have adistribution, which we have represented with either one or two selection masses. The use of pointestimates to represent the DFE is robust to a range of real underlying DFEs (Kousathanas &Keightley 2013), allowing us to detect selection occurring at both the weak and the strong range ofselection coefficients.

4.2 Polymorphism ratio correlates with the level of CUB per codon and pergene

Since we control for mutation rate and local determinants of polymorphism, such as linked selectionand recombination, we can use polymorphism-level information alone to measure strong purify-ing selection. We find that the polymorphism ratio of the SI to 4D sites is a good proxy for theproportion of sites under strong purifying selection, as evidenced by the relationship between poly-morphism ratio and both the ML estimates of selection and the level of phylogenetic conservation.We find that the estimated proportion of sites under strong selection is strongly associated withthe extent of CUB, as measured by the relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU). In addition,the change in RSCU from ancestral to derived correlates with the proportion of sites under strongselection. These results further support our conclusion of strong purifying selection on CUB.

It is well established that certain genes, particularly those with high expression, tend to havea greater proportion of preferred codons (Gouy 1982; Bulmer 1991; Novoa & Ribas de Pouplana2012). We measured polymorphism ratio for sites in genes of low, medium, and high frequenciesof preferred codons (FOP). From this analysis we have three major findings: 1) the proportionof preferred codons under strong purifying selection is relatively constant across genes (Figure 6),2) there is evidence for increased positive selection for derived preferred mutations in high FOPgenes (Figure 6), and 3) the contribution of excess 4D polymorphism, putatively associated withpositive selection, in high FOP genes is a example of how the polymorphism ratio measure ofstrong purifying selection can be dampened by positive selection. To more fully articulate the thirdpoint, polymorphism ratio in high FOP genes is the combination of two competing processes, thehigher proportion of preferred codons increasing the polymorphism ratio and the stronger positive


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selection for derived preferred codons reducing the polymorphism ratio. The fact that the increase inpolymorphism ratio between low and high FOP genes is less than expected (Supplementary FigureS4) is a demonstration of cryptic CUB-associated purifying selection in the high FOP genes (due tothe increased level of positive selection on CUB). We also notice negative polymorphism ratios inthe RSCU analysis, where we find strongly negative polymorphism ratios for codons that we wouldexpect to be under the greatest amount of positive selection, i.e., codons with highly unpreferredancestral states and highly preferred derived mutations.

4.3 Selection on other functional classes

We find splicing to be the second-most important process underlying purifying selection on syn-onymous sites. We tested three classes of sites putatively enriched for selection due to splicing:alternatively spliced genes, spliceosome-bound regions and splice junctions. Although alternativelyspliced genes explain the greatest amount of selection on synonymous sites (∼90K sites), owingto the large number of sites in alternatively spliced genes, we find that splice junctions have thegreatest proportion of sites under selection (∼ 45% under strong purifying selection), followed byspliceosome-bound regions. Splicing is known to be a critical function for proper development andfunction of an organism.

There is also evidence for an enrichment of strong selection in transcription factor-bound 4Dsites. We estimate that ∼3K 4D sites are under strong selection due to transcription factor binding.To identify transcription factor bound sites we used ChIP-seq experiments targeted at 16 differenttranscription factors. With a larger breadth of transcription factor binding data, 4D sites in tran-scription factor-bound regions may prove to be under a greater amount of selection than we candetect here.

We find that codon bias, splicing, and transcription factor binding are sufficient for explainingthe polymorphism differences between 4D and SI control sites, indicating that these processes alsoexplain the bulk of strong purifying selection acting on synonymous sites. However, it is importantto note that our measures are only correlative with the functional class being tested, such that wecannot say that these processes directly underlie the selection. In addition, there are likely multipleother processes acting on synonymous variants that we have not included. Other processes thathave been shown or hypothesized to act on 4D sites include transcriptional regulation (Newman etal. 2016) and RNA transcript stability (Presnyak et al. 2015). Given the explanatory power of ourresults, we suggest that these other processes are either less affected by synonymous variation orthat they are correlated with the processes already tested.

4.4 Controlling for linked selection and mutation rate

One caveat to our polymorphism-level based method of estimating selection is that multiple pro-cesses can reduce the observed level of polymorphism of a site. These include linked selection,low recombination rate, a reduced mutation rate or selection on the site itself. In order to isolatethe effects of selection on 4D sites, we ensured that each 4D site was experiencing the same localenvironment of linked selection and recombination rate and the same mutation rate as its matchedSI control. We found that with an increasing distance of up to 1000bp from the focal 4D site toits SI control there was no systematic change in polymorphism in the SI control, indicating thatthe matched controls were under a sufficiently similar amount of linked selection (SupplementaryFigure 1). This local matching also ensures equivalent recombination rates, which can affect poly-


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morphism. In order to account for mutational differences, we required that matched controls hadthe same 3bp mutational context as the 4D sites. In Drosophila, there is a significant effect of 3bpcontext on mutation rate (Sharp & Agrawal 2016). For polymorphic sites we used the ancestralallele for matching (polarized from D. simulans, where possible), providing a more appropriatematch than if we had not polarized by ancestral state. Since we match locally (< 1000bp), 4D sitesand their matched controls will also be subject to the same local mutation rate effects, such as GCcontent. In addition to taking measures to control for mutation rate, we observe that our estimatesof purifying selection correlate with the putative functionality of a class of sites, such as preferredcodons, splice junctions, RBP bound regions, and alternatively spliced genes, supporting the claimthat our results reflect the action of selection.

4.5 Our selection estimates may be conservative

Our estimates of purifying selection on 4D sites may be conservative, underestimating the trueamount of selection on 4D sites. This could be the case if there was any constraint on the SI controlsor if there was positive selection on the 4D sites themselves. There were two methodological decisionsthat may have contributed to constraint in short introns. Both (Halligan & Keightley 2006) and(Parsch et al. 2010) found that short introns (< 65bp and < 120bp, respectively) have the leastconstraint on bases 8-30. As we included a larger portion of the intron, it is possible that we havealso included SI sites under a greater amount of conservation. We also excluded regions surroundingindels (10bp on either side) in order to reduce false polymorphisms due to mis-mapping. This morestrongly affects short introns (as they are more permissive to indels than coding regions) and willselect for more conserved SI regions. We also find evidence supporting positive selection on 4Dsites, where 4D sites in ancestrally unpreferred codons with a derived preferred allele actually havean excess of polymorphism compared to the SI controls.

4.6 New model of CUB

Our finding that selection on CUB ranges from weak to strong directly contradicts the standardLi-Bulmer model of selection on CUB. The Li-Bulmer model assumes a constant selection coef-ficient for a codon and, given the intermediate proportion of preferred codons observed in manyspecies, predicts that selection on CUB is weak (Bulmer 1991, Li 1987). This prediction may havecontributed to the prevalence of methods that are biased towards the detection of weak selection.However, the Li-Bulmer model has not always agreed with the data. First, since population sizesvary by several orders of magnitude across species, the selection coefficient would have to varyinversely by several orders of magnitude as well in order to result in the observed intermediatelevels of CUB (Hershberg & Petrov 2008). There is no intuitive reason to think that the selectioncoefficient would be inversely related to the population size, or that it should vary by several or-ders of magnitude. Second, if selection is weak, there should be more CUB in high recombinationrate regions. This prediction comes from the increased effect of Hill-Robertson interference (linkedselection) in low recombination rate regions (Felsenstein 1974). While there is some evidence for acorrelation between CUB and recombination rate in D. melanogaster (Kliman & Hey 1993; Camposet al. 2012), this is not true for the D. melanogaster X chromosome (Singh 2005; Campos et al.2013), and the correlations that have been found can be explained by mutation rate (Marais 2001).Third, there is experimental evidence that changes in one or more synonymous codons can havelarge phenotypic effects, suggesting that selection on CUB is not always weak (Zhou et al. 1999,


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Carlini & Stephan 2003, 2004).

We propose a new model where the strength of selection per codon varies from non-existent tostrong within a gene, with the level of CUB in a gene set primarily by the distribution of selectioncoefficients across sites. Genes that have high CUB under our model would have more sites subjectto strong selection in favor of preferred codons compared to genes with low CUB, as we in fact see inthe data. This eliminates the problem of setting the proportion of preferred codons by fine-tuningthe strength of selection at all preferred sites to a particular value of s ∼ 1/Ne under the Li-Bulmermodel. In addition, under our model, a substantial proportion of preferred codons is subject tosuch strong purifying selection (s >> 1/Ne), that reduction in effective population size by orders ofmagnitude due either to demographic shifts or modulation in the strength of genetic draft would stillnot abolish CUB, as many preferred sites would still remain subject to strong selection (s > 1/Ne).At the other extreme, a substantial increase in effective population size would not generate completeCUB as many preferred sites may not be subject to purifying selection at all.

If this model is correct, the key question that remains is what determines whether a particularsynonymous site is subject to strong, weak, or no selection in favor of preferred codons. Specifically,the sites under very strong selection might play a disproportionately important role by, for example,being essential for cotranslational folding, transcription, RNA stability, translational efficiency ortranslational accuracy. This would suggest that the location of such synonymous sites should belargely conserved across species, as we in fact detect to some extent by showing a correlation betweenpolymorphism ratio and phylogenetic constraint in the Drosophila genus (Figure 2).

4.7 Conclusions

We find evidence that codon usage bias is under a substantial amount of purifying selection in D.melanogaster, and that this is not limited to weak selection. Our finding that there is a distributionof fitness effects for CUB, ranging from weak to strong selection, argues against the Li-Bulmer modelpredicting constant weak selection. By dismissing this model, we resolve the contradiction betweenthe intermediate frequencies of preferred codons observed in most species and the population-sizeindependence of said frequencies. We also reconcile the observations that changes in synonymouscodons can have large phenotypic effects, but that genomic methods have identified only weakselection. We suggest that the reasons previous studies did not find evidence for strong selection onCUB are methodological. Our use of a test that includes the polymorphism-level, while controllingfor mutation rate and linked selection, provides sufficient power for identifying strong purifyingselection. While this study was performed in Drosophila, the importance of a new model of CUB isgeneral, as both codon bias and the assumption of constant weak selection is widespread. Further,this study underscores the importance of CUB, and of synonymous variation in general, to thefitness of an organism, and opens research directions to further understand this phenomenon.

5 Methods

5.1 Sequence data

We used sequence data from two D. melanogaster populations, one from North America (DGRPFreeze 2), consisting of 200 inbred lines (Mackay et al. 2012), and one from Africa (Zambia),consisting of 197 haploid embryos (Lack et al. 2015), downloaded from the Drosophila GenomeNexus (http://www.johnpool.net/genomes.html). To reduce the effect of sequencing and mapping


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error, for each individual we filtered out all sites with low mapping quality (MAPQ < 20) and thatwere within 10bp of an indel. Per population we down-sampled sites to a uniform coverage of 160Xand excluded sites with less than 160X coverage. We considered only the four major autosomalchromosome arms because of systematic differences between D. melanogaster autosomes and Xchromosomes (Singh et al. 2005) and polarized polymorphic sites by identifying the ancestral stateas the allele found in the D. simulans v2 reference genome (Hu et al. 2013). We used the D.melanogaster reference allele for cases where the ancestry was ambiguous, either because there wasno direct D. simulans alignment or because neither allele was present in D. simulans. Fourfolddegenerate synonymous (4D) sites and intronic regions were identified from Flybase annotations(release 5.5; www.flybase.org). The total number of 4D sites in our two datasets was 1,976,830 forDGRP and 1,862,290 for Zambia. We classified short introns (SI) as introns less than 86bp in lengthand excluded the first and last 8bp of each intron, as these regions are known to be under constraint(Haddrill et al. 2005; Halligan & Keightley 2006, Clemente & Vogl 2012). The total number of SIsites was 550,587 for DGRP and 446,462 for Zambia.

We created the SI control dataset by matching each 4D site to a SI site. To control for mutationrate differences between 4D sites and their matched controls, we required each matched SI siteto have the same ancestral allele and the same neighboring nucleotides (3bp context) as the 4Dsite. We matched blind to the direction or strand (i.e., matching with the forward, reverse, reversecomplement, or complement SI sequence). To control for the effect of linked selection on the levelof 4D polymorphism, we also required each matched SI site to be within 1000bp of the 4D site, suchthat SI control would be subject to the same linked selective pressure from nonsynonymous sitesas the 4D sites. We found 1000bp to be a sufficiently small distance, as we found no significantcorrelation between SI polymorphism and distance between the 4D sites and the matched intronover the range of 0 to 1000bp (Supplementary Figure 1). We produced 200 matched sets, each withthe same 871,218 DGRP or 754,503 Zambia 4D sites, and an average of 288K SI sites for DGRPand 244K SI sites for Zambia (a given SI site may be matched to multiple 4D sites).

5.2 Maximum-likelihood estimation of selection parameters from SFS

We employed a variation of the site frequency spectra (SFS) method described in Lawrie et al. 2013.The method uses both SNP density and frequency information of SFS to calculate the distributionof fitness effects (DFE) for a test set of sites given a “neutral” reference - in this case, the DFE for 4Dsynonymous sites with SI sites as the reference. While during bootstrapping SNPs are polarized forancestral state, for the purposes of maximum-likelihood estimation, the spectra are folded - whichrestricts the analysis to purifying selection. The DFE itself is modeled as a categorical distributionwhere the program estimates selection coefficients (Nes) and the percentages of sites (f) evolvingunder those selection coefficients for a predetermined number and type of selection categories. Thishas the advantage of not assuming a particular distribution shape such as gamma or lognormal,but comes at the cost of additional free parameters per additional categories. For example, a threecategory model which has a neutral class (f0) + a weak selection class (fW , 0 > NesW > −10) +a strong selection class (fS , −10 > NesS > −inf) requires 4 free parameters to fully describe it(f0 = 1 − fW − fS , Nes0 = 0). The method also estimates the scaled mutation rate, θ (Neµ), forthe SI spectra.

Demography, linked selection, and other forces affecting both 4D and SI sites, can skew thespectra and bias the estimation of the above DFE parameters. To compensate, we used frequency-dependent correction factors, αx, which adjusts the probability of seeing a site with a SNP at


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Page 19: Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,

frequency of x in the sample - p(x|model) (see Lawrie et al. 2013). The likelihood (λ) of the SFSunder the model’s framework is shown below:

λfull(SFS4D, SFSSI |θ, γ, f , α) = λ4D(SFS4D|θ, γ, f , α) · λSI(SFSSI |θ, α) (1)

λSI(SFSSI |θ, α) = p(0|θ)k0x= 1

2∏x= 1


(αxp(x|θ))kx (2)

p(0|θ) = 1−x= 1

2∑x= 1


αxp(x|θ) (3)

where α1/Nsamp= 1, Nsamp = number of frequencies in the population sample, and where α0 = 1

and kx is the number of polymorphic sites at frequency x in the SFSSI . Matlab code for ML testingis available on Github.

5.2.1 Model adjustment for demography

Deviations of the putatively neutral SI SFS from the theoretical neutral SFS are expected to existdue to an organism’s demographic history. To account for this deviation of the SI SFS from thetheoretical neutral, we preformed a maximum likelihood fit of offsets (alpha values) for each allelefrequency bin. Allele frequency bins were divided, according to a power law, into 6 separate bins.(Supplementary Table 1). We found a good fit of the demography-corrected SFS to the SI SFS (i.e.two distributions are not significantly different, KS test P = 1).

5.2.2 Model parameters

We tested five different ML models: 1) neutral, 2) neutral + lethal, 3) neutral + 1 selectioncoefficient, 4) neutral + selection + lethal, and 5) neutral + 2 selection coefficients. We ran the MLestimation both with and without (SFS only) polymorphism-level data. The neutral + 2 selectioncoefficients model requires a parameter that is the boundary condition between weak and strongselection classes. We tested a broad range of boundary conditions and found Ns = −10 to permit allmaximum likelihood peaks to be reached. The ML test required seed values for selection strength,selection proportion, lethal proportion and theta. After a rigorous search of the parameter space,we identified the highest likelihood model. To calculate 95% confidence intervals, we performed arank bootstrap, sampling with replacement each of the 200 matched 4D and SI datasets, performingour maximum-likelihood estimate of selection and using the 5th and the 195th rank values for eachmaximum-likelihood score, proportion of selection, and strength of selection. To determine the bestfit model, we performed a chi-squared likelihood ratio test of the maximum-likelihood scores.

5.2.3 Power analysis

In order to assess our power in differentiating strong selection from a lethal class or 4D/SI muta-tional differences, we performed power analyses of our level + shape maximum likelihood method ofselection estimation. We did this by creating a theoretical SFS’s for a range of selection strengthsand proportions, and for theta values reflecting those of the DGRP (0.01) and Zambia (0.035)


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populations and estimating selection for this using a theoretical neutral reference with the sametheta value and number of sites. We performed a chi-squared likelihood ratio test with one de-gree of freedom comparing the 2-category selection model (neutral + one selection class) with theneutral+lethal model. This differs from our main analysis in that we did not perform bootstrapreplicates and did not calculate the corresponding rank bootstrap confidence interval. This analysisdemonstrates how an increasing number of SNPs, increasing polymorphism level (eg. larger theta),and a greater proportion of sites under selection increase our power to distinguish strong selectionfrom lethality/mutational differences.

5.3 Polymorphism ratio estimate of strong selection

In order to make a precise estimate of purifying selection using our sfs-based maximum likelihoodmethod, we require a large number of sites (> 100K). When we have few sites, we can use alternativemethods for estimating purifying selection. One proxy for the amount of strong purifying selectionis the depletion of polymorphism in a selected class compared with a neutral class. We quantifiedthis depletion as the “polymorphism ratio”:

δ = logPn


where P is polymorphism, s is the selected class (4D sites) and n is the neutral class (SI sites).This statistic is positive when polymorphism is greater in SI sites and negative when polymorphismis greater in 4D sites. For all analyses we used the median polymorphism ratio of 200 matchedcontrol sets. We found a strong correlation between the polymorphism ratio and the estimatedproportion of sites under strong selection (R2 = 0.95; Figure S3).

We estimated the number of sites expected to be under strong purifying selection as a result ofa particular functional class (Nsel) as:

Nsel = (δf − δe) ·Nf (5)

where f is the focal dataset, e is dataset excluding the focal sites and Nf is the number of sitesin the focal dataset.

5.4 Identification of putatively functional regions

5.4.1 Codon Bias

We calculated the relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) for each codon as the observed fre-quency of a codon in the dataset divided by the expected usage if all four codons were used equally(0.25) (Sharp & Li 1986). We classified each 4D site as being in a preferred (highest RSCU forthe amino acid) or unpreferred codon (lowest three RSCU’s for the amino acid). The amino acidsand their respective preferred codons are as follows: alanine GCC, glycine GGC, leucine CTG, pro-line CCC, threonine ACC, and valine GTG. For polymorphic 4D sites we used the ancestral alleleto designate the codon. We identified at total of 850,973 (509,997 with SI controls) and 794,471(458,356 with SI controls) 4D sites in preferred codons for DGRP and Zambia, respectively.

For each codon-changing 4D mutation, we measured the change in RSCU from the ancestral tothe derived codon. We then examined the relationship between RSCU change and polymorphismratio. In order to appropriately calculate the polymorphism ratio for each codon change, we matched


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4D sites to SI sites with the same possible states. For example, for the class of 4D sites of anancestral “CCC” proline codon and a derived “CCA” proline codon, we matched the 4D proline“C” monomorphic sites and derived “A” polymorphic sites to SI “C” monomorphic sites and derived“A” polymorphic sites (or the complement), as well as matching for distance and mutational context.

5.4.2 Transcription Factor Binding Sites

We used modEncode chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) experiments to as-sess the contribution of transcription factor binding sites to the signal of purifying selection onsynonymous sites. This dataset represents 25 experiments, testing 15 transcription factor targets(antibodies: odg-GFP, anti-trem, Sin3A-RC, Su(var)3-9, KW4-PCL-D2, KW3-D-D2, KW3-Trl-D2,bon (GP37), HP1 antibody (ab24726), HP1-Covance, KW4-Hr39-D1, KW3-Kr-D2, KW3-CG8478-D1, KW3-hkb-D1, KNI-D2,KW3-Trl-D2; modENCODE submissions 3229, 3230, 3232, 3234, 3237,3238, 3239, 3240, 3241, 3242, 3243, 3245, 3390, 3391, 3392, 3393, 3394, 3395, 3396, 3398, 3399, 3400,3401, 3402, 3403). We consider a “transcription factor bound region” any region with evidence forTFB in any of the non-control experiments (minimum binding score: 50). We identified a total of294,703 (173,334 with SI controls) and 289726 (164,842 with SI controls) transcription factor bound4D sites for DGRP and Zambia, respectively.

5.4.3 Spliceosome binding

We used modEncode RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (RIP-seq) experiments targeting puta-tive spliceosome proteins to assess the contribution of spliceosome binding to the signal of purifyingselection (http://intermine.modencode.org). The experiments tested for RNA-protein binding of atotal of 30 putative splicing proteins. We considered a region to be bound if it had a binding scoreof 5 of greater in any of the experiments. This left a total of 321,290 (204,901 with SI controls) and316,740 (194,046 with SI controls) spliceosome-bound 4D sites for DGRP and Zambia, respectively.

5.4.4 Alternative splicing

We distinguished between genes with and genes without alternative splicing using the analysis inBrown et al. 2014. We considered any gene with more than one transcript as alternatively spliced.We found a total of 1,196,063 (864,846 with SI controls) and 1,136,535 (792,445 with SI controls)4D sites in alternatively spliced genes for DGRP and Zambia, respectively.

5.4.5 Splice junctions

We used the splice junctions identified by Brooks et al. 2015. We found 18410 and 17528 4D sitesin splice junctions for DGRP and Zambia, respectively.

5.4.6 Ribosomal occupancy

We estimated ribosomal occupancy using the ribosomal profiling experiments conducted by Dunn etal. 2013. We first normalized each pooled experiment files (GEO accession GSE49197) by dividingthe number of counts in each region by the total number of counts across regions. All regionswith zero counts for either the footprinting or expression experiments were excluded. We estimatedtranslational efficiency by dividing the normalized ribosomal footprint values by the normalized


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expression values (for each DNA strand separately). The top and bottom 1 percentile of ribosomaloccupancy scores were omitted from downstream analysis, leaving translational efficiency scores for1,391,585 4D sites. We divided these sites into three categories, high, medium, and low ribosomaloccupancy, based on the lowest third, the middle third, and the top third of values, respectively.

5.4.7 Frequency of preferred codons

We calculated the frequency of preferred codons (FOP) per gene. As before, preferred codonswere defined as the most frequent codon for a given amino acid. The FOP was calculated withour 4D datasets, such that codons that did not appear in our datasets (eg. those without 4Dsites) did not contribute to the FOP calculation. Sites were classified as being in genes with eitherlow (bottom quartile), medium (middle two quantile), or high (top quantile) FOP. The averageproportion of preferred codons for sites in low, medium, and high FOP genes was 28, 42, and 54percent, respectively.

5.5 Conservation scores

We calculated the level of conservation of each 4D site across a 10-species Drosophila phylogenythat excluded the focal species, D. melanogaster. The PRANK multiple sequence alignments ofthe 10 species (D. simulans, D. sechellia, D. yakuba, D. erecta, D. ananassae, D. pseudoobscura,D. persimilis, D. virilis, D. mojavensis, D. grimshawi) were generously provided by Dr. SandeepVenkataram. We calculated the probability of conservation for each 4D site using the phyloPfunction of the PHAST software (method=LRT) (Cooper et al. 2005). Given the size of thephylogeny, the highest significance score for conservation was P = 0.15. Thus, we identified aconserved site as one with a phyloP P < 0.2.


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6 Supplementary Figures






























0 200 400 600 800 1000






SI/4D distance (bp)

SI p





































Figure S1: Short intron polymorphism as a function of distance from the 4D site.


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Page 27: Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias · Strong purifying selection on codon usage bias Heather E. Machado 1, David S. Lawrie2, and Dmitri A. Petrov 1Department of Biology,

● ●

100 200 500 1000 2000




Theta 0.01

# Sites (K)






● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ● ● ●

● ●


● ● ● ●

● ●

100 200 500 1000 2000




Theta 0.035

# Sites (K)






● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●


Figure S2: The maximum strength of selection detectable (significantly distinguishable from lethality) as afunction of the number of sites analyzed (in 1000’s of sites), for a range of proportions of sites under selection(red: 5%, green: 10%, blue: 15%).



●●● ●

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30




Proportion of sites




m r


Figure S3: Correlation between the polymorphism ratio and the proportion of sites estimated to be underselection (1 selected class model). Each point represents a different subset of the Zamiba or DGRP datasets(functional classes tested). Solid line is a linear regression (R2 = 0.65).


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● ●









m r


Low Med High

● ●

● ●

● ●









m r


Low Med High

● ●

● ●

Figure S4: Polymorphism ratio by frequency of preferred codons (FOP). Error bars represent two standarderror.

● ●





Recombination rate




m r


Low Medium High

● ●

● ●●

● ●






Recombination rate




m r


Low Medium High

●● ●

●● ●

Figure S5: Polymorphism ratio by recombination rate. Error bars represent two standard error.


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{A. B.

Splice jun RBP bound AS genes Ribo occ TF bound Pref codon






Focal classExclude focal class

13K 153K 636K 117K 130K 366K






m r


Codon bias


TB bound

Figure S6: A) Proportion of sites under strong selection as measured by the polymorphism ratio for eachclass of site (grey) and the dataset excluding the focal class sites (white). The number of sites in a focal classis listed below the corresponding bar. The red dashed line is the polymorphism ratio for the full dataset(DGRP). Error bars represent two standard error. B): Relative proportion of synonymous sites under strongpurifying selection due to slicing, codon bias, or transcription factor binding (TFB).

Bin number Frequency bin

1 1/N2 2/N : 3/N3 4/N : 7/N4 8/N : 15/N5 16/N : (N/2 - 15)/26 (N/2 - 15)/2 + 1 : N/2

Table S1: Six-bin free-alpha model


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