Missionary Support State of  Maine Youth Missionary The Brown Family Eric, Lori, Courtney , Nathan, and Kristyn 2  0  7 -  5  7  6 -  0  3 1  9  e r i   c  b r  o  w n  @  w  o l   .  o r  g

Support Brochure 2011

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Page 1: Support Brochure 2011

8/7/2019 Support Brochure 2011

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/support-brochure-2011 1/8Missionary Support 

Sta te

Ma i


Miss iona

The Brown FamilyEric, Lori, Courtney, Nathan, and Kristyn



 @     g

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Equipping the local church

to evangelize and discipleyoung people • Leadership Development: 

We equip leaders for personal and youth ministry effectiveness

• Discipleship: We provide an operating system for the application of Biblical principles

• Evangelism:We provide training, tools and opportunities for evangelism

Serving the churches of

• Maineas Area Missionary

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Evangelism:We provide training, tools and opportunities for evangelism

Discipleship: We provide an operating system for the application of Biblical principles

Leadership Development: We equip leaders for personal and youth ministry effectiveness

Flashpoint LeadershipConference

Checkpoint LeadershipConference

Transfer Live trainingmeetings

Planning Meetings

Ministry Evaluations

Ministry Newsletter 

New Ministry Orientations

Pastor updates

Preaching in LocalChurches

Youth Emphasis Sundays

One-on-One Instruction



Quiet Time journal

Scripture memoryprogram

Personal and group biblestudy

Christian service

Reading books

Teens involved

Faithfulness to localchurch

Small group ministry


Short term missions

Bible Institute


One-by-Oneevangelistic mini-series

Multi-church events

Area wide events

S.T.O.R.M. Events

FasCar children'sevents

Christian service

Teens Involved

Follow up program

Counselor training

Camp ministry

Short term missions

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Current Ministry: Maine 

Group Student Olympian Gopher Buddies Total

2010 13 16 13 42

2011 18 17 13 482012 20 18 15 53

2013 21 19 17 57

2014 22 20 18 60

2015 23 22 19 64

Over the next five years we are asking God to…

- Increase our net student/children’s ministry by over 

20 clubs and have very few club drops

- Increase SuperBowl attendance to 4,000 students

- Bring additional associate staff on board to work 

along side us

Churches with Word of Life

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Ministry Support: 

As missionaries we raise 100% of our support

Current full support level is $6,599 per month

Current Support Team:  

How Many Type Amount

15 Churches Average $136 Per Month

13 Individuals Less than $24

20 Individuals Between $25 and $49

9 Individuals Between $50 and $74

1 Individual Between $75 and $99

7 Individuals $100 or more

Current pledged support level is $4,289 per month

Current need is $2,310 per month

We are asking God for 44 new individuals andchurches to join our support team.

How Many Type Amount

3 Churches $125

20 Individuals $25

8 Individuals $50

8 Individuals $75

5 Individuals $100







Would you prayerfully consider joining our support team?

We need churches and individuals like you toback our ministry monthly!

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let himgive; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful 

giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Needed Support Team:  

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How to Support Our Ministry 


Mail in a Check: 

Fill out attached “Action Slip.” Make checkpayable to “Word of Life” and send in with the

attached envelope or you can use the EFT formalso included.

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Thank You!

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantlythan all that we ask or think, according to the pow-er at work within us, to him be glory in the churchand in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for-ever and ever. Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21 

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M AINE MISSIONARIES - ERIC  AND LORI BROWN  One time contribution of $____________ 

New regular support $__________ (Acct #14-355-4-1777) 

To be given:

Monthly Quarterly One Time Gift Annually

Name  Mr./Mrs./Miss. ___________________________________________________________________ 

 Address _____________________________________________________________________________ 

City ____________________________________ State __________  Zip ________________________ 

Phone (__________)____________-_______________ 

Please make checks Payable to Word of LifePlease send this slip with check to:

Word of Life - P.O. Box 600—Schroon Lake, NY 12870