Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;

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18 5 0.

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Americax Advertiser Phess.

76 Nassau street.

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Draught-Board and Men 3

Title 5

Contents 7

Preface to the American Edition 9

Preface to the English Edition 13

Original Preface by Sturges 21

Introduction and Rudiments 25

Laws of the Game 35

Sixty-nine entire Games played out ; with numerous Varia-

tions 39

One hundred and fifty Critical Positions, to be won or drawn

by scientific play ; displayed on Diagrams 93

Solutions of the foregoing Hundred and fifty Positions 113

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Distraits ne soient tes yeux,

Ni ta m^n trop legere


Un beau coup s'ofFre a faire

Vois s'il n'est rien de mieux.

St. Ussans.

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WiLL the assertion appear paradoxical to our readers

that the encouragement of games of skill tends to the

suppression of vice ? Draughts, Chess, and their

kindred games, can never, for a long time, furnish

food for the gaming-table. He who seeks to gratify

the lowest passion of the human breast, will not wish

to hazard his property in a contest depending alone

upon superior skill ; where, his own strength, and that

of his adversary, having been once satisfactorily tested,

the issue remains no longer doubtful. The Game of

Draughts has, it is true, been occasionally perverted

from its proper use. But the abuse of a thing forms

no argument against its tise; and, while we regret

that this game has ever, in any degree, been the

occasion of evil, we can but think that, were it more

generally introduced into the social circle, it would,

m some measure at least, take the place of those

Page 16: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


games of chance, which are scarce ever played with-

out a wager. The young, especially, must have some

rational means of recreation, and anything that can

render the fireside pleasant, will prevent their seeking

abroad the society of the vicious.

But it is not alone because this game furnishes an

agreeable and harmless recreation, that we are desirous

of its more general introduction into the social circle.

The Game of Draughts can boast of advantages su-

perior to that of mere amusement. The application

of the mental powers, the quickening of the perceptive

faculties, and the prompt calculation of chances, are

not the least of its benefits. Whatever improves the

mind, at the same time that it affords entertainment,

is justly classed in the most refined and elevated circle

of amusements. And nothing, save the still more

intellectual game of Chess, can equal this species of

scientific recreation, which we are happy to say is the

most popular of all games of science in this country.

In more than one respect does it surpass even its more

powerful rival. A person of ordinary mental powers

can, by a few hours of careful study, master its prin-

ciples, while a few minutes of prompt action are

sufficient to decide the victory. A country, then,

where republican institutions prevail—where all classes

of the community are engaged in the busy pursuits of

life, and the leisure of the rich is not compensated by

the or-.HStant toil of the poor—furnishes a soil much

Page 17: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


more congenial to this than to a more difficult and

abstruse species of amusement. Far be it from us to

attempt to depreciate the most noble of all games, but

we can but think that the game of Draughts is more

suited to our wants than even the game of Chess.

The latter is unequalled for its discipline of the mind,

but we may hazard the assertion, that American citi-

zens generally can never become eminent in a species

of contest, requiring so much time for the attainment

of its principles, as well as for a trial of skill.

On the Game of Drau2;hts not a single work has

ever been published in America. While almost every

country of the Old World can boast of several fine

volumes upon the subject, we are entirely silent.

How are we to account for this .'' Is it because there

are not eminent players among us } We may go

through the length and breadth of the land, and we

can scarcely meet with a child that is not acquainted

with its rudiments. To fill this unaccountable chasm

in our literature, is the object of the re-publication of

the present volume. It was published at the beginning

of the present century, by Joshua Sturges—one of the -

most eminent players of this game that ever lived.

The work was nearly out of print when it was re-pub-

lished in London, about ten years since, by George

Walker. So great has been the demand that, at the

present time, scarce a copy remains in the book stores

Page 18: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


of England, and only about half a dozen copies are

known as being owned in America.

The game, it is true, is played to a considerable

extent in this country, but we are desirous of its being

still more generally and more skilfully played, and if

the re-publication of this volume, the best ever written

in any language upon the subject, shall contribute to

such a result, our fullest desires will be realized.

New York, September, 1845.

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In bringing forward a new edition of Sturges' cele-

brated Treatise on the Game of Draughts, I must

claim my privilege, as Editor, to hazard certain pre-

liminary observations. The work has been for many

years out of print ; and, although the original impres-

sion comprised an unusually large number of copies,

has become so extremely rare of occurrence, that,

latterly, it can only be said to have been attainable by

the few to whom cost is a consideration foreign to the

question of possession.

The origin of the Game of Draughts appears to be

lost, like that of Chess, in the depths of past ages


while we find that with various unimportant modifica-

tions, the game has been practised firom almost time

immemorial in the chief countries of Europe. Played

on the same board as Chess, it would seem, from its

comparative simplicity, to be the progenitor of that

Page 20: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


more difficult and abstruse recreation ; and, both these

sports probably sprang, in common with the heroic

exercises of the Greeks and Scandinavians, from the

perpetual state of war in which every early nation was

so barbarously engaged.

Of the several varieties of Draughts, the two prin-

cipal are— English Draughts, (I thus designate the

common game exemplified in the work before us,)

and—Pohsh Draughts. The latter was only invented

during the last century, and is as yet but Httle known

here ; though on the Continent it has nearly superseded

the other game. It must -be admitted that Polish

Draughts is the finer, as being the more complicated, of

the two varieties. The wider range of the field—(the

board exhibiting a hundred squares, instead of sixty-

four;)—the increased number of combatants—(twenty

on each side, instead of twelve)—as well as the greater

power given to the men under particular circumstances


—all these advantages help to approximate Polish

Draughts more closely than its rival, to the game of all



In ranking, then, the chief sports of science accord-

ing to their relative degrees of merit, I give the first

place to Chess—the second to Polish Draughts—and

the third to our own game of English Draughts. By

thus admitting its slight inferiority, do we in the re-

motest degree detract from the legitimate merits of

this beautiful recreation ^—I tliink not. The extreme

Page 21: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


simplicity of English Draughts, and the consequent

certainty, that, in a few hours, considerable knowledge

of its rudiments may be acquired, afford a high recom-

mendation to such persons as have not leisure to devote

to the attainment of more difficult exercises ; and I

cannot follow the examples of those authors who by

constantly pouring the most exaggerated praises upon

the subject they write of,—^whatever that subject may

happen to be,—produce something too like a feeling of

strong contempt, in the minds of their better informed


With regard to the literature of Draughts, there are

a number of early works in foreign languages ; but of

unequal and inferior merit. Mallet* is the only author

among the ancients at all worthy of notice. In our

own country we have had writers besides Sturges, but

with the exception of Payne|—and perhaps PainterJ

they are only fit for a quiet slumber in Christopher

North's Balaam-box. The whole of Payne's excellent

book is incorporated by Sturges in this treatise ; thus

furnishing the text, on which our author has so happily

and copiously dilated. There is also a good pocket

* Le jeu des Dames;par Pierre Mallet. Paris, 1668, 4to.—

See also L'Egide de Pallas, Paris, 1760, 12mo.

t Introduction to Draughts, &c,, by Wm. Payne. London,

1756, 8vo.

X Companion for the Draught-player, by W. Painter. Lon-

don, 1787, 8vo. pp. 20.

Page 22: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


edition of Payne, edited by Pohlman.* I cannot quit

this part of my subject without once more adverting to

Pohsh Draughts ; a game I am anxious to see generally

played in England. The only books relating to it, in

our language, are compilations by Pohlman and Twiss ,1

but they neither of them offer much information respect-

ing its rudiments or constitution. Both Holland and

Germany can boast of several large volumes on Polish

Draughts; while France is, above all other countries,

rich in works not very difficult to be procured ; and the

leading names of which I append, as a just tribute to

this delightful source of scientific amusement.J

* The Game of Draughts, by J. G. Pohlman. London, 1S23,

12mo. pp. 70.

t Tvviss's Miscellanies. London, 1805, 2 vols. 8vo.—This

farrago contains some ignorant and ill-natured remarks on the

vast quantity of matter embodied by Sturges in the present work.

Mr. Twiss was one of the shallowest of book-makers. His

leaves smell less of the midnight lamp, than of the paste and

scissors. All that is good in his " Chess" he was indebted for

to the learned Mr. Douce ; and it may safely be added, that,

whenever Twiss is original, he is almost always found to be


X Recueil de coups des Dames, par Dufour. Paris, Everat,

1808, 2 vols. 8vo., containing nearly 650 problems displayed on

diagrams. — Les quatre Jeux des Dames Polonais, Egyptien,

Echecs, et a trois personnes. Par Lallement, Metz, printed for

the author, 1802, 2 vols. 8vo.—including above 400 problems on

diagrams.— Essai sur le Jeu des Dames a la Polonaise, par

Manoury. Paris, 1770, 12mo. pp. 180. Same work, second

edition enlarged, Paris, 1787, 8vo. pp. 272. Recueil de coups

des Dames, par Blonde. Paris, 17S9, 8vo. pp. 40.

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If ever man had an especial claim to write a book on

the game of Draughts—it was Joshua Sturges. The

chief leisure of his life had been devoted to the pursuit

in which he so excelled. His genius for the game, and

his sincere enthusiasm on the subject, could only be

equalled by the indefatigable patience, with which, in

the work before us, he has unravelled the most com-

plicated difficulties, and traced them through their

remotest ramifications. The highest contemporary

evidence of the esteem in which Sturges was held as

a Draught-player, is afforded in the list of subscribers

affixed to the original edition of this work.* Wethere find that the copies subscribed for, previous to

publication, exceeded five hundred ; a large number,

as many a poor author would bear good witness. This

catalogue of subscribers rejoices, too, in the names of

many of the magnates of the land. Bishops, Lords,

and others, headed by the Prince of Wales, afterwards

George IV. It may fairly be asked why similar en-

courgement is not given to games of science.'*—and

whether the most effective Temperance Societies would

not be cheap Literary Institutions, in which the prac-

tice of Chess and Draughts might form a prominent

feature ?

Respecting the part I have myself taken in this little

* Guide to the Game of Draughts, &c., by Joshua Sturges.

London, printed for the Author, 1800, 8vo. pp. 60.


Page 24: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


volume, a few words remain to be said. In the original

edition, the introductory matter was meagre and incom-

plete ; it will here be found extended and improved,

I have also made a better arrangement of the immense

mass of variations, branching so extensively from the

different openings ; without omitting a single game or

move. To do this, I found it necessary to subdivide

some of the more complex games, and have thus im-

portantly simplified that which many learners may still,

I fear, look upon as a task sufficiently laborious. In

the former edition, however, Game 4 displayed no less

than thirty-eight collateral modes of play ;—Game 14

had thirty-three,—Game 21, forty,—^while Game 31

presented fifty-one different variations ; thus offering a

firont, from the attack of which, the boldest student

must have shrunk dismayed. I believe no further

" clearings " could have been attempted, without in-

creasing the book to a size incompatible with large

circulation. One improvement consists in displaying

the hundred-and-fifty critical situations on diagrams;

instead of leaving them, as printed by Sturges, to be

set up on the Draught-board from description only.

This collection of positions will be found highly in-

teresting *, and the playing through them alone, which

may now be done merely fi:om the diagram, without

the use of board or men,— will tend much to the

profit, as well as amusement, of the studious amateur.

Finally, in the first edition, our "recueil" comprised

Page 25: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


but one-hundred-and-forty, instead of one-hundred-and-

fifty critical situations as here given. This addition

was made by Sturges himself, and he also replaced a

number of the positions, with others of a higher

character, in consequence of discovering some defects

in the original selection. Had our author lived to

superintend the publication of a second edition, the

present is the exact shape which these ingenious

problems were intended to assume.


London March 21 183.^-

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To ascertain, distinctly, consequences in the'ir causes

to calculate with promptitude the result of intricate

variety— to elude by vigilant caution the snares of

stratagem ; are lessons which the game of Draughts

strongly inculcates and uniformly explains. While,

thus, the sport on one hand affords the means of in-

tellectual improvement ; on the other, it banishes

every temptation to moral depravity. It guards sim-

plicity from the lures of deceit, and prevents cunning

from preying on credulity : for where superior skill

alone commands success, the ignorant are not mad

enough to hazard their fortunes in a contest, where

loss is certain, and gain impossible. Considering the

game as an amusement, it cannot be denied that it

tends to improve those faculties of the mind, which

are eminently useful in every condition of life ; and

may therefore be made the school of wisdom, but

Page 28: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


cannot, like the gaming-table of chance, become the

nursery of vice.

These observations on the character of the game

of Draughts, are addressed to those fastidious critics

who disrelish, without distinction, every description

of play ; and who doubt the propriety of publishing

any book whatever, on the subject of a game.

There is, however, another, and that, too, a numerous

class of readers, who, readily acknowledging the inno-

cent nature of the undertaking, will be only solicitous

to inquire into the merits of its execution.

On this head, though the author cannot boast of

perfection, he can safely afl&rm, that every aid has

been resorted to, which long experience,— intense

study,— and the assistance of the most celebrated

players could suggest, to render it as perfect as


Had Mr. Payne's book been formed on a plan,

sufficiently enlarged, to enable the student to acquire

a competent share of skill in the science, this work

would never have made its appearance. The fact,

however, is, that whoever consults that volume, will

find it much too general to guide the judgment through

that vast complexity of movements common to the

game ; or to assist in extricating the player from those

embarrassing difficulties in which particular situations

must frequently involve him.

Several of that author's games required correction,

Page 29: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


and are here, as far as they go, displayed in their

amended state ; together with the addition of nume-

rous ramifications, to diversify the positions,—vary the

scale,—and enlarge the plan.

Wh,at is here advanced, is not intended to detract

from the merits of any predecessor. Something like

an apology seemed to he required, for the publication

of a new work on the game of Draughts, and truth

supplied the author with no other, than what is here

offered to a liberal and candid public.

But, surely, when it is considered that knowledge is

the result of progressive improvement, it can be no

proof of excessive self-complacency, to suppose that

we have advanced a little nearer to perfection, than

those who have gone so long before us in the study of

the same art.

At any rate, there is one original and important

advantage, which the following work possesses over

that of Mr. Payne ; it contains, at least, five hundred

examples more than his, embracing the most critical

situations which the game can produce, and arranged

in so clear a manner as to be intelligible to any learner,

however unskilled in the play.

In short, the author entertains a hope, that the

numerous improvements he has introduced, will, in

the estimation of judges, raise the Game of Draughts

in rank and consideration equal to that of Chess ; and

that whatever fate his book may experience from the

Page 30: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


surly critic, the liberal student will at least allow, that

he has increased the number of his enjojrments, by

enlarging the circle of innocent and useful amuse-


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INTRODUCTION.The game of Draughts is played by two persons upon

a board of sixty-four squares, colored alternately Black

and White, or any other two opposite colors. The

board is placed with an upper white corner on the

light hand.

Each player has twelve men ; which, on beginning

the game, are placed on the first three lines of white

squares. The following diagrams represent the board

2nd men in their original position ; and also the mode

in which the squares are supposed to be numbered.

It will be seen that, throughout this work, the upper

half of the board is occupied by the twelve Black men,

and the lower half by their antagonists, the White.





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The men being placed, the game is begun by each

player moving alternately one of his men, along the

white diagonal on which they are first posted. The

men can only move forward, miless they have attained

the extreme line of the board ; on which they become

kings, and can move either forward or backward. The

men take in the direction they move, by leaping over

the hostile piece, which is removed firom off the board,

and the man so taking another is placed on the square

beyond. To explain this by practical illustration, let

us begin by placing the draughts in their original

position. You will now observe that if Black should

move first, he can only move one of the men placed on

9, 10, 11, or 12.—Supposing him then to play the man

from 11 to 15, and White answering this move by

playing his piece fi-om 22 to 18, Black can take White

by leaping his man firom 15 to 22, and removing the

captured piece off the board. Should Black not take in

the above position, but move in another direction,—for

instance, firom 12 to 16, he is liable to be huffed ; that

is. White may remove the man with which Black should

have taken, from the board, as a penalty for not taking


for, at Draughts, you have not the option of refusing to

take, as at Chess ; but must always take when you can,

whatever the consequences may be. The player who

possesses the power of huffing his adversary has also

the option of insisting on his taking, instead of standing

the huff. When one party huffs another, he does not

Page 33: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


replace that party's move before he does so ; but simply

removes the man huffed, from off the board, and then

plays his own move.

When either of the men reaches one of the extreme

squares of the board, he is made a king, by having

another piece put on, which is called crowning him.

The king can move or take both forward or backward;

keeping, of course, on the white diagonals. Both the

king and common man can take any number of pieces

at once which may be " en prise^^ (liable to be taken,)

at one move, and both are equally liable to be huffed.

I dwell the less on the elementary part of the science,

as the playing through one game here given, from the

numbers, will do more in the way of teaching the

rudiments of Draughts, than the most elaborate theo-

retical explanation

The game is won by him who can first succeed in

capturing, or blocking up, all his adversary's men, so

that he has nothing left to move ; but when the pieces

are so reduced that each player has but a very small

degree of force remaining ; and, being equal in numbers,

neither can hope to make any decided impression on his

antagonist, the game is relinquished as drawn. It is

)bvious that were this not the case, and both parties

having one or two kings, the game might be prolonged

all night, with the same hopeless chance of natural

termination, as at the first moment of the pieces being

resolved into the position in question. I have already

Page 34: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


shown you that when a man reaches one of the squares

on the extreme line of the board, he is crowned and

becomes a king ; but there is another point relative to

this, which it is necessary to understand. The man,

thus reaching one of the extreme squares, finishes the

move on being made a king, and cannot take any piece

which may be "ew prise. ''^ To exemplify this, place a

White man on 11 , and Black men on 7 and 6 :—White,

having the move, takes the man and demands that his

own man should be crowned ; but, he cannot take th6

man on 6 at the same move ; which he could do were

his piece a king when it made the first capture.

In particular situations, to have the move on your

side, is a decisive advantage. This is a matter little

understood by ordinary players, but its importance will

fully appear by studying the critical situations. To

have the move, signifies your occupying that position

on the board which will eventually enable you to force

your adversary into a confined situation, and which d,t

the end of the game, secures to yourself the last move.

It must, however, be observed, that where your men

are in a confined state, the move is not only of no use to

you, but, for that very reason, may occasion the loss of

the game. To know in any particular situation whether

you have the move, you must number the men atid the

squares, and if the men are even and the squares odd,

or the squares even and the men odd, you have the

move. With even men and even squares, or odd men

Page 35: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


and odd squares, you have not the move. This will be

best explained by an example : Look, then, at the 8th

critical situation, where White plays first ; there the

adverse men are even, two to two ; but the White

squares, being five in number, are odd. The squares

may be thus reckoned—from 26, a White king, to 28,

a Black king, are three, viz. 31, 27, and 24— The

White squares between 32, a White man, and 19, a

Black man, are two, viz. 27 and 23. You may reckon

more v/ays than one, but reckon which way you will,

the squares will still be found odd, and therefore, White,

so situated, has the move. When you have not the

move, you must endeavor to procure it by giving man

for man, a mode of play fully and successfully exem-

plified in this work.

It is a mistaken notion that any advantage is derived

from playing first. It is admitted, that he who plays

first has not the move, the men and squares being then

both even ; but, though he who plays second has the

move, it can be of no service to him in that stage of the

game. The truth is, that when the combatants con-

tinue giving man for man, the move will alternately

belong to the one and the other. The first player will

have it at odd men, at 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1 ; the second

player will have it at even men, at 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, and

2 ; and therefore some error must be conunitted, on one

side or the other, before the move can be forced out of

that direction.

Page 36: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


There is another mode which will, in less time than

reckoning the squares, enable you to see who has the

move. For instance, if 3'ou wish to know, whether

any one man of your's has the move of any one man of

your adversary's, examine the situation of both, and if

you find a Black square on the right angle, under his

man, you have the move :—For example, you are to

play first, and your White man is on 30, when your

adversary's Black man is on 3—In this situation, you

will find the right angle in a Black square between 31

and 32, immediately under 3, and therefore you have

the move. This Rule will apply to any number of

men, and holds true in every case.

To play over the games in this work, number the

White squares on your draught-board from 1 to 32, and

observe that the Blaclc pieces always occupy the first

twelve squares. Tlie abbreviations are so ob\'ious, that

they cannot need explanation;—^as B. for Black, W. for

White, Var. for Variation, &c. Occasionally, stars are

introduced, to point out the move causing the loss of

the game. The learner begins with the first game, and

finding the leading move to be 11 . 15 (that is, fi:om 11

to 15,) knows that Black begins the game. The second

move 22 . 18 belongs to White, and the game is thus

played out ; each party mo\dng alternately. After

finishing the game, the player proceeds to examine the

variations to which he is referred by the letters and

other directions. The numerous variations on some

Page 37: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


particular games, ana the consequent necessity each

time of going through the leading moves up to the

point at which the variation arises, will, prohably, at

first, occasion some little fatigue ; but this will be soon

forgotten in the speedy and decided improvement found

to be derived from this course of study. One of the

minor advantages resulting from a numerous body of

variations is, that, in tracing them out, the leading

moves are so frequently repeated that they become

indelibly fixed in the mind of the player ; who thus

remembers which moves are to be shunned as danger-

ous if not ruinous, and which moves are to be adopted

as equally sound and scientific.

As to general advice relative to draught-playing, next

to nothing can be learnt from a volume of such instruc-

tion. You should bear in mind, that it is generally

better to keep your men in the middle of the board,

than to play them to the side squares,— as, in the

latter case, one half of their power is curtailed. If you

are a chess-player, you will do well to compare the

draughts in their march and mode of manoeuvring with

the Pawns at Chess ; which, as well as the Bishops, or

other pieces, are seldom so strong on the side squares

as in the centre of the board. Accustom yourself to

play slowly at first, and, if a beginner, prefer playing

with those who will agree to allow an unconditional

time for the consideration of a difficult position, to

those who rigidly exact the observance of the strict law.

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Never touch a man without moving it, and do not

permit the loss of a few games to ruffle your temper,

but rather let continued defeat act as an incentive to

greater efforts both of study and practice. When one

player is decidedly stronger than another, he should

give odds to make the game equally interesting to both

parties. There must be a great disparity indeed if he

can give a man, but it is very conunon to give one

man in a rubber of three games ; that is, in one of the

three games, the superior player engages to play with

only 11 men instead of 12. Another description of

odds consists in giving the drawn games ; that is, the

superior player allows the weaker party to reckon as

won, all games he draws. Never play with a better

player without offering to take such odds as he may

choose to give. If you find yourself, on the other

hand, so superior to your adversary, that you feel no

amusement in playing even— offer him odds, and

should he refuse, cease playing with him unless he

will play for a stake ; the losing which, for a few

games in succession, will soon bring him to his senses,

and make him willing to receive the odds you offer.

Follow the rules of the game most rigorously, and

compel your antagonist to do the same ; without which,

Draughts are mere child's play. If you want to im-

prove, play with better players, in preference to such

as you can beat ; and take every opportunity of looking

on when fine players are engaged. Never touch the

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squares of the board with your finger, as jou see some

men do, from the supposition that it assists their powers

of calculation, and accustom yourself to play your move

ofF-hand when you have once made up j^our mind;

without hovering with your fingers over the board for

a couple of minutes, to the great annoyance of the

lookers-on. While you play, do not fall into the

vulgar habit of incessantly chattering nonsense ; and

show no impatience at your adversary, should he be a

little slow. Finally, bear in mind what may well be

termed the three golden rules to be observed in playing

games of calculation :— Firstly, to avoid all boasting

and loud talking about your sldll—Secondly, to lose

with good temper—and. Thirdly, to win with silence

and modesty

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The first move of each game is to be taken by the

players in turn, whether the game be won or drawn.

For the move, in the first game at each sitting, the

players must draw lots, as they must for the men, which

are, however, to be changed every game, so that each

player shall use the black and white alternately.

2. You must not point over the board with your

finger, nor do any thing which may interrupt your

adversary's full and continued view of the game.

3. At any part of the game you may adjust the men

properly on the squares ; but after they are so placed,

if you touch a man, it being your turn to play, you

must play him in one direction or other ; if, however,

you move a man so far as to be in any part visibly over

the angle separating the squares you are playing from

or to, that move must be completed. No penalty is

attached to your touching any man which cannot be


4. In the case of your standing the huff, it is op-

tional on the part of your adversary, to take your man

or king, or to compel you to take that piece or pieces

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of his, which you omitted by the huff. (The necessity

of this law is evident, when the young player is shown

that it is not unusual to sacrifice two or three men in

succession, for the poAver of making some decisive

" coup.'''' Were this law different, the player might take

the first man so offered, and on the second's being placed

"ewjarwe," might refuse to capture, and thus spoil the

beauty of the game, (which consists in the brilliant

results arising from scientific calculation,) by quietly

standing the huff.)—The act of huffing is not reckoned

as a move.

5. If, when it is your turn to play, you delay moving

above three minutes, your adversary may require you

to play ; and should you not move within five minutes

after being so called upon, you lose the game ; which

your adversary is adjudged to have won, through your

improper delay.

6. When you are in a situation to take two different

ways, you may take which w^ay you like ; without

regard (as in Polish Draughts) to the one capture

comprising greater force than the other. For example,

if one man is ^'' en prise*'' oneway, and two another,

you may take either the one or the two, as jou like.

7. During the game, neither party can leave the

room without mutual agreement ; or the party so leav-

ino;, forfeits the game.

8. When, at the end of the game, a small degree of

force alone remains, the player appearing the stronger,

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may be required to win the game in a certain number

of moves ; and, if he cannot do this, the game must be

abandoned as drawn. Suppose that three Black kings

and one White king were the only pieces remaining on

the board ; the White insists that his adversary shall

win or relinquish the game as drawn, after forty moves

have been played by each player.—The moves to be

computed from that point at Avhich notice was given.

If two kings remain opposed to one king only, the

moves must not exceed twenty on each side. In giving

the odds of the drawn games, the game must, however,

be played to a more advanced state than required in

any other case. When in such a game the situations

become so equal that no advantage can be taken, he

who gives the draws, shall not occasion any unneces-

sary delay by uselessly repeating the same manoeuvres;

but shall force his adversary out of his strong position,

or lose the game through its being declared drawn.

9. By-standers are forbidden to make any remarks

whatever, relative to the game, until that game shall be

played out. Should the players be contending for a

bet or stake, and a spectator say any thing that can be

construed into the slightest approach to warning or inti-

mation, that spectator shall pay all bets pending on the

losing side, should that side win which has received the


10. Should any dispute occur between the players,

the question must be referred to a third party ; whose

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decision shall be considered final. Of course should a

player commit any breach of the laws, and refuse to

submit to the penalty, his adversary is justified in claim-

ing the game without playing it out.

11. Respecting a false move, such as giving a com-

mon man the move of a king, or any other impropriety

of the same sort, the law varies in different countries

as to the penalty to be exacted by the opposite party.

We cannot but suppose that such mistakes are uninten-

tional, and consider it sufficient penalty that in all such

cases the piece touched must be moved to whichever

square the adversary chooses ; or, he has the option

of allowing the false move to stand, if more to his

advantage. Should the piece be unable to move at

all, that part of the penalty cannot be inflicted.

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24.20 A. 10.14 27.24GAME 1. 27.23 9.14 25.29 13.17

11.15 8.11 17.10 31.27 22.1322.18 23.18 6.15 29.25 14.17

15.22 11. 8 27.24 Drawn. 23.1825.18 18.15 8.12 16.23

8.11 Var. B. wins. 24.19 C. 24.1929.25 15.24 13.17 W. win.4. 8 Var. 28.19 10.1425.22 12.16 5. 9 17.21 F.12.16 29.25 13. 6 14.17 6.1024.20 8.11 1.10 22.25 28.2410.15 24.20 32.28 17.22 5. 9

27.24* 10.15 3. 7 25.29 31.2716.19 25.22 28.24 22.26 9.1323.16 4. 8 10.14. 29.25 22.1815.19 21.17 31.26 31.27 13.1724.15 7.10 14.18 W. win. 18. 9

9.14 17.14 Drawn. 17.2218. 9 10.17 D. 9. 6

11.25 22.13 B. 28.19 22.2632.27 15.22 25.21 9.14 6. 25.14 26.17 10.14 25.22 26.3127.23 8.12 A. 17.10 2. 6 2. 7

6.10 27.24 6.15 22.18 10. ]416.12 3. 7 13. 6 6.10 19.158.11 30.25 2. 9 18. 9 11.1828.24 7.10 24.19 5.14 20.1125.29 24.19 B. 15.24 13. 9 31.2630.25 10.14 28.19 14.17 23.1929.22 17.10 9.14 9. 6 26.2326.17 6.24 19.15 10.14 24.2011.15 13. 6 D. 11.27 6. 2 23.3220.16 1.10 E. 20.11 17.22 7.1015.18 28.19 1. 6 19.15 32.2724.20 2. 6 32.23 11.27 10.1718.27 31.26 G. 6. 9 20.11 27.2431.24 11.15 23.19 Drawn. 20.1614.18 20.11 14.17 24. 8

16.11 15.24 21.14 E. 17.147.16 23.19 9.18 2. 9 12.19

20.11 10.14 11. 7 28.19 14.1618.23 26.22 18.22 9.14 8.1211. 8 6. 9 7. 3 25.22 W. win.23.27 25.21 5. 9 1. 6

8. 4 9.13 3. 7 32.28 G.27.31 11. 7 9.13 6. 9F. 25.224. 8 W. wins. 7.10 31.27 6. 931.27 22.25 C. 9.13 32.23

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9.13 24.20 29.25 23.27 23.1928.24 18.22 4. 8 3. 7 11.1610.14 27.24 25.22 14.18 26.2331.26 22.26 12.16 7.11 6. 9

13.17 19.15 24.19 27.31 13. 6

22.13 12.19 16.20 11.16 2. 9

14.17 13. 9 28. 24 Var. 1 31.27 21.1719.15 6.22 8.12 16.20 Drawn.11.27 15. 6 32.28 18.22B. win. 1.10 10.15 B. win. B,

GAME 2.24. 6

Drawn.19.107.14 Var. 1.


11.15 30.25 19.15 28.2424.20 Var. 11.16 10.19 1. 58.11 9.13 18.15 23.16 32,28

22.18 17.14 3. 8 9.14 7.1115.22 16.19 22.17

'18. 9 26.22

25.18 23.16 14.18 5.14 11.154. 8 8.12 23.14 16.12 B. win.

29.25 14.10 9.18 11.15

10.15 7.23 A. 26.23- 27.23 Var. 2.

25.22 16. 7 6. 9 6.10 17.1412.16 2.11 23.14 31.27 11.1521.17 26.10 9.18 S.ll 21.177.10 Var. 6.15 15.10 22.17 16.19

17.13 28.24 8.11 15.18 31.268.12 5. 9 10. 7 Var. 2 30.25 2. 6

28.24 27.23 11.15 2. 6 A. 17.139.14 1. 6 7. 3 23.19 B. 12.16

18. 9 31.26 2. 7 11.15 25.215.14 6.10 3.19 28.24 18.23

23.19 32.28 16.32 6. 9 Drawn.16.2326.19

3. 7


17.131. 6 GAME 4

3. 8 W. win, 31.24 26.22 11.15

31.26 20.27 7.11 22.1815.18 A. 17.14 19.16 15.2222.15 12.19 27.31 3. 7 25.18

11.18 27.23 21.17 24.19 8.1132.23 7.14 31.26 15.31 29.252. 7 23. 7 25.21 22. 8 4. 8

30.25 W. win. 26.22 W. win. 25.227.11

25.21 GAME 3.17.1322.17 A.


18.22 11.15 14.10 1. 6 10.1426.17 22.18 17.14 17.13 27.2411.15 15.22 10. 7 11.15 8.1220.16 25.18 18.23 28.24 24.19

15.18 8.11 7. 3 7.11 7.10

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32.27 A. 19.15 2. 69.13 27.24 5. 1

GAME 6. 10.1418. 9 3. 7 15.10 11.15 6. 95.14 26.22 1. 5 22.18 25.21

22.18 14.17 10. 6 15.22 31.261. 5 21.14 B. win. 25.18 14.17

18. 9 10.26 8.11 Drawn.5.14 31.22 C. 29.25

19.15 A. 7.10 30.26 4. 8 Var. 1

11.18 30.25 9.14 25.22 23.1920.11 10.14 10. 6 12.16 16.2318.22 25.21 3. 8 24.20 26.1926.17 13.17 24.20 10.15 3. 7

13.22 22.13 8.11 21.17 31.2711. 8 6. 9 6. 1 7.10 14.1822.25 Drawn. 11.15 27.24 30.25S. 4 1. 6 8.12 11.16

25.29 B. 15.19 17.13 20.114. 8 11. 7 20.16 9.14 7.232. 7 6. 9 18.23 18. 9 25.2123.19 13. 6 26.22 5.14 18.2529.25 23.27 23.26 24.19 5J|y15.24^^^^-

27.1127.24 31.24 16.11 25.3014.18 10.15 26.30 28.19 11. 821.17 19.10 11. 7 14.17 30.2625.22 12.19 30.26 32.27 8. 3

17.13 24.15 B. win. 10.14 26.2318.23 18, 9 27.24 Var. 4 3. 88. 4 28.24 D. 3. 7 23.1810.14 14.18 16.12 30. 25 Var. 5 8.1124.20 24.19 0. 10.14 6. 9 10.1422.18 18.23 1. 5 13. 6 24.194. 8 19.16 26.23 1.10 18.2318.22 9.14 5. 1 22.13 11.1620.16 10. 6 23.19 14.18 14.1722.18 23.27 1. 6 23.14 21.148.11 6. 1 19.15 16.30 6.107.10 14.10 6. 2 25.21 14. 7

28.24 B. 30.25 15.11 10.17 2.2014.17 27.31 2. 6 21.14 19.1524.20 25.21 3. 7 30.25 1. 610.14 31.26 6.10 14. 9 B. win.11. 8 21.17 D. 14,18 11. 15 Var. 6

17.22 26.23 10. 3 9. 6 Var. 28.11 17.13 18.14 2. 9 30.25.

14.17 10.14 12. 8 13. 6 14.1711. 8 1. 5 B. win. 15.18 25.2117.21 23.19 6. 2 3. 7

B. win. 16.12 7.10 21.14

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10.17 14.17 Var. 4. 19.23 E.24.19 24.19 22.18 18.14 9. 515.24 15.24 1. 5 28.32 22.1828.19 28.12 18. 9 8. 3 31.267.10 17.26 5.14 7.11 11.15

32.27 23.18 19.15 23.19 5. 1

17.21 6.10 11.18 32.27 7.1122.18 B. win. 20.11 3. 8 1. 521.25 12.16 2. 7 12.1618.15 B. 27.24 8.15 13. 911.18 27.18 18.27 7.10 16.1920.11 16.19 24.20 14. 7 B. win.25.30 32.27 C. 27.32 6. 923. 7 5. 9 31.27 B. win. F.

B. win. 20.16 32.23 Var. 6.31.26

11.20 26.12 25.22 t9. 6E.

11.15Var. 3. 18.11 17.22 6. 2

31.27 10.15 11. 8 2. 913. 6


1. 5 22.17 14.18 2. 6

23.19 A. 3. 7 8. 4- 22.18 18.14

16.23 11. 8 18.23 6. 2 F.26.23

27. 9 7.10 4. 8 18.23 12.16

5.14 8. 3 22.26 2 6 B. win.

24.19 9.14 30.25 11.1515.24 3. 8 26.30 6. 2


28.19 14.21 25.22 7.11 11.1511.15 8.11 30.25 2. 6 22.1832.28 6. 9 22.17 15.18 15.2215.24 B. win. 25.21 6.10 25.1828.19


22.17 D.15.31

17.14 18.22 8.113. 8

26.2321.1714. 9


29.254. 8

14,1724. 8

5. 930.25

17.14 14.17 25.2222.18 Drawn. 25.29 12.1617.22 17.14 24.20B. wins.

31.26B. win.

Var. 5. 29.25 10.15

A.22.] 81. 5



23.18 D. J8. 9 10.14 17.1314.23 26.23 5.14 23.27 8.1226.19 B. 19.26 26.22 14.10 28.2416.23 30.23 17.26 22.17 10.14 Var.27.18 10.14 31.22 31.26 23.1910.14 18. 9 14.17 27.33 16.2318. 9 5.14 22.18 26.23 26.105.14 23.19 17.22 32.28 14.23

30.26 6.10 19.15 23.19 27.1812.16 32.27 16.19 28.32 6.1526.23 B. win. 15. 8 B. win. 13. 6

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1.10 28.19 14.23 1. 5 F.

31.26 14.17 27.18 6. 1 26.19

5. 9 22.18 12.16 5. 9 3. 8

26.23 17.22 32.27 D. 10.15 31.26 H9.13 18.14 16.19 9. 5 15.18

23.19 6.10 18.14 15.18 22.1513.17 14. 7 19.28 21.17 11.1822.13 3.10 14. 7 18.22 32.28 1.

15.22 23.18 15.18 17.14 2. 7

32.28 2. 6 22.15 1. 6 30.2510.14 B, win. 11.18 5. 1 14.17 G.

19.16 7. 3 6. 2 25.2112.19 A. 8.12 14. 9 18.2224. S 26.19 27.24 B. win. 21 . 143.12 16.23 28.32 10.17

13. 9 27.18 24.19 D. 26.2314.18 12.16 6.10 30.26 17.2128.24 32.28 3. 8 16.19 23.1818.23 16.19 32.28 32.28 22.2624.19 30.26 B. 8.11 8.12 18.1423.27 1. 5 28.24 22.17 1. 519.15 31.27 11.15 L. 15.31 19.1527.32 5. 9 18.23 24. 8 26.3115.11 20.16 15. 6 31.26 27.2332.27 11.20 2. 9 B. win. 7.119. 5 18.11 13. 6 23.19

27.23 10.15 24.15 E. 11.185. 1 22.17 30,25 32.28 19.15

22.26 3. 7 15.10 5.14 18.22Drawn. 11. 8 6. 1 26.23 24.19

7.10 10.14 3. 8 31.27Var. B. win. 1. 6 23.19 28.24

'9,14 23.26 15.18 Drawn,18. 9 B. 25.21 22.155.14 18.14 26.30 11.18 G.

23.18 C. 10.26 6. 1 31.26 7.1114.23 30. 7 30.26 18.22 25.2127.18 A. B. win. 1. 5 26.17 18.2216.19 26,22 14.21 26.1732.28 C. 5. 1 30.26 11.1510.14 23.19 22.17 21.25 20.1618. 9 16.23 1. 5 26.23 15.18.1. 5 27. 9 F. 17.13 25.30 24.20

26.23 1. 5 5. 1 23.18 18.2219.26 26.23 E. 13. 9 30.26 27.2430.23 5.14 1. 5 18.15 22.265.14 31.27 9. 6 26.31 19.15

24.19 3. 8 5. t B. win. 12.1915.24 23.18 14.10 13. 9

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<ViVSALJtjO A9 O-Vv^j^A-


6.22 2.27 18.27 24.15 19.1615. 6 17.14 32.23 17.22 24.271.10 27.32 6.10 26.17 16.12

24. 6 19.15 13. 6 13.29 27.318.12 32.27 2. 9 15.10 12. 8

Dravsrn. B. win. 17.13 29.25 1. 69.14 7. 2 8. 3

H. L. Drawn. 25.22 14.1827.23 19.16 Drawn. 22.1515.18 12.19 Var. 1. 31.2222.15 11.15 15.18 Var. 2. 11.1611.27 Drawn. 17.13 31.26 10.1932.23 9.14 10.17 16.238.11 GAME 7. 26.23 25.22 6.1030.26 22.18 14.17 8.11 D. 3. 7

14.17 11.15 23.14 27.23 10.1426.22 18.11 17.21 7.10 7.1017.26 8.15 27.23V?ir.2 29.25 A. 22.2631.22 21.17 10.17 11.15 23.1910.14 4. 8 31.26 . 32.27 26.2222.18 23.19 5. 9 3. 7 10.151. 5 8.11 Var.l 25.22 19.16 W. wins.

18. 9 17.13 9.14 12.195.14 9.14 29.25 23.16 A.

B. win. 27.23 8.11 7.11 24.205. 9 24.20 16. 7 11.15

I. 25.22 11.16 2.11 19.1626.22 14.17 20.11 27.23 12.1918.25 29.25 7.16 5. 9 23.1630.21 17.21 32.27 24.20 15.1914.18 22.17 3. 8 9.14 32.2732.28 K. 11.16 19.15 28.24 10.1410.15 25.22 16.19 11.16 16.11 B.e19.10 16.20 23.16 20.11 19.246.15 19.16 12.19 15.18 28.19

21.17 20.27 15.10 22.15 21.258.11 31.24 6.15 10.28 30.21

B. win. 12.19 13. 9 11. 7 14.1823.16 15.18 6.10 21.14

K. 10.14 22.15 7. 2 18 2521.17 17.10 14.18 28.32 29.228.11 7.14 15.10 2. 7 6. 927.23 24.19 8.12 32.27 13. 618.27 15.24 9. 5 23.19 2.2532.23 28.19 2. 6 27.31 Drawn.11.15 1. 5 10. 7 25.2220.16 22.17 6. 9 31.27 .. B.15.18 14.18 27.24 - 7.11 27.2323. 7 26.23 9.13 27.24 14.18

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C^ VW<^^C-.. ^ crv*v>^"


23.14 22.26 20.11 18.11 12.1919.23 29.25 7.23 8.15 23. 7

2G.19 26.31 5. 9 21.17 14.18

17.26 25.22 21.25 4. 8 21.14

30.23 2. 6 30.21 23.19 18.25

6. 9 22.18 F. 22.26 8.11 30.21

13. 6 16.20 21.17 17.13 10.17

2.27 18.14 26.31 9.14 21.14

B. win. 10.17 9.13 27.23 3.1723.18 10.15 6. 9Var.l 24.19

C. 17.22 13. 9 13. 6 15.24

29.25 30.26 15.19 2. 9 28.193. 8 22.25 24.15 24.20 17.21

27.23 26.22 31.24 15.24 Drawn.8.12 25.30 9.14 28.19

16.11 22.17 12.16 14.17 Var. 1.

5. 9 30.26 Drawn. 25.22 15.18

23.16 18.14 9.13 19. 15 Var. 212.19 26.22 F. 29.25 18.27

11. 8 14. 9 22.17 5. 9 15. 8

19.23 6.10 31.26 32.28 12.16

26.19 9. 6 23.18 9.14 32.2317.26 22.18 16.32 31.27 3.1230.23 6. 2 30.23 1. 5 24.20

21.30 31.26 32.27 25.21 7.11 C.

19.16 2. 7 24.20 11.15 25.2230.26 10.14 21.25 27.24 14.17

23.19 17.10 23.19 7.11 29.25

Drawn. 26.23 25.30 30-25 A. 10.157. 2 18.14 3. 7 31.27

D. 23.16 27.24 19-16 2. 7

5. 9 2. 6 10. 7 12-19 13. 9

22.18 21.25 24.15 23-16 6.13 B.

8.11 6. 9 7. 2 14-18 25.21

26.23 18.15 6.10 21-14 1. 6

17.22 10. 7 2. 6 10.17 21.1418.15 B. win. 30.25 24.19 6. 9

11.18 6. 9 15.24 23.18

23. 5 E. 25.21 22. 8 13.17

7.11 28.24 9.14 17.21 22. 6

24.20 6.10 12.16 28.19 15.30

3. 7 13. 9 14. 7 21.30 27.2427.23 E. 10.14 21.14 16.12 31.27

6.10 9. 6 20.11 30.16 6. 1

32.27 1.10 B. win. 20. 2 27.23

11.16 5. 1" W. win. 1. 6

20.11 14.18 GAME 8. 23.18

7.16 1. 5 22.18 A. 6.10

28.24 11.16 11.15 19.16 W. win.

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^^ 20.11 12.19 8.11• 5.14 30.26 7.16 24.20 17.1322.13 13.17 19.15 14.18 9.1414.17 25.21 9.14 20.16 27.2313. 9 19.23 22.18 18.25 5. 96.13 21. 5 1. 5 30.14 25.22

•25.21 23.32 18. 9 6. 9 14.1715.18 26.22 5.14 13. 6 29.2523.U 32.27 15.11 2.18 11.1617.22 Drawn. 16.20 31.27 32. 27 Var. 126.17 U. 8 8.12 16.2013.22 Var. 2. 2. 7 15.10 19.1628.24 32.27 29.25 5. 9 12.191. 6 14.17 G. 7.11 10. 7 23.16

27.23 23.14 25.22 9.14 17.2122.25 17.21 6.10 7. 2 22.1721.17 24.20 H. W. win. 14.17 15.1825.29 10.17 Drawn. 26.2324,19 27.23 F. 18.22W. win. 7.10 E. F. 11.16 H. 25.18

25.22 20.11 25.22 10.14C. 11.15 7.16 10.17 17.10

10.15 19.16 19.15 29.25 6.2220.11 12.19 3. 8 11.16 13. 67.16 23.16 25.22 27.23 1.10

13. 9 10.14 2. 7 16.20 23.186.13 29.25 31.27 31.27 22.25

23.18 15.19 5. 9 3. 8 18.1515.22 31.27 15.10 23.18 10.1926.10 3. 8 7.14 5. 9 24.1516.19 27.23 28.24 19.16 7.1031.27 8.12 8.11 12.19 15. 65. 9 16.11 Drawn. 24.15 2. 9

25.22 D. 5. 9 8.12 27.239.14 23.16 G. 27.23 25.29

29.25 12.19 11.16 7.10 23.1812.16 11. 8 25.22 15.11 29.2525.21 19.23 18.25 20.24 31.2616.20 26.19 29.22 28.19 9.1327.23 17.26 14.17 B. win. 18.1419.26 30.23 24.20 13.1730.23 21.30 10.14 GAME 9. 14.101. 5 19.16 20.11 22.18 25.22

22.18 Drawn. 7.16 11.15 26.2313.17 19.15 18.11 ',22.2618. 9 E. 3. 8 8.15 ' i23.195.14 5. 9 ;27.24 i21.17 526.23Drawn. 1J5»22 ]L6.19 4. 8 1.0. 6

]LI. 16 $23.16 ;;23.19 1 7.22

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6 VVu/l. CVv*..^


6. 2 Var. 2. 10.14 Var. 3. G.22.26 32.28 28.24 16.20 22.1816.12 2. 7 16.20 25.22 F. 3. 823.16 28.24 19.15 20.24 26.2230.23 7.11 20.27 32.28 G. H. 7.1121.25 24.20 31.24 3. 8 32.28i 2. 6 11.15 A. 11.16 •23.18 11.1625.30 20.11 15.10 7.11 15.116.10 15.24 6.15 26.23 8.15

30.26 23.19 13. 6 1. 5 18.1123.18 10.14 1.10 22.17 24.2720.24 11. 8 18.11 11.16 31.24B. win. 24.28 16.20 31.26 16.20

Var. 1.8. 4 Drawn. 16.20 11. 7

24.20 28.32 19.16 Drawn.

15.24 4. 8 D. 10.19

20.11 32.28 31.27 18.15 H.

7.16 8.11 3. 8E. 24.27 23.18

28.19 28.24 19.15 23.18 3. 8

17.21 19.15 10.19 27.31 32.28

22. 18 Var. 2 14.18 22.17 26.22 7.11

2. 7 22.17 1. 5 31.26 26.23

31.27 B.C. 24.19 17.14 30.23 1. 5

10.14 17.14 W. win. 19.26 22.17

18.15 19.17 16.11 11.16

3. 8 26.22 E. •26.30 31.26

26.22 17.26 10.14 11. 4 16.20

7.11 31.15 19.15 Drawn. 19.16

22.18 12.16 3. 7 12.19

1. 5 11.20 15. 8 F. 23.16

25.22 Drawn. •21.25 31.27 10.19

14.17 30.21 9.14 26.23

30.26 A. 16.19 •25.22 19.26

21.25 3. 8 23.16 21.25 Drawn.27.24 23.18 14.30 30.21

25.30 16.23 16.11 14.17 GAME 10.

15.10 26.19 Drawn. 21.14 22.18

6.15 10.15 10.17 11.15

13. 6 19.10 C. 19.16 18.11

16.20 6.15 18.15 12.19 8.15

19.10 13. 6 3. 8 Var.


23.16 21.17

20.27 1.10 32.27 7.11 4. 8

22.13 31 . 26 16.20 16. 7 23.19

27.31 Drawn. 25.22 3.19 8.11

26.22 7.11 32.28 17.13

31.26 B. 22.18 17.21 9.14

22.17 25.22 10.14 27.23 •27.23

26.19 7.11 27.24 Drawn. 5. 9Drawn. 32.28 D. Drawn. 25.23

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14.17 Var. 1. 19.15 E. 31.2729.25 7.11 31.26 1. 5 2. 7 I.

17.21 16. 7 2. 7 26.22 30.2522.17 F. 2.11 26.23 30.26 21.3011.16 C. 26.23 W. win. 15.11 20.1625.22 3. 8 8.15 W. win.16.20 23.18 C. 23.1919.16 15.19 B. 9.14 26.17 I.

20.27 24.15 25.22 W. win. 3. 7

31.24 10.19 3. 8 D. 30.2512.19 17.14 23.18 F. 21.3023.16 1. 5 14.23 24.20 20.1610.14 14.10 17.14 15.24 12.199.14Var. 1 6.15 10.17 28.19 23.16

21.19 13. 6 19. 3 9.14 K. 30.2315.24 19.23 11.16 22.17 27.1128.19 2S.24 26.19 11.15 Drawn.10.15 5. 9 17.26 25.2219.10 6. 2 30.23 15.24 K.6.15 15.19 16.20 22.18 11.15

17.10 24.15 32! 27 7.11 32.28 L.

7.14 9.14 21.25 IS. 9 15.2422.17 18. 9 31.26 11.15 28.192. 7 11.25 25.30 9. 5 9.1417.10 2. 7 19.15 3. 7G.H. 22.17 M7.14 25.29 30.25 E. 20.16 10.15

13. 9 7.10 23.19 12.19 19.1011.17 A. 29.25 25.30 23.16 6.1516.11 10.15 26.23 7.11 17.1015.18 25.22 30.25 16. 7 7.1426.23 15.19 15.10 2.11 25.2218.27 W. win. 6.15 26.23 Drawn.Drawn. 19.10 11.16

B. 2. 7 31.26 L.

A. 8.12 10. 6 24.27 19.1615.19 24.20 1.10 26.22 12.1916.11 12.16 23.19 15.19 23.1619.24 28.24 W. win. 23.18 7.11

26.22 1. 5 19.23 16. 7

24.28 32.28 D. 18.14 2.11

9. 5 16.19 14.18 Drawn. 22.171. 6 17.14 23.14 15.19

5. 1 10.26 1. 5 G. 25.226. 9 30. 7 14. 9 2. 7 10.15

1. 6 15.22 5.14 30.25 31.27

9.13 7. 2 26.23 W. win. 19.24

W. win. 22.26 W. win. 27.2324.19 H. 24.2726.31 24.28 23.18

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27.31 ''•ll,,, , 25.30 C. 28.1917.14 24 20 \

^*'*-^4. 8 23.18 6.10 A.

15.19 30.25 10.15 22.1714. 5 28.19 8.11 18.14 13.223. 8 10.14 22.26 15.19 26.17Drawn. 17.10 31.22 32.28 11.15

6.24 25.18 3. 7 32.28M. 13. 6 B. win. 22.18 15.24

22.18 1.10 19.23 28.1914.17 22.17 C. Var. 2. 28.19 1. 6

19.16 24.28 31.27 21.25 30.2612.19 17.13 21.25 30.21 3. 8

23.16 3. 7 30.21 23.30 26.231. 5 13. 9 9.14 19.15 8.11

25.22 16.19 B. win. 30.25 23.185. 9 23.16 15. 8 11.16

26.23 12.19 Var. 3. 25.22 27.2317.26 9. 5 32.27 20.11 16.2031.22 19.24 3. 8 22.15 31.277.11 5. 1 22.18 B. 8. 3 6. 9

16. 7 11.16 15.22 7.16 18.152.11 20.11 19. 15 A, 3. 8 9.1822.17 7.16 11.18 16.19 23.143. 8 1. 5 23. 5 14. 9 12.16

23.19 16.20 22.25 19.24 19.128.12 5. 9 B. win. 21.17 10.1917.14 24.27 Drawn. 12. 8Drawn. Drawn. A,

24.20 GAME 12.


GAME 11. Var. 1. 22.25 22.18 A.22.18 23.18 27.24 11.15 11.1611.15 16.23 25.29 18.11 27.2318.11 26.19 19.15 8.15 6. 98.15 11.16 11.27 25.22 22.18

21.17 18.11 20. 4 4. 8 1. 64. 8 16.23 29.25 29.25 30.25

23.19 22.18 B. win. 8.11 6.108.11 10.14 23.18 25.2117.13 17.10 B. 9.13 Var. 10.179.14 6.22 24.20 18.14 21.14

27.23 13. 6 15.24 10.17 7.105. 9 1.10 28.19 21.14 14. 7

25.22 11. 8 10.14 6.10 3.1014.17 23.26 17.10 25.21 32.28 .

29.25 30.23 6.24 10.17 10.1417.21 21.25 13. 6 21.14 26.2222.17 23.19 1.10 2. 6 14.1711.16 10.14 B. win. 24.19 19.1525.22 8. 4 15.24 Drawn.

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Var. 14.17 15. 6 24.19 23.1812.16 9. 5 1.10 3. 7 2. 718.14 C. 17.21 26.12 28.24 11. 210.17 5. 1 22.25 22.25 27.3122.13 22.25 28.24 29.22 2. 916.20 B. 31.26 25.29 14.18 5.2321.17 Drawn. 24.20 23.14 17.14 B,7.10 29.25 6.10 10.17

26.23 C. 31.26 15. 6 21.149.14 24.20 13.17 2.25 31.26

25.21 16.19 26.23 19.15 14.1015.18 27.23 D. 25.22 25.30 22.2530.25 9.13 20.16 27.23 29.2210.15 B. win. 2. 7 20.27 26.1717.10 B. win. 31.24 B. win.18.22 D. 30.2625.18 27.24 GAME 13. 23.18 B.15.22 10.14 22.18 26.22 13. 923.19 20.16 E. 11.15 18.14 31.276.15 14.23 18.lt 12.16 17.1419.10 31.27 8.15 15.11 10.1722.25 11.20 21.17 Drawn. 21.1424.19 27.11 4. 8 23.262. 7 7.16 23.19 A. 19.15Drawn, 24.15 8.11 18.14 27.23

Drawn. 17.13 16.23 15.10B. 9.14 27.18 23.18

9.14 E. 25.21 10.15 10. 724.20 22.17 14.18 18.11 18.156.10 14.23 26.23 7.16 B. win.

27.24 25.22 18.22 13. 9

16.19 9.13 30,26 6.13 C.25.22 17.14 15.18 32.27 18.1414.18 11.16 26.17 Drawn. 8.1122.17 20.11 ]8.22 14. 91. 6 7.16 23.18 Var. 5.14

32.27 14.10F. 11.16 3. 8 t 19.1519.23 16.20 27.23 A. 18.15 C. 11.1826.19 31.27 16.20 7.11 23.1918.23 15.18 32.27 23.18 D. 22.2627.18 B. win. 10.14 Var. 11.16 31.1515.22 17.10 27.23 14.1817.14 F. 7.14 20.27 29.2510.17 14. 9 18. 9 31.24 18.2321.14 5.14 5.14 16.20 27.186.10 22.18 13. 9 15.11 20.27

14. 9 15.22 6.13 8.15 18.145.14 24.15 19.15 18.11 27.31

13. 9 6.10 1, 6 20.27 25.22

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31.27 9.14 31.26 1. 5 6.10

22.18 25.21 22.31 27.24 27.23

27.24 14.18 25.22 7.10 10.14

14. 9 26.23 18.25 15.11 29.25

24.20 18.22 29.22 Drawn. 22.29

18.14 23.18Var. 31.24 30.26

20.16 11.16 2S.10 B. 15.22

15.11 13.11 16.19 14.17 26.10

16.23 16.23 22.18 27.23 29.25

11. 8 27.18 19.23 12.16 28.24

23.19 7.16 10. 6 30.26 3. 8

B. win. 24.20 23.26 W. win. Drawn.



6. 226.31 C.

GAME 15.

22.1731.26 19.23 2. 6 15.19 11.1522.31 15.11 31.27 27.24 25 . 2229.25 10.14 6.10 11.15 8.1111.18 11. 8 27.23 20.16

29 . 2523. 7 22.26 18.14 19.23 9.13

17 142.11 31.22 23.19 16.11

17.14 14.17 14. 9 23.2610.17

6. 9 21.14 11.15 24.19 21.1413. 6 6. 9 20.16 15.24

4. 824 191.17 13. 6 19.12 28.19

21.14 1.26 10.19 26.3015.24

31.26 8. 4 12. 8 25.2128.19

14.10 Drawn. 9. 6 18.23 11.1626.30 8.11 11. 8 22.1825.21 Var. 6. 2 30.25

16.2030.25 21.17 U. 8 8. 4

26 . 2210. 7 5. 9 19.23 23.26

sill Var. 125.22 23.18 8,11 4. 8

30.267. 3 10.14 A. 23.18 26.30

6! 9

19.1511.16 17.10 11.16 8.11

19.15 7.23 Drawn. 30.26 ll!]6Var.216.19 19.10 19.15

25.213. 7 6.15 A. 26.23

16. 19 Var. 3B. win. 13. 6 11.16 15.10 23 16

2. 9 18.11 25.3012.1932.281. 6

15 11

GAME 14. 27.18 16.23 10. 6

22.18 1. 5D. 27.18 23.1811.15 24.20 7.16 6. 1

18.11 9.14 18.15 W. wins. 7.1614.10 .

6.1518.112. 6

22.18W. win.

8.15 18. 9 10.19

21.17 5.14 24.15 D.4. 8 32.27 16.19 12.16

23.19 14.18 B. 30.26 24.208.11 30.25 3. 7 1. 6

17.13 12.16 C. 32.27 32.27

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Var. 1. 18. 9 13.22 6.13 27.236. 9 10. 6 26.10 25.18 11.15

25.21 9.14 19.26 3. 8 B. win.1. 6 6. 1 31.22 18.14

30.26 14.18 16.19 10.17 B.12.16 28.24 32.28 21.14 27.2319.12 Drawn. 9.14 11.16 10.178.11 8. 4 14. 9 23.16

22.17 Var. 2. 5. 9 2. 7 2. 613.22 12.16 4. 8 9. 6 32.2726.17 15. 8 19.23 7.10 17.219.13 3.12 27.18 Drawn. 27.23

23.19 18.15 14.23 6. 913.22 9.18 10. 7 A. 28.2419.15 23.14 2.11 12.16 4. 811.16 1. 6 8.15 17.14 16,1215.10 15.11 23.26 10.17 9.146.15 6. 9 15.18 21.14 18. 918.11 11. 8 26.30 16.19 5.1422.25 9.18 22.17 24.20 W. win.11. 8 22.15 9.13 6.1025.29 A. 7.11 17.14 29.25 C.8. 4 15.10 W. winv 10.17 4. 8

29.25 11.15 25.21 23.194. 8 8. 4 GAME 16. 1. 6 9.1425.22 5. 9 11.15 21.14 18. 98.11 4. 8 22.17 6.10 5.1416.19 9.14 8.11 30.25 B. 26.2311.15 8.11 25.22 10.17 2. 619.23 14.17 9.13 25.21 22.1827.18 11.18 23.18 19.23 15.227.10 17.22 6. 9 A. 26.10 31.26

15. 6 26.17 27.23 17.26 22.312. 9 13.29 9.14 C. 31.22 30.25Drawn. 18.22 18. 9 7.23 13.22

16.19 5.14 27.18 25. 2A. W. win. 30.25 3. 7 31.27 D

16.19 1. 6 28.24 23.18

8. 4 Var. 3. 24.19 7.10 27.2025.29 7.10 15.24 24.19 28.244. 8 14. 7 28.19 4. 8 20.27

29.25 3.19 11.15 19.16 32.23

32.28 18.15 32.28 10.14 1. 5

25.22 1. 6 15.24 16. 7 2. 6

27.24 15.11 28.19 2.11 11.16

20.27 6.10 7.11 18. 9 6.15

31.15 11. 8 22.18 5.14 5. 9

22.18 10.14 13.22 32.27 121.17

15.10 22.17- 18. 9 8.12 9.13

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17.14 8.11 14.10 29.25 30.257.11 25.22 12.16 27.31 15.24

14.10 11.16 26.23 18.22 25.1813.17 2.3.18 20.24 32.27 1. 610. 7 3. SVar.l 27.20 23.19 5. 1

3.10 18.11 9.14 Drawn. 6.1315. 6 8.15 18. 9 Drawn.17.22 24.19 11.27 GAME 18.

6.10 15.24 32.23 11.15 Var22.26 27.11 5.14 22.17 18.1510.14 7.16 20.11 8.11 4. 826.31 22.18 8.15 25.22 27.2429.25 9.14 31.26 11.16 16.2031.26 18. 9 4. 8 23.18 32.2714.17 . 5.14 10. 7 15.19 7.1026.31 28.24 2.11 24.15 17.1325.21 4. 8 23.18 10.19 10.1431.27 24.19 14.23 17.13 Var. 22.1717.14 16.23 26.10 9.14 14.1827.24 26.19 Drawn. 18. 9 17.14 A19.15 8.11 5.14 18.2224.19 31.26 Var. 2. 22.17 26.1715.10 2. 7Var.2 11.15 7.10 9.1819.26 26.23 32.28 27.24 30.2618.15 11.15 15.24 19.23 18.2211.18 32.28 28.19 26.19 13. 9

Drawn. 15.24 14.18 16.23 6.1328.19 17.14 31.26 15.10

D. 7.11 10.17 14.18 12.1610.15 30.26 21.14 26.19 24.1519.10 11.15 18.23 18.22 2. 6

7.14 19.16 19.15 17.14 26.2332.27 12.19 23.27 10.17 8.1231.26 Drawn. 15.11 21.14 23.1823.19 27.32 3. 7 16.1911.16 Var. 1. 11. 8 14. 9 18.1419.15 7.11 32.27 4. 8 6. 916.20 17.14 8. 4 9. 5 10. 7

24.19 10.17 12.16 8.11 9.1814.18 21.14 4. 8 32.27 27.2415.10 16.20 16.20 6.10 20.2726.23 29.25 8.11 27.23 31.2410. 7 9.13 20.24 11.15 3.1023.32 24.19 14.10 13. 9 15. 6B. win. 15.24 6.15 7.11 1.10

28.19 11.18 24.20 24. 6GAME 17. 3. 8 24.28 15.24 18.23

11.15 19.15 26.23 28.19 17.1422.17 6. 9 28.32 11.15 Drawn.

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26.2319.2630.2616.1923.1612.1931.2618.23B. win.

GAME 19.


23!l8Var.l6. 9Var.218.118.15


30.255. 9


22.1813.2226.173. 832.2811.1518.118.2428.194. 817.132. 6



14.1823. 7



29.2510.1725.211. 6



27.242. 624.206.10

14. 9

5.1413. 9

14.179. 6

17.216. 1

22.251. 5

25.295. 9

29.2531.2611.159. 6

15.246.153. 8


26.22 9.1325.18 32.28*15.22 1. 611.16 21.1720.11 14.218.24 23.1422.26 10.2612.16 19. 1

26.31 13.1716.20 30.23Drawn. 21.30

1. 6Var. 2. 3. 85. 9 6. 215.11 7.108.15 23.1927.23 10.1415.19 Drawn.24.15 Var. 1.10.19 9.1423.16 27.2312.19 15.18 B. C.29.25 32.277.10 11.1517.14 26.229.18 7.11

22.15 21.174. 8 14.21Drawn. 23. 7

3.10GAME 20.

27.2311.15 5. 922.17 31.268.11 9,1417.13 24.204. 8 15.2423.1915. 18 Var. 1

* White oughtto win, thus :

24.20 20.16

11.15 Var. 2 11.20

28.24 22.17


26.23 14.21

9.14 23.14

31.26 10.1725. 2

6. 9 1. 613. 6 2. 9

2. 9 5.14

26.2219.158. 8



16. 7

2.1126.23 A.11.1620.1115.1822.1510.2630.2321.30Drawn.

A.22.1715.1925.221. 5

26.2319.2630.2311.1520.1621.2516.1114.2122.1725.3011. 7

30.267. 3

26.19B. win.


5. 9

32.271. 5



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27.23 30.25 20.27 15.18 6.15

18.27 18.14 18.15 17.10 13. 6

17.14 25.22 27.31 7.14 1.10 L.

16.23 14. 9 15. 6 30.26 28.24

31.26 22.17 Drawn. 8.12 8.11

10.17 10. 6 26.22 30.26

26. 1 Drawn. Var. 2. 18.25 2. 6

17.22 10.14 29.22 26.22Drawn. D. 26.23 9.13 3. 8

9.13 6.10 K. 22.18 22.17C. 32.27 13. 6 14.23 5. 9

6. 9 1. 6 2. 9 27.18 24.1913. 6 22.17 31.26 H. 3. 7 15.242. 9 13.22 11.15 (f 28.24 25.22

25.22 26.17 28.24 7.10 18.2514.18 D. 14.18 1. 6 24.19 29.2223.14 23.14 26.22 10.14 24.289.25 6. 9 8.11 18. 9 22.18

29.22 30.26 32.28 5.14 12.1610.14 9.18 9.13 32.27 W. win.19.10 26.22 20.16 13.1714.18 18.25 Drawn. 27.23 L.22.15 29.22 17.22 2. 911.18 5. 9 G. 21.17 28.2424.19 27.23 9.13 14.21 8.117.14 9.13 28.24 23.18 30.26

19.15 23.18 E. 1. 6 11.16 9.131. 6 10.14 26.22 20.11 20.22

28.24 18. 9 5. 9 22.26 3. 83. 7 15.18 22.15 Drawn. 23.19

24.20 22.15 11.18 7.105. 9 13.22 25.22 I. 27.23

31.27 Drawn. 18.25 9.13 18.277.10 29.22 22.18 32.23

21.17 E. 8.11 14.23 5. 914.21 31.26 22.18 27.18 31.2726.23 15.18 13.17 5. 9 W. win.10.26 23.14 32.28 30.2630. 5 11.16 17.22 10.14 GAME 21

6. 9 19.15 F. Drawn. 26.23 11.155. 1 10.19 7.10 22.179.13 24.15 H. 29.25 8.111. 6 7.11 19.16 10.15 17.138.11 Drawn. 12.26 25.22 4. 86.10 31. 6 Drawn. 23.19

21.25 F. 1.10 15.1827.23 26.23 25.22 K. 24.2025.30 16.20 10.151. 11.15 11.1523.18 23.18 22.17 19.10 28.24 Var

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8.11 17.13 9.14 26.22 31.2226.23 7.11 27.23 9.14 29.2518.22 B. 4. 8 18.27 22.17 22.1725.18 10.15 32.23 6. 9 25.2215.22 13. 9 5. 9 13. 6 17.1330.26 19.24 31.27 2. 9 22.1811.15 9. 6 1. 5 17.13 10. 626.17 24.28 22.17 1. 6 2. 915.18 6. 2 9.13 27.23 13. 6

23.14 28.32 25.22 18.27 Drawn.9.18 2. 6 5. 9 32.23

27.23 32.28 29.25 15.18 Var18.27 21.17 15.18 31.27 27.24 F32.23 28.32 22. 6 11.15 8.117.11 D. 17.14 13.39 25.22 25.22 E

29.25 32.28 6. 1 18.25 18.255. 9 A. 14.10 7.10 29.22 29.22

25.22 28.24 1. 5 7.11 9.1411.15 6. 2 9.13 22.17 22.1720.16 Drawn. 5. 9 Drawn. 11.169.14 13.17 20.11

16.11 A. 9.18 D. 7.2312.16 11.15 17.22 10.14 26.1919.12 17.14 18.25 17.10 2. 7

15.18 10.17 29.22 7.14 31.2522.15 19.10 23.18 13. 9 7.1110.28 6.15 22.15 6.13 26.2317.10 21.14 27.23 19.15 15.186.15 15.18 10.14 1. 6 24.208.11 31.27 19.10 23.19 18.2728.32 1. 6 11.15 6. 9 32.238. 4 24.19 10. 7 15.10 11.15

32.28 2. 7 15.18 14.17 30.264. 8 25.21 21.17 21.14 15.24

2. 7 18.22 18.27 9.18 28.19

31.26 23.18 17.10 19.15 3. 828.24 22.26 27.32 18.22 20.1626.22 27.23 24.19 15.11 5. 9

24.27 W. win. 8.11 13.17 26.22

23.18 10. 6 11. 8 10.15

15.19 B. 32.28 17.21 17.10

22.17 3. 8 7. 3 8. 4 15.24

27.23 23.14 28.24 21.25 23.19

18,14 9.18 3. 8 4. 8 6.15

23.18 30.26 24.15 25.30 19.10

8. 4 6. 9C. W. win. 8.11 Drawn.18. 9 13. 6 30.26

13. 6 2. 9 C. 29.25 F.

lao 26.22 5. 9 22.29 26.22

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15.24 3. 8 S. 3 A. 30.23

28.19 B. win. W. win. 24.20 31.26

9.14 . 16.19 Drawn.

22.15 game' 22. Var. 1. 27.23

7.11 11.15 5. 9 3. 7 •• B.

30.26 22.17 21,17 23.16 18.22

11.18 8.11 14.21 12.19 25.18

26.22 17.13 23. 5 25.22 15.22

2. 7 4. 8 15.18 7.10 30.26

22.15 23.19 26.23 22.17 11.15

7.11 15.18 18.22 19,24 26.17

31.26 24.20 25.13 29.25 15.18

11.18 11.15 10.15 1. 6 23.14

26.22 28.24 19.10 25.22 9.18

3. 7 8.11 6.22 5. 9 29.25

22.15 26.23 23.18 26.23 7.11 D7.11 9.14 B. 7.10 24.27 17.14

25.22 31-2*3,,, ,32.23 20.16 10.17

11.25 .-illvS10.15 11.20 21.14

29.22 27.23 23.18 6. 9

8.11 10.17 22.26 27.31 13. 6

27.23 23.14 18.14 18.11 1.17

11.15 6.10 15.18 9.14 25.21

32.28 25.22 23.19 11. 7 17.22

15.24 17.21 26.31 14.18 19.15

23.19 22.17 14. 9 22.15 3. 8

10.15 15.18 W, win. 10.19 15.10

i9.10 26.22 7. 2 11.15

6.15 18.25 Var. 2. 6.10 21.17

Drawn. 29.22 11.16 2. 7 22.2611.15 20.11 10.15 31.22

E. 13. 9 7.16 7.11 18.25

26.22 7.11 21.17 15.18 17.13

9.14 14. 7 14.21 11.15 25.30

31.27 3.10 23. 7 18.23 10. 6

6. 9 9. 6 2.11 15.24 2. 9

13. 6 2. 9 19.10 20.27 13. 6

2. 9 17.13 6.15 17.14 30.25 C27.23 9.14 25.22 A. 31.26 27.23

18.27 22.17 16.19 14. 9 25.22

32.23 1. 6 32.23 26.22 23.18

14.18 32.28 5. 9 9. 6 8.11

23.14 5. 9 13. 6 27.31 24.19

10.26 27.23 1.10 6. 2 15.24

30.23 15.18 29.25 22.18 32.28

7.10 19.15 10.14 2. 6 22.15

23.18 18.27 24.20 18.15 28.10

15.22 15. 8 Drawn. 13. 9 5. 9

25.18 14.18 23.26 6. 2

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9.13 15. 6 16.19 8.1210. 7 1.10 GAME 23. 24.15 25.2211.15 32.27 11.15 31.24 12.19: 2. 6 25.22 22.17 15.11 22.1715.18 27.23 8.11 24.19 5. 9. 6.10 2. 7 17.13 11. 7 26.2218.22 31.27 4. 8 19.15 18.2510.14 7.11 23.19 2. 6 29.2222.25 27.24 15.18 15.11 14.187. 2 22.26 24.20 7. 2 27.23

25.29 23.18 11.15 20.24 19.262. 7 26.22 28.24 22.18 17.1429.25 18.14 8.11 11.16 18.257.10 3. 7 26.23 21.17 14. 5

25.21 19.15 9.14 VV. win. 15.1810.15 Drawn. 31.26 21.1713.17 6. 9 B. 11.1515.19 E. 13. 6 1. 6 5. 1

17.22 20.16 2. 9 30.26 CD. Drawn.19.23 3. 8 26. ?2 9.13W. win. 17.14 9.13 B. 32,28 D.

10.17 20.16t 6. 9 22.17C. 21.14 11.20 B. win. 18.22 G.

30.26 2. 6 22.17 25.186. 2 31.27 13.22 C. 15.225. 9 23.26 21.17 32.28 23.182. 6 25.21 14.21 9.13 E. 14.239.13 26.31 23.14 20.16 27.186.10 27.23 10.17 11.20 9.13

15.18 31.27 25. 2 Drawn. 17.1410.14 23.18 1. 6 A. 10.1718.22 27.23 2. 9 E. 21.1432.28 14. 9 5.14 3. 8 6.10Drawn. 23.14 19.15 30.26 30.25

9. 2 3. 8 9.13 10.17D. 14.10 24.19 19.16 25.21

18.23 13. 9 W. win. 12.19 22.2627.18 5.14 23.16 21.1410.15 2. 6 A. 8.12 F. 26.3018.11 10. 7 17.22 24.19 19.157.23 6.10 19.15 15.31 30.26

24.19 8.11 21.25 22. 8 15. 86.10 10. 3 30.21 12.16 26.22

25.22 E. 11.20 22.26 8. 3 32.2823.26 3. 7 15.10 W. win. 22.1522.18 14.18 26.31 24.1926.30 Drawn. 29.25 F. 15.2418.15 12.16 13.17 28.19

30.25 25.22 22.13 13.17 H

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8. 4 14.17 Var. 19.16 17.1317.22 7.10 17.13 12.19 3. 74. 8 17.21 8.11 23.16 28.24

22.26 10.14 26.23 14.17 B. 12.1619.15 13.17 10.14 21 . 14 26.2326.30 19.15 24.20 10.17 8.1215.10 17.22 11.15 16.12 23.19Drawn. 14.17 28.24 11.15 16.23

22.26 4. 8 12. 8 31.26G. 15.10 30.26 17.21 7.10

9.13 Drawn. 8.11 25.22 26.1925.22 26.22 18.25 11.1618.25 GAME 24. 3. 8 Drawn. 18.1129.22 11.15 32.28 16.2314.18 22.17 7.10 B. 27.1823.14 15.18 24.19 10.15 W. win.6. 9 23.14 15.24 27.24

22.18 9.18 28.19 6.10 A.15.22 17.14VAR. 11.15 A. 16.12 28.2432.28 10.17 27.24 14.17 7.109.18 21.14 18.27 21.14 24.1917.14 8.11 13. 9 10.17 3. 7

10.17 24.20 . 6.13 25.21 19.1621.14 6. 9 22.17 18.22 10.1913.17 26.23 13.22 21.14 32.2819.15 3. 8 25. 4 22.31 7.1017.21 23.19 27.32 W. win. 16. 715. 8 18.22 4. 8 2.1122.25 25.18 32.27 GAME 25. 23. 724.19 11.16 29.25 22.18 14.3225.29 20.11 5. 9 11.16 7. 319.15 8.22 25.22 25.22 32.2729.25 30.25 9.13 10.14 31.2415.10 9.18 8.11 29.25 20.2725.22 27.23 1. 5 16.20 22.1810. 6 18.27 11. 8 24.19 27.3122.17 25.18 2. 7 8.11 26.226. 2 5. 9 8. 3 19.15 10.1417.10 32.23 7.11 4. 8 18.152.11 4. 8 3. 7 22.17 A 14.18Drawn. 29.25 27.23 *7.10Var. B. win.

12.16 Drawn. 25.22H. 19. 3 10.19 Var.

7.10 2. 6 A. 17.10 9.1314. 7 3.10 2. 7 6.15 17,103.10 6.29 22.15 23. 7 7.148. 3 Drawn. 11.18 2.11 18. 910.14 31.26 21.17 5.143. 7 8.11 1. 6 26.22

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11.1822.152. 7


23.193. 7 B.

19.1612.1928.2419.2825.2210.1922.1713.2226. 3


15. 61.10W. win.


1. 519.1612.1928.2419.2325.2210.1922.1713.2226. 1

19.241. 6


GAME 26.


16.2024.198.1119.154. 8


26.222. 7

28.2416.1923.1614.2327.1820.2731.2411.2732.237.10 Var.15.11 C.

8.1518.1110.1521.17 RE.3. 7

11. 29.132. 9

5.2123.1815.1918.1419.2322.1813.17 A.18.1523.2630.2321.3014.1030.2623.1926.2319.1623.1816.11



23.26t30.2321.3018.1530.2623.1826.2214.1013.1710. 7

17.217. 2




22.18B. win.



21.179.13 B.

25.213. 7

30.2612.1619.1210.1912. 8

7.118. 3

11.163. 7


19.2411.1624.2717.146. 9


27.3110. 7

20.247. 3

24.283. 7


32.2718.1527.2415.1131.2710.159.1415.105. 910.1727.2326.1924. 816.198.1119.2311.1623.2716.1927.3219.2332.28Drawn.


12.1619.1210.1917.1419.2314.106.1518.1123.2711. 827.318. 4

31.274. 8


9.1311.165. 916.209.14

22.1814.1718.1417.2125.2223.1914. 919.15Drawn.


B. win.

D.23.1815.1922.173. 7

11. 29.132. d5.23

17.1423.2714.1027.3110. 7



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3. 7

11. 29.132. 9


24.2722.181. 5

18. 9

5.14B. win.

F.23.1927.3119.1531.26B. win.

GAME 27.



24.1915.2428.1911.1625.216. 9

29.259. IS

23.1416.2326.194. 8



13.1730.261. 6

19.1612.1923.166. 9



15. 83.19



GAME 28.

11.1522.179.1317,1410.1721.148. 11

24.1915.2428.1911.1625.216. 9Var.


23.1416.2326.194. 8


22.1811.1627.2316.2031.2713.1730.261. 6


14. 7

2.2721.146. 9

32.23B. win.

A.14. 9

6.1321.1413.1714. 9

5.1418. 917.2126.2221.2522.1725.3017.1330.269. 62. 9

13. 6

7.116. 211.162. 6

26.31B. win.

Var.4. 8


8.11 B.

22.1816.2030.266. 9

29.251. 6

19.1511.1625.227.10 E.

14. 7

3.1918.152. 7


11. 7

9.147. 3

6. 9

3. 810.1522.1815.2226.1019.2631.2216.1932.289.14

10. 65. 9

6. 1

19.2327.1814.231. 5

9.145. 9

W. win.


6. 9

29.25 C.9.18



11.1823.1416.2326.191. 6


22.186. 919.1512.1615. 83.12

30.262. 7


18. 9




29.25 D.1. 6


27. 418.2731.2412.1621.17

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5. 9 flO.15 10.14 10.15 31.27Drawn. 20.11 19.15 22.17 A. 30.26

3.10 14.17 15.18 27.23D. 31.27 H. Drawn. Drawn. 19.15

14.10 10.15 23.3018.22 B. win. K. A. 15.1930.25 16.12 21.17t W. win11.18 H. 6.10 14.2123.14 11. 7 11. 8 23.18 Var16.23 19.23 19.23 16.20 7.1127.18 26.19 26.19 18.11 24.158.11 15.24 10.14 20.24 11.18

32.27 28.19 22.18 11. 7 28.242. 6 10.14 14.23 24.27 8.11

18.15 Drawn. Drawn. 7. 3 29.2511.18 27.31 4. 827.23 Var. 2. GAME 29. 3. 7 24.196.15 27.23 U.16 31.27 6. 9

B. win. 7.10 22.18 7.11 26.2223.16 1. 16.19. 1. 5 1. 5B,

E. 10.19 23.16 11.16 22.1516.19 14.10 12.19 27.23 11.1823.16 6.15 24.15 28.24 19.1612.19 18.11 10.19 19.28 18.2215.11 Var. 2 2. 6 25.22 26.19 25.187.16 32.28 K. 9.14 28.32 14.23

14.10 6.10 18. 9 19.15 21.176.15 7.11 5.14 32.27 8.12

18.11 10.14 22.17 16.19 16.112. 6 16.11 7.10 5. 9 9.13

22.18 F. 3.10 27.24 15.11 17.1419.24 11. 8 2. 7 9.13 12.16Drawn. 19.23 24.15 11. 7 11. 7

26.19 10.19 4. 8 16.20F. 10.15 17.10 7. 3 7. 2

32.28 Drawn. 7.14 8.12 23.2720.24 32.27 3. 7 31.2427.20 I. 3. 7 27.32 20.276.10 14. 7 27.24 7.10 2. 6

11. 8G. 3.10 7.10 Var. 23.27 27.313.12 23.16 24.15 10.14 6.10

20.11 10.19 10.19 27.32 31.2719.23 18.15 31.27 14.18 10.1526.19 2. 7 8.11 32.27 27.2310.14 15.11 29.25 22.17 30.25Drawn. 7.10 6.10 13.22 23.26

11. 7 27.23 18.25 25.21G. 19.23 11.16 27.31 26.22

11. 7 26.19 25.22 25.22 21.17

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(VasU-^ D OS^S


22.26 8.11 29.25 11. 7 2. 6

15.18 25.22 12.16 2.11 10. 7

13.22 4. 8 18.15 24.19 3.1018.25 29.25 8.12 15.24 11. 8Drawn. 10.14 15.11 28.19 4.11

24.19 7.10 6.10 27.24B. 7.10 22.18 19.15 20.27

18.23 27.24 10.15 10.19 31. 822.17 16.20 25.22 22.17 Drawn.14.18 19.16 6. 10 A. 19.2417.14 20.27 24.19 17.10 GAME 32.

1. 5 16. 7 15.24 24.28 22.1819.15 2.11 28.19 10, 7 10.159.13 31.24 9.13 B. 11.15 25.22

14.10 12.16 18. 9 18.11 6.1023.27 C. 24.19 5.14 8.15 29.25 Var.l31.24 8.12 19.15 7. 3 10.1418.23 32.27 10.19 15.18 24.19Var.210. 7 16.20 22.17 23.14 15.2415.18 21.17 13.22 9.18 28.197. 3 14.21 26.10 3. 7 11.168.12 19.16 19.26 W. win. 18.153. 8 12.19 30.23 7.11

23.27 23. 7 3. 8C. B. 22.188.11 10.14 11. 7 3. 8 16.20

27.32 26.23 2.11 11. 7 26.2224.20 3.10 10. 7 2.11 11.1618.23 28.24 11.15 19.15 15.1011.15 10.15 7. 3 10.19 9.1332.28 18.11 15.19 22.17 18. 9

25.22 9.13 23.18 19.24 5.UDrawn. 22.18 19.23 17.10 19.15

6. 9 18.15 24.28 16.19C. 11. 7 23.26 10. 7 23.16

11.16 13.17 31.22 11.15 12.1910. 7 18.15 16.19 18.11 22.188.12 14.18 15.10 8.15 14.237. 3 23.14 19.24 7. 3 27.185. 9 9.18 27.23 15.18 2. 6

3. 8 24.19 24.27 23.14 25.229.14 17.22 23.18 9.18 19.248.11 Drawn. 27.31 3. 7 18.1416.20 18.14 W. win. 24.2731.26 GAME 31. 8.11 32.23W. win. 11.16 10. 7 C. 8.11

22.18 Drawn. 16.19 15. 8GAME 30. 10.14 23.16 4.11

11.16 25.22 A. 12.19 23.1822.18 16.20 3. 8 32.28 6.15

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Var. 1.



25.224. 823.1914.1830.2511.16 A.13. 9

16.2317.13W. wins.

A.2. 631.2611.1626.2316.2023.147.11

14. 7

3.1027.2320.2728.2427.3123.185. 9


17.1426.1714. 7

15.2921. 5

11.1627.2316.207. 2

20.272. 929.2519.1525.229.1412.1615.10B. win.

Var. 2.


26.1914.18 E.]22.1511.1821.178.11 B.

24.20 C.

9.1317.142. 7

28.244. 8


15. 6

1.1725.2217.2630.143. 7



13. 97.10

14. 7

5.147. 2Drawn.



24.203. 7



1. 6


25.222. 7


C.17.142. 7

19.154. 824.19D.9.13


D.24.201. 6




19.1511.1822.1512.1615.1014.1831.262. 6



F.11.1619.1516.1915.10 H.19.2327.1814.2322.188.1125.224. 822.17 G.

9.1317.142. 6

10. 7

3.1721.1413.1724.2017.2228.2423.2630.2322.2524.1925.3031.266. 9


G.24.1911.1619.152. 6



27.1815.1918.1419.2321.1716.1911. 7

3.1014. 7


H.22.1814-2327.181. 6

21.17 1.

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3. 7 23.16 B. 6.1517.14 GAME 33. 12.28 7.10 19.109.13 22.18 17.10 32.28 12.16

24.20 10.15 15.19 1. 6 10. 7

13.17 25.22 27.23 19.15 8.1231.26 6.10 19.24 10.19 7. 3

17.21 29.25 Drawn. 24.15 Drawn.32.27 10.14 12.166. 9 24.19 Var. 1. 22.17 D.27.24 15.24 27.24 6.10 2. 6

7.11 2S.19 16.20 15. 6 30.2625.22 11.16 31.27 16.19 7.109.13 lS.15Var. 1 8.11 B. 17.10 17.1415.10 7.U 19.15 C. 2. 7 10.1711.15 22.18 4. 8 23.16 22.1318.11 16.20 22.17 7.32 12.168.15 26.22 7.10 6. 1 19.1220.16 11.16Var.2 15. 6 32.27 6. 94. 8 31.26 1.10 25.22 13. 6

Drawn. 2. 6 23.19 Drawn. 1.2832.28 14.23 26.22

I. 3. 7 27.18 C. 20.2425.22 28.24Var. 3 20.27 18.15 Drawn.9.14 7.10Var.4 32.23 11.18,

18. 9 15.11 11.16 22.15 Var. 2

5.14 8.15 17.13 4. 8 2. 6E.22.17 18.11 2. 6 26.22 27.2414.18 10.15 21.17 14.18 20.2717.14 19.10 16.20 23.14 31.243. 7 6.15 23.21 9.18 6.1021.17 22.17 20.24 21.17 15. 6

18.22 14. ISA. 17.14 1. 6D. 1.1017.13 23.14 10.17 30.26 32.287.10 9.18 21.14 7.10 9.13

14. 7 26.23 24.27 17.14 18. 92. IS 16.19 19.15 10.17 5.1424.15 23.14 27.31 22.13 30.268.11 19.28 26.22 3. 7 11.15

15. 8 25.22 3. 7 26.22 19.164.11 2S.32 14.10 7.10 12.1928.24 27.23 7.14 22.17 23.1611.15 ^2.27

23.1815.10 2. 7 8.12

31.27 6.15 25.21 16.116.10 27.24 18. 4 18.22 12.16

13. 9 11. 7 14.18 17.14 24.2010.14 Drawn. 13. 6 10.17 16.199. 6 18.27 21.14 11. 7

12.16 A. Drawn. 7.11 19.23Drawn. 16.19 15.10 Drawn.

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2. 7

15.10W. win.

Var. 3.


15. 6

1.1019.1510.1917. 320.2427.118.31


Var. 4.

8.11 H.I.15. 84.11



18. 21. 62. 95.1419.1511.1822. 613.296. 2

29.222. 6

25.2230.2522.296.1014.1721.1429.2510. 725.227.10Drawn.


F.6.1017.131. 618.1511.1826.2214.1722.159.14

15.11 G.14.1811. 217.2223. 7


G.13. 96.13

15. 614.1821.145. 9

14. 57.11Drawn.


15. 6

1.1021.1714.2118.15W. win.



15. 61.10


13. 6Drawn.

GAME 34.



22.1816.2020.2211.1615.10 Var.

20.2427.118.2418.154. 832.282. 6


15. 86.24

23.1924.288. 428.324. 832.288.1128.2419.1514.1722. 61.19


Var. 26.2231.26 2. 61. 6 28.24

22.17 A. 8.116.10 15. 8

15. 6 4.1120.24 18.1517.10 11.1824.31 22.1526.22 Drawn.9.136. 1 B.

2. 6 3. 7

32.28 22.17 C.

6.24 6.1028.19 15. 6

31.27 7.1119.15 17.108.15 11.15

15. 8 18.114.11 8.311. 6 26.223. 8 9.136.10 6. 1

16.20 31.2730.26 23.1820.24 27.2321.17 18.1524.28 4. 825.21 B. win.28.3217.14 C.

27.31 28.2421.17 7.10 D.32.27 15.1110.15 8.1527.24 18.1114.10 14.1824.27 22.1510. 7 9.14Drawn. 21.17


A. 25.2232.28 5. 99.13 B. 22.18

18. 9 9.145.14 18. 9

22.18 6.136. 9 15. 6

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2. 9 22. 6 H. 27.23 18.14

W. win. 2. 9 6.10 28.32 11.1525.22 15. 6 23.18 14. 9

D. 9.13 9.14 I. 15.19 7.107.11 15.10 18. 9 22.17 12. 8

22.17 F. 11.15 5.14 19.23 10.146.10 18.11 17.10 Drawn. 8.11

15. 6 8.15 2. 9 14.1811.15 E. 10. 7 19.15 GAME 35. 24.2018.11 5. 9 11.18 22.18 18.258.15 14. 5 23. 5 11.16 • 11.1819.10 13.17 8.11 25.22 25.299.13 19.10 Drawn. 8.11 9. 5

25.22 17.26 29.25 W. win.

2. 9 23.18 r. 4. 8

10. 7 26.31 9.13 18.14 GAME 30.

14.18 7. 3B. 26.22 10.17 11.1623.14 16.19 2. 9 21.14 22.189.25 24.15 17.14 9.18 8.11Drawn. W. win. 11.15 23.14 25.22

19.10 6.10 4. 8E. G. 8.11 22.18 29.25

9.13 2. 6 10. 7 10.17 16.1917.14 14.10 11.15 25.21 24.152. 9 9.14 18.11 1. 6 10.19

25.22 18. 2 9.18 21.14 23.1611.15 11.18 23.14 6.10 12.1918.11 22.15 W. win. 24.20 27.24 A.8.15 5. 9 10.17 9.14

10. 7 10. 6 K. 18.15 18. 915.18 9.14 2. 7 11.18 5.1422.15 15.11 15.10 20. 4 24.1513.17 8.15 6.15 17.21 11.1821.14 19.10 19. 3 4. 8 22.159.L8 4. 8 11.15 5. 9 7.10

23.14 2. 7 18.11 2S.24 32.2716.32- 8.11 8.15 9.13 10.1924.19 6. 1 3. 8 27.23 27.23W. win. 14.17 4.11 18.27 8.12

10. 6 17.14 32.23 23.16F. 11.15 13.17 12.16 12.19

21.17 7.10 22.13 8.12 31.2714.21 16.19 15.18 16.20 3. 822.17 23.16 14.10 26.22 27.249.13 H. 12.28 11.15 20.27 2. 7

26.22 10.19 23.14 31.24 Drawn.6. 9K. W. win. 16.19 7.1117.14 25.22 23.18 A.13.17 G. 19.24 3. 7 21.17

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9.14 32.27 29.25 Var. 2 15.11 2. 717.10 2. 7 10.17 14.18 27.317.23 17.14 22.13 11. 7 7.11

27.18 7.11 4. 8 Drawn. 31.2711.16 27.24 26.23 11.1518.15 11.15 2. 6 VarI. 3. 86. 9 18.11 23.18 11.15 15.18

22.17 8.15 16.20 24.19 8.121. 6 14.10 24.19 L5.24 10. 6

26.22 6. 9 11.16 27.11 12.163. 7 10. 7 27.23 7.16 14.10

22.18 9.14 8.11 22.18 W. win.7.10 W. win. 31.27 4. SB.

17.13 7.10 29.25 B.16.20 A. 18.15 8.11 16.2025.22 9.13 11.18 28.24 26.239.14 26.23 23. 7 16.20 12.16

18. 9 8.11 3.10 31.27 32.275.14 15. 8 25.22 A. 11.16 4. 8

22.18 4.11 16.23 26.23 28.2414.23 28.24 27.18 2. 7 8.1231.27 3. 7 5. 9 25.21 29.258.12 24.19 32.27 6. 9 2. 7

Drawn. 6.10 12.16 24.19 25.21 C.17.14 27.23 1. 6 16.19

GAME 37. 10.17 10.14 21.17 24.1511.15 21.14 18.15 9.13 7.1022.17 1. 6 14.17 19.15 14. 7

15.19 30.25 23.18 13.22 3.2624.15 6.10 17.26 14.10 30.2310.19 25.18 30.23 7.14 6.1023.16 10.17 1. 5 18. 2 21-1712.19 19.15 15.11 22.26 12.1625.22 11.16 6.10 23.19 31.267.10 15.11 13. 6 16.23 1. 6

27.24 7.10 10.15 27.18 26.2310.15 Drawn. Drawn. 26.31 5. 922.18 2. 6 17.1315.22 GAME 38. A. 12.16 10.1424.15 22.18 25.21 15.11 18.15*3. 7 A. 11.16 16.23 16.19 14.1730.25 18.14 27.18 18.14 22.189.13 10.17 12.16 19.23 17.22

25.18 21.14 30.26 6.10 18.1413.22 9.18 16.19 31.26 9.1826.17 23.14 32.27 11. 7 23.147.10 8.11 5. 9 20.24 16.19

31.26 25.22 18.15 7. 2 Drawn.10.19 e.lOVar. 1 9.14 24.27

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c. 15.22 E. 28.24 24.1925.19 30.23 1. 6 26.23 2. 7

6.10 22.26 30.25 24.20 30.2625.21 23.19 6. 9 23.18 14.1810.17 11.15 25.21 Drawn. 26.2321.14 17.14 12.16 18.257.10 10.17 32.28 a 29.22

14. 7 19.10 16.20 10.15 7.103.10 26.31 24.19 19.10 23.18

31.26 10. 7 15.24 2. 6 5. 9

10.14 Drawn. 28.19 17.13 27.2418. 9 20.24 6.15 20.275.14 D. 19.15 13. 9 32.23

26.22 16.20 10.19 8.11 W. win.1. 5 24.19 17.13 30.26

30.25 11.15F. 1].16 11.16 A.5. 9 28.24 13. 5 27.23 29.25

25.21 8.11 Drawn. 16.19 7.109.13 25.22 23.16 19.15

Drawn. 11.16 F. 12.19 10.1926.23 11.16 32.27 24.15

Var. 2. 7.11 25.22 7.10 16.1922.17 14. 7 16.23 14. 7 23.164. 8 3.10 26.19 3.10 12.19

29.25 23.18 8.11 G. Drawn. 27.232. 6 D. 16.23 19.16 19.24

24.20 18.14 12.19 GAME 39. 24.1916.19 2. 7 27.24 22.18 20.2427.24 27.18 20.27 10.14 15.1011.15 20.27 31. 8 24.19 6.1525.22 31.24 3.12 11. 16 Var. 1 18.116. 9 12.16 E. 28.24 27.24 24.27

22.18 24.20 10.15 8. 11 Var. 2 19.1515.22 1. 6 32.28 25.22 27.3124. 6 30.25 12.16 16.20 23.181.10 6. 9 24.20 31.27 14.23

17.13 25.21 16.19 11.16 26.199.18 16.19 30.25 19.15 A. 9.14 B

26.17 32.27 1. 6 16.19 22.1718.22 19.23 25.21 23.16 14.1832.27 27.24 6.10 12.19 15.108.11 23.27 20.16 15.11 18.23

27.24 20.16 19.23 14.23 17.1311.15 11.20 16.12 24.15 23.2631.27 18. 2 23.27 7.16 30.237.11 9.25 12. 8 26.12 31.27

27.23 24.19 27.31 4. 8 21.1722.26 Drawn. 8. 3 28.24 27.1823.18 30.26 9.14 17.14

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18. 9 Var. 1. 65.30 7. 2 7.1613. 6 6.10 6. I 6. 9 23.181 2. 9 25.22 30.26 16.11 14.2311. 7 11.15 1. 6 1. 6 26.109.14 18.11 26.23 23.19 27.31

25.22 8.24 21.17 22.26 22.185. 9 28.19 Drawn. 12. 7 31.277. 2 4. 8 3.10 18.159.13 27.24 C. 2. 7 27.232. 6 8.11 31.27 9.13 15.11

14.17 24.20 6.10 27.23 23.1822.18 11.15 27.23 14.18 11. 7

17.22 19.16 19.24 7.14 16.19

6. 9 12.19 Drawn. 18.27 7. 222.26 23.16 19.15 19.239.14 14.18 Var. 2, 26.30 2. 7

26.31 29.25 16.20 14. 9 1. 6

18.15 1. 6 31.27 27.31 B. win.31.26 16.11 8.11 9, 2Drawn. 7.16 19.16 13.17 F.

20.11 12.1'9 Drawn. 16.12

B. 18.23 24. 8 7.101. 6 26.19 4.11 D. 21.17

19.16 15.24 28.24 16.12 14.213. 7 22.17 6.10 19.24 23.18

21.17 10.15 24.19 28.19 15.197.10 25.22 9.13 3. 8 27.2316.12 24.28 18. 9 12. 3 19.2410.19 30.26 5.14 14.17 18.1511. 8 15.19 25.22 21.14 10.194.11 17.13 C. 11.16 10.17 23.1617.14 9.14 19.16 3.10 24.279.18 22.17 15.19 6.31 26.23

22. 8 6.10 32.28 23.19 27.3119.23 13. 9 2. 6 17.21 23.198. 3 10.15 22.18 D.E. 19.15 31.266.10 17.10 14.17 20.24 30.233. 8 5.14 21.14 B. win. B. win10.14 26.22 10.178.11 14.18 18.15 G. E. G.14.17 22.17 17.22 29.25 16.1225.21 19.23 26.17 19.24 19.2417.22 17.13 19.26 28.19 28.1921.17 23.26 30.23 10.15 3. 831.27 31.22 13.22 19.10 12. 3

11.15 18.25 15.11 6.15 17.2122.26 10. 8 7.10 27.24 F. B. win15.18 2. 9 11. 7 20.27W. win. 3. 6 10.14 16.11

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20.27 C. 12.19 7.11GAME 40. 23. 7 2.18 24.15 22.15

22.18 3.19 22.15 18.23 G. 11.1810.14 32.16 3. 7 27.18 10. 724.19 6.10 25.22 14.23 5. 911.16 16.12 9.13 15.10 7. 327.24 W. win. 30.26 8.11 8.1216.20 5. 9 10. 6 27.2331.27 Var. 26.23 11,15 18.278.11 16.19 7.10 6. 2 32.23

25.22 23.16 15.11 9.13 1. 54. 8 14.23 8.15 2. 6 25.22

29.25 26.19 23.18 3. 7 W. win.11.16 7.11 D.E.r. W. win. W. win.19.15 16. 7 H.7.1lVar. 3.10 C. D. G. 7.11

24.19 A. 22.17 9.13 8.11 30.269.13. 9.13 B. 22.13 15. 8 11.18

18. 9. 17.14 6. 9 3.12 22.155.14 10.17 25.22 30.26 5. 9

22.13* 21.14 9.14 12.16 26.231. 5 6. 9 18. 9 28.24 2. 6

18. 9 19.16 5.14 9.13 28.245.14 12.19 15.11 26.22 9.13

26.22 15.10 8.15 5. 9 25.2211.18 9.18 19.10 22.15 8.1222.15 24.15 12.19 16.19 22.183. 7 2. 6 24.15 25.22 6. 9

28.24 10. 7 14.18 19.28 23.197.10 W. win. 30.25 15.10 W. win.

30.26 7.14 W. win.14.17 B. 15.11 GAML 41

21. 7 2. 7 3. 7 F. 22.182.18 17.13 22.15 9.14 10.14

23.14 7.11 7 .16 15.10 24.1916.30 21.17 15.11 6.15 11.1614. 9» 11.18 W. win. 19.10 27.24B. win. 19.15 12.19 16.20

10.19 E. 24.15 31.27A. 24.15 6.10 14.18 H. 8.11

22.17t 9.14 15. 6 22.17 25.2216.19 17.10 1.10 7.14 4. 8

17.10 18.23 22.18 17.10 29.252. 6 27.18 10.14 2. 7 11.16

23.16 8.11 18.15 20.26 19.1512.19 15. 8 7.11 7.14 7.1121.17 6.29 16. 7 26.22 24.19 A.7.21 8. 3 2.18 3. 7 9.13

27.23 "W. win. 19. IG 15.10 18. 9

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Cu U ^X-


5.14 24.15 24.19 19.15 A. 16.1928.24 2.11 11.16 10.19 B. win.11.18 21.17 27.24 24.1522.15 6. 9 8.11 2. 6 D.6.10 17.14 31.27 28.24 26.22

15. 6 9.13 16.20 Drawn. 2. 6

1.10 14.10 25.22 18.1526.22 13.17 4. 8 A. 11.183. 7 10. 7 29.25 22.18 22.15

22.18 1. 6 U.ieVar. 7.11 13.1714.17 7. 3 19.15 19.15 CD. B. win.21.14 8.12 7.11 10.1910.17 15. 8 22.17 24.15 Var. 2.

18.14 W. win. 16.19 16.19 19.158.11 17.10 23. 7 11.18

14. 9 B. 2. 7 14.30 22.157.14 10.17 23.16 7. 3 7.109. 5 21.14 12.19 9.14 25.22 E.10.14 9.18 C. 25.22 25.22 B. 10.1925.21 23.14 7.^3 30.26 23.1617.22 11.18 27.18 22.18 12.195. 1 24.15 20.27 14.23 24.15

22.25 2. 7 32. 7 27.18 14.181. 5 26.23 3.19 26.23 30.25

25,29 6.10 21.17 15.10 2. 7

5. 9 15. 6 6.10 23. 7 15.10 I'M13.17 1.17 17.14 3.10 7.149.18 23.14 10.17 12.16 22.15

17.22 8.11 22. 6 B. win. 3. 718.25 28.24 1.10 28.2429.22 W. win. 18.15 B, 14.1719.15 10.14 27.23 21.1411.18 C. 15.10 30.26 6.1023.14 11.18 Drawn,^ 23.19 15. 62. 7 24.15 2. 7 1.17

21.17 9.13 Var. 3.17 25.21Drawn. 28.24 9.13 13.29 17.22

8.12 IS. 9 15.10 26.17A. 15.11 5.14 26.23 13.22

22.17t 6. 9 22. 18 Var. 2 19.15 24.1916.19 J4.10 6. 9R. 23.19 22.2617.10 9.14 26.22 U. B. win. 19.1512.16 10. 7 11.16 Q. Drawn.10. 7 13.17 18.15 N. C.

3.10 W. win. 7.10 ^' 25.22 E.18.14 15. 6 2. 7 23.189.18 B. GAME 43. 1.10 19.15 14.23

23. 7 22.18 30.26 10.19 26.1911.18 10.14 3. 7 24.15 2. 7

I- \ \ <^^AAAD

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25.22 11.18 20.27 T. 4. 81. 6 22.15 32.16 6.10 29.25

22.18 6. 9 8.11 19.16 9.137.11 B. win. 15. 8 12.19 18. 9

30.26 3.19 24. 6 5.1411.16 I. B. win. W. win. 22.1826.23 28.24 6. 95. 9 7.11 0. U. 19.16

B. win. 24.19 K. 30.26 25.22 12.1920.24 20.27 1. 6 24.15

F. 27.20 32.16 19.15 V. Y. 7.10 Var27.24 18.23 8.11 7.10 15. 620.27 B. win. B. win. 24.19 1.1032.14 2. 7 23.19 E.7ao K. P. 19.16 14.23

14. 7 26.23 15.11 12.19 27.183.19 11.16 8.15 23.16 20.24

22.18 23.14 18.11 B. win. 18.14 A.8.11 6.10 B. Win. 9.1818.14 G. B. win. V. 19.151. 5 Q. 19.16 10.19

25.22 H. L. 1. 5 12.19 26.2311.15 27.23 19.15 24.15 18.2714.10 18.27 2. 6 7.10 32. 76. 9 32.23 24.19 23.19 3.10

10. 7 7.10 7.10 14.23 28.199.14 22.18 M. 28.24 27.18 8.117. 3 10.19 12.16 9.14 25.22 B.

14.18 23.16 19.12 B. win. 11.153. 7 8.12 10.28 19.1618.25 B. win. 18.15 Y. 10.1426.22 11.18 30.25 16.1119.23 M. 22.15 11.16 14.18Drawn. 23.19 Drawn. 18.15 30.25

1. 5R.

1. 518. 95.14

25.226. 9 S. T.

7.10 18.23G. 22.18 22.18 11. 8

26.22 5v 9 3. 7 23.266.10 25.22 B. win. 8. 3

21.17B. win.

3. 7

B. win. GAME 43.

26.303. 8



22.18W. wini


2. 78. 37.10

19.23 16.19 S. 11.16 3. 828.24 23.16 11.16 27.24 10.1423.26 14.23 22.18 8.11 8.1124.19 27.18 6. 9 25.22 15.1926.30 12.19 18.15 16.20 11.1519.15 21.17 0. P. W. win. 31.27 19.24

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15.19 A. .D 18.23 G. I I.

24.27 19.16 24.28 27.18 2. 7

19.23 11.20 26.23 20.27 30.2627.31 28.19 10.14 32.25 15.19 K.22.18 20.24 C. 30.26 22.26 ^


~ 23.1631.26 18.15 13.17 14.3018. 9 2. 6 19.16 W. win. 22.1826.19 25.22 8.12 W. win.9. 5 3. 7 15.11 G.19.15 22.18 12.19 11.16 K.5. 1 7.11 D. 23.16 5. 9 13.1715.18 26.22 14.30 18.23 22. 61. 5 10.14 21. 5 27.18 18.3118.14 19.16 7.10 20.27 32.285. 1 11.20 5. 1 32.23 W. win.

30.26 15.10 30.26 22.261. 6 14.23 11. 7 Drawn. L.

26.23 10. 1 26.23 16.196. 1 24.27 W. win. Var. 23.16

23.18 1. 5 , 2. 6H. 14.231. 5 27.31 E. 28.24 26.1913.17 5.14 28.24 7.10 7.UM.N5. 1 23.27 10.15 24.19 16. 7

B. win. 32.23 25.22 1. 5 2.1831.26 2. 7F. 25.22 30.26

B. 14.18 23.19 3. 7 8.1130.26 26.19 14.23 30.25 19.1511.15 21.17 19.10 14.17 11.1619.16 20.24 7.14 21.14 15.1015.18 17.14 26.19 10.17 W. win.16.11 Drawn. 14.18 25.21

10.15 22.15 W. win. M.11. 8 C. 11.18 9.1415.19 8.11 19.15 H. 16.1126.22 32.27 8.11 11.16 7.2318.23 10.14 15. 8 28.24 27. 922.18 26.23 Drawn. 7.10 L. 20.2723.26 3. 8 15. 6 32.2318.15 30.26 F. 1.10 1. 526.30 8.12 13.17 24.19 25.2215.10 26.22 22. 6 8.11 W. win.19.24 11.16 15.31 19.128. 4 18.15 6. 1 10.15 N.24.27 14.18 31.26 26.22 8.124. 8 23. 5 23.19 2. 6 1. 15.1127.31 16.32 26.22 30.26 9.14Drawn. 5. 1 1. 5 W. win. 25.22

32.27 14.18 1. 6Drawn. 19.15 22.18


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14.23 21.17 Var. 15.10 30.2527.18 7.21 9.13 9.14 10. 6

20.27 27.23 18. 9 10. 6 25.2232.23 20.27 5.14 14.18 6. 1

W. win. 23, 7 22.18 6. 2 22.173.19 6. 9 18.22 27.23

GAME 44. 32.16 19.16 21.17 17.1422.18 6.10 12.19 22.25 1. 510.14 25.22 24.15 Drawn. 20.2424.19 9.14 7.10 23.1911.16 18. 9 15. 6 B. 24.2727.24 W. win. 1.10 19.16 19.168.11 23.19 8.11 27.31

25.22 GAME 45. 14.23 28.19 16.1116.20 22.18 27.18 11.20 B. win.31.27 10.14 20.24 32.274. 8 24.19 26.22 9.14 D.

29.25 11.16 10.15 G. 30.26 13.17

11.16 27.24 19.10 13.17 30.26

19.15 8.11 2. 7 19.16C. 3. 8

7.11 25.22 28.19 2. 6 26.23

22.17 16.20 7.23 16.12 18.27

16.19 31.27 19.15 6. 9 32.23

23. 7Var. 4. 8 11.18 15.11 W. win

14.23 29.25 22.15 9.13E.

18.2315.1014.1810. 69.146. 2

23.2732.2318.2725.2227.312. 6

W, win.

26.19 11.16 Var. 8.11 11. 82.18 19.15 15. 8 3. 7

17.14 7.11 3.12 8. 3

9.13 22.17 25.22 7.U14.10 16.19 12.16 3. 7

6.15 17.10 22.18 11.1619.10 2. 7 Drawn. 7.1112.16 23.16 16.1930.26 12.19 A. 11.158.11 21.17t 10.14 19.24

26.23 7.23 18.15 15.2211.15 27.18 11.18 24.3123.14 20.27 22.15 12. 8

15.18 32. 7 14.18F.G.H. 20.2410. 7 3.19 15.11 B. Drawn. F.3.17 17.13 8.15 3. 7

21.14 8.11 19.10 C. 15.10Drawn. 25.22 2. 7 15.11 7.11

11.16 28.19 18.22 10. 7Var. 22.17 7.14 25. 9 8.12

I7.10t 16.20 19.15 3. 7 7. 32. 7 26.23 18.22D.E. 21.14 11.16

23.16 19.26 25.18 7.30 3. 812.19 W. win. 14.23 14.10 W. win*

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G. 13.29 21.14 8.12 24.192. 7 6. 1 3. 7 31.27 2. 715.10 29.25 29.25 1. 6 W. win.7.11 1. 6 6.10 17.14

25.22 18.22 25.21 16.20 A.8.12 6. 9 10.17 27.23 21.17W. win. 25.29 21.14 15.18 5. 9

9.35 1. 6 22.15 25.21H. 29.22 19.15 6.10 9.14

8.12 32.27 8.11 23,16 27.2315.10 3. 7 15. 8 12.19 8.1114.18 27.24 4.11 14. 7 24.2019.15 7.11 23.19 2.18 15.242. 7 B. win. 6. 9 Drawn. 28.1928.19 14.10 4. 87.14 K. 7.14 GAME 48. 30.2515.111. 10. 6 19.16 11.15 11.1518.22 17.22 Drawn. 23.19 32.2825.18 6. 1 9.13 15.2414.23 22.29 . GAME 47. 26.23 A. 28.1919.15 1. 6 22.17 8.1lVar. 8.119.14 9.13 11.15 23.18 22.1815.10 6. 9 23.19 4. 8 13.2314.18 18.22 8.11 27.23 26.1710. 6 0.25 25.22 6. 9 1. 518.22 29.22 11.16 30.26 18. 96. 1 19.15 24.20 9.14 5.1422.26 3. 7 16.23 18. 9 B. win.1. 6 B. win. 27.11 5.14

26.31 7.16 32.27 Var.11. 7 GAME 46. 20.11 1. 5 5. 9

3.10 22.18 3. 8 19.16 22.186.15 11.16 26.23 12.19 15.2212.16 25.22 8.15 23.16 25.1815.11 10.14 23.18 11. 2€ 10.14 B,16.20 24.19 15.19 22.17 29.2511.15 16.20 30.26 13.22 8.1120.24 22.17 9.14 25. 4 25.2215.10 9.13 18. 9 5. 9 7.10E.Drawn. 17.10 5.14 29.25 30.26

6.22 32.27 9.13 3. 8 CD.I. 26.17 4. 8 25.22 24.20

15.10 13.22 27.24 14.17 11*1513.17 30.26 12.16 21.14 18.1130.26 2. 6 24.15 10.17 8.2417.22 26.17 10.19 26.23 28.1926.17 7.10 17.10 17.26 4. 89.13 17.14 6.15 31.22 32.28

10« 6 10.17 21.17 7.11 8.11

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c. 30.26 23.18 19.124. 8 10.15G. 4. 8 CD. 2. 7

24.20 19.10 27.23 12.1610.15 6.15 6. 9 31.2719.10 21.17 30.26 W. winG.15 14.21 9.14

27.24 20.16 18. 9 A.2. 7 12.19 5.14 24.20

24.19 23.16 32.27 16.1115.24 11.20 14.17 20.2428.19 IS. 2 21.14 6. 27.10 21.25 10.17 24.19

22.17 22.18 19.10 2. 7

13.22 Drawn. 7.14 W. win26.17 25.21

9.13 F. 11.15 B.

18. 9 31.26 24.19 25.2213.22 4. 8 15.24 14.1821.17 19.15 28.19 22.1511.15 10.19 8.11 3, 732.28 24.15 22.18 21.1415.24 12.16 1. 5 7.1028.19 28.24 18. 9 15. 68.11 16.20 5.14 2.1823.18 24.19 29.25 23.1422.25 2. 6 11.16 16.309. 6 19.16 19.15B. 14.10

25.29 8.12 2. 6 30.256. 2 15. 8 15.11 10. 6

29.25 12.19 16.19 25.22Drawn. 23.16 23.16 6. 2

B. win. 12.19 Drawn.D. 27.23

10.15 G. 19.24 C.

19.10 4. 8 25.22 5. 96.15 27.24 24.28 27.23

24.19 10.15 22.18 10.1415.24 19.10 6. 9 19.1028.19 6.15 18.15 6.15:

2. 6 21.17 28.32 30.2627.24 14.21 23.19 7.1011.16 Drawn. 32.28 32.2732.27 11. 7 1. 5

Drawn. GAME 49. 3.10 24-1911.15 15. 6 15.24

E. 23.19 28.24 28.196.10 9.13 19.16 11.16

(34.20 F. 26.23 24.19 A. 22.172. 6 8.11 6. 2 13.22

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26.174. 817.133. 7

13. ti

2. 9



18. 9



24.20 E.

16.1930.2612.1620.112. 7

11. 24. 82. 95.30

22.17 H.13.2225.18

8.1118.1410.1721 . 141. 6


14. 7

3.1027.2410.1524.2019.2331.2623.2726.2327.3223.1915.2428.1932.2719.1611.1516.1227.2412. 824.198. 415.184. 818.228.1230.2620.1619.1512. 8


E.18.1510.1924.1516.1930.2612.1632.273. 7

15.117.10 F.

11. 84.1127.2411.1522.1713.2225.1110.1524.20W. win.


11. 8 G.4.1127.2411.1522.1713.222a,ll16.2021. 67.16


21,175. 917.132. 625.229,14



1. 6

21.174, 8

11. 46.10Drawn.

H.32.278.1127.2419.2324.193. 8

28.2423.2724.201. 5

31.248.1222.1810.1418.95.1419.1511.1824.1930.2619.1518.2315.1023.2710. 6

27,316. 1

31.271. 6


19.1514. 923.199. 515.105. 1

19.1517.1315.111. 5

11. 7B. win.

GAME 50.


26.236. 922.1815.2225.188.1129.259.14

15. 95.14

23.1814.2327.1810.15 E.19.107.23

31.2712.16 G.27.184. 824.2016.1930.263. 732.278.1227.24 A,19.2326.1911.1620.117.23Drawn.

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A. 17.22 27.31 13.17 2. 727.23 8. 3 24.20 18. 9 28.24 M.2. 6 7.10 31.27 5.14 7.11

23.16 3. 7 18.15 23.18 18.1412.19 10.14 27.24 16.23 3. 7

26.22 Drawn. 20.16 18. 9 14. 9N.7.10 B. 24.27 17.22 7.10

18.15 D. 16.11 21.17 21.17 I.K.L11.18 31.27 27.23 23.23 1. 522.15 21.17 8. 4 17.14 9. 66. 9 27.23 23.16 26.31 5. 9

15. 6 18.14 4. 8 14.10 6. 21.10 23.23 16.11 31.27 11.15

20.16 12. 8 8. 4 10. 7 2. 79.14 26.30 Drawn. 27.23 9.14

16.11 25.21 7. 3 7.11Drawn. 30.25 F. 23.18 14.21

22.18 30.26 9. 5 11.18B. 13.22 16.19 11.15 21.25

19.23 8. 3 15.11 24.19 18.1518.15 C. 10.17 19.23 15.24 10.1411.18 21.14 26.19 28.19 22.1822.15 Drawn. 3. 7 22.26 14.176.10 19.15 3. 8 18.14

15.16 E. 7.11 26.31 25.301.10 11.16 15.11 8.11 14.10

20.16 18.15 2. 6 31.27 30.2623.26 16.23 11. 7 19.15 10. 716.12 15. 6 6.10 27.23 17.2226.31 1.10 7. 2 15.10 7. 212. 8 31.26 Drawn. 23.19 13.1731.27 10.14 1. 5 B. win.8. 3 26.19 G. 19.24Drawn. 14.18 23.26 10. 7 I.

32.27 30.23 18.23 9. 6C. 7.11 12.16 7. 3 10.14

28.24 19.15 24.20 H. 12.16 6. 26.10 11.16 4. 8 Drawn. 13.17

24.19 15.10 F. 28.24 22.1323.27 4. 8 8.12 H. 14.1819.16 30.26 24.19 23.18 23.1427.31 18.23 3. 7 4. 8 16.3216.12 27.18 25.22 27.23 24.1931.26 D. 16.20 7.10 16.20 32.2712. 8 24.19 27.24 31.27 B. win.26.17 20.24 1. 5 8.1221.14 26.22 32.28 24.19 K10.17 24.27 10.14 11.16 9. 525.21 28.24 22.18 25.22 11.15

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21.171. 6

17.1410.2619. 1

26.3123.1831.26B. win.

L.22.181. 5

18.1410.1721.1413.179. 6

17.226. 222.26B. win.

M.21.171. 6

B. win.


18. 9

17.2219.1511.1823.1422.2514.101. 5

9. 6

5. 9

6. 29.142. 614.186. 918.22


GAME 51.


29.25 Var.15.1823.1411.1524.1915.2428.194. 826.238.11

23.186. 9

27.241. 6


22.1513.29,11. 829.2531.265. 9

B. win.

Var.23.194. 827.236. 9


18. 9

5.1426.232. 6




31.273. 7


GAME 52.

11.1523.198.1122.159. 14 Var.

25.2211.16 C.24.2016.2527,117.16

20.113. 7


24.1916.2326.194. 830.268.1125.2311.15 B.32.2815.2428.195. 9


31.271. 5A.

27.246. 924.202. 7



22. 6

13.296. 27.1016.1110.142. 6


A.6. 9

27.242. 7

19.1510.2617. 3

9.143. 7


27.2410.1724.1517.141. 5


I B.

6. 917.13

: 1. 622.182. 7


22.17W. win.


3. 826.235. 917.1311.1624.2015.2428.191. 5



20.113. 7


25.2216.20 C.29.2520.2731.249.14F.

126.234. 8

24. IQ8.1130.2611.1617.132. 722.1814.1721.1410.1725.216.10



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21.14 30.23 16.19 15.18 [10.1710.17 5. 9 17.14 22.15 27.2318.14 24.19 9.18 11.18 8.1117.21 15.24 22.15 17.13 31.26 E.

19.15 28.19 6. 9 9.14 1. 6

Drawn. 11.15 15. 6 29.25 28.2420.16 1.10 14.17 Var. 7. IOC

c, 15.24 20.16 21.14 32.284. 8 6.11 2. 7 10.17 11.1526.23 24.27 32.27 26.22 A. 25.229.14 11. 7 9.14 17.26 3. 7

24.19 27.31 6.12 31.15 20.168.11 7. 3 5. 9 7.11 7.11

30.26 31.27 25.22 30.26 16. 7

16.20 23.19 9.13 11.18 2.11

J7.13 27.23 27.23 26.22 23.18 B20.24 19.15 19.24 5. 9 6. 922.17 10.19 22.18 22.15 13. 611.16 17.10 14.17 9.14 5. 926.22 19.24 21.14 24.20 22.1316.20 10. 6 10.17 14.17 15.3131.27 B. win. 18.15 27.24 24.2024.28 24.27 2. 7 31.2729.25 E. 23.18 25.21 6. 220.24 30.25 27.31 17.22 27.24W. win. 2. 7 26.23 20.16 13. 6

22.18 31.26 22.26 24.15D. 15.22 23.19 32.27 6. 1

10.15 25.18 26.23 26.31 10.1424.20 7.10 18.14 15.10 1. 6

16.19 29.25 23.16 7.14 14.1817.13 10.14 15.11 16.11 Drawn.4. 8 18.15 17.22 8.1531.27 E. 14.17 11. 2 19.10 B.

8.11 21.14 13.17 6.15 24.2032.28 9.18 14.10 24.20 15.249.14 20.16 16.19 31.24 28.19

29.25 18.23 2. 7 28.10 11.156.10 26.22 19.23 14.18 23.18

27.24 19.24 7. 3 13. 9 15.245. 9 16.11 Drawn. 18.23 18.14

13. 6 12.16 Drawn. 10.152. 9 11. 4 GAME 63. 14.10

22.17 23.27 11.15 A. 24.279.13 Drawn. 22.17 24.20 10. 1

25.22 8.11 17.21 27.311. 5 F. 23.19 26.23 1. 6

26.23 12.16 4. 8 6.10 15.1819.26 24.20 25.22 23.14 Drawn.

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c. 7.10 26.22 32.27 8.11

6.10 31.26 17.26 10.14 26.23

25.22 3. 7F. 31.15 27.23 12.16

11.15 D. 25.22 7.10K. 14.17 22.1732.27 1. 6 24.20 25.21 2. 6N.7.11 22.18 2. 7H. 9.14 17.10

23.18 10.14 27.23 18. 9 18.22

5. 9 18. 9 10.14 11.27 25.18

13. 6 5.14 28.24 21.14 15.222. 9 32.28 14.17 ^.U 10. 7

22. 6 14.18 15.11 9. 5 3.1015.31 Drawn. W. win. 6. 9 27.246. 1 13. 6 W. win.10.14 F. L. W. win.1. 6 11.15 7.11 N.

14.17 25.22 19.15 K.« 2. 7

6.10 1. 6G. 10.19 5. 9 17.1017.22 20.16 24.15 27.23 7.1410.14 3. 7 3. 7 7.10 31.2622.25 22.18 26.22 24.20 1. 614.18 W. win. W.'win. 9.14 32.2825.29 25.21 5. 9

19.15 G. H. 3. 7 26.223. 8 3. 7 3. 7 13. 9 3. 7

15.10 20.16 27.23 6.13 28.24W. win. 7.11 5. 9 15. 6 7.10

16. 7 25.211. 2. 9 W. win.D. 2.11 9.14 19.15

2. 6 32.28 13. 9 7.11 GAME 64.

22.18 1. 6 6.13 15.10 11.155. 9 24.20 15. 6 11.15 22.17

32.27 15.24 2. 9 28.24 8.1110.14 28.19 19.15 8.11 23.1919.15 11.15 7.11 10. 6 4. 83. 8 19.16 15.10 11.15 25.22

24.19 12.19 11.15 24.19 9.137.10 23.16 28.24 W. win. 17.14

27.24 Drawn. 13.17 10.1712.16 10. 6 M. 19.1019. 3 Var. 9.13 7.11 6.1510.28 5. 9 M. 6. 2 24.20 21.143. 7 26.23 17.22 11.15 15.19

28.32 1. 5 2. 6 26.22 24.157.16 30.26 22.26 15.24 11.25

32.28 14.17 L. W. win. 28.19 30.21W. win. 21.14 10.15 8.11

10.17 I. 19.10 29.25E. 23.14 23.18 6.15 11.15

28.24 9.18 7.11 30.26 25.25

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12.16 19.16 1.17 28.24 19.1027.23 12.19 28.14 17.21 8.112. 6 32.28 11.15 26.23 25.22

32.27 13.22 19.10 13.17 18.2516.20 Drawn. 17.22 31.26 29.2223.19 25.18 6. 9 11.1515.24 Var. 5. 9 20.16 23.1928.19 9.13 14. 5 11.20 2. 6

6.10 17.14 7.32 25.22 26.2322.17 10.17 31.27 18.25 6. 9

13.22 21.14 32.23 29. 6 22.1726.17 15.18 24.19 2.18 Drawn.1. 6 19.15 Drawn, 23.14

31.26 4. 8 7.11 G,20.24 24.19 B, 15.10 6.10Drawn. 6. 9F. G. 13.17 11.16 15. 6

28.24 31.26 26.23 1.17GAME 55. 13.17E, 6. 9 8.11 25.22

11.15 24.20 14.10 10. 6 18.2522.17 9.13 7.14 W. win. 30.148.11 32.28 25.22 13.17 L

23.19 2. 6 D. 18.25 E. 27.234. 8Var. 28.24 29. 6 11.16 2, 6H,

25.22 17.21 11.18 15.11 23.189.13 26.23 6. 2 8.15 17.21

27.23 18.22 A. B. 5. 9 19.10 23.266. 9 25.18 19.15 16.20 11.16

23.18 6,10 9.13 24.19 28.249.14 15. 6 23.19 13.17 6. 9

18. 9 1.17 13.17 25.22 32.275.14 18.15 26.23 18.25 Drawn.

26.23 11.18 18.22 C. 29. 62. 6 23.14 20.16 2.18 H.

30.25 8.11 22.26 10. 6 11.166. 9 29.25 16.11 1.10 26.22

31.27 11.15 26.31 19.16 17.261. 5 19.10 11. 4 12.19 31.22

23.18 17.22 31.26 W. win. 16.2014.23 25.18 W. win. 32.2727.18 5. 9 F. 8.119.14 14. 5 C. 13.17 22.18

18. 9 7.32 17.22 28.24 7.105.14 24.19 15.10 11.16 14. 7

24.20 13.17 22.26 26.23 3.1015.24 Drawn. 19.15 16.20 18.1528.19 W. win. 31.26 11.1811.15 A. 17.21 23. 7

22.18 6.10 D. 15.10 2.1114.23 15. 6 1. 6 6.15 Drawn.

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'^V- -UM-^^


^ f^' ^ A/


I. 12.19I

9. 6 27.23 F.2. 6 20.16 10.15 W. win. 8.1129.25 3. 8 18.14 26.2313.17 W. win. 15.19 C. 11.1525.21 6. 2 6. 9 16.1111.16 K. GAME 56. 19.23 30.26 7.1614.10 11.15 26.19 11.15 E. 20.1116.30 22.17 16.23 32.28 W. win.21.14 8.11 22.18 15.246.15 23.19 24.27 28.19 Var.

31.26 4. 8Var. 14.10 8.11 9.1330.23 25.22 27.31 19.16 25.2227. 2 9.13 10. 7 12.19 6. 9

8.11 27.23 31.26 23.16 27.232. 6 6. 9 7. 3 1. 6D. 9.1411.15 23.18 26.22 26.23 24.206.10 9.14 18.14 11.15 15.2415.18 18. 9 11.15 22.18 28.19W. win. 5.14 3. 7 15 .22 11.15

26.23 Drawn. 16.11 32.28L. 2. 6 7.16 15.24

6.10 24.20 A. 20.11 28.1927.23 M. 15.24 I. 6 W. win. 28.19 22.17 19.1623.24 10.15C. 18.22 D. 12.1916.20 19.10 30.26 11.15 23. 7

32.28 6.15 22.31 16.11 2.1120.27 17.10 32.28 7.16 26.2331.24 7.14 31.24 20.11 11.15G.H8.11 31.27 28. 1 15.19 20.1624.20 3. 7A. B. 11.15 11. 7 3. 7

"W. win. 23.18 1. 6 19.24 22.1814.23 8.11 7. 2 15.22

M. 27.18 29.25 W. v/in. 23.1927.24 15.19 12.16 14.1811.15 30.26 6.10 E. 17.1424.20 19.24 15.18 1. 5 10.1715.24 29.25 W. win. 32.27 21.142S.19 1. 6 11.15 1. 6

8.11 21.17 B. 20.16 19.1532.27 7.10 15.18 15.24 18.233. 8N. 17.14 22.15 27.20 30.25

27.23 10.17 11.18 12.19 23.2617.22 25.21 29.25 23.16 25.18Drawn. 12.16 1. 6 8.12 F. 26.30

21.14 30.26 16.11 Drawn.N. 8.12 3. 7 7.16

11.15 14. 9 23.19 20.11 G.

19.16 6.10 13.17 W. win. 5. 9

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23.19 13.22 1. 5 27.24 20.11

11.15 18. 9 16.11 19.23 7.32

19.16 5.14 7.16 26.19 B. win.

15.19 25. 9 20.11 6.1016.11 1. 5L. 5.14 30.26 A.3. 8 26.22 26.23 10.17 27.23

11. 7 5.14 15.18 26.22 8.128.11 22.18 29.25 17.26 23.167. 2 14.17 18.27 31.22 12.191. 6 21.14 31.24 2. 6 31.27

22.18 10.17 14.18 18.15 6.1013.22 19.15 21.17 7.10 27.232. 7 Drawn. IS. 23 20.16 3. 814.23 24.19 10.14 23.177. 5 K. 23.26 15.11 8.12

W. win. 7.11 25.21 8.15 26.2322.18 26.31 19. 1 12.26

H. 13.22 17.14 12.19 30.234. 8 18. 9 10.17 24.15 10.1522.18 5.14 21.14 14.18 22.1713.22 25. 9 Drawn. 1. 6 7.1018. 9 11.15 Drawn. 25.225.14 19.16 GAME 57. 3. 7

30.25 12.19 22.17 GAME 68. 28.2422.26 23.16 11.15 11.16 1. 5

31.22 8.12 23.19 22.18 23.193. 7 16.11 8.11 10.14 14.18

22.18 1. 5 25.22 25.22 Drawn,14.17 9. 6 4. 8 8.1121.14 2. 9 29.25 29.25 GAME 69.

10.17 11. 7 9.13 4. 8 11.1625.21 10.14 17.14 24.20 22.1817.22 7. 2 10.17 16.19 10.1423.19 3. 7 19.10 23.16 25.2222.26 2.18 7.14 14.23 8.1121.17 14.30 22.18 27.18 29.251. 6 21.17 14.23 12.19 4. 8

18,14 9.13 21.14 32.27 18.156.10 10.14 11.16 9.14 11.18

14. 9 13.17 27.18 18. 9 22.158.12 14.10 3. 7 5.14 16.209. 6 17.22 24.20 22. 17 A. 26.22 A.Drawn. Drawn. 16.19 19.23 14.18

32.27 26.19 23.14I. L. 6.10 8.12 9.18

4. 8 11.15 25.21 17.10 24.1930.25 19.16 10.17 6.24 7.118.11 K. 12.19 21.14 28.19 27.24

22.18 23.16 1. 6 11.16 20.27

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32.14 26.23 26.30 26.23 19.1011.18 2. 6B. 1. 6 15.10 7.1422.15 30.25 30.26 8.11 29.256.10 6. 9 B. win. 10. 6 2. 7

14. 7 31.27 18.22 27.232.18 1. 5 A. 6. 1 6.10 A.28.24 23.18 32.28 23.18 31.273. 7 14.23 26.31 1. 6 4. 821.17 27.18 28.24 18.15 24.207.10 12.16t 31.27 17.14 12.16 D.17.14 19.12 24.20 11.16 27.2410.17 10.14 3. 7 6. 9 8.1225.22 17.10 12. 3 16.19 24.1918.25 7.23 27.24 9.13 5. 9B.30.14 24.19 3.10 19.23 19.158.11 15.24 24. 6 13. 9 10.19Drawn. 28.19 21.17 23.26 23.18

23.26 6.10 9. 6 14.23A. 19.15 A. 25.21 26.30 21. 5

24.19 11.18 10. 6 14.10 7.107.10 22.15 29.25 . 5. 9 25.21

19.16 26.30 B. win. B. win. 10.1510.19 32.28 28.2425.22 13.17 B. E. 19.282. 7 21.14 1. 5 24.20 26.1022.18 9.18 30.25 23.18 16.197.10 25.21 5. 9 6. 1 21.1718.15 30.26 32.27 5. 9 Drawn.3. 7 28.24 D. 2. 6 1. 5

27.24 26.23 22.18 18.14 A.20.27 15.10 15.22 C. 21.17 11.1631.24 8.11 25.18 14.21 31.2714.17 10. 6 13.22 5.14 16.20Drawn. 18.22 24.20 22.26 23.18

21.17E. 12.16 14.18 14.23GAME 60. 23.18 19.12 26.31 21.14

11.15 6. 1 W. win. 18.23 . 6. 922.17 11.16 11.15 27.188.11 24.20 C. B. win. 20.27

23.19 16.19 13.22 32.234. 8 1. 6 24.20 GAME 61. 4. 8

25.22 18.15 15.24 22.17 23.199.13 17.14 28.19 11.15 8.11

27.23 19.23 12.16 23.19 28.246. 9 6. 1 19.12 8.11 11.16

23.18 15.11 W. win. 25.22 24.209.14 1. 6 9.13 16.23

18. 9 23.26 D. 17.14 26.195.14 6. 1 21.17 10.17 1. 6

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25.21 27.23 6. 9 8.11 21. 76.10 8.12E. 15.10 23.19 3.10

2^.17 28.24 9.13 4. 8 26.197.11 5. 9 10. 6 25.22 24.27

14. 7 23.19 13.17 9.13 12. 83.10 16.23 6. 2 17.14 15.24

19.16 26.10 8.11 10.17 22.1812.19 17.26 2. 6 19.10 27.3117.14 30.23 11.15 7.14 8. 3

10.26 13.17 6.10 29.25 31.27Drawn. 23,19 15.19 2. 7 3. 7

17.22 Drawn. 27.23 27.23B. 25.21 11.16 B. 7.14

3. 8 22.26 G. 22.18 13.1732.27 21.17 3. 7 6.10 14.21

5. 9C. 9.13 25.21 18. 9 23.1422.18 17.14 1. 6 5.14 Drawn.17.22 26.30 21.14 24.2026.17 19.15 13.17 16.19 C. B.

13.29 30.26 22.13 23.16 11.1518.15 15. 8 15.31 12.19 31.2711.18 26.22 30.25 32.27 8.1120. 2 14. 9 31.24 1 .6 24.208.11 22. 6 28.19 27.23 15.19

21.17 9. 2 5. 9 8.12 23.1614.21 Drawn. Drawn. 23.16 12.1923. 7 12.19 27.2311.16 E. H. 31.27 3. 8

Drawn. 15.19 17.21 14.18 23.1625.21 20.16 21. 14 A. 8.12

C. 1. 6 12.19 10.17 32.2711.15 21.14 27.23 25.22 12.1920. 4 6.10 19.24 18.25 27.2315.31 14. 7 28.10 Drawn. 11.154. 8 3,10 11.16 23.161. 6 30.25 23.19 A. 15.198. 3 Drawn. 16.23 10.15 16.11Drawn. 26.19 25.22 7.16

F. 8.12 6.10 Drawn.D. 15.18 18.14 27.23

10.15 26.19 3. 8 19.24 C.23.18 1. 6 10. 7 28.19 8.1114.23 22.15 8.11 15.24 28.2421.14 11.18 19.15 20.16 10.157.10 F. 27.24 W. win. 10.15 23.19

27.18 13.17 16.12 16.2310.17 32.27 GAME 62. 7.10 26.1032.27 17.21 11.15 23.18 11.1512.16 G.H. 19.15 22.17 14.23 30.26

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7.11 24.20 0.17 28.24 14.1726.23 11.15 1 .10 10.15 C. 27.1815.18 20.11 7.14 23.18 19.2431.26 7.16 29.25 14.23 18.1418.27 25.22 2. 7 26.12 W. win.32.23 16.19 27.23 17.2611.15 23.16 6.10 30.23 E.25.22 12.19 24.20 5. 9 32.28W. win. 27.23 11.15B. 32.28 5. 9E.

1. 6 28.24 1. 5 24.19GAME 63. 2a. 16 8.11 24.19 15.24

11.15 14.18 31.27 E. 15.24 28.1922.17 21. 7 12.16 28.19 1. 5G,8.11 18.25 23.18 13.17 19.1623.19 30.21 14.23 21.14 12.194. 8 2.20 26.12 9.27 23.1625.22 Drawn. 17.26 31.24 10.159.13 30.23 Drawn. 31.2717.14 B. 5. 9 A. 15.1810.17 6.10 25.22 C. 22. 819.10 24.20 1. 5 • 8.12 3.197.14 1. 6 21.17 24.19 2G.22

29.25 28.24 9.14 10.15 13.263. 7 6. 9 20.16 19.10 30.16

27.23 24.19 14.21 16.19 7.1011.16 B, 2. 6 23.18 23.16 16.1131.27 32.28 11.20 12.19 10.158.11 A, 14.18 Drawn. 22.18 27.24

22.18 22.15 14.23 15.1816.20 11.27 A. 21.14 11. 7

18. 9 31.24 13.17 13.17 D. 13.175.14 10.14 21.14 25.21 7. 2

23.19 25.22 10.17 11.15 9.1311.16 7.11 32.28 20.16 2. 6

19.15 30.25 17.22 5. 9 17.227.10 14.18 25.18 14. 5 6. 9

25.22 22.15 15.22 7.14 22.2910.19 11.18 12. 8 16.11 24.1924.15 Drawn. 3.12 15.18 29.2514.18 23.19 31.27 19.1521.14 GAME i64. 7.10 W. win. 25.22Drawn. 11.15 19.16 15.10

22.17 12.19 D. 22.26A. 8.11 24. 8 5. 9 20.16

6.10 23.19 10.14 14. 5 26.2322.18 4. 8 Drawn. 7.14 16.128.11 25.22 25.22 23.19

18. 9 9.13 B. 3. 7 10. 7

5.14 17.14 12.16 31.27 19.15

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7. 2 24.19 20.27 20.11 32.2715.10 18.14 32. 7 7.16 16.2012. 8 19.15 2.11 28.19 24.1913.17 8. 3 17.14 10.15 15.248. 3 7.11 11.16 19.10 28.1917.22 3. 8 28.24 2. 6 8.112. 7 17.22 16.23 Drawn. 17.1425.22 14.10 26.19 10.179.13 15. 6 Drawn. A. 21.14

18.23 8.15 2. 6 4. 813. 9 22.25 A. 30.26 29.25Drawn, 31.27 1. 5 6. 9B. 8.12

25.30 18.15 26.22 26.23F. 27.24 8.11 9.14 1. 6

14.18 30.26 15. 8 31.26 14. 9

23.14 24.19 4.11 4. 8 6.101. 6 26.30 22.18 17.13 22.18

24.19 19.16 9.13 1. 6 11.1515.24 Drawn. 18. 9 24.20 18.1128.19 5.14 15.24 7.1611.15 GAME 65. 25.22 28.19 25.2220.16 9.14 11.15 Drawn. 10.1415.24 22.18 22.17 19.1516.11 5. 9 15.24 B. 16.19Drawn. 25.22 28.19 4. 8 23.16

11.16 Drawn. 25.22 12.191

G. 29.25 6. 9 Drawn.3. 8 16.20 GAME 66. 17.1323.18 24.19 9.14 1. 6 D.14.23 8.11 A. 22.18 22.17 8.1121. 5 21.17 11.15 9.14 17.1411.15 14.21 18. 9 24.20 10.1725.21 18.15 5.14 15.24 2ia415.24 11.18 23.19 28.19 4. 826.19 23. 5 6. 9C. 11.15 24.198.11 4. 8 25.22 W. win. 15.24

22.18 22.18 6.13 28.1924.28 7.11 22.17 C. 11.1630.26 25.22 13.22 8.11 26.2328.32 11.16 26.17 25.22 16.2021.17 18.15 8.11 3. 8 32.2713.22 16.23 29.25 22.17 8.1126.17 26.19 14.18 11.16 29.2532.28 3. 7 27.23 26.22 Drawn.17.14 22.17 18.27 16.2310.17 7.11 32.23 27. 9 GAME 67

19.15 31.26 11.16A. 6.13 22.1828.24 11.18 24.20 30.26 9.1315. 8 27.24 15.24 12.16D. 25.22

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5. 9 A. A. 9.14 23.19 8.1229.25 11.16 11. 4 4. 8G. 16.1110.15 29.25 17.21 32.28 12.1621.17 16.19 25.22 11.15 11. 7A7.10 23.16 14.18 28.24 2.11

25.21 12.19 22.17 14.18 32.281. 5 24.15 W. win. Drawn. 24.27

23.19 10.19 31.249.14 27.24 C. G. 16.20

18. 9 7.10 2. 6 11.15 24.195.14 24.15 24.19 32.28 15.24

26.23 10.19 15.24 15.24 28.196. 9B. 31.27 28.19 28.19 11.1530.26 2. 7 Drawn. 4. 8 19.16

11.16 CD. 27.24 19.15 4, 824.20 7.10 D. Drawn. 16.1115.24 24.15 3. 7 15.1928.19 10.19 24.20 GAME 68. 23.163. 7E. 32.27 15.24 22.18 8.15

20.11 3. 7 28.19 9.14 16.118.24 18.14 11.15 18. 9 14.18

27.20 7.11 20.16 5.14 B. Drawn.12.16F. 27.24 15.24 25.2220.11 6. 9 27.20 11.15 A.7.16 24.15 12.19 23.19 32.28

32.28 11.18 23.16 8.11 16.194. 8 22.15 Drawn. 22.17 23.1628.24 9.18 3. 8D. 14.1816.20 15.10 E. 29.25 28.1924.19 5. 9 8.11 11.16 18.258.U 10. 7 27.24 17.13 17.1419.16 842 3. 7 16.23 15.2420 24 7. 3 32.28 27. 9 14. 716. 7 4. 8 4. 8 1. 5 24.272.11 26.22 22.18 25.22 31.24

22.18 18.23 13.22 5.14 4. 813.22 21.17 26.17 22.17 Drawn.26.17 23.27 9.13 12,16 E.10.15 17.14 18. 9 26.23 B.

Drawn. 9.18 13.22 16.20 6.1322.15 21.17 24.19 F. 25.22

B. 27.31 22.25 15.24 11.1515.18 3. 7 17.13 28.19 23.1822.15 1. 6 10.14 7.11 5, 913.22 7. 2 9. 6 30.25 G. 18.1130.26 6. 9 W. win. 20.24 8.1511.18 2. 7 25.22 26.23Drawn. 13.17 F. 11.15 4. 8

7.11 7.11 19.16 23.18

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8.11. 1. 5 27.24 29.25 32.2827.23 13. 6 Drawn. 11.15 10.17

10.14 2. 9 25.22 23.1424.19 29.25 G. 4. 8 2. 6B.15.24 4. 8 19.16 23.18 27.2428.19 27.23 8.12 8.11 17.217.10 14.17 16. 7 28.24 25.22

32.27 21.14 2.11 12.16 6. 9C3. 7 9.27 31.26 H. 24.20 22.18

29.25 32.23 11.15 16.19 13.1711.16 5. 9 32.28 27.23 26.2218.15 C. 25.22 15.18 19.24 17.261. 5 9.14 23.19 14. 9 31.22

15. 6 30.25 18.22 5.14 9.1313.17 14.18 26.23 18. 9 19.1522.13 23.14 4. 8 24.28 W. win.14.18 10.17 19.15 9. 5

23.14 22.13 Drawn. 7.10 B.

16.32 W. win. 23.18 11.1614.10 H. 15.19 20. 47.14 E. 23.19 18.14 3. 86. 1 7.11 4. 8 10.17 4.1114.17 26.23 30.25 21.14 7.3213. 6 15.18 20.24 2. 7 14.10

i 2. 9 23.19 32.28 22.18 17.2121.14 18.22 11.25 7.10 25.229.18 19.15 25.22 14. 7 5. 9Drawn. 11.18 8.11 3.10 10. 6

24.19 22.18 13.15 9.14C. 6. 9 15.22 11.18 6. 1

30.26 W. win. 19.15 26.23 W. win16.20 Drawn. 18.2718.15 F. 31. 6 C.2. 6 32.27 GAME C9. Drawn. 6.1015.11 8.11 9,13 22.177.16 24.19 22.18 A. 13.22

22.18 15.24 10.15 15.18 26.1710.15 28.19 25.22 22.15 11.1518.11 11.15 6.10 11.18 31.2614.18 19.16 18.14 29.25 8.1123. 5 7.11 10.17 8.11 26.2216.30 16. 7 21.14 24.19 3. 8

11. 7 2.11 15.19 A. 4. 8 19.16Drawn. 30.26 24.15 28.24 12.19

4. 8 11.25 1. 6 22.18D. 26.22 30.21 24.20 15.22

6. 9 8.12 8.11 6.10 24. 6

17.13 W. winEND OF THE GAMES.

Page 98: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


Page 99: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;



No. 1. White to move and win.

This situation occurs in a great

number of Games, and ought to

be well understood.

No. 2. White to move and ivin.



No. 3. White to move and draw.

This situation often occurswhen each player has equal menon different parts of the Board


Black, however, not being able

to extricate those men, it be-

comes a draw.

No. 4. Either to move, Wi win.

* JSTote.—Throughout these Critical Situations the White are

supposed to have occupied the lower half of the Board ; their

taen are, consequently, moving upwards.

Page 100: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 5. White to move and win. No. 8. White to move and win.




No. 6. White to move and draw*


No. 7. Either to move, B. win.\

No. 9. White to move and win,

No. 10. Black to move and win*


^^ m>

* This situation, though it may appear simple, ought to be re-


t This situation is similar to the last, but White loses throughbeing unable to keep the command of square 20.

Page 101: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 11. W7i.iie to move and tain.


No. 12. White to move and draw.




No. ]4. White to move and win,


om9m%\ !0

^ ^-^ i^-«

No. 15. 5. to move, W. to win*

No. 13. White to move and win.





No. 16. White to move and win.

Similar endings often occur.

Page 102: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No, 17. B. to move, W. to draw*



No. 20. White to move and win.

No. IS. White to move and wiii.\

OOm m




No. 21. White to move and win.

No. 19. B. to move, andW. wirl.X No. 22. White to move and win

* An instructive position.

t In this situation young players make a number of useless

moves, yet White can force the game in a few moves. Threekings win against two, in every position where the Black are in

the double corners, as above. I think it necessary to name this,

as I have heard it doubted.

X A very neat piece of play.

Page 103: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 23. White to move and draw.



No. 24. White to move and win.

No. 25. White to move, and xoin.

No. 26. Blaclc to move and draw.


No. 27. White to move and win.

No. 28. White to move and win.

No. 29. White to move and win.

No. 30. White to m-ove and win.

Page 104: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 31. White to move and win.

No. 32. White to move and win.


No. 35. White to move and win.

No. 36. B. to move, W. to draw.

No. 33. Black to move and win.

No. 34. White to move and win

No. 37. White to move and win*


No. 38. White to move and win.


Page 105: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 39. TV/lite to move and win*

No. 40.- B. to move, TV. to win.


No. 41. B, to move, W. to draw.


No. 42. W. to move, B. wins.^


No. 43. T^liite to move and win.

No. 44. Black to move and win.I?

* It is obvious that this position never could occur in play, butit is not the less curious on that account.

t This is the same situation as the last, but the difference of theresult shows the consequence of a single move.

Page 106: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 45. White to move and win.


^No, 46. Wliite to move and win.

No. 49. White to move and win.


^ ^No. 50. Black to move and win.



m ^

No. 47. WTiite to move and win. No. 51. Wliite to move and win*



No. 4S. White to more and win.

\%mm.M [^ m

No. 52. White to move and win*





Page 107: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No 53. While tomove ayidwvi.^


No. 57. B. to move, W. icins.

No. 54. White to move and. win.

O ONo. 55. Wliite to move and win.


No. 56. Wliite to move and win.

No. 58. White to move and tvin

No. 59. Wliite to move and win.

No. 60. Wliite to move and win*

Page 108: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;



No 61. White to move and win

No. 62. W. to move, B. wins.

No. S?. White to move and win.

No. C4, White to move and. win


No. 65. White to move and win.

No, 67. White to move and win*

No. 6S. Black to move and win.

!•O o

Page 109: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 69. Wkiie to move avdwin.'^ ^0.13. White to move and win.

• I



•mo\ ^̂No. 70. White to move and win.



No. 74. Wliite to move and win

No. 71. White to move and win. No. 75. White to move and win

m m M'



No. 72. White to move and win.

o lorn. M

No. 76. TVliitc to move and win

Page 110: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 77. White to move and win. I No. 81. llliite to more and win.


No. 78. Black to move and win.



No. 79. Black to move and dratc.

o i

No. 80. White to move and win.





No. 82. White to m.ove and win.







No. 83. White to move and iezTi.

Page 111: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No 85. IVhife to move and win, ' No. 89. BlacTc to move and win.

No. 86. '[Miiie to move and win. No. 90. l\niite to move and loin.



No. 87. Wliitc, to move, and win.' No, 91. BlacTc to move and win.


No 88. White to viove and win^^^o.^"^- Wliitc to move and win*

Page 112: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 93. White to move and win.

No. 94. IVJiite io move and win.


ONo. 95. Black to move and win.

No. 97. White to move and win.

No. 98. B. to move, W. to win.


Xi22A K^



No. 96. Black to move and win.

No. 99. White to move and win.

m m m\om9



^No, 100. Black to move and win.

Page 113: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 101. Black to move and win

•^•^ I




No. 102. White to move and win.

No. 103. White to move and win.

No. 104. White to move and win.

O\om m^m\oM9M^\



No. 105. White to move and win.

No. 106. Black to move and win.

No. 107. White to move and win.

No. 108. WJiite to move and win*

9| ^


Page 114: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 109. White to move and win.

^ m m m


No. 113. WJiite to move and vnn.



ol oo

No. 111. \Miite to move and win.


I2m2\ my^No. 112. White to move and loin.



No. 114. White to move and win.

No. 115. White to move and win.


No. 1 16. TVliilc to move and win.




Page 115: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 117. While to move and win. No. 121. White to move and win.



No. 118. Wliite to move and win.

No. 1] 9. White to move and win.

No. 122. WJiite to move and win.

No. 123. Black to move and win.

No. 120. Black to move and win. No. 124. White to move and win.

Page 116: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 125. White to move and win.

1 m mm



No. 129. White to move and win.

No. 1 26. White to move and win.



No. 130. White to move and win.

No. 127. White to move and win.


o^o^o^ ^No 131. WJtite to move and win.

No. 128. White to move and win.


No. 132. TVIiilc to move and win.




Page 117: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 133. White to move and win.

No. 134. Black to move and win.

No. 135. While to move and win.


No. 137. White to move and win.


No. 138. White to move and win.


No. 139. Black to move and win.


M^M m^M^

No. 136. White to move and tcin. , No. 1-^0. Wliite to move and win.

Page 118: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 141 . JVhite to move and vin.

mNo. 145. Whitt to move and v»

^•r ;©;!©: :'

_c^^^ '-'. ^Jia '-;.>_<a ^;^

;7i.* No. Uo. nVii't' fo a^:d «?»«.

No. 143. TT -. - :re and :ri7i. So. 147. IT /. j'f to more and tcin.



3 •'^

No. 144. IT-

oi'nc :19^n 1

;© "21•

; • ^

: : ©iri. •;•: : : •; m



J#_ A. .. ^

;1 :''1

:?}. No. i4> ir irtdviti.

* Highly scientific.

Page 119: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 1 49 JVhitt to move and win. No. 1 CO. White to move and win.



No. 1. 18-15 22.29 29.25 19.1627.32 16.20 30.26 26.30 24.2028.24 15.18 29.25 15.1123.18 24.19 26.31 No. 5. 20.2424.28 A. 32.28 25.22 24.19 16.2018.15 19.16 31.27 15.24 24.2728.24 18.23 22.18 30.26 11.1532.28 16.11 27.32 21.30 27.3124.27 23.19 18.23 6. 9 20.2415.18 11. 8 32.28 32.2712.16 28.32 23.27 No. 6. 15.1928.32 8.11 2S.32 27.24 27.2027.24 32.27 19.23 18.15 28.3218.15 11. 8 32.28 24.2024.28 27.23 See No. 1. 15.11 No. 815.11 8. 3 20.24 32.2716.19 23.18 No. 3. 19.23 28.3232.27 3. 8 7.10 24.20 27.2428.32 18.15 9.13 19.2827.31 10.14 No. 7. 26.2319.23 No. 2. 13. 9 31.2711.15 30.26 14.10 22.18 No. 932.28 27.23 27.24 13. 9

15.19 19.15 No. 4. 18.15 6.1323.30 27.23 24.27 15. 6

A. 15.19 25.29 23.19 2. 9

\2,16 21.25 23.18 27.24 19.15H

Page 120: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


7.11 23.32 15.18 27.23 No. 2715.10 19.23 29.25 18.15 22.1311.15 32.28 30.26 23.19 15.2228.24 See No. 1. 15.10 17.268.11 No. 16. 19.12 28.32

10. 6 No. 12. 17.22 10. 6 27.2415.18 15.11 18.25 12.16 19.2324.19 3. 8


No. 22.


No. 10. 8. 3 No. 17. 26.23 No. 28.

12.16 15.19 14.17 18.22 11. 7

24.20 12. 8 23.26 23.18 3.1015.10 15.10 16.19 2. 7

20.11 No. 13. 22.25 18.1510. 1 18.22 17.21 22.26 No. 29.

11. 7 17.26 25.22 30.16 30.25

27.31 10.14 12.19 21.30No. 11. 26.30 13. 9 8.11

26.23 No. 14. 14.17 6.1332.23 26.22 22.18 15.11 No. 30.

27.32 12-19 . 13.17 32.2728.24 22.15 No. 18. 28.3232.28 19.23 18.15 No. 23. 7.1024.20 20.16 6. 1 15.19 32.2323.19 23.27 14. 9 8.11 10.1420.24 25.21 24.23 19.2319.15 17.22 23.19 11.15 No. 31.

24.27 21.17 1. 5 23.27 12. 815.18 27.32 9. 6 11. 43. 8 17.14 23.32 No. 24. 6. 218.15 32.27 19.24 13.158.12 15.11 5. 1 9.14 No. 32.

28 . 32 24.19 26.22 19.2327.24 No. 15. 14.18 25.2915.11 13.17 No. 19. 15.11 17.2124 23 30.26 6.1032.27 5. 9 19.23 No. 25. No. 33

28.32 12. 8 24.19 3. 8

27.24 9.13 No. 20 16.23 12. 3

32.28 26.30 7.10 22.18 17.13

24.19 17.22 15.19 No. 3423. 32 8. 4 21.17 No. 26. 25.2111. 15 13.17 9.14 24.27 26.1732. 28 4. 8 10.15 15.11 - 29.2515. 18 17.21 27.23"^^28. 32 8.11 No. 21. 11.15 ' No. 3518.23 22.25 27.23 23.27 10. 7

32. 23 11.15 32.27 15.19 15. 823.27 25.29 23.18 27.32 2. 6

Page 121: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 36. 14. 9 22.26 16.12 B. No. 504. 8 23.18 30.23 10.14 21.25

19.23 9. 5 28.24 1. 5 2. 78.11 18.14 26.23 25.30

24.28 5. 1 No. 43. 5. 1 7.1111.16 14. 9 22.17 23.19 30.2623.27 1. 5 21.25 1. 6 IS. 146.10 22.17 17.13 19.15 26.23

28.32 5.14 25.30 6. 2 14.1016.20 17.10 14. 9 15.11 22.1832.28 6.10 2. 6

No. 39. 3. 7 3. 7 No. 51.

No. 37. 18.22 11. 2 6.10 9. 610. 6 17.26 9. 6 14.18 1.101.10 19.24 10. 3 2. 6

23.19 20.27 No. 44. 18.148.11 14.18 No. 52,

31.27 No. 40. 30.26 A, B. 17.145. 9 28.24 9.14 21.17 10.17

27.23 20.16 10. 6 26.23 9.1324. 8 3. 8 17.13

No. 38. 17.14 24.20 10.14 No. 53.

29.25 8.11 1. 5 30.261. 6 No. 41. 6. 1 23.19 22.31

25.22 24.28 11.15 16.12 7.116. 9 31.27 1. 6 19.15

22.17 23.19 15.19 5. 1 No. 54.

9. 6 27.31 20.16 15.10 28.2417.14 19.24 18.23 1. 5 20.276. 1 32.27 26.22 10. 6 25.22

14. 9 24.20 23.261. 5 27.32 16.11 No. 45. No. 55.

9. 6 22.18 26.30 7.10 10. 6

5. 1 31.27 11. 7 14. 7 23.146. 2 30.26 6. 2 5. 1

1. 5 No. 42. 2. 92. 6 32.28 A. No. 46. 1. 55. 1 24.20 24.19 15.106. 9 28.32 18.23 No. 56.

1. 5 22.18 19.16 No. 47. 13. 9

9.14 31.27 9.14 11. 7 5.145. 1 23.19 10. 6 6.10

14.18 27.31 23.27 No. 48.

1. 5 19.24 6. 1 11. 8 No. 57.

18.22 32.27 14.10 22.185. 9 24.28 30.25 No. 49. 14^17

30.26 27.32 27.31 10. 7 18.119.14 18.22 25.21 2.11 10.14

26.23 31.27 31.26 9.15

Page 122: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 58. No. 66. No. 71. No. 78. 20.1110.15 22.18 21.17 5. 9 32.2717.21 13.17 14.21 13. 619.16 10. 6 15.18 1.10 No. 8612.19 2. 9 7.14 12. 815.24 18.14 No. 72. 22.26 26.1922.25 24.20 14.1024.19 No. 67. 19.10 No. 79. 4.11

2. 6 20.11 23.18 18.14No. 59. 15.18 10. 7 11. 7

30.26 6.10 29.25 18. 9 No. 87.22.18 18.22 7.16 7. 2 23.2619.24 10.14 31.26 30.2328.19 22.25 17.21 No. SO. 24.1926.23 7. 2 4. 8 22.18 23.16

25.29 13.22 31.27No. 60. 2. 7 No. 73. 32.23

32.27 29.25 15.11 No. 81. 15.1023.32 7.10 8.15 10. 6 6.1526.23 25.21 30.26 1.10 5. 9

10.15 22.31 14. 7 13. 6No. 61. 13.17 32. 2S 3.10 7. 3

11.15 15.19 17.1423.30 17.22 No. 74. No. 88.32.27 19.23 30.26 No. 82. 27.23

No. 62.31.22 26.23 20.27

No. 68. 18.25 17.26 17.216.10 13. 9 21.30 19.16 30.26

27.32 11.20 20.16 21.1710.19 9. 2 No. 83.32.28 20.24 No. 75. 22.18 No. 89.

No. 63.12.16 29.25 13.22 6. 9




8. 3

No. 84.

13. 6


19.24 22.18 6. 9 No. 90.

No. 64.23.14 13. 6 14. 9

21.17 No. 69. 15.10 2. 9 23.329.13 18.14 No. 76.

14.17 9.1310.15 9.18 28.24 9.13 20.2719.10 26.22 19.28 17.22 18.2218.14 18.25 10.19 13.17

13.22 24.19 20.24 22.25 No. 91.

14.16No. 70.

19.15 17.22 3. 812. 3

No. 65. 20.16 No. 77. No. 85. 15.1822.25 19.10 27.24 16.1921.30 U. 7 16.20 22.26 No. 92.6. 2 23,18 11.16 !20.16

Page 123: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


12.19 11.16 10.14 19.23 No. 106.

14.18 7.10 26.30 23.2717.22 9. 6 No. 99. 31.24

No. 93. 13. 9 30.26 26.22 16.1930.26 22.26 6. 2 18.25 23.1518. 9 9. 6 26.31 19.16 14.1026.19 26.30 A. 2. 7 12.1911.15 6. 2 31.24 No. 107.10. 6 30.26 28.19 No. 100. 24.19

2. 7 20.24 31.26 15.24No. 94. 26.22 7.11 25.22 30.25

19.16 10.15 24.28 26.23 21.3012.19 1. 6 11.16 22.13 32.2821.17 7.11 28.32 12.1622.13 16.20 No. 108.

27.23 A. 32.27 No. 101. 23.191. 5 19.15 14.18 16.23

No. 95. 10.14 27.23 5.14 22.1811.15 26.30 15.10 23.19 13.2219.16 6. 2 23.19 14. 910.14 30.26 10. 6 No. 102.

16.11 2. 6 19.15 28.24 No. 109.14.18 26.22 6. 2 20.27 24.1930.25 6.10 15.11 26.23 15.2418.23 22.26 2. 6 27.18 32.28

10.15 12.16 C. 9. 5 22.15No. 96. 26.22 14.18 28.10

11.15 14.10 16.19 No. 103. 5. 913. 6 5. 9 6.10 23.19 6. 215.19 10. 7 5. 9 24.15 9.136.15 9.14 10. 6 14.17 10. 7

24.20 7.11 9.13 11.1514.17 6.10 No. 104. 2. 6

No. 97. 11. 8 11. 8 30.25 15.183. 7 10.15 29.22 6.10

11.16 B. 14.10 18.2213. 9 8.12 C. 5.14 10.146.13 14. 9 11.15 6. 1 22.254. 8 6.10 14.10 7. 2

9. 6 15.11 No. 105. 25.29No. 98. 10.14 6. 9 17.22 2. 7

8.11 B. 6. 2 5.14 25.18 29.2514. 9 14.18 10.17 28.24 7.106.10 2. 7 12.16 20.27 25.219. 6 18.22 17.22 2. 6 10.1510.14 13. 9 16.19 1.10 13.176. 2 22.26 22.18 3. 7 15.1914.17 7.10 11. 7 11. 2 17.222. 7 1. 5 18.15 9. 6 19.23

Page 124: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


No. 110. 3.10 30.26 No. 125. No. 131.

26.22 19.23 31.22 17.14 11. 7

25.18 10.14 21.17 10.17 3.11

9. 6 4. 8 22.13 22.18 27.23

2. 9 14.17 6. 1 15.22 20.2719.16 8.11 31.27 18.15

12.19 17.21 No. 120. 22.311. 5 11.15 20.16 5. 1 'No. 132.

21.25 11.20 22.17No. 111. 15.18 19.24 No. 126. 20.27

30.25 28.19 19.16 18.15

29.22 No. 116. 18.14 12.1931.27 17.14 17.10 14.10 No. 133.

32.23 18. 9 27.24 31.24 12. 815.10 15.10 10. 6 3.1214. 7 6.15 No. 121. 6. 28. 3 13. 6 27.23 No. 127. 23.16

2. 9 18.27 21.17 10. 6

No. 112. 11.25 31.24 14.21 1.10

13. 9 9.13 20^27 28.24 7.1423.32 25.22 30.26 16. 7

30.25 5. 9 22.31 No. 128. 2.11

29.22 3. 7 10. 7 5. 9

8. 3 9.14 No. 122. 3.10 14'. 5

7.10 32.27 23.18 13.17No. 113. 14.17 31.24 14.23 5. 9

30.25 22.25 15.11 24.19 17.2221.30 7.16 23.16 9.1423.26 No. 117. 30.26 9. 6 22.2630.23 28.24 21.30 14.18

22.17 12.16 8.11 No. 129. 26.3113.22 24.19 32.27 18.226. 9 16.23 No. 123. 31.24 4. 8

20.25 19.23 13. 9 11. 4No. 114. 29.22 26.19 5.14 12.16

13. 9 13. 9 17.26 21.17 4. 8

5.14 30.23 14.21 16.1923.26 No. 118. 14.18 22.25 8.11

30.23 30.25 21.30 19.2319.10 29.22 No. 124. 6. 2 22.2512.19 23.18 6.10 31.2631.27 22.15 14.17 No. 130. 25.30

6. 1 10.15 14.10No. 115. 17.26 7.14 No. 134.

30.25 No. 119. 27.24 20.16 6. 929.22 22.18 20.27 12.19 13. 6

14. 9 15.22 19.16 27.23 23.275.14 31.26 31.2410.19 22.31 10.15

Page 125: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;



No. 135. 17.22 20.24 6. 2 3.1013. 9 26.17 31.27 4. 86.13 19.26 No. 143. 2. 6 10.15

15.10 30.23 29.25 8.11 13.177.14 6. 9 32.23 6.10 21.14

17.10 2. 7 11.16 29.25No. 140. 30.21 14.18

No. 136. 13. 9 22.17 No. 146.

26.22 16.23 13.22 24.19 No. 14817.26 17.13 14.17 15.24 15.1032.23 5.14 23.19 19.1210.17 24.19 No. 144. 1. 6 3. 723.32 15.24 25.22 30.26 2.111.10 22. 6 23.16 6.10 32.27

27.24 2. 9 15.11 26.23 12. 320.27 13. 6 6.15 3. 3 27.2416.11 1.10 13. 6 19.16


7.16 27. 9 1.10 8.15 No. 149.

12. 8 23.24 16.11 14. 9

4.11 No. 141. 2. 6 23.1919.12 23.24 No. 145. 22.17 13.1526.19 7.11 22.15 6. 9 19.1032.30 24.19 11.27 17.13 17.14

4. 8 31.24 15.18 10.17No. 137. 6. 2 10.14 13. 6 9. 6

19.16 8.12 25.22 13.27 1.1012.19 2. 7 7.11 6. 2 11.1623.24 11.16 30.25 10.1519.28 7.10 14.13 2. 6 No. 150.

25.22 16.23 22.15 15.19 18.1510.19 30.25 11.18 6.10 11.1822.17 29.22 21.14 24.19

14. 9 13.17 No. 147. 2.11No. 138. 14.10 23.13 20.16

22.18 No. 142. 6.15 14.23 11.2015.22 12. 8 19.10 3. 7 29.2513. 9 3.12 9.18 5.14 22.296.13 19.16 25.21 15.19 17.22

27.24 12.19 18.22 24. 6 13.2523.24 21.14 7.10 19.24

No. 139. 19.23 22.31 6.15 20.2714.18 26.23 10. 6 8. 3 14.1022.15 17.26 13.17


15. 8

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There had long been wanting a work of character as a vehicle to mer-

chants and manufacturers of im ore permanent announcements than are to

"be met with in the columns of daily newspapers, as well as a reference

work for purchasers. To supply this vacuum was the design of the

AMERICAN ADVERTISER.A most natural and reasonable prejudice existed against advertising;

w.or4cs, from the fact that 'many siioh works had sprung into existence for

a season, and, after deceiving the public, disappeared. It was, therefore,

perceived that some plan must be devised to elevate thecharacter of such

a work, and ensure its wide circulation in the community. The method

adopted was the regular publication of the American Advertiser in con-

nection with some standard statistical work or some publication of gen-

eral mercantile interest. The piyblishers have accordingly entered into

arrangements by whicli they have bound, and will, for the present, con-

*inue to bind each edition of the American Advertiser with

**New York: Past, Present and Future,"

Satisfied that no publication is more appropriate or calculated to have a

wider circulation among those classes whom it is designed to reach than

this work of Mr. Belden, which, beyond question, presents statistical

details in a more popular and attractive form than any previous worlc.

The two works bound together are not only circulated by sale, but

Hotels and other Pitelic; Places throtjghout thk Union

Are supplied with copies gratuitously, according to the terms of the prosr

pectus inserted hereafter. This undertaking has met with the mostcordiat

approbation on thP P'^'"*^"^ the mercantile commimity, and the



COMPLETE REFERENCE-BOOK FOR PURCHASERS,Containing the cards of merchants and manufacturers in every line of


PRALL, LEWI8 6c. CO., Pub/isliers,

76 !Vafisaii-«it., Wow-YoiR,

Page 128: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


The Publishers desire to present the following


American Revieto, March, 1850.

In this work, Mr. Balden has furnished the traveler in New-York, a

full statistical account of everything noticeable in the great metropolis.

It is a complete anfl satisfactory stranger's guide. One half of the

volume is occupied by advertisements, directing the stranger to the best

stores and wholesale business establishments. The work is illustrated

by splendi^ steel engravings (^f the principal buildings, and has an ex-

cellent map of the city. Mr.,Belden's opportunities for the preparation

of such a work, have been, to our certain knowledge, at least equal to

those of any of our citizens.

Democratic Review, Feb. 1850.

The materials for this work have been derived from official sources,

particularly from the records and documents of the city, which were

placed by public act of the Common Council at the disposal of the

Author, in April last. It is illustrated with fine steel engravings of the

i;n|Ost prpminent public buildings in the metropolis, and contains a large

amount of valuable matter.


New-York Journal of Commerce, Dec. 29, 1849.

While supervising the construction of the Model of New-York, Mr.

Belden had occasion to collect, in conneption with that enterprise, avast

number of statistical details, all of which may be styled new; because,

of the statistics previously printed, the inaccuracy was glaring whencompared with those thus obtained, not from guidebooks and gazetteers,

but from original and official sources ; and because of a large proportion

of the subjects iriv^stigated, no statistics had up to that time ever been

compiled and published. The author perceived, therefore, that he hadcollected to his hai;id3, in great part, the most reliable materials for an

historical and despriptive account of the city.; apd he was thus encourag-

ed to renewed effort to perfect so valuable a collection. To this labor Mr.

Belden has assiduously devoted several years, and has so far accomplish-

ed his task, as to be enabled to present to the public an epitome pf the

work he has in preparation, which compares a sucoinpt historical sketch

Qi the city, a description of its present condition, and an estimate of its

future increase. In respect to the present condition of New-York, the

^olume now before us appears to contain all tliat is desirable pc^rtainintr

Page 129: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


to a description of the city and its numerous objects of rational curiosity

and interest, its population, government trade and commerce, mo;:al

and religious condition, institutions of education and for benevolent ob-

jects, its facilities for the cultivation of scieuce, literature, and art, etc.

The chapter devoted to a consideration of the causes of its prosperity,

and estimates of its future increase, is rational, well considered, and

highly suggestive. The general appearance of the volume is tasteful

and creditable to the publishers. The engravings are numerous, in

general well executed, and faithful representations. On the whole it is

a work of paramount value for reference ; and to those who become

habituated to its use, it will seem as indispensable as an almanac.

New-Yor'^ Express, Jan. 4, 1850.

The author of this work, Mr. Belden, is the gentleman who projected

and, with the assistance ofeminent artists, completed the Model of NewrYork, about which so much has been said by Uie pvess in our country \

and from the researches necessarily made for the purpose of construct-

ing the Model, he is possessed of an immense fund of knowledge which

he proposes bringing out in a large volume of which the work before us

is an epitome.

Attached to the volume is anew enterprise called **Th9 American

Advertiser," designed to fill a vacuum in mercantile literature. The

plan of each work is that each edition shall consist of one thousand

copies, which will be bound with sorpe standard statistical work, or

some publication of general mercantile interest, nnd will in this form be

circulated gratuitously and by i^ale. The plan secvrns a good one, and,

we; hope it will be successful.

New York Tribune, February \st, 1S50.

New-York : Past, Present and Future is by the ingenious author of

the Model of New-York, and contains a great amount oflocal inlbrmaiion

drawn from original sources and for the most part from official documents.

Evenint^ 3Iirror, Jan. 11th, 1850.

Mr. Belden was the prpjector of \he Model of New-York, which ex-

cited so much admiration here some tinie since ; and lie has presented

us in this work with a collection of liistorical facts, statistical details,

and highly interesting particulars with regard to this city, of the most

valuable character, and which render the work indispensable, if only for

future reference. The records and documents of the City, were, by voto

of the Common Council, furnished to the authc't. The work is embel-

lished with ?ome beaUtifnlly executed engravings of most of our publi^j

buildings, and is got uj) in n neat and tasteful style.

Page 130: Sturges' Guide to the game of draughts;


Neif-York Sun, Jan. 11th, 1850.

New-York : Past, Present and Future is the title of the volume rcr

cently issued by E. Porter Belden, the originator of tlie famous Model of

New-York. Like his Model, this work is very accurate, and contains

more information about this great metropolis than we have ever seen

.comprised in one book. It is profusely illu&frated with engravings, and,

in addition to the interesting 4escripfiye letter-press, (Contains many

valuable statistics.

New-York Globe, May 25th, 1850.

New-York : Past, Present and Future, comprising a history of the

City ofNew-York, a desjcription of its present condition, and an estimate

of its future increase, by E. Porter gelden, M. A.

The above is a work replete with useful and important statistical

details, many of which were never given in print before its publication.

Its statements are aU drawn from original sources, and there is no statis-

tical information given that has not been obtained from the official papers

of the City or the most authentic personal conimunications. A yasf

number of pleasing historical facts are contained in the book» gathered

from old documents. The work is well bound, beautifully printed, and

contains excellent views of the City Hall, New-York from Governor's

Island, and other pnibellishrppots pf interesting buildings and places

in and around the City.

Morning Star, Jan. Sd, 1850.

This handsomely got-nip book contains an immense amount of

valuable information respecting the Government, Public Institutions,

Trade, Commerce, Charities, &c., of this great and growing metropolis.

It will prove alike useful to the man of business and the man of leisure,

as it is a most interesting and useful directory.

NeW'YorJc Express, May 29^/i, 1860.

The more this book is used as a work of reference, the more does its

value appear. No subject of importance or interest to the merchant or

icitizen is left untouched. It is accurate, concise and comprehensive.

The American Advertise?, bound under the same cover, is a com-

plete directory to the various jpercantile and manufacturing pursiiits

pf the city.




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