Surgery 4th Answers

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1. Which of the following is not associated with mitral stenosis?- Ventricular hypertrophy- Pulmonary hypertension- Embolization- Increased pressure of the right atrium- Dilatation of the left atrium2. Which one is most important in diagnosis?- Medical History- Physical examination- Review of systems3. Which of the following is false about HCC?- Comprises 90% of all primary malignant liver tumors- 50% are secondary to HBV and HCV infections- Imaging is the corner stone in diagnosis4. Which of the following is false about liver tumors?- Focal nodular hyperplasia is an indication for surgery- Hemangioma is the most common benign liver tumor- Hemangioma appears on T2 MRI- Liver adenoma is seen in ladies with history of OCPs5. Which is true about congenital diaphragmatic hernia?- Mostly through Morgagni's foramen- Presents as respiratory distress in the neonate- Surgery is indicated right after delivery6. Which is wrong about Meckel's diverticulum- 2-4% of population- Diverticulectomy is indicated when you find it incidentally-Most common complication is bleeding- Least common complication is diverticulitis7. Which is the most likely cause of massive lower GI bleeding (bright red) in a 5 year old- Hemorrhoids- Rectal polyp8. Which is the mostly likely cause of massive upper GI bleeding (bright red) in children- Varices-Pharyngeal polyp- lower esophageal ulcers- bleeding duodenal ulcer9. In the management of UGIB, which is most important?- UGI endoscopy- resuscitation10. The strongest layer in the esophagus is- Muscularis- Muscularismucosea- Submucosa- Adventitia11. All of the following are risk factors for SCC of the esophagus except- Obesity- Leukplakia-Plummer-Vinson- Achalasia12. Wrong about pheochromocytoma:- Always arises from the adrenal medulla- Arises from the chromaffin cells- Can cause sudden death13. Carotid body tumor (the same in past years)14. Most consistent with incisional hernia-wound infection-obesity-steroid-suture material15. Which is wrong about appendicitis in the elderly- 50% mortality rate- 60% - 90% of perforation due to late Dx- Omentum can't wall off the inflammation16. Most common organism to cause wound infection after appendectomy- E.coli- Bacteroides fragilis- Staph aureus- Strep fecalis17. All of the following can cause anal fistula except- Ulcerative proctocolitis- Bilharziasis- Diverticulosis- TB proctitis- Crohn's colitis18. What is the most common presentation of chronic anal fissure- Anal mass- Profuse bleeding- Painful bleedingPainless bleeding19. Which of the following is true about colorectal cancer- Most arise on top of polyps- Polyps is a pathological term20. What is true about colorectal cancer- Left-sided tumors usually present with altered bowel habit- Rectal tumors usually present with intestinal obstruction- Right-sided tumors usually present with obstruction21. A child swallowed a coin shelen. All of the following are possible sites it can stop in except- Pylorus- Cervical esophagus-LES- Ileocecal valve- Splenic flexure22. Which is wrong about branchial cyst- Bright Transillumination- 2nd cleft23. Which is wrong about hydatid disease- Minor leak of fluid can cause anaphylaxis- Antibody detection in serum can aid in Dx- Most common symptom is RUQ discomfort- Most common organ involved is the liver- Can easily leak into peritoneal cavity24. A known case of Hepatitis B presented with Jaundice, Abdominal Discomfort , what is the most valuable test you can use?- B-HCG- AFP- Ca 19.9- CEA25. Which of the following cancers is least responsive to chemotherapy- Melanoma- Teratoma- Lymphoma- Choriocarcinoma26. Which of the following lung tumors has the best prognosis?- Bronchioalveolar CA- Small cell CA- Typical carcinoid- Squamous cell- Adenocarcinoma27. Which of the following is false about TNM staging- good indicator of tumor grade- can be used to guide treatment- can be used to predict prognosis- can be used to compare treatment results in different centers28. Which of the following is wrong about prostate cancer- Obturator lymph nodes are the first to be affected in locally advanced disease- Usually occurs in peripheral zones- abnormal DRE is the most common indication for biopsy- more in blacks- PSA screening is advised after the age of 5029. Which of the following is most likely to produce cloudy urine- Bacterial cystitis- Significant proteinuria- Yeast overgrowth30. A child presented with hypertension and past Hx of UTI, most likely cause- Renal artery stenosis- Reflux nephropathy- Pelviureteric junction obstruction31. Which of the following is best to diagnose kidney stones- non-enhanced CT- enhanced CT- IVU32. Which of the following tumors is not associated with viral infection- nasopharyngeal- Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma- clear renal cell carcinoma33. Which of the following is the most common presentation of renal cell carcinoma- abdominal mass- hematuria- unexplained fever34. A pt with pelvic fracture that caused injury to the bladder, what's the hallmark symptom- hypotension- hematuria- frequency- dysuria35. A pt with chronic urine retention, which is false- usually there's no suprapubic tenderness- high riding prostate on DRE- the cause is usually infravesical- there's high residual urine36. Which of the following makes you suspect the validity of midstream urine sample?- Bacteria- Squamous epithelial cells- RBC casts- WBCs37. Which of the following is best use to diagnose ruptured urethra?- retrograde urethrogram- IVU38. Which of the following is wrong about pelvic abscess management- Trans rectal drainage is dangerous and should be avoided- U/S is useful in Dx and Rx- presents with abdominal pain, diarrhea and hectic fever39. Coarctation of the aorta can cause all except- rib notching- hypotension40. The most common solid abdominal tumor in children is- Neuroblastoma- Hepatoblastoma- Wilm's tumor41. Which is wrong about intussusception- Most common between 6-18 months- Has the characterestic doughnut sign- Most common in the ileum- most common leading points are peyer's patch and meckel's- presents with few clinical signs42. Which is wrong about spleen- lies against the lowest three ribs43. What is the least feared complication for duodenal ulcer- Malignant transformation- Bleeding- Penetration- Perforation- gastric outlet obstruction44. That famous revised trauma scale question > 645. What's wrong about Mg- Mainly extracellular46. What is normal daily requirement of Na in adults- 6 g- 4 g- 2 g- 10 g47. Which is wrong about fresh frozen plasma- indicated for christmas disease until specific factor is available- indicated in liver failure surgery- 4 hrs to extract from whole blood aw hekeshi- contains normal serum albumin concentration48. Which is wrong about blood transfusion- increases pH- increases potassium49. Which is wrong about management of transfusion reaction- Stop transfusion- Recheck donor blood group- serumHb and bilirubin- IV antibiotics50. Which is wrong about mesenteric ischemia-Abdominal X-Ray is diagnostic- Associated with high rate of mortality- Pain and history not going with physical exam51. In which hernia the least complications can occur: inguinal herniafemoral herniaparaumbilical herniaepigastric hernia52. Which of the following surgeries needs antibiotic prophylaxis- Varicose vein stripping- Synthetic artery graft- resection of lipoma in the lumbar region- correction of inguinal hernia- something about artificial material53. The cause for hernial complication is the content The ring The sacThe neck54. all in tension pneumothorax exceptdecrease ventilationincrease hear ratedecrease stroke volumeincrease shunts55. all can be demonstrated using isotope study of the thyroid excepthot nodulewarm nodulecold nodulemalignant nodule56. What is wrong about papillary thyroid cancer- Most cases in children and young adults- iodine rich countries- Lymphatic spread- Tumor size doesn't correlate with ... (eshi )57. What is wrong about the anatomy of the inguinal region- Internal oblique make part of anterior wall- The internal ring is a U-shaped defect in the transversus abdominis- The cremasteric muscle is derived from the internal obliue- Conjoint tendon is the roof58. What is wrong about the submandibular glands- Most of tumors are benign- Most affected by stones- Most stones are radiolucent59. What is wrong about the thyroid nodules- Painful nodules is most likely inflammation- acute enlargement of existing nodule means secondary infection- you should exclude malignancy in the definitely solitary nodule60. Which is true about presentation of breast CA- 90% present with palpable nodes- can present with supraclavicular lymph node enlargement- a 15 year old with breast mass probably has cancer61. risk factor for pancreatic cancers except :-smoking-alcohol-associated MEN-ahydro..62. wrong about pancreatic cancer :-body is the most common site-Jaundice if the CA is in the head of pancreas64. Which of the following suggests venous system pathology- unilateral lower limb swelling- acute pain and pallor- gangrene65. Which of the following is not in the criteria to diagnose critical lower limb ischemia- ABPI < 0.4- Rest pain for the last 3 weeks- Chronic pain when walking relieved by slowing down- Gangrene- eshikaman in the last 3 weeks66. All are done in the burn unit except- escharotomy- Albumin in the 1st 24 hours67. Which is true about burns- Escharotomy is indicated in circumferential deep partial thickness burn- majro burn needs intubation- full thickness burn needs washing68. Which is least important in wound infection development- Dead tissue- Pathogenecity of microrganism- Foreign bodies- Blood supply compromise- Degree of contamination69. What is wrong about testicular torsion- Orchidopexy should also be done to the contralateral testis- After 6 hrs it's unlikely to save the testis- Doppler ultrasound should invariably be used to diagnose torsion70. another question about torsion, what is right- appendix testis torsion mimics testicular torsion71. Wrong about Conn's syndrome- Hyperkalemia- 1% of pt with hypertension72. (which is wrong) testicular tumors are part of MEN II73. all of the following can cause pneumaturia except- Diverticulitis- Colon CA- Crohn's disease- cEctopic ureter74. Which of the following goes with the diagnosis of fibroadenoma- Skin changes- Free mobility- Palpable nodes75. What is wrong about necrotizing fasciitis- Debridement is the most important step- Vaccination against organism is important- caused by C. perfringens76. The lease important step in management of dirty wounds- check anti-tetanus status- debridement- local antibiotics77. About chemical injuries- Topical Cagluconate is useful in acid injuries78. Wrong about lactated Ringer's- Contraindicated in metabolic acidosis79. What is wrong about appendicitis- Peak incidence in the 5th and 6th decades80. What is the most likely cause of involuntary bladder contractions- Cystitis- Sacral spinal injury- Suprasacral spinal injury- Infrasacral spinal injury81. What is true about piles- Hemorrhoids above the dentate line may bleed84. Which of the following is wrong about the association of Gastric Cancer:-B12 deficiency and gastrectomy-Intestinal type responds to imatinib-Helicobacter Pylori and Gastritis85. Sloping edge is associated with:-Rodent Ulcer-Healing Ulcer-Ischemic Ulcer86. Which of the following is associated with an increase in Alpha-Fetoprotein:-Non-Seminomatious Testicular Tumor-Malignant Thymoma-Mature Teratoma87. Which of the following is false regarding a Pilonidal Sinus:-Congenital in origin-Occurs in the natal cleft-Occurs more in hairy men-presents with pain and soiling-recurs after surgery88. Regarding the ABCDE of primary survey which is wrong :- A for Airway- B for Bone fracture splinting- C for Circulation- D for neurological defects- E for exposure89. Regarding IBD which is true- incrohn's disease surgery is indicated only for complications- extraintestinal manifestations are indication for surgery90. Most common cause of intestinal obstruction-Post surgical adhesions-Congenital bands