1 Student Booklet Year 5 KLA: English/HPE/Visual Arts/ Performing Arts Serpent Tales: Stinky Wind Students read and perform the play “Stinky Wind”. Students analyse the relationships of the main characters and draw conclusions about how to foster good communication and respectful relationships. Name: _______________________________________ Class: _________________

Student Booklet KLA: English/HPE/Visual Arts/ … PSH BV 1 Student Booklet Year 5 KLA: English/HPE/Visual Arts/ Performing Arts Serpent Tales: Stinky Wind Students read and perform

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Page 1: Student Booklet KLA: English/HPE/Visual Arts/ … PSH BV 1 Student Booklet Year 5 KLA: English/HPE/Visual Arts/ Performing Arts Serpent Tales: Stinky Wind Students read and perform

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Student Booklet

Year 5

KLA: English/HPE/Visual Arts/ Performing Arts

Serpent Tales: Stinky Wind

Students read and perform the play “Stinky Wind”. Students analyse the relationships of the main characters and draw conclusions about how to foster good communication and respectful relationships.

Name: _______________________________________

Class: _________________

Page 2: Student Booklet KLA: English/HPE/Visual Arts/ … PSH BV 1 Student Booklet Year 5 KLA: English/HPE/Visual Arts/ Performing Arts Serpent Tales: Stinky Wind Students read and perform


Curriculum The following Essential Learnings identify what students are expected to learn, and how they will demonstrate their achievement. English Essential Learnings by the end of year 5 Ways of Working Students are able to: • identify main ideas and the sequence of events, and

make inferences • recognise and select vocabulary and distinguish

between literal and figurative language • interpret how people, characters, places, events and

things have been represented and whether aspects of the subject matter have been included or excluded

• make judgments and justify opinions usinginformation and ideas from texts, and recognise aspects that contribute to enjoyment and appreciation

• reflect on and describe the effectiveness of languageelements and how the language choices represent people, characters, places, events and things in particular ways

• reflect on learning to identify new understandingsand future applications.

Knowledge and Understanding Speaking and listening • Nonverbal elements, including body language, facial

expressions and gestures, enhance expression of ideas, can be adjusted to match the audience, purpose and situation of a text, and are monitored by listeners.

• Active listeners identify the topic, main ideas andopinions, retell information accurately, ask clarifying questions and volunteer information.

Reading and viewing • Reading fluency is supported by the use of decoding

strategies, prediction, monitoring meaning and self correction, in combination with a developing vocabulary and prior knowledge of subject matter.

• Comprehension involves using language elementsand contextual cues to interpret, infer from and evaluate texts in personal and community contexts.

• Unfamiliar words and their meanings are decodedusing the integration of the three cueing systems (grapho-phonic, syntactic and semantic), small meaning units and base words.

Writing and designing • Text users make choices about grammar and

punctuation, to make meaning. • Writers and designers use a number of active writing

strategies, including planning, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading, publishing and reflecting and by referring to authoritative sources.

• Fluent handwriting has uniform slope, size and spacing.

Literary and non-literary texts • Texts represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

knowledges, peoples, places, events and things in different ways.

• Literary texts entertain, evoke emotion, and conveymessages and information.

• Events can be sequenced to build tension andsuspense within a text and are used to explore ideas and feelings through the invention of characters and situations.

Assessable Element Descriptors • Knowledge and understanding• Interpreting texts• Constructing texts• Appreciating texts• Reflecting


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HPE Essential Learnings by the end of year 5 Ways of Working Students are able to: • draw conclusions and make decisions by identifying

connections • propose, justify and implement simple plans or

actions to promote health and wellbeing, movement capacities, and personal development

• apply personal development skills and strategies inteam and group situations

• reflect on and identify how their own and others’behaviours, skills and actions influence health and wellbeing, movement capacities and personal development

• reflect on learning to identify new understandings andfuture applications.

Knowledge and Understanding Health • Health includes physical, social, emotional and

cognitive (relating to thought processes, reasoning and intuition) dimensions.

Personal development • Identity is influenced by personality traits, responses

in a variety of social contexts, responsibilities and accomplishments.

• Representations of people, including stereotypes,influence the beliefs and attitudes that people develop about themselves and others.

• Positive interpersonal behaviours and respectingcultural protocols promote effective interactions and relationships in groups.

Assessable Element Descriptors • Knowledge and understanding• Investigating• Planning• Implementing and applying• Reflecting

The Arts Essential Learnings by the end of year 5 Ways of Working Students are able to: • select and develop ideas for arts works, considering

intended audiences and intended purposes, and make decisions about arts elements and languages

• respond by analysing and evaluating arts works insocial, cultural, historical and spiritual contexts, using arts elements and languages

• identify, apply and justify safe practices• reflect on learning, apply new understandings and

identify future applications.

Knowledge and Understanding Students are able to: • create and shape arts works by organising arts

elements to express personal and community values, beliefs and observations

• rehearse and rework arts works, using interpretiveand technical skills

• present arts works to informal and formal audiences,using arts techniques, skills and processes

• respond to arts works by identifying and interpretingthe influences of social, cultural and historical contexts, using arts elements and languages

• reflect on learning to identify new understandingsand future applications.

Assessable Element Descriptors • Knowledge and understanding• Creating• Presenting• Responding• Reflecting

Literacy Indicators The Line – Respect each Other initiative has been designed to support the following literacy indicators: Speaking and Listening 7 iii-v, vii-ix; Reading and Viewing 7 iv-ix; Writing and Designing 7 i-xiv.

The Australian Curriculum – English The Line – Respect Each Other initiative has been designed to support the aims of the Australian English Curriculum as outlined in section 3.1, Shape of the Australian Curriculum: English (2009: p.5).


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Learning Experiences Listed here are suggested learning experiences for students during the implementation of The Line – Respect Each Other.

HPE/English • Examine types of relationships and what makes relationships respectful.• Examine bullying (text message/cyber) and the effect it has on relationships.• Discuss the idea of a safe place or refuge.• Investigate text message bullying within our community. Is this a problem within certain

social groups? Why? What causes the problem?• Investigate what community organisations are doing to address this problem.• Define the difference between physical, mental and emotional health.• Define holistic health.• Investigate the impact bullying (text/cyber) has on physical, mental and emotional health.• Create a glossary or “word wall” of terminology from the play to examine unfamiliar words

(see Appendix 1 - Spelling List).• Engage students in editing and proof reading activities.• Examine the text type of script writing (including the rules of direct speech).• Examine the text type of a cartoon magazine (including formatting, direct speech etc.)• Re-write the script for a wiser Rowena and Trisha.• Identify significant play events and sort events into chronological order.• Examine the components of a storyboard.

The Arts Visual Art • Investigate how colour can be manipulated to express emotion.• Create artworks using colour to express emotion.• Examine the symbolism used in art (including Aboriginal art).• Examine cartooning and the components of a cartoon storyboard.• Performing Art• Describe a “freeze frame” activity.• Construct a “freeze frame” exploring bullying.• Engage in activities to explore the characters of the play.• Explore text type of script writing.• Design parts of a new script or a new script ending.• Discuss the difference respectful relationships would make to the plot.


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Task: 1. Read and perform the play Serpent Tales – Stinky Wind.2. Read and analyse the cartoon Stinky Wind.3. Explore the theme of respectful relationships through a variety of KLA curriculum learning


Section 1: What’s the play about?

1. Grab a highlighter and highlight all the “feeling” (emotive) words in the play.

2. Arrange the feeling words you found into the table below. Separate the words into a positiveand negative column.

Positive words Negative words

3. What did you find more of, positive or negative words? (Circle your answer)


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4. Mix and match. Draw a line connecting the correct spelling to the text spelling.

Text/email (short) spelling Correct (long) spelling

r see

wat are

b4 your

gr8 laugh out loud

u great

c before

msg what

wen text

txt message

ur be

lol you

b when

5. Can you think of any other words we shorten (abbreviate) when we text? Write them below inthe table.

Text/email (short) spelling Correct (long) spelling


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What’s the sequence?

Task 1: Listed below are 6 events, only 4 of the events are from the play. Circle the events you know are from Stinky Wind and put a line through the events are not from the play.

♦ Rowena sends a message to Leon

♦ Megan sends a text to Trisha

♦ Megan sends a text to Rowena

♦ Leon plays with Rowena

♦ Megan has her brother’s phone

♦ Alec sends a message to Karri

Task 2: Use the flowchart below to arrange the events (circled above) in chronological order (that means the order they happened).






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Writing Tips (Figurative Language)

Sometimes in writing we give things (like a rock) human characteristics to make a point. Take this sentence for example, “The ground was thirsty”. The ground doesn’t really feel thirsty as thirst is something a living thing feels. However this sentence helps the reader to understand that it hasn’t rained in a long time and the ground is really dry. Let’s have a look at some more examples from the play…

1. What is the author trying to say here? “Rocks can be mean, fire can be mean, the cold canbe mean.” (HINT: How can rocks, fire and the cold be mean?)



Making comparisons (Similes)

What is a simile? A simile compares one thing to another using the words “like” or “as”. For example, Ryan was fast like a greyhound. (Greyhounds are very fast, so Ryan must run very fast too!)

1. Can you find a simile in the first paragraph of the play? Write it below.


2. Can you rewrite the simile you found and compare it to something different?


Use your detective skills (Inference)

1. Why did the old people call the mean girls Ray Bans? What are Ray Bans? (Use yourdetective skills. HINT: Where does the word “ray” come from and where does the word “ban” come from?)



3. Can you make up your own name for the mean girls? You need to make sure the name youmake up is a clever way to say that the girl’s meanness steals all the colour from aroundthem.



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Section 2: Exploring a relationship to a place

1. Is the house where the mean girls meet a nice (positive) place or a bad (negative) place?Explain your answer.







2. Why do the mean girls cause everything to lose its colour? HINT: How do bright coloursmake you feel? How do shades of grey make you feel?








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Using colour to show our feelings (expression)

Task 1 Instructions: 1. You will need black and white paint, a brush, some newspaper to protect your desk and

something to mix your paint on.2. Use the instructions in the chart to mix your paint to the right colour.3. Paint your colour in the blank part of the chart below.

White Very light grey (White + 1 part black)

Light grey (White + 2 parts black)

Grey (White + 3 parts black)

Dark grey (White + 4 parts black)

How do the colours you mixed in the chart make you feel?


Task 2 Instructions: 1. Pick a colour that makes you happy.2. Mix two tints (by adding white) and paint in the chart below.3. Mix two shades (by adding black) and paint in the chart below. HINT: add the tiniest bit of

black at a time.

List all the colours that make you feel happy? Choose one for the activity below.


My happy colour is:

Lighter colour (Colour + 2 parts white)

Light colour (Colour + 1 part white)

Slightly dark colour (Colour + 1 part black)

Darker colour (Colour + 2 parts black)


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Below are 2 pictures of the house where the girls meet. In the top picture you need to use shades of grey to colour in (HB, 2B, 4B, 6B pencils). In the bottom picture you need to use coloured pencils to colour in.

Use a HB, 2B, 4B and 6B pencil to colour this picture. How does your finished colourless picture make you feel?


Use coloured pencils for this picture. How does your finished coloured picture make you feel?



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Section 3: Understanding human relationships

1. How would you describe Trisha’s relationship with her mother?



2. What happened between Trisha and her mother after the message arrived? How did itmake them feel?



3. How would you describe Rowena’s relationship with her brother?



4. How did the girls’ message make her feel? How do you know how she feels?



5. The last person the girls tried to message was Karri. Why couldn’t Phone deliver themessage?



6. Do you think the mean girls were respectful of Trisha and Rowena? YES NO

Why? Why not? __________________________________________________________________________________________


7. Do you think the mean girls were respectful of Trisha and Rowena’s families? YES NO

Why? Why not? __________________________________________________________________________________________



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Do you think Karri was clever not to take the message from Phone? YES NO

8. List two things you have learnt from Karri that could help you deal with bullies.

I. ___________________________________________________________________________________

II. ___________________________________________________________________________________

9. The mean girls seemed to think their mean messages were funny. Did you think theywere funny? Explain why/why not?






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Section 4: Reflecting on learning

1. Explain why you think readers might think the girls are disrespectful characters. List thegirls’ disrespectful behaviours and actions below.







2. If you were the scriptwriter and you were told to make Trisha and Rowena wiser characters,how might their wiser characters deal with the text messages?









3. How can you protect yourself against text bullies?







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Suggested Drama and English extension activities

1. Freeze frame exploring the gestures, facial expressions, body position/proximity of themean girls after they bullied Rowena compared to their unsuccessful attempt at bullyingKarri.

2. Students conduct interviews of the main characters asking them about their bullyingexperience (What did it look like, sound like, feel like?)

3. Have students modify the play to express respectful communication and relationships (howwould the characters differ?).

4. Write a new script exploring the concept of “resilience” (and smarter reactions to bullies).

5. Evaluate the difference between the characters and outcomes of the new play and theoriginal.

Suggested Visual Art extension activities

1. Explore how colour can express emotion.

2. Draw a cartoon storyboard to show a different story where Trisha and Rowena don’t answertheir phone.

3. Students can explore the use of symbolism in art. Students can develop their own symbolsto represent the significant events, characters and places in the play.

4. Students to present and justify their work to the class.


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Appendix 1 Spelling List

Spelling word Definition Respectful





















