RtNT)AT, Fnnnt'ATtT 28, mil. Cloudy to-da- probably rain tin brisk westerly winds. MfiHHHMEiflalaMa 1,. IJXVIII. NO. 179. XF.W YORK. SUNDAY, FKBRUARY 1!G. 1911. Copyright, 1911, by Ihr Sun Prinlinu nnd I'vhlithino Ancwlion FORTY-FOU- R PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. CANAL IS TO BE FORTIFIED in i sr settles ir it ionu $.1,000,11011 I I Ml, 1vnc I'lnnl Attempt In secure the Neutralization of the Mater wnv Hratcn Lively Debute nil Hip iilijci't .Money to ltnlo the Maine. W 'itsuTOS, I Vli. '.'5- .- Tho Panama h io lo fortified Hy n vote of 123 t. s fall the House of Hopresonta- - r t'i 'tUI. emphatically registered Its t. ' ' i question. It is exocted that h will concur without delay and ' the signing hy the President or . u.hv civil hill, containing HVxxi.ooo g.ntimg the defence work, tint o v 'I' the L'nitiil Slates in regard to e 'i it w ill be settled for nil time i a decisive mnjorlty thi amend- - i offered hy Chairman Tawney of f MH'ropriution Committee proposing "latic negotiations looking to thu I'.' .nll.ition of tho waterway prior i. expenditure of money for was benten, iih wurc other eiidmonts ntondel to render inoffoo-i.- e the canal appropriation paragraph r to delay tho beginning of-th-o defence -- k for nn indeterminate period. With tlio passage of tho big mindry . il hill at 10:30 o'clock thu oon- - r. innce of work on tho raising of tho 'wk of tho battleship Maino in assured v .in appropriation of J3.V),ooo and tho ,t f the Tariff Board for tho remainder f the Taft Administration in also mado nrtnin hv an npprorlation of liOO.Ooo, l re Hum t:i.noo.000 is provided for tho rmn'ied r instruction of the Panama ,ii.i( if a the thousand and one items In i- i- (jre.it sundry civil bill, carrying all .' more than JUl.noo.Ooo, the one item i' attracted tho most attention, excited - greatest Interest and received tho ii st debate was tho $3,0o0.(jo0 for canal 'Itcation. Some of the best speeches 'u' have been heard in the llmvso this 'ii avore on that subject. Mr. Tuw-- . who is opposed to the fortlllcation Ii" canal, as he is opposed to the , ndituro of vast sums of money for purposes of all kinds, made a lKird : it to defeat tho fortification Item, but i had no chance. The sentiment of Hnti-- e. as disclosed by th vote, wan "'whelmmgly against Jiim. Manning predictions were made by the t as to the ultimate of canal defence plans. The forti-ation- s board has declared officially lit the defences will cost $12,000,000. M- Tawny said they would Mo.ooo.Oni) at least and 2tl,ixi.ono a i besides for their management and mi i ntenanee. Th" advocate of fortitlcations declare! i.se flRiires to lie too high, but added V even if the figures wore correct the meiit of the Houo and of the Atnerl-peopl- e was that the canal should be led and protected against the world 'iiiderution of the sundry civil hill, the exception of tho appropriation :i im(io for beginning the work of ' ' fymg ihe canal, was completed in i clock this afternoon Then on i' "f Chairman Tawney of the Committee it was ngreed getieial debate should continue for iwiirs und that at thf conclusion of - iod diUiato under the live minute should be in order H- - advoctaes und opponents of the ation proposition had been pre-:i- c f ir showdown for week ' a- - a result -- ome gool (.peeches wore on both -- ides of the nuestion Tho mo- -t unpret iVe oratorical efforts, j.-- e. were by Mr Tawney und his' on the committee. Hepreenta- - sncrley of Kentucky Ilarh held thii aitention of the IIoiie and wa .u-- ly applauded Mr Tawney held the fortification of the cunal wn. an Mtion to attack und insisted thu: . - ! "f the ultimate co- -t of the forti- - a.- - "f the waterway, which h eti-e- . at SniMuji 1,000, there would be an nditure of Sl'O.fx'Ki.fxxi a year in maui-ii.- u them 'r Mirley, on the other .ihiid. chil-- I ,my one to p'jinl to a neutrality . hum tint had been adhered to! .iiiy ol the coiitnicting powers liad s iiere-- t that lay the other way He l ied tliit the completion of the canal nraete ally give the l ulled Stales oari line and tliat this cotintiy' better attempt to neutralize her - .iikI existing coast line lli.in protect the Isthmian waterway - manner ' r notable speeches were made by - nt itive Wul'.ir I. Smith of Iowa. .-- .ii length the fortification of .1 il with lespeit to the existing l ligations. (ien Kejfer of Ohio, .f the civil and Skiiiii-h-Aiiier- who oiipporied (hiirman, r, his demand fm ih" i.eutnili- - t i be can il. and I ! j ; ir - l Mab.iina jnaile one of hi- -' ' war caie addle e- - v, iih ibers chiming in wi tin- - .mil if tho question. I" to insist upon the lomliea-i'- i cunal," said ItepH'seniutni- - ' 1'iwa. "bec,iue we ha.. de- - hi ".it ;iational policy, that w. ' ' aiial and would oiiis'h,- 'uu-- t all coiners, because when mill the tiealles of lifly years 'Hi- - against forllfleatioii it of both paitiis kel the right to fortify because t ilth ol the republic is pledged ' i t ihiscaiialagaitist blockade. - the property of the IJepilblic we base th' right to ileleiid whole world ' i" v mad') a hurd light fur ln ' 1'ioviding that no part ol the - appropriation should . uiniiiug tho work of delenco l'i"i(leiit had exhausted all i.s.iuices in an effort to pre- - 'iiahty of tlie wal'irwny by i'li eini'iit .' 'o invite Ihe nations nf the . ') llif O.lUiiJ," g.ud ijr. ' at thing to do to lor- - it ail object of piey VI It, Ml til I IMI I I III ii'isl l.l'ie l.eio i. New u I it ti a stHileii S'ifrlnr ' i. ri'i, i:H If '.j Wr S'TS II niiikhiR it dm legitimate objeot of war between ourselves and some oilier country " Mr Shirley, who followed Mr Tawnev. insisted that if tho Tawney limitation i weie adopted it would absolutely nullify I the $3,(KMl,im for the defence of the canal hy liostponilig indellnitely the beginning of work while interminable diplomatic: , negotiations that might well extend over a period of years were being considered. Meantime the-cmu-l would be in operation and at the mercy of any foreign power Tinally the lloiise demanded action and n vote was taken on the amendment oflered by lteprejtelitatlve Smith of Iowa limiting the ultimate amount to be ex- pended on purohiiBe of guns for tho for- tifications to Jl.liiitt.oou This went through by a good majority The second vote was on the uinendineiil offered by Mr Tawney The amendment was lost on division, 13U to H.1 Representative Keifer of Ohio then offered an amendment striking out the entirn fortillcations paragraph This was defeated on division, f.'o to SI The clerk then concluded the reading of the bill, which went from committee of the whole to the House Hepresenlative Fitzgerald then offered un amendment practically identical with the Tawney proposition previously de- feated, and on this he demanded and secured u yea and nay vole This was voted down and then by a viva voce vote the entire sundry civil bill was pussed Tho sundry civil bill had been under consideration by tho House for only two days and its passage in this brief period establishes a new record While once or twice in the last twenty-fiv- e years a sundry civil bill has lieen passed under suswnsion of the rules, this is the first time that the measure was over tint through in any such time under the regi lar rules of the House. One of tho features of tho consideration of the meas- ure (onlay was the passage of Items ag- gregating $fl7,ooo.ooi) by unanimous con- sent This heretofore has been a Senate prerogative nnd has never been indulged in to so great on extent by the lower branch The bill as passed carries among the many others an appropriation of Sa.W.ooo for the reconstruction of the hall of tho House of Representatives. Altogether there are more than a thousand items In tho bill STCOKXTS WITH IIOOHWOItM. Twent-(i- r Per CYnt. of l.ouliann State I nlcrlt Uo) Victim of lct. New Orlkanh, Feb. 25. Twenty-tlv- o per rent, of the students at Louisiana State University, Baton Houge, are afflicted with the hookworm, according to Dr. A. S. J. Hyde, who is making a series of investigations all over the State to determine whether the parasite of laziness is confined to any particular placo. It had been behoved that the deleterious effects of hookworm were to lie found only among tho poor, where tho children run barefoot and tho adults have poor shoes. Infection was believed to como in almost every caso from tho sod Hut examination of the students at the uni- versity seems to upset this theory T he hookworm may have ulTeoted aca- demic standings, it is admitted, but ap- parently It had no effect on the football team, which made a good record thla season, or the basketball team, which is "cleaning up" antagonists. Mont, than half the student have l?en examined to date The rest will be subjected to scrutiny during the week I Professors are respectful of the findings of the physicians, but not entirely con- vinced "Fewer dances und a little more study would cure several cases of hook- worm symptoms." they lemark imw: TO IIXMI OX Kit 1(1. (HH). Vtoiimn gcut In Kansas of i:prc Com-pu- n lloblieil at I'lMol's Point. PlTTsiiL'HO, Kan .Feb 21. Mrs Joseph . at Fuller, a coal camp near her... was held in. hv two l,il,'v,n la- -t niuht anil robbed of ilo.oou which she had iust receive.! bv exiircs from Kan-.i- s City. She wa the agent of the company 'I he money was to have been used t" pay the miners ot the Sheridan Coal Company The money was in one package. Two other packages containing JUt.oO'i each weie not found bv .(he lobbeis. Thu money was sent fiom Kunsas City last night on the Kan- - three and containing of anil out of I and wus of one -- aw was going on threw his in two luiekages containing Ilu.iHKr into The robbers not linger to learn whether they secured all money, tun to a and escaped, is .vs roil: ri.x.ss. - f,.l,- - I,. . Vfiflli II., feutu Hill. t.... . - - ,,,.,,,, plane In NVfii, ('apt F.velvn Briggs Baldwin, who organized and commanded the to Franz. Josef hand iu ltxil-(i- mudu public lor not the time this plans Arctic ho i organizing to stait about September, Tlie expedition will aeroplanes and biil'.omis us nu-- t of lis equipment 'I l.e olijeit wi'l be to scientific data on the geogniplucul and biological ot the rctic legion, and to complete siiivey now being mode by tho Cainegte Institution suid; U'l.l.l I i, ,1., j ... . . ' i iiooi about Liu iniles north of Point Barrow ship will freeze in of course, mil so, in e.- - nseii as u snip, f on which shall of wood he oil nnd our Scientific o'luipmciit Wo shall not move very far base of The drift of the pack will cany us If to polo at least very of close to il, so that expedition to th" polo th" base of supplier would In. an easy matter " m i,Kiiii si:itvrn: ro am, ii.oitiiu M:UI0AI(II II 1)1(11)4 I.MIIIKD. Iv N V II Ii AM Ar I'slin lo.io l . Nivet n niiii nn liTprr (tulrkrst to tug lim ll'ua) J'hone Mill Maii .lite, NRW 1111: rosr in rr.it rn in rn xs. it. 11 rs wn 111: xnri'Ts. l lie l nn Seeretnr) of the 'l'reaiir anil Inj ot tin to the White HniKP I ntll April I Mcrrclar) Nor- - tun II ct lr- - to (io Into lliilnr. Washington. Feb 2." Charles I) ,,, . ..... nine-- , now ..siati. oi .e Treasurv. will be I'lesident Taffs new . secretary Ihe 1'iesident offered , the post to Mr Hllle y he has nc- - ooptrd. . ... .,. . i .1 ..ir l.lll nao noieu eve, since uie an- - iiotincenient that C I) the pretu ,tt siH'it'tarv to ihe President, would retire that Mr llilles would accept. bt it was, 1101 uriTii recently 11:11 ne nan reason 10 believe that Mr llilles would consider an ' offer Although no date has been set for the retirement of Mr Norton, .1 s probn a. e that ho will quit the While House some; time between close of present session of Couitrcss April I , The nomination of Boberl 0 Bailev, at present private secretary to Secretary of Treasury Franklin as Assistant Secietarv of the Treasuty. suc- ceeding Hiltes, probably will be sent to tho Senate early next week Mr. llilles may, howeter, continue in his present post for some time, even if Bailey is ' immediately. 'II... t..l..,..I. , r M. Illll ... Illl .1 ,,,11 ,,1 .,11 iuii,- - n un in,- - chair occupied bv Daniel limout. (ieorne B Cortelyou William l.oeb. ,lr . meets with hearty approval of friends of the Picsident. Mr Hllles came originally rroni Ohio, but was Assistant stealing cats iu ilus and also of the Treusiirv from Dobbs f essed that lie had stolen cat This Ferry. N where h was conducting a ' boys' school. He has been luchlv re- - . garded by Mr Taft ever since he entered (lovernmeiit service and fiossesses friendship of influential inembeis Congress 'I ho President has employed frouuelitlv on imnortatit mission. political and otherwise, and he belioves judgment 111 political mutter is. especially good The post of cretary to the President ' has caused the President's friends a lot j of worry ulmost sinco duy Mr Taft the White House Car- penter, first occupunt of the post, j remained only about a year then was Minister to Norton came tv White House last the Treasury, where he was ono of Secretary MucVoaglfs as- sistants Ho Is retiring voluntarily to go Into President accepted his resignation with gfeut reluctance dt Ir reported Norton is to become of the First Bank of New York. Mr. Hill will go to White Houe under favorable so far as his friendships with public men go He is about 40 years old The that Mr Norton would quit office of secretary came out a few week ago after he asked for an increase for his from SX.nno to $10.0011 n year Since time the' President ha looked about anxiously for n suitable man Mr Hllles at first refused to consider Kst at nil He had made definite to go to New Vork go into buisness. Hi.: change of mind came, it was sa.d to night, only after much ihtsuusIoii after h had been convinced his ten-tuti- arinngements in New could be broken without injustice to puttie interested As Assistant Secietary of Tiea.ury Mr Hllles draws H..I011 a yeur At pies-rn- t the post secretary to Pre-i-de- pays Jfi.oon An attempt to rai-- e this amount to JHi.ixm was successful Iu Senate but not in the House. In some 4T T' """ l"" '"ax llllallv adjusted at JT.ioe !'No by the Senate is neces 'or 14,1 PPUllee Io this post urmcxi. school ciosrn. In .lohn llopkln lltxpltnl l ame Shutdown of Classes. 2.1 -- Owing to apiie.irs to be a general outbieak of diphtheria among itients, nurses, phv- - hospital, a second medical student ate only now patients re- potted Another medical who exhibiting symptoms of diphtheria hoing watched As soon as Dr. Williams arrived at i hospital he lealized that it was inadvi able to hae Ihe students in the hospital . .1. .11 ull, mspeiisury or 10 mom n soluble for Accordingly he directed that placards be printed informing the students that classes hud been suspended pending further notice warn in g them to go into the hospital or to the ry. Dr. Williams snid Ihe medical school might not ifisurue classes for a week. Many of students from out of town returned or will return to their homes until nolifiod the bun is lifted - - Sas He as noil Held Henry Meyer, u junk dealer nt 71 New I'lwitril.ers Street, cntntilu neil t,. I '..,. 'I'noli. fif the utteet Mlntlnn .,.ul.....l.. .. . .... .. J iiu) that on rrutuy attornoon a man enmo into his shop, said ho was a detective ehow.l a yollow shield and slipped a pair handcuffs on Mover's wrsl Tl... demanded money and when Meyer refused to give hltn knocked Meyer down ('apt Toole questioned his men Ono detectives, It wus at Police being in Meyer's shop on denied Meyer's charges u:as iicvirn Ai,ironsi ll.illr NrrvKr. In Soulli'rn Hy . tc W l' nf U tnrmiKn vrn .mi.'ii iiiiiimv i.inrsrv niiwr sa- - l ity Southern Railroad. There was sicinns and students at the Johns Hopkins VHi.S'.'.'t iu th packages. The train Hospital Dr ) Whitridge Williams, dean nirhcd at fl:3u o'clock was met by 'of the Johns Hopkins medical school, Joseph and Albeit Brigg. cashier 'day ordered the medical school to be of th" (closed until further notice. Three new- - Mrs. took a package diphtheria were repotted in the $10,023 left tho station first As she j hospital making a total of thirty-steppe- d the door a hiasked man six with a revolver confronted hr de- - .It also teported that a child ' mantled th" money Another lohher of the orderlies In the hospital has de-- . stood by Mrs Joseph handed tho disease In the last twenty-- ! money Brigg- -. who was cloo behind, lour hours, John Ha'lewood. a clerk what mid each a corner did hud the but buggy hw.;ii ......... mill lliillnon Feb 25 Baldwin-'iegle- r expedition (list morning his of an expedliion 1912 have collect touting meteorological, conditions the magnetic Mr Baldwin Tlie Hi., pack in., wo store supplies from the supplies not lint a side frorn III llfdi 1'our liour 'liiini'.i SECRETARY 111 Mant and N'orton, the the and the MacVeagh, Mr. Mr confirmed and the town this the the of him his the entered Fred W. the and Morocco Mr the June from business and the that Mr National tho condition the hud "successor" that the and nnd that Yoik the of the the ''""""nalicm IU1.IIM0RK. Feb. what the unci year the student the nave class and the have that llanilcurTril to. CinU anv. his said Heudiuur(ers, oiiinltto.i Friday, but llnulils company Joseph oier thejveloped rixrit rou rrr sr rxi.ixo. appointed appointed information arrangement Illphtlicrlu lanltor of Vtellclej Collide PiinMieil for llulils mi Tatilili's, Hosio.V. Feb 25 .lohn .Siiliiies. n Janitor in theemployof Welleslev College, appeared before 'a tiiul Justice in Nntlck this afternoon upon a charge of stealing an angora cat lielonging to Klmer Hent of that town and after pleading guilty wim lined IIS. 'Ihe arrest was caused 1... tl t.l 1- ,.!. .. . hv iiuroid iirown. cuiei oi loo rsuueK police, who received fleqiieiit complaints nti, tt fl... .II.,..,. ...... .,.... ..r it.. - - - .,- - ',"7. ''V 8"H'",c.t"! """ .,1,H-- V '." j up ami diposed or at the college for is sectllll! l)llt'lioms I chief Brown says In intends to ask for a summons for Albert T Mm do. pro- - r...... .. ... w. .11. -.. , ,..1.. ."".... " e,.,-,- , , expimn tlie uisappi.ariiiice of so iniiiiy cats, 'he college uutlioillli'M admit thill thev liave b, nc hi mIwiiii ,.ii I v,.(,. ,, ,, demonstrating nniitoiny to tho girl students So far as hey knew the animals were purchased ""I stolen Dean Pendleton said the 'in'J m'v' r Investigated the manlier which th" cats (nought to the co ' ege were collected, , but will do eo hereafter ,.i.,f t.ow Interviewed Souires sev eral days ago He also called oil Si nit Woods of the Welleslev College farm mires and Woods admitted that tlmy were 011 tin- - lookout for cats for use in the classes 'Ihe supply became de-- I plcted 111 the town where ihe college is situated and Sipiiies was told to get them wlieie he could Woods told the chief that he expiessly to Squires that no pel animals should be taken or bought Only th" wanderers weie sought, Chief Blown said I "Tho cat in ntlestion was a lai ne while ... , 1.1. I.I..I. 'I'l i,i won oiucK spoi i ue aiiiiuai was valued by Mrs Hent bocauso ii was a trick cat ind would do almost anything ' 11 mm 1010 iu un "I Went t,, ....II.. ... iili.l I....I a I .11- - ...III, squires He confessed that he had b 1 ,B common laicenj It is 110 ok Ii is a grievous offence Squires admilied 10 me that he had stolen us high as sown cats iu one day His method was to come here iu a cur-riiig- e with a bin gunny suck He would chae cats iu broad daylight He genop ""' l)nill a boy to hold his horse while lie did the chasing When he caught the cat he put H iu his bug und drove off rapidly "One day a woman saw him chase one nf her cats outside her house She opened the window and yelled at him, asking why he was chasing her cat. Squires answered that he thought it was a stray cal and that he was taking it to the Bescue League. She reprimanded him and Squires didn't get the cat " The chief saw n barn at tho college farm yesterday where live cuts that had not the appearance of having been fed for u long time were shown him us a part of the collection gathered by Squires The chief is not an expert on cat,lmt he thinks from the way they mewed -- to.gKt out of the burn that they possess the Pfupr spirit and probably belong to Nutiek oi'r.itxir. u, xixoxMit.c at it rut: The Patient shuns Immediate Hellef anil liuproc KllglHI), lohn M Carrere. the architect under- went u second operation early yesterday morning It was expluitied lust night that infection hud developed about the wound, causing a condition suggesting meningitis, und a consultation of phy- sicians wus called at midnight on Friduy to decide whether unother operation was necessiry. l)r .lohn S Thacher, Mr Catrere's physician; Ir Hurt well, I)r F.lliott . Inef ot stall at the hospital; Dr Frederick Peterson, the neurologist, and Dr Frank Hartley, specialist ill diseases of the head, were present at the consultation '1 hey decided that a -- econd operation wus nec- essary, which involved liephinuig the skull again. Ihe physicians found that ihe icgiou of Hie wound was inreeted but that there was nothing to the fear of j meningitis. Mr Carrere showed imme- - diate relief and last night his condition was improved "lie wus much belter his morning than he was last night " slid a friond last night, "and this e c mug he is much bet- - ici man ne was tins morning lllsphysi- - cuius ale much ctlcniir.i cre.1 " I Ml Carrere recognizes his dootois and such of his family as are allowed to see him A. I. M Carrere a luother. who has been mi u trip to the Paciflo coast, re- turned to New Yoik yesterday to join the other members of the family. a it it rs 1 1:11 rou xi OEXrs in: xrn VtteiHlftiit llclll at Matteawmi erireil () notlier Attendant. PofoilKKr;psiK. Feb 2.', After an all day investigation by Assistant District Attorney Cdward Conger it was decided by County Judge Frank Hanbrnuck to- night that tho people had furnished evi. deuce enough to warrant the nrrest of on a charge j manslaughter, for euusing, it is alleged, me ueaiu or .1 .Migent. me convict wn" WHM 0,,n" "'"" 111 his cell on Fehru-- 1 aT ' KA!li:it in ,i)fni. saviinimri Sirvlrc. Atlrnrilm lisle. HFlll Itiinm.l I'ei'ljs. tnrlurllne 'TO teach girls to farm ,., his (nf.mU Wi ,..,11 'Mils, itri.uaxr ;ivi:s jimi Xl'ltr.Si 1011 school. Ilrr Solution of the I'robleni of titer-nii- of I'ttclnr llntliK Hopes Hip I'lUills mil In Ihe i:ml llu Places of Their IIimi He After year's invest igut ion of the industrial conditions in and about New Vork cilv Mrs. Oliver II. lt"lmont has leached the conclusion that here Ms an ovursiipply of women factory work- - er mid that best relief is to persuade ..iru ,.,. f,rl,,,,uiu.nnrimli.m ,. ,. 11 "" "" "" """ about 200 iicri's of her land at Brook- - holt. Hempstead. I. I, for school of ngriiiiltuie for women All M',l'"'Ucedll(T,lir woman farmer lints been engaged Io instruct pupils in practical farming, and there will not b man about the place except boy or two lo do the chores for fit st few weeks. "Of course expect the undei taking to he uist as soon as ii gets fairly started." -- aid Mrs Belmont yesterday afternoon Many farmer ad- mit that their wie and daughters are their very best and inosl leliable helpei fact that theie seems to be general impression among city people that women cannot do work 'Ihe few women who ate v workini: ,.,,,1 ,...,:,. uniiuhiuh .!. ...... r..,.,.,. 1,,.,.. certainly deinon-- t rated that there is "OI "" "'' ,'irl" ..........I "'Iheie are many women wage earners who Miter uhe.idy crowded field of un labor." continued Mi- - Bel- mont, 'because they have had neither un entie nor oppoitunity to leuin some reinuneinthe occupation The shiit waist maker' strike last year III this city and the icent garment workers' strike 111 Chicago revealed working and home condition fearful to contemplate While these young girls have been spending the best years of their lives 111 overcrowded workrooms and unsanitary tenement foi less than living wage our rich -- oil ha been tilled by nomadic trump-- stuy-In- g at one farm just long enough lo work their wuy buck to the next town to scnd the money earned." Mrs. Belmont explained that there would be matron on her now larni who would cha)oron the girls and "mother" them and who would also teach them cooking, housekeeping and home making The girls are to be paid while learning and their wages will increase proior-tiountel- y to their skill. "1 hope," concluded Mrs Belmont, "Uuil tlm girls will eventually to ac- quire little land of their own, with home und garden, and thereby scent an economic independence that year of tod iu city factory or store will not give them." Young women lit years of age and over desiiuiK seriously to uvail thenisehesof the opportunity to become eierinced gardeners and farmers may upply 111 writing to the Political Associa- tion, oiij Fifth Heuiie, tor admission to the school. .sr. u t:rrsio s. 0111 riict Ion Sow In Proicres Ulll Nn Taper Olf. The Interstate Commerce oiiiiiussion's refusal to allow the railroads lo aihuuce fieiglil lutes has hud the immediate result of uu order to retrench along hut of the hicugo, Milwaukee und Si PhiiI and Chicago. Milwaukee ami Puget Sound A general order to that effect has been out from the head- quarters Iu hlcago io every division on both road- - I'Meusioii work halted by that older ctiiul construction now !m progre,- - will taper ot! just gradually enough to leave no hull finished structures exposed for deterioration. Plans for improvements lo the service proper mv )velx abandoned Tho partially compleied double tracking .a Crosse and Biver divisions of the St Paul will he finished The F.verett branch of the PuKet Sound, which is nearly done will nl-- o be completed Construction on all other branch lines will stop he main line construct ion is practically completed. Money has already been provided lo pay for that work, well us for that on the F.verett branch No further financing will be until the St Paul's manage- ment changed its notion of the general prospect ahead St Paul officials will probably attend the meeting of ruilroail men scheduled tor Monday at the lioilroad Club here VS. XlifS XX It SMOhr. numil IU ill urn Show Koiup Pel lo the llocky Mountain I'luti. The rooms of Hooky Mountain Club, a, were thronged last evening with members there to hear Itaymoud Ditinar. curator of Bronx Park Zoo tell his experiences In hunting for reptiles In Honda. It was called a are dun to the fact that only a portion of their brains aro developed AFTFH IIIK lniol Hoilly. a young attendant at (he. high up on the floor of the Wnl Mattouwan State hospital, of .101111 The (ouil fixed Iteilly's bond at $2,W)0 in spite of he smoke it reembleda natural for a hearing before Judge Husbrouok history class in a public school. A largo on tho manslaughter charge Former sheet was hung at one end or room on District Attorney tieorge Wood wont his' which Mr DltmurH threw pictures of bull nnd he wus released and hunting scenoa in the Kverglados, After-returne- d to Fishkill word ho brought out somo live Biiokos The charge against Hoilly is based on There wore three largo suit cases full of an afllduvil made by (teorgn Oalbraith, the reptllos, which he fondled. Them another attendant at Matteawnn, who were several rnttloro nnd copperheads alleged thai Iteilly kickivl and choked Mr Ditmars feared (hem not, and oven Nugent the day before he was found dead. W'onl through prooess of extracting (lalbraith says his statement is tlie first the venom from n particularly wicked he has made in case and that there looking specimen is nothing in it that is duplicated in the There wus u sigh of relief from the atidi-ulllda- made by him which lawyer etice when the snakes were buck in the John J Donnelly bus in his possession, three suit cases. Then Mr. Ditmars news of which started Mr. Conger on his brought forth the little Humboldt's mon-tra- il y key, an extremely rare animal from thu In hisutlliluvil befoie Judge Hasbrouck, jungles or Brazil; a jumping rat, native (iiilbniilh declared that he saw Attendant of laud known us the Jerboa, the Iteilly put a sheet around Nugent's neck. ' more scieutifio name for if, und soverul Ihrow him over on the bod and kick him! waltzing mice. These eccentrio little iu the side, (lalbraith, however, did not are quite familiar now to visitors make this uflldavil voluntarily. ,1(1 The Bronx. Mr. Ditmars explained Utat their peouliar jumping movement VAl'tTlON j in-- ; 1.1ns vvttli It t.rir Ships Rtunrturd I'niiimiiillmin Stateroom, VI I It In 1? .Khlfll. In L ur.M low fnrcs, nil euppnwH, , , j x I I h a I I the , "' '" " ' ' a Ihe u 11 the 1 " s despite III" a farm . I.'IIH' " the ' h the the a 11 try a n e a . stops the ( the sent - n,e I 'I a necessary Hill I the the smoker, but liHIPrK fifteenth I the tho the i ' Egypt, animals roxatmssM x i .x nam. Three Young Men Jostle Hunter of Idaho 1,1 I'nuM' Oltlco IIiiIIiIIiik. W.tsill.S'OTON, Feb. :.V A free for all light, in which Hcpresentative Humor of Idaho was one of the principals, took place in the House office building y ! Mr. Hauler was leaving nn elevator 011 j his way from Ills office when hp wa Jostled uy tlitee young men who were statiilliig near by. Mr Hauler lecluied the young men for being in his way. ngry word- - weie exclnnged and Mr. Hamer, it is ald, charged upon them. In the scuffle that followed Hcprccnt itivo Hanmrfell. See- ing tint the fight svas going ag.iin-- t dim Mr Hamer 111. ide a dish for th" exit of the building While Mr tinnier ri.fnt.il t.l illeilM. lie. M,1V the matter to the attention of the House on Monday. oii.irrri 10 .11 nn vs cowi hi:, Court liiirln il us llushttiKlon llbeti Hiirlini lias 1'onvlcleil of .llatilnimhlfr. BU)().IKII-I.)- . Ind , Feb V, Charles Burton, found guilty of manslaughter, is asking for a new tiial on lhe novel ground that ihe trial Judge so impressed Ihe jury by Ins appuiel on February 2'.' llial he was found guiltv when otherwise he would have been deal e. I Jililge Henderson piesid.-- at the trial and wishing to attend a Birthduv fuuctiou ut which ull the gin-si- s would appear in Continental costumes he robed himself toiepiesent Washington, and III wig, knee breeches und shoit coal nppeured ill the court room ami occupied the bench in the afternoon The defendant usseits that the jury was so iiuptiied with the conn's splen- dor of apparel und by the dignity of tlie times lhat it teculled that it was led away from contemplation of the testimony o isios i.oim; iowr.it. so Patrick I iiilnliv Sa Xficr u tuit of Present I'oiiillllon. ClIK'AiiO, Feb 2.i. Patrick Cuihihy. the .icker. is a bear on provision "Thoie can l only one logical side to the piovision market until price adiust themselves," Cud.ihy said "Corn Is selling in ihecouutryat a pii'e whereby hogs can be iiiade for lo than live cents and there seems to be no shortage of young hogs to feed it to; so until hogs ami coin come together there is no sense m looking for prices to remain anywhere near where they are now. I expect to see July and September products eaily two cents a und lower- " VHi.r. noi.s roi.soxro. I.Minnclil Salex anil MKIirr Killed liv hu I'lieiuv of IIkii I.) mi. Pmr IIukon. Mich. Feb. 25 l.vnn field Salex. Dan Lynn's prb'e winning wirehulredfo.x terrier, which iniideaclean sweep Ht the recent dog show'inNew York. und Nigger, another well bred terrier, are deud. the victims of u dog poisoner Lynufleld Salex. whuli was bred by Mr Lynn, was considered by experts to be ihe best brt;d dog of its class m uiericu. and ut the recent Now York show defeated several international chumpioiis 'Ihe dogs arried home u few days ago after their suciessful campaign iu the Fast and were waiting to be sent to other shows Some time last night poisoned meal was thrown into the dog kennel Lyrinfield Salex and Nigger ate the meat und died several hours atterward. Mr Lynn has not yet returned lo the chy from the I 'a-- 1 und is not aw are of the death of his prize winners ri: ill iiisixo ix I'our xi ntisa: llrlll.li llar-lil- p Seeded at lUvtlsn Capi- tal Dolphin Sent to iiCuc. -- jf 11.1 i tyr littrtiitifi to Till' Sfv KlMHloN. Jamaica. Feb 2.1 Accord- ing lo private advices received here, the British Consul at Port an Piince, Hay ti. has telegraphed for a warship to protect British interests A general rising iu that city is imminent WASlilNirro.v, Feb 25 The Dolphin, now at Poii mi Prince, Hay ti. has been instructed lo proceed immediately lo Aux Cave, where iu the burning of the town ihe Ameiicttii consular building wa detroyed The Dolphin will go lo Aux Caves lo proteel und assist the consular agent and American cjllzonR there pro- vided ihe conditions ut Porl an Piince warrant her in leaving that place xrritoi'iti xte to tiii: rrw. The Hev. Mr. I larl. i Theme Hhen Thief 11a liettliiR Ana Mil Ills Overcoat. A fur lined overcoat belonging to the Hev John Lewi Clark, pastor of the Bushwick Avenue Congregational Church in Brooklyn, was stolen from the church parlor list Wedne-d.i- v night while the clergyman vvu preaching from the text "He who seeks il and takes it away I rowurded." After vainly tryingto locato tho stolon garment in order to got im- portant church papers tint were in an in-i- de pocket th" Hev. Mr Clark decided yesterday til the following upMul to the thief To the thief who siole mi overcoat If there he Hliv honor mmiili! thieves, please return to tlie chinch the address list which wa In niv inside poiket If vou pawned the coal, please mail pawnticket If jou still hu vc the cent nnil will return it you will he more liberally lewnnled than If jou piiwnecl il .So questions will ho nked iifuithtiimliii that vim stole tuv over. 1 out. I think well of vim and will nniy with and for you .My only tear i that a you church and their addresses. Halloou Miss Sofia Comes Down. Dovkii. Mo Feb. 23. 00,000 cubic, foot balloon Miss Sofia, with W. F, Ass-ma- pilot, and J. M. O'Heilly, aide, both St. Louis, aboard, which left Sun Antonio. Tex . early lust night hope of lifting the L1I1111 cup, passed over Outhrie, Okla , nnrtlivvurd at biiii o ciock morning 111 . ...1.. and storm, landed nt (lower, Clinton counly, Mo., 515 (his afternoon, - - - - AlKi:s Ai'iit'srA Kl.oittm. j:as v. m, Southern'! Soutiicusif rn l.linlted, niiilnc. Drnw Ins anil Mali slri'i.liiii ears. 1 In It si rls .S. Dltlof, f av , ior Wn ' SKIPPER AND 28 ARRESTED xai:r or unr.KU srr.xusinr roui' xy oi: or Tiir.xi. lioiermiiviit I'linrgr l'.tenlp Onera-- 1 In SnuiKitllnK Allen The Ar rel Made Hoard the Athlnnl on Her Vrrlial Heat) Hall lleiiinnileil. Three Trilled State Assistant District Attorneys, t'nited Slate Marshal Hait-lior- t, five deputies und eight special deputies, together with liuniigiution or Seraphic, wenl aboard the Hellonlo Transatlantic Steam Navigation Com- pany's ship Athlnnl us soon n she docked yetcrday afternoon at Pier :t:i, Biooklyn. and ariested (he company's agent in I hi city, hi soci clary, the -- hip's captain and three ollliets, ill" doctor, the chief engineer und Iwetity-on- e members the t rew' mill tool. Ihe crew away handcuffed in pairs 'I h" tvveiity-niii- e piisoiiers have several indictment again-- l them for violating the immigration law anil con-pira- lo smuggle uiide-inilil- .. aliens into country Nicholas (lul'inos, the ngunt, whose office I at t)."i Hio.nl street, Man- hattan, wa bailed l.y a surely company in J2o.iiii. ami lcander -i. hi cleik, iu Ml.non, lap' (!"ka Koulallias anil I it- -t l Itlu it Ion. i Ki.larnti gave Slu.oou bird each i'lid chief Fngineer Piotto Kyi kuos i i. miii 'I hot wont her iifti. ci. Dctnitri-'i'umh- ra and Chirdofa Bogdaii"-- , Dr I'.ra-in- ii ' Biakobuto' and th. ciew. who brought i the total ball ile;iunil".l no to M s.',.inKl, ould not furnish boiid- - l oi three iiiiiiitli- - act Hiding lo Assist- ant et Altoiney Allen, the Oovern-mer- ii ha been investigating charges of the smuggling iu of aliens steamship c aiip.ini- i- Th" investigation showed Mr Mien suv- - that hundreds of men and women who have been ent back to(ireec by the authorities ut Llh- - bland have paid f i inn 2i i to "'on francs lieing brought ovet and smuggled into the Cniled States Mr Allen says lhat he has ample evidence that th" smuggling iu of iiiinngr.uils ha- - beon'dnno with the knowledge of the company, its officers and ciews. either by shipping the alien a of the crew or a stcwni dosses or by hiding them in coal bunkers or ui other places The (iovernnient officials were at the Hellenic company's dock in the Atlantic Basin yesterday to meet the Athiuiii. A dozen immigration inspectors had boarded the shrp ut Qunir.nline and when she was fast Inspector Seraphic told the agent, who retirrning from abroad, hu was under arrest. Then followed the arret of (he clerk, doctor, capt'ain and others "Now muster your crew on the upper deck." ordered the marshal, and the sur prised end protesting captain did so. Out of the fifty men lined up twenty-on- e were called by name to step forward nnd be huudcurlcd in pairs One later had his handcuffs removed and was allowed to stuy aboard and attend to the engines Tint i .'.'no passengers saw tho captain and half his crew march down the gang- plank and up Cnion street 'Hiere u crowd of Italians joined tho procession nud followed noisily to Columbia street, where the prisoners were put into a crosa-to- n cur 'I hey were taken to tho Post Office Building and later were arraigned before Justice Chutlleld of the I'nlted States Circuit Court A C Cu-s- of Cnss.l- - Apfef.he company' atiorneye, said that the nrrest was spite-wor- k on the part of the (iovernment He said that (he investipating wa done by one uf the company's discharged em- ployees, who was bounced becnue of a complaint from Commissioner William. This investigator. Cass declared, wna afterward employed by tho (Iovernment und managed to get into the Hellenic offices by telling the night watchman thut he was still employed there. Cass said that (his man stole papers, books and letters und I timed (hem over lo tho immi- gration Authorities The immigration authorities asked the captain of the Themlstokles, n sister ship of the Athiiini, to muster his crew lost December, but the captain refused ion .., ,ooo iiiamr.XY. Uu Pont Project In Delaware Starts Talk of a From New York lo Washington. Wn.Mi.Nin on. Del . Feb. 25. With the arrival y from New Vork of T. Cole- man du Pont, president of the Uu Pont Powder Company, who has offered to advance $2,(100,000 to this State for the construction of a modern highway the entire length of the commonwealth, it was announced that a company with a capitalization $25,000,000 will shortly be organized iu Delaware. The purpose of this company, of which New Yorkern lire at the head, is to build a boulevard between New York and Washington. The promolors are endeavoring to interest Mr. du Pont in this movement Il is the intention to build a high way HO feet wide between New Aork and Washington at a cost of tl5,000 a milo. It is planned to have separate divisions for commercial and pleasure cars, trolley line and vehicles, They will travel iu oppciite directions There lire to be no grade crossing ' highway.. J. M. Frere, local retire- - senta(ive of (ho promoter, said y nnd reach 11 conclusion. Thou ho will probably send a communication lo (iov. Peunowill on his protect, and tho (lovernor will probably send a special message based I hereon (o tho Legislature Three Alienists Impi-c- l Attain. Joseph O. Itobm, the indicted banker who goes on trial on Monday before Jus- - tlcn Keabury in the Supreme Court on the went to 111111I1 to steal vou would pick my tho plins were being pushed and llu( pocket while I was at prayer witli yon tIle big concpm would soon bo incorno-I'leas- e return list you found in my oat, r,tod if,,,,..l,ecoI,t...ndvoi,wllhe,ourde(l j J( fnm ',o l.stnskodforby thomii.ist. con. Ihn, of M, ,, ,,, wj rolfr tains the names of members of the wii . itnr,,nv.(i.,.,,-..- Hinhnnl )ir.. Tho of with the bound hub wind al l)iir. mom trrvler Ml Ifiti Ion on nf thi by for made was tjiut Hoad of motor of llolilu the chargo of grand larceny, was tho subject of a three hours examination by ulienkta yesterday The oxnrnin.ition,w;hlch was made upon the request nf W, I . Jerome, llobin s legal representative, was by Dr. Austin Flint, Million und ur' Curtis V. iJa'cdonild, z

S'TS rrr nam. settles xy oi - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1911-02-26/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · Some of the best speeches 'u' have been heard in the llmvso

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RtNT)AT, Fnnnt'ATtT 28, mil.Cloudy to-da- probably raintin brisk westerly winds.


1,. IJXVIII. NO. 179. XF.W YORK. SUNDAY, FKBRUARY 1!G. 1911. Copyright, 1911, by Ihr Sun Prinlinu nnd I'vhlithino Ancwlion FORTY-FOU- R PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS.


in i sr settles ir it ionu$.1,000,11011 I I Ml,

1vnc I'lnnl Attempt In secure theNeutralization of the Materwnv Hratcn Lively Debute nil Hipiilijci't .Money to ltnlo the Maine.

W 'itsuTOS, I Vli. '.'5- .- Tho Panamah io lo fortified Hy n vote of 123

t. s fall the House of Hopresonta- -

r t'i 'tUI. emphatically registered Itst. ' ' i question. It is exocted thath will concur without delay and

' the signing hy the President or. u.hv civil hill, containing HVxxi.ooo

g.ntimg the defence work, tinto v 'I' the L'nitiil Slates in regard toe 'i it w ill be settled for nil timei a decisive mnjorlty thi amend- -

i offered hy Chairman Tawney off MH'ropriution Committee proposing

"latic negotiations looking to thuI'.' .nll.ition of tho waterway priori. expenditure of money for

was benten, iih wurc othereiidmonts ntondel to render inoffoo-i.- e

the canal appropriation paragraphr to delay tho beginning of-th-o defence

-- k for nn indeterminate period.With tlio passage of tho big mindry

. il hill at 10:30 o'clock thu oon- -

r. innce of work on tho raising of tho'wk of tho battleship Maino in assuredv .in appropriation of J3.V),ooo and tho

,t f the Tariff Board for tho remainderf the Taft Administration in also madonrtnin hv an npprorlation of liOO.Ooo,

l re Hum t:i.noo.000 is provided for thormn'ied r instruction of the Panama

,ii.i(if a the thousand and one items In

i- i- (jre.it sundry civil bill, carrying all.' more than JUl.noo.Ooo, the one item

i' attracted tho most attention, excited- greatest Interest and received tho

ii st debate was tho $3,0o0.(jo0 for canal'Itcation. Some of the best speeches

'u' have been heard in the llmvso this'ii avore on that subject. Mr. Tuw-- .who is opposed to the fortlllcation

Ii" canal, as he is opposed to the, ndituro of vast sums of money for

purposes of all kinds, made a lKird: it to defeat tho fortification Item, but

i had no chance. The sentiment ofHnti-- e. as disclosed by th vote, wan

"'whelmmgly against Jiim.Manning predictions were made by the

t as to the ultimateof canal defence plans. The forti-ation- s

board has declared officiallylit the defences will cost $12,000,000.

M- Tawny said they wouldMo.ooo.Oni) at least and 2tl,ixi.ono a

i besides for their management andmi i ntenanee.

Th" advocate of fortitlcations declare!i.se flRiires to lie too high, but addedV even if the figures wore correct the

meiit of the Houo and of the Atnerl-peopl- e

was that the canal should beled and protected against the world'iiiderution of the sundry civil hill,

the exception of tho appropriation:i im(io for beginning the work of

' ' fymg ihe canal, was completed ini clock this afternoon Then oni' "f Chairman Tawney of the

Committee it was ngreedgetieial debate should continue foriwiirs und that at thf conclusion of

- iod diUiato under the live minuteshould be in order

H- - advoctaes und opponents of theation proposition had been pre-:i- c

f ir showdown for week' a- - a result --ome gool (.peeches wore

on both -- ides of the nuestion Thomo- -t unpret iVe oratorical efforts,

j.-- e. were by Mr Tawney und his'on the committee. Hepreenta- -

sncrley of Kentucky Ilarh held thiiaitention of the IIoiie and wa.u-- ly applauded Mr Tawney held

the fortification of the cunal wn. anMtion to attack und insisted thu:

. - ! "f the ultimate co- -t of the forti- -a.- - "f the waterway, which h eti-e- .

at SniMuji 1,000, there would be annditure of Sl'O.fx'Ki.fxxi a year in maui-ii.- u

them'r Mirley, on the other .ihiid. chil-- I

,my one to p'jinl to a neutrality. hum tint had been adhered to!

.iiiy ol the coiitnicting powers liads iiere-- t that lay the other way Hel ied tliit the completion of the canal

nraete ally give the l ulled Stalesoari line and tliat this cotintiy'

better attempt to neutralize her- .iikI existing coast line lli.in

protect the Isthmian waterway- manner

' r notable speeches were made by- nt itive Wul'.ir I. Smith of Iowa..-- .ii length the fortification of.1 il with lespeit to the existing

l ligations. (ien Kejfer of Ohio,.f the civil and Skiiiii-h-Aiiier-

who oiipporied (hiirman,r, his demand fm ih" i.eutnili- -

t i be can il. and I ! j ; ir -

l Mab.iina jnaile one of hi- -'' war caie addle e- - v, iih

ibers chiming in wi tin- - .milif tho question.

I" to insist upon the lomliea-i'- icunal," said ItepH'seniutni- -

' 1'iwa. "bec,iue we ha.. de- -

hi ".it ;iational policy, that w.' ' aiial and would oiiis'h,-

'uu-- t all coiners, because whenmill the tiealles of lifly years

'Hi- - against forllfleatioii itof both paitiis

kel the right to fortify becauset ilth ol the republic is pledged

' i t ihiscaiialagaitist blockade.- the property of the IJepilblic

we base th' right to ileleiidwhole world

' i" v mad') a hurd light fur ln' 1'ioviding that no part ol the

- appropriation should .

uiniiiug tho work of delencol'i"i(leiit had exhausted alli.s.iuices in an effort to pre- -

'iiahty of tlie wal'irwny byi'li eini'iit.' 'o invite Ihe nations nf the

. ') llif O.lUiiJ," g.ud ijr.' at thing to do to lor- -

it ail object of piey

VI It, Ml til I IMI I I IIIii'isl l.l'ie l.eio i. New

u I it ti a stHileii S'ifrlnr' i. ri'i, i:H If '.j Wr

S'TSII niiikhiR it dm legitimate objeot ofwar between ourselves and some oiliercountry "

Mr Shirley, who followed Mr Tawnev.insisted that if tho Tawney limitation i

weie adopted it would absolutely nullify I

the $3,(KMl,im for the defence of the canalhy liostponilig indellnitely the beginningof work while interminable diplomatic: ,

negotiations that might well extend overa period of years were being considered.Meantime the-cmu-l would be in operationand at the mercy of any foreign power

Tinally the lloiise demanded actionand n vote was taken on the amendmentoflered by lteprejtelitatlve Smith of Iowalimiting the ultimate amount to be ex-pended on purohiiBe of guns for tho for-

tifications to Jl.liiitt.oou This wentthrough by a good majority

The second vote was on the uinendineiiloffered by Mr Tawney The amendmentwas lost on division, 13U to H.1

Representative Keifer of Ohio thenoffered an amendment striking out theentirn fortillcations paragraph This wasdefeated on division, f.'o to SI

The clerk then concluded the readingof the bill, which went from committee ofthe whole to the House

Hepresenlative Fitzgerald then offeredun amendment practically identical withthe Tawney proposition previously de-feated, and on this he demanded andsecured u yea and nay vole This wasvoted down and then by a viva voce votethe entire sundry civil bill was pussed

Tho sundry civil bill had been underconsideration by tho House for only twodays and its passage in this brief periodestablishes a new record While once ortwice in the last twenty-fiv- e years asundry civil bill has lieen passed undersuswnsion of the rules, this is the firsttime that the measure was over tintthrough in any such time under the regilar rules of the House. One of thofeatures of tho consideration of the meas-ure (onlay was the passage of Items ag-gregating $fl7,ooo.ooi) by unanimous con-sent This heretofore has been a Senateprerogative nnd has never been indulgedin to so great on extent by the lowerbranch

The bill as passed carries among themany others an appropriation of Sa.W.ooofor the reconstruction of the hall of thoHouse of Representatives. Altogetherthere are more than a thousand items Intho bill


Twent-(i- r Per CYnt. of l.ouliann StateI nlcrlt Uo) Victim of lct.

New Orlkanh, Feb. 25. Twenty-tlv- o

per rent, of the students at LouisianaState University, Baton Houge, areafflicted with the hookworm, accordingto Dr. A. S. J. Hyde, who is making aseries of investigations all over the Stateto determine whether the parasite oflaziness is confined to any particularplaco.

It had been behoved that the deleteriouseffects of hookworm were to lie foundonly among tho poor, where tho childrenrun barefoot and tho adults have poorshoes. Infection was believed to comoin almost every caso from tho sod Hutexamination of the students at the uni-

versity seems to upset this theoryT he hookworm may have ulTeoted aca-

demic standings, it is admitted, but ap-parently It had no effect on the footballteam, which made a good record thlaseason, or the basketball team, which is"cleaning up" antagonists. Mont, thanhalf the student have l?en examined todate The rest will be subjected toscrutiny during the week I

Professors are respectful of the findingsof the physicians, but not entirely con-

vinced "Fewer dances und a little morestudy would cure several cases of hook-worm symptoms." they lemark

imw: TO IIXMI OX Kit 1(1. (HH).

Vtoiimn gcut In Kansas of i:prc Com-pu- n

lloblieil at I'lMol's Point.PlTTsiiL'HO, Kan .Feb 21. Mrs Joseph .

at Fuller, a coal camp nearher... was held in. hv two l,il,'v,nla- -t niuht anil robbed of ilo.oou whichshe had iust receive.! bv exiircs fromKan-.i- s City. She wa the agent of thecompany 'I he money was to have beenused t" pay the miners ot the SheridanCoal Company The money wasin one package. Two other packagescontaining JUt.oO'i each weie not foundbv .(he lobbeis. Thu money was sentfiom Kunsas City last night on the Kan- -


containing ofanil

out of I

and wus of one

--aw was going on threw his intwo luiekages containing Ilu.iHKr

into The robbers not lingerto learn whether they secured allmoney, tun to a and escaped, is

.vs roil: ri.x.ss.- f,.l,- - I,.. Vfiflli II., feutu Hill. t.... .- - ,,,.,,,,

planeIn NVfii, ('apt F.velvn Briggs

Baldwin, who organized and commandedthe to Franz.Josef hand iu ltxil-(i- mudu public lor notthe time this plansArctic ho i organizing tostait about September,

Tlie expedition will aeroplanesand biil'.omis us nu-- t of lis equipment'I l.e olijeit wi'l be to scientificdata on thegeogniplucul and biologicalot the rctic legion, and to complete

siiivey now being mode by thoCainegte Institution suid;

U'l.l.l I i, ,1., j ... . .' i iiooiabout Liu iniles north of Point Barrow

ship will freeze in of course,mil so, in e.- - nseii as u snip, fon which shall of wood heoil nnd our Scientific o'luipmciit Woshall not move very far baseof The drift of the pack willcany us If to polo at least very ofclose to il, so that expedition toth" polo th" base of supplier wouldIn. an easy matter "

m i,Kiiii si:itvrn: ro am, ii.oitiiuM:UI0AI(II II 1)1(11)4 I.MIIIKD.Iv N V II Ii AM Ar I'slin lo.io l .Nivet n niiii nn liTprr (tulrkrst totug lim ll'ua) J'hone Mill Maii .lite,


1111: rosr in rr.it rn in rn xs.it. 11 rs wn 111: xnri'Ts.


lie l nn Seeretnr) of the'l'reaiir anil Inj ot tin to the WhiteHniKP I ntll April I Mcrrclar) Nor- -

tun II ct lr- - to (io Into lliilnr.Washington. Feb 2." Charles I),,, . .....nine-- , now ..siati. oi .e

Treasurv. will be I'lesident Taffs new .

secretary Ihe 1'iesident offered, thepost to Mr Hllle y he has nc- -

ooptrd. .

... .,. . i .1..ir l.lll nao noieu eve, since uie an- -

iiotincenient that C I) the pretu ,ttsiH'it'tarv to ihe President, would retirethat Mr llilles would accept. bt it was,1101 uriTii recently 11:11 ne nan reason 10

believe that Mr llilles would consider an '

offerAlthough no date has been set for the

retirement of Mr Norton, .1 s probn a. e

that ho will quit the While House some;time between close of presentsession of Couitrcss April I ,

The nomination of Boberl 0 Bailev,at present private secretary to Secretaryof Treasury Franklin asAssistant Secietarv of the Treasuty. suc-ceeding Hiltes, probably will be sentto tho Senate early next week Mr. llillesmay, howeter, continue in his presentpost for some time, even if Bailey is


immediately.'II... t..l..,..I., r M. Illll ... Illl .1,,,11 ,,1 .,11 iuii,- - n un in,- -

chair occupied bv Daniel limout. (ieorneB Cortelyou William l.oeb. ,lr . meetswith hearty approval of friends ofthe Picsident. Mr Hllles came originallyrroni Ohio, but was Assistant stealing cats iu ilus and also

of the Treusiirv from Dobbs fessed that lie had stolen cat ThisFerry. N where h was conducting a '

boys' school. He has been luchlv re- - .

garded by Mr Taft ever since he entered(lovernmeiit service and fiossessesfriendship of influential inembeis

Congress 'I ho President has employedfrouuelitlv on imnortatit mission.

political and otherwise, and he beliovesjudgment 111 political mutter is.

especially goodThe post of cretary to the President '

has caused the President's friends a lot j

of worry ulmost sinco duy Mr Taftthe White House Car-

penter, first occupunt of the post, j

remained only about a year then wasMinister to

Norton came tv White Houselast the Treasury, where hewas ono of Secretary MucVoaglfs as-sistants Ho Is retiring voluntarily to goInto President acceptedhis resignation with gfeut reluctance dtIr reported Norton is to become

of the First Bankof New York.

Mr. Hill will go to White Houeunder favorable so far as hisfriendships with public men go He isabout 40 years old

The that Mr Norton wouldquit office of secretary came out afew week ago after he asked for anincrease for his from SX.nnoto $10.0011 n year Since time the'President ha looked about anxiouslyfor n suitable man Mr Hllles at firstrefused to consider Kst at nil Hehad made definite to goto New Vork go into buisness. Hi.:change of mind came, it was sa.d tonight, only after much ihtsuusIoiiafter h had been convinced his ten-tuti-

arinngements in New couldbe broken without injustice to puttieinterested

As Assistant Secietary of Tiea.uryMr Hllles draws H..I011 a yeur At pies-rn- t

the post secretary to Pre-i-de-

pays Jfi.oon An attempt to rai-- e

this amount to JHi.ixm was successful IuSenate but not in the House. In some

4T T' """ l""'"ax llllallv adjusted at JT.ioe

!'No by the Senate is neces'or 14,1 PPUllee Io this post

urmcxi. school ciosrn.In .lohn llopkln lltxpltnl

l ame Shutdown of Classes.2.1 -- Owing to

apiie.irs to be a general outbieak ofdiphtheria among itients, nurses, phv- -

hospital, a second medicalstudent ate only now patients re-

potted Another medical whoexhibiting symptoms of diphtheriahoing watchedAs soon as Dr. Williams arrived at i

hospital he lealized that it was inadviable to hae Ihe students in the hospital

..1. .11ull, mspeiisury or 10 mom nsoluble for Accordingly he directedthat placards be printed informing thestudents that classes hud been suspendedpending further notice warn in g them

to go into the hospital or to thery.

Dr. Williams snid Ihe medical schoolmight not ifisurue classes for a week.Many of students from out of town

returned or will return to theirhomes until nolifiod the bun is lifted

- -

Sas He as noil HeldHenry Meyer, u junk dealer nt 71 New

I'lwitril.ers Street, cntntilu neil t,. I '..,.'I'noli. fif the utteet Mlntlnn .,.ul.....l.. ..

. .... .. J iiu)that on rrutuy attornoon a man enmointo his shop, said ho was a detectiveehow.l a yollow shield and slipped a pair

handcuffs on Mover's wrsl Tl...demanded money and when Meyer

refused to give hltn knocked Meyerdown

('apt Toole questioned his men Onodetectives, It wus at Police

being in Meyer'sshop on denied Meyer'scharges

u:as iicvirn Ai,ironsill.illr NrrvKr.

In Soulli'rn Hy . tc W l' nf UtnrmiKn vrn .mi.'ii iiiiiimv i.inrsrv niiwr

sa-- l ity Southern Railroad. There was sicinns and students at the Johns HopkinsVHi.S'.'.'t iu th packages. The train Hospital Dr ) Whitridge Williams, deannirhcd at fl:3u o'clock was met by 'of the Johns Hopkins medical school,

Joseph and Albeit Brigg. cashier 'day ordered the medical school to beof th" (closed until further notice. Three new- -

Mrs. took a package diphtheria were repotted in the$10,023 left tho station first As she j hospital making a total of thirty-steppe- d

the door a hiasked man sixwith a revolver confronted hr de- - .It also teported that a child


mantled th" money Another lohher of the orderlies In the hospital has de-- .stood by Mrs Joseph handed tho disease In the last twenty-- !money Brigg- -. who was cloo behind, lour hours, John Ha'lewood. a clerk

what mideach

a corner didhud the

but buggy


mill lliillnonFeb 25

Baldwin-'iegle- r expedition

(list morning his of anexpedliion



collecttouting meteorological,


magneticMr Baldwin

Tlie Hi., packin.,

wo store supplies

from thesupplies

not linta side


III llfdi1'our liour







the theand

the MacVeagh,





thethe of



theentered Fred W.


MoroccoMr the

June from

business and the

that MrNational








of the



IU1.IIM0RK. Feb. what

the unci yearthe







llanilcurTril to.



his saidHeudiuur(ers, oiiinltto.i

Friday, but



oier thejveloped

rixrit rou rrr sr rxi.ixo.






lanltor of Vtellclej Collide PiinMieil forllulils mi Tatilili's,

Hosio.V. Feb 25 .lohn .Siiliiies. nJanitor in theemployof Welleslev College,appeared before 'a tiiul Justice in Nntlckthis afternoon upon a charge of stealingan angora cat lielonging to Klmer Hentof that town and after pleading guiltywim lined IIS. 'Ihe arrest was caused1... tl t.l 1- ,.!. .. .

hv iiuroid iirown. cuiei oi loo rsuueKpolice, who received fleqiieiit complaintsnti, tt fl... .II.,..,. ...... .,.... ..r it..- - - .,- - ',"7. ''V8"H'",c.t"! """ .,1,H-- V '."


up ami diposed or at the college for issectllll! l)llt'lioms I

chief Brown says In intends to askfor a summons for Albert T Mm do. pro- -r...... .. ... w. .11. -.. , ,..1..."".... " e,.,-,- , , expimntlie uisappi.ariiiice of so iniiiiy cats, 'hecollege uutlioillli'M admit thill thev liaveb,nc hi mIwiiii ,.ii I

v,.(,. ,, ,, demonstratingnniitoiny to tho girl students So far ashey knew the animals were purchased

""I stolen Dean Pendleton said the'in'J m'v' r Investigated the manlier

which th" cats (nought to the co 'egewere collected, ,but will do eo hereafter

,.i.,f t.ow Interviewed Souires several days ago He also called oil Si nitWoods of the Welleslev College farm

mires and Woods admitted that tlmywere 011 tin- - lookout for cats for use inthe classes 'Ihe supply became de-- Iplcted 111 the town where ihe college issituated and Sipiiies was told to get themwlieie he could Woods told the chiefthat he expiessly to Squiresthat no pel animals should be taken orbought Only th" wanderers weie sought,

Chief Blown said I

"Tho cat in ntlestion was a lai ne while... ,1.1. I.I..I. 'I'li,i won oiucK spoi i ue aiiiiuai wasvalued by Mrs Hent bocauso ii was atrick cat ind would do almost anything

'11 mm 1010 iu un

"I Went t,, ....II.. ... iili.l I....I a I .11- - ...III,squires He confessed that he had b 1

,B common laicenj It is 110 ok Ii is agrievous offence

Squires admilied 10 me that he hadstolen us high as sown cats iu one dayHis method was to come here iu a cur-riiig- e

with a bin gunny suck He wouldchae cats iu broad daylight He genop""' l)nill a boy to hold his horse whilelie did the chasing When he caught thecat he put H iu his bug und drove offrapidly

"One day a woman saw him chase onenf her cats outside her house She openedthe window and yelled at him, askingwhy he was chasing her cat. Squiresanswered that he thought it was a straycal and that he was taking it to the BescueLeague. She reprimanded him andSquires didn't get the cat "

The chief saw n barn at tho college farmyesterday where live cuts that had notthe appearance of having been fed foru long time were shown him us a partof the collection gathered by SquiresThe chief is not an expert on cat,lmt hethinks from the way they mewed --to.gKtout of the burn that they possess thePfupr spirit and probably belong toNutiek

oi'r.itxir. u, xixoxMit.c at itrut:The Patient shuns Immediate Hellef anil

liuproc KllglHI),lohn M Carrere. the architect under-

went u second operation early yesterdaymorning It was expluitied lust nightthat infection hud developed about thewound, causing a condition suggestingmeningitis, und a consultation of phy-sicians wus called at midnight on Friduyto decide whether unother operation wasnecessiry.

l)r .lohn S Thacher, Mr Catrere'sphysician; Ir Hurt well, I)r F.lliott . Inefot stall at the hospital; Dr FrederickPeterson, the neurologist, and Dr FrankHartley, specialist ill diseases of the head,were present at the consultation '1 heydecided that a -- econd operation wus nec-essary, which involved liephinuig theskull again.

Ihe physicians found that ihe icgiou ofHie wound was inreeted but that therewas nothing to the fear of j

meningitis. Mr Carrere showed imme- -diate relief and last night his conditionwas improved

"lie wus much belter his morning thanhe was last night " slid a friond lastnight, "and this e c mug he is much bet- -ici man ne was tins morning lllsphysi- -cuius ale much ctlcniir.i cre.1 " I

Ml Carrere recognizes his dootois andsuch of his family as are allowed to seehim

A. I. M Carrere a luother. who hasbeen mi u trip to the Paciflo coast, re-turned to New Yoik yesterday to jointhe other members of the family.

a it itrs 1 1:11 rou xi OEXrs in: xrnVtteiHlftiit llclll at Matteawmi erireil

() notlier Attendant.PofoilKKr;psiK. Feb 2.', After an all

day investigation by Assistant DistrictAttorney Cdward Conger it was decidedby County Judge Frank Hanbrnuck to-night that tho people had furnished evi.deuce enough to warrant the nrrest of

on a charge j

manslaughter, for euusing, it is alleged,me ueaiu or .1 .Migent. me convictwn" WHM 0,,n" "'"" 111 his cell on Fehru-- 1

aT '

KA!li:it in ,i)fni.saviinimriSirvlrc. Atlrnrilmlisle. HFlll Itiinm.l

I'ei'ljs. tnrlurllne

'TO teach girls to farm

,., his (nf.mU Wi ,..,11

'Mils, itri.uaxr ;ivi:s jimi Xl'ltr.Si1011 school.

Ilrr Solution of the I'robleni of titer-nii-

of I'ttclnr llntliK Hopes Hip

I'lUills mil In Ihe i:ml llu Places ofTheir IIimi He

After year's invest igut ion of theindustrial conditions in and about NewVork cilv Mrs. Oliver II. lt"lmonthas leached the conclusion that here

Ms an ovursiipply of women factory work- -

er mid that best relief is to persuade..iru ,.,. f,rl,,,,uiu.nnrimli.m,. ,. 11"" "" "" """about 200 iicri's of her land at Brook- -

holt. Hempstead. I. I, for school ofngriiiiltuie for women All M',l'"'Ucedll(T,lirwoman farmer lints been engaged Ioinstruct pupils in practical farming,and there will not b man about theplace except boy or two lo do the choresfor fit st few weeks.

"Of course expect the undei takingto he uist as soon as ii

gets fairly started." -- aid Mrs Belmontyesterday afternoon Many farmer ad-

mit that their wie and daughters aretheir very best and inosl leliable helpei

fact that theie seems to begeneral impression among city people

that women cannot do work 'Ihefew women who ate v workini:,.,,,1 ,...,:,.uniiuhiuh .!. ...... r..,.,.,. 1,,.,..certainly deinon-- t rated that there is

"OI "" "'' ,'irl"..........I

"'Iheie are many women wage earnerswho Miter uhe.idy crowded field ofun labor." continued Mi- - Bel-

mont, 'because they have had neitherun entie nor oppoitunity to leuin

some reinuneinthe occupationThe shiit waist maker' strike last yearIII this city and the icent garmentworkers' strike 111 Chicago revealedworking and home condition fearful tocontemplate While these young girlshave been spending the best years oftheir lives 111 overcrowded workroomsand unsanitary tenement foi less than

living wage our rich -- oil ha beentilled by nomadic trump-- stuy-In- g

at one farm just long enough lo worktheir wuy buck to the next town to scndthe money earned."

Mrs. Belmont explained that therewould be matron on her now larni whowould cha)oron the girls and "mother"them and who would also teach themcooking, housekeeping and home makingThe girls are to be paid while learningand their wages will increase proior-tiountel- y

to their skill."1 hope," concluded Mrs Belmont,

"Uuil tlm girls will eventually to ac-quire little land of their own, withhome und garden, and thereby scentan economic independence that yearof tod iu city factory or store will notgive them."

Young women lit years of age and overdesiiuiK seriously to uvail thenisehesofthe opportunity to become eierincedgardeners and farmers may upply 111

writing to the Political Associa-tion, oiij Fifth Heuiie, tor admission tothe school.

.sr. u t:rrsio s.0111 riict Ion Sow In ProicresUlll Nn Taper Olf.

The Interstate Commerce oiiiiiussion'srefusal to allow the railroads lo aihuucefieiglil lutes has hud the immediateresult of uu order to retrench alonghut of the hicugo, Milwaukee und SiPhiiI and Chicago. Milwaukee amiPuget Sound A general order to thateffect has been out from the head-quarters Iu hlcago io every divisionon both road- - I'Meusioii work haltedby that older ctiiul construction now

!m progre,- - will taper ot! just graduallyenough to leave no hull finished structuresexposed for deterioration. Plans forimprovements lo the service propermv )velx abandonedTho partially compleied double tracking

.a Crosse and Biver divisions ofthe St Paul will he finished The F.verettbranch of the PuKet Sound, which isnearly done will nl-- o be completedConstruction on all other branch lineswill stop he main line construct ionis practically completed. Money hasalready been provided lo pay for thatwork, well us for that on the F.verettbranch No further financing will be

until the St Paul's manage-ment changed its notion of the generalprospect ahead

St Paul officials will probably attend themeeting of ruilroail men scheduled torMonday at the lioilroad Club here

VS. XlifS XX It SMOhr.

numil IU ill urn Show Koiup Pel lothe llocky Mountain I'luti.

The rooms of Hooky Mountain Club,

a, were thronged last eveningwith members there to hear ItaymoudDitinar. curator of Bronx Park Zootell his experiences In hunting for reptilesIn Honda. It was called a

are dun to the fact that only a portion oftheir brains aro developed


lniol Hoilly. a young attendant at (he. high up on the floor of the WnlMattouwan State hospital, of


The (ouil fixed Iteilly's bond at $2,W)0 in spite of he smoke it reembleda naturalfor a hearing before Judge Husbrouok history class in a public school. A largoon tho manslaughter charge Former sheet was hung at one end or room onDistrict Attorney tieorge Wood wont his' which Mr DltmurH threw pictures ofbull nnd he wus released and hunting scenoa in the Kverglados, After-returne- d

to Fishkill word ho brought out somo live BiiokosThe charge against Hoilly is based on There wore three largo suit cases full of

an afllduvil made by (teorgn Oalbraith, the reptllos, which he fondled. Themanother attendant at Matteawnn, who were several rnttloro nnd copperheadsalleged thai Iteilly kickivl and choked Mr Ditmars feared (hem not, and ovenNugent the day before he was found dead. W'onl through prooess of extracting(lalbraith says his statement is tlie first the venom from n particularly wickedhe has made in case and that there looking specimenis nothing in it that is duplicated in the There wus u sigh of relief from the atidi-ulllda-

made by him which lawyer etice when the snakes were buck in theJohn J Donnelly bus in his possession, three suit cases. Then Mr. Ditmarsnews of which started Mr. Conger on his brought forth the little Humboldt's mon-tra- il

y key, an extremely rare animal from thuIn hisutlliluvil befoie Judge Hasbrouck, jungles or Brazil; a jumping rat, native

(iiilbniilh declared that he saw Attendant of laud known us the Jerboa, theIteilly put a sheet around Nugent's neck. ' more scieutifio name for if, und soverulIhrow him over on the bod and kick him! waltzing mice. These eccentrio littleiu the side, (lalbraith, however, did not are quite familiar now to visitorsmake this uflldavil voluntarily. ,1(1 The Bronx. Mr. Ditmars explained

Utat their peouliar jumping movementVAl'tTlON j in--;

1.1ns vvttli It t.rir Ships RtunrturdI'niiimiiillmin Stateroom,

VI I It In 1? .Khlfll. In L ur.Mlow fnrcs, nil euppnwH,

, ,


x I

I h





" ' '" " '







sdespite III"





the' h

the the



trya n



. stops





n,e I




Hill I



smoker, but











roxatmssM x i .x nam.Three Young Men Jostle Hunter of Idaho

1,1 I'nuM' Oltlco IIiiIIiIIiik.

W.tsill.S'OTON, Feb. :.V A free for alllight, in which Hcpresentative Humor ofIdaho was one of the principals, tookplace in the House office building y !

Mr. Hauler was leaving nn elevator 011 j

his way from Ills office when hp wa Jostleduy tlitee young men who were statiilliignear by.

Mr Hauler lecluied the young menfor being in his way. ngry word- - weieexclnnged and Mr. Hamer, it is ald,charged upon them. In the scuffle thatfollowed Hcprccnt itivo Hanmrfell. See-

ing tint the fight svas going ag.iin-- t dimMr Hamer 111. ide a dish for th" exit ofthe building

While Mr tinnier ri.fnt.il t.l illeilM. lie.M,1V

the matter to the attention of the Houseon Monday.

oii.irrri 10 .11 nn vs cowi hi:,Court liiirln il us llushttiKlon llbeti Hiirlini

lias 1'onvlcleil of .llatilnimhlfr.BU)().IKII-I.)- . Ind , Feb V, Charles

Burton, found guilty of manslaughter,is asking for a new tiial on lhe novelground that ihe trial Judge so impressedIhe jury by Ins appuiel on February 2'.'

llial he was found guiltv when otherwisehe would have been deal e. I

Jililge Henderson piesid.-- at the trialand wishing to attend aBirthduv fuuctiou ut which ull the gin-si- s

would appear in Continental costumeshe robed himself toiepiesent Washington,and III wig, knee breeches und shoit coalnppeured ill the court room ami occupiedthe bench in the afternoon

The defendant usseits that the jurywas so iiuptiied with the conn's splen-dor of apparel und by the dignity of tlietimes lhat it teculled that it was led awayfrom contemplation of the testimony

o isios i.oim; iowr.it.so Patrick I iiilnliv Sa Xficr u tuit of

Present I'oiiillllon.ClIK'AiiO, Feb 2.i. Patrick Cuihihy.

the .icker. is a bear on provision"Thoie can l only one logical side to

the piovision market until price adiustthemselves," Cud.ihy said "CornIs selling in ihecouutryat a pii'e wherebyhogs can be iiiade for lo than live centsand there seems to be no shortage ofyoung hogs to feed it to; so until hogsami coin come together there is no sensem looking for prices to remain anywherenear where they are now. I expect tosee July and September products eailytwo cents a und lower- "

VHi.r. noi.s roi.soxro.I.Minnclil Salex anil MKIirr Killed liv hu

I'lieiuv of IIkii I.) mi.Pmr IIukon. Mich. Feb. 25 l.vnn

field Salex. Dan Lynn's prb'e winningwirehulredfo.x terrier, which iniideacleansweep Ht the recent dog show'inNew York.und Nigger, another well bred terrier, aredeud. the victims of u dog poisonerLynufleld Salex. whuli was bred by MrLynn, was considered by experts to be ihebest brt;d dog of its class m uiericu. andut the recent Now York show defeatedseveral international chumpioiis

'Ihe dogs arried home u few days agoafter their suciessful campaign iu theFast and were waiting to be sent to othershows Some time last night poisonedmeal was thrown into the dog kennelLyrinfield Salex and Nigger ate the meatund died several hours atterward. MrLynn has not yet returned lo the chyfrom the I 'a-- 1 und is not aw are of the deathof his prize winners

ri: ill iiisixo ix I'our xi ntisa:llrlll.li llar-lil- p Seeded at lUvtlsn Capi-

tal Dolphin Sent to iiCuc.-- jf 11.1 i tyr littrtiitifi to Till' Sfv

KlMHloN. Jamaica. Feb 2.1 Accord-ing lo private advices received here,the British Consul at Port an Piince,Hay ti. has telegraphed for a warshipto protect British interests A generalrising iu that city is imminent

WASlilNirro.v, Feb 25 The Dolphin,now at Poii mi Prince, Hay ti. has beeninstructed lo proceed immediately loAux Cave, where iu the burning of thetown ihe Ameiicttii consular building wadetroyed The Dolphin will go lo AuxCaves lo proteel und assist the consularagent and American cjllzonR there pro-

vided ihe conditions ut Porl an Piincewarrant her in leaving that place

xrritoi'iti xte to tiii: rrw.The Hev. Mr. I larl. i Theme Hhen Thief

11a liettliiR Ana Mil Ills Overcoat.A fur lined overcoat belonging to the

Hev John Lewi Clark, pastor of theBushwick Avenue Congregational Churchin Brooklyn, was stolen from the churchparlor list Wedne-d.i- v night while theclergyman vvu preaching from the text"He who seeks il and takes it away I

rowurded." After vainly tryingto locatotho stolon garment in order to got im-

portant church papers tint were in anin-i- de pocket th" Hev. Mr Clark decidedyesterday til the following upMulto the thief

To the thief who siole mi overcoat Ifthere he Hliv honor mmiili! thieves, pleasereturn to tlie chinch the address list whichwa In niv inside poiket If vou pawnedthe coal, please mail pawnticket If joustill hu vc the cent nnil will return it you willhe more liberally lewnnled than If joupiiwnecl il .So questions will ho nked

iifuithtiimliii that vim stole tuv over.1 out. I think well of vim and will nniy withand for you .My only tear i that a you

churchand their addresses.

Halloou Miss Sofia Comes Down.Dovkii. Mo Feb. 23. 00,000 cubic,

foot balloon Miss Sofia, with W. F, Ass-ma-

pilot, and J. M. O'Heilly, aide, bothSt. Louis, aboard, which left Sun

Antonio. Tex . early lust nighthope of lifting the L1I1111 cup, passedover Outhrie, Okla , nnrtlivvurdat biiii o ciock morning 111 . ...1..and storm, landed nt (lower, Clintoncounly, Mo., 515 (his afternoon,- - - -

AlKi:s Ai'iit'srA Kl.oittm.j:as v. m,Southern'! Soutiicusif rn l.linlted, niiilnc. Drnw

Ins anil Mali slri'i.liiii ears. 1 In It si rls.S. Dltlof, f av , ior Wn '


xai:r or unr.KU srr.xusinrroui' xy oi: or Tiir.xi.

lioiermiiviit I'linrgr l'.tenlp Onera--1In SnuiKitllnK Allen The Ar

rel Made Hoard the Athlnnl onHer Vrrlial Heat) Hall lleiiinnileil.

Three Trilled State Assistant DistrictAttorneys, t'nited Slate Marshal Hait-lior- t,

five deputies und eight specialdeputies, together with liuniigiution

or Seraphic, wenl aboard the HellonloTransatlantic Steam Navigation Com-

pany's ship Athlnnl us soon n she dockedyetcrday afternoon at Pier :t:i, Biooklyn.and ariested (he company's agent in I hicity, hi soci clary, the -- hip's captain andthree ollliets, ill" doctor, the chiefengineer und Iwetity-on- e members thet rew' mill tool. Ihe crew away handcuffedin pairs

'I h" tvveiity-niii- e piisoiiers have severalindictment again-- l them for violatingthe immigration law anil con-pira-

lo smuggle uiide-inilil- .. aliens intocountry Nicholas (lul'inos, the ngunt,whose office I at t)."i Hio.nl street, Man-

hattan, wa bailed l.y a surely companyin J2o.iiii. ami lcander -i. hicleik, iu Ml.non, lap' (!"ka Koulalliasanil I it- -t l Itlu it Ion. i Ki.larnti gaveSlu.oou bird each i'lid chief FngineerPiotto Kyi kuos i i. miii

'I hot wont her iifti. ci. Dctnitri-'i'umh- ra

and Chirdofa Bogdaii"-- , Dr I'.ra-in- ii' Biakobuto' and th. ciew. who broughti the total ball ile;iunil".l no to M s.',.inKl,

ould not furnish boiid- -l oi three iiiiiiitli- - act Hiding lo Assist-

ant et Altoiney Allen, the Oovern-mer- ii

ha been investigating charges ofthe smuggling iu of aliens steamshipc aiip.ini- i- Th" investigation showedMr Mien suv- - that hundreds of men andwomen who have been ent back to(ireecby the authorities ut Llh- - bland havepaid f i inn 2i i to "'on francs lieingbrought ovet and smuggled into theCniled States Mr Allen says lhat hehas ample evidence that th" smugglingiu of iiiinngr.uils ha- - beon'dnno with theknowledge of the company, its officersand ciews. either by shipping the aliena of the crew or a stcwni dosses or byhiding them in coal bunkers or ui otherplaces

The (iovernnient officials were at theHellenic company's dock in the AtlanticBasin yesterday to meet the Athiuiii. Adozen immigration inspectors hadboarded the shrp ut Qunir.nline and whenshe was fast Inspector Seraphic toldthe agent, who retirrning from abroad,

hu was under arrest. Then followedthe arret of (he clerk, doctor, capt'ainand others

"Now muster your crew on the upperdeck." ordered the marshal, and the surprised end protesting captain did so. Outof the fifty men lined up twenty-on- e werecalled by name to step forward nnd behuudcurlcd in pairs One later had hishandcuffs removed and was allowed tostuy aboard and attend to the engines

Tint i .'.'no passengers saw tho captainand half his crew march down the gang-plank and up Cnion street 'Hiere ucrowd of Italians joined tho processionnud followed noisily to Columbia street,where the prisoners were put into a crosa-to-

n cur 'I hey were taken to tho PostOffice Building and later were arraignedbefore Justice Chutlleld of the I'nltedStates Circuit Court

A C Cu-s- of Cnss.l- - Apfef.he company'atiorneye, said that the nrrest was spite-wor- k

on the part of the (iovernment Hesaid that (he investipating wa done byone uf the company's discharged em-ployees, who was bounced becnue of acomplaint from Commissioner William.This investigator. Cass declared, wnaafterward employed by tho (Iovernmentund managed to get into the Hellenicoffices by telling the night watchmanthut he was still employed there. Casssaid that (his man stole papers, books andletters und I timed (hem over lo tho immi-gration Authorities

The immigration authorities asked thecaptain of the Themlstokles, n sister shipof the Athiiini, to muster his crew lostDecember, but the captain refused

ion .., ,ooo iiiamr.XY.

Uu Pont Project In Delaware Starts Talkof a From New York lo Washington.

Wn.Mi.Nin on. Del . Feb. 25. With thearrival y from New Vork of T. Cole-man du Pont, president of the Uu PontPowder Company, who has offered toadvance $2,(100,000 to this State for theconstruction of a modern highway theentire length of the commonwealth, itwas announced that a company with acapitalization $25,000,000 will shortlybe organized iu Delaware. The purposeof this company, of which New Yorkernlire at the head, is to build a boulevardbetween New York and Washington. Thepromolors are endeavoring to interestMr. du Pont in this movement

Il is the intention to build a highway HO feet wide between New Aorkand Washington at a cost of tl5,000a milo. It is planned to have separatedivisions for commercial and pleasure

cars, trolley line and vehicles,They will travel iu oppciite directionsThere lire to be no grade crossing

' highway.. J. M. Frere, local retire- -senta(ive of (ho promoter, said y

nnd reach 11 conclusion. Thouho will probably send a communicationlo (iov. Peunowill on his protect, andtho (lovernor will probably send a specialmessage based I hereon (o tho Legislature

Three Alienists Impi-c- l Attain.Joseph O. Itobm, the indicted banker

who goes on trial on Monday before Jus- -

tlcn Keabury in the Supreme Court on the

went to 111111I1 to steal vou would pick my tho plins were being pushed and llu(pocket while I was at prayer witli yon tIle big concpm would soon bo incorno-I'leas- e

return list you found in my oat, r,todif,,,,..l,ecoI,t...ndvoi,wllhe,ourde(l j J( fnm',o l.stnskodforby thomii.ist. con. Ihn, of M, ,, ,,, wj rolfrtains the names of members of the wii . itnr,,nv.(i.,.,,-..- Hinhnnl )ir..


ofwith the




trrvler Ml Ifiti















chargo of grand larceny, was tho subjectof a three hours examination by ulienktayesterday

The oxnrnin.ition,w;hlch was made uponthe request nf W , I . Jerome, llobin s legalrepresentative, was by Dr. Austin Flint,

Million und ur' Curtis V .iJa'cdonild,z