February 2010

Strong Will Seed updates: February 2010

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Feb has been FAB! Joe Evans and laila Kaiser, our friends, were able to sell 300 cards for us on one go! OUR BIGGEST SALE IN STRONG WILL SEED HISTORY! For more exciting good news, take a peek!

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February 2010

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February was a fabulous month of selling for us:


Starting with Lung Joe, our friend from Toys for Thailand, and his friend Laila Kaiser,

They were able to sell 300 cards for us in one go! That is our biggest sale in the history! Woohoo! And Lung Joe will be traveling back to the United States to

visit his home. Apparently I am too big to fit into his suitcase and go with him…

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But the cards aren’t!

So he has kindly offered us to take some of

our cards with him to America! And maybe, he will have a chance to show our cards to some

big companies there!

I wish both Lung Joe and the cards a nice trip to America.

Photos from the United Kingdom I have also just received photos of our cards which are being sold at the Seventh Wave Gallery, United Kingdom. Why yes, our cards are available in UK too. That is no rubbish!

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“We are delighted to be involved with such a great idea! We met Sam a couple of years ago in Chang Mai, and now we sell the cards in our gallery in Cornwall, UK. They are very popular! Well done to all the children involved in helping themselves, and others. Long may it continue!”-

Martyn and Lynne Holhouse, the owner of the gallery. www.seventhwavegallery.co.uk

CityLife Garden Party 21

st February: Today we went to the CityLife

Garden Party to sell our cards.

We brought six kids to the event with us to demonstrate how they make cards to the customers.

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That was all we thought they could do.

What a mistake!

The kids insisted a quick English lesson on what to say to customers.

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And after only a few minutes, they all could say…

“Please come and have a look!”

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We got our guestbook fill up with writings and compliments of people from so many countries such as Holland, Canada, America, Britain, Germany, etc!

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We brought 120 cards to the party and there

were non left by three in the afternoon!

Thank you to all who helped out; Kelly, My Dad, Ajarn Pidalin, Ajarn La, and all those who bought or just loved our cards!

And a super special thanks to the kids; Tan, Gift, Year, Jenny, Yod, and Yam!

You all taught us a lesson- We underestimated our best salesmen.

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The Kellys Special Lunch

The Kelly family from New Zealand has been a big great support for our project. By sending me parcels of inspirations.

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By sponsoring our website.

By selling our cards to those who lives in New Zealand and Australia- and if you are one of those- you can contact Na Nuan through: [email protected] and purchase our handmade cards through her. And most recently, they have just provided the Ban Hua Kuang School children with a yummy meal of chicken on rice and coconut ice cream! Can anything get any more delicious than that?

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No! Cannot!

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A long line of hungry monkeys.

Luckily there is enough for everyone to have three platefuls! Phew.

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The kids standing in front of a sign they made:

“Thank you Lung Russell and the Kellys!”


Samsuda, www.strongwillseed.org

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