Anybody who have the preconceived notion of finding faults & error on the bible will certainly find what will justify and appeal to their line of reasoning, Anyone who find the bible as an inspiration, foundation of moral values and laws will always see the beauty, that will strengthen their faith, If you find the bible as a source of contradiction, then follow only one law on the bible, "Love & Respect your fellow Human" one law that will certainly embrace even your secularist worldview. if you are part of the minority you should conduct yourself in away you will be accepted by majority, If you can't tolerate & afford to accept the religious majority of world population, try to leave in total seclusion / isolation, North Korea is an ideal place for Godless people. Having faith , belief & religion is not STUPIDITY, claiming above others intrinsic human nature is, If Science is your barometer of Intelligence, then you really are "STUPID" and blinded by few noisy secularist, Most if not all great scientist of the past are GOD believers, it did not hinder their religiosity in their pursuit of science knowledge, Even the latest 21st century Pew Survey from the member of American Association for the Advancement of Science still indicate that 51% believe in GOD or universal higher spirit. 83% of American are still religious, only around 12% identify them selves as Atheist & Agnostic. Atheism doesn't have anything to do with science, scientists of the past and even to this day and age does not do scientific works to prove the denial for the existence of god. Atheism is pirating the work of scientist as if it was their evidence against god.Any sane scientist does not try to mixed his religious works with his faith in god, but it does not hinder their religiosity. "If we find error" are you claiming that scientist are all Atheist?...lol Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1627) Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Rene Descartes (1596-1650) Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Robert Boyle (1791-1867) Michael Faraday (1791-1867) Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) William Thomson Kelvin (1824-1907) Max Planck (1858-1947) Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Chales Darwin (1809-18820

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Anybody who have the preconceived notion of finding faults & error on the bible will certainly find what will justify and appeal to their line of reasoning, Anyone who find the bible as an inspiration, foundation of moral values and laws will always see the beauty, that will strengthen their faith, If you find the bible as a source of contradiction, then follow only one law on the bible, "Love & Respect your fellow Human" one law that will certainly embrace even your secularist worldview.

if you are part of the minority you should conduct yourself in away you will be accepted by majority, If you can't tolerate & afford to accept the religious majority of world population, try to leave in total seclusion / isolation, North Korea is an ideal place for Godless people. Having faith , belief & religion is not STUPIDITY, claiming above others intrinsic human nature is, If Science is your barometer of Intelligence, then you really are "STUPID" and blinded by few noisy secularist, Most if not all great scientist of the past are GOD believers, it did not hinder their religiosity in their pursuit of science knowledge, Even the latest 21st century Pew Survey from the member of American Association for the Advancement of Science still indicate that 51% believe in GOD or universal higher spirit. 83% of American are still religious, only around 12% identify them selves as Atheist & Agnostic.

Atheism doesn't have anything to do with science, scientists of the past and even to this day and age does not do scientific works to prove the denial for the existence of god. Atheism is pirating the work of scientist as if it was their evidence against god.Any sane scientist does not try to mixed his religious works with his faith in god, but it does not hinder their religiosity.

"If we find error" are you claiming that scientist are all Atheist?...lol

Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543)Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1627)Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)Rene Descartes (1596-1650)Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)Isaac Newton (1642-1727)Robert Boyle (1791-1867)Michael Faraday (1791-1867)Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)William Thomson Kelvin (1824-1907)Max Planck (1858-1947)Albert Einstein (1879-1955)Chales Darwin (1809-18820

Pure garbage that's all coming from an intellectual pretender, you may not like it but atheism will succumb to natural death and it will bring you together with all your self hallucination and if historical facts doesn't proved anything then nothing will convinced you other wise, live your life the way you want, for you will never see a world without religion, it will take the whole planet earth to be extinguished before you will realized a world without religion.....LOL...you will remain minority until each and everyone of your perished in this religious world....I can guarantee you that....lol.

By the way, you are suited to live your remaining days on housing for the aged where you can argue your whole life, but at the end of the day, you will still be STUPID, just like what you say your already in your twilight years, your will eventually die a FOOL....lol..lol.

.see how stupid can you be, me and Dan does not see any disagreement between science and religion and here your are trying to use science against religion, that is why from the very start you are the only one who is STUPID and by continuously insisting on your religion vs science stance your only proving us that you really are an exceptionally STUPID ATHEIST

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Current religionist are more of bridging the past between religion & science, militant atheist are the antagonist creating division where they can squeeze their irrational, illogical world view, Recent pronouncement of the Pope where he is persuading believers to embrace science facts, is only manifestation of their desire that science & religion can co exist in a religious world, It was the long fought battle by God believer scientist of the past that science can move forward humanity without hindering their religiosity. Atheist does not only embrace science, they try to build the foundation of atheism on science, but science has nothing to do with Atheism.Fortunately for the clowns they don't need any arrow to hit the barn, laughing to the intellectual pretenders as if they are big jokes is more than enough to fill the day. 

The hollow sound of the myth...was able to hummed the silence of reality in your ear, for your cognitive faculty to process.

Unfortunately i don't see any credibility on your post...lol....and i don't expect anything rational from "EXCEPTIONALLY STUPID ATHEIST

There are 2.2 billion Christian and 2 billion Muslim around the world tell them they are all Childish....lol..Compare to 500 thousand STUPID ATHEISTS....lol. 

Being an Atheist i challenge you to propagate your godless worldview to conservative Islam nation such as Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, let’s see if you really are not scared....because if you don't act vigorously you will eventually succumb to natural death, you will never see a world without religion if you don't put your act together, don't be a keyboard warrior, propagate your worldview....time is running out....eventually you will all perished without any meaningful existence, all you irrational babbling are non sense if you will not leave your life according to your worldview. Until I see “STUPID ATHEIST” proclaiming publicly in conservative countries their godless worldview then I can only surmised that all atheist are coward. Christians are already crawling to Islam Territory as well as Islam are already evangelizing and making their presence felt on Christian nation while all coward atheist are hiding at the comfort of their houses.

All scientific experiment started with faith, without which no scientific evidence will exist.

Keep em coming "STUPID KING ATHEIST"...enjoy the game...lol..


1 You are all coward hiding behind the comfort of your houses ( when will you realized a world without religion if you will all succumb to natural extinction.) i already provided you with statistics and ratio.

2. Most religionist of this era recognizes the co existence of Science & Religion ( what then will be foundation of Atheism?). i have a suggestion..gather all your STUPID MIND and blow yourselves into oblivion.

3. How can you be represented in Political arena, when most Americans will not vote for an "STUPID ATHEIST" candidate.

4. You are all hypocrite, enjoying the religious holidays.

Again for the 3rd time i don't expect anything logical nor rational coming from an "EXCEPTIONALLY STUPID ATHEIST"....you can never win against stupid atheist they will just drag you down to their level and beat you by experience..

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.if someone like an "OLD FART" like you distances yourselves from religion it does not matter, you don't have any value and your line of thinking will only dampen any organization you might be involved with, the best thing you can do to the world is bring your "STUPIDITY" to your grave...lol

An "EXCEPTIONALLY STUPID ATHEIST" like you Voxloldie will surely pass your genetic abnormalities to your linage, your embedded "STUPIDITY" will definitely run in the blood on all your family line, add to that the additional STUPID blood line of your other half, your both destined to produced an "EXCEPTIONALLY STUPID FAMILY"

Third if religion for you is just dogma & zealotry, why don't you ask yourself intently when majority of world population is religious, does that mean only a few "STUPID ATHEIST" are living in real world, Did it occur to you that it is actually the complete reversal and the minority are just pure noise without substance. What do you think will be the future of 'ATHEISM", I have a very precised prediction based on number alone, you will all succumb to natural extinction, eventually you will all be swallowed by religiosity in the world, you may not like it, you may resist it first, but time will deal the final blow to your irrational, illogical worldview.

I'm actually enjoying every single moment dealing with your abnormalities & spinning your deficient mind "EXCEPTIONALLY STUPID ATHEIST"..keem em coming.

Is that all what you get Voxoldie....i think old age is rapidly catching up on you, the longer it gets the worst your comment become, no substance at all, nothing logical nor rational, typical of your kind.

I don't need a high score, i just want to kick the butt of an "OLD FART"..lol, Again if your consider telling the reality of your characteristics, abnormality & your stupidity trolling then let it be, i wil just keep on telling & repeating the truth and eventually you will accept your real identity...lol. 

Again you did not answer any logical & rational rebuttal from what i posted, only pure nonsensical babbling, but don't worry, i don't expect anything from a low kind "EXCEPTIONALLY STUPID ATHEIST" like you Voxoldie you have NOTHING in your rotten brain anyway, by the way the word "NOTHING" is a very special word cause all of you "STUPID ATHEIST" came from "NOTHING", that is why all of you are just insect without any value in this world.

What do you expect from Voxoldie...an "EXCEPTIONALLY STUPID ATHEIST". creating division instead of uniting humanity, usually the minority are the noisiest & annoying insect in this beautiful world, a typical oldie whose 99.99% life in a day revolved around arguing & debating nonsensical, irrational & illogical stance.

All "STUPID ATHEIST" are coward, none of them can surpass the bravery of religious evangelist be it Muslim or Christian, preaching on all parts of the world realizing their religious worldview, No Atheist will conduct public speeches,(on conservative religious country) they are all afraid that their heads will roll on the ground, the best they can do is yell, curse, annoy, ridicule at the comfort of their houses, they don't realized that what ever worldview they have will eventually succumb to natural extinction, until they act together and make a drastic move to propagate their "STUPID WORLDVIEW" they will eventually perished into oblivion. (organized & propagate all over the world that's your only option) If you wont put your act together you will remain minority until such time you will be wipe out of this world.

You don't need to be statistician to realized that atheist birthrate per family worldwide will eventually be swallowed by bigger religious families. By 2070 Atheism will be at its dangerously extinction level. Muslim will eventually catch up with Christianity, China will eventually become religious due to existence of underground organized religion, India, Brazil, America, Indonesia the most populous nations will still be considered religious.

In our place we usually respect the oldies, but Voxoldie is different, he has an exceptional

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distinction of being "STUPID" that need spanking, The saying " you cannot teach an old dog new style" fits perfectly with his antiquated pea brain.Unfortunately for humanity Voxoldie already past his genetic abnormalities & deficiency to his grandchildren, imagine a whole "STUPID FAMILY" arguing about anything under the sun.

 Being atheist does not in anyway automatically includes you to the upper echelon of intellectuals, It did not happen in the past as it was not the reality of today.

Adolf Hitler views on Religion.

Hitler was born to a practicing Catholic mother and an anticlerical father, but after leaving home Hitler never again attended Mass or received the sacraments.Speer states that Hitler made harsh pronouncements against the church to his political associates and though he never officially left it, he had no attachment to it. He adds that Hitler felt that in the absence of the church the faithful would turn to mysticism, which he considered a step backwards.According to Speer, Hitler believed that either Japanese religious beliefs or Islam would have been a more suitable religion for the Germans than Christianity, with its "meekness and flabbiness".

Historian John S. Conway states that Hitler was fundamentally opposed to the Christian churches.According to Bullock, Hitler did not believe in God, was anticlerical, and held Christian ethics in contempt because they contravened his preferred view of "survival of the fittest".He favored aspects of Protestantism that suited his own views, and adopted some elements of the Catholic Church's hierarchical organisation, liturgy, and phraseology in his politics.

Hitler viewed the church as an important politically conservative influence on society, and he adopted a strategic relationship with it that "suited his immediate political purposes".In public, Hitler often praised Christian heritage and German Christian culture, though professing a belief in an "Aryan Jesus", one who fought against the Jews.Any pro-Christian public rhetoric was at variance with his personal beliefs, which described Christianity as "absurdity"and nonsense founded on lies.

According to a U.S. Office of Strategic Services report, "The Nazi Master Plan", Hitler planned to destroy the influence of Christian churches within the Reich.His eventual goal was the total elimination of Christianity.This goal informed Hitler's movement very early on, but he saw it as inexpedient to express this extreme position publicly.According to Bullock, Hitler wanted to wait until after the war before executing this plan.Speer wrote that Hitler had a negative view of Himmler's and Alfred Rosenberg's mystical notions and Himmler's attempt to mythologize the SS. Hitler was more pragmatic, and his ambitions centered on more practical concerns.

"In their comprehensive Encyclopedia of Wars, Phillips and Axelrod document the recorded history of warfare. Of the 1,763 wars presented, a mere 7% involved a religious cause. When Islam is subtracted from the equation, that number drops to 3.2%.In terms of casualties, religious wars account for only 2% of all people killed by warfare. This pales in comparison to the number of people who have been killed by secular dictators in the 20th century alone."

It is strange to witness the passion with which some secular figures rail against the misdeeds of the Crusaders and Inquisitors more than 500 years ago. The number sentenced to death by the Spanish Inquisition appears to be about 10,000. Some historians contend that an additional 100,000 died in jail due to malnutrition or illness.These figures are tragic, and of course population levels were much lower at the time. But even so, they are minuscule compared with the death tolls produced by the atheist despotisms of the 20th century. In the name of creating their version of a religion-free utopia, Adolf Hitler, Joseph

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Stalin, and Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Kim's of N.K produced the kind of mass slaughter that no Inquisitor could possibly match. Collectively these atheist tyrants murdered more than 100 million people.

GOD has no creator, he is the alpha & omega, for those who believe in GOD, would you ask your parents why they created you? There are intelligible question that needs answers and there are stupid question that need to be ignored

What is the color of number nine?

Can you provide tangible evidence of dark matter?

Can you provide tangible evidence of Gravity?

Can you provide tangible evidence of dark energy?

who else from the living organism & being knows that his life will eventually end? except human.Human is special in this world cause we are the only living creatures that knows our life will eventually end.

As per the suffering & evil in this real world.

According to the logical problem of evil, it is logically impossible for God and evil to co-exist. If God exists, then evil cannot exist. If evil exists, then God cannot exist. Since evil exists, it follows that God does not exist.

But the problem with this argument is that there’s no reason to think that God and evil are logically incompatible. There’s no explicit contradiction between them. But if the atheist means there’s some implicit contradiction between God and evil, then he must be assuming some hidden premises which bring out this implicit contradiction. But the problem is that no philosopher has ever been able to identify such premises. Therefore, the logical problem of evil fails to prove any inconsistency between God and evil.

But more than that: we can actually prove that God and evil are logically consistent. You see, the atheist presupposes that God cannot have morally sufficient reasons for permitting the evil in the world. But this assumption is not necessarily true. So long as it is even possible that God has morally sufficient reasons for permitting evil, it follows that God and evil are logically consistent. And, certainly, this does seem at least logically possible.

1.We are not in a good position to assess the probability of whether God has morally sufficient reasons for the evils that occur. As finite persons, we are limited in time, space, intelligence, and insight. But the transcendent and sovereign God sees the end from the beginning and providentially orders history so that His purposes are ultimately achieved through human free decisions. In order to achieve His ends, God may have to put up with certain evils along the way. Evils which appear pointless to us within our limited framework may be seen to have been justly permitted within God’s wider framework. To borrow an illustration from a developing field of science, Chaos Theory, scientists have discovered that certain macroscopic systems, for example, weather systems or insect populations, are extraordinarily sensitive to the tiniest perturbations. A butterfly fluttering on a branch in West Africa may set in motion forces which would eventually issue in a hurricane over the Atlantic Ocean. Yet it is impossible in principle for anyone observing that butterfly palpitating on a branch to predict such an outcome. The brutal murder of an innocent man or a child’s dying of leukemia could produce a sort of ripple effect through history such that God’s morally sufficient reason for permitting it might not emerge until centuries later and perhaps in another land. When you think of God’s providence over the whole

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of history, I think you can see how hopeless it is for limited observers to speculate on the probability that God could have a morally sufficient reason for permitting a certain evil. We’re just not in a good position to assess such probabilities.

That is why the real world is the religious world where evil & goodness exist, Atheist are actually dreaming of a perfect world where GOD should follow their own conceived created world.

you know i heard a very good proposition from one Atheist writer, Professor in the US, which i agree with, her article goes something like this, She did not for once attack those GOD believers instead her focus was mainly on her co Atheist, What she actually said is that since your kind are just minuscule in numbers, your first agenda should be to work hard and be accepted in this world where religiosity reign supreme, it is your kind that need to work and show to your community how to live a meaningful life without GOD and be aware that you are just minority, you can never compete in your claim as to living a meaningful life, none from your kind can surpass the work done by Christian missionaries who serve humanity, (Mother Theresa) will trample every Atheist whom you know contributed in the service of humanity.

Even in the field of science there are far more GOD Believer scientist who contributed to modern science of today, none from your kind will ever surpass the work of GOD believer scientist, beside Atheism does not have anything to do with science, claiming the works of GOD believer scientist as if they are evidence against GOD to put forth as a foundation of your non belief is a kind of " Intellectual Piracy"

As to caring to the future of our children, believe me, there are far more religious family than irreligious one, we respect that each & every family's goal is for the betterment of their children, You as a parent know more than anybody else what will be good for your children, Did it occur to you that we also know more than any body else what is good for our children? Are you saying you are the world's role model of good parenting?Are you suggesting that majority of the world should follow your parenting skills? Isn't that a little bit arrogant? Can we just guide our children to respect & tolerate every child they may encounter whatever faith or non faith they do have.

You keep on focusing on this "washing hands" non argumentative stance, but did you notice that the bible was more than this washing hands it encompasses everything from the beginning (try to look for the word COMPUTER in the bible you can never find such word ) If the bible speak of cleaning the soul & body then this washing hands, cutting nail, hair, cleaning your everything that will make your body healthy comes together with it. 

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning (TIME) God created the heaven (SPACE) and the earth.(MATTER).

that is our big difference, your reading the bible to look for negativity to satisfy your self, so you can for a moment justify your hatred to GOD on your previous sufferings, wherein you blame GOD.We read the bible to appreciate the word of GOD, we also try to study the historicity of each bible verse, all aspects ( people, place, time, nature of sermon) in doing so we analyse the deep meaning and not just literally chopping the verse which will satisfy our curiosity, in short were looking for beauty & goodness on each verses, a direct contradiction on your side. we may never see any evil bible verses, in direct contrast you may never find any good verses, a simple advice to you leave the reading of the bible to those who appreciate the goodness & beauty of the bible and as for yourself live a solitary life in terms of your non belief, create you own version of morality, when your old enough try to appreciate your life, In GOD's time there was no end

you are just an "INTELLECTUAL PRETENDER", if you are what you assume to be, can

you please explain further how science view the "naked thought" of human being? the

functionality of the receptive neurons, how humans develops such critical thinking as against the

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other animals? Why is it of all the animals only human knows his life will eventually end?

@Authiestic....can you explain further why humans was able to appreciate beauty, abstract

paintings, music & arts with respect to science?

@Authiestic...Can you please provide the exact & final scientific evidence on how life came to


@Authieistic....If most scientist of today's believe that there are alien, Do you also believe there

are other civilization out there?

@Authiestic..unfortunately i don't read pseudo science book,as far as i can i'm limiting myself to

real science (which by the way does not have anything to do with Atheism).

A Letter of Charles Darwin to his wife 

I cannot tell you the compassion I have felt for all your suffering for these weeks past that you have had so many drawbacks. Nor the gratitude I have felt for the cheerful and affectionate looks you have given me when I know you have been miserably uncomfortable.My heart has often been too full to speak or take any notice. I am sure you know I love you well enough to believe that I mind your suffering nearly as much as I shouldmy own and I find the only relief to my own mind is to take it as from God's hand, and to try to believe that all suffering and illness is meant to help us to exalt our minds and to look forward with hope to a future state. When I see your patience, deep compassion for others, self command and above all gratitude for the smallest thing done to help you I cannot help longing that these precious feelings should be offered to Heaven for the sake of your daily happiness. But I find it difficult enough in my own case. I often think of the words "Thou shalt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee." It is feeling and not reasoning that drives one to prayer.I feel presumptuous in writing this to you. I feel in my inmost heart your admirable qualities and feelings and all I would hope is that you would direct them upwards, as well as to one who values them above everything in the world. I shall keep this by me till I feel cheerful and comfortable again about you but it has passed through my mind often lately so I thought I would write it partly to relieve my own mind.

God Bless you C. D. 1861