8720 – 144 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5E 3G7 Ph: 780-475-3566 Fax: 780-478-9659 www.stphilip.ecsd.net Student Handbook Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year at St. Philip Catholic Elementary School. This school handbook is provided to your family as a reference to school information. Our most relevant policies are included. The intent of this booklet is to foster and develop a close working relationship between the St. Philip School Community and the school. Should you have any questions or concerns at any time, please feel free to contact the school at 780-475-3566. This agenda belongs to: Name: Address: Postal Code: Telephone: Teacher:

Student Handbook - ecsd.net · week, or more, to stay up to date with your child’s academic progress. Of course, phone calls Of course, phone calls and meetings with teachers are

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8720 – 144 Avenue

Edmonton, Alberta T5E 3G7

Ph: 780-475-3566 Fax: 780-478-9659


Student Handbook

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year at St. Philip Catholic Elementary School.

This school handbook is provided to your family as a reference to school information. Our most

relevant policies are included. The intent of this booklet is to foster and develop a close working

relationship between the St. Philip School Community and the school. Should you have any

questions or concerns at any time, please feel free to contact the school at 780-475-3566.

This agenda belongs to:



Postal Code: Telephone:


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St. Philip School

School Mission Statement

St. Philip School is an inclusive and collaborative learning community where the light of the Gospel permeates our learning and faith. We inspire every individual to be the best they can be and celebrate their achievements. We promote vibrant growth of the Italian language and culture within the greater Italian Canadian community.

Vision and Belief Statement

St. Philip School promotes an inclusive and positive faith-based learning atmosphere where children feel valued and welcome. We provide academic, physical, social, and spiritual competence through engaged student-centered learning.

School Values

• We pray, celebrate and learn together.

• We are an inclusive school community that respects individual differences using a variety of strategies to meet the needs of the students.

• We differentiate learning to meet student needs to help them learn to their potential.

• We communicate and collaborate with staff and parents to ensure high levels of success.

• We value professional growth, as life-long learners to support our teaching practices.

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Student Conduct Policy 2019-2020

A committee of staff and parents developed the conduct policy. It involves a set of clear expectations of behavior for students, staff and parents in accordance with the Alberta School Act. Specific offences are identified and aligned with appropriate consequences. Our goal is to create and promote a supportive and loving inclusive environment that fosters positive learning experiences by:

• Recognizing the uniqueness of each person.

• Nurturing growth in knowledge, social skills, Christian values, and encouragement.

• Creating an atmosphere of service, through caring and appreciation of others.

• Developing and encouraging positive self-esteem.

• Providing appropriate consequences for harmful, disrespectful and dangerous behavior, including all forms of bullying.

• Providing logical consequences that are reasonable, respectful and relevant as related to the offence.

• Creating a culture where students accept responsibility for their actions including: apology, forgiveness, restitution and reconciliation.

• Not tolerating any forms of discrimination based on race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, physical disability, mental disability, ancestry, place of origin, marital status or sexual orientation.

• Not tolerating any forms of bullying including: physical, verbal, social and cyber bullying.

• Encouraging students and staff to immediately report any witnessed forms of bullying or discrimination to an administrator.

• Promoting responsible digital citizenship. ALBERTA SCHOOL ACT

The code of conduct for students serves as the basis for school discipline policies and for

suspensions and expulsions.

Part 1 Students: Section 12

A student shall conduct her/himself so as to reasonably comply with the following code of


a) Be diligent in pursuing his/her studies;

b) Attend school regularly and punctually;

c) Co-operate fully with everyone authorized by the board to provide education programs

and other services;

d) Comply with the rules of the school;

e) Account to his/her teachers for his/her conduct;

f) Respect the rights of others.

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In accordance with the School Act:

1. Student Responsibilities

a) Respect yourself, other students, staff, parents and all of God’s Creation

b) Respect your own property, other’s property and school property

c) Come ready to learn and be on time with all necessary materials

d) Complete assignments

e) Act responsibly and/or accept the consequences for your behavior/actions

2. Parent Responsibilities

a) Model and support a Catholic Way of Life

b) Demonstrate mutual respect for students, staff and other parents

c) Provide a supportive learning environment in the home

d) Maintain open communication with your child(ren), staff and other parents

e) Review conduct policy with your child and ensure their understanding

f) Monitor homework assignments and assist when necessary

g) Ensure children arrive to school on time


We need parental support and to work together to accomplish behavior goals. We believe that

being fair means giving each person what he or she needs, not treating everyone exactly the

same. Specific consequences are implemented on an individual basis so that each child can learn

to problem solve in the best possible way based upon his/her individual needs and history of

infractions. Repeat offences would lead to more serious consequences. The ultimate goal of

consequences is to improve future student choices and behavior, thus improving school safety

and maintaining a positive learning environment. Consequences for offences can include one or

of a combination of the following - apology letters, school community service, removal of

privileges, time out of the class (working in office area) for a short period or even to the end of

that school day.

Suspension protocol will include the following:

• Student is removed from the situation and sent to see an administrator.

• Infraction will be thoroughly investigated by administrator

• Student receives an in-school suspension, parents will be contacted and given an official

suspension letter.

• If student receives an out-of-school suspension, parents will be contacted and given an

official suspension letter.

• Student will not be permitted back into class without a parent meeting with


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Monday 8:21 AM- 11:50 AM 12:30 PM – 2:58 PM

Tuesday 8:21 AM- 11:50 AM 12:30 PM – 2:58 PM

Wednesday 8:21 AM- 11:50 AM 12:30 PM – 2:58 PM

Thursday 8:21 AM- 11:41 AM NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

Friday 8:21 AM- 11:50 AM 12:30 PM – 2:58 PM

Morning Recess 10:05 AM -10:20 AM

Lunch 11:50 AM -12:10 PM

Lunch Recess 12:10 PM - 12:30 PM

Afternoon Break 5 minutes



Monday 8:21 AM- 11:21 AM 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Tuesday 8:21 AM- 11:21 AM 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Wednesday 8:21 AM- 11:21 AM 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM


Friday 8:21 AM- 11:21 AM 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Only under extraordinary circumstances should students be coming to school prior to 8:06 AM. This is when supervision starts. Parents or students should not be entering the school until 8:21 PM (unless they have a scheduled meeting or have business in the school office). When coming to pick up children, parents should not congregate at the classroom door any more than 5 minutes before dismissal. We want to keep all learning spaces for learning during instructional time. ATTENDANCE: Call 780-475-3566 Please telephone the school before 8:30 AM if your child is going to be absent or late on a given day. You may leave a message on our answering machine. Students who come in late are required to check in at the office upon their arrival; late arrivals will be recorded in the student’s agenda along with the time of his/her arrival. If a student in unaccounted for, a phone call home will be made by our district voice messaging system at 9:15AM for morning attendance and 1:15PM for the afternoon. This is done automatically through our school system, but will show up on your phone as a call from St. Philip School. Normally children who are too ill to go outside for recess are too ill to be at school. This is particularly true in cases of severe colds, infections, headaches, etc. With severe colds, students are unable to function well at school and they provide a source of infection for other children.

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They would recuperate faster at home. A doctor’s note may be required if a student is to stay in during the recess times. Any parent desiring a student to be dismissed early must send a signed and dated note, phone the school giving permission for the absence, or send an email to the school Administrative assistant or teacher. All students leaving early must be signed out by a parent or guardian in the office. Students are expected to be in regular attendance and to be on time for the start of morning and afternoon classes. Students are also expected to come in quickly at the recess bells. When a student’s absences and/or late arrivals are excessive the teacher and/or principal will discuss the situation with the parents/guardians of the student. Regular and punctual attendance is essential for success.

BUSES - TRANSPORTATION Students who ride the bus are asked to remain seated on the bus and to speak only at conversational levels. Moving, fighting and shouting while the bus is in motion is distracting to the driver and could result in an accident. The driver has the right to ask the school to have a student disciplined or suspended from the bus to ensure the safety of all passengers. School bus drivers are instructed to not drop off Kindergarten and Grade 1 students at their bus stop unless there is a parent/guardian meeting them, or other arrangements have been made directly with the bus company in writing by the parent. If these conditions have not been met, the child will be returned to the school by the bus driver. This policy is designed for the safety of our students who travel on the bus. Please ensure that a parent guardian is outside waiting at the bus stop at the designated drop off time. Bus passes are payable by the first week of each month. Students must have a current bus pass before they will be allowed on the bus. Payment for bus passes are to be made online through the PowerSchool parent portal, under school fees. Kindergarten students are eligible for noon-hour, door to door curb service within our school boundaries as well as access to transportation on the regular yellow bus route. This service is free. More information is available in the office. Bus Pass Cost:

Yellow Bus Grade 1 to Grade 6 $33.50 Restricted ETS Grade 1 to Grade 6 $33.50

Kindergarten Free Family Plan – Yellow and restricted ETS Grade 1 to Grade 6 $29.25 for families of 3 or more. Government Bill 1 Eligibility for restricted ETS is $18.50/student.

COMMUNICATION All school information will be listed in a monthly newsletter sent electronically. Updates and

reminders will be sent via our school district email communication system please let our office

know if any of your email addresses changed during the year. Student academic progress will

be available online for viewing. It is highly recommended that parents go online at least once a

week, or more, to stay up to date with your child’s academic progress. Of course, phone calls

and meetings with teachers are always welcome and recommended whenever the need arises.

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It is not necessary to wait for demonstration of learning or parent/teacher interviews to meet

with your child’s teacher. Teachers will do their best to accommodate meeting times. Open

lines of communication for students, staff and parents are important. Concerns and suggestions

should be discussed with the person directly involved. Lines of communication are: 1. Parental concerns regarding their own child must be addressed first with the staff member


2. If concerns persist, please notify the principal or assistant principal.

3. All efforts will be made to resolve any conflicts in a positive and timely manner.

ENTRANCES/EXITS Students are asked to enter and exit through their designated grade doors to alleviate congestion at the front entrance. Parents waiting to pick up their child should wait in the front entrance of the school, not in front of the student classrooms; any excess noise disrupts classes in session.

EMERGENCY EVACUATION – CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN There are a number of causes that could potentially lead to the evacuation of the school building: major gas leak, a fire, total loss of utility services. In the event of a crisis, we will follow the St. Philip School Crisis Management Plan. In an evacuation, the students and staff would relocate to Cardinal Leger School – 8808-144 Avenue or Polish Veterans Hall & Senior Citizens Home- 9203 144 Ave. We would then proceed to allow students to go home provided that a parent or responsible person was at home. We would then direct further actions via a telephone voice or email communication to parents and/or via our website.


Minor accidents at school are attended to by the staff. Major accidents could result in your child being sent to an emergency facility by ambulance. Parents may need to be contacted by phone, depending on the severity of the injury. It is very important that we have an up-to-date phone number at which a parent can be reached, and an accurate Alberta Health Care number. Please check to make sure that these are included in your child’s records. At the start of the year, the school will send out a link regarding an accident insurance plan called Kids Plus Voluntary Insurance.

FIELD TRIPS Field trips are school-planned activities that enrich the curriculum and as such, all students are expected to participate. Parents will be informed well in advance of each field trip. The return portion of the Parent Permission Letter must be fully completed, signed and dated for the student to attend. For liability reasons, verbal permission will generally not be accepted.

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DRESS AND GROOMING OF STUDENTS All students are expected to accept standards of dress and grooming considered in good taste by the parents/guardians, students and staff of the school. Spaghetti straps, bare midriffs, short shorts or short skirts are not appropriate apparel for school. T-shirts with rude graphics or writing deemed objectionable are also not permitted. In nice weather, gym classes may be taken outside so students need to have outdoor runners not flip flops or sandals. CAPS & HATS Caps and hats may not be worn inside the school building unless there are special circumstances, such as theme days. If required for medical reasons, please speak to the school administration. They may be worn outside. FOOTWEAR Throughout the year students should have outdoor and indoor footwear for cleanliness and safety reasons. White-soled running shoes are recommended for inside wear, since they are also required for physical education in the gymnasium. The use of runners with a wheel in the heel is not allowed indoors. In nice weather, gym classes may be taken outside so students need to have outdoor runners not flip flops or sandals. Students and visitors are expected to remove wet or muddy footwear upon entry to the school.

GUM Gum is not allowed at school unless special circumstances warrant it, such as a treat day. Students are encouraged to bring nutritious snacks and treats for recesses.

BICYCLES/ SKATEBOARDS / ROLLERBLADES Bicycles are to be locked to the bike rack at the front of the school and left alone until dismissal. The school is not responsible for theft or damage. Students are not allowed to ride bicycles on the school grounds during school hours. Students must wear helmets. It is the law. Students may ride bikes, skateboards, rollerblades and scooters to and from school, but are not permitted to use these items during school hours.

HOMEWORK POLICY The value of homework:

• gives parents insight into what is happening at school

• helps to reinforce and consolidate ideas and concepts in class during the day

• provides parents with insight into their children’s ability, and understanding of the time and processes involved in their child’s learning

• stimulates parental support and assistance

• is a time to share reading with family members and strengthen the relationship between parents and children

• develops independent working habits and self-discipline

• extends skills

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Roles of: 1. Students - The student has the responsibility to show his/her agenda to his/her parent and complete all assigned tasks. 2. Parents - The parent has the responsibility to look at the agenda and monitor the child’s homework accordingly, as well as offer encouragement and support. The agenda should be initialed daily by the parent once homework has been completed. 3. Teacher - The teacher has the responsibility to communicate homework expectations to the students, instruct students to copy assignments in the agenda and monitor its completion daily. Homework Expectations:

• Homework will be assigned when a student has been unable to finish the work at school, if a child has been absent from school and needs to “catch up” and/or when a student is experiencing difficulty with certain concepts or skills.

• Each teacher assigns homework, as an extension of assignments in the classroom, to meet program needs.

• Students are expected to record their homework assignments in their agendas.

• Parents are encouraged to provide a study centre: a quiet place that is well lit, stocked with all the necessary supplies for homework and comfortable for the child(ren) to work.

• Parents are expected to check the agenda and review the homework with their child(ren), but not do it for him/her.

• If a child is experiencing difficulty with homework, the parent is expected to notify the teacher of this in the child’s agenda.

• Unusual circumstances for students not being able to complete assignments should be communicated in the agenda.

• When students have several incomplete homework assignments, parents will be notified and an action plan will be coordinated between home and school.

Guideline of Homework Times: The following are approximate appropriate times for homework for each grade level:

Kindergarten – 10 minutes of being read to (or with). Gr. 1 - 10 minutes of homework/reading Gr. 4 - 40 minutes of homework/reading

Gr. 2 – 20 minutes of homework/reading Gr. 5 – 50 minutes of homework/reading Gr. 3 - 30 minutes of homework/reading Gr. 6 – 60 minutes of homework/reading INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY Students are expected to stay outside before school and at recess and noon breaks. They should come dressed for the weather to enable them to do so comfortably. If the weather is inclement, the children will be kept indoors during recess and the noon hour. At such times, an indoor activity will be in effect for all grades. Dismissal will be at the regular time. This indoor recess policy will be followed when:

a. The temperature is -20°C or colder b. Wind chill factor of 1400 watts/sq. meter (-20°C) c. There is continuous rainfall or wet snow

An administrator will check the Environment Canada website to confirm the temperature and wind-chill. Students are encouraged to dress appropriately for the weather conditions. Recess is

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a vital time for students to socialize, exercise and enjoy a snack. For these reasons, students will be encouraged to go outside weather permitting. ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE PROGRAM Students in kindergarten to grade six are offered the opportunity to participate in an Italian Language and Culture Program at St. Philip. Students in Kindergarten will have 60 minutes of instruction each week and students in grades one to six will have 150 minutes of instruction each week. The program is offered to all students in kindergarten to grade six. This program is optional. Parents may enroll their children in this program by calling the school if they have not already done so. Please note that grades four, five and six students are offered French as a Second Language or Italian Language and Culture Program, but not both. STUDENT LEADERSHIP/CLUBS AND TEAMS: Clubs and teams are offered on student participation. If there are enough students to warrant a club or team and there is staff ability/availability

• Patrols • Technology/Makers Club

• Lunch Monitors • Library Assistants

• Running Teams • Volleyball • Floor Hockey • Soccer

• Milk Sellers • SPARK Leadership Team • Choir • Alto Recorders

LIBRARY Students are encouraged to borrow library books from our school library throughout the year. They are responsible for the proper care and return of books. Any badly damaged or lost books will be paid for by the student at replacement costs. We ask parent cooperation in monitoring the books your children bring home. Encourage your child to read their book and promptly return it to the school library.

LOST/DAMAGED SCHOOL PROPERTY Students registering at St. Philip School will have access to school textbooks and resources, with the understanding that students return all the materials in a satisfactory condition. Students are also given the privilege to use many aspects of the school facilities such as physical education equipment, technology, science equipment, school furniture, audio visual equipment. etc. Any loss or damage of the above material, through student negligence is the responsibility of the student and the parent. Failure to observe this responsibility could result in the student/parent being charged according to replacement cost value of the item(s) in question.

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LUNCH POLICY Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the noon hour unless they live within easy walking distance of the school and the parent or guardian has provided written permission to the office. We have a duty of care toward our students and we cannot provide adequate supervision if they are not on the school grounds. Students staying at school will eat their lunch in their own classrooms. To assist with lunch in the classrooms, grade six students who stay for lunch are asked to volunteer as monitors and offer help in opening thermoses, dealing with spills, etc., for younger students. Staff supervisors are also on call as they move from room to room. The following is a list of rules that staff will ask the students to follow:

1. Students must eat at their own desk and remain there until dismissed. 2. Students need to bring their own napkins, paper towels, etc. so they can wipe their desk clean after lunch. 3. Students need to bring their own cutlery (the school does not supply cutlery)

If students do not behave appropriately in the classroom while eating lunch, they will be asked to eat in a buddy classroom for a day or longer. Parents will be contacted should the inappropriate behavior continue and alternate arrangements may have to be made. ALLERGY ALERT


SALE OF MILK AT LUNCH Milk (chocolate and white) will be sold for 75 cents per carton beginning the second full week of school. Students have the option of purchasing a milk card online for $10.

HOT LUNCH PROGRAM St. Philip has a hot lunch program run by parent volunteers. Typically, a hot lunch would be offered once a month. Hot lunches include wraps, pizza, subs and pasta to name a few. Milk, juice, and granola bars are some of the additional items that have been offered. Hot lunches are run through an online order and payment system only. PARKING We would like to remind parents that there is a Loading Zone on 87 Street which is marked by city signs. Parking in this area disrupts the flow of traffic as students are being picked up and dropped off at school. Please remain in your vehicle to pick up students and clear the loading zone as soon as possible. For safety reasons, please do not pick up or drop off students in the St. Philip staff parking lot or the bus stop in front of the school. All students are instructed to cross at the corner if they need to cross the street.

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MEDICATION TO STUDENTS Increasingly, it seems, students are required by a doctor's prescription to take medication during the school day. Staff members will ensure that a safe and proper procedure is followed provided that as parents, you inform us in writing. Authorization for Administration of Medical Treatment Forms are available in the office and must be completed and signed prior to medication administration.

Written details include: a. Type of medication b. Purpose of medication c. Time and duration d. Dosage e. Side effects possible f. Directions to follow in the event of a reaction g. Locations, phone numbers, address of physician if medical assistance required

The prescribing physician must complete a special form available through the school office. The school administration will: ensure that the medication is administered, provide safe limited access storage, and keep a file on each student receiving medication. Please assist us in ensuring that prescribed pills, liquids and inhalers are not casually left in student frequented areas. NEWSLETTERS – PAPERLESS! In an effort to be environmentally conscious, newsletters will be emailed to all parents to the email address you have provided. Please ensure you provide an email address to the office and your email address is up to date.

PATROLS Grades six students have the opportunity to become Patrol members. They ensure the students of St. Philip School cross 144 Avenue and 87 Street safely, before and after school as well as at noon. Students and parents are to cross both streets at the intersection only! PERSONAL PROPERTY Students are responsible for all personal property. All personal property, school supplies, clothing and footwear should be marked with the student's name. Outside clothing and footwear are to be kept in designated areas. Money and other valuables found on the school premises are to be turned in to the homeroom teacher. The children should never leave money and valuables on or in their desks or in their coat pockets. Once lost or stolen, money and valuables are rarely recovered. Clothing articles will be placed in the lost and found box. Unclaimed articles will be forwarded to a charitable organization at the end of the school term. The school will not replace any lost or stolen items.

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PLAYGROUND AND PARK Students are expected to remain on school grounds at recess times. One supervisor is assigned to the park area and two to the field areas at recess times. All students have access to the park equipment. Park expectations:

a. students come down the slide feet first and one at a time b. students take turns on the equipment c. students treat each other with respect d. no throwing sand

PROPERTY TAXES Please check your tax notice to make sure your support is assigned to Edmonton Catholic Schools. If there is any error or doubt, please inquire at City Hall: 780-496-5090. SCHOOL LITURGY CELEBRATIONS St. Philip is a Catholic school and as part of our Catholic mandate, we offer religious instruction to all students. As an integral part of the religion program, liturgies are celebrated in the classroom, in the gym, and even at our local Catholic parishes. All students are expected to participate. Whenever possible we like to involve the parish priest or members of the pastoral team from St. Matthew Parish or Santa Maria Goretti Parish.

SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMS Though the parish administers sacramental programs for First Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation, students are also instructed about sacraments as a part of their religion programs. As well, the school will send home information from the parish regarding parent meetings, home preparation, registration, etc. as it is made available. Please let the office know if your child has received one of the sacraments and he/she will be congratulated in the newsletters. We also have a special bulletin board set up at the front of the school for pictures of students who have celebrated a sacrament during the school year.

ST. MATTHEW PARISH The celebration of the Holy Mass is at 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM every Sunday & Saturday at 5:00 PM.

Address: 13131-86 Street Phone :780-475-2888

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PARENT VOLUNTEERS We are most appreciative of having parents volunteer their services to the school. Volunteers are required to wear a volunteer tag and sign-in at the office when they arrive at school. Each volunteer will have access to a handout outlining expectations. FUNDRAISING Volunteer fundraising has long been an important activity of parents in the St. Philip community through the St. Philip Parent Advisory Association. The PAA is a sub-organization of the St. Philip School Advisory Council and is incorporated as a not-for-profit society for the purposes of fundraising. Many worthwhile extras are afforded due to fundraising projects, and therefore it is an extremely worthwhile method of parent support for the learning of their child. In the past, funding has subsidized or paid for the following things:

• student field trips and transportation (including ski trips)

• the building, maintenance, and renovation of the playground area

• the purchase of technology (for example, Smart Boards, digital printers, tablets and computers) for the classrooms

• resources that enhance learning

• library resources

• in-school cultural events

Your active support in this area is needed if you wish to continue providing extra funds for items like this. It is important to understand that without fundraising, the above extras would either not be available to your children to enhance their learning, or, as in the case of the field trips, they would have to be paid for directly by parents. Since all of our students benefit from the fundraising of the Parent Advisory Association, it stands to reason that we need the support of all parents. We especially require numerous volunteers from kindergarten to grade six parents to work a casino and at our bingos. SCHOOL COUNCIL School councils are collective associations of parents, teachers, principals, staff, and community representatives who seek to work together to promote the well being and effectiveness of the entire school community and thereby to enhance student learning. A school council is a means to facilitate cooperation among all the concerned participants in the school. The role of the school council is to: • work with and provide advice to the school principal and sometimes to the school board, and

can provide advice on educational matters at the school level. • decide, based on their expertise and parent needs, the functions in which they would be

involved. • work together to ensure the best possible Catholic Education of our children.

Parents can become voting members of the School Council by signing up to be “Members At Large” in the fall of the school year. Any parent can attend School Council meetings and provide input. All parents are encouraged to participate. Executive positions are open to all parents and are nominated and elected by those present at the Annual General meeting of the School Council held traditionally in May or September.

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To help ensure that all children and staff are safe in the school, all outside doors are locked throughout the school day. Anyone wishing to gain access to the school building must be buzzed in by office staff through the front door of the school. All visitors to the school are asked to report to the office. In the event that you remain at the school, you will be required to sign in and receive a visitor tag that must be worn at all times. SCHOOL SUPPLIES

Pre-packaged school supplies can be purchased in May/June for the following year online through Write-On Stationery (www.write-on.ca). You can access a general supply list on our school website if you choose to shop for supplies on your own. St. Philip does not sell any school supplies, and as such, all supplies must be purchased by the parent(s)/guardians at local retailers. SCHOOL AGENDAS Every child in Grades One to Six is issued an agenda book. This book is to be used daily by your child to record assignments that should be completed for the next school day, for communication between the teacher and the parent, and as a place to record his/her learning. Parents should check the agenda book each day to keep track of their child’s learning. If your child loses this book, he/she will be assessed the cost of replacing the book ($8.00). STUDENT PROGRESS REPORTS

There are three summary reports generated throughout the school year. Student’s academic

progress will be available on an ongoing basis, for viewing, via Power School.

Parent-student-teacher interviews will be held in November and a second summary report will

be available in March, followed by a child led demonstration of learning. The final report card

will be made available online, at the end of June. Staff will contact parents for individual

conferences when needed. Parents are encouraged to contact the classroom teacher for

individual conferences at any time throughout the year. It is recommended that parents go

online at least once a week, or more, to keep up-to-date with their child’s progress. STUDENT RECORDS Student records (cumulative records) of achievement, attendance, program, promotion, special services and vital statistics will be kept digitally and maintained by the school. These records are maintained in strictest confidence to respect the "worth and dignity" of each student. Parents/guardians have a right to be informed as to the content of the educational record and to receive an interpretation, when necessary, of these records by qualified school or district staff. Student surnames may be changed on student records only if the parent or guardian presents evidence to the school that the name has been changed legally.

Page 16: Student Handbook - ecsd.net · week, or more, to stay up to date with your child’s academic progress. Of course, phone calls Of course, phone calls and meetings with teachers are


Important Dates 2019-2020 (As of May 27, 2019– subject to change):

Sept. 3 – First Day of School Feb. 12 – Open House (6:30 p.m.)

Sept. 3 & 4– Kindergarten Staggered Entry Feb 17- Family day (No School)

Sept. 6 - Kindergarten First Full Day of School Feb. 25 – Carnevale

Sept. 11 – Opening Mass @ St. Matthew’s Parish (1:15 p.m.)

Feb. 26 - Ash Wednesday Celebration (2:00 p.m.)

Sept. 18 - Meet the Staff Night K-6 (6:00 p.m.) Feb. 27-28 - Teachers Convention (No School)

Sept. 20- Terry Fox Run (2:00 p.m.) Mar. 11- Demonstration of Learning

Sept. 27 – Grade 6 Camp Mar. 19 – Full Day switch

Oct. 9 – Thanksgiving Celebration (10:30 a.m.) Mar. 20 –Half Day switch

Oct. 11 – School Pictures Mar. 23-27- Spring Break (No School)

Oct. 14 –Thanksgiving Day (No School) Mar. 30- Classes resume after Spring Break

Oct. 31 - Halloween Activities (during school hours) Apr. 8- Confessions 9:00-12:00

Nov. 4 – Photo Retakes Apr. 9 – Stations of the Cross (10:30a.m.)

Nov. 6 –Remembrance Day Commemoration (2:00p.m.) Apr. 10- Good Friday (No School)

Nov. 11 –Remembrance Day (No School) Apr. 13 - Easter Monday (No School)

Nov. 12 -15 – Scholastic Book Fair Apr. 15- Easter Celebration (2:00pm)

Nov. 14- Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews /

Demonstration of Learning

April 30 – St. Philip Day

Dec 12- Christmas Concert/Celebration May 18 – Victoria Day (No School)

Dec. 18- Advent Celebration (2:00 p.m.) May 20 – Kindergarten Info Night (6:30 p.m.)

Dec. 19 - Full Day switch May 27 – Mary Celebration (10:30 a.m.)

Dec. 20 – Half Day switch June 22 – Fun Day

Dec. 23 – Jan. 3- Christmas Break (No School) June 24 – Gr. 6 Farewell (9:00 a.m.)

Jan. 6 – Classes resume after Christmas Break June 25 - Year End Mass (9:15 a.m.) FULL DAY

Jan. 17- Ski Trip (Grades 2-6) June 26 - Last Day of School – HALF DAY -Final Report Card accessible on Parent Portal Feb. 4 – District Faith Development Day (No School)