Page 1 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010 S u m m e r 2 0 1 0 K e l l e t t T e l l It Welcome to Kellett Tell It. As always the end of the year is a very special time and it has been fun term for the P6’s. This is also my final edition. After seven years I am handing the reins over to Karen Pittar and Tara Jenkins who I am sure will do a great job. I have many special memories and I hope the kids have had some great experiences. Have a lovely summer everyone. Fiona Faure We have sung, swung our hips, learned new steps and laughed about the music our parents grew up with. Tonight P6 is going to take you on a great rock and roll journey and we are the stars. Of course, by the end of the production you are going to think we are better than the originals. Destination Rock ‘n’ Roll is the title of our much anticipated P6 Production and this was a really hard article to write because we don’t want to give too much of the show away! Got to make sure we don’t spoil the fun. Our rehearsals and parts were only given to us on the 8th of June so we have only had 8 school days before we were performing, but as you know, if anyone can do it, P6 can! Contents Page 1&2 The P6 Show Page 3 Kellett Fayre Page 4 Chicago Page 5 Kellett’s Alternative Fobissea Page 6 Young Writers Page 7 Haven Books Page 8 Leaving Kellett Page 9 Kellett Secondary School Page 10 Ice Hockey Page 11 Sailing Page 12 The Best Frozen Yoghurt Page 13 Looking after your Dog Page 14 Reception Memories Page 15 Helping Qinghai P6 rocks Kellett by Edward Mayall and Josh Davies aka Oasis Page 1 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010 S u m m e r 2 0 1 0 K e l l e t t T e l l It Welcome to Kellett Tell It. As always the end of the year is a very special time and it has been fun term for the P6’s. This is also my final edition. After seven years I am handing the reins over to Karen Pittar and Tara Jenkins who I am sure will do a great job. I have many special memories and I hope the kids have had some great experiences. Have a lovely summer everyone. Fiona Faure We have sung, swung our hips, learned new steps and laughed about the music our parents grew up with. Tonight P6 is going to take you on a great rock and roll journey and we are the stars. Of course, by the end of the production you are going to think we are better than the originals. Destination Rock ‘n’ Roll is the title of our much anticipated P6 Production and this was a really hard article to write because we don’t want to give too much of the show away! Got to make sure we don’t spoil the fun. Our rehearsals and parts were only given to us on the 8th of June so we have only had 8 school days before we were performing, but as you know, if anyone can do it, P6 can! Contents Page 1&2 The P6 Show Page 3 Kellett Fayre Page 4 Chicago Page 5 Kellett’s Alternative Fobissea Page 6 Young Writers Page 7 Haven Books Page 8 Leaving Kellett Page 9 Kellett Secondary School Page 10 Ice Hockey Page 11 Sailing Page 12 The Best Frozen Yoghurt Page 13 Looking after your Dog Page 14 Reception Memories Page 15 Helping Qinghai P6 rocks Kellett by Edward Mayall and Josh Davies aka Oasis

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Page 1: summer2010 2

Page 1 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Summer 2010

Kellett Tell It

Welcome to Kellett Tell It. As always the end of the year is a very special time and it has been fun term for the P6’s. This is also my final edition. After seven years I am handing the reins over to Karen Pittar and Tara Jenkins who I am sure will do a great job. I have many special memories and I hope the kids have had some great experiences. Have a lovely summer everyone. Fiona Faure

We have sung, swung our hips, learned new steps and laughed about the music our parents grew up with. Tonight P6 is going to take you on a great rock and roll journey and we are the stars. Of course, by the end of the production you are going to think we are better than the originals. Destination Rock ‘n’ Roll is the title of our much anticipated P6 Production and this

was a really hard article to write because we don’t want to give too much of the show away! Got to make sure we don’t spoil the fun. Our rehearsals and parts were only given to us on the 8th of June so we have only had 8 school days before we were performing, but as you know, if anyone can do it, P6 can!


Page 1&2 The P6 Show Page 3 Kellett Fayre Page 4 Chicago Page 5 Kellett’s Alternative Fobissea Page 6 Young Writers Page 7 Haven Books Page 8 Leaving Kellett Page 9 Kellett Secondary School Page 10 Ice Hockey Page 11 Sailing Page 12 The Best Frozen Yoghurt Page 13 Looking after your Dog Page 14 Reception Memories Page 15 Helping Qinghai

P6 rocks Kellett by Edward Mayall and Josh Davies aka Oasis

Page 1 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Summer 2010

Kellett Tell It

Welcome to Kellett Tell It. As always the end of the year is a very special time and it has been fun term for the P6’s. This is also my final edition. After seven years I am handing the reins over to Karen Pittar and Tara Jenkins who I am sure will do a great job. I have many special memories and I hope the kids have had some great experiences. Have a lovely summer everyone. Fiona Faure

We have sung, swung our hips, learned new steps and laughed about the music our parents grew up with. Tonight P6 is going to take you on a great rock and roll journey and we are the stars. Of course, by the end of the production you are going to think we are better than the originals. Destination Rock ‘n’ Roll is the title of our much anticipated P6 Production and this

was a really hard article to write because we don’t want to give too much of the show away! Got to make sure we don’t spoil the fun. Our rehearsals and parts were only given to us on the 8th of June so we have only had 8 school days before we were performing, but as you know, if anyone can do it, P6 can!


Page 1&2 The P6 Show Page 3 Kellett Fayre Page 4 Chicago Page 5 Kellett’s Alternative Fobissea Page 6 Young Writers Page 7 Haven Books Page 8 Leaving Kellett Page 9 Kellett Secondary School Page 10 Ice Hockey Page 11 Sailing Page 12 The Best Frozen Yoghurt Page 13 Looking after your Dog Page 14 Reception Memories Page 15 Helping Qinghai

P6 rocks Kellett by Edward Mayall and Josh Davies aka Oasis

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Page 2 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Basically the show is a rough guide to music through the ages, with a lots of jokes and funny memories along the way. There will be lots of dancing, even boys dancing with girls! There is Motown, Elvis, the Beach Boys, the Beatles, Oasis (us), Queen, the Jackson 5, Buddy Holly and of course the Supremes . The costumes are pretty funky and you might not recognize some people with their ’big’ hair. Miss Noonan is helping us with our dancing, and it’s pretty complicated. We asked Mr. Hulbert, (who wants us to think he is only 26?!) what he thought of the show. “It’s been great fun adapting the script to fit all the P6 ‘s in the show. My era was the 90’s, whereas Miss Hitchcox is more of an 80’s expert,” he joked. Miss Hughes and Mr Cox have, of course, been

fine tuning our singing and we’ve had great fun watching old you tube clips of the songs we’re paying tribute to. Flora Woodhams described the show as a great way to include everyone. “The singing and the dancing is lots of fun even though we do it every day.” Harriett Adams added, “We have had to work really hard but I think the show will be great.” Tasha Wilkinson said she liked the way everyone’s had pretty equal parts. “My favourite part is all the dances we do.” Axel Leven described the production as a great way to end the year. ”It’s going to

be a blast.” Charlie Pepper said she hoped it will be a lot fun for everyone to watch. “There is so much energy in this show, it’s exciting, funny and entertaining.” “It’s a great idea to have this at the end of the year to celebrate our last year of Primary school,” Josh said. Caitlin

Neuville added it is going to be the best P6 production ever.

Page 2 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Basically the show is a rough guide to music through the ages, with a lots of jokes and funny memories along the way. There will be lots of dancing, even boys dancing with girls! There is Motown, Elvis, the Beach Boys, the Beatles, Oasis (us), Queen, the Jackson 5, Buddy Holly and of course the Supremes . The costumes are pretty funky and you might not recognize some people with their ’big’ hair. Miss Noonan is helping us with our dancing, and it’s pretty complicated. We asked Mr. Hulbert, (who wants us to think he is only 26?!) what he thought of the show. “It’s been great fun adapting the script to fit all the P6 ‘s in the show. My era was the 90’s, whereas Miss Hitchcox is more of an 80’s expert,” he joked. Miss Hughes and Mr Cox have, of course, been

fine tuning our singing and we’ve had great fun watching old you tube clips of the songs we’re paying tribute to. Flora Woodhams described the show as a great way to include everyone. “The singing and the dancing is lots of fun even though we do it every day.” Harriett Adams added, “We have had to work really hard but I think the show will be great.” Tasha Wilkinson said she liked the way everyone’s had pretty equal parts. “My favourite part is all the dances we do.” Axel Leven described the production as a great way to end the year. ”It’s going to

be a blast.” Charlie Pepper said she hoped it will be a lot fun for everyone to watch. “There is so much energy in this show, it’s exciting, funny and entertaining.” “It’s a great idea to have this at the end of the year to celebrate our last year of Primary school,” Josh said. Caitlin

Neuville added it is going to be the best P6 production ever.

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Page 3 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Ye Olde Fayre Comes to Kellett by Jack MacFarlane, Lauren Leonard and Olivia Pearce

Have you ever dreamed of t h r o w i n g a sopping wet sponge at Mr. Harrington or Mr. Hulbert? Of winning a big basket of sweets and toys, or making a big bag of gooey green slime? Or even of scaring your parents by saying you had broken your arm? Well, these were dreams that came true for many of the children who went to this year’s fantastic Kellett Fayre! On Saturday the 8th of May 2010, everyone at Kellett was very excited about the day ahead. There were over 400 children and adults who planned to attend the Fayre and the committee had worked extremely hard to get everything ready. The event was called a 'Fayre' because the organisers decided to take a step back in time, - away from ‘modern' entertainment like laser tag—and instead devise some games that our parents used to play like Tin Can Alley and Loo Toss! We got to watch Maypole dancing and country dancing too. For the little kids, there was a Punch and Judy show. Some other exciting things included the raffle tickets to win one of 10 baskets (filled with goodies), buying yummy treats from the ‘Ye’ Olde Sweet Shop’ (our favourites were Sherbet Pips and Curly Wurlys), and games like ‘pick as many pegs as you can with one hand’. Another great activity was bouncing on

one of the T W O b o u n c y castles; the b i g g e s t b o u n c y castle was packed, so packed that they had to s e n d parents up to the top

to organize the kids! Olivia and Lauren enjoyed taking part in the Maypole dancing. “We had four practices during lunch on a Thursday and it was fun learning how to get the ribbon around the pole’, explains Olivia. ‘It is actually much harder than it looks! I also really enjoyed throwing the sponges at the teachers and it was fun getting sponges thrown at me too”. Jack liked the fact that everyone was at school but it wasn’t a school day. “I especially liked throwing balls at the Tin Can Alley,” he said. There was a massive queue for the ‘Fake Aid’ stall, but everyone who went had fun stumbling up to their parents complaining of broken limbs—quite a few of them actually believed us. The parents also had fun bidding for fantastic aution items. Everyone really loved the paintings each class had done. The Fayre was a huge success and everyone had a great time! We raised about $250,000 for our school. Thank you to the Committee for making it such a fun day for the Kellett students—we really enjoyed playing like our parents did all those many years ago!

Page 3 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Ye Olde Fayre Comes to Kellett by Jack MacFarlane, Lauren Leonard and Olivia Pearce

Have you ever dreamed of t h r o w i n g a sopping wet sponge at Mr. Harrington or Mr. Hulbert? Of winning a big basket of sweets and toys, or making a big bag of gooey green slime? Or even of scaring your parents by saying you had broken your arm? Well, these were dreams that came true for many of the children who went to this year’s fantastic Kellett Fayre! On Saturday the 8th of May 2010, everyone at Kellett was very excited about the day ahead. There were over 400 children and adults who planned to attend the Fayre and the committee had worked extremely hard to get everything ready. The event was called a 'Fayre' because the organisers decided to take a step back in time, - away from ‘modern' entertainment like laser tag—and instead devise some games that our parents used to play like Tin Can Alley and Loo Toss! We got to watch Maypole dancing and country dancing too. For the little kids, there was a Punch and Judy show. Some other exciting things included the raffle tickets to win one of 10 baskets (filled with goodies), buying yummy treats from the ‘Ye’ Olde Sweet Shop’ (our favourites were Sherbet Pips and Curly Wurlys), and games like ‘pick as many pegs as you can with one hand’. Another great activity was bouncing on

one of the T W O b o u n c y castles; the b i g g e s t b o u n c y castle was packed, so packed that they had to s e n d parents up to the top

to organize the kids! Olivia and Lauren enjoyed taking part in the Maypole dancing. “We had four practices during lunch on a Thursday and it was fun learning how to get the ribbon around the pole’, explains Olivia. ‘It is actually much harder than it looks! I also really enjoyed throwing the sponges at the teachers and it was fun getting sponges thrown at me too”. Jack liked the fact that everyone was at school but it wasn’t a school day. “I especially liked throwing balls at the Tin Can Alley,” he said. There was a massive queue for the ‘Fake Aid’ stall, but everyone who went had fun stumbling up to their parents complaining of broken limbs—quite a few of them actually believed us. The parents also had fun bidding for fantastic aution items. Everyone really loved the paintings each class had done. The Fayre was a huge success and everyone had a great time! We raised about $250,000 for our school. Thank you to the Committee for making it such a fun day for the Kellett students—we really enjoyed playing like our parents did all those many years ago!

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Page 4 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

A Quick Trip to Chicago by Charlie Pepper and Mia Kriegel

It’s not every day that primary students get to meet the cast of a world renowned musical. But thanks to Charlie’s persistence, we, along with some the Kellett Tell It students, did just that when we went to the pre-show press conference for Chicago! Lined up in the second row, we had the best seats and, even better, we seemed to have the actors’ attention as they let us ask all the questions we wanted! I thought the show was really amazing and we were totally absorbed by the atmosphere of the performances Watching everyone in the press conference was as much fun as watching the show, and it was obvious that this was going to be a great production. ‘Everyone in the show just loves it, and they really enjoy performing,’ said Deane Zanotto who plays Velma. ‘Velma is a sassy and self obsessed character, with big dreams. Deane told us she had been to HK many times; she has also been on Broadway and loves being a part of the fantastic musical, Chicago. Velma performed one of our favourite numbers, ’All That Jazz’. We liked Roxy (Sharon Millerchip) because she sang the best songs, and her character was mischievous. Sharon told Mia that she loved being in the show. “This truly is a show with EVERYTHING! Fabulous music performed by a swinging on-stage band, dazzling choreography and a hilarious yet fascinating plot based on a true story. "

And we had to agree, it is fantastic—partly thanks to Billy Flynn who is also great lead character. Some of you might remember the name of the actor who is Billy, Craig McNaughton, as he played a role in the hit Australian TV shows, Neighbors and Home and Away. Charlie asked him what he thought of Hong Kong? Craig: “Love it! The place, the people, the food! Wonderful.” Charlie: “What advice would you give to students at Kellett if their dream was to become an actor/actress?” Craig: “Work hard, stay focused and dream Big!!” After spending an afternoon with the cast we are so thrilled that one of the most well known musicals of all time is coming to Hong Kong. The Broadway production opened on June 3rd 1975 and is the longest running musical on Broadway. After 17,000 performances I think they’ve got pretty good at it! Chicago is most well known for it’s spectacular Jazzy feel. All the Kellett Tell It students who saw them perform will tell you it is not a musical not to be missed!

Page 4 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

A Quick Trip to Chicago by Charlie Pepper and Mia Kriegel

It’s not every day that primary students get to meet the cast of a world renowned musical. But thanks to Charlie’s persistence, we, along with some the Kellett Tell It students, did just that when we went to the pre-show press conference for Chicago! Lined up in the second row, we had the best seats and, even better, we seemed to have the actors’ attention as they let us ask all the questions we wanted! I thought the show was really amazing and we were totally absorbed by the atmosphere of the performances Watching everyone in the press conference was as much fun as watching the show, and it was obvious that this was going to be a great production. ‘Everyone in the show just loves it, and they really enjoy performing,’ said Deane Zanotto who plays Velma. ‘Velma is a sassy and self obsessed character, with big dreams. Deane told us she had been to HK many times; she has also been on Broadway and loves being a part of the fantastic musical, Chicago. Velma performed one of our favourite numbers, ’All That Jazz’. We liked Roxy (Sharon Millerchip) because she sang the best songs, and her character was mischievous. Sharon told Mia that she loved being in the show. “This truly is a show with EVERYTHING! Fabulous music performed by a swinging on-stage band, dazzling choreography and a hilarious yet fascinating plot based on a true story. "

And we had to agree, it is fantastic—partly thanks to Billy Flynn who is also great lead character. Some of you might remember the name of the actor who is Billy, Craig McNaughton, as he played a role in the hit Australian TV shows, Neighbors and Home and Away. Charlie asked him what he thought of Hong Kong? Craig: “Love it! The place, the people, the food! Wonderful.” Charlie: “What advice would you give to students at Kellett if their dream was to become an actor/actress?” Craig: “Work hard, stay focused and dream Big!!” After spending an afternoon with the cast we are so thrilled that one of the most well known musicals of all time is coming to Hong Kong. The Broadway production opened on June 3rd 1975 and is the longest running musical on Broadway. After 17,000 performances I think they’ve got pretty good at it! Chicago is most well known for it’s spectacular Jazzy feel. All the Kellett Tell It students who saw them perform will tell you it is not a musical not to be missed!

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Page 5 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

The problems in Bangkok this year had a really nasty knock on for many of us who had been working so hard for the annual Fobissea Games. We were meant to be going to Pattaya for four days in June but obviously had to cancel because of the problems in Bangkok. As you can imagine we were gutted but thanks to all the teachers who have been training with us since January we had a great day of games here on Monday, May 31. Of course it was not quite as good the real thing as we did not have the excitement of leaving our parents, travelling as team and staying in our own hotel. But we all had lot of fun. Mrs Pratt mixed us all up, each team had a girl and a boy from P6, P5 and P4 and instead of competing in just a few swimming events we could do as many as we liked and for every event we swam we got at least one point. So swim we did. Lots of us did four 25 m e t r e r a c e s , B u t t e r f l y , B r e a s t s t o k e , Backstroke and

Freestyle. Then we did the same races but over 50 metres. Then a 200 m individual medley and then three relays with everyone’s favourite, the tyre race last. Are you tired yet? We were we can tell you, although Jack Robinson seemed to have some extra fuel injection in his legs. He wasn’t meant to win all those races. Team Orange, ha that was me (Sasha) lead by Miss Ng, won the swimming but we lost the T-ball and Football so it was pretty fair. The T-ball was fun and the football in the rain was good! It was a great day but of course we would have loved to have had more time. We then went to a great party at Shek O. Thank you everyone for organizing the day and for supporting us. Of course we were sad not to go to the

real thing but it was great to have something here. Hopefully there will be no problems in Taipei next year.

Kellett’s alternative Fobissea by Tasha Wilkinson and Sasha Faure

Page 5 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

The problems in Bangkok this year had a really nasty knock on for many of us who had been working so hard for the annual Fobissea Games. We were meant to be going to Pattaya for four days in June but obviously had to cancel because of the problems in Bangkok. As you can imagine we were gutted but thanks to all the teachers who have been training with us since January we had a great day of games here on Monday, May 31. Of course it was not quite as good the real thing as we did not have the excitement of leaving our parents, travelling as team and staying in our own hotel. But we all had lot of fun. Mrs Pratt mixed us all up, each team had a girl and a boy from P6, P5 and P4 and instead of competing in just a few swimming events we could do as many as we liked and for every event we swam we got at least one point. So swim we did. Lots of us did four 25 m e t r e r a c e s , B u t t e r f l y , B r e a s t s t o k e , Backstroke and

Freestyle. Then we did the same races but over 50 metres. Then a 200 m individual medley and then three relays with everyone’s favourite, the tyre race last. Are you tired yet? We were we can tell you, although Jack Robinson seemed to have some extra fuel injection in his legs. He wasn’t meant to win all those races. Team Orange, ha that was me (Sasha) lead by Miss Ng, won the swimming but we lost the T-ball and Football so it was pretty fair. The T-ball was fun and the football in the rain was good! It was a great day but of course we would have loved to have had more time. We then went to a great party at Shek O. Thank you everyone for organizing the day and for supporting us. Of course we were sad not to go to the

real thing but it was great to have something here. Hopefully there will be no problems in Taipei next year.

Kellett’s alternative Fobissea by Tasha Wilkinson and Sasha Faure

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Page 6 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Writing does not always come easily to us, but the South China Sea inspired five of us from P5 and P6 to write the best poem we could, and we ended up getting our poems published. It was hard work, but it really was worth it!

On Friday the 16th of April, seven Kellett students, (two from the Secondary School, five from the Primary School) went to the Hong Kong Young Writers Awards 2010, which were held in Kowloon. Each school was only allowed to submit eight pieces of writing and it must have been a pretty hard decision because—according to the judges - all of our work was so good!

I can see the South China Sea from my bedroom window, and I often watch the sun setting on the water; it’s a rainbow of reds and oranges. It’s such a busy sea too; so many Chinese junks and ferries going backwards and forwards. I used all this as my inspiration for my poem!

Miss Hitchcox accompanied us, and one of our parents came too, to keep us company. Even though we had to miss

some of school to get there on time - plus we nearly got lost! - we got there in the end. There were a few tables with some snacks and drinks on them, so we grabbed a snack and headed inside the auditorium.

After waiting for what seemed like forever, the ceremony finally began. The author and award winning journalist Nury Vittachi gave a speech to kick everything off. “I had a great time!” said Miss Hitchcox. “Nury Vittachi’s speech was very funny, and I really enjoyed watching the children collect the awards. I thought the Kellett entries were unique and all special in different ways!” .

Eventually they started giving out the books with our poems inside. I couldn’t stop smiling because it was the best thing that has ever happened to me; I felt really proud of myself! It was an amazing experience and seeing my poem in a book for sale in Dymocks was just brilliant! Can you believe it. I never imagined that something I wrote would be published in a book.

Published at the Age of Ten! By Sabrina Lane

Page 6 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Writing does not always come easily to us, but the South China Sea inspired five of us from P5 and P6 to write the best poem we could, and we ended up getting our poems published. It was hard work, but it really was worth it!

On Friday the 16th of April, seven Kellett students, (two from the Secondary School, five from the Primary School) went to the Hong Kong Young Writers Awards 2010, which were held in Kowloon. Each school was only allowed to submit eight pieces of writing and it must have been a pretty hard decision because—according to the judges - all of our work was so good!

I can see the South China Sea from my bedroom window, and I often watch the sun setting on the water; it’s a rainbow of reds and oranges. It’s such a busy sea too; so many Chinese junks and ferries going backwards and forwards. I used all this as my inspiration for my poem!

Miss Hitchcox accompanied us, and one of our parents came too, to keep us company. Even though we had to miss

some of school to get there on time - plus we nearly got lost! - we got there in the end. There were a few tables with some snacks and drinks on them, so we grabbed a snack and headed inside the auditorium.

After waiting for what seemed like forever, the ceremony finally began. The author and award winning journalist Nury Vittachi gave a speech to kick everything off. “I had a great time!” said Miss Hitchcox. “Nury Vittachi’s speech was very funny, and I really enjoyed watching the children collect the awards. I thought the Kellett entries were unique and all special in different ways!” .

Eventually they started giving out the books with our poems inside. I couldn’t stop smiling because it was the best thing that has ever happened to me; I felt really proud of myself! It was an amazing experience and seeing my poem in a book for sale in Dymocks was just brilliant! Can you believe it. I never imagined that something I wrote would be published in a book.

Published at the Age of Ten! By Sabrina Lane

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Page 7 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

A Career in Publishing by Charlotte Lomas & Catherine Fisher

Publishing is an exciting job— you get to read amazing stories and find new writers. Well did you know the daughter of the lady who founded Haven Books—a company that publishes all sorts of children’s and adult books in Hong Kong - goes to Kellett? She does; her name is Maya Abuali, and her mom is Dania Shawwa Abuali. Catherine and I interviewed Mrs. Shawwa Abuali about Haven Books and her job. “I have always loved books but I started Haven Books quite by accident!” she said. Before starting the company she was an editor at another firm, and that’s when she decided publishing was what she wanted to do forever. When she started the company she was working at home; that’s how she came up with the name Haven Books. Haven means home and shelter in English, and the logo is a house. But the industry can often be hard, according to Mrs Shawwa Abuali: “Publishing a book is a slow process”. It was especially slow when she published “Everything Hong Kong.” She had to email lots of writers telling them she was creating a book and needed material. “Lots of stories came back” she said. She then put them all in the book and called it “Everything Hong Kong”. So what does a publisher do? “I coordinate people, I coordinate the booksellers, and I make sure everything is humming along” says Mrs Shawwa Abuali.

Her favourite book genre is fiction. “I love people’s stories!” she says. “You can pretend you really are that person. It gives you an idea of their life; its like escaping into another world”.

‘The cost of publishing a book is not that expensive; the real expense is the time the author spends writing the book, marketing the book, selling the book and getting people to buy it is hard! But my favourite part of publishing a book is discovering new, great talent!”. Mrs Shawwa Abuali definitely listens to her children when it comes to books: “Children have good taste” she says. She reads out her stories to her children to see if they like them! The book that she enjoyed publishing the most was The Spider’s Web by Adrian Tilley. “The author was an English teacher for 30 years, so he really knows how to express the awful scenario of an evil regime taking over Hong Kong and the character’s heart-racing terror,” she explained. Her favourite children’s books are the Dr Seuss series as she loves the wonderful tongue twisters. Mrs Shawwa Abuali says if you want to become a publisher you have to have a love of words and the ability to recognize a good book! So get out there and start reading and writing!

Page 7 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

A Career in Publishing by Charlotte Lomas & Catherine Fisher

Publishing is an exciting job— you get to read amazing stories and find new writers. Well did you know the daughter of the lady who founded Haven Books—a company that publishes all sorts of children’s and adult books in Hong Kong - goes to Kellett? She does; her name is Maya Abuali, and her mom is Dania Shawwa Abuali. Catherine and I interviewed Mrs. Shawwa Abuali about Haven Books and her job. “I have always loved books but I started Haven Books quite by accident!” she said. Before starting the company she was an editor at another firm, and that’s when she decided publishing was what she wanted to do forever. When she started the company she was working at home; that’s how she came up with the name Haven Books. Haven means home and shelter in English, and the logo is a house. But the industry can often be hard, according to Mrs Shawwa Abuali: “Publishing a book is a slow process”. It was especially slow when she published “Everything Hong Kong.” She had to email lots of writers telling them she was creating a book and needed material. “Lots of stories came back” she said. She then put them all in the book and called it “Everything Hong Kong”. So what does a publisher do? “I coordinate people, I coordinate the booksellers, and I make sure everything is humming along” says Mrs Shawwa Abuali.

Her favourite book genre is fiction. “I love people’s stories!” she says. “You can pretend you really are that person. It gives you an idea of their life; its like escaping into another world”.

‘The cost of publishing a book is not that expensive; the real expense is the time the author spends writing the book, marketing the book, selling the book and getting people to buy it is hard! But my favourite part of publishing a book is discovering new, great talent!”. Mrs Shawwa Abuali definitely listens to her children when it comes to books: “Children have good taste” she says. She reads out her stories to her children to see if they like them! The book that she enjoyed publishing the most was The Spider’s Web by Adrian Tilley. “The author was an English teacher for 30 years, so he really knows how to express the awful scenario of an evil regime taking over Hong Kong and the character’s heart-racing terror,” she explained. Her favourite children’s books are the Dr Seuss series as she loves the wonderful tongue twisters. Mrs Shawwa Abuali says if you want to become a publisher you have to have a love of words and the ability to recognize a good book! So get out there and start reading and writing!

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Page 8 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Saying Goodbye to a Special Place by Jemima Barr and Byron Lee

It is always hard to leave somewhere you have known for a long time and even though every P6 student goes through these feelings at the end of primary school, when you are the person facing them, it is still hard. Many people are very nervous about the new changes they are about to experience. Most P6s are very sad but also excited about the prospect of going to a new school. Tasha Wilkinson explains: “I am sad about leaving behind my friends, but I know I will be able to make new ones.” Edward Mayall added “Kellett has been such a great start to my school life”. Benjy Renton agrees “I am really sad about leaving Kellett, as I have been here for about 5 years. However, I am excited and anxious to have a new change at a different school. “I have been at Kellett since Reception, so I’m very upset about leaving the only school I have ever been to” said Jemima. “Nevertheless, I’m very excited at moving to a different secondary school and being able to make a new circle of friends.” Byron’s favourite memory of his early days at Kellett was walking into the classroom, seeing lots of people making friendly gestures and smiling “I always felt welcome at Kellett, and I’m going to miss it!” Leav i ng i s an enormous tradition at Kellett, and at the end of the year, P6s put on an end of year s how , h a ve a presentation of

books and also a wet netball competition between the teachers and the students. Wet netball is the best tradition as we get to soak all the teachers. Not only is it hard for us, but the teachers miss us too. Ms McDonald told us she always has very mixed emotions. She feels a sense of pride we have all done well, but she also knows it is an exciting time. For Ms McDonald the new school has made things a little different, as not everyone is leaving now. She says all our leaving celebrations are really important. “It is good to celebrate, and it is good to have traditions.” She also says “Every P6 year group is different, and I think that when the teachers and Mr. Cox choose the show, they always choose it for the individual year group.” Everyone agrees they will miss Kellett, but it has also prepared us immensely for the next stage. “I feel a lot more confident about going to secondary school” said Benjy. “I don't think anything can stand in my way now” said Axel Leven.

Reception to P6, the largest group to go all the way through Kellett .

Page 8 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Saying Goodbye to a Special Place by Jemima Barr and Byron Lee

It is always hard to leave somewhere you have known for a long time and even though every P6 student goes through these feelings at the end of primary school, when you are the person facing them, it is still hard. Many people are very nervous about the new changes they are about to experience. Most P6s are very sad but also excited about the prospect of going to a new school. Tasha Wilkinson explains: “I am sad about leaving behind my friends, but I know I will be able to make new ones.” Edward Mayall added “Kellett has been such a great start to my school life”. Benjy Renton agrees “I am really sad about leaving Kellett, as I have been here for about 5 years. However, I am excited and anxious to have a new change at a different school. “I have been at Kellett since Reception, so I’m very upset about leaving the only school I have ever been to” said Jemima. “Nevertheless, I’m very excited at moving to a different secondary school and being able to make a new circle of friends.” Byron’s favourite memory of his early days at Kellett was walking into the classroom, seeing lots of people making friendly gestures and smiling “I always felt welcome at Kellett, and I’m going to miss it!” Leav i ng i s an enormous tradition at Kellett, and at the end of the year, P6s put on an end of year s how , h a ve a presentation of

books and also a wet netball competition between the teachers and the students. Wet netball is the best tradition as we get to soak all the teachers. Not only is it hard for us, but the teachers miss us too. Ms McDonald told us she always has very mixed emotions. She feels a sense of pride we have all done well, but she also knows it is an exciting time. For Ms McDonald the new school has made things a little different, as not everyone is leaving now. She says all our leaving celebrations are really important. “It is good to celebrate, and it is good to have traditions.” She also says “Every P6 year group is different, and I think that when the teachers and Mr. Cox choose the show, they always choose it for the individual year group.” Everyone agrees they will miss Kellett, but it has also prepared us immensely for the next stage. “I feel a lot more confident about going to secondary school” said Benjy. “I don't think anything can stand in my way now” said Axel Leven.

Reception to P6, the largest group to go all the way through Kellett .

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Page 9 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

What Will Secondary School be Like? by Bertie Bateman & Sophie Taylor

All of us know it is nearly the end of the school year! Next year lots of people from P6 are going to the Shau Kei wan secondary school, we interviewed Mr. Simon Giddings( Head of Secondary) about the school . What was the biggest challenge you faced when you came to the school?

I joined Kellett 3 years ago. Finding my way around the Pok Fu Lam campus was the biggest challenge - it is like a Tardis! What do you think is different or better about Kellett compared to other

secondary schools? Small class sizes allow teachers to really get to know their students well. Plus we have a lot of hours of lessons each week. How many pupils are there right now in Kellett secondary? There are 48 children in total and we will have around 70 new students joining the Secondary School next year. Are there many children coming from overseas? Quite a few, and I am continuously showing families around who are moving here. What exciting things will you be doing next year? Personally I love the outdoors, and will usually trek some big mountains each year. I do not know where in the world yet but it will be high. What has been the best/worst things about the school? Difficult question to answer - I have loved starting the school this academic year in our new Shau Kei Wan campus but at the same time, I miss being at the Pok Fu Lam campus where the Secondary School started three years ago. How many classes will there be in next years Y7s? Three classes so 3x23 = 69 students maximum Could you tell me more about the skiing trip next year? Well, if you love skiing/boarding then you should go. Great snow, fun instructors and good food - what more could you want? It is in Switzerland! What was the biggest challenge you faced when you put up the new campus? The hardest part of the job was trying to get the campus ready for the start of the academic year, we only had 144 days to do the complete renovation. Which new subject do you enjoy the most? Currently Salsa dancing if you can call that a subject. Who are the teachers at Kellett secondary? Next year there will be 14, too many to list here! What tips would you give the new students? Look forward to joining us, come with a positive attitude and you will have a brilliant time. Are there any new teachers at Kellett secondary? Lots, we have 7 new teachers joining us next year Which class do you enjoy the most? When I was a student I enjoyed Science the most (particularly Physics). My second favourite was Design Technology and I love PE.

Page 9 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

What Will Secondary School be Like? by Bertie Bateman & Sophie Taylor

All of us know it is nearly the end of the school year! Next year lots of people from P6 are going to the Shau Kei wan secondary school, we interviewed Mr. Simon Giddings( Head of Secondary) about the school . What was the biggest challenge you faced when you came to the school?

I joined Kellett 3 years ago. Finding my way around the Pok Fu Lam campus was the biggest challenge - it is like a Tardis! What do you think is different or better about Kellett compared to other

secondary schools? Small class sizes allow teachers to really get to know their students well. Plus we have a lot of hours of lessons each week. How many pupils are there right now in Kellett secondary? There are 48 children in total and we will have around 70 new students joining the Secondary School next year. Are there many children coming from overseas? Quite a few, and I am continuously showing families around who are moving here. What exciting things will you be doing next year? Personally I love the outdoors, and will usually trek some big mountains each year. I do not know where in the world yet but it will be high. What has been the best/worst things about the school? Difficult question to answer - I have loved starting the school this academic year in our new Shau Kei Wan campus but at the same time, I miss being at the Pok Fu Lam campus where the Secondary School started three years ago. How many classes will there be in next years Y7s? Three classes so 3x23 = 69 students maximum Could you tell me more about the skiing trip next year? Well, if you love skiing/boarding then you should go. Great snow, fun instructors and good food - what more could you want? It is in Switzerland! What was the biggest challenge you faced when you put up the new campus? The hardest part of the job was trying to get the campus ready for the start of the academic year, we only had 144 days to do the complete renovation. Which new subject do you enjoy the most? Currently Salsa dancing if you can call that a subject. Who are the teachers at Kellett secondary? Next year there will be 14, too many to list here! What tips would you give the new students? Look forward to joining us, come with a positive attitude and you will have a brilliant time. Are there any new teachers at Kellett secondary? Lots, we have 7 new teachers joining us next year Which class do you enjoy the most? When I was a student I enjoyed Science the most (particularly Physics). My second favourite was Design Technology and I love PE.

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Page 10 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

This year Hong Kong once again hosted the Ice Hockey Mega 5’s—the biggest ice hockey tournament in all of Asia! Teams from Beijing, Shanghai, Thailand and Singapore came to play hockey at Mega Box in Kowloon and overall more than three hundred players were in Hong Kong for at least a week. The rink at Mega Box is the only international size rink in Hong Kong that can host Olympic ice hockey qualifiers or games for NHL leagues. We were able to go along and interview Jeff Griffin, who coaches hockey at the Aberdeen Marina Club and has been playing for 25 years! Griffin is from Toronto, Canada and he plays right wing—so he has to shoot for goal! “ My favorite thing about playing hockey is the team work and being able to play with friends,” he said. Griffin supports the Pittsburgh Penguins and his favorite player is Mario Lemieux , a retried Pittsburgh Penguin who is on the Canadian Walk of Fame!

We were also lucky enough to interview Zdneck Kompdeck (pro player). He has been playing hockey for 21 years! “I play for Gostrop (a Swedish team) in defense.” He says the reason he plays

hockey is because it is exciting and fun. The Ice Hockey season has ended for this year but it will start again in November and run until May. The tournament is almost always the end of April and lasts two weeks, one week for the kids and one week for the adults. We really enjoyed the games we went to watch. It was funny seeing everyone smash each other into the barriers. It is a very fast game and everyone gets really stuck in cheering for their side. Max plays ice hockey every week and he played in the tournament. They won 2 games and lost 3. Not bad for a junior team without much ice around!

Ice Hockey Superstars come to Hong Kong by Max Rosgen & Max Chalk

Page 10 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

This year Hong Kong once again hosted the Ice Hockey Mega 5’s—the biggest ice hockey tournament in all of Asia! Teams from Beijing, Shanghai, Thailand and Singapore came to play hockey at Mega Box in Kowloon and overall more than three hundred players were in Hong Kong for at least a week. The rink at Mega Box is the only international size rink in Hong Kong that can host Olympic ice hockey qualifiers or games for NHL leagues. We were able to go along and interview Jeff Griffin, who coaches hockey at the Aberdeen Marina Club and has been playing for 25 years! Griffin is from Toronto, Canada and he plays right wing—so he has to shoot for goal! “ My favorite thing about playing hockey is the team work and being able to play with friends,” he said. Griffin supports the Pittsburgh Penguins and his favorite player is Mario Lemieux , a retried Pittsburgh Penguin who is on the Canadian Walk of Fame!

We were also lucky enough to interview Zdneck Kompdeck (pro player). He has been playing hockey for 21 years! “I play for Gostrop (a Swedish team) in defense.” He says the reason he plays

hockey is because it is exciting and fun. The Ice Hockey season has ended for this year but it will start again in November and run until May. The tournament is almost always the end of April and lasts two weeks, one week for the kids and one week for the adults. We really enjoyed the games we went to watch. It was funny seeing everyone smash each other into the barriers. It is a very fast game and everyone gets really stuck in cheering for their side. Max plays ice hockey every week and he played in the tournament. They won 2 games and lost 3. Not bad for a junior team without much ice around!

Ice Hockey Superstars come to Hong Kong by Max Rosgen & Max Chalk

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Page 11 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Most people don’t realise you can start to sail at 6 years old, and by the age of 8 you can actually learn to sail an Optimist- a small racing boat – all by yourself! In May I went to the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club at Middle Island to talk to Peter Wilkins, Senior Sail Instructor, to find out more about sailing. Peter started sailing at the age of 8 because his Dad thought it was a good idea, and after a short time he thought so too! “Sailing is a good summer job when you are a teenager, plus it is really fun. It is especially fun for children because there are no adults to boss you around, and there are hardly any rules!’’ There is just one rule though - you should avoid the No Go Zone, a point at which you mustn’t steer your boat directly into the wind. You will find out about that if you start learning! There are loads of fun things you can enjoy while sailing; one is that you can capsize, that is when your boat tips on to one side. My favorite is ‘Turtling’ - when your boat actually turns upside down. It may sound dangerous but actually it is really fun (though you might get just a little bit wet!)

Hong Kong played amazingly well in this year’s Asian 5 Nations and the competition was even more exciting because some of the games were played here in Hong Kong and it was also the Asian Rugby World Cup Qualifiers. Hong Kong won their first match against South Korea. Sadly however they lost their last game to Japan 94-5! We went to the Hong Kong vs. Kazakhstan game and interviewed some of the players. We asked second rower, Mark Wright, about the game: “We played well but we were real butterfingers in this game.” He also said that Number 4 , Nigel Clark played the best in the match. Nigel Clark said “In the second half, we gave away too many penalties, but overall I think the whole team played well.” We really enjoyed watching the game and we thought Hong Kong played exceptionally well. The one player we watched closely was Kellett and Hong Kong hero Keith Robertson! He really is fantastic. It was an amazing match and a great performance by Hong Kong to win over Kazakhstan! Hong Kong worked so hard this year and although they lost the last match to Japan we still think they are heroes!

Rugby Five Nations in Hong Kong! By Lucas Chalk and Axel Leven

Sailing into the Sunset by Alexandra Barker

Page 11 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Most people don’t realise you can start to sail at 6 years old, and by the age of 8 you can actually learn to sail an Optimist- a small racing boat – all by yourself! In May I went to the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club at Middle Island to talk to Peter Wilkins, Senior Sail Instructor, to find out more about sailing. Peter started sailing at the age of 8 because his Dad thought it was a good idea, and after a short time he thought so too! “Sailing is a good summer job when you are a teenager, plus it is really fun. It is especially fun for children because there are no adults to boss you around, and there are hardly any rules!’’ There is just one rule though - you should avoid the No Go Zone, a point at which you mustn’t steer your boat directly into the wind. You will find out about that if you start learning! There are loads of fun things you can enjoy while sailing; one is that you can capsize, that is when your boat tips on to one side. My favorite is ‘Turtling’ - when your boat actually turns upside down. It may sound dangerous but actually it is really fun (though you might get just a little bit wet!)

Hong Kong played amazingly well in this year’s Asian 5 Nations and the competition was even more exciting because some of the games were played here in Hong Kong and it was also the Asian Rugby World Cup Qualifiers. Hong Kong won their first match against South Korea. Sadly however they lost their last game to Japan 94-5! We went to the Hong Kong vs. Kazakhstan game and interviewed some of the players. We asked second rower, Mark Wright, about the game: “We played well but we were real butterfingers in this game.” He also said that Number 4 , Nigel Clark played the best in the match. Nigel Clark said “In the second half, we gave away too many penalties, but overall I think the whole team played well.” We really enjoyed watching the game and we thought Hong Kong played exceptionally well. The one player we watched closely was Kellett and Hong Kong hero Keith Robertson! He really is fantastic. It was an amazing match and a great performance by Hong Kong to win over Kazakhstan! Hong Kong worked so hard this year and although they lost the last match to Japan we still think they are heroes!

Rugby Five Nations in Hong Kong! By Lucas Chalk and Axel Leven

Sailing into the Sunset by Alexandra Barker

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Page 12 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

The Best Frozen Yogurt in Hong Kong by Yorke Pittar & Harry Mowbray

Are you an ice cream monster? We are, but we know it can be unhealthy, so we decided to try a nutritious, tasty substitute—frozen yogurt! We hunted all around HK looking for the best frozen yogurt shops and these are our top three places: Berry Good, Yogo and Yo Mama. Frozen yogurt tastes amazingly delicious and here are some reasons why it is healthier than ice cream: first of all there is less sugar and fat in frozen yogurt. Also did you know it contains healthy bacteria and enzymes, that help your digestive system. Berry Good, 41-43 Graham Street, Central Every day this small shop features original as well as a flavour of the day. They also have over 20 toppings ! Including

caramel and chocolate sauce, Oreo crumbles, fruit and M&Ms. The frozen yogurt here is quite sweet – so be careful with your toppings. There is some seating so you can relax and enjoy. Yogo, 61 Sing Woo Road, Happy Valley Yogo is fantastic! They have five flavours: original, strawberry, lychee, mango and banana . The frozen yogurt here is not as sweet and is incredibly delicious . They have over 12 toppings. But be warned there is no seating here, so you have to

eat your frozen yogurt quickly before it melts! Yo Mama, Podium Level 1, IFC Mall Yo Mama has two flavours, original and green tea, - the green tea tastes fresh and is yummy! They have over 20 toppings. It is opposite City Super in the IFC.

Are you looking for a cozy, relaxing place to spend your holiday? Why not try one of Kellett’s top ten places! 10) Spain–The Mezquita is a must see, historic site in Cordoba. It was once a Muslim Mosque but now is a Roman Catholic Cathedral. 9) Japan - Club Med in Nisseko, Japan is an amazing ski school. 8) Hawaii, USA – Hawaii’s beaches are very famous for their lush sand and there are great waves for surfing. 7) Kenya – Kenya is a fun place to go and visit. There are many wonderful animals to see in the African bush and you can experience the wonders of different cultures. 6) Caribbean -The beaches are amazing and the water is crystal clear. 5) Australia – Australia’s famous for a big

orange rock. The Great Barrier Reef is also amazing and great for snorkeling. 4)Boracay, Philippines – Boracay’s beaches are the whitest, softest beaches in the world. It’s a great place to build sand castles and just sit back and relax 3)Whistler, Canada – Whistler is a very popular place to go on holiday at Kellett. It is an amazing place to go skiing and drink lots of hot chocolate! 2)New Zealand – New Zealand is a fabulous place to go on holiday. The skiing is amazing and the landscape is like heaven. 1) Maldives -The Maldives are a wonderful place to visit as there are amazing beaches and you can catch thousands of fish. It is my number one holiday destination because I love the sea and sand when they are together.

Fun holiday destinations by Tasha Wilkinson

Page 12 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

The Best Frozen Yogurt in Hong Kong by Yorke Pittar & Harry Mowbray

Are you an ice cream monster? We are, but we know it can be unhealthy, so we decided to try a nutritious, tasty substitute—frozen yogurt! We hunted all around HK looking for the best frozen yogurt shops and these are our top three places: Berry Good, Yogo and Yo Mama. Frozen yogurt tastes amazingly delicious and here are some reasons why it is healthier than ice cream: first of all there is less sugar and fat in frozen yogurt. Also did you know it contains healthy bacteria and enzymes, that help your digestive system. Berry Good, 41-43 Graham Street, Central Every day this small shop features original as well as a flavour of the day. They also have over 20 toppings ! Including

caramel and chocolate sauce, Oreo crumbles, fruit and M&Ms. The frozen yogurt here is quite sweet – so be careful with your toppings. There is some seating so you can relax and enjoy. Yogo, 61 Sing Woo Road, Happy Valley Yogo is fantastic! They have five flavours: original, strawberry, lychee, mango and banana . The frozen yogurt here is not as sweet and is incredibly delicious . They have over 12 toppings. But be warned there is no seating here, so you have to

eat your frozen yogurt quickly before it melts! Yo Mama, Podium Level 1, IFC Mall Yo Mama has two flavours, original and green tea, - the green tea tastes fresh and is yummy! They have over 20 toppings. It is opposite City Super in the IFC.

Are you looking for a cozy, relaxing place to spend your holiday? Why not try one of Kellett’s top ten places! 10) Spain–The Mezquita is a must see, historic site in Cordoba. It was once a Muslim Mosque but now is a Roman Catholic Cathedral. 9) Japan - Club Med in Nisseko, Japan is an amazing ski school. 8) Hawaii, USA – Hawaii’s beaches are very famous for their lush sand and there are great waves for surfing. 7) Kenya – Kenya is a fun place to go and visit. There are many wonderful animals to see in the African bush and you can experience the wonders of different cultures. 6) Caribbean -The beaches are amazing and the water is crystal clear. 5) Australia – Australia’s famous for a big

orange rock. The Great Barrier Reef is also amazing and great for snorkeling. 4)Boracay, Philippines – Boracay’s beaches are the whitest, softest beaches in the world. It’s a great place to build sand castles and just sit back and relax 3)Whistler, Canada – Whistler is a very popular place to go on holiday at Kellett. It is an amazing place to go skiing and drink lots of hot chocolate! 2)New Zealand – New Zealand is a fabulous place to go on holiday. The skiing is amazing and the landscape is like heaven. 1) Maldives -The Maldives are a wonderful place to visit as there are amazing beaches and you can catch thousands of fish. It is my number one holiday destination because I love the sea and sand when they are together.

Fun holiday destinations by Tasha Wilkinson

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Page 13 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Ways to protect your dogs by Safie Turl and Priya Chhaya

Stuffy humid weather can be uncomfortable for people, but it can be fatal for animals! This summer, watch out for the following with your pets… Heat Stress - At this time of year the weather is unpredictable. Sometimes it is even hotter after it rains; even at 8am the ground can heat up and make it hard to breathe. Dogs and other animals can suffer from heat stress, which can lead to death. To help prevent heat stress splash lots of cold water on your pet, especially when exercising... Dehydration —Unlike humans, dogs can’t sweat, so they can easily get overheated and dehydrated. Sunken eyes, a dry mouth or exhaustion are all signs of dehydration. Jane Gray from the SPCA: says: “We once saw an owner walking his overweight pug at mid-day. The pug was lying on the

ground looking very uncomfortable, with its eyes bulging, and it was panting hard, which are some of the symptoms of heat stress, but the owner was still forcing the poor doggie to walk. Our colleague suggested the owner take the dog to the SPCA immediately. When the pug was stabilized, his body temperature was still 40C. If the dog hadn’t been taken immediately, I think he wouldn’t have get through the heat stress.” To stop this happening avoid walking in mid-day and give your dog lots of water. Flea and Tick prevention - The humid

subtropical weather of Hong Kong makes it a flea and tick paradise! Fleas account for around 85% of all skin problems in dogs and cats, and so tick collars are essential. Examine your pet daily for ticks, especially in around the ears and in between toes.

In the Spring edition of Kellett Tell It, Sophie and Yorke brought you a story encouraging you to “Buy a Brick” for Hong Kong Dog Rescue. The HKDR were looking forward to their move to bigger and better premises on Lamma Island. Just as you were reading that story, disaster struck! The day before the Easter Holiday, the Lands Department refused to give permission to turn the site into kennels! HKDR were left with an almost impossible task of finding a new location for their 200 dogs.......by the 30th April (their deadline to leave the Pokfulam site)!!!! Over the years, the HKDR has looked at many potential permanent sites for their

kennels, but without any success. Could they find a new home when they were only 2 weeks from eviction? What would happen to their

dogs? At the eleventh hour, an anonymous canine samiritan “loaned” a large house with a garden in Tai Po. Great! HKDR can use the house for at least 6 months to a year. Sadly the premises were not large enough for ALL of the dogs. A HUGE adoption drive was organised, and many dogs were quickly found new homes. Moving the dogs was a huge undertaking but all are settled now. For HKDR the biggest stress is the continuing search for a permanent home. Help HKDR if you can by adopting a dog.

Hong Kong Dog Rescue still need our help by Jemima Steward and Lili Banks

Page 13 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Ways to protect your dogs by Safie Turl and Priya Chhaya

Stuffy humid weather can be uncomfortable for people, but it can be fatal for animals! This summer, watch out for the following with your pets… Heat Stress - At this time of year the weather is unpredictable. Sometimes it is even hotter after it rains; even at 8am the ground can heat up and make it hard to breathe. Dogs and other animals can suffer from heat stress, which can lead to death. To help prevent heat stress splash lots of cold water on your pet, especially when exercising... Dehydration —Unlike humans, dogs can’t sweat, so they can easily get overheated and dehydrated. Sunken eyes, a dry mouth or exhaustion are all signs of dehydration. Jane Gray from the SPCA: says: “We once saw an owner walking his overweight pug at mid-day. The pug was lying on the

ground looking very uncomfortable, with its eyes bulging, and it was panting hard, which are some of the symptoms of heat stress, but the owner was still forcing the poor doggie to walk. Our colleague suggested the owner take the dog to the SPCA immediately. When the pug was stabilized, his body temperature was still 40C. If the dog hadn’t been taken immediately, I think he wouldn’t have get through the heat stress.” To stop this happening avoid walking in mid-day and give your dog lots of water. Flea and Tick prevention - The humid

subtropical weather of Hong Kong makes it a flea and tick paradise! Fleas account for around 85% of all skin problems in dogs and cats, and so tick collars are essential. Examine your pet daily for ticks, especially in around the ears and in between toes.

In the Spring edition of Kellett Tell It, Sophie and Yorke brought you a story encouraging you to “Buy a Brick” for Hong Kong Dog Rescue. The HKDR were looking forward to their move to bigger and better premises on Lamma Island. Just as you were reading that story, disaster struck! The day before the Easter Holiday, the Lands Department refused to give permission to turn the site into kennels! HKDR were left with an almost impossible task of finding a new location for their 200 dogs.......by the 30th April (their deadline to leave the Pokfulam site)!!!! Over the years, the HKDR has looked at many potential permanent sites for their

kennels, but without any success. Could they find a new home when they were only 2 weeks from eviction? What would happen to their

dogs? At the eleventh hour, an anonymous canine samiritan “loaned” a large house with a garden in Tai Po. Great! HKDR can use the house for at least 6 months to a year. Sadly the premises were not large enough for ALL of the dogs. A HUGE adoption drive was organised, and many dogs were quickly found new homes. Moving the dogs was a huge undertaking but all are settled now. For HKDR the biggest stress is the continuing search for a permanent home. Help HKDR if you can by adopting a dog.

Hong Kong Dog Rescue still need our help by Jemima Steward and Lili Banks

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Page 14 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Many fun memories from Reception by Isabella Taylor And Sasha Faure

Sadly, it is the last year at Kellett Primary School for the P6s and quite a few have been here since reception. And for one reception teacher it will also be rather strange as she started at Kellett at the same time as us. Sasha has been here since reception and she and Miss Lewis started Kellett together. Miss Lewis says it is really sad to see her first class leave; however she is very proud of what they have achieved. “I can not believe it has already been seven years, I remember when they were all very little. I am still in shock because they have grown up very fast.” Here Are Some Memories of Reception Children Axel:” I stapled my finger and I was in a lot of pain, it really hurt.” Tasha: “I remember cutting play-doh people out of cutting shape things” Axel: “I remember when I was in reception and I was so hungry I was tempted to eat a toy car, well at least some of it”. Tasha: “I remember that there was a fake birthday cake made out of cloth.” Axel:” I was a snowman in the reception play and I looked ridiculous.” Sasha:”When I was in reception I remember being the Christmas pudding and sing-ing all the funny songs.” Catherine: “I remember making jelly!” Charlotte: “I remember in the Christmas play I was a teddy bear and I found it real-ly embarrassing. Can you guess who these P6’s are? (Hint: They are all in Kellett Tell It!)








A=_______________ D=_______________ G=_______________ B=_______________ E=_______________ H=_______________ C=_______________ F=_______________ How many did you get?

Page 14 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Many fun memories from Reception by Isabella Taylor And Sasha Faure

Sadly, it is the last year at Kellett Primary School for the P6s and quite a few have been here since reception. And for one reception teacher it will also be rather strange as she started at Kellett at the same time as us. Sasha has been here since reception and she and Miss Lewis started Kellett together. Miss Lewis says it is really sad to see her first class leave; however she is very proud of what they have achieved. “I can not believe it has already been seven years, I remember when they were all very little. I am still in shock because they have grown up very fast.” Here Are Some Memories of Reception Children Axel:” I stapled my finger and I was in a lot of pain, it really hurt.” Tasha: “I remember cutting play-doh people out of cutting shape things” Axel: “I remember when I was in reception and I was so hungry I was tempted to eat a toy car, well at least some of it”. Tasha: “I remember that there was a fake birthday cake made out of cloth.” Axel:” I was a snowman in the reception play and I looked ridiculous.” Sasha:”When I was in reception I remember being the Christmas pudding and sing-ing all the funny songs.” Catherine: “I remember making jelly!” Charlotte: “I remember in the Christmas play I was a teddy bear and I found it real-ly embarrassing. Can you guess who these P6’s are? (Hint: They are all in Kellett Tell It!)








A=_______________ D=_______________ G=_______________ B=_______________ E=_______________ H=_______________ C=_______________ F=_______________ How many did you get?

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Page 15 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Kellett reaches out to help by Benjy Renton and Hamza Apabhai

Kellett always helps when disasters occur, so the Qinghai Earthquake at the start of this term was no exception. The 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck on Wednesday, 14th April at around 8:00 AM rocking the mountainous Qinghai province near Tibet. Kellett did what we do best and we held a dress casual day which raised HK$45,346.50. Around 400 children from the Primary school loved having the excuse to get out of their school uniform on Friday, April 23rd. Everyone enjoyed supporting this cause. Jemima Barr felt very happy to be helping victims in Qinghai. She said, “I am very proud to be aiding the victims of the Earthquake.” Byron Lee said, “It’s really cool to actually say you’re helping someone and making a difference.” He’s right. From Reception to Year 6, everyone made a difference on Dress Casual Day by donating from as little as HK$20, to as much as HK$1000. All proceeds from the day went to Oxfam, because Oxfam was in Qinghai at the time, so Miss McDonald and Mr. Harrington decided to choose that

charity. Oxfam works in many provinces throughout China. They help with emergencies like the earthquake but also do long term development in poor parts of China. The epicenter of the earthquake was in a particularly mountainous area which means it was hard for relief to get there, so local monks in Qinghai had to assist with pulling people out of the damaged buildings. The earthquake struck very near to the city of Gyêgu. Many rescuers who tried to help came down with altitude sickness, as Gyêgu is at an altitude at about 4000 meters above sea level. Over 2,220 people are confirmed dead, and more than 10,000 people were injured. Due to this horrible event, the

President of China, Hu Jintao, (胡锦涛)

delayed his business trip to Brazil to ensure the Chinese people were okay. Kellett children thoroughly enjoyed Dress Casual Day and hope to have more opportunities next year to be able to support people that need our help. It is so good to be able to make a difference

Page 15 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Kellett reaches out to help by Benjy Renton and Hamza Apabhai

Kellett always helps when disasters occur, so the Qinghai Earthquake at the start of this term was no exception. The 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck on Wednesday, 14th April at around 8:00 AM rocking the mountainous Qinghai province near Tibet. Kellett did what we do best and we held a dress casual day which raised HK$45,346.50. Around 400 children from the Primary school loved having the excuse to get out of their school uniform on Friday, April 23rd. Everyone enjoyed supporting this cause. Jemima Barr felt very happy to be helping victims in Qinghai. She said, “I am very proud to be aiding the victims of the Earthquake.” Byron Lee said, “It’s really cool to actually say you’re helping someone and making a difference.” He’s right. From Reception to Year 6, everyone made a difference on Dress Casual Day by donating from as little as HK$20, to as much as HK$1000. All proceeds from the day went to Oxfam, because Oxfam was in Qinghai at the time, so Miss McDonald and Mr. Harrington decided to choose that

charity. Oxfam works in many provinces throughout China. They help with emergencies like the earthquake but also do long term development in poor parts of China. The epicenter of the earthquake was in a particularly mountainous area which means it was hard for relief to get there, so local monks in Qinghai had to assist with pulling people out of the damaged buildings. The earthquake struck very near to the city of Gyêgu. Many rescuers who tried to help came down with altitude sickness, as Gyêgu is at an altitude at about 4000 meters above sea level. Over 2,220 people are confirmed dead, and more than 10,000 people were injured. Due to this horrible event, the

President of China, Hu Jintao, (胡锦涛)

delayed his business trip to Brazil to ensure the Chinese people were okay. Kellett children thoroughly enjoyed Dress Casual Day and hope to have more opportunities next year to be able to support people that need our help. It is so good to be able to make a difference

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Page 16 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Thank you Mrs Faure!!! By The Kellett Tell It Team

We would like to thank Mr Dawes for always letting us use the ICT room and say a huge thank you to Mrs Pittar, Ms Jenkins, Mrs Steward and Mrs Banks for helping us every week. Any ideas or s u g g e s t i o n s are always welcome.

Where’s the first place Kellett students go to find out about their friend’s achievements, the latest school news, and the most exciting things currently happening in Hong Kong? Kellet Tell It, of course—the school newspaper that’s a brilliant mix of school events and productions, local sports, interviews with Hong Kong-based celebrities and fun articles on pets, travel, food, books, films ….and lots of other stuff too! Today, the school newspaper is one of the things that makes Kellett truly special, and it’s wholly thanks to founder Fiona Faure, who started up Kellett Tell It seven long years ago. Now Sasha—her youngest - is finally leaving Kellett Primary, it’s time for Mrs Faure to retire as editor! Over her seven years at the paper, she has arranged for hundreds of children to get involved in events, shows and productions they wouldn’t normally have had access to. They have attended press conferences for major local events such as the HHGO, The Mega 5s Ice Hockey Championships, or the production of Chicago; the chance to interview international sports celebrities such as cricketer Stephen Fleming, then England Rugby captain Martin Johnson or golfer Lee Westwood . And they’ve interviewed everyone from the Hong Kong Dog Rescue and SPCA to real life explorers at the National Geographic Society! “She will be sorely missed” says Ann McDonald, Principal of Kellett School. “I would like to thank her for contributing her time and expertise over the years, and wish her all the best for the future”. Thanks Mrs Faure, you’ve been a fantastic editor and we’ve all loved working with you!

The Kellett Tell It Team !!The Kellett Tell It Team !!

This paper was put together by Byron Lee, Jemima Barr, Jack MacFarlane, Sasha Faure, Isabella

Taylor, Tasha Wilkinson, Alexandra Barker, Mia Kriegel, Charlie Pepper, Charlotte Lomas, Catherine

Fisher, Olivia Pearce, Max Rosgen, Max Chalk, Axel Leven, Lucas Chalk, Yorke Pittar, Saffie Turl, Lili

Banks, Jemima Steward, Benjy Renton, Priya Chhaya, Sabrina Lane, Lauren Leonard, Harry Mowbray,

Hamza Apabhai, Sophie Taylor, Bertie Bateman, Edward Mayall and Joshua Davies.

Page 16 Kellett Tellit—Summer 2010

Thank you Mrs Faure!!! By The Kellett Tell It Team

We would like to thank Mr Dawes for always letting us use the ICT room and say a huge thank you to Mrs Pittar, Ms Jenkins, Mrs Steward and Mrs Banks for helping us every week. Any ideas or s u g g e s t i o n s are always welcome.

Where’s the first place Kellett students go to find out about their friend’s achievements, the latest school news, and the most exciting things currently happening in Hong Kong? Kellet Tell It, of course—the school newspaper that’s a brilliant mix of school events and productions, local sports, interviews with Hong Kong-based celebrities and fun articles on pets, travel, food, books, films ….and lots of other stuff too! Today, the school newspaper is one of the things that makes Kellett truly special, and it’s wholly thanks to founder Fiona Faure, who started up Kellett Tell It seven long years ago. Now Sasha—her youngest - is finally leaving Kellett Primary, it’s time for Mrs Faure to retire as editor! Over her seven years at the paper, she has arranged for hundreds of children to get involved in events, shows and productions they wouldn’t normally have had access to. They have attended press conferences for major local events such as the HHGO, The Mega 5s Ice Hockey Championships, or the production of Chicago; the chance to interview international sports celebrities such as cricketer Stephen Fleming, then England Rugby captain Martin Johnson or golfer Lee Westwood . And they’ve interviewed everyone from the Hong Kong Dog Rescue and SPCA to real life explorers at the National Geographic Society! “She will be sorely missed” says Ann McDonald, Principal of Kellett School. “I would like to thank her for contributing her time and expertise over the years, and wish her all the best for the future”. Thanks Mrs Faure, you’ve been a fantastic editor and we’ve all loved working with you!

The Kellett Tell It Team !!The Kellett Tell It Team !!

This paper was put together by Byron Lee, Jemima Barr, Jack MacFarlane, Sasha Faure, Isabella

Taylor, Tasha Wilkinson, Alexandra Barker, Mia Kriegel, Charlie Pepper, Charlotte Lomas, Catherine

Fisher, Olivia Pearce, Max Rosgen, Max Chalk, Axel Leven, Lucas Chalk, Yorke Pittar, Saffie Turl, Lili

Banks, Jemima Steward, Benjy Renton, Priya Chhaya, Sabrina Lane, Lauren Leonard, Harry Mowbray,

Hamza Apabhai, Sophie Taylor, Bertie Bateman, Edward Mayall and Joshua Davies.