Lezen PW niveau 3-4: ERK A2-B1 1 ZW 2010-2011 ENGELS NIVEAU 3 4 OPDRACHTEN PW Naam…………………………………………………………………………… SLB groep……………………………………………………………………… Cohort………………………………………………………………………….. Studentnummer……………………………………………………………….

Student Lezen PW Niv B1

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Student Lezen PW Niv B1

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Lezen PW niveau 3-4: ERK A2-B1 1 ZW 2010-2011




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Titel ERK niveau

Blz. Handtekening docent

1 The importance of reading books to children

B1 4

2 Age appropriate toys

B1 6

3 A soft place

B1 8

4 Dutch childcare system

B1 10

5 Child Care Worker Sick Rules

B1 12

6 Infant activities for school

B1 14

7 Key Camp

B1 16

8 A holiday job

B1 18

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Lezen PW niveau 3-4: ERK A2-B1 4 ZW 2010-2011

Opdracht 1: The importance of Reading Books to Children

PW ERK niveau B1

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(1) It is surprising but true; in today's technology-dependent world, little focus is being placed on the importance of reading to kids. Getting children book selections and reading to kids is important now if the children are to develop a desire for

reading in the future or for the long term. Kids books and reading are a vital component for brain development too; the more a child reads, the easier it is to learn new things.

(2) Book reading is definitively an important factor in every child's life. Book reading opens new doors for children allowing them to explore other parts of the world, new ideas, new concepts, and new cultures. Reading to kids when they are young

introduces the joy of discovery in children and encourages children to want to learn and/or to read more in later years. Kids books are filled with wonderful tales, characters, and adventures: these are memories that kids will have for the rest of

their lives.

(3) Book reading teaches children how to do new things, how to handle life situations, how to develop morals, and how to forever remain curious about the world. Parents that are reading to kids are giving their children a vital educational gift

since a lifelong love of reading can make the child's life more successful, happy, and full. While it is true that the Internet is becoming a learning resource for children, it is just as true that a good reading ability is needed to actually profit from the

educational offerings on the Internet. Thus, book reading should come first, and an appreciation of the Internet and technology should come second.

(4) Kids books are inexpensive, and a visit to the library can result in access to a free

book to read, so there is no reason why parents should not be reading to kids. It is possible to get a children book title right online too; there are many free classical kids books online which can be read directly from the website or which can be

downloaded into an eBook reader for reading enjoyment. (5) Still, nothing beats the moment when parents share quality time with their

children reading to kids in person. The act of reading to kids becomes a way to develop a close parent child relationship while at the same time promoting a love of reading.

Retrieved from "http://www.articlesbase.com/parenting-articles/the-importance-of-reading-


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Lezen PW niveau 3-4: ERK A2-B1 5 ZW 2010-2011


1. Waarom is voorlezen aan kinderen belangrijk ?(alinea 1)


2. Wat gebeurt er als kinderen veel lezen? (alinea 1)



3. Welke herinneringen zullen kinderen de rest van hun leven hebben?

(alinea 2)


4. Wat leren kinderen van boeken lezen? (alinea 3)


5. Waarom is goed lezen nodig in verband met Internet? (alinea 3)


6. Er is geen reden dat ouders niet zouden voorlezen. Noem 3 redenen.

(alinea 4)




7. Volgens alinea 5, wat zijn de voordelen van voorlezen?



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Opdracht 2: Age appropriate toys ERK niveau B1


Situation: If you wish to give parents advice on the types of toys that are suitable for their children, you should First of all know how old the children are.

Lees de onderstaande brochure over de geschiktheid van speelgoed voor bepaalde leeftijdsgroepen.

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Infant: Birth to 1 year. Toy should expose a baby to a variety of experience: sight, sound, touch (shape, size, texture) and taste (because many toys go into the mouth). Bright colours, lightweight toys such as rattlers and squishy toys encourage early grasping, holding and exploring. Once a child is able to sit up, introduce blocks, nestling cups, stacking ringsand toys that require reaching. For crawlers and early walkers, choose large balls and push-pull toys. Toddler: 1 – 3 years Physical play should be an important focus. For outdoor play, choose ride-on‟s, wagons, balls and sandbox accessories. For indoor plau, choose chunky blocks, lage-piece puzzles and toys that allow a child to use excess energy and develop emerging muscle control. At this stage, children likt to imitate parents with play food, kitchen sets, housekeeping toold, ride-on cars, sport sets, baby strollers and musical instruments. Preschool: 3 – 6 years Children in this group are fascinated with how and why things work. Construction sets, washable crayons and markers, painta, modeling clay, books and simple board games encourage creativity. Introduce toys that inspire pretend play and allow children to imitate mom or dad to practice life skills. Examples include cash registers, toy telephones, make-believe townsets, dollshouses and furniture. School age: 7 – 9 years Encourage children to share ane introduce toys that teach both team playing and independence. Consider toys which boost esteem and allow children to use ther personality and skills. Choose hobby sets, sports toys, computer-software, ploblem-solving math toys, construction sets with detailed elements and story books with valuable messages. Games and electronic toys are available to help children lean specific skills including

counting, matching and problem-solving. Tweens: 9 – 12 years Acceptance from friends and self-esteem are very important to this age group. Children are looking for independence and responsibility. Choose complex construction toys, board games, strategic puzzles, science and activity kits and hand-held electronic toys. Active and physical play is mainly focused on team and group sports. Social and intellectual skills are

refined through board, electronic and card games.

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A: Zoek de juiste vertaling van de Nederlandse woorden die tussen de vierkante haken staan. Je kunt alle woorden vinden in de brochure.

1. Toys should offer a (verscheidenheid) of experience to infants.


2. (Heldere kleuren), sound and shape are also very important.


3. Toys must (aanmoedigen) creativity. ………………………………………………………………………………………

4. (Peuters) like to (nadoen) parents in many ways.


5. Children in the age group of 3-6 years are interested in (hoe en waarom

dingen werken) ……………………………………………………………………………………..

6. Many electronic toys help children lear (specifieke vaardigheden zoals tellen),

matching and problem-solving.


7. For tweens you can choose (ingewikkeld constuctiespeelgoed) or electronic toys.


8. Older children want to have (onafhankelijkheid en verantwoordelijkheid)


B: Schrijf op voor welke leeftijdsgroep elk type speelgoed geschikt is. Motiveer je antwoord.

Speelgoed Doelgroep Waarom?

Electric tram

Tool set


Duplo blocks



Watering can

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Opdracht 3: A soft place ERK: B1

PW Bron: aplaceofourown.org

Lees de tekst en beantwoord de vragen in het


What We Learn

Create an environment that discourages tantrums

Help him learn to regulate behaviour and identify


Give positive attention

Supply List



Children throw tantrums because they want your attention. It‟s important that you

do not give them attention each time they throw a tantrum. Instead, watch out for

the safety of the child so that, for instance, they aren‟t near a bookshelf that can

fall over on them or that they are falling so hard that they are banging their heads

on the floor. You should make a soft, safe area for the kids. You can do that by

putting down a soft comforter and pillows in an area. Make sure there‟s nothing

they can kick over or that can fall on them. This gives children a safe place to

express their frustrations and emotions

It‟s important to explain why you are moving the child so that the child knows

what‟s going on. Say something like, “I see that you‟re upset and I‟m moving you

because this isn‟t a safe place for you to show how upset you are. I‟m moving you

to a place where you can finish being upset in a safe way.” Let them know that

you aren‟t giving into their tantrum, but you are still making their safety your first


You should make a note in a notebook to observe and document the child‟s

behaviour. Write down when the tantrums occur, how long they last, along with the

severity of the outburst. Make notes on what you observed happening before the

child started to have the tantrum. Do this consistently so that you can see a

pattern of behaviour and recognize the triggers that cause it. Observation and

documentation can help you prevent their behaviour in the future by learning why

and how a child gets to that emotional state.

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1. Wat leren we door het lezen van het artikel?




1. Wat heb jij, als opvoeder nodig?


2. Wat is de reden dat kinderen een woede-aanval krijgen?


3. Wat moet je zeker niet doen wanneer een kind een woede-aanval krijgt?


4. Waar moet je op letten wanneer een kind een woede-aanval heeft?


5. Waarom moet je ook noteren water gebeurd voordat de woede-aanval



6. Waarom is observeren en documenteren goed?




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Opdracht 4: Dutch childcare System ERK: B1

Bron: www.blueumbrella.nl

Dutch Childcare System

The Dutch system recognizes two primary forms of childcare; informal and formal care. Formal childcare must adhere to the rules and regulations of the official Childcare Act. All parents in the

Netherlands using formal childcare are entitled to the childcare allowance.

Day-care centres and home daycares are both considered

formal childcare, however home daycares require the involvement of a day-care bureau, such as Blue Umbrella, in order to qualify for the childcare allowance.

Dutch Childcare Allowance

All home daycares which are organized through an accredited day-care provider are

eligible for the childcare allowance from the Dutch tax office. The childcare allowance is provided on a per child basis, whereby an allowance is determined and provided for each child.

In order to be eligible for the childcare allowance you must meet the following


1. be a member of a household where both partners are employed (however, no minimum income is required)*

2. have children between the ages of 0 – 12 years (children over 12 are not eligible for the allowance)

* there is no upper income limit, although higher income families will receive a lower

allowance than lower income families.

The childcare allowance is based on the following factors:

1. The childcare allowance covers all childcare costs provided by a

registered/approved childcare provider. These costs can also include

expenses directly related to the care such as meals, diapers, retainer fee, etc. 2. The allowance is determined by the maximum hourly rate of € 6.10 per hour

(2009 rate), which is adjusted annually

3. Special circumstances may affect the allowance, such as single parent families, students, etc. These circumstances are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

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Vragen opdracht 4: Dutch Child care system

1. Waar moet formele opvang aan voldoen?


Welke twee soorten formele opvang worden genoemd?



2. Wanneer je als ouder gebruikt maakt van formele opvang, krijg je geen


Waar / Niet waar

3. Aan welke twee voorwaarden moet je voldoen om subsidie te krijgen?




4. Wat is het verschil in subsidie tussen mensen met een laag inkomen en een

hoog inkomen?



5. Wat is het maximum uurloon?


6. Welke speciale omstandigheden hebben invloed op je subsidie?



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Opdracht 5: Child Care Worker Sick Rules ERK: B1

Bron: www.ehow.com

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Childcare workers must be aware of their health


Every childcare worker must be aware of his health.

A sick childcare worker is at risk of unwittingly

spread illness. Understanding what is wrong and

what the treatment is will better help the childcare

worker and her supervisor decide the best course of action for the worker and


Go to the Doctor

When a childcare worker suspects he is becoming ill, he should immediately go to

the doctor for a professional diagnosis. The doctor will be able to accurately identify

the illness and prescribe a course of treatment. A childcare worker should inform the

doctor that she works with children and follow the doctor's instructions, including

staying home from work if the illness is infectious.

Sanitize Your Hands

A childcare worker should sanitize his hands after handling toys, before and after

touching food and in between handling children. This will help lower the risk of

spreading germs between workers and children. A worker who has an airborne

illness, such as a cold, should sanitize her hands after coughing or blowing her nose.

She should also wear a face mask around children to help prevent the spread of the


Inform Your Supervisor

A childcare worker who suspects he is ill or is in charge of a child he suspects is ill

should inform his supervisor immediately. The supervisor can assess the situation

and decide if the worker or the child should be sent home. The supervisor should

also inform parents whose children were in contact with the sick worker.

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1. Wat is het risico wanneer je als leidster ziek bent en gaat werken?.

(alinea 1)


2. Wat moet een leidster doen wanneer ze ziek wordt / is? Noem 3 dingen. (alinea 2)

………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………


3. Wanneer moet een leidster haar handen wassen wanneer ze niet ziek is? Noem 3 dingen. (alinea 3)


……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. Wat moet een leidster doen wanneer ze verkouden is?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

5. Waarom moet de leidster haar baas inlichten wanneer zij ziek is?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

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Opdracht 6: Infant Activities for School ERK: B1

PW Bron: www.ehow.com

Lees de tekst

Beantwoord de vragen in het Nederlands.

Many people believe that when children are babies, simply sitting them on the floor with toys, or leaving them in front of a television is sufficient in terms of teaching and

stimulation. However, studies have shown that activities can be done in schools and day care settings to actually teach infants---children younger than 18 months---many things. Finding infant activities for this age group can be difficult, but the activities

that are found can be very rewarding.

Signings The best activity that a teacher in an infant classroom can do is signing. Babies as young as two or three months are capable of telling adults what they need and want-

--even if they are not capable of speech until much older. A baby has an idea of what they need---whether they are hungry, have a wet diaper, or are bored. Language develops much slower than those ideas develop. Therefore, signs have been

created for simple things, such as "hungry" "change" "wet" and "bored". These are simplified versions of Sign Language. Once the teacher learns them, they are very easy to pass on to students. Simply learn a few of the signs yourself, and then make

them for the child as you do what they would like. For instance, if a child is crying because they are hungry, repeat the word "hungry" to them, and make the sign, which is basically your hand going into your mouth as if you were placing food in the

back of your throat. The more that you repeat this sign, the more capable babies will be of picking it up. The more signs that a baby learns, the better he is able to communicate, and the faster his spoken language will develop.

Music All babies and children react differently to music, but studies have shown that music

helps babies develop strong and important connections within the brain. Therefore, music should be used in even the most simple of daily routines within an infant classroom. A morning routine might include placing the babies in their bouncy chairs

around a circle, and having music playing as the teacher sings as welcome song. Simple songs that are repetitive help to stimulate a baby's brain, and also help them develop language skills much faster.

Reading Contrary to popular thought, a child is never too young to begin to be interested in

books and reading. Even in an infant classroom, board books, cloth books, and plastic books made for babies should be used. Babies who chew on books, use them as blocks, and carry them around are already showing an interest in the written

word, even if they don't know it yet. Reading to infants calms them, helps them

develop early language skills, and creates bonds between teachers and babies.

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1. Wat wordt door veel mensen gedacht dat voldoende is om baby‟s te

stimuleren? (alinea 1)


Op de grond zetten met speelgoed of ze voor de tv zetten

2. What could a teacher do when a baby is crying because he / she is

hungry? (alinea 2)


Het woord „honger‟ zeggen en tegelijkertijd het gebaar voor honger

maken. Dus doen of ze voedsel in haar mond stopt.

3. Het leren van gebaren bevordert de gesproken taal. (alinea 2)

Waar / Niet waar.


4. Waarom is het zo belangrijk om veel muziek te gebruiken in je werk

met kinderen? (alinea 3)



Het helpt het stimuleren van de hersenen en het help ook om de

taalvaardigheden sneller te ontwikkelen.

5. Wat betekent het wanneer baby‟s op boekjes kauwen, ze als blokken

gebruiken en ermee rondlopen. (alinea 4)



Dat ze al interesse hebben in geschreven taal.

6. Voorlezen kalmeert kinderen.

Waar / Niet waar

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Opdracht 7: Keycamp ERK niveau B1 PW

Situation: Carmi Pasdriofky (20), a Dutch social sciences student, would like to work at one of

the Keycamp campsites in England as a Keycamp courier. She would like some more information and calls Emmy Lynley, Human Resources officer of Keycamp in Sutton, England. This is what she gets.

Lees de onderstaande tekst.

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KEYCAMP Name of the organization

Keycamp, Self-Drive Camping and Mobile Home Holiday.

Description A Keycamp Holiday is perfect for families. Children quickly make friends leaving their parent time to enjoy

themselves. Keycamp campsites are like outdoor hotels with pools, bars, and restaurants plus plenty of space for children to play. There are campsites to suit all

testes – some are small and peaceful, others large and lively with plenty for teenagers to do.

Over 100 Free Keycamp Children‟s Clubs. Children love the freedam and informality of a camping holiday.

Free on 104 campsites The Children‟s club is open from 20th May to 1st Sept. The number of sessions varies – there will be up to 10 sessions of 2 hours per week.

Children’s couriers Many of Keycamp‟s couriers have previous experience of working with

children and they are given practical training on structuring club activities.

Children Aged 4-13 years

Keycamp couriers may organize activities for one age group in one session and a different in the next.

Adventure Tents

Adventure tents are available on a selection of campsites so children can have their own tent „next door‟.

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1. Waarom is Keycamp ideal voor gezinnen? …………………………………………………………………………………………..

2. Noem twee soorten ontspanning die de campings van Keycamp bieden.


3. Welke soorten campings heb je?


4. Hoeveel bijeenkomsten voor kinderen zijn er maximaal per week? …………………………………………………………………………………………..

5. Hebben alle begeleiders van kinderactiviteiten ervaring?


6. Hebben de begeleiders vaste groepen waarmee ze werken?


7. Zijn de avonturententen overal te verkrijgen? ………………………………………………………………………………………….

8. Welke opleiding volgt Carmi?


9. Bij wie vraagt Carmi on informatie?


10. Wat is de functie van deze persoon? ………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Opdracht 8: Keycamp: A holiday job ERK niveau B1



Carmi Pasdriofky is a Dutch social sciences student who would like to work at one of the Keycamp campsites in England as a Keycamp courier, because she likes working with children.. She talks to Emmy Lynley, who works at the department of

human resources of Keycamp in Sutton, England. Emmy Lynley asks Carmi to fill in an application for first.

Lees het volgende telefoongesprek.

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E: Hello, Keycamp Hollidays, Emmy Lynley speaking. How can I help you? C: Good morning, Ms Lynley. This is Carmi Pasdriofski from the Netherlands

speaking. Your telephone number was given to me by somebody at the information desk.

E: Hello Carmi. What can I do for you?

C: Well, I‟m phoning because I‟m very interested in working for Keycamp during the summer holidays. You see, I‟m a social sciences student and I want to become a childminder for small children. That‟s why I‟s like to work with

children abroad. E: Alright. Have you got any experience? C: No, not yet. At least not with children from other countries. But I worked with

children at a primary school during my internship at the beginning of this year. E: Okay. I‟ll tell you what I‟ll do. I‟ll send you an information sheet of our organization together with an application form. If you‟d please fill that in and

state your motivation, I‟ll see what I can do for you. Also mention the dates when you‟ll be available. Are you aware of the fact that most of our children‟s clubs are situated in England?

C: Yes, I am. E: And do you think you‟re able to work in a team? C: Yes, I think so. I‟m really looking forward to working in one of your teams.

E: Okay. As soon as we‟ve received your application form and we‟re sure you meet our standards, we‟ll invite you for a personal interview, is that okay? C: Okay.

E: So, can I please have your address and telephone number, Carmi? C: Yes, certainly. So it is Carmi Pasdriofski. And my address is Beekweg, number 25, postal code 7802 AP in Erica, in the Netherlands.

And my telephone number is 0031 591 68 45 98. E: Okay, I‟ve got that. I‟ll send you the application form straight away. C: Thank you for your help so far.

E: You‟re welcome. Bye Carmi. C: Bye.

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1. Hoe is Carmi met Emmy in contact gekomen?

………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Wat wil Carmi in de zomervakantie doen?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. Welke ervaring heeft Carmi met het werken met kinderen?

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. Noem twee dingen die Carmi moet aangeven op het aanmeldingsformulier.

……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………..

5. Wat gebeurt er als Emmy het aanmeldingsformulier van Carmi positief




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