Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church 1001 East Wyomissing Boulevard Reading, PA 19611 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Reading, PA Permit No. 101 The Holy Martyr Dorothy, the Martyrs Christina, Callista and the Martyr Theophilus lived in Caesarea of Cappadocia and suffered under the emperor Diocletian in either the year 288 or 300. St Dorothy was a pious Christian maiden, distinguished by her great beauty, humility, prudence, and God-given wisdom, which astonished many. Arrested upon orders of the governor Sapricius, she steadfastly confessed her faith in Christ and was subjected to tortures. Failing to break the will of the saint, the governor sent to her two women, the sisters Christina and Callista, who once were Christians, but fearing torture, they renounced Christ and began to lead impious lives. He ordered them to get St Dorothy to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods, but just the reverse happened. St Dorothy convinced them that the mercy of God is granted to all who repent, so they corrected themselves and returned to Christ. The tormentors tied them back to back and burned them in a vat of tar. Through martyrdom, Christina and Callista atoned for their sin of apostasy, receiving from God not only forgiveness, but crowns of victory. St Dorothy was again subjected to tortures, but she gladly endured them and accepted the death sentence. She cried out with joy, thanking Christ for calling her to Paradise and to the heavenly bridal chamber. As they led the saint to execution Theophilus, one of the governor’s counselors, laughed and said to her, ―Bride of Christ, send me an apple and some roses from the Paradise of your Bridegroom.‖ The martyr nodded and said, ―I shall do that.‖ At the place of execution, the saint requested a little time to pray. When she finished the prayer, an angel appeared before her in the form of a handsome child presenting her three apples and three roses on a pure linen cloth. The saint requested that these be given to Theophilus, after which she was beheaded by the sword. Having received the gracious gift, the recent mocker of Christians was shaken, and he confessed Christ as the true God. His friends were astonished, and wondered whether he were joking, or perhaps mad. He assured them he was not joking. Then they asked the reason for this sudden change. He asked what month it was. ―February,‖ they replied. ―In the winter, Cappadocia is covered with ice and frost, and the trees are bare of leaves. What do you think? From where do these apples and flowers come?‖ After being subjected to cruel tortures, St Theophilus was beheaded with a sword. The deadline for the March Echo issue is February 19, 2015 The Community Echo H KOINOTIKH HCW February 2015

Sts. Constantine and H len Greek Orthodox Church NON ... February 2015.pdf · 16th Sunday of Luke Feast of Presentation (Publican and Pharisee) 8:30 a.m. Orthros 8:30 a.m. Orthros

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Page 1: Sts. Constantine and H len Greek Orthodox Church NON ... February 2015.pdf · 16th Sunday of Luke Feast of Presentation (Publican and Pharisee) 8:30 a.m. Orthros 8:30 a.m. Orthros

Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church 1001 East Wyomissing Boulevard Reading, PA 19611





PAID Reading, PA

Permit No. 101

The Holy Martyr Dorothy, the Martyrs Christina, Callista and the Martyr Theophilus lived in Caesarea of Cappadocia and suffered under the emperor Diocletian in either the year 288 or 300.

St Dorothy was a pious Christian maiden, distinguished by her great beauty, humility, prudence, and God-given wisdom, which astonished many. Arrested upon orders of the governor Sapricius, she steadfastly confessed her faith in Christ and was subjected to tortures.

Failing to break the will of the saint, the governor sent to her two women, the sisters Christina and Callista, who once were Christians, but fearing torture, they renounced Christ and began to lead impious lives. He ordered them to get St Dorothy to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods, but just the reverse happened. St Dorothy convinced them that the mercy of God is granted to all who repent, so they corrected themselves and returned to Christ. The tormentors tied them back to back and burned them in a vat of tar. Through martyrdom, Christina and Callista atoned for their sin of apostasy, receiving from God not only forgiveness, but crowns of victory.

St Dorothy was again subjected to tortures, but she gladly endured them and accepted the death sentence. She cried out with joy, thanking Christ for calling her to Paradise and to the heavenly bridal chamber. As they led the saint to execution Theophilus, one of the governor’s counselors, laughed and said to her, ―Bride of Christ, send me an apple and some roses from the Paradise of your Bridegroom.‖ The martyr nodded and said, ―I shall do that.‖

At the place of execution, the saint requested a little time to pray. When she finished the prayer, an angel appeared before her in the form of a handsome child presenting her three apples and three roses on a pure linen cloth. The saint requested that these be given to Theophilus, after which she was beheaded by the sword.

Having received the gracious gift, the recent mocker of Christians was shaken, and he confessed Christ as the true God. His friends were astonished, and wondered whether he were joking, or perhaps mad. He assured them he was not joking. Then they asked the reason for this sudden change. He asked what month it was. ―February,‖ they replied. ―In the winter, Cappadocia is covered with ice and frost, and the trees are bare of leaves. What do you think? From where do these apples and flowers come?‖ After being subjected to cruel tortures, St Theophilus was beheaded with a sword.

The deadline for the March Echo issue is February 19, 2015









Page 2: Sts. Constantine and H len Greek Orthodox Church NON ... February 2015.pdf · 16th Sunday of Luke Feast of Presentation (Publican and Pharisee) 8:30 a.m. Orthros 8:30 a.m. Orthros

Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church

Our Vision:

We are called by our Lord Jesus Christ to be united and to strive for Theosis (oneness with God). Our vision at Sts. Constantine and Helen is to see every parishioner recognize and acknowledge his or her calling; and being motivated by love for Christ and faithfulness, live the Orthodox Christian life.

Our Parish Mission Statement:

We affirm that the ultimate and exclusive goal of every Orthodox Christian is Theosis. The mission of our parish is to reach out in love to all faithful members, as well as to the unchurched Orthodox in our community, and to everyone interested in Orthodoxy. We do this to help facilitate spiritual growth while intently focusing on the four pillars of Orthodox Christianity: Leitourgia (worship), Martyria (witness), Koinonia (fellowship), and Diakonia (service).

Church Information:

Phone Number 610-374-7511 FAX Number 610-374-5890 www.stsconstantinehelen.org

Office Hours:

9:00 to 4:00


Parish Council:

President: Artie Fecera’s 610-670-3434 E-Mail: [email protected]

Vice President: Chuck Mowbray 610-777-0128

Athan Dialectos, Harry Dialectos, Connie Fecera, Angel Helm, Nicholas Karetas, Anthony Koumaras, Kim Shunk, Gust Kraras, Strat Marmarou, Mike Mavreles, Frank T. Petrakis, Gus Kotsakis, Tony Phyrillas, Chris Kraras, Chris Dikos

Church Staff:

Fr. Thomas Pappalas Home Phone 610-779-7356 E-mail address: [email protected]

Jordan Zanetis, Home Phone 615-668-4054 E-Mail address [email protected]

Fr. Spyridon Papademetriou Home Phone 610-373-1952

Deacon James Elliker Home Phone 610-926-9609


Philoptochos President, Des Denne…………[email protected]………………….... Sunday School, Tula Donahue …………………………………………………………………. Adult Choir Director, Ann Kraras……………………………………………………………….. Junior Choir, Maria Damore…………………………………………………………………….. GOYA Advisor, Margaret Phyrillas….....……………………………………………………..... Greek Dance Troupe, Esther Ganas-Miranda, [email protected] ………………………... Greek School Teacher, Esther Ganas-Miranda, [email protected] ...………………….... Altar Care, Alan Kachel. Chris Carley, Jim Rohm………………….……………. …………. Children’s Library, Denise Porcaro…………………………………………………………….. Vacation Bible School, Amy Elliker…………………………………………………………….. Church Bookstore, Chris Dialectos….610-373-7702….. and Dawn Medaglia……………. Epistle Readers, Karl Krohn…………………………………………………………………..... Office Volunteers, Kally English………………………………………………………………... (Des Denne, B. Futrick, J. Giovanis, G. Karahalias, F. Ioannidi, S. Ioannidi, E. Ioannidi, P. Orphanos, J. Tsakeris, V. Tsakeris, E. Young, R. Zaffary, P. Zampelli, L. Goodhart, J. Comins, M. Pettis, M. Sianis) Knitting Ministry, Fran Ioannidi …………………………………………………………………. Opportunity House (formerly the Reading Emergency Shelter) Kally English……………. Order of AHEPA, George Giovanis…………………………………………………………….. Kitchen Crew, Steve Lecatsas………………………………………………………………….. Meals on Wheels, Susan Seibert ………………………………………………………………. JOY Advisor, Olivia Szczawinski……………………………………………………………..… OPA Advisor, Amy Elliker…..………………………………………………………………….… Fellowship Hour Coordinator, Vangie McGowan……………………………………………... Koleva Coordinator, Mary Pettis…………………………………………………………………

610-678-8006 610-670-9141 610-376-2184 610-370-0635 610-207-5553 610-468-1620 610-468-1620 610-929-8545 610-926-2130 610-913-1223 610-376-3661 610-779-5223 610-372-5695 610-678-0269 610-372-5695 610-775-9602 610-777-0201 610-678-5907 610-777-0376 610-913-1223 610-779-1402 610-678-2712

February 2015








1 16th Sunday of Luke

(Publican and Pharisee) 8:30 a.m. Orthros 9:45 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy

2 Feast of Presentation

of Our Lord 8:30 a.m. Orthros 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy



7:00 Philoptochos Board Meeting



7:30 p.m. Acolytes at Reading Royals


8 17th Sunday of Luke

(Prodigal) 8:30 a.m. Orthros 9:45 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy GOYA Meeting

9 2:00 p.m. Philoptochos - “Pharmaceutical Safety”

10 Feast of St.

Haralambos The Martyr 8:30 a.m. Orthros 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm Parish Council


7:00 p.m. Orthodoxy Class



14 First Saturday of Souls 8:30 a.m. Orthros 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy


Judgment Sunday (Meatfare)

8:30 a.m. Orthros 9:45 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy

16 5:00 Dinner—Opportunity House



7:00 p.m. Orthodoxy Class

19 9:00 a.m. Bake Finikia


21 2nd Saturday of Souls

8:30 a.m. Orthros 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy

6:00 pm JOY Snapology

22 Forgiveness Sunday

((Cheesefare) 8:30 a.m. Orthros 9:45 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy 5:00 pm Philoptochos Apokries (Mardi Gras)

23 Great Lent Begins


6:00 p.m. Food Pantry


7:00 p.m. Orthodoxy Class

26 9:00 Bake Koulourakia


7:00 First Salutations

28 3rd Saturday of Souls

8:30 a.m. Orthros 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Holy Cross Basketball Tournament

GOYA Basketball Tournament Wilmington

For Your Convenience,

The Church Calendar

can also be accessed

via our Church Website.

Go to: www.stsconstantinehelen.org

click on ―Calendar (located on the black bar).

It will open to the current month.

Page 3: Sts. Constantine and H len Greek Orthodox Church NON ... February 2015.pdf · 16th Sunday of Luke Feast of Presentation (Publican and Pharisee) 8:30 a.m. Orthros 8:30 a.m. Orthros

In Memory of William S. Miller and Anna Miller Leon & Rosemarie Miller, John & Fran Ioannidi

In Memory of James Petrakes Frances Brook, Stamati & Maria Flamporis, Esther Anderson, Lula Goodhart, Michael & Kathy Moyer & Family, Chris & Ann Kraras

In Memory of Lambros Sotos Emmanuel & Anastasia Perezvous, Theodora Siozos, Elias & Freda Scantzos, James & Zoe Sianis, Taso & Athena Zeppos, George & Aliki Limberiou

In Memory of Stratton Stefanowicz David, Vlacia, Andrew & Alex Campbell, Catherine Harris, Stephanie, Ed, & Mercena Breen

In Memory of Frances Stevens Yuff Fisher, Despina Denne, John & Despina Frangakis, Anna & Darryl Burkman, Frank T. Petrakis, Vicki, Steve, Ann & Samantha Petrakis, Lula Goodhart, Stratton & Sarah Yatron, James Skoufalos Family, Gina Schlappich, Pat Zampelli, James & Zoe Sianis, Strat & Joanne Marmarou

In Loving Memory of our Dear Mother and Grandmother Esther Thomas Michael & Kathy Moyer, Thomas Moyer, Matthew & Jessica Moyer

In Memory of Esther Thomas Frank T. Petrakis, Joan M. Reich, Sandra & Larry Stocker, Ann Geras, Aris & Maria Kouvaros, The Sherman Family, Joanne (Thomas) Koch, Kathy (Thomas) Moyer, John & Despina Frangakis, Scott & Angel Helm, Des Denne, Gary, Sue, Kelsey & Derrick Jackson, Norman & Joan Schuhwerk, James & Nettie Thomas, Barrie & Barbara Pease, Gust Kraras, Dr. Christ & Sherry Ganas, Peter & Christine Shaeffer, Gregory & Thalene Mallus, Lula Goodhart, Mike & Despina Platanos, Chris & Anne Kraras, Angel & Mauro Cammarano, Bernie & Tula Donahue, Milton & Irene Gasparis, Michael & Pat Gordon, Stratton & Joanne Marmarou, Charles & Stella Mowbray, Frank & Cindy Petrakis, Kim & Elaine Shunk, Stratton & Sarah Yatron, Effie Doukas, Paul & Susan Yatron, James Sher, Christie Ganas, James & Zoe Sianis, Taso & Athena Zeppos, Harry & Christine Dialectos

In Memory of John Thomas Gregory and Thalene Mallus, Joanne and Brian Koch, Milton and Irene Gasparis

In Memory of Konstantinos & Spyridoula Trihia Gregory and Lisa Kallis

In Memory of Harry Zaharis Catherine Zaharis, David, Vlacia, Andrew and Alex Campbell

In Memory of Michael Zdudowski, James and Mary Zaffary, Peter J. Zaffary, Ernest Orphanos, Nicholas & Stella Marmarou, Peter & Rallia Zaffary Stella Mowbray

In Memory of Demostenis Zeppos Ann Borzellino, Darryl & Anna Burkman, Marian Cheri, Cornilia Dikos, Artie & Connie Fecera, Theodora Griffith, Scott & Angel Helm, Tzanetos & Helen Karamichalakos, Nicholas & Alice Karetas, Gust Kraras, Philip & Kathy Macaronis, Michael & Constantina Marmarou, Stratton & Joanne Marmarou, Dawn & Larry Medaglia, James & Fani Polyak, Dimitrios & Petroula Mitsiopoulos, John & Karen Tripolitis, Emmanuel & Anastasia Perezous, George & Shirleen Yatron, Theodora Siozos, Gust & Doris Zogas, Pat Zampelli, Vasilios & Katerina Zeppos, Michael & Kathy Moyer. Franklin & Marilyn Caltagirone, Gus & Zoe Saravanos, Mike & Maria (Saravanos) Atchison, Chris & Karen (Saravanos) Tuite, James & Anne Manley, Shirley Tripolitis, Antigone Sotos, Sandy & Mike Cavaliere, Elias & Freda Scantzos, Dionisios & Maria Kotsakis, John C. Zeppos, Lula Dastra, Lula Goodhart, James & Zoe Sianis, Costas & Sophia Tzinis, Chris & Ann Kraras, Alex & Filippia Zeppos, Demetrios & Fofo Flamporis, Dennis Karahalias, Anastasios and Athena Zeppos, Harry & Christine Dialectos, Maria Karahalias, Mary Pettis

Reading the Bible During Great Lent

―In private Study, when a Christian profitably reads the Bible, receiving inspiration and strength from it, family members, friends, relatives and even acquaintances will inevitably notice the difference. Any person who comes into contact with such a Christian cannot help but notice the growing peace, love and inner assurance—the Spirit of Christ—in that Christian, and will frequently ask (if not ask, certainly think) what gives that person such strength and radiance. God will provide many opportunities to the growing Christian for sharing with others his or her experience with the Bible. What better witness for the truth of the Christian faith than a solid Christian life nourished by Holy Scripture and radiating true Christian love at home, at Church and at work? The Christian’s own life becomes a kind of gospel, a living Bible, in which other people observe, read and experience the truths of God in action.‖

by Father Theodore Stylianopoulos

Let Us Begin Great Lent With Joy by Thomas Hopko

Joy is at the heart of everything in the Christian life, and Great Lent is no exception. The hymns and verses of the church services call Christians to begin with rejoicing.

Let us enter the Fast with joy, O faithful, Let us not be sad. Let us cleanse our faces with the waters of dispassion, Blessing and exalting Christ forever. Let us begin the Fast with joy. Let us give ourselves to spiritual efforts. Let us cleanse our souls. Let us cleanse our flesh. Let us fast from passions as we fast from foods, Taking pleasure in the good works of the Spirit And accompanying them in love That we all may be made worthy To see the passion of Christ our God And His Holy Pascha, Rejoicing with spiritual joy.

Jesus commands all those who fast to be joyful. He condemns sadness and grief, especially the outward appearance of fasting before men. He orders His people to hide their sorrow and to cover their sadness over sin. He directs them to hide their acts of penitence, to keep their mortifications secret, to appear shining and bright to the world.

And when you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by men but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.‖ (Matthew 6:16-18)

Sadness for Christians is a sin to be repented of —not a virtue to be cultivated. Blessed mourning over the tragedies of this fallen world is possible. Those who mourn for this cause are promised comfort by the Lord. And godly grief over sins for the sake of leading us to conversion and repentance is possible. The apostle Paul refers to this in his second letter to the Corinthians:

―...I rejoice not because you were grieved, but because you were grieved into repenting; for you felt a godly grief, so that you suffered no loss through us. For godly grief produces

a repentance that leads to salvation and brings no regret, but worldly grief produces death. (II Cor. 7:9,10)

In the Lenten season the Christian struggles to put aside all ―worldly grief‖ and to embrace the ―godly grief‖ which St. John Climacus calls the ―blessed joy-grief of holy compunction,‖ which inspires ―spiritual laughter in the soul,‖ since ―God does not ask or desire that a person should mourn from sorrow of heart, but rather that out of love for Him he should rejoice with spiritual joy.‖

As I ponder the true nature of compunction, I find myself amazed by the way in which inward joy and gladness mingle with what we call mourning and grief, like honey in a comb. There must be a lesson here and it surely is that compunction is properly a gift from God, so that there is real pleasure in the soul, since God secretly brings consolation to those who in their hearts are repenting.

The words of one of the severest of saints recall the teaching of St. John Cassian, who lived about three hundred years earlier:

The only form of dejection we should cultivate is the sorrow which goes with repentance for sin and is accompanied by hope in God. It was of this form of dejection that the apostle said, ―Godly sorrow produces a repentance that leads to salvation and brings no regret‖ (II Cor. 7:10). This ―godly sorrow‖ nourishes the soul through the hope engendered by repentance, and it is mingled with joy. That is why it makes us obedient and eager for every good work; accessible, humble, gentle, forbearing and patient in enduring all the suffering or tribulation God may send us. Possession of these qualities shows that the person enjoys the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy peace, long-suffering, goodness, faith, self-control (see Galatians 5:22). But from the other kind of dejection we come to know the fruits of the evil spirit: listlessness, impatience, anger, hatred, contentiousness, despair, sluggishness in prayer. So we should shun this second form of dejection as we would unchastity, avarice, anger and the rest of the passions. It can be healed by prayer, hope in God, meditation on holy scripture and by living with godly people.

Page 4: Sts. Constantine and H len Greek Orthodox Church NON ... February 2015.pdf · 16th Sunday of Luke Feast of Presentation (Publican and Pharisee) 8:30 a.m. Orthros 8:30 a.m. Orthros

These lessons from the saints are the teaching of the Church herself in her services for the Lenten spring. Repentance and joy, compunction and consolation, godly grief and spiritual rejoicing are joined together in perfect union in the person who fights for the Lord.

Receive Lent with gladness, O people! The beginning of spiritual warfare arrives. Forsake the indulgences of your flesh That the gifts of the Spirit may abound in you. Embrace your share of suffering, O soldiers of Christ! Prove yourselves to be children of God! The Holy Spirit will take up His abode in you And your souls will be filled with His light.

―Only one day,‖ He said, ―is the life of those on earth.‖ For those who make the effort in love There are forty days of the Fast For us to accomplish with joy.

Saturday of the Souls

A Divine Liturgy and memorial Service will take place on the three Saturdays of the Souls: February 14th, 21st, and 28th, giving us the opportunity to remember and pray for our departed loved ones.

On the form below please list the names of those you want remembered in prayer and mail or bring the form to the church office. specifying the Saturday or Saturdays preferred. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Orthodoxy Class

Father Tom begins his annual Orthodoxy Classes on Wednesday, February 11th from 7:00-8:30 p.m. The classes will run for four weeks and are designed for both Orthodox parishioners and non-Orthodox who are interested in learning the basic teachings of the Orthodox Church. We will be using the book Understanding the Orthodox Church. The cost is $10. Please call the church of-fice at 610-374-7511 to register.

Sunday of Orthodoxy

The Sunday of Orthodoxy will be celebrated at St. John Chrysostom Antiochian Orthodox Church, 2397 N. Sherman Street, York, PA on Sunday, March 1 at 4:00 p.m. Transportation will be provided. Please call the Church Office to reserve a seat.

The Prayer of St. Ephraim, the Syrian

Lord and Master of my life, take away from me the will to be lazy and to be sad; the desire to get ahead of other people and to boast and brag. Give me instead, a pure and humble spirit, the will to be patient with other people and to love them. Let me realize my own mistakes and keep me from judging the things other people do. For You are blessed now and forevermore. Amen

Memorial Donations January 27, 2014

The parish of Sts. Constantine and Helen is extremely grateful to all the people who generously donate money in memory of their loved ones.

In Memory of Helen Arones Scott & Crisanne Bansner, Lula Goodhart, George & Aliki Limberiou

In Memory of George & Mary Baxewanis, Michael & Bessie Zervanos, Michael & Eftiha Chaknos, John & Anna Baxewanis, Gus & Isabel Chaknos, George and Esther Moshos, Jim Baxewanis, Bill Baxewanis, Tony Baxewanis, Tony & Eleftheria Avgoulas, Frank & Stamatioa Frantzis, Alex & Seva Zervanos, Evan & Marigo Fournaris Stam and Joyce Zervanos

In Memory of Donald Berstler Scott & Angel Helm

In Memory of Robert Care Maria Kouvaris, Lula Goodhart

In Memory of George Dialectos Joanne Dialectos, Scott & Angel Helm

In Memory of Stergios Dikos, Efstratios Katsanis, George Dialectos, Ignatios Kageos, Esther Thomas and Mimi Zeppos Chris and Val Dikos

In Memory of Stella Exas Scott & Crisanne Bansner

In Memory of Angie Graham George & Aliki Limberiou

In Memory of Tom Halulakos Jayme Comins, Lula Goodhart, Chris & Anne Kraras, Taso & Athena Zeppos

In Loving Memory of George Karahalias, Despina Karahalias and George Kefalas Ted Karahalias

In Memory of Samir S. Kheir Trevor & Amy Vaughan, Nadia Kheir

In Memory of Suzanne Koumaras Scott & Angel Helm

In Memory of George P. Marmarou Theodore Griffith

In Memory of Robert McGowan Evangeline McGowan & Family


George Giovanis, President

AHEPA Family Christmas Party

The Reading AHEPA Chapter #61 hosted an annual Family Christmas Party for our Church parishioners. Ahepans and other parishioners brought their children and grandchildren to the Church social hall on December 28

th to enjoy an

evening of good food, holiday music and fun entertainment for the family. The evening’s entertainment featured Marian & Friends ventriloquist which was an enjoyable and interactive presentation. Pipper the Clown was also in attendance to meet and greet children and make extraordinary balloon creations. As an expression of faith and love during the Christmas season, the Reading AHEPA Chapter kicked off an outreach project focusing on raising funds for the rebuilding of the St. Nicholas Shrine located at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan. Proceeds from the Christmas Party and other contributions have enabled the Reading Chapter #61 to donate an initial contribution of $2,000 towards the rebuilding of the

St. Nicholas Shrine.

Date Change

The Business Meeting previously scheduled for February 19 has been changed to Sunday, March 1st in the Church Hall at 7:00 p.m.

A Lenten Prayer

―Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus.‖

Philippians 4:6

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“Apokries” (Mardi Gras)

Sponsored by Philoptochos

Sunday, Feb 22nd

5 to 8 PM

Church Social Hall

Don’t miss the party!!

Bring the whole family

for an evening of

Fun and Fellowship!!

•DJ dance music

•Fun Activities & Crafts

•Great (meatless) food

for sale

Adults - $7.00

Under 18 - No Charge

Everyone is welcome to

attend the

Philoptochos Annual

Daytime Meeting

Monday, February 9th

2:00 pm

Church Social Hall

Special guest

Stephanie Copeland

Mitchell, Pharmacist

will speak to us about

“Pharmaceutical Safety”


“Inspired Apothecary”

Stephanie’s own line of natural

body care products.

Please join us for a very

informative program and enjoy

some light refreshments!

Religious Calendar for February

Sunday, 1st 16th Sunday of Luke (Publican and Pharisee) Tridion Begins Orthros at 8:30 a.m. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m. Acolytes: Group 1 (Thrones): C. Siozos, G. Caloiero, M. Toma, C. Sterious, D. Porcaro, A. Sweigart, A. Zeppos, B. Wadsworth, A. Grassley, E. Hansen, S. Elliker, K. Schlageter, N. Kiritsis, S. Maoury

Monday, 2nd Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Orthros at 8:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, 8th 17th Sunday of Luke (Prodigal) Orthros at 8:30a.m. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:45 a.m. Acolytes: Group 2 (Powers): J. Phyrillas, E. Hargrave, D. Kyvelos, T. Limberiou, G. Limberiou, K. Mitchell, S. Mitchell, H. Robitzer, Y Patestas, D. Scantzos, A. Scantzos, E. Ross, N. Simotas, M. Patestas

Tuesday, 10th Feast of St. Haralambo the Martyr Orthros at 8:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m.

Sat,, 14th First Saturday of the Souls Orthros at 8:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, 15th Judgment Sunday (Meatfare) Orthros at 8:30a.m. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:45 a.m. Acolytes: Group 3 (Seraphim): A. Lountzis, P. Breit, D. Damore, A. Midouhas, A. Marmarou, E. Polyak, N. Lountzis, P. Daglis, J. Radwanski, A. Tilley, A. Lynch, C. Sasaran, N. Radwanski, N Rohm

Sat,, 21st Second Saturday of the Souls Orthros at 8:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, 22nd Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare) Orthros at 8:30a.m. Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy at 9:45 a.m. Acolytes: Group 4 (Archangels): A. Phyrillas, N. Waligurski, J. Koumaras, V. Phyrillas, A. Futrick, M. Faust, A. Futrick, Jr. , G. Koumaras, T. Siegel, T. Hunsicker, A. Karetas, J. Wagner, C. Hunsicker, C. Kraras

Monday, 23rd Great Lent Begins (Kali Sarakosti!)

Friday, 27th First Salutations at 7:00 p.m. Acolytes: Group 4 (Archangels): A. Phyrillas, N. Waligurski, J. Koumaras, V. Phyrillas, A. Futrick, M. Faust, A. Futrick, Jr. , G. Koumaras, T. Siegel, T. Hunsicker, A. Karetas, J. Wagner, C. Hunsicker, C. Kraras

Sat,, 28th Third Saturday of the Souls Orthros 8:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m.

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Remember in Prayer

Please remember in prayer parishioners who are in nursing homes and retirement communities, the home-bound, and those convalescing: Ruth Anthony, Catherine Daniels, George Dracoules, Georgia Earhart, Caroline Exas, Katherine Fisher, Frances George, Mary Harris, Helen Hatzas, Cleo Kostomeris, Dorothy Kreisher, Marie Lecatsas, Mary Marmarou, Helen Nicholas, Stella Ninfo, Maria Papoutsis, William Thomas, Sebastian Ulrich, Margaret Wesner and Molly Yatron.

And those hospitalized in the month of January: Mary Martin, Thomas Kranas, John Koutralelis, Anastasios Zeppos, Caroline Exas, Mary Harris, Maria Hatzistavrakis, Anastasios Zeppos

Fellowship Hosts

February 1 Mrs. Georgia Kefalas Mr. Theodore Karahalias Mr. George Karahalias

February 8 Ms. Ralli Melnyk Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Moliatu Ms. Elaine Shoumlisky

February 15 Mr. and Mrs. Efstratios Marmarou Mr. and Mrs. Mike Marmarou Mr. Peter Marmarou Ms. Stephanie Marmarou Mr. and Mrs. Steve Marmarou

February 22 Mr. Christopher Monos Mr. August Monos Mr. and Mrs. Evangelos Moutafis

Community News

Born: A baby boy to Leonard and Irene Vinteler

On December 22

~Our congratulations and best wishes~

Our Sympathy: Esther Thomas, who passed into eternal life

on December 29,

Frances Stevens who passed into eternal life on January 7

~ Eternal be their memory ~

Day 16, Tuesday, February 3:

19607, 9540. 19608, 19517, 17117, 17569,


Ms. Denise Epler, Mr. and Mrs. Christos Dikos, Ms. Pauline Heckman, Mr. and Mrs. Isidoros Frangakis, Ms. Vicki Petrakis, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lecatsas, Mr. and Mrs. John Conlon, Ms. Debra Troutman, Mrs. Anastasia Ioannidis, Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Ioannidis, Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Burkman, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones, Ms. Richelle Harbst, Mr. and Mrs. Leonidas Antonellos, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Antonellos, Mr. and Mrs. George Barakos, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Whitman, Mrs. Mary Garret-Giovani, Mr. and Mrs. Vasilios Zeppos, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Radwanski, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Miller

Day3 (Rescheduled),Wednesday,February 4:

19605, 19560, 19510, 19601

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Berstler, Ms. Iris Bellman, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Petrakis, Mr. and Mrs. George Doukas, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Marmarou, Mrs. Penny Ballas, Mr. and Mrs. Aristedis Asimakopoulos, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Chupak, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Burkert, Mr. and Mrs. John Nikolaides, Mr. Nick Nicolaides, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nikolaidis, Mr. Emilios Gaitanidis, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Porcaro, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pappas, Ms. Ralli Melnyk, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Klein, Mrs. Esther Anderson, Mrs. Molly Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Platanos, Mr. and Mrs. William Sakellaropoulos, Mrs. Catherine Zaharis, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chupak, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Carley, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bansner, Miss Kalliopi Bozakis, Mrs. Maria Karahalias, Mr. Dennis Karahalias, Miss Mrs. Stella Ninfo, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Limberiou, Mr. and Mrs. George Limberiou, Mrs. Dina Limberiou

House Blessings 2015

The following is the schedule for the remaining homes, planned in the order that the homes will be visited each day. If your name is toward the beginning of the list, Fr. Tom will arrive some-time between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. If your name is in the middle, he will visit between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. If your name is at the end, expect him between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. If you do not plan to be home on the day assigned, please call Barb in the church office at 610-374-7511.

Philoptochos Submitted by: Des Denne & Cindy Petrakis

The winter months are never a slow time for the ladies of Philoptochos! We have already begun preparations for our annual Spring Bake Sale to be held on Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. As always, we will be offering our delicious bread, pastry, and loukoumades. And we will continue our tradition of selling beautiful flower arrangements and chocolates from ―The Candy Lady‖ just in time for Easter!

Bake Sale Pre-Order forms are included in this Echo. Please return your form and payment on or before the deadline of March 2, 2015 to

guarantee your order!

Vasilopita Spaghetti Dinner Wrap-up

We thank everyone who attended our annual Vasilopita dinner on January 11th. Your support allowed us to make a generous donation to benefit the children of Saint Basil Academy. We gratefully acknowledge all the volunteers who helped set up, serve, and clean up; the ―kooks‖ in the kitchen who prepared the delicious spaghetti & meatball dinner; and the dedicated ladies who baked the wonderful Vasilopita bread and desserts. We also thank all the generous parishioners who made monetary donations to help us

defray the costs of the dinner.

Philoptochos Stewardship

The 2015 stewardship letters were sent out to all members in early January. To remain a member in good standing, please send your stewardship contribution directly to Paula Berstler by March 31st. If you are not yet a member but would like to join, please contact Paula (610-921-9496) at any time. Philoptochos welcomes you!

“GO RED” Sunday

Friday, February 6th is the American Heart Association’s 12th annual GO RED Day to bring awareness to heart disease, the #1 killer of American women. All parish women are invited to wear red to church on Sunday, February 8 in solidarity for this campaign. Ladies, if you still have your red ribbon from previous years,

please wear it!

Philoptochos Gives… $1067 – United Way Ready-Set-READ program $1000 – Saint Basil Academy $350 – National Social Services Fund $250 – National Cancer Fund $300 – Aidan Roach (infant in need) $100 – Jesse Brandow (ongoing mission)

St. Xenia Philoptochos Society extends a very special thank you to Maro Kotsakis. For the last 40 years, Maro has generously donated the bread and orange cake that we all enjoy on Vasilopita Sunday. We thank you, Maro, for your loving dedication to this cause!

February Baking Schedule

Thurs, February 19, 9:00am – Finikia

Thurs, February 26, 9:00 am – Koulourakia

Monday, February 9th

– General Daytime Meeting and Program featuring guest speaker Stephanie Copeland Mitchell of our parish. (See enclosed flyer for details.)

Monday, February 16th

– Serving dinner at Shelter. Please contact Kally English at 610-372-5695 to help serve or make a donation.

Sunday, February 22rd

– Our annual Apokries event is back this year! Contact Staci Futrick to volunteer and/or make a donation. (See enclosed flyer for details.)

Saturday, March 28th

– Spring Bake Sale & Easter Plant Sale. Please return pre-order form and payment before the deadline of March 2, 2015 to guarantee your order!

Sunday, April 26th

– Mark your calendar for a Benefit Concert to raise funds for the St. Nicho-las National Shrine at Ground Zero. Check the mail in the near future for your flyer/invitation!!

**SAVE THE DATE** “PHILOPTOCHOS DAFFODIL LUNCHEON” (Benefiting Metropolis Social Services Fund)

Saturday, March 14, 2015 Oglebay Resort, Wheeling, WV

Contact Des Denne for more details…

Page 7: Sts. Constantine and H len Greek Orthodox Church NON ... February 2015.pdf · 16th Sunday of Luke Feast of Presentation (Publican and Pharisee) 8:30 a.m. Orthros 8:30 a.m. Orthros

We hope everyone has survived the cold month of January!!!! Sunday School Attendance continues to be wonderful and we thank the parents who are dedicated to having their children learn about Orthodoxy. Please remember that Sunday School starts at 9:45, we have noticed an increase in tardiness and hope you can do your best to attend Sunday School by 9:45! Students arriving late do disrupt the teaching time!

Word of the Month


( fwV) (fos)

“I am the Light of the world.”(John 8:12)

“You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14)

And God said, “Let there be light.”(Genesis 1:3)

7th & 8th Grade Highlight

The teachers are Chris Dikos, Mike Macaronis and Chris Wagner. If the 7th & 8th grade class represents the future of our Church, the future is bright! The students are enthusiastic about learning, expressing their ideas and asking thoughtful questions. They are energetic, smart, and even a bit witty. As teachers we are excited by this and look forward to the second half of the year.

As in past years, we spend a good deal of time dis-cussing positive character traits and how to acquire, practice, strengthen and express those traits through our faith. We also started the year by studying peer pressure. The students learned what peer pressure is and that peer pressure can be positive as well as negative. We used case studies to help them identify peer pressure and how to deal with it. We discovered how our faith can help us handle difficult situations and used the stories of several Saints as examples.

Bible Study is also a part of our class. We start each class by reading the Gospel Lesson line by line. Teenagers do struggle reading the Bible because of the way the verses are written and the words that are used. Our time with the Gospel reading does not end until everyone understands what the words mean and what the lesson is.

For the remainder of the year we will continue with character development as well as discuss the New Testament and finally spend time with a new book, First among Equals, which is a study of our

Ecumenical Patriarch.

Parents of Altar Boys – please remind your son to sign in at their respective Sunday School class

prior to going to Altar!

Children’s Library – The Children’s Library is open. If you are interested in helping on Sundays, please contact Denise Porcaro at [email protected]. Each Sunday we will have classes visit the library. We do ask that you have your child return the book with one or two weeks.

Youth Volunteers: We want to acknowledge the following students who volunteered during the month of January. James Damore was our excellent Epistle Reader. James Phyrillas was our pleasant Greeter. Toni Dikos, Stavanna Donahue, Mackenzie Kraras and Peyton Kraras were wonderful basket passers.

Perfect Attendance – We would like to recognize the following students who had perfect attendance (no absences) during the months of November and December.

Alex Lountzis – 11th grade James Phyrillas – 11th grade Vasilios Phyrillas - 11th grade Chrisovalantis Siozos – 10th Grade Mackenzie Kraras– 7th grade Peyton Kraras – 7th grade Nicholas Lountzis – 5th grade Carly Futrick – 5th grade Amanda Tilley – 5th grade Courtney Futrick – 4th grade Tommy Hunsicker – 3rd grade Christopher Sasaran – 3rd grade AJ Tilley – 3rd grade Christo Hunsicker – 2nd grade Christopher Kraras – 2nd grade Gram Hunsicker - PreK Alex Sasaran – PreK Zachary Simotas – PreK Zoe Simotas – PreK Zachary Simotas – PreK Zoe Simotas – PreK

Sunday School Tula Donahue

Matthew 25

―I was hungry and you gave me food: I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me…inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, my brethren, you did it to me.‖

Our Food Pantry

The pantry will continue to distribute food on the last Tuesday of the month. Parishioners can help by:

1) Volunteering to help distribute food in future months by calling the Church Office to sign up, 2) Contributing to the Food Pantry Fund to help

cover expenses. Thank you to all the donors, and volunteers who have helped to bring this wonderful ministry to fruition. Parishioners can

contribute by sending your donation to the Church Office.

From Our Parish Council Artie Fecera, President

Our last Council Meeeting was held Tuesday, January 13, 2015. Members Present: President Artie Fecera, VP Chuck Mowbray, Secretary Tony Phyrillas, Treasurer Mike Mavreles, Financial Secretary Nick Karetas, Anthony Koumaras, Harry Dialectos, Connie Fecera, Chris Dikos, Gust Kraras, Angel helm, Frank T. Petrakis, Strat Marmarou, Gus Kotsakis, Kim Shunk and Protopresbyter Father Tom.

Absent: Athan Dialectos and Chris Kraras

Mike Mavreles gave Council an update on the End of the Year Budget numbers to be presented to the General Assembly. Most items on the income side of the budget were positive except the Hall Rental.

Nick Karetas passed out a 2 page report detailing income and expense for the 2014 Greek Food Bazaar. Because we did not have the Greek Isles this year, income was down.

This year Council started a new committee for cost cutting chaired by Angel Helm. This committee will look at all Church expenses and all vendors with the goal of reducing expenses by 10%. For all parishioners who gave to our Capital Campaign, we want you to know that when Council uses these funds for capital improvement to our Church, we will make sure to spend widely.

Angel Helm, Capital Campaign Chairperson, gave us an update. 106 families have already donated $343,000, or 61% of the amount pledged. For those who have pledged and have not donated, please consider making any payment amount toward your pledge.

Our Strategic Theme for this meeting was our Parish Council Mission Statement. Father Tom led the Parish Council in the ongoing discussion about Council’s Mission Statement and how to implement the goals of the Mission Statement. Our Mission Statement is: Parish Council is to convey the love of Christ to others and to help create a warm and welcoming Church environment as we promote the Parish Ministry. The Parish Ministry (Diakonia) includes proclaiming and teaching the gospel in accordance with the Orthodox faith, sanctifying the faithful through God’s grace in worship, the Divine Liturgy, and other sacraments, enhancing it’s parishioners’ spiritual life and adding to the numbers of the faithful.

See you in Church!


On January 4, 2015, Sts. Constantine and Helen Parish Council once again, unanimously elected Artie Fecera as President of the Council. For over ten years now, Artie has been the Parish Council President and has served this community with unwavering commitment. Artie has contributed his time, talent and treasure for so many years to our Church….he never says ―no‖ to any challenge presented to him and he is always willing to lend a helping hand. We are so grateful to him for providing leadership and love to all in our community. A sincere ―THANK YOU‖ Artie! May God Bless you and your family always!

St John Chrysostom on Fasting Do you fast? Give me proof of it by your works?

If you see a poor man, take pity on him. If you see a friend being honored, do not envy him. Do not let only your mouth fast, but also the eye

and the ear and the feet and the hand and all the members of our bodies.

Let the hands fast by being free of avarice. Let the feet fast, by ceasing to run after sin.

Let the eyes fast, by disciplining them not to glare at that which is sinful.

Let the ears fast, by not listening to evil talk and gossip. Let the mouth fast from foul words and unjust criticism. For what good is it if we abstain from birds and fishes,

but bite and devour our brothers? May He who came to the world to save sinners, strengthen us to complete the fast with humility,

have mercy on us and save us.

Page 8: Sts. Constantine and H len Greek Orthodox Church NON ... February 2015.pdf · 16th Sunday of Luke Feast of Presentation (Publican and Pharisee) 8:30 a.m. Orthros 8:30 a.m. Orthros

Elizabeth Acatina Esther Anderson Ruth Anthony Antonios and Kristina Antonellos Theodore & Franzeska Antonellos Spiro and Penny Apostolou George Apsokardu Aristedis & Angela Asimakopoulos Orazio and Panagiota Azzarello Scott and Crisanne Bansner George and Angie Barakos Angelica Baxewanis John and Lisa Baxewanis Marina Baxewanis Paula Berstler Dorthea and Richard Bona Jesse Brandow Gregg and Alice Brandt Edward and Stephanie Breen Linda Breit Darryl and Anna Burkman Andrew and Sophia Cammarano Mauro and Angel Cammarano David and Vlacia Campbell Milton and Sharon Capiotis Stephanie Cardinal Maria Care Christopher and Anna Carley Mark and Katie Chaknos Michael and Karen Chaknos Marian Cheri Sharon Cheri Daniel and Demetria Chupak Vanessa Cicero Douglas and Sandra Clark Dean and Lauren Conzaman Corneliu and Magdalena Costea Ion and Christina Cracium Thomas and Maria Crassas Michael and Alaina Dachowski Helen Dalaveris Louis Dalaveris Anthony and Maria Damore Marcia Darcourt

Lula Dastra Hippocrates and Anna Deligiannis John and Laura Delp Despina Denne Michael and Cleo DeSantis Athan and Gretchen Dialectos Harry and Christine Dialectos Joanne Dialectos Thenson Dialectos Christos and Valarie Dialectos Cornilia Dikos Bernard and Patricia Donahue George and Heather Doukas Gabriel and Mariana Dumitrescu Georgia Earhart Dn. James and Rula Elliker Stephen and Amy Elliker Gary and Kathy Elliot Kalliope English Denise Epler Gerald and Elaine Ermentrout Caroline Exas Artie and Connie Fecera Jarett and Jennifer Fernez Greg and Debra Fisher Nicholas and Jan Fisher Yuff Fisher Demetrios and Fofo Flamporis Isidoros and Michelle Frangakis John and Despina Frangakis Alan and Jennifer Futrick Michael and Barbara Futrick Michael and Staci Futrick Angeliki Ganas Christ and Sheririll Ganas Christie Ganas John and Michele Garrrett James and Christine Georgeadis Anna Geras Elaine Giorgi Peter and Kathy Giorgi George and Joan Giovanis Lula Goodhart Michael and Patricia Gordon

Terry and Sofia Grassley Despina Green Theodora Griffith Robert and Despina Grimes John and Anna Halulakos Ezzat Hanna Jay and Argie Hansen Christopher and Mary Harris Augustus Hatzas Christy Hatzas Helen Hatzas Maria Hatzistavrakis Stratos and Irene Hatzistavrakis Pauline Heckman Scott and Angel Helm Vasso Hemrich Timothy and Denise Hoffman Marilyn Holden Scott and Marisa Hunsicker John and Fran Ioannidi Andreas and Kathy Ioannidis Joseph and Iuliana Ivanyo Constance Johns Alan Kachel Estella Kageos John Kageos Peter Kaisoglus George and Peggy Kanakis Dennis Karahalias Gerri Karahalias Maria Karahalias Ted Karahalias Helen Karanikas Mary Karanikas Andrew and Shannon Karetas Harry and Sonya Karetas Nicholas and Alice Karetas Nicholas and Ariel Karetas Niki Kasapidis Steven Katsarides Spiros and Angela Katsigiannis Georgia Kefalas Nadia Kheir Pavlos and Olga Kitixis

Stewardship 2014 Wrap-Up The Stewardship Committee would like to thank all our Stewards for their devotion and dedication to our church. Your stewardship provides the foundation for our parish ministries and our efforts in meeting the challenge of spreading Christ’s word and our Orthodox faith. It is very possible that your name may have been mistakenly omitted below. If so, please call the church office and let us know.

The graph that follows the list of stewards, breaks down the percentage of stewardship giving by the total number of families.

14.0% of parishioners contributed 51.4% of total stewardship received in 2014 44.7% of parishioners contributed 11.1% of total stewardship received in 2014

GOYA/JOY News GOYA website- With up to date calendar, forms and other information.

Go to- https://sites.google.com/site/stsconstantinehelenreadinggoya

Our GOYAns will be participating in two

Basketball Tournaments this month:

February 13-15 in Wilmington Delaware

February 20-22 in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Souper Bowl of Caring

GOYA Business Meeting


Reading Royals

GOYA Basketball

Tournament Wilmington

Basketball Tournament

In Pittsburgh

JOY Snapology

Food Pantry

GOYA Discussion

at Miranda Home

District JOY Retreat

At York PA



GOYA District






GOYA Basketball

Open Gym

Who: all GOYAns

When: Wednesdays

6-8 pm

Where: Thomas Ford

Bring Water and Energy!





JOY Children, Parents and Siblings

What: Outing at Snapology of Reading

When: Saturday, February 21st from 6-8 p.m.

Where: 220 N. Park Rd, Park Place Center, Bldg 5, 2nd Fl., Wyomissing

Cost: $12 (for JOY Children and Siblings)

Parents will walk nearby to have a Lenten dinner at Willoughby’s

Please RSVP: by January 30th to [email protected]

The Reading Royals Hockey Outing for Acolytes and Parents at the Santander Center on Friday, February 6th promises to be a wonderful and exciting time. We have 21 Acolytes and parents signed up. Parents are asked to arrive by 7:00 p.m. and proceed to the ―Will Call‖ window to pick up your tickets which are under ―Sts. Constantine and Helen Church‖. We will all be sitting together and will meet at our assigned seats. Parents’ and Acolyte’s tickets have already been paid for. The Parish Council has covered the cost for the Acolytes. The cost for parents is $17. Please reimburse the church by check made out to ―Sts. Constantine and Helen Church‖ and give to Father Tom the evening of the event or mail to the church office.




―Young People must be made to distinguish between helpful and injurious knowledge, keeping clearly in mind the Christian’s purpose in life. So, like the athlete or musician, they must bend every energy to one task, the winning of the heavenly crown‖.

St. Basil the Great

Page 9: Sts. Constantine and H len Greek Orthodox Church NON ... February 2015.pdf · 16th Sunday of Luke Feast of Presentation (Publican and Pharisee) 8:30 a.m. Orthros 8:30 a.m. Orthros

Spiro and Michele Kitixis Brian and Joanne Koch Emmanuel and Catherine Kolevas Nicholas and Elefteria Kompotiatis Michael and Ariadne Kopala Cleo Kostomeris Metaxia Kostomeris Harry Kostomiris Anna Kotopoulos Constantine and Aspasia Kotsakis Dionisios and Maria Kotsakis Anthony and Tracy Koumaras George and Marie Koumaras Michael and Anna Koumaras Stavros Koumaras Mary Koursaros Evriklia Koutalelis Aris and Maria Kouvaros Esther Kovras Athens and Joyce Kralles Anthony and Maria Krallis Demetrio and Janice Krallis George Krallis Molly Kramer Christ and Ann Kraras Dean and Jennifer Kraras Gust Kraras Dorothy Kreisher Karl and Joanne Krohn Katherine Kubacki Gary and Katherine Kunkelman Constantine/Dumitra Kyriakopoulos Anthony and Kristen Kyvelos Gregory and Stephanie Labe Emmanuel and Eleni Lahaniatis Achilles and Barbara Lambriodes Irene Lambriodes Deborah Lambros Shane and Stasia Lawrence Chris Lecatsas Steve and Joyce Lecatsas Irene Loose Apostolos and Kelly Lountzis John and Sharon Lountzis Nicholas Lountzis Andrew and Heather Maoury Bernard and Susan Mara Leonidas and Irene Marcantonis Michael & Constantina Marmarou Stephanie Marmarou Steve and Nancy Marmarou Stratton and Joanne Marmarou Peter and Cornelia Maroulis Michael and Anastasia Mavreles Patricia Mavreles Evangeline McGowan

Lawrence and Dawn Medaglia Thomas and Lisa Meitzler Matthew and Helen Midouhas Leon and Rosemarie Miller Michael and Elizabeth Miller Richard Miller Richard and Frances Miller Joseph and Esther Miranda Shawn and Heather Moliatu Augustus Monos Christopher Monos Amelia Morris Stella Morris Evangelos and Katerina Moutafis Charles and Stella Mowbray Michael and Kathy Moyer Helen Nicholas Peter and Maureen Nicholas William and Sophia Nikolaidis Stella Ninfo Nicholas and Sandra Odagis Robert and Elaine Ott Bill and Anna Panos Christopher and Martha Papadakis Fr. Spyridon A. Papademetriou Stanley & Diane Papdemetriou Maria Papoutsis Fr. Thomas and Anne Pappalas Harry and Maria Pappas Panagiotis and Marie Patestas Pantelis and Maria Patestas Anestis and Mihaela Pendos Emmanuel & Anastasia Perezous John Perezous Theodore and Jennifer Perezous James and Rita Petrakes Frank Petrakis Nysia Petrakis Victoria Petrakis Anthony and Lyvia Petris George and Joanne Petris Tony and Soula Phyrillas Asimikas and Despina Platanos Nicholas and Kathryn Platanos John Pockrus James and Fani Polyak Dean and Denise Porcaro Nicholas and Marianthe Porcaro Victoria Porcaro Timothy and Jennifer Profit George and Debbie Pyle Justin and Vicky Radwanski Harriet Raisides Debra Reber Adrian and Iulica Rechieru Silviu and Samantha Rechieru

Stephen and Cynthia Richart Donald and Marian Robitzer Christina Rogers Gary and Susan Rogers James and Kathleen Rohm John and Megan Rohm David and Eva Ross William and Ann Sakellaropoulos Carl and Julia Sarfert Calin and Crina Sasaran Nicolaie and Ann Sasaran Katherine Savadelis Lazaros and Antje Scantzos Anthousa Scaros Georgine Schlappich Allen and Susan Seibert Elaine Shoumlisky Kim and Elaine Shunk Harry and Mary Sianis Mary Sianis William Sianis Nicholas and Aspasia Simotas Demetrios and Theodora Siozos Lee and Patsy Snyder Antigone Sotos Alethea Stamus George and Belinda Stamus Galen and Margaret Stephenson Gus and Gloria Sterganos James and Chris Sterganos Christ and Maria Eleni Sterious Jeffrey and Bonnie Stevens James Stevens Sr. Constantine & Maria Stroumbakis Tim and Rania Sweigart Brian and Olivia Szczawinski Victor and Stephanie Talotta Jerry and Linda Theodossiou John and Samantha Theodossiou Stanley and Marianthi Theodossiou George Thomas James and Nettie Thomas William Thomas Blake and Fran Thompson Philip and Vasso Tilley George Toontas John and Karen Tripolitis Catherine Tsakeris James and Vlacia Tsakeris Catherine Tsakiris Marcella Tsouros Constantine and Sophia Tzinis Jason and Katherine Ulrich Mari Van Horn Ralia Vardaxis Vasilia Vardaxis

Page 10: Sts. Constantine and H len Greek Orthodox Church NON ... February 2015.pdf · 16th Sunday of Luke Feast of Presentation (Publican and Pharisee) 8:30 a.m. Orthros 8:30 a.m. Orthros

Trevor and Amy Vaughan Christopher and Stefanie Wagner Richard and Athena Wagner Gregg and Darice Warren Matthew and Christina Weeber Mark and Joanne Weidner Dean and Sharon Whitman Jeffrey and Lia Xavios Peter Xavios George and Shirleen Yatron

Molly Yatron Stratton and Sarah Yatron Despina Yianoulis William and Elizabeth Young Joan Zaffary Rosemary Zaffary Catherine Zaharis George and Pauline Zaharis Paul Zaharis Patricia Zampelli

Jordan Zanetis Alex and Fillipia Zeppos George A. and Eleny Zeppos George D. and Diane Zeppos Peter and Maria Zeppos Evan and Sandy Zervanos Michael and Catherine Zervanos Stam and Joyce Zervanos Elizabeth Zeswitz Gust and Doris Zogas

2014 Stewardship Breakdown

Range # of Families % of Total


$ Amount Contributed

% of Total $

< $100 56 17.0% $3,609 1.6% contributed

$101-199 44.7% 17 5.2% $2,183 1.0% 11.1%

$200-250 of families 45 13.7% $10,010 4.5% of


$251-300 29 8.8% $8,590 3.9% income

$301-400 22 6.7% $8,095 3.7%

$401-500 47 14.3% $22,662 10.3%

$501-600 20 6.1% $11,4555 5.2%

$601-700 10 3.0% $6,647 3.0%

$701-850 13 4.0% $10,315 4.7%

$900-1,000 24 57.3% $23,625 10.7%

$1,100-1,299 15 4.6% $17,946 8.1%

$1,300-1,500 3 0.9% $4,200 1.9% contributed

$1,600-1,900 14.0% 7 2.1% $12,140 5.5% 51.4%

$2,000-4,000 of families 13 4.0% $34,695 15.7% of


$4,001-6,000 7 2.1% $36,5055 16.5% income

$>6,000 1 0.3% $8,000 3.6%



329 100% $225,205 100%




Median $727.12 1













% of Total Stewardship



The Parish Council has embarked on a new initiative for 2015: ―OPERATION: COST CUTTING‖. We are taking a serious look at all our Church expenses, ranging from lawn care services to printing paper. We hope to leave no stone unturned. This expense reduction program will be a serious attempt to be more efficient at how we make purchases, engage vendors, maintain our facility , and conduct general business. Our goal is to always be thoughtful and smart stewards of our Church’s revenue.

We welcome any and all money saving ideas you may have. The Parish Council has formed a steering committee who will lead this important effort. The committee members are Gus Kotsakis , Anthony Koumaras, Kim Shunk, Tony Phyrillas and Angel Helm. Please contact any of these individuals who are happy to discuss ways which you believe might save our Church some money. All ideas are welcomed and encouraged.

We will be meeting with all Church group leaders, club leaders, bazaar department heads, kitchen crew leaders and any one else who utilizes Church funds for their activities. These meetings will be designed to generate conversation on how we can do things better and more efficiently from a cost standpoint. In some cases we recognize that no change might occur.

You may have noticed our first saving measure has already been put into place. By eliminating the monthly mailing of pre-printed stewardship envelopes to each parishioner’s home, and instead using coupon books, we saved approximately $1,419.

Look for a new thermometer (similar to the one for our Capital Campaign) in our social hall which will display our monthly savings to date. We have set a savings goal of approximately 10% of the Church’s annual budget or approximately $30,000 - $35,000. We are already on our way but we need your help...




Stewardship 2015 Steve Lecatsas, Chairman

Thank you to the following additional parishioners who have submitted their 2015 pledge cards:

Greg & Alice Brandt Michael & Karen Chaknos Marian Cheri Gregory & Theresa Daglis Marcia Darcourt Lula Dastra John & Laura Delp Elaine Ermentrout James & Christine Georgeadis Dr. Michael & Pat Gordon Theodora Griffith Helen Hatzas Scott & Angel Helm Vaso Hemrich Ted Karahalias Helen Karanikas Mary Karanikas Harry & Sonya Karetas Georgia Kefalos Deedee Klein Anthony Koumaros John & Sharon Lountzis Peter & Cornelia Maroulis Stella Morris Evangelos Moutafos Charles & Stella Mowbray Michael & Kathy Moyer Bill & Anna Panos Panagiotis & Marie Patestas Debra Reber Gary & Susan Rogers Anthousaq Scaros James A. Stevens Darcie Warren Matthew & Christina Weeber Dean & Sharon Whitman Despina Yianoulis Alex & Filippia Zeppos George & Eleny Zeppos Elizabeth Zeswitz

131 pledges were received to date totaling $102,413.

The average pledge per family is $781.78

Parishioners who have not yet submitted their 2015 pledge cards are asked to please do so at their earliest convenience.