reflections reflections

Student Relections on Wilson College

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Wilson College Student Profiles

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ThoughTs of leaving home and all ThaT is

familiar to venture off to a college campus can be

daunting. Yet every fall, many thousands of students

across the country make that trip, wondering if they made

the right decision…wondering if they will soon make new

friends…if they chose the right major…how much they

will miss home, their parents, their high school friends…

wondering what the entire college experience will hold

for them.

here, in their own words, are the reflections

of seven students who completed their

first year at Wilson College during the

2010–11 academic year. You will enjoy

reading their individual perspectives about

why they chose Wilson and how this college is

fulfilling their expectations and their needs.

You will experience Wilson through their

eyes and understand why being a student at

a college for women helps them to focus on

what is truly important—themselves.

They will tell you why Wilson is worth

exploring as a college where you will

grow into the student and the person

you were meant to be.

Reflect upon their words…consider

Wilson College for yourself.


Originally, i was attracted tO wilsOn cOllege

because of the gymnastics team. after i visited i fell in

love with the atmosphere, the small campus and the

awesome traditions.

Wilson is like a second home to me—i love it here.

The history and the traditions help to bring everyone

together as a community. it feels more like an extended

family because everyone knows everyone else.

i guess that the best way to describe being at a women’s college

is that it’s “liberating.” You don’t spend time worrying about

impressing anyone. You just feel comfortable about being your-

self and accepting everyone around you.

i came here expecting to take my classes, compete in gymnas-

tics and maybe join one or two clubs. i’ve done so much more in

my two semesters here! i joined the soccer and lacrosse teams

and am a member of five or six clubs. i’m doing so many new

things that i never imagined i’d be doing when i came to college,

but i’m so glad that i am.

one of the best things about Wilson is the small classes because

it really lets you get to know your professors. i’ve participated

in many activities around campus where my professors are also

taking part. They really get to know you and care about you as

an individual. one time at a softball game, a friend of mine ran

into her professor, who was more than happy to answer her

questions about a project that was due soon. You don’t always

need to make an appointment to get the help you need.

This is mY Wilson College.

Caileigh Oliver

Martinsburg, west Virginia

MajOr � HistOry and POlitical science

i Chose Wilson foR manY diffeRenT Reasons. noT onlY Was

everyone so happy and welcoming when i visited, but i also loved

everything about the college. i felt as though it was going to provide

a great place to study as well as be an amazing place to make friends.

The traditions looked like a lot of fun and i felt that i could really be

involved around campus. The equestrian facilities are great and i knew

Wilson had a fantastic equestrian program. as soon as i stepped on

campus, i was impressed with how beautiful it is. i knew this is where i

wanted to be.

in my eyes, Wilson is a community. every single person on campus will

help you if you need it. The best way to describe Wilson would be that it

is one big, happy family. We all have our stressful times but that is what

makes us not only stronger people, but also stronger women. College

will put you through the most stressful times of your life but in the end,

it makes you the person you are meant to be. it is definitely worth it.

attending a women’s college has been an interesting experience, but

it has also been a good one. in a classroom with only girls, i can excel.

i am able to take control and ask or answer questions that i may not

have in a co-ed classroom. in this environment, women get the oppor-

tunity to take control and do things without worrying about what

others will think. here we do not worry about how we look or how we

dress. We focus on more important things: our education and who we

are—strong and confident Wilson women.

This college is everything that i was looking for and more. it creates

a great atmosphere in which to study and focus on my schoolwork. it

also gives me opportunities to be active and involved on campus and

make a difference. i have met so many new friends and these friends i

will have for the rest of my life.

i would tell students who are interested in Wilson to come with an

open mind. We have awesome traditions that you won’t find anywhere

else. We are crazy sometimes, and we love to be ourselves. everyone

here loves to have fun, but we also know when to be serious.

This is mY Wilson College.

Jessica Masilotti

landenberg, PennsylVania

MajOr � equine-Facilitated tHeraPeutics

i fiRsT deCided To visiT Wilson College beCause of iTs vmT

program. i attended an open house and i fell in love with the campus. all

of the traditions were really interesting to learn about. everyone on the

campus i met that day seemed so friendly and willing to help. none of

the other campuses i visited were quite like Wilson. after understand-

ing more about the four-year vmT program that day, it seemed almost

wrong for me not to become a student here.

Wilson, to me, seems very tight-knit—with all of the students and

the low student-to-faculty ratio—and i enjoy this. i like having a lot of

people i can talk to and get along with without having to worry about

the normal things i had to worry about in high school. Whenever i

describe an event or a Wilson tradition to one of my friends back home,

they tell me that my college sounds completely awesome. That is what

Wilson is for me—simply awesome.

it didn’t take long for me to adjust to being at a college for women.

originally, i thought that it would. not having boys around all of the

time doesn’t bother me at all. i actually think it would be weird to start

attending a co-ed college. i’ve made so many great friends here that i

don’t know what i would do without them.

Wilson has fulfilled what i wanted and expected when i went to college. i

am obtaining a great and rigorous education that is sometimes stressful

but really, what college isn’t stressful? i have a great set of friends who

are interested in the same things that i am. all of my professors have

been wonderful. There have been many times when they have helped

me out when i needed it. i am happy with my experiences here at Wilson

and for me, that’s enough.

i would tell someone who is exploring Wilson for themselves that you

will never be bored here. There are so many things that are available to

do on campus if you choose to get involved. You are not just a number

here. Your professors will surely learn your name in a matter of days

(although sometimes a few of them need more time) and most of them

take time to find out what interests you. College is not as scary as it

seems when you are in high school.

This is mY Wilson College.

Meta Porcella

KutztOwn, PennsylVania

MajOr � Veterinary Medical tecHnOlOgy

Morgan Shadle

cHaMbersburg, PennsylVania

MajOr � PsycHOlOgy

sinCe i am fRom ChambeRsbuRg, i gReW up heaRing abouT

Wilson College. i knew that Wilson helps students become confident

and strong women who are able to stand up for their beliefs and values.

i chose Wilson because i want to be one of those women.

To me, Wilson is about people. The students, faculty and staff who make

up this community, not the buildings, are what i think of when i think

of Wilson. here, i find amazing, strong and intelligent students; faculty

who truly care about students; and a staff that can’t be beat. since the

college is small, you really do get to know everyone. Wilson is like a big

family where everyone treats each other with respect.

attending a women’s college is a positive experience. When i was in high

school, i didn’t really see how much male students affect the atmo-

sphere of the classroom. now when the majority of the class is made

up of women, i am able to be myself and speak up about my ideas and

opinions. i can do this here without the worry that i have to keep up a

certain image of myself.

Wilson has definitely fulfilled my needs and makes me do my best. i am

focused on getting a great education. The college offers diverse, challeng-

ing classes that make me think about topics i never really thought about

before. one thing is certain, every class that i took this year has made me

think about my life and the way i live. along with making me really think,

the classes also encourage me to broaden my ideas and actions. already,

Wilson is helping me become the confident woman i aspire to be.

i would tell prospective students that the campus is beautiful. as a

science major, i am so thankful for the new science complex. i can’t

wait to start my own experiments in the amazing labs. our faculty is

extremely knowledgeable and approachable. all of my professors really

care about students. They will gladly create study groups, meet with you

outside of class, or explain a topic in a different way to help you under-

stand the material. all you have to do is be willing to ask for help. Wilson

also encourages students to take part in clubs and groups, which broad-

ens your experiences and challenges you to try something new.

This is mY Wilson College.

i oRiginallY Chose Wilson beCause i Was inTeResTed in a

college not too far from home that offered the opportunity to ride

so that i could pursue this interest while attending college. With the

equestrian center right on campus, it has been very convenient for

me to be at the barns and keep up with all of my class work.

Wilson offers so many different opportunities that are important

to me. i can pursue my interests in riding, as well as look forward

to studying abroad. getting involved in campus activities is very

rewarding. i joined the intercollegiate lacrosse team and traveled to

other colleges in our league that are in pennsylvania, new York and

new Jersey. for me, this was something new and i found it to be

very rewarding.

honestly, i had no idea what it would be like to be at a college for

women. i can say that i made a lot of new friends, many of whom i

hope to have made for life.

This past year Wilson was looking for its next president because our

president was retiring. When candidates were brought to campus,

students were provided with opportunities to meet and talk with

them. one of us even served on the search committee right along

with members of our board of Trustees, faculty and staff. students

are looking forward to our new college president to see what

changes and new ideas she will have for Wilson.

our science center is definitely impressive. many labs are loaded

with hands-on models and displays related to the sciences and

equestrian and veterinary pursuits. our small classes are definitely

a plus, especially in more difficult classes such as biology. our

faculty are helpful and want students to succeed.

To make the most out of college, it is up to you to get involved in

activities, clubs, athletic teams and riding teams. don’t be afraid to

try new things because here at Wilson you are encouraged to do

just that. in addition to getting a good education, you will have fun

if you participate in whatever is happening on campus.

This is mY Wilson College.

KimberlySuji Helmer

rOund Hill, Virginia

MajOr � englisH (Originally equestrian studies)

i have alWaYs knoWn ThaT i WanTed To puRsue a CaReeR in The

veterinary and equestrian fields, so i looked for colleges with strong

programs in both areas. Wilson seemed to have the strongest programs

out of all of the colleges i explored. When i visited, i really liked the cur-

riculum, facilities and staff. in addition, the campus was very welcoming

and i felt like i was at home here. i knew that Wilson was right for me.

now Wilson is my home away from home. it is like a second family to

me. not only is Wilson academically challenging, but it is also support-

ive. help, when i need it, is around every corner. The opportunities that

Wilson provides for her students are endless. for me, the college is

beautiful inside and out.

attending a women’s college is a fantastic experience. it allows women

to bond, not compete, with each other more than in a co-ed envi-

ronment. We are all like sisters and best friends at the same time.

furthermore, it really gives women a lot of confidence in themselves.

Wilson has definitely fulfilled my needs because it is fun, and it chal-

lenges me to try new things and be the best student and person that i

can be. moreover, Wilson is giving me a very thorough and well-rounded

education. This college is helping me to lay the groundwork for the rest

of my life.

Wilson is a great place to be. our professors like to challenge us and

support us through everything. They are fun people and they love

our traditions as much as we do. i have found all of my professors

to be understanding, approachable, helpful and very knowledgeable.

our small class sizes allow students to become very close to their


There are a variety of activities that are always fun. The Campus

activities board (Cab) is run by students. from my perspective, they do

a great job of planning and organizing events that we enjoy. one of the

best things about Wilson is that you do not have to worry about mak-

ing new friends when you come here because everyone makes friends


This is mY Wilson College.

Kaylee Moog

FeltOn, PennsylVania

MajOr � Veterinary Medical tecHnOlOgy

and equine studies

i TRansfeRRed To Wilson afTeR spending one YeaR aT

another college. When i visited, i fell in love with the equestrian

center and the academic programs. i also liked that there are

multiple riding teams that work together to allow as much

inclusion as possible. i was attracted to the size of the college,

which i find ideal for me because it promotes close relationships

between students, faculty and staff. although there are many

riding and other sports teams, there is an overarching focus on

academic excellence.

for me, Wilson provides a very comfortable environment. my

living quarters are great and the campus is very picturesque

and lush. in my experiences this past year, i found students,

faculty members and staff to be very supportive of every indi-

vidual. Wilson is a learning and living community.

being at a women’s college makes it easier for me to focus on

myself and who i am rather than worrying about how others

perceive me. i find this atmosphere nurturing, yet challenging.

This is a supportive community where women thrive both in and

out of the classroom.

my experience at Wilson this past year makes me say that this

college has fulfilled needs i didn’t know i had. i wanted to be at a

college where i could work toward my academic degree, improve

my riding skills and be able to compete as a member of a riding

team. Wilson not only provided these opportunities, but also

taught me leadership, networking, social and management skills.

Wilson College is a supportive community where women thrive as

students and as people. i encourage prospective students to visit

us and talk with students and our professors. for anyone who

loves horses, you will see that the campus equestrian facilities

are a dream come true.

This is mY Wilson College.

Alexandra“Allie” Veach-Walther

PHiladelPHia, PennsylVania

MajOr �eleMentary educatiOn

We WanT You To dRaW YouR oWn ConClusions

after reading what these students had to say about

their first year here at Wilson College.

if you are interested, we invite and strongly encourage

you to visit our campus. You may even have an

opportunity to speak with one of these young women

as they continue on their journeys through Wilson

College on their way to becoming the strong, articulate

and confident women they choose to be.

Who knows? a few years from now, you could appear

on one of these pages!


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