Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975

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  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975



    The authors o the OHSE SubbyPack(the Pack) expresslydisclaim any and all liability and responsibility to any person inrespect o anything, or the consequence o anything, done oromitted by any person in reliance, whether wholly or partially,upon the whole or any part o this document.

    Dut o Care

    The inormation in the Pack is intended to be general innature.

    The employer or person in control o the works and or area(s)using the Pack has a strict duty to review the area(s) at which

    the work is to be carried out and the nature o the activitiesthat will be carried out or perormed.

    This Pack is not intended to substitute or specic legal advice,but to provide guidance to enable sel employed persons,suppliers, service providers, contractors and subcontractors(organisations) to manage Occupational Health Saety andEnvironment (OHSE) in a systematic manner.

    Additional inormation may need to be developed takingaccount o the circumstances specic to site conditions,trade interace, client requirements and company policy andprocedures.

    All documents relating to OHSE should be regularly reviewedand updated to reect changes or updates to legislation,codes, standards and organisational policy and procedures.

    Reision o the Pac

    The Pack was reviewed and amended in March 2008 to reectthe current requirements in the Australian building andconstruction industry. It outlines the minimum requirementsor the management o OHSE by relevant organisations. Fordetailed legislative requirements reerence should be made tothe appropriate jurisdiction.

    The Pack may not apply to each and every trade relevant tothe building and construction industry. It is designed to assistan organisation with their OHSE perormance by providing astandardised approach to developing an OHSE ManagementPlan. The Pack is relevant whether an organisation has

    minimal or no OHSE arrangements in place or is looking toimprove upon an existing OHSE Management System. It is notdesigned to replace an existing OHSE Management System.


    The OHSE SubbyPackis an initiative o the NSW Construction Saety Alliance, the Victorian Construction Saety Alliance andthe Australian Constructors Association. The project has been acilitated through the support and collaboration o industryparticipants including:

    Australian Constructors Association Contexx

    Australian Industry Group Frankipile

    Ofce o the Federal Saety Commissioner Mirvac

    WorkCover NSW Brookeld Multiplex

    Australand Watpac

    Bovis Lend Lease Westeld Design and Construction

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    IntroductionThe OHSE SubbyPack(the Pac) is designed or use b se empoed persons, suppiers, serice proiders,

    contractors and subcontractors (organisations) operating within the Austraian buiding and construction


    It is proided to assist an organisation to deeop an OHSE Management Pan and is reeant whether an

    organisation has minima or no OHSE arrangements in pace or is ooing to improe upon an existing OHSE

    Management Sstem.

    Oera, the Pac aims to assist an organisation to improe their OHSE perormance b heping them to

    ocus on the eimination or minimisation o OHSE hazards and riss within the worpace. Further, it aims

    to promote a nationa ocus on OHSE within the Austraian buiding and construction industr b assisting

    organisations in meeting some o the principa reuirements o:

    Austraian Standard/New Zeaand Standard AS/NZS4801 Occupationa Heath and Saet Management

    Sstems Specication with Guidance or Use;

    Austraian Standard/New Zeaand Standard AS/NZS Internationa Standards Organisation (ISO)14001

    Enironmenta Management Sstems with Guidance or Use; and

    NOHSC:1016 Nationa Standard or Construction Wor.

    In achieing its objectie, the Pac is separated into two sections:

    Organisations seeing urther inormation or assistance in estabishing an OHSE Management Pan shoud

    reer to industr bodies, reguators and empoer/empoee associations.

    OHSE Gidelines

    Proides e steps that guide

    an organisation in setting up

    an OHSE Management Plan.

    OHSE Mngement Pln

    Proides tempates or poicies

    and procedures that can

    be used to set up the OHSE

    Management Plan.

    OHSE SUBBYPACK | Introduction

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Common TermsThere are some common terms that an organisation is ie to encounter during the deeopment and

    impementation o an OHSE Management Pan. Some are as oows:

    ompetent personmeans a person who has acuired, through training, uaication, or experience, or a

    combination o these, the nowedge and sis, to perorm the wor actiit.

    onstrtion projet means a project inoing construction wor, and incudes design, preparation, and


    onstrtion site means a pace at which construction wor is undertaen, and an other area in theicinit where pant or other materia used or to be used in connection with the construction wor is ocated

    or ept during the construction wor. It does not incude a pace where eements are manuactured o site.

    onstrtion wormeans an o the oowing:

    (a) excaation, incuding the excaation or ing o trenches, ditches, shats, wes, tunnes and pier

    hoes, and the use o caissons and coerdams;

    (b) buiding, incuding the construction (incuding the manuacturing o preabricated eements o a

    buiding at the pace o wor concerned), ateration, renoation, repair, maintenance and demoition

    o a tpes o buidings; and

    (c) cii engineering, incuding the construction, structura ateration, repair, maintenance and

    demoition o, or exampe, airports, docs, harbours, inand waterwas, rier, and sea deence wors,roads and highwas, raiwas, bridges and tunnes, iaducts, and wors reated to the proision o

    serices such as communications, drainage, sewerage, water and energ suppies.

    onslttion reers to a process through which adice is gien or iews are exchanged. This means a

    process through which OHSE inormation is shared with empoees and incudes arrangements where

    empoees are proided opportunit to meaningu contribute to the resoution o OHSE issues.

    demolition means the compete or partia dismanting o a structure b panned and controed methods or


    emploee reers to a persons (incuding worers, suppiers, serice proiders, contractors, subcontractors,

    consutants, isitors, and others) who are engaged b, or under the contro o the organisation at the


    environment reers to the surroundings in which an organisation carries out actiities, incuding air, water,

    and, natura resources, ora, auna, humans and their interaction.

    hzrd means a source or a situation with a potentia or harm in terms o human injur or iheath,

    damage to propert, damage to the enironment, or a combination o these.

    high-ris onstrtion wor reers to construction wor that:

    a) has ris o a person aing 2.0 metres or more;

    b) is on teecommunications towers;

    c) inoes demoition;

    d) inoes the disturbance or remoa o asbestos;

    Common Terms OHSE SUBBYPACK | 4

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    e) inoes structura aterations that reuire temporar support to preent coapse;) inoes a conned space;

    g) inoes excaation at a depth greater than 1.5 metres;

    h) is o tunnes;

    i) inoes the use o exposies;

    j) is on or near pressurised gas distribution mains and consumer piping;

    ) is on or near chemica, ue or rerigerant ines;

    ) is on or near energised eectrica instaations and serices;

    m) is in an area that ma hae a contaminated or ammabe atmosphere;

    n) inoes titup and precast concrete;

    o) is on or adjacent to roadwas or raiwas used b road or rai trafc;

    p) inoes moement o powered mobie pant;

    ) is in an area where there are articia extremes o temperature;

    r) is in, oer or adjacent to water or other iuids where there is a ris o drowning;

    s) inoes diing;

    t) inoes remoa o hazardous substances (ead paint, PCBs etc);

    u) inoes the storage and/or use o dangerous goods or chemicas incuding reueing o pant;

    ) is in areas o unidentied contaminated sois;

    w) inoes the disposa and or coection o storm water, surace water or ground water;

    x) inoes exposure to excessie noise or ibration;

    ) inoes the generation, storage, handing and disposa o soid/iuid waste incuding concrete

    waste, paint wastes and other washout iuid wastes; and

    z) inoes exposure to excessie dust emissions rom wor actiities, pant and trafc.

    inident means an eent that has the potentia to harm or injure a person or the enironment.

    indtion trining reers to seera tpes o training dependant on whether the empoee is new to the

    industr, new to the site, or perorming a new wor actiit. The tpes o training are as oows:

    a) Genera industr inductiontraining in the genera hazards and riss associated with the

    construction industr. This training must be carried out b a registered training organisation (RTO);

    b) Wor actiit inductiontraining in the hazards, riss and contro measures associated with the

    wor actiit or tas (e.g. Tas Specic Sae Wor Method Statement); and

    c) Site specic Inductiontraining in the hazards, riss and contro measures specic to the

    construction site (e.g. site rues, emergenc eacuation and rst aid procedures, and enironmenta

    contros). This training is genera carried out b the Principa Contractor in contro o the project.

    MSDSmeans a Materia Saet Data Sheet. The MSDS incudes:

    a) the ingredients o a product;

    b) the heath eects o the product and rst aid instructions;

    c) precautions to oow when ou use the product;

    Common Terms OHSE SUBBYPACK | 5

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    d) enironmenta considerations;

    e) sae handing and storage inormation; and

    ) MSDS issue date (can be no oder than e ears).

    Optionl Helth Set nd Environment (OHSE) Mngement Pln is a sitespecic document

    that enabes the hazards and riss associated with the wor actiit to be identied, managed, and mitigated.

    orgnistion is a seempoed person, contractor, subcontractor, compan, corporation, rm, enterprise

    or institution, or other ega entit, whether incorporated or not.

    plntmeans an machiner, euipment (incuding scaoding), appiance, impement or too, incuding an

    component, tting or accessor to an machiner, euipment (incuding scaoding), appiance, impement

    or too.

    ris means the ieihood o a hazard causing harm to a person or the enironment.

    se wor method sttement (SWMS) means a statement that:

    a) describes how the wor is carried out;

    b) identies the wor actiities assessed as haing saet or enironmenta riss;

    c) states what the saet and enironmenta riss are;

    d) describes the contro measures that wi be appied to the wor actiities;

    e) describes how measures wi be impemented to do the wor in a sae and enironmenta sound

    manner; and

    where reuired:

    ) outines the egisation, standards and codes to be compied with; and

    g) incudes a description o the euipment used in the wor, the uaications o the personne doing

    the wor and the training reuired to do the wor in a sae and enironmenta sound manner.

    Note: States and territories may use dierent terms to describe a Sae Work Method Statement. For example job

    saety analysis (JSA) or job saety and environment analysis (JSEA).

    servies means an gas, water, sewerage, communication, eectrica serice or other serices, such as

    chemica, ue and rerigerant ines, suppied to or adjacent to a site.

    worple means a pace, whether or not in a buiding or structure, where empoees or se empoedpersons wor.

    Common Terms OHSE SUBBYPACK | 6

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    Section One

    OHSE Gidelines

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    ContentsOvERvIEWFIvE kEy STEPS 9













    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 8Contents

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    OeriewFie e stepsThe OHSE Guidelines outines e steps to assist an organisation to deeop an OHSE Management Plan.

    The steps are as oows:

    Step OneSet up a Polic

    Develop a Polic to demonstrate a commitment to OHSE.

    Step TwoPlanning

    Review the tpe o wor to be perormed. Develop

    procedures to demonstrate how hazards and riss are

    identied and controlled, and how legal and other

    reuirements are met.

    Step ThreeImplementation

    Nominate who will be responsible or setting up the OHSE

    Management Plan. Ensure that those made responsible

    have the time, resources and sills to get the tas done

    sael and without harm to the environment. Implement

    a procedure to manage OHSE documentation and ensureregular consultation with all emploees on OHSE matters.

    Step FourEvaluation and Inspection

    Undertae regular inspections o the worplace to

    determine the efectiveness o hazard identication and

    ris assessment processes, and control measures.

    Step FiveReturn to Wor and Injur


    Implement an injur management and return to wor program

    to assist injured emploees to return to their pre-injur duties

    as soon as practicable ater a wor-related injur.

    Compementing the OHSE Guidelines is the OHSE Management Plan.

    The OHSE Management Plan contains tempate orms and procedures that ma be used to assist an

    organisation to deeop its own pan. The appication o each orm and procedure is highighted throughout

    the e steps o the OHSE Guidelines.

    Overview OHSE SUBBYPACK | 9

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    Step oneSet up a poicScope

    To deeop a poic to demonstrate a commitment to OHSE.


    To deeop an OHSE poic which demonstrates that the organisation is committed to the heath, saet and

    weare o its empoees and anone ese that ma be aected through its organisationa actiities. This

    commitment extends to controing the hazards and riss that hae the potentia to harm the enironment.


    Deeop a poic which states that:

    the empoer is responsibe or OHSE;

    the organisation is committed to the continua improement o OHSE management;

    the organisation wi comp with a reeant OHSE egisation;

    the organisation wi ensure that a empoees are proided with inormation, instruction, training,

    resources and superision, haing regard to the hazards and riss associated with the organisations

    actiities; and

    the organisation wi consut with empoees on matters to do with OHSE.

    The poic must be signed and dated b senior management and shoud be made accessibe to a



    OHSE 003Occupational Health and Saet Polic in the OHSE Management Plan proides a sampe o

    an OHSE Poic.



    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 10Step OneSetting up a policy

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    Step twoPanningPreliminar Action

    As a e step in seeing to deeop an OHSE Management Pan, the organisation shoud describe in writing

    the wor the wi be undertaing.

    To maximise the potentia to address OHSE issues, the Pan shoud be deeoped taing into account the

    specied wor actiities.

    ReerenceOHSE 002Project Details and Introduction in the OHSE Management Plan proides a tempate or

    documenting the detais o an organisations wor actiities.

    Once the organisation has documented its wor actiities, it shoud start to pan how it wi address the OHSE issues

    reeant to those actiities.

    As an important step in this process, the organisation wi be reuired to deeop procedures to demonstrate how:

    hazards and riss are identied and controed; and

    ega and other reeant OHSE reuirements are met.

    This is outined in two parts as oows.



    To deeop procedures which detai how hazards are identied, riss are assessed and contro measures are

    impemented within the organisation.


    To deeop procedures, incuding a Sae Wor Method Statement(s), which demonstrates how hazards

    are identied and riss are assessed. The procedures shoud coer OHSE hazards and riss reeant to the

    wor actiities.

    To impement contro measures or OHSE hazards and riss in accordance with the Hierarch o Contro (as

    outined in the beow diagram series).

    To ensure the aocation o responsibiities and the aaiabiit o resources to identi hazards, assess the

    riss and to impement contro measures. Resources and responsibiities shoud aso be assigned to assess

    the eectieness o the ris management process.



    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 11Step TwoPlanning

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    The oowing diagram demonstrates the ris management process. This process is reeant in identiinghazards, controing riss and impementing contro measures or a wor actiit or tas.

    The oowing diagram demonstrates the Hierarch o Contro. This is reeant in considering appropriate

    measures or eiminating or minimising hazards and riss.

    Wor tivit/hnges

    to sope

    Identi ll potentil


    Consider what hazards can

    cause injur to a person or

    harm the enironment.

    For eh potentil hzrd,

    identi riss

    What can go wrong,

    how can worers or the

    enironment be harmed?

    assess the riss

    i.e. high (1), medium (2) or

    low (3)in terms o potentia

    or harm to peope or the


    Implement control



    administratie e.g. a phsica

    barrier, job procedure,

    persona protectie euipment.

    Review the efetiveness

    o ontrol mesres





    Remove the hazard completel(Elimination) e.g. through a

    design change.

    Separate people rom the hazard(Substitution) e.g. guards

    on power toos, use eectie barriers and edge protection,encose nois machiner, enironmenta catchments/

    sedimentation ponds.

    Use an engineered control(Isolation) e.g. use an Earth

    leaage Deice (saet switch) on eectrica source, use a

    machine to it hea objects, use scaoding rather than

    adders to reduce the ris o as, enironmenta swaes, booms

    or barriers, paint wash out station.

    Change wor practices e.g. training in iting techniues or sae

    wor procedures, tagging procedures, waste sorting.

    Provide Personal Protection Euipment (PPE) e.g. hearing

    protection, ee protection, spi it.

    Note: PPE should be the last option to protect people






    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 12Step TwoPlanning

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    ActionTaing into account the wor actiities, deeop written procedures which address the oowing:

    How wi potentia hazards be identied?

    How wi riss be identied and assessed, i.e. High (1), Medium (2), low ()?

    How wi contro measures be impemented and monitored?

    Who wi be nominated to undertae and reiew ris management actiities?

    Senior management must ensure that a empoees are proided with inormation, instruction, training,

    superision and resources to get the tas(s) done with minima impact on peope or the enironment, and

    haing regard to the hazards and riss associated with the wor actiities.

    The organisation shoud consider estabishing OHSE objecties and targets that wi support and maintain

    the eectieness o the OHSE Management Pan. As an exampe, an organisation might set an objectie

    to impement ris management processes reeant to the wor actiities. The target might be to assign

    resources (i.e. 2 peope) to deeop ris management procedures within a specic timerame (i.e. 2 months).


    In the OHSE Management Plan:

    OHSE 004Hazard Identication, Ris Assessment and Control outines a poic and procedure or

    identiing hazards, assessing their riss and impementing contro measures.

    OHSE 005Hazard Categories proides a tempate or identiing some o the hazards that ma be

    associated with an organisations wor actiities.

    OHSE 006Ris Matrix proides a process or identiing a ris cass/raning or potentia worpace

    hazards. The matrix is used to determine the ee o danger or seriousness o the ris, how ie it is to

    occur and how detaied contro measures wi need to be to eiminate or minimise the ris.

    OHSE 007Sae Wor Method Statement proides a tempate or a Sae Wor Method Statement (SWMS).

    The SWMS proides a process or identiing the potentia hazards o a wor actiit, assessing their ris and

    recording how to eiminate, or minimise them. An exampe SWMS is incuded in the atter part o the OHSE


    OHSE 008Objectives and Targets proides a sampe or how an organisation might estabish their OHSE

    objecties and targets.

    OHSE 009Personal Protective Euipment proides a tempate or recording a PPE that has been

    suppied to empoees and is specied as a contro measure in the SWMS.



    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 1Step TwoPlanning

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    To identi the egisation, codes and standards reeant to the organisations actiities.


    To ensure that the organisation maintains awareness and access to current egisation, codes and standards

    to comp with its ega obigations.


    Identi the egisation, codes and standards reeant to the organisations actiities.

    Ensure that the inormation is accessibe to empoees.

    keep a inormation uptodate.

    Adise empoees o an changes.


    Organisations seeing inormation or assistance in reation to ega and other reated OHSE reuirements

    shoud reer to industr bodies, reguators and empoer/empoee associations.



    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 14Step TwoPlanning

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    Step ThreeImpementationIn order to impement the OHSE Management Pan, an organisation wi need to:

    dene the roes and responsibiities o empoees;

    assess the competenc ees o empoees and ensure the are proided with appropriate training;

    deeop and maintain reguar consutation with empoees; and

    impement a document management procedure to ensure the aidit o OHSE documentation.

    These actiities are outined in our parts as oows.



    To determine the roes and responsibiities o empoees in reerence to the OHSE Management Pan.


    To aocate roes and responsibiities to ensure that the appropriate time and resources are proided to

    eectie impement and maintain the OHSE Management Pan.


    Determine the OHSE roes and responsibiities o a empoees.

    Determine who wi be responsibe or impementing and maintaining the OHSE Management Pan.

    Communicate the OHSE roes and responsibiities to a empoees.


    OHSE 010Roles and Responsibilities in the OHSE Management Plan proides a sampe reporting chart

    or documenting the roes and responsibiities within an organisation.

    Note: This sample may need to be modied to refect the actual management levels o the organisation.

    Organisations seeing urther inormation or assistance in reation to OHSE roes and responsibiities shoud

    reer to industr bodies, reguators and empoer/empoee associations.



    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 15Step ThreeImplementation

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    To train, educate and assess empoees in the reuirements o the OHSE Management Pan.


    To ensure a empoees are trained to u their roes and responsibiities, and are competent to perorm a

    tass in a wa that is sae and does not aderse impact on themsees, others or the enironment.


    Assess empoee competencies in reation to their wor actiities.

    Proide empoees with:

    induction training, incuding genera industr (saet awareness), wor actiit;

    site specic induction training;

    training in reeant parts o the OHSE Management Pan; and

    training in their specic roes and responsibiities.

    Maintain a record o empoee competenc ees and training actiities. These records must be readi

    aaiabe or reiew b the Principa Contractor and other parties, as reuired.

    Ensure empoee competencies and/or uaications are reiewed on a reguar basis and updated as



    listed within Common Terms are the three main tpes o induction training that must be proided to


    OHSE 011Training and Competenc Register in the OHSE Management Pan proides a tempate or

    recording empoee competenc ees and training actiities.

    Organisations seeing urther inormation or assistance in reation to training and competenc reuirements

    shoud reer to industr bodies, reguators and empoer/empoee associations.



    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 16Step ThreeImplementation

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    To consut with empoees on OHSE matters.


    To proide an agreed mechanism where empoees can discuss and express their iews on OHSE matters. To

    consut on a reguar basis and to document a OHSE consutation.


    Determine the nature o the consutatie arrangements, e.g. Toobox Tas or Prestart Tas.

    Determine what topics wi be incuded in the consutatie arrangements. As a minimum, issues such as

    changes in wor conditions/processes, high ris wor, OHSE aerts or changes in egisation shoud be

    considered in the consutation.

    Determine how oten the consutation wi occur, i.e. dai, wee or other.

    Ensure a consutation, incuding the consutation arrangements, are documented.


    In the OHSE Management Plan:

    OHSE 012Consultation outines a poic and procedure or consutation with empoees on OHSE.

    OHSE 013Toolbox/Pre-start Tals proides a tempate or recording the detais o Toobox Tas/Prestart


    Organisations seeing urther inormation or assistance in reation to consutation reuirements shoud reer

    to industr bodies, reguators and empoer/empoee associations.



    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 17Step ThreeImplementation

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    To estabish a sstem o document management or OHSE inormation, poicies and procedures.


    To ensure a documents, orms and procedures that are used or purpose o OHSE records, are maintained,

    reeant and uptodate.


    Chec a documents on a reguar basis and remoe an out o date inormation.

    Chec that a documents contain inormation detaiing the date the document was produced and incude

    a ersion number.

    Chec that a documents are ed and reasonab accessibe to empoees.

    Retain a documents reating to OHSE, incuding the OHSE Management Plan, or a minimum o seen



    OHSE 001Document Control in the OHSE Management Plan outines a poic and procedure or

    document management, and proides a tempate or document contro.

    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 18Step ThreeImplementation



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    Step FourEauation and Inspection


    To determine the eectieness o hazard identication and ris assessment processes, and to reiew and

    eauate contro measures.


    To reiew and eauate contro measures to determine whether the are eectie managing riss.

    To undertae reguar inspections o the worpace to monitor contro measures to reduce the ieihood o

    an incident.


    Reguar inspect the worpace, wor processes, pant and euipment operation, and other areas

    aected b the wor actiit.

    Monitor compiance with the OHSE Management Pan, in particuar Sae Wor Method Statements.

    Undertae specic monitoring as reuired, i.e. heath, noise, dust or enironmenta monitoring.

    Eauate OHSE incidents, reported hazards and an issues identied through OHSE inspection processes.

    Impement and reiew correctie actions to minimise the ris, or reoccurrence o OHSE hazards and riss.

    Note: The use o checklists in the inspection process provides or a more consistent and uniorm coverage o OHSE



    In the OHSE Management Plan:

    OHSE 014Worplace Inspection Checlist proides a tempate checist or a generic worpace

    inspection. This tempate shoud be modied to incude the hazards that are specic to the worsite beinginspected.

    OHSE 015Plant and Euipment outines a poic and procedure or the inspection and maintenance o

    pant and euipment.

    OHSE 016Plant and Euipment Register proides a tempate or recording the detais o a pant and

    euipment to be used b an organisation during the course o a wor actiit.

    OHSE 017Plant and Euipment Pre-start Checlist proides a tempate checist or undertaing pre

    start inspection and eauation o pant and euipment.

    OHSE 018Plant and Euipment Regular Checlist proides a tempate checist or undertaing genera

    inspection and eauation o pant and euipment.

    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 19Step FourEvaluation and Inspection

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    OHSE 019Hazardous Substances/Dangerous Goods outines a poic and procedure or the reiew andmaintenance o an hazardous substance and/or dangerous good that ma be used during the course o a

    wor actiit.

    OHSE 020Hazardous Substances/Dangerous Goods Register proides a tempate or recording the

    detais o an hazardous substance and dangerous good that ma be used during the course o the wor


    OHSE 021Electrical Euipment proides a poic and procedure or the use, inspection and recording o

    an eectrica euipment that ma be brought on site or the purpose o the wor actiit.

    OHSE 022Electrical Euipment Register proides a tempate or recording the detais o an eectrica

    euipment that ma be brought on site.

    OHSE 023Hazard Reporting outines a poic and procedure or reporting hazards and or estabishingcontro measures to mitigate or minimise their eect.

    OHSE 024Hazard Report proides a tempate or reporting hazards, documenting contro measures and

    managing correctie actions.

    OHSE 025Injur and Incident Investigation outines a poic and procedure or reporting, recording and

    inestigating incident and injuries within the worpace.

    OHSE 026Register o Injuries proides a tempate or reporting and recording the detais o a worpace


    OHSE 027Incident Investigation Report proides a tempate or reporting and inestigating OHSE

    incidents. This incudes an incident inoing medica attention or o site treatment, a near miss, propert/pant damage or injur to the pubic or the enironment.

    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 20Step FourEvaluation and Inspection

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    Step FieInjur Management andReturntoWor


    To estabish and impement an injur management poic and return to wor program.


    To impement an injur management poic and return to wor program to assist injured empoees to

    return to their preinjur duties as soon as practicabe ater a worreated injur.


    Ensure that there is a current worers compensation poic in pace, and that the poic compies with a

    statutor reuirements.

    Deeop and impement a process or injur notication. Ensure empoees are aware o the reuirement

    to report injuries as soon as possibe. keep a record o a injuries.

    In the eent o an injur:

    Deeop a returntowor program in consutation with the injured empoee and their treating medica


    Ensure the returnto wor program demonstrates a commitment to proiding the empoee with suitabe

    duties during the course o their treatment.

    Nominate a returnto wor coordinator to assist the injured empoee to return to their preinjur duties

    as soon

    as practicabe.

    Monitor the ongoing eectieness o the empoee returnto wor program.


    In the OHSE Management Plan:

    OHSE 025Injur and Incident Investigation outines a poic and procedure or reporting, recording and

    inestigating incident and injuries within the worpace.

    OHSE 026Register o Injuries proides a tempate or reporting and recording the detais o a worpace


    OHSE 029Injur Management and Return-to-Woroutines a poic and procedure or injur

    management and returntowor.

    Injur management and returntowor reuirements ma dier between jurisdictions. Organisations

    seeing urther inormation or assistance in reation to injur management and returntowor reuirements

    shoud reer to industr bodies, reguators and empoer/empoee associations.



    OHSE SUBBYPACK | 21Step FiveReturn to Work and Injury Management

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    Example Safe Work Method Statement (

    Organisation Details

    Organisation Name: Company ABC Contact Name:: Bo

    ACN/ABN 83 79X XXX XXX Contact Position: Wo

    Address: 1 ABC Street, Canberra City, ACT 2600 Contract Phone Number: 02

    Project Details:

    Project: Area


    Use of a Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) BoomThiswith



    Resources / TradesInvolved:

    Construction Workers

    Plant & Equipment Used: MEWP Boom

    Maintenance checks:

    Daily Operators Check to be documented in the Log book, 90 Day Inspection, Annual Inspection

    manufacturers recommendations

    Materials Used:

    Occupational Health Safetyor EnvironmentalLegislation:

    Occupational Health & Safety Act 2000, -Occupational Health & Safety Regulation 2001Chapter 5 Plant

    Codes or StandardsApplicable to theWorks:

    Australian StanPlatforms SafHealth & Safety1999. Moving Poverhead powe

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975



    Level Description of Consequence or Impact Conse

    H (1)

    (High level of harm)

    Potential Death, Permanent Disability, or Major Structural Damage. Off-site release notcontained, major remediation required with outside assistance, significant detrimental

    environmental impact.


    (HM (2)

    (Medium level ofharm)

    Potential Temporary, Disability, or Minor Structural Damage. On site release contained, minorremediation required with outside assistance, short-term detrimental environmental impacts.Any potential for exceeding a Statutory Licence Permit condition.


    L (3)(Low level of harm)

    Potential incident that has the potential to cause persons to require first aid. On-site releaseimmediately contained, minor level clean up with no short-term environmental impacts.


    Level Likelihood / probability

    Likely Could happen frequently

    Moderate Could happen occasionally

    Unlikely May occur only in exceptional circumstances

    Item Job steps Hazards RiskClass/Ranking


    1 Use of an Mobile Elevated Work Platform(Boom lift)

    Fall from platform

    Tip machine over

    Collision / injury

    Operated by unauthorised /unqualified person(s)

    1 Carry out daily inspemanufacturers operOperator Daily Safecover of the yellow l

    Check and familiarisoperation of platformand/or operator retricontrols

    Read all manufacturstickers on machine

    Record in the log boperson making entry

    Report any defects supervisor immediamachine until these

    Place DANGER do machine to prevent

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975



    2 Check work area for operational hazards

    Fall from platform

    Tip machine over

    Collision / injury

    Operated by unauthorised /

    unqualified person(s)

    1 Keep away from back

    excavations, boggy ar

    Use only on flat firm smachine is level to witspecifications.

    When working on suspcompetent person to vweight of machine.

    Keep away from slab penetrations

    Check for overhead poobstructions - projectio

    Check with power supdistance to be maintaipower supply.

    3 Operating MEWP Fall from platform

    Tip machine over

    Collision / injury Operated by unauthorised /

    unqualified person(s)

    1 All persons operating completed required tra

    certificate issued by oElevated Work PlatforAustralia.

    Safety harness to be wdesignated anchoragewhilst in the EWP bas

    Never stand or sit on kor midrails, ensure ga

    Ensure tyres are inflat(where necessary).

    NEVER operate when12.5m/sec If operating

    If outriggers fitted ens

    extended and on a so Ensure you look up, d

    backwards, left and rig

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975



    4 Working from MEWP Tip over

    Injury to persons below

    Fall from platform

    1 Do not use as a crane

    Do not over load the pdo not exceed SWL anoccupants.

    Never use to pull or pu

    Ensure all tools and mstored with no slip/trip

    Set up exclusion zoneboom lift and appropriplace where deemed n

    Keep away from pinch

    Never enter or exit pla Never use ladders or o

    additional height.

    Keep within the confinplatform. Do not lean oplatform.

    5 Securing MEWP after use Injury to persons below 1 Lower platform at the safe location, remove

    6 Refuelling the MEWP Fire Slips, trips, falls


    Contact with chemical

    Inhaled petrol vapours

    1 Equipment is to be tur

    Do not use mobile pho

    Avoid sources of igniti

    Ensure fully charged cchemical or foam extinproximity when refuell

    Ensure funnel or nozzwhen refuelling

    Ensure spill kit in avaiwhen carry out refuelli

    Avoid contact with eyeworn.

    Over spills to be imme

    Remove any contaminwash prior to re-use

    Do not intentionally inh

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975



    Qualifications and experience required to complete thetask:

    Personnel, Duties and Responsibilities (Supervisorystaff and others):


    National Certificate of Competency : WP (for Booms over11 metres)

    A Certificate issued on behalf of the Elevated WorkPlatform Association of Australia for Booms under 11metres where the operator does not have the NationalCertificate



    Demonstration of Spill response training from spill kitsupplier.


    Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals:

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975



    This SWMS has been developed through consultation with our employees and has been read, understood and signed by

    Print Names: Signatures:

    Review No 01 02 03 04 05 06



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    Section Two

    OHSE ManagementPlan

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    OHSE Management Plan








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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 001Document controlINSERT ORGANISATION:

    Maintains an up to date version of this OHSE Management Plan.

    Retains all obsolete pages of the Plan for a minimum of 7 years to demonstrate a record of OHSEmanagement practices.

    Provides a copy of the current version of the Plan to INSERT PRINCIPAL CONTRACTOR NAME.

    Reviews the Plan on a INSERT TIME PERIODbasis

    Ensures all amendments to the Plan are recorded in the Register of Amendments.

    Register of Amendments

    Date Page/Form No. Version No. Description of Amendments Prepared by Approved by

    Distribution Register

    Version No. Date of Issue Name of Recipient Position / Organisation

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 002Project details and

    introductionOrganisation Details

    Business/Trading name


    Contract Job Number







    The following table sets out a brief description of the work to be carried out by INSERT ORGANISATIONduring the course of the INSERT TRADE/ACTIVITY contract/agreed works on the INSERT SITE NAME


    Date Description of WorksNo of Employees

    (inc subcontractors)

    The table below identifies the designated person on site responsible for the management of occupationalhealth safety and environment.

    Name Contact Details

    INSERT ORGANISATIONDOES/DOES NOTintend to subcontract all or part of the works.If engaged, the sub-subcontractors intended to be used on this site are:

    Business Contact Details

    INSERT ORGANISATIONwill ensure that the above mentioned subcontractors provide a SWMS for theirspecialised work, and that INSERT ORGANISATIONshall review the SWMS, and append the SWMS tothis Plan. If they are an employer, INSERT ORGANISATIONwill also ensure that evidence relating to acurrent workers compensation policy is provided.

    Director / Manager______________________________ Date____/____/____

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 003Occupational health

    safety and environment policy

    At INSERT ORGANISATION, a commitment to occupational health, safety and the environment is part ofthe business.

    This is achieved through:

    complying with statutory requirements, codes, standards and guidelines;

    setting up objectives and targets with the aim of eliminating work related incidents in relation to ouractivities, products and services; and

    defining roles and responsibilities for occupational health, safety and environment.

    Strategies will include:

    ensuring occupational health, safety and environment management principles are included in allorganisational planning activities;

    providing ongoing education and training to all of our employees;

    consulting with employees and other parties to improve decision-making on occupational health,safety and environment matters;

    ensuring incidents are investigated and lessons are learnt within the organisation;

    distributing occupational health, safety and environment information, including this policy, to allemployees and interested parties;

    providing enough resources to ensure occupational health, safety and environment is a central partof the organisation; and

    ensuring effective injury management and rehabilitation is provided to all employees.

    Director / Manager____________________________ Date____/____/____

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 004Hazard identification,

    risk assessment and controlINSERT ORGANISATIONwill not commence construction work at a place of work unless:

    the principal contractor has provided INSERT ORGANISATIONwith a copy of the relevant parts ofits workplace OHSE Management Plan (or equivalent);

    INSERT ORGANISATIONhas undertaken an assessment of the risks associated with the workactivities and has provided to the principal contractor a written Safe Work Method Statement(SWMS); and

    INSERT ORGANISATIONhas provided induction training to all employees.

    INSERT ORGANISATIONmaintains and updates the SWMS, and provides the updated SWMS to theprincipal contractor.

    INSERT ORGANISATIONidentifies the potential hazards of the proposed work activities, assess the risksinvolved and develops controls measures to eliminate, or minimise, the risks. The risk management processis carried out in consultation with employees.


    INSERT ORGANISATIONbreakdowns specific work activities into job steps to assist in identifying allpotential hazards. These work activities are detailed in a SWMS. The SWMS is a list of job steps and otherwork related practices.

    For each of the work activities and associated job steps identified in the SWMS, INSERT ORGANISATIONhas identified potential hazards and their risks.

    To assist in identifying hazards and risks, INSERT ORGANISATIONhas considered the use of resourcessuch as codes and standards, industry publications (i.e. safety alerts; hazard profiles for specific tradegroups), workplace experience and consultation (i.e. Toolbox Talks).


    INSERT ORGANISATIONhas identified a risk class/ranking for potential workplace hazards by referring tothe categories ranging from high to low in a Risk Matrix.

    The Risk Matrix is used to determine the level of danger or seriousness (i.e. the consequence) of the risk,

    how likely it is that this risk will occur (i.e. likelihood/probability) and therefore how detailed controlmeasures will need to be to eliminate or minimise the risk.

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 005Hazard categoriesThe following is a list of the hazards INSERT ORGANISATIONhas identified arising from thecontracted/agreed work activities. These hazards are addressed within the Safe Work MethodStatement(s).

    Occupational Health and Safety

    Access & egress Confined/enclosed spaces

    Coring/chasing Dangerous Goods (Oxy/other)

    Demolition/dismantling Electricity (power tools/other)

    Explosive/pneumatic power tools Fatigue (shift work/hours of work)

    Formwork erection/dismantling Fire/explosion

    Fumes/gas Hazardous substances

    Flying/falling objects/debris Height & falls

    Hazardous material Hot/cold working environment

    Hot work (cutting/welding/grinding) Lasers

    Lighting Manual handling (lifting or twisting)

    Machine/equipment guarding Moving plant/traffic

    Materials handling (crane/forklift/other) Plant & equipment operation

    Noise (hearing) Structural alterations/support

    Public (pedestrians/other) Services (underground/overhead)

    Subsidence Ultra Violet Light (sunlight)

    Trenching/excavation Other.

    Work near/over water Other.

    Young workers/unskilled labour Other.

    Biological/bacteria Other.


    Air quality (dust/emissions) Bulk excavation/spoil

    Concrete or paint wastes Contaminated soil/water

    Dewatering/pump out Habitats (protected flora/fauna)

    Heritage & Archaeology Noise or vibration

    Noisy work (neighbourhood) Spills & response

    Slurry or other discharges Traffic & parking

    Waste hazardous (paint sludge, synthetic minfibre, asbestos/other

    Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Substances(use/storage/spills)

    Stormwater/sediment control Other.

    Waste disposal Other.

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 006Risk matrixINSERT ORGANISATIONhas identified a risk class/ranking for potential workplace hazards by referring tothe categories in the matrix below.

    Step 1: The organisation identifies the consequence for each potential risk by using the table below. Note:If a combination of harm, loss or damage could occur the worst case consequence is selected.

    Level Description of Consequence

    High (1)(High level of harm)

    Potential death, permanent disability or major structural failure/damage. Off-site environmental discharge/release not contained and significant long-termenvironmental harm.

    Medium (2)

    (Medium level of harm)

    Potential temporary disability or minor structural failure/damage.On-site environmental discharge/release contained, minor remediation

    required, short-term environmental harm.

    Low (3)(Low level of harm)

    Incident that has the potential to cause persons to require first aid.On-site environmental discharge/release immediately contained, minor levelclean up with no short-term environmental harm.

    Step 2: Using the following table, the organisation determines how likely it is that the risk will occur andresult in the consequence identified above.

    Level Likelihood / Probability

    Likely Could happen frequently

    Moderate Could happen occasionally

    Unlikely May occur only in exceptional circumstances.

    Step 3: Using the risk matrix below, the organisation identifies the risk class/ranking.

    Likelihood / ProbabilityConsequence

    Likely Moderate Unlikely

    High (1) 1 1 2

    Medium (2) 1 2 3

    Low (3) 2 3 3

    Class/Ranking Description / Requirements

    1Will require detailed pre-planning.Actions will be recorded on a Safe Work Method Statement

    2Will require operational planning.Actions will be recorded on a Safe Work Method Statement

    3 Will require localised control measures

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 007Safe Work Method Statement (SW

    Organisation Details

    Organisation Name: Contact Name::

    ACN/ABN Contact Position:

    Address: Contract Phone No:

    Project Details:

    Project: Area:


    This Swith:



    Resources / Trades Involved:

    Equipment Used:

    Maintenance checks:

    Materials Used:

    Occupational Health Safety orEnvironmental Legislation:

    Codes or Standardsapplicable to theworks:

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    Level Description of Consequence or Impact Conse

    H (1)

    (High level of harm)

    Potential death, permanent disability or major structural failure/damage. Off-site environmental

    discharge/release not contained and significant long-term environmental harm.


    (HM (2)

    (Medium level ofharm)

    Potential temporary disability or minor structural failure/damage.On-site environmental discharge/release contained, minor remediation required, short-termenvironmental harm.


    L (3)(Low level of harm)

    Incident that has the potential to cause persons to require first aid.On-site environmental discharge/release immediately contained, minor level clean up with noshort-term environmental harm.


    Level Likelihood / Probability

    Likely Could happen frequently

    Moderate Could happen occasionally

    Unlikely May occur only in exceptional circumstances

    Item Job steps Hazards



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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    Qualifications and experience required to complete thetask

    Personnel, Duties and Responsibilities(Supervisory staff and others)

    Engineering Details / Certificates / WorkCover Approvals:

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    This SWMS has been developed through consultation with our employees and has been read, understood and signed by

    Print Names: Signatures:

    Review No 01 02 03 04 05 06



  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 008Objectives and targetsINSERT ORGANISATIONhas established the following objectives and targets to support and maintain the

    effectiveness of the OHSE Management Plan.


    Objective:Employees are provided with regular and up-to-date information on OHSE for the duration of thecontracted/agreed works.

    Target:Review the content of the OHSE Management Plan at maximum 3 month intervals (or more frequent asrequired) to maintain the currency of information provided to employees and others.

    Risk Management

    Objective:Employees are familiar with hazards and risks associated with the contracted/agreed works that areassessed as a medium to high risk.

    Target:Safe Work Method Statement(s) or the equivalent list as a minimum those hazards and risks associatedwith the contracted/agreed works that are assessed as a medium to high risk.


    Objective:Employees are regularly consulted on matters that affect OHSE.

    Target:Toolbox/Pre-start or other agreed methods of consultation are undertaken on a regularly basis.


    Objective:Employees are provided with training to enable work practices to be undertaken that are safe and minimiserisk to the environment.

    Target:All employees involved with the contracted/agreed work have undertaken as a minimum the three levels ofinduction training, i.e. general industry (safety awareness) training, site specific training and work activitytraining as noted in the Safe Work Method Statement(s) specific to the contracted/agreed works.




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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 009Personal Protective EquipmeINSERT ORGANISATIONmaintains the following register of all PPE supplied to employees where such PPE is specifStatement. INSERT ORGANISATIONensures all items of PPE are manufactured, used and maintained in accordancompliance will be provided, e.g. labelling.

    Each employee has been instructed and trained in the correct use of the PPE issued.

    Employee name Date of Issue/ replacement Item supplied I au

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 010Roles and responsibilities

    INSERT ORGANISATIONprovides the following key trained and competent personnel on site.

    OrganisationINSERT NAME______________________

    Works Manager

    INSERT NAME__________________

    WorksSupervisorINSERT NAME_________________

    OHSECoordinatorINSERT NAME__________________


    Injury Management CoordinatorINSERT NAME__________________

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____


    The roles and responsibilities of employees within INSERT ORGANISATIONregarding OHSE are below.


    INSERT NAMEis responsible for OHSE at the workplace and duties include:

    implementing the OHSE Management Plan;

    using the Hierarchy of Controls in all design, fabrication and construct activities to minimise OHSErisks;

    communicating with the principal contractor to reduce risks;

    being a part of the planning and design stages of trade activities;

    deciding when training on OHSE is required;

    leading by example and promoting sound OHSE practices at every opportunity;

    ensuring safe equipment and plant is provided and maintained;

    reviewing OHSE reports and inspections, and following up on recommendations;

    coordinating incident investigations and reporting to the controller of the workplace and relevantauthorities, as required;

    coordinating OHSE meetings and programs;

    monitoring compliance with the OHSE Management Plan, including Safe Work Method Statement;and

    assisting injured employees to return to their pre-injury duties as soon as practicable after a work-related injury.

    Signed by: ______________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ___


    INSERT NAMEis responsible for OHSE at the workplace and duties include:

    implementing the OHSE Management Plan;

    observing all OHSE rules and regulations;

    making sure that work activities are carried out in a safe and environmentally sound manner;

    planning to do all work safely including any interface with other work activities;

    providing advice and assistance on OHSE matters to employees;

    being part of the planning and design stages of trade activities;

    deciding when training on OHSE is required;

    actioning OHSE reports and carrying out workplace inspections;

    setting up OHSE meetings and programs;

    helping to prepare Safe Work Method Statements for the organisations work activities;

    investigating hazard reports and ensuring that they are completed and corrective actions undertaken;

    carrying out project inductions, Toolbox Talks and team meetings; being a part of incident investigations;

    leading by example and promoting sound OHSE practices at every opportunity;

    undertaking inspection of the contracted or planned works to ensure that OHSE control measuresare implemented and effective; and

    other OHSE duties as directed by the Works Manager.

    Signed by: ______________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ___


    INSERT NAMEis responsible for OHSE at the workplace and duties include:

    communicating OHSE performance to the Works Manager;

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    assisting the Works Supervisor to develop and implement the OHSE Plan;

    providing advice on OHSE to all employees;

    being a part of planning and design in work activities;

    determining OHSE legal requirements for the work activity or trade;

    making sure OHSE work procedures are followed; coordinating injury management / return to work for injured employees;

    reviewing OHSE reports and inspections;

    setting up and being a part of OHSE meetings and programs;

    setting up Toolbox Talks on a regular basis;

    insisting on sound OHSE practices at all times;

    setting up and conducting OHSE inductions;

    conducting incident investigations;

    communicating with the Works Manager/Works Supervisor on OHSE matters;

    making sure records are kept under these guidelines;

    being part of inspections and ensuring recommendations are completed; and

    other OHSE duties as directed by the Works Manager.

    Signed by: ______________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ___


    INSERT NAMEis responsible for the management of injuries at the workplace and duties include:

    assisting injured employees to return to their pre-injury duties as soon as practicable after a work-related injury;

    ensuring that, where appropriate, the injured employee is given access to occupational rehabilitationservices;

    liaising with any parties involved in the occupational rehabilitation of, or provision of medicalservices, to the injured employee;

    monitoring the progress of the injured employees capacity to work; taking steps to prevent recurrence or aggravation of the relevant injury upon the injured employee's

    return to work; and

    providing assistance to meet all legal requirements regarding injury management and return to work.

    Signed by: ______________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ___


    Are responsible for the following:

    working in a safe manner without risk to themselves, others or the environment;

    complying with the OHSE Management Plan including all Safe Work Method Statements;

    reporting all incidents to the Works Supervisor; reporting all injuries and illnesses to the designated First Aid Officer;

    reporting any OHSE hazards to the Works Supervisor;

    providing suggestion, through agreed consultation methods, on how to improve OHSE issues;

    seeking assistance if unsure of OHSE rules;

    reporting any faulty tools or plant to the Works Supervisor;

    complying with site rules;

    correctly using all personal protective equipment; and

    complying with emergency and evacuation procedures.

    Signed by: ______________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ___

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 011Training and competency regisHaving regard to the hazards and risks associated with the work activity, INSERT ORGANISATIONhas assured that all employeperform all tasks in a way that is safe and does not adversely impact on themselves, others or the environment.

    The following register contains details of the skills and competencies of the organisations employees.

    Employee Name Work on this projectSkills / Competencies / Experience

    (e.g. tickets / qualifications)Card No. /Reg. No.

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 012ConsultationINSERT ORGANISATIONpromotes the active participation of all employees in OHSE decisions.

    Employees are consulted and given opportunity, encouragement and training to be proactively involved inOHSE matters affecting the organisation and their work activities.

    Consultation occurs in reference to, but not limited to, the following subjects / topics:

    hazard identification and risk assessment processes;

    control measures for the management of hazards and risks;

    changes to the organisation's policies and procedures or work routines which may affect OHSE;

    make up of and representation on relevant committees; and

    election of OHSE and employee representatives.

    All workplace consultation is recorded and occurs on a INSERT PERIODbasis.

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 013Toolbox/pre-start talks

    All Toolbox / Pre-start Talks undertaken on behalf of INSERT ORGANISATIONare recorded on this formand signed by participants.

    All corrective actions noted on this form are implemented and signed by the nominated person. It is theresponsibility of the Works Supervisor to ensure that all corrective actions are completed and reviewed foreffectiveness.

    Toolbox / Pre-start Talks


    Subject of Talk:

    Presented by:

    Duration: Date:

    Persons Present

    Print Name: Signature: Print Name: Signature:

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    Points Raised / Comments:

    Action CompleteCorrective Action Action by

    Sign off Date

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 014Workplace inspection checklistINSERT ORGANISATIONinspects the work activity(s) and work area, and provide a completed Workplace Inspection Checklis

    contractor for the duration of the works.

    ItemItem CorrectYes No n/a

    Action Priority1 2 3

    Action By

    Access/EgressAccess paths clear

    Access paths defined (signage tape, other)Prohibited areas display warning signs and barricaded

    Yes No n/a

    Yes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 3

    1 2 31 2 3

    Dust/Air QualityDust suppressed/watered downStock piles protected from windPlant & equipment maintained to minimise emissions

    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 31 2 3

    ElectricalElectrical equipment tested & taggedRegister of tagging currentPortable generator fitted RCDPortable Residual Current Device (RCD) tested/ tagged

    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 3

    First Aid/Emergency/InjuryFirst aid kit providedKit stocks refreshedFirst Aid Officer availableEvacuation procedure in placeEmergency contacts displayedFire extinguisher/equipment available

    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 3

    Workplace Inspection

    Workplace Date

    Inspected By Signature

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    Manual HandlingTrolleys/aids in useSWMS followedTraining/job rotation undertaken

    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 31 2 3

    Hazardous Substances/Dangerous Goods

    Register currentMSDS availableSWMS lists precautions for useStorage area bundedRefuelling SWMS followed

    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 3

    Height workPerimeter protectionHandrails in placePenetrations coveredFall restraint/arrest system in useSWMS followed

    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 3

    HousekeepingMaterials stackedWork area litBins available & in useSignage in placeLeads suspendedWalkway/stairs/work area clear

    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 3

    NoisePlant & equipment maintainedSite hours observedNoisy works identifiedHearing protection used (SWMS)

    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 3

    Personal Protective EquipmentUsed when required (SWMS)Correctly used by employees

    Yes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 3

    Plant & EquipmentPlant register currentMaintenance records providedDaily log book completedOperator ticketed/competency verifiedSWMS followed

    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 3

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    Public ProtectionWork area secure from publicOverhead protection provided

    Yes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 3

    Stormwater/run offSilt control fences in placeStormwater inlets protectedDischarges contained, e.g. pump out, slurry/other

    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 31 2 3

    TrainingAll employees have:- General industry (safety awareness) training- Site specific induction training- Work activity (SWMS) training

    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 31 2 3

    VegetationFencing around drip line of retained treesNo material/equipment stored within drip line

    Yes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 3

    Waste ManagementWaste reduction plan in place

    Waste contractor records availableBins for litter/cigarette butts/other providedHazardous wastes captured & correct disposal, e.g.paint sludge/ contaminated soil/other

    Yes No n/a

    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 3

    1 2 31 2 31 2 3


    Yes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/aYes No n/a

    1 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 3

    All items noted for correction have been rectified

    Name Signed

    Date Time

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 015Plant and equipmentINSERT ORGANISATIONcarries outregular inspections and maintenance of all plant and equipment.

    INSERT ORGANISATIONensures plant and equipment is inspected and maintained in accordance with therelevant standard and manufacturers recommendations.

    The inspection and maintenance history of each item is documented.

    Certain items of plant and equipment will be Item Registered and or Design Registered by the RegulatoryAuthority where required by Legislation

    INSERT ORGANISATIONensures control measures are implemented and documented for all plant andequipment, including its operation, deemed as high risk. The effect of all plant and equipment on theworkplace is considered and documented in the Safe Work Method Statement

    Pre-start checks, schedule of maintenance and fault reports are notified to the Works Supervisor,documented in plant log books and made available to relevant parties on request.

    Where plant and equipment is hired, the same requirements as above apply.

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 016Plant and equipment register

    The following register contains details of all plant and equipment to be used by INSERT ORGANISATIONduring the course oinclude lifting gear, fire fighting equipment, mobile plant, fall restraint equipment and other.

    Plant TypeSerial No. /


    Make / Model




    AuthorityRegistrationExpiry Date


    Date lastservice or




  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 017Plant and equipment

    pre-start checklistINSERT ORGANISATIONcompletes the following checklist prior to initial plant operation at theworkplace.

    Item Description Check


    A checklist should identify general hazards and associatedrisks relating to the use of the plant & equipment e.g.entanglement, crushing, striking, electrical or other. Thechecklist should then detail control measures to eliminate orminimise risk.

    Yes No

    Log BookA current log book recording daily safety Pre-start checks.These are subject to random inspection.

    Yes No


    Proof of ongoing maintenance, i.e. maintenance records.The records should note the most recent inspection and whoconducted that inspection. It may also describe any repairwork carried out on the plant. Most importantly, there shouldbe no outstanding items noted for repairs.

    Yes No


    An operators manual relevant to the item of plant and whichis to be kept with the plant. Yes No


    Copy of operators certification or licence to operate the plant.Where no statutory certification is required, evidence ofcompetence by the operator in the use of the plant.

    Yes No

    Plant Provider

    Name Signature Date

    Plant Inspected

    Plant Type/Make

    Serial No.


    Inspection Verified By

    Name Signature Date

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 018Plant and equipment

    regular checklistThe following checklist is completed by INSERT SERVICE PROVIDER OR INSERTORGANISATIONas a general and regular check on plant operation at the workplace.

    Plant and Equipment Checklist

    Service Provider name

    Plant type / make

    Plant No. Serial No:

    Description Check

    Risk assessment Yes No n/a

    Operators manual Yes No n/a

    Maintenance reports Yes No n/a

    Log Book Yes No n/a

    Competency ticket/licence of operator Yes No n/a

    Fire extinguisher Yes No n/a

    Crack test reports Yes No n/a

    Chains tested and tagged Yes No n/a

    Regulatory Authority plant registration Yes No n/a

    Flashing light Yes No n/a

    Forward/reverse beeper Yes No n/a

    Tested and tagged electrically Yes No n/a

    Seat belt Yes No n/a

    Roll over Protection (ROPS) Yes No n/a

    Plant Provider

    Name Signature Date

    Inspection Verified By

    Name Signature Date

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    In undertaking regular checks of plant and equiplent, INSERT ORGANISATIONincludesconsideration of relevant aspects as follows:

    Scissor Lifts / Boom Lifts Excavators / Backhoes / Bob Cats

    Risk Assessment


    Operators Manual

    Maintenance Reports

    Log Book

    Certification/Competency of Operator Safety Booklet

    Company Name

    Risk Assessment


    Operators Manual

    Maintenance Reports

    Log Book

    Certification/Competency of Operator Fire Extinguisher

    Seat Belt

    Flashing Light

    Forward & Reverse Beeper

    Fork Lifts / Manatous Cranes

    Risk Assessment

    SWMS Operators Manual

    Maintenance Reports

    Log Book

    Certification/Competency of Operator

    Fire Extinguisher

    Seat Belt

    Flashing Light

    Forward & Reverse Beeper

    Risk Assessment

    SWMS Operators Manual

    Maintenance Reports

    Log Book

    Certification/Competency of Operator

    Fire Extinguisher

    Crack Test Report

    Regulatory Authority Plant Registration

    Chains Tested and Tagged

    Concrete Pumps Other

    Risk Assessment


    Operators Manual

    Maintenance Reports

    Log Book

    Certification/Competency of Operator Fire Extinguisher

    Crack Test Report

    Line thickness Testing

    Regulatory Authority Plant Registration

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 019Hazardous

    substances/dangerous goodsINSERT ORGANISATIONprovides a current (within 5 years of the date of issue) MSDS to the principalContractor for all products and substances to be used for the work activity.

    Before a product or substance is used for the work activity, INSERT ORGANISATIONreviews the MaterialSafety Data Sheet (MSDS) to determine if the product or substance is classified as hazardous.

    All employees involved in the use of products classified as hazardous, are provided with information andtraining to allow safe completion of the required task.

    As a minimum standard, all safety and environmental precautions for use listed on the MSDS are followed

    when using the substance and are included in the Safe Work Method Statement.

    No products or substances, including chemicals or fibrous materials, are brought to the workplace without acurrent MSDS.

    All products and substances to be brought to the workplace are be documented.

    INSERT ORGANISATIONconsiders the following when selecting chemicals and substances for use on site:

    Flammability and exclusivity;

    Toxicity (short and long term);

    Carcinogenic classification if relevant;

    Chemical action and instability;

    Corrosive properties;

    Safe use and engineering controls;

    Environmental hazards; and

    Storage requirements.

    All storage and use of hazardous substances and dangerous goods is in accordance with the MSDS andlegislative requirements.

    All hazardous substances and dangerous goods are stored in their original containers with the label intact atall times.

    Hazardous substances and dangerous goods of any quantity are not stored in amenities, containers (unlessproperly constructed for the purpose), sheds or offices.

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 020Hazardous substances/dang

    registerThe following hazardous substances exist in the work place. A copy of the MSDS has been forwarded to the person res

    Product Name Application Quantity Product labelled MSDS

    Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No

    Yes No Yes No

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 021Electrical equipmentINSERT ORGANISATIONensures that the use of electrical wiring, equipment, portable tools and

    extension leads is in accordance with applicable codes and standards including AS3012, ElectricalInstallations Construction and Demolition Sites and AS3000, Wiring Rules.

    INSERT ORGANISATIONensures that all electrical equipment brought on site is listed in the ElectricalEquipment Register. The register is completed prior to commencement of the works and maintained forthe duration of the works on site.

    All electrical equipment including leads, portable power tools, junction boxes and earth leakage, orresidual current, devices is inspected and tested by a suitably qualified person and labelled with a tag ofcurrency before being used on site.

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 022Electrical equipment registerINSERT ORGANISATIONrecords all electrical equipment brought on site in the Electrical Equipment Register.

    Note: Testing and Tagging frequency is as required by State or Territory Legislation, codes and relevant standards.

    Equipment Description Plant / Serial No.Date of


    Results and/ortrip current

    (less 30mA) forEarth Leakage Device

    Date of nextInspection/Test



    Electrical itemFrequency of inspection / test

    (in accordance with relevant requirements)

    Tools & leads or electrical equipment

    Sub-board earth leakage device

    Electrical Equipment

    Workplace Date

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 023Hazard reportingINSERT ORGANISATIONencourages all employees to report hazards immediately to the Workssupervisor.

    Where the hazard cannot be corrected immediately, INSERT ORGANISATIONrecords the details of thehazard in the Hazard Register

    INSERT ORGANISATIONinvestigates all reported hazards and implements control measures to eliminateand/or minimise the likelihood of an incident or injury.

    INSERT ORGANISATIONidentifies a risk class/ranking for all hazards by referring to the categoriesranging from high to low in the Risk Matrix. The Risk Matrix is used to determine the level of danger orseriousness (i.e. the consequence) of the risk, how likely it is that this risk will occur (i.e.likelihood/probability) and therefore how detailed control measures will need to be to eliminate or minimise

    the risk.

    INSERT ORGANISATIONregularly reviews and evaluates the effectiveness of control measures until thehazard is addressed and/or all risks have been mitigated or reduced.

    INSERT ORGANISATIONwill issue a copy of any completed Hazard Report form to the principalcontractor, as required.

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 024Hazard report

    Where a hazard cannot be immediately corrected, INSERT ORGANISATIONrecords the hazard in theHazard Report.




    Submitted By Signature

    Submitted To Signature

    Details of Hazard


    Work Activity

    Hazard identifiedin relation to thework activity

    Details of Risk

    Risk Class High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)

    Control Measures

    Corrective ActionRequired

    By Whom

    By Whom WhenImmediateWithin 24 hrsWithin 7 Days


    Corrective ActionCompleted By


    Time Date

    Confirmed By Signature

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 025Injury and incidentinvestigationINJURIES:

    All injuries are reported to the desigantedFirst Aid Officer in the workplace.

    INSERT ORGANISATIONrecords all injuries on the Register of Injuries.

    Where the injury requires medical attention or off site treatment, INSERT ORGANISATIONcompletes anIncident Investigation Report.

    Copies of Incident Investigation Reports are provided to the principal contractor, as required.


    For all incidents involving near misses, property/plant damage or injury to the public or the environment,Insert Organisation investigates and records the details in an Incident Investigation Report.

    Copies of completed Incident Investigation Reports are provided to the principal contractor, as required.


    Insert Organisation reports all notifiable incidents to the relevant Authority.

    Where such an incident has occurred, Insert Organisation considers whether the site needs to be preservedfor investigation by the relevant Authority.


    Insert Organisation keeps records of incidents and injuies in accordance with Statutory requirements.

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    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 026Register of injuriesINSERT ORGANISATIONrecords all injuries in the following register.


    Workplace Location

    Injured Persons Name

    Home Address

    Date of Birth Male Female


    Employers Name

    Employers Address

    Details of Injury

    Date of Injury Time of Injury am pm

    Activity in which the personwas engaged at the time ofinjury

    Exact location where injuryoccurred

    Nature of injury e.g. fracture,

    burn, sprain, foreign body ineye.

    Body location of injurye.g. ear, eye, face, neck

    Details of Treatment

    Treatment providedby First Aid Officer

    Yes No Remarks:

    Follow up

    treatment requiredYes No

    If yes, an Incident Investigation Report must be completed with24 hours

    Doctor/ Medical

    Centre attended

    Date attendedMedical Certificate

    ReceivedYes No

    Treatmenti.e. x-ray, prescription

    Further consultationrequired

    Yes NoInjury Management

    requiredYes No

    If yes, notify theReturn-to-WorkCoordinator

    Name of Witness

    Address of Witness:

    Name of Person Providing First Aid

    Signature Date

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 027Incident investigationreportINSERT ORGANISATIONcompletes an Incident Investigation Report in the event of any injury involvingmedical attention or off site treatment or in the event of any incidents involving a near miss, property/plantdamage or injury to the public or the environment.

    The principal contractor will be informed immediately in the event of the above. Following discussions withthe principal contractor, a decision will be made as to who will conduct the incident investigation. Theprincipal contractor will be provided with a copy of the completed Incident Investigation Report.

    Class of Incident Reported

    Yes No Details:

    Further Action Required

    Injury Property/Plant Damage

    Near Miss Environmental

    Other. Report to Authorities Other:

    Details of Incident

    Date of Incident Time of Incident am pm

    Witness Name Witness Contact

    Nature of Incident

    Location of IncidentDescription ofIncident

    Details of damage toequipment/property?

    Injured Person/s (if applicable)



    Date of Birth

    Occupation Employer


    Recommended Preventive Action


    Completed By

    Name Position

    Signature Date

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    OHSE 028OHSE managementplan checklistINSERT ORGANISATIONreviews all OHSE policies and procedures on a INSERT TIME PERIODto

    determine the effectiveness of the OHSE Management Plan in addressing OHSE in the workplace.


    Project Name



    Other Attendees

    Activities Reviewed Conforms

    Changes and distribution of the OHSE Mgt Plan are recorded Yes No

    Project details / Description of works / Organisation details are current Yes No

    OHSE Policy signed and dated by Director/Manager Yes No

    Hazards are identified and risks are assessed Yes No

    Controls for high risk activities are documented (Safe Work Method Statement(s)) Yes No

    Training and Competency Register is current Yes No

    Site Specific Induction Training records are current Yes No

    SWMS Training is current Yes No

    Roles and responsibilities are allocated and signed Yes No

    Consultation arrangements (nature, topics, intervals) are documented Yes No

    Plant / Equipment Register is current Yes No

    Hazardous Substances / Dangerous Goods Register is current Yes No

    Personal Protective Equipment Register is current Yes No

    Periodic Workplace Inspection Checklists are completed Yes No

    Register of Injuries is current Yes No

    Incident Investigation Reports are completed Yes No

    Hazard Reports are completed Yes No

    Electrical Equipment Register is current Yes No

    Injury Management and Return-to-Work Program is displayed Yes No

    Workers Compensation Information is current Yes No

    Other: Yes No

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975


    Date: ___/___/___ Version No: ____

    Items Identified for Correction

    Outstanding Issues and Recommendations

    Follow upactions required

    Yes No When

    Completed By

    Name Position

    Signature Date

  • 8/3/2019 Subbypack Ohse Contractor Mangement Tool 0975
