Student Activity Workbook Life Skills: First Aid External Injuries Curriculum That Matters, Inc. Bakersfield, California

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Student Activity Workbook

Life Skills: First Aid

External Injuries

Curriculum That Matters, Inc. Bakersfield, California


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Table of Contents

Allergic Reactions 5 Poisonous Plants 8 Snake Bites 11 Insect Bites and Stings 13 Nosebleeds 17 External Wounds 20 Head Injury 24 Knocked Out Tooth 27 Burns 29 Broken Bones and Sprains 32 Amputation 34 Frostbite 37


Accessing the Lessons: This workbook has been designed to go hand in hand with the Life Skills: Starting a Business course

material which is available online. To access that material, go to:

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Allergic Reactions

Definition of Allergic Reaction An allergic reaction occurs when __________________________________________________________


Causes True or False: Doctors always know why some people have allergies. ____________________________

What is the link between allergies and family? ______________________________________________


What are the common allergy triggers? ____________________________________________________


Symptoms Compare a mild reaction to a severe reaction. List at least five symptoms for each.

Anaphylaxis: A severe and sudden allergic reaction that can _____________________________________


Watch the presentation Allergic Reactions.


Treatments • For mild reactions: _______________________________________________________________

• For severe and anaphylaxis:

• _________________________________________________________

• If they have an epinephrine auto-injector (EPI-PEN), ______________________________


• Lay them flat on their back, elevate their legs, and cover them with a blanket as this will

help prevent them from going into shock. ______________________________________

______________________________________. (Don’t give the person anything to drink.)

• ________________________________________________________________________


• Get emergency treatment even if _____________________________________________



Epinephrine Auto-Injector (known as EPI-PEN or “Rescue Drug”): _______________________


Medications: May reduce your reaction and ease symptoms. ____________________________



Allergy 1 Allergy: Medications:

Allergy 2 Allergy: Medications:

Allergy 3 Allergy: Medications:

Allergy 4 Allergy: Medications:

Allergic Reaction Assignment

Research different allergies. Find four allergies that you may not know or hear about. What are they? What medications are usually recommended or prescribed?


Poisonous Plants

Definition of Poisonous Plants A plant that when touched or ____________________________________________________________


True or False: Every location has the same poisonous plants and treatments. ______________________

Poisonous Plants Ways a Plant Poisons:

• ________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________

Possible Symptoms:

• Symptoms may include:

• _______________________________

• _______________________________

• _______________________________

• _______________________________

• _______________________________

• Possible symptoms range from _____________________________________ to death.

Avoiding Poisonous Plants • If you don’t know, don’t touch it.

• Assume all ___________________________________________, most are, unless you

buy __________________________________________________________________.

Watch the presentation Poisonous Plants.


If you touch a poisonous plant:

• Wash with soap and cold water

• What if you have no water?



• Or



Eating Poisonous Plants Eating Poisonous Plants:

• _______________________________________________________________________

• It kills.

Signs and symptoms of ingesting poison can include:

• Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, ________________________________,

hallucinations, ______________________, _______________________, coma, and



• If possible ______________________________________________________________

• In the Mouth:

• ________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________

• Ingested (if conscious):

• Gag

• ________________________________________________________________

• Dilute the poison by administering large quantities of water or _____________


Plant 1 Name: Treatment:

Plant 2 Name: Treatment:

Plant 3 Name: Treatment:


Poisonous Plants Assignment Identify three local poisonous plants. How do you treat someone who may have touched

or ingested those plants? Research how to know if a mushroom is poisonous or not.


Snake Bites

Two Types of Snake Bites Type of Bite Poisonous Snake Non-Poisonous Snake

Snake Bite Drawing

Any Extra Notes

Snake Bites Snake venom contains:

• Neurotoxins







• Hemotoxins

Attack blood circulation

• _____________________________

Digestive ________________________

Eat the _______________________________________________________

Watch the presentation Snake Bites.


Venomous Snake Bite First Aid _________________________________________________________________________________ or

your local emergency number immediately, especially if the area changes color, _______________ to

swell or is _____________________.

If possible, take these steps while waiting for medical help:

• ________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________

Non-Venomous Snake Bite First Aid Treat like a wound:

• ________________________________________________________________________


• ________________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________________



• ________________________________________________________________________


Snake Bites Assignment Create an informational poster that shows the difference between venomous and non-

venomous snake bites and how to treat them. Research snakes in your area and pick one. Include a picture of that snake, where it lives, and if it is venomous or not. Demonstrate the first aid treatment required for a bite by that snake.


Insect Bites and Stings

Definition _____________________________________________________________________________________

Most reactions are mild, causing little more than redness, ______________, stinging or minor swelling.

Rarely, _______________________________________________________________________________


Some insects also carry disease, such as West Nile or Zika virus.

What’s the Difference? Bites:

Non-venomous insects bite ______________________________________________________________


Venomous insects sting, _________________________________________________________________


Wasps, _______________, yellow ______________, all bees, and _______________________________


___________________, fleas, lice, ________________, bed bugs, ticks, and_______________________

are non-venomous.

Common Bites and Stings Bug bites can be a nuisance ___________________________________________, or they can be deadly.

It is better to _________________________________________________________________________.

Watch the presentation Insect Bites and Stings.


Avoiding the Problem What are the three clothing related items listed to help avoid problems with insects?



_______________ (N, N-diethylmeta-toluamide) has been the go-to _____________________________

since it was introduced in the 1950s.

Picaridin and oil of lemon eucalyptus- _______________________________________________.

How to Safely Use Repellants 1. ______________________________________________________________________________





2. Don’t apply repellents over _______________________________________________________.

3. When applying to your face, spray first on your hands, then rub in, avoiding your eyes and

mouth, and using sparingly around ears.

4. Don’t let young children apply. Instead, put it on your own hands, then rub it on. Limit use on


5. Don’t use near _________________, and wash hands after application and before


6. At the end of the day, ___________________________________________________________,

and wash treated clothing in a _______________________________ before wearing again.

First Aid Bee Sting:

1. Remove Stinger

• Remove stinger and _________________________.


• Do not ________________________ with a credit card, fingernail or a knife blade.

• ___________________________________________________________________________.

2. Treat as a small wound

• ______________________________________________.

• ______________________________________________.

• ______________________________________________.

3. _____________________________________

• Call 911.

• Use emergency Epi-Pen if carried.

Black Widow Spider:

• Not severe, at ______________

• Rapidly starts to hurt more and spreads to entire body

• Pain settles in the ________________________________

• Typically, you will experience: abdominal cramps, _____________________________, vomiting,

___________________, weakness, ____________________, sweating, salivation,

• Anaphylactic, swelling of throat and face can occur.

• Symptoms are gone within ___________________________________

• Treatment: shock, _______________________________, small wound treatment, antivenom is

available, ______________________


• Typically, you will experience: pain and swelling around the area of the sting, prickly sensation

around the mouth and a thick-feeling tongue, ____________________________________, local

pain may or may not be present, respiratory difficulties, _________________________, body

spasms, ____________________, gastric distention, double vision, ______________________,

involuntary rapid movement of the eyeballs, urination , defecation, heart failure, and death.

• Treatment is the same as a black widow bite.


Insect Bite:

1. ______________________________________________________________________________.

2. ______________________________________________________________________________.

3. ______________________________________________________________________________.

4. Apply a cool compress. Use a cloth dampened with cold water or filled with ice. This helps

reduce ________________________________________________________________________.

5. ______________________________________________________________________________.

6. Use over-the-counter medications. Try a pain reliever, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others)

or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), or an antihistamine (Benadryl, Chlor-Trimeton, others).

7. Usually, the signs and symptoms of a bite or sting disappear in a day or two. If you're concerned

— even if your reaction is minor — call your doctor.

When to Seek Emergency Care • Difficulty breathing, swelling of the lips, eyelids, or throat, dizziness, faintness or confusion,

rapid heartbeat, hives, nausea, cramps or vomiting, a scorpion sting, and is a child.

Take these actions immediately while waiting for medical help:

• Ask the person if he or she is carrying an epinephrine autoinjector (EpiPen, Auvi-Q, others) to

treat an allergic attack.

• If the person says he or she needs to use an autoinjector, ask whether you should help inject the


• ______________________________________________________________________________


• Turn the person on their side to prevent choking if he or she is vomiting or bleeding from the


• ______________________________________________________________________________.

Insect Bites and Stings Activity Choose an insect from your local area that bites and stings. Prepare a poster presenting the

following information: What is the insect? Show a picture. How do you avoid getting bit/stung? What are the symptoms of a bite/sting? What is the treatment of a bite/sting?



Definition • The _______________ is an area of the body that contains many ________________________

or arterioles that can break easily.

• In the United States, _____________________________________________________________

a nosebleed some time in their lifetime.

• Nosebleeds can occur at any age, but are most common in children aged 2-10 years and adults

aged 50-80 years.

• Nosebleeds are divided into two types, depending on whether the bleeding is coming from the

front or back of the nose.

– Anterior - _____________________________________________________________

– Posterior - ____________________________________________________________

Anterior Nosebleed Causes • Most nosebleeds or epistaxis begin in the lower part of the septum, the semi-rigid wall that

________________________________________________________. The septum contains

blood vessels that can be broken by a blow to the nose or the edge of a sharp fingernail.

• Anterior nosebleeds are common in dry climates or ___________________________________,

heated indoor air dehydrates the nasal membranes.

• This can be prevented by placing a light coating of petroleum jelly or an antibiotic ointment on

the end of a ___________________________________________________________________,

especially on the middle portion of the nose (the septum).

Watch the presentation Nosebleeds.


Anterior Nosebleed Treatments • _________________________________________________________________. A person who

is agitated may bleed more profusely than someone who’s been reassured and supported.

• Keep head higher than the level of the heart. ___________________________________.

• Lean slightly forward so the blood won’t drain in the back of the throat.

• Using the thumb and index finger, pinch all the soft parts of the nose or place a cotton ball

soaked with Afrin, Neo-Synephrine, or Dura-Vent spray into the nostril and apply pressure

• Do not pack the inside of the nose with gauze or cotton.

• Apply ice— __________________________________________________ —to nose and cheeks.

• Hold the position for five minutes. ________________________________________, hold it

again for an additional 10 minutes.

Posterior Nosebleed Causes • More rarely, a nosebleed can begin high and deep within the nose and flow down the back of


• Obviously, when lying down, even anterior (front of nasal cavity) nosebleeds may seem to flow

toward the back of the throat, especially if coughing or blowing the nose.

Posterior Nosebleed Treatments • ______________________________________________________________________________


• Posterior nosebleeds are more likely to occur in older people, persons with high blood pressure,

and in cases of injury to the nose or face.


Broken Nose • ______________________________________________________________________________.

• A broken nose, also called a nasal fracture, ___________________________________________

____________________________ — often the bone over the bridge of your nose.

• Common causes of a broken nose include contact sports, physical fights, falls, and motor vehicle

accidents that result in facial trauma.

• ______________________________________________________________________________



• Treatment for a broken nose may include procedures that realign your nose. Surgery usually

isn't necessary for a broken nose.

Nosebleed Assignment Create a comic strip story. Have at least one of the characters receive a nosebleed and

show proper care for the nosebleed .


External Wounds

Definition What is an external wound?


• There are many different types, causes, and treatments.

Scrape/Abrasions • Usually a broad, shallow wound with irregular edges.

• Removes the top layer of the skin or epidermis.

• A more serious one may also remove:

• _____________________________________________.

• _____________________________________________.

• Subcutaneous tissue, the fat, and blood vessels.

Cut/Tear/Laceration • _____________________________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________________________

Watch the presentation External Wounds.


Bruise/Contusions/Compression Wound • ______________________________________________________________________________.

• ______________________________________________________________________________.

• Creates discoloration below the skin.

• Damage is to underlying tissue.

Punctures • ______________________________________________________________________________.

• ______________________________________________________________________________.

• ______________________________________________________________________________.

Avulsions • ______________________________________________________________________________.

• ______________________________________________________________________________.

Blisters • Small pocket of fluid within the skin.

• Caused by friction on the skin such as rubbing shoes on the heel.

• DO NOT POP THESE, it allows infection .

• Protect them with a bandage or mole skin.


First Aid for External Wounds Stop Bleeding:

• Apply direct pressure on the cut or wound with a clean cloth, tissue, or piece of gauze until

bleeding stops.

• ___________________________________________________, don’t remove it. Put more cloth

or gauze on top of it and continue to apply pressure.

• If the wound is on the arm or leg, _________________________________________, if possible,

to help slow bleeding.

• ____________________________________________________________ before cleaning and

dressing the wound.

• Do not apply a tourniquet unless the bleeding is severe and not stopped with direct pressure.

Clean Cut or Wound:

• Gently clean with soap and warm water. Try to rinse soap out of wound to prevent irritation.

• ______________________________________________________________________________.

Protect the Wound:

• Apply antibiotic cream to reduce risk of infection and cover with a sterile bandage.

• Change the bandage daily to keep the wound clean and dry.

Call 911 if:

• ____________________________________________________________________________.

• ____________________________________________________________________________.

• ____________________________________________________________________________.

• Bleeding can't be stopped after 10 minutes of firm and steady pressure.

• ____________________________________________________________________________.


When to Call a Doctor:

• The wound is deep or the edges are jagged or gaping open.

• ___________________________________________________________________.

• The wound has dirt or debris that won’t come out.

• The wound shows signs of infection, such as redness, tenderness, or a thick discharge, or if the

person runs a fever.

• ___________________________________________________________________.

• ___________________________________________________________________.

• The person has a puncture wound or deep cut and hasn’t had a tetanus shot in the past five

years, or anyone who hasn’t had a tetanus shot in the past 10 years.

When to See a Doctor:

• Wounds that are more than 0.25 in. (6.5 mm) deep, that have jagged edges, or that gape open.

• Deep wounds that go down to the fat, muscle, bone, or other deep structures.

• Deep wounds over a joint, especially if the wound opens when the joint is moved or if pulling



• ________________________________________________________________.

• Wounds on the face, lips, or any area where you are worried about scarring (for cosmetic

reasons). Wounds on the eyelids often need treatment for both functional and cosmetic


• Wounds longer than 0.75 in. (20 mm) that are deeper than 0.25 in. (6.5 mm).

• ______________________________________________________________________________


External Wounds Activity Demonstrate how to treat an injury to the skin. Demonstration can be a slide show, video,

or live demonstration.


Head Injury

Definition • ______________________________________________________________________________

• An external head injury should be treated like an external wound, but you should consider that

there may be an internal injury.

• Internal injuries may not leave marks, but they can be life threatening.

Minor Head Wound • Wash the area with mild soap and water.

• To stop bleeding, use a sterile cloth and apply pressure for 10 minutes.

• Ice the area for 20 minutes using ice wrapped in a towel or cloth.

• Ice the area again after an hour to reduce swelling and pain.

• Watch the injured for 2 hours.

• ______________________________________________________________________________.

• Wake the individual or keep them awake to see how they’re walking and talking.

• Give the injured only clear liquids.

• Age appropriate ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) is okay.

• Watch for another 24 hours.

• ______________________________________________________________________________.

Watch the presentation Head Injury.


Get Medical Attention If They… • Are not breathing.

• Has lost consciousness.

• Had a seizure.

• Is hard to wake up.

• ______________________________________________________________________________.

• Wobbles when walking.

• Has weak arms or legs.

• ______________________________________________________________________________.

• Keeps bleeding.

• Is younger than 1.

• Has neck pain.

• ______________________________________________________________________________

• Needs stitches for a wide open wound.

• Has a big dent in the skull or a lot of swelling.

• Vomited several times.

• Isn't crying but has clear fluid coming from the ear or nose.

• Has blurry vision.

• Has a bad headache.

• Has memory loss.

• Fell from a height greater than three feet.

• Was struck in the head by an object travelling at a high speed.


Head Injury Assignment Evaluate your daily routine. Identify times that you could receive a head injury. How do

you treat a head injury? When do you need to get medical attention? BONUS: What is a concussion, its causes and symptoms?


Knocked Out Tooth

Knocked Out Tooth • The medical term for a knocked-out tooth is "________________________" tooth.

• The tooth that is avulsed can be a baby tooth or a permanent tooth.

• ____________________________________________________.


• Sports-related trauma, fighting, car accidents, and biting on hard food.

First Aid • Call 911 if…

• Has a serious injury

• _________________________________________________

• To stop bleeding…

• Apply sterile gauze or cloth.

• To stop pain and swelling, apply a cool compress or __________________________.

• For pain and swelling…

• Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen

• Go to an emergency room or dentist immediately

• Take all teeth pieces with you.

Watch the presentation Knocked Out Tooth.


You have about 30 minutes to re-implant a tooth successfully.

1. Collect teeth or teeth fragments

2. Do not touch the root

3. Rinse in water only

If possible:

1. Rinse mouth with warm water

2. Re-insert permanent teeth into the correct sockets

3. Have the person bite on a gauze pad to hold teeth in place

If the tooth cannot be implanted easily, you must save it.

1. Store the tooth in:

– in a container of whole milk or saliva

– In between your cheek and gum

2. Stop bleeding

3. Place sterile gauze or cloth in tooth hole

4. Pain and swelling

– Apply a cool compress

5. For pain take ibuprofen or acetaminophen

6. Go to an emergency room or dentist immediately

7. Take all teeth pieces with you

Knocked Out Tooth Activity Draw a single page poster providing information on getting teeth knocked out and what to

do. Have fun, make it something that would be posted at a boxing or wrestling match.



Definition • Caused by destructive energy, heat, chemicals (acid or caustics), or even the sun (sunburn)

• Degree of burn is determined by ___________________________________________________.

Depth of Burn What are the depths of a burn?





Burn Treatment • Heat burns (thermal burns): Smother any flames by covering them with a blanket or water. If

your clothing catches fire, do not run: ____________________________________ on the

ground to smother the flames.

• ____________________________________________: Small areas of your body (ears, face,

nose, fingers, toes) that are really cold or frozen can be warmed by blowing warm air on them,

tucking them inside your clothing or putting them in warm water.

• Liquid scald burns (thermal burns): Run cool tap water over the burn for 10 to 20 minutes. Do

not use ice.

Watch the presentation Burns.


Other Types of Burn Treatment • ___________________________: After the person has been separated from the electrical

source, ________________________________________________. If the person is not

breathing or does not have a heartbeat, ______________________.

• _____________________________: Natural foods such as ____________________________,

which contain a substance _________________________________, can cause a burning

sensation. Call your local Poison Control Center or the National Poison Control Hotline

(1-800-222-1222) for more information about how to treat the burn.

• ______________________________: Immediately run cold water over the hot tar or hot plastic

to cool the tar or plastic. Once cool, remove the material slowly. _________________________


Sunburn Treatment • Use cool cloths on burned areas.

• ______________________________________________________________________________.

• Apply soothing lotions that contain Aloe Vera to burned areas to relieve pain and swelling.

• 0.5% hydrocortisone cream to the burned area also may help.

• ______________________________________________________________________________



• Other home treatment measures, such as chamomile, may help.

• ______________________________________________________________________________




Burns Assignment Write about a time you had a burn. What caused the burn? Describe the condition of the

burn and how it felt. What degree burn do you think it was? If you could go back in time, how would you prevent it from happening?


Broken Bones and Sprains

Definition What is the difference between broken bones and sprains?




Causes 1. Falling, twisting, or getting hit can all cause a sprain.

2. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. The most common causes of fractures are:

• Trauma. A fall, ___________________________________, or a tackle during a football

game can all result in fractures.

• _______________________: This disorder weakens bones and makes them more likely

to break.

• ________________________________________________________________________



Symptoms Fracture

1. ______________________________________________________________________________


2. Swelling and tenderness around the injury.

Watch the presentation Broken Bones and Sprains.


3. _________________________________________.

4. Deformity — a limb may look "_____________________________" or a part of the bone may

puncture through the skin.


1. ______________________________________________________________________________


2. You might feel a pop or tear when the injury happens.

Treatment • If in doubt, go to the Doctor or emergency room

Call 911 or your local Emergency number if:

• The injury is caused by major trauma.

• The person is unresponsive, isn't breathing or isn't moving

• You suspect injury to the neck, head or back.

• ________________________________________________________________

• ________________________________________________________________

• The extremity of the injured arm or leg is numb.

Take these actions immediately while waiting for medical help:

• Stop any bleeding.

• Immobilize the injured area

• Don't try to realign the bone or _________________________________________________


• Apply a splint and immobilize the fracture.

• Apply ice packs to limit swelling and help relieve pain. _______________________________


• Treat for shock.



Definition • ______________________________________________________________________________.

• Can be a complete or partial separation of the limb.

• It can be a clean cut with a sharp object, leaving the limb relatively intact.

• The limb may be salvageable.

• ___________________________________________, such as smashing, the limb may be

severely damaged.

Treatment For the Injured Person:

1. Call 911

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. Treat for shock, if necessary

4. Save Amputated Part - __________________________________________________

For the Limb:

1. If possible, rinse with clean water to remove dirt or debris.

2. _____________________________________________________________________.

Broken Bones and Sprains Assignment Research and demonstrate how to splint a broken leg, broken arm, and sprained ankle.

Presentation can be a slide show, video, or in class demonstration.

Watch the presentation Amputation.


3. Place in a clean, plastic bag.

4. _____________________________________________________________________.

5. Take it with you to the hospital.

Stop the Bleeding 1. Wash your hands with soap and water, if possible.

2. If possible, have the injured lie down.

3. Elevate the injured area (unless you suspect a head, neck, back, or leg injury).

4. ______________________________________________________________________________



5. If the blood goes through the gauze do not remove. Continue to apply additional gauze pads and

pressure until bleeding stops.

6. Use a _________________________________________________ only if bleeding is severe and

not stopped with direct pressure.

Long Term Effects Stump and 'phantom limb' pain

• Many people who have an amputation will experience some degree of stump pain or "phantom

limb" pain.

• Phantom limb sensations are when a person ________________________________________

that seem to be coming from the limb that has been amputated. Sometimes this is just

awareness of the limb, __________________________________________________________.

Psychological impact of amputation

• The loss of a limb can have a considerable psychological impact. Many people who have had an

amputation report feeling emotions such as grief and bereavement, similar to experiencing the

death of a loved one.


Prosthetics or Reattachment What could happen if the limb is good? What if it is bad?




Amputation Assignment Imagine you lost your leg or arm. Research different kinds of prosthetics. Which one would

you choose based on the information you have found?



Definition • Frostbite is an injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues. First your skin

becomes very cold and red, then numb, hard, and pale.

What happens with Frostbite? • Frostbite is a treatable but potentially _________________________________ that affects the

________________. It happens when a body part isn't ________________________________

when you’re outside in freezing temperatures.

• Just like water turns to ice when the temperature drops, your fingers, hands, toes, feet - even

your nose and ears -- can freeze.

• ______________________________________________________________________________



Early Stage Frostbite • _______________________________________, exposed skin may get red or sore. This is called

frostnip, and it’s an early warning sign of frostbite. If this happens, find warm shelter quickly.

• ____________________________________________ yellow or white.

• It may itch, sting, burn, or feel like "_______________________________________".

Intermediate Stage Frostbite • ___________________________________________________.

• ___________________________________________________.

• When the skin thaws, blisters filled with fluid or blood form.

Watch the presentation Frostbite.


Advanced Stage Frostbite • ______________________________________________________________________________.

• Skin darkens quickly. It may look blue and later turn black.

• Some people don't know they have frostbite because as it gets worse, _____________________


What to do for Frostbite • First, get to a warm place. ______________________________. That can damage it if it’s frozen.

• Resist the urge to place cold hands or feet in a tub of hot water. __________________________

___________________________, you may not be able to feel if the water is too hot. That could

cause further damage. Instead, soak the affected hands and feet in warm water

(_________________________), or place a washcloth with warm water on the affected areas

that can’t be ________________________________, like nose and ears, for at least 30 minutes.

• ________________________________________________________. As it thaws, it may get red.

You may also feel painful stinging or prickling sensations, like “pins and needles.”

Should I go to the ER? • Go to the emergency room ____________________________________ if you suspect frostbite.

Some warning signs may include:

• ______________________________________________________________________________

• Your skin stays numb (_________________________________________________).

• You have severe pain as your skin thaws.

• ______________________________________________________________________________.


What will the Doctor do? • The hospital staff will try to warm you up,____________________________________________,

and prevent further damage. You may have:

• Warm sponges placed on your frozen body areas

• Pain medicine for _________________________________ that may flare as the skin warms up.

• Imaging tests, like _______________________________________________________________


• Dead skin scraped off

• In extreme cases -- _______________________________________________________________

___________________________________ -- you may need surgery to remove that area, so that

other skin doesn’t die.

Long Term Effects • After having _____________________, some people are left with ________________________,

such as increased sensitivity to cold, _____________________________, stiffness, and pain in

the affected area. ____________________________, not much can be done to treat sensitivity

to cold, numbness, or stiffness.

• ____________________________________________________________________. The missing

limb will not grow back.


Frostbite Assignment

Write a single page report on frostbite. Identify the following: causes, symptoms, treatments, and long-term effects.