BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA 701 SUBJECT INDEX Acetate Activities of enzymes concerned with pyruvate, oxaloacetate, citrate, - - and acetoacetate metabolism in placental cotyl- edons of sheep (Dhand et al.) (222) 216 Acetoacetate Activities of enzymes concerned with pyru- vate, oxaloacetate, citrate, acetate and --metabolism in placental cotyledons of sheep (Dhand et al.) (222) 216 Acetohydroxy acid synthetase Mutants of Pseudomonas aeroginosa strain I with unusual - - enzymes (Loutit, Davis) (222) 222 Acetyl-CoA carboxylase --- and fatty acid synthetase activities of rat intestinal mucosa (Zakim, Ho) (222) 558 Acetylene Kinetics of - - and cyanide reduction by the N~-fixing system of Rhizobium lupini (Kennedy) (222) 135 N -Acetylglucosamine Gas chromatographic properties of biolo- gically important -- derivatives, mono- saccharides, disaccharides, trisaccharides, tetrasaccharides and pentasaccharides (Bhatti et al.) (222) 339 N-Acetyl-fl, D-glucosaminidase Catabolic action of glucagon in rat liver. The influence of age, nutritional state and adrenal function on the effect of glucagon on lysosomal - - (Guder et al.) (222) 593 Acid phosphatases --from different cell types in rat liver (Ikeda, Ono~) (222) 218 Aconitase Regulation of - - and isocitrate dehy- drogenase in sporulation mutants of Bacil- lus subtilis (Fortnagel)(222) 290 Acylcarnitines Formation of branched chain - - in mitochondria (Solberg, Bremer) (222) 372 Adenosine Formation of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-mono- phosphate from in brain slices (Shimizu, Daly) (222) 465 Adenylate kinase Studies on the biochemistry of skin. V. The particulate origin of - - in the skin of neonatal rats (Rosett et al.) (222) 5 ADP Temperature dependence of binding con- stants of Mn(II) to and ATP (Jallon, Cohn) (222) 542 Adrenal function Catabolic action of glucagon in rat liver. The influence of age, nutritional state and - - on the effect of glucagon on lyso- somal N-acetyl-fl, D-glucosaminidase (Guder et al.) (222) 593 Aflatoxin Effects of - - on some marker enzymes of lysosomes (Tung et al.) (222) 665 Age Catabolic action of glucagon in rat liver. The influence of - - , nutritional state and adrenal function on the effect of gluca- gon on lysosomal N-acetyl-fl, D-glucos- aminidase (Guder et al.) (222) 593 Albumin Effect of Ca 2+ on the binding of steroids to human serum (Ryan, Gibbs) (222) 206 Aldolase(s) Development of L- and M-type - - in rat liver (Hommes, Dralsma) (222) 25I Allopurinol Effect of - - on the excretion of oxy- purines by the chick (Weir, Fisher) (222) 556 Amines New derivative for the gas-liquid chroma- tography of picogram quantities of pri- mary - - of the catecholamine series (Moffat, Homing) (222) 248 Amine oxidase Relative activity of connective tissue lysyl oxidase and plasma -- on collagen and elastin substrates (Siegel et al.) (222) 552 Amino acid Effect of thyroxine in vitro on the specific activity of the mitochondrial pool of - - (Buchanan et al.) (222) 536 Amino acids Isolation of deuterated (Cohen, Putter) (222) 515 Amino acids Isolation of carbon-i 3 enriched (Cohen et al.) (222) 521 p-Aminobenzoic acid Comparison of the effectiveness with which - - and p-aminobenzoylglutamic acid are used as substrate by dihydropteroate synthetase from Escherichia coli (Richey, Brown) (222) 237 p-Aminobenzoylglutamic acid Comparison of the effectiveness with which p-aminobenzoic acid and - - are used as substrate by dihydropteroate synthetase from Escherichia coli (Richey, Brown) (222) 237 Aminoglycoside antibiotics Structure-activity relationships among the - - : Comparison of the neomycins and hybrimycins (Davies) (222) 674

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Page 1: Subject index



Ace ta t e Act iv i t ies of enzymes concerned wi th p y r u v a t e , oxaloaceta te , ci trate, - - and ace toace ta te me t a bo l i sm in p lacen ta l cotyl- edons of sheep (Dhand et al.) (222) 216

Ace toace ta te Act ivi t ies of e n z y m e s concerned wi th py ru - vate , oxaloaceta te , c i t rate , ace ta te and - - m e t a b o l i s m in p lacen ta l co ty ledons of sheep (Dhand et al.) (222) 216

A c e t o h y d r o x y acid s y n t h e t a s e M u t a n t s of P s e u d o m o n a s aeroginosa s t r a in I w i th u n u s u a l - - enzymes (Louti t , Davis) (222) 222

Acety l -CoA carboxylase - - - and f a t t y acid s y n t h e t a s e act iv i t ies of r a t in tes t ina l m u c o s a (Zakim, Ho) (222) 558

Ace ty lene Kine t ics of - - and cyan ide reduc t ion b y t he N~-fixing s y s t e m of R h i z o b i u m lupini (Kennedy) (222) 135

N -Ace ty lg lucosamine Gas ch roma tog raph ic proper t ies of biolo- gically i m p o r t a n t - - der ivat ives , mono- sacchar ides , disaccharides , t r isacchar ides , t e t r a sacchar ides and pen tasacchar ides (Bha t t i et al.) (222) 339

N-Acetyl-fl , D-glucosaminidase Catabolic ac t ion of g lucagon in r a t liver. The influence of age, nu t r i t iona l s t a te and adrena l func t ion on the effect of g lucagon on lysosomal - - (Guder et al.) (222) 593

Acid p h o s p h a t a s e s - - f r o m different cell t ypes in r a t l iver (Ikeda, Ono~) (222) 218

Aconi tase Regu la t ion of - - and isoci t rate dehy- drogenase in sporu la t ion m u t a n t s of Bacil- lus subt i l is (Fortnagel)(222) 290

Acylca rn i t ines F o r m a t i o n of b r anched cha in - - in m i tochond r i a (Solberg, Bremer) (222) 372

Adenos ine F o r m a t i o n of cyclic adenosine 3 ' ,5 ' -mono- p h o s p h a t e f rom in b ra in slices (Shimizu, Daly) (222) 465

Adeny l a t e k inase S tudies on t h e b iochemis t ry of skin. V. T he par t i cu la te origin of - - in t he sk in of neona ta l r a t s (Rose t t et al.) (222) 5

A D P T e m p e r a t u r e dependence of b ind ing con- s t a n t s of Mn(II) to and A T P (Jal lon, Cohn) (222) 542

Adrena l func t ion Catabol ic ac t ion of g lucagon in r a t liver.

The influence of age, nu t r i t iona l s t a te a n d - - on t he effect of g lucagon on lyso- somal N-acetyl-fl , D-glucosaminidase (Guder et al.) (222) 593

Afla toxin Effects of - - on some marke r e n z y m e s of lysosomes (Tung et al.) (222) 665

Age Catabolic ac t ion of g lucagon in r a t liver. The influence of - - , nu t r i t iona l s t a t e and adrena l func t ion on the effect of gluca- gon on lysosomal N-acetyl-fl, D-glucos- amin idase (Guder et al.) (222) 593

A l b u m i n Effect of Ca 2+ on the b ind ing of s teroids to h u m a n s e rum (Ryan, Gibbs) (222) 206

Aldolase(s) D e v e l o p m e n t of L- and M-type - - in r a t liver (Hommes , Dra lsma) (222) 25I

Allopurinol Effect of - - on the excre t ion of oxy- pur ines by the chick (Weir, Fisher) (222) 556

Amines New der iva t ive for t he gas - l iqu id c h r o m a - t o g r a p h y of p icogram quan t i t i e s of pri- m a r y - - of the ca techo lamine series (Moffat, H o m i n g ) (222) 248

Amine oxidase Rela t ive ac t iv i ty of connect ive t i ssue lysyl oxidase and p l a s m a - - on collagen a n d elas t in subs t r a t e s (Siegel et al.) (222) 552

A m i n o acid Effect of t hy rox ine in vi t ro on t he specific ac t iv i ty of t he mi tochondr ia l pool of - - ( B u c h a n a n et al.) (222) 536

Ami no acids Isola t ion of deu t e r a t ed (Cohen, Put te r ) (222) 515

Amino acids Isolat ion of ca rbon- i 3 enr iched (Cohen et al.) (222) 521

p-Aminobenzoic acid Compar i son of the effect iveness wi th wh ich - - and p -aminobenzoy lg lu t amic acid are used as subs t r a t e by d ihyd rop t e roa t e s y n t h e t a s e f rom Escher ich ia coli (Richey, Brown) (222) 237

p -Aminobenzoy lg lu t amic acid Compar i son of t he effect iveness wi th wh ich p-aminobenzoic acid and - - are used as subs t r a t e by d ihydrop te roa t e s y n t h e t a s e f rom Escher ich ia coli (Richey, Brown) (222) 237

Aminoglycos ide ant ib iot ics S t r u c t u r e - a c t i v i t y re la t ionships a m o n g t h e - - : Compar i son of t he neomyc ins a n d h y b r i m y c i n s (Davies) (222) 674

Page 2: Subject index


Amino sugars Determinat ion of the individual neutral and - - - in carbohydra tes (Levvy et al.) (222) 333

AMP - - synthesis in rat brain with physiolo- gical subst ra te-ef t tec tor relat ionships (Kluge, Har tman) (222) 53 °

3 ' ,5 ' -AMP Format ion of cyclic - from adenosine in brain slices (Shimizu, Daly) (222) 465

3',5'-AMP Stimulat ion in vitro by thyrot ropin , cyclic

, d ibutyry l cyclic 3 ' ,5 ' -AMP and prostaglandin El, of secretion by dog thyroid slices (Willems et al.) (222) 474

Antibiot ics S t ruc tu re -ac t iv i ty relat ionships among the aminoglycoside - - : Comparison of the neomycins and hybr imycins (Davies) (222) 674

Antibiot ic substances Effect of on the respirat ion of yeast grown in i % glucose (Kaplan, Criddle) (222) 6~i

Aromat ic amino acids Hydroxyla t ions of - - media ted by a t e t rahydrop te r in (Coulson et al.) (222) 606

Aspar ta te t ranscarbamylase 2-Thiouridine 5 ' -phosphate and its inhi- bit ion of - - (Goodrich, Cardeilhac) (222) 621

-Aspartate t r anspor t Release of lipids from, and their effect on - - in osmotically shocked Staphylo- coccus aureus (Gale, Llewellin) (222) 546

Aspirin S tudy of the release of calcium from h u m a n blood platelets and its inhibit ion by meta- bolic inhibitors, N-ethylmaleimide and - - (Mi~rer, Holme) (222) 197

ATP Tempera ture dependence of binding con- s tants of Mn(II) to A D P and (Jallon, Cohn) (222) 542

Auxin Effect of (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) on the synthesis of cell wall poly- saccharides in cul tured Sycamore cells (Rubery, Northcote) (222) 95

7-Azapter idines Oxidat ion of ~ by mammal ian xan- thine oxidase (Bergmann et al.) (222) 191

Bile Studies on the bilirubin sulphate conjugate excreted in h u m a n - - (Noir et al.) (222) 15

Bilirubin sulphate conjugate Studies on the ~ excreted in h u m a n bile (Noir et al.) (222) 15

Biliverdin Format ion of - - by chicken macro- phages in tissue culture: Observat ions on the effect of inhibitors (Nichol), (222) 28

Binding constants of Mn(II) Tempera ture dependence of - - to A D P and ATP (Jallon, Cohn) (222) 542

Bivalent cat ions Interre la t ionship between the magnesimn util ization and the uptake of o ther - - by bacter ia (\Vebb) (222) 428

Blood coagulation factors Separat ion of - - If, VII, IX, and X by gel fi l tration in the presence of dex t ran blue (Swart, Hemker) (222) 693

2-Butyne- i ,4-diol Format ion of d ibu ty lph tha la te from by a soil bacter ium (Miyoshi, Harada) (222) 684

Calcium - - , manganese, and hepat ic gluconeo- genesis (Friedmann, Rasmussen) (222) 4 I

Calcium binding Magnesium and - - by 2,3-diphospho- glycerate (Collier, Lam) (222) 299

Calcium binding Induct ion of - - protein biosynthesis in intest ine by vi tamin D a (MacGregor et al.) (222) 482

Calcium-EDTA Phosphorylase a ac t iv i ty in rat uterine homogenates : Loss of ac t iv i ty related to in vivo t r ea tmen t wi th oestrogen, progesterone, relaxin and - (Rinard) (222) 455

Calcium ions Effect of - - on the binding of steroids to h u m a n serum albumin (Ryan, Gibbs) (222) 206

Calcium phospha te Effect of imidodiphosphate ( P - N - P ) on the precipi ta t ion and dissolution of in vitro (Robertson, Fleisch) (222) 677

Calcium release S tudy of the - - from h u m a n blood platelets and its inhibit ion by metabolic inhibitors, N-ethylmale imide and aspirin (Mi~rer, Holme) (222) 197

Carbohydra tes Determinat ion of the individual neutra l and amino sugars in - - (Levvy et al.) (222) 333

Carbohydra te metabol ism Changes in the ~ of mitogenical ly s t imulated h u m a n peripheral lymphocytes . I. St imulat ion by phytohaemagglu t in in (Roos, Loos) (222) 565

Carbon-I 3 Isolat ion of - - enriched amino aicds (Cohen et al.) (222) 52I

Carbon-I metabol ism and pyridoxal 5 ' -phosphate bio-

synthesis (Dempsey) (222) 686 Cartilage

Inhibi t ion of radiosulphate uptake in ra t costal ~ by lipophilic heterocyclic molecules (Liberti, Rogers) (222) 90

Catabolic act ion of glucagon in rat liver. The in-

Page 3: Subject index


fluence of age, nutritional state and adrenal function on the effect of glucagon on lyso- somal N-acetyl-~, D-glucosaminidase (Guder et al.) {222) 593

(+)-Catechin Metabolism of ~ to hydroxyphenyl- valeric acids by the intestinal mieroflora (Scheline) (222) 228

Catecholamine series New derivative for the gas-liquid chroma- tography of picogram quantities of primary amines of the - (Moffat, Horning) (222) 248

Cellulose Preliminary investigation of algal - - - . 1. X-ray intensity data (Nieduszynski, Atkins) (222) lO9

Cell wall Inducible - - bound a-glucosidase in Mucor rouxii (Flores-Carreon et al.) (222) 354

Cell wall ~polysaccharides Effect of auxin (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) on the synthesis of in cultured Synamore cells (Rubery, Northcote) (222) 95

N- (4-Chlorophenyl) [14C 1 ~ acetamide Hydroxylation of - - to N-(4-chloro- phenyl) [14Cx]glycolamide in rabbits (Kiese, Lenk) (222) 549

Chlorophyll a Modifications of - - in the presence of polypeptides and amines (Hochapfel et al.) {222) 18o

Choline Changes in oxygen of isolated tissues after ouabaln administration or substitution of - - f o r sodium in bathing media (LeFevre et al.) (222) 212

Circular dichroism Optical rotatory dispersion of mucopoly- saccharides. IV. Optical rotatory dispersion and - - of glycosaminoglycans and heparan sulphate fractions from the urine of patients with mucopolysaccharidosis (Hurler syndrome) (Stone et al.) (222) 79

Citrate Activities of enzymes concerned with pyruv- ate, oxaloacetate, , acetate and acetoacetate metabolism in placental cotyl- edons of sheep (Dhand et al. )(222) 216

Citrate synthases Regulation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in bacteria. A comparison of - - from different bacteria (Flechtner, Hanson) (222) 253

Cobalt ions Mechanism of acquired resistance to - - and Ni ~+ in Gram-positive and Gram-nega- tive bacteria (Webb) (222) 44 °

Coenzyme A Structural specificity of - - for phos- photransacetylase (Shimizu et al.) (222) 3o7

Collagen Relative activity of connective tissue lysyl oxidase and plasma amine oxidase on - - and elastin substrates (Siegel et aL) (222) 552

Cyanide reduction Kinetics of acetylene and - - by the Ne-fixing system of Rhizobium lupini (Kennedy) (222) 135

Cyclic carotenoids Accumulation of lycopene and inhibition of in Mycobacterium in the presence of nicotine (Howes, Batra) (222) 174

Deuterated amino acids Isolation of - - (Cohen, Putter) (222) 515

Dextran-poly (ethylene glycol) two-phase systems Studies on aqueous containing poly- (ethylene glycol). I. Partition of albumins (Johansson) (222) 381

Diabetic Rate of gluconeogenesis and levels of gluco- neogenic enzymes in liver and kidney of

and normal Chinese hamsters (Chang, Schneider) (222) 587

Dibutylphthalate Formation of - - from 2-butyne-i, 4- diol by a soil bacterium (Miyoshi, Harada) (222) 684

Dibutyryl cyclic 3',5'-AMP Stimulation in vitro by thyrotropin, cyclic 3',5'-AMP, - - and prostaglandin El, of secretion by dog thyroid slices {Willems et al.) (222) 474

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid Effect of auxin ( ) on the synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides in cultured Sycamore cells (Rubery, Northcote), (222) 95

Dietary regulation of glycolytic enzymes. IX. The

effect of oral intramuscular and conjugated sex steroids on jejunal glycolytic enzyme activities in normal and castrated male and female rats (Stifel et al.) (222) 65

Dietary regulation - - of glycolytic enzymes. X. The effect of oral intramuscular and conjugated sex steroids on jejunal folate-metabolizing enzyme activities in normal and castrated male and female rats (Stifel et al.) (222) 71

Differential assay - - - of human hexosaminidases A and B (Dance et al.) (222) 662

Dihydropteroate synthetase Comparison of the effectiveness with which p-aminobenzoic acid and p-aminobenzoyl- glutamic acid are used as substrate by

from Escherichia coil (Richey, Brown) (222) 237

2,3 -Diphosphoglycerate Biniing of Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ by (Collier, Lain) (222) 299

Page 4: Subject index


Disacchar idases Deve lopmen ta l and ho rmone- induced chan- ges in chicken in tes t ina l - - (Daut l ick et al.) (222) 447

Disacchar ides Gas ch roma tog raph ic proper t ies of biolo- gically i m p o r t a n t N-ace ty lg lucosamine der ivat ives , monosacchar ides , - - , tr i- sacchar ides , t e t r asacchar ides and pen ta - sacchar ides (Bha t t i et al.) (222) 339

Disu lphide bonds Effect of reduc t ion of - - on u p t a k e of intr insic f a c t o r - c y a n o c o b a l a m i n complex by homogena t e s of gu inea pig i lenm (Finkler, Hall) (222) 244

Elas t in Rela t ive ac t iv i ty of connect ive t i ssue lysyl oxidase and p l a s m a amine oxidase on collagen and - - subs t r a t e s (Siegel et al.) (222) 552

E las t in cross- l inking Inhib i t ion of - - by iproniazid and i ts coun te rac t ion by pyr idoxa l phospha te , (Rucker, O'Dell) (222) 527

E n z y m a t i c adap t a t i ons - - - - in newborn pig liver (Swiatek et al.) (222) 145

E P R re laxa t ion - - of slowly mov i ng flavin radicals 'Anoma lous ' s a tu ra t ion (Hyde et al.) (222) 688

N - E t h y l m a l e i m i d e S tudy of the release of ca lc ium from h m n a n blood pla te le ts and i ts inhibi t ion by me ta - bolic inhibi tors , - - and aspir in (Mtirer, Holme) (222) 197

Ex t race l lu la r lac ta te dehydrogenase ho rmona l influences on the

oviducal i soenzymes (Georgiev et al.) (222) 155

Fac tors lI , vii, IX and X Separa t ion of blood coagula t ion - - by gel f i l trat ion in the presence of dex t r an blue (Swart, Hemker) (222) 693

Fac to r X l I I Studies on the ac t iva t ion of purified h u m a n - - (Tyler) (222) 396

F a t t y acids Effect of - - on gluconeogenesis in the r a t (Meghal et al.) (222) 231

F a t t y acid s y n t h e t a s e Acetyl-CoA carboxylase and - - acti- vi t ies of r a t in tes t ina l mucosa (Zakim, Ho) (222) 558

F lav in radicals E P R re laxa t ion of slowly mov i ng - - : 'Anoma lous ' s a tu ra t i on (Hyde et al.) (222) 688

Fola te metabol iz ing enzyme Die ta ry regula t ion of glyeolyt ic enzymes . X. The effect of oral i n t r a m u s c u l a r and con juga ted sex s teroids on je junal - - act ivi t ies in no rma l and cas t r a t ed male and female ra ts (Stifel et al.) (222) 71

Furazol idone Effects of - - on the macromolecu la r syn thes i s and morpho logy of Vibrio cho- lerae cells ( R a y c h a u d h u r i et al.) (222) 637

Galactose tox ic i ty - - in t he chick: Oxida t ion of radio- act ive galactose (Wells et al.) I222) 327

Gas - l iqu id c h r o m a t o g r a p h y New der iva t ive for the - - of p icogram quan t i t i e s of p r i m a r y amines of t he cate- cholamine series (Moffat, Horning) (222) 248

Gibberellic acid In i t ia t ion of responses in a leurone layers by

- - (Pollard) (222) 5Ol Gibberellin response

Role of glucose in deve lopmen t of the - - in peas (Broughton et al.) (222) 491

Glucagon Catabolic act ion of - - in r a t liver. The influence of age, nut r i t iona l s t a te and adrena l func t ion on t he effect of g lucagon on lysosomal N-acetyl-fl, D-glucosaminidase (Guder et al.) (222) 593

Gluconeogenesis Calcium, manganese , and hepat ic - - - - (Fr iedmann , Rasmussen ) (222) 41

Gluconeogenesis Effect of f a t t y acids on - - - - in the ra t (Meghal et al.) (222) 231

Gluconeogenesis Ra te of - - and levels of gluconeogenic enzymes in l iver and k idney of diabet ic and no rma l Chinese h a m s t e r s (Chang, Schneider) (222) 587

Gluconeogenic enzymes Ra te of gluconeogenesis and levels of - - in liver and k idney of diabet ic and no rma l Chinese h a m s t e r s (Chang, Schneider) (222) 587

Glucose Effects of ant ibiot ic subs t ances on the respi ra t ion of yeas t grown in I°/o - - (Kaplan, Criddle) (222) 611

Glucose Effects of - - and inhibi tors of prote in syn thes i s on t he l iver g lycogen syn the t a se - ac t iva t ing sy s t em (Gruhner, Segal) (222) 508

Glucose Role of - - in deve lopmen t of the gib- berellin response in peas (Broughton et al.) (222) 491

Glucose ut i l izat ion S t imula t ion of - - by thioct ic acid in ra t d i a p h r a g m incuba ted in vi t ro (Haugaa rd Haugaard ) (222) 583

Glucose -phosphoeno lpyruva te - t r ans fe rase C o m m i t m e n t to sporu la t ion and induc t ion of - - - - - (Freese et al.) (222) 265

a-Glucosidase Inducible cell wall bound in Mucor rouxii (Flores-Carreon et al.) {222) 354

Page 5: Subject index


Gluta th ione Role of - - in regulat ion of hexose monophospha te pa thway in Ehrl ich ascites t umor cells (Htosoda, Nakamura) (222) 53

Gluta th ione Synthesis of the thiazoline der ivat ive of - - (Hirotsu et al.) (222) 54 °

Glycogen synthe tase-ac t iva t ing sys tem Effects of glucose and inhibi tors of prote in synthesis on the liver - - (Gruhner, Segal), (222) 508

Glycolytic enzymes Die tary regulat ion of . IX. The effect of oral in t ramuscular and conjugated sex steroids on jejunal glycolytic enzyme activit ies in normal and cas t ra ted male and female rats (Stifel et al.) (222) 65

Glycolytic enzymes Dietary regulat ion of - - . X. The effect of oral in t ramuscular and conjugated sex steroids on jejunal folate-metabolizing enzyme activit ies in normal and cas t ra ted male and female ra ts (Stifel e t al.) (222) 7 I

Glycolytic enzyme activit ies Dietary regulat ion of glycotytic enzymes. IX. The effect of oral in t ramuscular and conjugated sex steroids on jejunal - - in normal and cas t ra ted male and female rats (Stifel et al.) (222) 65

Glycoproteins Extracel lular - - of Candida bogorien- sis (Mullinger, Do Carmo-Sousa) (222) 348

G/ycosaminoglycans Optical ro ta to ry dispersion of mucopolysac- charides. IV. Optical ro ta to ry dispersion and circular dichroism of and heparan sulphate fractions from the urine of pat ients wi th mucopolysaccharidosis (Hurler syndrome) (Stone et al.) (222) 79

Hepa r a n sulphate Optical ro ta to ry dispersion of mucopoly- saccharides, IV. Optical ro ta to ry dispersion and circular dichroism of glycosamino- glycans and - - fractions from the urine of pat ients wi th mucopolysaccl!arido- sis (Hurler syndrome) (Stone et al.) (222) 79

Heterocycl ic molecules Inhibi t ion of radiosulphate up take in ra t costal cartilage by lipophilic - - (Liberti, Rogers) (222) 90

Hexosaminidases A and B Differential assay of h u m a n - - (Dance et al.) (222) 662

Hexose nmnophospha te pa thway Role of glutathione in regulat ion of - - in Ehrl ich ascites tumor cells (Hosoda, Nakamura) (222) 53

Homoser ine Evidence for channel ing of in Salmonella t yph imur ium (Cafferata, Freundlich) (222) 671

Hormona l influences Extracel lular lacta te dehydrogenase - -

on the oviducal isoenzymes (Georgiev et al.) (222) 155

Hormone- induced changes Developmenta l and - - in chicken in- test inal disaccharidases (Dautlick, Str i t t - matter) (222) 447

Hybr imycins S t ruc tu re -ac t iv i ty relat ionships among the aminoglycoside antibiot ics: Comparisons of the neomycins and - - (Davies) (222) 674

Hydroxyla t ions - - of aromatic amino acids media ted by a t e t r ahydrop te r in (Coulson et al.) (222) 6o6

Hydroxyla t ion of N-(4-chlorophenyl ) [14C1]aceta-

mide to N-(4-chlorophenyl)[l*C1]glycola- mide in rabbi ts (Kiese, Lenk) (222) 549

Hydroxyphenylva le r ic acids Metabolism of (+ ) - ca t ech in to - - by the intest inal microflora (Scheline) (222) 228

Imidodiphospha te Effect of - - ( P - N - P ) on the precipi- ta t ion and dissolution of calcium phospha te in vitro (Robertson, Fleisch) (222) 677

Intr insic fac tor -cyanocobalamin complex Effect of reduct ion of disulphide bonds on uptake of by homogenates of guinea pig ileum (Finkler, Hall) 4222) 244.

Iproniazid Inhibi t ion of elastin cross-linking by - - and its counteract ion by pyridoxal phos- pha te (Rucker, O'Dell) (222) 527

Isoci trate dehydrogenase Regulat ion of aconitase and - - in sporulat ion mu t an t s of Bacillus subtilis (Fortnagel) (222) 29 °

Isoenzymes Extracel lular lactate dehydrogenase - - hormonal influences on the oviducal - - (Georgiev et al.) (222) 155

DL-Lactaldehyde Threonine metabol ism in a strain of Bacillus subtilis: Enzymic oxidat ion of the inter- mediate - - (Willetts, Turner) (222) 234

Lac ta te dehydrogenase Extracel lular - - hormonal influences on the oviducal isoenzymes (Georgiev et al.) (222) 155

Lipid release - - from, and effect on aspar ta te t rans- por t in osmotically shocked Staphylococcus aureus (Gale, Llewellin) (222) 546

Lipophilic heterocyclic molecules Inhibi t ion of radiosulphate up take in ra t costal cartilage by (Liberti, Rogers) (222) 90

Lycopene Accumulat ion of - - and inhibit ion of cyclic carotenoids in Mycobacter ium in the presence of nicotine (Howes, Batra) (222) 174

Lymphocy tes Changes in the carbohydra te metabol ism

Page 6: Subject index

706 S U B J E C T I N D E X

of mi togenica l ly s t imu la t ed h u m a n per iphe- ral - - . I. S t imula t ion by p h y t o h a e m a g - g lu t in in (Roos, Loos) (222) 565

Lysosomes Effects of af la toxin on some marke r enzymes of - - (Tung et al.) (222) 665

Lysy l oxidase Rela t ive ac t iv i ty of connect ive t i ssue - - and p l a s m a amine oxidase on collagen and elast in subs t r a t e s (Siegel et al.) (222) 552

Macromolecular syn thes i s Effects of furazol idone on the - - and morpho logy of Vibrio cholerae cells ( R a y c h a u d h u r i et al.) (222) 637

Magnes ium b ind ing Calc ium and - - by 2 ,3-diphosphogly- cerate (Collier, Lam) (222) 299

Magnes ium deficiency Effects of - - on r ibosomal s t ruc tu re and func t ion in cer ta in Gram-pos i t ive and Gram-nega t ive bac ter ia (Webb) (222) 416

M a g n e s i u m ut i l izat ion In te r re la t ionsh ip be tween the - - and the u p t a k e of o ther b iva len t ca t ions by bac ter ia (Webb) (222) 428

Manganese Culcium, - - , and hepa t ic gluconeoge- nesis (Fr iedmann , R asmussen ) (222) 41

Manganese (II) T e m p e r a t u r e dependence of b ind ing con- s t a n t s of - - to A D P and A T P (Jallon, Cohn) (222) 542

Methy lg lyoxa l Threon ine me tabo l i sm in a s t ra in of Bacil lus subt i l is : E n z y m e s ac t ing on (Willetts, Turner) (222) 668

N-Methy l -N ' -n i t ro -N-n i t rosoguan id ine Metabol i sm of - - in ra t s (Kawachi et al.) (222) 409

Mi tochondr ia F o r m a t i o n of b ranched cha in acylcarn i t ines i n - (Solberg, Bremer) (222) 372

Mitochondr ia l pool Effect of t hy rox ine in vi t ro on t he specific ac t iv i ty of t he of ami no acid (Buchanan et al.) (222) 536

Mitogenical ly s t i m u l a t e d Changes in the ca rbohyd ra t e me tabo l i sm of - - h u m a n per iphera l l ymphocy te s . I. S t imula t ion by p h y t o h a e m a g g l u t i n i n (Roos, Loos) (222) 565

Monosacchar ides Gas ch roma tograph ic proper t ies of biolo- gically i m p o r t a n t N-ace ty lg lucosamine der ivat ives , , d isaccharides , tri- sacchar ides , t e t rasacchar ides and pen tasac - char ides (Bha t t i et al.) (222) 339

Morphology Effects of furazol idone of the macromolecul - ar syn thes i s and - - of Vibrio cholerae cells ( R a y c h a u d h u r i et al.) (222) 637

Mucopolysacchar ides Optical r o t a to ry dispersion of - - - . IV.

Optical r o t a to ry dispersion and circular d ichroism of g lycosaminoglycans and hepa- r an su lpha te f ract ions f rom the ur ine of pa t i en t s wi th mucopolysacchar idos i s (Hur le r syndrome) (Stone et al.) (222) 79

Mucopolysacchar ides P roduc t ion of su lpha t ed - - by esta- bl ished cell lines of f ibrobiastic and non- fibroblastic origin (Suzuki et al.) (222) 240

Mucopro te ins Phys icochemica l proper t ies of the act ive f r agmen t s of M and N group - - f rom h u m a n er~-throcytes (Morawiecki, "Wnuk) (222) 680

M u t a n t s - - of P s e u d o m o n a s aeruginosa s t ra in I wi th unusua l a c e t o h y d r o x y acid s y n t h e t a s e enzymes (Loutit , Davis) (222) 2 2 2

N A D b iosyn thes i s in po lymorphonuc l ea r leucocytes of

gu inea pigs. Compara t ive s tudies on different N A D precursors in i n t ac t cells (Flechner et al.) (222) 320

N A D biosynthes i s Studies on de novo - - in Escher ich ia coll. I. Label l ing pa t t e rn s f rom precursors (Chandler et,al.).(222) 523

Neomyc ins S t r u c t u r e - a c t i v i t y re la t ionships a m o n g the aminoglycos ide ant ibiot ics : Compar i son of the and h y b r i m y c i n s (Davies) (222) 674

Nickel ions Mechan i sm of acquired res is tance to Co 2+ and - - in Gram-pos i t ive and Gram- nega t ive bac ter ia (Webb) (222) 44 °

Nicot ine Accumula t i on of lycopene and inhibi t ion of cyclic carotenoids in Mycobac te r ium in t he presence of nicot ine (Howes, Batra) (222) i74

Ni t rogen fixing Kinet ics of ace ty lene and cyanide reduc t ion by the - - s y s t e m of Rh i zob ium lupini (Kennedy) (222) 135

Ni t rogen me tabo l i sm - - in the per fused ra t liver (Chamalaun , Tager) (222) 119

Nut r i t iona l s t a te Catabolic ac t ion of g lucagon in ra t liver. The influence of age, - - and adrenal func t ion on the effect of g lucagon on lyso- somal N-acetyl-fl, D-glucosaminidase (Guder et al.) (222) 593

. Oes t rogen Phosphory la se a ac t iv i ty in r a t u te r ine homogena t e s : Loss of ac t iv i ty re la ted to in v ivo t r e a t m e n t wi th - - , progesterone, re laxin and C a E D T A (Rinard) (222) 455

Optical r o t a to ry dispersion - - of mucopolysacchar ides . IV. Opt ical r o t a t o r y dispersion and circular d ichro ism of g lycosaminoglycans and hepa ran su lpha t e f ract ions f rom the ur ine of pa t i en t s wi th

Page 7: Subject index


mucopolysaccharidosis (Hurler syndrome) (Stone et al.) (222) 79

Ouabain Changes in oxygen of isolated tissues after - - administration or substitution of choline for sodium in bathing media (LeFevre et al.) (222) 212

Oxaloacetate Activities of enzymes concerned with pyruvate, , citrate, acetate and acetoacetate metabolism in placental cotyl- edons of sheep (Dhand et al.) (222) 216

Oxygen Changes in ~ of isolated tissues after ouabain administration or substitution of choline for sodiumin bathing media (LeFevre et al.) (222) 212

Oxypurine excretion Effect of allopurinol on by the chick (Weir, Fisher) (222) 556

Pancreatic juice Electrophoretic analysis of twenty-four specimens of human (Robinson, White) (222) 390

Permeability Vasopressin: Evidence for the cellular site of the induced ~ change (Macknight et al.) (222) 56o

Peroxisomal fraction Neutral protease activity associated with the rat liver - - (Gray et al.) (222) 627

Peroxonitrite Possible role for the species - - in nitrification (Hughes, Nicklin) (222) 660

Phenethanolamine N-methyltransferase Substrate specificity of - - from rabbit adrenal (Fuller et al.) (222) 21o

Phosphorylase a - - activity in rat uterine homegenates : Loss of activity related to in vivo treatment with oestrogen, progesterone, relaxin and CaEDTA (Rinard), (222) 455

Phosphotransacetylase Structural specificity of coenzyme A for - - (Shimizu et al.) (222) 307

Phytohaemagglutinin Changes in the carbohydrate metabolism of mitogenically stimulated h u ~ n peri- pheral lymphocytes. I. Stimulation b y - - (Roos, Loos) (222) 565

Poly(ethylene glycol) Studies on aqueous dextran-poly(ethylene glycol) two-phase systems containing I. Partition of albumins (Johansson) (222) 381

Polymorphonuclear leucocytes NAD biosynthesis in of guinea pigs. Comparative studies on different NAD precursors in intact cells (Flechner et al.) (222) 320

Polypeptides and amines Modifications of chlorophyl a in the presence of - - (Hochapfel et al.) (222) 180

Progesterone Phosphorylase a activity in rat uterine homogenates: Loss of activity related to in vivo treatment with oestrogen, - - relaxin and CaEDTA /Rinard) (222) 455

Prostaglandin E 1 Stimulation in vitro by thyrotropin, cyclic 3',5'-AMP, dibutyryl cyclic 3',5'-AMP and

, of secretion by dog thyroid slices (Willems et al.) (222) 474

Protease activity Neutral ~ associated with the rat liver peroxisomal fraction (Gray et al.) (222) 627

Protein biosynthesis Induction of calcium binding - - in intestine by vitamin D 3 (MacGregor et al.) (222) 482

Protein synthesis Effects of glucose and inhibitors of - - on the liver glycogen synthetase-~ctivating system (Gruhner, Segal) (222) 508

Putreanine - - excretion in human urine (Nakajima et al.) (222) 405

Pyridoxal phosphate Inhibition of elastin cross-linking by iproniazid and its counteraction by (Rucker, O'Dell) (222) 527

Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate biosynthesis Carbon-i metabolism and (Dempsey) (222) 686

Pyrimidine Regulation of mammalian liver nridine diphosphogalactose 4-epimerase by - - (Cohn, Segal) (222) 533

Pyruvate Activities of enzymes concerned with

, oxaloacetate, citrate, acetate and acetoacetate metabolism in placental cotyl- edons of sheep (Dhand et al.) (222) 216

Radiosulphate Inhibition of - - uptake in rat costal cartilage by lipophilic heterocyclic molecu- ]es (Liberti, Rogers) (222) 90

Rat liver cells Preparation and some properties of isolated

- - , (Hommes et al.) 361 Redox behaviour

Electrochemical studies on the - - of ~-tocopherylquinone and a related model quinone (Marcus, Hawley) (222) 163

Relaxin Phosphorylase a activity in rat uterine homogenates: Loss of activity related to in vivo treatment with oestrogen, proges- terone, - - and CaEDTA (Rinard) (222) 455

Respiration Effects of antibiotic substances on the

of yeast grown in 1% glucose (Kaplan, Criddle) (222) 61i

Ribosomal structure and function Effects of magnesium deficiency on - - ~

Page 8: Subject index


in certain Gram-pos i t ive and Gram-nega t i ve bac te r ia (Webb) (222) 416

Saccharopine P repa ra t i ve syn thes i s of - - (Hutzler , Dancis) (222) 225

Sed imen ta t i on equi l ibr ium R e - e x a m i n a t i o n of the equa t ions apper- t a in ing to (Rowe, Rowe) (222) 647

Sex s teroids Die ta ry regu la t ion of glycolyt ic enzymes . X. The effect of oral i n t r a m u s c u l a r and con juga t ed - - on je juna l fo la te -meta - bolizing enzyme act ivi t ies in no rma l and cas t ra ted male and female ra t s (Stifel et al.) (222) 71

Skin Studies on the b iochemis t ry of - - . V. The par t i cu la te origin of adeny la t e k inase in the sk in of neona ta l ra t s (Rose t t et al.) t222) 5

Sporula t ion C o m m i t m e n t to and induc t ion of g lucose -phosphoeno lpyruva - t e t r ans fe ra se (Freese et al.) (222) 265

Sporula t ion m u t a n t s Regula t ion of aconi tase and isoci t rate dehydrogenase in - - of Bacil lus sub- tilis (Fortnagel) (222) 290

Steroids Die ta ry regula t ion of glycolytic enzymes . IX. The effect of oral i n t r a m u s c u l a r and con juga ted sex - - on je juna l glycolyt ic enzyme act ivi t ies in no rma l and cas t ra ted male and female ra ts (Stifel et al.) (222) 65

Steroid b inding Effect of Ca 2+ on the - - to h u m a n s e rum a l b u m i n (Ryan, Gibbs) (222) 206

Sugars De te rmina t ion of the ind iv idua l neu t r a l and amino - - in c a rbohyd ra t e s (Levvy et al.) (222) 333

T e t r a h y d r o p t e r i n H y d r o x y l a t i o n s of a romat ic amino acids med ia ted by a (Coulson et al.) (222) 606

Thiazoline der iva t ive Synthes i s of the - - of g lu t a th ione (Hirotsu et al.) (222) 54 °

Thioct ic acid S t imula t ion of glucose ut i l izat ion by - - in ra t d i a p h r a g m incuba ted in vi t ro (Haugaard , Haugaa rd ) (222) 583

2-Thiouridine 5 ' -phospha te - - - and its inhibi t ion of a spa r t a t e t r ans - ca rbamylase (Goodrich, Cardeilhac) (222) 621

Threon ine metabo l i sm - - in a s t ra in of Bacil lus subti l is : E n z y m i c oxida t ion of the in t e rmed ia t e DL-lactaldehyde (Willetts, Turner) (222) 234

Threon ine me tabo l i sm - - in a s t ra in of Bacil lus subti l is : E n z y m e s ac t ing on me thy lg lyoxa l (Willetts, Turner) (222) 668

T h y r o t r o p i n S t imula t ion in vi t ro by , cyclic 3 ' ,5 ' -AMP, d ibu ty ry l cyclic 3",5 '-AMP and p ros tag land in El, of secret ion by clog thyro id slices (Willems et al.) (222) 474

T h y r o x i n e Effect of - - in vi t ro on the specific ac t iv i ty of the mi tochondr ia l pool of amino acid (Buchanan et al.) (222) 536

¢¢-Tocopherylquinone Elect rochemical s tudies on the redox behav iour of - and a re la ted model quinone (Marcus, Hawley) (222) i63

Tr icarboxyl ic acid cycle Regu la t ion of the - - in bacteria. A compar i son of c i t ra te s y n t h a s e s f rom different bacter ia (Flechtner , Hanson) (222) 253

Uridine d iphosphogalac tose 4-epimerase Regu la t ion of m a m m a l i a n liver - - - - by pyr imid ine (Cohn, Segal) (222) 533

Urine Pu t r ean ine excret ion in h u m a n (Naka j ima et al.) (222) 405

Vasopress in - - : Evidence for the cellular site of the induced pe rmeab i l i ty change (Macknight et al.) (222) 560

Vi t amin B 6 Nomenc la tu re for and re la ted c o m p o u n d s ( I U P A C - I U B Commiss ion on Biochemical Nomencla ture ) (222) i

V i t amin D 3 Induc t ion of ca lc ium binding prote in b iosyn thes i s in in tes t ine by - - - - (Mac- Gregor et al.) (222) 482

X a n t h i n e oxidase Oxida t ion of 7-azapter id ines by m a m m a l i a n - - (Be rgmann et al.) (222) I9 I

X - r a y in t ens i t y da t a P re l iminary inves t iga t ion of algal cellulose. I . - (Nieduszynski , Atkins) (222) lO9