www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved. Page1 Lisa: Virtual boot camp. This is Lisa Sasevich. Very excited to be with you today and I have to tell you, I've heard so many great things about your Juicy Offer Twist call with Lisa Cherney. Now you've experienced the power of the Lisa's, you've got your juicy marketing mentor in Lisa Cherney, you've got your Queen of sales conversion in me and on our year long mastermind program, the Sales Authenticity and Success Mastermind, we come together. We just shorten it all up and call it The Lisa's. I just wanted you to have a chance to learn some of the deeper level training that we can do when we have more time with you. I'm thrilled that so many of you made it to the call. If you didn't get a chance, definitely make sure and go back. The recording and the transcript will be there for you so that you can use the Juicy Offer Twist. Again, the Juicy Offer Twist, it's a bolts-on ending, kind of an alternative ending to your Speak to Sell Signature talk so that you're ready if you can't sell, you're not really in it to make an on the spot offer for a purchase but you do want to have people take action and your irresistible offer is either an offer for a strategy session, which would be a kind of an on the phone consult, an in-office appointment. This is really the best way to get qualified appointments once people have seen you speak. Totally changes the game of how they show up for an appointment or a consult. Even if you're giving a free gift and you just want to have a talk that leads to that. Again, make sure that you use that. It's an important part of the course and part of our bonuses. Also, our last call is next week, next Thursday, May 5. We're going to be working on transitioning to your offer on this call and then we'll be working on maximizing every opportunity on that call. I'm also happy to announce that we've answered all the questions once again in the online training forum so if you asked a question by the deadline, please know that the answer is there and for all of you, for any of you who've kind of just joining us, there's a library there of all the questions that have been asked and Kim and I are in there, conspiring to answer those questions. There's so much you can learn, the same way that you learn on this call live, we've got that going on virtually in the Speak to Sell website, your proprietary membership site under the forum tab, the very last tab you see there. Any questions that come up from this call, you'll want to put them by Sunday at midnight into call #5, our last call. That will be our last round for questions. The best way to really move forward after that is to join us live at Ultimate Sales Boot camp. I have a big announcement. This event, which was so popular when we did it 18 months ago and our campus has grown so much that we've actually sold out. I told you it was coming, it wasn't false scarcity. We are sold out for ultimate sales boot camp. We have over 600 entrepreneurs coming from all over the world that want to do business with you, want to network with you, want to book you, want to be booked by you so we're giving you guys until

STSVBC Module4 April28 - Amazon S3 · Lisa: Virtual boot camp. This is Lisa Sasevich. Very excited to be with you today and I have to tell you, I've heard so many great things about

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Lisa: Virtual boot camp. This is Lisa Sasevich. Very excited to be with you today and I

have to tell you, I've heard so many great things about your Juicy Offer Twist call

with Lisa Cherney. Now you've experienced the power of the Lisa's, you've got

your juicy marketing mentor in Lisa Cherney, you've got your Queen of sales

conversion in me and on our year long mastermind program, the Sales

Authenticity and Success Mastermind, we come together. We just shorten it all

up and call it The Lisa's. I just wanted you to have a chance to learn some of the

deeper level training that we can do when we have more time with you. I'm

thrilled that so many of you made it to the call. If you didn't get a chance,

definitely make sure and go back. The recording and the transcript will be there

for you so that you can use the Juicy Offer Twist.

Again, the Juicy Offer Twist, it's a bolts-on ending, kind of an alternative ending

to your Speak to Sell Signature talk so that you're ready if you can't sell, you're

not really in it to make an on the spot offer for a purchase but you do want to

have people take action and your irresistible offer is either an offer for a

strategy session, which would be a kind of an on the phone consult, an in-office

appointment. This is really the best way to get qualified appointments once

people have seen you speak. Totally changes the game of how they show up for

an appointment or a consult. Even if you're giving a free gift and you just want

to have a talk that leads to that. Again, make sure that you use that. It's an

important part of the course and part of our bonuses. Also, our last call is next

week, next Thursday, May 5. We're going to be working on transitioning to your

offer on this call and then we'll be working on maximizing every opportunity on

that call.

I'm also happy to announce that we've answered all the questions once again in

the online training forum so if you asked a question by the deadline, please

know that the answer is there and for all of you, for any of you who've kind of

just joining us, there's a library there of all the questions that have been asked

and Kim and I are in there, conspiring to answer those questions. There's so

much you can learn, the same way that you learn on this call live, we've got that

going on virtually in the Speak to Sell website, your proprietary membership site

under the forum tab, the very last tab you see there. Any questions that come

up from this call, you'll want to put them by Sunday at midnight into call #5, our

last call. That will be our last round for questions.

The best way to really move forward after that is to join us live at Ultimate Sales

Boot camp. I have a big announcement. This event, which was so popular when

we did it 18 months ago and our campus has grown so much that we've actually

sold out. I told you it was coming, it wasn't false scarcity. We are sold out for

ultimate sales boot camp. We have over 600 entrepreneurs coming from all

over the world that want to do business with you, want to network with you,

want to book you, want to be booked by you so we're giving you guys until

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.



tomorrow. Tomorrow, actually. Tomorrow, Friday, at midnight. Then that's it,

we're full. Even if you have a bonus ticket, it will no longer be good. You would

join a wait list after that time, then if a seat opens up, we would move you in. If

you've been waiting til the last minute, it's here. I'm just ringing the bell, letting

you know that you can register your bonus ticket until tomorrow and then the

doors are closed, ultimate sales boot camp is sold out.

That's happening here in San Diego, May 12 through 14. Our events always sell

out. People always say they've been to a ton of industry events but nothing like

this because this is a true training. This is not a pitch-a-thon with all these

different speakers. It's myself, Lisa Cherney and our other high level trainer on

our campus, Andrea J. Lee for 3 days, really training you on how to put together

your online and offline sales conversion machine. Your Speak to Sell Signature

talk, it's the beginning. It's the beginning of really thinking about your irresistible

offer, thinking about how can I have a presentation that leads to my offer live,

how can I start using that on teleseminars and webinars and ultimate sales boot

camp, we can put that all together, help you make sure that you're focused on

your ideal client, using their language, talk about up sells, cross sells, getting

your work online, leveraged selling, leveraged delivery. It's really my model.

People say, "How do you do it still from home?" Doing over $6 million dollars of

sales a year with a very small and dedicated team, this is how we do it. If you

want to see how we do it, come on out, let me show you. We have thousands of

entrepreneurs that have been modeling our work since 2009. It will work for

you. I think you already get a taste of that, being here. We're sold out and

tomorrow is the deadline to register your bonus ticket. All right? Also, bring a

friend. If you had a friend, a fellow entrepreneur, someone who's just looking to

transition out of that dead end job, or maybe they have a dream or some

expertise they've been doing for years and you just know in your heart that they

could be helping more people. Whether it's to feel better, to lose weight, get

their kid into college, plan their financial future, they could be doing so much

more. If there's people in your life busting it out, trading hours for dollars, you

can register them by tomorrow for just $197 to join you at ultimate sales book


I know a lot of you are already coming and you're chatting on the Facebook

page and you're hooking up and you know there are some hotels nearby.

Everything's close together so if you didn't get in the room block, just contact

support, we'll let you know some options of where you can stay nearby. Just

know that over half of our audience will also be networking every day in our VIP

networking lunch. It's a structured place to network so you don't feel like you're

in this sea of people and you're not meeting anyone. We really, really make that

easy for you in our VIP networking lunch. With 600 people, you really don't

want to be trying to drive around and find a place to eat, you just want to go

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.



right into the conference room next door, have a beautiful lunch, if it's nice out,

we'll serve it outside by the water. You know, you don't want to be the one

going down to try to stand in a long line at the 1 little restaurant. If you're

coming and you've not treated yourself to the VIP lunch, I really recommend it.

It's $197 for all 3 days. Hot, healthy, structured beautiful networking lunches

with some of the top entrepreneurs on the planet.

If you're coming all this way, why not give yourself that treat? Just contact

support if you want to upgrade. I think there's about, I don't know, 28 VIP lunch

seats left as of a couple of days ago. They start going fast as it gets closer. Also, I

have an opportunity for you guys today. Way before we finish the call about 10

minutes before the end, I'm going to have a special guest come on. He's a

member of my team, his name is Brett. We are implementing a strategy to pop

our Facebook fan page to over 100,000 likes and we want your help. What's in it

for you is that you will be exposed to over a half a million entrepreneurs. This is

a chance for exposure. I'm just going to tease you with that, that's called a hook

when you plant a hook in the beginning to keep people on until the end. I'm just

going to tease you with that and Brett will be joining us in the last couple of

moments in this call to tell you exactly where to go on Facebook, what to do

and how you can help me and help yourself at the same time.

Plus I just thought it was kind of cool for you to see what we're doing behind the

scenes since all of us are in the same boat, trying to get the word out about

what we do and trying to help more people. Today is a big Q&A call and

[inaudible 00:07:38] call about transitioning to your offer. Hopefully you have

found your way into module 4, had a chance to watch the 45-minute webinar

there, plus taken a look at some of the worksheets that we have about what to

sell when you speak, we have sample order forms here so this is really where

we get into okay, I've positioned myself, I've done the deep dish body of my

talk, we've talked a lot about that and now, I want to make my offer. Lisa

showed you how to make your offer for strategy session or in-office

appointment on the Juicy Offer Twist and this is the ending of where you

actually make your offer direct to a sale.

Of course you know you want to have your speak to sell formula nearby. I know

a lot of you like to print that out and keep it on hand. I'm going to get mine right

out here too, one moment here. Here it is. If you have specific questions about

how this works, we love diving into this with you. We are working in the speak

to sell formula, we are working, it's kind of Roman number III, it's the 5th page

of the formula, it says transition to on the spot offer. You know, it's a little

review, you segue with that transition point that you used in the beginning in

your positioning, something like, "Okay, now we're going to talk about how to

take today's immediately useful information and turn it into a lasting

transformation." Then you sample platter through the rest of your unique

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.



branded system, the parts that you did not go deep dish on. If you have 5 steps

and you went deep on step 1 or 2, you would sample platter through the other


You can see, if you haven't found your way to our signature talk generator

button, I highly recommend that this week you take a look at it. You'll see me do

my whole talk. You'll see me go deep position myself, go deep dish and sample

platter and it makes the whole thing make so much more sense. I also give you

my slide deck with the underneath the slides, there's annotated notes why I'm

saying what I'm saying. If you watch the talk while you're watching my slide

deck, it really makes it real. That's under, again, the signature talk generator tab.

Then you distribute your summary sheet and you keep focusing 90% on the

transformation, 10% on the service delivery. You'll state the full price, you've

developed the value of the bonuses already in your talk, now you're going to

mention the bonuses and again, these bonuses as we talked about in Module 1,

should be things that your ideal client would be so excited to get, like they'd

want it any way. A lot like when you invested here in speak to sell and we gave

you the get booked tool kit, it just made a lot of sense, it was tightly related.

You'll have your limiter so this break only, today only, the first X number of

people, and then what we call justify, justify. You're going to justify the

investment, what is the cost to them of not accepting your offer. Things like,

"Hey, what would it cost you to not have 1 referral partner?" One more referral

partner who sent you 1 new thousand dollar client a month, that's $12000 a

year and if you don't come and do this work on how to get referrals, you're

stepping over that. We want to justify that and then we want to justify the

investment. In the old model, people would say, "For 1 cup of Starbucks a day,

that's $3 a day for, you know, that's $1000 a year, you could be having this

romance of your dreams." Or whatever your transformation is. We justify,

justify. The 2 things you're justifying is the why is it today only and then

justifying the investment. We've kind of scripted that for you, the today only

part. You can look there on page 7 at the bottom. It says, "To acknowledge the

investment you've already made in being here at the upcoming break, you can

enroll in XYZ for just $X and save $X. To make it a total no-brainer, I'm also

offering an easy 3-pay option, just 3 payments of X or you can save an additional

$200 by paying in full during this break.

Kind of hand it to you on a silver platter there. Then we go into Step 11, the top

3 objections. You want to think through, what are the top 3 barriers to buying?

We've scripted a few of them for you. The timing's not good or what if I'm just

getting started? What if I don't trust myself to do the work? You want to think

through, what are the main 3 reasons people hesitate and we want to put them

right there into the presentation. Okay? Then in step 12, we invite them to step

up, we show them where to take the order form or where to go to the back and

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.



get the order form, we say something inspiring from our heart and then we

want to repeat 3 times. Now is the time to stand up, go to the back table, I'll

meet you there. You want to fill in the form clearly so we can get you started, I'll

be here for a few minutes to answer any questions you need answered so we

can start working together right away. You want to repeat the, "Stand up, go to

the back, get registered," to kind of snap them out of the trance of how amazing

you were.

That's the quick summary. I'm happy to take questions today on anything

related to transitioning to your offer or prior to that, if you're still working on

your deep dish, happy to take questions on those things as well. Go ahead and

press *2 and also, I welcome sharing wins. If you have a question but you'd also

like to share a win, I know we've got a lot of wins popping up around here. Feel

free to give us a quick jolt of win energy as well. All right, Peggy is going to ... go

ahead and press *2. As always, I need you to press *2 if you'd like to ask a

question on this call. I like to take all the hands up in the beginning, all the

hands up in the beginning, and Peggy's going to show me how many we have.

That way I can manage our time. Great, great, great. Let's start with Christina. Hi

Christina. Make sure you guys, if you asked a question online, make sure to

check it because the answer is already there. Yes, hi Christina.

Christina: Hi there. I had the fortune of calling in last week and I had my 2nd big talk in

front of 100 people last Thursday, which was amazing but I have to say, it was a

huge, high profile event and I had the most face time out of the whole

conference but what you just said right now, I didn't take enough time at the

end. I was an hour and a half and I realize that I'm still, perhaps the academic in

me, I'm still possibly, I need to shorten my deep dish thing because I did it and I

really positioned the front. I was so proud of myself because the last time I did it

the week before, I didn't position the front as well.

I guess I just wanted to ask you, you're teaching this whole wonderful course

but it takes time. I did it and I did this amazing talk and then you know what

ended up happening was I did put the offer out there. I didn't close anyone but I

mean people were, like again, your presentation is amazing. What I quickly did

was I had, I probably had about 70 business cards and I contacted them all out. I

have got a few consultations to bring in clients but I just wanted again to get

your lessons learned, for me, it's like this is such great stuff you're teaching but

it is a lot to grow into too. That was a whole other ballgame, that conference. I

wasn't used to that.

Lisa: Yeah, you went right out of the frying pan into the fire, didn't you?

Christina: I needed a shot of bourbon just to give that presentation. I'm working on it, i

just wanted more encouragement. Thank you.

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.



Lisa: I love it. I want to congratulate you. I think that you're a great student Christina

and you sort of answered your own question but to give you some affirmation,

it's really common. The teacher in us, the giver in us, once we get on a roll and

we can see the light in their eyes and we can see that they're getting it, we want

to just keep giving that deep dish, right. All of a sudden we look up and we have

10 minutes to go through our whole sample platter, outline our offer and we're

talking fast and it changes our tone and before we know it, we're being that

fast-talking, slick sales person that we didn't want to be. I've been there myself.

I've been there. Even now, after all those years, when they start picking up what

you're putting down, it's so exciting and you want to just keep pouring into


Christina: Yeah. I realize i did. In only gave myself 10 minutes and I'm just thinking it's not


Lisa: Yep, I knew it.

Christina: It's not enough.

Lisa: It's not, no.

Christina: I got it in there but it wasn't like ... I don't know, do you leave 20 minutes? Is

that what you kind of do? Or have you learned to do that?

Lisa: Yeah, here's a tool that you may not have found yet, if you go to the signature

talk generator tab.

Christina: I did.

Lisa: Yeah, well go to the very last one, number 6 says, "Speak to Sell Timeline".

Christina: Okay, I didn't get to that.

Lisa: It's just a little 1-pager and it kind of shows you, it breaks down a 90-minute talk

and gives some suggestions and I think what you'll appreciate is that the first

page is the ideal. It's saying, 10 minutes for intro positioning, for body topic 1,

what is it, 15 minutes, body topic 2, why it matters, 10 minutes, I'm sorry, 10, 10

and 15. It's breaking down and then you'll see with the transition to the sample

platter, we allow 10 minutes in the first hour and 15 in the second half hour so

we're allowing 25 minutes. Do you see that? The green, then if you're passing

out a summary sheet, the best thing you can do is end early so we sort of

padded it and it's also kind of to save you from what happened because if you're

thinking of ending early, and then you have what happens happen, which is

really common, at least you've got a few more minutes than you thought. Now

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.



what I show you on the 2nd page there is, just to be like really transparent, is

the actually timeline of the video that you watch if you watch my speak to sell


You'll see the introduction suggestion is like 10 minutes and I went 35. You'll see

I still had ... I used 28 minutes for my sample platter so I showed you my actual

to show you that it's not a perfect science. You can go long here, short there,

but the talk still sold because I took the time to go deep dish and to sample

platter. That is the biggest challenge is to remember that the sample platter is

still, as the teacher in you, just tell the teacher in you that the sample platter is

still teaching. It's not like we're moving to the sales part. You're still showing

your system, you're handing it to them and if you can keep that mindset you'll

feel better that it almost like you have 2 parts to your talk. You've got 30

minutes, 35 minutes of deep dish and another 25, 30 minutes of sample platter.

That's what I kind of tell them in my setup. First we're going to teach about

irresistible offers, what it is, why they matter, how they work, and then my 2nd

half of my talk I'm actually going to show you the steps to put together a

presentation that leads to the offer.

Christina: Right. Yeah, thank you.

Lisa: Does that help?

Christina: No, it has. I appreciate the encouragement. Thank you.

Lisa: You're welcome. I know we all want to hit it out of the park right out of the

beginning. It's worth sticking with it. You're getting, I mean the big news here,

you're getting the gigs. You're getting booked so you've got a hooky talk title,

you're on to something that they want and now it's just kind of refining and

shoring up the...

Christina: Elements of the structure.

Lisa: Exactly. Stick with it, stay close.

Christina: Yeah. Okay, cause is the recording, because I was at the conference last week

when you had that other recording you did for ... yesterday it was, is that

available? Is there a recording for that?

Lisa: Yeah. Do you mean the Juicy Offer Twist call? Is that what you're asking about?

Christina: No, the one that was helping us dive ... you set up an additional call prior to the

conference to help people dig deeper into the pre-work.

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.



Lisa: Oh, got it.

Christina: Is that available?

Lisa: I don't know if there are recordings to those momentum calls. They're not really

part of this course. Let me see if Peggy can tell me. There's no, we don't have

anywhere to post them but I mean if you want to write in to Peggy and if you're

registered for the conference, I'm sure she could send you a link if it was


Christina: Yeah, I'd love to, thank you so much.

Lisa: Write into support. No problem.

Christina: Perfect. Okay, great.

Lisa: We'll see you at the conference. Yeah. Thanks Christina.

Christina: Okay, take care

Lisa: Bye.

Lisa: Next up is Renee. Hi Renee.

Renee: Hi Lisa, how are you?

Lisa: Great, thank you.

Renee: My question is when I ... I'm trying not to get stuck in the like, "I don't know

which way to go." And really go with good enough and build the plane as I fly it,

so much so that I don't necessarily have all my modules flushed out because my

system that I'm working on this new program, is not a linear... like it's not here's

how to build your talk that leads to your offers, it's like here how to reclaim your

time in your life and there's so much I could put in. I know from being around

your campus for a while, the big mistake a lot of people make is to put too much

in. I'm trying not to do that. Part of me feels like my first module could be it's

own 5 part program.

Lisa: Totally, yes.

Renee: I feel that way about all of my modules. My question is what's the best way to

sample platter through when it's not a linear system and also when I have a PS-

PS model but it's not like module 1 leads to ... solves a problem that leads to

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.



another problem, that's module 2. You know what I mean? It's not linear like

that. You kind of need all of these together but I'm breaking it out. I don't

necessarily have the name for each one and what's the best way to sample

platter through without saying, "I don't know exactly what we're going to cover

in that week but it's going to be really good." Does that make sense?

Lisa: Sorry, sorry I was on mute. That's the challenge. You've done the work to see

that you have modules, they're not linear. I understand what you're telling me is

that you kind of bring them up as they come. I think that for ... tell me if this

helps. There's sort of the way you package it for the sake of selling it, like so the

people can get their head around it and then there's how you deliver it. Here's a

perfect example. Do you have the speak to sell formula anywhere nearby you?

Renee: Yes.

Lisa: The actual pages? Right. I mean if you look at that, it's actually 12 steps and it's

broken into 3 Roman numerals. That's very different from the way I ... the

module are and the way I present it when I'm offering it.

Renee: Mm-hmm (affirmative), yeah.

Lisa: It's all there, I mean I'm keeping my promise, we go through every module, but

it didn't really work to try to teach it like this because I knew you needed your

offer first and I knew you needed to know your deep dish and then we didn't

even dive into this until module 3. It may be that you have to show it either

linearly or as elements. "These are all the elements." I showed you 1 element

but all these elements, when you sample platter, you're showing ... you have to

have these 4 or 5 other elements too. Then you can just share that in the

course, we balance it all. We make sure that over our 5 weeks, 7 weeks, 12

weeks that you are empowered with all the elements. Would that help? If you

didn't have to say it in a line?

Renee: Yeah, I think so. I feel like ... I can speak to the outcomes that people will get

from this. I mean, it's powerful. People have told me that different elements

have really been life changing for them. It's like I don't want to overpromise and

then have people be ... because I'm really trying to build this like so much so

that I'm not going to prerecord it. I just want to get on the phone for 5 weeks

with people and teach them and then take questions and let that build into the

program that eventually ... like this, where the stuff will be online for them. Part

of my concern is I definitely don't want to overpromise and under deliver, I'd

rather do the opposite. Because if people get stuck or have questions, it will

take 3 hours every call.

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Lisa: Yeah, you might be just too worried. I wouldn't worry about over giving. You've

been on my campus so you've heard me talk about how we put too much in the

first class but you might be letting that kind of block you from just going ahead

and doing what people do, which is pour too much into the first class. The

benefit to letting yourself just go through the process of that is it organizes it. It

gets it all out. You get to see people's reaction to different things. You're like,

"Oh, you know, I don't think I'll ever teach that in a level 1 class again." It's not

like you can't take it back. This class for example, for many years did not look

like this. I just got on the call and I knew what the topic was and I spoke for 45

minutes and then the second, I taught you for the first 45 minutes and then the

second 45 minutes was answering questions.

Renee: I was in that one too.

Lisa: As we grew i thought, you know, I'd rather use the whole hour and a half to

answer questions and give you a chance to dive into the 45-minute training. It

became webinars. It became all that pre-bought stuff but it came out of us

listening back to the stuff that I just kind of downloaded on live classes. I think,

what I'm just getting to suggest is don't worry about protecting yourself from

putting too much in. I really am not worried about you over promising and

under delivering. I mean I think you're going to serve them. Obviously make

sure that you can deliver the promises that you make but if it's something you

feel you need to say to enroll them in the course, it's probably something they


Renee: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Lisa: Okay?

Renee: I don't really have to have names for them then, right? I can just talk about the

different outcomes that we're going to reach.

Lisa: Mm-hmm (affirmative). The difference would be, give me one example of

talking about 1 of the outcomes so that other people listening can gain value.

What would be an example of something that doesn't have a name?

Renee: Sure. I have a whole bunch of material around what I would call

communications stuff. It's everything from how to get out of email because a lot

of people just get sucked into email like for hours of the day and it's everything

from like how to use templates to how to just communicate better with people.

Then there's this whole thing I teach people that saves their marriages because I

teach them how to communicate with their spouse in a way that they're not

speaking to aw wall and they feel heard and so it's like part of me is like that

thing is separate from the email stuff but it's all kind of under communication so

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that's where I kind of get stuck. Should this go in this? But it's all

communication, right. It's just a lot of different communication.

Lisa: It may be that in the first shot it is communication and it has a little tag line like,

"From getting free from emails to being heard by your spouse." You shove it all

in there and then I would schedule time to reflect after each call. We just did a

call. A lot of our mastermind members are up for renewal. They're going into

their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th year with us in the mastermind. We just had a call for

those people and we took 15 minutes after to say, "Let's move this part here,

move this part here." When we do that call again in 6 months, I don't have to

rethink it. Let's take this out. It's really just a matter, I think, of get it going, take

the chance, don't worry about giving too much and then just course correct as

you go.

Renee: Okay.

Lisa: Yeah.

Renee: Thank you.

Lisa: Good job, Renee. Thanks for being around so long. I can see you speak the

language for sure. All right, thanks Renee. Next up we have Jacqueline.

Jacqueline: Hello. How are you?

Lisa: I'm good, thanks Jacqueline.

Jacqueline: Good. I have a question on I am slowly moving my way through but I have

feedback I'd love to get on my unique business strategy? I'm not sure about how

you say unique business system.

Lisa: You got it unique branded system.

Jacqueline: Branded.

Lisa: UBS we get around here. What is it specifically you're looking for? What are you

trying to figure out?

Jacqueline: Well, I'm trying to figure out if I am ... I know Kim gave me the feedback in the

form that I'm on the right track but I'd just love any feedback that you'd like that

... I ended coming up with a GPS analogy.

Lisa: I read it. I already saw it. Yeah, I thought it was great.

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Jacqueline: Okay, cool. Did you have any suggestions for that? You really think I'm on the

right track?

Lisa: Her suggestions truly are suggestions that she and I ... I mean I read every single


Jacqueline: Oh, I didn't see them. I must have looked in the wrong spot.

Lisa: She posts them but we read it together and she does the posting because I'm

just not great at that part but yeah, I think she gave you some title ideas if I

remember correctly. Does that sound right?

Jacqueline: Oh, I'm looking ... maybe I'll look if I posted 2 places because the response I see

is just that we looked at the post, we love it. Amazing work, you're well on your

way to A+.

Lisa: Actually, yeah, yeah, that's it. You have it. The thing to do with it now is to get

past that stage because we love ... it's so fun when we finally get to see, oh my

God, I have a system, there's something real here! It's easy to stay stuck there

so now the thing I'm going to encourage you to do Jacqueline, is to just move,

acknowledge yourself. It's awesome, you'll have this forever. This is the equity.

This is what you own. You own your systems and your list, I mean when you go

to sell a business like any of ours, that's what you have. Naming them, branding

them, eventually trademarking them, that's what gives you ... you know what's

so cool about the unique branded system? I want you guys to hear this. It's

really like most of us are selling intangibles. Majority of us are selling intangibles

and when you put it into a 5-step system and you give the baby a name, it's the

closest we can get to turning our intangible into something tangible. Right? Like

Renee can take all this stuff she's talking about and go, "Here, it's this tangible

system called Speak to Sell." You almost feel like you can hold it.

It's easy to get stuck there because it's so cool when we can actually start to put

form to our intangible service or advice or expertise. What I'm going to

encourage you to do is really take the next step now and say, "Okay, great. I see

the system enough, good enough." Now you want to pluck forward with what's

going to be my deep dish, once you know that, how I'm going to name this, and

then actually start to practice in the formula while we've still got some time

here in turning it into a talk. Can you do that part? Would you be willing to

[overtalk 00:31:37] that part?

Jacqueline: Yeah. I sure can. I've been moving on with other things so I guess I was just

holding [overtalk 00:31:46]

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Lisa: Exactly. When we have our mastermind retreats, we go deep into this. We put

people into triads, we put stickies up on the wall, we walk around and people

who are in their 3rd, 4th, 5th year with us, they've grown from nothing to multi-

hundred thousand, 7 figure businesses, they're still coming back and doing the

exercise again. I just retooled ... our mastermind has done millions of dollars of

sales and I've just retooled the unique branded system for it. We moved some

things around, renamed things, made it more current to what we're doing now.

It's a never-ending ... it's not like something that you finish it and put a period at

the end. It's always evolving and the best way for it to evolve is to just keep

teaching it, putting it in front of people.

Jacqueline: Can I asK? I think it's a really quick question but I just ran the course completely

different and I told everyone because it was the first course, I decided to give

everyone access to the second course, right? Just a free tuition the second time.

Is that fine to do that? Do you do that?

Lisa: I'm not sure what you mean by gave them, you let them review for free?

Jacqueline: Exactly.

Lisa: Yeah, you know, obviously you can do what you want, it's your business so it's

fine. I would suggest, like when we launch Speak to Sell and we have people

that want to review, we have a reviewer fee. You'll see when it comes out next

year, we'll come back to you. I can't remember if it's sometime like 30%, if it's

997 when it's on promotion, I think it's 297 or 497, yeah, 297, because you

know, you really want committed people on the line that want to be reviewing.

You'll get that offer from us next year as well and plus, it give them access to

any upgrades, they get to be in the new Facebook group, get another ticket to

the event, stay in the fold. You'll see that people value what they pay for. Then

they pay for what they value. That's the reason you would have a small fee

attached. Thanks Jacqueline.

Jacqueline: Thank you so much.

Lisa: Yeah, great question. My pleasure. Hope to get to see you in a few weeks. Next

up is Forest.

Forest: Hey Lisa, how are you?

Lisa: Run Forest, run.

Forest: Hello?

Lisa: Hi. Hi there.

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Forest: How's it going?

Lisa: You never hear that, right? I'm the first person to ever say that.

Forest: That's right, first ever.

Lisa: That's right, first ever. I love it.

Forest: Great to talk to you.

Lisa: Thank you.

Forest: My question is I'm a strength coach and we have events in our facility where we

have groups in and new folks for intro days and trial workouts basically. As

we're going through the course, I've been going through trying to figure out how

to best use the Speak to Sell formula to work for what we do. I'm excited, next

week we have an event because I'm leading it for the first time. My biggest

question is...

Lisa: Cool.

Forest: Yeah, I'm very excited. My biggest question is, should I be ... do you think it

would be best for me to use our system to get people into like the 1 on 1

strategy, like the Juicy Offer Twist thing or should I make a direct offer for 1 of

our core programs in the group?

Lisa: I love the question. I imagine you're operating out of a brick and mortar

location, right?

Forest: Exactly. Yep, you got it.

Lisa: Yeah, yeah. I think this is the first time we're talking, right? I don't remember

talking with you before.

Forest: No, this is the first time absolutely.

Lisa: Great, great. Here's my question for you, how I would make that decision and I

want you all to put yourself right in Forest's shoes, like should I go direct to a

straight offer or should I do a Juicy Offer Twist? A couple of questions, and a

reference thing that you can look at when you get a chance is under module 4,

you'll see that there's actually kind of a flow chart that says how to ... I'm going

to give you the answer but I also just wanted to make sure I ... hold on, I'm going

to get there myself.

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Forest: I think I saw it.

Lisa: Did you see it? Yeah, here. Training module 4, what to see when you speak. It's

a little flow chart so you can just kind of know you have that in your hip pocket.

What I would ask you coaching wise is, what's the best way to get someone

engaged? Would we be better off to say, "Hey look!" How much is a workout if

someone came in and just bought a 1 on 1 trial? What's your price structure for

that? You get a free trial?

Forest: Yeah, the structure we have is ... what I've done for years is we have basically a

1 on 1 intro and we sell them into 1 of our core programs. They run from as a

minimum would be $500 they're committing to up to say like $5000 if they're

doing a year program.

Lisa: When they come in the first time, do they pay for that or do you do a free intro?

Forest: The very first one is a free intro, the equivalent of a strategy session or


Lisa: Yeah and the class itself, if someone paid for 1, how much is that?

Forest: We don't really offer it but I mean if you broke it down it would be around $20 I

guess, something like that.

Lisa: Okay. Do you find that if you can get someone into the first class, you have a

pretty high conversion rate? I mean, that's what we want to do is get them into

the thing that will sell the best.

Forest: Yeah. Absolutely. When I'm sitting down with people, by the time I usually will

pre-screen them on the phone and all those sort of things, I mean it's probably

90% that will sign up if we can get them into that strategy session.

Lisa: Okay, that's just getting them into the strategy session.

Forest: You think that's a better strategy is to try to get them into a strategy session?

Lisa: Well I want to pick the one that works the best. One thing, I do spin and orange

theory and all these different classes like that.

Forest: Cool.

Lisa: Yeah, I've always got something I'm doing like that and so I think it's pretty cool

when, if you can do your talk and get people in, maybe you combine it. You're

going to get your first class plus a 30-minute planning session or something so

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you build in the ... give it a $97 value or something and they can sign up that

night. The place, the orange theory when it first started, they actually used to

take your credit card like a no-show deposit. There's no charge if you come.

Forest: Okay.

Lisa: That would be nice if you're dealing with volume and you don't want to have a

bunch of space. Then the nice thing is you've already got the card so if they

decide they want to do something, you're like, "Oh, great, do you just want me

to run it here?" That kind of gets that part also out of the way. Then they've had

really good luck closing me when like I do my free spin class and then they say,

"Hey, just for today, you can buy any package you want for 30% off." You know,

I'm like, "Oh." That's a significant enough discount that even if I'm in a rush, they

like, "If you do it before you leave, you get this." They call it an OTO, a 1 time


Forest: Right.

Lisa: They've just had the experience, they want to think about it but the limiter is, if

you commit to your next group of sessions before you leave. Is that something

you think could be useful for you?

Forest: Yeah, I think absolutely. We also have ... another 1 of our big offers is we do

these 28-day rapid fat loss challenge. It's like a little bit of a discount for our 1-

month offer. It's the low barrier sort of offer. I have sold those in these contexts.

Say I'll have a group of 15 new people and maybe 5 have signed up for that right

on the spot in the group. The one thing I'm just wondering, is it better for me to

get all those people into 1 on 1 and sell them?

Lisa: You might have to try it. Sometimes you have to do it both ways. Book 1 and do

it with strategy sessions, book the other and get them into sessions and then

see what converted better and standardize on it after that. From there, you can

get other people working for you into the one that works better. Teach them

the [overtalk 00:39:43].

Forest: Right. Okay.

Lisa: Sometimes, just like we were talking to Christina, you've got to ... I think I

shared a story in the launch of this program. I had a guy who was teaching men

how to flirt and the men just weren't standing up and running to the back of the

room so then we realized he had to switch to the Juicy Offer Twist. We get them

on the phone, he'd get them into really high level, %5-$20,000 packages

because it was such a big pain, they had so much pain around it. It also had so

much pain around it, they weren't going to stand up publicly and run to the back

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of the room for the course. Sometimes you have to try it both ways, is what I'm

saying here.

Forest: Okay, yeah. Awesome.

Lisa: I think it should be great. The other question I have for you, you called yourself a

strength coach. Do you have defined who cares? Like why do I need strength? Is

it sort of the new ... strength is sort of the new find on weight loss? Do you

know what I mean?

Forest: Yeah well it's interesting because we've kind of ... as the business has evolved

over time, I have online business too, which I'm going to use this and the stuff.

I'm trying to figure out how I can use this in what I do online too with the info

products and stuff like that too but yeah, our big thing is kettlebells. The big

thing is the kettlebell training but we also do weightlifting and all that sort of

stuff. We train adults so we're not training necessarily, some athletes but not a

ton. It's people. Your question is what is the people's, our clients' end goals and

that sort of thing?

Lisa: Yeah, just what is that outcome or transformation? Strength and kettlebells are

sort of the service delivery we call it, how you get there.

Forest: Yeah, definitely.

Lisa: You could say strength is a transformation. There's people that just want to be

stronger, right? That may be your market. I was just curious if you had some

kind of idea.

Forest: Definitely. That's an excellent question. That's why this course has been so great

too because it's helped, like all the pre-work and all this stuff has really helped

me uncover a lot of that.

Lisa: Are you going to be able to make it out to Ultimate Sales Boot Camp?

Forest: What's that?

Lisa: Are you going to be able to make it out?

Forest: I wish I could go but it's my wife's 35th birthday and we had planned for

months. I tried to say, "Hey, let's go to San Diego." But she wouldn't go for it.

Lisa: You put her right on the beach, she could be drinking Mai Tais, right?

Forest: I know! I know. I tried to sell that.

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Lisa: I'm glad that the course really does deliver so much more than the talk and I

think you're barking up the right tree. You might just have to try it both ways

and then just say, "Okay, this 1 is more efficient for us." Certainly can get them

straight in, but a lot of times it's the puppy dog close. You've got to get them in

a class sweating, holding it, loving it and then make what they call the OTO, the

1 time offer if you sign up right now. That works well on me, try it on your guys.

Forest: All right. I'm going to try it. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Lisa: It works online too, by the way. Once you get this, you figure it out, then online

you'll be like, "Do we take people to strategy sessions or do we need to get

them in?" Testing it live is great. All right. Thanks Forest. Next is Adina. Hi Adina.

Adina: Hi Lisa. Hello again.

Lisa: Hello.

Adina: Hi and everyone else, hello. I have a specific question about the transition bullet

and then I just maybe need a little moral support after that.

Lisa: Okay. The biggest [overtalk 00:43:14] activation. Boost your body chemistry and

feel good naturally.

Adina: Yes, that's right. Speaking with Lisa Cherney, I put in that numbing factor so it's

pretty vulnerable for people. I'm really glad that you restated the dating coach,

the pain was so big that people didn't want to do that so I think I might go for

the Juicy Offer Twist for my offer, which might be good. My first talk is on


Lisa: I'll tell you, for those of you coming to Ultimate Sales Boot Camp, the Juicy Offer

Twist is the perfect to use because at Ultimate Sales Boot Camp, we'll show you

actually the exact conversation to have with them when you get them into a

strategy session or into your office. You really are getting another $3,000

training when you get yourself there. You can do the Juicy Offer Twist and then

when they're there before you or you have them on the phone, you'll have our

action sales secrets structured conversation for how to move them into a high

ticket sale. That's the same thing the dating coach used. It's a great 1-2 punch.

They work perfectly together.

Adina: Oh, that's fabulous because I was wondering what the heck to say when I was

on the phone with them.

Lisa: We're going to teach you, we're going to hand it to you.

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Adina: Great. For the transition bullet, in your example, in your talk, you actually give

the name of your system but in the examples you give us, they're kind of just

generic. Do you recommend putting in the name of our UBS in there?

Lisa: I'm not sure where ... are you talking about the Juicy Offer Twist or the straight

to sale?

Adina: The transition bullet. Oh, well so I guess that's something that [overtalk

00:44:58] for me.

Lisa: The transition bullet, the big distinction is just that when you're doing the Juicy

Offer Twist, you're really referring to when people work more closely with me

and when you're going direct to sale, you're really talking specifically about your

system. The transition bullet, I gave you three examples that are plug and play

and they work just fine. If you want to say something more specific, I'll show you

exactly how to use our, you know, breakthrough networking system to get more

clients, you can certainly do that. I think a little bit in my case, speak to sell has

become like Kleenex. We own the registered trademark on it, at least in the

entrepreneur space, it's become a much more used word. When I show people

how to put together a presentation that leads to their offer, if I'm going to make

it more generic, it would sound like that. I'm going to show you what an

irresistible offer is, why it matters, how to get started, making irresistible offers

and then I'll show you exactly how to structure a presentation that leads to your

offer. That would be my transition bullet in the generic form.

Adina: Okay. Wonderful.

Lisa: Okay? It's plugging in the outcome. Thanks Adina. Great question.

Adina: Okay, great. Thank you so much.

Lisa: My pleasure.

Adina: Bye.

Lisa: Bye, see you soon. Andy. Andy, Andy. It's perfect Adina that you're coming to

Ultimate Sales Boot Camp. Perfect. Hi Andy.

Andy: How are you today?

Lisa: I'm really good, thank you.

Andy: My question is I'm still trying to refine my ideal client. I've got it between a

couple of different client groups and then I'm trying to work on the offer

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communication worksheet. The pain I feel is the same. It doesn't matter

because I know what the pain is that I'm trying to address and I know what the

outcome is that I want to address, it's just the refining who the actual target

person is, is a little bit fuzzy.

Lisa: Identifying your ideal client as a category of work is a little bit outside of the

speak to sell course here. We will be doing a whole segment on it. Lisa Cherney

will, it's really her expertise so we'll be teaching a whole segment on it day 1 of

Ultimate Sales Boot Camp. The way that we get to your ideal client quickly, kind

of my sneaky, quick way, because I don't think things have to take a long time, is

through the offer communication work. When you pick that 1 person that,

"God, if I just had 100 of those," and you ask yourself, "What transformation did

they see and what would have been the cost had they not accepted my offer?"

You grab onto those words, that is plenty to be able to get that avatar in your

mind of who they are, what they say, how they speak and what their pain is so

that you can craft a presentation and start getting out there and serving them.

It's kind of as much as you need to move into action with this course. Does that

make sense?

Andy: Okay. Right. That's where I've gotten the pain part and I've gotten the outcome

part. That just seems like it's more of a broader, it can apply to ...

Lisa: It's something that in our year long program, we have a whole course called

Marketing Clarity Quick Start that does ideal client, your expert title, all those

kind of marketing elements that you do eventually come to need but for here,

for the purpose of the outcome of this course, which is having an offer and a

talk that you love and that sell, you don't need to get stuck there. You know the

pain and you know the words you use. The next step is to say, "What's my

system to solve that pain?" You just move past it, I mean keep moving with it.

Andy: Okay.

Lisa: From your system, you pluck a piece, you turn it into a talk. My experience has

been, rather than getting bogged down behind my computer trying to figure a

lot of those things out, the more I can cause myself to get out there solving that

pain with a system that I can see, my ideal client becomes more clear because

guess what? They're standing right in front of me. They're the ones pulling out

their credit card. They're the ones that I'm on calls with, like right now and I

learn. I learn them and them become more clear from serving them. The ones

that aren't, I sound like I'm talking Chinese and it's just ... it's not a fit. Then

there's this whole group of people that are my ideal clients, it's really you guys,

where what I'm saying makes total sense for what you're doing.

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Andy: Right. Can you help me a little bit with the offer communication worksheet


Lisa: What do you need?

Andy: When you put the words into the communication work sheet part and the

transformation, are you just taking those words from the pain and then just

creating different ...?

Lisa: Do you have sort of a page full of words, like all kinds of sentences? Did you

answer the questions and fill out that page with what you saw, channeling that

1 ideal client?

Andy: For the pain and for the outcome, yes, I do.

Lisa: Yeah, for all 3, the first 3 questions. What's the transformation ... Those are all

useful, all of those different things that are there, the majority of them are

going to be useful. I'm not looking ... there's no need to wheedle it down to an

elevator pitch or anything like that. Give me 2 or 3 sentences that stand out for

you, 2 or 3 little word groupings that stand out for you, Andy.

Andy: On which part, the pain or the ...

Lisa: It doesn't matter, it's all the same. It's all just expression of your ideal client so

any part.

Andy: Okay, they're ready for a shift or a paradigm shift.

Lisa: Okay, they're ready for a paradigm shift. What else?

Andy: Disconnected from life's purpose and unable to adapt to life's unexpected


Lisa: Good, perfect. They're disconnected from their life's purpose, okay.

Andy: Feeling increasing, constant struggle of increasing magnitude, escalating from 1

area of life to another. Feeling the years are passing them by or they're having

an inner turmoil.

Lisa: Got it, that's enough. This is really great work, Andy. It's clear that this is the

feeling, the pain of your ideal client, right? When you look at questions 1 and 2,

what's the transformation they have, what are the results they've gotten, what

are a couple of sentences that you see from there?

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Andy: Having more freedom, more flow, more fascination, new perspective, more

lightness of being, more clarity and self assurance.

Lisa: Perfect. Okay, we're going to pause there. That's fabulous. For me, it's very,

okay, when people work with you, they get freedom, flow, reconnect with their

fascination, they return to clarity, self-assurance and the cost of not doing that

is all the other things you said. They're disconnected to life purpose, they're

feeling like an increasing struggle, they have that sense of the years passing

them by so there's nothing else to do. You did it. There's nothing really else to

do except for to move on to the unique branded system work and to start

asking yourself, "Okay how is it that I move people from feeling disconnected to

life purpose and the years are passing by, to freedom, flow and self assurance?"

Those are the steps that we need you to identify. How is it that you do that?

That's your next piece. Don't get caught up in it, you did it, it's done.

Andy: Okay, so the ...

Lisa: You did it, it's done. That's all there is to that.

Andy: The offer communication work sheet isn't anything specific to except what I've

already done on answering the other questions.

Lisa: Exactly because after you go through and you can see, 'Oh, these are the steps

that I take to move people from feeling like the years are passing them by to a

lighter sense of being and a new fascination for life." That's right out of your

words. That's it. Now the question, in seeing all that, how do you do it? What's

the system? What are the steps, the questions you ask? Once you have that and

then we can pluck a piece of that to actually teach people, we can go back to

this sheet and say, "Okay, great, let's name that." A lot of the words you'll be

looking for will magically be right here already.

Andy: Okay.

Lisa: All you have to do is sort of take note, "I get people from here to there." Now

the exploration is, how do you do it, Andy? Start paying attention to that. I'd

move on to the unique branded system work and if you want to have somebody

help you 1 on 1 and really, for all of you, I mean I can't recommend enough to

book yourself a private, either offer communication call or a private unique

branded system call. Our experts, they do only that. They've been doing it, some

of them, for up to 5 years for me. You can walk in there with this, what you did

here, to the unique branded system call, I think while you're in the course it's

297 for a call instead of 497 so you save $200 and you can say, "Hey, look, this is

the transformation I offer. I would love just to dedicate a conversation to flesh

out my system on how I do it." From there, the speak to sell formula is fairly

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plug and play. You're in the right place to make the biggest leap that makes

everything else just kind of open up. We're to pause right there Andy but I'm so,

so glad you brought that to the call. I think it really, really benefited all of our

listeners in looking at their own work so thank you.

Andy: All right.

Lisa: Next up is a 041 number. By the way, Andy, if you can make it to Ultimate Sales

Boot Camp, we'll be doing more of that ideal client work too. You've got until

tomorrow to get that going. Okay, 041, I think it must be an international

number. Everyone who pressed *2, say your first name.

Andy: Sharon.

Lisa: Yeah, Sharon. Hi Sharon.

Sharon: Hi Lisa. I'm in Australia, hence the international number.

Lisa: I love it. Thank you. Welcome.

Sharon: I really appreciate the course. I'm actually ... I've been in it a while but I've taken

my time really getting to know my ideal client and going through that process

and it's an ongoing process but I'm up to that kind of UBS part. What I find is

that really, I get into the personal growth and leadership in that area of people

understanding their value and stepping up. Some of the words that people were

using were like, the confidence, really it was about their own value, owning

their own value in stepping up.

Lisa: Great.

Sharon: Doing the work, who you are showing up in everything you do so therefore you

realize the value of working on yourself, not just your business. It's around that

area but then I keep shifting on what I call it or what people, you know what I


Lisa: Well Sharon, I know it's some ungodly hour for you so thank you for being here,

number 1. I think your question is sort of what's your next step. It's very similar

right to Andy's question. I see the transformation that I offer and I think it's a

similar answer, if I'm hearing you right. It's really to move on to, "Okay, I get it.

I'm the person that's helps people own their value and step up and what's going

to be unique about you from everybody else that does that is how do you do it?

What's your system? That's the asset that you have that we have to flesh out.

Have you gone into that part or is that your next step?

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Sharon: I have been working through that part and I have identified areas and tried to

give them names and things like that.

Lisa: Yeah.

Sharon: I have been working through that area and even kind of testing it in pieces, like

little dishes if you like, with people.

Lisa: Yeah, great. Okay, what's your question? How can I help you here?

Sharon: I guess in terms of that unique branded thing is when you're speaking to people,

is like really common word, like confidence and mindset and things like that,

they're so common and people read them in ... it's not necessarily what they're

looking for. They're looking for strategy, you know, "I want to make more sales."

They're not looking for, "I need to become more of a leader, I need how to own

my space." I think for me, that unique brand, it's the hooky title, I guess it's just


Lisa: Well, what you're probably dealing with and we addressed this a few calls back

so I might have to loop it around again to make it relevant here but a lot of

times with these kind of things where it is about some inner work, right, like

you've got to become more of a leader, a confidence mindset, when we put

those on the front door, it's like people almost dismiss them. "We hear it all the

time," they don't think it's what they need, "I need something different." It's a

matter of decorating the door. Inside the room, you know you're going to do

work on confidence, mindset, leadership, because that is the solution to most

things. To having a better relationship, to losing weight, to having a good

business, what's inside the room is pretty similar for success, if you think about

it. Right?

Sharon: Right.

Lisa: It's how we decorate the door so that we speak in the language of our ideal

client and that's really where that first piece, the offer communication work

comes in. It's like, what are they saying about ... a common one I was just talking

on a call about this, it's common when people will say, "Oh, I've invested

another year in a relationship and I'm back at square 1." That's what people say

so you would say, in your hooky talk title, "Tired of being back at square 1?"

"Done investing yet another year in another year in relationship?" It's really

getting it in their words. Now, inside the room, it might be about mindset shifts

and being more confident and accountable and communication but we don't

say, "Hey, come learn some communication and confidence." We say, if you

were a relationship coach, "How to never be back at square 1 again in your

relationship." Can you see the difference?

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Sharon: Yes. Yes.

Lisa: The key is 2 things, it's finding those words they say, their raps, and you Aussies

have your whole own set of really cool shit you say.

Sharon: Yeah, that's true.

Lisa: I love listening to you guys talk. It's finding the rap in their language for the door

and then inside, that's where you unique branded system goes to work.

Sharon: Right, okay.

Lisa: It's being able to articulate it in a way that connects to their language, the

outcomes they're looking for, their pain. What I find is when you can put it into

the system, you'll be like, "Oh, look, this step 2 is actually about how to never be

back to square 1, I'll put that 1 on the door." Once they're with you and you're

speaking, you can show them the rest of the process.

Sharon: Right. Okay. That's helpful.

Lisa: There it is. I know it's a little conceptual but I think the thing to do is just don't

get stuck on any 1 step. If you're listening and you're stuck on offer

communication, move on to the unique branded system because your system is

going to show you, it's like a side door into understanding your offer. Don't get


Sharon: Yes, I've certainly found that the process, the process has been very helpful to

think it all through. It is, I think it's just the naming of something that I just keep

saying in my mind.

Lisa: The other thing you can do is jump onto our Facebook page and maybe get a

triad going. Sometimes we'll have 2 or 3 people meet. We do this in our

mastermind for you but you can jump onto the Speak to Sell Facebook page and

say, "Hey, who wants to play around with naming?" Work through some of

these worksheets together because you can hear things from other people that

it's hard to hear. You might be saying the most brilliant thing and you can't hear

it. I mean, look what I just did with Andy, right? She had all these amazing

words, more freedom, flow, fascination, disconnected from life purpose, it's all

right there. It's just hard for her to see it alone.

Sharon: Yes.

Lisa: One of the things that we do for folks in our VIP networking lunch and stuff, we

make sure to use that time, when we're live, for what we call mastermind, the

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




mastermind when you put your heads together in a common commitment. You

can create that on the phone with people in our Speak to Sell Facebook group

for sure. All right, I'm going to have to keep moving, Sharon. Thanks for being


Sharon: Thanks very much.

Lisa: Love having you in the course, your great energy. Sorry about my little cuss

moment there but you know the Aussies, they get you all riled up. Ricky, Ricky's


Ricky: Hi. Hello.

Lisa: Hi Ricky.

Ricky: I'm so glad to be on again.

Lisa: Yeah, right?

Ricky: Yeah. First I have to tell you thank you for this amazing course, I'm really gaining

loads of clarity here.

Lisa: Oh, so happy to hear that, really.

Ricky: That's great. My question is like this, I'm in network marketing. I basically got

the picture that I'm going to create a course and I'm going to be promoting 1 of

our product lines.

Lisa: You help young mom's gain more energy and deal with stress.

Ricky: Exactly. Right, oh, you're brilliant. You remember all that.

Lisa: I pay attention.

Ricky: You're great. My question is, in network marketing, I'm sure you're familiar with

that, basically the way you grow your business is by what's it called, by finding

more people to do the same thing that you are doing, like the leverage part of it,


Lisa: Yeah, yeah.

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Ricky: If I'm working on a course that is going to promote 1 of our product lines, that's

basically going to just going to help me get customers but not on the business

part of it. I was wondering how you would bring that together.

Lisa: You know, I think that the cool thing about Speak to Sell is you sort of get

double whammy when you're in network marketing. I would start with the

product side, like you're doing, develop the talk for the product side and then

you'll need to assess if you might have a different talk for the business

opportunity or for some people, they get the product side talk down and then in

their offer, they have sort of a 2 pronged offer. There's the product side and

then of course, a lot of times the benefit of people interested in the product is

when they get into the business because they can get the products for less and

make money and all those kind of things. I'd focus the talk on the product side

first, just to get the mechanics down of how to put it together and

understanding how feeding and transitioning and deep dish work. Then you can

add in the business opportunity or look to see if you feel that's another talk that

you need to put together. I think in many cases, the products draw people in

and then in the offer, you're offering both the product and the business

opportunity. Okay Ricky?

Ricky: Yeah, makes sense.

Lisa: Yeah, all right. Thank you.

Ricky: Thank you so much.

Lisa: Thank you so much.

Ricky: Perfect.

Lisa: All right, let's see. We've got someone from area code 260. Just know that I

have some of the top network marketers are our clients. They keep us as their

secret weapon, I think sometimes. I'm happy you found your way here. Okay,

Area code 260. Say hello please, tell me your name.

Keisha: Hello. Hi, this is Keisha.

Lisa: Hi Keisha, welcome back.

Keisha: Thank you. I guess I'm having a problem trying to figure out what makes me

different than everyone else that's in the financial, get out of debt are.

Lisa: Keisha, you've been asking me the same question for 4 weeks, girl!

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Keisha: No, I didn't ask you that.

Lisa: That wasn't you?

Keisha: No.

Lisa: Okay. There was some ... oh, Keisha, you're in Fort Wayne, right? Women in

Finances and you came on the very first call and said, "You know, everybody's

helping people pay bills and breathe again." That's what we came up together,

how to pay your bills and breathe again.

Keisha: Right.

Lisa: You're still asking me the same question.

Keisha: I didn't think that was the same question then.

Lisa: Okay, help me out because I may have not heard it as a different question. Tell

me the question again.

Keisha: I guess with the unique brand, maybe I'm just trying to get the title, maybe

that's where I'm stuck at, it's not so much what's making me different I guess.

Lisa: Let me ask you this Keisha, because one of the ways you're different than all the

other people in finance, is the system that you use to help people pay bills and

breathe again. Right? Your approach is 1 of the things that you want to clarify

because that is what differentiates you. There's a lot of people showing people

how to make money doing what they love, it's become kind of an overused tag

line, unfortunately, since we started using it in 2009 but you know, they're not

doing it like I do. Our system to get you high ticket selling right away, help you

make your offer to more than 1 person at a time right out of the chute, leverage

your sales, leverage your delivery, that is what makes me unique from the

many, many other people that have the same transformation. That's where we

want to be looking. Can you speak to that?

Keisha: Okay. Yeah. I guess that's the part I need to work on, just figuring out the whole

transformation because I haven't worked with that many people to really

pinpoint a whole bunch.

Lisa: You're good on the transformation. We don't need to do that any more but

what I need you to look at is what are the steps, Keisha, that you take to get

someone to the point from not being able to pay their bills or breathe, to being

able to pay their bills and get air back in their lungs? What's the first thing you

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




do? If I were to come to you and say, "I can't even breathe. I can't pay my bills,

I'm frozen. Help me." What would you do for me?

Keisha: The first thing we would do is work on the mindset part of everything and get

you organized.

Lisa: There's a mindset element and then there's an actual getting organized


Keisha: Yes.

Lisa: Let's say we did that, I got my head back in the game in the right way and then

you helped me get organized. What would I do after that?

Keisha: Then we would work on implementing the budget part of the whole plan.

Lisa: Okay, we start the budget, great, then what?

Keisha: Then cutting the expenses.

Lisa: Got it, then?

Keisha: Then the next thing we would do would ... finding ways to generate more

money and then the last step would be paying the extra money that you

generated on the debt to start getting out of debt.

Lisa: I love it. Did you hear we just created a 6-step system there? Did you catch that?

Keisha: Yes.

Lisa: You're done, you're done with the unique branded system part for now. I'm

stamping "Good enough" on your forehead here. We got it. The transformation

you offer is paying your bills and being able to breathe again. The system is we

get your head in the right place, we get you organized, budget, cut expenses,

create more money and then pay down the debt. That's how you do it. That's

what makes you unique from everybody else. Then we start jumping into the

Speak to Sell formula to say, "Okay, which 1 of these things can we kind of go to

market with?" That we can go deep dish and teach that's unique from

everything everybody's saying out there. I usually look at step 1 or 2. I want to

remind you guys, the thing, the test for which one to talk about is it's usually

step 1 or 2 and it's the 1 that you get, it's juicy when you talk about it. People

always get a rise and raise their eyebrows out of it. It lights you up and also it

can lead easily into that PS-PS storyline that we talked about. Between mindset

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




and getting organized, which 1 is like you sit at Starbucks a long time, talking to

people about that one?

Keisha: The mindset.

Lisa: Okay. It's really going to be something around getting your paying bills and

breathing again is really the talk and when they get there, you're going to

surprise them and say, "I know y'all think this has to do with budget and cutting

expenses and it does but there's actually something that has to come first."

You're going to teach about mindset.

Keisha: You're saying the Breath Again would be my title?

Lisa: Yep.

Keisha: Really.

Lisa: The transformation, the destination they want is to breathe again.

Keisha: Okay.

Lisa: That's how you decorate the door. In the room, they're going to be surprised

because they're going to expect you to tell them that they have to budget and

cut expenses and all that and you will in the course but when they're actually

with you, you're going to surprise them and be the 1 person that's actually

talking about that your mindset is the biggest component and you're going to

teach them that. Then you'll say, "Now we got you there, I can help you with all

the other steps around getting organized, budgeting, cutting expenses, blah,

blah, blah. Here's where you sign up if you're ready to do that."

Keisha: Okay.

Lisa: All right?

Keisha: Okay, thank you.

Lisa: You're on track girl, you're on track.

Keisha: Thank you.

Lisa: Thanks Keisha. Jeffrey, then I have that surprise guest from my team coming on.

I see there's still a couple of you with hands up so we're good to go. We're good

to go. Jeffrey.

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Jeffrey: Hello.

Lisa: Hey Jeffrey, we're going to do some rapid fire here. Thanks for waiting.

Jeffrey: I'll be quick.

Lisa: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Is there any hard bound rule on how high a ticket you would offer from the

stage in an hour and a half or a 2 hour talk?

Lisa: You know, I think that it's really common in entrepreneurial space, we see a lot

of offers ranging between 500 and $3,500. Sometimes it's bound by where you

are. If you're on someone else's stage and they're doing a high ticket offer, they

may not want you pulling that much money out of the room. If it's your stage

and you created it, I've seen people selling $25,000 investing packages. I think

it's a little bit circumstantial. Does that make sense?

Jeffrey: Yep. I would more than likely putting the people in the room myself.

Lisa: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Having it be my stage and having them be my ideal prospects from the

marketing that I would do based on the talk that I would put together. That

makes sense.

Lisa: I've seen it all. We know that people sit you down at a time share meeting and

sell you couple hundred thousand dollar investment. We've all been privy to

that. They're doing exactly what you said, it's their ideal client, they're creating

the environment, everything is very well thought out. That's a Speak to Sell talk,


Jeffrey: Right. Okay. That makes sense. I just need to decide though, I guess, when I

start doing it if I'm going to be going for the Juicy Offer Twist or the going for the


Lisa: Remind me Jeffrey, what are you selling? I know we talked earlier and the pre-

course did wonders for you. I just don't remember what you were selling.

Jeffrey: Exactly what I'm selling is case acceptance training for dentists. Case acceptance

is a term they use for selling, they don't call it selling.

Lisa: What is it? Case acceptance?

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Jeffrey: Yep.

Lisa: One of the questions I would ask you is what is the cost of not having case ... oh

here it is, case acceptance for dentists. What's it costing them not to have this?

Jeffrey: Usually hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

Lisa: Yeah. Are they pretty aware of that or is that a picture you have to paint for


Jeffrey: They're acutely aware and I've been in the dental industry on the business side

for 20 years and the focus for most people that market in the industry and for

doctors or for dentists is on getting new patients. Everybody's kind of quietly

talked about case acceptance and they tip-toe around it because they haven't

really figured out a precise system of teaching it and I've done that. I've been

teaching it successfully. That's why I wanted to get your talk so that I know how

to communicate when I get in front of people and really communicate the

message concisely. I have success stories to back it up. Right now, I've been

selling it for $5 to $10,000, 5 to 7, it's going to be 10. Dan Kennedy, you know,

years ago, said when he was selling it in 1980, he goes, "I was selling it for 10 or

15, I should have been selling it for 30." That was back in the 80's.

Lisa: I'm actually flying to Florida tomorrow to speak at GKIC.

Jeffrey: Oh, okay.

Lisa: I'll be on their stage doing my Speak to Sell talk on Saturday. I think it's 1 of

those things, you get them in the room, you paint the picture, if the offer is

irresistible, you can make it on the spot, no problem. You already know that,

you're selling it for 5-10 grand. Something else you might, look into is we have a

course called Event Profit Secrets that shows you how to put them into a 3-day

event model and then put them into ... it's a 20 to $100,000 engagement. I don't

even know if you need that much for this proposition but you might just try it

both ways and see how you get better conversion. Do a room and do the Juicy

Offer Twist and do the strategy sessions and then do room and make your offer.

Jeffrey: I will do that.

Lisa: Here's the nice part is if you do a room and you make your offer and it doesn't

pan out, you can still get those people onto strategy sessions after. The big

difference is that they've seen the offer. Now you've got a strategy session

that's seen the offer versus someone coming in that hasn't.

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Jeffrey: Yeah, the other thing that I was ... the other quick question would be is ceding

that, if I'm going to just do a Juicy Offer Twist ceding, is there a way to easily

cede the dollar amount? That's part of qualifying somebody is kind of letting

them know the range.

Lisa: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Lisa, I think, gave the qualifications sample. I'm trying to

find it here. Juicy offer, here juicy close, creating your strategy, yeah. If you look

under Juicy Offer Twist close, under module 4, the very bottom, you'll see that

there's creating your strategy session qualifications. That's exactly what you're

looking for. You would probably say things like, "You know, look, sure it may be

a 5 figure investment to have dah dah dah but you know, when you think about

the hundreds of thousands it costs you a year, clearly that wouldn't be a

problem for anyone." You can cede that but get the 3rd worksheet down under

Juicy Offer Twist close, it's called creating your strategy session qualifications.

All right?

Jeffrey: Okay, good.

Lisa: Yeah, thanks Jeffrey. We still have Zang and Nicole who raised their hand in the

first batch of folks who I will answer but I do have a guest here from my team

that I want to take a quick commercial break and if we have to run 10 or 15

minutes over and you don't mind staying, I think it's Zang and Nicole, I'm more

than happy to make sure you get your question answered today. For everybody

else, we will end on time. We've got about 7 minutes left. I want to use that

time to let you guys in on an opportunity that I think will help you and help me.

Also, I know people love to see our behind the scenes strategies. I've got a lot of

noise on the line right now, Peggy or Brett, so just FYI.

Brett: I'm here. Sorry.

Lisa: Are you barreling through? Did you have to barrel through an obstacle course to

get here?

Brett: That must have not been me because I had the mute button on so I don't know

where that came from.

Lisa: That's okay, we don't mind a big entrance around here because you have

something big to share. I want to introduce everyone to Brett. He is on my social

media team and we are ... I'll just tell you straight out. We just did our first 7-

figure online launch. We're super successful at our live events and I look at my

Facebook page and I saw, "Why do I only have 35,000 fans?" Brett has been on

an initiative to help us spread the word on our Facebook fan page and he said,

"You know, I have a strategy that could not only help you reach your goal but

could actually give the people in your course that want to play, also exposure to

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




the half a million entrepreneurs that we're going to market to." Brett, tell them

what to do and for you guys listening, get yourself to a place where you can get

on my Facebook fan page. Take it away, Brett.

Brett: Sure thing. It's such an honor, thank you so much for having me here. I'll just tell

you what we're doing and there's a great opportunity for you and if you've got

value so far out of what you've been learning, we're going to give you the

opportunity to share this and to get a lot of visibility out of it. Here's what we're

doing. We did a post on Lisa's Facebook page and we just posted this right now

in the Speak to Sell boot camp group. What we're going to ask you to do is go to

Lisa's Facebook page. I posted a link in the group but if you want to find it, just

go to Facebook.com/lisasasevichfan and you can also find that link in the group.

What we're going to do is we did a post and it's the post that's pinned to the

top, you'll see it, it's very clear. It says, "How to make your offers irresistible and

generate more sales" you'll see it's Lisa in a peach colored dress with her arms

spread out in front of an audience and it's a really nice looking post. What we're

going to do is we're going to turn this post into an advertisement.

This advertisement is going to get exposed to over half a million enlightened

entrepreneurs on Facebook. We want to give you the opportunity to also get

seen and get some visibility for yourself. There's a very simple 3-step process in

order to do that. Go to that post on Lisa's page, again, it's

Facebook.com/LisaSasevichFan and do 3 things. Step 1, click share. You share

the post and share it on your own personal profile. Step 2, make a comment on

the post. This does not need to take a lot of time. It can be 1 sentence and just

say something about the value that you've learned from making your offers

irresistible. Lisa, please confirm that that's what you've been doing as part of

this class?

Lisa: Yeah, that is what we're doing, yes.

Brett: Exactly. Just make a small comment on the post. Now I want to be clear, don't

make the comment in the group, you need to make the comment on Lisa's page

on this particular post. Again, I've posted images of this in the group so when

you go there you can ... it's very, very clear what to do but when you go to your

page, you click share on the post, you make a comment on the post, just 1

sentence about the value you learned from making your offers irresistible. Then

the last thing you do is just click the like button on that particular post. Again,

we're going to create a ad out of it. We're going to put in a significant ad

budget. It's significant enough that it's going to get exposed to these 500,000+

enlightened entrepreneurs. If you want to be seen by them, you just follow

those instructions. Step 1, share it, Step 2, make a little comment. Step 3, click

the like button and you are done. You're going to get to ride on some of that


www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Lisa: I love that Brett. I want ... you know, you guys, this is kind of a behind the

scenes, we usually only do these things with our year long sassy mastermind

members because we show them the strategies as we're implementing them

but I have such an active and excited class here at Speak to Sell and we're about

to all be together, many of us, together live at Ultimate Sales Boot Camp that I

thought it would be fun to do. I'm watching this strategy unfold just like you are.

Brett, I'm curious, I see on the post, I see the words, theinvisibleclose.com

lightly there, shadowed. Is that what ... you want that there or is that part of the

plan? I know you're sending them ...

Brett: I assume you're looking at the URL that's under the words where it says, "How

to make your offers irresistible and generate more sales?"

Lisa: Yeah, exactly.

Brett: Yeah, that's supposed to be there, that's in the right place, that's exactly the

right thing that it's supposed to do. I just want to mention, Sharon Ludlow just

made a post so you're going to get exposure. Joyce Blast just made a post so

you're going to get seen by up to half a million people. Everybody who does this

is going to get seen by all these people as we go about doing this ad. Don't

forget, share it, comment it and like it, that's it.

Lisa: I love it. Oh, I can see the posts coming. Thanks you guys. Thank you Brett. I love


Brett: Yeah.

Lisa: You know what's kind of cool, it's right there. It says share and then to the left,

comment and then to the left, like. Easy peasy.

Brett: Exactly.

Lisa: Okay, fun, I can't wait to see what you do with it. You guys can watch too and

watch the strategy unfold. Thanks for our commercial and thank all of you for

participating with me in this experiment. You can watch, right now we have

35,588 people on our page and with Brett's magic plan you're going to see over

the next few months that I'm going to hit a personal goal of our Facebook page

likes matching the size of our business.

Brett: You bet it will.

Lisa: All right, thank you Brett. I really appreciate it. Thank you.

Brett: My pleasure. Bye bye.

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Lisa: For everybody listening, thank you and I have 2 more questions left. I'm happy

to stay after class for a few minutes to get these answered and you're more

than welcome to stay with me. If you did just allocate 90 minutes, I just want to

thank you for being here, remind you all the bonuses are open. Make sure to

stop by and get those and the bonus of being able to come as our guest, to

Ultimate Sales Boot Camp closes tomorrow. We are sold out, officially sold out.

This is one of those things, if you've got to bribe your wife and take her to a

special hot air balloon ride in San Diego and let her drink Mai Tais on the beach,

you'll be done Saturday by 5. You can party all night Saturday night and all day

Sunday in San Diego. Of course, she'll gain all the riches and wonderfulness of

everything you learn or you can bring her as a guest for 197 bucks but you're

going to have to talk fast. Okay, that was of course for Forest and tell her happy

birthday, of course. Thanks for being here today, we'll be back at the same time

and day for call number 5, which is on maximizing every opportunity, next week.

Make sure to post by midnight Sunday.

For my 2 folks who did raise their hand really close to the beginning, we're going

to go ahead and take those last 2 questions and then wrap up. If you have to go,

we will post it on our recording and our transcript so you can always catch it

there. Let's see, you're showing up as Zang. Zang, is that right?

Zang: Hello, can you hear me?

Lisa: Yes, hi. Thanks for waiting.

Zang: Yeah, simply call be Spring, it's easier to pronounce.

Lisa: Spring, yeah sure, yeah, got ya.

Zang: This is Zeng. This is my first time to get a chance to ask you a question directly so

thank you. I've been going through the module 4 but I just thought to myself,

well, how's that [inaudible 01:27:10] going back to prework.

Lisa: Yeah, we all do, it's just part of ... the prework is so significant for all of our

business. Yeah.

Zang: Initially I started with my how do you say, big program called Passion to

Prosperity. This is my more advanced program. What I've been focused on now

but then after I worked through your first 3 modules, I get back to it, I've just

found I want to start with my fundamental program, it's called Claim your

Abundance, Unleash your Purpose and Passions to Create a Fulfilling Life. This

one is more, people's abundance, their why, who, what and their mindsets. My

other one, the program is more on strategy, like Passion to Prosperity to help

entrepreneurs create the business. It's more about their niche, their program,

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




their marketing, things like that. Now I'm quite unsure about this. Which one

should I start with my signature talk?

Lisa: Are you saying you have 2 programs or 1 program?

Zang: I have 2 programs [overtalk 01:28:21] focusing on your purpose and passion.

Lisa: You're right in that you need 1 talk for each one. There's really no right answer.

A lot of times I'll say, "Hey, which one are you ore passionate about?" Start with

the 1 that you're excited about because it'll just be easier. It'll be easier to do

the work when you're excited about it. While you're in the course, it's great to

pick 1. I say pick a horse and ride it because that way you get to work through

the system kind of like learning exercises in the gym. You always have it and you

can go back and then you can do you talk for the other one. Does that make


Zang: Yeah. My real question is how can I get those speaking gigs so I could start to

test my market? And test my talk?

Lisa: Well have you gone through the ... listened to the audio and gone through the

"Get Booked" toolkit bonus yet? I can show you where it is.

Zang: Not yet.

Lisa: Okay, under the bonus tab, you look for the word bonus, the second thing down

says, "Get booked toolkit" and it says, "Lisa's Get Booked Audio Training." It's

me, when you go to that, it's me walking you through all the tools in the tool kit

and you're going to be surprised. My strategies for getting booked are very

simple, they're not complex. I would ask if you can go through through that and

then if there's something that's unclear, please bring the question or post the

question. Okay?

Zang: Wonderful. Look forward to it.

Lisa: All right. Thank you. thank you for waiting.

Zang: Okay.

Lisa: Nicole.

Nicole: Hello everybody. Thank you for staying late and answering my question.

Lisa: My pleasure. Hold on a second here, I clicked on that audio link and now I can't

stop it. Okay. That was me talking in the background of me. Gotta love it.

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Nicole: All right. So much awesome information, I tell you, I'm just so excited but here's

my question. I have a full time job and I've been doing coaching on the side. My

plan is to eventually transition full time into coaching. This means that I've been

kind of behind to tell you the truth, in the modules.

Lisa: That's okay.

Nicole: Here's what I'm working on. What I work with with my clients is get out of your

comfort zone and into your brilliance. As you know, a lot of times, especially

when you're working in corporate, you spend so much time trying to perfect

what you do and so forth and so on but it may not be your brilliance. That's

what I work with then I work with 1 on 1 coaching.

Lisa: Okay.

Nicole: In terms of decorating the door, is that too much to put out there to decorate

the door as you were speaking about earlier?

Lisa: No, it's not. We have a distinction around here, Nicole. We call it good enough.

Is it good enough to decorate the door? Yes. It's exactly what you're saying, you

spend a lot of time perfecting our plans but we don't get it out with our

brilliance. I think it's better than good enough and if you wanted to take it to

even better than that, the place to look would be is there a way to say it even

more in their words?

Nicole: Oh, okay.

Lisa: When you and I are out to lunch as girlfriends, Nicole, I really need to get out of

my comfort zone and get into my brilliance. Right? There's something else I say

and we find that that offer communication work sheet tends to pull those words

out. Look at that page and see if you can find something that kind of says this.

It's sort of like the example I was giving where people say, "Oh, I've invested a

year in a relationship and I'm back at square 1." Right? That's how people talk

when we're talking. I call it pillow talk, when you're like laying there with your

honey and you say ... or with your girlfriend out to happy hour and you say, "I

just can't even believe I'm back at square 1." People can relate to that versus

when we do it in the marketing speak we say, "Oh, are you tired of starting over

in your relationship?" You know what I mean?

Nicole: Okay. All right so I'll work a little bit more on that then. Then here's what else I

wanted to ask you. Because I'm so behind in terms of the different modules and

stuff, how long will it be out there after the end of the course? Is it going to be


www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Lisa: We don't have any intention to close the course any time soon. We kind of leave

it up indefinitely. If we come to a place where we're switching server or

something like that is happening, we give you 30-day notice, 30-day notice so

you can download anything you need.

Nicole: Okay, I have a little bit ...

Lisa: Yeah.

Nicole: Okay, I have a little bit...

Lisa: There's no immediate deadline, we leave it up there indefinitely and should we

need to make a change, we would make sure to give you 30-day notice.

Nicole: Okay. Awesome.

Lisa: I also want to say, I don't know if this would apply to you or others listening but

it's common that you're trying to get this done while you're doing life, I mean

life goes on. Just because you register for the course, everything doesn't stop so

we know that you might be coming to the call just to digest it all and then

needing to get this implemented. Please, coming out live, that's the fastest way

we can advance you. It's why I'm kind of pushy about it because what it does is

it sequesters you. It takes you out of your environment and it sequesters you so

if you can, this is for you Nicole, if you can get out of your comfort zone and into

your brilliance in our space. Isn't it funny too, how we always like we're always

coaching the saying that is our own edge. Right?

Nicole: Absolutely.

Lisa: Here you are on the edge of glory, you know, you're in your job, you're

coaching, and there's going to be a point where you move past that comfort

zone and you're totally in your brilliance all the time. I love that about life, how

ironic it is in that way.

Nicole: It really is. You kind of have to look in the mirror and say, "Is this you?"

Lisa: Yeah, well, you've heard the saying, "We teach the thing we need to learn the

most," right?

Nicole: Absolutely.

Lisa: That's true for all of us.

Nicole: Yes.

www.LisaSasevich.com | [email protected] | 646-368-8210 © 2016 Extimata Inc All rights reserved.




Lisa: Anyway, I hope I'll get to meet you live. Yes, the course will be up for you and

thanks for waiting. Thanks for your question.

Nicole: All right. Thank you so much. I hope so too, I have not yet registered but I still

haven't given up hope that I'll be able to get out of my comfort zone and get out


Lisa: All right. I'm putting the tacks to you. You've got about 24 hours so you know,

sometimes you've got to throw your hat over the wall, get yourself registered

and then let everything else follow that energy.

Nicole: Right.

Lisa: This is that place where we have to be the client we want to attract. That's my

challenge. All right. Hey, you raised your hand, right so you asked for it.

Nicole: Yes, I did.

Lisa: All right, have a good one. Thanks everybody, it's been awesome being with you

today. I know you're all doing great work and you know, please do not judge

yourself or give yourself, cast yourself off the island or tell yourself negative self

talk that you're the weakest link or that you should be further than you are. In

almost every case, you're much further than you think you are, it's just that as

entrepreneurs, it always feels like there's so much further to go. Make sure to

just acknowledge the ground you've taken, the work that you have done, and

then just keep going. Everybody started somewhere. You start by getting your

first gig, you start building a list, you start creating products and this is where for

many of you, you are starting and that's the celebration, that's what there is to

be proud of.

Have a wonderful day and I will see you next week on this call and many of you,

I will see live in 2 weeks at Ultimate Sales Boot Camp. Get yourself registered,

get your guests registered and make sure to get yourself into that VIP lunch.

You're coming a long way and you want to just treat yourself to the whole thing.

All right. Just email support at theinvisibleclose.com and if there's seats left, you

can get one. Have a great one everybody and next week is module 5. The

module is open so make sure to dive in before we're together and make sure to

put your questions in the forum before Sunday night. Have a great rest of your

day. Bye bye.