Supplement Conspiracy

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  • 8/14/2019 Supplement Conspiracy


  • 8/14/2019 Supplement Conspiracy


  • 8/14/2019 Supplement Conspiracy


  • 8/14/2019 Supplement Conspiracy


    Supplement Suckers Unite!

    # was a bigtime sucker when it came to buying supplements( especially

    when # first began working out.

    Maybe you can relate to my story...

    # grew up in the 01&s and reached my teenage years +ust as )rnold2chwar$enegger became popular. # turned 34 when The Terminator536047 came out.

    I wanted to et as bi as rnold...As Fast As Possible!

    ,hat is when # found out about 8rotein. #read in the fitness maga$ines that all the 8ro

    bodybuilders got big by taking protein.

    '-, +ust any protein9

    ,hese guys got this big( by taking protein

    powder that had magical ingredients notfound in food.

    -bviously these guys didn&t take steroids.,hey were :;< pounds of pure naturalhealth. Why else would they be in a Healthand Fitness maga$ine9

    "# course you couldn$t et %eally &i, without mino cids!

    When ongo Lloyd packed on 41 pounds in a year( he obviously took alot of protein powder 5a given fact in the 01&s7. His real =secret= wasamino acids9

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    'he Story o# (Mono )loyd(

    2o ongo Lloyd outlined his workout routine( what he ate( and most

    importantly the supplements he took. He did photo shoots and interviewsfor all the big fitness maga$ines.

    ongo Lloyd looked massive and had tons of teenage guys aiming forthat look. 'ot only was he massive( the guy was ripped9 2ure he workedhard in the gym( but the difference between him and regular guys in thegym were all those fancy supplements he took.

    ...but he always #orot to mention his (best( supplements.

    >ou see( ongo Lloyd had a special batchof supplements that worked better thananything he talked about in the maga$ines.

    *e didn$t mention them #or this reason...

    )s a :< year old man( it was apparent to

    ongo&s doctor that ongo needed a bit of=hormone therapy=.

    'ote the sarcasm above. ,his is an exampleof a serious =steroid hookup=.@

    Mono and others like him were the start o# somethin bier...

    # like to call the bodybuilding maga$ine era of the 01&s and early 61&s thestart of the big 2upplement Aonspiracy. #t started with young men tryingto get big( but then slowly targeted every demographic.

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    'he Supplement Conspiracy

    "Does my butt look too big?"

    #f you thought the =gaining muscle= market was big then wait until yousee how many supplements they have for fat loss.

    +at loss is a *U- market #or the supplement industry!

    ,hink about it. )lmost everyone you know wouldn&t mind being a littleleaner. 2o( the weight loss and fat loss market includes everyone.

    -atin #ewer calories each day? It can$t be that simple!

    While the main way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories each day thenwhat you burn( people don&t want to hear that. ,hey have a =feeling= thatthere is a uick fix that they haven&t heard about.

    'he Supplement Companies hae marketin down to a science.

    ake no mistake about it( supplement companies have ama$ing

    marketers and copywriters on their side. ,hey are trying to make moneylike everyone else( so of course this makes sense. Cnfortunately( manysupplement companies use tactics that are a little =grey= in my opinion.

    Alaiming a supplement creates =steroid like= results

    ) pill that burns ;D the fat compared to diet " exercise alone

    Aiting company sponsored studies as =real research=

    &ut Misleadin dertisin lone isn$t a (Conspiracy(

    The Definition of Conspiracy: A secret agreement beteen to ormore parties to perform an un!afu! or unethica! act"

    ____________________________________________________________________The Supplement Conspiracy # Rusty Moore - Fitness Black Book
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    +itness Mas / Supp Companies 0 &++!

    )s !ob Base and E G !ock Would 2ay =#t ,akes ,wo...=. #f you are

    too young to get the 61&s reference consider yourself fortunate9

    +itness Maa1ines Used to ie "ut (Unbiased( In#o

    # had a subscription to #ronman aga$ine from 3600 until 3663. #t was apretty solid place to get training advice. ,hey outlined workouts thatproduced results without using steroids. ,here were helpful articles inthat maga$ine that didn&t mention a supplement at all.

    In the early 23$s, maa1ines bean hain more ads than content

    When fitness maga$ines were at their peak(they cashed out in a big way. #nstead ofhaving ads and articles separate...theycombined them as one.

    ,hese ads became I4 pages and weredisguised as articles at first. ,he line between

    ads and articles were blurred.

    #n addition to that( many of these maga$ineand supplement companies formed one largerconglomerate. ,he money was flowing in likeclockwork.

    'hese mea4companies continued to #lourish in the (Internet e(

    #n the first 313: years of the #nternet&s existence( companies with deeppockets still held the power to influence the masses. #t was smoothsailing for these guys until :114...

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    5ower &ack to the 5eople!

    #n :114( yspace reached critical mass. ,he site became so successful

    that it ignited a storm of other social sites. ,oday these social sites aregrowing at an exponential rate and have changed the face of the#nternet...forever.

    ood news ets spread at a rapid pace, so does bad news!

    #n the past( when you received bad service or a crappy product( you weremad and maybe would tell 3: friends about it. ,oday( you can reachthousands and even hundreds of thousands with the push of a button.

    6o you hae a +acebook 5ae?

    )s of this time( Facebook has 3J< millionusers and each user has an average of 3:1friends.

    #f you really wanted to you could probablyspread news to over 311(111K people within

    hours. #t would be hard to track( but we are soconnected it is certainly possible.

    Even Google is beginning to take notice of

    user generated content on these sites, so news

    gets spread quickly and becomes permanent!

    Good Ole' adverting just isn't working as well as it used to

    Slick advertising is becoming less and less effective. Why listen to acompany talk about their product, when you can ask a friend? If you

    were researching a supplement, ads aren't going to give you real info.

    People have a voice online and that is good news for you and me. The

    good companies will thrive and the bad ones will wither away.

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    'he )aw o# %eciprocity

    The Law of Reciprocity states "whatever you do will be returned back to

    you". This is how mankind has worked since day one. I am a firmbeliever in the "give first and give often" philosophy.

    I'll take it a step further...

    I believe that to really thrive online, one

    must give much more value than one

    expects in return. If a supplement doesn't

    help or work like it should and the

    customer paid money for that supplement,then that supplement company is headed

    for failure.

    Too Much Yin and Not Enough Yang!

    The supplement companies that thrive in

    the future are going to need to provide

    great value for the money. Exaggeratedclaims and fake models aren't going to cut

    it anymore.

    There needs to be a balance between give and take. The Supplement

    Conspiracy was doomed from the start. The Universe never fails to

    achieve balance over time.

    So the BIG Question is this..."Which Supplements Work?"

    The whole point of this ebook is to help you understand which

    supplements are worth your money. You could read "biased"

    information from a magazine or website -OR- you could talk to the

    scientists who actually formulate and produce these supplements...

    ____________________________________________________________________The Supplement Conspiracy & Rusty Moore - Fitness Black Book
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    'wo Scientists Who ren$t #raid to 'alk

    Before # introduce these two gentleman( # need to explain a couple of

    things. ,he first thing is that no actual supplement brand names will bementioned. ,hey also won&t mention any supplement company names.

    Introducin expert 789 &rad 5ilon

    Brad is best known for his groundbreaking onlinediet course( Gat 2top Gat. any of you mayrecogni$e Brad( but what you may not know is thathe worked for a number of years as Head of !esearch

    and Eevelopment for a large supplement company.He was involved in product development( designedformulas( designed patents( etc. ,his makes him a topnotch expert when it comes to supplements andnutrition.

    Introducin expert 7:9 ;ohn &arban

    ohn is best known for his men*s online course on

    symmetry( ,he )donis Gffect. ohn is currently adirector of !"E for a supplement company. He is asought after expert on nutrition and supplementationand also does consulting work for many supplementcompanies. He has uptodate insider knowledgethat few posses.

    'his is

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    'he &I Supplement Interiew

    )o the *nter+ie ,as Constructe: .ra an /ohn ereinter+iee separate!y" ,e agree that it ou! be best if theyou! rep!y ithout hearing the other guy0s anser" Then eou! !ist their ansers ne1t to each other to compare"

    'his simple method worked out extremely well...

    # liked the fact that both Brad and ohncould take their time and really think aboutthe uestion before responding. # was goingto do an audio interview( but decidedagainst it.

    ,his email format allowed me to time tocome up with better followup uestions.With an audio( # tend to feel rushed.

    ,he result is a report that lets you comparethought out replies between two scientistswho have spent a large amount of time inthe supplement industry. Gn+oy9

    =uestion 789 I# someone eats a balanced diet, do they

    really (need( supplements. What I askin is it

    possible to et all the nutrients someone needs #rom#ood alone.

    ;ohn9# don*t believe there is one perfect diet( or even what you couldcall a balanced diet* that can be recommended to all people across allcultures( even if we are only speaking of people in north )merica as an

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    example. # would think the better way to say it would be as followsM #nmodern industriali$ed countries it is difficult to become nutrientdeficient if you are living above the poverty line. uch of our food isfortified with nutrients to ensure we do not become nutrient deficient no

    matter how bad* or unbalanced* our diet seems to be. For example(you*ll notice that table salt is called Niodi$edO salt( this is because iodinedeficiency used to be a ma+or problem. ,he simplest and most effectiveway to get everyone to take enough iodine every day was to put it inwith our salt and commonly consumed goods like bread( and this wasadopted in the C2) as far back as the 36:1*s to ensure that iodinedeficiency would be wiped out in industriali$ed countries. ust to putthis into perspective as of :11I the WH- 5Word Health -rgani$ation7

    reported that there were still 3.6 billion people with insufficient dailyiodine intake across the world. ,ake a moment and thank your luckystars you*re not one of them.

    2o bringing this little story back full circle to answer your uestion. #t isvirtually impossible to become nutrient deficient in modern westerncountries no matter what you eat. Gven if you think you eat a bad* orunbalanced diet( organi$ations like the WH- are way ahead of you. #f

    you live in north )merica or any industriali$ed country( and you have atleast a few dollars to spend on food in a day( you will most likely neverbecome nutrient deficient no matter what you do.

    #f you have a specific goal you are after then maybe there is asupplement that can help you get there for exampleM Areatine to help

    build muscle.

    We also have not taken into account genetic variability. #n some rare

    cases people will find they don*t absorb a certain nutrient very well andsupplementing it might help. But make note of the word # used( !)!Gcases. ,his is not that common( and reuires extensive testing todetermine.

    #n general you can eat what you like and not worry about nutrient

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    %usty >+ollow4up9ohnP# have to be honest( # never considered theWH-. Eo they have other nutritional standards that western countries

    must meet when producing a certain food. Where do people go to findout more info on the WH-*s role in the way we eat?

    ;ohn9ost people in north )merica wouldn*t consider what the WH-is up to because as far as the WH- are concerned we don*t have any

    problems that are really difficult for them to solve. For example there arestill millions of people around the world that are malnourished and can*teven get clean drinking water every day. -ur problems aren*t so dire(

    our ma+or problem is having too much to eat( kind of a nice problem tohave compared to being so poor that clean water is an issue. #f you wantto learn more about the WH- you can go to this linkhttpMQQwww.who.intQenQ and browse around and see what*s going on inthe world and with their organi$ation( #*d bet you would be reallysurprised what is going on right now.

    &rad9,here are lots of examples around the world of people thrivingwithout eating what we would consider the traditional 'orth )merican

    balanced diet*( so when people do eat with lots of variety # see little needfor additional supplementation. Cnless we are talking about people in adisease state( or possibly the nutritional needs of growing children( # seelittle reason why a fully gown adult human would absolutely 'GGE tosupplement their diet( with the exception of convenience of lifestyle.

    %usty >+ollow4up9BradP # love nachos( pi$$a( hot wings( etc. # eatthem every so often and feel great and stay lean year round. 8eople

    assume that # eat nothing but salad and chicken breasts when they hear #have a fitness site. What are your thoughts on eating a variety of foods?#s it +ust fruits( veggies( and healthy fats and proteins Ror can people eatNnormalO food in moderation and stay healthy.

    &rad9# think variety* can include foods that 'orth )merica doesn*t

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    consider to be super healthy R pi$$a is a favorite example. adeproperly( # think this can a be a food that fits easily into a life style ofvariety. ,he preoccupation we have in 'orth )merica of criminali$ingfood is ridiculous. Sood foods( bad foods...# a chocolate

    cupcake the Earth Tader of the food world? #*ve heard people say that itis ironic that the populations of the world who are most obsessed withhealthy eating are also the ones who are uickly becoming the mostobese and most plagued with chronic disease.

    -ften times the protective benefit of simply eating less trumps the effectof eating more healthy foods*.

    =uestion 7:9 What is your personal outlook onsupplements. 6o you think eeryone should take


    ;ohn9# think it should be based on your personal goals. For example( ifyou want to put on as much muscle as possible it would make sense totake creatine. Areatine is well researched and shown to help increasemuscle mass. ,he available research indicates it is very well tolerated(

    effective and safe for use. #f your goal is muscle mass or strength( you*dbe short changing yourself if you didn*t take creatine.

    With that said( not all supplements are as well researched and aseffective as creatine( and this is where the confusion about supplementscome in. Gven though two supplements can sit on a store shelf side byside( there is no guarantee that they have the same level of researchsupporting their efficacy and safety. 2o you really are left to the mercyof each supplement manufacturer hoping that they are honest people andwon*t try to screw you. )nd # would say most big brands are doing their

    best to produce a uality product. )fter all( it is not in their best interestto make a product that makes all of their customers sick. #t wouldn*t belong until they were out of business and being sued by everyone andtheir dog.

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    %usty >+ollow4up9 ohnP#t sounds like creatine is a unanimouswinner when it comes to gaining muscle. Back in the early 61*s when itexploded onto the scene it was popular to mix it with grape +uice. Whatis your recommended approach to using creatine? Eo people really need

    to load it for < days?

    ;ohn9Loading isn*t necessary( you can +ust start taking one dose per dayand you*ll see results after a week or two( loading might get you there afew days faster( but by the end of I or 4 weeks it won*t make anydifference if you loaded or not. #f you are going to load creatine youdon*t need to do it for five days( you can get the same result +ust loadingfor 3: days tops and then drop down to one serving per day( five days

    of loading is total over kill and totally unnecessary.

    &rad9'o not at all. # think they are an industry that have grown byleaps and bounds over the last decade( and as they become bigger andmore regulated their products will probably do very little harm( but fornow there is always a small risk associated with supplements. )ssupplement companies become more and more profitable they havemore and more money to spend on investigating new and novel

    ingredients that # believe are really beginning to touch on the realm ofpharmaceuticals. >et( despite this advanced technology they do not needto conduct pharma style phase trials( and do not need to do tetrogenicityor drug interaction studies prior to marketing their product 5this is not tosay that some companies don*t do this( +ust as this time( to the best of myknowledge it is not reuired7. ,he bottom line is # think it is only amatter of time before one of them stumbles upon something very potentthat could possibly have very dangerous side effects.

    %usty >+ollow4up9Brad " ohnP# heard a rumor a few years backthat the FE) was going to regulate all supplements like

    pharmaceuticals. #t takes years for a drug companies to get a drugapproved( do you think anything similar will happen in the supplementindustry? Eo you believe that legislation will tighten up at all when itcomes to supplements?

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    &rad9# hope so( but # have my doubts. Firstly( the supplement industryhas some very effective lobbyist groups working for them. 2econdly(with the exception of the ephedrine scare( supplements haven*t really

    hurt too many people. 2ure( there is the empty promises and hit to yourwallet( but to my knowledge its not like they are killing hundreds ofthousands of people. ,he sad thing is that regulation would make theindustry better. # know with 311U certainty that many of the bigcompanies already have excellent safety assurance and uality assurance

    programs in place. ,hey could easily survive in a more regulatedclimate. #t*s the small Nlook what we made in im*s basementOcompanies that wouldn&t survive R and that*s not necessarily a bad thing.

    ;ohn9,rying to predict what the government is going to do in this areais tough. # don*t expect them to regulate them as strictly as drug simply

    because most of them aren*t anywhere near as effective as drugs andtherefore the demand +ust isn*t there. y guess is that the few productsthat show true drug like effects will get regulated on a case by case basisand perhaps get removed from the supplement category and moved intothe drug category of regulation. ,he rest of the products that don*t seem

    to do much but are also basically benign will remain in the obscurecategory of dietary supplement( not a food( not a drug.

    =uestion 7@9 *ere is a scenario9 )et$s say I eat a well

    balanced diet, but also hae a monthly budet le#t oer

    #or supplements...

    A:33 and want to drop @3 pounds. *ow do I spend this

    money each month?

    ;ohn9First # would start by doing some background research onproducts that are promoted to help with fat loss. ,hen decide if you thinkany of them fit with your lifestyle( medical history( goals etc. ,hen

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    gather some information from your local supplement store on the onesthat sell best( ask about customer feedback on which ones people seemto like. )lso as the store clerk for the ones to stay away from and seewhat they say. From there you can make a semi informed decision on

    what you might want to take. #f you wanted to spend the whole V:11they will find V:11 of stuff in the store to sell you. >ou could walk outof there with a fat burner( an appetite suppressant( protein powders(

    protein bars( etc etcP

    ) typical fat burnerQappetite suppressant capsule product won*t be morethan Vou*ll probably end up with a

    protein powder as well to make smoothies with. 2ome people really likedoing this as way to cut down on calories. ,hey replace one biggerhigher calorie meal per day( with a lower calorie protein smoothie. )good protein powder will probably run you about V41Qmonth.

    2o # don*t see any way to really spend V:11Qmonth on a weight losssupplements. >ou and # both know the rest of your weight loss willcome from eating less food and a good workout program.

    &rad9Books( night classes and martial arts class. )nything to keep youbusy and not thinking about food.

    %usty >+ollow4up92o( #t sounds like less food is the answerPandpossibly some eal !eplacement 8owders as a way to reduce dailycalories. ,he fat burner is +ust the Nicing on the cakeO( the big resultscome from eating less calories with a strategic workout.

    ;ohn9Less food is always the answer. ,he trick is finding a way to do it.

    A:33 and want to ain 83 pounds o# muscle. *ow do I

    spend this money each month?

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    ;ohn9Areatine is the best muscle builder by far( and it*s cheap.3111grams of creatine monohydrate will probably only run you Vou*ll most likely be given a sales pitch for somesort of Nnitric oxideO stimulating product as well as branched chainamino acids and testosterone boosters. For true scientifically proveneffectiveness for muscle building # can only recommend creatine. ,hereis one other testosterone boosting ingredient that has got some recentresearch showing it might actually boost testosterone so that might be a

    product worth trying out( but then you*re getting into hormone

    manipulation that some people might not be comfortable experimentingwith. -n top of that( +ust because it might boost testosterone there is noevidence that it will cause an increase in muscle mass the way creatinedoes.

    2o for muscle building # think creatine approx V:+ollow4up9ohnP2o really( someone could +ust invest increatine and make sure they get enough protein from food or adding in agood protein powder. ,hat sounds like an affordable solution( sincecreatine only costs V:< per month. For someone who wanted to gainmuscle( without adding a bunch of fatPwhat would you suggest their

    protein intake be? # hear so many different answers( but what do youthink is a good starting point?

    ;ohn9ost people in north )merica already eat more than enoughprotein for muscle building so chasing some mythical amount of proteinin hopes that you will build more muscle isn*t a smart investment ofyour energy. # +ust finished editing Brad*s new book on this very topic.,he book is called NHow uch 8roteinO and it*s the definitive answerabout protein and muscle building.

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    &rad9,ake the :11 dollars and give it to the biggest guy in the gym.,ell him all you want to do is train with him for the month. ,ry to liftthe same weight as him. Become as competitive as possible. 2trive to

    beat him in a lift. #magine there are millions of people watching the twoof you in competition and >-C are the underdog. Eo everything youcan to keep up and eventually best his lifts. #t will be the best :11 youwill ever spend.

    %usty >+ollow4up9BradP,hat is funny( but competition certainly is agreat motivator. #t also never hurts to workout with someone one stepahead of you. ) related uestionPafter the workout is complete( do you

    recommend a post workout shake or anything of that nature for someonelooking to add si$e? ,he common advice is a fast absorbing proteinshake after working out and then a well balanced meal an hour after that.# used to drink 'estle %uick mixed with nonfat milk after working outwhen # was younger and it worked well.

    &rad9#*m +ust not sold on the whole post workout nutrition idea. 2ure ithas been shown to transiently increase markers of protein synthesis

    through measurement of surrogate endpoints...but what the hell does thatmean? #t*s also been shown to reduce protein breakdown and free radicalproduction and possibly cortisol R but how do we know these are notnecessarily components of the muscle building adaptation? Lastly(we*ve seen that you can increase the si$e and weight of muscle by takingcreatine after your workout( and creatine supplies no known nutrientvalue( so muscles A)' grow without immediate postworkout calories.,he timing story is interesting( but the panicdriven need to eat rightafter your workout otherwise you will get G!- results seems to be

    driven more by marketing than logic.

    =uestion 7B9 )et$s say I am ust interested in ettin

    all my itamins and minerals. What do I look #or in a


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    ;ohn9#*d say take a multi that is in capsules instead of tablets. ,hat*llensure you at least can absorb all of them. ,ables are pressed togetherand have binders to hold them together. ,here is some research to

    indicate that you may not absorb everything that is in a tablet before youend up excreting some of it. But like # said before( it*s difficult to

    become nutrient deficient in north )merica anyway( so # would view amulti vitamin as an insurance policy or icing on the cake.

    >ou could also look at a multi vitamin that has something extra added toit so at least you*re getting something else in there.

    &rad9)void mega dose multivitamins. Gspecially the ones with superhigh doses of the fat soluble vitamins ) and G. Look for a vitamin that isformulated inline with the recommendations of the national academy ofsciences( and not one that simply tried to put 311U or more ofeverything into their formula.

    %usty >+ollow4up92o if the label says :11U of the !ecommendedEaily )llowances( is that a bad thing?

    ;ohn9#t might not be bad per se( but it*s unnecessary. ega dosingvitamins and minerals hasn*t proven to do much of anything as far as

    promoting any health related outcomes. Titamins and minerals can alsobe overdosed to a point where they have negative conseuences. ost ifnot all people in north )merica should be able to get all of their vitaminsand minerals from their diet. #f for some reason you still feel like youneed a multivitamin supplement then #*d say take one that is at 311U!E) or lower.

    &rad9# +ust don*t see the value( and depending on the nutrient inuestion( see more risk than reward. ,here are a lot of things in life 5andespecially diet and nutrition7 where the rule of Nmore is betterO micronutrients are possibly no different.

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    =uestion 7D9 I ot the audio cassette tape >showin my

    ae a while back called (6ead 6octors 6on$t )ie(. Is

    it true that many itamins in pill #ormat don$t et

    diested in the stomach?

    ;ohn9Like # said above( tablets are pressed and use binders to hold themtogether so there is the potential that they are not fully absorbed(capsules break down very uickly and the full dose is readily availableto be absorbed in your system.

    &rad9Aompletely depends on the the way the vitamin tablet was

    pressed( and the coating and binders that are used in the manufacture ofthe pills. We*ve become very good at drug delivery over the last fiveyears. #f they are using the right technology( this is no longer an issue.

    %usty >+ollow4up92o the bigger more reputable companies will mostlikely have a product that is absorbed well? Here is a related uestionabout the same tape NEead Eoctor*s Eon*t LieO. ,his gentlemanmentioned that our soil is depleted of minerals( so the vegetables we are

    eating now have only about :1U of what they did

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    mean your better. )s for the soil uestion. !eally( # have no clue( butmore importantly it obviously would have to vary by it surely can*t be right everywhere.

    =uestion 7E9 6oes briht colored urine mean that thenutrients aren$t ettin absorbed into the system?

    ;ohn9#t means the opposite. )nything that ends up in your urine wouldget there through the filtering process of your kidneys. ,his means it wasin your bloodstream first( then filtered through your kidneys( then endsup in your urine.

    &rad9>ou know( off the top of my head # honestly do not know.

    =uestion 7F9 re some substances unstable in liGuid


    ;ohn9,hat is a pretty vague uestion. #*m assuming you are referring tocreatine as there is a marketing angle that some manufacturers take that

    states creatine is unstable in liuid form and breaks down to a uselessbyproduct. ,his is however a half truth so to speak. #n order for creatineto breakdown to its inert by product creatinine it needs to be in a veryacidic liuid at a very high temperature. # highly doubt this is how youare storing your creatine so it is not an issue unless you routinely storeyour creatine in boiling cups of acid9

    #n other words( putting creatine in a cup of water or +uice and leaving itthere for a week will not have any significant effect on it because it is

    not hot enough or acidic enough to really break the creatine down. )ndlet me make it clear that the liuid must be both hot )'E acidic at thesame time for it to break down( of both conditions aren*t present thecreatine will be fine.

    &rad9)bsolutely. When you break food down to its chemical

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    components they all have their own uniue heat sensitivity( lightsensitivity 8H sensitively( some can even be degraded by agitation ornutrientnutrient interactions. #t*s not as simple as everybody seems tothink.

    %usty >+ollow4up9Brad( ohnP)re there any products on the marketyou can think of right now that are sold in liuid form that you wouldavoid?

    ;ohn9#*ve never purchased any supplement in a liuid form. 2o # guessyou could say # avoid them all( but #*ve never gone looking for oneeitherPdoes that answer your uestion or +ust make it more confusing?

    ,he only supplement # take is creatine and it is a powder form.

    &rad9 ,he clear whey protein drinks. #t takes a huge amount ofphosphoric acid and malic acid to keep the protein in suspension 5that*swhat gives it that cra$y dry aftertaste7...+ust not something # amcomfortable with. #f you need to drink a ready to drink protein( #*d stickwith the milk based ones until the technology gets a little better.

    =uestion 7H9 I$m oin to list the top sellin productson the biest supplement sellin site online. I won$t

    ie out speci#ic product names. I will also ust list

    each type o# product ust once, so i# one product is

    listed as number 8 and number F, I will only list that

    one #irst. Can you ie us a 84: sentence comment on

    each product...whether you think it is ood, neutral, or

    not worth the money?

    &rad9#*m assuming for all of these we are talking about fully grownadults( who are training but are no longer growing. #f we are talking

    people in their teens or early twenties then its a whole different ballgame( but for adults these are my answers.

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    Whey 5rotein

    ;ohn9#f you want to buy protein whey is a good option. Look for aproduct that has some isolate as well as concentrate in it. )lso payattention to the number of grams of protein per scoop compared to thetotal grams in a scoop. #f it comes out to 01U protein or higher then youknow you*ve got a good product.

    &rad9,he flavor systems are getting better all the time( as are theirdispersability and mouth feel. #f you want a milk shake that is low incalories then whey protein shakes are your best bet.

    %usty >+ollow4up9# have heard of recipes where people mix wheyprotein powder into their cake mix( make pancakes with it( etc. Eoes itstill keep the same nutritional properties when cooked?

    ;ohn9>up. Aooking whey protein doesn*t change its nutritionalproperties. For example cooking a piece of chicken doesn*t change theamount or uality of the protein( it +ust kills off bacteria so you won*t get

    sick eating it. -h and cooked chicken tends to taste better than raw9

    &rad9>ep( +ust like cooking eggs( it may change the way it looks...butyou still digest it and you still absorb it.

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    %usty >+ollow4up9# always thought this product was uestionable. #t ishyped pretty hard right now.

    ;ohn9>es they are hyped because there hasn*t been a true innovativebreakthrough muscle building product since creatine monohydrate over3< years ago. ,he supplement industry is +ust grasping onto anythingmarketing story it can to sell something new. )nd the nitric oxide storyis a good one( unfortunately the research shows that it doesn*t doanything. ,hat is why nitric oxide products are becoming combination

    products mixed with creatine as Brad mentioned. By mixing the twoproducts together supplement manufacturers know the creatine will give

    the customers some real muscle building effects but they can chargemore than regular creatine because they*ve also added the nitric oxide

    boosters in there.

    Milk &ased 5rotein 5owder >supposedly replicated

    mother$s milk

    ;ohn9'o magic to these compared to whey protein. Whey protein is

    also a milk based protein. #f you like the taste of these proteins go aheadand use them( but don*t spend any extra money because they say it islike mothers milk.

    &rad9Setting awfully close to +ust taking apart milk and putting it backtogether gain. ,ake milk( break it down to whey( casein( lactose and fat.)dd whey( casein( fat and a little bit of the lactose back together. )ddspecial ingredients. Areate J1U profit margin on new improved* whole

    milk. #n my opinion # +ust don*t see this being much different than whey.# can*t imagine a person would see massive gains in their muscle mass2imply by switching to this kind of shake.

    %usty9Sood to know9 # think they do charge uite a bit more for thistype of protein.

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    Jitamin (5ack( >Jitamins, Minerals, -+$s and

    minos 4 88 tablets per pack

    ;ohn9# can*t say there is anything inherently wrong or dangerous orunsafe with these products( but # can*t really +ustify why you would takeso much stuff without a good reason. 2o # guess # would say these mega

    packs fall into the don*t waste your money* category.

    &rad9#*m on the fence with this one. #t really depends on who we aretalking about and what the exact formula is..neutral

    %usty >+ollow4up9Brad*s answer reminded me of another uestion toask. Eoes a high level -lympic athlete need more vitamins and mineralsthan a somewhat active adult. # reali$e that the calorie reuirementswould be different( but what about the !E) for the basic vitamins andminerals?

    ;ohn9) high level athlete probably does need a bit more vitamins andminerals because they are simply using up resources faster. But only a

    B#, more( and this can usually be taken care of by more food or asimple multivitamin( # +ust don*t see the necessity for a huge pack.

    &rad9!eally depends on the athlete( the type of activity( etc. ,his levelof athlete at this time in their career is much different than the rest of the

    population..probably in the top 3U of the world in terms of humanperformance and nutritional needs. 2o while these people may need adifferent nutrient intake( remember that unless someone has said N>ou

    know( you might +ust win goldO to you in the last six months( this is nota reason to think you need more vitamins and minerals +ust because youare working out hard.

    Whey 4 Casein 4 Milk 4 - 5rotein 5owder

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    ;ohn92ame rules apply for these as the whey or milk protein. ake sureyou*re getting a high dose per serving 5at or above 01U protein perserving7 and( then +ust go on taste and well it mixes.

    &rad9)dd in some flour and you have pancake mix. )gain( it*s nodifferent than whey protein..or whey protein is no different than this. #still do not think you will see any difference between this or whey.

    %usty >+ollow4up9#t sounds like the supplement companies work hardadvertising the differences of their Nwhey based proteinO to sell it as asuperior protein but in reality the differences are negligible. )m # on theright track?

    ;ohn9>up. Whey protein as well as the other dairy based protein are allgood. #f you*re going to use one # would +ust go for one that mixes welland tastes good. Aasein protein seems to taste better because it tends tomix up a bit thicker and creamier than whey but a certain portion of the

    population is allergic to casein and will get an upset stomach from it. #fyou*ve tried casein and it gave you indigestion then you might want totry whey protein as most people can handle whey without an issue.

    &rad9# would ha$ard a guess that the difference in your physiue willnot be remarkable by any stretch of the imagination.

    +at )oss )iGuid Capsule >uulsterones KL-,

    ohimbine *C), Ca##eine nhydrous US5

    ;ohn9 # can*t see a reason why guggulsterones will do much for fat loss.

    >ohimbine and caffeine will definitely give you a bu$$ and can kill yourappetite for a bit. 2o #*d say if you*re looking for a stimulant caffeine(yohimbine and ephedrine are still the best.

    %usty >+ollow4up9ohn...the ephedrine and caffeine stack does workwell. ,his is pretty controversial because people claim it is dangerous.

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    What are your thoughts?

    ;ohn9Gphedrine is one of the most well researched supplements* outthere. ,he controversy comes in when you mix in politics( insurance

    companies and health risks and side effects. #*ll try to make this exampleas simple as possible. any people who are overweight or obese andinterested in losing weight probably have some degree of hypertension5high blood pressure7 and a higher heart rate which puts them at a higherrisk for a heart attack. ,hese people might want to take ephedrine to helpthem lose weight( but the side effects of ephedrine are high blood

    pressure and increased heart rate9 2o you end up in a catch ::. ,hepeople who are most interested in taking ephedrine to help them lose

    weight are the same people who should never take ephedrine because ofits side effects. 'ow #*m sure you can imagine how easy it was forlawyers to sue companies who were marketing ephedrine as a weightloss supplement to overweight and obese people. #t was the constantlawsuits over ephedrine that got it pulled off the market. )s a matter offact( most companies that sold ephedrine pulled their products off themarket before the government ever banned it simply because theirinsurance companies couldn*t afford to insure it anymore.

    &rad9,he plus is it*s cheaper than a month worth of Srande)mericanos from 2tarbucks. ,he negative is in my opinion theeffectiveness would be about the same. # +ust can*t imagine anyonelosing +ollow4up9Brad( good call on the diet pills these days. 2incethey don*t contain ephedrine anymore aren*t they +ust basically a +ackedup version of caffeine?

    &rad9Aaffeine and green tea are the main components in the vastma+ority of supplements on the market right now. 2ure( they will allhave their own uniue ingredient...or their own E-G' uniueingredients( but for most of them( caffeine is where the kick comesfrom.

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    Creatine +ruit 5unch

    ;ohn9 Areatine is creatine( this is +ust a version mixed with flavoring(nothing special( but it drives your cost per dose up. # say stick with a

    basic creatine.

    &rad9# have no problems with creatine( you could probably skip thefruit and the punch.

    %usty >+ollow4up92o no benefits to the creatine being absorbed with asimple sugar? #n the early 61*s # remember the guys going out and

    buying grape +uice and mixing it with creatine.

    ;ohn9Areatine monohydrate absorbs fine without anything added to it.)dding sugars to help with absorption was an interesting idea but notworth the extra calories. Gven if it did help a bit with absorption youwould probably +ust get super fat from consuming all of that extra sugar.

    &rad9,he research clearly shows that if you can get your insulin up into

    the supraphysiological range 5higher than is physiologically normal7then it will speed up creatine update into the muscle. -f course( thistypically takes more than 311 grams of glucose. ,o me this is +ust a littleon the scary side( and definitely on the unneeded side.

    Chromium 5icolinate

    ;ohn9 # can*t come up with any reason to recommend this ingredient to

    anyone for any reason. #t*ll be marketed for insulin mimicking propertiesand absorption enhancing properties( even muscle gaining( but there islittle research to show it can do any of this. # would put this in the don*twaste your money category*

    &rad9#t*s not the 3661 anymore. Bel Biv Eevoe aren*t making top ten

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    hits( the 46*ers aren*t super bowl champs and Ahromium isn*t coolanymore...let it die.

    %usty >+ollow4up92o no need for anyone to buy this( which is what #

    thought. #*m a 2eattle guy and back in the early 61*s #*m sure Bel BivEevoe wasn*t even allowed to be played in the city. #t was nothing but

    'irvana( 8earl am( 2oundgarden( )lice #n Ahains( 8rimus( ,he8residents( etc. Sood place to be in the 61*s for live music9

    ;ohn9Eefinitely a good time and place for music. #*ve seen 8earl amand )lice in Ahains in concert and # went to lollapaloo$a the year

    'irvana was headlining but unfortunately by the time the tour got to our

    city Aobain had already decided he*d had enough of this world. ,he2mashing 8umpkins and Beastie Boys ended up headlining the show( itwas still awesome.

    &rad9-k( so we have clearly illustrated that 2eattle Washington hasgiven the world better music than Burlington -ntario. 'o surprise there5However( we did give you finger eleven7. >ou also gave us the movieNsinglesO( whereas we gave you some scenes from the first Dmen

    movie( so #*d consider this one a draw.

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    'hanks to &rad and ;ohn

    #&d like to thank Brad and ohn again for taking their time to write

    detailed answers to these uestions. #t is obvious that they are expertswhen it comes to all aspects of diet and nutrition.

    ,hese are two Nstand upO guys that #&ve uickly grown to respect in theshort time #&ve known them. ,his #nterview is +ust a small snapshot oftheir teaching style. #f you want to learn more from these guys( here arethe links to their sites.

    Gat 2top GatR Brad&s 8ilon&s breakthrough course on flexible#ntermittent Fasting for rapid weight loss.

    ,he )donis GffectR ohn Barban&s course for men on how to attain thesleek and lean( perfectlyproportioned physiue.

    Hope you en+oyed this report9


    !usty ooreFitness Black Book