Health and Physical Education Jeopardy!! 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 Substance Abuse Fitnes s Sexual ity Game Play

Substance Abuse FitnessSexuality Game Play. Which part of the body does alcohol damage the most? The Liver

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Health and Physical Education Jeopardy!!

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Substance Abuse Fitness Sexuality Game Play


Which part of the body does alcohol damage the most?

The Liver

Name three kinds of stimulants



Which part of the cigarette is addictive?


What category would marijuana fall under?



What does social fitness mean?

To work on social relationship throughout ones life

What does F.I.T.T. stand for?

Frequency Intensity


What is the preacher bench for?

To support your arms while exercising(usually preacher curls)

To change and control the direction of your body while in motion is called?


Which form of birth control prevents ovulation?

The Pill

What is the sac called that regulates the temperature of the testes?

The Scrotum

What is 100% effective in preventing STD’s?


What part of the male reproductive system is cut during a vasectomy?

The vas deferens

In volleyball, how many hits is each team allowed before sending the ball over the net?

Three hits

What is a double dribble?

For a player to dribble once, stop, then continue to dribble


During game play, what part of the badminton court can a player never touch?

The Net

Which muscle group does dumbbell rowing work out?

The back

In one minute name as many muscle groups and one

exercise that works that group out.

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