SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones [email protected]

SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

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Page 1: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that


Written by

Deano Jones

[email protected]

Page 2: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that



We open in the busy working environment of a clothing manufacturer “S.C CLOTHING.” As workers rush around packing orders ready to be shipped.

SARAH CASSIDY (30’s) Sassy Workaholic female, struts through the warehouse whilst throwing out orders as her assistant SEBASTIAN RADFORD (20’s) Scatterbrained male, follows her while holding onto his clipboard taking notes.

SARAHWrap faster. We’re on a deadline don’t you know?

MARY (40’S) AND JULIE (40’S) Two loyal workers, look on disgruntled by her bossy tone.

SARAH (CONT’D)Sebastian.

SEBASTIANYes Miss Cassidy.

SARAHMake sure these orders are all shipped by noon.

Sebastian writes down a note on his clipboard.

SEBASTIANShipped by noon.

Sarah stops by the material section and notices the different coloured materials. She picks up a piece of purple and pink material and holds them next to each other.

SARAHNow this could work... Sebastian.

She struts towards her office as Sebastian follows her closely taking notes.

SARAH (CONT’D)I’m thinking sequins.

Sebastian makes a note.


Page 3: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

She stops and turns to Sebastian.

SARAHActually.. No sequins.

SEBASTIANNo sequins.

He scribbles out the note as she continues to strut towards her office.


Sebastian writes it down.


She stops and turns to Sebastian.

SARAHActually.. No stripes!

He scribbles out the note as she continues to strut towards her office.

SARAH (CONT’D)I’ve got it!

Sarah stops and turns towards Sebastian.

SARAH (CONT’D)Combine Purple and Pink.

Sebastian makes a note.

SARAH (CONT’D)Not a salmon pink, more peach.

SEBASTIANMore peach less salmon.

Sebastian makes a note.

SARAHI can call it.. Pur-peach!


SARAHYes! Purpeach. I like that, lets get onto marketing right away.


Page 4: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

Sebastian makes a note.

SEBASTIANGet onto marketing right away.

She stops outside her office.

SARAHNow if you’ll excuse me. I have to prepare for my meeting with David Hickinbottom.

SEBASTIANWho’s David Hickinbottom?

SARAHA very rich businessman who wants to invest in my clothing range.

Sarah enters the office and turns to Sebastian.

SARAH (CONT’D)Oh and grab me a Mocha frocha cino.

She shuts the office door as Sebastian looks on confused.

SEBASTIANA mocha frocha what?



In the small quaint town of Clauddale, we see the town is lit up by bright shining Christmas lights, which reflect of the white glistening snow. Pan to “CLAUDDALE COMMUNITY HALL.” Next to the community hall is a large wishing tree, wrapped in christmas lights with a star attached to the top of the tree.


Inside the community hall. MEGAN CASSIDY (30’s) Bright bubbly female with a passion for Christmas, is stood directing the towns children during their rehearsal for the upcoming nativity play.

MEGANOkay... Hope, it’s your line.

A young girl HOPE (6) steps forward as she performs the narrator role.


Page 5: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

HOPEMary and Joseph went to stay in the stable.

Megan directs the children on the stage.

MEGANOkay.. Mary and Joseph make yourself at home.

Two young children playing Mary and Joseph follow Megan’s directions.

HOPEEven though it wasn’t exactly the Hilton. Mary and Joseph made the best of it.

As Megan laughs at Hope’s comment, she is interrupted by the Community hall manager GRACIE (40’s)

GRACIE Can I grab you for a quick word?


Megan turns her attention to the children on the stage.

MEGAN (CONT’D)Okay everyone, Let’s have a 10 minute break and we will pick up where we left off.

Megan follows Gracie to a quiet section of the hall.

GRACIEI’ve got some bad news Megan.

MEGANBad news?

Gracie hesitates.

MEGAN (CONT’D)What is it?

GRACIEThe state can no longer fund the hall.

MEGANWhat are you talking about?


Page 6: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

GRACIEIt means there is no money to carry on running this place.

MEGANWhat’s going to happen to this place? The wishing tree? It can’t just shut down.

GRACIERight now.. I don’t know?

MEGANWe’ve got the nativity play? The big Christmas bash? This community hall means everything to the people of Clauddale.

GRACIEI know and you’ve done an incredible job here Megan. But without any funds, this place simply can’t survive.

Gracie exits the hall as Megan looks on disappointed.



Inside the office of S.C Clothing, Sarah sits at her desk typing away on her computer. There is a knock at the door, Sebastian opens the door and pokes his head through.

SEBASTIANMr Hickinbottom is here to see you.

Sarah jumps up from her desk to greet DAVID HICKINBOTTOM (40’s) A respected fashion guru.

DAVIDHello Sarah.

They exchange pleasantries.

SARAHThank you for stopping by.

DAVIDIt’s my pleasure.

SARAHCan I get you a drink?


Page 7: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

DAVIDI’ll have a Mocha Frocha cino.

SARAHSebastian.. Make that two.

Sebastian makes a note of the order and exits the office as Sarah extends her arm towards the meeting table in her office.

SARAH (CONT’D)Please.. Take a seat.

DAVIDI just wanted to say congratulations on your business growth, S.C clothing seems to be making waves in the market.

SARAHThank you David.

DAVIDYou’ve clearly been working hard at developing your brand.

SARAHIt’s been three hundred and sixty five days of non stop hard work for the past three years. 1,095 days but who’s counting.

DAVIDWell it’s truly showing.. Which is why i’m here.

Sebastian interrupts the conversation as he enters the office carrying two disposable paper cups. Nearby he tries to pick up two S.C branded coasters with his fingertips while holding onto the paper cups as David and Sarah look on bewildered. He struggles to hold the coaster and drops it down on the table next to David which startles him as Sarah looks on embarrassed. He places the drink on the coasters for them.

SEBASTIANTwo mocha frocha cino’s.

Sebastian exits the office.

DAVIDAs I was saying...



Page 8: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

DAVIDI think it’s time you expand your operation.

SARAHWhat do you mean?

DAVIDHear me out.. I think you should open an S.C Clothing store.

SARAHOpen a store?

DAVIDYes and I want to help you achieve it.


DAVIDAll you need to do is purchase a building. Then I will have your store built within 4 weeks. It could be a joint business venture.

SARAHYou’d wanna go into a joint business venture with me?

DAVIDYeah, Why is that a problem?

SARAHNo.. I’m honored. You’re one of the most respected businessman I know.

DAVIDI own 265 clothing stores, I know good clothing when I see it.

SARAHWhere will the store be located?

DAVIDI’ve been looking at potential buildings.

David pulls out several photographs of different retail buildings for sale.


Page 9: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

DAVID (CONT’D)I’ve narrowed it down to two potentials.

SARAHOkay.. Where are they located?

DAVIDThe first one is in Seahaven.

David places a photo of a building for sale in front of Sarah.

DAVID (CONT’D)It’s a nice little fishing town.

SARAHI know Sea-haven, where is the second one?

DAVIDA little town called Clauddale.


DAVIDYou know it?

SARAHI grew up there.

DAVIDIn that case you’ll be familiar with the Clauddale community hall.

David places a picture of the community hall in front of Sarah.

SARAHThe community hall is up for sale?

DAVIDThey’ve stopped funding it. Literally crying out for somebody to purchase it. If I was you I’d go in with a low offer. They will probably accept it.

Sarah looks on gobsmacked.

SARAHWow! I don’t know what to say.


Page 10: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

DAVIDJust imagine.. You could take S.C Clothing to the next level.

SARAHIt’s not that, It’s just the community hall means everything to the people of Clauddale.

DAVIDIf it meant that much to the people of Clauddale, they would have donated money to support their precious hall.

Sarah points to the tree in the photo.

SARAHYou see that tree there, well that’s the wishing tree. Legend has it that if you make a wish on a night when all the stars are aligned, then your wish will come true.

David places a drawn up sketch of the new store in front of Sarah.

DAVIDIn place of that tree will be two gigantic gold letters “S.C.”

Sarah stares at the sketch of the potential store.

DAVID (CONT’D)It will be Clauddale’s premium clothing store.

Sarah ponders over the thought.

DAVID (CONT’D)This will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.

SARAHRich beyond my wildest dreams?

DAVIDIt all starts with that first store. Who knows, maybe by next year we will be talking about opening a second or a third, forth or fifth store!


Page 11: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAHOkay. I’ll place a bid.

DAVIDGreat! Just remember.. Once they accept the bid, that’s your work done. Then i’ll have your store built in no time.

David gets up from the meeting table.

SARAHThank you for dropping by David.

DAVIDYou doing anything nice for Christmas.

SARAHI will be spending my Christmas on a luxurious cruise.

DAVIDAre you not into the traditional Christmas.

SARAHOh please! The sooner Christmas is over the better.

DAVIDThat’s the spirit.

SARAHI don’t know why businesses have to close on Christmas day, If I had my way, I’d work through the holiday season.

DAVIDMe too.. Well i’ll be on my way. I will give you a call in a couple of days.

SARAHHopefully a bid would have been accepted by then.

DAVIDDon’t worry about planning permission, I’ve got a guy who will sort that.


Page 12: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that


DAVIDNext time we speak, hopefully you will be the owner of clauddale’s new premium clothing store.

SARAHLet’s hope.

David exits the office as Sarah looks on smiling to herself.



In the community hall the rehearsals for the nativity play have ended, as parents arrive to pick up their children.

MEGANOkay everyone, listen up. Tomorrow’s nativity play will begin at 6pm. Which means I need our amazing cast to be here one hour before the show.

The kids and parents begin to exit the hall.

MEGAN (CONT’D)Great rehearsal today everyone!

Hope’s mother FAITH (40’s) approaches Megan.

FAITHJust wanted to say, thank you for all you do for the community. Especially around the holiday season.

MEGANIt’s nothing, I enjoy it. Christmas is the time of giving and spreading joy.

FAITHWhich is why we got you a little something.

Faith hands a wrapped gift to Megan.

MEGANFaith.. You shouldn’t have.


Page 13: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

FAITHHope insisted.

MEGANThank you Hope, that is very kind of you.

HOPEYou can’t open it until Christmas day.

MEGANI wont.

FAITHHow’s your sister?

HOPEYou have a sister Miss Cassidy?

FAITHYes she does Hope, I used to babysit her and Megan when they were children.

HOPECan you babysit Megan tonight?

MEGANI’m a little too old for a babysitter now Hope. To be honest I haven’t seen my sister in over 3 years.

FAITH3 years?

MEGANSince Mom’s funeral, she’s been keeping herself busy with her job.

FAITHThat’s a shame, you too used to be inseparable.

Gracie interrupts the conversation.

GRACIESorry to interrupt you. Megan are you free?

Megan looks at Faith and Hope.


Page 14: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

MEGANI’ll see you both tomorrow.

She follows Gracie to a quiet section of the hall.

MEGAN (CONT’D)What is it?

GRACIEAn update.

MEGANAbout the hall?

GRACIEYes, In the last few hours we’ve accepted a bid by an unknown buyer.

MEGANThis hall has been running for over 50 years. I spent most of my childhood here, we can’t just give up on this place.

GRACIEI don’t know what the new owner plans to do with it. All I know is that they will be arriving tomorrow to sign the paperwork. All we can do is wish they share the same enthusiasm with this place the way you do.

Gracie exits as Megan looks on disappointed.


Sarah is packing up her office.


Sebastian enters the office dropping his pile of paperwork from his clipboard.

SEBASTIANYes Miss Cassidy?

He gets down on the floor to pick up the paperwork looking flustered.


Page 15: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAHI’m going to be leaving for a business trip tomorrow. I need to make sure everything is in order before I go.

He stands up with his messy pile of paperwork.

SEBASTIANYes Miss Cassidy.

SARAHDo you have my plane ticket?

Sebastian rummages around his paperwork until he finds her ticket.

SEBASTIANPlane ticket.

He hands her the ticket.

SARAHCruise tickets.


He rummages through his paperwork as Sarah looks on unimpressed.

SEBASTIAN (CONT’D)Yes. Here it is.

He hands her the ticket.

SARAHMy business paperwork.


Sebastian hands her a large envelope of paperwork.


SEBASTIANMiss Cassidy..



Page 16: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SEBASTIANIf you don’t mind me asking. Why would you want to spend Christmas on a cruise ship?

SARAHTo relax! I’d much prefer spending Christmas on a luxury cruise ship than the awful sight of Christmas trees, presents, red suits and snotty faced kids.

SEBASTIANBut Christmas is about giving and being with your family.

SARAHAnd that is what I’m doing on my business trip. Giving Clauddale the best present they could ask for.

SEBASTIANWhat’s that?

SARAHWhy.. An S.C Clothing store of course.

Sarah gathers her belongings and struts towards the office door as Sebastian looks on.

SEBASTIANMerry Christmas Miss Cassidy.

SARAHThe only thing merry about Christmas, will be me once I get onto my cruise and I hit the unlimited champagne bar.

Sarah exits the office.


Outside the community hall in the glistening snow. Megan stands talking to the wishing tree.

MEGANWhenever I needed hope, you gave it to me. I stood right here wishing Mom would get better, Everyday I stood here wishing..



Page 17: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

You gave me hope. This community can’t lose this hall and this tree.

Megan stands thinking.

MEGAN (CONT’D)I wish the new owner sees how much this hall means to me and everyone in Clauddale.

As Megan walks away from the wishing tree, the star on top of the tree begins to brighten. Pan up to sky to see all the stars aligned in the sky.


Sarah is packing her suitcase, ready for her cruise.

SARAHIn less than 24 hours I will be sailing around the caribbean drinking champagne.

She picks up a pair of sunglasses and tries them on in front of a mirror.

SARAH (CONT’D)These are so last year.

She picks up another pair of sunglasses and tries them on.

SARAH (CONT’D)Think I’ll stick to the gucci pair.

She grabs the gucci sunglasses and places them inside the suitcase.

SARAH (CONT’D)All packed! Next on the agenda, head to Clauddale and sign the paperwork.

Sarah picks up the envelope of papers and exits the room



As the audience sit in anticipation, Megan stands with the kids at the side of the hall.



Page 18: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

MEGANIs everybody ready.

The kids nod and smile back at her.

MEGAN (CONT’D)Just perform it like we practiced it.

Megan stands in front of the audience who are sat ready for the nativity play.

MEGAN (CONT’D)Ladies and gentleman, I’d like to present to you, this years edition of the Clauddale nativity play.

The audience applaud the introduction as Hope takes her place centre, while Megan makes her way over to the piano at the side of the hall.

HOPEWelcome to the show, I’m glad you’re here, So we can perform our special story as Christmas draws nearer.

The parents look on smiling.

HOPE (CONT’D)A long long time ago. An angel said hello to a lady called Mary, who was about to tell her about her son, who would turn out legendary.

The audience laugh.

HOPE (CONT’D)Mary and Joseph set off to Bethlehem.

Megan begins playing “Little Donkey” on the piano as Hope, Mary, Joseph and the audience begin singing.

HOPE (CONT’D)Little donkey, little donkey on the dusty road.


Outside the community hall, A fancy car pulls up. Sarah steps out of the vehicle looking unimpressed.


Page 19: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAHLet’s get this over and done with.

She walks towards the entrance of the hall while acknowledging the wishing tree on the way.


Sarah enters the community hall unseen as Hope stands delivering the final monologue, the three wise men stand opposite a cradle with a baby doll inside. As Mary and Joseph crouch down next to it.

HOPEEach of them gave Jesus a precious gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that are worth far more than money.

The audience stand up and applaud the cast of the nativity play as they all stand in a line and take a bow. Megan rushes over from the piano.

MEGANLadies and gentleman, would you please put your hands together for the amazing cast of this years nativity play.

The audience cheer for the cast.

MEGAN (CONT’D)As you know tomorrow is Christmas eve, So we will be here decorating Christmas cookies, so feel free to come along. Then on Christmas day come and join us for the annual big Christmas bash. The biggest party in town.

Megan is interrupted by a member of the community SUSAN (50’s)

SUSANThen what?

MEGANI’m sorry?

Another member of the community LISA (40’s) interrupts.


Page 20: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

LISAWe’ve all heard the rumors.

MEGANAnd that is what they are right now. Just rumors.

A male of the community PETER (40’s) has his say.

PETERIf the rumors are true then what’s going to happen to this place?

KARENYeah, this is part of our community.

Another member of the community DEBORAH (40’s) has her say.

DEBORAHMy husband said he’s heard they’ve granted permission to have a store built in place of the community hall. Is this true?

MEGANI’ve not heard that.

Hope steps forward and speaks up.

HOPEWe don’t wanna lose our community hall Miss Cassidy.

MEGANNeither do I.. Hopefully by the big Christmas bash, any rumors can be addressed and put to bed.

As the audience begin to exit the hall, Megan heads towards Gracie’s office and enters the office.

MEGAN (CONT’D)Well looks like the rumors have gotten out.

She spots a female with her back turned to her.

MEGAN (CONT’D)Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.

The female turns around as Megan looks on in shock to see Sarah.


Page 21: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAHYou’re not interrupting.

MEGANWhat are you doing here?

GRACIEMeet the new owner of Clauddale community hall.

MEGANYou’re the new owner?

SARAHAren’t you going to say congratulations?

MEGANI haven’t seen you since Mom’s funeral and now you turn up almost 3 years later to buy the one place I hold close to my heart.

SARAHWhy do you make it all sound so dramatic?

GRACIEMaybe you should go for a little walk, Work out your differences while your there.


Sarah and Megan exit Gracie’s office.


Sarah and Megan stand near the wishing tree in discussion.

MEGANWhen was you going tell me you brought this place?

SARAHI was going to inform once everything was finalized.

MEGANWhat do you plan to do with it?


Page 22: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAHKnock it down and build a clothing store.

MEGANYou can’t knock it down.

Sarah holds up the envelope of paperwork.

SARAHI think you’ll find the paperwork I have says I can what ever I want with this place.

MEGANThis place means everything to the community, how can you be so mean?

SARAHI’m not being mean. I’m a business woman, Where I see opportunity. I take it.

MEGANIs this your way of punishing me about Mom.

SARAHOf course not.

MEGANI stood right here, Wishing Mom’s cancer would go away. This tree gives people hope.

SARAHI also stood right here wishing the same thing and Mom’s no longer with us Megan.

MEGANThat’s not fair.

SARAHIt’s all a myth! This tree doesn’t grant people’s wishes.

SARAH (CONT’D)I can try and get it relocated if it means that much.

MEGANIt’s Christmas, How could you?


Page 23: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAHOh please, Christmas is a fraud! A big fat money making scam.

MEGANWhen did you lose sight of Christmas?

SARAHExactly 3 years ago.

MEGANChristmas is about helping others in need, Spending time with family.

SARAHNot for me, tomorrow morning, I will be boarding my cruise and getting out of this depressing town.

Hope rushes over to Megan holding a picture of Father Christmas she has drawn for her.

HOPEMegan I made this for you.

Megan takes hold of the drawing.

MEGANWow! This is great. Thank you hope.

HOPEIs this your sister?

MEGANYes, this is Sarah.

Sarah takes hold of the drawing.

SARAHWhy do children worship Santa? He only works 1 day a year. I wish I had his job.

MEGANI wish you understood the true meaning of Christmas.

The star on the tree begins to brighten unknown to Megan and Sarah as Hope looks on in amazement.


Page 24: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

HOPEHope you have a nice Christmas Sarah.

Hope smiles to herself as she heads towards her mom’s car as Sarah looks on.

SARAHWell it’s been great catching up with you little sister. But I’m off to get some sleep, because when I wake up tomorrow, I’ll be getting ready to board my luxurious cruise.

Sarah gets into her car as Megan watches her drive away.


Merry Christmas.

She turns and begins to walk away as we pan up to see all the stars in the sky are aligned.


Inside a cozy log cabin bedroom, that is full of cheer. A Christmas tree stands in the corner of the room. An open log fire roars away centre of the room, Pan to large bed as Sarah lays sleeping, while wearing an eye mask. She begins to wake up and let’s out a satisfying stretch in bed. She lifts up her eye and looks around the room in a sleepy daze. She pulls the mask back over her eyes and lays down.

Within seconds she lifts up her eye mask up and sits up in shock.

SARAHWait a second.

She jumps out of bed and looks around the room in disgust.

SARAH (CONT’D)I don’t remember checking into the holiday inn.

She looks around at the Christmas themed room unimpressed.

SARAH (CONT’D)I’m still dreaming, because if i’m not then this must be a nightmare.

From outside the bedroom door she hears people singing along to Christmas songs.


Page 25: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

She opens the door and stands in shock as she spots JOLLY (30’s) Charming male elf stood with a stop watch as he times TURBO (UNKNOWN AGE) the fastest gift wrapper in the north pole, wrapping a gift.

JOLLY2.4 Seconds.

Turbo points over to the door as Sarah quickly slams it shut, while pressing her back up against it.

SARAHThis isn’t real, this isn’t real.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door which startles her.

SARAH (CONT’D)Who is it?

Jolly begins to communicate with her through the door.

JOLLY (O.S.)It’s Jolly! I trust you slept well S.C?

Sarah opens the door slightly and peaks around it.

SARAHIs this some kind of prank?


SARAHDid my sister put you up to this?


SARAHWhere am I?

JOLLYWell.. The north pole of course.

She opens the door and stands staring at Jolly who stands opposite her with a huge smile.

SARAHThe north pole?

JOLLYTake a look out the window.


Page 26: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

Sarah walks over to a window in the bedroom, she pulls open the curtains, to see she is in fact in the north pole.

SARAHThis must be a mistake, I should be heading on my Christmas cruise right now. What is going on?

JOLLYYour wish came true.

SARAHWhat do you mean my wish came true?

Jolly pulls out a handwritten scroll letter and hands it to Sarah.

JOLLYFor you.

Sarah pulls open the scroll.

SANTA (V.O.)Dear Sarah. Your wish has been granted, in order to switch back Christmases, You must deliver all the presents in one night whilst I enjoy your Christmas cruise!

SARAHOh No! I’ve switched Christmases!

JOLLYIndeed you have!

Sarah stands trying to compose herself.

JOLLY (CONT’D)If you’ll follow me, we’ve got plenty of things to do before you set off Santa.

Sarah interrupts.

SARAHMy name is Sarah Cassidy!

JOLLYYou’re now Santa Clause.

SARAHI’m Sarah Cassidy!


Page 27: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

JOLLYYou’re Santa.. Until you fulfill the wish you made.

SARAHNo! This can’t be right? I want to Un-do the wish?

JOLLYYou can’t.

SARAHWhat do you mean I can’t?

JOLLYThe wish has been granted and you must carry out the agreement in order to switch Christmases.

SARAHJust send all the kids a gift card. Job done!

JOLLYDoesn’t work like that.

SARAHI’ll make a start now, Sooner I get started, the sooner I can switch back to my original Christmas and board my luxury cruise.

JOLLYYou deliver presents now, You have to wait until the children are in bed.

SARAHI’m sorry to break it to you Jonny.

JOLLYIt’s Jolly!

SARAHBut I stopped believing in Christmas when I was 12.

Jolly looks at her in shock.

JOLLYYou are not allowed to say that in the north pole!


Page 28: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAH(Sarcastic) Oh I’m terribly sorry!

JOLLYBy Christmas day, we will make a believer out of you!

SARAHI doubt it!

JOLLYIf you’ll follow me, We need to start making preparations.

Jolly exits the bedroom as Sarah follow him.

SARAHPreparations for what?

They head into North pole HQ, a busy workshop where Elf’s are working away.


SARAHJolly.. What preparations?

JOLLYChristmas take off.


What is Christmas take off?

JOLLYChristmas take off is when You set to your first destination in the republic of Kiribati.

SARAHThe republic of where?

JOLLYKiribati, it’s a country in the central pacific ocean. First up we need to check the list!

They stop and watch as Turbo wraps a gift in the workshop super fast in front of Sarah and Jolly.

SARAHIs that normal?


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Jolly pulls out his stopwatch.

JOLLY2.2 Seconds, wait a go Turbo!

Jolly begins to walk through the workshop as Sarah follows.


JOLLYHe’s the fastest wrapper in the North pole, wrapping gifts that is!

Sarah notices a big screen that has lots of surveillance screens on it.

SARAHWhat is that?

JOLLYThat? Oh.. That is Santa’s surveillance.

SARAHWhat’s it for?

JOLLYIt helps Santa to keep track of who’s been naughty and nice. You can view anywhere in the world.

SARAHCan you view Clauddale?


Jolly walks over to the system and types in the word “Clauddale.”

SARAHClauddale community hall.

Jolly clicks on the surveillance video of the community hall.



In the community hall, Megan is making Christmas cookies next to Hope, as other members of the community prepare their cookie’s nearby.


Page 30: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

MEGANThrow some flour on the table.

Hope throws down some flour on the table.

MEGAN (CONT’D)Here is the mixture.

Megan places the mixture on top of the flour.

MEGAN (CONT’D)Now.. We roll.

Hope rolls out the cookie mixture flat as Megan pulls out two cookie cutters.

MEGAN (CONT’D)Shall we go for tree or gingerbread man?

Hope points to the Christmas tree cookie cutter.


MEGANGood choice.



Sarah and Jolly carry on watching the surveillance screen.

SARAHI don’t know what my sister sees in that place.

JOLLYAre you kidding me? Look at it, It’s full of joy and happiness!

SARAHHappiness will be when I bring my fabulous clothing range to Clauddale.

JOLLYYou think those people would prefer an expensive clothing range in it’s place?


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SARAHHello.. Have you not seen my clothing range?

JOLLYNot everyone is fortunate enough to be able to afford expensive clothing.

SARAHI thought we were supposed to be checking a list? The sooner I get this over with, the better!

JOLLYRight this way.

Jolly takes her through a door into the library of letters. A room full of filing cabinets and bookshelves, With a table and throne Centre of the room.


SARAHWhat is this room?

JOLLYThis is the library of letters.

SARAHThe library of letters?

JOLLYIt’s where we file all the children’s letters after we’ve added them to the list.

Sarah looks around the room in awe of all the filing cabinets of letters.

SARAHThat’s a lot of letters.

JOLLYTake a seat.

Sarah takes a seat on the throne at the table.

SARAHSo where is Santa’s list?

Jolly calls out to another elf.


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TINSEL (20’s) enters the room holding a scroll letter. He places it on the table.

TINSELThe list.

Sarah pulls open the scroll on the table to reveal the longest list in the world! The scroll continues to unravel itself as the list gets longer and longer until the long list covers most of the room.

SARAHWhat is this?

JOLLYSanta’s list.

SARAHWhy is it so long?

TINSELThere are 22 million children in the world.

SARAHAnd you expect me to deliver to 22 million children worldwide.. In one night?

TINSELYeah because you’re Santa!

JOLLYBut first you gotta check the list.

SARAHCheck the list for what?

TINSELTo see who’s been naughty and nice.

SARAHIn that case, everyone on the list is naughty. Problem solved!

TINSELThat’s not how you check the list. You gotta read it.


Page 33: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAHHave you seen how long this list is? It will take me hours.

JOLLYNot if you believe.

SARAHBelieve me, 22 million names. It’s going to take me a while.

Sarah picks up the start of the list.

SARAH (CONT’D)Here goes nothing.

Jolly and Tinsel look at each other and smile.

SARAH (CONT’D)Starting with the children in the republic of Kiribati. Alani nice, Ehukai nice, Alaula nice, Aputi naughty, Elenola nice, Kele naughty.

She stops and looks at Jolly and Tinsel confused.

SARAH (CONT’D)What is happing.

JOLLYBelieve yet?

SARAHBelieve what?

JOLLYNext country.

Sarah begins to read the list at a faster pace as Jolly and Tinsel look on proud.

SARAHNew Zealand. Amelia nice, Isla nice, Olivia nice, Ruby naughty, Harper nice, Willow naughty, Leo nice, Noah naughty, Jack nice, Mia nice, Aroha nice, Ari nice.


Sarah begins to read the list even faster.


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SARAHAustralia. Ella nice, Evelyn nice, Emily naughty, Lily nice, Matilda nice, Heath nice, Florence naughty, Holly nice, Mason nice, Charlie naughty.


SARAHJapan. Riku nice, Kaito naughty, Reo nice, Haruto nice, Sora nice, Yuuto naughty, Itsuki nice, Himari nice, Yui nice.


Sarah reads out the list even more faster.

SARAHCanada. Jackson nice, Aria nice, Benjamin naughty, Theodore nice, Emma nice, Leah nice, Leo naughty, Grayson naughty, Owen nice.


Sarah reads the names out as fast as she can.

SARAHUSA. William nice, Logan nice, Elijah naughty, Milo nice, Maeve nice, Tiyesha nice, Jasper nice, Levi naughty, Olivia nice.

JOLLYWait a go Santa!

SARAHWhat just happened?

TINSELYou believed!

JOLLYAnd again.

SARAHI’m sorry.. What?


Page 35: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

JOLLYMaking a list.

TINSELHe’s checking it twice.

Jolly and Tinsel begin singing to Sarah.

JOLLYHe’s gonna find out who’s naughty or nice.

TINSELSanta Claus is coming to town.

SARAHOkay enough! I’ll check the list again.

JOLLYStart at the bottom this time and work your up to the top.

Sarah picks up the bottom of the list.


She begins to reel of the names super fast.

SARAH (CONT’D)Jose nice, Carlos naughty, Pedro nice, Francisco nice, Adriana nice, Fabiana nice, Rosiano nice.


Sarah continues to read the names at a rapid pace.

SARAHEngland. Corey nice, Jayden nice, Zara naughty, Dean nice, Greg naughty, Chris nice, Paul naughty, Matthew nice, Hayley nice.


SARAHEurope. Leon nice, Tobias naughty, Felix nice, Oscar naughty, Lina nice, Jonas nice, Finn naughty.


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JOLLYAnd Finally Republic of Kiribati

SARAHRepublic of Kiribati. Alani nice, Ehukai nice, Alaula nice, Aputi naughty, Elenola nice, Kele naughty. And finished!

TINSELThat was impressive.

JOLLYYou did that because you believed you were Santa.

TINSELOnly Santa can read his list that fast.

JOLLYNow that we’ve checked the list. It’s time to move on. Follow me.

Jolly exits the room as Sarah looks on confused by the situation.


Sarah and Jolly walk towards a garage door.

SARAHWhere are we going?

JOLLYTo check out the sleigh.

SARAHThe sleigh?

JOLLYYes Sleigh, how do you think all those presents get delivered?

SARAHThe mail company.

Jolly looks at Sarah offended by the comment.

JOLLYThis way.


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He stops outside the garage door and presses a button on the wall. The garage door slowly lifts up to reveal Santa’s sleigh.

JOLLY (CONT’D)There it is in all it’s glory.

SARAHIt’s just a sleigh. You see them in shopping malls where you can get your picture taken in one.

JOLLYWe are just in time to watch the presents being loaded into the sleigh.

They watch on as a small male elf DASH (30’s) and female elf ELVA (20’s) begin loading empty looking sacks onto the sleigh.

JOLLY (CONT’D)Dash and Elva are loading them into delivery order.

SARAHThey look empty.

JOLLYReady for the magic? Dash..

DASHLook closely.

Dash opens up the sack.

SARAHI don’t see anything?

Dash looks at Jolly concerned.

DASHShe’s not ready.

SARAHNot ready for what?

JOLLYDon’t worry she will be.

SARAHWhy are you loading empty sacks into the sleigh?



Page 38: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

I thought Santa’s sleigh was supposed to be full of presents?

ELVAIt is.

Dash turns to Sarah.

DASHEach one of these sacks represents a country you need to deliver too.

SARAHHow many sacks are there?



ELVAThere are 195 countries in the world.

DASHDon’t worry we’ve put them in delivery order.

SARAHI hope Santa is having a better time than me right now!



On the top deck of a cruise ship Santa is disguised in a sun hat and glasses as he lays sunbathing looking rather relaxed.



DASHDon’t worry the sleigh has fly-man, the latest navigation system, Programed to take you to each destination.

JOLLYWhy.. Merry my Christmas!



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Jolly looks at his watch.

JOLLY (CONT’D)Would you look at the time, We’d better head to the dining room Noel will be waiting for us.

Jolly exits the garage as Sarah follows.

SARAHWho’s Noel?

JOLLYHe’s the North pole’s nutritionist elf.

SARAHSanta has a nutritionist elf?

JOLLYWe have an Elf for practically everything. His job is to prepare Santa’s pre flight meal.

Jolly and Sarah enter the dining room, inside the dining room is a long table, an open fire roars away as a large portrait of Santa sits above it.


Jolly helps Sarah into her seat.

JOLLYTake a seat.

Sarah takes a seat at the table as NOEL (40’s) French nutritionist elf, enters pushing a food cart with several dishes covered by Cloche’s. He greets Sarah with a deep french accent.


SARAHBonjour Noel.

NOELJ’ai prepare le festin habituel.

Sarah turns to Jolly.

SARAHWhat did he say?


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JOLLYHe has prepared the usual feast.

SARAHThe usual feast?

Noel begins to lift the Cloche’s of each dish.

NOELGateau au chocolat.

Noel reveals a large chocolate cake.

JOLLYChocolate cake.


He lifts the Cloche to reveal a huge selection of candy.


SARAHI can see that.

NOELDes biscuits.

Noel lifts the cloche to reveal a plate full of cookies.


NOELSucre d’orge.

He lifts the final cloche to reveal some candy canes.

JOLLYOhh! My favorite, Candy canes.

Sarah looks at the food and turns to Noel.

SARAHCan I just have a regular salad?

Noel looks at Jolly in shock.

NOEL(Offended) Salade reguliere? Non!


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SARAHIs that a no?

JOLLYThat’s a no.

Sarah reluctantly picks up a cookie.


She begins to eat it.

SARAH (CONT’D)Hmmm.. These are pretty good.


Noel kisses his fingers.


Sarah begins to delve into the candy.

JOLLYYou’re going to need all the energy you can get.

Jolly and Noel look on as Sarah begins to demolish all the cookies on the table. She picks up a candy cane.

SARAHOhhh! Candy canes.

JOLLYJust make sure you save some room for the milk and cookies.

Sarah belches.

SARAHExcuse me!

JOLLYHope you enjoyed your feast.

SARAHI am so stuffed.

NOELMerci beaucoup.


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Noel collects up the cloche’s and puts them back onto the dishes and wheels the cart out of the dining room.

SARAHI can’t even move.

JOLLYWell unfortunately we need to head to the wardrobe department as it’s time to fit the suit.

SARAHSuit fitting time? I’ve just eating half of the north pole.

JOLLYThis way.

Jolly exits the dining room as Sarah struggles to get up from her chair after overindulging in the food.

SARAHJust a sec!

Jolly looks on amused by Sarah as she makes her way over to him.


Jolly heads towards the wardrobe department as Sarah follows him.

JOLLYCan I ask you a question.


JOLLYWhy don’t you like Christmas?

SARAHIt’s not that I don’t like it.

JOLLYThen what is it?

SARAHI wish I could like Christmas again. I wish I had your enthusiasm, but the truth is.. Christmas has never been the same since my Mom died.


Page 43: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

JOLLYNo matter how hard times can be. Christmas should be a time to be joyous and celebrate this amazing thing that is life.

SARAHI’m sorry Jolly, I just don’t think i’ll ever get my Christmas spirit back.

They enter the wardrobe department.


Inside the wardrobe department surrounded by Elf’s costumes. Santa’s pristine suit takes centre.

JOLLYHere it is.

Jolly begins singing a fan fare.

JOLLY (CONT’D)Dum dum dum dum dummmmmm!

Sarah doesn’t show any enthusiasm towards the suit.

JOLLY (CONT’D)It’s the suit.

Sarah begins to feel the material on the suit.



SARAHThis can not do.

JOLLYBut it’s Santa’s suit.

Sarah continues to feel the suit while looking unimpressed.

SARAHI can’t work with this.

JOLLYIt’s traditional, This suit has been worn for centuries.


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SARAHI hope it’s been washed!

JOLLYMany of times.

SARAHI’m a fashion designer. This doesn’t work for me.

JOLLYThen what are you going to do? You have to wear the suit.

SARAHI’m gonna have to make a few adjustments.



- Sarah measures out some material.

- Sarah sits cutting some red material.

- Next she uses a sewing machine to sew the fabric together.

- Jolly looks on unsure about the adjustments Sarah is making to the Santa suit.



Jolly awaits Sarah to reveal the new Santa suit.

JOLLYAre you almost ready? We’ve only got 10 minutes until you’re scheduled to take flight.


Jolly anxiously looks at his watch.

SARAH (CONT’D)Okay.. I’m ready!


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Sarah exits a dressing room and reveals the new and improved Santa suit, which consists of the long Santa coat down to her knees, long boots covering her white tights and a Santa hat.

JOLLYWow! You look great.

SARAHYou really think so?

Jolly nods at Sarah with a twinkle in his eye.

JOLLYWhat’s it feel like once you put on the suit? I bet you feel like a superhero.

SARAHRight now, the only super I feel is Super scared!

JOLLYAll you have to do is believe. The magic of Christmas comes from believing.

SARAHBut what happens if I ruin Christmas. What If I mess up this whole operation.

JOLLYIt’s the pre flight jitters. Once you’re out there, you’ll be fine.

SARAHYou think so?

JOLLYWe’ll be watching on Santa’s surveillance, guiding you every step of the way, up until you deliver the final present.

Sarah takes a deep breath.

SARAHI don’t know if I can do this?

JOLLYYou can do it.. We all believe in you!

Sarah shows gratitude from the comment.


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SARAHOkay.. Let’s do this.



Sarah marches through North pole Hq as Jolly, Tinsel and Turbo follow behind. They arrive at the garage. Jolly hits a button on the wall, the garage door begins to lift up to reveal the sleigh and reindeers are ready for take off.

Elva holds her clipboard as Dash does some final checks on the sleigh.


DASHPrancer, Dasher, Cupid, Dancer, Blitzen, Donner, Comet, Vixen and Rudolph, Check!

Elva ticks her list.


Dash checks the sleigh.



Sarah steps forward.


JOLLYOkay everyone. It’s time to do what we do best.

The elf’s cheer!

JOLLY (CONT’D)Santa it’s over to you.

Sarah steps into the sleigh.


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SARAHIs there a seat belt?

Dash flicks a switch on the dashboard which lights up the sleigh’s control panel.

DASHSystem online.

Dash hands Sarah an earpiece.

SARAHWhat’s this for?

The Elf’s gather and begin to sing.

ELF’SYou better watch out.

SARAHWatch out for what?

ELF’SYou better not cry.

SARAHI’m trying not too! Really trying hard not too!

ELF’SYou better not pout.

Sarah begins to pout.

ELF’S (CONT’D)I’m telling you why.


The doors open to the north pole.

ELF’SSanta Claus is coming to town!

SARAHWait a second..

Suddenly the sleigh takes flight and exits the North pole.


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JOLLYWe have approximately 2 minutes to get to the surveillance room before Santa arrives at her first destination.


Sarah travels through the air in the sleigh as the reindeers steer her through the night sky.

SARAHWhich way do I go?

Sarah begins playing with the on board fly-man navigation system.

FLY MAN (V.O.)Ahead keep..

She manages to switch off the Fly-man GPS navigation system by accident.

SARAHUh oh. Keep what?

Sarah ponders whether to turn left or right.

SARAH (CONT’D)Do I turn left or right?

She makes up her mind.

SARAH (CONT’D)When nothing goes right.. Go left!

She turns left and arrives at her first destination as the sleigh comes to a stop on a rooftop of a home.


Sarah looks around unsure what to do next. Suddenly through the earpiece she hears Jolly’s voice.

JOLLY (V.O.)Santa. Come in.


She places the ear piece in her ear.


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JOLLY (V.O.)Santa, come in.

SARAHJolly is that you?

JOLLYYes. Reporting from Santa surveillance h.Q..



Inside the Santa surveillance room, the Elf’s are gathered around the giant surveillance screen watching Santa’s every move.

SARAH (V.O.)I’ve arrived at my first destination.

JOLLYYou’re actually not at your first destination. You took a wrong turning, You should have turned right.

SARAH (V.O.)Should I back this thing up and turn back.

JOLLYNo.. Switch on the fly-man navigation system and follow it’s directions.

Sarah switches on the fly-man navigation system.

JOLLY (CONT’D)No Santa! Not enough time. Go to the second sack and grab the first gift.

They watch on the screen as Sarah grabs the sack from the sleigh.

SARAH (V.O.)The sack is empty. I can’t see any presents, What should I do?

The Elf’s watch on and laugh as Sarah checks over the sleigh.


Page 50: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAH (V.O.)There’s no presents in the sleigh? Where’s all the presents?

JOLLYJust enjoy the magic of Christmas.

SARAH (V.O.)Believe me I’m trying.. Really trying.

JOLLYSanta.. You need to head down the chimney.



Sarah looks at the small chimney confused.

SARAHYou expect me to fit down that chimney.

JOLLY (V.O.)That’s right!

SARAHI’m not going to fit down there.

JOLLY (V.O.)Believe that you can.

Sarah climbs into the chimney while holding onto the sack and gets stuck.

SARAHTold you.

She tries to wiggle out the chimney.

SARAH (CONT’D)May need a little help here.

JOLLY (V.O.)Close your eyes.

SARAHReally? I’m stuck in this chimney and all you can say is close your eyes.


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Sarah shuts her eyes.


JOLLY (V.O.)Santa, believe you can fit down that chimney.

SARAH(Sarcastic) I believe I can fit down this chimney.

She opens her eyes and to her amazement she is inside the home next to the tree.


SARAH(Amazed) It worked!

JOLLY (V.O.)Okay.. Reach into the sack.

Sarah looks at the sack.

SARAHBut it’s empty.

JOLLY (V.O.)Reach inside.

Sarah reaches inside the sack and pulls out a present.

SARAHHow did you do that?

JOLLY (V.O.)Through the magic of Christmas.

SARAHThat was amazing! How was that possible?

DASH (V.O.)If we filled the sleigh with 22 million presents, the sleigh wouldn’t take off!

JOLLY (V.O.)Now put the present under the tree.

Sarah throws the present under the Christmas tree.


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JOLLY (V.O.)Be careful! Some of those present are fragile.

SARAHOops! Sorry.

As she is about to exit the home, She spots a note next to a glass of milk and a half eaten cookie.


She picks up the note and reads it out aloud.

SARAH (CONT’D)Dear Santa. I left you some milk and while I was writing this note, I got hungry and ate some of the cookie.

Sarah picks up the half eaten cookie.

SARAH (CONT’D)Jeez kid! Thanks.

Sarah puts the half eaten cookie into her mouth.

SARAH (CONT’D)Oh well.. Be a shame to waste it.

JOLLY (V.O.)Okay Santa just drink some milk and let’s head to the next house.

SARAHInstead of them leaving out some milk. Can I request a mocha froca chino?

JOLLY (V.O.)This isn’t Starbucks!


Sarah drinks the glass of milk.

SARAH (CONT’D)Now what?

JOLLY (V.O.)Close your eyes.


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Sarah shuts her eyes.

JOLLY (V.O.)Believe you can fit up that chimney back to the sleigh.

SARAHOkay.. Here goes!

She opens her eyes to see she is now back on the rooftop.


SARAHI’m starting to get the hang of this.

JOLLY (V.O.)On to the next house.



At the next house Sarah looks down at the tiny chimney.

SARAHI can fit down this chimney.

She shuts her eyes and when she re-opens them, She finds herself inside the home, by the Christmas tree.

JOLLY (V.O.)Okay Santa.. This present is a little big, so be extra careful how you handle it.

SARAHExtra careful? I got this.

Sarah reaches into the empty sack and begins to pull out a large surfboard.



In Santa’s surveillance room. Jolly, Tinsel, Dash, Elva and Turbo watch the screen in anticipation as Sarah begins to struggle with surfboard.


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SARAH (V.O.)Don’t worry I’ve got this!

Sarah begins to knock everything over with the surfboard. Destroying everything in her way. She knocks over the Christmas tree and watches it tumble to the ground.

JOLLYAbort! Abort! Abort!



Sarah climbs out of the chimney and back onto the roof.

SARAHIt’s okay.. We can just blame it on the cat.

JOLLY (V.O.)Santa, you gotta be careful with those presents!

SARAHI got it. Nothing else will go wrong.



At the next house, Sarah places a present under the Christmas tree, She spots some candy canes nearby that have been left out for her next to a glass of milk.

SARAHOhhh! Candy canes.

As she begins to eat the candy canes, we hear a dog growl behind her. Sarah turns around and spots the angry dog.


JOLLY (V.O.)Abort! Abort! Abort!


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SARAHNice doggy!

Sarah rushes towards the chimney as the dog chases her.



Inside the next home, Sarah is placing presents under the tree.

JOLLY (V.O.)Red alert! Red alert! Red alert!

SARAHRed alert?

She turns around and spots two young boys, COREY (6) and JAYDEN (5) Staring at her confused.


JAYDENWho are you?

SARAHI’m Santa.

JAYDENWhere’s your beard.

SARAHGood question... I erm had a shave this morning.

COREYBut you’re a girl.

SARAHThat also is another good point.

COREYI thought Santa was a man.

JAYDENYeah with a beard and a big belly.

SARAHI’ll let you in on a little secret if you promise not to tell anyone.


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SARAHI made a wish that I had Santa’s job which meant I’d only have to work one day a year and guess what.. It came true. So now I have to deliver all the presents while he enjoys a luxury cruise.

JAYDENSanta’s on holiday.

SARAHPrecisely! Now what I need you to do is go to bed and when you wake up, forget this meeting ever took place.


Corey and Jayden head back to their bedroom.

JAYDENBye Santa.

Sarah exits the home relieved.



Sarah flies through the sky towards England.

FLY MAN (V.O.)Approaching England.

SARAHOhh! Can I pop in and say hello to the queen?

JOLLY (V.O.)Time isn’t on our side, maybe another time.

Sarah begins to imitate a british accent.

SARAHWhat about a cup of tea?


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Inside a cosy home, Sarah reaches into her sack and pulls out a present. She places it under the tree.

JOLLY (V.O.)Red alert, red alert!


Sarah turns around and is greeted by Bethany (10)



BETHANYDid you get my letter?

SARAHWhy, Of course!

BETHANYThen why are you bringing me a present?


Bethany interrupts.

BETHANYIf you’re the real Santa, Then what did I wish for this year?



Inside North pole Hq on the Santa surveillance, Jolly watches Sarah’s interaction with Bethany. He quickly turns to turbo.


Page 58: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

JOLLYTurbo, to the library of letters. Bethany Jackson.

Turbo rushes off like the flash and returns with the letter she wrote to Santa this year, he hands it to Jolly who begins to read it back to Sarah.

JOLLY (CONT’D)Okay Santa.. Bethany wrote, dear Santa. This year I don’t want any presents, instead I want my mom Karen to get the all clear.

Jolly stops reading and hesitates.



JOLLY (V.O.)From Cancer.

Sarah looks at Bethany with empathy and crouches down in front of her.



SARAHI know what you’re going through right now, It’s tough and you are a very brave little girl.

BETHANYI just want my Mom to get better.

SARAHI know you do sweetheart and so do I.

Sarah heads towards the fireplace.

SARAH (CONT’D)You’ve been a good girl this year. You deserve that present under the tree.

BETHANYThank you Santa.


Page 59: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAHI’ll keep you in my wishes.

Sarah disappears up the fireplace as Bethany looks on smiling to herself.


Sarah slumps into the sleigh looking sorrowful.

JOLLY (V.O.)Okay Santa, time to go.

SARAHJolly, Is Karen going to be okay?

JOLLY (V.O.)I don’t know.. It’s not in our hands, She is very sick.

SARAHBut she’s so young, She doesn’t deserve this.

JOLLY (V.O.)Unfortunately.. Her fate is out of our hands.

SARAHBut if she loses her mom, Christmas will never be the same for her ever again. I know that!

JOLLY (V.O.)In that case, We need to make a wish that she doesn’t!

SARAHI thought Christmas was about joy and happiness.. Right now, I’m not feeling very joyful or happy!

JOLLY (V.O.)It’s the tough part of the job Santa. But just remember you give kids hope, no matter how tough times can be, kids will still find time to write to you each year.

SARAHI guess you’re right.


Page 60: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

JOLLY (V.O.)I hate to break this to you but in just a few hours kids from all over the world are going to begin waking up, expecting to open their presents.

Sarah looks into the back of the sleigh.

SARAHI’ve got 100 sacks left to deliver.

JOLLY (V.O.)You can do it!

SARAHIn two hours? That’s impossible!

JOLLY (V.O.)Believe in Christmas, the children believe in you! Santa.. You believe in you.

SARAHI can do this!

This time she says it with more determination.

SARAH (CONT’D)I can do this!

Sarah gets into the sleigh.

SARAH (CONT’D)Ho Ho Ho Let’s go!

The sleigh takes off and lands on the next rooftop. Sarah grabs a sack and heads down the chimney, she enters the living room and reaches into the sack and pulls out a wrapped gift. She places it under the tree and rushes over to a nearby table to drink a glass of milk.

SARAH (CONT’D)We’re doing this!

Sarah disappears back up the chimney and back onto the rooftop. She looks into the back of the sleigh where the empty sacks await her.

SARAH (CONT’D)The faster you work, the quicker you get results.


Page 61: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

Sarah begins to work at a super fast pace as the sacks in the back of sleigh become less and less until only a couple remain. She climbs into the sleigh and gets ready to take flight.


SARAHI’m almost done.

The sleigh begins to make a beeping noise.

SARAH (CONT’D)Jolly what’s going on?

JOLLY (V.O.)Oh no.. That’s the Christmas countdown alarm.

SARAHWhat’s the Christmas countdown alarm?

JOLLY (V.O.)It means we are less than 10 minutes away from the boys and girls waking up!

Sarah looks towards the back of the Sleigh.

SARAHI’ve only got one more sack to deliver.

JOLLY (V.O.)It’s for Clauddale.

SARAHWe can’t fail to deliver Clauddale’s presents.

JOLLY (V.O.)I’m sorry Santa.. But It’s going to be impossible to deliver the rest of those presents on your own.

SARAHBut.. It’s Clauddale, I grew up here.

JOLLY (V.O.)I’m sorry Santa. We have failed.


Page 62: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

Sarah looks towards the sleigh with determination.

SARAHJolly! Don’t give me that defeated attitude!

JOLLY (V.O.)But it’s going to be impossible to deliver all of Clauddale’s presents in ten minutes.

SARAHNot If I get some help from the ELF’s!

JOLLY (V.O.)But.. We can’t leave Santa HQ!

SARAHYes you can, Because I said so!


As they Elf’s watch the Santa surveillance, Turbo turns to Jolly.

TURBOTechnically.. She is the boss.

JOLLY Okay Santa.. What do you need?


SARAH I need two elf’s to take west.

Turbo and Elva appear in the back of the sleigh.

TURBOTurbo reporting for duty.

ELVAReporting for duty!

SARAHHow did you? Never mind.

Turbo and Elva let out a cheeky giggle.

SARAH (CONT’D)Okay you two take the upper side.


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Turbo and Elva grab some presents from the last sack and magically disappear out of the sleigh.

SARAHI need to two more to take the east side.

Suddenly Tinsel and Dash appear in the sleigh.

TINSELReporting for duty!

SARAHWait a go Tinsel!

DASHReporting for duty!

SARAHAlright Dash, You two take the east side.

Tinsel and Dash each grab some presents from the sack.

SARAH (CONT’D)Finally I need someone to help me with the lower west side.

Jolly pops up in the sleigh.

JOLLYHere to help.

Sarah looks on in shock.

SARAHHow did you get from the North pole to here?

JOLLYYou deliver the magic, we bring the magic.

SARAHOkay Jolly, Let’s deliver these final gifts. Are you ready?

JOLLYI was born ready.

The sleigh comes to a stop on a roof top.


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SARAHLet’s go.

Sarah disappears down a chimney while Jolly disappears down an opposite chimney.


Inside a home Sarah places a gift under the tree, She disappears up the chimney and spots Jolly heading towards the next home.


SARAHFive more houses to go.

She heads to the next home and disappears down the chimney.


Sarah places a present under the tree, She looks over at some milk and cookies that have been left out for her. She takes a quick drink of the milk.

SARAHI’ll take these to go!

She places the cookies in her pocket and exits the home.


On the rooftop she spots Jolly entering the next Chimney.

SARAHWow! You are fast.

She heads to the next chimney.


Sarah enters another home and reaches into the empty sack. She pulls out a bike.

SARAHA bike.. Really?


Page 65: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

She disappears up the Chimney


Sarah heads towards the next home.

JOLLYWe’ve only got a minute to go.

SARAHIt’s one house each, we can do this!

Sarah rushes across the roof top to the final home and disappears down the chimney.


Inside the home she rushes towards the tree and reaches into the sack. She pulls out a gift and places it under the tree in the nick of time.

SARAHWe did it!

As Sarah is about to exit, she is met by Hope.

HOPEMiss Cassidy?

She turns around and spots Hope stood opposite her cuddling her teddy bear.


HOPEWhat are you doing in my house?

SARAHI kinda switched Christmas.

HOPEThat means your wish came true.

SARAHYes it did.

HOPEThen hopefully mine will come true.


Page 66: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAHWhat did you wish for?

HOPEI wished that we still had our community hall.

Sarah tries to answer her but struggles.

SARAHWell the thing is.. You see, What i’m trying to say is..

Hope interrupts.

HOPEIt’s okay, I don’t think my wish will come true anyway..

Hope looks down at the floor with a sad expression.

SARAHWhy not?

HOPEBecause you can only make two wishes in one week and when I made the wish, I already made three.

JOLLY (V.O.)Santa, Come in Santa.

SARAHI better go.

HOPEAre you going to be at the big Christmas bash?


As she is about to exit, she stops and turns to Hope.

SARAH (CONT’D)Merry Christmas Hope.

HOPEMerry Christmas Santa.



Page 67: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that


Sarah climbs out the chimney and is met by Jolly, Tinsel, Dash, Elva and Turbo.

JOLLYWell.. You did it!

Sarah looks at the Elf’s.

SARAHNo.. We did it!

The Elf’s cheer in celebration.

SARAH (CONT’D)I couldn’t have done this without your help.

JOLLYAre you ready to head back to the North pole?



Inside the Sleigh, Jolly sits next Sarah as they travel through the sky back to the north pole.

JOLLYDid you enjoy being Santa?

SARAHYou know, I never thought I’d say this but... Yes I did.

JOLLYWell I must say, You were a great Santa.

Sarah looks at Jolly at smiles as her heart melts.

SARAHThanks Jolly.

JOLLYOh! Heads up here we are!

They enter the North pole and pass a big sign that reads “THE NORTH POLE” in the snowy back drop.


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They park the sleigh up in the garage.

JOLLYTime to go.


Jolly jumps out of the sleigh.


JOLLYFollow me.

Jolly exits the garage and heads towards Santa’s bedroom as Sarah follows him.


Jolly enters Santa’s bedroom as Sarah follows him.

SARAHWhat’s going on?

Inside the bedroom a large clock chimes, As Sarah notices Santa sat in his rocking chair near the large open fire looking tanned from his cruise.


Santa looks at his Suit adjustments in shock.

SANTAMy suit!

SARAHAbout that..

SANTANever mind!

SARAHDid you enjoy your cruise?

SANTAYou know what, as a matter of fact. Yes I did! What about you? Are you glad you wished you had my job?


Page 69: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAHWell.. At first I hated it! But then I really enjoyed the feeling of giving people hope.

SANTAAh I’m glad.. You see I don’t just work one night a year.

SARAHYou don’t?

SANTAI wish I did. But now that this years Christmas has been delivered. It’s time to start preparations for next Christmas.

SARAHI thought Christmas day was your day off.

SANTA Nope! Today is the start of my first day at work as we prepare for next Christmas.

JOLLYWell that’s it.

SARAHWhat do you mean that’s it.

JOLLYYou’ve completed Santa’s job. You can officially Switch back Christmases.

SARAHBut I don’t wanna go, I like it here. Can’t I stay?

JOLLYAfraid not.

SARAHBut I liked being Santa. I enjoyed feeling happy, giving out presents.

SANTAYou don’t need to pretend to be Santa. You can be that person. You can feel happy and give out gifts.



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The Christmas Spirit doesn’t just have to be for one day a year!

Sarah turns to Jolly.

SARAHCome with me.

JOLLYI can’t.. I’m an elf, this is my home.

SARAHI wish you could come with me.

Jolly looks into her eyes with great fondness.

JOLLYA kiss and you’ll be dismissed.

Sarah places her hands on Jolly’s shoulders and stares deeply into his eyes. She shuts her eyes and leans in for a kiss. Jolly and Sarah’s lips connect.



Sarah is laying in bed sleeping while wearing her eye mask. She wakes up and lifts up her eye mask. She sits up in bed and realizes she is back in her bedroom.

SARAHWas that a dream?

She gets out of bed and rushes towards the door, She pulls it open expecting to see the Elf’s in the workshop, except she spots her plain home without any decorations in sight.

SARAH (CONT’D)Turbo, Tinsel.. Jolly.

She realizes she is back home and back to being the woman she was before she went to the North pole. She makes her way over to her bed and takes a seat looking down and out.

SARAH (CONT’D)I actually enjoyed being in the North pole with Jolly, Turbo, Tinsel, Dash and Elva.



Page 71: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

Next to her bed she spots a rolled up scroll on the bedside table. She grabs hold of it and opens it up to read the hand written message.

SANTA (V.O.)Dear S.C.. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job delivering all the presents to the children around the world. You have brought so much joy to them this Christmas. Remember the Christmas Spirit doesn’t just have to be for one day a year!

Sarah puts the note down.

SARAHYou know what? You’re right! It doesn’t.

Sarah rushes to her closet and grabs some clothes, She takes them inside the bathroom and slams the door shut.


Sarah heads towards a shopping mall hoping to find a gift shop open. As she pulls up outside, She exits the vehicle and rushes to the entrance to find the mall is closed.


Sarah looks around, She spots a sign outside the mall advertising store to lease in the mall.

SARAH (CONT’D)Store available to lease.

She smiles to herself as she jumps back into her vehicle and heads towards the next store. She pulls up and spots another store Closed.

SARAH (CONT’D)There’s gotta be at least one store open today?

She continues traveling in her vehicle while looking for any stores that are open on Christmas day. She pulls up outside a plaza shopping centre. She stares towards every shop.

SARAH (CONT’D)Closed, closed, closed, closed.. Oh and Closed!


Page 72: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

She exits and carries on driving and spots a gift shop nearby.

SARAH (CONT’D)Please say you’re open?

She pulls up outside the shop and sees the elderly store owner JIM (70’s) getting ready to close the store. She rushes out of her car.

SARAH (CONT’D)Excuse me.


SARAHAre you still open?

JIMFor another 5 minutes.

SARAHYes! Thank you.

Sarah rushes inside the store as Jim follows her.


At the check out counter, Sarah places a basket full of gifts on the counter as Jim begins to ring them through.

JIMNothing like some last minute shopping.

SARAHI’ve been very last minute this year, but let’s just say, somebody opened my eyes and from today I’m going to start preparing for next Christmas.

JIMJust like Santa.

SARAHThat’s right! Exactly like Santa.

JIMI bet the old guy was busy last night.


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Sarah looks on reluctant to respond.

SARAHOh I bet he was.. Say can I ask why are you only store in town that’s open?

JIMI only open for a few hours on Christmas day. But it’s worth it.

SARAHWhy’s that?

JIMTo see the joy I bring parents all over the town, Wanna know the secret?




JIMWe always sell out.

Sarah looks at the battery section near the cashier desk and spots the batteries are sold out.

SARAHAt least the kids will be able to play with their toys.

JIMMost toy makers don’t supply them, but we do. In fact we’ve sold out.

SARAHThat’s a very strategic business plan.

JIMThank you.. That will be 128 dollars.

Sarah hands over the money.


Page 74: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAHOh, I’m going to need some gift wrap too.

Jim hands Sarah two rolls of gift wrap.

JIMHere, Merry Christmas.

SARAHThank you that is so kind and Merry Christmas to you and all.

Sarah exits the store with a smile on her face.


Sarah knocks on a door decorated with a Christmas wreath. The door opens to reveal Sebastian.

SEBASTIAN(Shocked) Miss Cassidy?

SARAHHello Sebastian.

SEBASTIANWhat are you doing here? I thought you’d be on your cruise by now?

SARAHI had a change of plan. I just wanted to drop by and give you this.

Sarah hands him a wrapped gift.

SEBASTIANWhat’s this?

SARAHIt’s a token of my appreciation for all the hard work you do at S.C Clothing, You are one of the most loyal assistant anyone could ask for.

Sebastian looks on in shock.

SEBASTIANI don’t know what to say. Thank you!


Page 75: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

As Sarah is about to leave, she stops and turns to Sebastian.

SARAHYou were right.. Christmas is about giving and being with your family. Merry Christmas.

She smiles at Sebastian and gets back into her vehicle.


Sarah pulls up to another home, this time another S.C Clothing worker JULIE. Sarah knocks on the door, Julie answers.

SARAHHi Julie, I never got a chance to give you this.

Sarah hands over the wrapped gift to Julie. She looks at it in shock and then looks at Sarah.

JULIEAre you feeling okay Miss Cassidy?

SARAHI feel great Julie! Merry Christmas.

Julie looks on confused as Sarah gets back into her vehicle.


Sarah knocks on another home, this time Mary answers the door.

SARAHHello Mary.

MARYMiss Cassidy. It’s Christmas Day, what are you doing here?

SARAHI came to deliver a gift to another of my loyal workers. So here.

Sarah hands Mary a wrapped gift.

SARAH (CONT’D)Merry Christmas.


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Mary looks on in shock.

MARYWow! I don’t know what to say? Did you want to come and join us for dinner?

SARAHThank you for the offer. But I need to head on over to Clauddale. I’ve got to get ready for the big Christmas bash.

Sarah heads back to her car as Mary looks on.


Sarah stands in front of the mirror applying her lipstick, wearing her long dress ready for the Christmas bash. She finishes applying her lipstick and walks over to the large paperwork envelope and picks it up.

SARAHOkay.. Let’s do this.

Sarah exits her bedroom.



Outside the community hall Megan greets Hope and Faith who have arrived at the big Christmas bash.

HOPEMiss Cassidy!

MEGANHi. Did you enjoy your Christmas morning?


MEGANI bet you were up nice and early.



Page 77: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

HOPESarah delivered my present from Santa.


HOPEYour sister.

FAITHSo she told me this morning, You know what kids are like.

HOPEIt’s true. Her wish came true.

FAITHCome on let’s get you inside.

As Faith and Hope enter the community hall Megan stares towards the wishing tree.

MEGANHer wish came true?

She stands deep in thought.

MEGAN (CONT’D)Wait a second.. Hope!

She rushes inside the community hall after Hope just as Sarah pulls up outside in her vehicle. Sarah steps out the car and stares towards the community hall holding the big paperwork envelope.

She looks up at the sky and notices the stars are aligned.

SARAHThe stars.

Sarah diverts her attention to the wishing tree.

SARAH (CONT’D)I’ve got one more wish I can make. Think Sarah think.

She stands opposite the wishing tree thinking.

SARAH (CONT’D)I could go back to the north pole, I could see Jolly and the rest of the elf’s, I could be Santa again, I’ve got it..


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Sarah takes a deep breath.

SARAH (CONT’D)I wish for Karen to get better, for the sake of her daughter Bethany. I wish for her to fight her illness and get better.

The star on top of the wishing tree brightens.

SARAH (CONT’D)That felt good.

Sarah heads towards the community hall entrance and heads inside.


She stands in the shadows and looks on impressed at the remarkable job her sister has done decorating the hall.

On the stage, the towns local band “The Claudette's are performing as the community dance away while enjoying the music. The band Finnish playing a song, Megan enters the stage and grabs the microphone.

MEGANLadies and gentleman, please put your hands together for these talented individuals of clauddale, with their amazing band.. The Claudette's!

The Claudette's are cheered as they exit the stage.

MEGAN (CONT’D)The band are going to take a short break and will be back shortly. In the meantime I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas morning and I just wanted to take this time to thank everyone for all your support this year.

The members of the community look on concerned as Susan interrupts Megan.

SUSANIs this you saying goodbye?

Other members of the community begin interrupting each other.


Page 79: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

DEBORAHSo it was true.

LISAYou said by the Christmas bash you’d have an update so we could put the rumors to bed.

PETERYeah.. What’s the update?

MEGANWell.. I’m sorry everyone but the update is.

Suddenly Sarah emerges from the shadows carrying the envelope.

SARAHMegan wait!

Megan looks into the crowd shocked to see her sister walking towards the stage.

MEGANWhat are you doing here?


Sarah takes the microphone.

SARAH (CONT’D)Hello everyone. Yes, the rumors are true. Clauddale community hall has been sold.

DEBORAH (O.S.)I knew it!

SARAHIt was purchased by an unknown buyer.

They audience look on in shock and begin mumbling to each other.




Page 80: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

PETERWell.. What do you plan to do with it?

SARAHYesterday.. I had plans to knock it down and turn it into a clothing store.

They audience gasp.

LISA (O.S.)A clothing store?

SARAHYes, that’s right a store. But I know how much this hall means to the people of Clauddale, let’s face it, this place is your second home right?

The audience agree.

LISA (O.S.)Yes.

SARAHI also know how much it means to my sister.

Megan looks towards Sarah.

SARAH (CONT’D)So what I’d like to do is give my sister and everyone in Clauddale a present.

She hands Megan the envelope.

SARAH (CONT’D)The hall officially belongs to you.

The audience gasp.


SARAHIt’s yours.

A teary eyed Megan looks at her sister.

SARAH (CONT’D)Merry Christmas everyone!


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The audience cheer and hug each other in relief. As Sarah is about to exit the stage, Megan grabs her for a hug.

MEGANThank you so much! You have no idea what this means to me and the people of Clauddale.

SARAHI think I do.

MEGANAre you going to stick around?

SARAHYou know what, I think I will.

Suddenly the sound of Sarah’s phone ringing diverts her attention.

SARAH (CONT’D)If you’ll excuse me.

She exits the hall and heads outside.


Outside the community hall, Sarah pulls out her mobile phone.


Sarah answers the call.

SARAHDavid. What can I do for you?

DAVID (V.O.)I heard the bid was accepted.

SARAHIt was.

DAVID (V.O.)I can get my team in there as early as Monday.


DAVID (V.O.)They can have that place turned around in no time.


Page 82: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

SARAHYou see..

David interrupts her once again.

DAVID (V.O.)I’m actually really excited about our partnership.


DAVID (V.O.)I know you’re probably nervous. I get that! It’s your first store.

Sarah interrupts David.

SARAHThere isn’t going to be a clothing store.

DAVID (V.O.)What are you talking about? I was granted the planning permission.

SARAHI can’t take this hall away from the people of Clauddale. I’m sorry.

DAVID (V.O.)But Sarah this will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams!

SARAHMoney isn’t everything David. Plus I’ve seen at the local mall that there are some empty stores available to rent. So I think I’m going to open my store there.

DAVID (V.O.)Are you crazy? Open a store in a mall rather than having you own unique building.

SARAHNot only that but at Christmas they have a little grotto with elf’s. A place where the kids can meet Santa.


Page 83: SWITCHING CHRISTMAS Written by Deano Jones · gift and that is why we give gifts at Christmas. Not everyone is fortunate to receive gold at Christmas. It’s the precious things that

DAVID (V.O.)I thought you hated Christmas? You said so in your office.

SARAHLet’s just say somebody opened my eyes recently.

DAVID (V.O.)You are making a huge mistake!

SARAHBye David.

Sarah hangs up the phone. From behind the voice of Jolly summons her.

JOLLYExcuse me miss.

She turns around in excitement to see Jolly dressed in normal clothing.


He looks at her confused.

JOLLYClose.. It’s Jonny.


JOLLYI’ve just moved to Clauddale. I heard there was a big bash going on tonight.

SARAHYes there is, Say do you have a date for tonight?


SARAHI’m Sarah.

She extends her hand to Jolly.

JOLLYNice to meet you Sarah. I feel we’ve met somewhere before?


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Sarah looks at him bemused by the suggestion.

SARAHErmmm... Shall we?

She extends her arm to Jolly as the pair head inside.


Once inside they look on at the people of Clauddale dancing away and enjoying themselves to the sound of the Claudette's.

JOLLYWould you like to dance.

SARAHI’d love to!

They head to the dance floor as the Claudette's perform the Christmas party song “I wish it could be Christmas everyday.” As the community sing and dance away, we pan to outside of the community hall.


We see all the stars in the sky are aligned as we hear the people of Clauddale singing along to “I wish it could be Christmas everyday.” The star on top of the wishing tree shines bright.



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