Surpassing the Law

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  • 8/14/2019 Surpassing the Law


    The law of the LORD is perfect,converting the soul (Psa 19:7)

    I Huwag kang magkakaroon ng ibang diyos maliban sa akin

    II Huwag kang sasamba sa mga diyos-diyosan

    III Huwag mong babanggitin ang pangalan ng Diyos sa walang kabuluhan.

    IV Ipangilin mo ang araw ng Sabbath.

    V Igalang mo ang iyong amat ina.

    VI Huwag kang papatay

    VII Huwag kang mangangalunya

    VIII Huwag kang magnanakaw

    IX Huwag kang magsisinungaling

    X Huwag kang mag-iimbot

  • 8/14/2019 Surpassing the Law


    Sabi ni Jesus, Narinig ninyo na sinabi sa mga tao sa una Ngunit ngayoy sinasabi ko sa inyo



    III .



    VI Huwag kang papatay

    VII Huwag kang mangangalunya









    VI Huwag kang magagalit o mapopoot sa iyong

    kapwa.Mat 5:22

    VII Huwag kang titingin ng mahalay Mat.5:28




    Literal Law- External

    Written in the two tablet of stone

    Spiritual Law- Internal

    (Must be) Written in our Heart

    We are not Under the law !!! Yet We are NOW Under the Law!

    There are approximately 280 million people in the United States. In a

    recent survey it was found that less than 1 percent of adults and teenagers

    could name all of The Ten Commandments! (The Ten Commandments Project)

    And in the Philippines, it is a sad reality. Our country, being called as the

    only Christian country in Asia, the Ten Commandments were not written in

    the hearts (and in the minds) of the vast majority of professing Christians.

    Transgressions of the Law are rampant in the streets, homes, schools,

    places of work and particularly in the government and even in the Church!

    The Bible said, The law written in their heartsRom 2:15

    But the reality is, almost every people (including those persons professing

    Christians) could not name all of the Ten Commandments!

    The Church Ignores the Law!

    This Shouldnt Be!!!

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    Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets;Ihave not come to abolish thembut to fulfill them. (Mat 5:17)

    I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not thesmallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any meansdisappearfrom the Law until everything is accomplished. (Mat 5:18)

    Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments andteaches others to do the same will be called leastin the kingdom ofheaven, but whoeverpractices and teaches these commands will becalled greatin the kingdom of heaven. (Mat 5:19)

    For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of thePharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter thekingdom of heaven (Mat 5:20)

    Literal Law

    VI Huwag kang Papatay

    VII Huwag kang mangangalunya

    Spiritual Law

    VI Huwag kang mapopoot sa

    iyong kapwa Mat 5:21-22

    VII Huwag kang titingin ng

    mahalay Mat 5:28

    Surpassing the Law

    VI Ibigin mo ang iyong mga

    kaaway, idalangin na pagpalain

    at huwag susumpain. Mat.5:44

    Kung siyay nagugutom

    pakanin mo siya Rom 12:20

    VII Magmadali ka sa pagtakbo

    palayo mula sa tawag ng

    laman at kahalayan Ex: Joseph

    Flee the evil desire 2 Tim 2:22

    And now I will show you the most excellent way. 1 Cor 12:31NIV

    We must surpass the

    (literal)Law!Matt 5:20

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  • 8/14/2019 Surpassing the Law


    The Greatest Commandments











    (Duty to God)

    Love the Lord with all your heart,

    mind, soul and strength

    Matt 22:37

    (Duty to all man)

    Love your neighbor as yourself

    Matt 22:39

    We can perform our duty to God (the 1st to the 4th commandment) through love by not rejoicing with sin. Sin is hatred toward God.

    We can perform our duty to our neighbors (the 5 th to the 10th commandment) through love by being always patient and kind to them,

    by not envious on them, by not being boastful (a form of lying), by not becoming rude to them, by not becoming selfish, and by not

    being happy with evil.

    What is Law?

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    I Love does not delight in evil I You shall have no other gods before me.

    II II You shall not make any idols

    III Love rejoice in the truth III You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain

    IV IV Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy

    V Love is not rude V Honor your father and mother

    VI Love is patient and is kind VI You shall not murder

    VII VII You shall not commit adultery

    Love is not selfish

    VIII VIII You shall not steal

    IX Love does not boast and not pride IX You shall not lie

    X Love does not envy X You shall not covet

    Love is Law Law is Love

    Literal LawExternal-written

    in two tablet of


    Spiritual LawInternal- written

    in our Heart

    Rom 2:15; Rom


    Surpass the

    LawMatt 5:19-20

    Law of LoveJohn 13:34

    Law of ChristGal 6:2

    Law of GodDeut 5:7-21

    Love of God

    1 John 2:4; 5:3

    Law and Love are Inseparable 1 Cor 13:4-6

    We are not under the (literal) Law

    We are under the (Spiritual) Law

    We must surpass both Law (literal & Spiritual)

    By surpass ing both Law, we put ourselves under

    the Law of Christ which is the Law of Love

    The Law of God, which is the Ten Commandments

    given to Moses, can be sum up one and the same

    with the Law of Christ which is the Law of Love.

    By keeping the Ten Commandments, we love God

    and we have the Love of God

    Hence, We are still under the Law

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    Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for hethat loveth another hath fulfilled the law. (Rom 13:8)

    For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shaltnot kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear falsewitness, Thou shalt not covet; and ifthere be any othercommandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying,namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. (Rom13:9)

    Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love isthe fulfilling of the law. (Rom 13:10)

    Who or what is God?

    According to 1 John 4:8, God is Love

    What is Love?

    According to 1 Cor 13:4-6, Love is always patient, Love is always kind, Love

    is never envious Or vaunted up with pride. Nor is she conceited, And never is

    she rude, Never does she think of self Or ever get annoyed. She never is

    resentful, Is never glad with sin, But always glad to side with truth, Whene'er

    the truth should win.

    Therefore, the above scriptures are the perfect description of who God is and a

    perfect portrait of the Love of God.

    God delights in his law!

    Prov 8:22-30; John 1:1-3

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    Therefore the Law isstill binding, has agreat

    relevance until today and it is thestandardof

    our Christian living because the Law is all

    about Love and Love is all about the Law.

    Therefore, We are under the Law! Under the

    Law of Love! The Law, which is the Ten

    Commandments, is actually the Ten

    Commandments of Love.

    By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep

    his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep hiscommandments: and his commandments are not grievous. (1Jn 5:2,3)

    The one and only excellent way and exact way for us to have the Love

    of God and manifest that kind of love is through the Law!

    There is no other way except (surpass) the Law!

    But eagerly desire the greater gifts.

    And now I will show you the most excellent way.

    1 Cor 12:31NIV

    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of

    these is love. 1 Cor 13:13 NIV

    Follow the way of (surpassing the Law) love 1 Cor 14:1 NIV

    The Love of God is the greatest gift we can possess. We can have it

    now, because it is already given by God through His Son. And we can

    manifest the love of God through the Ten Commandments which the

    Lord Jesus did not abolished.

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    "We must not imagine that the coming of Christ has freed us from the authority of the law: for it is the eternal

    rule of a devout and holy life, and must, therefore, be as unchangeable, as the justice of God, which it embraced,

    is constant and uniform." John Calvin

    "The moral law contained in the Ten Commandments, and enforced by the prophets, He (Christ) did not take

    away. It was not the design of His coming to revoke any part of this. This is a law which never can be

    broken...Every part of this law must remain in force upon all mankind and in all ages; as not depending either on

    time or place, or any other circumstances liable to change, but on the nature of God and the nature of man, and

    their unchangeable relation to each other. John Wesley

    "The law of God is a divine law, holy, heavenly, perfect. Those who find fault with the law, or in the least degree

    depreciate it, do not understand its design, and have no right idea of the law itselfNo human lawgiver could

    have given forth such a law as that which we find in the decalogue. It is a perfect law." C.H. Spurgeon

    In order to our happiness here and for ever, it is not enough for us to know the commandments of God, but we

    must keep them, keep in them as our way, keep to them as our rule, keep them as our treasure, and with care, as

    the apple of our eye. Matthew Henry

    "Now men may cavil as much as they like about other parts of the Bible, but I never met an honest man that

    found fault with the Ten Commandments. D.L. Moody

    "How many kinds of laws did God give in the Old Testament? Three kinds:

    I. The ceremonial church law; 2. The civil law; 3. The moral law. Which of these laws is still in force? The

    moral law, which is contained in the Ten Commandments. Cannot this law be abolished? No; because it is

    founded on God's holy and righteous nature. Martin Luther

    Apostle Paul

    Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the

    law. (Rom 3:31)Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.

    (Rom 7:12)

    Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, butobeying God's

    commandments is everything. (1Co 7:19)

    Apostle John

    For this is the love of God: that we keep his commandments; andhis

    commandments are not difficult , (1Jn 5:3)

    Apostle James

    But whoso looketh into theperfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he

    being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed

    in his deed. (Jas 1:25)

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    What is the biblical definition of sin?

    Sin is the transgression of the law. (1Jn 3:4)

    All possible sin a man can do are all cover by

    the Ten Commandments and a direct

    transgression of the law.

    I V

    Angkaharian at katuwiran ng Diyos ang dapat mo laging


    Siya lamang dapat ang iyong tatawagan, pupurihin,

    pasasalamatanat kilalanin. at iibigin sa lahat.

    Huwagmong iibigin ang bagay sa mundo.1 Juan 2:16

    IIHuwagkang magkakaroon ng mga idolo.

    Huwag kang magkakaroon ng mga bagay na kung saan ay

    maaagaw ang iyong dapat na oras ng pagbabasang biblia,

    pananalangin, pagdalo sa gawain at iba pang bagay ukol sa Diyos.

    Huwag kang maglilingkod sa dalawang panginoon.Matt.6:24

    Huwagkang magkakaroon ng pag-ibig sa salapi.

    Huwagkang magkakaroon ng kasalanang paulit-ulit na

    ginagawa mo ng patago at lihim.

    Sambahin mo ang Diyos sa Espiritu at Katotohanan.Juan4:23-24


    Huwag kayong susumpa sa ngalan ng langit o sa lupa.

    Sumagot ka ng Oo kung Oo at Hindi kung hindi.

    Huwagkang magsasalita ng mga walang kabuluhang salita,

    sapagkat sa araw ng Paghuhukom, pananagutan ng mga tao ang

    lahat ng walang kabuluhang sinalita nila. Mat.12:36


    Huwagmong kakaligtaan ang pagdalo sa mga Gawain.Heb.10:25Gumawaka ng mabuti sa araw ng sabbath kung hinihingi ng


    Example: The Parable of the Good Samaritan.Luk.10:25


    Sundinmo ang mabuting payo ng iyong magulang.

    Mahalin mo ang Diyosng higit kaysa iyong amat ina at mga


    Huwag kang magsasalita ng hangal o ulol sa iyongkapwa.Mat.5:22

    Huwag kang magagalit o mapopoot sa iyong kapwa.1 Juan 3:15

    Ibigin mo ang iyong mga kaaway, idalangin na pagpalain at huwag

    susumpain. Mat.5:44

    Huwag kayong maghihiganti. Rom.12:19-21

    Huwag ninyong gantihin ng masama ang masama Rom.12:17Huwag kang matutuwa kung ang kaaway mo ay madapa

    Huwag kang padaig sa masama, kundi daigin mo ng mabuti ang masama.


    Huwag kang titingin ng mahalayMat.5:28

    Huwag mong pupunuin ang iyong puso at isipan ng mga kahalayan.

    Huwag mong kakaibiganin ang mundo. Jam.4:4

    Huwag kang makikiayon sa takbo ng mundo. Rom.12:1


    Huwag kang magnanakaw kahit iyon ay maliit na bagay lamang.

    Huwag kang magnanakaw ng oras sa iyong pagtratrabaho.

    Ibigay mo ang sa Diyos ay sa Diyos at ang kay Ceasar ay kay Ceasar.


    Huwag kang magsisinungaling kahit white lies

    Magsabi ng Oo kung Oo at Hindi kung hindi.

    Huwag kang magbibigay ng hindi totoongtestimonya.

    Huwag kang magiging bulaang saksi.

    Huwag kang mag-aakusa ng hindi tama sa iyong kapwa. Luk3:14Huwag kang magsisinungaling sa salita at sa gawa

    Huwag kang magkwento ng kayabangan


    Huwag kang maiinggit sapagkat itoy pinagmumulan ng alitan.

    Huwag kang maliligalig sa mga bagay ng mundo.

    Maging kuntento sa anomangbagay at sa anomangkalagayan.

    1 Tim.6:6-8

    The Ten Commandments in the New Testament The Law of Christ which is the Law of Love

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    Who is liar?

    He that saith, I know him, and keepeth

    not hiscommandments, is a liar, and the

    truth is not in him. (1Jn 2:4)

    Blessed are they that do his

    commandments, that they may

    have right to the tree of life, and

    may enter in through the gates into

    the city. (Rev 22:14 KJV)


    And finally,

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    May all of those who love God and love their neighbor be fall in love with

    the Law which is the Ten Commandments. And say to God the words

    Oh, how I love your law!

    I meditate on it all day long.

    Ps 119:97NIV


    Created by:

    Elmer Gordula

    February 7, 2009