SURAT PERJANJIAN KERJA SERTIFIKASI SISTEM MANAJEMEN MUTU (SMM) ISO 9001:2008 Nomor: 162.3/MUTU/XII/2013 Surat Perjanjian Kerja ini dibuat dan ditandatangani pada hari, Senin, tanggal sembilan, Bulan Desember, tahun dua ribu tiga belas (09-12-2013) oleh dan antara : 1. Tn. Ir. Tony Arifiarachman, MM, Swasta, dalam hal ini selaku Direktur, dari dan oleh karena itu bertindak untuk dan atas nama serta sah mewakili PT. Mutuagung Lestari, berkedudukan dan berkantor pusat di Jl. Raya Bogor No. 19, Km. 33.5, Cimanggis, Depok 16953, untuk selanjutnya disebut Pihak Pertama; 2. ibu Dra. Sri Sularsih, M.Si, NIP. 1956.0310198203.2001, dalam hal ini selaku Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional RI, dari dan oleh karena itu bertindak untuk dan atas nama serta sah mewakili Perpustakaan Nasional RI, berkedudukan di Jin. Salemba Raya No.28A Jakarta Pusat, Telp: (021) 3154864 Fax: (021) 3103554, untuk selanjutnya disebut Pihak Kedua; Pihak Pertama dan Pihak Kedua secara bersama-sama disebut para pihak; Para pihak sepakat mengadakan Surat Perjanjian Kerja (selanjutnya disebut SPK), dengan syarat-syarat dan ketentuan-ketentuan sebagaimana ditentukan di bawah ini: Pasal 1 : DEFINISI Dalam SPK ini yang dimaksud : 1. Sertifikasi adalah seluruh proses yang berkaitan dengan pemberian sertifikat oleh Pihak Pertama; 2. Penilai (Auditor) adalah Tim atau orang yang ditunjuk oleh Pihak Pertama, untuk melaksanakan kegiatan penilaian; 3. Audit tahap 1 adalah audit untuk menilai kecukupan dokumen Sistem Manajemen Mutu Pihak Kedua, terhadap persyaratan standar dan/atau menilai kesiapan Pihak Kedua dalam menjalankan audit tahap 2; 4. Audit tahap 2 (kunjungan asesmen) adalah kunjungan ke lokasi Pihak Kedua, untuk menilai kesesuaian sistem manajemen yang diterapkan Pihak Kedua terhadap persyaratan standar; Pengawasan Berkala (surveilan) adalah kunjungan Pihak Pertama ke lokasi Pihak Kedua, setelah Pihak Kedua memperoleh sertifikat dengan tujuan, untuk memeriksa konsistensi penerapan dan pemeliharaan Sistem Manajemen Mutu yang telah diterapkan; 65. Penilaian tambahan (verikasi mayor/serius) adaiah kegiatan pemeriksaaan atau tindakan koreksi oleh Pihak Pertama yang dilakukan, apabila ditemukan/terjadi ketidaksesuaian/penyimpangan Sistem Manajemen Mutu selama kegiatan Audit Tahap 2 dan surveilan yang bersifat mayor/serius; T. Komite Sertifikasi adalah personal atau kelompok personal yang memiliki kompetensi, tugas dan tanggung jawab, untuk memberikan keputusan sertifikasi; 8. Penyuapan adalah tawaran atau penerimaan hadiah dalam bentuk barang/uang, atau keuntungan lainnya ke atau dari siapapun yang dapat mempengaruhi kredibilitas hasil audit. t f

SURAT PERJANJIA KERJN A SERTIFIKASI SISTEM …...Surat Perjanjia Kerjn ina dibuai dat n ditandatangan padi haria Senin, tangga, sembilanl Bula, n Desember, tahun dua rib u tiga belas

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Page 1: SURAT PERJANJIA KERJN A SERTIFIKASI SISTEM …...Surat Perjanjia Kerjn ina dibuai dat n ditandatangan padi haria Senin, tangga, sembilanl Bula, n Desember, tahun dua rib u tiga belas


Nomor: 162.3/MUTU/XII/2013

Surat Perjanjian Kerja ini dibuat dan ditandatangani pada hari, Senin, tanggal sembilan, Bulan Desember, tahun dua ribu tiga belas (09-12-2013) oleh dan antara :

1. Tn. Ir. Tony Arifiarachman, MM, Swasta, dalam hal ini selaku Direktur, dari dan oleh karena itu bertindak untuk dan atas nama serta sah mewakili PT. Mutuagung Lestari, berkedudukan dan berkantor pusat di Jl. Raya Bogor No. 19, Km. 33.5, Cimanggis, Depok 16953, untuk selanjutnya disebut Pihak Pertama;

2. ibu Dra. Sri Sularsih, M.Si, NIP. 1956.0310198203.2001, dalam hal ini selaku Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional RI, dari dan oleh karena itu bertindak untuk dan atas nama serta sah mewakili Perpustakaan Nasional RI, berkedudukan di Jin. Salemba Raya No.28A Jakarta Pusat, Telp: (021) 3154864 Fax: (021) 3103554, untuk selanjutnya disebut Pihak Kedua;

Pihak Pertama dan Pihak Kedua secara bersama-sama disebut para pihak; Para pihak sepakat mengadakan Surat Perjanjian Kerja (selanjutnya disebut SPK), dengan syarat-syarat dan ketentuan-ketentuan sebagaimana ditentukan di bawah ini:

Pasal 1 : DEFINISI

Dalam SPK ini yang dimaksud :

1. Sertifikasi adalah seluruh proses yang berkaitan dengan pemberian sertifikat oleh Pihak Pertama;

2. Penilai (Auditor) adalah Tim atau orang yang ditunjuk oleh Pihak Pertama, untuk melaksanakan kegiatan penilaian;

3. Audit tahap 1 adalah audit untuk menilai kecukupan dokumen Sistem Manajemen Mutu Pihak Kedua, terhadap persyaratan standar dan/atau menilai kesiapan Pihak Kedua dalam menjalankan audit tahap 2;

4. Audit tahap 2 (kunjungan asesmen) adalah kunjungan ke lokasi Pihak Kedua, untuk menilai kesesuaian sistem manajemen yang diterapkan Pihak Kedua terhadap persyaratan standar;

Pengawasan Berkala (surveilan) adalah kunjungan Pihak Pertama ke lokasi Pihak Kedua, setelah Pihak Kedua memperoleh sertifikat dengan tujuan, untuk memeriksa konsistensi penerapan dan pemeliharaan Sistem Manajemen Mutu yang telah diterapkan;

65. Penilaian tambahan (verikasi mayor/serius) adaiah kegiatan pemeriksaaan atau tindakan koreksi oleh Pihak Pertama yang dilakukan, apabila ditemukan/terjadi ketidaksesuaian/penyimpangan Sistem Manajemen Mutu selama kegiatan Audit Tahap 2 dan surveilan yang bersifat mayor/serius;

T. Komite Sertifikasi adalah personal atau kelompok personal yang memiliki kompetensi, tugas dan tanggung jawab, untuk memberikan keputusan sertifikasi;

8. Penyuapan adalah tawaran atau penerimaan hadiah dalam bentuk barang/uang, atau keuntungan lainnya ke atau dari siapapun yang dapat mempengaruhi kredibilitas hasil audit.

t f


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1. Atas permintaan Pihak Kedua, Pihak Pertama dengan ini sepakat melakukan jasa penilaian proses sertifikasi, yang terdiri dari Audit Tahap 1 dan Audit Tahap 2 atas sistem manajemen Mutu Pihak Kedua, berdasarkan standar ISO 9001:2008

2. Ruang lingkup jasa sertifikasi yang diatur dalam SPK ini adalah :

: Perpustakaan Nasional RI : Jin. Salemba Raya No28A Jakarta Pusat, Telp: (021) 3154864 Fax: (021)3103554

Nama Unit Manajemen (UM) Alamat U M (Pusat dan Lokasi)

Ruang Lingkup Sertifikasi 1. Kelompok ISBN (International Standard Book Number), Sub Direktorat Bibliografi,

Direktorat Deposit Bahan Pustaka, Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Bahan Pustaka dan Jasa Informasi, Perpustakaan Nasional RI.

2. Kelompok Layanan Koleksi Referensi, Bidang Layanan Koleksi Umum, Pusat Jasa Perpustakaan dan Informasi, Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Bahan Pustaka dan Jasa Informasi, Perpustakaan Nasional RI.


1. Sertifkat hanya akan diberikan, apabila berdasarkan hasil penilaian yang dilakukan oleh Pihak Pertama dinyatakan, bahwa Sistem Manajemen yang diterapkan oleh Pihak Kedua, telah memenuhi persyaratan standar Sistem Manajemen Mutu.

2. Sertifikat yang diterbitkan oleh Pihak Pertama untuk Pihak Kedua, adalah 1 (satu) buah Sertifikat Mutu ISO 9001:2008

3. Sertifikat SMM ISO 9001:2008 berlaku untuk jangka waktu 3 (tiga) tahun, terhitung sejak tanggal penerbitan sertifikat oleh Pihak Pertama kepada Pihak Kedua;


1. Pihak Kedua setelah memperoleh sertifikat dan selama berlakunya sertifikat, wajib dilakukan survailan untuk menilai pemeliharaan dan konsistensi penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu yang telah disertifikasi. Keseluruhan aturan sertifikasi dijelaskan pada "Coc/es of Practice", yang merupakan lampiran dan menjadi kesatuan dengan SPK ini.

2. Frekuensi pelaksanaan kegiatan surveilan Sistem Manajemen Mutu dilakukan sekali dalam 1 (satu) tahun.

3. Frekuensi pelaksanaan kegiatan surveilan khusus untuk Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan, dilakukan berdasarkan hasil keputusan penilaian. Jumlah frekwensi pelaksanaan surveilan dijelaskan pada "Codes of Practice".

4. Dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya, Pihak Pertama akan menggunakan tenaga penilai yang berkualitas, baik yang berasal dari lingkungan intern/pegawai Pihak Pertama sendiri atau, bilamana diperlukan, berasal dari luar lingkungan Pihak Pertama dan dijamin menjaga kerahasiaan Pihak Kedua.

5. Penilaian yang dilakukan di tempat Pihak Kedua, maka Pihak Kedua wajib menyediakan semua sarana yang dibutuhkan, tidak terbatas pada unsur tenaga kerja untuk memungkinkan Pihak Pertama melaksanakan pekerjaan dengan sebaik-baiknya.

6. Jika pada saat audit surveilan atau re-sertifikasi, ditemukan ketidaksesuaian pada penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu, maka Pih?1^ Pertama akan memberikan kesempatan kepada Pihak

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Kedua untuk memperbaikinya, dalam jangka waktu yang akan ditentukan oleh Pihak Pertama. Apabila jangka waktu yang telah ditentukan tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh Pihak Kedua, maka Pihak Pertama akan mengenakan sanksi berupa penangguhan ("suspension") sertifikat yang telah diberikan.

7. Apabila Pihak Kedua tidak juga melakukan perbaikan dalam batas waktu 6 (enam) bulan setelah ditangguhkannya sertifikat, maka Pihak Pertama akan melakukan pencabutan sertifikat. Pihak Kedua wajib, menyelesaikan sebruh kewajiban atas biaya yang timbul selama kegiatan sertifikasi dan wajib mengembalikan sertifikat yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Pihak Pertama;

8. Jika Pihak Kedua berkehendak untuk memperpanjang sertifikat, maka Pihak Pertama akan melakukan kegiatan audit ulang (re-sertifikasi), sebelum tanggal berakhirnya sertifikat;


1. Biaya Dan Cara Pembayaran Biaya Proses Sertifikasi:

a. Pihak Kedua dikenakan biaya proses sertifikasi sebesar Rp 48.675.000 (empat puluh delapan juta enam ratus tujuh puluh lima ribu rupiah).

b. Biaya tersebut pada Pasal 5 ayat 1. sudah termasuk PPn 10 %, akomodasi dan transportasi;

c. Pembayaran biaya tersebut pada Pasal 5 ayat 1.a, dilakukan oleh Pihak Kedua kepada Pihak Pertama secara sekaligus (100%) paling lamba. I (tujuh) setelah tanggal penerbitan sertifikat, yang diberitahukan secara tertulis melalui invoice dari Pihak Pertama kepada Pihak Kedua.

2. Biaya Dan Cara Pembayaran Kunjungan Surveilan (Pengawasan Berkala):

Selama berlakunya sertifikat, Pihak Pertama melakukan kunjungan surveilan dengan frekuensi sekali dalam 1 (satu) tahun. Surveilan pertama dilaksanakan paling lambat 12 (dua belas) bulan setelah tanggal audit terakhir (audit tahap 2), dan surveilan berikutnya dilaksanakan mengikuti frekuensi surveilan yang telah disepakati. Surat pemberitahuan biaya kunjungan surveilan akan dikirimkan oleh Pihak Pertama kepada Pihak Kedua paling lambat 5 (lima) bulan sebelum kunjungan surveilan dilaksanakan, dan kunjungan surveilan baru bisa dilaksanakan setelah penandatangan SPK Surveilan. Apabila Pihak Kedua tidak melaksanakan kunjungan surveilan, maka Pihak Pertama akan memberikan peringatan untuk dilakukan pencabutan Sertifikat yang telah diperoleh Pihak Kedua.

3. Biaya Verifikasi Mayor/serius :

Apabila diperlukan kegiatan verifikasi mayor/serius, maka akan dirumuskan oleh para pihak dalam bentuk Addendum (perjanjian tambahan) yang mengacu pada SPK ini

4. Pembayaran Biaya-Biaya;

Pembayaran biaya-biaya tersebut pada Pasal 5 ayat 1, 2 dan 3. dilakukan oleh Pihak Kedua kepada Pihak Pertama, dengan cara ditransfer melalui rekening Pihak Pertama (bukti transfer diberikan kepada Pihak Pertama), sebagai berikut:

Bank Muamalat Cabang Depok, Jl. Margonda Raya No. 290, Depok, a/n. PT, Mutu agun g Lestari, No. Rek. 307.001.2523 (rupiah) / /

i i a

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5. Pembatalan SPK;

Apabila Pihak Kedua membatalkan SPK ini tanpa adanya persetujuan secara tertulis dari Pihak Pertama, maka Pihak Kedua dikenakan denda sebesar 25 % (dua puluh lima persen) dari biaya proses sertifikasi;

6. Penundaan Pembayaran;

Dalam hal Pihak Kedua tidak melakukan pembayaran biaya tersebut pada Pasal 5 ayat 1, 2 dan 3, dalam waktu 30 (tiga puluh) hari dari tanggal yang sudah ditentukan, maka Pihak Pertama berhak untuk mengenakan denda keterlambatan, yang jumlahnya ditentukan sebesar 2% (dua persen) per bulan dari jumlah biaya yang terutang pada setiap saat, dan Pihak Kedua dengan ini mengikatkan diri untuk membayar denda keterlambatan ini.


Pihak Kedua diperkenankan menggunakan logo Sertifikasi dari "PT MUTUAGUNG LESTARI", pada kertas surat dan amplop (stationery) atau media cetak dan media lainnya, untuk keperluan promosi dalam ukuran yang proporsional. Aturan pemakaian logo akan diberikan oleh Pihak Pertama kepada Pihak Kedua setelah sertifikat diterbitkan.


1. Berdasarkan atas prinsip ketidakberpihakan PT. Mutuagung Lestari sebagai Lembaga Sertifikasi, memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mencegah dan menghindari segala bentuk suap menyuap dari/kepada klien dan pihak lainnya. Kebijakan anti-suap menjelaskan secara rinci tentang jaminan PT. Mutuagung Lestari terhadap seluruh karyawan, auditor, sub-kontraktor, dan para stakeholder lainnya;

2. PT. Mutuagung Lestari bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa semua karyawan, sub-kontraktor, anak perusahaan, perusahaan asosiasi dan perwakilan resmi mematuhi kode etik yang telah ditetapkan dengan melaksanakan praktek kerja yang baik dan berperilaku sesuai standar profesional yang tinggi. Tindakan atau perilaku profesional sangat penting untuk keberhasilan bisnis PT. Mutuagung Lestari;

3. Secara rinci mengenai kebijakan anti suap dan kode etik dapat dilihat di aturan-aturan pelaksanaan.


1. Jika terjadi perselisihan atas SPK ini, maka para pihak sepakat akan menyelesesaikan secara musyawarah untuk mufakat;

2. Perselisihan yang timbul dari atau berkenaan dengan Perjanjian ini, yang tidak dapat diselesaikan secara damai dalam waktu 30 (tiga puluh) hari setelah perselisihan ini, yang diberitahukan secara tertulis oleh pihak yang satu kepada pihak lainnya, akan diselesaikan dalam tingkat pertama dan terakhir menurut Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia (BANI) oleh arbiter-arbiter yang ditunjuk menurut peraturan tersebut. Biaya arbitrase tersebut ditanggung bersama secara proporsional oleh para pihak.


1. Keadaan Kahar (force majeure), adalah suatu keadaan yang ada di luar kemampuan pihak yang mengalami Keadaan Kahar, antara lain bencana alam, banjir, badai, kejadian yang dinyatakan oleh Pemerintah sebagai bencana alam, huru hara, kebakaran, sabotase,

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/certification V international



ricultur Issued Number ¡ued Date vision


May 10, 2010 0

PT. MUTUAGUNG LESTARI /or MUTU certification is a brand name and as an independent Certification Body offers certification services of Quality Management System (MALQA), Environmental Management System (MALECO) and Ecolabel (MALECO Ekolabel).

Quality Management System, Environmental Management System and Ecolabel Certification hereinafter referred to as "System Certification", provides independent assessment and certification of conformity on a requirements standards operated by organizations.

Vision To established our position as one of the Independent Certification bodies in Asia Pacific extensive International exposure.

best with

Mission To present the best services in certification sector for all customer as independent with Professional practices and moral integrity based.

System Certification as an independent institution cares about sustainable development through: 1. The provision of Quality, Environmental

Management System and Product Certification services, both on a National and International basis;

2. The continual improvement of service to ensure they are fast, accurate and efficient to achieve customer satisfaction and other interested parties, also provide environmental sustainability as well

3. Facilitating and supporting the increasing of productivity, quality of goods and services, and protection of environment, consumers and product competition.

4. Awareness on the importance of impartiality, conflict of interest management, and ensuring objectivities in conducting management system certification activity

5. The continual improvement of MUTU Certification (i.e. System Certification)^ personnel capability to achieve the above objectives.

These codes of practice have been structured in accordance with the requirements of the Indonesian National Accreditation Committee (KAN).


A copy of the scope of accreditation with Indonesian National Accreditation Committee (KAN) are available on request from the 'System Certification' Office at Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 33.5 No. 19, Cimanggis - Depok 16953, West Java, Indonesia. Email address: msc@mutucertification. com


This document, together with the application for quote, quotation document, (when accepted and signed by the Client) and the Use of Logo requirements published by 'System Certification' shall form the terms and conditions of contract ("the Contract") between the parties. No terms and conditions of the Client shall apply to the Contract.

This document describes the rights, responsibilities and duties of System Certification and the business or organisation, as identified in the Contract, (the "Client"), whose management system(s) ["System" -shall mean the organisational structure, responsibilities, activities, resources and events that together provide organised procedures and methods of implementation to ensure the capability of the Client to meet the standard(s)] has (have) been or is/are to be certified by System Certification to one or more national / international management system standard (the "Standard"). The Certificate awarded by System Certification covers only those services or products manufactured and/or supplied strictly within the scope of the System certified by System Certification. The Client remains solely ¡¡able for any defect in the Product(s), Services or System and shall defend, protect and indemnify System Certification from any and all defects, loss, costs, expense, claims or liability arising from the Product(s), Services and/or System.

'System Certification' scopes services for quality, environmental management system certification in the following sectors:


Scope of KAN

1 Agriculture, Fishing V 2 Mining & Quarrying V 3 Food Producers V "V 4 Textiles & Textile

Products V

5 Leather & Leather Products


6 Wood & Wood Products


7 Pulp, Paper & Paper Prod Note: 1) Limited, Manufacture of Pulp, Paper and Paperboard

V -v/

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it¿¡r lYIUt U certification international




9 Printing Companies V

12 Chemicals, chemical V products and fibres Note : 2) Limited, Manufacture of Glues and Gelatine; Manufacture of Other Chemicals Not Elsewhere

14 Rubber and plastic V V products

15 Non Metal Mineral V Product

17 Basic metals and V V fabricated products

19 Electrical and optical V V equipment

20 Shipbuilding V 22 Other transport >/ V


25 Electricity supply V V 28 Construction >/ 30 Hotels and restaurants 31 Transport, storage and V

communication 32 Financial, V

intermediation; real estate; renting

34 Engineering services V V 35 Other services (Quality V r

Management Consultation Bodies/ Training and Hospital) Note : 4) Limited, Forest Concession, Industrial Forest Plantation

36 Public administration V 37 Education V 38 Health and Social V

Works 39 Other social works V

'System Certification' scopes services for Ecolabel certification accredited by KAN as follows the

Nöte*): on process for being accredited by KAN

NO. Category EAC


1 Textile and textile products 04

2 Uncoated printing paper 07

3 Tissue Paper *) 07

4 Printed paper with saluted *) 07

Note*): on process for being accredited by KAN


'System Certification' offers third party certification services to prospective and existing Clients in respect of management systems in order for them to be able to demonstrate conformity of their products, services and System to customers and end-users. 'System Certification's fees ("Services Fee") include the cost of audit services and the use of the 'System Certification' logo, but audit expenses are charged separately in accordance with the quoted terms.


The 'System Certification' Intellectual Property (IP) rights, titles and interests in all service mark(s), trademark(s), other names or logos, copyright works and inventions remain the property of 'System Certification' and cannot be sold or licensed by the Client; 'System Certification' will audit the use of logos and/or marks at subsequent surveillance visits. 'System Certification' reserves the right to withdraw right to use the logo, certificates and audit documentation should the Contract be terminated, for whatever reason.


'System Certification' will appoint competent qualified auditors to conduct the audit of the System in accordance with international and/or national accreditation and 'System Certification's management system requirements.

'System Certification' will inform the client due to any changes of certification requirements. 'System Certification' will also have to verify that each certified clients complies with the new certification requirements.

'System Certification' will ensure that contracted audit services are delivered at a frequency defined by 'System Certification' in agreement with the Client.

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* / / ¡¿^ íflUtU certification





'System Certification' will Issue audit and non-conformance reports after each audit activity.

'System Certification' will issue a certificate of conformance ("Certificate") on successful completion of the initial certification audit. This includes the closure of all nonconformities, and the relevant independent review being completed by 'System Certification's certification officer(s).


The Client must maintain its System in accordance with the national / international standard(s) against which it is certified. In addition the Client must allow access to 'System Certification' auditors to verify the maintenance of the System, to include access to all customer complaints and notices and all other documents issued by regulatory authorities.

The Client is required to inform 'System Certification' promptly of any significant changes to its product(s), services, System or any other circumstances, which may affect the validity of its certification (refer to points 13 and 15). For example but without limitation: change of site, additional sites, change of process, change of ownership, change of scope. 'System Certification' will then take the appropriate action, such as, conducting a special audit and/or changing the certification, subject to prior agreement and payment of any applicable fees and expenses of 'System Certification'.

The Client shall allow 'System Certification's accreditation body or their representative, access to any part of the audit /or surveillance process for the purposes of witnessing 'System Certification's audit team performing the audit of the System to determine conformity with the requirements of the Standard. The Client will not have the right within this contract to refuse such a request either by the accreditation body.


Before contracted for certification with 'System Certification', Client shall complete the application form which available on request from the 'System Certification's Office and/or email address: msc@mutucertification. com The Application for recertification (or certification renewal) will be implemented if any significant change occurred in management systems of organization, e.g. Change of scope, regulation, etc.


The assessment shall be carried out in two stages, i.e. stage 1 audit which covering document

assessment and site visit and/or pre assessment, and stage 2 audit which mentioned as site-assessment for certification, surveillance, and re-assessment of customer's quality/environmental management systems and ecolabel certification and also evaluation of specific area.

Regarding stage-1 audit for documentation review, the Client shall prepare and/or submit to 'System Certification' the CONTROLLED COPY of the following documentation: a. Certification Documentation:

Quality/Environmental Manual, Operating Procedures and Work Instructions inclusive in it policy/ commitment of regulations and the related other requirements.

b. Significant Aspect Register. c. Legislation and other Requirements Register. d. Objectives, Targets and Management

Programmes. e. A description of the organizations on-site

processes (site plan/site map, including boundaries).

f. The relevant information due to the result or recording of laboratory testing (internal / external) in particular related to ecolabel parameter (Ecolabel products scope).

g. Quality system documentation and the result of product testing and/or packaging (quality product)

h. Other relevant documents / records i. Applicant quality document systems shall

compliance to legal and other requirements, implementation of environmental/quality management system arid product standard arid packaging

Surveillance audit shall be conducted at least once a year. The date of the first surveillance audit following initial certification shall not be more than 12 months from the last day of the stage 2 audit.

'System Certification' will perform a re-certification at 3 (three) years interval, before expiration of certification. In this matter, all corrective and preventive action shall already close. The re-assessment may also need a stage 1 audit in situations where there have been significant changes to the management system.

The client shall be informed of the results of the Initial audit, surveillance, and recertification audit.


Client's CAR shall be responded after non compliance report issued, with the following requirements: a) CAR issued on stage 1 audit shall be

responded not more than 6 months.

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b) CAR issued on stage 2 audit shall be responded not more than 3 months (all categorises finding).

c) Major non conformity(s) on surveillance and/or re-assessment shall be responded not more than 1 month.

d) Minor non conformity(s) on surveillance and/or re-assessment shall be responded not more than 2 months

When a applicant/client failed to fulfil the requirements mentioned on: a) Point 9.a, will need to review the Client

application form and need to conduct audit stage-1 for documentation review.

b) Point 9.b, will be issued warning letter and give client opportunity for completing NCR(s) not more than 3 (three) months; and if the client failed to response NCR(s) within time limit for 3 months then client shall apply new application {Application For Registration)

c) Point 9.c, and/or 9.d; will be issued warning letter and give client opportunity for completing NCR(s) not more than 2 (two) months of tolerance; and if the Client failed to response NCR(s) within time limit for 2 months then client shall be suspended (refer to point 17).

Recertification activity shall not be carried out more than 12 (twelve) months and validated certificate 3 years is counted from the last certificate expired.


In order to extend the scope of a company's registration to cover additional products, processes or services, a new Application Form will be required to be completed. The application procedure outlined in point 7 will be followed and an assessment will be carried out on those areas not previously covered. The cost of extending the scope of registration will be based on the nature and programme of work.

A new Certificate, following a successful assessment will be issued covering those aspects covered by the extended registration which will be valid for the remainder of the three year period. The superseded Certificate must be returned to 'System Certification' by the assessed company.



When the company meets all the requirements for registration, the applicant will be informed and a Certificate issued. The Certificate shall remain the property of 'System Certification' and shall not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the prior approval by 'System Certification' officers

The Certificate will normally be valid for a period of three years from the date on the certificate


Special audit is performed based on: a) extension of certification scope (refer to point

13) b) short-noticed audits to investigate complaints,

and/or response to changes (refer to points 6), and/or as follow up on suspended clients, and conducted in an unannounced visit.


Certificate renewal can be mean recertification.

The Certificate shall require to be revalidated every three year cycle and shall follow a similar format to the initial assessment (see clause 8). The company shall be informed of the requirements of Certificate renewal during the pre-renewal visit which is the last surveillance visit of the three year cycle.

Reductions to scope of certification / registration can be permanent or temporary as requested by the client for the commercial/ financial reason, etc. Upon receipt of formal from a client requesting a reduction in scope of certification/ registration on a temporary basis, the Operational Manager shall ensure that the Auditor selected for the next scheduled surveillance visit is supplied with all relevant client documentation relating to the reduction scope. The Operation Manager shall forward the revised Certificate to the clients under cover of a letter which clearly request return of the Original Certificate as soon as possible.


The Certification Holder shall inform 'System Certification' in writing of any intended modification to the product, process, services or Quality/Environmental Management System, Ecolabel Certification which may affect compliance with the relevant part of the systems and/or the Ecolabel criteria of product category which is determined. 'System Certification' will determine whether the notified changes require additional assessment. Failure to notify 'System Certification' may result in suspension of the Certificate.

'System Certification' re-evaluate, in the event of changes significantly affecting the product's design or specification, or changes in the standards to which compliance of the product is certified, or

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fflUtU certification W international CODES OF PRACTICE

change in the ownership, structure or management of the customer, if relevant or in the case of any information indicating that the product may no longer comply with the requirements of the certification system.


A Certificate Holder has the right to publish that the product, process, service and/or the performance has been assessed and apply the relevant mark of conformity to stationary and promotional material relating to the scope of registration as detailed on the Certificate of Registration.

In every case, the company shall ensure that, in its publications and advertising, no confusion arises between registered and non-registered products, processes and/or services. The company shall not make any claim that could mislead purchasers to believe that a product, process or service is covered by registration when in fact, it is not.

The Certification Holder is allowed to use the 'System Certification' logo (refer to MUTU 4859) on letterheads, advertisements in mass media, catalogues, on products, product packaging and other publications, according to registration scope.


'System Certification' shall suspend certification in cases when: 1. The client's certified management system has

persistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements.

2. The certified client does not allow surveillance audit to be conducted on the required frequencies (without a written reason for the postponement); and the client will be given a tolerance of 1-2 month to accept and/request the outstanding surveillance.

3. The certified client has voluntary requested a suspension together with the reason.

If fail to perform the matters above, the client will be suspended for a period of 6 months. The certificate will be withdrawn if suspension period excess. If the client still wishes to continue its certification process, a re-certification audit (refer to point 11.b) will be done within suspension period erupt. Within the suspension period, the client is not allowed to use the certificate and logo.

'System Certification' reserves the right to publish the fact that such action has been taken.


Should the Client wish to complaint appeal against or dispute the decisions of 'System Certification', the client should do so in accordance with 'System Certification' appeals procedure, a copy of which is available on request.

If a complaint arises about the performance of 'System Certification' under the Contract, this should in the first instance be made to the Operation Manager of the MUTU's office. If the Client does not wish to complain directly to the Operation Manager of the MUTU's office the complaint should be sent in writing to General Manager of Agriculture Food and Fisheries Division with address Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 33,5 No. 19, Cimanggis - Depok, 16953, West Java, Indonesia.

Due to the client interested parties complaints; the clients shall make all complaints received from customers or other interested parties available to 'System Certification' Auditors at each and every visit


'System Certification' conducts it's audit activity through a sampling process to determine if the System meets the principles established in the relevant national/international management system standard. Any statement of conformity issued by 'System Certification' in the form of reports or certificates etc. is based on these sampling processes, therefore 'System Certification' does not warrant, represent or undertake that these statements mean that all activities are in conformance with the relevant standard(s) at the

. time of the audit or that subsequent to the audit activity those activities audited will continue to be in conformance with the relevant Standard. The Client undertakes to make all customers and end users aware of the foregoing provisions of this clause.


These terms and conditions constitute the sole obligations to be undertaken by 'System Certification' and the sole rights and remedies of the Client, to the exclusion of all other representations, statements, terms, conditions whether express or implied, except for fraudulent misrepresentation.


The Client hereby warrants and covenants with 'System Certification' that it will at all times during the subsistence of the contract comply with all reasonable ro,iuirements necessary for the

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issuance of the Certificate of Approval including (but without prejudice to the generality thereof) all statutes, rules, regulations issued by any statutory or other competent authority all recommendations, codes and similar matters issued by any authority pursuant to which in compliance with which or for the purpose of which the Certificate of Approval is issued or such other reasonable requirements of 'System Certification' as are necessary to enable the Certificate of Approval to be issued and maintained in force in conformity with standards of high quality of certification.

The Client hereby warrants the completeness and accuracy of all documents and accuracy of all information supplied to 'System Certification' for the purposes of the Contract, both at the time of supply and subsequently.


Product recall is the withdrawal and its mechanism related to ecolabel products which had been produced and distributed; and their processing and producing had been occured the non conformities against the requirements of ecolabel criteria.

Certified organisation that have produced ecolabel products and produced the non conformities against the requirements of ecolabel criteria is obligated to carry out product recall and informs and/or reports to MALECO as Certification Body.

Product recall occurance is a major non conformity and for certified organisation has to conduct corrective actions and supported by evidences. Further, MALECO as Certification Body will review and verify the adequacy of corrective actions and if necessary will be visited to site for verification. All costs regarding on site visiting verification will be charged to certified organisation (Client).

If the Client postpones all or part of the Services with less than 30 working days notice, 'System Certification' reserves the right to charge a fee in amounting as describe at contract or agreement.

24. TAX

All fees and expenses quoted are exclusive of all taxes including but not limited to value added or sales tax, which will be charged at the current rate of the Country in which the Services are supplied.


'System Certification' may issue interim monthly and/or a final invoice to the Client for the Services Fee, for actual or projected man days (on or off site), reports, certification and certificate fees, as well as actual and/or estimated expenses and costs as appropriate, together with the licence fee for the use of the 'System Certification's logo (in accordance with the terms and restrictions stated by them from time to time), at 'System Certification's then applicable rates.


Payments are due within 30 days of the date of invoice and in any event no later than 30 days prior to the commencement date of the contracted activity/activities. The payment shall be made in full, without set off or deduction.

In the event that any payment is not made when due, 'System Certification' reserves the right to charge interest (at the statutory rate on commercial debts then applicable) from the due date until payment in full, and/or suspend the provision of all services and/or terminate the contract, without prejudice to 'System Certification's other rights and remedies.


The quotation on the basis of which the Contract is entered into is attached. It indicates the basic charges for the services agreed to be supplied pursuant to the contact (Services) ("Services Fee") on the assumption that the information supplied by the Client was accurate and complete. Any service supplied additional to the agreed services, will be charged at 'System Certification's rates current at the time of supply of such services. 'System Certification' reserves the right to review and amend its charges.


Please note that the Certificate(s) cannot be released until full payment has been received by SYSTEM CERTIFICATION.


Either party may terminate the Contract:

BY NOTICE Either party may give three months written notice to the other and the contract shall terminate upon expiry of said three-month period.

BY DEFAULT Immediately upon either party being notified by the other of any material breach of this Agreement if the

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same has not been remedied within 14 days from the date of receipt of said notification. 29.

If either party goes into liquidation, receivership or an administrator is appointed for all or part of the undertaking thereof.

If either party ceases to trade, whether in whole or in part.

In the event of the Contract being terminated whether by notice, default or otherwise the 'System Certification' Certificate of Approval issued pursuant hereto shall forthwith become invalid and the Client shall cease to be entitled to use the same and shall return to 'System Certification' all documentation issued pursuant or relevant thereto or bearing an indication of such Certification of Approval including the 'System Certification's logo.


System Certification accepts liability for the Client's direct loss and damage and loss of or damage to the tangible property of the Client caused directly by the breach of the Contract and/or negligence of System Certification. The values that will be given for breach of contract and/or omissions of System Certification to the client guaranteed by the System Certification in the form of deposits and insurance.

Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by negligence of 'System Certification' (in respect of which liability shall be unlimited), 'System Certification' shall not be liable to the Client, by reason of any representation (unless fraudulent), or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or under the express terms of the Contract, for any loss of profit, contracts or goodwill, loss or corruption of data or any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of contracts, goodwill, profit or otherwise), costs or expenses, or other claims for compensation whatsoever (whether caused by the negligence of 'System Certification', its employees or agents or otherwise and whether 'System Certification' had been advised of the possibility of the Client incurring 30. or suffering the same) which arise out of or in connection with the supply or non supply of goods or services or otherwise in connection with the performance or non-performance of the Contract by 'System Certification' for the Client.

The Client shall indemnify 'System Certification' and keep 'System Certification' fully and effectively indemnified on demand against any loss of or damage to any property or injury to or death of any 31. person caused by any negligence, act or omission or misrepresentation of the Client, its employees, agents or sub-contractors


The Client shall fully and effectually indemnify 'System Certification' against all costs, expenses, claims, actions, demands and liabilities arising from:

a. The Services save to the extent only that 'System Certification' accepts liability under the immediately preceding clause (Liability); and

b. The use or misuse by the Client of any certificate, licence, logo, mark of conformity provided by 'System Certification' in accordance with the Contract; and

c. Any breach of the Contract by the Client;

d. Illness, injury or death to the Client, its subcontractors or suppliers, together with any of their employees, agents or directors ("Client Group"), other than where due to the negligence of 'System Certification'; and

e. Damage to or loss of property or equipment owned, leased or used by the Client Group (except to the extent that 'System Certification' has liability under the immediately preceding clause (Liability)).

The Client hereby acknowledges that any such breach, default, non-compliance or non-observance by it of its duties and obligations owed under the Contract or otherwise may result in 'System Certification' being in breach, default, non-compliance or non-observance of its duties, liabilities and obligations owed to third parties such that 'System Certification' will be liable in damages or otherwise will sustain loss, costs or expense. Any such damages, loss, cost and expense are hereby agreed to be within the contemplation of the parties as being the probable results of any such breach, default, non-compliance or non-observance by the Client of its duties and obligations owed.


'System Certification' shall not be liable in any respect should it be prevented from discharging its obligations under the Contract as a result of any matter beyond its reasonable control ("force majeure") and the time for performance shall be extended by the period of force majeure.


Except as may be required by law or required by an accreditation body, 'System Certification' and the Client will treat as strictly confidential and will not

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Neither party shall assign this contract or any of its rights and obligations hereunder whether in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the other.


If any provision of the Contract shall be found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable the invalidity or unenforceability of such provisions shall not affect the other provisions of the Contract and all provisions not affected by such invalidity or

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