Sun Quad Fast Ethernet

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  • 8/6/2019 Sun Quad Fast Ethernet


    901 San Antonio RoadPalo Alto, CA 94303-4900 USA650 960-1300 Fax 650 969-9131

    Sun Qu ad FastEthernet PCI

    Ad ap ter Release N otes

    Part No. 805-2901-12

    July 1998, Revision A

    Sun Mi crosystems , Inc.

    Send comments about this document to: [email protected]

  • 8/6/2019 Sun Quad Fast Ethernet



    Copyrigh t 1998Sun Microsystems, Inc., 901 San Anton io Road Palo Alto, CA 94303USA. All rights reserved.

    This prod uct or document is protected by copyright and d istributed und er licenses restricting its use, copying, distribution, anddecomp ilation. No part of this product or document may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization

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    Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Answ erBook, Java, the Java Coffee Cup , Sun Quad FastEthernet, Sun Trun king, SunSolve,SunService,and Solaris are trad emarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Sun Microsystems, the d other coun tries. All SPARCtrad emarks are used u nd er license and are trademarks or registered tradem arks of SPARC International, the U.S. and other countries.Produ cts bearing SPARC trademarks are based up on an architecture develop ed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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    Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun, Answ erBook, Java, le logo Jave Coffee Cup , Sun Quad FastEthernet, Sun Trun king, SunSolve, SunService,

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    Sun Qu ad FastEthernet PCI Ad ap terRelease N otes

    This docum ent contains the following importan t information about th e Sun Qu adFastEthernet PCI Adap ter and the Sun Qu ad FastEthernet 2.1 driver software:

    s Required Software Patches on page 2s Conflicts With FastEthernet Switches (100BASE-T) on page 5s Increasing Performance on Enterprise Servers w ith Four Qu ad FastEthernet

    Adapters on page 5s Increasing Synchronized Qu eues to Improve N etwork Performan ce on page 6s Disabling IP Forwarding Routing Protocols on Application Servers on page 6s Increasing TCP/ IP Performan ce on Solaris 2.6 System s on p age 7s Editing the driver_aliases File on Solaris 2.5.1 Systems on page 8s Avoiding a System Panic While Detaching a PCI Networking Device on page 9s Known Problems With the Installation and Users Guide on p age 9

    Note If your system is running the Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/ 98 operatingenvironment, or subsequent comp atible versions, do not u se the driver on the Su nQuad FastEthernet 2.1 CD-ROM. The softw are on the Solaris CD-ROM is m orecurrent and replaces previous versions of the driver. For information on this versionof the driver, refer to the Platform Notes: The Sun Quad FastEthernet Device Driver ,wh ich is shipp ed with the Solaris docum entation. For information on patches, seeSun Quad FastEthernet 2.2 Software Patches on page 4.

    Caution To avoid a system panic, you must follow the hardware and softwareinstallation p rocedu res in the Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Installation and Users Guide (805-1797-10) and these release notes.

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    2 Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes July 1998

    Requ ired Software PatchesTo achieve the best performan ce from th e Sun Qu ad FastEthernet driver software,you m ust install a patch. Before installing a patch or th e software from th e Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1 CD-ROM, check to see if there is already a noth er ver sion of the SunQuad FastEthernet driver on your system.

    Checking for Installed Sun Quad FastEthernetSoftwarePrevious versions of the Sun Quad FastEthernet driver have been included withother Sun products. Before installing the Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1 software, check your system for other versions of the Sun Qu ad FastEthernet driver.

    Bundled Sun Quad FastEthernet Drivers

    Beginning with the Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/ 98 release, the Sun Quad FastEthernetdriver is bun dled with th e Solaris operating environm ent. This version of the SunQuad FastEthernet driver is more current than the one shipped on the Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1 CD-ROM.

    Note If your system is runn ing the Solaris 2.6 Hard ware: 5/ 98 environment, orfuture compatible Solaris releases, do not install the software from th e Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1 CD-ROM.

    If your system is runn ing the Solaris 2.6 operating environmen t, and you are un sureif it is run ning th e H ard w are: 5/ 98 release, check the conten ts of the /etc/releasefile.

    If this file exists, and it contains Solaris 2.6 5/98 , your system is runn ing theSolaris 2.6 H ard w are: 5/ 98 release. See Installing th e Required Qu ad FastEthernetSoftwa re Patches on page 4 for patch information.

    % cat /etc/releaseSolaris 2.6 5/98 build_id_name SPARC

    Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Assembled on 24 April 1998

  • 8/6/2019 Sun Quad Fast Ethernet


    Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes 3

    Checking for Qu ad FastEthernet Softw are Shipp ed WithOther Produ cts

    Other versions of the Sun Quad FastEthernet software h ave been shipped with anearlier release of the ad apter an d with th e Sun Trunking softwa re.

    q To check y our system for installed Sun Quad FastEthernet so ftware, type thefollow ing at a command prompt:

    Use the table below to translate the pkginfo output.

    % pkginfo -x SUNWqfedSUNWqfed Sun Quad FastEthernet Adapter Driver

    (sparc) 3.0

    TABLE 1 pkginfo Output Description

    pkginfo -x Output Description and Action

    No ou tpu t Your sys tem does not have t he Sun Quad FastEthe rnet softwareinstalled. Follow the installation instructions in the Sun Q uad FastEthernet 2.1 CD Insert , and th en install the patch listed inInstalling the Required Qu ad FastEthernet Software Patches onpage 4.

    1.0 Your system ha s the Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.0 software installed.You m ust rem ove this 2.0 version of the softw are and install the 2.1software as d escribed in the Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1 CD Insert .

    After installing the software, install the patch listed in Installingthe Required Qu ad FastEthernet Software Patches on page 4 .

    1.1 Your system already has th e Sun Qu ad FastEthernet 2.1 softwareinstalled. Install the patch listed in Installing the Required Qu adFastEthernet Software Patches on page 4 .

    3.0 Your system has the Sun Q uad FastEthernet software installed w iththe Sun Trun king 1.0 software. Do not install the software from th eCD-ROM and do not install any p atch listed in these release notes.

    Note: If you rem ove this version of the softwa re, you will not be ableto u se the Trun king 1.0 software.

    3.1 Your system ha s the Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.2 software installed.This version w as shipp ed w ith the Sun Trun king 1.0.1 software andthe Solaris 2.6 Hardware: 5/ 98 software. Do not install the softwarefrom the CD-ROM, but d o install the patch listed in Installing th eRequired Quad FastEthernet Software Patches on page 4 .

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    4 Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes July 1998

    Installing the Required Quad FastEthernetSoftw are PatchesInstall the p atch, listed below, that is app ropriate for the version of the Sun QuadFastEthernet software and the Solaris environment installed on your system. Thesepatches correct panics during dynamic reconfiguration, difficulties with certainFastEthernet switches, and problems w ith general network performance (refer tothese patches README files for more information).

    Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1 Software PatchesThis version of the Sun Quad FastEthernet software is shipp ed w ith the Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1 CD-ROM. Install the software from this CD before installing thepatch.

    Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.2 Software Patches

    This version of the Sun Quad FastEthernet software is shipp ed w ith the SunTru nking 1.0.1 softw are an d the Solaris 2.6 Har dw are: 5/ 98 environ men t.

    The patches listed above are current as of the printing of this docum ent. Futu rerevisions of these patches will also correct problems with this software. Thesepatches may also be included in future jumbo kernel patches.

    TABLE 2 Sun Qua d FastEthern et 2.1 Patches

    Operating Environment Patch Identification Number

    So la ris 2.5.1 H ar dw ar e: 4/ 97, 8/ 97, a nd 11/ 97 105532-x

    So la ris 2.6 (p rior t o So la ris 2.6 H ard w are: 5/ 98) 105541-x

    TABLE 3 Sun Qua d FastEthern et 2.2 Patches

    Operating Environment Patch Identification Number

    So la ris 2.5.1 H ar dw ar e: 4/ 97, 8/ 97, a nd 11/ 97 106531-x

    Solaris 2.6Solaris 2.6 Hard wa re: 5/ 98


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    Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes 5

    Note For information on how to get the latest pa tches and patch revisions, visitthe SunSolve website at . Otherw ise, contact you rlocal SunService SM representative for assistance or your local SunService authorizedservice p rovider for m ore information.

    Conflicts With FastEthern et Sw itches(100BASE-T)There are tw o FastEthernet (100BASE-T) switches th at m ay p resent d ifficulties wh enworking with the Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI adapter:

    s Bay N etw orks m od el 28115/ ADVs SynO ptics m odel 28115

    If you use the adapter with these switches, you will encounter difficulties (refer tobug ID 4071199 for more inform ation). Installing t he Q ua d FastEthern et 2.1 dr iverpa tch, as described in Installing the Required Quad FastEthernet Software Patcheson page 4 , will fix these difficulties.

    Increasing Perform ance on Enterp riseServers with Fou r Quad FastEthernetAdaptersIf you ha ve four Sun Quad FastEthernet adap ters in an Enterprise server, you mayexperience slow p erformance and response times du ring periods of high netw ork

    traffic. This poor performance is usually caused by applications that use data bufferand socket buffer sizes greater than 8 Kbytes.

    You can achieve better network performan ce by ad justing you r a pp lications d atabuffer size and socket buffer size to be less than or equal to 8 Kbytes. Refer to theapplications documentation for instructions on how to set these buffer sizes.

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    6 Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes July 1998

    Increasing Synchronized Queues toImprove Network Perform anceTo increase the size of STREAMS synchronized queues, thereby increasing network performance, add the sq_max_size variable to the /etc/system file.

    Set th e sq_max_size variable to n , where n is the maximum number of messagesthat are allowed for each IP queue. A safe value to set this variable is 25 for each 64Mbytes of RAM in the system. For example, if your system has 64 Mbytes of RAM,you wou ld set th e var iable to 25 (50 if the system has 128 Mbytes of RAM, 100 if your system has 256 Mbytes of RAM, and so on).

    You can b e more a ggressive if you choose, but you ma y overr un STREAMS


    Refer to the Solaris documentation for more information.

    Disabling IP Forw ard ing Rou tingProtocols on Ap p lication ServersBy d efault, the Solaris operating environment will configure systems using m orethan one netw ork interface to be an IP forward ing router. App lication servers aretypically multihomed, w hich m ean that they contain more than one netw ork interface but d o not ru n IP routing p rotocols or forward IP packets. If you d o notdisable the IP forward ing and routing protocols on m ultihomed app lication servers,

    the servers may experience poor performance.NFS servers and database servers are a couple of examp les of mu ltihomedapplication servers. The purpose of these application servers is to provide a presenceon m ultiple networks. These networks u sually contain ded icated rou ting devices(routers, layer-3 switches, or d edicated Sun systems) in the n etwork infrastructurethat p rovide the IP forward ing routing services.

    set sq_max_size= n

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    Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes 7

    To maximize the performan ce of your m ultihomed desktop or app lication server, werecomm end d isabling the IP forward ing and rou ting protocols. One meth od of disabling IP forward ing is to create an /etc/notrouter file and then reboot your

    system.1. As superuser, type:

    2. Shut dow n and reboot the system.

    3. After rebooting your system, verify that IP forwarding has been disabled in thekernel.

    If you receive a 0 result, your system will never forward IP packets. If you receivenon-zero result, your system m ay still forward IP packets.

    If you received non -zero result, your system ma y contain an /etc/defaultrouterfile. The existence of this file may prev ent th e /etc/init.d/inetinit boot scriptfrom detecting the /etc/notrouter file. You m ay w ant to r emov e the/etc/defaultrouter file or, alternatively, force the ndd parameter,ip_forwarding , to equal 0 .

    For more information, refer to the TCP/IP and D ata Commun ications A dministrationGuide shipped with the Solaris documentation.

    Increasing TCP/ IP Performance onSolaris 2.6 System sIf you are r unn ing your Solaris 2.6 system w ith a large TCP w indow, and youexperience slowd own s du ring periods of high n etwork traffic, you should decreasethe TCP default maximum retransmission timeout interval variable(tcp_rexmit_interval_max ) to 60000 .

    q As superuser type:

    # /usr/bin/touch /etc/notrouter

    # /usr/sbin/ndd /dev/ip ip_forwarding

    # ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_rexmit_interval_max 60000

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    8 Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes July 1998

    The changes are immediate, and they affect all the TCP connections in the system.How ever, the changes w ill be lost when you reboot your m achine.

    Note You m ay not need to perform this w orkaround if you u se a smaller TCPwind ow (for example, an 8 Kbyte or a 16 Kbyte window ).

    To avoid losing the TCP/ IP setting, you can pu t the p arameter change in a ru ncontrol script in the /etc/rc2.d directory, similar to the following example.

    Ed iting the driver_aliases File onSolaris 2.5.1 System sIf your system is running the Solaris 2.5.1 operating environment, versions:Hard wa re: 4/ 97, Hard ware: 8/ 97, or H ardw are: 11/ 97, you m ust ad d thepci_pci "pci1011,25" line to you r /etc/driver_aliases file beforeinstalling the adapter. Refer to page 5 of the Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Installationand Users Guide for instructions on editing the driver_aliases file.


    # Local kernel modifications#case "$1" in'start')

    echo "Setting local kernel parameters...\c"ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_rexmit_interval_max 60000echo "";;

    'stop')echo "No kernel parameters changed.";;

    *)echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}";;

    esacexit 0

  • 8/6/2019 Sun Quad Fast Ethernet


    Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes 9

    Avoiding a System Pan ic WhileDetaching a PCI N etworking DeviceUnload ing or d etaching a PCI netw orking d evice may cause a Solaris 2.5.1 system tocrash becau se of a prob lem w ith th e PCI (4) nexus d river. Refer to bu g ID 4058070for more information.

    Install the 105004-10 pat ch to fix this bu g. This patch is curren t as of the p rinting of

    this docum ent. Future revisions of this patch w ill also correct the p roblemsdescribed in the 4058070 bug report. This patch may also be included in future

    jumbo kernel patches.

    Note For information on how to get the latest pa tches and patch revisions, visitthe SunSolve website at . Otherw ise, contact you rlocal SunService representative for assistance or your local SunService authorizedservice p rovider for m ore information.

    Know n Problem s With the Installationand User s Guid e

    Configuring the Host Files

    Note Configuring the Host Files on page 11 of the Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Installation and Users Guide contains inaccurate qfe interface num bers andhostname.qfe file nam es. The corrected section is shown below.

    After installing the Sun Qu ad FastEthernet driver software, you m ust create ahostname.qfe file for the ad ap ter s Ethernet in terfaces. You m ust a lso createboth an IP ad dress and a host nam e for its Ethernet interfaces in the /etc/hostsfile.

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    10 Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes July 1998

    1. At the command line, use the grep command to search the /etc/path_to_instfile for qfe devices.

    In the example above, the four SUNW,qfe@ x ,1 instances are from a Sun Q uadFastEthernet PCI Adapter installed in slot 2. For clarity, the instance numbers arebold.

    2. Create an /etc/hostname.qfe file, where corresponds to theinstance number of each interface you plan to use.

    If you w anted to use all of the ad ap ter interfaces in Step 1, you w ould need to createfour files:

    Guidelines for hostname.qfe Files:

    s Do not create /etc/hostname.qfe files for Sun Quad FastEthernet PCIAdapter channels you plan to leave unused.

    s The /etc/hostname.qfe file must contain the h ost name for theapp ropriate network interface.

    s The host name should have an IP address and should be entered in the/etc/hosts file.

    s The host name shou ld be different from an y other host nam e of any otherinterface, for example: /etc/hostname.hme0 an d /etc/hostname.qfe2cannot share the same host name.

    # grep qfe /etc/path_to_inst"/pci@1f,2000/pci@2/SUNW,qfe@0,1" 0 "qfe""/pci@1f,2000/pci@2/SUNW,qfe@1,1" 1 "qfe""/pci@1f,2000/pci@2/SUNW,qfe@2,1" 2 "qfe""/pci@1f,2000/pci@2/SUNW,qfe@3,1" 3 "qfe"

    TABLE 4 /etc/hostname.qfe Files

    FilenameInstanceNumber Adapter Ethernet Channel

    /etc/hostname.qfe0 0 0

    /etc/hostname.qfe1 1 1

    /etc/hostname.qfe2 2 2

    /etc/hostname.qfe3 3 3

  • 8/6/2019 Sun Quad Fast Ethernet


    Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes 11

    Using the instance examp les in Step 1 , the following examp le shows the four/etc/hostname.qfe files required for a system called zardoz that has aSun Q uad FastEthernet PCI Adap ter ( zardoz-11 , zardoz-12 , zardoz-13 , andzardoz-14) .

    3. Create an appropriate entry in the /etc/hosts file for each active qfe channel.

    Using the examp le in Step 1, you w ill have:

    4. Reboot your system.

    Booting a Diskless Client SystemNote This section should be ap pend ed to Chap ter 3 of the Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Installation and Users Guide.

    In order to boot a d iskless client with a local Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adap terinterface ( qfe ), the following tasks mu st be performed on the boot server.

    # cat /etc/hostname.hme0zardoz# cat /etc/hostname.qfe0zardoz-11# cat /etc/hostname.qfe1zardoz-12# cat /etc/hostname.qfe2zardoz-13# cat /etc/hostname.qfe3zardoz-14

    # cat /etc/hosts## Internet host table# localhost129.144.10.57 zardoz loghost129.144.11.83 zardoz-11129.144.12.41 zardoz-12129.144.13.67 zardoz-13129.144.14.30 zardoz-14

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    12 Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes July 1998

    1. Go to yo ur clients root partition by typing the follow ing:

    2. Search the name_to_major file for Quad FastEthernet ( qfe ) entries.

    If this file already has a Quad FastEthernet ( qfe ) entry, skip to Step 4.

    3. If the name_to_major file does not contain a Quad FastEthernet ( qfe ) entry, use atext editor to add an en try for the Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter devi ce(qfe ).

    If the major device number for the last file entry is n , use n +1 for the qfe channelma jor d evice num ber. As show n in the exam ple below, if the last entry for th e majordevice number is 108 , use 109 for the qfe device.

    4. Check the driver_aliases file for the pci_pci lin e required by the adapter.

    If this line alread y exists in the driver_aliases file, you can skip to Step 6.Otherw ise, you w ill need to ad d this line to th e file before installing th e ad apter.

    5. Using a text editor, add the foll owi ng lin e to the end of the driver_aliases file.

    6. Check the driver_aliases file for the qfe line required by the adapter.

    If this line alread y exists in the driver_aliases file, you can skip to Step 8.Otherw ise, you w ill need to ad d this line to th e file before installing th e ad apter.

    # cd /export/root/ /etc

    # grep qfe name_to_major

    . . .llcl 107audiocs 108qfe 109

    # grep 'pci_pci pci1011,25' driver_aliases

    pci_pci pci1011,25

    # grep 'qfe SUNW,qfe' driver_aliases

  • 8/6/2019 Sun Quad Fast Ethernet


    Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes 13

    7. Using a text editor, add the follo wi ng li ne to the end of the driver_aliases file.

    8. Create the following symbolic link.

    9. Insert and mount the Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1 CD-ROM.

    s If your system is running Volume Man ager, it should au tomatically mou nt theCD-ROM to the /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1 directory.

    s If your system is not ru nning Volume Man ager, moun t the CD-ROM as follows:

    10. Copy the qfe driver from the CD-ROM to the clients root partition.

    In the steps below, replace DIR with the d irectory w here the Solaris software islocated on the client system.

    a. For Solaris 2.5.1 operating s ystems , type:

    b. For the Sol aris 2.6 ope rating sy stem, type:

    11. Unmount and eject the CD-ROM as follow s:

    qfe SUNW,qfe

    # ln -s /devices/pseudo/clone@0:qfe /dev/qfe

    # mkdir -p /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1# mount -F hsfs -r /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1

    # cp /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1/Sol_2.5.1+/SUNWqfed/reloc/kernel/drv/qfe \

    DIR /export/exec/kvm/ /kernel/drv

    # cp /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1/Sol_2.6/SUNWqfed/reloc/kernel/drv/qfe \ DIR /export/exec/kvm/ /kernel/drv

    # cd /# umount /cdrom # eject cdrom

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    14 Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes July 1998

    12. Create a hostname.qfe file for the client in the / etc directory of theclients root partition.

    See Configuring the H ost Files on page 9 for more information.

    13. Reboot your system.

    Upd ating th e Solaris Archive to Use th e qfeInterface

    Note This section should be ap pend ed to Chap ter 3 of the Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Installation and Users Guide.

    This section is only app licable if you a re installing th e Solaris operatin g environ men ton a net-install client system over the Quad FastEthernet ( qfe ) interface.

    Note The Solaris CD-ROM cannot be used to perform a net-install since it is aread-only medium. Therefore, the Solaris CD image archive is required so you canup date certain software files.

    1. Determine the directory where the CD image is located on the boot server.

    For examp le, if the Solaris software is located w ithin a directory n am ed DIR , changeto the /etc directory of the clients root partition by typing:

    2. Search the name_to_major file for Quad FastEthernet ( qfe ) entries.

    If this file already has a Quad FastEthernet ( qfe ) entry, skip to Step 4.

    # cd DIR /export/exec/kvm/ / etc

    # grep qfe name_to_majorqfe 119

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    Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes 15

    3. If the name_to_major file does not con tain a FastEthernet ( qfe ) entry, use a texteditor to add an en try f or the Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter device ( qfe ).

    If the major device number for the last file entry is n then use n +1 for the qfe

    channel major device num ber. As shown in the examp le below, if the last entry forthe major device nu mber is 108 , use 109 for the qfe device.

    4. Check the driver_aliases file for the pci_pci line required by the adapter.

    If this line alread y exists in the driver_aliases file, you can skip to Step 6.Otherw ise, you w ill need to ad d this line to th e file before installing th e ad apter.

    5. Using a text editor, add the follo wi ng li ne to the end of the driver_aliases file.

    6. Check the driver_aliases file for the qfe line required by the adapter.

    If this line alread y exists in the driver_aliases file, you can skip to Step 8.Otherw ise, you w ill need to ad d this line to th e file before installing th e ad apter.

    7. Using a text editor, add the follo wi ng li ne to the end of the driver_aliases file.

    8. Create the following symbolic link.

    . . .audiocs 108qfe 109

    # grep 'pci_pci pci1011,25' driver_aliases

    pci_pci pci1011,25

    # grep 'qfe SUNW,qfe' driver_aliases

    qfe SUNW,qfe

    # ln -s /devices/pseudo/clone@0:qfe /dev/qfe

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    16 Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI Adapter Release Notes July 1998

    9. Insert and mount the Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1 CD-ROM.

    s If your system is runn ing Volume Man ager, it should autom atically m ount theCD-ROM to the /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1 directory.

    s If your system is not r unn ing Volume Man ager, mou nt th e CD-ROM as follows:

    10. Copy the qfe driver from the CD -ROM to the clients root partition.

    In the steps below, replace DIR with the d irectory w here the Solaris CD image islocated on the boot server system.

    a. For Solaris 2.5.1 operating sys tems, type:

    b. For the S olaris 2.6 operating system, type:

    11. Unmount and eject the CD-ROM as follow s:

    12. On the client system, perform the tasks listed in the section Booting a DisklessClient System on page 11 .

    13. Complete the Solaris client installation.Refer to your Solaris documentation for detailed instructions.

    14. Install the so ftware drivers from the Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1 CD-ROM.

    See the cd insert for more information.

    15. Reboot the system.

    # mkdir -p /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1# mount -F hsfs -r /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1

    # cp /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1/Sol_2.5.1+/SUNWqfed/reloc/kernel/drv/qfe \ DIR /export/exec/kvm/ /kernel/drv

    # cp /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1/Sol_2.6/SUNWqfed/reloc/kernel/drv/qfe \ DIR /export/exec/kvm/ /kernel/drv

    # cd /# umount /cdrom # eject cdrom