Successful selling in the Cloud – Part II Brian Holder – Corporate Online Services

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  • Successful selling in the Cloud Part II Brian Holder Corporate Online Services
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  • Consumer Cloud Services TV/HOME PC MOBILE
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  • Why Cloud? Why Now?
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  • Commercial Cloud Services
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  • Enterprise class communication and collaboration software delivered via subscription services hosted by Microsoft and sold with partners
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  • Australian Customer Wins
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  • Value Proposition Faster deployment Better productivity through anywhere access Simplified management Always upgraded an on the latest versions Providers users with latest productivity tools Enables IT staff to focus on adding business value Helps meet the challenges of workforce reduction Helps IT adapt to mergers and acquisitions quickly Business class availability backed by Financially backed SLAs Highly secure operations geo redundant datacentres Assurance of world class operational standards 99.9% uptime Makes your costs even and predictable Reduces both capex and opex Priced simply: includes both software and hardware + management Finance Process Technology People
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  • Near Term Opportunity Has workforce with no dedicated PC Need to communicate to all employees 10 Task-workers Needs to lower costs fast Needs more efficient IT (centralize or consolidate platform) Cost Wants strategy or evaluating cloud Outsourced or evaluating outsourcers Is unhappy with current outsourcer Cloud/Out- sourced Has Google created initial interest Last Novell strongholds Notes customer (http: //notescompete) Google, Groupwise or Notes
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  • Near Term Opportunity Is not deployed on current technology (on Ex 2000, Ex 2003) Wants dynamic infrastructure. Greater standardization 11 Challenges Staying Current Has security/ reliability concerns Has challenges with up-time Up-time Challenges Needs standardized infrastructure, fast addition of new users Is expanding Needs collaboration strategy to drive revenues Mergers & Acquisitions New CIO, CEO, CTO, TDM Change Agent
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  • Essential to Qualify 12 BPOS is Highly Configurable, not Customizable Indemnification - your own data, VL Data Privacy / Data Location Right to Audit - reports only Limitation of Liability: 6-month fees Evergreen always current/patched Comfortable with our Roadmap Key alignment items to be discussed and signed off on early in sales cycle
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  • Establish up front What is your preferred purchasing model? Enterprise Agreement
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  • Art of Selling Online Services Proactively tell the cloud story 14 Not just selling software, you are selling trust Know where Google is playing: Apps detector Engaged and strong executive sponsor
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  • Art of Selling Online Services Focused opportunity management 15 Need a strong compelling event with the customer Be confident and take a leadership position! Is the cloud right for your customer?
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  • The Tougher Items Selling more than software 16 BPOS parity and integration with on-premises Security and compliance discussions Strong aggressive competitor with a lower price
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  • What Google is telling YOUR Customers Youre WASTING $150/desktop per year. We deliver and DEPLOY FAMILIAR technology that people actually USE and COLLABORATE with. Spend 1/3 OF THE MONEY with us. You didnt DEPLOY. 17
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  • How We Will Beat Google Define the battleground: get there first with our vision Describe entire cloud platform: Azure, online, CRM, Live, Bing, etc. We are about productivity, they are about advertising 18 Lead with the Cloud Cite true collaboration costs with Google. Emphasize Google's unrealized business cases GAPE is a consumer offer with an enterprise name: they arent ready Emphasize new flexibility from Microsoft (DW to eCAL). Google's Real Costs Highlight PC, phone, and browser symmetry. Show us off demo online Highlight scenarios vs. features (Google will struggle in a real- world environment). What is an hour worth? End-User Experience
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  • What is in it for me POR Fees Migration & Integration Business Consulting & CustomizationBusiness Customization Managed Services Partner Revenue Opportunity
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  • Situation Move to new print technology to drive dramatic increase revenue But restricted available money for OpEx deals Multiple email systems Not all staff had email Poor communications to customers Recent email security issue Approach taken Proven relationship with key stakeholders Trust based on prior successes Software+Services pitch RoI analysis Lessons learned Focus on the compelling events Licence renewal New line of business being introduced Where did we / will we make our money? Also won $50K of other licencing Upsell to full suite (mostly for Live meeting) IP Tel expansion Expand our support business with the customer
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  • Situation Point Solution 100 Seats On-Premise Vs Online Safety Audit Lessons learned Set Expectations Ease of Use Perception Productivity out of the box Business Case? Or not. Change Management Technical Limitations Approach taken Business Outcomes Conversation Revenue Immediate Configuration Future Ongoing business advisor Annuity streams Cloud computing experts.
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  • Start preparing now talk to Kathryn or Bill Coming soon
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