Weather Forecast MlcnJiiy, -J2! low, SO. Ixjvv till* - LEAOERSSTi[ JJiJOGEY^ Powcrful'"Oonscrvativc~Groxip Exerts Prcsauro Agninsl ‘‘JinBO" Minority ------------ , TENSION 0RQW8 LIGHTER Other Events Pointing Toward Less Ncrvoiw Futnrc in F n r En-st Hy 1‘n-sH While iiUlc/inKn am! iiiiljlkl!il;i —^ — th^ouchout-lh^-AYf)rJt^—continti*;t) conccrned Unlny over tho pon.'ilblli* ty of wur, cvcnLi did nol nppciar to be lidding to the «t«iiire of llic IwKcy they linvu crcalpil, Tiie Fnr Ennt continued « foc.il , point of martUtl rumuni witl) Japan ntill In Uiv*'n]>otlt(Tlit nil n mirt of IntemfttJcmul bad boy pn- rndlnij Innd ami nra with n clilj) on , liln shoulder. In Toltlo. howrvpr. wore Indicii- tionn that the powerful );roiip of cunncrvalivni, iinioiiK them I ’rlncc Kininochl .SaUmjI. "hwi of thr Ccnro." und Count MtilUno, who trnnnmlLi ihr vctornn iiljittflinnn' Idciin to Knipcror Ilirolilto. arc oi frtlnj; prr.s.iure with Incn-Anlnt; c f<«l on Ihr younurr mlllUiry o flcorfl who were creflltcd with Im' ln>: luid much to do with-the n< callcil "Manchurliin Incident." The budget commlttco- of tlic Jiipiinone pnrliument, ' which Im.i Jiiat convcneJ for tho ueriou.i bujil ne.uj of piuiainK hu^c urmy iind navy npproiirlutloim, ni,'reed on lute lust ypar by Uic'ciiblnct, liict In Tolcio ilurinff thu dny anJ lu-iinl frnnlc remarka by Count Uchldi . formor forclcn minister. Count Uchlda wonted to kmi' • (Continued on Paco 2. Column : FRENdiGABlI . REAOY IO I ■•CImutomps 'Position Tottcra in ___ Puhlio.UpMHrJ:cllowlnff _ .SUivlstty Soandal 1‘A-IllS. .Iim. IIMI) — Thi- <-iililiii't nwlKonl tuduy us a re- HiiK of imblle IndlRimtlnn mi.l (lfini)n»lmt!iiiin over tlio Stiiv- litliy baiilcnciiiiiliil. I'ARIS, Jan. ar ir.iii—I’rcmicr Ciinillle Chnutcmpii ami hla entire cablncl wore reported rondy to rc.il;;n momcnUrlly tlilH after- noon. cflpltulatlnij to the uproar of opposition crcntod by Iho Stii- vlnlty bankinp iwandul. I'ubllo Indlpnatlon over the acnndiil readied hURe jiroportlonn. ---Motiu' marchcd’ 1n the—atrcct-n uhoutlnp thrralJi and jiroinlalnc fcrentcr demonntrationu . tunlKhl- 1‘ollcu efforts to control the dcmoratratlon:! as.iumed n mill- tJiry unpcct. Thi! rcnlsnntltin of Kui;etie Haynuldy. mlnl.itcr of Juutlce. In tho mlil/it of cbarKcn Involvtajr him In the collnpsc of tho J 300.- 000.000 bsnlilnir InUrcstn. failed to iippenflc the opposIJJon. Acceptancc of the renlimatlon foJWwciJ by publlcntlon of eharfccn In Lc Matin, powerful; inominn newspaper, nfjalnat' Ccorfreii Bonnet, finance ralnlati: .ilomi center of n ' fljht on tl (,'overnnicnlM financial polley, Doom’s Squire Celebrates His 75th Birthday of rlii'ti mlntl him of hla ".1 ycar:i, cilo- -briitf<l-hi»- blrthilriy.- to<lny-by obscrvanocB rclntnl;:ccnl of the old Imperial dayji. ' iilly j:athurli pri’cht of HcKirn itncl oiiu-r: KatliiTPd around tho tiililf a t I’ol-idaJii. w Ihn.ie prc-ni'nt. The- ri>yal poslii H»nH of jiiT-iicnlfi HI of li^iCT of 'Cd ---------- HOJ’KH-IMSHKO HKHUN, Jan. 27 iIMH—Any anibllionii of thr formrr.Kai.irr '•or any olhur oUl-fii-nhluncd lilti;;" to return to the Ihn.ni; of Nazi Ccrinany were tlally danhi-d to<hiy In :i ritalcmrnt to the Unlto<l StatuH by ii hlfli party leader of tbe llltler i;ov- omnH'nt. The Hl-Tlemcnt ciim f ft -tW'' huuni aflvr a tcmup of forme r , linpiTliil army ofriciT.'i. catlicr- cd at thr Miirnioriiall to drUilt a hlrlhilay loa.nt 1 South Central Idaho Joins -Recovery Parade JIESS GAINS I S ilv e r P u rc h a s e B I S ! FEDERAL P ro v is o B e a te n -B y~S e ii-ate 4 ^ote- I Gold Bill Approval Expected Within ■ Few HourB - by Nazi 1 CIIY REDOUBLES AL Oommiltcc.s .PuBh T id e d Salii; For National Fete As Roosevelt Tribiite ;th tlnio for aLaclnj; llii' 1‘rc.ildwifii blrlhduy bull only Ihrco da>n away. local con tees today were puahlni; tlcliet lalcn la an effort to give ovcry me an opportunity to purticipati a thu campalfrn to provide u hup •ndowmpiil for the W nrtn Sprlni;n 3«„ Institution for the trtatment If Infantile paralynln, at Uie tlmo paying trlbuto to Prcsliicnt HoonevoU.-hrad-of-lho-iniiUtuUon which broupht hl.i phyalcul eoveo'. TicKeLi were on iiale by'a ien’« dlvlnlon. and _ncw;ilxiyn err compellnir for prlsc.-j offered Ijy Chlrf of I'olltc Elroil. ranule Miiniluy Monday afttnioon n parade la anned. It waii annnunceil by Joe kohler, Rcneral chairman of the conJmlttce. There will be n spc- cliil broaclcuHt Monday evcnlnR. Tue-^day nlcht. durlnj: the ball, whlrh will he .ntaircd almulUne. ily over the nation, the preid' dent will addreii-1 the cfiuntry n'Klant rndlo network. that nufflMQpiiiinprn WWRAU&r- . Licutonnnt-Qovcmor, Leading Bond Broker Imlioted At Des Moines . Dies M0INK3,- Ja.. Jan. 27 ii:.i:i —A Con-ijilnicy to defraud tho fed- eral t'ovtrnment In ndmlnlatmtlon of mllllona of ilollum worth of public ■vvorka projecti In.loAva was l>> charjroO today oRalnst Lieut. Gov. Nclnon G. Kra.ichel and Carlton ,D,.. BcU. prominent De* ilolncs bond broker, . Kraachcl until liuit N'ov. H atnte flecrttary for the public work.-j ftdmlnl.itrfttlon. At' that tlmo he wofl removed from PWA •work by Secrctarj' of the In^ tcrio'r Ickea. TJic cliarfe-i t>B?.in»l Kraach^ -and'Beh-T'i-crc-contBlnBa“ la two IndiclmentJi returned by a federul • i;mnd jur>’. BotJi men Wcro named In one Indictment charting o con- .... ..oplriicy, to. dcfraud-.tijo. .United _il __ -£tatca.and.Bch_\vo5_nnmcd_alon<j . In another Indictment chnrping that hfi for^ird oeve'nil paci'" of • ? an nppllcfvtlon for « JHO.OOO loan *> and eront to the city of Ottumwa, 1*^ la. Kroitchel made ji public state- I mpnl. polntlnj; out that he had not been o/forded an opportunity : MO defend hlmiiolf.,. He #ald he would Inalat on an Imrtiedlnto trial of the charpes. ^ .. .... Icamt'd todii Ciwitleford will join In the 1 lliniunh efforU) of itn local nmlttcc. The hlRh achool audi- torium then: will l>e mad'? avail- able without i-xpeniio and the Caatieford orchcatra will fumlah the niualc and donate lUi itcrvlcen. kombera of the Caatliiford i'Sltteo are 13. C. Davis, chalnnan, CborRe II. Clement, Roy W CiiKcr, Albert Hellrr. Mr. am Mrii. S. A. Glllett, Mra. T. Symr. Mra. I’carl Kbiibrou(;h and Sam Lockhart. Chairman ,Koehler atJited that the Mountain Staten Tolephonc company. throuKh M. R Dolllnfc. lerate by plac- autiacrlber: ' .liability of loise-Murder-Gaflt Set for Jan. 29 I30ISK. .Jan. 27 iIM’i—Trial of Idaho VII. I-'rcd V'ord, charged with the crime of flrat doRroc nnirdrr. will begin In Jud(;e C. !2. \Vin.itcad'n court Jan. 20, Fonl-ln char^cd with the knife fllaylnc of Pete Storeth In a cab- in on tliu outisklrtn of Julia Davl.i park, cftriy.mfit fall. THREim We Are On The Way ]iro|»li' licri' «r lllf tiorci Ki' in rdrnr (’I'fiiiiK llc^l ooiilWl;iiitiiiif iiilhi.' I'Iji- I'lnplovi A h .- I-. Iii’i-ii inviiluahl.' ii-n>us olhrt • a.'coi.ii.lish ' wh. win: iliollH lllis U- ■Inir cu .1 ■-liv; illU' up .•posils. I.J.-JirJ 1 ) dl' |i>c I’aii!^ iiimitnniiioii ■y />».■ of Uii' SWESiCEIO Dilliiif'cr Oanjv Scclta Habeas Corpua Before Midwest . _ , QfTiccru Arrive IF-— Tucso^*^:A^ i:rrTAi ~ r r “ fnn , i . ‘Tlirci- rcputril of » .loiithnv jiaiijr lhal Joliii Dilllnt;i'i ■'! lacciisrd lcllli.-r. uiiw lltlncly led Ir || ] to a "hicic tiiwir' police trap, wcr lua.lcd. iu- Ujh_.vli;iiilLj'_. today . Dllllni; .nd li'rali- .Ml l»i .ks of p |ii‘i'lc(t tlii; 111.- p ir Tlic'i siini ml hi'lln I In- nil liiiii Ii V ilh- r . S. uiinrii;i aiiij oiini t.. fi.llnw. Thi: huiiliil ;tii;i| 1 I'n.ni ilu' Hamlllon. .lor.epll Huin:i. Authi.ritli i.s .-.mhims uvre hlilini: Mim vicinity, hiitchlni;. inlliitii' mill lillliaiK'.' nr .. 1........... . to deliver Iheir U Huniii'll Clark, C and Harry 1 ,‘k-rpo Meanwhile Chiel iiilr.l S|al< Hi tnitfi, <if llti' ta\<iri'il >-]in Mourns Jonesy E iy E f - CITY. -LUj Potato Growers. Will Gather Tomorrow, Tttxpnyers . On Monday. Three mcctlnKn here Ihiit week- ..111 are attractlnfr the Intcrrat of county and dbitrict rc^ildentn. Openlnj; thin afternoon at. the hlgh'Bchool'audltorlum. wa.1 the annual clectlon' o f tho SouUiern Idaho Bean Crowcra" luuioclatlon. when three dlrectora were to be chosen to fill vacanclea enuncd by ixplmtlon of tho term s of W. E. •Mil. L. E, Pool and J. H. Clan- in. . . At 2 p.'m. tomorrow nil potato li’rDwers In thin district aru nskrd to attend a meetlnR nt tlie name audltoriup. and call^ b;^lhe Ida- ho VeKeTablclTProduccrii. or \vhl£h E. N. Pcttycrovc, Hansen. In prc.i- Ident. On Moaday'hl IhVeamc hour nt tho r, 0. O. H. hall.-, there will be held the annual clectlon of officers oflliu Tw’ln Tdllii County~TiWpiiy- eni’ leninie. of which H. C. Rlcnke Li president. , Jan. 1:7 (lM;i.-i;.'i>n;e Willlai Jonw. the jiromlcT harlcndcr of wo.'ilcin Amcrica, died licru today', "Jonuiiy ” w;iii ninro than a barti'ncli;r. He waa a ar>rt of a lather to tho drlnUlnc pojiuliicu of Salt Uk<! City, Whon he died ''.Ion«-ny" wa:< CO years old, and for 40 of tlio,K‘ , year.i he luul tramped the runway back of barn. It wau a strain on Iilii U-fpi. and .Uie vchin flntvlly brok^ Ulcers formed. During the nlRht a dozen men—a hundred If necennnrj-—offered Ihclr blond. The bh)od of two wan taken. It wa«n-t enoujrh. So todoi’. with lt.1 lieiitl bow- ed low. the drinking' faction of Salt Lake CTly and Nev.ida p.iuaod for a inotncQt and .‘>ald: •'Uotttims up. Jonc.iy." Lbs^ngeles Man Slain in Jersey MOUNT HOLLV. N. J., Jon. 2T O l—Millard ICdownrd. -I2, of U s Aiif;eIcs,..was.ubot. to-doath-ln n piirJfed <ititoxnob(lc n e a r Mount Holly. A woman who aald nhe waa Edowanl’n wife, Mra. Edna Mae.Edowurd. waa wlUi him. po- lice said. They were understood I bo on their honeymoon. Detective Ellis H- Parker, fam- Burlington county detcctlve, :hari;e of the LVN-CIIEIIH "UNKNOWN" SAN JOSE. Calif., Jan. 27 iMi —A Santa Clnrn county coroncr'a Jury today 'decided that Jackjous Holmes anjl Thomad Thurmond | look ................................ died luat November at the hands Edoward waji taken, to P/\rker'« I "unknown" mob. • offlcc for qucntlonlnR. e hold In Jjill. plauiiliv: a fli;hl iilnl liKlaV ■ their fli;hl I' :iulhiirlll.-a offlcutl;. w l:i Important .Imo xu.-cleil to llooril i „-r'n ‘lal.-cl llm-:i r« BREIEI EADY alHtea do:icvnded o n-. r.- .lohn nd Jowph ..'vcd they Third Motor Victim in T\V( Days Is Brought to • Ho.spital Thl« county'a third trafflc^acel- •nt victim in two tlaya won rc- rlvlnn treatment at the ho.sp1t;i1 today.^llc la John Finley. 77. Uuhl, -.'ho wail brought to the Inntltution 1st evenlntr. He waa nald to linve U-c-n .itniek by an nulomoblle <m the ntrcct.i ' Buhl and nu.tlnlned a fractured Preccdlnj: him an prjtlenT.n nl the lioapiUl tho ilay before were Wil- liam Com. fA trannient, struck duwn by n motor car on tly: hljjh- way past of her*; Thurnday night. Ill sustalnlhK u broken aren and K: and W. S. Vandenvort. 77. lunty Indigent, who got In the way of 11 pa.'uilnfr c.ar In front of tho•ho*pIwr Thurnday. morning nnd'Tecelvod n fractUM-d rib and a puaclurcd lung.___ ^_____________ Nebraska A ir Crash JCills Two Fliers SUPKIUOR, Neb,. Jnn,- (n;i— uyKlcIdn, 28, and Ronald Brad; Kick. 16, were dead today as a result of an airplane craah. here. The piano nt.illed at un altitude of 300 feef and noseU into the Kidnaped Miin’o F.w ily Seek Renewed Contact With Abduction Gnn[j (I'Yi - I n v r v il G, Br.-m-r . frknd of .ST. I'AUL, .tan, 2 llKiiIoni In the Kdwa hnv(! h'.irncd that jiiuo.ooo nm iiom money wuh atill beinjr hri by Adulph -ilremi-r, the vittlm' fathtT anil a perm: Prciildunt lUioiiuvcll,.,., The cliU-r Ure.mcr wiui i (•otliillni: with the men w: held hl;i lion captive for 1 the InveHtlKatoril »ald. clui unforrJicen mlsundcr.Handl Itrady To Vi>y Altli'itiKh necutlatliina t< Inc the hupi ran-itini I youni: bimkcr'H rclriii.c- w ii.-v.-i pr.ictli-ally eoinplrl ,y;i (ii;o. thi- HicmiT !i maklnj: every etfort I ildnapera that i r nc);<itlation; Police Guard Mary Pickford On Trip FALMOL-TM. Ma.ti. il'I’i- Marv Pickfortl thl.i Oipe Cod lown tOdliywlUi a police I'.ieort but :ihc denied lhal »h.- waa belnff j;uanh-<l bo- c.iu:ip of a Tiiyiiterioua letter which she received In Bo.ilon, the and IMdl.' Maef>j trial without rvld Althouch Stewart w;iii their t attorney, he was considered f.oMi a,'i a battalion, It w.n astiitf-Slrwarl-wlii>-won-an-ao. quitlal for three of the dofcnd- anl;i in a kiilniipinj: eii.'ie In St, Paul ri'omily la which the full jmwvr of the federal /lovernment'fl antl-kldnaplni: rampal|:n waa ar- tlic canfrnter: Aj:a ilentlfic,^\tii.r i:anjr ' kldnajHTS. Ste\y- j)re!ienllnK a plctui-e of rlli- in Chlcaco reaultlnjr .,, , .. .-cutlon of the <lefendantii, he charged In hhi npenlnf,' ntiite- ment that the once powerful A 1 C;rj)cine caitK M)Uj;ht to eliminate the Touliy j;anf::'tern and h/id uneil ila Influence In pollre. niatea at- (orney anil even federal depart- ment of ju.'dlce offices to further •thH-pernwitinn.-------- 180,00011 FUNDS RECEIVED Allotment ChceitG for Crain Reduction Will Go To 800 Growers _ Whi'at alliilmeal ‘caeeit.-t lotal- llni: ai>i.rnximalely SKQ.OOO ’ were ved here Ihls afternoon by the iipi.'i lUe AVjli'ilt I'J’jdllCllOn'ContKil ........... iUilttci' for dinlrlbutlon ■ommcnclnK Immediately In nearly iOO Twin l-'all.i county ;;rowcra. C. U, Llndney. chalnnan ttt(U'"iMiil llic elitcUii wuuli 1 )1 -available thlrv la(~ Mimday at the office of tlrr county i<cent in the cnurthoune. :tlcally all the contractii nenl .re approved, he nuld, with In I the exception of those of. fjroweni i not product-wheat In 'COLUMBUS. Ohio—An I ROt to the field In Tulna "Gypay' Smith, tho fjrcal Encllnh cvan- ' RellsU como out to the airport, and wo had ft fine chat.. He talks to ten thounand people a nlRht there. 'A .vcrj- earnenU •fine man.' who ndvcrtlne.i no .parUcuU»r routa-to-.aalvatlon-.L. oflkeil him. In BAVlnR Oklahoma for the Lor<1 . to nave Alfalfa Ulll Murmy,'him nml Jim Fcr- . ruson of Tnxaa, for Uiere ain't any more,like those two, and I Junt kinder like ’em. .Yours. 1033. These p.iynicnUi are belnR held up,, temporarily at le.vit,. ' I ’aymtnlji ri-celveil today rep- rc.icnt 20 cents a bushel on the number nf bushcl.i alloted to each grower. An aildltlonal payment ivlll be made late Oils rprbR; •• Mr.i.- Cor.1 E. Slcvcna, county trea.iurer. la al.-w treasurer of Ihe ftiiaoclatlon, Violence Marks Mining Strike WILlCES-BAIinn. I'a., |Jan. 27 ii;i:i_Pivc dynaniltlnRs. an Incen- diary fire, atonlnpa and other vlo- Trncc marked the strike of anthra- cite miners In the Wyumlng- val- ley today. Three house.i were domaBCd l>y .bQmba..olJ!lalris aml_lwo hom^ •. damased at Lnrksvllle. 1U\I-S I*OWT.U CODE WASHINGTON. Jan. 27 0 4 - Thc federal power commission to- day filed n brief with the nation- al recovery admlnlatratlon vigor- ously oppofllnc proposals to at- tempt control' .of .polldcs and Irado prartlcM'Of Uio power In* duatry .through' p WRA coUc. .ptinn of hl.'l charie auu-mlmcni. Smatur Pitt- man, Dem,. Nev.. intrwluced a luu- po.ial for reducing the wel>;hl of (ConilniTi-tl on p’aKe 2. Colunm 3) COTSnSPEKD .JO Hopkins Ruling: Puts Workers -------On-30-Honr-Basiirfor-^r- One Week Only , ......... C'Vv\ workers will be Riven op- I«irtunlty. to, work ii full 30-hour. . pcrltHl durlnc the week which commenced ye.■^l^•rday. ncconllnt,'' to word Riven out today by ilaymond F. Crave.-i, ntcnlUT)- la Jhc coun- ty committee, and lUWlstiinL dUi- bumbiR officer. He received telcRmphlc Informa- tion from the federal dlsburaiiiR officer ut BoUic Uib . momlnR. atiitlnj; that an order h.id been n- crlvcd today from Horry L. llop- kln/). national odmlnLitrator. nua- pending for.one week. only,., thi^.. roccht bnle'f which reduced ' the" weekly work hours to 24 In nom-. Instances and to 15 In othcm, Effective Moauay ‘Tho new order will be put Ir,- to cffcct In thin county Monday." Gravc.i nald. Ho predicted that the pajToll totAl for the week cndlnp Thuni- day nlRht. will approximately $18.- 000 In the county. Dlutrlbullon of Ujo check-s will be made Monday, lia ho.s been thb custom. T. J. -Lloyd, chairman of the au-xtc CW A administration, wa.i out of town today. Uc und J. K. Mjuitenion. dintrlct cnRlnccr. wcru In Burley, and the flrat of 'tho week will Ro to IJoiac. They have eslablL-ihed locil nf- flcra In the front conier.of tho proiind ffoor liiA M fiiR i--; BO ISE IIINESS: Prosecutor Bringa Nurao With Information on Girl’s , Hit-Run Slaying . , BOISE. Jan. 27 (UP'—Homcr B. Mnrtln. Ada coiuity .prosftculinff atlornoy. was to return from Port- loncT today brlnRlojf.. Mlsa Edith, ilorrlsoo. a nurse..tuick wlthihlni. aa n witness before the Ada coun*' ly grand Jury.. Mlaa Harrlatia-la. ooid to have Information on the Joy Clllotl hit-and-run killing^. ; Arthur R. Bruce. Indicted hy.tho' jrrand Juo*. mado his way to tho district court yesterday with tha.' Aid of deputy sheriffs, and plead- ed nol Rullty to tho three charEfWl affnlnst-hlm..UU trial 'v.T.a;:aet. for March 10. Ho wna not allowed bond.- : '■ Brtfci>”imyirthanui-tir*tlU-sn£'' felm c from Injuries rccfli>txl wSen'., ho fell In tho ti«lh just tjefore iir? ^ rlvlBB In Bote, tt'wc«H ;Ogo:'i Ho v wtta extradited from Dcnvwr. , i> Char^'ogttinat' pn^ forgery and, obtnlntoiff mon8 j^’:ua-r dor false preUniefc: > Tho erand.Jury-Ux: lleved to b« looking In' election'Bffaln. '•

SWESiCEIO COTSnSPEKD . REAOY IO Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF095/... · Weather Forecast MlcnJiiy, -J2! low, SO. Ixjvv till* - LEAOERSSTi[ JJiJOGEY^

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Weather Forecast

MlcnJiiy, -J2! low, SO. Ixjvv till*

- L E A O E R S S T i [ JJiJO G E Y ^

■ Powcrful'"Oonscrvativc~Groxip E xerts Prcsauro Agninsl

‘‘JinBO" Minority

• ------------ ,TENSION 0RQW 8 LIGHTER

O ther Events Pointing Toward Less Ncrvoiw Futnrc in

Fnr En-st

Hy 1‘n-sHWhile iiUlc/inKn am! iiiiljlkl!il;i

— ^ — th^ouchout-lh^-AYf)rJt^—continti*;t) conccrned Unlny over tho pon.'ilblli* ty of wur, cvcnLi did nol nppciar to be lidding to the «t«iiire of llic IwKcy they linvu crcalpil,

Tiie Fnr Ennt continued « foc.il , point of martUtl rumuni witl)

Japan ntill In Uiv*'n]>otlt(Tlit nil n mirt of IntemfttJcmul bad boy pn- rndlnij Innd ami nra with n clilj) on

, liln shoulder.In Toltlo. howrvpr. wore Indicii-

tionn that the powerful );roiip of cunncrvalivni, iinioiiK them I ’rlncc Kininochl .SaUmjI. "hwi of thr Ccnro." und Count MtilUno, who trnnnmlLi ihr vctornn iiljittflinnn' Idciin to Knipcror Ilirolilto. arc oi frtlnj; prr.s.iure with Incn-Anlnt; c f<«l on Ihr younurr mlllUiry o flcorfl who were creflltcd with Im' ln>: luid much to do with-the n< callcil "Manchurliin Incident."

The budget commlttco- of tlic Jiipiinone pnrliument, ' which Im.i Jiiat convcneJ for tho ueriou.i bujil ne.uj of piuiainK hu^c urmy iind navy npproiirlutloim, ni,'reed on lute lust ypar by Uic'ciiblnct, liict In Tolcio ilurinff thu dny anJ lu-iinl frnnlc remarka by Count Uchldi

. formor forclcn minister.Count Uchlda wonted to kmi'

• (Continued on Paco 2. Column :

F R E N d i G A B l I . REAOY IO I■•CImutomps 'Position Tottcra in___Puhlio.UpMHrJ:cllowlnff _

.SUivlstty Soandal

1‘A-IllS. .Iim. IIMI) — Thi- <-iililiii't nwlKonl tuduy us a re- HiiK of imblle IndlRimtlnn mi.l (lfini)n»lmt!iiiin over tlio Stiiv- litliy baiilcnciiiiiliil.

I'A R IS, Jan. ar ir.iii—I ’rcmicr Ciinillle Chnutcmpii ami hla entire cablncl wore reported rondy to rc.il;;n momcnUrlly tlilH after­noon. cflpltulatlnij to the uproar of opposition crcntod by Iho Stii- vlnlty bankinp iwandul.

I'ubllo Indlpnatlon over the acnndiil readied hURe jiroportlonn.

---Motiu' marchcd’ 1n the—atrcct-nuhoutlnp thrralJi and jiroinlalnc fcrentcr demonntrationu . tunlKhl- 1‘ollcu efforts to control the dcmoratratlon:! as.iumed n mill- tJiry unpcct.

Thi! rcnlsnntltin of Kui;etie Haynuldy. mlnl.itcr of Juutlce. In tho mlil/it of cbarKcn Involvtajr him In the collnpsc of tho J 300.- 000.000 bsnlilnir InUrcstn. failed to iippenflc the opposIJJon.

Acceptancc of the renlimatlon foJWwciJ by publlcntlon of

eharfccn In Lc Matin, powerful; inominn newspaper, n f ja ln a t ' Ccorfreii Bonnet, finance ralnlati: .ilomi center of n ' fljht on tl (,'overnnicnlM financial polley,

Doom ’s Squire Celebrates His 75th B irth d ay

of rlii'timlntl him of hla ".1 ycar:i, cilo-

-briitf<l-hi»- blrthilriy.- to<lny-by obscrvanocB rclntnl;:ccnl of the old Imperial dayji.

' iilly j:athurli

pri’chtof HcKirn itncl oiiu-r: KatliiTPd around tho tiililf a t I’ol-idaJii. w Ihn.ie prc-ni'nt.

The- ri>yal poslii H»nH of jiiT-iicnlfi HI of li iCT of 'Cd

---------- HOJ’KH-IM SHKOHKHUN, Ja n . 27 iIMH—Any

anibllionii of th r fo rm rr.K ai.irr '•or any olhur oUl-fii-nhluncd lilti;;" to re tu rn to the Ihn.ni; of Nazi Ccrinany w ere tlally danhi-d to<hiy In :i ritalcm rnt to the Unlto<l StatuH by ii hlfli party leader of tbe lll t le r i;ov- omnH'nt.

The Hl-Tlemcnt c iim f ft -tW'' huuni aflvr a tcmup of forme r , linpiTliil a rm y ofriciT.'i. catlicr- cd a t th r Miirnioriiall to drUilta hlrlhilay loa.nt 1

South Central Idaho Joins -Recovery Parade J I E S S GAINS I S i l v e r P u r c h a s e B I S ! FEDERAL P r o v i s o B e a t e n

- B y ~ S e i i - a t e 4 ^ o t e -I G old Bill Approval

Expected Within ■ Few HourB -

by Nazi 1


Oommiltcc.s .PuBh T id e d Salii; For National Fe te As

Roosevelt T ribiite

;th tlnio fo r aLaclnj; llii' 1‘rc.ildwifii b lrlhduy bull only Ihrco da>n away. local con tees today were puahlni; tlcliet lalcn la an e ffo rt to give ovcry me an opportunity to purticipati a thu campalfrn to provide u hup •ndowmpiil for the W nrtn Sprlni;n 3«„ Institution for th e tr ta tm en t If Infantile paralynln, a t Uie tlmo paying trlbu to to Prcsliicnt HoonevoU.-hrad-of-lho-iniiUtuUon which broupht hl.i phyalcul eoveo'.

TicKeLi were on iiale b y 'a ien’« dlvlnlon. and _ncw;ilxiyn e rr compellnir fo r prlsc.-j offered

Ijy Chlrf of I 'o lltc Elroil.ra n u le Miiniluy

Monday afttn io o n n parade la anned. It waii annnunceil by Joe

kohler, Rcneral chairm an of the conJmlttce. There will be n spc- cliil broaclcuHt M onday evcnlnR. Tue-^day n lcht. durln j: the ball, whlrh will he .ntaircd almulUne.

ily over the nation, the preid' dent will addreii-1 the cfiuntry

n'K lant rndlo netw ork.


nufflMQ piiiinprn

WWRAU&r-. L icutonnnt-Qovcm or, Leading

Bond Broker Imlioted A t Des Moines

. D ies M0INK3,- Ja.. Jan . 27 ii:.i:i —A Con-ijilnicy to defraud tho fed­e ra l t'ov trnm ent In ndmlnlatm tlon of mllllona of ilollum w orth of public ■vvorka pro jec ti In.loAva w as

l>> charjroO today oRalnst Lieut. Gov. Nclnon G. Kra.ichel and Carlton

,D,.. BcU. prominent De* ilo lncs bond broker,

. Kraachcl until liuit N'ov. Ha tn te flecrttary for the public work.-j ftdmlnl.itrfttlon. A t' th a t tlm o he wofl removed from PW A •work by Secrctarj' of th e In^ tcrio'r Ickea.

TJic cliarfe-i t>B?.in»l K ra ac h ^ -and'Beh-T'i-crc-contB lnBa“ la two IndiclmentJi returned by a federul

• i;m nd jur>’. BotJi men Wcro named In one Indictment ch artin g o con-

.... ..oplriicy, to . dcfraud-.tijo . .United_ i l __ -£tatca.and.Bch_\vo5_nnmcd_alon<j

. In ano ther Indictment chnrping th a t hfi for^ird oeve'nil paci'" of

• ? an nppllcfvtlon for « JHO.OOO loan *> and e ro n t to the city of Ottumwa,

1 * ^ la .Kroitchel made ji public sta te -

I m pnl. polntlnj; out tha t he had n o t been o/forded an opportunity

: MO defend hlmiiolf.,. He #ald he would Inalat on an Imrtiedlnto tria l of the charpes. ^

. . .... Icamt'd todii Ciwitleford will join In the

1 lliniunh efforU) of itn local nmlttcc. The hlRh achool audi­

torium then: will l>e mad'? avail­able without i-xpeniio and the Caatieford orchcatra will fumlah the niualc and donate lUi itcrvlcen. kombera of the Caatliiford i'Sltteo are 13. C. Davis, chalnnan, CborRe II. Clement, Roy W CiiKcr, A lbert H ellrr. Mr. am Mrii. S. A. G lllett, Mra. T. Symr. Mra. I’carl Kbiibrou(;h and Sam Lockhart.

Chairman ,K oehler atJited that the Mountain S taten Tolephonc company. throuKh M. R Dolllnfc.

lera te by plac- autiacrlber: '

.liability of

loise-Murder-Gaflt Set for Jan. 29

I30ISK. .Jan. 27 iIM’i—Trial of Idaho VII. I-'rcd V'ord, charged w ith the crim e of f lra t doRroc nnirdrr. will begin In Jud(;e C. !2. \Vin.itcad'n court Jan . 20,

Fonl-ln char^cd w ith the knife fllaylnc of Pete S to re th In a cab­in on tliu outisklrtn of Ju lia Davl.i park, cftriy.mfit fall.


We A re On The Way

]iro|»li' licri' « r lllf

tiorciKi' in rdrnr (’I'fiiiiKllc^l ooiilWl;iiitiiiif iiilhi.'I'Iji- I'lnploviA h.-I-. Iii’i-ii inviiluahl.'ii-n>us olhrt• a.'coi.ii.lish' wh. win:

iliollH lllis U-

■Inir cu .1 ■ -liv;

illU' up .•posils.I.J.-JirJ 1)

dl' |i>c I’aii! iiim itnniiioii

■y />».■ of Uii'

S W E S iC E I O

Dilliiif'cr Oanjv Scclta Habeas Corpua Before Midwest

. _ , QfTiccru A rrive

IF-— Tucso^*^:A^ i:rrTAi ~ r r “ fnn , i . ‘Tlirci- rcputril o f »

.loiithnv jiaiijr lh a l Joliii Dilllnt;i'i ■'! lacciisrd lcllli.-r. u iiw lltlnc ly led Ir || ] to a "hicic tiiwir' police trap , wcr

lua.lcd. iu- Ujh_.vli;iiilLj'_. today. Dllllni; .nd li'rali-

.Ml l»i.k s o f p

|ii‘i'lc(t tlii; 111.- p ir


siini ml h i ' l ln

I In- n il liiiii Ii

V ilh- r . S.uiinrii;i aiiij oiinit.. fi.llnw.

Thi: huiiliil ;tii;i|1 I'n.ni ilu' Hamlllon. .lor.epll

Huin:i. Authi.ritlii.s .-.mhims uvre hlilini: Mim vicinity, hiitchlni;.

inlliitii' mill

lillliaiK'.' nr .. 1........... .

to deliver Iheir U Huniii'll Clark, C and Harry 1,‘k-rpo

Meanwhile Chiel

iiilr.l S|al< Hi tn itfi,

<if llti' ta\<iri'il >-]in

Mourns JonesyE i y E f - CITY. -LUj

Potato Growers. W ill Gather Tomorrow, Tttxpnyers

. On M onday.

Three mcctlnKn here Ihiit week- ..111 are attrac tln fr th e In tcrra t of county and dbitrict rc^ildentn.

Openlnj; thin afternoon at. the h lgh 'B chool'audltorlum . wa.1 the annual clectlon' o f tho SouUiern Idaho Bean Crowcra" luuioclatlon. when three dlrectora w ere to be chosen to fill vacanclea enuncd by ixplmtlon of tho te rm s of W. E. •Mil. L. E, Pool and J . H. Clan- in. . • .At 2 p.'m . tom orrow n il potato

li’rDwers In thin d is tr ic t a ru nskrd to attend a meetlnR n t tlie name audltoriup. and c a l l ^ b ;^ lh e Ida­ho VeKeTablclTProduccrii. o r \vhl£h E. N. Pcttycrovc, H ansen. In prc.i- Ident.

On M oaday'hl IhV eam c hour nt tho r, 0 . O. H . hall.-, there will be held the annual clectlon of officers o flliu Tw’ln Tdllii County~TiWpiiy- eni’ leninie. of which H. C. Rlcnke Li president. , • ’

Jan. 1:7 (lM;i.-i;.'i>n;e Willlai Jonw. the jiromlcT harlcndcr of wo.'ilcin Amcrica, died licru today',

"Jonuiiy ” w;iii ninro than a barti'ncli;r. He w aa a ar>rt of a lather to tho drlnUlnc pojiuliicu of Salt Uk<! City,

Whon he died ''.Ion«-ny" wa:< CO years old, a n d fo r 40 of tlio,K‘ , year.i he luul tram ped the runway back of barn. It wau a stra in on Iilii U-fpi. and .Uie vchin flntvlly b ro k ^ Ulcers formed. During the nlRht a dozen men—a hundred If necennnrj-—offered Ih c lr blond. The bh)od of two wan taken.

It wa«n-t enoujrh.So todoi’. with lt.1 lieiitl bow­

ed low. the drinking' fac tion of Salt Lake CTly and Nev.ida p.iuaod for a inotncQt and .‘>ald:

•'Uotttims up. Jonc.iy ."

L b s^ n geles M anSlain in Jersey

MOUNT HOLLV. N . J ., Jon. 2T O l —Millard ICdownrd. -I2, of U s Aiif;eIcs,..was.ubot. to -doath-ln n piirJfed <ititoxnob(lc n e a r Mount Holly. A woman w ho aald nhe waa Edowanl’n w ife, Mra. Edna Mae.Edowurd. waa wlUi him . po­lice said. They w ere understood

I bo on the ir honeymoon.Detective Ellis H- P a rk e r , fam-

Burlington county detcctlve, :hari;e of the


—A Santa Clnrn county coroncr'a Jury today 'decided that JackjousHolmes anjl T hom ad Thurmond | look ................................died luat Novem ber a t the hands Edoward waji ta k en , to P/\rker'«

I "unknown" m ob. • offlcc for qucntlonlnR.

e hold In Jjill. plauiiliv: a fli;hl

iilnl liKlaV ■ their fli;hl I' :iulhiirlll.-a

■ offlcutl;. w l:i Im portan t .Imo xu.-cleil to llooril i„-r'n‘lal.-cl llm-:i r«


alHtea do:icvnded o

n-. r.- .lohn nd Jowph ..'vcd they

Third Motor V ictim in T\V( Days Is B rough t to

• Ho.spital

Thl« county'a third trafflc^acel- •nt victim in two tlaya won rc- rlvlnn treatment at the ho.sp1t;i1

today. llc la John Finley. 77. Uuhl, -.'ho wail brought to the Inntltution 1st evenlntr.He waa nald to linve U-c-n .itniek

by an nulomoblle <m the ntrcct.i ' Buhl and nu.tlnlned a fracturedPreccdlnj: him an prjtlenT.n nl the

lioapiUl tho ilay before were Wil­liam Com. fA trannient, struck duwn by n motor car on tly: hljjh- way past of her*; Thurnday night.

Ill sustalnlhK u broken aren and K: and W. S. Vandenvort. 77. lunty Indigent, who got In the

way of 11 pa.'uilnfr c.ar In front of tho•ho*pIwr Thurnday. morning nnd'Tecelvod n fractUM-d rib and a puaclurcd lung.___ ^_____________

Nebraska A ir Crash JCills T w o Fliers

SUPKIUOR, Neb,. Jnn,- (n;i— uyKlcIdn, 28, and Ronald Brad;

Kick. 16, were dead today as a result of an airplane craah. here. The piano nt.illed at un altitude of 300 feef and noseU into the

Kidnaped Miin’o F .w ily Seek Renewed Contact W ith

Abduction Gnn[j

(I'Yi -In v rv il G, Br.-m-r

. frknd of

.ST. I'AUL, .tan, 2 llKiiIoni In the Kdwahnv(! h'.irncd that jiiuo.ooo nm iiom money wuh atill beinjr hri by Adulph -ilremi-r, the vittlm' fathtT anil a perm:Prciildunt lUioiiuvcll,.,.,

The cliU-r Ure.mcr wiui i (•otliillni: with the men w: held hl;i lion captive for 1 the InveHtlKatoril »ald. clui unforrJicen mlsundcr.Handl

Itrady To Vi>y Altli'itiKh necutlatliina t<

Inc the hupi ran-itini I youni: bimkcr'H rclriii.c- w ii.-v.-i pr.ictli-ally eoinplrl

,y;i (ii;o. thi- HicmiT !i maklnj: every etfort I

ildnapera that i • r nc);<itlation;

Police Guard M ary Pickford O n Trip

FALMOL-TM. Ma.ti. il'I’i- Marv Pickfortl thl.i Oipe Cod lown tOdliywlUi a police I'.ieort but :ihc denied lhal »h.- waa belnff j;uanh-<l bo- c.iu:ip of a Tiiyiiterioua letter which she received In Bo.ilon,


and IMdl.' Maef>j trial without rvld Althouch Stewart w;iii their t attorney, he was considered f.oMi a,'i a battalion, It w.nastiitf-Slrwarl-wlii>-won-an-ao. quitlal for three of the dofcnd- anl;i in a kiilniipinj: eii.'ie In St, Paul ri'omily la which the full jmwvr of the federal /lovernment'fl antl-kldnaplni: rampal|:n waa ar-

tlic canfrnter:Aj:a ilentlfic, \tii.r

i:anjr '

kldnajHTS. Ste\y- j)re!ienllnK a plctui-e of

rlli- in Chlcaco reaultlnjr .,, , .. .-cutlon of the <lefendantii, he charged In hhi npenlnf,' ntiite- ment that the once powerful A 1 C;rj)cine caitK M)Uj;ht to eliminate the Touliy j;anf::'tern and h/id uneil ila Influence In pollre. niatea at- (orney anil even federal depart­ment of ju.'dlce offices to further •thH-pernwitinn.--------


Allotment ChceitG for Crain Reduction Will Go To

800 Growers _

Whi'at alliilmeal ‘caeeit.-t lotal- llni: ai>i.rnximalely SKQ.OOO ’ were

ved here Ihls afternoon by theiipi.'i lUe AVjli'ilt I 'J ’jdllCllOn'ContKil

...........iUilttci' for dinlrlbutlon■ommcnclnK Immediately In nearly iOO Twin l-'all.i county ;;rowcra.

C. U, Llndney. chalnnanttt(U'"iMiil llic elitcUii wuuli

1)1- available thlrv la(~ Mimday at the office of tlrr county i<cent in the cnurthoune.

:tlcally all the contractii nenl .re approved, he nuld, with

In I the exception of those of. fjroweni i not product-wheat In

'COLUMBUS. Ohio—An I ROt to the field In Tulna "Gypay' Smith, tho fjrcal Encllnh cvan- ' RellsU como out to the airport, and wo had ft fine chat.. He talks to ten thounand people a nlRht there. 'A .vcrj- earnenU

• fine man.' who ndvcrtlne.i no .parUcuU»r routa-to-.aalvatlon-.L. oflkeil him. In BAVlnR Oklahoma for the Lor<1. to nave Alfalfa Ulll Murmy,'him nml Jim Fcr-

. ruson of Tnxaa, for Uiere ain't any more,like those two, and I Junt kinder like ’em.


1033.These p.iynicnUi are belnR held

up,, temporarily at le.vit,.' I ’aymtnlji ri-celveil today rep-

rc.icnt 20 cents a bushel on the number nf bushcl.i alloted to each grower. An aildltlonal payment ivlll be made late Oils rprbR; ••

Mr.i.- Cor.1 E. Slcvcna, county trea.iurer. la al.-w treasurer of Ihe ftiiaoclatlon,

V iolence MarksMining Strike

WILlCES-BAIinn. I'a., |Jan. 27 ii;i:i_Pivc dynaniltlnRs. an Incen­diary fire, atonlnpa and other vlo- Trncc marked the strike of anthra­cite miners In the Wyumlng- val­ley today.

Three house.i were domaBCd l>y .bQmba..olJ!lalris aml_lwo hom^

•. damased at Lnrksvllle.1U\I-S I*OWT.U CODE

WASHINGTON. Jan. 27 0 4 - Thc federal power commission to­day filed n brief with the nation­al recovery admlnlatratlon vigor­ously oppofllnc proposals to at- tempt control' .of .polldcs and Irado prartlcM'Of Uio power In* duatry .through' p WRA coUc.

.ptinn of hl.'l charie auu-mlmcni. Smatur Pitt­man, Dem,. Nev.. intrwluced a luu- po.ial for reducing the wel>;hl of (ConilniTi-tl on p’aKe 2. Colunm 3)


H opkins Ruling: Puts Workers -------O n -3 0 -H o n r-B asiirfo r-^ r-

One Week Only ,.........

C'Vv\ workers will be Riven op- I«irtunlty. to, work ii full 30-hour. . pcrltHl durlnc the week which commenced ye.■ l •rday. ncconllnt,'' to word Riven out today by ilaymond F. Crave.-i, ntcnlUT)- la Jhc coun- ty committee, and lUWlstiinL dUi- bumbiR officer.

He received telcRmphlc Informa­tion from the federal dlsburaiiiR officer ut BoUic Uib . momlnR. atiitlnj; that an order h.id been n- crlvcd today from Horry L. llop- kln/). national odmlnLitrator. nua- pending for.one week. only,., thi .. roccht bnle'f which reduced ' the" weekly work hours to 24 In nom-. Instances and to 15 In othcm,

Effective Moauay‘Tho new order will be put Ir,-

to cffcct In thin county Monday." Gravc.i nald.

Ho predicted that the pajToll totAl for the week cndlnp Thuni- day nlRht. will approximately $18.- 000 In the county. Dlutrlbullon of Ujo check-s will be made Monday, lia ho.s been thb custom.• T. J . -Lloyd, chairman of the au-xtc CWA administration, wa.i out of town today. Uc und J. K. Mjuitenion. dintrlct cnRlnccr. wcru In Burley, and the flrat of 'tho week will Ro to IJoiac.

They have eslablL-ihed locil nf- flcra In the front conier.of tho proiind ffoor

l i i A M f i i R i - - ; BOISE IIINESS:

Prosecutor Bringa Nurao W ith Information on G irl’s ,

Hit-Run Slaying . ,

BOISE. Jan. 27 (UP'—Homcr B. Mnrtln. Ada coiuity .prosftculinff atlornoy. was to return from Port- loncT today brlnRlojf.. Mlsa Edith, ilorrlsoo. a nurse..tuick wlthihlni. aa n witness before the Ada coun*' ly grand Jury.. Mlaa Harrlatia-la. ooid to have Information on the Joy Clllotl hit-and-run killing . ;

Arthur R. Bruce. Indicted hy.tho' jrrand Juo*. mado his way to tho district court yesterday with tha.' Aid of deputy sheriffs, and plead­ed n o l Rullty to tho three charEfWl a ffn lnst-h lm ..U U trial 'v.T.a;:aet. for March 10. Ho wna not allowed bond.- : '■

Brtfci>”im yirthanui-tir*tlU-sn£'' fe lm c from Injuries rccfli>txl wSen'., ho fell In tho ti«lh just tjefore iir? ^ rlvlBB In Bote, tt'wc«H ;Ogo:'i Ho v wtta extradited from Dcnvwr. , i>■ C h a r^ 'o g ttin a t ' pn^forgery and, obtnlntoiff mon8j ’:ua-r dor false preUniefc: >

Tho erand.Jury-Ux: lleved to b« looking In' election'B ffaln. '•

tDAHO F,mTNa TIME 3, TWTN FAIXS, IDAnff ' gaturijav. .'yaiiuag^T, IM f


■News in Brief I

:i:qT:il«s U p' Ciiclfjels In Favor| k,.;

Of liu k p cn d cn t F im a j " " ':' Under NKA ' ;

:ao[ r s s t i e- A I l R l G E y ’

At The Theaters SALES SWAMPING(’-------- IN -ID A H O 'S NEW- OFFERING

Powerful Con::orv:itivc Group, Uccs PrCoSiin; Agriiiial


lm :u Ou-M

Ilrr Ih.’ N5-.A. Til.-

nnf~n;iTinnnrTrrwr hli; ............... .

to Mii;ill «M .'pcn.lrnl i IJ.'Inir IIII lilf: Minlri.;i:i

ivilc- hl” i"''ir. .Sc'cntiirj' i

Al t>r<-;i'Til. lit.' iii'iiatr In con clnin,: the f;riMliiuT.’nci \v(itcni;iy. Thenil l:i In tile fonii (i

l i tu iy wlUi Cjin;iil(i which. I• iv<nilrc:i a (w flh in !

ada'ii at.ir ,Ki'y'.Inplii:, ini[irr;i!ilV(; Iipcrchc'.'i faviir-

■ Jni; ralKliMllon.Mahi)

Althiiiiirh f a r n'tiiDVivi fi«m I<liih«. Ihv iiixijvc:. If in>nr>\vvi!,

•w ill Ix- a (llrrc l 1(. nilIiiatio p ruducira a;i wrl! (in llif r.ntiMln'IiT of Ihi' l-aclfip imith- \v.';a. one- of i]ii' iiio.vt .tlfflciill jiriilili'iii!! ..iiu iiliw uJltn i iirotlucufj liavr hill) l.'i tlw lraniii>()rliiliiin <h:ifi,-e. All iilop In re-iluctl.iti i-f-<(vl;:hl nilr:i w»uM hi- I f/>-clf(l l>y iMi' cntablliitiiiicnl of*i’ a w ati'nviiy 1“ iM’itoni iimrlii'la.

I t 111 !iaf.' l<. jiri'dlrt thiil tlic rciIM a;i n'lirirjt.-iilcd in thi-

____^LtuLlti 4>rUl-fii.v.*i--rntlfir;tttnnr'“ '-~All c'.llccUirs oC lulcrw il.rpv-

I Wniili.

(rci>:i Mtc CMiiniy riuj.j.ltai Ij

. U fll11. w .•<irifiiir.l, tc. Ill:*

■ In Iiprcl- II'ctirin w ith Ihi'lr

ully llic e<)ll.-clliiii 1 v.tsnin); lax . Jobn H. VlU-y, lioljic, ciilUclor U>e Mahi). a rilv n i In

willt Ira N. nincltlc-v.Utal nnil \V.Ori'Kiiii. nomarii.H, in orficl;>I crich-ii tiiiv,- iniJlcalcl llia l Mr. VIloy la a coIU-irlor as iictlvi- and prt);;roMlvf a;i nny JiUilc can lioaKt,

Fiirm K rlir t 'I-'arni-ri'lli-f, lu iw uw r. ri’laina

th f IlHellglil c.n \Va;.hinKt"ti i'V,-nt.'i 'k .^ iU T r.'.l Ir. I.iali.i. Till' |ilan to <m whcnt at T&c Ui 51 >v r i\n !i,-V in the pn-iLi la.'T w.-fk in iiicrlltic -••oinc (ijipo;‘Uli)n .fri 'ia ilrjiarlini at o f . HKriCllllur.- tifficiala. Tliry

iliJrctlniiV ItlcliiJ. -- - .1, . . ' ....... ...

••111 J<'ln h ■ .Mr. .Slaitli

Ihi- HarbiT

cl.Tlt hy .N . An.

:i o f l'ylli:aa w t Ih r O.I.f Im-IIov

OfflCTH aiui.

tiK- inlllMl lal!

i | ; Uie opinion UiatiiiM .b<- IlkViy I Itio Hclii'tnc.

l'o|io, Hpuniiii

I- Ilf t)i(r IcMlilary '<if O iinpnny IC. ]U ith ' cn ;ln.-.;n, Iilah« national frminl, tli' ■vcniiii: (if .’i. it I.’i annuiintH I

C<ipi K. !•:, I.vl);lilt>n, corn

■lint .alKliT i)f till- mil.

. If tlio I 'I take; cha/ic,'

. .• c o rn . It c;i ' wliciit. ■

iw - .i- lh t'-r .T ih m rn t-th ir-jiu V ti^ trr 'y ^ ic o U«Uv, l l u d ' — ................t l- ii ffo n l 'to M liiack ha l cn;i(- c<iiil;ilnlii): t"

. 1 NewB o f Rfecord 1

Mr. anil -Mnl, Hui-t Hlaml, Mw ^UiuKh. nil- 111.' pari'nl.'i of j.

iiiiclllli'J h;ul la-L-i

V r. an<l Mi;i.

.•li'l.JiKvay;! have h.-di alil-- iliiat-' 111!' Iircia'li-r phaiir.i o ( , iMift-.-iitpIn-''—7w!!clrT,-nnM —

I un(] Mury A »tor, iiiHlf—"Kaxy - :l .Monilay.

.llrn:ol:itk nUnciiUy.

'ill' H ysteria o f 1918 II In Roxy Feature, : All

I ol .Scw

“Christopher Bean” Is OTpheum Offer

* tii.- L a rra r,f n i-nilnnc.d 111 (hi' Mun

lit) will i|l.'{a|>[x'ar..><i'.- |{aj>j.n.,'liiiin.l

Qil.iUnc Ilf ;ic|iar •iiii'nt la Kiililni pi

I Chl.-irI'll h

iUll-.'^h-'k !

whKii Jv.*f>f—Ih r

.•al liaiii- jiroji'cl ' Cliniinlii-.l- i.n i-:i-

Ini; th f la.'it

■1,'hratlnof Ii-lli'iili'nt Ilf! Tw o of I h i - n i l

■I <if Anni:i-'jKTc-cn, tcJirlln 'r for the flnil llnn', .N'ln-rinhri' 11, lOlS, l i l l n u <:o->itnrrlnjr proiliictli.n.,Mari.- Hily-Yrhlnr!lny,"-Jolin-Mr,-prp.';.^Iri— nil.1—I.Ioili'rnrinj'iiuiicT ;!nlvcr.'ial ilraina which jji lay In "C h r i n t » p h u r Hcan" .lo<-K'.t Urixy thcati-r a l : (iicro.'n title now ''ll. r -Swih'I- limiUhl for a Ihi-L'C iliiy’ii I h c a r l" ) . which ojirnu a l Uic Or-

jlilH'iiiii iMi-atiT’.i niiiinlcht iiliow tn- ci.lclpiiiiil.i (/ironic tho in lK hl aiul cotilUUKU Huil-

'ilri'i:t.'i. i himllii;:, .la n o M ay. M widuy anJ Tii>';iilny, iwiii): liDina. flillnj; Ihi-i I ln ih faiiioui' fur thi-n-crcat hii- ■ifi'tti anil ;;iviii(r Ihi'iii-1 iiiaii clinra<;t<'ri7-i(iiinip. tliclr roiti- mnipli'ti'Iy to c?;pri'Ri-i n ly ln't<Tpi<'l;iUiin.i ami ihiiiiiallc

lni; ItiMlr iuyuiu-ivticc m ilw- jp»nvrr. iJurU- I.tonvl }>i-cm-iiI if (hi- U’mlrl w ar Onllnarlly in "C hrlutniilirr lii-aii" llr 'lr itrral-

' rrpii'Ci'. Thi' lwi» tjrliivi il



I'cltrifii- <linvmiiivii ln,r ami 1. a ir wllli c.

ip- ;ilj<lil-rltl.-.v.'ii.')

Steadily R isinp .Tide Outches P lan la Unabl(j to Meet

Demand iit'Oncc

Uy .lOUN OWT.S (CiijiyrlKlil. l^nlt-'.! i'fi ''* i DCTRO IT il'.i;> .'il'-arllly iis'tit

tidm of new uar tiuylnj; Irivi •«;uij;ht till- luKomoDlli- lml!i~tr5 tinpri'p iirnl b i n i- i( tin; pulili-'^ di;man<I for SJrin.OOO.WH) Wurth <’

- c a fr tji ia -n io i.i i i : : ~All a n-HUlt. tl:.r lji<lu;;lry i niiu

UkkIJ s ’V.'ftwiHnS Mmlrr (' lliinl »'-(icrni?r-Tiii-(nn<iivT.hiiir '..n i. n ;" / ' Unlti'.l I‘rc«'i nun'.'y rovi'alcd tli'i' fo r till! fln il dniL' In fU'o yi'Hi-n tin- iniliiiitry In riPllInK ctirs fantor (liar 11 can .ni'odilC! Uicm,

. .i’JxcifllH IVulc Vrar* ' ^.LiirKc.- .corporalloiia - iind— tin aniulk-r rompanlr.'i alllic ri-pinl'i orJp.TS nin^tuic iiK IiIkU n;i 'd i>vi Cfnl abtm - cxfinctatloa.'i. In Minn lntilanc-;.i tin? niimhi;r of uriflllr;

rii I'xcccduil thii.'ir of thi' pi"ili .'I of an-! liillfi. ■

Citm uhtivc Evidence of New Adyivncc Lcnda Fresh


(CoIlllllUCO flllllcr.i pri'.'ililcjitlal .'. trd liy'i.-ov^-niir

wllUcir irXii. iW -upLura-l


which tiirncil tilt.'i hint year, acain.itI i)n:eolUl>;-Wfuk, u U ;a _ Ihlii w<-('U fell offII to ;i:: piT c u n

irihii'.s;i; K-'l'i'i. lilt'I t u'ccl( I'fmi.-jm ti.lIXIlOO ink cK'.'irlntcs y<'iii- KU'ClrIc pu

irajr-lUlpilW I t i i n ^

i pci

• Ihri- ;lii' lu­

ll piiv<l lip iliirfni: die

I'rhuT I^jtlH. aliov.-. riil.-r of Jliiy Mciniirii, l« rp|K>rt<-il'rcaily l« uliillcatt-.. turiilnK liln rriim- Irv , vvlilch !iirlnil.-» .Mont.- Cur. In. riv.T to rri 'ii.'h riilr. .M„n. un i. liKlrpi-iitJi'nl, f.ir •clKlit «vii[lirii-K, ha>„Ui;cn—lltltlllu;iU _ <•11 I ''rn iirr In r r r rn t jrarH.

D.VL’(JHXi;it.S ItOKNGOOnlN*.;. .Tun. '.'.T (Sprcliil>-

lii. iiml Mr.'i. W illiam I'yic an- Ilif latrnl.'i c.r 11 cJ;uiKtit'.'r horn or i/n , I'!. -_A jl^ ii'lO iT . will'“Mr

ycd Ihc filarl T IlcViTalWCl'

ifijjii.1 priIn til*,' ci nt'T of lh.i » iw lrlini;'aw arda t.>t;i-tlu'i- pmv

lvvi>in;.m liillii 'in ir lir, playliiK Ihi' .•ji.iinmiw In a vi|.iiniij:j -lu iilc ni a New Yorl; l;u:iinc;i;i wii |\v 'hich Ja r<'pl''U- wllM LiukIi.i i.in who lia!i f i 'c i 'i ;^ intu .her -•*ull_;u»»<lTnmfrttc in(i'iv;it. oini' II ITTrtr fioin ii little Vir-j Acclainn.-d for th rlr

IraKlc i UA'ilh a nilKoii ' offu:


A cclai med for I

lid "t.i.'i; ill till.' reiirh .iin .•

iiiph ir1 -ChriatoiT il.' cu rre n t irii

"I''.'liutie ’ on and Ge

• jir.-ae nti'd fo r Ih 'F cn ia le '

lat iTu th Cha'lle•en fjiv■•en a role;>tuiy 11lu! lieiMity.



I'roilncd,•nil- liiiluiilry now li; nialiini; a

iijpii-'iiii; c ffg rt lo pl:tci' prodiii'- ion .'ichi'ihilc.'' <111 a liar w ith llif ■llnihinjr liuic:! fi|:u r.-r Tin- man- ifiirtiircra cxni'c l thcv will hi- iililco l-alc)i iiji Willi llii' d.iil.'ni ami'aii-riaiLn. hy Ihu. gnd-ijf I'Vbniary. ' ‘Hi'iiry jMiril. o ff in an 'rarlv la r t bv jiiciicnlinj,' hla nrw -anii'l'i tr c . ■, it. till- ollivronipank'a in pi'odiiiitioii. iii- niaiii'

, : -l2,0(tO iiiilta In [Ji-ccrnhi'I' a ilJ llii^n ri'opi'ncil tw o addlllonal a.uK-nibly

‘ ! p land; anti nti'ppi:d-iip iii-licdiilcs lo ' nii-.'l a .lin ianil for f.T.OOO Him'

‘ I iiiiMith. Hill ti'i|ta tivc I'Vhniary I ;n;h"<hih- ciili.'i' fo r tin- producllon

e " " :o r liU.iKK) imita.Ch'-vii.|i't pic.'k-n(.'d ita new

iii-Hh-pi a l Ih r Ni-w Yorli I'hnw and Uil.i wr.'li <;i-niT.il SaK-:. Jianaccr W, !•:. li.iU rr announc'd lh a t hl» men a lready hnve <ibtiitmd on lcn ta i' KHt.OlHl .\inU:i, TIm- c«l«p;v\iy' rx^iecl.i to jiri'duce ajiiirfixlnialcl'' ha lf th a t ritinilier thla inonlli.

riyn io iith to IiirmiM-i’lynioiith inmiiiany.

m m m u m

S U R N A i USAGAll IiiliiibilftTitu M ust Utilize

Nom enclature Under New National Bill

u . lrIrcllTfenc

i r / r U f F<io( ffjHTiiil. i.v rr I’ennr.v Ktorp.

i n t a M { i; l . 'r i : i - . |„ m u Tui;li,i inii.'.t have- mirii.Tini'Ji,

|>arc<l which w . .. ipliiili i.f .'iddltional I

-<rii'„L.aiur.', but the fteld ' • loic: l!i limited?T here will tie



: : v i £ 2 :ei|iilval.'nla, Kor thu;jt, note [iriiC<-.«ili(*r\ >m- v.v larly no one lA .y choo

Tiirli.-i cnillni./ Ih-'inne

•Aiih;'. Klinl


Scn:itc Blocl« W hcclcr Movuj To Expand M onetary ,

VzQ of M ctal ■ ■

&ho 5''il,

l.U [•'iineral (lervlc Mil, I'lli-r. will b.' 1- liapllut church ‘i

t^luW iai.l will <illlc.lale. Tlie H fan I..'(:l,in will L'l: In cha 'M-lvlce.'I a t (he cenieli-f-JV

iiv'lll be In (he F ile r cemct<


n j - ( inloxigatiii;,- ealed to the <ll.'<- r perml.iaiiin t<i iind enter one of

i.'i rcpre;:enleit by

.'^c.iltle •.. .. TU'I.V FAl.l- W'illi.ston . . Yi'i:ow;.|oii,-

Judgm ent A gainst City Is A ffirm ed.:

.Iiiili:menl for S:,r.n a;.-.'iln;it th e '

iiipt;jiearlv tw o .vra nlTlrnir.! by the the ciiao tiroiijih

M. Men<lrtx on account of iln ’W'nlnt: o f llieir thie<-year

- i*nn In RiKhth iivemic la teral. ‘1 . vin itw; p;iv

tlu ' city. A <ll.Krli:t Jury iiwai th e S.'.I)0 «iim. and (lie Jiid)rn M-aa appcalcil by I-:. .M. t l t v attolTlO’ iU tile tliiir. (.•uu fi.r llie plaUilirr w i« A. V, Oai OoolinjT. . •

iF ive Spouses Beat j-----H usband to D eath

W ARSAW d'I'i 'T he five .J. I'lnlu-v.-yal, an in«iirali<"- it, iiiinc of wh.iiti he had t:iU- 1i-.- li'-ii\il'‘ lo iliv,iree, pmjri"!

<C..!MlwivvS { n w J'.n:e On, ■11- ,i,llv,r dollar in the name iirfli'n tha t the l'rc.ilil.:nt r-<l IK, ;;old eoiitnit of l)i,. ,Iollar.

................. ....................I 'm iitan 'a aiiieiidiiieni wa:<

ilillllDn lo the on.' he proj; e>;t..rday foi- Ireemnre .if ;; -rtlfioati'.. a t;..ln;a Mlver bii rnv In the lirasiirv .

I ’lttn iarra ,u w amen.Iinent ri.’ii'il that (lie wei);ht ol (he ii r.lliir !)" flNed a t mil more

'II proci-ia.Which Ih.i '(or i-..ua, 'I'tw pMvi

•ml the benefit,'. exp.'e • •Ii-oiit -loll.-ir di'vaiiia

I. tbe piiiThaie oI,iiiIver iiiii Miievction ,'diall be Mii.ix-i Tiila would i>-i Ihe ratio,Id' lotij: deiilred In- aliv.Tltr :,.

ilaya, then disappear,-d. Now Cuiinond haa rec

letter from ii neighbor th a t lh<-' cut hail arrlv.-i inline in Coeur .I'Al. ne,

Thill m a ile r niioiild ci Ik- J.rotli:ht U-- Itic. alien

,1 I r i lU.IC WOllHS AI>VI.‘<l)U I.J AT HOISK < l).\FKl{K.N'CK

1 no i.s i:. .Ian. 27 a 'iv-.M uriihnll a, ra-l.ii ' • '

inlnna iilinnlieiiai-y,

iillant, anil .-.Uitervl.'ior

' to city !' .Satmdiiy ,IU Mi.VoT

i.ler (hi: nu:ipli;e.'i of (lie

.M idniteTonite

Sunday M onday !

I ' . S e n s d t i o n a l A d v a n c e S h o w i n g o f

; i 9 3 4 ^ A S . H I O N S I N L O V E ‘

, jihi

TK,\ii.s wos rm: iwsidR • sr,\Ti<>,v ti» »k kkiu:ii.tD trrH O lT I'.v - -Tlir pluiis i>f MOTAl.A, Hwi-.lrn .n '> - -S»e,5'

m ber niiiy be iiiroijgly convine-1 ijj 'j priiiuipiil hniailc;uaiii;: .slatitni................ the tran i o f u aleam fitt'a rc wi-II-nfcli Im-al.-itlblL-, expi.-.in

^-.l Mlmi Miiry H arnett wh.-n ‘appll.Hl for h t r ,Hecond.-----liu-i'n.-w In ."lO tiayfl- The flr.it II

m arry rn in U Oludyi 'j i iu n itv r. Tlirco wecK» lal'


i.lili]'l'Lsmmctrned, nhe obtained n llccnne

tii wed iiU-amflKcr IJouKlnJi Me- i >«r'i'},’oi'. rxplnlnlnfT ih n l her frli-nd i . hntJ bmlfpn Intn triu-fl whllp I

J j Uy la f f ^a l«alUMr-hom much La ara: hurt by her plani lo Riarry Frank, new reconl.

The coiit will he 'l.b<itlt n and a lia lf linmor. Thin will • I t one of (hr nio.it powerful luropiC Tlie roul will be de- •d out <if (he llcmuie f.'e patd ii,-ii it ;i -(if niillii recelvliiK ;

11(1 iidvertlKinK on (hr ai -ed. By Sept. 1; 0-10,301 ; , . . of about S .fiO hiKl been paid,

Daring newstyle* in tow«nc«—.ntw fads in lo v e -tn ak it ig ^ new modei in lover*

* - — dem onJinted hy ... " ^ ‘ -^,1 . tix (amoiii love rx- .

, . i h that Mtj new. _.faikionsinpitiwti—



t'n m rily — •'iVrlU

alr.'ii.ly ■ iiirii, nl-"

-.'dllij: the .M),-nlr.Kloa of •I'lirliey :-n Voint: un under nil (luruiK Ihehi.'il

CertificaticJi of Potato :in»i;i Beun Seeds Calic(!-BiB i',

'' Savin'i;- to F arin tr ' J

rei\avlv<l onlfrn {<n- 'JV'H'ft ‘ I and Ten-iinlanc i-ara ,. iiverai.dnir • S W It unit, l>rr"iiilenl and (Jm rral

'■•jll'Jll J!Illobile \ iHni- ahi'ii

tleditll pricejorpoi

;c. j 'on tlac and Oldn- •tepor(<'<l (irdj'r.'i run­

ic iiheiul of pni.luction. Hiilcit ‘■"'jhan received urder.'l fo r X,!>JT tinit!i ‘’Milsict- Ji\n. OUUumbilv ilvsilcrs

oblabfed ordeni an<iac hai.

I'fj P lead s GuiUy to w,i* Liquor Possession

In (he Jii-i Sv.'opK.Moi

iiiily pl.-a Ilay nioniiiiK'.

rliiirKe.'i ofilito.'ikaliiiK I

• tin- I'lith llroe,

200,000 -

$7.50B A B Y C HICK S

FO B 1034

P er 100 and up

t.'.I , \ l l llrred s: 5 6 . 5 0

IllKlii-Ht III Iju a lltj —l ,«v<'Hl 111 I'rle.'*

wav I'.vv Moui'V.’:>■: (llacoiinl lo r ra.ih in fui:

ilayii Inadv.m

We lnk<' vjriiln, l\l^y. p.mliiy an.l ej;i;a In cM'li.inKi--. l''irat ha tch K-'b. :;7. Send for ci.m- p i.te p rice Hat- Or.Iera for lower price.l chicliii muiit l>,' pi;\( eil Well in udi

W.- have Han.'i'


R U T H O H A T T E R T O Nwith (in iri;r Ureiit


slllr nvnipboor ' •CHINA SHOP* In" TKhnrent<» Comtily • Rew» '

■Vftrrnooni: 10c • 30c'— -KvenltiK"! 10e-30c--10c.-

!'':nj;li.'di iiiid Hollywood iitralr I-.');hornii. It. I. Uedii, flyniouti H.)cl(.\ W hit.' Itockii, WhlU Minorca;! nnd liiiff Orplnclon.i Special .li.'.couni (i> Oran;;, poola. Jobber,', wanled.

H ayes Hi-Grade H atchery

H ELLO B U p p Y !

AlWttyn Y niir Mimeyn W orth tn Q iiiility U fi'd Cars!

11130 Cilcvrolet C.iacli ........$1:751P33 I’lym uulli Sclun .

Uiw miteai;.; ....................S.17r.IP30 G raham Sedan ....... S^ITi1P31 Koril Kill, Diiipii .....S;i7.'.ltl.1I Ford Del.iixe Coupo..S3inlOSn Ford Coupe . ...... . S2ir.IP'iS ChvVnli-r Coupi; .>.-v.MOU

Ford TnicU I 'v Ton. SI.IOip.in F nn l TrucK I 's T o n ____----'Dr'W...................... J22D10.11 Ford Trutfif. D, AV..

1S7 W. H.................. ...wsr.10.10 Ford picluip ............. Snrilo a i C hovn iltl Coiipv ..... - ^n .'.W atch AiiH'ric.'i Follow Ford!

U t a - C are fo r,Y our C.ar

Union Motor Gompany


T O N U Jirr .TiSO to ll:3» ONI^Y .SUOW.S .',::(0-7;30-0:30i

JOMffllYH''. \ ItiiiiiidUIi of A ctliili-^ l:

III a ' Itlot or KouKh-m.llu' n.iim iiio. and Dluzlii’’ r>iiii<i.


.’lllcliry JiI<-<Jiilr._i.C'<iinrily Carl.... .

I'K K Vt'K TONITK AT ------T hrn SliawliiR------

iriJAv.* mc<;. str.v,, ja n .

O n l y ^ ’ Y E S T E R D A V ^ ^ r

w ith MAEOAaET


I F..1i>n May Oliver 8 ' llllHc IllT tif

n rn ltii llunip ItrRlimld Drniiy

_ Onsloiv Ktovenii l t ‘*n»iUllii I’niiclmrii 1 I5.'rl<iu CliurchUl'I JCobert Mi-WuiU"

I I iikIi Kiiflrlil Arthur lloyt

Cr.-luhl.in Halo Nuliill." UlnifMoni> Clyil.’

Ulchiml Tiiclier j Nuliilln Myorhr;i(l ftliib«-l Munlrn-D llruniw rll Metchp 1 im rotliy (JninRrr

I ,iirlllr fo««TD.• lliirry N.irton

Kiitli < llff..rU I tr lfy lllylhn

WiiJli-r C iitlctt JUlRHT Norton N.ii-I Kninrl^

Criiiif.irU K rnt Ceu.iva Mltdi.-ll

.Slilm-y IJriicy C;iryl TJiic.ilii ilcuu DiirllaR ..hiliii Ci>rl«r -I'-rixnUHraT ■■

lliiiilli-y <ior>!i>ii L ltu Chevri't

' Vivien OiiUlund l l r r t i:o;u-h .lla rv Doruii •

• Cirt.rt*' M.-cUer .Saimiiy Coln-n lUlnilind Ilrrcso

JW-n Ilnrd KlnK Uuficut

__VVro^-Davltijtttn—Lloyd WhUI.H-k V lrsln la Iluw rll Jnnon Itoliardi

- K obrrt Holder

' Mnldcl T urner (Iro rco Irvlnj;

■ FMillr.Kuni,

and many others in THE OEEATEST WOMAN'S


c — AUULT3 250

S a tu r d a y , J a n u a i T 2 7 . 193.1 T O A H O E Y E N T N G T l i r e S . T W T N F A L L S , I D A H O Page Three


^ l i W M T SS , Gninu Murk All Sections of

' Nation, Inpluiic ManyLines of Play !


CiilCA C O ^ Jan. vr ,1’l’p A '


Ricic ; _CollcEc Nips _ F i icmilyj I F ive Sqnad in Hi(;li I Srorim ; T ilt

■ .sir;;;.... . i,„ •inoaL .•iui;cc;;arul jEiHsSCH'sifS -Cl..11

Cm , .1,,. m ------------------- ;------------„„l K V. <- Tiyl „■Ten rrc<)nl 01 .1 111' Imwi- A ih.IIm t Nolr,' Ihiuii' liiiiii | l u lI,M nl Hi jmlnln f„r i.-ririi,tly

N r t i r n C ^ i i JiiilS iir / i i n ; ;K ; J r ’ vSii,™ I I" S " ’ V ilrr ....................... ....... WI.k ' ^ ‘

INK I’lKK'T c:t<nv.|,'< iiiid rr- , .............


Bowling ’ e m ! FEUDS HAICHING - 0’ “ O N M N f F I T S

Huskies A nnex —V jctory-N oi—7 -K A Tn.K , Juu. 'fl'.i -

I 'n lv .r iily «! Wiiiililn/:- rcpln-

Ti(,'litcn .Hold on Lcaclcr:;lii)> In Bov.'liii" Lc.t^ uc by

Taldri" Victory

P 'r a l S lo n e Ji:i .d'kiH. Foolb;ll!. W rt-tiini; j And iioxin;; Set Bitter j

T 'm r; Ahead j

M :nlr.| ,i;i („:l,

'..'■ri't, Ml'!i

-•sivti-i's i'A c n i; i:s

■ " . ' lOrCAPMS ........•.•,.■.-1 N,".v Vii!;- ■*

' I I AT FILER..^.

Til.- TlJiI.'ti-Viiiiji I-imiri ......tiiKi .'Xfrc’ilnl 111! aivl; j i - i r ' i : s ; T " , ...

it ;; !.si h ;;i -i ' 7 sin-.-.i ii.ii; mc |> r . t i i - i n -i


l l ' ‘" ’. '" 'i ’ - .m’jI I .t I., A].

KittHES ^ ^ '0 mTE Fi

(;ii<M (,,^Vi,»;,,,iiiii/itj, iji. BURLEY'S T E A M I TRIM S O A K LEY j

i:ci:{.r.y. .h-r.

ni;:M I,y


-GOOOilEAiS, liELL SPLAlbion and Paul

Divide ProfframAr.mtiN, :'7 iSiM ri’.l I Al ■

hiriti ;;iil; .li'f.Mti 'l i’jiil i;irl;i li--;.' | • ■

iiEi, iv;.;';, '■Th.- In.Ml Ih.' l..a,| hill ,» .•..iil.'i.n.v

w"i h- ■'

, : s , . ' - s S i ‘v “ ii-";£

c ra l tlioii»aiicl iinablo to c d in. • The l.all..m.1 iiKallni; chan.j

b a s k e t b a l l SC O R ES

i £ , Xout-oi-thc-wiiy plac to iico Ihc iiiilliiii.’il a

-,iil)ipii laat Siiriilay.

'S iS J ';- 1

Boys Lose, GirlsW in at Murtaugh

Mt;UTAt;fiH . Jan, iKiicrlall — I t Wiui ‘'ovi n Slcjilii'ii" hurr l;uil n ifh t M r liai.lcolhall traiiia (.t Miir- tjiui;li am! I!;i7.<-lti‘iii.

Tl!« MurUilich irlila w'iii. :w to 2.1. and H aw ltoira 1ioy» cvnu'.! llir count by taUim: a :iO to ID win,

- - Ulncupa,— (,'lrla: iliirLiU!:h S ta rry WllliUi', Hatcn, M rriirlam l, IJlan.1. liii;;<lt()n--SlciU<'a-ljury, I’m.1. J .a n , Hyram. m j:ca . WlcUliain. Dalrd,

Llnrupa, iHiya; M i i r t HiinUti, liiwi’. Kiiti’n, l / i - ton. Matli-wjr, i!ar.-lt.i|i M m ilrlihan. Hoy. I’r.clcn

, tra . Unini','CliaiJwlcl!,

-Musgr,Team Wins Pair |

• n t-K R . Jan. '2' <Si>.cl p ravo n ro lh rn r qulntc't fcamca Jierc itil'i wr*-lc. dcfcatlni,' H olllntcr tnwii tcarii Tliiir;.d:iy, .'ll to 18, anil trlmnilitf: ' CaMlcfor^l tow n aquail. .'il Ju ;;n,

Tlic Musj:rav.‘ nu tllt ia trnti.- tively itclifduk-il lo [liny a <Ii)Ul;1<- 1)111 acuiniit Ca.Mli;f<inl next .wri'lt,

’ U'ltli llie KiliT illrla' l..vvn tram ■ ini-otliic Cantlrford j;ltla In tiu


r iA V CASTLKrOIU)Richanlaoa'/i Clcatura wilt nicot

Caatlotor.! Mcrcantllo a l Caatlu- fo n l Mimiliiy ni|;lit, lli<- inanaciTi: of llic lucal qiiUitcl announccil to- <lay. '

V ■C astleford , Eden 1

Split Twin Billiri-dON. Ja n , i.Siaclal) 1

tlc /o rJ and l'M'’ll biUilU'lt.all Iraitir; ; >111 a .I.iuldc- MU li-av laa; nl;;ht I'Jrlrn K'lla c,;i>liircd llirlr nii.-n-

Oregon State H o ld s Lead to Nip C ougars

I'UI.I.MAN. Jan . 'I I''

.............l!ij; in N-.-w Y..rl( a la lr .,T lio alli- li'i.d. \\'.t;.lili;|;tciV, S t.ilr ',-l.'tli- raatinia:.;iMi annoiima-.l 11 .Mo'Jn;; ui;:li ni);ht ami il.T . ,M-

' Tin- n.-vv^r

Dietrich Captures , Tw o A t R ich fie ld ’

i;iciM'Mi:iJ), Jam (.S|w.-i:iii,' llati'ly a f l r r lla- ipi). 1’.’


fr:it-'<l Kd

. IS,

|)-lcirk ami " ImUlni:, In uddl- llcin, li.iM- Tricji wri'/iUIni; la Uar- ic(l, '••Irll^ ini;. r'cratclilni; aiiil ,Mi:in;;l,' Imlda, iiiyl lltnnvliij; (iji-:-n.nl'i ..til <.r Ih- iln;;,

KIhtIj I |)i'iiiili:,’iloH r>( the C(im- mixiiiin niiiai 1»' ■,'iectiri'il lirrmc

lie. adViXi. ll:itr| an citM.T than an ,'>{111111111


Hagerm an Boys W in, GirLs Are Defeated!';)


■ nd ..lon l waa all.-ad a l the iijitiniiii.- yuiirt'^r; !vl'-'n ' ct a l till' Ji:ilf. ami Ca.Mlclor

till- llilnl pi'Hiid,

H an sen Takes High Scoring Triumph

K..-r)rc- wan M Id 3.'., •In tlie (ipetilai; half. Ihe rwrliijr

va;i fa ir ly roiithic, llaiiw n liiikllnj: 1 :;() to 1.'. nitirKin, In the final

IwA |)riif„!a. linw<'ver, tlw aliarp- ilK.ot.Ta iiir tx.lh le:ini;i i;.il laidci vay.

In the npi'ner. llan;;(in fni ili unci p1ay.<l a rla;i.'; Kuriie, wnn

1)5 Ih f frc,'diii».ai.

c,viii:v WINS i*Aji:CA itKY . Jan , lSin.'Cl:in - ii'ry l)oy;i and i.^rla wna licri- Inal

nlKl)l over H ailey lo maintain flrnt iilat.- Iji th .' W.iiicl iliver aiili-dla- tiic t, Tlic c lrla wen. 2.'> (a and

lya, 2 '

j WiiHhliiKlnn ;i:i. Ori'«.in 'iH.; f a li rn rn la Hi, V. C. I . A. IM.1 C. ;»!. .Staiifiiril :j i ..i :>IifliiKi'>i :l-. O t'l" ^'al<- -H.I Ml.-li. S l iltr ;r.’, ('•■Iltnil S late

17. 'I N.iVtlu-rn S la ir Telirs. ;m,I Ml,.I,. T -t!i 1!).

<jUvvl ;W. -«•A riii'iiir Ti-<'li Mleldciii)

.Nnrinnl " I.KlrliH Frli'iiill.v I'lvi- ).'i.

D ^ l o “ Basketeers“W in Over M alta

DKCUO. Jan . 2- (Special) I'ecio nlflh achool imi;,- Ic.ini.'i ra]>. tiireci n douhli' victory- here la;it n ij:h t ove r Malta,

The Hecio j;iri« w<m i\v i;n lo :;i' after- tak ln i: an early Imt ;illi:liL

lii llii! flrat quarter,II. Declo l),iv;.- leata .l.fea l,

M alta li:i,V!i IH t.) .S In a iiarclliij: i:Iaali,

t ’A I .ir o U N I.l WIN'SnnriK K l.K Y . Callf,, Jan . 27 d'.

— U nivoraily of C.nllfonila‘a citinl Lhall player.i di-foat->,l tlieir

a liortiT bnitiiiT!! from U. C. L. A.- 11 a confcrencir ba.-ilu'lball

claah he re la.il nlj.'l't.

I, til:xi ilhlcrlmlnaLlon a /;aia:il; hi’ilii o r t:i'oiipri of (,'rap.

.’.lan:i,;*ra caiiiuil ;:c l aa

pay Is JIO,Sii^prnninnn ami inaa cit llcrnr

;ir<: llii' penaltlea provided. '

Burley Legionaires — Attend'GonYentioiT

iailU .K y, Jan , :;7 (Sjiecla liirjre dt1c'};altiin of Hiirli'y l.'.'irioa- naiieri mid their wivi-a allendiil

CillZ.'ii ;aii1le,v In a fain tly , c m -

ilenl Ir,nil. th a t much viniii'tc-il land nf jitrfocl M'i,-ithiT ha'i milhinj; oa llie Wi’inlcll Icr-t- Iciry Ihiii year

Califonila may have hl.jo ia- iiiK lu a a n a Iree,"! iinil r a l la lilii!;\ but Bernie C»mi'li;.cm

rail to arhii-Vir iiurhi- ,■.vere ;;ot)d lo'matocav .any that coul

1 'in the •'weatlK'r"

BOWLINGyini'll idap i.-iuwlinjr ab o u t iiavinj: "noililni: lo 'lo in w in ter tim e," Wr.'rc K,rUin(T iii'w ri crulla to Iho H rnjy of pln-tiipplcra every duy, iinUwe ailviae vini to lainie iIov tj lo the -iwln I.'iilln allpyn.

Ml{. KtKl r'KKI) STO N Erra p rittiim

•• In l>.-d

Mr,I Mm ,

1 Mrii Tim 1 W.iif,oelmiii

Mm, Ko,'i.'i 'voum alii Giiialri from the al.'tlh illalrii

won'. . J.ilin Kia nian, I'.>cateli(, vicc conimaniler; Mm, John For* man,(head of llie ICIkIiI and Forty 111 Idalii., an'l .Mra, Vera Holm.- 'Depiirtnii'nt of Chll,l WVlfii rlialraiaii.

lllCKiT >‘ainl<-M Ami M ra,- llii;;h Ca

)>iclcc(l pan:Uc-i, lari;er frerth .r onra than I'ro Mimnier. friaii her fitiwe .ai the narth aide of lirr .. .. iin Ne'-v Year’ll day. She piflc- r l thoiie paniili-a wHli !iall.-il'iio. Linn and yvlth patrloll,; p ri.le , N’o t more than 10 daya l>.-iore iilio .anil Mr. Caldwell ha,l iilai-t- <-(! on a return tr ip from Io w a bundled lip anil fortlfle.l air'^lniil 11 tem peralliro of Id de):recn below rcro,

II loulia aa thiiUKh I<I.alir>



____ . h s ' l V - Y O U l l^ T O AC O R N £ ^ U M T ^L

L NOUK EM^S ,} T R A .-PP£D rv\£TH' CfTHER N\«oHT,

A N O <SA .TF£D S O NSU CHT E & .T H L O O S E ^A E .t5

a n ' c l i c k e d u k e






l'AVKOI.I.,IS sB y Ahern

CWA iiavi-oll for the totahHl SH78..S!>. w ith

Who-N •hlch ;to nay

and j>nn.Tle,n7

i cavip.pulC • [‘‘—THEY'T E •BESlNNlN'i TO LOSEinterest

, 1 ^


Seen Today EXIDE^'eiv family a r r 1 v 1 n (; on

niomln); idaf;e, and M artin); hi looUlnf: for "a placo to Btay.". , . Miitorhit on Main avirnuo doable paritln}; c.ar »o th a t a Jitrlntr of wvi-n o r c lj;hl other inachlacn j;o t held up, Tlie )antnrlnt happened lo bo of thir

' 7f mlnine jTcniler. . . , 'TTi)7,''fl’ nliot In y ic window!! of a church,. , , Sym palhelic womnn wlm look her old dopr lo the animal honplLil. lo be cliioro- formed, ulieddinK' a few ([tili-t

'learn on the aide. . . . Croup tr>'ln(; in plan I'omc-lhlnff for lomori-ow, nnd Incluilinp , 'colf and n ploilc iimonir the po!-il- Ijllltle.n- . . , So Tw in Sprlnpn now-fia.n a 'i .iv , 'r t )r— iiiil'ifj ttiin riha iriw nnm .-n .rtii,’- fact lliat 11 ia loc.atcd in Ne- vnd.i. iayn one com m rnlntor. Vi'Jio InillPAleO hfi \i-no "Ju.il dy- Inc 1" K" to a lavom ." . . .

, Dau(;hleni • of Capl. nnd Mm. -KrcniJel' W ihoanlnj; the lo.ti of tlieir pet ilof; wliicli wnn Rmiinj; llie niito camialty Hat Iteru ye.nlenlr.y. A KTasa-hoppcT. vnry much nliv,'. brouRht to ihu live- iiln): TInicH ofdcc liy K. I t WoiHlkc, liulil. who miya tlial part of ih a tr a e l in ehj,lyinc real mimmcr w i-allirr,' nnd of. , feni tJie ’liiipper ail im m f of U>»l

Battery Service

Automotive Electrical Repairing

• M otor RcwiiuliiiB

Q P E N I N G l



M a ^ o to Scrvicc

Kyle M. W aitePhone 23 Next lo P . 0 .

i E J l - EF O R " S A"L“E n-----

zVulo Door OtaM. W lndahleldn and Window Gliun

Drlnp your *aah In amt h av e Uio broken (jlas.i replaced be-

fori? cold wenthiT le t^ In.No fh a r jro for U-jlior ScU lr»c01.W1

Open .Saturday Nlglite!

Phono , MOON’S,Talnl nnd Fnnilture Store


—— Eveiybody ~W ekome-^~—

F R E E H A N C EOnly 47 M iles South o f T w in FalU orT H i^w ay'N o.

Come And Have' A Good Time. M anagem ent Frank Craven y


Marrk? 0 ’ltris

T w o in(*;i woik* : i t’c ifl(0 i t a l l y s ln i c k dnw ii o n ili ■ h i g h w a y h o r c T h u i 's d i iy n n r l th e y n ro tn riny :ii t h e

horfpital .siiffe i 'iiiir f ro m .sc i'io iis in j i i r i f s . I '[ 'O n e tjf t h e m e n , \ \ ' . S . \ ’a ii(l(‘rw (ir t , w c ll-k ii 'iw n |

ro s id c n l, v e n l i i r c d o n ,t<» Uu* ro a d w a y d i i r i n ^ ^ i io a i l i c ;~ d a y lijilil an<I wa?; b i t , U is s i i i d , ' lo c a l i s e l i r w a s ; " '

l)!ind in fy ie e y e . T lu ‘ o l h e i ' m a n . a i r a n s ie n l liili liik e r , w a s |jro cc’cd in tj; ; i ln n ,u th e iii.L'liway c*a.st o f

. h e re a i .n i .u h t , a n d w a s o n ih e I 'ig lu , n o t t lie lel'L..side o f tiu! r o a d . U lin d in t i l i.y h is f ro m car.-^-aijiji-oaeli- in g i)ie l i ik e r a n d tin - d r i v e r o f t lie e a r w liicli s t ru c k

— h im r rc s n i te d - in - n n ~ a c c id G n tr ^ 'h ic i i - \ \ i i l '- r tn n h r ic ? K iy * g n d o w n a s “ u n a v o id :n ) lo .” '

I l in ig h t h a v e Iieun a v n i d a h i c h a d tlie p o d e s lr ia n b e e n w aikJ/ii,’' t l i f c o v t v c i .side nt' i lw r<iad, , \r) iic h

,is th e le f t s id e . T h e n h e w m ih l n o t liav c ru n Ihc risk o f ho in .c l i i t fi'ttn i t h e r e a r , a n d lie c tm h l se e a p - p ro a c h in g eai-s. . _ _

N o c e n s u re c a n b e m e t e d o u t in e i th e r o f T h u r s ­d a y 's in c id e n ts , h u t t l ie y sh ou i< l sei'Ve a s I 'o m in d e i's o f .soniethiji.ir to t l ie .u en e i 'a l p u h lie .

O n e o f lhe .sc !.is t h a t In’i ih w a v s a r t; In iiit p ru n a r i ly fo r v e h ic u la r t i 'a f f ie , n o t . fn i- 'p ed e .s ii- ia jis . T lu 'ie w ill he d io a .u re e n ie n t w ith t h i s in .som e ( |u a rU ‘rs; h u l 'i r o tn Die ih c re a s in i ; n u m l)c r o f a c e id e t i t s i r is e e r ta in ly

■ c l e a r : l l i a t o n e t a k e s h i s h f o in h is h a n d .s 'w h e n h e ' e ssa y s to u s e a j iu h l ic l i i i r h w a y a s a s id e w a lk . In m u n ic ip a l i t ie s , people^^ w o u l d he c e iis tire d if th e y w a lk e d in t h e s t r e e t c o n s is t e n t ly . ,S id e w a lk s s e rv e foi-l- p e d e s tr ia n s a n d th e s l i 'e e t is )»i‘in ia r i iy fo r t r a f f ic . | oiin B u t o n h ig h w a y s , it s e e m s tn he a s s u m e d th a t th e I

• p a v e m e n t is a l s o a s i d e w a lk .M ay h e i t w o u l d - b e im p ra c l ic a 'I to su fi^e st th a t

s id e w a lk s b e b u i l t a lo n c r s i ( k '. h i ” h w a y s fo r th e ae* c o n in io d a tio n o f p e d e s t i - ia n s . In it it is h iijlily j jra e tie a l to u rp e th o s e w b o j i i 'e c n in [ ) e l lo d to w a lk a lo n g t h r ro a d w a y s , to u.se th e l e f t s i d e ' i u i d ’ t o ' t i - v ' t o w a lk o ff , n o t o n , th e ' p a v e m e n t . T h e la w m ay n o t r e ­q u ir e i t , h u t s a f e ty d o e s .

H ig h w a y s a r e m o re d a n g e r ( iu s th a n n i i l ro a d c ro ss - in g s / 'a s c a n b o a t t e s t e d b y t h e th e s e tw o la te s i v ic ­tim s o f .h ig h w a y a c c id e n ts .

' . . C O N T IN U IN 'G T H I- C W A

T h e g e n t le m a n w h o c a iig - li l a b e a r b y th e ta il , a n d Avho fo u n d h a n g in g on a t r y in g p i-o p o siiio n , b u t ,d id n 't d a re le t g o , b e c a u s e th in g s w o u ld he vei-y

-----much"\yoi7;p i f he d id , ?G om s'To h a v c 'h a d ’ n m h iiig on“ th e i) re se n i a d m in i s t r a t i o n in i ts c iv il w o rk s jiro -

g ra in .T h e a d m in i s t r a t i o n h a s b e e n s j ie n d in g s o m e th in g

lik e 9r)0,()00,()()() a w e e k o n c iv i l w o rk s em iilo y m e n t. A t th a t r a te th e e x is t in g f u i i d w ill h e e .vhaiiste tl hy

' t h e m id d le o f F e h r u a r v . T h e P r e s id e n t h a s a s k e d-- congrcj;s-ln_vnto-..S.‘ (»(‘,llil(l,(HH)-move-t<>-c;u-ry-ihe-joh

a lo n g ; yet it w o u ld r i‘(] i i ir e m o re than tw ice tha t sum to ta k e 'th e p ro g ram th ro u g h .May 1, i f the present

- rate of-O ])e i'ations is - m a in ta in e ii .T h e to u g h p a r t o f it i s t h a t , b a c k o f iho.^e .^tu*'

- p e n d o u s s u m s o f m o n e y , i h e r o is a s tu [)e n d o u s n u m ­b e r o f h u m a n b e in g s w iio w i l l g e t a c ru e l a n d (rai^ic d i.s illu s io n m en t i f th e p rn i) lo m is n o t b ;ind l(‘d j u s t so .

A lre a d y th e ( ’W.A is s h o w i n g s ig n s o f c r e a k in g . M o n e y is h e g in n in t ' to r u n s h o r t . H o u r s o f h a v e iieen r e d u c e d , In so m e ' lo c a l i t ie s m en a ic lie inu ' la id o ff . • . ’

T h e th e o ry , o f c o u rs e , is th ; i t th e ( ' \ \ A ’ iii 'o g ram a n he t a p e r e d o f f a s i i r i v a t e b t i s in e s s 4 e v iv ( ‘s s u f -

in g o f la te . I t w u i d taki> a n o p tin n V i t, p ro o s])e riiy w ill re tiu -n so f a s t th a t p r iv a te hnsines,- c a n a b s o rb a l l -I.()()().i)(ti) C W A m e n b y nex t Ma.v.

T h e a d i i i in i s t r a t io n h a s on, i ts - lu -u id s a pro,i:r:ini w h ich c a n n o t h e c o n l in u o f l im ie f i j i i i e h ’. h u t w h ich c a n n o t l)e c u t ofT s iid d i-n lv w i th o u t c a u s in e p ro fi.u d i s a p p o in tm e n t , to a g r e a t n i.-iny i / '

T h e se C \ \ 'A m e n h a d n o t h a d jo bs 'T o t- ;i Im b e fo re th e g o v e r n m e n t p u t tb c n i lo w o rk . .M th em h a d b e e n o n th e r e l i e f I'o lls.

— T o c u t t h e n v a d r i f i b e f o r o n ew iu lis .-ut• w o u ld be ,c ru e l. ,

T h e a d m in i s t r a t i o n w o u ld s c c i i i to h e up .■ o n e o f i ts b ig g e s t te s t , '. It m.-iv n o f e x a e t ly - i . r

• th e d ev il a n d th e d e e p b lu e s e a . b u t it 'a l le a s t c u n d e i-s ta n d th e e m o t io n s w h ic h b e se t th e i;cn tlcm w h o h a d a b e a r h y th e ta i l .

A fo .gsil.ch o .^ tn n t h a s - b e e n d u “- u | ‘T h a i m u s t b e th e f ) n r 7 T T r r I i / r g r " \ \ 'h r

_ I s a w y o u w ith l a s t n i g h t ? ’’ .................- ' i'

. A m a n in T a c o n m ; \V ;is h . . t h r e a d e d a n e e d le >\-ith i

75 s t r a n d s ; x ind o n e in R e n o , N e v .. p u t ‘)1 s t r a n d s o f i t h r e a d th rm ig h a n ,e e d le ’s e y e . H u t th e y c o u ld n ’t p u t ' o n e - s tr a n d th i-o u g h , i f t h e i r \ \- iv e s a s k e d th em to do* U . ^ ■ i '


CoiitrrcjB Yawns As Officers Rovcnl Graft. P ork I:i Strono- Factor With CoiiRres-sinci Got RcpiibliciUi.H Where They Wunt Them.

Hides His L ight Under a B«.shel.

M-VIIKV AT JEUO.MK,lOODINO, Juli, (Spi-cIiU) — ..'t CliniiUn A;icucnii a'ml A[;u!i- Salulu, liotli of Gooding, wcrn'

rrird Hi .Itrromr .Ian. 0. Tliry

■nici.iAi«i.K--sHon) SHOP fo r export nhoe rcpalrlnj,' wJilIu yoi. w all, N cxl It) I 'o r ro t F ru ll S toru. Kenl • Monscn. Prop.

a u t^ ' top- body, w orksF O R SALK— VINDSHIKLDAND

doo r stf'ss., Aulo topa nnd cur- Irtin repair, canvn.n unil canvna repnlrlrif;, Thomftt: Top * Cotly

----- •W orlin.-Bdck-of D nnce liia .

^ 0 R . W ILUAM D, RETOOLDsi 220 South Mnln S treet.


nnd cAlllnR carda cngravctl or printed. Unny correct stylca lo

nin? Tlmea orricc. 3&S Mnln Avc. K.iat, Tcl«-pl!£no-33.

OliaTlrn f!. DiiwtH wnn VlCtC I'UKsini'NT o r ’Tin-: unitkd STATICS. MOUNT • COMMA. • Ii Mrxicn. In tlin Mkticflt nctln TDlfRjio In N orth America. OEfl

the niimlwr of telcphone\ vrltln^srij- :,o(?o,0(jt;>.jn v*?.. .

J— P age S ix - I 'D A H b W R N m O T I M E S , T W IN F A lL S i lD A H O ,

Society aed Club News A T 'TH E CHURCHES IR O O S E V E L T IS -


--Calendar- "Spna O u l Tby I,

CHOSEN i i H L C i F

Standards of The'Kingdom

—Tn-honm or I-rvclffl lilrih 'I.iy mrniUrr.i iif N tolli scnlcd a. ''IVwjlrleii th r ir iru'otinir nC llic c o u n liy iioii E lilm l. Monibcra n'n|Hm n>II c.-ill w ith Intrrcnllni; f:i knew abiJitt filni. SliDrl ; or hl.i life w en- n'lul hy I'I'i b t« , Mrfi, T .1. Riiviflnnl lniptvH;il(iii;i «! Mr vcU nnil of Ihi- Wlill.- Hou: c<l (Itirln;; hc i' n r i- iil viriil i' ln>:Uin.

ton'/i h lr lhduv P"l-1url; <tlbe III Ih r' lim iv <pf Mr; Morf^nn on K -h r in iy 'Jl w cu;t.K-<l. A I'vii-ccniiMc liV/ilR I'tn-rcl lo <foMowlnfT Mr;..MUIdlctoii. M r;r ;iU C. PcU^.non,,


MIU'lic'll \V. Hiilil, Jr.. fiit-'r e<I II K "" '!’ o f llilrly-fix frln i. im iimuslnK' n l Uu' MilW . ili in l ht.iiK- liuil c'Vrnliu:. ll.’ll«vc-U-Or N et cinl.-r.t. n nlvftl Jiinci- con<Uictnl iil ii iic- ; dlp-afl nlyli-, ;inil c-Irvrrly i.'amcM mtiilL- ihi' L-vi-niiii; ill:

T.-xt: Mult. .-irl-lHnv w.Nj. K. (iir.itov, i). Y).

K<IIU>r of ttic CiiiiRrrKalliiiiiillsI TI)o oC bi-j;ln.

iMl)|i';mcrliicii!i, ainl lilmlniTn i U :o.portion of all who cn lrr li It iimJ wlio contlniiL' In 11. l)lr,i/iliu:;i n!i till' world Ini) (Tiintn lliriii, N ol Uir lili-nln

iin n i l In atltietilr*!,' to Uii.- Ucall- i tu c la r the donlnp vcrac;i uf Uic . fifth chnptcr of Miillhcw, which

Iny alre.1.1 , upon the f'unmn ■life iiJi llltc the hfc of Cod In tlip| IjountUulnciL-i of lui luvc andiiuifTniinimlly-- ■...... - ...............

Thl:i IriimipliaHl dcjicrlpllon of Ihc K'-od Ilf.; l:l Cloafiy rol.ntcd to Ihu w ay oC blc.islnir. Oi in a life In w hich man la IJ.'tcd tiito.-a illf- fi 'rcn t utmonphcH from th a t of w orliily und jii'IfWi i»ui.ilonri luid lnt<;rciiU. U Ih n life in uiiich rvrii aow nnl ono'fl nirliili'fi ri'coa- .itnlctlvo powcrjv’ Ix'Cln to o|Ji'r:itu w h-n onp miTiff cnnniy iiot with •'itinlly, hu t wiyx lovv-,

SrlfliiliiiMa iK'Vtr cnii connu'T ;; hiit«^ tn vi'r cun con-(juiT hiilo. liut^Avhcii oiif iiifiLi

Ir.I'l for

______CiRltdiltlK I..

foiinilallontinv. r iin -o l/i l i ’T cvrl^ti u |)lrltu;U -vftluo.-.-J*~— i—

And when one Uatr.'wllhlove, til' liaii met ..•UjOKlUlnK Ihnl l:i ;;lron/; and dc'ip wlLii :K>mi-lhlnj; t i n t l:i rvcn iitronirer and di'cpiT. i

IluL lli*'iv i;i no |'•I'arW iiiiii thi- ».r iK.i I n ' Iviitli ........

A \N W > A V S \\\X \V < \\X \A \V V \\X W C X X W ia a-.U lC t-.Jlccd,, o. A hu ffrt aiipixT, II UibU- cfiitc;ri-il wltli

conti'nt p riz aprvtd fromthree birthcli'.v cal;i'.i. cliinaxod cvcnln};, GU'^aln won-;

Min-icH JtMJime tloblnmm, Ji T h o m p n o n . Jciin Joncii. .)<)■Tlioiniison. .Knld Illcliard.i. Klh Olaon. F ayo S luy trr, liiiojrc

^Duvia, Allcc Head. I-ol.n Slrvo Bolty WcKcncT. Olivia Cha[iiii £ i l ly M.te W hile. Shirley Ji Sm ith, H cth Claiit. Marjorie; J;

.Hnlpln. L ilah M urlr H<.IIIM-t. ' n u th « ro :« and Ita-e.na.-y «l‘'-

i’c'cU. *\I1 tilc latr.. W llioi llovorhi

IF your <I*«lcr ean'l luppty you vltli CutttrBltcUcsBoctcrin wrilidlrtct lorqutntllyprtcc*.

^ gl»« *yRipiemV,"prcir(iit>i«nd euro for eenfflon


IM Brmvn. Jnm c.i 1‘ricbr. Itlchanl anil Donald Har<li?r. Richard Hey- nolil.i. A nhcr Wll.'iDn. Jr., Paul

. O 'Leary. Milm-r Ounn, llnliin.l Hutchlniion. ICd«ard ;iml Hurry Ucnolt, Kmc.Mt Ontrniii, MWl Sul- cliff and K enneth Liirliln.

-M- « «SHOWKIt A N D I’AKTV PEA TU iiB c i . i ; n .Si;.SSl()N

A panlrj- nhower honoring'.Mrs.Helen Jnhniion Harvey, a ri-crnt brlcic, iinil n p a rly in honor of Mr<>.Mury MllU-r. whone blrlhiiay in lhi« innnlli.-inailc Uu; iitertlnc ot thp Lcnd-A-Hnnil club a t Iho home of Mra. Georjro I’omeroy eaprclally In trrcallnd yciilcnltiy aflcrnoiin.

The Kroup tnjoyed fifteen mill- Ulcn uf Kroup lilnKliij:. Kuuaidni;

• contcata.. nnU other (;'inK-:i. Mr:',■ M iller and Mr.n. \V. \V. \Vi«ht pro-

Bcntcd an olil faaUloned w alls. Mra.W. A. Poo. prcnident, prealded a t D fliiurt buidnfn.1 m retinjr. liurlnx which the r c d e rn t io n report wa:i jlv en by Mru, W, C. ihilbort.

D ainty rcfrcnhm rntn followed the tn tcrtJilnm irnt. Mriiun from which Ihc frucnlji w ere l» choo;ie three lt« n « for th e ir lunche.i

' ed. N u t eupn anti candln hoUicrp. nppoarlnt; on cnch tn iy during U'f lunch w hich follnwc<l, w ere fa.ih- Joncd of hom o made candleii.

' , ElRhtcen tiienibi-ni iinil the fol- Iciwlnir KUC.ilH attoniled: Mra.

., AViyht., Mra. .Che»l.-r l^mclo.. an.l

.-----’itrn . I5nrl Utfnl: -rtn.-iC d-C ollhin‘will cn tertn iil the ilu b on i'cb- ru n ty 0.

y.v y.i.M i'i.Ki)(iKH JIO N O IIK I) A T DIN.NKK

Zu Zlm c lub cnterla in i'd a t n . dinner a t the NVw ItoKer.ioa

hotel In honor of ILi pledKW, Jacl!Lonjr, Klchar.1 H urbert and Wayne Unwley. U . B. tyin/:. chib pre.il-

____ .lent, pre.-'UI.-d. H e ............ - - ‘Oretui of w elcom e ti imd called upon Uu rciipon.teji. Till- tllnnei

.. -4'd by club offlter.i. iiiumli'jn th r lr partnur.-<-

1 A fter thii dinner the pa rty ad- i- S i i : A im uul H an d u e l Is ,

nchool In o n le r lo ralne fun.l;n A t t r a C t l V G A l h D l ' for the ncnlor annual, Cui l l s 'E aton, bu.iinean m anu|:er of the publication, wuh in chan;'- nf the dance. He wn.-( .i.nalHted by Wilbur JilcCmy, H. n . I-«in(r and Hob M<

' A«ley. W ealoy K lrlunan’ri orclie:Ira fum l.ibed the; mu

- F K in tl iA lty iUUDK IlO N O ltE K . \T .SHOU'KK

MlJiiPC-i H azel an.i .Ma Newnmri en lerta ineil

----- » t Ihelr Inenlii fi

Meeting of Potato Growers Assn.


Siin, Janyary 28,1934'at 2 P. M. at

Tw in Falls High School A uditorium

I- lil^l IMI'Clilll' lllis(liri'ii'iillies u f tin;


' .N K iio w i;i.u s . \ f i - n , \ i . s (iOUDl.NG. .lun. UT ISp.clal) - b;i Tlim-;ia Nero un<l Vlclo

WrllH Wire r i'c en llv nm rrird u 'IWIn Falla, ,Mra. \Vella hii« bee;

mployi-,1 a t Or. C.a



Thin is not n snlc.i organization i sponsor nny :;aks orcunization.

M U T U A L C O A Li t has been ru m o red tlu it coal jji-ices I ia v e 'a d v an ced in a ll coal y a rd s in T w in

F alls. This is iiot tiaie, a n d any one m ak ing th is ' s ta te m e n t is misrepresenting:.' C oal i>rices in our T w in F a lls and F ile r y a rd s have n o t been changed s in ce N o­vem ber 7th, excep ting a 25c per ton red u c tio n on stove coal oii D ecem ber 12th,

“ w lii^ i“^ F d u e to7 iT educ ti()ii a t the miiios.

Wc ol ler >'()u the g en u in e M U T U A L 'C O A L a t the follow ing p rices; F ile r prices aix> 25c per ton h ig h e r on account o f f re ig h t rates.

YARD PRICES ' ■ . - : D E U V E R E D P R IC E S

1510.00 Large Lump $10.75 9.00 Stove ■; , 10.25 ~8.50 Nut 9.25

PiS ~ T 7 T ~ 5.75-______ ^ S k ck -_________ 6.50—


The Inler-g lub ilance, in which m cm bcn. o f McT, Trl-C, Zti Zlm,

- P .e d KniRhtn. and Eljctnn iV lti - . Pal clubs a n d their alumni ji.ln, • will be Klven n t Radluland on

Feb. 7. announceii H. IJ. U>nt,-, Inlor-cluh council prnddi-nt. Hua .YAuphn-a rN n v tE i'tn ra " w in lur- niflh the mu»ic.

Pntrona ' nm l patroneM ia will be sponnorn of the. Beveral eliilw.

Intor*club council offlc,er-n are • In charge o f nrrnntienifntJi. They

a rc : H, B. LonK. pre.nliient: Hob • Racon, trc ii.iu rer: und J o h n

- - £recKcnrldKo, uecretnry.

__ .- . . iv u ix y - J io N o u s ._____________— n rm -sc H O O b -p itiN c u -A i------

MlM Fnmce-1 Grow. MIm H ar­rie t Todd a n d Mln.'J Hulli IjmK cntertiiln rd n t iin a ttrac tiv e Vnl- cn tlne d in n e r a t the PnrH hotel Janl ovenlnB for leacber.i of the U ncoln K hoo l .at Duhl. The din­ne r waji u KjJcclal ccm iilim cnt to Mra. M yrtle G ault, principal Kt

. the Lincoln biilldinir. who.ie b irth ­day It wai). The evcnintr wna



Stove Nut ...Pea ,Slack(,V Kxlra Ulirr.- Wo 1‘iirnW i Hag)

......... ; ....... 3 0 C50c 40 c 35c

Timn Falls Phone

36Delivered prices are w ith in cjty limits. Less than ton lots 50c, Carload prices m ay

- .......be obtained a t our office or through one of our representatives.

We Feci Confident If You Once Use Mutual Coal You W ill Always Insist Upon Mutual

AT l'01H tl-\It PKICtVs!


D U D L E Y DRISCOLL, [District M anager ^
