Study of 1 Corinthians Introduction: 1. Who wrote the book? 2. What passage in Acts speaks of Paul's introduction to the brethren in Corinth? 3. Was Paul well received by the Jews in Corinth? 4. What was Paul's reaction to the rejection of the Gospel by the Jews? 5. Who came from Macedonia to join Paul?

Study of 1 Corinthians · 2020. 12. 2. · 1 Corinthians chapter 11 1. Why should the Corinthians and ourselves be followers of Paul? 2. What order of headship does vs. 3 outline?

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  • Study of 1 Corinthians


    1. Who wrote the book?

    2. What passage in Acts speaks of Paul's introduction to the brethren in Corinth?

    3. Was Paul well received by the Jews in Corinth?

    4. What was Paul's reaction to the rejection of the Gospel by the Jews?

    5. Who came from Macedonia to join Paul?

  • 1 Corinthians Chapter 1

    1. How had Paul become an apostle?

    2. What descriptive terms did Paul use to describe the brethren in Corinth in vs. 2?

    3. What had been confirmed in them? How?

    4. What was the purpose of the confirmation in vs. 8?

    5. Who does the calling into fellowship? How?

    6. What did Paul beseech them to do in vs. 10?

    7. What had Paul heard from the house of Chloe?

    8. What three questions did Paul ask?

  • 9. Paul claims that his purpose was not to simply be a baptizer but to do what?

    10. What are the two responses and their respective results that come from the

    preaching of the cross? (vs. 18)

    11. How had the Jews and Greeks, in general terms, received the preaching of Jesus

    Christ and him crucified?

    12. What types of things of the world did God decide to use?

    13. If one is going to glory in what should he glory?

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 2

    1. What was the purpose of his preaching?

    2. What was demonstrated in Paul's preaching?

    3. What happens to the wisdom of men?

    4. What did Paul refer to the wisdom of God as?

    5. What would have happened if the princes of the world had known of this wisdom?

    6. For whom has God prepared things for?

    7. How has God revealed his wisdom?

    8. How is it that the Spirit is able to reveal these things to man?

    9. What did this revealed wisdom cost us?

    10. How must spiritual things be discerned?

    11. Can the natural man understand the things of God?

    12. How can we understand them?

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 3

    1. What types of carnality did Paul mention?

    2. What purpose did Paul and Apollos serve to these brethren? (vs. 5)

    3. Who gives the increase when the Gospel is preached?

    4. How is the reward determined?

    5. What are the laborers considered as in verse 9?

    6. (Thought Question) How do we labor together with God?

    7. Who is the foundation on whom we build?

    8. How should we build because of that fact?

  • 9. What type of work is Paul referring to?

    10. What will determine the effectiveness of the work?

    11. What happens to the different materials listed, when put into fire?

    12. How does God dwell in us?

    13. What must one who is wise in the ways of the world do to become wise concerning

    spiritual things?

    14. What does god consider the thoughts of men?

    15. What is Paul's summary thought in vs. 21?

    16. Who de we belong too?

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 4

    1. Who will judge Paul?

    2. What will the Lord bring to light?

    3. We should not think of man above what?

    4. Why shouldn't these people glory in what they had?

    5. For whose benefit did the apostles take on this lowly state that Paul describes?

    6. What types of things does Paul list that the apostles had to endure?

    7. How were these people begotten in Christ Jesus?

    8. Is there a contradiction from what Paul said concerning himself and others that

    teach the Gospel, earlier in this book, and his statement concerning himself in verse 16.

    9. What is Paul's purpose for sending Timothy there?

    10. What is the word to demonstrate or else they are just words?

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 5

    1. What does Paul mean when he states that this sin was not even named among the


    2. Rather than mourn this circumstance what had they done instead?

    3. What did Paul say should be done with one who engages in such a thing?

    4. What can a little leaven do?

    5. To what is Paul referring when he says old leaven in verse 8?

    6. What had Paul wrote unto them before concerning fornicators?

    7. What is one to do concerning a brother who engages in the sin listed in verse 11?

    8. Who is Paul referring to in verse 12 when he says those within and those without?

    9. What are you to do with the wicked person?

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 6

    1. Who should handle the small disputes between the brethren? Why?

    2. How do the saints judge the world?

    3. What did Paul consider shameful?

    4. What should one do rather than go to law with his brother?

    5. What will happen to the unrighteous?

    6. Define the sins listed in verses 9 and 10?

    7. Had the Corinthians ever been involved in these sins?

    8. What three things had they become through Christ and "by" what had this


    9. What did Paul mean when he said "all things are lawful unto me, but all things are

    not expedient?"

    10. What will God destroy?

    11. What does he have the power to do? (specifically mentioned in this chapter)

  • 12. What are our bodies in relationship to Christ?

    13. What happens when you join your body with something?

    14. What do you become with the Lord when you join with him?

    15. When one commits fornication it is considered a sin against what?

    16. What is our body? What is housed there?

    17. What was the price that we were bought by?

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 7

    1. What is it good for man not to do?

    2. To avoid fornication what are men and women to do?

    3. When two marry do they retain power of their own bodies? How does this relate to

    the fact that the two shall become one flesh?

    4. One is not to defraud the other unless it be for a short time by consent so that they

    might what?

    5. Why should this not be for a long period of time?

    6. What was Paul's desire for the unmarried and widows?

    7. But it was better to ___________ than to __________?

    8. What is the command of God in verse 10?

    9. What does Paul mean when he says "but the rest speak I, not the Lord?"

    10. What should one do with an unbelieving spouse?

    11. If the unbelieving depart what should you do?

  • 12. Does one know what the outcome of their influence on their spouse may be?

    13. Does one need to change his physical state (who he is as pertains to nationality and

    so forth) in order to be called and receive the calling?

    14. What is the something, and what are the nothings of verse 19?

    15. What is one freed from when he becomes a servant of Christ?

    16. What should we not do since we are bought with a price?

    17. Paul's judgments concerning virgins came in light of what in verse 26?

    18. What is the basic suggestion of verse 27?

    19. What concerns does a married man have that an unmarried man does not?

    20. Under the present distress of that day one should determine whether to get

    married or not by his control over what in verse 37?

    21. How long are a married couple bound by the law?

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 8

    1. What is better knowledge or love (charity)? What does each do?

    2. According to verse 4 what value does an idol have? Why?

    3. What does Paul mean when he says there are many gods and lords?

    4. Of whom are all things? By whom are all things?

    5. What happens to the conscience of one who eats meat because it was offered to


    6. Which is better to eat meat or not to eat meat?

    7. What must we not allow our liberty to become?

    8. How is it that my knowledge could cause one to perish? (vs. 11)

    9. Who is this person I might cause to perish according to verse 11?

    10. When we sin against our brother who else are we sinning against?

    11. To what extent was Paul going to avoid offending his brother? (vs. 13)

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 9

    1. What was Paul's seal of apostleship?

    2. Should a man be compensated for the work he does?

    3. What quote from the old law does Paul use concerning this matter?

    4. Should it have been a problem for them to care for the physical needs of one who

    takes care of their spiritual needs? (vs. 11)

    5. However, Paul would rather suffer physical need, rather than disturb what work?

    (vs. 12)

    6. What does Paul mean in verse 14 when he says that one who preaches the gospel

    should live of the gospel?

    7. What would bring woe unto Paul? Did Paul preach willingly?

  • 8. Why would it be woe unto Paul, not to preach the Gospel?

    9. What did Paul do in order to reach a variety of people?

    10. For the sake of what did he do these things?

    11. How should one run the spiritual race towards heaven?

    12. What type of reward (crown) are we seeking?

    13. What had Paul done so that he would not be a castaway?

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 10

    1. Despite the fact that all of the Israelites received the benefits of Moses' leadership,

    was God pleased with all of them?

    2. What lesson should we learn from the Israelites example?

    3. What old testament passage does Paul quote in verse 7?

    4. What sin had twenty three thousand people committed?

    5. Why were some destroyed by serpents?

    6. Because of the example of these people that we have to learn from, what should

    one who thinks he standeth do?

    7. What is assured to be there during the times we are tempted? (vs. 13)

    8. When we commune with Christ we are also communing with whom?

  • 9. In general what two things does Paul say cannot commune together?

    10. What should a man seek after?

    11. What belongs to the Lord?

    12. If one is invited to a feast among unbelievers, is he to make a great effort to find out

    whether or not the food being served was sacrificed to idols?

    13. What should he do if it is common knowledge that the food was sacrificed to idols?

    14. We are to do all to the _________________ of God?

    15. We avoid offending people for what purpose? (vs. 33)

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 11

    1. Why should the Corinthians and ourselves be followers of Paul?

    2. What order of headship does vs. 3 outline?

    3. During what to activities according to this passage is a woman to have her head


    4. Was the woman created for man or the man for the woman?

    5. What basic principle is being dealt with through out the discussion of this chapter?

    6. Everyone must remember that ultimately they are in subjection to whom?

    7. Should these principles be considered unnatural?

    8. What was causing the division among them in this segment?

  • 9. When they came together socially they should not do what?

    10. If they wanted to eat and drink where should it be done?

    11. What are we to be doing when we partake of the Lord's Supper?

    12. What is one guilty of if he eats of the Supper unworthily?

    13. What happens when we are judged?

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 12

    1. Although there is but one Spirit, Lord, and God there is diversity in what things?

    2. What types of different abilities does the Spirit give to different people?

    3. Who determines who will receive each different ability?

    4. There are many members with different backgrounds and abilities but how many

    bodies are there?

    5. Is every part of the body important?

    6. Would the body function efficiently if everyone had the same abilities?

    7. Can any part of the body claim superiority over another?

    8. God has brought honor to every part that there should be no ____________

    among the members?

    9. What happens when one member suffers or rejoices?

    10. Who does this body belong to?

    11. They desired what they considered the best gifts but what was Paul going to show


  • 1 Corinthians chapter 13

    1. If I have great abilities but do not have love what have I become?

    2. What profit is gained if one feeds the poor yet does not have love?

    3. Define the word charity as used in chapter 13.

    4. In the space below define and separate the things love does do and the things love

    does not do.

    5. What things shall fail (cease, vanish away)?

    6. Will love ever fail?

  • 7. What is that which is perfect?

    8. Is there any need for the miraculous spiritual gifts today?

    9. If so why and if not why not?

    10. What significance does Paul's reference to being a child and being a man have in

    this context?

    11. At the time of Paul's writing did he have a full knowledge? Would he ever have a

    full knowledge? When would his knowledge be complete?

    12. What three things should abide? Which is the greatest?

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 14

    1. What were they to follow after?

    2. What were they to seek to have?

    3. Is there a difference between speaking in tongues and prophesying?

    4. Which does Paul consider better? Why?

    5. What must one do along with tongue speaking for it to be edifying to the church?

    6. How do you know the difference between a pipe or a harp.?

    7. What types of words should be uttered (vs. 9)?

    8. What am I to a man that cannot understand my voice?

    9. Those who have a zeal to gain spiritual gifts should turn that zeal towards doing


    10. What is the key to acceptable worship in verse 14-15?

  • 11. If one prays in an unknown tongue what can't one who is listening do?

    12. Paul would rather speak ________________ words with understanding, than

    _____________ words that people cannot understand?

    13. Tongue speaking is for whom? Prophesying is for whom?

    14. What would the church be considered if when they came together and a visitor

    came into their presence while they were all speaking in tongues?

    15. What will be the result if you are prophesying and a visitor comes in?

    16. If there is no interpreter what should the tongue speaker do?

    17. Prophesying was to be done one by one while the other prophets did what?

    18. Does verse 32 have any relevance to the Modern Day Charismatic Movement?

    19. What was Paul's instructions for the women at the Corinthian church?

    20. What is God's general command in verse 40?

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 15

    1. A belief in the Gospel becomes vain if we do not do what? (verse 2)

    2. What was the first information Paul had shared with them?

    3. Had there been any previous knowledge to the fact that Jesus would be buried and

    rise again?

    4. List all those Paul said had seen Jesus after his resurrection?

    5. Why did Paul feel that he was the least of the apostles?

    6. Did it matter who had been doing the preaching? Why or Why Not?

    7. What had some been saying concerning the resurrection of Christ?

    8. If Christ is not risen what does that do to the preaching of the Gospel and to faith?

    9. Is there any cleansing of sins if there is no resurrection?

    10. What should make us miserable?

    11. What two things came by man? (verse 21)

  • 12. Through Adam all ________________ through Christ all ________________?

    13. What is the last enemy Christ will destroy?

    14. Once all things are subdued all authority will return to whom?

    15. Would Paul do all the things he is doing if there was no resurrection of the dead?

    16. What warning does Paul give concerning evil communications?

    17. (Thought Question) What does verse 33 have to do with the context of this


    18. What does Paul call the one who asks the question, "what body shall we be raised


    19. Who will give us our resurrected body?

    20. In what things is the resurrection of the dead sown in and raised in?

    21. What two images shall we bear?

    22. In what manner will the change from physical to spiritual take place? (Verse 52)

    23. When will the prophesy, "Death is swallowed up in victory" be fulfilled?

  • 1 Corinthians chapter 16

    1. What does Paul direct his attention to in chapter 16?

    2. When should they give, who should give, and how should they give?

    3. They were also to select one to do what under their particular circumstance

    involving Jerusalem?

    4. What were Paul's traveling plans?

    5. What had been opened unto Paul?

    6. Was he going to face any difficulties?

    7. What were they to do with Timothy? Why?

    8. Who else did Paul encourage to visit in Corinth?

  • 9. What did Paul tell them to do in verses 13-14?

    10. What had the house of Stephanas done?

    11. How were they to greet one another?

    12. What did Paul write with his own hand?

    13. Those who do not love Christ are what?

    24. Since God through Jesus Christ has taken away the sting of death, what should we

    do? (verse 58)