SUBURBAN NEWS ARACOSTIA. is accordance with the request of Health Ofcer Woodward Rev. F. M. Ovelton, pan- ter of Campbell Methodist Episcopal Church, Hubdale, last night called the at- tention of his large congregation to the necessity ea account of the smallpaa epi- desi of an who have not recently attend- ed to the Matter to be at once vaccinated. A strong disposition to acquiesce in the sMggestion was manifested by those pres- e, Mush interest is felt by the members of the church and congregation In the re- vival services, which were begun by Mr. Ovelto about a week ago, and it Is be- seyed tdit as a result many new names will be added to the church roll. The charity fund In the hands of Sergt. Kerby of the Anacoetia substation has been slightly Increased through contribu- tons from police sources durmg the last few days, but the demands upon it con- tinue to be very pressing, and unless It is seedily again added to there Is great dan- ger that it will be entirely wiped out. Mr. Dana Davenport, sen of Rev. W. G. Davenport, rector of Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal Church. Anacestia, who has been spending the holidays with his parents, has returned to Baltin-ore to resume his studies in theology under the direction of Bishop PareL - The grocery store, with its entire con- tents, belonging to Mr. J. R. McNey, near Bell's Churdh, Prince George's county. Md., sas destroyed by are on Friday night last. The loss was about 1'00, on which there was no instarance. The origin of the fire is Unknown. Mrs. Henry Biggs of Giesboro', Md.. who 28 well krown In Anacostla and Washing- ton, is seriously IlL. - Mrs. Diggs, mother of Mrs. J. B. Nash, is very Ill at the residence of the latter on Jefferson street. Anacostia. Miss Ida Greer. daughter of Mr. Filder Greer of Silver Hill. Prince George's county. Ad.. died on Saturday and will be buried to day at the cemetery at Forestville. The services wigl be conducted by Rev. Mr. mal. Miss Greew was aged twenty-three years and had been a sufferer from con- sumption for several years. The week of prayer was inaugurated yes- terday In Anacostia by services at the Methoist Episcopal and Baptist churches where the respective pastors. Rev. James McLaren and Hugh T. Stevenson, preached Sermons appropriate to the occasion. The annual meeting of the Christian En- deavor Soclety of Congress Heights M. E. Church, for the election of ofgicers for the evsuing year will be held on Friday evening next. The present offcers have given much satisfaction, and will, It is understood be re-elected. They are: President, Mr. C. H. Baldwin; vice president, Mr. John Howeth; secretary. Miss Fannie Littleford; treas- urer. Mrs. Nannie Howarth; financial secre- lary, Miss Emma Simpson. BYATTSVILLE, Gertrude Klernan, the fourteen-year-old daughter of Mr. Robert Kiernan, who -e- sides on the Queer. Chapel road, near this sallage, was badly burned last Saturday by eoming in contact with a red-hot stowe in ner father's kitchen. One of the children hal gotten behind the stove and was in danger of being burred, and while rernv- $ag the child from the place the girl's elothing caught fire. Attracted by her screarr.s. some of the family rushed into the room and exting-.:sher the flames by ahrowing wr.ier upon the girl. Her righ Side, at m and hand were severely burned. Dr. Richardson was ,-mnt for and rendered medical assistance. At one time her re- covery seemed hopelesh, but her condition was somewhat better yesterday evening. Two of her fingers were so severely burn- ed that it Is feared they will have to be amitated. The Vansville Farmers' Club met last Uaturday evening at the residence of Col. Davis. The following members were pres- et: Messrs. J. D. Cassard. Geo. E. Low- eree. Luther Brashears, F. M1. Magruder. A. J. Bennett and Drs. M. D. Humes and X. S. Hill. Prof. E. H. Brinkley and Capt. Fuller were the guests of the evening. The regular question was dispensed with. The early part of the evening was spent in social diversiens. Mrs. Bangs-Burns and Mips Laura Bangs rendered several musical selections, and the latter also re- cited. A resolution was adopted by a ris- ing vote expressing sympathy for Mr. Jno. Unowden on the death of his sister. Miss Bessle Snowden, at Laurel. on Christmas day, by accidental shooting. which was noted in The Star at the time. Mr. D. M. Nesbit, chairman of the committee on the proposed institute, reported the following program: Address of welcome. Jan. 1). Cas- sard, president of the Vansville Farmers' Club; "Gardening for Profit," John Miller, member of the board of county commis- sioners for Prince George's county; "How Much Control Have We Over Moisture in the Soll Through the Methods cf Cultiva- lion?" Prof. Milton Whitney. chief of di- vision of agricultural soil, United States Dvpartment of Agriculture; address by Henry Hallowell, A. M., of Santy Sprig. Nd.: "Experiment Str tion Work," Robert H. Miller. director of Maryland Agricul- tu~ral College experiment sca'on; "The Washing of Soils, and Hmir 'o Remedy and Prevent It," Dr. H. W. Wlk-r, chenist, United State'q Department of Agricalture; 'Farm Bulldings," F. Snowden HIZII, ex- United States Internal revenue collector; "Agricult Aral Erlueati-m," Prof. W. F. L. Taliaferro, Maryland Agricultural Colkge. Evening session-"Better Hygienlc and So- c'al Surroundings for Country Children," Mrs. Edward A. Rob'inson, president Woe- man's Christian Temperance Unmon of Ba'l- timore; "Farm Life." Judge Edward Stake of Hagerstown. This Institute will be held at Grange Hall. Bel tsville, on the 6th proximo, under the auspices of the Vans- villo Farmers' Club and the Beltsville Grange. in the Interest of the farmers of the state. An elaborate supper was served, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Edward Caverley, Mrs. Harry Groves, Misses Stockbridge, Caver- key and Barga seeing to the comfort of the guests. The next nr.eeting of the club will be held at the residence of Mr. A. J. Ben- hett, at Contee's Station, on the evening of the 9th proxlmo. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Smith wfll. take a trip abroad in February, visiting Spain, Egypt. Syria. Greece and Rome. A number of young ladles and gentlemen -went to Lakeland last Saturday evening and skated en the lake at that place. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ralston and Mrs. 11. N. Ralston have removed to Washington for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Nesbit are now occupying their house. TAMOMA'L PARM. At the reguliar business meeting of the Young Feople's Society of Christian En- deavor, held at the home of Mrs. George 3. Wella, on Maple avenue, the large at- tendance bore evidence of the increasing ioterest in this work. Four new members signed the constitution. After the regular routine business, reports of committees, etc.. a program. iformal but interesting. kept those present entertained until the hofir for adjournment. Some of those par- ticipating were Rev. Arthur Little, Mrs. Bertha Burch, Mr. Harry Keefer, Miss Alice .Jimmerson, Mrs. George H. Wells and Mattle Ryan. Two chapters of a new Serial story In the "GoldIen Rtule" were reast, the reading to be continued at these meetings. Mrs. M.e4 ady Becker, who has been con- flned to her home for the past fortnight. ts recoverlng, and was ou.t Friday for the flrst time. Mr. and Mrs. 'rhomas S. Skinner of Port, Huron, Mich., guesits during the holidays of Mr. and 3Mrs. E. E. Blodgett, left Satur- day to speniti the winter, as is their custom, in the south. Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman of Fair- mount. Neb)., arrivedI Friday night, and will remain until spring. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. kli. Fsoilmer, at the home of the latter en Carroll avenue. S.4NDY SPRlNG. Ch'rles F. Brocke and F'rank Mi. Hallo- well have tak~en the conrtract for supply- lng poles on the new~telephone line from this ph.cc to Rockville. Considerable work has already been done an~d the poles plant- ed for ueverr.l miles. Samuel B. Wetherald and family hav'e moved to their large new home in Sandy Spring village. The Waman's Assoclation met on Thurs- day at Plainfleid with the two Mesdames Mioore. Mrs. Joseph T. Mooro presid&,an-. the attenda~ne was vnu;sually large. as in tdblitin to a r~oed representation of me~m- b'ers, the following guests were prerent: rs,. Asa M. Stabler, Mrs. S. C. Uder M. ...a Mrs. unre Iavm, Mr. andt Mr., Tarlton Stabler, Mrs. Roger Brook, Miss Elinor Hough, Miss Grace Harvey. Misn Mariana Stabler and Newton Stabler. The February session will be held at Sunnyside, with Mrs. Mary Osborne as hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Miller and chil- dren have been with Mrs. Gray of Wash- ington and Miss Nora L. Stabler with Mrs. Fred. MeReynolds, also of Washington. Mrs. Caroline H. Miller is In New tork eity with her daughter, Mrs. Samuel M. Janney, and Mrs. John Thomas is in Bal- timore. Miss Mary C. and Maurice L. Bent- ley spent a week in Alexandria during the hclidays with Mrs. E. S. Leadbeater. Mr. and Mrs. George Nesbitt have been summoned to Stamford, Conn., by the serious illness pf Miss Sarah Nesbitt. The entire family of Dr. Wm. E. Ma- gruder met at Christmas, their irst re- union since 188. The dancing class met on Thursday even- ing with Mine Anna L. Thomas. WOODSIDE. The funeral of Mrs. Catharine Frease took place from Sligo Saturday. The re- mains were taken to St. Paurs Church, where the services were perfornied by the rector. after which Interment was made at Rock Creek cemetery. Several young people of Woodside have been forming nightly ukating parties to Chevy Chase. The Irving Literary Club meeting, which was to have been at theL residence of Mr. Oscar Woodwood on Friday, was postpon- ed on account of the sickness of Mrs. Woodwood. Mr. W. W. Curtis and Miss Mary Curtis have returned to their studies at Swarth- more College. Mr. Charles H. Morgan Is confined at his heme withi a severe case of nervous pros- tration. Miss Adelal4e Condict, who has been sick, has recovered and is now preparing to visit relatives in New York. KENSINGTON. Mrs. E. C. Fowler entertained at lunch- eon Friday the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fowler. Mits R. Fowler and Mr. F. M. Smith of Washington, Mrs. F. M. Weber of Takoma and Mr. Oscar Johnson of Rock- ville. The Library Association of St. Paul's M. E. Church met on Friday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Amiss. The president, Mr. G. W. R. Stokes. pre- sided. After the business part of the meeting was ovir the program was com- menced by a piano solo by Mrs. Florence Gould, after which there was a muck wed- ding. the characters in which were: "An- nabel Nevertell Seraphina Jones," Miss Nannette Milliken; "Mr. Samuel Snodgrass Judas Jerks," Miss Clara Little; "Rev. Shadrach Meshac Abednego Longfellow." Miss Alice Harvey. The other numbers of the program were: Vocal solos, "Flow, Gently, Sweet Afton," and "Daddle," Miss Nellie Miner; rectations, "Margery Gray" and "The Raggedy Man," Mrs. Robert M. Mcore; piano solo, Miss Harvey, Instru- mental quartet, Miss Gartrell, Mrs. Fig- gins, Mr3. Stokes and Mrs. Harbaugh; banjo and guitar solos, Mrs. Harbaugh. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. G. W. R. Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. Loren H. Milliken, Mr. and Mrs. C. F S'!ott, Dr. and Mrs. John L. Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. Will.iam L. Lewis, Mrs. Harb'tugh, Mrs. F. B. Fig- girs, Mrs. R. M. Moore, Mrs. S. T. Gar- trell, Misses Fannie Reese, Nellie Miner, Stella Gartrell, Laura Wheatley, Alie Harvey, Nannette Milliken, Clara Little, Margie Hart, May Lewis. Flo Smith and Mary Little, Messrs. Will Dulin and New- man Little and Masters Walker Smith, Eddie Little and Stanley Milliken. The next meeting will be held in February at the home of Mr. W. H. Wheatley, the pro- gram for which meeting will be prepared by the following committee: Mr. Stokes, Miss Wheatley and Mrs. E. W. Moore. Misoes Madie and Fannie White of Brightwood have been visiting their cousin, Miss Edna Mannakee. Dr. William L. Lewis has rented the house of Mr. Albert Dorsey, on Lincoln place, and removed there Saturday. The week of prayer at the Warner Me- morial Presbyterian Church will be ob- served with services on Monday, Wednes- day and Friday evenings. ROCKVILLE. Wednesday next Is the time appointed for the meeting of the Agricultural So- ciety of this county for the election of officers for the ensuing year, an:1 as th'e day approaches interest n the matter in- creases In all parts of the county. A con- certed movement is on hand to elect a new set of officers. and those engaged In it claim that they will succeed by a fair majority. For the past twa or three weeks a regular canvass has been made among members of the soclety by th3se taking an interest on both sides, and a very full attendance is expected. One of the ques- tions proposed to Le settled by the election of a new board is that of extending the race track from one-third to half a mile, and for thin purpose it will be necessary to purchase an additional tract of land sdjoining that now owned by the society. It is also said that the lowest price at which this land can be secured is 4t500 per ecre. The present track has been in use some three or four years and its construe ion cost the society about S800, but it is :laimed by the advocates of a new board of inanagemnent that in order to secure the ittendance of first-class horses the track nust be enlarged, and some are also in ~avor of pool selling on the grounds. They c:lalm also that from the advanmajaeous ocation of the grounds in regard to access from all parts of the country and near prox- mity to Washington, Daltimore and other *ities this exhibition should and could be made second to none in the state, and with Shis end in view propose to push things for all they are worth. The more conservative mnembers of the organization take the ground that while a half-mile track Is very .tesirable, the society is in no condition at p~resent to incur a debt of from $7000 to .'90o0 In addition to the present debt of $150 Some also claim that it is not the thlrd-mile track which prevents the at- tendance of first-class horses, but the rmallness of the purses oruered, and point to the fact that when several years ago p~tirses of 300A were offered some of .the best horses then in this section of the coun- try were in attendance, although the track was then shorter and not so well laid out es at present. It is to be hoped that all the questions at issue may be settled in s'uch a manner as to promote the best in- terests of the society. The sudde'm deatn of Mr. Alfred Ray at his home,near Forest Glen, on Saturday, is the subjiect of deep regmet among his roany friends ial this section of the county, where he was well and favorably known. .Mr. James M. Waters, a prominent young larmer of the first election district, died on Friday at the home of his father, Mr. M. Maccubbin Waters, near Goshen, in the thirty-fourth year of his age. Funeral ser- iIces ovot iris remains were held In Goshen Church on Sunday morning, a large con- gregation being in attendance. Mrs. Luthe r King of Clarksburg died on the morning of the Jd instant, after a brief illness, of pneumonia, aged twenty-three 3 ears The male quartet of this place, composed cf Messrs. Dobson, Warfield, Prettyman and Reading, will furnish music at the rieeting of thne Waverly Club of Gaithers- t urg this evening. Mr. Henry E. Higgins of Potomac dis- trict andl Miss Anne M. Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Miller. were mar- ried on the 2d Instant at the home of the bride, near this place, by Rev. L. L. Lloyd of the M. E. Church South. The week of prayer commenced in the M1. E. Church South at this place yester- day evening, with a sermton by Rev. P. P. F'lournay of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Warren Choate and family left here last week for Washington city, where they v-ill reside during the winter. Misses Isabel Boule, Estelle Talbott, Bes- s~e anid Mary Fields, Hattie Clagett, Katie (nrr and Mildred Sweeny, who spent the holidays at their homes, this town, have r eturned to their respective schools in dif- terent parts of the country. Misses Beulah and Lillie Ward of Hunt- Ing H1111 have returned to the school they have been attending at Martinsburg, W. I a. Messrs. J. L. and Larkin Davis. who have been spending some time w;ith relatives and D~one With Doctors. Mr. Geo. Gants writes: "I believe In the ELECTrROrOISHl from eaperience. It las done much good for both me and my family. We hiar. no use for doctors any more." This Is but one of a legion of testimonials. The ELEC'*ROPOISE is both sold and rented. I.'afets on application. (Agents wanted.) aIl% N. WERR. T2R 11TP frP_ N W. MT-14d friends In this county, have returned to their home at Laurel, Md. Miss Smith of HyattsvilIe, Md., Is visit- ing at the residence of Dr. D. F. Owens, this place. A pleasant reception was given last week by Miss Lucy Simpson, principal of the Rockville Seminary, to her teachers and pupils, which was largely attended and much enjoyed. The fourth quarterly conference of Rock- ville Circuit of the M. E. Church South commenced here on Saturday and was con- tinued during Sunday. The sermon on Sunday. at 11 a.m., was delivered by Rev. J. S. Hutchinson, presiding elder. The meeting on Saturday was devoted to the business Interests, of the church. While out sleigh riding on Saturday Mrs. Edward Anderson of this place met with a painful accident. The horse she was driving became frightened and attempted to run away, upsetting the sleigh and throwing Mrs. Anderson and a lady com- panion out upon the ground. Mrs. A. had one of her arms badly sprained. Her lady companion escaped without injury. Marriage licenses have been issued by the clerk of the circuit court to the following parties: Edward L. Brown and Rosie A. Lavelley; H. E. Higgins and Annie M. Mil- ler, all of this county. THE NATIONAL GUARD. Sone Dinhonorable Discharges and Other Annonneemnents of Interest. The following named enlisted men, all privates, were dishonorably discharged from.the National Guard during the quar- ter ending -December 31: Fred A. Conlee, company A, sixth battalion; George E. Cox, company D, fifth battalion; Frank Forrester, company D, fifth battalion; Ralph A. Gury, company A, sixth bat- talion; Charles J. Harley, company B, third battalion; George N. Henrey. com- pany B, third battalion; Harry C. Hodges, company A, sixth battalion; Clarence Kramer, company D, fifth battalion; Win. Kyle, company I:, third battalion; Alphon- sus B. Malone. gompa iy A, second bat- talion; Henry W. Murphy, company 1. fifth battalion; ThomaA S. Murray, com- pany D, iifth battalion; Jeremiah K. O'Hare, company C, fift1 battalion; Oscar A. Phillips, company D, fifth. battalion; Clarence A. Proctor, company A. second battalion; George W. Redman. company D, fifth battalion; John M. Schwatka, com- pany D, fifth battalion; Ritchie 0. Taylor, company -B, third battalion;. James J,. Thomas, company D, fifth battalion; Wm. Tiney, company A, sixth battalion; Mil- lard W. t pperman, company D, fifth bat- tallon; Elliott Wallingsford, company B, third battalion; Wm. H. Ward, company A. second battalion; Chris. C. Yeabower, company D, fifth battalion. National Riflenm Yet Undecided. An annual election of certain ofilcers occupied the attention of the National Rifles until long after midnight on Thurs- day evening last, and for that reason the matter of entering the National Guard was not touched upon, and it cannot now be stated when It will findlly be disposed of. Since the last meeting there have been some additions to the vote in favor of en- tering the brigade. Capt. Oyster, how- ever, is discouraged at the outlook. .Notes. Candidate Staff Sergeant Frank E. Gib- son, having been certified by the brigade board of examination as competent to be a commissioned officer, has been announc- ed in general orders as a "candidate for promotion" to the grad- of first lieutenant of infantry, and is entitled to the privi- leges thereof. In the National Guarl of the state of New York there was an increase during INN4 of 1.217 marksmen over the year 1";. The total number who qualified during the latter year was 7,rd8, and during the sea- son of 1894 the number was 9,135. Sergeant Henry A. Whalon and Private C. Howard Bell, both of company C, fourth battalion, have been transferred, as pri- vates, to company A, first battalion. Corporal Henry W. Heine has been ap- pointed acting second lieutenant of comi- pany C, fourth battalion. ASPIRING TO THE SENATE. The Situation at St. Paul. Republican leaders were busy at St. Paul yesterday arranging for the caucuses of the senate and house this evening. There are only two candidates, for the speakership: Samuel R. Var Zant cf Winona and Daniel Shell of Worthington. Secretary 3ixby of the Nelson headquar- ters says that the opposition to Washburn will go into the caucus witl( ninety to ninety-five of the 142 republican vtges. It Is evident, too, that inere Is an understand- ing among Comstock, McCleary and Nelson that the vote of the three is to be finally thrown to the one most likely to win. Both Loren Fletcher and Charles A. Pillsbury have positively announced that they will, under no circumstances, be candidates. The Idaho Content. Both houses of the Idaho legislature will complete organization today, and Gov. Mc- Connell will deliver his message tomorrow night. Late last evenirg a written proposi- tion was submitted by Judge Sweet to Sen- ator Shoup, proposing a caucus, but no time was sp~ecified. The populists will cut no figure in the senatorial fight, and it will be settled by the republicans. The populist members, fifteen in number, will cast their votes for members of their own party, probably Col. Crook, their candidate for governor two years ago. Friends of Shoup and Sweet are equally confident. The Kansa. Senatorship. The senatorial contest in Kansas Is grow- ing exceedingly interesting. Last night the friends of J. R. Burton claimed his election. The candidates are as follows: J. R. Bur- ton. 28 votes; J. V. Ady, 17; Solon 0. Thacher, 14; Cyrus Leland, 16; Calvin Hood, It); A. W. Smith, 5, and John J. Ingalls, 5. The election takes place the 2'2d Instant. In West Virginia. The West Virginia legislatdre will meet at Charleston on Wednesday, and will vote for United States Senator January 22. Hawaiian Conspirator. Held. Advices from Honolulu, Hawaiian isl- ands, dated December 31, follow: The preliminary examination of the al- leged ccrispirators took place last week and three of them have been held for trial without ball. According to the witnesses for the gov- ernment, there was a deliberate plot to obtain possession of the buildings and all the prominent supporters of the republic were to be surrounded and' arrested at their homes by details of the conspirators. The government detectives even obtained complete lists of those who were to be arrested. Among them were President Dole, his cabinet officers, members of the executive's advisory councils, newly elected members of the legislature, police officials and army officers. The conspirators claimed to have some 2,INN) stands of arms and the support of the natives, but the trial developed the fact that the natives took no stock in the affair, and that the conspiracy was simply gotten up by a gang of dftcontented whiites and half whites. AUCTION SALES. VUJTURA DAYS. CHANCERtY SALE OF VALlYABLE PRIOPERTY, LOCATIED IN THE CENTRAL P'ART OF WASING'TON, D. C., BEIN"G PR1EMI5ES NOd. 7-r AND 729 tirri lT~REETr NORITHIWEST. By virtue of a dlecree of the Supreme Court of the District of Colfumbia, passsd in equity cause No. 1Go25 (Besslinig vs. Bessiag et at.), I shali sell at public auction, in frent of the respect ive remises, on WEDNESDAY, THE SIXTEENTH rA O JANUARY, 1895, at FOUR O-CLOCK P.M., lot numbered fourteen (14) in square an- bered four hundred eighty-six (456), improved by three-story brick buildings, No. 727 and 720 6th sT'erms' of sale: One-half of the purchase money In cash, the remainder laayable in two equal install- ment, at one and two years, for which the notes of the purchaser, with ,interest from date of sale, pyable semi-annually, will be taken, secured by ced of trust, in the usual form, on the property sold with policy of insurance on the improrements, in the sumk of at least one thousand dollars ($,000) n each parcel, or all cash, at the optIon of the purchaser. A deposit of two hundred doliars ($200) n each parcel will be requIred of the purchaser at the time of sale. All conveyacing, recording, &zc., at the expense of the purch*.ser. L CABELL WILLIAMSON,. Trustee, 478 La. are. WAL.TER B. WILLIAMS CO., Aucts. jad&ds UNDER A DECREE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FaIrfax county, Virginia, the undersigned are authorized to sell the valuable lots and dwelling houses at. and 400 acres of timber land near Fairfax Court House, VirginIa, belonging to- the estate of the late 3. 0. Gunnell, at auction. JAN- UARtY TWENTY-FIRST. 1895. D. M. CHICHIESTER and THIOMAS R. KEITH. jal nomm~~nes Fairfax Ct H.. Va. (iOOD NEWS!1 Sufferers from nervgus debility or from long- standing and wasting diseases should lose no time In onsulting Dr., I. A. Walker, the leading spe- cialist In the treatment of all disorders of the brain and nervom system. Dr. Walker has de- vofed himself during the nast twenty years to the study and treati:cent fof disease of this character, and his remarkable success has gained for him the highest reputation boih in Europe and America. His treatment rit at the very foundation of the trouble in a I and the result is invari- ably a quick an pe anent cure. Dr. Walker is permanently lited 1411 Pennsylvania avenue, adjoining WillarS's 1lTetel, where he may be con- sulted from 10 a.m; to 5 p.m. Charges very low, and consultation at offie or by mall free. Wednes- day and Saturday evenings, 7 to S. Sunday, 10 to 12. See testimonials of cures in Post, 'Times and News. All interviews sacredly confidential and nares never published except by owner's consent. oc15-tf AUCTION SALES. THIS AFTERNOON. THOMAS DOWLINO & CO.. AUCTIONEEIIIL CHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLE R*AL ES TATE. LOT .17. IN SQUARE 677. AND 1IM- PROVEMENTS By Tirtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Colutli-t. pnssed in Equity Came No. 15230, wherein tridget Itady is conmplainant and Mary Carroll and others are defendanits the malersigned trustees therein appioltit(d will offer for sale at nublic nuction. in front of the prm-n- Ises. on MONDAY. TIlE SEVENTH DAY OF JAN- UARtY. A. D. 1895, AT FtcUR O'CLOCK P..\., the following real estate in the city of W-ashington, In the Distriet of Colanhall. to wIt: Lot No. seven- teen (17). in square No. six hundred and seventy- seven (677). according to the plan or suldIvilon of said square a" mAdile by William P. Ehiott, esv.. city surveyor, the said lot being improved lv it twto-oy frane dwelling house known as No. 32 G street northeast. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash and tle htlance in two eqtual Installitients. payable respectively in one und two rats. the sate to b he evidenced. laP proanistfry nottea bearing interest front the da. of asile. and to he secured by deed of trnst upon t.. prembs-es. or atlIs eler-tlcn the purchaser nay. pay, in cash Ilte whole; of the purc-hase money. or any portion greater th1an one-third. the residue. if any, to be secured as -nforesaid. A rash depnspit of $0& will ie required at the time #1t sale. The taxes will he pala to the date of-sole. AU .conveyancoing sad recording at' the cost of the tourchaser. If tei terms of wale sre nt -riiiited witli within t4t days after the-day t sale the right. I reserred to rundvertise and resell at the risk and cost ot the cefaultime purchaset. It. P.YRID LEWIS, Trustee. 416 5th st. n.w. JOHN ALTHEUS 30HYN8tfN. Trustee. d27-d&ds 408 5th st. n.w. DUNCANSON BitOTIIERS. Auctloneers. CIIANCEIIY SALE OF VALI'APLE. Imtm'ROn 1EAY. ESTATE IN THE C'ITY OF WASMilN.- TON. M. C.. KNOWN AS NO. 220 E STItElfr NOft1ilEAST. D1y virtue of two deerres of the Supreme Court of the District of Cohnubinla. prisseti tn the Itith day of Noveuber aid the 17th &~ty of )eecemler. A. D. 1194. respect!vely. In E.uity Cactie No. 1.319. wherein Leopo!ld Schwarx et it]. are com- pilainants anl Genrsre W. Scleue-rman et il. nre defend:,nts. We will sell at pubiilie nuetlon. in front of-the premises. on MONDAY, TIlE NEV- ENTII DAY OF JANI'ATlY. A. D. 1895. AT IIALF. P.ST P0111 O'CLOCK P.M.. the followin:: lie. scrihed -i-l estate, situnte in the city of Wasth- ington. District of Colutbile: All of lit nnmherel sixty-five W.5) in D. A. Windsor'q subdivision in square nutbered reven hndred nnil :!fty-four 17511. ns per plIt recored In Book No. 19. [ntse 10.. (.f the recorls of the office of lie surveyor of sidh Distriet, together with certain rights reserved .v le-d in the tomith end ,.f lot 66t. :tid nc right eof way over lots 622 ' W.nil fi1 of tle --ar fotr feet by their full wiTm.- WsaId sainre 7.1. s:;l lot C7 h.e4in improved l a t~-cestiory :sld b-aemtent lrick- dwellin. S:id property will ibe rold tubt-et to a1 deed of trust to seie nn indebtedess of $4.ts1. r:tturin March N. RM)7. rreordo'c In Liber 1t4.5, follo 23G et seg.,.gpf the land reeprds for said Dis- trct. Terms of sale s prerllferrt by the decrees: One. third of the pu hpses ntonev in cash, and the hal- ince in two eqjual nstallelintls. pnyll six anl, tvelve months from the day of sale. respectively. for whhih the pqnlombry notes of the purchasr must he given, -uri by deed of trust cn the property soid an heifrlner int-reat at the rate of 6 per cent per anttm tciil paid. or all cash. at tle purcihaser's optiot. All conve-yancint: and record- ing nt the cost 4f the prchaser. who will he re- Ituired to make t diepniit of $20'. nt the timte of pale. If the terltas of, anle are not c-muiced with within fifteen dayls fromtu the ilay of sale the trns- tecs reserve the right to resell the prorperty at the cost and risk of tlie defnIlting purchaser, sifter five days' previets' adtertisemtent of such resale in soue newspaper Imlished in the Distrl-t of Co- lumibia. SAM'L MADDOX. Trtiste. R40 Ind. ave. SIMlON LYON. Trustee. .1 t16 F st. .n.w. DUNCANSON BROS., Anetionwems. d20.21.25,27,29t.3I.jni2.4.5.7 FUTLIIE DAVS. TIlJS.. -JOWLL\U & CO.. AUCTIONEELIS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED 'RWERtTY -A TIREE-htOli lltiWi'K DV.LL- ING, .\UMIER60 lItM \LEW lAMI Stllir' AVENNUE NOltTilckST, IN THE Cr)' UkF WA42diilIGTON. ii. C. Ily virtue of % iowee contained in a certnin deed of trust to us, tice udersigned, of date August Is, A.D. 18.4, and duly recorded in Liber 14J5. at frii, 3'20 et seli., one of the land record books of the District of t'olumbia. and at tle request of tMe Isrty tereby secured, we, the tdersi;:ned trustees, will Sc-el, it pAIuiic auct:fca, inl frout, of the prei- ist-., oa TIIUISLDAY, the SLVE.\TKNTlI DAY OF JA.-UAIY, A.lt. 1895, at thle hour of PAL- r'AsTr FtwUR o'CLOCK P.M., thle follinfg de- scribed real estate in the city of Washington. lIistrict of C'olumulcla, to w-it: All of lot nuer~t-dc ttirty-one (3lj. int Isaace Bradcley's subdicivisltc oif sc;unre rumbe~ired sevetyt-twco tit, accordicng to pla~t of t.aid subialvislion, as thte samne appuears of rciord inc the oite of ti:e taitnteyr- cif tihe Disat iet of Ce-aalila, int 1lorik J. Hi. K., -folio 81lt, etc-.. intiprove~d byv a bcrick .cweilincg knownw tand niumbaeredl as I 109 New llitrntyshire nycatme northawest, suib- jct to, :1 periur tieed cif trutst con said propertyl for the. sumlt of $..Oc00 of diate August 17, A4.1,. 183i2, anad duly recordedi in Liber; Nco. 1 703, fotleo 343 et se-ct. $a~d de oft trustI hears 6 per c-cnt intterest pe~raan, andc does noat fall due until August 17, Term.; of scale: All enshc over nndi abov-e said prior du-e of truzst... A dleosit of CIOs. will bce r- <ittiredl at thec timce of sale. All ecnvey-ancing aitil rtrd-cingt at puirchaser'sc cost. Tiermis of sale. to be compitiled~ writhc it tenc clays fromt date oft sale. otl:c-rwisea trucstees rese-rve~the right to4 resell ait risk and cost of defaulting puarchaster or pur- ebrs ters. RICHII.1D it. BIEALL. Trtustee. Nic. 1-20 New York nye. n.w. JOSEI'l T. OFFU~TT. Trustee. jn7-cI&ds No. 1-420 New York nye. n.w. RATCLIFFE, DARR1 & CO., AUCTIONEElIS. CHIANCERIY SALE OF VALUABLE PIlOPERtTY ON FO UItTEENTII STREET SOUTHIEAST. By vir-tuce of a dee-roe of the Supreme Court of the District of Colutnilia. passed in ecquity cause No. 1486, whcerein Johcn L. Taylor and others are cornplainants and Autnie Fountain and others are dlefe-ndants. thce undersigned trustees ill sell, at pubic uctenin front of the pre-mises. on lice NINIIDAYOFJANUARY, 115, AT OUit O'CLOCK P.M., that piece or parcel of land and premtises in thce District of Columnbla known and descrIbed as follows: Comncin~ctcg for-lihe samte on Foiurtee-nth street southtcest. at the northeast corner of lot numbiered eleven til). in suare numbered ten hundred and sixty-osne (1061); thcence runing souith forty-two (42) fed; thence east once hutndredt and one (101) feet; thence noth forty-two (421 feet; thence west one hundred antd one (101) feet to the place of beginncing, Improved Icy a framue house. Termia of sale: One-third of tihe purchase money (or. at the opition of the purchaser, any greater portion or the whole of the purchase money) in cash on the day of sale, or withtin ten days .there- after, and the balance of the purchaise money to bce paid in two equal installmtents. payable in one and two years respectively frome lice day of sale, thce ipurchaser to give his promissory notes for the deferred paymez.ts, hearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annumc from the day of sale until paid, end secured bcy a good and sufficient deed of trust upo* thtinpiremtisesi 5o sold. A detiosit of $100 will be ruiret4 at the time of sale. Taxes will be paid to ate. All conveyaztcing and re- cording at the c othe purchaser. If the terms are ntot complie witt within ten days the right is reu'erved to resdl at the risk and cost of the de- faulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement in one of the WashI ten .~rs. No. 416 5th at. n.w., :. THOhIAS'I60THORION, Trustees. 3luit7 building, d27-d&ds No. 817 4%~ st. n.w., THOMAS DOW-.INe & CO. AUCTIONEERS. Peremptory EXECUTOR'S Sil OF SPLEINDID BUSINESS PRlOl'EtRTY, BiEIN'G A THRIEE-STORIY AND ATTIC 1:RIiCK, WITHI BASEMENT, NUMBIER (21 E sTRtENT (NORITH SflDE), BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH STREETS NORTH- WEST. On MONDAY, JANdhRY FOURTEENTH. 1805, at FOUR O'CLOCK( E1., in front of the premIses, we shall offer at public auction for the under- signed executor the following descrIbed property, namely: Part of original lot No. 0, in square 456, having a front of 19 feet 7 Inches on E street and' running back an average depth of about 9)6 feet to a wide alley, improved by a three-story and attic brick, with basement, being No. 621 E street northwest, between 6th and 7th streets. This property is located in one of the best business centers in the city, and where property is steadily enhancing in talue, being in close proximity to the ,general and city post sinfces, patent office, city ball and pension- ofice. Terms of sate: One-third of the purchase money' to be paid in cash, and the balance to be paid in two equal installments, respectively, na one and two years, secured py a deed of trust upon the property sold, wi iterest thereon, payab e semi- as~nually, at thE -'te of (3 per cent per annum, until paid, or all cash, at the option of the pur- chaser. A deposit of $250 will be required at thte time of sale. Sale to be dlosed within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwiise thce property will be rs-old at thte risk and cost of defaulting pur- echaser, after five dz.ys' advertisetment in some newspaper publisoed In Wrashington, D. C. All cetveyancing and recording at the cost of the Ipurchaser. Premises can ihe inspected any time prior to c-ale, J. J. WIrMARTH. JaS-,. Exenute-. AUCTION SALES. *OMORROW. Horses. . Horses. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. S. BENSINGERt. AUCTIONERR WASHINGTON HORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZA AR. No. 940 LA. AVE. XEREIPTORY SALE OF THIRTY-FIVE HEAD OF HORSES AND MARES. TOMORROW (TUESDAY) MORNING, JANUARY EIGHTH, AT TEN O'CIDCK, will be sold within the bazaar, for Mr. Thomas Kirk of Philadelphia, a carload of Horses and Mares, some extra work- ers and fine drivers. - ALSO Six Fine Sound Young Horses and Mares Twenty head of Horses and Mares, goad workers and drivers. This is good stock for any purpose, and will be sold WITHOUT IES itVE. ALSO Several New and Second-hand Vehicles. Harness.&c. it S. BENSINGEt. Auctioneer. Joseph Bros. & Co., AUCTIONEERtS, 637 LA. AVE. TUESDAY, JANUARY EIGHTH, [Ens-tapmaow Mmle oif Ont TUESDAY, JANUARY EIGHTH, at TEN A.M. we will hold a special sale of Household Furniture. including a large assortment of Chamber Suites. in oak and walnut; Parlor Suites, Blankets, Spreads, Comforts. 10 pairs lace Curtains, assorted styles; [air and Shuck Mattresses, Steves and ianres. Sidelanirds 'Pictures, Showcases, new and used Carpets. Skin and other Rugs, Marble-top Ta- bit A. Chenille lortleres, etc. ja7-20h CHAS. WEEKS, SALESMAN. THOMAS DOWLING & CO.. AUCTIONEE11S, 612 E st. TRUSTFS' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED 'ROPERTY, BEING PREMISES NO. 120 D STtEET NORTHEAST. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated June 14 1893 sand uttly recorded In LI11r 1827. folio 281. one of the land records of the District of Columbia, and by direction of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, In front of the premises, on TIENDAY. JANUARY EIGHTH, 1%05. at HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK. the follow- ing improved property: Sul lot 83. In squale 723, eling No. 120 D street noatheast. subject to a first trust of $3,0010, due Noveualner 16, 180. Terms: All above the first trust to be cash. All conaveyancing ani recording at purchaser's ost. $1w, deposit required at time of sale. JOHN' S. SWORISTEDT. Trustee, 1= st. .w. GE. J. EASTERDAY, Trfste-. d26-d&ds 1410. G St. n.W. -THOMAS DOWLINO R CO., AU iTJONElims 612 -E ft. u.w. TRImITEBS.SALE OF -TW@--TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLINGS. NOS. 122 .AND 1824. -LAW-- R&NCE STREET- (OTIERWIS! KNOWN AS RIGGS 'LACE) NORiTIWET. By virtue of s deed of trust. dated Septemhar 30. 11, and recorded in Liber No. 1734. folio 401 et seaq.. one of the hind records of the District of Columnlit. and at the request of the holders of the note thereby sea ured. I. the surviving trustee, will sell at public auction, In front of the premd- tes. &owT;F_'DAY. TIlE EIGFITIl DAY OF JANU- AllY 1895, at FOUII O'LOCK l'.Ml.. lots aum- beet1(I EeveLty-fo'tr t741 and seenty-tive (75), In I. E. & la yhaew's tuhdiviion of lots In square num- bere1d oue hundred und thirty-three (133:, as per plat recorded in hook Ii. D. C.. folio 74. of the aet orda of the surveyor's edict' of the istrict of Cuumbil. with the improvements thereon, con- s n::.tag of two tao-story frame dwellin;s. Termis of skill-: Ore-third of tle plureliase money to boe paidl in eavh. bhlance in two equal Install- nwuts. it One and two years from day of sale, re- slawetively, with interest at the rate of 43 per cent lr annuam until pld. p:ayable emnl-annnually. the d-lferred payments to be represented by the pnr- eln;tier's notes. secured by deed of trust on the prtoperty sold. or all cssh. at the option of the plrehar. A deposit of $210 will be req'uired at the t.tne of sale. Terms of sale to be compiled withl within tean days fron date of sale. or te trustee reseres the right in ndvertire anti resell the prolerty at the risk crid cost of the defaut- Ing purelaser. It. It. T. Ll'1OLD. del-dI&% Suryivin: Trustee. 130. F at. n.w. SIllNCANSON 1ilt08... AuctIoneers. TRI'SIFES' SALE OF A IIANDSOIIE THIrEE- STOltY AND BASEMENT BUICK DWELYING. Sl'.XTE AT tIlE NOIITIIWEST COINEi OF TilItTiEEN'Til AND N WiltFETrA NOtTHiWESET. Ily irine of n certain d-ed of trust to us, bear- Ing date )eebnilier N. 1113, and duly recorded in l.'her 1,71. folio 2417 et seg., of tie land records of tile DMstrlet of Colubnla. and at the written re- quest of the pairtles seenlred thereby, we wvIll sell at pablie auction, in front of the premises. on TUMtSDAY, THE EIGHTl 1AY OF .ANUARY, A.D. 189'5. AT lIALF-PAST FOUR O'CIOCK P.M., all that certain 1iece or parcel of land anl arem- lees. sititate in tie city of Wtshhngton, District of Coltalluminl. and being .lot 16, In louts C. Ferrell's sul division of part of original lot numbered 1. In situare 243. as per platt recorded In ULier 20, follo 1I , of the records. of the ofiice of the surveyor of tie District of Columbia, together with Improve- ments. The nbove property will be sold subject to a deed of trust for $.400. together with interest thereon fromt May 2, 1894. at the rnte of 6 per cent per anLum, irterest payable semi-annually. Terms of sate: One-thlinl cash, lealance in one year. far which the note of the urchaser, with irterest at 6 per cent per annut, iyable semi- annually. will be taken, secured ty deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at option of par- chaser. A deposit of $200 will he reintred at time of sale. All oanveyaning and recordag at pur- chaser's cost. Terms of vale to be complied with in fifteca days from datg of sale. WII.LAM M. ASH, D. M. ROSS, in5-St Trustees. FUTURE DAYS. DUNCANSUN lCOh., AUCTIONEEtS, TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED SUFUUt1nAN IIEAL ESTATE. P1EING A POl- TION OF THE PItOPERTY KNOWN AS "METROPOLIS VIEW." IMI'CROVED BY TilE NIANSION HOUSE OF TIlE LATE ClIlEF JIT'TIOE CIIASE, KNOWN AS -*EDGEWOOD," CONTAINING THIltTY-ONE ACRES, MORtE OR LESS. By ;ittne of two deeds of trest, dated, .*spec- tively, the 11th day of June, 1810, and the 11th day of June. 1892, and recorded among the land recopis of the District of Columbia, In Libe- 1494, folos 438 et seq.. and Llber 1710, folios 130 et seq., re- pectively, we will sell, at pub~ile auction, on the premIses, on TUESDAY, the EIGHTEENTH DAY of DEFA3ItER,. A.D. 1894, at FOURI O'CLOCK P'.M., thae following describad land and parenmises, wi't the lnmprovcments, ensements, rights, ways andl appurtenances ther-unto belonging, situtate and in tg in the couaty of Washingtion, and the Dis- trict of Coltumbta, to wit: All that part of 'Metrop~olis View" (thte farm formerly owned by the late WVashington. Berry), according to a sub- dvision by John A. Atliddleton antI Thtomas WV. Berry, trustees, and filed with their first report of sales in the ehaneery suit of hIldtdleton et aL. a;ninst Berry et ali., No. 5100, equity do'ket 7, in tie Supareme Court of thte District of Columbhia (a copy of whaich lat Is also recordeda In Llier "Gov- ernor fhephaer 1," folia 41, of time records of the sumveyor's aifliee of the District of Colaumblaa), con- taineud aithiun the follo -laig naetes and bounds: Be- ginnIng at the inters~ction of the east line of 4th street em at extended and the center line of Central averue, and running thence north 02 degrees east onae haundred and fourteen andl seventy-two-bun- dre-dthma t14.72, tperch-'s to the westerly line of the right of way of time Metropolitan branch, Baltimore nd Ohio railroad. thenee with said westerly line south 10% degrees west eight and thirty-sx-hutn- dredths (S.30) perches; thenace south 15% degrees west twelve and twe'l-e-hmundredths (12.12) paerches; thence south 18 degrees west six (6) perches; thece sth 17% degrees west eleven and sixty- eight-lundretdths t11.681 perehes: thence south 20%h degrees a est five anal sixty-elghmt-handredths (5.081 perches; thence south 21%1 degrees west six and eight-hunidredlths (0.08 pe'rches; thence south 251 degrees west sIx and forty-four-hundredths (6.44) peccchs; thence south 22 degrees west six andl for-hndredths (0.00) ferchues; thence south 20%A dgrees west fourteen andi sixty-four-hundlredths (14.011) perches: thence leavIng said westerly* line outhm 02 degres west tIrteen and five-tenths 13.519 perches to a stone in the center of South avenue; thence with the center of said avenue soth (12 degrees west seventy-fiye and eighty-five. hundredths (75.85) perches to the east line of 4th street east extended; thence due north sixty and aIne-tenths (00.9) perches with said east line of 4th street east extended to the beginning. Con- taning 31 acres, maore or less, and being all that part of "Metropolis View," owned bylKatharine Chase, lying east of the east line of 4th street east extended and west of the Metropolitan branch, Untimore andl OhIo railroad, south of Central ave- ne and north of South avenue. Terms of sale: One-fourth of the purchase money o be pail in cash, nd the balance In one, two andi three years. to be represented by note. of the pur- chaser or purchasers, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per "eat per annum from the day of sale, pay- nhle seanl-annually. secured lby deed of trust upon the property sold, or all ensh, at the option of the pucae.A deposit of one thoausand ($1.000) dol- lar rquiedat time of sale. All conveyancing and recording at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to he complied with within fifteen (15) days from date of eale, othersvise trutsteeq reserve the right to re- sell the property at the risk and cost of the de- faulting purchase", after ten days' ntotiee of such resale in some newspaper published in the city of Waslnsot, D ~ ALBERT A. .WILSON, -JOlHN B. LARINER, 1335 F st. nw., d4-al Trustees. it7TIIE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED UTI'Lr THUtSDAY, JANUARIY SEVENTEENTH, 180)5, at the same hour and place. ALBERT A. WH2SON, JOHN B. LARNERI, 1333 F et. n.w., d19l-w&stfat5thd Trustees. DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEFB' SALE OF VACANT LO3T ON NORTH SIDE OF TRUMBULL STRtEET. BETWEEN TIRD AND FOUR-AND-A-HALF SITREETrS, HOWARD UNIVERSITY SUBDIVISION. By virtue of a deed of trust, given to us and recorded in Liber No. 1716, at folio 245 et se., one of the land records of the District of Cumbia, and at the requetst of the party secured, we will sell at public auction, in front of thae prmises, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARtY SIX- TEENTH, A.D. 1895, AT HALF-PAST FOURI OCLOCK P.M., the following described real estate In the Distrlst of Columbia, to wit: Lot twenty. two (22), in block numbered sixteen (10), of the Howard University subdivision of the farm that formerly belonged to the late John A. SmIth, comn- monly called "Effigham Place." Terms: One-third cash, balance In one and two years from the date of sale. the deferred pay- ments to be secu-ed by deed of trust upon the roperty sold, and to bear interest at the rate of per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, or a~ll cash, at the option of the purchaser. A de- posit of $100 to be pid at the sale. Terms to be complied with fifteen days from the day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the de- faulting purchaser. All conveyancliag at pur- haser's cost. -JSP ,NSN ,a-dt CHnoAnIm B. BAILEY, AUCTON SALES. FUTWUR DAYE. C. G. SLOAN & O.. AUCTIONE8sE 140 G At Catalogue Sale Fine Oil Painti ngs, By Eminent American and Foreign Artists, Such as Watteau, Simmonetti, Th. Frere, Har quette, Kock-Kock. H. Kern, Brissot. Kircl-naY and manv others of equal merit. To be sold at public auction within our ar gallery, 1407 G street. On WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, January 9th and ioth, 1895, at ii a. m and 3 p- m. On exhibition up to hour of sale. Catalogues Ready. C. G..SLOAN & CO., Auctioneers. Ja5-4t 140? G st. WALTER Z. WILLIAMS & CO;. AUCTIONSEE. GOVERNMENT SALE OF UNSERVICKABr PROP EltTY AND MATERIAL AT THE MAIL BAC EQUIPMENT SHOPS. NO:i. 479 AND 491 ( STREET NOlRTHWEST, WASHINGTON. D.C. On * THUIMDAT; JANUARY- -TENTH, 105. at ElEVEN- -Ot1AK-- A.IL, will Ie mdd, at iMAbib auctin,- -at. -the. roverument -mail tbag equipment shops, Nus. 470) and 4S1 C street northwest. a quan tity of unserviceable property. such as 60.000 lbs Scrap Jute, more or less; 1,600 lb. Clean Canvas more or less; 1,000 lbs. Waste Twine, more or less and other miscellaneous articles. Terms cash. B) order of RUFUS B. NIERCHANT, Ja3-d&dhs Disbursing Clerk P. 0. Department. 1Y DECItEE OF THE tCICUIT COURT OF FAIR fix county, Virginia, the undersigned are au thorized to sell the Union Hotel property, be lonring to the Tyler estate, at Fairfaa Omi House, Virginia, at auction, JANUARY TWEN TY-Fill. 1t41t5. For pa rnlars apply to R. W. MOORE, C. W. TYLER and J. M. LVE, Conmiaslonees, Fair- fax C. H.. Vn. ja3-Gt ' MiOMAS IJOWL\IN & CO.. ALV'1'10 imit Trustees' Sale by catalogue of the personal effects of Mrs. Katharine Chase,embrac- ing in part, MRP CARABA MARBLE PlUST. WITH PED- FSTA4 OP THE LATE CHIEF JUSTICE (A COPY FROM CRAWFORD). OIL PAINT- INGS BY GItEUZE,. BENALL. JANSEN. AND OTIEl CELEBRATED MASTERS; A FINE l'ORITIIAIT L' 01L OF THE CHIEF JWTICE. OLD AND IARE PORCELAINS. AND GLASi FROM ALL 'ARTS OF THE GLOBE, EXQUIS. ITE EXAMPLES OF SEVIES PORCELALN AND OLD CHINA, lARE OLD PRODUCTIONS OF JAPANESE AND ChiLNESE ORNAME'1lM MAIL ULE STATUARY. ICARE BItONZEH, ELIZA- BiETHIAN POItCELAINS, WITH PORTRiAlTS; ErLZABRETHIAN FURtINTURE; A SUPERID FRENCl OVAL MlltROII. WITHI MASSIVE EMBLEMATICAL CARVINGS %COST A FABU- LOUS PRICE), ELEGANT MANrEL UaflSROR, SUPERB EG'YPTIAN AID O FRENC CLOCK. MANTEL SEI, WITH TUE UICIIEST Oft- MOLU AND BRONZE MOUNTINGS. PORCE- LAIN GARDEN SEATS AND FLOWER URN.S. MtAIW CABINET IA WONDEILFUL lIECFy, CAll LNET& OF BRIC-A-ISUAC. LNLAID AND YrUiEI BEAUTIFULLY CARVED CA-BIELS SUPERBLY CARVED IOWRL CHEST (AN AN- TIQUE OF RIAN VALUEJ, WONDER FULLY CAUVED ANTIQUE BUFFET, CARVED CHINA CIASETS AND BOOK C'ASESt A SUPERBLY CARVED AN'IIQUE WALL CABINET (A rAUR PIECE). ELEGANT TAbLE DVELRATIONS I\ CHINA AND GLASS, DING TABLE AND CHAIs, LIBitARY FURNITURE. CUUGHiES AND EASY CHAIRS OAK AND EBONY BOOK CASMa LAX, MIIISELLANEUS BOOKS AND l'A.I'H Ll' (LIERARY OF THE LATE CH"E JUSTICE CHASEM, ELEGANT -1I1S-4, CHAM- DER FURNITURE, IN ET-s AND siEAILATE I IRCES; MA'TICtLiSES AND B IlING, .1U EN AND LAUNDRY UiEQUJEITES, &c., &e. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated the st day of December. ISa. ani duly recorded in Liber 1b54, bIbo 11 et seq., one ot the land ree- rds of the District of )Auuaida, andi by direc- tion of the parties secured thereby, the under- signed trustees wil sell at the auction roonas of =uwlug & Co., 612 l street amrthnest, on WED- NESDA , DEUEMBElR NINETEENTH, 1bue com- mening at HiALF-k'AST TEN 0'ClOCK A. L, and continumng daily at that hour until all I. suL [eing the iyeisnal effects of Mrs. Katharine Chr.se of Edgewood, removed to Messars. Dowling Co.s art galleries for convenience of sale. This is one of the most iortant sales ever nade in this city, and nsculd command thne at- tention of parties desiring rare and elegant at- tiles collected froma all jlarts of rhe world. On exhibition two days prIor to sale, when de- criptive catalogues will be ready. WALTER U. CLEPHANE, 344 D st. n.. CREED II. FULTON, 456 Ia. are, dS-d&ds Trustees, C7THE A-BOVE SALE IS UNArOIDABLY POST- poned antal WED.NESDAY. JANUARY SECOND, 195, samne hour and place.. By crder of the trustees. THOMAS DOWLING .& CO., d15-d&ds -Auctioneers. E7THE AROVYE SALE IS AGAIN UNAVOIDABLY~ postponed until WEDNESDAY, JANUARY KIN'a. 1t396, same hour and place. By order of the trustees. THOMAS DOWLING & CO., d20-dts .Auctioneers. E7THE ADOVE SALE IS FURTHER POST- poned until WEDNESDAY, JANUARY SIXTEENTH, 895, same hour usnd place. Bty order of trustees. j3-d&ds THOMAS DOWLING & CO., Aucts. RUSTEES' SALE OF" THlE GIDBE BUILN PIcol'ERITY, ON 'INNSYLNANIA AVENUE BETWEEN TIllIRD AND FOUR-AND-A-HALF STRIEETS WEST. By virttue of that certain deed of trust. recorded In Liber No. 983,. folio 174 et seq., of the land records of thne District of Columbia. the undera signed will sell at public auction, on WED)NES- DAY, THE SINTEENTH DA1E OF JANUARY. A D. 181,5 at FOURI O)'CIDK P.M., in front of the premIses, all those certain parcels of land ii the city of Washington, District of Columbia, krown and distingished as all of original Iota umbered 14 and 13, and the rear part of original lot numbered 16, in reservation numbered 10. be- inning 713 feet 2 inches northwardly from Penn- sylvania artenune and running back with thne full width of said lot to the putblle alley in the real thereof, together with the imnprnements thereon. consisting of that large' and substantial structure knowna as the Globe building. Thne entIre property to tbe sold contains 11,245i sqluare feet of land. Terms of sale: One-third cazsh and thne balance in two equal installments, at one and two year., for which tihe notes of the purchaser, with interest from the date oif sale, payable semi-annually, will e taken, secured by deed of trust, in the usual form, on thne property sold, with poller or in- srance on the binldings, in tihe suma of at least $10,000, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. All taxes to date of sale payabtlle out of the liur- hase nmoney. A deposit of $30 will be reqluireds of the purchaisr at the time of sale. If the terms of sale are nt compikd with in ten days the righnt Is reserved to resell the propert -, after ire days' advertisement, at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchanser. . THOMIAS E. WAGGAMAN. .a~dd WILLIAM A. MAURY. ja1-d~dsTrustees. S. J. NOTES & BRto., AUCTIONEERIS, 639 Louisiana avenue northiwest. RUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. DIPRIOVED BtY A POURt-STORIY BASEMIENT IiRICK BUILDING. ON E STRtEl' BETWEEN 5TH AND C'TII ciTEETS, KNOWN AS 507 E' STRFI37 NORtTHIWIT, IN THlE CITY OF WASHIINGTON, D). C. By virtue of a deed of trust duly recorded in llher L411, folio 200) et seq., of thne land records of the D1strict of Coluambla, anal at the requneat of the- arty theret~y securedi, we wilU sell at ubile auc- ion, in front of tine premises, ON WEDNESDAY. IlE SIKTEENTHi DAY OFe .JANUARY, 181)5, AT OUR O'CLOCK P.M., parts of original lots num- ered two (2), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), In quare nu.nbered founr hundred and eighty-eiht 48), beginniang for thne sanme at the southeast cor- er of said lot bumblered two (2), snd running hence west on E street twenty-sIx (20) feet two (2) inches to the public nulley, thence north on sai alley one hnundred and thlrty-four (134) feet two (2) lce, thence east twenty-six (20) feet two (2j iches, thnenee aouth one hundred and thlrty-fonr 134). feet two (2) Inches to E street and the tbe- gining. Terms of r- e: All sums crer and abnore $12,000. ith the Interest accrucd thereon (bnein" a prier rust), to be paid Inn cash. A depinsit of $200 re- ured upon acceptar:ce of bid. If tine terms of male are s~ot comp*iled wIt Inn ffteen days frm h. day of sale thne trustees reserve the right to esell the property at the rink and coat of thne de- aulting pureb.ser after five days' nethk-c of such sae in seome ntee'aier published in the District sf Colunbis. All necessary information given on iay of sale. ABRIAIIAM FISHIER, AMINON IEmIrv.ND. -Trustee, aK-ld a1T E at n. AUCTION SALES. FUTUREE DAYS. THOMAS DOWLAN I & aL, AUCTIONl TBUSTEW SALE OF VALUABLE REAL TA'I ON THE NORTH SIDE OF E STEr Mr BE- TREEN TWELFTH AND THIRTlEN= STIEES, KNOWN AS 1221 AND I2 2 STREET NORTHWErT. Under and by -irtue of a certain deed of trI tn us, bearing date April 21. 1810, duly recrded In Uber MIs1. folio 190, of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request et the patty e ired thereby, we. the undersigned trustee, will sell, at i auction, in front t said prean- tso, an SA! 3LOAY. the NINETECENTH DAY e JANUARY A. D. 185, at HALF-PAST YOUR O'CLOCK P.M., all that certain piee or et - land, situate In the city of Washington, et Columbia, to wit: Mhat part of tot foer (4). square two humdred and sleety (20M. heglasing for the sue on the north side of 5 street sixteen (1 feet and eight 8i inebs from the southeast corner of the mid lot, and se.ning thence north eighty- eight (SS) feet and six (0 inhes, thame east tero (4) feet and eleven and coe-third (11 1-3) eches, thence narth seventy (70) feet and six (4% 6ncbi thence west twenty-three 2) feet and fie one-third (5 1-) inches, thence mouth seventy (70) feet' and mix .6% inches. thence west fourteen (14) ft-et and ten (10) laies, theme sath eighty-eight :88) feet and six (6) Imhes, theme east thirty. three (70) feet and four (44 inches to the place 91 beginning, together with all improvemets thersm, bubject to acc.-ed taxes to date. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash. and the balance to be paid in two equal installments. respecttrely, in one and two y ered by a deed of trust on the prop- erty sol with nlter-est. payable semi-annumally, at the rate of 6 per cent per ama until paid, or all cash. at the option of The pardaser. A deposit of $500 will be required when the bid is accepted. IC the terms of te sale are not comaplied with in fifteen days the trustees reserve the right to resel the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser.ROE A.S AG ROGEit A. SPRACUR, JOHN SIDNEY WEBB. d31eo&ds Trustes. THOMAS DOWIJNG a CO., AUCT10NERRR 612 E S. CHANCERY SAIS OF VALUABLE PROPERTV LOCATED LN THE CENTRAL PART 01 VASHINGTON CITY. D. C.. IEING PREM- ISMl NOS. 1M6 AND 1810 1 STREET N W 1726 H STR1ET N.W., 102 isTH SiREE N.W.. AND 1113 1'I1I STREET N.W. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed in equity eans. No. 15,75 (Womuersley vs. McGine et al.), we will wel at Pube auction, in ftnt of the se- apeetire Preme6 en WEDNEDAY. 21E NIN DAY (W JANUARY. 105. AT FOUR O(F'AMK E.M., Jet -amnbeed twenty-three (). in aare nmbesed ane h.med -and fse (16%5. - by two two-story brick dweliiW knew as N180 and 1610 1 street u.w. Ti And an the samme day. Immediately thereafter. the dast one-alf of lst menhed thirteen (0), in square- numbered one handrei and sixty-six tl8q), impoeed by a two-story brik dwellig. Ne. ii H street u.w. AND ON THURSDAY. THE TENTIV DAY OF JANUARY. 1811. AT POUR O'CIOCK PM.. we will sell part of lots cumbered twenty-four 424). twenty-six 426) and twenty-seven (27). in sqare numbered one hundred and seven (107). with the two-story frame bosme thereon. No. 1028 loth street n.w.: the part of mid lot twenty-four (24) being bounded as follows: Beginsmig at the south- west corner of coid ot, and running thence north twelve (12) feet: thence east forty (40) feet; thence - south six (6) feet three 43) inches; thence west twenty (2D) feet: thence south five G) feet nine (9) inces. and thence west twenty (MO feet to the place of beginning: the part of said lot 26 boned._ ed as follows: Beginning at the mouthwest corner of mid lot and running thence north 2 feet; thence east 61 feet: thence south 3 feet. and thence west 61 feet to The place of begiusng; and the part of said lot 27 being the north twelve (ID feet front by the depth thereof. And Immediately thereafter on the name day. the south half of lot numbered nine (1. In square numbered one hundrod and nInety-seren (1971. to. proved by a two-story rame dwelling. No. 111 16th street n.w.: the said pmperty all being in the city of Washinctor and District of Coluhbia. Terma of raie: One-third cash, oe-third in one year and one-third In two years from day of sal. with * t-rest payable seri-saenally, for which the purchaser's notea to be given: -r all -ash for any portion, at the tion of the purchaser. A de- posit of $100 requir. on sale of each rcel, and terms to be complied with in rfteen s in de- fault of which usale to be made at the risk and cost of such purchaser. All convesyancing at putr chamers cost. JOB BAINARD. Trustee. 50W St st. mvw. ANSON 8. TAYLOR. Trustee, 1213 F at. .w. F. CAUr WILLAMSON. Trustee, 424-d&ds 478 [A. ae C. G. SLOAJ & CO., AUCIIONEERS. 1407 G ST. TRUSTEE' SAIE OF VALUABLE 'BUSINE P1tiji ERT ON TENTH WREE WEAR F 8TREET NORTHWET,. NOS. r.2 AND S2 TENTH IlEREMT, I'Rit-NTING 29 FEIT ON TE.TH STiLEET. WITH A DEPTH OF 91 FEE1T 7% INCHIER WITH A 6 FELT 7% INCHEN (ILET TO A 30-F&rT ALLEY- WONTAINING 2,637 SQ-UARE FElr OF LAND. By virtue of that certain deed of trust, recorded In LiJher No. 19Wre, folio 2X4 et seq., of the land re-orls of the Distrirt of C)umbla, and at the request of the parties sacri thereby, we will sell, at public auction. in front of the premises. on FILDA. the EIGHTEENi DAY of JANUARY. A.D. 1895, at HALF-PAST FOUR OCIAM'K P.M.. all that certain piece and pareel of land and prem- ises, situate In The city of Washington. District of Columbia, and being known and distinguished as the south half (%) of original lot numbered twelve (12) in rare numbered three hundred and seventy- seven (377). Term" of sale: One-fourth of the purchase amoney to be p6id in cash. balance In fve equal install- ments, iayrble in one. two, three, four and ive years after date, or all cash, at the oation of the purchater; deferred payments, if any. to be rep- resented by the purchaser's notes, bearing interest from the date of sale at t~w rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. and secured by deed of trust upon the property sold. All conveyancing and reording at The rehaser's cost. A deposit of $500 will resluire at time of male. Terms of sale to be cmplied with in afteen days from date of sale, or the right is maerved to resel the prop- erty. after five days' advertisement, at the ris and cost of the detaalting pnrchaser. BENSJAMIN P. SNYDER. THOMAS IL JONES. js!-tds Trustees. DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONERRR TRUSTES' SALE OP VALUABLB IMPROTED DWELLING PROP'ERTY ON FIFTEENTH STREET BETWEEN MAMACHUSErTII ATE- KUE AND N STREET NORLTHWES. AND NUMBIERED 1221) FiIFTEENTH STREET. By vrtu ofa deed of trust to us, duly recorded in Lber 874.folio 310 et se.. on. fteln record. of the District of Clbawe will sell, In frnt of the premises, on THIUIlSDAY. the THIIRD DAY of -JANUARY, A.D. 1895. at HAIR- PAST FOUR O'CLOCKC P.M., the folkowing de- scribed land and premises, situate In the city ot Washingiton and the District of Columia. and dir- tinguished a. and being lot numbered one hundred and seventeen (117) of RudlhGoldschmidt's sub- division of a part of orgnllots noumbecred eight and nine (8 and ii). in aquare inumbsed two hun- dred and twgelve (212). as the ams appears of record in the edIce of the survyr fthe District of Columl'la, in Sobdivision BokNo. 13. at fall. 196, together with, all and singular, the improve- meats, ways, easements. ihs privilege, and ap- purtenances to the same blnngor In any wise appertairing, subject to a certain deed of trust bse $7,000, dated December 1st. 1693. and recorded De- cember 21st, 1893, with the accrued Interst due thereunder, amount of which will be stated at thu sale. Terms of ale: One-third of the purchase mnsey In cash, thme b~alance in'eno and twn years, at six (0) per centum per annum interest. payablte semd- annuallyv, notes secured by deed of trust upon the property mold, or all cash, at the oton of the pur- chaser. A deposit of $2080euie at the time of sale. Conveyancing and recording at the coat of te haser. Terms otsale toube complied with withmn ten days from dut ofsae otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the prpryat the risk and cost of the defaulting pucaearms fire days' advertisement of wuh resale in sma newspaper publishe In WashintoD. 0, JON Bm LEWNT. Tr e= ETHE AB~OVE SAIZ IS P1WIONim UNIE TETEEDAY. JANUARY PFTEENTH. 18145. mamne GASHFRIB DE . I Trustees. js3-dad DUNCANSiGN DROS., AU'CTIONIER. TRUSTIER* SALE OF BRIICK IIOU7 ON THU NORTHEAST C'OILNER OF TWENT'-SIKTEI AND I 6TP.FE1"S NORTIiWEET: ALSO A TWO-STORY BRICK ON THE REAR. By virte of a deed of trust dated October 14), 16110 and recorded among the land record. of the District of Columbia in Liber, 1526, at folio 1i0 et seq.. we will sell at public auction, In frout of the premises. at [[AF-P"AST FOUR O'CLOCK P.3M. on WEDNESDAY. JANUARY NINTH. A. D. 1SO5, lte following deseribed land and premn- ises, aituate ard lying In the city of Washoington, District of Colombia, to wit: The west twenty feet (26) front of origlina lot aumbered aix (6I), by the depth of seventy-two feet (72), in square numbered sixteen (16). Terms of sale: Onc third comb, the bialance ist one and twon years. tIslhe secured by deed of trust on the prolerty sold, and to heear intee at tha rate of 6 per cent per annum, payatble semni-an- nuslly, or all cash, sat the option of the par- chmser. A deposit of $200 will he required at time of sale. All conveyaneing to be at par, cmcr's Torma of note to he comnplied with within fteen days from date of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to resell at the risk and coat of the defalanting1 purchaser. C1ARLt B. IAHLEY, 425-dedsTrse. RATCLIFFE~, DAlR & 00.. Auctioneers, 1)30 Pa, ave. .r TRCETES' SALE OP TWO-S'IORY BRICK UU ON NORTHWENTr .siINER OF 111T1 AND T SrIIEET1S NOItTHWEST. By vlrtiee of a deed of trust dated July 13, 1876, recorded in LUber No. 62?, folio 217. one of the l-and records of the District of Columbia, the ma- dersigned trustees will aelil ypuille suction, In front of the premiso.s, on E1NESDAY, TEi SINTEENThI DAY OF JANUARY. 18!15. AT IHAI2- PAST. FOUlt O'CLOK P.M., all of lot one tl) In Win. II. Giunnell's subdivision of lots In suare three hundred and five (305), In the city of Wash- inIton, Dirict of COlum',a. Ternms of sale: One-third cash, the realdae of purcha'se money to) be iaid In two equal lnstall- ments, at o:,. and two yesase, with irierest frina day of sale, the stotes of pureimner to be given for deferred purchase m'mney, and to bee secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the optona of the purcitaser. A de osi f $2(60 to b'e madec when l"d is accepted. Trans et sale to be ccmjl.-l with: In ten days, or trstees rqse re rIght io resusl! at risk anid rest of deftalt. ing taurchIaser. All cat of conxveyaacing and re. cu:'ling: to be paid by purchaser. GE. . APPIEBY., Trustee. W. E. ED3IONSTON. Trustee. j.,- .d... Inre. SCO Sest U .

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · SUBURBAN NEWS ARACOSTIA. is accordance with the request of Health OfcerWoodwardRev. F. M. Ovelton, pan-ter of Campbell Methodist Episcopal Church,

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · SUBURBAN NEWS ARACOSTIA. is accordance with the request of Health OfcerWoodwardRev. F. M. Ovelton, pan-ter of Campbell Methodist Episcopal Church,


is accordance with the request of HealthOfcer Woodward Rev. F. M. Ovelton, pan-ter of Campbell Methodist EpiscopalChurch, Hubdale, last night called the at-tention of his large congregation to thenecessity ea account of the smallpaa epi-desi of an who have not recently attend-ed to the Matter to be at once vaccinated.A strong disposition to acquiesce in thesMggestion was manifested by those pres-e, Mush interest is felt by the members

of the church and congregation In the re-

vival services, which were begun by Mr.Ovelto about a week ago, and it Is be-seyed tdit as a result many new nameswill be added to the church roll.The charity fund In the hands of Sergt.

Kerby of the Anacoetia substation hasbeen slightly Increased through contribu-tons from police sources durmg the lastfew days, but the demands upon it con-tinue to be very pressing, and unless It isseedily again added to there Is great dan-ger that it will be entirely wiped out.Mr. Dana Davenport, sen of Rev. W. G.

Davenport, rector of Emmanuel ProtestantEpiscopal Church. Anacestia, who has beenspending the holidays with his parents, hasreturned to Baltin-ore to resume his studiesin theology under the direction of BishopPareL -

The grocery store, with its entire con-tents, belonging to Mr. J. R. McNey, nearBell's Churdh, Prince George's county. Md.,sas destroyed by are on Friday night last.The loss was about 1'00, on which therewas no instarance. The origin of the fire isUnknown.Mrs. Henry Biggs of Giesboro', Md.. who

28 well krown In Anacostla and Washing-ton, is seriously IlL.

- Mrs. Diggs, mother of Mrs. J. B. Nash, isvery Ill at the residence of the latter onJefferson street. Anacostia.Miss Ida Greer. daughter of Mr. Filder

Greer of Silver Hill. Prince George's county.Ad.. died on Saturday and will be buriedto day at the cemetery at Forestville. Theservices wigl be conducted by Rev. Mr.mal. Miss Greew was aged twenty-threeyears and had been a sufferer from con-sumption for several years.The week of prayer was inaugurated yes-

terday In Anacostia by services at theMethoist Episcopal and Baptist churcheswhere the respective pastors. Rev. JamesMcLaren and Hugh T. Stevenson, preachedSermons appropriate to the occasion.The annual meeting of the Christian En-

deavor Soclety of Congress Heights M. E.Church, for the election of ofgicers for theevsuing year will be held on Friday eveningnext. The present offcers have given muchsatisfaction, and will, It is understood bere-elected. They are: President, Mr. C. H.Baldwin; vice president, Mr. John Howeth;secretary. Miss Fannie Littleford; treas-urer. Mrs. Nannie Howarth; financial secre-lary, Miss Emma Simpson.

BYATTSVILLE,Gertrude Klernan, the fourteen-year-old

daughter of Mr. Robert Kiernan, who -e-sides on the Queer. Chapel road, near thissallage, was badly burned last Saturday byeoming in contact with a red-hot stowe inner father's kitchen. One of the childrenhal gotten behind the stove and was indanger of being burred, and while rernv-$ag the child from the place the girl'selothing caught fire. Attracted by herscrearr.s. some of the family rushed intothe room and exting-.:sher the flames byahrowing wr.ier upon the girl. Her righSide, atm and hand were severely burned.Dr. Richardson was ,-mnt for and renderedmedical assistance. At one time her re-covery seemed hopelesh, but her conditionwas somewhat better yesterday evening.Two of her fingers were so severely burn-ed that it Is feared they will have to beamitated.The Vansville Farmers' Club met last

Uaturday evening at the residence of Col.Davis. The following members were pres-et: Messrs. J. D. Cassard. Geo. E. Low-eree. Luther Brashears, F. M1. Magruder.A. J. Bennett and Drs. M. D. Humes andX. S. Hill. Prof. E. H. Brinkley and Capt.Fuller were the guests of the evening.The regular question was dispensed with.The early part of the evening was spentin social diversiens. Mrs. Bangs-Burnsand Mips Laura Bangs rendered severalmusical selections, and the latter also re-cited. A resolution was adopted by a ris-ing vote expressing sympathy for Mr. Jno.Unowden on the death of his sister. MissBessle Snowden, at Laurel. on Christmasday, by accidental shooting. which wasnoted in The Star at the time. Mr. D. M.Nesbit, chairman of the committee on theproposed institute, reported the followingprogram: Address of welcome. Jan. 1). Cas-sard, president of the Vansville Farmers'Club; "Gardening for Profit," John Miller,member of the board of county commis-sioners for Prince George's county; "HowMuch Control Have We Over Moisture inthe Soll Through the Methods cf Cultiva-lion?" Prof. Milton Whitney. chief of di-vision of agricultural soil, United StatesDvpartment of Agriculture; address byHenry Hallowell, A. M., of Santy Sprig.Nd.: "Experiment Str tion Work," RobertH. Miller. director of Maryland Agricul-tu~ral College experiment sca'on; "TheWashing of Soils, and Hmir 'o Remedyand Prevent It," Dr. H. W. Wlk-r, chenist,United State'q Department of Agricalture;'Farm Bulldings," F. Snowden HIZII, ex-United States Internal revenue collector;"AgricultAral Erlueati-m," Prof. W. F. L.Taliaferro, Maryland Agricultural Colkge.Evening session-"Better Hygienlc and So-c'al Surroundings for Country Children,"Mrs. Edward A. Rob'inson, president Woe-man's Christian Temperance Unmon of Ba'l-timore; "Farm Life." Judge Edward Stakeof Hagerstown. This Institute will be heldat Grange Hall. Bel tsville, on the 6thproximo, under the auspices of the Vans-villo Farmers' Club and the BeltsvilleGrange. in the Interest of the farmers ofthe state. An elaborate supper was served,Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Edward Caverley, Mrs.Harry Groves, Misses Stockbridge, Caver-key and Barga seeing to the comfort of theguests. The next nr.eeting of the club willbe held at the residence of Mr. A. J. Ben-hett, at Contee's Station, on the eveningof the 9th proxlmo.Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Smith wfll. take a

trip abroad in February, visiting Spain,Egypt. Syria. Greece and Rome.A number of young ladles and gentlemen

-went to Lakeland last Saturday eveningand skated en the lake at that place.Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ralston and Mrs. 11.

N. Ralston have removed to Washingtonfor the winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Nesbitare now occupying their house.


At the reguliar business meeting of theYoung Feople's Society of Christian En-deavor, held at the home of Mrs. George3. Wella, on Maple avenue, the large at-tendance bore evidence of the increasingioterest in this work. Four new memberssigned the constitution. After the regularroutine business, reports of committees,etc.. a program. iformal but interesting.kept those present entertained until thehofir for adjournment. Some of those par-ticipating were Rev. Arthur Little, Mrs.Bertha Burch, Mr. Harry Keefer, MissAlice .Jimmerson, Mrs. George H. Wellsand Mattle Ryan. Two chapters of a newSerial story In the "GoldIen Rtule" werereast, the reading to be continued at thesemeetings.Mrs. M.e4 ady Becker, who has been con-

flned to her home for the past fortnight.ts recoverlng, and was ou.t Friday for theflrst time.Mr. and Mrs. 'rhomas S. Skinner of Port,

Huron, Mich., guesits during the holidaysof Mr. and 3Mrs. E. E. Blodgett, left Satur-day to speniti the winter, as is their custom,in the south.Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman of Fair-

mount. Neb)., arrivedI Friday night, and willremain until spring. guests of Mr. and Mrs.W. kli. Fsoilmer, at the home of the latteren Carroll avenue.

S.4NDY SPRlNG.Ch'rles F. Brocke and F'rank Mi. Hallo-

well have tak~en the conrtract for supply-lng poles on the new~telephone line fromthis ph.cc to Rockville. Considerable workhas already been done an~d the poles plant-ed for ueverr.l miles.Samuel B. Wetherald and family hav'e

moved to their large new home in SandySpring village.The Waman's Assoclation met on Thurs-

day at Plainfleid with the two MesdamesMioore. Mrs. Joseph T. Mooro presid&,an-.the attenda~ne was vnu;sually large. as intdblitin to a r~oed representation of me~m-b'ers, the following guests were prerent:rs,. Asa M. Stabler, Mrs. S. C. UderM. ...a Mrs. unre Iavm, Mr. andt Mr.,

Tarlton Stabler, Mrs. Roger Brook, MissElinor Hough, Miss Grace Harvey. MisnMariana Stabler and Newton Stabler. TheFebruary session will be held at Sunnyside,with Mrs. Mary Osborne as hostess.Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Miller and chil-

dren have been with Mrs. Gray of Wash-ington and Miss Nora L. Stabler with Mrs.Fred. MeReynolds, also of Washington.Mrs. Caroline H. Miller is In New tork

eity with her daughter, Mrs. Samuel M.Janney, and Mrs. John Thomas is in Bal-timore. Miss Mary C. and Maurice L. Bent-ley spent a week in Alexandria during thehclidays with Mrs. E. S. Leadbeater.Mr. and Mrs. George Nesbitt have been

summoned to Stamford, Conn., by theserious illness pf Miss Sarah Nesbitt.The entire family of Dr. Wm. E. Ma-

gruder met at Christmas, their irst re-union since 188.The dancing class met on Thursday even-

ing with Mine Anna L. Thomas.


The funeral of Mrs. Catharine Freasetook place from Sligo Saturday. The re-mains were taken to St. Paurs Church,where the services were perfornied by therector. after which Interment was made atRock Creek cemetery.Several young people of Woodside have

been forming nightly ukating parties toChevy Chase.The Irving Literary Club meeting, which

was to have been at theL residence of Mr.Oscar Woodwood on Friday, was postpon-ed on account of the sickness of Mrs.Woodwood.Mr. W. W. Curtis and Miss Mary Curtis

have returned to their studies at Swarth-more College.Mr. Charles H. Morgan Is confined at his

heme withi a severe case of nervous pros-tration.Miss Adelal4e Condict, who has been

sick, has recovered and is now preparing tovisit relatives in New York.


Mrs. E. C. Fowler entertained at lunch-eon Friday the following guests: Mr. andMrs. R. W. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. W. W.Fowler. Mits R. Fowler and Mr. F. M.Smith of Washington, Mrs. F. M. Weberof Takoma and Mr. Oscar Johnson of Rock-ville.The Library Association of St. Paul's M.

E. Church met on Friday evening last atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Amiss.The president, Mr. G. W. R. Stokes. pre-sided. After the business part of themeeting was ovir the program was com-menced by a piano solo by Mrs. FlorenceGould, after which there was a muck wed-ding. the characters in which were: "An-nabel Nevertell Seraphina Jones," MissNannette Milliken; "Mr. Samuel SnodgrassJudas Jerks," Miss Clara Little; "Rev.Shadrach Meshac Abednego Longfellow."Miss Alice Harvey. The other numbers ofthe program were: Vocal solos, "Flow,Gently, Sweet Afton," and "Daddle," MissNellie Miner; rectations, "Margery Gray"and "The Raggedy Man," Mrs. Robert M.Mcore; piano solo, Miss Harvey, Instru-mental quartet, Miss Gartrell, Mrs. Fig-gins, Mr3. Stokes and Mrs. Harbaugh;banjo and guitar solos, Mrs. Harbaugh.Among those present were Mr. and Mrs.G. W. R. Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. Loren H.Milliken, Mr. and Mrs. C. F S'!ott, Dr. andMrs. John L. Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. Will.iamL. Lewis, Mrs. Harb'tugh, Mrs. F. B. Fig-girs, Mrs. R. M. Moore, Mrs. S. T. Gar-trell, Misses Fannie Reese, Nellie Miner,Stella Gartrell, Laura Wheatley, AlieHarvey, Nannette Milliken, Clara Little,Margie Hart, May Lewis. Flo Smith andMary Little, Messrs. Will Dulin and New-man Little and Masters Walker Smith,Eddie Little and Stanley Milliken. Thenext meeting will be held in February atthe home of Mr. W. H. Wheatley, the pro-gram for which meeting will be preparedby the following committee: Mr. Stokes,Miss Wheatley and Mrs. E. W. Moore.Misoes Madie and Fannie White of

Brightwood have been visiting their cousin,Miss Edna Mannakee.Dr. William L. Lewis has rented the

house of Mr. Albert Dorsey, on Lincolnplace, and removed there Saturday.The week of prayer at the Warner Me-

morial Presbyterian Church will be ob-served with services on Monday, Wednes-day and Friday evenings.


Wednesday next Is the time appointedfor the meeting of the Agricultural So-ciety of this county for the election ofofficers for the ensuing year, an:1 as th'eday approaches interest n the matter in-creases In all parts of the county. A con-certed movement is on hand to elect a newset of officers. and those engaged In itclaim that they will succeed by a fairmajority. For the past twa or three weeksa regular canvass has been made amongmembers of the soclety by th3se takingan interest on both sides, and a very fullattendance is expected. One of the ques-tions proposed to Le settled by the electionof a new board is that of extending therace track from one-third to half a mile,and for thin purpose it will be necessaryto purchase an additional tract of landsdjoining that now owned by the society.It is also said that the lowest price atwhich this land can be secured is 4t500 perecre. The present track has been in usesome three or four years and its construeion cost the society about S800, but it is:laimed by the advocates of a new board ofinanagemnent that in order to secure theittendance of first-class horses the tracknust be enlarged, and some are also in~avor of pool selling on the grounds. Theyc:lalm also that from the advanmajaeousocation of the grounds in regard to accessfrom all parts of the country and near prox-mity to Washington, Daltimore and other*ities this exhibition should and could bemade second to none in the state, and withShis end in view propose to push things forall they are worth. The more conservativemnembers of the organization take theground that while a half-mile track Is very.tesirable, the society is in no condition atp~resent to incur a debt of from $7000 to.'90o0 In addition to the present debt of$150 Some also claim that it is not thethlrd-mile track which prevents the at-tendance of first-class horses, but thermallness of the purses oruered, and pointto the fact that when several years agop~tirses of 300A were offered some of .thebest horses then in this section of the coun-try were in attendance, although the trackwas then shorter and not so well laid outes at present. It is to be hoped that allthe questions at issue may be settled ins'uch a manner as to promote the best in-terests of the society.The sudde'm deatn of Mr. Alfred Ray at

his home,near Forest Glen, on Saturday,is the subjiect of deep regmet among hisroany friends ial this section of the county,where he was well and favorably known..Mr. James M. Waters, a prominent younglarmer of the first election district, diedon Friday at the home of his father, Mr.M. Maccubbin Waters, near Goshen, in thethirty-fourth year of his age. Funeral ser-iIces ovot iris remains were held In GoshenChurch on Sunday morning, a large con-gregation being in attendance.Mrs. Luthe r King of Clarksburg died on

the morning of the Jd instant, after a briefillness, of pneumonia, aged twenty-three3 earsThe male quartet of this place, composed

cf Messrs. Dobson, Warfield, Prettymanand Reading, will furnish music at therieeting of thne Waverly Club of Gaithers-t urg this evening.Mr. Henry E. Higgins of Potomac dis-

trict andl Miss Anne M. Miller, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Frederick Miller. were mar-ried on the 2d Instant at the home of thebride, near this place, by Rev. L. L. Lloydof the M. E. Church South.The week of prayer commenced in the

M1. E. Church South at this place yester-day evening, with a sermton by Rev. P. P.F'lournay of the Presbyterian Church.Mr. Warren Choate and family left here

last week for Washington city, where theyv-ill reside during the winter.Misses Isabel Boule, Estelle Talbott, Bes-

s~e anid Mary Fields, Hattie Clagett, Katie

(nrr and Mildred Sweeny, who spent theholidays at their homes, this town, haver eturned to their respective schools in dif-terent parts of the country.Misses Beulah and Lillie Ward of Hunt-

Ing H1111 have returned to the school theyhave been attending at Martinsburg, W.I a.Messrs. J. L. and Larkin Davis. who have

been spending some time w;ith relatives and

D~one With Doctors.Mr. Geo. Gants writes: "I believe In the

ELECTrROrOISHl from eaperience. It lasdone much good for both me and my family.We hiar. no use for doctors any more."This Is but one of a legion of testimonials.

The ELEC'*ROPOISE is both sold and rented.I.'afets on application. (Agents wanted.)

aIl% N. WERR. T2R 11TP frP_ N W. MT-14d

friends In this county, have returned totheir home at Laurel, Md.Miss Smith of HyattsvilIe, Md., Is visit-

ing at the residence of Dr. D. F. Owens,this place.A pleasant reception was given last week

by Miss Lucy Simpson, principal of theRockville Seminary, to her teachers andpupils, which was largely attended andmuch enjoyed.The fourth quarterly conference of Rock-

ville Circuit of the M. E. Church Southcommenced here on Saturday and was con-tinued during Sunday. The sermon onSunday. at 11 a.m., was delivered by Rev.J. S. Hutchinson, presiding elder. Themeeting on Saturday was devoted to thebusiness Interests, of the church.While out sleigh riding on Saturday Mrs.

Edward Anderson of this place met witha painful accident. The horse she wasdriving became frightened and attemptedto run away, upsetting the sleigh andthrowing Mrs. Anderson and a lady com-panion out upon the ground. Mrs. A. hadone of her arms badly sprained. Her ladycompanion escaped without injury.Marriage licenses have been issued by the

clerk of the circuit court to the followingparties: Edward L. Brown and Rosie A.Lavelley; H. E. Higgins and Annie M. Mil-ler, all of this county.


Sone Dinhonorable Discharges andOther Annonneemnents of Interest.

The following named enlisted men, allprivates, were dishonorably dischargedfrom.the National Guard during the quar-ter ending -December 31: Fred A. Conlee,company A, sixth battalion; George E.Cox, company D, fifth battalion; FrankForrester, company D, fifth battalion;Ralph A. Gury, company A, sixth bat-talion; Charles J. Harley, company B,third battalion; George N. Henrey. com-pany B, third battalion; Harry C. Hodges,company A, sixth battalion; ClarenceKramer, company D, fifth battalion; Win.Kyle, company I:, third battalion; Alphon-sus B. Malone. gompa iy A, second bat-talion; Henry W. Murphy, company 1.fifth battalion; ThomaA S. Murray, com-pany D, iifth battalion; Jeremiah K.O'Hare, company C, fift1 battalion; OscarA. Phillips, company D, fifth. battalion;Clarence A. Proctor, company A. secondbattalion; George W. Redman. company D,fifth battalion; John M. Schwatka, com-pany D, fifth battalion; Ritchie 0. Taylor,company -B, third battalion;. James J,.Thomas, company D, fifth battalion; Wm.Tiney, company A, sixth battalion; Mil-lard W. t pperman, company D, fifth bat-tallon; Elliott Wallingsford, company B,third battalion; Wm. H. Ward, companyA. second battalion; Chris. C. Yeabower,company D, fifth battalion.

National Riflenm Yet Undecided.An annual election of certain ofilcers

occupied the attention of the NationalRifles until long after midnight on Thurs-day evening last, and for that reason thematter of entering the National Guard wasnot touched upon, and it cannot now bestated when It will findlly be disposed of.Since the last meeting there have beensome additions to the vote in favor of en-tering the brigade. Capt. Oyster, how-ever, is discouraged at the outlook.

.Notes.Candidate Staff Sergeant Frank E. Gib-

son, having been certified by the brigadeboard of examination as competent to bea commissioned officer, has been announc-ed in general orders as a "candidate forpromotion" to the grad- of first lieutenantof infantry, and is entitled to the privi-leges thereof.

In the National Guarl of the state ofNew York there was an increase duringINN4 of 1.217 marksmen over the year 1";.The total number who qualified during thelatter year was 7,rd8, and during the sea-son of 1894 the number was 9,135.

Sergeant Henry A. Whalon and PrivateC. Howard Bell, both of company C, fourthbattalion, have been transferred, as pri-vates, to company A, first battalion.

Corporal Henry W. Heine has been ap-pointed acting second lieutenant of comi-

pany C, fourth battalion.


The Situation at St. Paul.Republican leaders were busy at St. Paul

yesterday arranging for the caucuses of thesenate and house this evening. There are

only two candidates, for the speakership:Samuel R. Var Zant cf Winona and DanielShell of Worthington.Secretary 3ixby of the Nelson headquar-

ters says that the opposition to Washburnwill go into the caucus witl( ninety toninety-five of the 142 republican vtges. ItIs evident, too, that inere Is an understand-ing among Comstock, McCleary and Nelsonthat the vote of the three is to be finallythrown to the one most likely to win. BothLoren Fletcher and Charles A. Pillsburyhave positively announced that they will,under no circumstances, be candidates.

The Idaho Content.Both houses of the Idaho legislature will

complete organization today, and Gov. Mc-Connell will deliver his message tomorrownight. Late last evenirg a written proposi-tion was submitted by Judge Sweet to Sen-ator Shoup, proposing a caucus, but notime was sp~ecified.The populists will cut no figure in the

senatorial fight, and it will be settled bythe republicans.The populist members, fifteen in number,

will cast their votes for members oftheir own party, probably Col. Crook, theircandidate for governor two years ago.Friends of Shoup and Sweet are equallyconfident.

The Kansa. Senatorship.The senatorial contest in Kansas Is grow-

ing exceedingly interesting. Last night thefriends of J. R. Burton claimed his election.The candidates are as follows: J. R. Bur-ton. 28 votes; J. V. Ady, 17; Solon 0.Thacher, 14; Cyrus Leland, 16; Calvin Hood,It); A. W. Smith, 5, and John J. Ingalls, 5.The election takes place the 2'2d Instant.

In West Virginia.The West Virginia legislatdre will meet

at Charleston on Wednesday, and will votefor United States Senator January 22.

Hawaiian Conspirator. Held.Advices from Honolulu, Hawaiian isl-

ands, dated December 31, follow:The preliminary examination of the al-

leged ccrispirators took place last weekand three of them have been held for trialwithout ball.According to the witnesses for the gov-

ernment, there was a deliberate plot toobtain possession of the buildings and allthe prominent supporters of the republicwere to be surrounded and' arrested attheir homes by details of the conspirators.The government detectives even obtainedcomplete lists of those who were to bearrested.Among them were President Dole, his

cabinet officers, members of the executive'sadvisory councils, newly elected membersof the legislature, police officials and armyofficers.The conspirators claimed to have some

2,INN) stands of arms and the support of thenatives, but the trial developed the factthat the natives took no stock in the affair,and that the conspiracy was simply gottenup by a gang of dftcontented whiites andhalf whites.



By virtue of a dlecree of the Supreme Court ofthe District of Colfumbia, passsd in equity causeNo. 1Go25 (Besslinig vs. Bessiag et at.), I shalisell at public auction, in frent of the respect iveremises, on WEDNESDAY, THE SIXTEENTHrA O JANUARY, 1895, at FOUR O-CLOCKP.M., lot numbered fourteen (14) in square an-bered four hundred eighty-six (456), improved bythree-story brick buildings, No. 727 and 720 6th

sT'erms' of sale: One-half of the purchase money Incash, the remainder laayable in two equal install-ment, at one and two years, for which the notes

of the purchaser, with ,interest from date of sale,pyable semi-annually, will be taken, secured byced of trust, in the usual form, on the propertysold with policy of insurance on the improrements,in the sumk of at least one thousand dollars ($,000)n each parcel, or all cash, at the optIon of thepurchaser. A deposit of two hundred doliars ($200)n each parcel will be requIred of the purchaser atthe time of sale. All conveyacing, recording, &zc.,at the expense of the purch*.ser.

L CABELL WILLIAMSON,.Trustee, 478 La. are.

WAL.TER B. WILLIAMS CO., Aucts. jad&dsUNDER A DECREE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OFFaIrfax county, Virginia, the undersigned areauthorized to sell the valuable lots and dwellinghouses at. and 400 acres of timber land nearFairfax Court House, VirginIa, belonging to- theestate of the late 3. 0. Gunnell, at auction. JAN-UARtY TWENTY-FIRST. 1895.

D. M. CHICHIESTER and THIOMAS R. KEITH.jal nomm~~nes Fairfax Ct H.. Va.

(iOOD NEWS!1Sufferers from nervgus debility or from long-

standing and wasting diseases should lose no timeIn onsulting Dr., I. A. Walker, the leading spe-cialist In the treatment of all disorders of thebrain and nervom system. Dr. Walker has de-vofed himself during the nast twenty years to thestudy and treati:cent fof disease of this character,and his remarkable success has gained for him thehighest reputation boih in Europe and America.His treatment rit at the very foundation ofthe trouble in a I and the result is invari-ably a quick an pe anent cure. Dr. Walker ispermanently lited 1411 Pennsylvania avenue,adjoining WillarS's 1lTetel, where he may be con-sulted from 10 a.m; to 5 p.m. Charges very low,and consultation at offie or by mall free. Wednes-day and Saturday evenings, 7 to S. Sunday, 10 to12. See testimonials of cures in Post, 'Times andNews. All interviews sacredly confidential andnares never published except by owner's consent.oc15-tf




By Tirtue of a decree of the Supreme Court ofthe District of Colutli-t. pnssed in Equity CameNo. 15230, wherein tridget Itady is conmplainantand Mary Carroll and others are defendanits themalersigned trustees therein appioltit(d will offerfor sale at nublic nuction. in front of the prm-n-Ises. on MONDAY. TIlE SEVENTH DAY OF JAN-UARtY. A. D. 1895, AT FtcUR O'CLOCK P..\., thefollowing real estate in the city of W-ashington, Inthe Distriet of Colanhall. to wIt: Lot No. seven-teen (17). in square No. six hundred and seventy-seven (677). according to the plan or suldIvilonof said square a" mAdile by William P. Ehiott, esv..city surveyor, the said lot being improved lv ittwto-oy frane dwelling house known as No. 32 Gstreet northeast.Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money

to be paid In cash and tle htlance in two eqtualInstallitients. payable respectively in one und tworats. the sate to bhe evidenced. laP proanistfry

nottea bearing interest front the da. of asile. andto he secured by deed of trnst upon t.. prembs-es.or atlIs eler-tlcn the purchaser nay. pay, in cashIlte whole; of the purc-hase money. or any portiongreater th1an one-third. the residue. if any, to besecured as -nforesaid. A rash depnspit of $0& willie required at the time #1t sale. The taxes will hepala to the date of-sole. AU .conveyancoing sadrecording at' the cost of the tourchaser. If teiterms of wale sre nt -riiiited witli within t4tdays after the-day t sale the right. I reserred torundvertise and resell at the risk and cost ot thecefaultime purchaset.

It. P.YRID LEWIS, Trustee.416 5th st. n.w.

JOHN ALTHEUS 30HYN8tfN. Trustee.d27-d&ds 408 5th st. n.w.



D1y virtue of two deerres of the Supreme Courtof the District of Cohnubinla. prisseti tn the Itithday of Noveuber aid the 17th &~ty of )eecemler.A. D. 1194. respect!vely. In E.uity Cactie No.1.319. wherein Leopo!ld Schwarx et it]. are com-pilainants anl Genrsre W. Scleue-rman et il. nredefend:,nts. We will sell at pubiilie nuetlon. infront of-the premises. on MONDAY, TIlE NEV-ENTII DAY OF JANI'ATlY. A. D. 1895. AT IIALF.P.ST P0111 O'CLOCK P.M.. the followin:: lie.scrihed -i-l estate, situnte in the city of Wasth-ington. District of Colutbile: All of lit nnmherelsixty-five W.5) in D. A. Windsor'q subdivision insquare nutbered reven hndred nnil :!fty-four 17511.ns per plIt recored In Book No. 19. [ntse 10.. (.fthe recorls of the office of lie surveyor of sidhDistriet, together with certain rights reserved .vle-d in the tomith end ,.f lot 66t. :tid nc right eofway over lots 622 'W.nil fi1 of tle --ar fotr feetby their full wiTm.- WsaId sainre 7.1. s:;l lot C7h.e4in improved l a t~-cestiory :sld b-aemtent lrick-dwellin. S:id property will ibe rold tubt-et to a1deed of trust to seie nn indebtedess of $4.ts1.r:tturin March N. RM)7. rreordo'c In Liber 1t4.5,follo 23G et seg.,.gpf the land reeprds for said Dis-trct.Terms of sale s prerllferrt by the decrees: One.

third of the pu hpses ntonev in cash, and the hal-ince in two eqjual nstallelintls. pnyll six anl,tvelve months from the day of sale. respectively.for whhih the pqnlombry notes of the purchasrmust he given, -uri by deed of trust cn theproperty soid an heifrlner int-reat at the rate of 6per cent per anttm tciil paid. or all cash. at tlepurcihaser's optiot. All conve-yancint: and record-ing nt the cost 4f the prchaser. who will he re-Ituired to make t diepniit of $20'. nt the timte ofpale. If the terltas of, anle are not c-muiced withwithin fifteen dayls fromtu the ilay of sale the trns-tecs reserve the right to resell the prorperty at thecost and risk of tlie defnIlting purchaser, sifterfive days' previets' adtertisemtent of such resale insoue newspaper Imlished in the Distrl-t of Co-lumibia. SAM'L MADDOX. Trtiste.

R40 Ind. ave.SIMlON LYON. Trustee.

.1 t16 F st. .n.w.DUNCANSON BROS., Anetionwems.




Ily virtue of % iowee contained in a certnin deedof trust to us, tice udersigned, of date August Is,A.D. 18.4, and duly recorded in Liber 14J5. atfrii, 3'20 et seli., one of the land record books ofthe District of t'olumbia. and at tle request of tMeIsrty tereby secured, we, the tdersi;:ned trustees,will Sc-el, it pAIuiic auct:fca, inl frout, of the prei-ist-., oa TIIUISLDAY, the SLVE.\TKNTlI DAYOF JA.-UAIY, A.lt. 1895, at thle hour of PAL-r'AsTr FtwUR o'CLOCK P.M., thle follinfg de-scribed real estate in the city of Washington.lIistrict of C'olumulcla, to w-it: All of lot nuer~t-dcttirty-one (3lj. int Isaace Bradcley's subdicivisltc oifsc;unre rumbe~ired sevetyt-twco tit, accordicng topla~t of t.aid subialvislion, as thte samne appuears ofrciord inc the oite of ti:e taitnteyr- cif tihe Disat ietof Ce-aalila, int 1lorik J. Hi. K., -folio 81lt, etc-..intiprove~d byv a bcrick .cweilincg knownw tand niumbaeredlas I 109 New llitrntyshire nycatme northawest, suib-jct to, :1 periur tieed cif trutst con said propertyl forthe. sumlt of $..Oc00 of diate August 17, A4.1,. 183i2,anad duly recordedi in Liber; Nco. 1 703, fotleo 343 etse-ct. $a~d de oft trustI hears 6 per c-cnt intterest

pe~raan, andc does noat fall due until August 17,Term.; of scale: All enshc over nndi abov-e said

prior du-e of truzst... A dleosit of CIOs. will bce r-<ittiredl at thec timce of sale. All ecnvey-ancing aitilrtrd-cingt at puirchaser'sc cost. Tiermis of sale. tobe compitiled~ writhc it tenc clays fromt date oft sale.otl:c-rwisea trucstees rese-rve~the right to4 resell aitrisk and cost of defaulting puarchaster or pur-ebrsters.

RICHII.1D it. BIEALL. Trtustee.Nic. 1-20 New York nye. n.w.

JOSEI'l T. OFFU~TT. Trustee.jn7-cI&ds No. 1-420 New York nye. n.w.


FO UItTEENTII STREET SOUTHIEAST.By vir-tuce of a dee-roe of the Supreme Court of

the District of Colutnilia. passed in ecquity causeNo. 1486, whcerein Johcn L. Taylor and others arecornplainants and Autnie Fountain and others aredlefe-ndants. thce undersigned trustees ill sell, at

pubic uctenin front of the pre-mises. on liceNINIIDAYOFJANUARY, 115, AT OUit

O'CLOCK P.M., that piece or parcel of land andpremtises in thce District of Columnbla known anddescrIbed as follows: Comncin~ctcg for-lihe samte onFoiurtee-nth street southtcest. at the northeast cornerof lot numbiered eleven til). in suare numberedten hundred and sixty-osne (1061); thcence runingsouith forty-two (42) fed; thence east once hutndredtand one (101) feet; thence noth forty-two (421 feet;thence west one hundred antd one (101) feet to theplace of beginncing, Improved Icy a framue house.Termia of sale: One-third of tihe purchase money

(or. at the opition of the purchaser, any greaterportion or the whole of the purchase money) incash on the day of sale, or withtin ten days .there-after, and the balance of the purchaise money to bcepaid in two equal installmtents. payable in one andtwo years respectively frome lice day of sale, thceipurchaser to give his promissory notes for thedeferred paymez.ts, hearing interest at the rate ofsix per centum per annumc from the day of saleuntil paid, end secured bcy a good and sufficientdeed of trust upo* thtinpiremtisesi 5o sold. A detiositof $100 will be ruiret4 at the time of sale. Taxeswill be paid to ate. All conveyaztcing and re-cording at the c othe purchaser. If the termsare ntot complie witt within ten days the rightis reu'erved to resdl at the risk and cost of the de-faulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement inone of the WashI ten .~rs.

No. 416 5th at. n.w.,:. THOhIAS'I60THORION, Trustees.

3luit7 building,d27-d&ds No. 817 4%~ st. n.w.,




On MONDAY, JANdhRY FOURTEENTH. 1805,at FOUR O'CLOCK( E1., in front of the premIses,we shall offer at public auction for the under-signed executor the following descrIbed property,namely: Part of original lot No. 0, in square 456,having a front of 19 feet 7 Inches on E street and'running back an average depth of about 9)6 feetto a wide alley, improved by a three-story andattic brick, with basement, being No. 621 E streetnorthwest, between 6th and 7th streets. Thisproperty is located in one of the best businesscenters in the city, and where property is steadilyenhancing in talue, being in close proximity tothe ,general and city post sinfces, patent office,city ball and pension- ofice.Terms of sate: One-third of the purchase money'

to be paid in cash, and the balance to be paid intwo equal installments, respectively, na one andtwo years, secured py a deed of trust upon theproperty sold, wi iterest thereon, payab e semi-as~nually, at thE -'te of (3 per cent per annum,until paid, or all cash, at the option of the pur-chaser. A deposit of $250 will be required at thtetime of sale. Sale to be dlosed within fifteen daysfrom day of sale, otherwiise thce property will bers-old at thte risk and cost of defaulting pur-echaser, after five dz.ys' advertisetment in somenewspaper publisoed In Wrashington, D. C. Allcetveyancing and recording at the cost of theIpurchaser. Premises can ihe inspected any timeprior to c-ale, J. J. WIrMARTH.JaS-,. Exenute-.


Horses. . Horses.AT PUBLIC AUCTION.


No. 940 LA. AVE.


TOMORROW (TUESDAY) MORNING, JANUARYEIGHTH, AT TEN O'CIDCK, will be sold withinthe bazaar, for Mr. Thomas Kirk of Philadelphia,a carload of Horses and Mares, some extra work-ers and fine drivers.

- ALSOSix Fine Sound Young Horses and Mares

Twenty head of Horses and Mares, goad workersand drivers.This is good stock for any purpose, and will be


Several New and Second-hand Vehicles. Harness.&c.it S. BENSINGEt. Auctioneer.

Joseph Bros. & Co.,AUCTIONEERtS, 637 LA. AVE.

TUESDAY, JANUARY EIGHTH,[Ens-tapmaow Mmle oif

Ont TUESDAY, JANUARY EIGHTH, at TENA.M. we will hold a special sale of HouseholdFurniture. including a large assortment of ChamberSuites. in oak and walnut; Parlor Suites, Blankets,Spreads, Comforts. 10 pairs lace Curtains, assortedstyles; [air and Shuck Mattresses, Steves andianres. Sidelanirds 'Pictures, Showcases, new andused Carpets. Skin and other Rugs, Marble-top Ta-bit A. Chenille lortleres, etc.ja7-20h CHAS. WEEKS, SALESMAN.THOMAS DOWLING & CO.. AUCTIONEE11S,



By virtue of a deed of trust, dated June 14 1893sand uttly recorded In LI11r 1827. folio 281. one ofthe land records of the District of Columbia, andby direction of the party secured thereby, theundersigned trustees will sell, In front of thepremises, on TIENDAY. JANUARY EIGHTH,1%05. at HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK. the follow-ing improved property: Sul lot 83. In squale 723,eling No. 120 D street noatheast. subject to a first

trust of $3,0010, due Noveualner 16, 180.Terms: All above the first trust to be cash. All

conaveyancing ani recording at purchaser's ost.$1w, deposit required at time of sale.

JOHN' S. SWORISTEDT. Trustee,1= st. .w.

GE. J. EASTERDAY, Trfste-.d26-d&ds 1410. G St. n.W.

-THOMAS DOWLINO R CO., AU iTJONElims612 -E ft. u.w.


By virtue of s deed of trust. dated Septemhar30. 11, and recorded in Liber No. 1734. folio401 et seaq.. one of the hind records of the Districtof Columnlit. and at the request of the holders ofthe note thereby sea ured. I. the surviving trustee,will sell at public auction, In front of the premd-tes. &owT;F_'DAY. TIlE EIGFITIl DAY OF JANU-AllY 1895, at FOUII O'LOCK l'.Ml.. lots aum-beet1(I EeveLty-fo'tr t741 and seenty-tive (75), InI. E.& la yhaew's tuhdiviion of lots In square num-bere1d oue hundred und thirty-three (133:, as perplat recorded in hook Ii. D. C.. folio 74. of theaet orda of the surveyor's edict' of the istrict ofCuumbil. with the improvements thereon, con-s n::.tag of two tao-story frame dwellin;s.Termis of skill-: Ore-third of tle plureliase money

to boe paidl in eavh. bhlance in two equal Install-nwuts. it One and two years from day of sale, re-slawetively, with interest at the rate of 43 per centlr annuam until pld. p:ayable emnl-annnually. thed-lferred payments to be represented by the pnr-eln;tier's notes. secured by deed of trust on theprtoperty sold. or all cssh. at the option of theplrehar. A deposit of $210 will be req'uired atthe t.tne of sale. Terms of sale to be compiledwithl within tean days fron date of sale. or tetrustee reseres the right in ndvertire anti resellthe prolerty at the risk crid cost of the defaut-Ing purelaser. It. It. T. Ll'1OLD.del-dI&% Suryivin: Trustee. 130. F at. n.w.

SIllNCANSON 1ilt08... AuctIoneers.


Ily irine of n certain d-ed of trust to us, bear-Ing date )eebnilier N. 1113, and duly recorded inl.'her 1,71. folio 2417 et seg., of tie land recordsof tile DMstrlet of Colubnla. and at the written re-

quest of the pairtles seenlred thereby, we wvIll sellat pablie auction, in front of the premises. onTUMtSDAY, THE EIGHTl 1AY OF .ANUARY,A.D. 189'5. AT lIALF-PAST FOUR O'CIOCK P.M.,all that certain 1iece or parcel of land anl arem-lees. sititate in tie city of Wtshhngton, District ofColtalluminl. and being .lot 16, In louts C. Ferrell'ssul division of part of original lot numbered 1. Insituare 243. as per platt recorded In ULier 20, follo1I , of the records. of the ofiice of the surveyor oftie District of Columbia, together with Improve-ments.The nbove property will be sold subject to a deed

of trust for $.400. together with interest thereonfromt May 2, 1894. at the rnte of 6 per cent peranLum, irterest payable semi-annually.Terms of sate: One-thlinl cash, lealance in one

year. far which the note of the urchaser, withirterest at 6 per cent per annut, iyable semi-annually. will be taken, secured ty deed of truston the property sold, or all cash, at option of par-chaser. A deposit of $200 will he reintred at timeof sale. All oanveyaning and recordag at pur-chaser's cost. Terms of vale to be complied within fifteca days from datg of sale.


in5-St Trustees.




By ;ittne of two deeds of trest, dated, .*spec-tively, the 11th day of June, 1810, and the 11th dayof June. 1892, and recorded among the land recopisof the District of Columbia, In Libe- 1494, folos438 et seq.. and Llber 1710, folios 130 et seq., re-pectively, we will sell, at pub~ile auction, on thepremIses, on TUESDAY, the EIGHTEENTH DAYof DEFA3ItER,. A.D. 1894, at FOURI O'CLOCKP'.M., thae following describad land and parenmises,wi't the lnmprovcments, ensements, rights, waysandl appurtenances ther-unto belonging, situtate andintg in the couaty of Washingtion, and the Dis-

trict of Coltumbta, to wit: All that part of'Metrop~olis View" (thte farm formerly owned bythe late WVashington. Berry), according to a sub-dvision by John A. Atliddleton antI Thtomas WV.Berry, trustees, and filed with their first report ofsales in the ehaneery suit of hIldtdleton et aL.a;ninst Berry et ali., No. 5100, equity do'ket 7, intie Supareme Court of thte District of Columbhia (acopy of whaich lat Is also recordeda In Llier "Gov-ernor fhephaer 1," folia 41, of time records of thesumveyor's aifliee of the District of Colaumblaa), con-taineud aithiun the follo -laig naetes and bounds: Be-ginnIng at the inters~ction of the east line of 4thstreet em at extended and the center line of Centralaverue, and running thence north 02 degrees eastonae haundred and fourteen andl seventy-two-bun-dre-dthma t14.72, tperch-'s to the westerly line of theright of way of time Metropolitan branch, Baltimorend Ohio railroad. thenee with said westerly linesouth 10% degrees west eight and thirty-sx-hutn-dredths (S.30) perches; thenace south 15% degreeswest twelve and twe'l-e-hmundredths (12.12) paerches;thence south 18 degrees west six (6) perches;thece sth 17% degrees west eleven and sixty-eight-lundretdths t11.681 perehes: thence south 20%hdegrees a est five anal sixty-elghmt-handredths (5.081perches; thence south 21%1 degrees west six andeight-hunidredlths (0.08 pe'rches; thence south 251degrees west sIx and forty-four-hundredths (6.44)peccchs; thence south 22 degrees west six andlfor-hndredths (0.00) ferchues; thence south 20%Adgrees west fourteen andi sixty-four-hundlredths(14.011) perches: thence leavIng said westerly* lineouthm 02 degres west tIrteen and five-tenths13.519 perches to a stone in the center of Southavenue; thence with the center of said avenuesoth (12 degrees west seventy-fiye and eighty-five.hundredths (75.85) perches to the east line of 4thstreet east extended; thence due north sixty andaIne-tenths (00.9) perches with said east line of

4th street east extended to the beginning. Con-taning 31 acres, maore or less, and being all thatpart of "Metropolis View," owned bylKatharineChase, lying east of the east line of 4th streeteast extended and west of the Metropolitan branch,Untimore andl OhIo railroad, south of Central ave-ne and north of South avenue.Terms of sale: One-fourth of the purchase moneyo be pail in cash, nd the balance In one, two andithree years. to be represented by note. of the pur-chaser or purchasers, bearing interest at the rateof 6 per "eat per annum from the day of sale, pay-nhle seanl-annually. secured lby deed of trust uponthe property sold, or all ensh, at the option of the

pucae.A deposit of one thoausand ($1.000) dol-larrquiedat time of sale. All conveyancing and

recording at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale tohe complied with within fifteen (15) days from dateof eale, othersvise trutsteeq reserve the right to re-sell the property at the risk and cost of the de-faulting purchase", after ten days' ntotiee of suchresale in some newspaper published in the city of

Waslnsot, D~ ALBERT A. .WILSON,-JOlHN B. LARINER,1335 F st. nw.,

d4-al Trustees.



1333 F et. n.w.,d19l-w&stfat5thd Trustees.


By virtue of a deed of trust, given to us andrecorded in Liber No. 1716, at folio 245 et

se., one of the land records of the District ofCumbia, and at the requetst of the party secured,

we will sell at public auction, in front of thaeprmises, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARtY SIX-TEENTH, A.D. 1895, AT HALF-PAST FOURIOCLOCK P.M., the following described real estateIn the Distrlst of Columbia, to wit: Lot twenty.two (22), in block numbered sixteen (10), of theHoward University subdivision of the farm thatformerly belonged to the late John A. SmIth, comn-monly called "Effigham Place."Terms: One-third cash, balance In one and two

years from the date of sale. the deferred pay-ments to be secu-ed by deed of trust upon theroperty sold, and to bear interest at the rate ofper cent per annum, payable semi-annually, or

a~ll cash, at the option of the purchaser. A de-posit of $100 to be pid at the sale. Terms to becomplied with fifteen days from the day ofsale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right toresell the property at the risk and cost of the de-faulting purchaser. All conveyancliag at pur-haser's cost. -JSP ,NSN

,a-dt CHnoAnIm B. BAILEY,


C. G. SLOAN & O.. AUCTIONE8sE 140 G At

Catalogue Sale

Fine OilPaintings,By Eminent American and

Foreign Artists,Such as Watteau, Simmonetti, Th. Frere, Har

quette, Kock-Kock. H. Kern, Brissot. Kircl-naY

and manv others of equal merit.

To be sold at public auction within our ar

gallery, 1407 G street.

On WEDNESDAY andTHURSDAY, January9th and ioth, 1895,

at ii a. m and3 p- m.

On exhibition up to hour of sale.

Catalogues Ready.C. G..SLOAN & CO., Auctioneers.



On * THUIMDAT; JANUARY- -TENTH, 105. atElEVEN- -Ot1AK-- A.IL, will Ie mdd, at iMAbibauctin,- -at. -the. roverument -mail tbag equipmentshops, Nus. 470) and 4S1 C street northwest. a quantity of unserviceable property. such as 60.000 lbsScrap Jute, more or less; 1,600 lb. Clean Canvasmore or less; 1,000 lbs. Waste Twine, more or lessand other miscellaneous articles. Terms cash. B)order of RUFUS B. NIERCHANT,Ja3-d&dhs Disbursing Clerk P. 0. Department.

1Y DECItEE OF THE tCICUIT COURT OF FAIRfix county, Virginia, the undersigned are authorized to sell the Union Hotel property, belonring to the Tyler estate, at Fairfaa OmiHouse, Virginia, at auction, JANUARY TWENTY-Fill. 1t41t5.For pa rnlars apply to R. W. MOORE, C. W.

TYLER and J. M. LVE, Conmiaslonees, Fair-fax C. H.. Vn. ja3-Gt' MiOMAS IJOWL\IN & CO.. ALV'1'10 imit

Trustees' Sale by catalogueof the personal effects

of Mrs. KatharineChase,embrac-ing in part,


This is one of the most iortant sales evernade in this city, and nsculd command thne at-tention of parties desiring rare and elegant at-tiles collected froma all jlarts of rhe world.On exhibition two days prIor to sale, when de-criptive catalogues will be ready.

WALTER U. CLEPHANE,344 D st. n..

CREED II. FULTON,456 Ia. are,

dS-d&ds Trustees,

C7THE A-BOVE SALE IS UNArOIDABLY POST-poned antal WED.NESDAY. JANUARY SECOND,195, samne hour and place.. By crder of thetrustees. THOMAS DOWLING .& CO.,d15-d&ds -Auctioneers.

E7THE AROVYE SALE IS AGAIN UNAVOIDABLY~postponed until WEDNESDAY, JANUARY KIN'a.1t396, same hour and place.By order of the trustees.


By virttue of that certain deed of trust. recordedIn Liber No. 983,. folio 174 et seq., of the landrecords of thne District of Columbia. the underasigned will sell at public auction, on WED)NES-DAY, THE SINTEENTH DA1E OF JANUARY.A D. 181,5 at FOURI O)'CIDK P.M., in front ofthe premIses, all those certain parcels of land iithe city of Washington, District of Columbia,krown and distingished as all of original Iotaumbered 14 and 13, and the rear part of original

lot numbered 16, in reservation numbered 10. be-inning 713 feet 2 inches northwardly from Penn-sylvania artenune and running back with thne fullwidth of said lot to the putblle alley in the realthereof, together with the imnprnements thereon.consisting of that large' and substantial structureknowna as the Globe building. Thne entIre propertyto tbe sold contains 11,245i sqluare feet of land.Terms of sale: One-third cazsh and thne balance intwo equal installments, at one and two year., forwhich tihe notes of the purchaser, with interestfrom the date oif sale, payable semi-annually, wille taken, secured by deed of trust, in the usualform, on thne property sold, with poller or in-srance on the binldings, in tihe suma of at least

$10,000, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser.All taxes to date of sale payabtlle out of the liur-hase nmoney. A deposit of $30 will be reqluireds

of the purchaisr at the time of sale. If theterms of sale are nt compikd with in ten daysthe righnt Is reserved to resell the propert -, afterire days' advertisement, at the risk and cost of

the defaulting purchanser. .

THOMIAS E. WAGGAMAN..a~dd WILLIAM A. MAURY.ja1-d~dsTrustees.


By virtue of a deed of trust duly recorded in llherL411, folio 200) et seq., of thne land records of theD1strict of Coluambla, anal at the requneat of the-arty theret~y securedi, we wilU sell at ubile auc-ion, in front of tine premises, ON WEDNESDAY.IlE SIKTEENTHi DAY OFe .JANUARY, 181)5, ATOUR O'CLOCK P.M., parts of original lots num-ered two (2), thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), Inquare nu.nbered founr hundred and eighty-eiht48), beginniang for thne sanme at the southeast cor-er of said lot bumblered two (2), snd runninghence west on E street twenty-sIx (20) feet two(2) inches to the public nulley, thence north on saialley one hnundred and thlrty-four (134) feet two (2)lce, thence east twenty-six (20) feet two (2jiches, thnenee aouth one hundred and thlrty-fonr

134). feet two (2) Inches to E street and the tbe-gining.Terms of r- e: All sums crer and abnore $12,000.ith the Interest accrucd thereon (bnein" a prierrust), to be paid Inn cash. A depinsit of $200 re-ured upon acceptar:ce of bid. If tine terms of

male are s~ot comp*iled wIt Inn ffteen days frmh. day of sale thne trustees reserve the right toesell the property at the rink and coat of thne de-aulting pureb.ser after five days' nethk-c of such

sae in seome ntee'aier published in the DistrictsfColunbis. All necessary information given oniay of sale.


-Trustee,aK-ld a1T E at n.




Under and by -irtue of a certain deed of trItnus, bearing date April 21. 1810, duly recrded InUber MIs1. folio 190, of the land records of theDistrict of Columbia, and at the request et thepatty e ired thereby, we. the undersigned trustee,will sell, at i auction, in front t said prean-tso, an SA! 3LOAY. the NINETECENTH DAY eJANUARY A. D. 185, at HALF-PAST YOURO'CLOCK P.M., all that certain piee or et -

land, situate In the city of Washington, etColumbia, to wit: Mhat part of tot foer (4). squaretwo humdred and sleety (20M. heglasing for thesue on the north side of 5 street sixteen (1feet and eight 8i inebs from the southeast cornerof the mid lot, and se.ning thence north eighty-eight (SS) feet and six (0 inhes, thame east tero(4) feet and eleven and coe-third (11 1-3) eches,thence narth seventy (70) feet and six (4%6ncbithence west twenty-three 2) feet and fieone-third (5 1-) inches, thence mouth seventy (70)feet' and mix .6% inches. thence west fourteen (14)ft-et and ten (10) laies, theme sath eighty-eight:88) feet and six (6) Imhes, theme east thirty.three (70) feet and four (44 inches to the place 91beginning, together with all improvemets thersm,bubject to acc.-ed taxes to date.Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money

to be paid in cash. and the balance to be paid intwo equal installments. respecttrely, in one andtwo y ered by a deed of trust on the prop-erty sol with nlter-est. payable semi-annumally, atthe rate of 6 per cent per ama until paid, or allcash. at the option of The pardaser. A deposit of$500 will be required when the bid is accepted. ICthe terms of te sale are not comaplied with infifteen days the trustees reserve the right to reselthe property at the risk and cost of defaultingpurchaser.ROE A.S AGROGEit A. SPRACUR,


612 E S.


By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court ofthe District of Columbia, passed in equity eans.No. 15,75 (Womuersley vs. McGine et al.), wewill wel at Pube auction, in ftnt of the se-apeetire Preme6 en WEDNEDAY. 21E NINDAY (W JANUARY. 105. AT FOUR O(F'AMKE.M., Jet -amnbeed twenty-three (). in aarenmbesed ane h.med -and fse (16%5. - bytwo two-story brick dweliiW knew as N180and 1610 1 street u.w. TiAnd an the samme day. Immediately thereafter.

the dast one-alf of lst menhed thirteen (0), insquare- numbered one handrei and sixty-six tl8q),impoeed by a two-story brik dwellig. Ne. iiH street u.w.AND ON THURSDAY. THE TENTIV DAY OF

JANUARY. 1811. AT POUR O'CIOCK PM.. wewill sell part of lots cumbered twenty-four 424).twenty-six 426) and twenty-seven (27). in sqarenumbered one hundred and seven (107). with thetwo-story frame bosme thereon. No. 1028 lothstreet n.w.: the part of mid lot twenty-four (24)being bounded as follows: Beginsmig at the south-west corner of coid ot, and running thence northtwelve (12) feet: thence east forty (40) feet; thence -

south six (6) feet three 43) inches; thence westtwenty (2D) feet: thence south five G) feet nine(9) inces. and thence west twenty (MO feet to theplace of beginning: the part of said lot 26 boned._ed as follows: Beginning at the mouthwest cornerof mid lot and running thence north 2 feet;thence east 61 feet: thence south 3 feet. andthence west 61 feet to The place of begiusng; andthe part of said lot 27 being the north twelve (IDfeet front by the depth thereof.And Immediately thereafter on the name day.

the south half of lot numbered nine (1. In squarenumbered one hundrod and nInety-seren (1971. to.proved by a two-story rame dwelling. No. 11116th street n.w.: the said pmperty all being inthe city of Washinctor and District of Coluhbia.Terma of raie: One-third cash, oe-third in one

year and one-third In two years from day of sal.with * t-rest payable seri-saenally, for whichthe purchaser's notea to be given: -r all -ash forany portion, at the tion of the purchaser. A de-posit of $100 requir. on sale of each rcel, andterms to be complied with in rfteen s in de-fault of which usale to be made at the risk andcost of such purchaser. All convesyancing at putrchamers cost.

JOB BAINARD. Trustee.50W St st. mvw.

ANSON 8. TAYLOR. Trustee,1213 F at. .w.

F. CAUr WILLAMSON. Trustee,424-d&ds 478 [A. ae



By virtue of that certain deed of trust, recordedIn LiJher No. 19Wre, folio 2X4 et seq., of the landre-orls of the Distrirt of C)umbla, and at therequest of the parties sacri thereby, we willsell, at public auction. in front of the premises. onFILDA. the EIGHTEENi DAY of JANUARY.A.D. 1895, at HALF-PAST FOUR OCIAM'K P.M..all that certain piece and pareel of land and prem-ises, situate In The city of Washington. District ofColumbia, and being known and distinguished asthe south half (%) of original lot numbered twelve(12) in rare numbered three hundred and seventy-seven (377).Term" of sale: One-fourth of the purchase amoney

to be p6id in cash. balance In fve equal install-ments, iayrble in one. two, three, four and iveyears after date, or all cash, at the oation of thepurchater; deferred payments, if any. to be rep-resented by the purchaser's notes, bearing interestfrom the date of sale at t~w rate of 6 per cent perannum, payable semi-annually. and secured by deedof trust upon the property sold. All conveyancingand reording at The rehaser's cost. A depositof $500 will b± resluire at time of male. Terms ofsale to be cmplied with in afteen days from dateof sale, or the right is maerved to resel the prop-erty. after five days' advertisement, at the risand cost of the detaalting pnrchaser.




inLber 874.folio 310 et se.. on. ftelnrecord. of the District of Clbawe will sell,In frnt of the premises, on THIUIlSDAY. theTHIIRD DAY of -JANUARY, A.D. 1895. at HAIR-PAST FOUR O'CLOCKC P.M., the folkowing de-scribed land and premises, situate In the city otWashingiton and the District of Columia. and dir-tinguished a. and being lot numbered one hundredand seventeen (117) of RudlhGoldschmidt's sub-division of a part of orgnllots noumbecred eightand nine (8 and ii). in aquare inumbsed two hun-dred and twgelve (212). as the ams appears ofrecord in the edIce of the survyr fthe Districtof Columl'la, in Sobdivision BokNo. 13. at fall.196, together with, all and singular, the improve-meats, ways, easements. ihs privilege, and ap-purtenances to the same blnngor In any wiseappertairing, subject to a certain deed of trust bse$7,000, dated December 1st. 1693. and recorded De-cember 21st, 1893, with the accrued Interst duethereunder, amount of which will be stated at thusale.Terms of ale: One-third of the purchase mnsey

In cash, thme b~alance in'eno and twn years, at six(0) per centum per annum interest. payablte semd-annuallyv, notes secured by deed of trust upon theproperty mold, or all cash, at the oton of the pur-chaser. A deposit of $2080euie at the time ofsale. Conveyancing and recording at the coat of

te haser. Terms otsale toube complied withwithmn ten days from dutofsae otherwise thetrustees reserve the right to resell the prpryatthe risk and cost of the defaulting pucaearmsfire days' advertisement of wuh resale in smanewspaper publishe In WashintoD. 0,



GASHFRIB DE . I Trustees.js3-dad



By virte of a deed of trust dated October 14),16110 and recorded among the land record. of theDistrict of Columbia in Liber, 1526, at folio 1i0et seq.. we will sell at public auction, In frout ofthe premises. at [[AF-P"AST FOUR O'CLOCKP.3M. on WEDNESDAY. JANUARY NINTH. A.D. 1SO5, lte following deseribed land and premn-ises, aituate ard lying In the city of Washoington,District of Colombia, to wit: The west twentyfeet (26) front of origlina lot aumbered aix (6I), bythe depth of seventy-two feet (72), in squarenumbered sixteen (16).Terms of sale: Onc third comb, the bialance ist

one and twon years. tIslhe secured by deed of truston the prolerty sold, and to heear intee at tharate of 6 per cent per annum, payatble semni-an-nuslly, or all cash, sat the option of the par-chmser. A deposit of $200 will he required attime of sale. All conveyaneing to be at par,

cmcr's Torma of note to he comnplied withwithin fteen days from date of sale, otherwisetrustees reserve the right to resell at the riskand coat of the defalanting1 purchaser.

C1ARLt B. IAHLEY,425-dedsTrse.

RATCLIFFE~, DAlR & 00.. Auctioneers,1)30 Pa, ave. .r


By vlrtiee of a deed of trust dated July 13, 1876,recorded in LUber No. 62?, folio 217. one of thel-and records of the District of Columbia, the ma-dersigned trustees will aelil ypuille suction, Infront of the premiso.s, on E1NESDAY, TEiSINTEENThI DAY OF JANUARY. 18!15. AT IHAI2-PAST. FOUlt O'CLOK P.M., all of lot one tl) InWin. II. Giunnell's subdivision of lots In suarethree hundred and five (305), In the city of Wash-inIton, Dirict of COlum',a.

Ternms of sale: One-third cash, the realdae ofpurcha'se money to) be iaid In two equal lnstall-ments, at o:,. and two yesase, with irierest frinaday of sale, the stotes of pureimner to be givenfor deferred purchase m'mney, and to bee securedby deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash,at the optona of the purcitaser. A de osi f$2(60 to b'e madec when l"d is accepted. Trans etsale to be ccmjl.-l with: In ten days, or trsteesrqse re rIght io resusl! at risk anid rest of deftalt.ing taurchIaser. All cat of conxveyaacing and re.cu:'ling: to be paid by purchaser.

GE. . APPIEBY., Trustee.W. E. ED3IONSTON. Trustee.

j.,- .d... Inre. SCO Sest U .