S S t t S S t t e e p p h h e e n n P P a a r r i i s s h h C C o o u u n n c c i i l l Winter Newsletter Issue 23 - 2013 New access to Blackgreen Wood You may remember the sorry saga of the access into Blackgreen Wood from Park Street Lane having to be blocked off, after concerns about pedestrian safety were raised by Herts Highways? Well hopefully, this may be resolved shortly! Due to the substantial cost of constructing a footpath from the M25 bridge to the woodland access, the Parish council were unable to justify this expenditure unless another source of finance could be found. After many inquiries we have now secured a substantial grant toward the £9765 cost of the project from Lafarge-Tarmac, through the Landfill Tax arrangement. The Highways Authority has now confirmed that they are looking to carry out the work on the footpath as well as other safety measures before the end of this year. It now looks as though we should be able to complete the rest of the access work, including the bridge across the ditch, by early next year allowing Park Street access into this local woodland. Footpath around the Frogmore Lakes Many of you will be aware that the Verulam Angling Club have secured the footpath around the back of the Frogmore Lakes using fencing and padlocked gates at both ends of the path. It has been used by walkers, ramblers, anglers for many years and although not a definitive or permissive footpath we believe it has become such by continual use. Although Lafarge has directed the Angling Club to open the gates, the club has not responded. We have agreed to support an application to have the footpath defined and we have over 25 signed application forms, thanks to Jon Breen, to be submitted to the County Council’s Rights of Way department for a decision to be made. If you have used the footpath during the last 20 years and support the application, please contact the Parish Office and request a form. More forms can be sent after the application has gone in. Thank you for your support. Open Forum meeting Every year the Council holds an Open Forum Meeting and invites all users of our facilities to come along, especially members of organisations who use the Council’s premises, parks and open spaces. The meeting at Greenwood Park on 10 October was attended by a good number of users. There were several suggestions as to how we might improve facilities and many very positive views expressed including one (we quote) “I think that we are lucky that the Council provides these facilities. I pay my council tax and the part of the precept that goes to the Parish is very well spent”. There will be a similar meeting next year so please come along and air your views. Police Surgery for the Parish Cllr Ian Getley and PCSO Kirsty Gilling launched the opening of the Police Surgery at the Park Street Recreation Ground Pavilion. Forthcoming Surgeries will be held on: 16 Dec 7-8pm; 3 Jan 6-7pm; 13 Feb 3-4pm and 24 Mar 1-2pm. We wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, from all the Parish Councillors and staff at St. Stephen Parish Council. Rosemary Love & Steve Brooks

Stt SStteepphheenn PPaarriisshh CCoouunncciill...September in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, and for the help from Gill Rix and Gary Field. £524 was raised for the charity and

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Page 1: Stt SStteepphheenn PPaarriisshh CCoouunncciill...September in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, and for the help from Gill Rix and Gary Field. £524 was raised for the charity and

SStt SStteepphheenn PPaarr iisshh CCoouunncciillWinter Newsletter Issue 23 - 2013

New access to Blackgreen WoodYou may remember the sorry saga of the access intoBlackgreen Wood from Park Street Lane having to be blockedoff, after concerns about pedestrian safety were raised by HertsHighways? Well hopefully, this may be resolved shortly! Due tothe substantial cost of constructing a footpath from the M25bridge to the woodland access, the Parish council were unableto justify this expenditure unless another source of finance couldbe found. After many inquiries we have now secured asubstantial grant toward the £9765 cost of the project fromLafarge-Tarmac, through the Landfill Tax arrangement. TheHighways Authority has now confirmed that they are looking tocarry out the work on the footpath as well as other safetymeasures before the end of this year. It now looks as though weshould be able to complete the rest of the access work,including the bridge across the ditch, by early next yearallowing Park Street access into this local woodland.

Footpath around the Frogmore LakesMany of you will be aware that the Verulam Angling Club havesecured the footpath around the back of the Frogmore Lakesusing fencing and padlocked gates at both ends of the path. Ithas been used by walkers, ramblers, anglers for many years andalthough not a definitive or permissive footpath we believe ithas become such by continual use. Although Lafarge hasdirected the Angling Club to open the gates, the club has notresponded. We have agreed to support an application to havethe footpath defined and we have over 25 signed applicationforms, thanks to Jon Breen, to be submitted to the CountyCouncil’s Rights of Way department for a decision to be made.If you have used the footpath during the last 20 years andsupport the application, please contact the Parish Office andrequest a form. More forms can be sent after the applicationhas gone in. Thank you for your support.

Open Forum meetingEvery year the Council holds an Open Forum Meeting andinvites all users of our facilities to come along, especiallymembers of organisations who use the Council’s premises, parksand open spaces. The meeting at Greenwood Park on 10October was attended by a good number of users. There wereseveral suggestions as to how we might improve facilities andmany very positive views expressed including one (we quote) “Ithink that we are lucky that the Council provides these facilities.I pay my council tax and the part of the precept that goes tothe Parish is very well spent”. There will be a similar meeting nextyear so please come along and air your views.

Police Surgery for the Parish Cllr Ian Getley and PCSO Kirsty Gilling launched the opening ofthe Police Surgery at the Park Street Recreation GroundPavilion. Forthcoming Surgeries will be held on: 16 Dec 7-8pm; 3 Jan 6-7pm; 13 Feb 3-4pm and 24 Mar 1-2pm.

We wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, from all theParish Councillors and staff at St. Stephen Parish Council.

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Page 2: Stt SStteepphheenn PPaarriisshh CCoouunncciill...September in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, and for the help from Gill Rix and Gary Field. £524 was raised for the charity and

Flying the flag - yes, it is a green flag!We gained the Green Flag Award in 2012, for GreenwoodPark. We reapplied this year and were again successful. ThePark is kept in very good order and we are proud of that, sothis achievement is the icing on the cake. We intend to keepthat flag flying which means the hard work continues. Oneway you can help is to clean up after your dogs and take yourlitter home, or use the bins provided. This all helps towardsmaking the Park a better place for all users. We hope to obtainthe award for Park Street Recreation Ground (greatlyimproved since the Parish Council took over its management)and then we hope to include our other play areas.

Parish bus sheltersWe have received a grant of £3000 towards replacing ashelter that stands next to the Red Cow pub in Park Street. Itwas repaired a number of times but now further work wouldnot be cost-effective. Our Parish Clerk Juliet Pienaar had abreakthrough on the long-standing problem of our staff notbeing allowed, by the Highways Agency, to maintain our busshelters on the A405 at Bricket Wood. A meeting has beenarranged with the Passenger Transport Unit of the CountyCouncil, and the Highways Agency's contractor to resolvethis problem once and for all. You can be sure we willnegotiate the best possible outcome for the benefit of ourresidents and visitors.

Hearing Dogs for the DeafMiss Liz Arendt MBE has written to thank us for free use ofGreenwood Park and field for a fundraising event inSeptember in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, and for thehelp from Gill Rix and Gary Field. £524 was raised for the charityand a new hearing dog, a black Labrador called Zoro, wasbrought along just 5 days after his placement. More dogs likeZoro could be trained as a result of the financial support givenat these functions. See www.hearingdogs.org.uk

2012/13 External Auditor’s reportThe Parish Council is responsible for ensuring that its financialmanagement is effective. At the end of the financial year theCouncil prepares an Annual Return, which summarises theaccounting records for the financial year and providesassurances with regard to audit responsibilities. Each year theCouncil’s accounts and activities are subject to both anindependent Internal and External Audit. We are pleased tohave received recently the External Auditor’s report whichconfirms that the Annual Return is in accordance with properpractices, and that relevant regulatory and legislativerequirements have been met.

PlanningBarratt Homes have submitted their second planningapplication to build 14, 5-bed houses on Green Belt land inCherry Hill opposite existing dwellings. The previous applicationwas refused by St. Albans District Council on several points: 1)No special circumstances existing to justify building on theMetropolitan Green Belt; 2) and 3) relating to the layout, scale,massing and height of buildings, private gated access and theoverbearing impact on the neighbouring properties. It wasclear that the applicant had retained the original conceptwith a few minor alterations. We held a public consultation on 23 September to view thepaper plans and documents and to answer questions. Thoseattending were asked to fill in comments sheets which werecollated and forwarded to SADC with the comments of ourPlanning Committee. Our response was that we were totallyopposed to this development as the applicants had failed toaddress the reasons for refusal on the initial application, andasked SADC that this application be refused.Another major development emerging is that of the formerHSBC site in Smug Oak Lane, Bricket Wood. A publicconsultation evening was held on 7 October, re theapplication to supply 175 homes on the site, classified as abrownfield site owing to buildings having been there in thepast. The application is for outline permission and consists of amixture of housing, from 1-bedroom flats to 5-bedroomdetached properties, including affordable housing. Residentshave already expressed concerns about this development,and their views will be taken fully into consideration when wesubmit our comments. We will keep you updated on theoutcome of both these applications.

Strategic Rail Freight Interchange (SRFI)On 20 December 2012, Secretary of State Eric Pickles statedthat he was minded to approve the application byHelioslough to develop the SRFI, subject to a suitable planningobligation under section 106 of the Town and Planning Act1990. He allowed until 28 February 2013 for the submission ofthat planning obligation. On 23 January 2013 Heliosloughasked for the period to be extended to 28 March 2013; EricPickles agreed to this but never received the planningobligation. On 15 August the developers were given a furtherextension before 15 November 2013. By the time you read thiswe should have a result one way or the other. What is strikingabout all this is that the developers – a professionalorganisation backed by experts in the field - have beenallowed so much lee-way. We hope that recent commitmentspublicly to preserve the Green Belt, will be upheld bygovernment officials.

St Julian’s WoodSupport for our work in St. Julian’s Wood received a boostwhen our application for funds tocontinue with the managementplan was granted by the ForestryCommission. They recognisedthe good work we, andvolunteers, were carrying out inthe wood. We have nowreceived 100 sapling treesdonated by the Woodland Trust,and they will be planted duringNovember, to enhance a wildlifecorridor between the mainwoodland and some smallercopses. If you would like to helpcall the Parish Office or callJohn Bell on 01727 831280.

Page 3: Stt SStteepphheenn PPaarriisshh CCoouunncciill...September in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, and for the help from Gill Rix and Gary Field. £524 was raised for the charity and

District in BloomSt Stephen Parish entered the District in Bloom competition this year for the first time. A small but enthusiastic working partyhad decided that we should try and tidy up some areas of the Parish, alongside the hard work that residents already putinto front gardens and allotments. Certain areas were targeted including the front of Greenwood Park – much work wastaken on here by volunteers and parish staff – which was sadly vandalised within a day of being planted up. Burstons cameto the rescue – offering to replace stolen roses. The judges were taken around the area and shown the results of our workand they asked many questions on sustainability. Ayletts Garden Centre hosted an excellent evening for the presentations.Digikidz After School Club secured 1st place in the ‘street scene’ category for their delightful displays outside the Communitycentre. St Stephen Parish received the Highly Commended Certificate in the Parish in Bloom section, with only one overallwinner ahead of us. This is a fabulous accolade, despite the short time-scale, the hot weather, and a limited number ofvolunteers. No pressure on us for next year then!

Parish in BloomTuesday 10 September saw the gathering of many talented Parish residents to receive awards for their allotments andgardens. The presentations started with an award to Rachel Magee, who designed the poster displayed to advertise theParish in Bloom competitions. Each of the three Residents’ Associations presented awards for the best front gardens in theirareas, and the best allotments. It was not an easy task to select the outright winners for each area and section. The winnerswere put forward to find the overall winners in the Parish – an even harder task to judge! Schools were rewarded for theirefforts – St Stephen’s Gardening club had taken on the job of advising the schools, judging and also donating and awardingthe prizes. We had an interesting talk by Steve Puddefoot, Director of Operations at Burstons Garden Centre, about thepreparation of plants, and information from behind the scenes. The sheer quantity of seedlings produced annually is juststaggering and the size of the machinery even more amazing. Rosemary Love and Steve Brooks were presented with a tokenfor their hard work around the area – they certainly know how to display flowers! We are indebted to Cllr John Bell for hiscamera work at this event, capturing all the winners and their awards.Best Hanging Basket: The Gate PH; Best Kept Back Garden: Frances Massey; Best School Garden: How Wood School;Best Kept Allotment: Robert Tofts; Best Kept Front Garden: Pauline Levy.

Page 4: Stt SStteepphheenn PPaarriisshh CCoouunncciill...September in aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, and for the help from Gill Rix and Gary Field. £524 was raised for the charity and





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Community Events Diary1 Dec: St Stephen Parish Community Carol ConcertGreenwood Park 4pm 01923 6814438 Dec: Advent Praise Party (for All-Ages)Holy Trinity Church 4:30pm,14 Dec: Friends of Hanstead Wood Volunteer morning atBlackgreen Wood - 10.00am meet kissing gate oppositeWoodbury Field4 Jan: Workshop and Afternoon Lecture - Herts. Embroiderer’sGuild Chiswell Green 11am & 1.30pm £4www.hertsbranch.wordpress.com9 Jan: Battle of Britain Class No 34081 ‘92 Squadron’ - LCGB11 Jan: Friends of Hanstead Wood - meet 10.00am at theentrance from the car park.18 Jan: Charity Jumble Sale - St Bart's Church Hall 10am 50p01727 873672.21 Jan: Countryside Management and the Brown TroutPark St & Frogmore Society Park St. Village Hall 8.15pm £101727 8736128 Feb: St Stephen’s Gardening Club Trading Hut re-opens2 - 4pm (every Sat until end Oct) ann. membership £301727 87271820 Feb: History of British Pantomime - CGTWG £418 Mar: Radlett Airfield and Handley Page - Park St &Frogmore SocietyREGULAR DATES3rd Tuesday Park St & Frogmore SocietyPark St. Village Hall 8.15pm £1 01727 8736122nd Thursday Locomotive Club of Gt Britain (LCGB)CGURC Hall 7.30pm 01727 8618393rd Thursday Chiswell Green Townswomen's GuildCGURC Hall 7.15pm New members welcome 01727 850373.Last Friday Herts. Embroiders’ GuildCGURC Hall www.hertsbranch.wordpress.com 2nd Saturday Friends of Hanstead Woodmeet at 10.00am at the entrance from the car park.Last Saturday Friends of St Julian’s WoodVolunteer Day meet 10am GWP top car park

BW - Bricket Wood; CG - Chiswell Green; PS - Park Street, TWG -Townswomen’s Guild

For a full list of local activities please see our website.

St Stephen Parish Councillors

Parish Council MeetingsMain Council and Committee meetings are held in the Council Chamber at the St Stephen Parish Centre in Station Road,Bricket Wood. Times and dates are displayed on the parish noticeboards. Residents are welcome to attend the meetings.

The Parish OfficeFirst floor, The St Stephen Parish Centre, Station Road, Bricket Wood, St Albans, AL2 3PJ.

Tel: 01923 681443 Fax: 01923 681338Email: [email protected] www.ststephenparishcouncil.gov.uk

Open Daily from 9.00am to 5.00pm or by prior appointment.Contact either: Juliet Pienaar, Clerk or Carol Hardy, Assistant Clerk.

Bricket WoodCllr Jay Baillie 01923 404770 • Cllr Wendy Berriman 01923 673355

Cllr David Brannen 01923 662423 • Cllr Dorothy Kerry 01923 663352 Chiswell Green

Cllr John Bell 01727 831280 • Cllr Karen Hurford 07710 860337 • Cllr Oonah Jones 01727 865333Park Street

Cllr Michael Freeman 01727 873543 • Cllr Ian Getley 01727 872507Cllr Bill Pryce 01727 873181 • Cllr Nicholas Tyndale 01727 872647 • Cllr Eileen Whittaker 01727 873710

2014 FestivalIf you read the previous newslettersyou will know about the 2014Festival taking place atGreenwood Park on 16, 17 and 18May. This is an exciting newventure that will be a venue formusicians, dance groups, dramagroups, artists, sculptors and photographers.There will be a grand opening night on Friday 16 May witha range of bands and singers to entertain you. Saturdaywill be a day featuring a range of   exhibitions andopportunities to watch blacksmiths, wood turners,patchwork makers, walking stick makers - to name but afew. On Sunday there will be a fete with a whole range ofstalls, a dog show, bands, a show arena, lots of activitiesfor children  and a fair. There will also be a food courtfeaturing food from around the world. So remember toput the dates in your diary! If you would like to exhibit, runa stall, or come along and help to make the weekend gowith a swing, then please let us know.

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)Mature trees are important to our villages and the DistrictCouncil has a duty to protect such trees ‘in the interest ofamenity’. Trees in conservation areas are protected(where their trunk exceeds 75mm in diameter at 1.5m)and individual trees, regarded as an environmental asset,are protected with a TPO. It is an offence to cut down,lop, chop, uproot, wilfully damage or destroy a protectedtree without the District Council’s prior written permission.The status of trees and conservation areas can bechecked on the District Council’s website. Requests toprotect a tree can be made to the Arboricultural Officer(contact details below). If you think that a protected treemay be under threat or that someone intends to carry outwork on a protected tree, please contact the DistrictCouncil immediately on 01727 819363 or by email:[email protected] so that promptappropriate action can be taken if necessary. The DistrictCouncil deals with all such queries in the strictestconfidence.

Act now: don’t lose your vote.The European Parliamentary and

District elections will be held on 22May 2014. Make sure you register now,

otherwise you may lose your vote.