Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T

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  • 7/30/2019 Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T


    My Super food: Sweet potatoes

  • 7/30/2019 Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T


    What nutrients does the sweet potato


    Nutrition information per serving of onemedium sweet potato:

    Calories: 130

    Calories from fat: 0.39 g

    Protein: 2.15 g

    Carbohydrate: 31.56 g Dietary Fiber: 3.9 g

    Sodium: 16.9 mg

    Potassium: 265.2 mg

    Calcium: 28.6 mg

    Folate: 18.2 mcg

    Vitamin C: 29.51 mg

    Vitamin A: 26081.9 IU Source: National Agricultural Library (NAL),

    part of the Agricultural Research Service ofthe US Department of Agriculture.


    Fresh sweet potatoes (U.S.grown, orange flesh varieties)

    have been certified by theAmerican Heart Association(AHA) to be low in saturatedfat and cholesterol.

  • 7/30/2019 Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T


    California Sweet

    Potato Council


    on CA.

  • 7/30/2019 Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T


    These are hot bed for sweetpotatoes transplants. These hotbeds act as green houses to get theplants ready to be planted for thespring season.

  • 7/30/2019 Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T


    Sweet Potato production is a long and

    labor intensive operation.


    Sweet potato slips are planted into the fields using specialized equipment that

    creates a slot, drops the plant into the ground, waters it, they pushes the soil

    back in place, all in one operation. Trans planters use a lot of water-often asmuch as 2,000 gallons per acre. Sweet potatoes need light (sandy), well

    drained soil for best production.


  • 7/30/2019 Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T



    In California, most sweet potatoes are furrow

    irrigated, but about one-third of the

    production acres use drip irrigation. This

    technique applies water very uniformly and

    allows the farmer to also apply fertilizer

    during the growing season.

  • 7/30/2019 Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T



    Usually starting 100 to 130 days after

    transplanting, the crop is harvested using

    specialized digging equipment. Tractors pull

    large harvesters that lift the sweet potatoes

    out of the ground, and then move them along

    a conveyor belt, where they are sorted byhand and placed into bins.

  • 7/30/2019 Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T


    StorageNormally sweet potatoes are

    stored in large shed at about

    60 F and 85% relativehumidity . This temperature

    helps so the crop is available

    year round.

    Marketing Most California sweet potatoes

    are sold for the fresh market,

    predominantly in the WesternU.S. Most are consumed on

    major holidays, but the delicious

    sweet potato can be served and

    enjoyed at any time of the year.



  • 7/30/2019 Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T



    Rosemary Sweet Potato Wedges


    2 tablespoons olive oil

    1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary or 2

    teaspoons dried

    3 medium sweet potatoes

    1 teaspoon salt

    1/4 teaspoon pepper

    Onions and cheddar cheese on top

    1.Preheat the oven to 450F.2.In a small saucepan, spread the oil over medium

    heat. Stir in the rosemary.

    3.Cut the sweet potatoes lengthwise into 1 1/2-inch-thick wedges and place in a large bowl. Seasonwith the salt and pepper, and drizzle with the

    rosemary mixture. Toss gently.4.Arrange the wedges on a large baking sheet in a

    single layer so they don't touch. Bake in theupper third of the oven for 20 minutes, turningonce, or until softened and lightly browned.Then put cheddar cheese leave in oven for aboutfive minutes. Season again with salt and pepper,and carefully remove from the sheet (thewedges are relatively fragile and last of all justput green dice onions on top.



  • 7/30/2019 Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T



    Intake vs.

    Goal (%) Intake

    Intake vs.

    Goal (%) Intake

    Intake vs.

    Goal (%)

    A B C D E=(A-C) F=(B-D)






    Water L 2.7 0 1.3 48 2.35 87 -1.05 -39

    Kcals Kc als 2164 0 1372.62 63 2117.53 98 -744.91 -35

    PROTEIN g 48.63 0 54.27 112 106.78 220 -52.51 -108

    CHO g 236 0 187.28 N/A 241.19 N/A -53.91 N/A

    Fiber g 50 0 17.93 72 36.7 147 -18.77 -75

    LIPIDS g 46 0 48.32 N/A 91 N/A -42.68 N/A

    Saturated g 21 0 16.51 79 19.72 94 -3.21 -15

    EFA: n-6 g 12 0 7.17 60 21.31 178 -14.14 -118EFA: n-3 g 1.1 0 0.74 67 1.16 106 -0.42 -39

    Thiamin mg 1.1 0 1.09 99 1.73 157 -0.64 - 58

    Riboflavin mg 1.1 0 1.49 136 2.33 212 -0.84 - 76

    Niacin mg 14 35 13.58 97 27.4 196 -13.82 - 99

    B6 mg 1.3 100 1.17 90 2.35 181 -1.18 - 91

    B12 g 2.4 0 3.42 143 4.98 207 -1.56 - 64

    Folate g 400 1000 346.82 87 678.91 170 -332.09 - 83

    Vitamin C mg 75 2000 148.04 197 187.95 251 -39.91 - 54

    Vitamin D g 15 4000 4.36 29 4.7 31 -0.34 - 2

    (RAE) mc g 700 2800 656.44 94 885.52 127 -229.08 - 33

    Vitamin E mc g 15 800 4.16 28 15.45 103 -11.29 - 75

    Calcium mg 1000 2500 917.54 92 1086.04 109 -168.5 - 17

    Iron mg 18 45 10.48 58 20.84 116 -10.36 - 58

    Magnesium mg 310 350 203.95 66 522.16 168 -318.21 -102

    Potassium mg 4700 0 2294.81 49 3845.85 82 -1551.04 - 33

    Zinc mg 8 40 7.55 94 13.76 172 -6.21 - 78

    Sodium mg 1500 2300 1961.36 131 3142.08 209 -1180.72 - 78


    ENTER NUMBERS ONLY! From WB1 enter DRI Goals, Intake (column A),

    and Intake vs. Goal (column B)



    DRI GOALS WB1 3-day Analysis WB4 3-day WB1 vs WB4



  • 7/30/2019 Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T


    Changes I have started to make!!

    I have learn tremendous

    amount of information

    about nutrition. I need to stop skipping meals

    and started eating healthy.

    I have been working on not

    eating those hot Cheetos that I

    am so addicted to, they really

    dont have any nutrition

    benefit to my health.

    I started to go more to the

    gym and started to do

    Zumba. I have been drinking more

    water then before, to stay


    I have been trying toincorporate more vegetable

    in my meals in small steps.

  • 7/30/2019 Sweet Potatoes SandovalD F2T




