Uniting Church in Australia Synod of Victoria and Tasmania KINGSTON CONGREGATION Presbytery of Tasmania Website: http:kingstonuca.org.au Phone: 6229 8112 Sunday, 17th March, 2019 A special welcome to everyone joining us in worship at Kingston today. Please join us for a cuppa and drinks for the children after worship. Mon: Tue: Wed: Thurs: 1.30pm Lenten Study 1 Fri: 3.00pm Rockpool Sat: Sun: 9.00am Music Practice 10.00am Family Worship Rosters: Next Week 24 March 2019 Books: Anne B-C Reading: Kylie C Counting: Harold W & Wendy Q Cleaning: Ann J & Yannie B Morning Tea: Chris & David P Welcoming: Kaye B Music: Ray, Chris, Jacqui, Jean, Kylie This week! Our church serving: 17 - 24 Mar 2019 Bible Readings Todays Readings: Gen.15:1-12,17-18 Ps 91:1-2,9-16 Phil.3:17-4:1 Luke 9:28-36 Next Weeks Readings: Isaiah 54:1-9 Psalm 63:1-8 1Cor.10:1-13 Luke 13: 1-9 World Council of Churches Ecumenical Prayer Cycle - this week we pray for : Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania WEEKLY NOTICES It would be appreciated if notices for the notice sheet could be given or sent to Irene Nichols by Thursday mornings to the church email: [email protected] Kingston Uniting Church MINISTRY TEAM Every Member PLUS Minister Rev Michael Duke Phone; 6229 8110 Phone: 0437 884 600 Email: [email protected] Church Council Chairperson: Bronwyn Morton Phone: 0428 330 160 Email: [email protected] Secretary: Anne Warren Phone: 6283 3310 Mobile: 0415 557 592 Email: [email protected] Acting Treasurer: Irene Nichols Phone: 6229 3460 Mob: 0438 085 744 Email: [email protected] Church Facilities Bookings: Jennie Webb Phone: 0420 822 757 Email: [email protected] Pastoral Care co-ordinator: Claire Wherrett Phone: 0417 306 762 Music co-ordinator: Jacqui Hansson Phone: 6229 1699 UCAF Fellowship: Helen Kennedy Phone: 6229 7945 Book Group: Anne Warren Phone: 6283 3310 Kingston U. C. Library Catalogue: http:kingstonuca.org.au Church email: [email protected] Office phone: 6229 8112 Property: Any building issues or concerns should be written in the Red Bookin the kitchen. This is checked regularly by P&F. Guest Wi-Fi network: KUC-RPCC password: ucarpccguest We acknowledge the Mouheneener People, the traditional custodians of this land on which we gather for worship. This church seeks to be a place of safety and acceptance for all people. Luke 13: 31-35 Chickens are magnificent pets. Oh this surprises you? I dont blame you. I thought the same until Edith and Esme came into our life. They looked forward to seeing you every morning to see what yummy delights you brought forth that, despite the fact that they came from the scrap bucket, were devoured like delicacies and then, turned into eggs from which real delicacies were made. Theyd faithful- ly follow you around and sometimes just have a chat with you in the gar- den. And then they get broody. Have you ever seen a hen brooding over her chicks? Wow, what incredible ma- ternal instinct. How the broody hen possesses courage which never seemed to belie her before. And this is the attitude of Jesus toward the people of Jerusalem floundering in darkness under the rule of a foreign power and their own self-interested immor- al monarch. Its likely then that Christ still says this when he despairs over the state of the earth. He just wants to gather us in and give us a hug. Awwwthanks Mum- Rev Michael Duke

Sunday, 17th March, 2019 Secretary: Anne Warren Phone ...Sunday, 17th March, 2019 A special welcome to everyone joining us in worship at Kingston today. Church Council Chairperson:

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Page 1: Sunday, 17th March, 2019 Secretary: Anne Warren Phone ...Sunday, 17th March, 2019 A special welcome to everyone joining us in worship at Kingston today. Church Council Chairperson:

Uniting Church in Australia Synod of Victoria and Tasmania

KINGSTON CONGREGATION Presbytery of Tasmania Website: http:kingstonuca.org.au Phone: 6229 8112

Sunday, 17th March, 2019

A special welcome to everyone joining us in worship at Kingston today. Please join us for a cuppa and drinks for the children after worship.

Mon: Tue: Wed: Thurs: 1.30pm Lenten Study 1 Fri: 3.00pm Rockpool Sat: Sun: 9.00am Music Practice 10.00am Family Worship

Rosters: Next Week 24 March 2019 Books: Anne B-C Reading: Kylie C Counting: Harold W & Wendy Q Cleaning: Ann J & Yannie B Morning Tea: Chris & David P Welcoming: Kaye B Music: Ray, Chris, Jacqui, Jean, Kylie

This week! Our church serving: 17 - 24 Mar 2019

Bible Readings

Today’s Readings: Gen.15:1-12,17-18 Ps 91:1-2,9-16 Phil.3:17-4:1 Luke 9:28-36 Next Weeks Readings: Isaiah 54:1-9 Psalm 63:1-8 1Cor.10:1-13 Luke 13: 1-9

World Council of Churches Ecumenical Prayer Cycle - this week we pray for : Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

WEEKLY NOTICES It would be appreciated if notices for the notice sheet could be given or sent to Irene Nichols by Thursday mornings to the church email: [email protected]

Kingston Uniting Church



Minister Rev Michael Duke Phone; 6229 8110 Phone: 0437 884 600 Email: [email protected]

Church Council Chairperson: Bronwyn Morton Phone: 0428 330 160 Email: [email protected]

Secretary: Anne Warren Phone: 6283 3310 Mobile: 0415 557 592 Email: [email protected]

Acting Treasurer: Irene Nichols Phone: 6229 3460 Mob: 0438 085 744 Email: [email protected]

Church Facilities Bookings: Jennie Webb Phone: 0420 822 757 Email: [email protected]

Pastoral Care co-ordinator: Claire Wherrett Phone: 0417 306 762

Music co-ordinator: Jacqui Hansson Phone: 6229 1699

UCAF Fellowship: Helen Kennedy Phone: 6229 7945

Book Group: Anne Warren Phone: 6283 3310

Kingston U. C. Library Catalogue: http:kingstonuca.org.au

Church email: [email protected] Office phone: 6229 8112

Property: Any building issues or concerns should be written in the “Red Book” in the kitchen. This is checked regularly by P&F.

Guest Wi-Fi network: KUC-RPCC password: ucarpccguest

We acknowledge the Mouheneener People, the traditional custodians of this land on which we gather for worship.

This church seeks to be a place of safety and acceptance for all people.

Luke 13: 31-35 Chickens are magnificent pets. Oh this surprises you? I don’t blame you. I thought the same until Edith and Esme came into our life. They looked forward to seeing you every morning to see what yummy delights you brought forth that, despite the fact that they came from the scrap bucket, were devoured like delicacies and then, turned into eggs from which real delicacies were made. They’d faithful-ly follow you around and sometimes just have a chat with you in the gar-den. And then they get broody. Have you ever seen a hen brooding over her chicks? Wow, what incredible ma-ternal instinct. How the broody hen possesses courage which never seemed to belie her before. And this is the attitude of Jesus toward the people of Jerusalem floundering in darkness under the rule of a foreign power and their own self-interested immor-al monarch. It’s likely then that Christ still says this when he despairs over the state of the earth. He just wants to gather us in and give us a hug. Awww… thanks Mum…

- Rev Michael Duke

Page 2: Sunday, 17th March, 2019 Secretary: Anne Warren Phone ...Sunday, 17th March, 2019 A special welcome to everyone joining us in worship at Kingston today. Church Council Chairperson:

Rockpool A Reflective Space

Rockpool has started Again! Every Friday at 3PM. Do YOU Feel the Call of the Spirit? Come Closer to God for: Healing, Forgiveness and Prayer. Come Once or Regularly. Leave Behind your Busy Week and En-joy Peace.....

More information: Judith Cornish or Bronwyn Morton

UnitingCare—Emergency relief

The Emergency Relief Centre in Kingston always welcomes our donations; see the list on the noticeboard for ideas. Please place in the

special basket near the front entrance.

LENTEN STUDIES This week we will commence our Lenten studies on Thursday afternoon at 1.30pm. Please come and join us!


OUR AGM WILL BE HELD TODAY, AFTER THE SERVICE. Please collect your report then join us as we see what the Church Community has done here over the last year, and what is planned for the future!!

Money, money, money!!! Your small change for our Ugandan Appeal will be collected during the service today.

It is with much sadness that we advise you that Rev Max Stansall died on Wednesday morning after a recent stroke. Our thoughts and prayers are with Max and Judy’s family and the many people who knew Max through his long life and extensive ministry. Max was ordained in 1957 and served the Methodist and then Uniting Church for over 60 years, including ministry at Burnie, Wesley Hobart and Kingston, as well as Chair-man of the Methodist District of Tasma-nia pre-union, and the second Modera-tor of the former Uniting Church Synod of Tasmania. The funeral will be held at 2:00pm on Tuesday 19 March at Clarence Uniting Church, York St, Bellerive. -Rohan Pryor Synod Liaison Minister

If you have not already filled in your contact details, could you please do so today? Forms available near the Name Tag noticeboard. Please place in ice cream container

HEAR OUR VOICES Multicultural Women’s Gathering 2019 Meet new people, singing, dancing, food and fun! Please feel free to wear tradi-tional clothing and bring along music, instruments and your crafts. (Child friendly space) This is a free event - registration essential for catering purposes Friday 22nd March 9.30 - 2pm At Leprena - 280 Main Road, Glenorchy Register your attendance with Allyson Byrne at Glenorchy City Council Phone: 62166 814 Email: [email protected]

Palm Sunday Rally for Refugees. 2-4 pm Sunday April 14. Parliament House Lawns. Organised by Amnesty International. All welcome.