Sustainability Approach Sample & Assay Technologies

Sustainability Approach

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Sustainability Approach

Sample & Assay Technologies

QIAGEN follows a comprehensive approach to sustainability, aiming to reduce the environmental impact of our business, promote healthy and high-performance workplaces that enable both professional and personal development, drive long-lasting growth, and to help people across the globe live better lives.

The QIAGEN approach to sustainability

QIAGEN Sustainability Approach 2014 3


We believe that these three dimensions are closely interlinked, influencing and benefiting each other. We pledge to continually evaluate the potential impact of our business on those dimensions. Our commitment to sustainability will not stop when formal requirements are fulfilled. As a market and innovation leader in life sciences and molecular diagnostics, we strive to go above and beyond simply observing environmental and labor law regulations. There is much room for innovation when it comes to driving sustainable development in our industry and we are resolved to further capitalize on this potential.


Economic Progress

Green Development

Corporate Citizenship



» At QIAGEN, we want to make the world a better place to live – not only through scientific discovery and application, but also through sustainable stewardship.«

Making improvements in life that will last

QIAGEN makes improvements in life possible. For nearly 30 years, our products have benefited people around the world by enabling customers to achieve advances in life sciences and diagnostic applications.

As the world’s leading provider of innovative Sample & Assay Technologies, our mission is to make improvements in life possible by enabling customers to achieve outstanding success and breakthroughs in Molecular Diagnostics, Applied Testing, Pharma and Academia. By providing innovative, automated solu-tions for the isolation, handling and analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins across a broad range of needs, we help our customers transform raw biological samples into valuable insights.

Genomic information is increasingly becoming the driver in life science research and healthcare, and QIAGEN provides novel technologies across the value chain. QIAGEN has purposed strategically to create value in scientific and clinical applications by integrating our advanced automated systems, state-of-the-art sample-prep solutions and broad menu of test content with industry-leading bioinformatics solutions. Our software for analysis and interpretation of genomic data supports seamless workflows for laboratories to achieve actionable insights from molecular testing.

Molecular diagnostics are disseminating rapidly in healthcare and becoming critical in guiding medical treatments, both to achieve the best outcomes for patients and to get control of rising healthcare costs. QIAGEN provides a broad portfolio of tests for use in preventing disease, profiling infectious diseases, personalizing treatment based on genomic information and providing point of care diagnosis. In industry and academic research, our technologies provide essential testing tools and efficient workflows to guide biomedical experiments and translational medicine. Our Applied Testing solutions are used in forensics to analyze “genetic fingerprints” and exonerate or convict defendants, in veterinary diagnostics to contain outbreaks of animal diseases, and in food safety testing and biosecurity applications.

We recognize that ongoing success for QIAGEN strongly depends on the sustainability of society’s resourc-es, as well as continuous reduction of any negative impact our business has on them. Without sustainable development that includes economic, environmental and social dimensions, it is difficult to make improve-ments in life last. It is, therefore, vitally important for all of our stakeholders – employees, customers, patients, shareholders and communities – that we align our commercial business practices with the goal of acting responsibly in our social and natural environments. We will always strive to achieve growth in har-mony with economic, environmental, human and social dimensions.

At QIAGEN, we want to make the world a better place to live – not only through scientific discovery and application, but also through sustainable stewardship. This is a responsibility and a challenge we believe we can live up to. We recognize and embrace sustainability as an integral part of corporate policy and as a measure for the success of our enterprise.

We started publishing our approach to sustainability and activities in 2009. We know much remains to be done, so I would like to invite you to visit our website regularly to learn more about the progress we are making – step by step. Thank you for being part of our mission!

Peer M. Schatz, Chief Executive Officer

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Protecting the environment, health and safety through our products has always been a hallmark of QIAGEN. No other company in life sciences has contributed more to the replacement of toxic elements in sample preparation procedures than QIAGEN.

Green Development

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» At QIAGEN, operational excellence is not only about achieving highest efficiency and quality, but also about minimizing the impact of our business on the environment. «

Green Development With the introduction of the world’s first plasmid kits in the 1980s, QIAGEN began to set the standard in molecular biology for sample preparation methods. These new methods widely replaced highly toxic pro-cedures – such as phenolchloroform extraction, ethidium-bromide staining, and cesium-chloride density centrifugation – that posed serious threats to the environ-ment and health of people working in labs. Our commitment to protect and pre-serve natural resources has expanded well beyond enhancing product safety. QIAGEN started corporate-wide initiatives to further reduce the environmental impact that our business has around the world.

Processes and infrastructures Measures, programs and activities

DOUGLAS L IU Senior Vice President, Head of Global Operations

Operational excellence QIAGEN has introduced the concept of QIAzen, a term cre-ated from the Japanese word KAIZEN, which means “con-tinuous improvement.” Twenty-five employees in Operations already received training to identify potential avenues to further improve our manufacturing organization, initiate proj-ects, and monitor implementation with cross-functional teams. All 25 achieved the “Green-Belt” certification, and 10 of them so far have started an extended training program targeting the “Black-Belt” level. By constantly optimizing operational workflows throughout manufacturing and pro-duction, QIAGEN reduces transportation, saves electricity and minimizes other impacts on natural resources.

Energy savings processEnergy savings play a major role in all of QIAGEN’s building investment decisions. Activities for improving energy efficien-cy encompass energy extraction from co-generators, better insulation of buildings, heat recovery and installation of intel-ligent building systems. Since 2003, a comprehensive pro-cess has helped facility managers to continuously identify potential saving opportunities, plan and monitor implementa-tion. Use of power-friendly equipment, sustainable selection of suppliers and optimized operational hours contribute to a high level of energy efficiency.

To meet our goals and limit the footprint of our business on the environment, we have introduced a broad panel of sus-tainability activities and programs.

Paper reductionQIAGEN is a member of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). For production of many printed materials, including packaging materials, the company has a policy to select suppliers that comply with FSC standards for printing pro-cesses and sustainable paper production. Reducing printed material and providing more links to online tools is a broad policy to support responsible paper consumption. QIAGEN has saved approximately 100 tons of paper since 2010. The company also has implemented a project to replace the printed multiple-page handbooks supplied with its kits with concise, single-sheet, quick-start protocols that include a link to complete versions of handbooks at www.qiagen.com. This action could reduce paper usage for each kit by an average of 90 %. So far this project has been applied to multiple product lines, including Ipsogen RUO, Pyro kits, therascreen and artus RUO. It is expected to save about 80,000 euros in printing and packaging costs in 2014.

Packaging and waste reductionQIAGEN’s procurement division has issued guidelines for suppliers requiring them to reduce packaging volumes by refraining from use of PVC and other potentially hazardous materials. Toxic chemicals pose real threats to human health and the environment, and QIAGEN has a long tradition of making our products safe and environmentally friendly for customers. So when the United Nations created the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) to define and communicate the hazards of chemical products through labeling and material safety data sheets, QIAGEN also took action.

In 2013, Korea became the first country in the world to enact regulations for labeling of chemical mixtures in accordance with the harmonized system. QIAGEN’s Asia Pacific team took ownership of a multi-departmental approach to coordi-nate implementation. The solution reclassified the relevant hazmat kits for Korea, enabling QIAGEN to maintain the regional business – and overcome the challenges that trou-bled many other enterprises.

In addition, QIAGEN has also performed an extensive inquiry into the company’s supply chain to ensure that no conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo or any of its adjoining countries are used in the company’s laboratory instruments.

The company uses biodegradable loose fill packaging made from 100 % recycled polystyrene and has been taking posi-tive measures to improve the workflow. Through a new proj-ect implemented in 2013, QIAGEN has substantially reduced kit volumes by using fewer inserts and optimizing design. This also helps to save manual operation time and transpor-tation costs. QIAGEN also plans to implement production of climate-neutral kit packaging. As climate change has become a global issue, climate-neutral means that the packaging is produced, used and disposed of emission-free, or that emis-sions generated are offset elsewhere.

At most sites, waste reduction and recycling are standard business practices – part of our commitment to conducting operations in a sustainable manner and in accordance with regulations. Our U.S. headquarters recycles all cardboard, paper, batteries and commingled materials. The European headquarters and other sites in the region collect and return all packaging waste carrying the “Green Dot”. QIAGEN is proud of its leadership through the achievement of a number of key goals for recycling in our global operations.

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QIAGEN’s production and R&D facilities in Hilden (Germany) received the LEED Gold certificate in 2011.

QIAGEN’s new production and research facilities in Germany and the United States are certified under the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED program, the only global standard for sustainable buildings. Likewise, QIAGEN strives to improve existing facilities and save energy. Present activities for improved energy efficiency include energy extraction from co-generators, better insulation of buildings, heat recovery and installation of intelligent building systems.

Green building

Green buildingQIAGEN is committed to enhancing the green standards of our buildings by incorporating specifications for energy and water efficiency, air quality and materials. Site expansions including new buildings at our regional headquarters in Germany and in the United States include Gold-standard certifications under the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED certification program. QIAGEN’s new facilities in Hilden are the first laboratory and the first production building in Europe to meet the high criteria for energy efficiency and earn the Gold–standard certification. Only a few buildings worldwide are certified under the LEED program.

Energy savingQIAGEN is committed to saving energy. We run simulations to reduce energy consumption and have installed sophisti-cated energy recovery and control systems to provide only the minimum of power required for operations.

Actions taken to reduce power consumption in our headquar-ters in the United States and Germany contain light sensors in hallways, restrooms, storage areas and parking decks, as well as the use of energy-saving LEDs, replacement of incandes-cent fixtures with low-energy-use 28 watt bulbs, and fixed runtime of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. In the European headquarters in Hilden, QIAGEN has invest-ed 120,000 euros to replace fluorescent lamps with LED ones, which are expected to save 225,000-230,000 kWh per year. Previously, fluorescent lamps were permanently on,

Incandescent fixtures have been replaced with low- energy-use 28 watt bulbs.

whether a forklift was in the aisle or not, and every lamp had to be replaced yearly. Now the lights switch on automatically when a forklift enters the aisle, and the light intensity has been reduced. The new lights save as much as 72 % in energy consumption and 150 tons of carbon dioxide per year.

Water consumptionOur main administration and production facility in the United States now uses “process” water produced during manufac-turing to cool the building. Hand-activated faucets have been installed in all restrooms, and all water coolers have been replaced with filtered water dispensers.

TransportationSome manufacturing machines have been placed at sup-pliers’ sites to reduce transportation-related impacts on the environment. At its headquarters, QIAGEN has introduced discounted train and bus tickets, encouraging employees to use public transportation more frequently. The pool of com-pany cars has been changed to ecological and CO2-efficient models in a continuous adjustment process. Low emissions play a critical role in the decision process for new company cars.

At most sites, video conferencing systems have been installed to allow virtual team meetings and reduce travel between sites. In France, the collection of dry ice from customers upon delivery spares extra transportation and shipping.

Printed multiple-page handbooks are replaced by single-sheet protocols and only available for download at www.qiagen.com.


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Transportation QIAGEN’s pool of company cars includes cars with low emissions and a proven record of helping to protect the environment. The company also encourages its employees to use public transportation more frequently.

– 225,000 – 43,600 liters/day– 150 tons 150 tons of CO2 were saved in 2013 through improved compressed air generation, chillers and optimized building management systems.

225,000 kWh is saved per year by replacing fluorescent lamps with LED ones.

43,600 liters/day of water are saved in our production facility in the United States.



Results and progress

As a result of our commitment to environmentally sustainable development, we have reduced emissions significantly. In 2013, QIAGEN saved approximately 150 tons of CO2 through improved compressed air generation and chillers, as well as the optimized building management systems at our head-quarters. Despite an average increase in production of 15 % year over year, energy consumption at our main manufactur-ing site is reduced by approximately 11 % each year.

Our U.S. production facility saves around more than 16,000,000 liters of potable water per year (that equals more than 43,600 liters of water a day) by using waste water produced in the manufacturing process to cool the building.

Paper recycling QIAGEN products are packaged into handy kits containing all necessary parts for a given application. The company uses loose fill packaging and has established recycling and waste reduction as standard business practices.

Energy saving QIAGEN runs simulations to reduce energy consumption and has installed sophisticated energy recovery and control systems to provide only the minimum of power required for operations.

In our European headquarter in Hilden, Germany, regenera-tive electricity accounts for approximately 11 % of our total energy expenditure. Despite expansion in production volume, the paper consumption has been reduced continuously – mainly by transition from printed materials to a wider range of online tools available at www.qiagen.com. Reductions in use of HVAC systems for administrative and support areas during off hours have helped QIAGEN North America reduce energy consumption by up to 30 % each day. In the United States, the proportion of post-consumer waste paper used in production has increased to 75 %.

These are just preliminary results. We are constantly identify-ing new opportunities for the preservation of our natural resources. At QIAGEN, the process never stops.

Only a company that is economically sustainable can make improvements in life possible in the long run. QIAGEN’s economic contribution goes far beyond creating shareholder value – it has a catalytic impact locally and globally by helping to create jobs, stimulating local economies and contribut ing to the funding of public services.

Economic Progress

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Training and retention QIAGEN recognizes that employees are our most important resource. Their exceptional talent, skill and passion are key to our long-term success and corporate value. Employee development is therefore viewed as an integral success fac-tor in creating lasting value for our customers, patients, col-leagues, partners and shareholders. QIAGEN has estab-lished a global Performance Enhancement System (PES), which creates a clear framework of regular, one-on-one review sessions for managers and each of their employees to discuss career development topics. These sessions include discussions of goals and their achievement, assessment of relevant competencies as well as definition of training needs and further career planning steps. Professional Training & Development at QIAGEN is an ongoing process that reaches all employees, which cycles from the PES goal and develop-ment discussion to training participation and learning trans-fer, and then back to PES (see chart below). A series of regional training programs are designed to create a work environment that empowers and involves employees. For example, QIAGEN China has launched an innovative effort called the Leadership Acceleration Program (LAP) to develop middle managers into the future leadership of the company – supporting our global goal of being the industry’s employer

Innovation managementQIAGEN’s kit innovation revolutionized molecular biology. Long-term success in the life sciences, however, requires the ability to innovate continuously. QIAGEN understands inno-vation as a comprehensive, multi-level process that is organ-ized cross-departmentally and transparently. Our approach allows for maximum planning and control. Innovation is continuously reviewed by outside teams of experts from R & D, Marketing, Operations, Controlling, and Project Management. Product development runs in seven steps from the initial idea to post-launch evaluation. While a strict process for innova-tion is of great importance, we believe that an open discus-sion climate and a strong link to our customers also benefit innovation. QIAGEN follows a global innovation manage-ment approach that calls on all employees to review pro-cesses and work flows continuously in order to identify all types of innovation potentials: product, market, business model and organizational ideas. A transparent internal com-munication culture and an award system for innovative behavior support an active search for and subsequent imple-mentation of innovations at all levels.

In June 2011, QIAGEN and its employees were awarded the “Best Innovator 2011” title by the renowned consulting firm A.T. Kearney. The prize is awarded annually by an expert jury from

Economic Progress Long-term business success is the outcome of the efficient use and sustained maintenance of all assets and resources we employ – financial or human capital, brand equity and corporate governance. All of these factors contribute to the creation of value for all of our stakeholders.

Processes and infrastructures

of choice by attracting and developing top talent and teams. The first 25 trainees began the development program in March 2013 and graduated in February 2014. Each partici-pant will receive individual coaching, as well as classroom and group workshop sessions.

Business developmentQIAGEN pursues a corporate strategy designed for long-term success. We focus on sample and assay technologies and use this core competency to sell our products in several markets. We have a leading position in each of these markets: Molecular Diagnostics, Academic Research, Pharmaceutical Industry and Applied Testing. Most of these markets are underpenetrated, providing strong potential for enduring growth. This is particularly true for human medical diagnostics, where new molecular methods are increasingly replacing traditional solutions. QIAGEN rigorously follows a stringent business development process to address the fast-growth opportunities in emerging regional markets and cus-tomer segments. The strategy includes acquisitions and col-laborations to support strong organic growth and to drive future profitability.

17 countries to companies with outstanding innovation man-agement systems and success. QIAGEN competed with more than 100 well-known companies in different business sectors and was selected the overall winner in Germany for 2011.

Our approach to a global and cross-functional innovation strategy was decisive in winning this honor. This approach is anchored in the QIAGEN “Identity” and corporate culture, as well as our Inspire and Impact framework. We are continually working to further expand and reinforce QIAGEN’s market and technology leadership. In our industry, success is based on innovation – and we strive to lead our field in this regard.

QIAGEN is successful because we place selection, develop-ment, leadership and management of employees at the cen-ter of our innovation management. The objective of encour-aging innovation is clearly mapped out in all of our relevant cultural, leadership, management (3I) and human resources processes. This approach was explicitly mentioned during the Best Innovator award ceremony in Berlin: “QIAGEN is the best example of a ‘learning organization’ as it focuses on its central values of inspiration, identity and impact,” explained Dr. Kai Engel, Partner at A.T. Kearney business consultants.

»180° Process«

Personnel development at QIAGEN is an ongoing, multi-stage process reaching all employees.








QIAGEN was awarded the „Best Innovator 2011“

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Brand managementCustomer satisfaction and loyalty are fundamental to long-lasting business success. Over the past quarter of a century, QIAGEN has created the strongest brand in the industry. We are committed to further developing this key asset. A brand management team, established in 2005, is responsible for ensuring that the company strategy and desired customer perceptions are aligned with each other. The team monitors and ensures consistency of the QIAGEN brand and its vari-ous elements over the long run. The brand team initiates enhancements to the brand image and oversees uniform implementation across the globe. Through this centralized approach, QIAGEN ensures that the external brand image of the company is consistent for all of our customers.

Corporate governanceConducting business lawfully, ethically, and with high integ-rity are undisputed fundamental values and principles for the long-term success of any company. QIAGEN takes this to heart, and we believe we are more committed to ensuring compliance with these business principles than many other companies. To support this commitment, QIAGEN has estab-lished a Compliance Program under the leadership of the CFO and Chief Compliance Officer. The program is sup-

ported by a Compliance Committee that coordinates our efforts: consisting of managers from Legal, Internal Audit, HR and Regulatory functions. The Compliance Program is over-seen by the Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board.

» A clear and concise strategy, a strong brand and our relentless focus on innovations are the cornerstones of QIAGEN’s past success and future growth«

DR . THOMAS SCHWE INS Senior Vice President, Head of HR, Corporate Strategy & Marketing Services

Management Campus Programs (MC)Three Management Campus Programs are designed to secure the sustainable development of QIAGEN’s future leadership generations:

• MC for Starters prepares high-performing employees to take an initial leadership position. The program provides leadership basics and an overview of relevant business management topics.

• MC I accelerates the development of the company’s experi-enced managers by providing further insights into advanced leadership and management topics.

• MC II is a senior executive program designed to increase the leadership skills and management knowledge of out-

Measures, programs and activities

knowledge essential to an executive career in the industry and at QIAGEN in particular. Participants study in an inter-national environment with colleagues from around the world. Two modules of the program are conducted with partner universities in the U.S.: Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts and Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers, Florida. By the end of 2015, a total number of 65 QIAGEN employees will complete the MBA program.

Compensation systemThe company has introduced frameworks for performance-based compensation, new equity based compensation stand-ards and incentive programs designed to stimulate new ideas and innovation. At QIAGEN, the bonus system inte-grates each and every employee, allowing the entire staff to benefit directly from the company’s economic success. Our equity incentive program is designed to induce encourage share-holding employees to work for the long-term benefit of the company and to provide additional incentives for sustain-able success.

QIAGEN cooperates with the University of Würzburg for an executive MBA program for selected employees.

standing QIAGEN senior managers by a more individual development approach. The program mainly focuses on leadership coaching sessions, as well as on business-relat-ed innovative actions.

All programs include face-to-face sessions, project work, discussions with QIAGEN senior managers and/or EC mem-bers, spanning a period of approximately one year.

The decision to participate in these programs is made during a multi-level process. One requirement is participation in a development center that provides the candidate with thor-ough feedback on his or her behavior. The development center provides an analysis of strengths and development areas, as well as a plan for further development. Final pro-gram candidates are then selected from these participants.

QIAGEN Executive MBA Business Integration ProgramTo support future growth, QIAGEN offers employees the opportunity to participate in the QIAGEN Executive MBA Business Integration Program in cooperation with the University of Würzburg, Germany. The program provides professionals with a wide range of management skills and

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The compliance manual translates all relevant regulations and requirements into clear, precise, and understandable guidelines for QIAGEN’s employees.

Results and progressQIAGEN is uniquely positioned to address the significant growth opportunities in the life sciences and diagnostics markets. Our market leadership builds on our global foot-print, our portfolio of solutions that cover the entire value chain from sample to result and expertise in leveraging our core capabilities for all customer classes. The company has achieved double-digit organic growth rates over years, out-performing the industry. To a large extent this growth is driven by the company’s proven capability to innovate. QIAGEN routinely generates around 5 percentage points of its organic growth through sales of new products launched within the previous 12 months.

The successful management of knowledge is a key driver for sustainable innovation and a strong indicator of the success of QIAGEN training and retention programs. In Germany, QIAGEN has been recognized as one of the country’s “Top Employers” for several times during the past years. In 2009 and 2010, the company also ranked No. 1 in the category of “human resources development”. In 2014, the CRF Institute, an independent coalition of human resource experts, once again named QIAGEN a Top Employer (TOP Arbeitgeber) in Germany based on evaluation of a broad range of HR practices. The award was given against a background of significant changes

at QIAGEN. The central el ement of initiatives focusing on our growth and effectiveness has been to expand, develop and strengthen QIAGEN’s leadership and talent base. Even in a challenging business environment, QIAGEN has a significant commitment to becoming an employer of choice and further enhancing our position as a great place to work.

Our brand management is clearly delivering: Among custom-ers QIAGEN has become synonymous with the highest qual-ity and trust. We regularly conduct surveys among our cus-tomers to identify our brand equity and image compared to other companies in the industry. Customer surveys repeatedly have shown that QIAGEN is the company interviewees trust most – far more than any other firm. According to the results of the latest customer survey, QIAGEN also outperformed all competitors in product reliability (71 %) and corporate repu-tation among customers (70 %) – marking another major increase from the previous brand surveys conducted in 2005 and 2007. The impact of strong brand reputation and famili-arity goes well beyond customer recognition. These values also help attract new employees, expand leadership and increase market share, while reducing costs and building competitive advantage. All of these factors make QIAGEN an economically and financially sustainable company.

QIAGEN has rolled out a comprehensive compliance program to ensure that all employees are aware of applicable regulations, legal, and ethical requirements in our business. The Global Policy Manual translates this framework into clear, concise guidelines supported by online training for a better understanding of policies and behaviors. Additional measures include regular trainings conducted by external as well as in-house legal and regulatory experts.

Global Policy ManualIN FOCUS

65 84 %1st

QIAGEN became the first German company listed on the technology-oriented NASDAQ stock exchange in New York.

65 employees in total will complete QIAGEN’s Executive MBA course by 2015.

84 % of 700 customers from the US, Europe and China chose QIAGEN products as the most fre-quently used ones.

Product brand enhancementsNew, value-driving products incorporated from acquisitions (e. g., the digene HPV Test or Rotor-Gene® Q) are strictly “QIAGENized” in accordance with guidelines provided by the brand management team. Under this system, the brand-ing of acquired products is carefully translated into the vali-dated corporate design theme based on the principle of “one face to the customer. “ Likewise, new products launched by the company must fit into the branding framework.

Compliance programQIAGEN has rolled out a comprehensive compliance pro-gram. It translates the Code of Business Conduct and accom-panying specific corporate compliance policies – as well as applicable legal, regulatory, and ethical requirements – into clear, precise, understandable guidelines for our employees.

These policies are collected in a Global Policy Manual, which is provided to all employees worldwide. Online train-ing supports all employees – for example, explaining spe-cific policies and clarifying appropriate behavior. QIAGEN offers a number of communication resources for compliance matters to our employees. We have established a hotline for the reporting of accounting-related concerns on an anony-mous basis in good faith. We also offer a direct e-mail and telephone hotline for our employees to address questions or make suggestions for the improvement of our Compliance Program. The compliance awareness of our employees in all areas of the world is further increased by regular training conducted by external as well as in-house legal and regula-tory experts.

At QIAGEN, sustainability is a key aspect of our corporate mission to make improvements in life possible. We believe it is our responsibility to provide all people universal and equal access to our healthcare solutions. This means facilitating access to our lifesaving sample and assay technologies for people around the world.

Corporate Citizenship

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1 million HPV tests for the world’s poorest countries In 2009, QIAGEN launched a donation program consisting of 1 million of its HPV tests to bring cervical cancer screening to the world’s develop-ing countries.

QIAGENcares aims to provide cutting-edge molecular sample and assay tech-nologies to people worldwide, regard-less of their economic or social status.

Corporate Citizenship At the same time, we want to help ensure that commu nities where we work can flourish, by supporting local initiatives aimed at improving lives in cultural, social or scientific settings. QIAGEN is committed to creating and maintaining a sustainable, healthy, high-performance work environment that allows our employees to experience professional and personal fulfillment and success.

Processes and infrastructures

need can be effectively reached for testing. As part of the program, educational campaigns and community outreach efforts are planned to help raise awareness about HPV, cervical cancer and other women’s health issues. The proj-ect kicked off in February 2010 and will last five years. So far, this project has screened more than 36,000 women and has detected 216 cases of High Grade Squamous Intra-epithelial Lesions (HSIL) and 52 cases of cervical can-cers. Most of the cervical cancers were at early, treatable stages and more than 90 % of these patients have been treated at CNCI. In addition, many doctors and commu-nity-based healthcare workers have been trained in HPV screening.

• Additional aspects of QIAGEN’s commitment to broader access to lifesaving diagnostics include our careHPV prod-uct and donations for tests to cervical cancer screening projects. careHPV is an adaptation of our state-of-the-art HPV test specifically designed for use in low-resource set-tings without electricity or running water, such as develop-

While QIAGENcares includes a broad range of initiatives, we have a strong commitment to fighting cervical cancer through testing for infections with the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is the primary cause of cervical cancer, which claims nearly 300,000 lives every year, 80 % of them in developing countries. Studies have shown that access to advanced screening methods, such as the company’s HPV test, can significantly reduce cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates.

• QIAGEN launched a donation program consisting of 1 mil-lion HPV tests to bring cervical cancer screening to devel-oping countries. QIAGEN works closely with global health advocates and public health partners to select and serve appropriate recipient groups in the most effective manner. Another initiative is the collaboration between QIAGEN and the Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI) that provides free cervical cancer screening to 50,000 women in rural areas surrounding Kolkata, India. Screening is facilitated through mobile field clinics so that those most in

ing countries. It was developed in collaboration with the nonprofit health organization PATH, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The careHPV test offers HPV detection results in a matter of hours – a critical character-istic for women in developing countries traveling to clinics from isolated villages and for women who may need to be treated the same day. Both QIAGEN HPV screening tech-nologies – careHPV and the “gold standard” digene HPV Test – are expected to play a key role in reducing cervical cancer worldwide.

The latest initiatives with careHPV include:

• El Salvador. In El Salvador, tests for cervical cancer have been conducted for women using the careHPV Tests donated by QIAGEN since 2012. QIAGEN is working in a partnership with the Ministry of Health and the NGO Basic Health International. The second phase commenced in September 2013 and aims to screen 8,000 women. The Ministry of Health intends to extend the screening to a total

QIAGENcaresQIAGENcares is the company’s comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility Program, an umbrella for the support of initiatives that improve lives by fighting diseases in which the company’s products can play an important role. Meetings with global health advocates and public health partners help ensure efficient distribution of donations to appropriate recipients.

QIAGENcares aims to provide cutting-edge molecular sam-ple and assay technologies to people worldwide, regardless of their economic or social status.

Measures, programs and activities



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In Kolkata, QIAGEN is cooperating with local health institutions to pro-vide free cervical cancer screening to women most in need.

Support Hephata, an initiative employing the skills of handicapped citizens in Hilden under-takes a broad array of operational tasks for QIAGEN.

of 30,000 women, before extending it across the country. This program also includes a study that involves women tak-ing the sample themselves. A cost study conducted by researchers at Harvard University shows that DNA-based careHPV Tests are less expensive than the Pap smear in the long term.

• Vanuatu. When women in the group of islands in the South Pacific die of cancer, in all likelihood it is cervical cancer. QIAGEN partnered with the Frazer Family Foundation, led by Professor Ian Frazer, a renowned scientist who helped to develop the basic technology for the HPV vaccine. QIAGEN is donating careHPV Tests for a national screen-

Support of local initiativesIn recent years, QIAGEN has supported a broad range of local initiatives in several countries where our businesses are based. These range from sponsorship of health walks, music festivals, preschool science education, disease awareness campaigns, installation of school laboratories and promotion of biology in school curricula. Our local engagement goes well beyond financial funding. In Hilden, for instance, QIAGEN collaborates with Hephata, a local institution of handicapped citizens who undertake a broad array of opera-tional tasks for the company, including certain packaging, production and cleaning responsibilities. In Germantown, Maryland, QIAGEN has established the Americas Community

Cervical cancer is a major problem in emerging regions. Most of the cases are found in these areas. In February 2010, QIAGEN kicked off a project partnering with the Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute to establish the first large-scale cervical cancer screening program in Kolkata, India. The initiative, which is part of the QIAGENcares program, will benefit 50,000 women over a five-year period.

50,000 HPV tests for IndiaIN FOCUS

ing program there. This program aims to test all women aged 30 and over every 10 years – or at least once in a lifetime. From 2014, QIAGEN will participate in the first phase of set-up, which also includes training and informa-tion events. The goal is to screen 3,500 women in the shortest possible time.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that the 1 million HPV tests donated by QIAGEN could save the lives of up to 2,400 women. In India, the collabora-tion with CNCI has detected a large number of women with not only HPV affection but also other gynecological dis-eases, including breast cancers, during the past four years.

Service Committee, aiming to further our mission of making improvements in life possible by mobilizing employees to vol-unteer and providing company funds for projects that improve the lives of people in our local and national community.

28 QIAGEN Sustainability Approach 2014 QIAGEN Sustainability Approach 2014 29

QIAGEN’s 1st Volunteer Fair with the participation of about 30 volunteer organizations was held at the Germantown facility on September 19th, 2013.The goal was to aid employees in connecting with volunteer-based organizations either to use their paid 8-hours of QIAGEN Community Service or to establish a more long term service-based relationship.

SponsoringOther sponsoring activities include the company’s coopera-tion with the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) for the identification of people missing from the war in Srebrenica (Bosnia in 1995). Thanks to QIAGEN technol-ogies, the scientists at ICMP are able to extract DNA from every sample they have – even degraded bone fragments – and give thousands of victims their identities back. Another example is QIAGEN’s support of scientific expeditions to Mount Everest by the University of Pennsylvania aiming to develop novel molecular tests for gene doping. These initia-tives and projects show once again how QIAGEN products make improvements in the quality of life possible.

Workplace healthIn today’s business climate, the health of employees is often directly related to the health of the company. Increased job satisfaction, improved morale, reduced injuries, and increased productivity are just some of the benefits a healthy work environment can produce. At most headquarters, QIAGEN regularly offers “health days” where all employees are invit-ed to receive free counsel and participate in screening and nutrition programs, and medical check-up. The company

implemented a “Weight Watchers @ work” program offering interested employees the opportunity to learn more about the Weight Watchers concept and consequently reduce their weight. QIAGEN provides in-house gyms open to all employ-ees, sports courses coached by professional trainers, on-site soccer fields, beach volleyball courts and table tennis, all free of charge, as well as mobile massages for relaxation. All employees have access to medical care, including free inoculations against swine flu. All female employees have free access to screening for HPV. QIAGEN also regularly offers a smoking cessation program, helping employees quit smoking to benefit their long-term health.

Work-life balanceQIAGEN provides services to help employees balance their personal lives with the company’s dynamic work environ-ment, including in-house corporate child care and sabbatical programs, as well as company-sponsored fitness and health facilities. Flexible work hours apply to all employees except those in functions that require on-time presence (such as production). In 2010, the company implemented voluntary workshops for employees to learn about stress recovery, bal-

Results and progressSponsoring activities have a positive effect on employees’ loyalty and identification with the company. In QIAGEN’s anonymous “pulse check” surveys, 68 % of employees claim they would recommend QIAGEN as an employer of choice. Further results of the survey, which is conducted quarterly, show an overall job satisfaction rating of 68 % across all functions and locations. A satisfied and loyal workforce is a key asset for creating sustainable value in the years to come. We are proud of the results from our investments in personnel development, career management and benefits programs. Our company has received several national and interna-tional awards as an employer of talented, passionate, moti-vated employees. The Scientist, one of the world’s leading magazines for the life sciences, ranked QIAGEN as one of the best places to work in the entire industry. In Germany, QIAGEN has already been recognized as one of the coun-try’s “Top Employers” for several times.

anced diet, exercise, relaxation (including company events for all employees, like summer/winter parties), and how to balance work and personal life effectively.

1,000,000The 1 million HPV tests donated by QIAGEN could save the lives of up to 2,400 women.

QIAGEN has been recognized as one of Germany’s ‘Top Employers’ for 8 times within 9 years (2006-2014).

The number of employees increased by 173 % during the last 10 years due to QIAGEN’s rapid growth and expansion.

173 %8


30 QIAGEN Sustainability Approach 2014

QIAGEN is the global market leader in molecular Sample & Assay Technologies. These technologies serve to transform raw biological samples into valuable molecular insights.

Sample Technologies It all starts with the sample. Genetic material must be extracted from a biological sample and be specifically processed before it can be analyzed in a variety of applications. QIAGEN is the world’s leading provider of technologies and products for the isolation and preparation of nucleic acids like DNA or RNA.

Assay TechnologiesAssay technologies are used to analyze the extracted and processed genetic material as well as to interpret and report the test results. These technologies include reagents for the detection of user-defined DNA and RNA sequences, specific tests to detect the presence of individual viruses, bacteria or gene mutations, and advanced bioinformatics solutions for interpreting and reporting biological data.

QIAGEN markets more than 500 core products for biologi-cal sample preparation and diagnostic assays, as well as instruments for the automation of entire workflows from sample to result. The company’s intellectual property encom-passes more than 2,200 patents and licenses, including the exclusive rights to various biomarkers that can help to guide treatment decisions in personalized healthcare.

$1.3 billion






1984ExperienceQIAGEN was founded in 1984 by scientists from the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany.

LocationsQIAGEN operates 35 locations in over 20 countries and has more than 60 sales offices worldwide.

ProductsQIAGEN markets more than 500 core products.

PatentsQIAGEN’s intellectual property portfolio encompasses more than 2,200 patents and licenses. Sales

QIAGEN net sales surpassed $1.3 billion in 2013.

CustomersQIAGEN serves more than 500,000 customers worldwide.


Approximate percentage of overall revenue distribution FY 2013.

EmployeesQIAGEN now employs a staff of more than 4,000 worldwide.

QIAGEN’s products target four markets

QIAGEN at a glance

19 % Pharma

• Pharmaceutical Research• Biotech

50 %Molecular Diagnotics

• Disease Prevention• Profiling • Personalized Healthcare• Point-of-need Testing

8%Applied Testing

• Forensics • Veterinary Diagnostics• Food Testing• Others
