Study of Multi Agent Testing Techniques and Future Research Direction

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  • 7/29/2019 Study of Multi Agent Testing Techniques and Future Research Direction


    International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 8, August-2012 1ISSN 2229-5518

    IJSER 2012

    Study of Multi-agent Testing Techniques andFuture Research Direction

    Mohammad Mottahir Alam, Asif Irshad Khan, Noor-ul-Qayyum and Abdullah Maresh Ali

    Abstract Multi Agents System (MAS) is seen as the necessary software paradigm for realizing massive open distributedsystems, testing the MAS evolves challenging task, there are several reasons for the MAS testing to be challenging. In this paperwe mainly reported state of art Multiagent based testing techniques and its challenges and listed, some future research direction fortesting Multi Agents System (MAS) are also highlighted in this paper.

    Index Terms Agents, Multi-agent Systems , Unit Testing, Agent-Oriented Software Engineering , Test challenges , ModelDriven Architecture, debugging

    1 Introduction

    N recent years, agent-based systems havereceived considerable attention in bothacademics and industry. Agents are seen as the

    necessary software paradigm for realizing massiveopen distributed systems. A software agent is acomputer program that perform tasks in pursuit ofa goal in a dynamic environment on behalf ofanother entity (human or computational), possiblyover an extended period of time, withoutcontinuous direct supervision or control, andexhibits a significant degree of flexibility and evencreativity in how it seeks to transform goals intoaction tasks. A software agent is similar to a robot,but operates in cyberspace, on a computernetwork.Macal and North [1] believe that There is no

    universal agreement on the precise definition ofthe t erm agent, although definitions tend to agreeon more points than they disagree. It seems verycomplicated to extract agent characteristics fromthe literature in a consistent and constantperspective, because they are utilized in differentways [2].Brawshaw [3] states the following definition:Software agent is a software entity that functionscontinuously and autonomously in a particularenvironment, which may contain another agentsand processes.For instance, a number of experts take into

    consideration any sort of independent components(e.g. software, individual, etc.) an agent, whilesome others believe that a components behavior

    needs to be adaptive in order to be considered anagent, where the term agent is reserved forcomponents that can learn through theirenvironments and change their behaviorsaccordingly [1]. Nevertheless, several commonfeatures exist for most agents [5] & [6] extendedand explained further by [6], [8] and [9].The paper is organized as follows: sections II coverAgent and Multiagent concepts and its featureSection III Software Verification, Testing andDebugging techniques Section IV describes relatedwork Section V listed Challenges in testing ofMulti Agents System (MAS) VI some researchdirections for testing of Multi Agents System(MAS) and Section VII conclusion and future work.


    2.1 Agent

    Russell and Norvig [4] define an agent as follows:The concept of an agent is meant to be a tool forsystem analyzing, not an absolute classificationwhere entities can be defined as agents or non-agents. From the literature review, followingcharacteristics can be defined for a software agent: Autonomy: Agents are independent andautonomous units that are capable of informationprocesses and exchanging them with other agents

    to independently make decisions. They are alsocapable of being interactive with other agents andthis may not necessarily influence their autonomy[6],[10] & [11]. Heterogeneity: Agents can exist and act asgroups, but they are constructed through a bottom-up way and combinations of similar autonomousindividuals.


    Mohammad M. Alam is currently working as a Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering,King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, E-mail:

    [email protected]

    Asif I. Khan, Noor-ul-Qayyum and Abdullah M. Ali are currently working asLecturers, Faculty of Computing and Information technology, King Abdul AzizUniversity, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and their E-mails are: {aikhan, nqayyum,ammali}

  • 7/29/2019 Study of Multi Agent Testing Techniques and Future Research Direction


    International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, IJSER, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012ISSN 2229-5518

    IJSER 2012

    Mobility: The mobility of agents is particularly apractical characteristic for spatial simulations.Agents can move around the space within a model. Adaptation and Learning: Agents are flexible tobe adaptive to produce Complex AdaptiveSystems [12]. Agents can be designed to change

    their locations depending on their current state,following their designed memory [11]. Activity: Agents have to be a ctive since theyperform independent impacts.

    The following active features can be identified: Pro-active (i.e. goal-directed): Agents are often

    considered goal-directed elements, followinggoals to be accomplished with respect to theirbehaviors [5]. For instance, agents in ageographic environment can be designed todiscover a set of spatial manipulations toachieve an aim within a certain limitation (e.g.

    time), while evacuating a building during anurgent situation. Reactive (i.e. perceptive): Agents can be

    developed to have a consciousness of theirsurroundings (which may be the physicalworld, a user via a graphical user interface, acollection of other agents, the Internet, orperhaps all of these combined) and respond ina timely fashion to changes that occur in it [5].

    Bounded Rationality: In social sciences, adominant type of modeling based on rational-choice paradigm has to exist. Rational-choicemodels commonly assume that agents are

    perfectly rational optimizers with easy accessto gathered information, foresight, and infiniteanalytical capability. These agents aretherefore able to solve deductively complexmathematical optimization matters.

    Interactive (i.e. communicative): Agentscommunicate with other agents (and possiblyhumans) via some kind of agent-communication language (ACL).This is alsocalled as Social ability[5].For instance,agents can enquire other agents and theenvironment within a neighborhood,searching particular attributes, with the ability

    to disregard an input which does not match adesirable threshold.

    Therefore, a software agent should be autonomousor at least semi-autonomous. It can act on behalf ofanother entity that is not directly apparent to the"user" interacting with the agent (similar to thereal-world agents). It may have some level of"intelligence" in order to deal with a dynamic

    environment in which the unexpected is the norm.Moreover ,a software agent may be "mobile" andmove or be moved around the network, but asoftware agent may also be "static" and do all itswork on one host computer on the network,including accessing resources which are on hosts

    other than the host on which the agent isexecuting.Agent-based models consist of several interactiveagents placed within a system. Relationshipsbetween the existing agents are formulated, linkingagents to other agents within a system.Relationships can be specified in a number ofways, from simply reactive (i.e. agents onlyaccomplish events when activated to do so byexternal stimulus e.g. behavior of another agent),to goal-directed (i.e. seeking a particular purpose).In some cases, the action of predefined agents canbe programmed to occur synchronously (i.e. each

    particular agent executes events at each discretetime point), or asynchronously (i.e. agent reactionsare planned by the actions of other agents and/orwith reference to a predefined time) [13].In the definition we saw that a software agent is apiece of software that is able to act autonomouslyin particular environment. Figure 1 fromWooldridge [14] illustrates how agent interactswith its environment.

    Figure 1- Software agent and its environment[14]

    According to Castle and Crooks [6],Environments define the space in which agentsoperate, serving to support their interaction withthe environment and other agents. Agents withinan environment may be spatially explicit, meaning

    agents have a location in geometrical space,although the agent itself may be static. Forexample, within a building evacuation modelagents would be required to have a specificlocation for them to assess their exit strategy.Conversely, agents within an environment may bespatially implicit; meaning their location within theenvironment is irrelevant. For instance, a model ofa computer network does necessarily require each

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    International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, IJSER, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012ISSN 2229-5518

    IJSER 2012

    computer to know the physical location of othercomputers within the network. Therefore,software environments include operating systems,computer applications, databases, networks, andvirtual domains.

    2.2 M ULTI -AGENT SYSTEM (MAS)Agents are seen as the necessary softwareparadigm for realizing massive open distributedsystems. But, as the complexity of software hasincreased, it has become harder to handle thecomplexity with single agent frameworks. Sincethe mid nineties, multi-agent systems havereceived widespread attention in many fields ofscience and engineering.

    A multi-agent system can be

    characterized by a group of interacting, self-directed agents having varied sensory and motorabilities. Thus, a multi-agent system (MAS) is acomputational environment in which individualsoftware agents interact with each other, in acooperative or competitive manner, and sometimesautonomously pursuing their individual goals,accessing resources and services of theenvironment, and occasionally producing resultsfor the entities that initiated those software agents[22].

    There are some works which address theproblem of building confidence in the owners and

    users of agent-based systems with particularstechniques which we are going to describe in thiswork. Some of them are based on testing andmonitoring, others are based on debugging, andothers on simulation.

    Moreover these works are still at veryearly stage. Actually formal methodologiesprovide validation tests that are applicable in veryfew and quite irrelevant cases though. The mainreason of this lack applicability is that activities,which should assure that the program performssatisfactorily, are very challenging and expensivesince it is quite complicated to automate them [2].

    Agent Communication: Agent communication canbe defined as the exchange of information betweensoftware agents. An agent needs some agentcommunication language to be able cooperate withother agents and react to its environment.Communication between agents encouragesautonomy and also encourages the existence of

    societies of agents that are able to providesolutions to more complex problems.

    Communication may be direct with oneanother or through an interpreter, communicate isusually took place through a language, Knowledge

    Query and Manipulation Language (KQML) is themost widely used agent communication language(ACL) [27]. Shared vocabularies of words are usedin communication which is also known asOntology. To ensure that two agents arecommunicating in the same language KQML usesontologies.

    Agent Cooperation: Co-operation among agentsallows a community of specialized agents to pooltheir capabilities to solve large problems [15].In multi-agent concepts side, there are variousdefinitions for cooperation. (Gustasfon & Matson,2003) defines cooperation as:The multi-agents working together for doing

    something that creates a progressive result suchincreasing performance or saving time (Gustasfon& Matson, 2003).(Changhong et al., 2002) definition of agentcooperation is as follows:One autonomous agent adopts another

    autonomous agents goal. Its hypothesis is thatcooperation only occurs between the agents, whichhave the ability of rejecting or accepting thecooperation (Changhong et al., 2002).

    Negotiation in Multi-Agents The multi-agentcooperation was defined in third definition as Themulti-agents working together for doingsomething (Gustasfon & Matson, 2003). The vitalmember in multi-agents technology is groupworking; which needs a communication andnegotiation between agents. Negotiation me ans Akey form of interaction that enables groups ofagents to arrive at a mutual agreement regardingsome belief, goal or plan (Beer et al., 1998).

    The negotiation between agents isimplemented by different types, such asargumentation, protocols in the style of thecontract net and auctions. The selection ofnegotiation type depends on the environment ofproblem, which has to be solved (DInverno et al.,1997).

    Coalition/Cooperation in Multi-Agent

    In Cooperation structure section, all types of thecooperation structures CATC, CCTA,CCTC and

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    International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, IJSER, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012ISSN 2229-5518

    IJSER 2012

    CGE include agent coalition; so the agent coalitionis the most important part in multi-agentcooperation systems. Operations of coalition haveto configure legacy or foreign systems (Allsoop etal., 2002).

    Agent coalition is special type of agents,

    which concentrate on the coordination and thecommunication among agents to collaborativelyaccomplish tasks. For an example, the stationswork together as form of agent coalition. In thisexample, agents in this system are owners ofpower stations, groups of customers andcoordinators. The objective of the Multiagentsystem is to derive effective with gainful coalitionsunder the fair play practice subject to theconstraints also requirements of power generationand transmission.

    The modern industries needed a moreefficient approach to facilitate a stable searching for

    new partners, coalition formation and a fair systemused to identify the contribution from eachparticipant (Yen et al., 1998). Some game theorymodels can be borrowed to improve the theoreticalfoundation for the multi-agent system.

    The recent coalition operations areeffected by many factors, such as data overload,starvation of information, labour-intensiveinformation collection and coordination. Theagent-based computing presents a new promisingapproach to effective coalition operations; sincethis approach embraces the coalitionenvironments open, heterogeneous diverse

    dispersed nature (Allsopp et al., 2002).Coordination relationship may be positiveas well as negative. Positive coordinationrelationship benefits both the agent by workingtogether to reach to their assigned goals forexample suppose agents are coordinating toswitched on a machine if they found machine is offany one agent can switch on the machine toaccomplished the common goal (to switched on themachine) , while negative coordinationrelationship agents cannot complete their assignedtask at the same time, for example agents arecoordinating to print some assigned job, both of

    them issue print command but one agentcommand will be accepted others put in the printerqueue.

    3. Software Verification, Testing andDebugging

    Testing is an activity in which a system orcomponent is executed under specified conditions,

    the results are observed or recorded and comparedagainst specifications or expected results, and anevaluation is made of some aspect of the system orcomponent.A test is a set of one or more test cases. The mainaim of a test is to find faults.

    An error is a mistake made by the developermisunderstanding something. A fault is an error ina program. An error may lead to one or morefaults. When a fault is executed an execution errormay occur. An execution error, error for short, isany result or behavior that is different from whathas been specified or is expected by the user.

    The observation of an execution error is a failure.Notice that errors may go on unnoticed and hencemay play serious havoc with the remainingcomputation and use of the results of this

    computation. The longer the period of unobservedoperation, the larger is the probability of seriousdamage due to errors that is due to unobservedfailures.

    There are two kinds of tests: static verification anddynamic validation. The former is based on codeinspection or walk through, symbolic execution,and symbolic verification. The later generates testdata and execute the program. Figure 2 showswhere static verification and dynamic validationtests occur during the software life cycle [8].

    Figure 2 - Kinds of Testing [8]

    There are several strategies for testing softwareand the goal of this survey is not to explain all ofthem. However, we will describe the mainstrategies found in literature ([8], [23]) for testingsoftware which are related to some of the workspresented in the fourth section. Here they are:

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    International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, IJSER, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012ISSN 2229-5518

    IJSER 2012

    Black-box testing: also know as functionaltesting or specification-based testing. Testingwithout reference to the internal structure ofthe component or system.

    White-box testing: testing based on an analysisof the internal structure of the component or

    system. Test cases1 are derived from the codee.g. testing paths. Progressive testing: it is based on testing new

    code to determine whether it contains faults. Regressive testing: process of testing a

    program to determine whether a change hasintroduced faults (regressions) in theunchanged code. It is based on re-execution ofsome/all of the tests developed for a specifictesting activity.

    Performance testing: verify that all worst caseperformance targets have been met, and thatany best-case performance targets have been


    There are several types of tests. The mostfrequently performed are the unit test andintegration test. A unit test performs the testsrequired to provide the desired coverage for agiven unit, typically a method, function or class. Aunit test is white-box testing oriented and may beperformed in parallel with regard to other units.An integration test provides testing across units orsubsystems. The test cases are used to provide thedesired coverage for the system as a whole. It testssubsystem connectivity.

    There are several strategies for implementingintegration test:

    (i) bottom-up, which tests each unit andcomponent at lowest level of systemhierarchy, then components that call theseand so on;

    (ii) top-down, which tests top component andthen all components called by this and soon;

    (iii) big-bang, which integrates all componentstogether; and

    (iv) Sandwich, which combines bottom-up

    with top-down approach.

    The techniques and strategies presented in thissection will appear in the approaches in thefollowing section.

    The main idea is to relate them with the workspresented and classify them according to eachstrategy or technique.

    4. Literature Review in the field of MASTesting

    In the Agent-Oriented Software Engineering(AOSE) methodologies, research works are mainlyfocused on the disciplined approaches to analyze,design and implement MASs [18]. Only a few ofthese methodologies define an explicit verificationprocess. MaSE [19] and MASCommonKADs [20]methodologies propose a verification phase basedon model checking to support automaticverification of inter-agent communications.

    Now, with the increasing demand of agent-basedsystems, there is a growing need for the qualityand correctness of the software-agents made.Unfortunately, testing remains a challengingactivity where a systematic approach to testingmulti-agent system is still missing.

    Desire [21] proposes a verification phase based onmathematical proofs - the purpose of this processis to prove that, under a certain set of assumptions,a system adheres to a certain set of properties.Only some iterative methodologies proposeincremental testing processes with supportingtools. These include: PASSI/Agile PASSI [22],AGILE [23].

    [19] Proposed a new approach based on a simpletesting framework called PASSI (Process for AgentSocieties Specification and Implementation) whichlets developers build a test suite effortlessly in acheap and incremental way. It provides a unifyingapplication model and a partial implementation ofit, trying to support the developer in creating andexecuting tests in a uniform and automatic way.

    They aim to reduce time and cost when developingMAS, guarantee quality assurance, and provideautomatic activities which should assure that theprogram performs satisfactorily.

    The PASSI framework is built on top of JADE andit allows developers to create tests at differentlevels (hierarchical approach) simply acting as asupport for running tests and visualizing results.The framework is based on a two-level model asshown in figure 3. At the first level they identifythe agent as an atomic entity. In order to check thecorrectness of the activities carried out by a singleagent a number of different cases must be tested.This leads us to the second level where theyidentify specific agent tasks. There is a test-agentwhich performs the set of tests related to all the

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    International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, IJSER, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012ISSN 2229-5518

    IJSER 2012

    capabilities of a given agent. Tests on specific tasks,on the other ha nd, will be referred to as task -test.In order to reflect the two-level model, thefollowing classes are provided:

    Test class, representing the test of a specific

    task of an agent.

    TestGroup class, representing the group of allthe agent tests. It is basically a collection ofTest objects. The list of task-tests to beincluded in a TestGroup is described in anXML file.

    In general, all test methods in a TestGroup sharethe same fixture, which consists of objects andanything else needed to perform the test.

    A Test or a TestGroup is executed by a tester agent

    i.e. an agent that extends the TesterAgent class.Each tester agent has a behavior, an extension ofthe TestGroupExecutor class, which is in charge ofgetting the group of tests to be executed and for

    each test adds the corresponding behavior to thetester agent scheduler.

    The list of all the agent-tests that can be tested andthe list of task-tests to be performed for each ofthem are described by means of XML files. There is

    a single main XML file that contains the list of allthe agent-tests of the application and one XML filefor each agent-test that contains the list of task-tests to be executed. Developing an agent-testmeans therefore developing a new tester agent incharge of the group of task-tests described in theassociated xml file.

    Finally the utility class Logger provides methodsto create logs. By extending this class it is possibleto create sophisticated loggers in order to providereported information in more suitable formats. Todate, reported information can be displayed in a

    graphical user interface (where very essentialinformation is shown), written to a text file, printedto the standard error or organized into web pages.

    Figure 3 - PASSI -Test Framework main classes [19] A single test and group of tests can be executed by simply launching the corresponding tester agent. Amore convenient way of performing them is bymeans of the TestSuiteAgent, an agent thatprovides a valuable graphical interface to run tests.When a test or a group of tests are launched the

    TestSuiteAgent creates the proper tester agent anddelegates to it the execution of the tests. During thetesting activity the tester agent will send FIPA ACLmessages to the TestSuiteAgent, informing it aboutthe test outcomes and giving eventually detailedinformation concerning the causes of failure.

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    International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, IJSER, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012ISSN 2229-5518

    IJSER 2012

    The TestSuiteAgent, as stated before, provides agraphical interface to run tests, by means of whichit is possible to:(i) View information related to the agent-tests and

    all the task-tests they include;(ii) Select and load the tests to be executed;

    (iii) Execute all agent-tests of the list in sequenceand produce a final report indicating, for eachagent-test, the number of task-tests which havepassed and failed and the corresponding causes offailure.

    The author [23] proposes an approach calledMadKit which focuses on a specific kind of testingcalled the Record/Replay mechanism [24] used inregression testing. The Record/Replay mechanismis a test performed during the execution of thesystem either in simulation or in production. It isrealized through system inspection. The record

    phase records actions in the system (memory,environment, data update, messages, etc.).When an error occurs in the system,

    designers have a system that they can play andreplay until they found the error and fixed it. Theyalso compare model checking and testing, and saythat contrarily to the former, testing checks thatagents behave properly rather than agents areproved correct. In their approach, theRecord/Replay mechanism is coupled to testingvia post-mortem analysis. It uses the events anddata stored during the record phase and checksproperties without re-executing the system.

    The author [25] in his research proposes anapproach for integration tests in open multi-agentsystems. This approach supports the creation oftest cases based on the information provided bythe definition of system rules. They propose to useXMLaw, which is a language for the specificationof agents interactions regulation in open multi -agent systems. In open multi-agent systems, agentsmust obey social conventions in order to maintainpredictable integration.

    Usually, these social conventions are hardcoded, leading to unsuitable systems. A solution tohard coded conventions is separate the systems

    social convention into a separate module insuringagents compliance. This technique is called lawenforcement.

    In [26],a framework for agent oriented testingbased on the V-Model is proposed .The V-modelis extended by incorporating the characteristics ofthe agent perspective approach.

    The authors [27] in his paper propose an approachto verify the correctness of execution scenario in amulti-agent system. In this approach, scenarios arespecified by Protocol Diagrams in AUML (AgentUnified Modeling Language) .

    The pre and post conditions of the

    scenarios are formalized and an extension propertyclass in JPF (Java PathFinder) model checker isdefined to verify if the execution of scenariossatisfies their constraints. This approach has beenillustrated by using a well-known scenario of abook trading multi-agent system.

    The author [28] in his paper described the ongoingworks to develop a systems modeling approach toallow design-time system models to be reused byan autonomous system at runtime. He identifiedthe properties associated with the engineering ofautonomous systems that differentiate them from

    other types of complex system.A framework to support the verificationand validation of aspects of autonomous systemsat runtime is then presented which uses theprinciples of MDA (Model Driven Architecture) tounderpin it, and discussed the rationale behind itsstructure., and we develop a specific aspect of thisframework a run-time Computation IndependentModel (CIM), using a language from theautomated planning domain, the Planning DomainDefinition Language (PDDL).

    The author [29] proposed a testing modelfor multi-agent systems which classifies the test

    techniques into the five dynamic test levels: unitintegration test, agent acceptance test, agentintegration test, system test and user acceptancetest. The test processes that proposed by theInternational software testing qualification board(ISTQB) are extended and modified to address theproperties of a comprehensive test process inAOSE.

    The proposed process is divided byintroducing four sub-processes: Test planning andcontrol, Test analysis and design, Testimplementation and execution and Test evaluationexit criteria and reporting. These sub-processes

    contain specific activities, metrics and tangibleinput and also output artifacts. The preferredagent-oriented test methods are employed indesigning the test cases and in executing the testssub-processes.The authors [30] presented their studies of formalverification of multi-agent system using modelchecking approach. They have utilized modelchecking tool in order to execute the formal

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    International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, IJSER, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012ISSN 2229-5518

    IJSER 2012

    verification procedures based on a particular basictheory to verify certain kind of properties ofrequirement specifications.

    We show an example of how modelchecking tool could support the verification ofUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) multi agent

    online application system and conclude that thepropose model checking approach will benefitmulti agent system.They extended the generic model checkingprocedures i.e. specification, modeling, andverification by proposing model checking cycle(MCC) in which model checking procedures aredone in cycle so that the informal and formalrequirements specifications and system modelingcan be further improved and refined as theverification is performed. Figure 4 below showsthe extended model checking processes cycleadapted from quality management of industrial

    practice [6].The model checking is implemented byexecuting multiple stages of processes organizedinto four phases of MCC processes flow as shownin Figure 4. The first phase is the informalspecification and modeling of systemrequirements. Next, the second phase is the formalspecification of properties and modeling of system.

    The output of the informal and formalspecification and modeling are used to executeautomated verification using model checking toolsin the third phase of MCC. Finally, the output ofthe verification phase is analyzed in the fourth

    phase and the analysis will be used to improve thenext implementation cycle.

    Figure 4- Proposed model checking cycle (MCC)

    5. Challenges in testing of MAS

    Testing the MAS is a challenging task. There areseveral reasons for the multi-agent system testingto be challenging:

    In multi-agent software, several distributedprocesses run autonomously and concurrently;which makes MAS to be complex and its testing very challenging.

    Amount of data, since systems can be made upby thousands of agents, each owning its owndata;

    Irreproducibi lity effect, since we cant ensurethat two executions of the systems will lead tothe same state, even if the same input is used.As a consequence, looking for a particularerror can be difficult if it is impossible toreproduce it each time [22].

    They are also non-deterministic, since it is notpossible to determine a priori all interactionsof an agent during its execution.

    Agents communicate primarily throughmessage passing instead of method invocation,so existing object-oriented testing approachesare not directly applicable.

    Agents are autonomous and cooperate withother agents who implies that they may runcorrectly by themselves but incorrectly in acommunity or vice versa.

    Agents' characteristics such as autonomousbehavior, pro-activity, mutual relationships ofthese agents and relationships with theenvironment, make it difficult to verify the qualityand correctness of MAS. Therefore, there is a needfor new testing methods dealing with their specificfeatures. The methods need to be effective andadequate to evaluate agent's characteristics such asautonomous behaviors, pro-activity, reactivity etc.There is an emerging need for detailed guidelinesfor the processes to follow during the testing ofmulti-agent systems. This is a very essential steptowards the adoption of Agent-Oriented SoftwareEngineering (AOSE) methodology by industry.

    6. Future research direction for testingof MAS

    There can be problems of bottlenecks in themulti-agent system despite its distributed

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    International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, IJSER, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012ISSN 2229-5518

    IJSER 2012

    character, as there are often high-load hubsand central points that can slow down theentire system. This area can be one of theresearches.Study the scope of stress testing on a multi-agent system, in order to determine behavior

    and stability in the case of mass collapse of agreat number of agents. This is because, evenin such a situation, the multi-agent systemshould remain stable, without substantialimpact on its performance and its globalbehaviorThe other research study can focus on theproposing a new testing methodology tosupport agent-oriented software engineering(AOSE) that will be having advantage over theexisting ones.

    7. Conclusion and Future work.

    Testing of multi-agent systems poses morecomplex problems than testing of traditionalcomputer systems. Emergent properties andbehaviors of multi-agent systems are theirinseparable traits that add to the system suchcharacteristics that no single one of their partspossess.

    Although there are a number of tools andapproaches designed for testing various kinds of

    problems in multi-agent systems, we are stilllacking a consistent method for multi-agenttesting.

    In this paper we mainly reported state ofart Multiagent based testing techniques and itschallenges and listed, some future researchdirection for testing Multi Agents System (MAS)are also highlighted in this paper.

    Our future work will deal with testing ofmulti-agents systems with a special focus onautonomous system. We will also focus on testingdifferent bottle-neck scenarios which might havean impact on the multi-agent systems.

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    IJSER 2012

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    Authors Bibliography

    Mohammad Mottahir Alam has around sixyears of experience working as Software
  • 7/29/2019 Study of Multi Agent Testing Techniques and Future Research Direction


    International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, IJSER, Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012ISSN 2229-5518

    IJSER 2012

    Engineer (Quality) for some leading softwaremultinationals where he worked on projects forcompanies like Pearson and Readers Digest. Hehas received his Bachelors degree in Electronics& Communication and Masters in

    Nanotechnology from Faculty of Engineeringand Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia University,New Delhi.

    He is presently working as a Lecturer inthe Faculty of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah,Saudi Arabia. His research interest includesSoftware Engineering, Component BasedSoftware Engineering and Agent BasedSoftware Engineering.

    Mr. Asif Irshad Khan received his Bachelor andMaster degree in Computer Science from theAligarh Muslim University (A.M.U), Aligarh,India in 1998 and 2001 respectively. He ispresently working as a Lecturer ComputerScience at the Faculty of Computing andInformation Technology, King Abdul AzizUniversity, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

    He has more than seven yearsexperience of teaching as lecturer to graduate

    and undergraduate students in differentuniversities and worked for four years inindustry before joining academia full time.

    He has published more than 10research papers in national and International

    journals, and his research interest includesSoftware Engineering, Component BasedSoftware Engineering and Agent OrientedSoftware Engineering.

    Mr. Noor-ul-Qayyum received his Masterdegree in Information Technology fromNational University of Sciences and Technology,Islamabad, Pakistan in 2009. He had beenworking for Ikonami Technologies and DeckerIntellectual Properties as a software engineerbefore joining King Abdul Aziz University.

    He is currently working as a lecturer inKing Abdul Aziz University. He has industryexperience in SCORM based e-learningcourseware development using ADDIE model.His research interest includes e-learning,software watermarking, and mobile agentsecurity issues.

    Mr. Abdullah Maresh Ali received his Master

    degree in Computer Science from King Abdul

    Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in 2011.

    He is presently working as a Lecturer Computer

    Science at the Faculty of Computing and

    Information Technology, King Abdul Aziz

    University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

    His research interest includes Computer

    networks and Agent Oriented Software
