SUMMER EDITION 2009 SHU: McNair Scholar Review Siena Heights University Directors Corner From the Director’s Corner – Fall 2009 Greetings and welcome back for the fall semester! Whew, did summer just fly by or what??!!! It seems we just started our summer program and now it is the beginning of a new academic year. Our summer class started the day after graduation and saw 17 participants (the largest class ever!) successfully com- plete the McNair summer research class, Methods of Inquiry. A sincere thank you to the talented team of instructors who worked with me to assist the new scholars: Melissa Sissen, Tim Husband, Jeff Lindstrom, and Mark Schersten. Could not do it without you! It has been a wonderful summer for many of our scholars who pursued internships and summer research at other institutions. We are looking forward to hearing all the stories and experiences from them. We hope you all had a relaxing summer and are ready to begin the new semester. On behalf of all the McNair staff, have a great fall! Patricia Wallace, Ph.D. Program Director Contents__________________ Director’s Corner 1 Graduates Moving On 2 Mentor and Scholars Unite 3 2009: New Scholar Cohort 4 McNair Research Symposium 5 Presidential Reception 6 Honors Convocation 7 Mentor Profile 8 Miscellaneous News 9 Ronald E. McNair 10 Alumni Survey 11 Staff________________________ Patricia Wallace, Ph.D. Director Monica Robbins, M.A. Program Coordinator Cindy Anderson Academic Coordinator Jane Raab Secretary

SUMMER EDITION 2009 SHU: McNair Scholar Review · and former McNair scholar, Tracey Gholston (graduate student at The University of Ala-bama). Dr. Berry served as a mentor for Tracey

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Page 1: SUMMER EDITION 2009 SHU: McNair Scholar Review · and former McNair scholar, Tracey Gholston (graduate student at The University of Ala-bama). Dr. Berry served as a mentor for Tracey


SHU: McNair Scholar Review

Siena Heights University Directors Corner

From the Director’s Corner – Fall 2009 Greetings and welcome back for the fall semester! Whew, did summer just fly by or what??!!! It seems we just started our summer program and now it is the beginning of a new academic year. Our summer class started the day after graduation and saw 17 participants (the largest class ever!) successfully com-plete the McNair summer research class, Methods of Inquiry. A sincere thank you to the talented team of instructors who worked with me to assist the new scholars: Melissa Sissen, Tim Husband, Jeff Lindstrom, and Mark Schersten. Could not do it without you! It has been a wonderful summer for many of our scholars who pursued internships and summer research at other institutions. We are looking forward to hearing all the stories and experiences from them. We hope you all had a relaxing summer and are ready to begin the new semester. On behalf of all the McNair staff, have a great fall! Patricia Wallace, Ph.D. Program Director


Director’s Corner 1

Graduates Moving On 2

Mentor and Scholars Unite 3

2009: New Scholar Cohort 4

McNair Research Symposium 5

Presidential Reception 6

Honors Convocation 7

Mentor Profile 8

Miscellaneous News 9

Ronald E. McNair 10

Alumni Survey 11


Patricia Wallace, Ph.D. Director

Monica Robbins, M.A. Program Coordinator

Cindy Anderson

Academic Coordinator

Jane Raab Secretary

Page 2: SUMMER EDITION 2009 SHU: McNair Scholar Review · and former McNair scholar, Tracey Gholston (graduate student at The University of Ala-bama). Dr. Berry served as a mentor for Tracey

Graduates Moving On…...

Graduates Moving On…...

The end of the academic year 2008-2009 brought about new adventures, strengths and interests. This year provided our McNair Scholars with wonderful opportunities, support and encouragement, while conclud-ing their participation in the McNair Scholars Program. The McNair staff, Mentors and the Siena Heights

Community would like to congratulate the McNair Scholars on all their accomplishments.

The following scholars will be attending graduate school in the fall:


ADAM DELINE B.A.-History/Religious Studies




KIM STOUTENBURG B.A.-Sport Management


KELLY JACKSON B.A.-English/Theatre


KEVIN MIZZI B.A.-Business Admin.




Page 3: SUMMER EDITION 2009 SHU: McNair Scholar Review · and former McNair scholar, Tracey Gholston (graduate student at The University of Ala-bama). Dr. Berry served as a mentor for Tracey

One of the core missions of The

National Association of African Ameri-

can Studies is To further the cause of

research in African American Studies.

As current and former McNair scholars

intending to succeed within this area, Chelsea

and Tracey were awarded a ‘golden’

opportunity through this conference.

Mentor and Scholars Unite

Mentor and Scholars Unite

This year presented a wonderful opportunity for current McNair scholar, Chelsea Easter to collaborate with her mentor, Dr. Jeff Berry and former McNair scholar, Tracey Gholston (graduate student at The University of Ala-bama). Dr. Berry served as a mentor for Tracey Gholston during her participation (2004-2006) in the McNair Scholars Program. Together, these individuals presented infor-mation at the National Association of African American Studies Conference in Baton Rouge, LA. This opportunity provided Chel-sea a chance to meet other like-minded indi-viduals and visit Louisiana State University. It is Chelsea’s goal to attain a Ph.D. in African American Literature.

Upcoming Events Fall 2009

Welcome Back– McNair Scholars: September 2nd and 3rd Teambuilding in Reading, Michigan: October 18th Graduate School Fair: November 12th End of Fall Semester December 18th

Dr. Jeff Berry and McNair Scholars: Chelsea Easter and former scholar Tracey Gholston and Dr. Dick Koch







Jennifer Belair Crystal Cieslak Adam DeLine Chelsea Easter Sydney Estrada

Alex Fether Kari Forshey Kelly Jackson

Heide Kaminski Anthony Layton

Garrett Marks-Wilt Alex Miller Kevin Mizzi Julie Okuley

Anna Pasternak Kourtney Price Travis Roderick

Kelly Ruder Sara Schurr

Kimberly Stoutenburg Elizabeth Talley

Amy Ybarra

Page 4: SUMMER EDITION 2009 SHU: McNair Scholar Review · and former McNair scholar, Tracey Gholston (graduate student at The University of Ala-bama). Dr. Berry served as a mentor for Tracey

2009: Fall Scholar Cohort

New Scholar Cohort-Fall 2009

Incoming scholars were

welcomed into the McNair

Scholars Program while being

submerged in a research boot-

camp. During boot-camp

students prepare a research

proposal. At the end of the

research class students present

their research proposal in a

power point presentation.

Welcome aboard!

Dr. Sam Abraham-CIS Dr. Tim Husband-Mathematics Prof. Claudia Blanchard-Marketing Prof. Chris Reising-Art Dr. Janet Salzwedel-Biology Dr. Martha Carroll-Education Dr. Mark Schersten-Philosophy Dr. Ian Bell-Religious Studies Dr. Joseph Raab-Religious Studies Dr. Jeff Berry-English Dr. Robert Gordon-History Prof. Nancy Seligmann-English Dr. Jim Leslie-Biology Dr. Davin Heckman-English Prof. Pat Quinlan-Business

On behalf of the McNair staff and scholars, we would like to “Thank-you” for your contributions and dedication to this pro-gram. Mentoring is a rewarding partner-

ship; your combined efforts are reflected in the accomplishments of our scholars!


Anna Pasternak Kelly Ruder JaLisha Belle

Kourtney Price Patty Thomas Heide Kaminski Alex Fether Crystal Cieslak Travis Roderick

Brianna Davis Sara Schurr Shalaha Hubbard Garrett Marks-Wilt Aaron Kinzel Julie Okuley

Page 5: SUMMER EDITION 2009 SHU: McNair Scholar Review · and former McNair scholar, Tracey Gholston (graduate student at The University of Ala-bama). Dr. Berry served as a mentor for Tracey

Sydney Estrada-Siena Heights

McNair Research Symposium-2009

McNair Research Symposium-2009


Therapist Perceptions on the Relative Efficacy of PsychotherapyNick Frost – McNair Scholar

Mark Schersten Ph.D., Mentor Jeff Lindstrom Ph.D., Advisor

Key TermsResearch Questions

Absolute efficacy of psychotherapy has been empirically validated. jf


•Is any theoretical orientation more effective in treating mental illness?

•What are the philosophical implications of the various orientations?

•Will therapists report their orientation to be the most effective in contrast to other orientations, and will this account be consistent with current research?

• Absolute Efficacy: The effects of psychotherapy in comparison to untreated control groups.

•Relative Efficacy: The effects of psychotherapy in comparison to other forms of psychotherapy.

•Theoretical Orientation: A clinician’s adherence to a specific set of therapeutic values and beliefs guiding their clinical decision making process.

Major Theoretical OrientationsCognitive Behavioral Humanistic

• Individuals who undergo psychotherapy are better off than individuals who do not 80% of the time.

• Empirical evidence fails to prove any orientation to be the most effective.

•The scientific community has claimed research design flaws are responsible for the inability to distinguish a superior theoretical orientation.

•“Dodo bird” hypothesis: all have won and all must have prizes.

Review of Related Literature

Assumptions:Disturbance results from irrationality.

Method: “Reframing” maladaptive patterns of thinking.

Proponents: Aaron T. Beck, Albert Ellis

Assumptions:Disturbance results from maladjusted patterns of behavior.

Method: Modifying maladaptive patterns of behavior.

Proponents: Jon B. Watson, B.F. Skinner

Assumptions: Disturbance is an inability to reach ones full potential.

Method: Developing a positive therapeutic relationship.

•Participants: Psychologists, counselors and social workers in the southeastern Michigan area.

•Materials: A standardized theoretical orientation survey. A survey assessing therapists’ perceptions on which orientation is the most efficacious, developed by the leading researcher of this study.

•Procedure: The two surveys will be sent by mail to a randomly selected population of mental health professionals.


Proponents: Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow

Statement of the problem

With the advent of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the schools have been attempting to develop systems that facilitate the implementation of the focus of NCLB. One system that many schools are adopting is Response to Intervention.

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to survey a group of teachers from Lenawee County on the amount of RTI training, the helpfulness of the training, and self-perceived ability to implement RTI procedures.


There will be a positive correlation between amount of training and the self-perceived ability of teachers to implement RTI.

Knowledge and Usage of Response to InterventionRonald E. McNair Program

Sydney Estrada- McNair ScholarMartha Carroll, Ed. D., Mentor

Review of the Literature

Samuel A. Kirk

• “Father” of Special Education

• Kirk defined Learning disabilities in 1962 as disorders in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which disorder may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations.

Response to Intervention

• An assessment and intervention process for systematically monitoring student progress and making decisions about the need for instructional modifications or increasingly intensified services using progress monitoring data.

• Three tier system

• Early Intervention

• Developed by Doug Fuchs, Lynn Fuchs, Donald Compton, and Dan Reschly (Meek, 2007)


• Send survey to all teachers K-5

• Include other professionals in the building: principals, social workers, speech therapists, etc.


• Survey three Elementary schools in Lenawee County


• The survey will be given to the principal

• The principal distributes the survey to all teachers and professionals

• Upon completion, the survey will be mailed back

Lenawee County


On March 25th, 2009 the junior and senior McNair Scholars pre-sented their research findings to family, peers, mentors and the Siena Heights Community. Our Senior Scholars presented their research in both a large format poster (44 x 36) and orally. The jun-ior scholars presented their research in a large format poster presentation, which took place in the social area of Dominican Hall. Below are some examples of the large format posters our scholars were able to create. These visual representations have added a wonderful and professional dimension to our annual symposium.

McNair Scholars Group Photo at Research Symposium

McNair Scholars: Jennifer Belair and Amy Ybarra

Symposium Guest and Scholar: Chelsea Easter

Nick Frost-Siena Heights

Patty Thomas and Scholar: Kevin Totty

Page 6: SUMMER EDITION 2009 SHU: McNair Scholar Review · and former McNair scholar, Tracey Gholston (graduate student at The University of Ala-bama). Dr. Berry served as a mentor for Tracey

Presidential Reception

Presidential Reception

Mentor: Dr. Joseph Raab and Scholar: Adam DeLine Dr. Wallace and 2009 McNair Graduates Scholar: Alex Miller and Mentor: Professor Pat Quinlan

Siena Heights University president, Sister Peg Albert, graciously opened her home to host a reception for graduating McNair Scholars. Sister Peg offered warm congratulations and encouragement.

Each scholar presented his/her mentor with a gift as a token of appreciation. Two mentors, Joseph Raab & Patrick Quinlan, received special honors for their efforts in assisting their mentee under unusual circumstances.

Delicious refreshments were enjoyed, while proud family & friends of the McNair Scholars looked on as graduates received their hard-earned congratulations.

Dr. Jim Lesley and Scholar: Kari Forshey Scholar: Kevin Mizzi Prof. Nancy Seligmann and Scholar: Kelly Jackson

Scholar: Anthony Layton and Dr. Sam Abraham Scholar: Kim Stoutenburg and Dr. Tim Husband Scholar: Elizabeth Talley and Dr. Robert Gordon

Page 7: SUMMER EDITION 2009 SHU: McNair Scholar Review · and former McNair scholar, Tracey Gholston (graduate student at The University of Ala-bama). Dr. Berry served as a mentor for Tracey

Honors Convocation

Congratulations to each of these individuals! Their academic honors are simple reminders of the hard work and dedication invested in their attempts to achieve their dreams.

“True courage comes in enduring, preserving the preparation and believing in oneself.”

Ronald E. McNair, Ph.D.

Honors Convocation

Dr. Wallace with Scholars: Adam DeLine, Kim Stoutenburg and Elizabeth Talley

Kevin Mizzi: Cum Laude

Kappa Gamma Pi Sigma Beta Delta

(International Honor Society in Business, Management and Administration)

MLK-Student Service Award

Kim Stoutenburg: Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award

2008-2009 Summa Cum Laude Kappa Gamma Pi

Outstanding Student Award (Business and Management)

NAIA Scholar Athlete Honors

Adam DeLine:

Cum Laude Outstanding Student Award 2008-2009

(Religious Studies) Mu Lambda

(Honor Society for History and Social Science Students)

Anthony Layton:

Magna Cum Laude

Kappa Gamma Pi

Kelly Jackson: Cum Laude

Outstanding Student Award 2008-2009 (English)

Sigma Tau Delta

(International Honor Society for Students of Literature)

Elizabeth Talley:

Mu Lambda (Honor Society for History and Social Science Students)

Page 8: SUMMER EDITION 2009 SHU: McNair Scholar Review · and former McNair scholar, Tracey Gholston (graduate student at The University of Ala-bama). Dr. Berry served as a mentor for Tracey

Mentor Profile-Dr. Ian Bell

Mentor Profile-Dr. Ian Bell

Out of 100 applicants, McNair Scholar, Nick Frost, was formally ac-cepted to attend a summer research opportunity with the University of Wisconsin-Delevan on April 22, 2009. Nick studied under Dr. Bruce Wampold and his research was in the area of psychotherapy outcomes. During the nine week stay the scholars traveled to Chicago, Illinois for a cultural event and they also presented their research at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Each day was different and full of new experiences. Upon Nick’s return he states, “I am considering U-W as one of my graduate school picks; I am grateful for the opportunity.”

For this edition of the McNair Scholars Newsletter the McNair Staff salutes mentor Dr. Ian Bell. Dr. Bell earned his doctoral degree from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in Religious Studies. He is starting his third year here at Siena and teaches a variety of courses in the Humanities Division. He is a mentor for Adrian College senior, Kevin Totty. For this interview Ian shared the following information. Favorite Food: A really good gyro sandwich. Favorite Color: My wife says I look good in khaki! Children: One son, Aidan who is five and starts kindergarten this fall. Pets: We have fish that Aidan is responsible for feeding. Favorite Car: My first car is my favorite…1976 Ford Maverick. Favorite all-time great movie: Transformers was a great movie, no intellectual merit, but really cool! Favorite Actor: Owen Wilson, loved him in Meet the Parents. Hobbies: I would like to be able to play more golf. If you had the opportunity to speak to anyone, alive or dead, who would you choose and why? My grandmother. She died way too young, when I was around seven or eight years of age and I have missed knowing her as I grew up. I would have liked to talk to her as an adult and to introduce her to my wife and son. About the McNair program: “ I like the excitement that the McNair scholars have for learning and the passion they have for going on to graduate school. Reminds me of how I felt when I was going on for my graduate work.”

SROP-Delevan, Wisconsin

Page 9: SUMMER EDITION 2009 SHU: McNair Scholar Review · and former McNair scholar, Tracey Gholston (graduate student at The University of Ala-bama). Dr. Berry served as a mentor for Tracey


Mentor Travel with Scholars

Summer Birthdays

May 2009

(24th) Anna Pasternak

June 2009

(19th) Amy Ybarra

(21st ) Julie Okuley

(24th) Garrett Marks-Wilt

(27th) Heide Kaminski

July/August 2009

(28th) Travis Roderick

( 7th ) Brianna Davis

September 2009

(23rd) Lamar Cardenas

(28th) Nick Frost


Graduate School Visits

Dr. Ian Bell and McNair Scholar, Kevin Totty attended a conference in

Syracuse, N.Y. from April 16-18, 2009. The title of the conference was “The

Politics of Love” and hosted by the Department of Religion at the University

of Syracuse. The purpose of this trip was viewed as beneficial to the scholar’s

research project which revolves around the topic of liberation theology.

Professor Chris Reising and McNair Scholar, Jennifer Belair attended

an art conference and participated in a graduate school visit at Columbia Col-

lege of Chicago. The focus of the conference revolved around printmaking.

This five day event was part of the 2009 Global Implications Conference. Jen-

nifer is considering Columbia College of Chicago as a prospective school to

work on her MFA.

During the academic year 2008-2009 we had several junior and senior McNair

Scholars venture out to various universities with graduate programs. As a

McNair Scholar you are provided services that will assist you with locating a

graduate school. We are pleased to see the scholars utilize this service in an

effort to find the proper fit for their continued educational endeavors. All of

our graduating scholars have been accepted into a graduate program.

Page 10: SUMMER EDITION 2009 SHU: McNair Scholar Review · and former McNair scholar, Tracey Gholston (graduate student at The University of Ala-bama). Dr. Berry served as a mentor for Tracey

Ronald E. McNair

"Whether or not you reach your goals in life de-pends entirely on how well you prepare for them

and how badly you want them. You're eagles! Stretch your wings and fly to the sky."

Ronald E. McNair

Ronald Erwin McNair was born October 21, 1950, in Lake City, South Carolina to Carl and Pearl McNair. He attended North Carolina A&T State University where he graduated magna cum laude with a B.S. degree in physics in 1971. McNair then en-rolled in the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1976 at the age of 25, he earned his Ph.D. degree in physics.

He soon became a recognized expert in laser physics while working as staff physicist with Hughes Research Laboratory. NASA selected McNair for the space shuttle pro-gram in 1978 and assigned him as mission specialist aboard the 1984 fight of the shut-tle Challenger.

Besides his academic achievements, McNair received three honorary doctorate de-grees and many fellowships and commendations. These included Presidential Scholar, 1967-71; Ford Foundation Fellow, 1971-74; National Fellowship Fund Fellow, 1974-75; named Omega Psi Phi Scholar of the year, 1975; Distinguished National Scientist, National Society of Black Professional Engineers, 1979; and the Friend of Freedom Award, 1981; as well as many others. McNair also held a fifth degree black belt in ka-rate and was an accomplished jazz saxophonist. He was married and had a son and daughter.

After his death in the Challenger space shuttle accident in January 1986, members of Congress provided funding for the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program. The goal of this effort is to encourage minority students and students whose parents do not have college degrees to enroll in graduate studies. This program is dedi-cated to the high standard of achievement Ronald E. McNair's life represented.