Sun Systems Fault Analysis Workshop: Online Assessment 1. In general, after the kernel panics a system, the system reboots. When the kernel panics it drops into the debugger and prints some interesting information. You know that the mdb utility can examine this information to determine the cause of the panic. After a system crash, you locate the appropriate saved image and then invoke mdb. # cd /var/crash/`uname –n` # ls bounds unix.1 unix.3 vmcore.1 vmcore.3 unix.0 unix. 2 vmcore.0 vmcore.2 # mdb –k unix.2 vmcore.3 Loading modules: [ unix genunix specfs dtrace zfs scsi_vhci sd mpt mac px lcd ip hook neti arp usba kssl fctl sockfs random mdesc idm cpc crypto fcip fcp ufs logindmux nsmb ptm sppp nfs lofs ipc ] As a next step, you retrieve a stack backtrace which shows in reverse order all the functions that were active at the time of the panic. Which option would you use in the mdb debugger to generate a stack backtrace? $c (*)

Sun Systems Fault Analysis Workshop_Online Assessment

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Sun Systems Fault Analysis Workshop_Online Assessment

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Sun Systems Fault Analysis Workshop: Online Assessment

1. In general, after the kernel panics a system, the system reboots. When the kernel panics it drops into the debugger and prints some interesting information. You know that the mdb utility can examine this information to determine the cause of the panic.

After a system crash, you locate the appropriate saved image and then invoke mdb.

# cd /var/crash/`uname –n`

# ls

bounds unix.1 unix.3 vmcore.1 vmcore.3

unix.0 unix. 2 vmcore.0 vmcore.2

# mdb –k unix.2 vmcore.3

Loading modules: [ unix genunix specfs dtrace zfs scsi_vhci sd mpt mac px lcd ip

hook neti arp usba kssl fctl sockfs random mdesc idm cpc crypto fcip fcp ufs

logindmux nsmb ptm sppp nfs lofs ipc ]

As a next step, you retrieve a stack backtrace which shows in reverse order all the functions that were active at the time of the panic.

Which option would you use in the mdb debugger to generate a stack backtrace?

$c (*)


Usually a milestone does nothing useful itself, but declares a specific state of system-readiness which other services can depend upon. Since you have been asked to share some basic information about milestones with a new administrator, you start by using the svcs command to view a list of milestones that are defined on the server.

# svcs milestone*

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online Jun_30 svc:/milestone/unconfig:default

online Jun_30 svc:/milestone/config:default

online Jun_30 svc:/milestone/devices:default

online Jun_30 svc:/milestone/network:default

online Jun_30 svc:/milestone/single-user:default

online Jun_30 svc:/milestone/name-services:default

online Jun_30 svc:/milestone/self-assembly-complete:default

online Jun_30 svc:/milestone/multi-user:default

online Jun_30 svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default

Which option contains the statement that would not be true when working with SMF milestones?

To change a milestone it is recommended that administrators always use the svcadm command and discontinue any use of the init command. (*)


While trying to install a package on a system, the following error message appeared:

# pkg install –nv group/feature/amp

pkg install: The following pattern(s) did not match any allowable packages. Try using a different matching pattern, or refreshing publisher information:


You run the following command, which returns nothing:

# pkg search entire

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You decide to check and make sure the publisher is refreshed with the most current data, then try to install the package again.

# pkg refresh solaris

# pkg search entire


pkg.description set Provides for power management support

<output omitted>

pkg.fmri set solaris/entire pkg:/[email protected]

pkg.summary set entire incorporation including Support Repository Update (Oracle Solaris pkg:/[email protected]

# pkg install –nv group/feature/amp

Creating Plan (Evaluating mediators): /

Packages to install: 19

Mediators to change: 1

Estimated space available: 30.54 GB

Estimated space to be consumed: 401.84 MB

Create boot environment: No

Create backup boot environment: No

Services to change: 2

Rebuild boot archive: No

Which two additional steps could also have been taken to quickly troubleshoot the cause of this problem?

Check to make sure the publisher is online with the command pkg publisher (*)

Check to make sure there is not a typo in the package name. (*)

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4. You have been asked to install Oracle VTS, an Oracle hardware validation test on a SPARC server. Once installed you need to run a non-intrusive online stress test mode and a data-safe system exerciser test mode, all to test the server.

Which two options describe the actions of these two test modes on the server?

This mode tests the system with all its components, all tests are run in parallel, and no other application except this software should be running on the system. (*)

This mode for testing is used to validate the hardware without having significant impact on other applications running on the system. (*)


The service configuration repository provides a per-service snapshot at the time each service is successfully started so that fallback is possible. The SMF service always executes with the running snapshot. This snapshot is automatically created if it does not exist.

You find that the console-login service configuration on a server is wrong, and now need to take steps to fix the problem by reverting to the last snapshot that started successfully. Once you have logged in as superuser or equivalent role you run the following commands.

# svccfg

svc:> select system/console-login:default

svc: /system/console-login:default> listsnap




svc: /system/console-login:default> revert start

svc: /system/console-login:default> quit

You have two more steps to complete in this process, which are necessary to update the information in the service configuration and to restart the service instance.

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What two commands would you run to update the repository with the configuration information from the start snapshot and then restart this service instance?

svcadm refresh system/console-login (*)

svcadm restart system/console-login (*)


The following error message has been displayed on a client:

svc:/application/pkg/server:default (image packaging repository)

State: maintenance since June 13, 2013 11:33:59 AM MDT

Reason: Start method failed repeatedly, last exited with status 1.

See: http://support.oracle.com/msg/SMF-8000-KS</span> See: /var/svc/log/application-pkg-server:default.logImpact: This service is not running.

This error indicates that the application package server service is in a maintenance state and users can't install a package. You look first for information in this log file:

# tail /var/svc/log/application-pkg-server:default.log

You then run the following commands to make the necessary changes to correct the problem, and clear and refresh the service:

# svccfg -s pkg/server

svc:/application/pkg/server> listprop pkg

# svcadm clear pkg/server

# svcadm refresh pkg/server

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Which option describes the probable cause of this error?

All of the above (*)

7. A server has been crashing intermittently for unknown reasons. You have asked the customer to start saving the information from the crash in the /var/crash directory so that you can analyze the problem. The crash dump configuration file has the following entries:

Dump content: kernel

Dump device: /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s1 (dedicated)

Savecore directory: /var/crash

Savecore enabled: no

After the most recent crash, the administrator went into the /var/crash directory to look for the dump file but the directory was empty.

Which command would you use to enable the server to store crash dumps in /var/crash on reboot?

# dumpadm –y (*)


System performance, especially for compute-bound processing is not very good. You run the mpstat command for a short time and see that the CPU system time (sys) is fairly high, even on a system that is not doing much.

# mpstat 2

CPU minf mjf xcal intr ithr csw icsw migr smtx srw syscl usr sys wt idl

0 0 0 13 228 5 22 0 1 1 0 0 0 11 0 89

1 0 0 8 26 1 17 0 0 0 0 51 0 3 0 96

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2 0 0 3 9 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100

3 0 0 10 34 2 23 0 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 95

4 0 0 5 70 28 64 0 0 0 0 34 0 4 0 96

5 0 0 32 27 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 96

6 0 0 4 39 13 33 0 1 1 0 12 0 0 0 100

7 0 0 8 26 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100

8 0 0 12 36 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100

9 0 0 4 16 0 12 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 0 94

10 0 0 14 42 1 26 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 0 90

. . . . . .


The possible causes of this system seeming to be slow could be a kernel bug, improper configuration, or there is Interrupt processing.

Which command would you use to correct this system performance problem?

All of the above (*)

9. An important step in fault analysis is to create a list of facts about reported system faults. To assist in the collection of these facts, you will collect all relevant errors on problematic services using SMF.

You execute the following command on the faulty system:

# svcx –x

Which option describes the output of this command?

Text explaining what state a service is in, and why it is in that state. (*)

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A system has crashed with a panic. You need to analyze this system panic and determine what kind of panic has occurred. The steps you plan to take include displaying the current crash dump configuration; coverting the dump file to files that can be analyzed with the mdb utility; and then printing a summary of information that reveals what kind of panic took place.

Which option describes the correct sequence of commands that you would use for this troubleshooting procedure?

# dumpadm ; cd /var/crash ; savecore –f dumpfile_name ; mdb 0 and then ::status (*)


To install client systems by using AI, you initially set up your install server and create at least one install service for each client architecture and each version of Oracle Solaris that you plan to install.

When you created each install service, you created customized installation instructions and system configuration instructions for different clients.

Now you boot a client and the installation begins following this sequence.

1. The client is booted.

2. The client system contacts the DHCP server and retrieves the client IP address, the boot file, and the IP address of the installer, if required.

3. The client system loads the net image.

4. The client system completes its installation by using the appropriate AI manifest.

5. The client system reboots, if <left blank intentionally>

6. During a reboot, the client system is configured by using an SC profile, or by the administrator’s responses in the interactive system configuration tool.

Which option would you select to correctly complete step 5 in the installation sequence?

The client system reboots, if the auto_reboot value is set in the AI manifest.

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The client system reboots, if rebooted by the system administrator.

The client system reboots, if the auto_reboot value is set in the client.

All of the above (*)

12. The following system message shows up on the console indicating a problem.

Fault class : fault.cpu.ultraSPARC-T2plus.ireg

Affects : cpu:///cupid=0/serial=1F95806CD1421929

faulted and taken out of service

FRU : “MB/CPU0” (hc://:product-id=SUNW,T5440:server-id=bur419-61:\



Which option would explain the appearance of this system message on the console screen?

The fmadm faulty command was used to display active problems related to faults or defects and determine the FRUs involved. (*)


A SPARC server is creating core files in random directories and that these files are quite large and use up valuable disk space. You run the following commmand to display the core file configuration on the system:

$ coreadm

global core file pattern:

global core file content: default

init core file pattern: core

init core file content: default

global core dumps: disabled

per-process core dumps: enabled

global setid core dumps: disabled

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per-process setid core dumps: disabled

global core dump logging: disabled

To correct the situation you become superuser, run the command to enable a global core file path and then verify the core file path configuration:

# coreadm

global core file pattern: /var/core/core.%f.%p

init core file pattern: core

global core dumps: enabled

per-process core dumps: enabled

global setid core dumps: disabled

per-process setid core dumps: disabled

global core dump logging: disabled

Which option contains the command you would use to enable a global core file path?

# coreadm -e global -g /var/core/core.%f.%p (*)


The Automatic System Recovery (ASR) feature enables the server to automatically configure failed components out of operation until they can be replaced. In the server, the ASR feature manages nonfatal hardware failures associated with memory modules and PCI cards. To display system components and their current state you run the following command.

sc> showcomponent




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Disabled Devices


Once a faulty component has been disabled and after the cause of the fault has been repaired (for example FRU replacement, loose connector reseated), you must remove the component from the ASR blacklist database.

What two options describe the command to remove a disabled component and the name of the database containing the list of all disabled components on the system?

asr-db (*)

enable component asrkey ; reset (*)


While booting a server the following error message is generated on the console.

Boot device: /pci@9/pci@0/pci@0/pci@1,2/LSTLogic,sad@2/disk0,0:a File and args:

ERROR: boot-read fail


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Can’t locate boot device

{0} ok

You know that there are two probable causes for the boot sequence to return to the ok prompt without booting.

Which option describes how this problem could have occurred?

Boot device does not exist on the machine.

Incorrect NVRAM or boot settings.

Boot device is corrupt.

All of the above (*)

16. The response time with a web zone is very poor, and many services are not running. You go ahead and zlogin into the web zone and then use the following command:

# svcs –xv

No output for more than 5 minutes

Which option describes the cause of this zone having a very slow response time?

he installed system in the zone has a bug.

The zone resource caps are too high.

The zone is misconfigured.

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Both a. and c. above. (*)


The Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) firmware runs on the service processor and is the central software resource for identifying and managing server problems. To actively manage and monitor a server independently of the operating system state, you enter ILOM by logging in and then running an ILOM command to view components that may be faulty on this server.

$ ssh username@SP_ipaddress

Password: <password>

- >enter command here

In this example the ILOM command entered has identified a failed hardware component. In particular, you are shown a memory module fault that has been detected by POST.

Target Property Value

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

/SP/faultmgmt/0 | fru | /SYS/MB/CMP0/BR1/CH0/D0

/SP/faultmgmt/0 | timestamp | Jun 2 23:01:32

/SP/faultmgmt/0/ | timestamp | Jun 2 23:01:32

faults/0 | |

/SP/faultmgmt/0/ | sp_detected_fault | /SYS/MB/CMP0/BR1/CH0/D0

faults/0 | | Forced fail (POST)

Which command would have been entered to view faulty components?

>show faulty (*)


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You are notified that a system has panicked because it tried to execute an illtrap instruction at ksyms_open+0x14, as shown in the following output:

> < pc::dis

<output truncated>

ksyms_open+0x14 : illtrap 0x0

<output truncated>

Knowing that the kernel will not overwrite its own code due to permissions on the pages of memory containing kernel code, you deduce two possible reasons for the cause of this panic.

Which two options could have caused this system panic?

The kernel branched to a location that contained the instruction NULL. (*)

A serious hardware problem. (*)

19. The following command line has been entered to create a new service called newsvc1 and to identify this service as the source for automated install:

# installadm create-service –n newsvc1 –s /export/aiimages/s11ai.iso –d \ /export/auto_install/newsvc1

which has produced the following error message when booting.

{0} ok boot net:dhcp – install

Boot device: /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@6/network@0:dhcp File and args:


install1000 Mbps full duplex Link up

Timed out waiting for BOOTP/DHCP reply

HTTP: Bad Response: 500 Internal Server Error

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(wanboot.conf error: Can’t open configuration file)

ERROR: boot-read fail

{0} ok

What action would you take to correct this boot failure based on the error message?

Check all of the above until the newly created service boots the system successfully. (*)


The svc.configd repository daemon for SMF is invoked automatically during system startup, and restarted if any failures occur. When svc.configd daemon is started, it does an integrity check of the SMF configuration repository. In this example the integrity check failed and svc.configd wrote the following message to the console.


svc.configd: smf(5) database integrity check of:


failed. The database might be damaged or a media error might have prevented it from being verified. Additional information useful to your service provider is in:


The system will not be able to boot until you have restored a working database. svc.started (1M) will provide a sulogin(1M) prompt for recovery purposes. The command:


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can be run to restore a backup version of your repository. See http: //sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-MY for more information.

You enter maintenance mode and run the restore_repository command, which takes you through the necessary steps to restore a non-corrupt backup.

Which option describes how a SMF repository can become corrupted?

Disk failure

Hardware or Software bug

Accidental overwrite of the file.

All of the above (*)


A system has booted into maintenance mode with an error that a service failed to mount the /tmp directory.

Copyright (c) 1983, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

os-io ERROR: svc:/system/filesystem/minimal:default failed to mount /tmp (see 'svcs -x' for details)

Jan 15 14:22:47 svc.startd[11]: svc:/system/filesystem/minimal:default: Method "/lib/svc/method/fs-minimal" failed with exit status 95.

Jan 15 14:22:47 svc.startd[11]: system/filesystem/minimal:default failed fatally: transitioned to maintenance (see 'svcs -xv' for details)

Requesting System Maintenance Mode

(See /lib/svc/share/README for more information.)

Console login service(s) cannot run

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You have quickly determined that the cause of this error could be the result of either a service that is critical for boot is disabled or incorrect permissions on the /tmp directory.

Which two methods would you use to correct this error?

Check to see if /tmp is mounted correctly, and check the permissions. (*)

Troubleshoot using the svcs –xv command and try enabling the services in maintenance manually. (*)

22. The system administrator normally creates and manages three important components contained in the Automated Installer (AI). These components include:

- System manifest files (for global and non-global zones)

- Client criteria

- System configuration (SC) profile files (for global and non-global zones)

Your manifest file contains AI installation instructions such as IPS server location, software packages to be installed, and the location of a non-global zone configuration file. The client criteria file allows you to identify which clients will be associated with specific AI services.

Which option describes what you as a system administrator are allowed to do when working with SC profile files?

You can configure client’s attributes such user accounts, networking configuration, localization, and so on.

You can select more than one SC profile for any particular client.

You can configure the Oracle Configuration Manager in a SC profile file of clients.

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All of the above (*)


A service on the server is disabled and not starting. To debug it you first request information about the failed service by using the following command:

# svcs –xv

svc:/ application/pkg/server:default (image packaging repository)

State: maintenance since Mon 30 Jun 2014 08:16:40 AM PDT

Reason: Start method failed repeatedly, exit with status 1.

See: http://support.oracle.com/msg/SMF-8000-KS

See: /var/svc/log/application-pkg-server:default.log

Impact: This service is not running.

In the output, you see that the IPS service has failed to start and has been placed in “maintenance” state due to repeated startup failures.

Which two options describe the remaining steps to be performed to debug this service that has failed to started?

Verify the failure by disabling and enabling the failed service using svcadm disable serviceinstance ; svcadm enable serviceinstance (*)

Read the log associated with the failing service to identify the cause of the failure using cd /var/svc/log and the more command. (*)


Users try to ssh, telnet and rlogin to another system and get error messages.

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# ssh host07

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

# rlogin host07

Protocol error: host07 closed connection

# telnet host07

Connection to host07 closed by foreign host

However, host08 can ssh/rlogin/telnet to host07:

host08# telnet (or ssh/rlogin ) host07


Which two options describe the reason these users cannot ssh, telnet or rlogin to a certain system?

Not an error, desired behavior as a method of security. (*)

Unwanted security settings in the hosts.deny and hosts.allow files. (*)

25. You want to save a crash dump of the live running Oracle Solaris system without actually rebooting or altering the system in anyway. A dedicated dump device was recently configured to the system using the dumpadm command.

Which command would you use to save a live system crash dump?

# savecore –L (*)

26. You know that the following configuration will cause two core files to be generated and saved when a process in the local zone terminates abnormally.

# coreadm

global core file pattern: /var/core/core.%f.%p

global core file content: all

init core file pattern: core.%f.%p

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init core file content: default

global core dumps: enabled

per-process core dumps: enabled

global setid core dumps: disabled

per-process setid core dumps: disabled

global core dump logging: enabled

Which two options describe where these core files would be saved?

In the global zone in /var/core (*)

In the process current working directory. (*)

27. While diagnosing peripheral devices using the probe-scsi and probe-scsi-all commands, the SCSI devices on two systems are not detected. These devices are in fact physically attached to the on-board SCSI controllers.

What step would you take to correct this reported problem with the SCSI devices?

Power on all the SCSI devices. (*)


The following error message is displayed on one AI client.

Rebooting with command: boot net:dhcp – install

Boot device: /pci@7c0/pci@0/network@4:dhcp File and args:

1000 Mbps FDX Link up

<time unavailable> wanboot info: WAN boot messages->console

<time unavailable> wanboot info: Starting DHCP configuration

<time unavailable> wanboot info: DHCP configuration succeeded

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<time unavailable> wanboot progress: wanbootfs: Read 366 of 366 kB (100%)

<time unavailable> wanboot info: wanbootfs: Download complete

Tue Aug 5 20:46:43 wanboot alert: miniinfo: Request returned code 500

Tue Aug 5 20:46:44 wanboot alert: Internal Server Error \ (root filesystem image missing)

You know this error occurred because the client cannot find the boot_archive.

Which option describes how you would correct this problem?

Check the path name and permissions of the boot_archive at $IMAGE/boot/boot_archive (*)

29. Fault types that can occur on a system are placed in five error categories: Software, Hardware, Critical, Fatal, System Panics, and Warnings.

When a system fault is caused by a critical error it is recommended that the system be immediately shutdown.

Which two faults could be attributed to a critical error that requires the immediate shutdown of the system?

Fan failure, resulting in an increased operating temperature. (*)

Single power supply failure in a system with redundant power supplies. (*)

30. After installing software, the ps command no longer functions. The error message generated includes:

ld.so .1: ps: fatal: libc.so.1: open failed: No such file or directory

Which two options could be the cause of the ps command to no longer function?

Corrupted procfs (*)

Corrupted /usr/bin/ps (*)


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You know that a boot archive is a subset of a root file system and that the files in the boot archive are read by the kernel before the root filesystem is mounted. After the root file system is mounted, the boot archive is discarded by the kernel from memory.

The files in the SPARC boot archive are located in the /platform/`uname –m`/archive_cache directory.

The files that are part of the x86 boot archive are located in the /platform/i86pc/amd64/archive_cache directory.

Which command automatically handles the Oracle Solaris boot archive creation, updates and verification on both SPARC and x86 platforms?

bootadm (*)


The response time within a newly configured zone is very poor, and many services are not running. The person that configured this new zone booted it and logged in successfully.

Within the new zone the following command is run, which explains the state of services.

# svcs –xv

No output for more than 5 minutes.

From this generated message, you surmise what the probable cause of the slow zone is and run the next set of commands:

# zoneadm –z newzone halt

# zonecfg –z newzone

zonecfg:newzone> remove capped-memory

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zonecfg:newzone> commit

zonecfg:newzone> info

zonecfg:newzone> exit

# zoneadm –z newzone boot

# zlogin newzone

# svcs –xv

The zone should now run faster than before.

Which option would be the cause of this poor response time reported on this new zone?

Zone mis-configured; resources caps to low. (*)

33. Oracle Solaris 11 installations are configured to have a default publisher, solaris, which supplies software packages from the release repository: http://pkg.oracle.com/solaris/release

As the administrator, you can see what configuration a Solaris 11 system has by using the following command:

# pkg publisher


solaris origin online http://pkg.oracle.com/solaris/release/

You can also quickly query some basic information about a repository to view the package publishers known by the repository; number of packages for each publisher; when the publisher’s package data was last updated; and the status of the publisher’s package data, as shown here:


solaris 4044 online 2014-06-28T12:17:33.570603Z

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Which two options describe the methods that you could use to quickly query some basic information about the “release” repository to view just the publisher’s name, number of packages, status, and last updated timestamp?

Use the command: pkgrepo info -s http://pkg.oracle.com/solaris/release/ (*)

Load the repository URL into your Web browser. (*)


Before actually installing a software package on a Solaris 11 system, you want to check exactly what is going to be installed. In this example, you run the following command to view the installation action of an apptrace package without installing it.

# pkg install –nv apptrace

Packages to install 1

Estimated space available: 46.27 GB

Estimated space to be consumed: 13.55 MB

Create boot environment: No

Create backup boot environment: No

Rebuild boot archive: No

You determine that there’s no issue with installing this package and run the pkg install command to complete the package installation. To verify or validate the installation of the package you run the following command:

# pkg verify –v apptrace


pkg: //solaris/developer/apptrace OK


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You decide to go ahead and install the dtrace package on this system too. When the installation completes you verify the installation of this package.

# pkg verify –v dtrace


pkg: //solaris/system/dtrace ERROR

<output truncated>

Which command would you use to correct the dtrace package installation error reported?

pkg fix dtrace (*)


After a system reboot, users can’t telnet to other systems or do other network-related tasks.

# telnet host68


telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Network is unreachable

To check for reasons why the users can't communicate over the network, you use the ipadm and ifconfig commands to make sure the network interface is configured correctly and is plumbed and up.

# ipadm

# ifconfig net0 up

You also check the rc directories to see what scripts may be running that are undesired, since legacy rc scripts can still can run in addition to SMF.

Which option describes additional steps you could take to resolve the reported problem with the

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Troubleshoot using svcs -xv to make sure all the network services are enabled; try enabling them by hand.

Create a backup of the faulty system before fixing anything.

Check for any hardware NIC errors using the fmadm faulty command.

Both a. and c. above. (*)


A user is logged in as root but still cannot install a package in a non-global zone.

# zlogin web

root@web# pkg install apptrace

pkg install: Could not complete the operation on /var/pkg/lock: read-only filesystem.

You have the user check the settings of the zone, using the following command to look for a specific setting that may cause a read-only file system.

# zonecfg –z web info

zonename: web

zonepath: /zones/web

brand: solaris

autoboot: true


file-mac-profile: strict

<output truncated>

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The user locates a file-mac-profile property in the output of the command, which has been set to a value of strict. By default, a zonecfg file-mac-profile property is not set in a non-global zone. The default policy for a nonglobal zone is to have a writable root file system. Knowing this information, you tell the user that this is the desired setting placed on the non-global zone and should not be changed.

Which statement is true when describing the profile strict?

Read-only file system, no exceptions. (*)

37. You have used the prtdiag command on a server to get some information about the system configuration, diagnostics, and failed FRUs. When the prtdiag command was executed the following exit value of 1 was returned.

Which option describes the meaning of this exit value?

Indicates that failures or errors were detected in the system. (*)

38. The show-post-results command is an OBP-level command that you use at the firmware level of a system to display information about the last executed POST. Shown below are four of the six steps that you would take to view the last executed POST.

1. Set the diag-switch? variable to true with the setenv command.

2. <step missing>

3. <step missing>

4. Power down the system.

5. Power on the system.

6. Run show-post-results to view the POST output.

ok show-post-results

<output omitted>

Which two options identify the two missing steps in this process?

Set the diag-level to max with the setenv command. (*)

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Set the auto-boot? variable to false with the setenv command. (*)


During an Automated Install a SPARC client successfully downloads the boot_archive and boots the Oracle Solaris kernel, but fails to get one of the image archives. The following error message indicates that the solaris.zlib file is causing this problem.

<time unavailable> wanboot info: Starting DHCP configuration

<time unavailable> wanboot info: DHCP configuration succeeded

<time unavailable> wanboot progress: wanbootfs: Read 368 of 368 kB (100%)

<time unavailable> wanboot info: wanbootfs: Download complete

Fri Aug 26 16:26:52 wanboot progress: miniroot: Read 221327 of 221327 kB (100%)

Fri Aug 26 16:26:53 wanboot info: miniroot: Download complete

<output omitted>

WARNING: i2c_0 failed to add interrupt.

WARNING: i2c_0 operating in POLL MODE only

Hardware watchdog enabled

Remounting root read/write

Probing for device nodes ...

Preparing network image for use

Downloading solaris.zlib

--2011-08-26 23:19:57--

Connecting to connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found

2011-08-26 23:19:57 ERROR 404: Not Found.

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Could not obtain from install server

Please verify that the install server is correctly configured and reachable from the client

Requesting System Maintenance Mode

Which option describes the conditions responsible for the cause of this fault?

The image path configured in WAN boot is not correct.

The image path does not exist or is incomplete

Access is denied due to permission issues.

All of the above (*)


SMF has a notification feature that notifies you through email messages of service state transitions and fault management events. You want to set up a notification to occur if any service state changes from the online state to any other state.

As a first step you have installed the smtp_notify package:

# pkg install service/fault-management/smtp-notify

and now need to enable and then configure the service notifications.

Which option describes the command you would not use when enabling and configuring the service state transition notifications for all services?

# svccfg –s svc:/network/http:appache22 setnotify from-online mailto:root@localhost (*)