St. Thomas Episcopal Church accepts all people and we commit to: Celebrate the Eucharist regularly Keep a personal and community discipline of prayer and study Proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ by promoting justice, peace, and love Nurture God’s people as we grow in Christ Live with thanksgiving, wonder, and openness to God’s love Restore all people to unity with God and each other All are Welcome No Exceptions! the storySt. Thomas Episcopal Church November 2018 Volume 41, Issue 11 We will recite the names of those we love who have gone before us on All Saints’ Day, Sunday, November 4. If you have not already given your names to Carol in the office, call her at 317-535-8985 by November 1. The Rev. Canon Richard Halladay will wear and dedicate the new vestments with funds donated in memory of Dr. Robert “Bob” Kopecky. ALL SAINTS’ DAY PITCH-IN We will celebrate with a pitch-in after worship. Please bring a main dish, a side dish or a dessert to share. REMEMBER TO FALL BACK ONE HOUR Turn your clocks back one hour before you go to sleep on Saturday, November 3. The official time change is 2 a.m. on Sunday, November 4. Bringing Christmas to Others St. Thomas participates in the Angel Tree Project to provide children of prisoners with gifts and a Christmas party. The Angel Tree with Gift Tags will be up on November 18. Please take a gift tag from the tree and return wrapped gifts with the tag securely fastened by Sunday, December 2. The Angel Tree Christmas Party will be Sunday, December 9 at noon. Children will receive goodie bags and refreshments, play games, make crafts, and take part in the Christmas Story. We are hoping all children will attend including our own St. Thomas children. How can you help? We are seeking donations of cookies, goodie bag items, drinks and paper goods. We also need volunteers: a narrator of the Christmas Story, costume helpers, and a Saturday set-up crew. Sign up on the bulletin board. Bless you all for blessing others! ~Ann Kieffer, Angel Tree Chair

SUNDAY SCHEDULE · 11/11/2018  · The First Christmas: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’s Birth by John Dominic Crossan & Marcus Borg is the next book for the reading

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Page 1: SUNDAY SCHEDULE · 11/11/2018  · The First Christmas: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’s Birth by John Dominic Crossan & Marcus Borg is the next book for the reading

St. Thomas Episcopal Church accepts all people and we commit to:

Celebrate the Eucharist


Keep a personal and community discipline of prayer and study

Proclaim the Good News

of Jesus Christ by promoting justice,

peace, and love

Nurture God’s people as we grow in Christ

Live with thanksgiving, wonder, and openness

to God’s love

Restore all people to unity with God and each other

All are Welcome

No Exceptions!

“the story”

St. Thomas Episcopal Church November 2018 Volume 41, Issue 11

We will recite the names of those we love who have gone before us on All Saints’ Day, Sunday, November 4. If you have not already given your names to Carol in the office, call her at 317-535-8985 by November 1. The Rev. Canon Richard Halladay will wear and dedicate the new vestments with funds donated in memory of Dr. Robert “Bob” Kopecky.

ALL SAINTS’ DAY PITCH-IN We will celebrate with a pitch-in after worship. Please bring a main dish, a side dish or a dessert to share.


Turn your clocks back one hour before you go to sleep on Saturday, November 3. The official time change is 2 a.m. on Sunday, November 4.

Bringing Christmas to Others St. Thomas participates in the Angel Tree Project to provide children of prisoners with gifts and a Christmas party.

The Angel Tree with Gift Tags will be up on November 18. Please take a gift tag from the tree and return wrapped gifts with the tag securely fastened by Sunday, December 2.

The Angel Tree Christmas Party will be Sunday, December 9 at noon. Children will receive goodie bags and refreshments, play games, make crafts, and take part in the Christmas Story. We are hoping all children will attend including our own St. Thomas children.

How can you help? We are seeking donations of cookies, goodie bag items, drinks and paper goods. We also need volunteers: a narrator of the Christmas Story, costume helpers, and a Saturday set-up crew. Sign up on the bulletin board. Bless you all for blessing others!

~Ann Kieffer, Angel Tree Chair

Page 2: SUNDAY SCHEDULE · 11/11/2018  · The First Christmas: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’s Birth by John Dominic Crossan & Marcus Borg is the next book for the reading

Page 2

Parish Life

The 22nd Vestry of St. Thomas (2018-2020)

2018: ........................ Robin Kares, Danny Bachman, Jim Phillips 2019: ................................................... Jim Alexander, Karen Smith 2020: .................................................. Rachel Allen, Cynthia Dozier

The Clergy, Staff and Officers of St. Thomas

Bishop ......................... The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows Supply Clergy ............................... The Very Rev. Robert Giannini ..................................................... The Rev. Canon Richard Halladay Organist ........................................................................... Amy Zeiher Parish Administrator ............................................. Carol Macmillan Senior Warden ............................................................... Robin Kares Junior Warden ........................................................ Danny Bachman Clerk ................................................................................ Karen Smith Treasurer ...................................................................... Marti Ramsey Assistant Treasurers .....Robin Kares, Mike Ramsey, Eric Smith,

November Vestry Meeting Sunday, Nov. 4

after the pitch-in

Transforming Generosity 2019 Stewardship Drive

In-Gathering is November 11

“Pledging is prayer. What we give and how—

time, talent and treasure—come from the

heart in prayerful partnership with the

Holy Spirit.”

You should have received a stewardship letter and pledge card in the mail last month. If you did not, contact the office and we will get one to you. We ask you to prayerfully consider your response to making a 2019 pledge to your church.

Our In-Gathering of pledges will be Sunday, November 11, or mail them to the office.

If you have questions about giving, see me or any Vestry member. ~ John Dozier, Stewardship Chair



We are accepting nominations for the next Vestry. The official voting takes place at the Annual Meeting in January. You must be a member in good standing. In order to have a full Vestry we are seeking:

1 one-year term member 1 two-year term member 3 three-year term members

Basic responsibilities are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church's mission by word and deed, to select the rector, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances. We meet 11 times a year.

Seeking Junior Warden Talk to Danny to learn more about Junior Warden responsibilities. Danny is coming off Vestry in January.

If you would like to share your time and talent on the St. Thomas Vestry, please give your name to any of our current Vestry members listed on this page. If you want to learn more about being a Vestry member, feel free to attend a vestry meeting or speak with a vestry member.

Perhaps you’d like to serve St. Thomas as a delegate or alternate at the 2019 Diocesan Convention. Delegates vote on behalf of St. Thomas at convention. If you want to know more about being a delegate, speak with Jamison Allen, John Dozier or Karen Smith—our current delegates and alternate.

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Parish Life Page 3



Godly Play & Youth Classes meet November 4 and 11 this month. Children & youth classes will meet November 4 & 11 during the 10 am worship and return to the Nave during The Peace.


Centering Prayer will now meet only on Sundays at 9 am in the library. Upcoming Centering Prayer dates are: Nov. 4 & 18, and Dec. 2 & 16. Questions? See John Dozier.


The Holy Eucharist worship is celebrated at 10 am on Sundays. Supply clergy this month are as follows:

4 The Rev. Canon Richard Halladay 11 The Very Rev. Robert Giannini Guest Preacher: The Rev. Canon Kristin Uffelman White 18 The Rev. Canon Richard Halladay 25 The Very Rev. Robert Giannini


Welcome the stranger! If you see a face you don’t recognize, please introduce yourself. On every visitor card we receive, almost everyone says they are seeking a friendly faith family. Smile and say hello! Wearing your name tag also helps others approach you. Need a nametag? Call the office: 317-535-8985.

Win a T-Shirt for Creating Our New

T-Shirt Design

It’s time for a new St. Thomas Episcopal Church t-shirt and you are the designers! Fill out a contest form with your great idea and return it to Rachel Allen, t-shirt design coordinator, any vestry member, or send it to the office. Forms are available on the foyer table. Designs are due Nov. 19. The vestry will choose the contest finalists and everyone will have a chance to vote for the winning design. The t-shirt design winner receives a free shirt. Questions? Contact Rachel at 269-266-2682; [email protected].

Sing once, Praise twice!

Join us at choir practice on Sundays at 9 am by the piano. The more voices the better! You do not need to be able to read music, just willing to sing to the Lord! See Amy, Zeiher, our organist, if you have any questions.

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Parish Life



Join Karen Smith to decorate the Nave for Christmas after the 10 am worship on December 23. It shouldn’t take long to do if we have enough hands. Sign up on the bulletin board to help. Questions? Call Karen Smith at 317-201-8128; or email [email protected]. Can’t help on the 23rd? We will also need help taking the decorations down before January 6.


Donations to the Christmas Poinsettia Greenery Fund may be dedicated to the Glory of God, in memory of a loved one, in thanksgiving, or for an occasion. Donation envelopes will be in the pews mid-November. Put envelopes in the collection plate or mail to the office. Please turn in all dedications by Sunday, Dec. 18. Dedications will appear in the Christmas Eve bulletin, Monday, Dec. 24 at 4 p.m.

Many thanks to all of our mowers! From April to November they diligently kept the lawn looking nice for Sunday worship.

Please take time to thank them for their time and work at St. Thomas!

Jamison Allen, Danny Bachman, John Dozier, Darrell Faust, Steve Faust,

Jim Lewis, Phil McIver, Mike Ramsey, Justin Ring, & Don Thompson

Thank you to all who walked in the Harvest Walk last month, and with food and monetary donations for the Interchurch Food Pantry! Deirdré Warrenburg

On behalf of the Interchurch Food Pantry, we thank you for your generous donations of food, volunteers, and money. With your help we are feeding the hungry. In a typical day, we serve 80-90 families. Bless you! Carol Phipps Pantry Manager

Thanks for the donations of warm clothing for Operation Bundle Up. The distribution event for Johnson County residents is Thursday, Nov. 8, 4-7 p.m. at Turning Point Church. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Adults need ID and proof of Johnson County residency.

Thank you to all our members for being the hands, feet and body of Christ over and over again.

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Parish Life Page 5


The St. Thomas Free Clinic is for Johnson County residents and by appointment only. The Clinic is open on Wednesdays (9am-noon) and one Saturday a month, 9am to noon. See phone numbers below for appointments, prescription refills and dental assistance.

November Clinic Dates Hours 9am-Noon

3—Saturday Clinic 7—Wednesday Clinic 14—Wednesday Clinic 21—Wednesday Clinic 28—Wednesday Clinic

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Athens Greek & Steak Restaurant (1800 Northwood Plaza, Franklin, IN) Monday, November 5, 6:30 pm Clinic Steering Committee Meeting The Steering Committee will meet on Thursday, November 29 at 6 p.m. in the library. Giving Thanks! Thank you to all who support the clinic! Thanks to the Johnson County Community Foundation for the $4,000 for technology upgrades.

A special thank you to Judith Mullinix as she leaves the Clinic after 20+ years of service. We offer Judith our heartfelt thanks and appreciation! Best wishes for a bright future in Colorado!

Terresa Branham, Clinic Director Clinic Appointments: 317-535-6057 Refill Line: 317-535-0143 Dental Needs: 317-656-7911 Email: [email protected] www.saintthomasclinic.org Facebook: St. Thomas Clinic



Bring your own drinks, a snack to share, your favorite game, and bring a friend! Questions? Call Fran at 317-501-0242. Please sign up so we know how many are coming.

The family that

plays together,

stays together!


The First Christmas: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’s Birth by John Dominic Crossan & Marcus Borg is the next book for the reading group. Both Crossan and Borg are noted New Testament scholars that investigate the historical context of the Gospels in

order to uncover the rich beliefs of the early Christian Tradition.

Please read pages 1-128 for our get together on November 28, 7 p.m. in Halladay Hall. The book is available through Amazon or the Wild Geese Bookshop in Franklin can special order it for you.

Join us! All are welcome! See Jim Alexander if you have any questions.

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



3 Clinic


Change clocks before bed tonight

4 Centering Prayer 9 am Christian Ed Rev. Halladay


Vestry Meeting

5 Clinic Appreciation Dinner 6:30pm


7 Clinic



10 Family Game Night 7 pm

11 Christian Ed Rev. Giannini Rev. White

Stewardship In-Gathering

Search Comm Meeting 11am



14 Clinic





Centering Prayer 9 am Rev. Halladay

Take a tag from the Angel Tree


T-Shirt Contest designs are due 11/19.


December Newsletter Deadline

21 Clinic


Happy Thanksgiving!

23 Office closed


25 Rev. Giannini



28 Clinic Reading Group 7pm

29 Clinic Steering Comm 6 pm


Page 6

November 2018 Calendar

Saturday, November 3, 9am to 3pm

Join Danny Bachman and others to spruce up the church grounds. Bring gloves, rakes and pruners if you have them. We will break for lunch. Bring a side dish or dessert to share. Stay all day or give one hour.

Page 7: SUNDAY SCHEDULE · 11/11/2018  · The First Christmas: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’s Birth by John Dominic Crossan & Marcus Borg is the next book for the reading

NOV. 4 NOV. 11 NOV. 18 NOV. 25 DEC. 2


Year B 25th Sunday after Pentecost Proper 27

Year B 26th Sunday after Pentecost Proper 28

Year B Last Sunday after Pentecost Christ the King

Year C First Sunday of Advent

LESSON Isaiah 25:6-9 Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17 1 Samuel 1:4-20 2 Samuel 23:1-7 Jeremiah 33:14-16

PSALM 24 127 1 Samuel 2:1-10 132:1-19 25:1-9

EPISTLE Revelation 21:1-6a Hebrews 9:24-28 Hebrews 10:11-25 Revelation 1:4b-8 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

GOSPEL John 11:32-44 Mark 12:38-44 Mark 13:1-8 John 18:33-37 Luke 21:25-36


Karen Smith Jim Phillips Cynthia Dozier Robin Kares Karen Smith

CLERGY The Rev. Canon Richard Halladay

The Very Rev. Robert Giannini

The Rev. Canon Richard Halladay

The Very Rev. Robert Giannini

The Rev. Canon Richard Halladay

MUSIC Amy Zeiher Amy Zeiher Amy Zeiher Amy Zeiher Amy Zeiher

GODLY PLAY Suzanne Bachman Kristen Ring No class No class Suzanne Bachman

YOUTH MINISTRY Jamison Allen Teresa Voorhees No class No class Teresa Voorhees

ALTAR GUILD Marti Ramsey Marti Ramsey Karen Smith Elyssa Everling Marti Ramsey

ALTAR FLOWERS Cade Merriman Bday, Daryl & Paula Hedge, and all Saints

In honor of all Veterans

In memory of Daniel Wagner

In honor of Poindexter family birthdays

No altar flowers during Advent

BREAD MINISTRY Kristen Ring Kristen Ring Elyssa Everling Elyssa Everling Ashley Bachman


Marikay Kapke Wilma McDermott

Jim and Candace Phillips

Steve & Cheryl Faust Wilma McDermott Dave Buchholz

Steve and Cheryl Faust

SERVERS Ann Kieffer Gavin Anderson Reid Smith Ann Kieffer Kristen Ring

READERS Ann Kieffer Paula Sites

Jim Phillips Jen Tullis

Karen Smith Paul Jump

Mike Ramsey Dave Buchholz

Paula Sites Cheryl Faust


Deirdré Warrenburg Kristen Ring Cheryl Faust Mike Ramsey Ann Kieffer

COUNTERS Dave Buchholz Jen Tullis

Jim Phillips Karen Smith

Jim Alexander Cynthia Dozier

Rachel Allen Robin Kares

Cheryl Faust Eric Smith


Church Pitch-In/ M. Ramsey

John & Cynthia Dozier

The Buchholz Family

PANERA PICK UP Karen Smith Chuck & April Nemeth

John & Cynthia Dozier

Page 7

November 2018 Ministry Schedule


Page 8: SUNDAY SCHEDULE · 11/11/2018  · The First Christmas: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’s Birth by John Dominic Crossan & Marcus Borg is the next book for the reading

St. Thomas Episcopal Church

600 Paul Hand Boulevard

Franklin, IN 46131-6922

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am to 1 pm Phone: 317-535-8985 Email: [email protected] Online: stthomasfranklin.org Facebook: St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Franklin, IN Twitter: @StthomasfrankIN

Birthdays 1 Grace Allen 4 Cade Merriman 17 Don Thompson 21 Wyatt McFarland 23 Reid Smith 29 Paula Sites


1 Jan Skopecek 2 Rachel Buchholz 7 Abigail Bachman 17 Don Thompson 25 John Boehnlein

November Celebrations

Are you missing from the Celebrations section? Please send your information to: [email protected]; 317-535-8985.