O TTTTfrTFTTfT tf THE SUN DECEMBER 19 1902 r FRIDAY I 1j TI 7 g 4Nr F I 1 4 > DR LORENZ HAS A DAY orrnTFH ATTESDS A m- Alt MAKES A SPEECH ttttt nnlld f r CTilldrrn Mueh flrtlrr Amerlean llo pttal Are Mrfi ihe Ka t SkIP In an Auto m l lleAt Dinner at Ihei Tate Dr l renz pent a lay pretty much e New York style yesterday and the Idea of it seemed to tick he was at his profe ional work for he mentioned Iho York gait while he WAS at a clinic with a l al of fLing Early In Uw morning lio had a view of the lower part of the citys East Side from an automobile Uter he w w prhate patient In the afternoon he operated on four patients nt a public clinic which lasted until nearly B oclock Then he dined with friends at the Yale Club and In the eveninc be fld lre d the annual meeting of Auxiliary No 2 Guild for Crippled Cllldren of the Poor of York at Tuxedo There again he had a word to say of New ability to keep him buty- Mr Daniel P Hays presided at the Guild meeting with lr Ixirenz sitting at hr right hand She read a report of the organization work in which rh Mid among rtlu r things that Nathan Straus was to tlwnkod for furnishing milk for the Guilds wards during the summer The Hv Dr II Pereira Memlo one of the rprakers who proveded Dr Ixjrenz in telling of his work In helping to organize the branch hIred that knowing I was ladle I was certain of micros from the beginning After a nauso ihw was an outlurM of laughter which ieomed to puzzle tb doctor nting Dr did his i art in word I am only too to act as manager for great a friend of cripples throughout- the world as my r orenz the greeting which thtt women and the arose to refund When he could be heard he said Will you llv m when 1 My Unit could fno A MtkT soinewlint Inferior to ome h inl tl4 ev nlni- tforreriioti of do know tioin muHi I apprechte the honor ol Invitation I I h evrnln do not UIIOA cnouKh to cipnt my rrstitud In Lingiwc Brest 1 have received wonderful the U of the wnrlt of rharltv doris here antI e- ri illy In tlh city Nowlier In the world I HMII su h s In thIs country Nowhere el e in IIH art to l e fotin l- o PlUil e r rldly l the cure und treatment anil eilucatlon of crippled rt help feeling Injured when I e now M y th hard work of the ur irons in the eenerou contribu- tions of the charitable here and the hospital eiiuipnient y make pos- sible Rut you are no with You add for the children- I am sorry to confs that we In our country have nothing in the way of honplMis for the ruptured and or In the way of for children And you may Imagine under what dlfllcultles 1 to carry on my work At horns At tbe conclusion of Dr Lorrnzs short spe ch a young woman brought forward and presented to him a bouquet The tall and and kl I her hand whereupon there was more ap- plause Dr public clinic yesterday was held at Col- lege where the Vienna surgeon took charge- of Dr M Shaffers regular clinic Dr Lorenz was Introduced by Dr M Pollc dean of tho college Dr Jacob O Schurman president of Cornell Univer- sity attended and had a front tent beside the Rev Dr W S Ralnfonl Dr Lorenz colic treatment of dis of the hip and of clubfoot method re- ferring to bbs scheme of having the leg or foot bear the of while currying out ordinary functions during time of fixation of limb in the plaster cast To demonstrate functional bearing method he said In opening hU clinic I have selected three or cases from some forty which were presented It Mma they abound In he with the lirst cax1 of unilateral dislocation of the hip pointed out that the abductor patient offered extreme resistance and to them with his hand and then run the edge of his hand across them with the motion of a saw ho observed You will notice that I uso hand like tho blunt blade of a knife And doing H he finally destroyed the Paltanghl Is 8 old and her gave him much difficulty It happen In this case that head ualo this case should have been the last ono and not the first But there wa no accident and although- the acHtftbulum wus found to IM shallow the dislocation was reduced After was in plaster Dr Ijorenz paid a compliment to an operation that wa two ago by Dr L W Ely He had looked at that yesterday mornlnc he said and had good Mdo of the patient for tho which had op upon Tho functional results were paid But the Xray photo- graph he said should was operated upon The ieconl a of 4 years was lex troublwome With the third caw came a great surprise which offended Dr Lorenz patl nt Annie Fein bloom years old a dirty foot for the to handle doctor drew back for a moment Then h pointed to the leg which was less than the foot and exclaimed H is a shame This childs wat reduced in a minute and a half When the fourth child Annie Roth 4Vi years old was brought in aw dirty as her predecessor Lorenz aid not to looks were ouent So were Dr ShatTers as he ordered tn nurses on the operating hoer to wash the chili then and there The Roth child presented a very severe Okf of double clubfoot Ono was so twUtwl that the child rested on the end of the leg boric where it enlarges to terra the outer side of the ankle other foot was ao far turned about that It pointed fifteen behind the opposite heel Dr Lorenz Mild that It was difficult Oftso lo a child of her years Men He went at one foot and Dr Mueller worked upon the other The the foot on which Dr Mueller was working at on point but there bleeding That happens once In tIn or once In JoO Unv In such hart cases It can l avoided by dividing the opera tion Into two e ons course In New York on is always In a Theirs was entl applause when mftor two surgeons finished their work the httlo girl who haul been so de stood upon feet each foot upon operating table sfEKisn rtrsf OF TYPHOID Health Hoard Analxlnt Hay Side Food Milk or Oitrn tlay lie lo Blame Although It has mastered the outbreak- of typhoid fovor in Bay Side Queens the Department of Health is making- a houetohou search for the cause that made the llea e practically epidemic The water milk Ice w a food and fresh Twgetablmi In households art thought that the milk be to blame uy one man a health officer said there Is a milk dealer who could b held on circumstantial evidence If this a criminal matter Many rjlleve the oysters taken from the are BUSY e rippled nub In- n w frt w York 1 Dr 1 upon to with th In frill hM a Dr I B to I In I ou ol do not ho morho much doctor led not our you t h moO th ounlr mo A ort I cant F tra J I lotion II ew t A ont a nl tan The br on eratf f 1 mOt had orr 1 rom u her bet g them absolute L flow good hail to int who wa called Lorenz these i No flpilflt1 at ezcfOieIi flltJi with Lortnz when he Cot InIrtlItP tints 1rPPars will you wirlon flnd hate Lnow the ItiueIf that hI have for ur and t peopLe this schools bowed Newton his bbs to- me thee case the side Len eases t s was the bor- ough I Wtdle no proof were k < > < > > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < MAOOV ESTATE FIGHTS RILL Clothes by Mr Kinsley Ma om llmbaad Ured The estate of Kinsley Magoun the banker who died on July 8 1W8 is being ued 1 the Supreme Court by Mrs Mary M Macheret dressmaker of S4 East Twentythird street for 12400 allleged lo- Irf for wearing apparel furnished to Mrs Jervle X Torrenco Magoun the bank- ers wife and daughter of tho Oen Torrenco Just Ixforo Mrs Magoun sailed for Europe a few days ago jo was examined before Referee Harlan Htono as a witness for the plaintiff Tire dressmakers bill disputed by George B Magnum admin- istrator of the estate who died last Mon- day night Mrs Macheret says that between April and Decemlier 1887 she made eleven dresses some waists and a cloak the value of which exceeded 2000 for Mrs Magnum Immediately after tire droesos were Mr and Mrs Magoun went to and did not return until shortly before Mr Magouns death Mrs Mngoun was questioned as to the manner In which she and her husband lived They Were married In 1S94 and resided in summer for a time at Westhury L I where they kept a large establishment and a stable of hunters and ponies In winter they occupied their avenue home Slit they left for Europe In 1997 Mr Magoun her to order whatever dresses she wanted and that it would K all right CATTLE EXPORTED HEALTHY EUiKlanil SatisfIed nitb Precautions to Startup Out r- Fprclzt Dtipatfh to Till Sex LONDON 18 Dr Wray a veterin- ary surgeon who represents the United States Agricultural Department at the Deptford cattle depot told Sttv cor- respondent today that prohibi- tion of thin importation of cattle from the New England States the British officials had not found even a suspicions among American cattle and that they were per- fectly satisfied with tine precautions taken liy the American Government to btamp out thee foot and mouth disease Dr added that he believed that If the hind occurred In any other country but America the British Hoard of Agriculture would have placed an embargo on the whole country but it was satisfied with the American precautions and was convinced that they are promptly and thoroughly enforced- Dr Wray was confMent that the prohi- bition would have little effect on tim total of American exports to England which are heavy this week there being duo to arrive 9343 cattle and 2415 sheep Vfsxfv0 rtrffrsvfrv SAFE and llornnnK Arrive at Gibraltar In the Tltanta- p jt CM i DftpnOt lo TDK Sex Pats Dec 18 Two Americans F W Hawley a Now York yachtsman and Dr Hornting a dentist In Paris left Cherbourg on Dec 7 aboard Baron Dorlodots yacht Titanla It was expected that they would report from Brest or Bordeaux but nothing- was heard from them anti great anxiety was felt as to their safety MrsUawley and MraHornung called at the mericanConsulate looking for in- formation Mr Gowdythe American Consul General cabled to all ports where the yacht would be likely to asking for news of the vessel Ho received a despatch thU afternoon from Gibraltar announcing Its ar- rival at that port HEARISG OV V4T YOHES CLAIM To Be lied In New York the Case to De Disposed of Before Jan SB- SfHrtjl Unvote to Till Sex LONDON Dec the Court of Kings Bench today the solicitor for May Yohe made application to Justice Wright that his client and her American lawyer might be examined under a commission inNow York In connection with her claim for 0187 10s against the estate of her former husband Lord Francis Justice the application subject to tho deposit of security He also ordered that the matter be per- emptorily disposed of not later than Jan 2 CAT MOlE WARSHIP OIneh Steel Cables Broke In Trjmt to Float the nittrlsbarhS- ptctal CaN Dnpat h to Tna Sex COPENIIAOEX Dec 18 Tho warships Kaiser Wllhelm and Prins Helnriclt have matte three attempts to float the German warship Wiltelsbach which grounded during a fog near Zealand They used steel but broke when the strain was put on and the was After discharging 600 and 200 tons of ammunition the stranded vessel row ten Inches hint is still fast She Is leaking and Is apparently not damaged 0YtlE CHEAP Marconi Iff gain Find a Way to rt It at Trifling Kxpenie- Spieirt Dnfntm to Tins Sex hoME Dec 18lt Is reported that Signor Marconi during his recent residence at Bologna while pursuing his electrical re searches discovered almost accidentally- a means of getting pure oxygen from the air at a trifling exrxnse- WVK IIUMRERTS IIHOTHER Said to Have Been Found hy French Dr teethes at Funrhal- fprctal CaW Dirpctck to Sex FUNCIIAL Dee 18 lt Is said that French detectives discovered Bomain dAurlgnac a brother of Mrne Humbert who Is wanted In Franco for complicity In the notorious swindles In connection with Ihe Crawford millions hero just as he was about to cm hark for Las PalmOS Austrian MlnlMer or War Rrl nt- Kffttil CaW Vtipatch lo TDK Sex VIENNA Dee IHGen harem von Krieg hammer Minister of War has resigned For Children With Traehoma Then old Oouverneur Hospital building- was on Tuesday for the treatment of schoolchildren suffering from trachoma anti other From 20 to 300 are being treated every day institution HmllhWmltli Col Hobert O Smith of the Fourth HegU ment National Guard of New Jersey who Is of the Jersey city Htreet end Board and Mrs cm Vilrns married on Afternoon at the home of the bride In math Street near W t End avenue Th core Jenny was performed the Rev 8 De coy the Church of All Angels niarklnirn IarkerW- AHHIXOTOS Dec U Itepresentatlre Ed mood Spencer Blackburn of the Eighth Carolina district and Miss Louise Lo Parker daughter of Mr east Mrs Myron M Parker of thin city were married at i at soon to lav the Her Dr Pierce of Ail Souls Church performing ceremony llMiderson many of the house at tIn reception which followed the wedding For nub midI uropu poll for mla CoN TiE Wry JaI 18In Hop kay Ode Inch thC Whte bach tot budge lot n d 1 Itt War orb bride were ii citta lat was case everyday CoN Lion 6 Cab Tax opened the t g ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ < OFFERING irnrv THE WORLD WAX rouxa- rir nvRLESQiE OUT TOO Notable Production at the Princes Theatre One Not Ho Notable at Weber Flet but lay Templelon has a New Nonf HtnrienU Matinee at Empire After many dlitheartenlng Heidel- berg or When All the World Wan Yourjg was presented nt the Princess Theatre last night before on audience that liked Aubrey Houcleaults adaptation from Wllhelm- MeyerForsterV Alt Heidelberg very much In German this picturesque arid unpretentious little ploy has tool nn un- usually pro orous reception at Mr Heln rich Conrled Irving Place Theatre It Is even wild that there linn stump man- agerial sparring over tine possession of tine Indent that made things o lively In tho Herman rierformatiees A rather free paraphrase In the English translation Mr fiouclcault has laid tress on the lovo episodes and with Charles Klngileyn pretty ringing lines in his mind bait co hai ed tine piece Tine actor would have us imagine a sort of Teutonic Aiglnn a princeling guileless of the great worlds Intilgues a bighearted lad wino loves tho first mSichen ho happens to meet a good friend aunt a gallant gentleman Tho opening scene reveals these trait of Karl Heinrich Irlnco of UicliKnKarlslwrg Ho IK sent to tine University of Heidelberg with his tutor Or Juttncr and there in Act II tine real action begins He soon falls in love with Kathit tine niece of his landlady Frau Ruder and of couiw their tnio love does not sail on even kwil Karl umIc tiles hn Is become reigning and there follows a tearful time of farewells and sol emu sentimental aoseverationH Ho can not as a sprIg of royalty his sweet hart riot at morganatic pos Hibilitlesbut lie tine next best he to love the ladY tint exigency forces him to we i All of which must liavo been pleasant for tine future The difference between Alt Heidelberg and When All tine World the difference that exists between and domestic beer If your attuned to the moro chndeH of then homemado brow wilt if have R whether by residence on Iho coast or visits to East Fourteenth street for tine foreign then do- mestic tills is no obtainable at five cents a glass Tine parable In plain we ho o The transposition of scenes in tho trans lation kill sense of time perspective Things are always about to or thv have they really happen with singular In to 1m re grettcd for tine little that Mr Bouclcnult has to do he does well though he Is more sentimental than even the de- mands and let It bo said that the original nart about an much resemblance to life at Heidelberg as does an Arabian Nights entertainment Mr Boucloault was a handsome and worn lila various garbs and uniforms effectively Ho re- ceived much MdX Freeman nn old New York favorite Infi M local color into tine production afl tutor Dr Jultntr wa ooMSlnntion of Heothoven and the l ti Selill ills piano playing was Minnie was w rook In a character part anti- S IIi Solten as tine Prime Minister were well cast Robert Jjornlno headed the students But there won not beer even the Great Dane dog that followed- Mr Bouclcault about in t Act for beer with his eyes Ho know been in old Heidellxrg hILliER t FIELDS DELL FOR OCE Only One Good ltiie In tine Nrw Burlesque H Ualley Captures That The new parody at Weber A Fleldss last night wax almost a midnight heancu Mr Clyde Fitch in a stage Lox almobt fell asleep four times before the curtain rang finally on tho S H Jneumonla But Tne Stickiness of ielatine proved stubbornly gelatinous There was one line In the burlesque Peter Daily ES I spoke It must Len raffled for before the nights audience will easily recall it this morning It raised an unmistakable laugh leo was funny as a German and P jr as usual gavo wholesale whom he i w Fields hard with his Uses and Fay Tomploton her auditory a now a as Much as That The was tho re- lating to seasickness of a charming re- finement LOO DRAMATIC SCHOOL BILL Mrrttorloiif Prrf urmanre the Ntudmti at the Kmplre Theatre Tho students of the Empire Theatre Dramatic School gave their fourth per- formance yesterday afternoon at the Em pire Theatre The programme offered was a long and varied Journeys End in Lovers Meeting Mrs John Oliver Ilohbes and familiar through Ellen Terrys of it by way why Is Moores name on the bill Ho contributed a major part inn tine manufacturing of this arti- ficial proverbS a Host performance of The a problem ono act by Arthur the best and applauded effort of the afternoon tho 5od Edith Wharton The Picture In thus Framo by Meiga Green and Two la Florence Wilkinson general average of performance was meritorious There was a attendance ACTRESSS IllXflS MISSIXH They Were Stolen From lien Room In the house Maudn llofTnian May- iWien Maude Hoffman leading woman Hiclmrd Mansfields company returned from the theatre to her at House on Wednesday discovered that four rings had stolen from her Jewel case Other Jewelry In the caw ho was left hotel detec- tive a description of tine rings ft recover One Is a soli- taire diamond sorn snow AT Attended by Many Friends and AdmirIng Relatlvei Who Found It Pleailnf The Columbia pophomoren presented their annual show In tine Carnegie Lyceum last night before nn admiring audience relatives anti friends of the youthful actors A of Paradise by Joseph Dllloy was presented Lewis na lort n unsuccessful poet wax voted the best actor In the Chalmers Wood- Jr did well nH Speehlcy- n old maid Thero am to be other performances tonight and tomorrow anti a tomorrow Irohntan Stage Manager Away Ill Jon Humphreys general manager- for Charles Frohman went to Arizona yesterday to spend six months on a ranch health Ho will over at Washington for a attend to business there fur Mr Whilo Is bis work will bo done by W W Seymour Death of Frederick M lf Frederick C Wolf of 201 East Seventy street a member of Uw firm of F A J C manufacturers of decorated glass died yesterday In his firm to belonged did much of the decorating work rotunda of at Albany DOUBLE doC imported d the ou tall I nl Weber h on tif mOt Com- pany In rom II hal COIl Wimp plo one rAW daY C fIt p THEATRICAL been corps here iitary does otIng 1 begged Last walked captured A tiller Iron 1314 the cupi ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I OKV WAOKR 5lf4rVE DEAD To He Hurled ai He Wlihert In the Katlonal- nf tery Arlington hen Wager Hwayno who was head of the law firm of Swayno Swayno Morris k Fay yesterday afternoon at his home In the In West Fortythird street after an Illness of shout two weeks Dialietes and heart trouble were tho cause of death He was 08 old Ills Illnes was not considered seri- ous until last Monday All tInt family were with him except inks non Swayno who Is In and bis daughter Lomus who is travelling In Mexico Swayno was tine win of Noah II Swayne who was appointed a Juctlco of States by Presi- dent Ilnc In His ancestors came from old stock and nettled near Phila- delphia Wager was burn In Co on Nov watt gradu- ated from Yale College In tho class of IhM anti later took a law degree from tine Cincinnati Law School his profession In Columbus until tine out of the Civil War when In August 1WSI he was apiwintcd Major In tho Forty third Ohio l camo a Colonel tine following year and served in the marches and of the Atlanta campaign losing a at Salkahatchio S was breveted of the United Suits Volunteers in February IMS a month later ho became full in Juno of tIne saint a MajorGeneral He Ixcamt Colon of the Infantry In July IStJflanil in Mardi Ih87was brnvetwi npral t S A for in action at Hlvers Major itincrul for services during tIne war was mastered out of service in 1M7 hen Ixcame Cjinmiwioner of the Frocdmans Itureaii in Alabama whero- he coinmaiided tine United States forces anti was lntruhte with tIne administration of tine KpCiiiistructlon acts of Congress Hu orgflnl sl an extensive of free schools for colored children rigid he estab- lished high schools at Montgomery Kelnui and and a at He retired from work In 1870 and re- sumed law In Toledo Ohio where ho remained until 180 when ho came tn this city He was counsel mere for the corporations- At tine don of the of 1897 Gen took an active pert in thin organization of tine of tho of New an antiPlntt associa- tion which was launched by a committee of fiftythree members Two factions de In organization ono supporting William and tho Bitches for chairman of tho County Com tnilteo of tIne organization was tho Urookfleld candidate for chairman and he defeated Mr Ilackus Jen as a presiding ofllcer allowed no obstruc- tionist tactics and using inks crutch as a gavel he repressed tint minority in summary fashion Iol ert C was a nrt- ner of hen Swayne when Mr Morris was elected the regular County Committee last but tine nership had been dissolved since organlziitlon has been prac- tically inactive for two years alt at it is working In favor of a direct nominations hen married Ellen Harris of Louisville Ky Sho anti three cons anti two survive him Hu was a member of tine liar Association Iho lawyers Union League Meadow brook and tho and the Yalo Alumni Association and was former president of tho Ohio was prominent In church work n vestryman St Georges Church and of the American Chunh Mis- sionary Society Tho funeral will U at St on Sunday ut 3 P M and in accordance Jen wish ho will buried in tho National Cemetery at Arlington on Monday ALFRED noiV I Kit DEAD A Manager of Theatrical Venture In Francisco SAN FBANCIHOO Doe 18 Alfred Bouvicr a theatrical manager and nwnocinto of Al Hayman for years tiled today of Drlghts dlseaso Houvler ciuno mere fit years ago front St and took tine Baldwin Theatre under Charles Frohman Obituary Notes Iwise Hrisbln Dunn tutor In the cl artmfnt of botany nt Hirniird rolleipi- licd suddenly yesterday inorrlnc of iij i ne Miss Dunn tool her deitreo nt Harnard In 1 7 and two years later received the deKreu of iim tir arts nt Columbia SIne became n tutor at Ilarniird In looo- Dr Alexander of died a St Johns llo- liltnl after nn operation for amwndicftlK by fever lie was 24 l ten months iico was mnrrloi to Lautmnn of a prominent Brook lyn family 0 P OrlfTln wino served five terms in the Ohio Lewlflatiire from to IKSJ mid was Konerul muniiKiT Niitloiml llfoI- nvurnnce Company In amid New York yesterday In Toledo Henry Godwin Post a grandson of len who was one of Washing- ton died night In Ills rwidlenre 25 Park street Orange N J 77 years old The Rev Edward M Byrne teeter of fit Josephs church at Mlllbrook Dutches yeMvrdn- ymVVKK TO CHIEF CROKER Citizens Committee or the flileft Cornea lion Illi Monti The citizens committee which had charge- of tine Fire Chiefs Convention last Sep- tember gave a dinner on Wednesday even- ing at the Murray Hill of Chief as tho president- of tine International Engineers Thomas E Crlmmlna preoldod A loving cup valued at UOO was presented to nmrrh Sees lira Mkc Art Tine church anti tho stage rubbed elbows yesterday nftcnioon at tho Manhattan Theatre where Mrs Flsko gave a special matlnrV performance for of the Actors When of was first the al- liance Indorsed the Mrs Flsko re turned tho compliment yesterday by add- ing to tIne treasury moro than 1000 Steel Trust to Iut Ip a sent Bessemer Plant SIIAKOK Ia Dec IB It was said hero today that tine United Statue Steel Cor- poration which has the Union steel companies will erect a steel plant here of tho 5000000 steel mill which was pro- jected by time Union company The Weather- The domlnMIn frMure of the weather yritrr day wu the rr of hlirh prruure which rnvrrrd All the country Hrpt Ihr it re mo Vorthrul And southern P rinc Coast Such a condition mean A continuance of warmer And grneralrV fair weather over the irratrr part of tins counlrv for tine n t two or three d y especially In thla section Pair weather prevailed evirywhere teniay save for llcbt snow ntirrlra around tIne Lake lurlnni and rain In stuthem Calltnnila T IM II wu warmer almoit everywhere In this city yeatrnlay It Mr sail warmer the early mounting lilchrjl temperature 42 humidity J per rent barometer cor- rected to read In sea level at H A M 83 I M- SS7 The temperature yesterday recorded br offlelal thermometer and also by Tni fois mometer at the lured b ahown IB the an ncied table UtneiaI funi O7lrt auniI- WJ neon IV07 WU 1101 I O- JIA UU II 7 OP M3H 43 11 M 41 I USH I 3- II M 40 in1 II M 37 For V w Vart V ir Jinni ana Kaittrn lair tomorrotc lw today ini 10 north well vOids ttrroinlnii rarlahtr for New rnfUod colder In froth w t winds fair totnorrowf Delaware Maryland and Virginia tale to day anti tomorrow wInds For Weatern New York fair to day And tomor- row fresh weal wind bccomlnr variable 10 hal V H and 0 mil nlol anti par 01 lan tel hear Ar 31A lei nldpIr He- n ell hole Ih the lowe ale a tb lee I g 43 Err Ill fair elm Man arable as died stun otmrt 1834 lie tear system s tstermn Telegraph tho- abnilt Legion Ito Louis Miss Dent 147 Stunner avenue out Miss also died last Mar bessemer yea was thc 23 tu 3 MId 31 tout the Iloirlcl of Columbia ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < MUSIC OF A GOLDEN AGE MlSICAL tnT SOCIETY GIVES ITS CONCERT Compoiltloni hy line Cirrat Masters of the Period of Vocal Counterpoint llach Cantata A Hlronjliold sure Part Suing Also by Moslem Thin first concert of the tenth season of the Musical Art Society took plaice last night at Carnegie Hull Founded upon nn appre- ciation of the purest choral music that of Church and nurttinil by a de- votion whoso hope hn been iKiiutlfulIy anti generotihly ble u ed this organlatlon early a prowl pmhloti In mtihical lifo of New York Its mlsilon was from Its Inception comprehended by tine minor circle of miixlfa ainutciirs and Its lalsirs have attended i y a prosperity which Is ono of tim most satisfying evidences of the taste of metroiMill- sIa3t night Cnrneglo Hall was literally surrotmdiil by cnrriui cn anti flllid by a gentle mini cultivated asMMiibly The stage was prettily decked with holiday greens ninth women of tine choir appeared In evening gowns of delicate tints annul fashions only to IKS dtwriUHl by a high priastoss of the mysteries of Inqiilii Away nlolt In the eyrlo of tine topniosl gallery was a chorus fmm tint Peoples Choral Union ready to take Us part In curtain numl ers of the lint Tho wiis ninth according to tIne welltried plan of the conductor Frank Damrowh The first part consoled of old n captlla by monsters of tine I orlod in which vocal counterpoint reached its glory TliTe relief was afforded by tint jierfornmnce of a numl er with orchestral nccompaitlmcnt after which modern of part songs I nought the concert to a dos The old masters wore npresonted night by Sweellncks Or suit Krviteur du Seigneur on the theme now known to iw UK dred Ecoardfl sixvoiced motet Pres- entation cif Christ In the Temple tine fifteenthcentury hymn Alia TrinitaBeata a wondrous lxauilful Jlorla Patrl by Palestrina Vittorlts chant for two choirs Pongo Lingua GlorloHl and a Benedict for triple chorus and Jubilate for doublo chorus by Giovanni iiibriell Tine central number with orchestra was Sebastian Bachs great Reformation can- tata Ein festo Burg 1st unser lott btiilt on Ltithers celebrated hymn which Heln rich Heine HO happily christened tho Mar wlllalso of thu Information and which- wo an to hear on Monday night decked with tine furbelows of roared bullnecked Jarccf through tho operatic story of tho Bar Then followed George Henschels six voiced sting To Jtiulc Brahms festival and comiiRnorutlvo centenccs for double chorus eight voIces called In German Fit tind and Charm Mo a sixvoiced madrigal by Henry David Leslie on In IkW It was ono of tine most beautiful that Mr Damrosch hiis ever and this U much Furthiirmore it Is less eisy to make good progrumnifM for tho Musical Art Society now tluin it was six or eight when HO much of tine available material liad not IKXMI uced The iwrformance had all tine merits familiar at concerts Thero is n polished elegance nlxnit all tho work of Societys choir In balance of turns it is mobt anti Its phrasing and enunciation are those of carefully reliourwd a competent and conductor of tofu is perfect for tho sopranos are just a trifle in whoro there Is HO much beauty it may bo overoxacting to for perfection of tho wellknown hymn tune The choirs erfunimnce was that of Alia Trlnita- Ilcata in which the gradations were admirably conceived and A most Impressive effect was obtained In the by using tho chorus In tine gallery to slIng re- sponses with an tonic perfor- mance BO moved the audience that lion was Think of old Pales trlna Kivlor or the polyphonic mass father of modern master of tine Vatican and composer of tho Sistine Chapel dead in an encore of tho twentieth centuryl Surely genius does not Itfiflis cantata wan marred by the of tine soloists None them de- livered tliemselveH of tho old cantors HUbtlu thoughts with fluency or purity of The massive tine open- Ing chorus was excellently sung but Mr was certainly In too munch haste with the choral No V The Instrumental prelude and ixiMludo to this number were Tho Choral Union was not alto- gether in its chare of music but this Is difficult The concert on the whole was decidedly enjoyable antI it is a to e rarely exhibited jewels of a golden Trenton Watch In Ilellboys Homo Clarke tine actor lost a 250 gold watch from his rooms In tho Arlington in West Twentyfifth street on VYdmiuUy Yesterday Detectives arid Kohn a bellboy employed at tint Arlington and at timepiece Kohn was locked up Siberian Squirrel Lined Capes fashion- ably worn assortment 50 to 125 C C SHAYNE Manufacturer 41st and 42d Sts drrtftcv entrance 111 St list Hway and nth Av- AMtSKMKNTM C MtSIC A k O OUmure Muene Tnmpklu Propl A Uri MATINKK rilHISTMAH Minir them all In Magnitude Worth and Iltllllanry The Ninety and Nine Prices MM75100 Mats Wed ft Sat 2 t Matinee Saturday 7r THE TWO SCHOOLS lllltSK OrlKlniO MailUonsoThealreCMt Every S nd T Miht Sucrrd iincert Ne t IruncU H Uon In The Tnrrsdnr- MOI 2VjSt51MABELLE OILMA- NijTO r THE MOCKING BIRD Seat ready the Holiday Mallncn- I MATINEE TODAY AMERICAN BURLESQUERS Sunday Vljht Irand Concert SV sr AND mi AVE v H SVn Mat i A IIIMAHKAIHKCASB Ted harks Concert Mibt Hwy 45NI Kvei BELAaCO THEATRE inrp Mat st at j DAVID IIKUASCO prevent TImE D4IIIJNC- 1lllJiMTIK IIATEM OF Till illlHI- KVINO riACE TIIKATIIi Kvr at dJO Eve t Sat Mat HEIDELBERG Incl Monday Dec d IBXAV tothfit latlni s lurday f XV Martins IMIK TOMH Nett Wc k HANLOVS SLlKnil- AUar I JIEHT SHOW l TOWN MoiiKAT IIIDSI PltlCrMJtc KEITHS- GRMDlmelia Theatre A Her bert Stock Cy UIJuu temandei FrT t ho tint lat hull in illullk rOchl mall tl1114 lnI A Ohl Ulllldrt before Swttlinck H eXtCllh 11It I 1IIu diet HIII ror alo- of nark Crtt lon arr I uuu ACADEMY I tIARLEt I fllIIIA I for vile IPI I l too AMERICAN lAUyOIC JIll Sun tay 2 ALT STAR tc 1 1 suit Bingham 1 i INCISE I Jane tine rntvlleesal been tin iiei gmamin mine writ ens tin wiry effect wan version best ruin n a hun at lisa a Evea nib EVIL 431 ass Monn2C I i artS nit slOth st 4 uW s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > PIANOLA RECITAL Aeolian TODAY FRIDAY DEC 19 AT 3 P M No Cards of Admission Necessary SOLOIST Mr WM H RIEGER TenorT- he Pianola solves the problem of music in the home Its production was the crowning achievement of musical activity in the century lust closed Surpassing Bellamys solution of bringing music from the concert hall and stage by telephonic means the Pianola makes the piano producer of the music In the home and every member of the household a performer Hall U ii 5 3 The old regime wherein the piano stood almost unused ended with the coming of the Pianola and now by vir- tue of the Pianolas aid it has become a fruitful source of pleasure This recital affords a demonstration of the Pianola Unless you have ade- quate reasons to feel sure that you know what can be done with the Pianola we urge your attendance at this recital or a visit to our warerooms at your early con- venience ¬ ¬ A rnnritAM- A NIghts Dream Overture Mrndtlisoh- noncnrsTnEiiK a MrhMtrnum In A flat LInt 11 V c Caprice M Sapellnlkoa- PIANOLA Ilecltitlve and Aria Comfort Ve from MM slab Handel silt Accompanied the OrcheMrelln March Urcnniral suite In II minor Laehnir OIICHCSTHEIIJ- Nnrweiliui llrldal March M drier ID In C tiari minor PIANOLA a nil hint irle tIne Illume ID Itallenlsche Serenade nffff lilt niECFKA- ccompnnlcrt with tine Pianola unllnrr alt I la Vale btlic FIt with t s AEOLIAN HALL 362 Fifth Avenue near 34th St HERALD sgtt lway4J3thStCarrajejT- IIKA I 703M nt sill ltl illto MANSFIELDI- n IT JULIUS C SARM- iHlnv it l iM4in b season will terminate SMurrUv Jan 17- lhPRINCESS llrmdway fc Mtn St Telr 2i 2 Mad First Matinee Tomorrow HEIDELBERC 39th I Mats Wee 4 M Trlrpbouu I at 21- 3eonis KVB HIS A CHINESE HONEYMOON 980IH PEKrOKMAM R l AT MST dill If A ow Iji american rtU Concert U UU U M Sale METHOPOIITA IIIKKA IIOfSE Grand Opera Season 19O2IUO3- fnder iSis of Mr Maurice TONIOHT l TANNHAtiSEK Uadxltl- Homer sturarO Anthcs Ulapharo Jllias Con ducior sat itt Jif to At 7 TOSOA names Bride well De Srattl Ollllitrt Dutrlobo Con dueler Manclnrltl Sat Kvir lIce JO nt at Pop Prices LT pnoillKTK Schumannllelnk Alvarez Kd tie IlMikr Joiirnei Oinriucuir Sunday Kv t flmnd Iupular Concert lilt only At these coaceru by ar rantemcni lIb Mr Rudolph Aronvm Schumann llelnk tallfuno CamiHuiarl entire Optra Monday Kvr Dec 7t at 8 LES HUOtfEXOTS- Gadrtt SoheS and Sembrtch Alvarei Ed 0- llrtcke iHiiltl Journel Conductor lion Wed Kvr at 8I V Sem lunch Seynrdi D n Cam bert Uanrlnelll Friday KVB lw w at 1M P U TK1STAN Sordlca Klrkby Lunn debut Anlliea lllapham Kd de lltsike Conductor VKBER PIANOS USED 1 Uwa A oih fl IAHT TWO lir Of the Ilar S A GIRL V M tlM a WM flt A Vtnt 4- TLtaiUAT Every Krealnc and Satirdur Mat l w Tear Mall SOTHERN HAMLET klANAGnUENT OF DASIKI mOHUAN sale beln Mnndar Per TIIRATIIK Broadway and 4Olh Nt Matinees Tomorrow A XmaA rviM iso t is FAVERSHAM IMPRUDENCE No Wed Matinee DcocmrnT 21 AVOTIIUII MAHIOWK TKIVMIII- I lvr sl XtatTomwliis JULIA Xlra MntXmn NrwYear a MARLOWE THE CAVALIER NKW SAVUT TIIKATIIE 9lth SI A llroadwar- LO ti INTIh XMAS NIGHT DEC 25THC- LYDE rITCHS SEASON 1IUST IlAY TOE rIKI WITH Tilt CIIIEKV ETES With CIAIIA Scats on Sale Tomorrow A M rAHKHIC TIIEATIIK Vlh M near KV JS MatInees To morrow A Wed 216 XlM Matinee Xraaa TIII srtiiiuiitNNKSs- a Ut KIIAU INB MANNtKIINU llycivclrnicl DEC 29MRS LANGTRV In tInt IMsv ritnssM AiM KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE lrnm B li Mallnci Tomorrow 215 I MISS I XIK GOODWINELLIOTT TIlE ALTAR OF FRIENDSHIP ftfffij- KilrA Xlatlnec Clirlsinmii and New lAIIDKN TIIKATItl II SI llnillwin Av S WILLARD THE CARDINAL NT HIIK Mr xiiiurlf i sr Monday llve Tine Middleman Tuesday Kv Tint lnilev ir lovt eil anti Xmiu Mat Ton Pinch ThiiM ansi SM NlKhUDavld- iatrlck Friday nd M All lor tier DEC 30th E H SOTHERN A SIN HKADV IIC JJ MADISON NU HyMiiry- JoliiiMnn Hh Itwa- yV Mat To mw at t NOVELTY SHOW J1ADISON SQUARE GARDEN EVEItrnilNO FOR TILE IIOMOATH- TOIIAT Triple Plated souvenir to Ihr ritnl RIHI lld Admlilnni 25c Admission 25c lie tin Vrir llVHonnMlrMtookOo The Streets of New York nnm NTH aU Satat lIt511I akr Sir Mansailtis herr CASINO lroaI a a- SIIi II t Mar R Conductor 2 1 I Journet 7111 t lIerlz D Promptly 111 WEE Itl UE Z- It IItI WilLIAM I I 4ltb St- H R C MARY I I W Street E laot2 IH I Slur yt Mal umnlll AU DR Murra IIIIIThCAav tc cut CD lIallb Muan as liadger igs MaC S tEST BAY SItU ion s5t 1ccIA1 or- chestra ritz Con urtor BerT Musical M COUNRY iuttiEuiiiiti cIai ito AS ho > 1nnEATltI llmadauy inn no Is it not last and 3th 5 S iii I Year j 155I Week lnut One Man Toninrrow t sin a Use lit miinr tt near t sis Ta IIP If 10AM < > < > > > TO IVStIRK IllOPKIl iLASSIFICA TIns IN THE RtMIAT 8t AUVER TlSEJIEVTS MlHT HE IIAMIEO IN LATKU THAN P M SATURDAY WALTER UAHKOSCU r 7rc22i HiUJAi lire ikui at 3 I M etor- HATUHDAV Her wh at 816 p M- lrhm bo mad CAHVP IHTSaVS Seats 74e lo J Ik hex office open daIly from to 6 I IKIPKIS Secretary TODAV TOMI1IIT R ltZ KT rmll Oroh Ct 5 pn I VaodeTllln HuweU till I Ward A Curran union UU 1 plxon Orville a Frank Clli III lloodinan Itllnd William Rram 5 man a Ulll HI Muck audr Keaturos Hilly Cllflord- CB1L 01 FALLEN AMONG TTHETES 1 Crawford AM 4 UUIII Ul All the KAVohte Stock Vaud vll- linClk I ALL THE COMFORTS OF M i Kelm Ned I Will Howard Yawner IIKSF STOCK COMPAMFS IN NEW TOItk FRANK DAMKOSril llr tor Saturday Afternoon Deo 20 AT CARNCOIE HALL Ilar to he read hy MrDAVID BISPHAM TlckcU on tale at ofnc ot Uutleat An Society 341 Iltth Ave at Uoz Office Car neglo Hall and ftl Tysons OAIINEOIK HALL Next Snadaj Aft at B1- OU1L Bis BARITONE ELS1 Ruegger 0 Pugno Seats 31 eti to I at not Offloa and DrUoni ROADWAY MATINKH TOMORROW o norodora Ztra Matinees Cbrtstmu and NtwTur- HT MCIIOLAH SKATING a Weal oib Street tlOCKKT HATCH TO- AdmlMlon BO Ce t WEBER FIELDS ffl I TWIRLYWHIRLYi- 11 1 of Gelatin MRS FISKE I MEATS WEEKS IV ADVANCE MatInees end VIOLA tfLLEJVJMi- SiratNfe THE ETERNAL CITY New Years Mali now on tat NEW YORK Hway Stb M- Kvs 8IV Man Wed S t is WEST END ROSE PASTORS 4 COLIIV FAMILY ao 30 era CRISIS JOE WELCH THE PEDDLER FAD and FOLLY In New York Danrlnr iniii TlciifU EDEN Ermine Muffs 35 50 75 ji s Imperial Stoles sod 4Ut 42d Sui near 6th Carrla o entrance 4tat Sit Ut llway and Olin Av I OT ft AM UMEMINTx- I I I I I PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY OfNWotIt I 0VERTtnE 9ieavrnulo CcIiiu SVMnlION ii I B ONCCnIt Y MINOI1 Saint Snen M RAOUL PiJCNO lriuiir antI rinnnie UIj cart at IItIL and sand tS a 25 VIIT PROCTO Ltcry A I L 2 lIes era Acts well Ibinale An S Lee tIlird a honE a A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM C a PIANO Theatre Iii St and EveaIns a Mats Wed S eat SEX John 0 3uoee T P3 SILVER SF PAU SCHOOL UILNI Nb Mat SL 3 Tin IIJSICAL AIIaIJJtDrFI And New The Uurltsqtje- liv STOCZ OOMpy 8 rrnATnJt flway Rd 11 anhidla Svca MARY Or L Scala for Xmas and lIla tTtrSvruAT n I taITornwT- IL I Sunday flrCE vops Tremedoti of lIlgbbau Act Seat now Xnnai week lttimestd 11th at near II eve 11 LA1Ein Tutu somlm Other LIAIISY 4 AS EXTIIA K P9 mnwara01h55 w ALLAC act5da5n Xtra Met Xmas ends leo 371b 7 HACKETT Tlt Bet Ades IF MtlV- 14th Stlbitr nuar 50n an Cue ts a lnhini newpnay esI WeekLest aeaona MRS sitU nt nar Inli A Evtsats4 Mlii 1 5 Thurs a set 2rJ S 224 Itet Only tvcic Armory Sty at Armory Fsona3tuIers a tIwgy Womli WAI New Irnupi I P3 A T I SI I A I II Coronnatnou hing nIward Alt i nve DE UrA lb iuIiei an 3 Scads C C SHAYNI3 Manufacturer and y ° > >

SUN DECEMBER 19 irnrv I ii Alt Aeolian Hallchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1902-12-19/ed...Early In Uw morning lio had a view of the lower part of the citys East Side from

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ttttt nnlld f r CTilldrrnMueh flrtlrr Amerlean llo pttalAre Mrfi ihe Ka t SkIP In an Autom l lleAt Dinner at Ihei Tate

Dr l renz pent a lay pretty muche New York style yesterday and the Idea

of it seemed to tick he was at

his profe ional work for he mentioned

Iho York gait while he WAS at a clinic

with a l al of fLingEarly In Uw morning lio had a view of

the lower part of the citys East Side from

an automobile Uter he w w prhatepatient In the afternoon he operated on

four patients nt a public clinic which lasted

until nearly B oclock Then he dined

with friends at the Yale Club and In theeveninc be fld lre d the annualmeeting of Auxiliary No 2 Guild

for Crippled Cllldren of the Poor of

York at Tuxedo There again he

had a word to say of New ability to

keep him buty-Mr Daniel P Hays presided at the

Guild meeting with l r Ixirenz sitting at

hr right hand She read a report of theorganization work in which rh Midamong rtlu r things that Nathan Strauswas to tlwnkod for furnishing milk forthe Guilds wards during the summer

The Hv Dr II Pereira Memlo one of therprakers who proveded Dr Ixjrenz intelling of his work In helping to organize

the branch hIred that knowing I wasladle I was certain of micros

from the beginning After a nauso ihwwas an outlurM of laughter which ieomedto puzzle tb doctor

nting Dr did his i art inword

I am only too to act as managerfor great a friend of cripples throughout-the world as my r orenz

the greeting which thtt women and the

arose to refund When he could be heardhe said

Will you llv m when 1 My Unit could

fno A MtkT soinewlint Inferior to omeh inl tl4 ev nlni-

tforreriioti of doknow tioin muHi I apprechte the honor ol

Invitation I I h evrnlndo not UIIOA cnouKh to cipnt my

rrstitud In LingiwcBrest 1 have received

wonderful the U

of the wnrlt of rharltv doris here antI e-

ri illy In tlh city Nowlier In the worldI HMII su h s In thIs country

Nowhere el e in IIH art to l e fotin l-

o PlUil e r rldly l the cure undtreatment anil eilucatlon of crippled

rt help feeling Injured when I e nowM y th hard work of the urirons in the eenerou contribu-tions of the charitable here and thehospital eiiuipnient y make pos-

sible Rut you are no withYou add for the children-I am sorry to confs that we In our countryhave nothing in the way of honplMisfor the ruptured and or In the wayof for children And youmay Imagine under what dlfllcultles 1 tocarry on my work At horns

At tbe conclusion of Dr Lorrnzs shortspe ch a young woman brought forwardand presented to him a bouquet The talland and kl I

her hand whereupon there was more ap-

plauseDr public clinic yesterday was

held at Col-

lege where the Vienna surgeon took charge-of Dr M Shaffers regular clinicDr Lorenz was Introduced by DrM Pollc dean of tho college Dr JacobO Schurman president of Cornell Univer-sity attended and had a fronttent beside the Rev Dr W S Ralnfonl

Dr Lorenz colic treatment of disof the hip and of clubfoot

method re-ferring to bbs scheme of having the leg orfoot bear the of whilecurrying out ordinary functions during

time of fixation of limb in the plastercast

To demonstrate functionalbearing method he said In opening hUclinic I have selected three or casesfrom some forty which were presented

It Mma they abound Inhe with the lirst cax1

of unilateral dislocation of the hippointed out that the abductor

patient offered extreme resistanceand to them with hishand and then run the edge of his handacross them with the motion of a saw hoobserved You will notice that I uso

hand like tho blunt blade of a knifeAnd doing H he finally destroyed the

Paltanghl Is 8 oldand her gave him much difficultyIt happen In this case that

head ualo this case shouldhave been the last ono and not the first

But there wa no accident and although-the acHtftbulum wus found to IM shallowthe dislocation was reduced

After was in plaster DrIjorenz paid a compliment to an operationthat wa twoago by Dr L W Ely He had looked atthat yesterday mornlnc he saidand had good Mdo of thepatient for tho which had op

upon Tho functional results werepaid But the Xray photo-

graph he said shouldwas operated upon

The ieconl a of 4 years waslex troublwome With the third cawcame a great surprise which offended DrLorenz patl nt Annie Feinbloom years old a dirty footfor the to handle doctordrew back for a moment Then h pointedto the leg which was less thanthe foot and exclaimed H is a shame

This childs wat reduced in aminute and a half When the fourth childAnnie Roth 4Vi years old was brought inaw dirty as her predecessor Lorenzaid not to looks wereouent So were Dr ShatTers as he orderedtn nurses on the operating hoer to washthe chili then and there

The Roth child presented a very severeOkf of double clubfoot Ono was sotwUtwl that the child rested on the end ofthe leg boric where it enlarges to terra theouter side of the ankle other foot wasao far turned about that It pointed fifteen

behind the opposite heel DrLorenz Mild that It was difficultOftso lo a child of her yearsMen He went at one foot and Dr Muellerworked upon the other

The the foot on which Dr Muellerwas working at on point but there

bleedingThat happens once In tIn or once In JoO

Unv In such hart casesIt can l avoided by dividing the operation Into two e ons course InNew York on is always In a

Theirs was entl applause whenmftor two surgeons finished theirwork the httlo girl who haul been so de

stood upon feet each footupon operating table

sfEKisn rtrsf OF TYPHOIDHealth Hoard Analxlnt Hay Side Food

Milk or Oitrn tlay lie lo BlameAlthough It has mastered the outbreak-

of typhoid fovor in Bay Side Queensthe Department of Health is making-

a houetohou search for the cause thatmade the llea e practically epidemicThe water milk Ice w a food and freshTwgetablmi In households art

thought that the milk be to blame

uy one man a health officer saidthere Is a milk dealer who could b held

on circumstantial evidence Ifthis a criminal matter

Many rjlleve the oysters taken from theare


e rippled







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IB to IIn I

ouol do not ho morho much

doctor lednot

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mOthad orr

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to int

who wa called

Lorenz these


No flpilflt1 at ezcfOieIi

flltJi with Lortnz when he

Cot InIrtlItP tints 1rPParswill you wirlon flnd


the ItiueIf that hI


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Wtdle no proof






















MAOOV ESTATE FIGHTS RILLClothes by Mr Kinsley Maom llmbaad Ured

The estate of Kinsley Magoun thebanker who died on July 8 1W8 is beingued 1 the Supreme Court by Mrs Mary

M Macheret dressmaker of S4 EastTwentythird street for 12400 allleged lo-

Irf for wearing apparel furnished toMrs Jervle X Torrenco Magoun the bank-ers wife and daughter of tho OenTorrenco

Just Ixforo Mrs Magoun sailed for Europea few days ago jo was examined beforeReferee Harlan Htono as a witness forthe plaintiff Tire dressmakers billdisputed by George B Magnum admin-istrator of the estate who died last Mon-

day nightMrs Macheret says that between April

and Decemlier 1887 she made elevendresses some waists and a cloak the valueof which exceeded 2000 for Mrs MagnumImmediately after tire droesos wereMr and Mrs Magoun went toand did not return until shortly beforeMr Magouns death

Mrs Mngoun was questioned as to themanner In which she and her husbandlived They Were married In 1S94 andresided in summer for a time at WesthuryL I where they kept a large establishmentand a stable of hunters and poniesIn winter they occupied their avenuehome Slit they left forEurope In 1997 Mr Magoun her toorder whatever dresses she wanted andthat it would K all right

CATTLE EXPORTED HEALTHYEUiKlanil SatisfIed nitb Precautions to

Startup Out r-

Fprclzt Dtipatfh to Till SexLONDON 18 Dr Wray a veterin-

ary surgeon who represents the UnitedStates Agricultural Department at theDeptford cattle depot told Sttv cor-respondent today that prohibi-tion of thin importation of cattle from theNew England States the British officialshad not found even a suspicions amongAmerican cattle and that they were per-fectly satisfied with tine precautions takenliy the American Government to btampout thee foot and mouth disease

Dr added that he believed that Ifthe hind occurred In any othercountry but America the British Hoard ofAgriculture would have placed an embargoon the whole country but it was satisfiedwith the American precautions and wasconvinced that they are promptly andthoroughly enforced-

Dr Wray was confMent that the prohi-bition would have little effect on tim totalof American exports to England which areheavy this week there being duo to arrive9343 cattle and 2415 sheep

Vfsxfv0 rtrffrsvfrv SAFE

and llornnnK Arrive at GibraltarIn the Tltanta-

p jt CM i DftpnOt lo TDK SexPats Dec 18 Two Americans F W

Hawley a Now York yachtsman and DrHornting a dentist In Paris left Cherbourgon Dec 7 aboard Baron Dorlodots yachtTitanla It was expected that they wouldreport from Brest or Bordeaux but nothing-was heard from them anti great anxietywas felt as to their safety

MrsUawley and MraHornung called at themericanConsulate looking for in-

formation Mr Gowdythe American ConsulGeneral cabled to all ports where the yachtwould be likely to asking for news ofthe vessel Ho received a despatch thUafternoon from Gibraltar announcing Its ar-

rival at that port


To Be lied In New York the Case to DeDisposed of Before Jan SB-

SfHrtjl Unvote to Till SexLONDON Dec the Court of Kings

Bench today the solicitor for May Yohemade application to Justice Wright that hisclient and her American lawyer might beexamined under a commission inNow YorkIn connection with her claim for 0187 10sagainst the estate of her former husbandLord Francis

Justice the applicationsubject to tho deposit of securityHe also ordered that the matter be per-emptorily disposed of not later thanJan 2


OIneh Steel Cables Broke In Trjmt toFloat the nittrlsbarhS-

ptctal CaN Dnpat h to Tna SexCOPENIIAOEX Dec 18 Tho warships

Kaiser Wllhelm and Prins Helnriclt havematte three attempts to float the Germanwarship Wiltelsbach which groundedduring a fog near Zealand

They used steel butbroke when the strain was put onand the was

After discharging 600 and200 tons of ammunition the stranded vesselrow ten Inches hint is still fast She Is

leaking and Is apparently not damaged


Marconi Iff gain Find a Way to rt Itat Trifling Kxpenie-

Spieirt Dnfntm to Tins SexhoME Dec 18lt Is reported that Signor

Marconi during his recent residence atBologna while pursuing his electrical researches discovered almost accidentally-a means of getting pure oxygen from theair at a trifling exrxnse-


Said to Have Been Found hy French Drteethes at Funrhal-

fprctal CaW Dirpctck to SexFUNCIIAL Dee 18 lt Is said that French

detectives discovered Bomain dAurlgnaca brother of Mrne Humbert who Is wantedIn Franco for complicity In the notoriousswindles In connection with Ihe Crawfordmillions hero just as he was about to cmhark for Las PalmOS

Austrian MlnlMer or War Rrl nt-Kffttil CaW Vtipatch lo TDK Sex

VIENNA Dee IHGen harem von Krieghammer Minister of War has resigned

For Children With TraehomaThen old Oouverneur Hospital building-

was on Tuesday for the treatmentof schoolchildren suffering from trachomaanti other From 20to 300 are being treated everyday institution

HmllhWmltliCol Hobert O Smith of the Fourth HegU

ment National Guard of New Jersey who Isof the Jersey city Htreet end

Board and Mrs cm Vilrnsmarried on Afternoon atthe home of the bride In math Street nearW t End avenue Th core

Jenny was performed the Rev 8 Decoy the Church of All Angels

niarklnirn IarkerW-

AHHIXOTOS Dec U Itepresentatlre Edmood Spencer Blackburn of the EighthCarolina district and Miss Louise LoParker daughter of Mr east Mrs Myron MParker of thin city were married at

i at soon to lav the Her Dr Pierceof Ail Souls Church performing ceremony

llMiderson many ofthe house at tIn reception whichfollowed the wedding

For nub










kay OdeInch thCWhte bach tot budge



d 1Itt


















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irnrv THE WORLD WAX rouxa-rir nvRLESQiE OUT TOO

Notable Production at the Princes TheatreOne Not Ho Notable at Weber

Flet but lay Templelon has a NewNonf HtnrienU Matinee at Empire

After many dlitheartenlng Heidel-berg or When All the World Wan Yourjgwas presented nt the Princess Theatre lastnight before on audience that liked AubreyHoucleaults adaptation from Wllhelm-MeyerForsterV Alt Heidelberg verymuch In German this picturesque aridunpretentious little ploy has tool nn un-

usually pro orous reception at Mr Helnrich Conrled Irving Place Theatre ItIs even wild that there linn stump man-agerial sparring over tine possession of tineIndent that made things o livelyIn tho Herman rierformatiees

A rather free paraphrase In the Englishtranslation Mr fiouclcault has laid tresson the lovo episodes and with CharlesKlngileyn pretty ringing lines in his mindbait co hai ed tine piece Tine actor wouldhave us imagine a sort of Teutonic Aiglnna princeling guileless of the great worldsIntilgues a bighearted lad wino loves thofirst mSichen ho happens to meet a goodfriend aunt a gallant gentleman

Tho opening scene reveals these traitof Karl Heinrich Irlnco ofUicliKnKarlslwrg Ho IK sent to tineUniversity of Heidelberg with his tutorOr Juttncr and there in Act II tine realaction begins He soon falls in love withKathit tine niece of his landlady FrauRuder and of couiw their tnio love doesnot sail on even kwil Karl umIc tileshn Is become reigning and therefollows a tearful time of farewells and solemu sentimental aoseverationH Ho cannot as a sprIg of royalty his sweethart riot at morganatic posHibilitlesbut lie tine next besthe to love the ladYtint exigency forces him to we iAll of which must liavo been pleasant fortine future

The difference between Alt Heidelbergand When All tine Worldthe difference that exists betweenand domestic beer If yourattuned to the moro chndeH of

then homemado browwilt if have R

whether by residence on Iho coastor visits to East Fourteenth

street for tine foreign then do-

mestic tills is no obtainable atfive cents a glass Tine parable In plainwe ho o

The transposition of scenes in tho translation kill sense of time perspectiveThings are always about to orthv have they really happenwith singular In to 1m regrettcd for tine little that Mr Bouclcnulthas to do he does well though he Is moresentimental than even the de-

mands and let It bo said that the originalnart about an much resemblance to life

at Heidelberg as does an Arabian Nightsentertainment Mr Boucloault was ahandsome and worn lila variousgarbs and uniforms effectively Ho re-ceived much

MdX Freeman nn old New York favoriteInfi M local color into tine productionafl tutor Dr Jultntrwa ooMSlnntion of Heothoven and thel ti Selill ills piano playing was

Minnie wasw rook In a character part anti-

S IIi Solten as tine Prime Minister werewell cast Robert Jjornlno headed thestudents But there won not beer

even the Great Dane dog that followed-Mr Bouclcault about in t Actfor beer with his eyes Ho knowbeen in old Heidellxrg

hILliER t FIELDS DELL FOR OCEOnly One Good ltiie In tine Nrw Burlesque

H Ualley Captures ThatThe new parody at Weber A Fleldss

last night wax almost a midnight heancuMr Clyde Fitch in a stage Lox almobt fellasleep four times before the curtain rang

finally on tho S H JneumonlaBut Tne Stickiness of ielatine proved

stubbornly gelatinous There wasone line In the burlesque PeterDaily ES I spoke It must Lenraffled for before thenights audience will easily recall it thismorning It raised an unmistakablelaugh

leo was funny as a Germanand P jr as usual gavo

wholesale whom he i wFields hard with his Uses and FayTomploton her auditory anow a as Muchas That

The was tho re-lating to seasickness of a charming re-finement

LOO DRAMATIC SCHOOL BILLMrrttorloiif Prrfurmanre the Ntudmti

at the Kmplre TheatreTho students of the Empire Theatre

Dramatic School gave their fourth per-formance yesterday afternoon at the Empire Theatre The programme offeredwas a long and varied Journeys Endin Lovers Meeting Mrs JohnOliver Ilohbes and familiar through EllenTerrys of it by way whyIs Moores nameon the bill Ho contributed a major partinn tine manufacturing of this arti-ficial proverbS a Host performance of

The a problem ono actby Arthur the best and

applauded effort of the afternoontho 5od Edith

Wharton The Picture In thus Framo byMeiga Green and Two la

Florence Wilkinsongeneral average of performance was

meritorious There was a attendance


They Were Stolen From lien Room In thehouse Maudn llofTnian May-

iWien Maude Hoffman leading womanHiclmrd Mansfields company returned

from the theatre to her atHouse on Wednesday discoveredthat four rings had stolen from herJewel case Other Jewelry In the caw

ho was left hotel detec-tive a description of tine rings ft

recover One Is a soli-taire diamond

sorn snow AT

Attended by Many Friends and AdmirIngRelatlvei Who Found It Pleailnf

The Columbia pophomoren presentedtheir annual show In tine Carnegie Lyceumlast night before nn admiring audiencerelatives anti friends of the youthful actors

A of Paradise by Joseph Dllloywas presented Lewis nalort n unsuccessful poet wax votedthe best actor In the Chalmers Wood-Jr did well nH Speehlcy-n old maid Thero am to beother performances tonight and tomorrowanti a tomorrow

Irohntan Stage Manager Away IllJon Humphreys general manager-

for Charles Frohman went to Arizonayesterday to spend six months on a ranch

health Ho willover at Washington for a attendto business there fur Mr Whilo

Is bis work will bo doneby W W Seymour

Death of Frederick M lfFrederick C Wolf of 201 East Seventy

street a member of Uw firm of F A J Cmanufacturers of decorated glass

died yesterday In hisfirm to belonged did much of thedecorating work rotunda of

at Albany




d theou

















rAW daY







here iitary












the cupi



















To He Hurled ai He Wlihert In the Katlonal-nf tery Arlington

hen Wager Hwayno who was head ofthe law firm of Swayno Swayno Morrisk Fay yesterday afternoon at hishome In the In WestFortythird street after an Illness of shouttwo weeks Dialietes and heart troublewere tho cause of death He was 08old Ills Illnes was not considered seri-ous until last Monday All tInt familywere with him except inks nonSwayno who Is In and bis daughter

Lomus who is travelling InMexico

Swayno was tine win of Noah IISwayne who was appointed a Juctlco of

States by Presi-dent Ilnc In His ancestors came fromold stock and nettled near Phila-delphia Wager was burn In Co

on Nov watt gradu-ated from Yale College In tho class of IhManti later took a law degree fromtine Cincinnati Law Schoolhis profession In Columbus until tine out

of the Civil War when In August1WSI he was apiwintcd Major In tho Fortythird Ohio

l camo a Colonel tine following yearand served in the marches andof the Atlanta campaign losing a atSalkahatchio S was breveted

of the United SuitsVolunteers in February IMS a month laterho became full in Juno of tInesaint a MajorGeneral He IxcamtColon of the InfantryIn July IStJflanil in Mardi Ih87was brnvetwi

npral t S A forin action at Hlvers Majoritincrul for services during tIne war

was mastered out of service in 1M7hen Ixcame Cjinmiwioner of

the Frocdmans Itureaii in Alabama whero-he coinmaiided tine United States forcesanti was lntruhte with tIne administrationof tine KpCiiiistructlon acts of CongressHu orgflnl sl an extensive of freeschools for colored children rigid he estab-lished high schools at Montgomery Kelnuiand and a at

He retired from work In 1870 and re-

sumed law In Toledo Ohio whereho remained until 180 when ho came tnthis city He was counsel mere for the

corporations-At tine don of the

of 1897 Gen took an active pert inthin organization of tine of tho

of New an antiPlntt associa-tion which was launched by a committeeof fiftythree members Two factions de

In organization ono supportingWilliam and thoBitches for chairman of tho County Comtnilteo of tIne organizationwas tho Urookfleld candidate for chairmanand he defeated Mr Ilackus Jenas a presiding ofllcer allowed no obstruc-tionist tactics and using inks crutch as agavel he repressed tint minority in summaryfashion Iol ert C was a nrt-ner of hen Swayne when Mr Morris waselected the regularCounty Committee last but tinenership had been dissolved since

organlziitlon has been prac-tically inactive for two years alt at

it is working In favor of a directnominations

hen married Ellen Harrisof Louisville Ky Sho anti three consanti two survive him Huwas a member of tine liar AssociationIho lawyers Union League Meadow brookand tho and theYalo Alumni Association and was formerpresident of tho Ohio

was prominent In church work nvestryman St Georges Church and

of the American Chunh Mis-sionary Society Tho funeral will U atSt on Sunday ut 3 P Mand in accordance Jenwish ho will buried in tho NationalCemetery at Arlington on Monday


A Manager of Theatrical Venture InFrancisco

SAN FBANCIHOO Doe 18 Alfred Bouvicra theatrical manager and nwnocinto ofAl Hayman for years tiled today ofDrlghts dlseaso Houvler ciuno mere fit

years ago front St and tooktine Baldwin Theatre under

Charles Frohman

Obituary NotesIwise Hrisbln Dunn tutor In the

cl artmfnt of botany nt Hirniird rolleipi-licd suddenly yesterday inorrlnc ofiij i n e Miss Dunn tool herdeitreo nt Harnard In 1 7 and two years laterreceived the deKreu of iim tir arts ntColumbia SIne became n tutor at IlarniirdIn looo-

Dr Alexander ofdied a St Johns llo-

liltnl after nn operation for amwndicftlKby fever lie was 24

l ten months iico was mnrrloito Lautmnn of a prominent Brooklyn family

0 P OrlfTln wino served five terms in theOhio Lewlflatiire from to IKSJ midwas Konerul muniiKiT Niitloiml llfoI-nvurnnce Company In amid NewYork yesterday In Toledo

Henry Godwin Post a grandson of lenwho was one of Washing-

ton died night In Illsrwidlenre 25 Park street Orange N J

77 years oldThe Rev Edward M Byrne teeter of fit

Josephs church at MlllbrookDutches yeMvrdn-


Citizens Committee or the flileft Cornealion Illi Monti

The citizens committee which had charge-of tine Fire Chiefs Convention last Sep-

tember gave a dinner on Wednesday even-ing at the Murray Hill ofChief as tho president-of tine InternationalEngineers Thomas E Crlmmlna preoldodA loving cup valued at UOO waspresented to

nmrrh Sees lira Mkc ArtTine church anti tho stage rubbed elbows

yesterday nftcnioon at tho ManhattanTheatre where Mrs Flsko gave a specialmatlnrV performance for ofthe Actors Whenof was first the al-

liance Indorsed the Mrs Flsko returned tho compliment yesterday by add-ing to tIne treasury morothan 1000

Steel Trust to Iut Ip a sent Bessemer PlantSIIAKOK Ia Dec IB It was said hero

today that tine United Statue Steel Cor-

poration which has the Unionsteel companies will erect a

steel plant here of tho5000000 steel mill which was pro-

jected by time Union company

The Weather-The domlnMIn frMure of the weather yritrr

day wu the rr of hlirh prruure which rnvrrrdAll the country Hrpt Ihr it re mo Vorthrul And

southern P rinc Coast Such a conditionmean A continuance of warmer And grneralrVfair weather over the irratrr part of tins counlrvfor tine n t two or three d y especially In thlasection Pair weather prevailed evirywhereteniay save for llcbt snow ntirrlra around tIne

Lake lurlnni and rain In stuthem CalltnnilaT IM II wu warmer almoit

everywhereIn this city yeatrnlay It Mr sail warmer

the early mounting lilchrjl temperature 42humidity J per rent barometer cor-

rected to read In sea level at H A M 83 I M-

SS7The temperature yesterday recorded br

offlelal thermometer and also by Tni foismometer at the lured b ahown IB the anncied table

UtneiaI funi O7lrt auniI-WJ neon IV07 WU 1101 I O-

JIA UU II 7 OP M3H 4311 M 41 I USH I 3-

II M 40 in1 II M 37

For V w Vart V ir Jinni ana Kaittrnlair tomorrotc lw today ini

10 north well vOids ttrroinlnii rarlahtrfor New rnfUod colder In

froth w t winds fair totnorrowfDelaware Maryland

and Virginia tale to day anti tomorrowwInds

For Weatern New York fair to day And tomor-row fresh weal wind bccomlnr variable



H and0












ell hole





a tb




Err Illfair elm











s tstermn Telegraph tho-abnilt





Dent 147 Stunner avenue










23tu 3

MId 31

toutthe Iloirlcl of Columbia




























Compoiltloni hy line Cirrat Masters ofthe Period of Vocal Counterpoint

llach Cantata A Hlronjliold surePart Suing Also by Moslem

Thin first concert of the tenth season ofthe Musical Art Society took plaice last nightat Carnegie Hull Founded upon nn appre-ciation of the purest choral music that of

Church and nurttinil by a de-votion whoso hope hn been iKiiutlfulIy anti

generotihly ble u ed this organlatlon earlya prowl pmhloti In mtihical

lifo of New York Its mlsilon was from ItsInception comprehended by tine minor circleof miixlfa ainutciirs and Its lalsirs have

attended i y a prosperity which Is onoof tim most satisfying evidences of thetaste of metroiMill-

sIa3t night Cnrneglo Hall was literallysurrotmdiil by cnrriui cn anti flllid by agentle mini cultivated asMMiibly The stagewas prettily decked with holiday greens ninth

women of tine choir appeared In eveninggowns of delicate tints annul fashions only toIKS dtwriUHl by a high priastoss of themysteries of Inqiilii Away nlolt In theeyrlo of tine topniosl gallery was a chorusfmm tint Peoples Choral Union ready totake Us part In curtain numl ers of the lint

Tho wiis ninth according totIne welltried plan of the conductor FrankDamrowh The first part consoled of oldn captlla by monsters of tineI orlod in which vocal counterpoint reachedits glory TliTe relief was afforded by tintjierfornmnce of a numl er with orchestralnccompaitlmcnt after which modernof part songs I nought the concert to a dos

The old masters wore npresontednight by SweellncksOr suit Krviteur du Seigneur on

the theme now known to iw UK

dred Ecoardfl sixvoiced motet Pres-entation cif Christ In the Temple tinefifteenthcentury hymn Alia TrinitaBeataa wondrous lxauilful Jlorla Patrl byPalestrina Vittorlts chant for two choirsPongo Lingua GlorloHl and a Benedict

for triple chorus and Jubilate for doublochorus by Giovanni iiibriell

Tine central number with orchestra wasSebastian Bachs great Reformation can-tata Ein festo Burg 1st unser lott btiilton Ltithers celebrated hymn which Helnrich Heine HO happily christened tho Marwlllalso of thu Information and which-wo an to hear on Monday night deckedwith tine furbelows of roared

bullnecked Jarccf through thooperatic story of tho Bar

Then followed George Henschels sixvoiced sting To Jtiulc Brahms festivaland comiiRnorutlvo centenccs for doublechorus eight voIces called In GermanFit tind and Charm

Mo a sixvoiced madrigal byHenry David Leslie on

In IkW It was ono of tine mostbeautiful that Mr Damroschhiis ever and this U muchFurthiirmore it Is less eisy to make goodprogrumnifM for tho Musical Art Societynow tluin it was six or eightwhen HO much of tine available materialliad not IKXMI uced

The iwrformance had all tine meritsfamiliar at concerts Thero is npolished elegance nlxnit all tho work of

Societys choir In balanceof turns it is mobt anti Its phrasingand enunciation are those ofcarefully reliourwd a competent and

conductor oftofu is perfect for tho sopranos are just atrifle in whorothere Is HO much beauty it maybo overoxacting to for perfection

of tho wellknown hymn tune The choirserfunimnce was that of Alia Trlnita-

Ilcata in which the gradationswere admirably conceived and

A most Impressive effect wasobtained In the by usingtho chorus In tine gallery to slIng re-sponses with an tonic perfor-mance BO moved the audience thatlion was Think of old Palestrlna Kivlor or the polyphonic mass fatherof modern masterof tine Vatican and composer of tho SistineChapel dead in an encore

of thotwentieth centuryl Surely genius doesnot

Itfiflis cantata wan marred by theof tine soloists None them de-

livered tliemselveH of tho old cantorsHUbtlu thoughts with fluency or purityof The massive tine open-Ing chorus was excellently sung

but Mr was certainlyIn too munch haste with the choral No VThe Instrumental prelude and ixiMludoto this number wereTho Choral Union was not alto-gether in its chare ofmusic but this Is difficult The concerton the whole was decidedly enjoyableantI it is a to erarely exhibited jewels of a golden

Trenton Watch In Ilellboys HomoClarke tine actor lost a 250 gold

watch from his rooms In tho Arlingtonin West Twentyfifth street on VYdmiuUyYesterday Detectives arid

Kohn a bellboy employedat tint Arlington and attimepiece Kohn was locked up

Siberian Squirrel Lined Capes fashion-ably worn assortment 50 to 125

C C SHAYNE Manufacturer 41stand 42d Stsdrrtftcv entrance 111 St list Hway and nth Av-



k O OUmure Muene Tnmpklu Propl A UriMATINKK rilHISTMAH

Minir them all InMagnitude Worth and Iltllllanry

The Ninety and NinePrices MM75100 Mats Wed ft Sat 2

t Matinee Saturday 7rTHE TWO SCHOOLS

lllltSK OrlKlniO MailUonsoThealreCMtEvery S nd T Miht Sucrrd iincert

Ne t IruncU H Uon In The Tnrrsdnr-


Seat ready the Holiday Mallncn-


Sunday Vljht Irand Concert SV

sr AND mi AVEv H SVn

Mat i A IIIMAHKAIHKCASBTed harks Concert Mibt

Hwy 45NI KveiBELAaCO THEATRE inrp Mat st at jDAVID IIKUASCO prevent TImE D4IIIJNC-1lllJiMTIK IIATEM OF Till illlHI-

KVINO riACE TIIKATIIi Kvr at dJOEve t Sat Mat HEIDELBERGIncl Monday Dec d

IBXAV tothfit latlni s lurdayf XV Martins IMIK TOMH

Nett Wc k HANLOVS SLlKnil-



GRMDlmeliaTheatre A Herbert Stock Cy UIJuu temandei


t ho




illullk rOchl




AOhl Ulllldrt before Swttlinck H








narkCrtt lon

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I l too


JIll Sun tay





Bingham 1iINCISE I Jane

tine rntvlleesal



iiei gmamin mine

writ ens



effect wanversion





hun at lisaa

Evea nib







slOth st4

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No Cards of Admission Necessary



he Pianola solves the problem of music in the home

Its production was the crowning achievement of musical activity in the centurylust closed

Surpassing Bellamys solution of bringing music from the concert hall and stageby telephonic means the Pianola makes the piano producer of the music In the homeand every member of the household a performer


U ii



The old regime wherein the pianostood almost unused ended with thecoming of the Pianola and now by vir-

tue of the Pianolas aid it has become afruitful source of pleasure

This recital affords a demonstrationof the Pianola Unless you have ade-

quate reasons to feel sure that you knowwhat can be done with the Pianola weurge your attendance at this recital or avisit to our warerooms at your early con-





A NIghts Dream OvertureMrndtlisoh-

noncnrsTnEiiKa MrhMtrnum In A flat LInt11 V c Caprice M Sapellnlkoa-

PIANOLAIlecltitlve and Aria Comfort Ve from MM

slab Handelsilt

Accompanied the OrcheMrellnMarch Urcnniral suite In II minor LaehnirOIICHCSTHEIIJ-

Nnrweiliui llrldal March M drierID In C tiari minorPIANOLA

a nil hint irle tIne IllumeID Itallenlsche Serenade nffff

lilt niECFKA-ccompnnlcrt with tine Pianola





btlic FItwith



AEOLIAN HALL 362 Fifth Avenue near 34th St

HERALDsgtt lway4J3thStCarrajejT-IIKA I 703M nt

sill ltl illto


iHlnv it l iM4inb season will terminate SMurrUv Jan 17-

lhPRINCESSllrmdway fc Mtn StTelr 2i 2 Mad

First Matinee Tomorrow

HEIDELBERC39th I Mats Wee 4

M Trlrpbouu I at 21-3eonis KVB HIS


MST dill If A owIji american rtUConcert U U U U M Sale


fnder iSis of Mr MauriceTONIOHT l TANNHAtiSEK Uadxltl-

Homer sturarO Anthcs Ulapharo Jllias Conducior

sat itt Jif to At 7 TOSOA names Bridewell De Srattl Ollllitrt Dutrlobo Condueler Manclnrltl

Sat Kvir lIce JO nt at Pop Prices LTpnoillKTK Schumannllelnk AlvarezKd tie IlMikr Joiirnei Oinriucuir

Sunday Kv t flmnd Iupular Concert

lilt only At these coaceru by arrantemcni lIb Mr Rudolph Aronvm Schumannllelnk tallfuno CamiHuiarl entire Optra

Monday Kvr Dec 7t at 8 LES HUOtfEXOTS-Gadrtt SoheS and Sembrtch Alvarei Ed 0-

llrtcke iHiiltl Journel Conductor lionWed Kvr at 8I V Sem

lunch Seynrdi D n Cambert Uanrlnelll

Friday KVB lw w at 1M P U TK1STANSordlca Klrkby Lunn debut

Anlliea lllapham Kd de lltsike Conductor


1 Uwa A oih

fl IAHT TWOlir Of the IlarS A GIRL

V M tlM a WM flt A Vtnt 4-

TLtaiUAT Every Krealncand Satirdur Mat l w Tear Mall



sale beln Mnndar Per

TIIRATIIK Broadway and 4Olh NtMatinees Tomorrow A XmaA


No Wed Matinee DcocmrnT 21

AVOTIIUII MAHIOWK TKIVMIII-I lvr sl XtatTomwliisJULIA Xlra MntXmn NrwYear a






Scats on Sale Tomorrow A M

rAHKHIC TIIEATIIK Vlh M nearKV JS MatInees To morrow A Wed 216

XlM Matinee XraaaTIII srtiiiuiitNNKSs-


In tInt IMsv ritnssM AiM


lrnm B li Mallnci Tomorrow 215I MISS I XIK


KilrA Xlatlnec Clirlsinmii and New

lAIIDKN TIIKATItl II SI llnillwin Av


NT HIIK Mr xiiiurlf i srMonday llve Tine Middleman Tuesday Kv

Tint lnilev ir lovt eil anti XmiuMat Ton Pinch ThiiM ansi SM NlKhUDavld-iatrlck Friday nd M All lor tierDEC 30th E H SOTHERN


MADISON NUHyMiiry-JoliiiMnn

Hh Itwa-yV

Mat To mw at t


EVEItrnilNO FOR TILE IIOMOATH-TOIIAT Triple Plated souvenir to

Ihr ritnl RIHI lld Admlilnni25c Admission 25c

lietin Vrir llVHonnMlrMtookOoThe Streets of New York

nnm NTH

aU Satat lIt511I

akrSir Mansailtis


CASINO lroaI a


II t




IJournet 7111


DPromptly 111WEE





4ltb St-H






Elaot2 IH I

Slur ytMal

umnlllAU DR

Murra IIIIIThCAav tc cut

CDlIallb Muan as liadger

igs MaC






or-chestra ritz

Con urtor

BerT MusicalM


iuttiEuiiiiti cIaiito



1nnEATltI llmadauy

inn no Is it not


and 3th5



Year j

155I Weeklnut One

Man Toninrrow t sina


lit miinrtt near

t sis

Ta I I P If10AM



< >





WALTER UAHKOSCU r 7rc22iHiUJAi lire ikui at 3 I M

etor-HATUHDAV Her wh at 816 p M-


bo mad CAHVPIHTSaVS Seats 74e lo J Ikhex office open daIly from to 6I IKIPKIS Secretary


KT rmll OrohCt 5 pn I VaodeTllln HuweU

till I Ward A Curran unionUU 1 plxon Orville a FrankClli III lloodinan Itllnd William Rram

5 man aUlll HI Muck audr Keaturos Hilly Cllflord-

CB1L 01 FALLEN AMONG TTHETES1 Crawford AM 4UUIII Ul All the KAVohte Stock Vaud vll-

linClk I ALL THE COMFORTS OFM i Kelm NedI Will Howard Yawner


FRANK DAMKOSril llr torSaturday Afternoon Deo 20

AT CARNCOIE HALLIlar to he read hy

MrDAVID BISPHAMTlckcU on tale at ofnc ot Uutleat AnSociety 341 Iltth Ave at Uoz Office Car

neglo Hall and ftl Tysons


ELS1 Ruegger 0

PugnoSeats 31 eti to I at not Offloa and DrUoni


o norodoraZtra Matinees Cbrtstmu and NtwTur-HT MCIIOLAH

SKATINGa Weal oib Street


AdmlMlon BO Ce t


TWIRLYWHIRLYi-11 1 of Gelatin




New Years Mali now on tat

NEW YORKHway Stb M-Kvs 8IV ManWed S t is



ao 30 era




In New YorkDanrlnr iniii TlciifU


Ermine Muffs 35 50 75 ji sImperial Stoles sod

4Ut42d Sui near 6thCarrla o entrance 4tat Sit Ut llway and Olin Av


OT ft








0VERTtnE 9ieavrnulo CcIiiuSVMnlION ii I BONCCnIt Y MINOI1 Saint SnenM RAOUL PiJCNOlriuiir antI rinnnie UIj

cart at IItIL andsand tSa


2 lIesera Acts

well Ibinale AnS

Lee tIlirda






Theatre Iii St andEveaIns a Mats Wed S eat

SEXJohn 0 3uoee T P3




And New TheUurltsqtje-liv STOCZ OOMpy

8 rrnATnJt flway Rd11anhidla Svca


LScala for Xmas and

lIla tTtrSvruAT nI

taITornwT-IL I

Sunday flrCE vops Tremedotiof lIlgbbau Act Seat nowXnnai week lttimestd11th at near II eve

11 LA1EinTutu somlm OtherLIAIISY 4 AS EXTIIA

K P9 mnwara01h55wALLAC act5da5nXtra Met Xmas ends leo 371b7 HACKETT TltBet Ades IF MtlV-14th Stlbitr nuar 50n an Cue ts alnhini

newpnayesI WeekLest aeaona

MRSsitU nt nar Inli AEvtsats4 Mlii

15Thurs a set 2rJ

S224 Itet Only tvcicArmory

Styat Armory Fsona3tuIers a tIwgy

Womli WAI New IrnupiI P3 A T I SI I A I IICoronnatnou hing nIward Alt i nveDE UrA lb iuIiei an 3

ScadsC C SHAYNI3 Manufacturer

and y


