Synopsis of the Case Study

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  • 7/29/2019 Synopsis of the Case Study



    The story begins when John enters eight grade class consisting of 7 very

    high achieving students and 8 low achieving students. Since this class is well

    known of the students with behavioral problems, John tries to use different

    approach by conducting a quiz show game as a test review.

    The students are given freedom to choose their group members.

    Unexpectedly, the students choose their group members according to their

    academic performance and racial background. During the game, an argument

    erupts between 2 students, Chris and Richard. Chris is a white student while

    Richard is a black and low achieving student. John succeeds to stop them from

    fighting and continues the lesson more or less successfully until the end of the

    class period.

    When the class is dismissed, Chris and Richard resume a hostile

    exchange at the door. Again, John quickly separates them from fighting and calls

    both of them to the classroom.Only Chris complies. Richard, on the other hand

    runs down the corridor. John allows Chris to go home. John looks for Richard butRichard refuses to talk to him.

    As a record keeping, John immediately goes to office and submits a

    disciplinary referral. In the next morning, John presents Richard with a referral

    notice. While walking together to the office, John tries to explain to Richard the

    rational of him submitting that disciplinary referral. A disciplinary teacher named

    Mr. Roberts agrees to keep Richard in the in-school suspension, but Richard still

    enters the ordinary classroom.

    Richard creates an excuse of being absent to the suspension class. The

    next day, Richard has again been kept in ISS. John tries to explain the reason

    why Richard had been punished, but he shows his tantrum. He begins to sing

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    loudly that his singing has even disturbed John. As John and Richard were

    arguing, Richards English teacher is quick to grasp this situation, reported the

    case to the vice principle who then asks her to release Richard from detention


    2 days later, John is told that Richard has been attending classes for

    students with behaviour disorders for the past 2 years without creating any

    problem. John keeps on blaming himself for creating the situation.


    In this story, the conflict occurs between teachers themselves. There is no

    effective networking between Mr. Robert and John John and Mr. Robert. John in

    the first place tries to be assertive but Mr. Robert has just kept this case easy. As

    a discipline teacher who knows misbehaved students better, Mr. Robert is

    supposed to monitor Richard during ISS class.

    Apart from that, the conflict has also occurred between teacher andstudents. We can see that John is too permissive in a certain part. He should not

    let the students choose their group members according to their academic level

    and racial background. It is not fair for them as if all bright students stay in the

    same group, that group will always score. Hence, the game will no longer

    enjoyful for the weaker students who fail to score. We can also notice that

    Richard does not respect John and refused to listen to John. This happens as

    John fails to make Richard really understand the situation. For

    Racial discrimination that the society practice has also contributes to the

    conflict among the students whereby a sense of dissatisfaction among the

    students. The whites look down on the blacks. This creates unhealthy

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    environment in the classroom. As a consequence, poor rapport is built among the


    In this story, the things that John does not know have hurt him much. John

    does not know that Richard frequently attend the classes for misbehaved

    students. Therefore, John does not know that at that particular time when John

    punishes him, Richard had the feeling of not being respected by John for always

    being punished before.

    John does not know that Richard had never created problem in ISS class.

    Also, John does not know that Richard was dissatisfied that Chris was not to be

    blamed. Other than that, John doesnt know that Richards background (black

    people) made him feel as if John (white people) were looking down on them.

    John does not know that he has formed an action disregarding to the behaviour

    management order. He should solve the problem occurs in the class on his own

    first before referring it to the discipline master.

    Not only John, Richard also does not know a lot of things. Richard does

    not know the reason why he has been punished. Actually, he in the first placedoes not know that he had been rude to John. What is more is that Richard does

    not realize that John has put much of his patience because of Richards rude

    behaviour. Surely, Richard does not know that John did all that for the sake of

    himself. Of course a teacher will wish to see his students become good person.


    John has used few discipline models in managing the students behaviour

    in the class. First, he uses the Reality Therapy by Glasser. In this model, it

    reaffirms that individuals control their own behavior rather than being pawns to

    external stimuli. For example, Johns students were given a choice to choose

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    their own group members and freely interact with anybody in the classroom.

    They are given a chance to build a relationship with their friends through the

    classroom activities such as the quiz show game.

    Other than that, John has applied the Assertive Discipline Model by

    Canter in the class. This model gives reinforcement for the students to

    appropriate behavior. It is quite similar to the Skinners model but it involves the

    establishment of rules. It comes parallel with some rewards or punishments as its

    consequences. In this case, we can see that it is a general rules which everyone

    knows that we have to respect others ideas and not to fight in the school. When

    Richard and Chris start to push and shove one another, John acts as an

    assertive teacher by separating them and let the quiz continues.

    On top of that, John has also used the Bahaviour Modification Model by

    Skinner. Behavior modification helps in shaping the desired behavior by using

    the principle of reinforcement. For instance, Richard disobeys towards John. As a

    punishment, he has been assigned to attend the afternoon detention period.

    Other than that, John uses the Logical Consequences Model by Dreikurs.According to this model, students can be helped by teachers to understand their

    motives and help eliminate their misbehavior. If you notice, Richard misbehavior

    leads to school detention. John tries to make Richard understand the reason of

    the detention and wants him to realize the consequences of the misbehavior.

    However, John fails as Richard refuses to listen.

    The other model that has been used is Group Management Model by

    Kounin. It is stated in this model that the effectiveness of classroom discipline

    depends on monitoring closely of what happens in the classroom. John conducts

    a quiz-show game in his class, whereby 15 students are monitored well at the

    same time. He uses the technique of having eyes on the back of his head. He

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    stays alert of the whole class situation and aware of misbehaviour of the



    John has the characteristics of a good teacher. He is full of energy. As we

    know, there are 5 students (low academic) who always create problems, make

    noise and disturb others. John, however, manages to cope with these problems

    on a more or less passable basis and doing so had taken a great deal of energy.

    He is also full of spirit and motivation. He is constantly being distracted by

    the students, yet he braces himself daily to confront this group. He needs to have

    high spirit and motivation to deal with them. Also, John is creative. John felels

    that it is important to use a variety of instructional techniques for teaching these

    students. So, conducted a test review in a form of quiz-show game rather than

    using the conventional methods.

    Other than that, John is able to control his emotion. When he hearsRichard whispers that he wants to break his jaw, John ignores the remarks. Most

    of the time, he tried to control his emotion and anger.


    To solve the problem, there are various methods that can be applied. John

    can use the Ginott Model which concentrates on the communication between

    teacher and student. John should avoid from criticizing Richard and tries to

    understand the Richard's feelings. John should slow talk to Richard to show his

    concern towards Richard. Thus, Richard feels good to having conversation with

    him. John should understand Richard's interest such as hip-hop music and use it

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    as a medium to get close to Richard and then guides him towards better

    behaviour as well.

    Jones Model can also be used to manage the students behaviour.

    Generally, Jones Model emphasizes on a technique whereby a teacher can use

    body language, incentive system and readiness to help to the students. John can

    talk softly to Richard and uses the eye contact with sweet face when talking to

    Richard. Also, John can use incentive system by giving motivation to Richard,

    without touching the sensitive issue. If John can personally help the student, he

    will not face bigger problems.

    Apart from that, John can also use the Bahaviour Modification Model in

    the class. Positive reinforcement is one of the ways being applied to motivate the

    students to behave better. From this model John can use few strategies such as

    token economy. For example, by using token economy John will set up the merit

    system to Richard such as giving token when he applies good behaviour. Then,

    Richards have to collect the token until he reaches Johns target to be rewarded

    such as getting a raps album as he is interested in.

    I personally think that Reality Therapy is the best among all. Teacher will

    guide students to change their misbehavior by choosing the best way to lead

    their life. There are 4 main areas to be focused on which are love, power and

    struggle, freedom and fun. John should be more concern to make Richard feel

    being loved. Then, by guiding him to change his behaviour, Richard would have

    power to have his own identity. As a result of his good behaviour, he will have fun

    as he will be respected and will be well accepted by others. Nobody will then

    keep on punishing him that will let him to have his freedom in life.

    I would strongly suggest John to use this Reality Therapy as it

    encompasses of many other model. It is like a completion of other models

    because it combines the Johns Model, Ginottes Model and Bahaviour

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    Modification Model. All these models actually emphasizes on the communication

    skills and ways to attract students attention in giving their attention in the class.

    By fulfilling this criteria, a teacher will be able build rapport with the students.

    Rapport building between a teacher and students is of the up most

    importance in managing the students behaviour. It affects much in a way that

    when students love the teacher, they will try as much as they can to be good

    persons as being hoped by the teacher. When students feel free to talk to the

    teacher, everything seems simpler. All problems can be settled. Even if it cannot

    be settled, the students will have someone to talk to, someone who will lend

    them ears, someone who will be there for them during their ups and downs.

    Students who misbehave normally have their own problems. For them,

    misbehaviour is a form of escapism that will help to reduce their distress.

    Therefore, as a teacher, we should be able to touch their emotions and bring

    them close to us so that they will have a sense of belongingness. Punishment will

    not always be the best way in tackling a problem. To teach is definitely to touch

    students heart forever. Be good teachers and surely we will be among the ones

    in their hearts and souls.